Energy vampires and how to counter them. Energy vampires - fact and fiction

How to recognize a vampire in the family?

Such a person is uncomfortable. After a conversation with him, you feel like a squeezed lemon. You may have a headache, lower blood pressure, spoil your mood. A person can speak calmly and politely, but you do not want to communicate with him. On the contrary, there is a desire to run away.

He loves to teach and criticize. But family members are not always the object of his reproaches. It can be neighbors, distant relatives, colleagues, the government, Americans... A vampire cannot live a day without washing someone's bones. It seems that he is the only smart one, and there are only fools around.

The vampire is always dissatisfied with everything. He cannot find joy in simple things. He likes to dramatize and exaggerate. Literally everything annoys him - the sparrows near the window, the neighbor's car, and the clouds in the sky. He also loves to cry about his unfortunate fate, to reflect on how life is unfair to him. He envies everyone, even in small things.

He loves to contribute everywhere. He is interested in knowing all the details of the life of relatives and friends. He never ceases to give advice and teach. But for some reason his help comes out sideways. Relationships collapse from his intervention, and depression and neurosis begin in relatives.

There are many energy vampires among losers, people with low self-esteem, as well as sick and old people. If a old man constantly grumbling and complaining, he thereby creates an atmosphere of decline and negativity. He draws energy from young family members, and they may get sick and not understand the reasons. In fact, the energy vampire "steals" other people's lives in order to prolong and "feed" their own. Because of this, real family tragedies. Children quarrel with their parents, and spouses make each other's lives hell. Often on this basis, alcohol addiction occurs and even suicide occurs.

What to do, if native person- vampire?

Energy Vampire Neutralization Methods:

Do not enter into disputes with him, do not defend your point of view until you lose consciousness. It is impossible for such people to prove their case, they do not know how to listen and hear. It is better to agree with his words outwardly, but do what you see fit. You can thank him for his comments, say that you will definitely take this into account.

Don't let your personal space be invaded. Let the vampire know that you have your own life, and you will manage it yourself. Listen to his advice, but show that you have your own opinion on everything. Do not sacrifice personal interests for the sake of peace of mind of a relative. At first he will be indignant, but when he realizes that his efforts are meaningless, he will calm down.

Don't Express negative emotions, do not show that you were hurt by his behavior. Keep a calm face, do not raise your voice. If the vampire sees that you do not succumb to his provocations, then over time he will leave you and will look for another victim.

Don't let yourself know new information, except for those facts that are known to everyone, and which cannot be hidden from the household. Do not talk in small details about what is happening to you. Filter the information so that the vampire has less to criticize.

Find a relative an interesting activity, new friends. Well, if he has a job and a large social circle. Thanks to this, the "appetites" of the vampire will be satisfied outside the home, respectively, and relatives will suffer less.
There is no universal method of dealing with energy vampirism. But one thing is clear – there is no need to return evil for evil. It is better to get away from the conflict, to ignore it. This is not weakness, but a retreat for the sake of one's own peace of mind and moral health.

Energy vampires are those who take away our energy without our knowledge, make us weaker and live at the expense of others. How not to become an energy donor?

Our energy is an internal source of strength: everything that allows us to be cheerful, mobile, feel emotional uplift and physical activity. When a person is in a balanced state, the processes of spending and replenishing internal energy occur evenly.

If the balance is disturbed, the energy is spent faster than it is restored, and the person gradually begins to feel inner discomfort, fatigue, and the predominance of negative emotions. And we do not always spend our energy voluntarily.

What is Energy Vampirism?

When we communicate with other people, in addition to exchanging words and emotions, we exchange energy with each other.

If the exchange is uniform, then communication does not cause discomfort, there remains a feeling of mutual sympathy and affection. If the exchange is uneven, one of the interlocutors makes up for the deficit of his energy at the expense of the other.

Such a process can be conscious, for example, when a family member or close friend is sick, you consciously support him by giving a piece of your energy.

But if you were forced to give energy against your will, we can talk about energy vampirism - a kind of theft of your internal energy.

Energy vampires and energy donors: signs and causes of energy vampirism

Energy vampires are people who are unable to restore and maintain internal energy adequately on their own. They spend energy beyond measure (unresolved problems, negative emotions, unloved work), and do not have the opportunity to replenish it.

Often energy vampires become deeply insecure, emotionally and spiritually deprived people who simply do not have sources of positive emotions.

Energy donors are, accordingly, people who give their energy to vampires. The higher the donor is developed emotionally and mentally, the less he will notice the fact of vampirism.

However, if the donor is a common person with an average energy reserve, the consequences of energy pumping can be very noticeable and even dangerous for him. Especially if communication with an energy vampire occurs constantly, and the energy deficit is more and more noticeable each time.

Energy Vampires can be of two types.

The first type is unconscious. Such vampires do not realize that they are actually feeding on other people's energy. These people become vampires in moments of failure, or they steal energy from time to time, but at the same time they do not wish harm to the one at whose expense they live. Sometimes such an unconscious vampire can be an elderly relative or child.

The second type - conscious vampires. Such people pose a much greater danger to the donor, since they purposefully drain the vitality from others and are good at hiding their true intentions. They do not feel compassion for the victims, they are not emotionally attached to them, they do not burden themselves with ethical issues. Their main task is to get energy at any cost.

Signs of energy vampirism

The main sign of vampirism is your internal state during and after contact with a person. If for no particular reason you feel discomfort, hostility, a desire to end the conversation as soon as possible, and after the conversation you are overcome by fatigue and a feeling of inner emptiness, you can say that you are communicating with an energy vampire.

When it is impossible to exclude communication with an energy vampire by objective reasons, try to make him lose interest in you as a possible donor.

If a vampire's tactics don't work when interacting with you, they'll likely leave you alone.

  • The best strategy is to use the vampire's own weapons.
    If you are provoked to quarrels and a splash of negative emotions, try to piss off the vampire with a non-standard reaction: reduce everything to a joke, do not look him in the eye, abstract from his threats and accusations.
  • If a vampire is your boss, and the joke would be inappropriate, imagine mentally mirror wall between you and the vampire so that all the negativity sent to your address returns to him through a mirror reflection without harming you. It is also good to cross your legs and arms, this way you will significantly reduce the outflow of your energy.
  • If a vampire takes up your time complaining and whining, tell him back a sad story from the life of your abstract acquaintances. It is important that your story is long enough so that the vampire loses interest in talking to you. Or tell the vampire that you are very busy and cannot listen to him.
  • If your energy is being siphoned off through discussing your problems and personal life, stop sharing private information, answer questions with vague phrases.

In general, your task is not to allow the vampire to lead you to those emotions through which the theft of your energy usually occurs. If you do not play by his rules, he will stop receiving your energy and communication with you will become uninteresting.

Energy vampirism at a distance

It rarely feels like a vampire is sucking your energy even from a distance. For example, you do not physically contact a person, but you feel a certain connection with him, an oppressive feeling and negative memories do not leave you.

Perhaps something reminds you of this person - some kind of, even trifling, gift from him, or vice versa, you left a thing belonging to you with a vampire.

In this case, you must try to get rid of the gifts and return the items that belong to you, or mentally say goodbye to them, and thus cease to be their owner.

It is also possible to steal your energy through non-verbal communication: letters, messages in social networks and forums. You can provoke you to a surge of energy not only through personal contact, but also in virtual space.

Do not enter into correspondence with trolls, add people who annoy you to the “black list” of contacts, this will prevent further donation.

Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?

The most frequent vampires in the family are children and elderly relatives - that is, the one with whom we cannot divorce, interrupt communication or go to different corners. Both of them often experience energy hunger: children have not yet learned to replenish their resources on their own; older people have energy weakened by age, and are also not always able to make up for the lack without outside help.

Also, a vampire can be a seriously ill person or someone who is under stress. In this case, you can help them replenish energy without harming themselves by sharing love and showing care, since love is a very powerful emotion in terms of energy. As a rule, several manifestations per day are enough for your loved ones to make up for the deficiency.

If home vampire requires too much of your energy, try to replace yourself with another donor. For example, put a large flower or an aquarium with fish in a relative’s room, take him out to nature more often, organize communication for him according to his interests.

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?

The level of energy reserves is a relative value and is individual for each of us. It depends on many factors, including the date of birth. If, according to numerology, you have a lower energy level perhaps you are an unconscious vampire.

Definition test energy vampirism.

You will need: pen, paper, calculator.

Write down your date of birth in dd-mm-yyyy format, for example: 14-09-1972.
We sum up all the digits of the record until we get a number less than 10: 1+4+0+9+1+9+7+2 = 33=3+3=6.
If the final number is less than 5, the person has low energy, he constantly needs to recharge.
If the final number is in the range from 5 to 7, the person's energy is normal, he does not need additional sources, but he needs to avoid energy donation.
If the final number is more than 7, the person has excess energy and can share it without harming himself.

How to restore energy after an energy vampire? How to get rid of energy vampirism?

If you are an energy vampire or have become its victim, it is extremely important for you to replenish your internal energy through other sources.

  • Nature is very energizing: walk barefoot on the grass, lean against a tree trunk, turn your face sunbeams and feel how the power of nature fills your every cell.
  • Interact with the animals or houseplants you care for
  • Turn on your favorite music, headphones will allow you to mentally isolate yourself from the source of irritation or obsessive thoughts.
  • If possible, take a shower. Water washes away negative energy very well.
  • Deliver any joyful emotions which is now available. The main thing is to get a powerful positive charge and stop the flow of negative experiences.

Amulets and amulets, stones that protect against energy vampirism

For protection against negative impact vampires will help a stone or a talisman that suits you according to your zodiac sign. You can also carry the Eye of Fatima (a popular Turkish souvenir amulet) in your pocket, or pin it to the wrong side of your clothes with a pin. You can wear your zodiac sign as a pendant on your chest. You can make a charm with your own hands, for example, weave a bracelet, during the weaving of which you mentally charge it with your energy and endow it with protective properties.

In general, any thing charged with your energy (that is, that has been in contact with you for a long time) can act as a talisman-amulet, while the object-amulet should only cause you pleasant emotions and associations.
From time to time it is necessary to wash the amulet under running water, clean it with salt or soap in order to wash off the negative accumulated on it.

Believers who do not practice esotericism and pagan symbols can read prayers as a defense. To eliminate energy vampirism, fit universal prayer " Our Father or a prayer to your guardian angel.

To avoid the situation of energy vampirism or energy donation, it is important to remember the golden rule of communication: the exchange of energies during communication should be mutual, voluntary and comfortable.

If you are a donor, learn to firmly protect your borders from external encroachments. If you are a vampire, find people to communicate with who have excess energy, who give it away without harming themselves.

Video: Energy vampires. How to recognize and protect?

The fact that you can gain strength from another person was known in antiquity. The Bible says that King David surrounded himself with young, healthy female slaves to support his aging body. Our ladies put young peasant girls into bed with them - not only to keep warm, but also to feed on energy.

Modern physicists believe that in nature all living beings and objects exchange energy. Each person has his own biofield (aura). From the strong it flows to the weak. This happens automatically, and usually we do not notice it. Such small "energy releases" are even useful, because new forces come to replace them. But sometimes someone who has little of his own energy and who does not know how to receive it from other sources pumps out too much strength from a person. And then the "donor" begins to feel unreasonable irritation, severe weakness or sudden pain in the chest, head, stomach. After meeting with a vampire, a person often has strange dreams, nightmares.

How and why do they become energy vampires?

Most often, energy vampires become people who had problems in themselves. early age. For example, in childhood, such a person lacked maternal love perhaps he was weaned too early. Unconsciously, these people have been trying all their lives to get warmth, attention to themselves. They cling, pull on the soul, all the time demanding: give, give, give. But no matter how much you give, everything is not enough for them, because they do not know how to receive love.

Another type of vampire grows up in mothers who have a lot of unresolved internal problems. Such a woman literally digs into a child, trying to get away from it. Without her supervision, the baby cannot take a single step. When such a child grows up, he can no longer exist without nourishing another person.

The relationship of a mother with her child, even in a prosperous family, is contradictory, especially at the age of one or two years, when she begins to demand something from the baby, for example, to use a potty, not to go into the jam with a pen. The child has tension and a desire to take revenge on the mother. In a normal family, this goes away by 3 years. But if someone around (mother-in-law, husband) has a negative attitude towards the mother, these feelings are reinforced and the child grows up as an energy vampire. (Probably, the heroes of Hollywood films, seized with a thirst for revenge, are from this category.) Such people do not know how to take energy from nature and receive it only as a result of an outburst of irritation of another person. Therefore, they are always looking for adventure on their own head.

However, you can become a vampire not only in childhood, but also later. This may be due to severe or chronic illness. Why are doctors often cold, "insensitive" people? This is their instinctive defense against the sick, who all the time seek to draw energy from them.

Old age also contributes to the transformation of a person into an energy vampire. Especially if a person has lived an unhappy life. Deprived of perspective, sensing the approach of the end, he clings to the young, devouring their vitality. Of course, not all old people are energy vampires. Among them there are also sages who enter into organic interaction with the environment and accept life as it is.

Any of us becomes a vampire in a state of fatigue. Especially chronic. A person either “breaks down” on others, or begins to whine, drawing energy from his neighbor.

But nothing drains our strength like negative emotions: anger, resentment, irritation, envy, jealousy. If you do not learn how to cope with them in a timely manner, then sooner or later you will turn into a vampire who is prowling in search of a donor to ruin his life.

Aggressive energy vampires

The human aura is a kind of protective screen, which does not allow a foreign field to break through to a person. But when we show interest in something, it kind of opens up. Thanks to this, we are fueled by energy from nature, from the activities that we like, from the person we love. At this moment, we are defenseless. The task of the energy vampire is to open this “door” himself, that is, to attract attention to himself, to arouse interest. However, he can only assimilate related energy. He needs your irritability, fear, anxiety. First, because this in itself leaks vitality. Secondly, because these are "native frequencies" for him. These are active vampires.

Wherever this person appears, an atmosphere of tension and aggression immediately arises around him. Such people love crowds: rallies, queues, large stores, transport at rush hour. It has been noticed that with active vampires, equipment often breaks down, flowers grow poorly, and cut flowers quickly wither. In sex, such a vampire takes energy without giving anything in return. And the partner, instead of lightness and satisfaction, feels emptiness, depression (“I want to cry, feel sorry for myself”) or, conversely, aggressiveness.

"Silent" vampires

Most often in life we ​​meet "silent" vampires. They are insinuating, overly helpful, seem dependent, infantile. As a rule, they have no sexual charge, they are internally clamped. To draw energy out of a person, they use several tricks.

"No exit" . This energy vampire constantly makes others puzzle over their hopeless situation. His favorite game: "Yes, but...". “How awful! the vampire says. - I don't feel well, I must be sick... - "Why don't you go to the clinic?" - “Yes, but there are such queues ...” - “Then to the paid ...” - “Yes, but there are such prices ...” This dialogue can continue until you lose your temper, what a vampire just waiting.

"Ping pong". This vampire has an amazing instinct - he calls at the most inconvenient moment: when you are in the toilet or in the bath, or just sat down for a hot dinner, or barely dozed off. After some routine phrase like: "I'm calling to find out how you are," the vampire sinks into deep silence. Answers in one word: "Yes", "No". Your attempts to "talk" him are not crowned with success. After such a “conversation”, you not only feel exhausted, but also angry with yourself that you blurted out more than you wanted to.

What's the way out? If you feel that the interlocutor does not want to participate in the conversation, these are his problems. At the first convenient moment, try to bow.

"Cold shower". This vampire carefully calls you to frankness, forcing you to talk about the most intimate, for example, about a loved one. And when you open up, he will hit you with something like: "You still won't succeed." To your surprise, he will only shrug his shoulders indignantly: “I really look at things and I don’t want you to harbor illusions.” After communicating with such a person, you will feel how your joy and hopes are melting.

If you notice this behavior in someone you know, be on your guard, do not open up to him. And if this does happen, tell yourself: “He is only expressing his point of view. And life is not at all according to his desire. And change the subject.

"Bouquet of daffodils". Whenever you meet this vampire, he will incessantly talk about himself: about his successes, experiences, problems and victories. You are just an audience for him. And so insignificant, uninteresting, that even the question “how is life?” not worthy. And if he asks you about it, he will not wait for an answer, he will start talking about himself again. When the show is over, the vampire will retire, leaving you feeling worthless.

If you started the game "bouquet of daffodils" with you, show that you are listening to the vampire inattentively. Ask questions inappropriately, drum your fingers on the table, distract yourself to look out the window or make an “urgent call”. This will infuriate the vampire, and he will fall behind.

For all occasions

There are universal methods of dealing with energy vampires.

  • Avoid talking to people you don't like. Do not look them in the eye - this is the strongest channel of energy exchange.
  • When communicating with vampire-suspicious people, “close” the pose: cross your arms over your chest or lock them in front of the solar plexus.
  • You can use the mental barrier that you surround yourself with: imagine that you are inside a glass cocoon made according to the principle of mirror glasses: you see everything, but you cannot.
  • Take a contrast shower in the morning - from it your energy seems to accumulate inside the body.
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AT empiricism - a very interesting thing and is so tightly woven into the vicissitudes of life of almost every person that it cannot be considered briefly. As well as showing aggression, almost everyone steals energy from each other, although not always.

Some "citizens" and "citizens" of socialist society take away the vitality of their comrades in the life battle for the harvest with such ease and righteous gaze that one simply marvels. And these energy withdrawals also closely intersect with life scenarios, about which I hinted in the first book and now I am trying to keep my word. Although scenarios belong more to the field of psychology than to metaphysics, which I claim to present my observations and personal experiences, I will still try to put them on the pages of this book too. The most famous and, accordingly, the most popular scenarios are only four. Each creature successfully uses one or two favorite ways of taking energy, and very rarely all four. The use of all four scenarios can be attributed to the abilities of professional vampires, and there are not so many of them. Don't accuse me of plagiarism when reading next material. Some of the information I no longer remember exactly where I got it from, some is my own experience, and some is merged to me from the Akashic records in a meditative state upon prior request. So I just state everything as I know and as I understand it, and I do not claim authorship. Moreover, I repeat once again that all knowledge has always belonged and belongs to everyone. Whoever tries to appropriate them for himself pays too high a price very soon after such an attempt. If you like, you can check the proposed knowledge in practice, make sure that it works or not, and use it further at your discretion. You can also assign this information to yourself. I don't mind at all. Assimilated and beneficial information is the property of the one who has assimilated, just as food, when eaten, becomes the flesh and blood of the one who ate.
So, there are four main psycho-energetic life scenarios, according to which almost every living being with intelligence lives. Almost, precisely because some especially advanced people still find a way to receive vital energy without inciting your neighbor to emotional outbursts. Each scenario is laid the foundation in childhood if you want to get love and attention from your parents at any cost, or avoid loss. own energy. A proven method of obtaining energy or providing high-quality protection against plunder fits into a permanent memory, as a RULE.

==First most used script - AGGRESSOR allows you to get a lot and quickly energy, although of very low quality. I call it the energy of diesel fuel. Each engine runs on a certain brand of fuel, and there's nothing you can do about it. It is not only expensive to fill a tank with aviation alcohol because of its consumption, but it is also pointless, since the engine is designed for a diesel engine.

== Aggressor , to get energy, for your life, you definitely need to scare, offend, crush someone with a single word. He does this without in the least burdening himself with morals and remorse. The scenario is usually formed when the child receives the energy of attention, or fear, from the parents, in moments of manipulation of material values ​​or secrets. Approximately looks like:
Give it to me, or buy this or that, or right now I’ll break that vase over there, or I’ll throw a hammer through the window, or I’ll tell dad / mom how you and Uncle Borey / Aunt Nadia fought on the couch.Somewhat less often, the manipulation of one's own death, which also has a muladharic nature, is used:
Right now, I’ll go and jump off the roof, break to death, then you will know .... Or how I'll make a bomb and blow up the whole house or burn it down if I don't get my own. And explosive and combustible substances begin to be collected.
As soon as the manipulation technique accidentally worked and the energy from the object of the “collision” arrived, the technique begins to be perfected, since the creature living in the child’s body sees undoubtedly beneficial effect for myself. AND NOT A SINGLE CREATURE will miss the opportunity to fill the tanks for free. When the child grows up, he begins to try the technique on other creatures already equal to himself. This is much more interesting, since the range of values ​​​​is different than that of parents, and you can get a lot of useful things in your bins with simple show-offs. This is where the problems begin. The fact that mom or dad was afraid, and easily divorced for the necessary, it turns out that comrades in the sandbox, or teenage games, are not at all afraid. This nuance also fits into permanent memory, and the selection of tactical and strategic external signs begins, indicating that manipulation on a particular subject can work with the greatest probability. The most active approach to determining the buttons is used by those children who were the least provided both energetically and materially. It is they who are most interested in surviving in this mysterious world, since they most often accidentally appeared in their parents, and very often they were unwanted, and therefore deprived of everything. So they are trying to compensate for their standard of living, wiring others and are very successful in this. Aggressors usually work in tandem with another life script called VICTIM. This scenario is often referred to as POOR, UNHAPPY CREATURE, and similar epithets. Active sacrifices draw out the energy of compassion, which is already a slightly higher, svadhisthana level. Such creatures constantly pretend to be sick, low-income, destitute, and so on .... They love to tell everyone they know and strangers about their troubles, problems, unrequited love, ask for advice on what to do, protection and patronage. They most clearly manifest themselves in tandem with a hidden, or passive aggressor, who has a lot of energy, but due to his desire to look like a cheerful good-natured person in the eyes of his environment, or because of some other “goodness”, he does not show it. When the victim "gets" the aggressor with his whining, he receives his food on the wave of irritation and desire for physical destruction on the part of the breadwinner. Irritation indicates that the energy has already been lost and the inner being is creating a protective circuit to protect itself from even more de-energization. The button through which the leakage of vitality occurred is usually not realized by the creature, or is blocked by the software virus of education, and it is this own vulnerability that causes the strongest protest. A well-fed victim usually extinguishes excessive aggression with a simple phrase, “Well, how can you behave like that? You are so good after all…”, including a guilt complex, if the aggressor has it in the set of basic virus programs. However, due to their deprivation, the victims crack the red energy of aggression for a company of hungry soldiers. Tandems are formed precisely because of karmic debts in order to prevent the debt from being repaid too quickly. Exactly high speed if enough capacitive debt is paid off, it can lead to real illness and failure in any field of activity. The passive victim is bred to the maximum by both the aggressors and the rest of those who wish, who do not have restrictive programs of pity and compassion in their permanent memory, and precisely because such a game is prescribed for both by the forces of fate. On the faces of both, there are, as it were, seals, symbolizing belonging to one or another scenario. Some are so deeply immersed in their own favorite script that it is read by everyone without exception. The energy beings living inside people do not like strict restrictions either in themselves or in others, therefore, VICTIMS are spread rot by all and sundry, so that they master some other scenarios other than their own, and thereby develop. It seems that VICTIMS have little energy all the time, but this is not so. They have a lot of svadhisthana energy, which is hunted by diesel aggressors. Muladhara is responsible for survival in this world, so they are very fearful and tremble for their skin more than anyone else and easily give it to the aggressors. They themselves do not consume the energy that they already have in abundance, but an order of magnitude higher energy, that is, svadhisthana. There is a lot of this energy sexy people who are afraid of the aggressors to a much lesser extent, or not at all, because they are very respected by them. With a gender difference, diesels fall in love with oranges to death, simply because a conventional liter of orange energy can be exchanged for 10 of the same conventional liters of red. Orange energy is a life force that gives the ability to enjoy life, and not survive at any cost like red, therefore the price increases tenfold. In addition, orange can in some cases sublimate energy into blue, which is three orders of magnitude higher. The benefit of communication between reds and oranges is obvious for reds, but not so much in the opposite direction, so a scenario is needed to bind the breadwinner to yourself with fear. Often oranges know their strength and power over reds, so threats remain only threat games, and orange / aya ​​receives benefits, almost for next to nothing (in their understanding, of course), which are won by the mighty red in life battles.

The third scenario INVESTIGATOR is also formed in childhood, when parents are not very interested in their child and are more busy with their own interests and affairs. The child is simply forced to look for all sorts of shortcomings and miscalculations in the behavior of parents in order to force them to draw attention to themselves and give out a portion of energy in the form of confusion or guilt. Such people very carefully monitor almost all the actions of the creatures around them and never miss an opportunity to accuse someone of being “wrong”. Since almost everyone is interested in what they look like from the outside, and what they think of them, except for a separate group of creatures who have brought up a state of do not care, then nitpicking leads to excellent refueling for the investigator. Such people often become pedantic and fixated precisely on correctness in the general sense, and not on truth, as it should be. Truth would make a real inquisitor out of an investigator, but the fact is that a collision with truth makes a person energy independent, since truth comes from the original and endless source, and the script falls apart from its uselessness. The investigator seeks to obtain as much as possible more information about the future victim and at the same time tries to enrich himself with any possible related information in order to be fully armed and protected as much as possible. Such people try to study criminal and civil law, often become very active religious leaders, because they study the “sinful” human nature well in Bible schools and skillfully use the knowledge gained to buy up for next to nothing human souls. But the benefit of the people at the present time has become more savvy in terms of psychology and intelligence in general, so the religious societies themselves, the leaders and egregors who feed them, are often subjected to wiring.
The investigator will always find a flaw in clothing, gait, a spoken phrase, a document, the decoration of an apartment, the color of a sunset, and will very clearly indicate it. He can run into an aggressor and lose energy, but it was to protect his own energy that he accumulated various knowledge that is most effective in society.
“Your tax return, accounting statements, are filled out incorrectly, and concealment of income threatens you ....”
This phrase can lead to an attempt by the accused to either pay off the investigator or threaten him with physical violence. And if the first option is accepted with pleasure, or further promotion of the sucker goes on, then the second option will stumble upon citing an article of the criminal code and the period for which the aggressor can thunder to Siberia for logging or somewhere else. The name of some influential person from a criminal society may also be mentioned. Moreover, the "investigator" usually does not have any real connections with such a person, but the interlocutor's brain with excess colors finishes everything necessary, and aggression will be extinguished. "Diesels" are as powerful as they are cowardly, as soon as a certain situation depletes their energy tanks.
If the scenario of the aggressor is flexible enough, then in this case it can spill over into its opposite, that is, the Victim. And start complaining about a difficult childhood, iron toys, a toadstool wife, seven children seated on a bench in anticipation of a breadwinner, dad, and so on .... If the investigator has an orange structure, then he will be led to this lure, and something interesting can happen. If he was yellow, that is, manipur, then his only task was to suppress the client and wire him, in addition to energy, for money, or other material values. Above the head, that is, the chakras, you can’t jump, and the red-chakra with the yellow-chakra will never agree. Red will be packaged anyway. Orange of the first level will be bred for quality sex in those variations that yellow wants, but orange of the second level, which has the skill of sublimating its sexual energy in blue, yellow will do it himself and make it easier than ever. He will wrap it around his finger, using the eloquence inherent in the blue chakra, to which all the lower chakras are greedy. Yellow usually have more than enough money, but do not rummage in subtle matters, which include art, creativity and other works of the "beyond". They often do not understand why the hell all this is needed, but they are stupid in front of beautiful speech turns and buy all sorts of nonsense for fabulous prices. And besides, it is they who inflate the prices of works of art, which in fact are not. This is done for the sole purpose of not looking like a sucker for buying a completely pointless and impractical item. But such is the whim of the forces of fate, so that games are played according to rules not written by us. There is a statement of fact, but I personally do not climb into everything else. The Investigator is an active energy-saving sustainable program. Its second hypostasis is the scenario UNDER INTEREST, or CLOSED.
Active closed constantly creates situations in which he allegedly has confidential information about the object of distribution for energy, or something that is extremely necessary for this. After the victim has swallowed the bait, the closed one “loses” interest in the object with phrases like “however, it doesn’t matter at all ...” “oh, I almost let it slip ...” After that, a mysterious face is made and a seal of silence is formed, after which everything necessary, in material or energy equivalent, is presented by the client on a silver platter with the sole purpose of finding out great secret. A closed-minded person of this type, like an investigator, also seeks to enrich himself with as wide a range of knowledge and information as possible, but his knowledge is usually superficial, since they only serve to catch the victim in order to swindle him into energy. All the information offered is of no real value, and serves only to tickle the nerve receptors from the movement of the psychic current of the soul to the vampire. Here there is a risk of confusing the master custodian with a closed one. The master keeps information from being stolen and used for unseemly purposes and may look like a closed one, but in the process of recognizing the essence of the questioner, if the information is given out, then it repeatedly pays for the efforts expended to receive it.
A passive closed person usually has a very small free volume of rough energy due to his dislike by his parents at a young age and has learned to live without it. Its main task is to save energy from all kinds of plunder. Therefore, such a creature usually has a very rich inner world, since the energy is of a more subtle quality, it draws from mental images when reading books, listening to music, fantasizing, etc. Such people make very attractive ideologists, since they can almost instantly infect the brain with a stunning picture. Everyone knows that the bigger the lie, the more they believe in it. It is the closed ones who are able to form such non-existent combinations that bewitch the soul, that insufficiently developed or inexperienced souls are easily caught in an attempt to realize the absurd. The energy of the purchased, in this case, is consumed by a certain creature that contributed to the creation of exactly the image that the closed person projected. In this case, he receives a percentage of the stolen energy, which depends on the level of awareness of contact with the collector being. Passive closed, like an oyster in a shell, is inaccessible to almost anyone and carefully polishes a grain of sand-idea that has fallen into his shell external influence turning it into a pearl. But in the end, he does not need the pearl at all. The circle of communication of a closed person usually consists of proven people who do not trade in energy theft because of their fairly high development, education and spiritual culture, and share its values. It is precisely because of their isolation and pedantic rechecking of any information that comes to them from the external "hostile" world that they usually lose a lot of opportunities for their own development and increase in well-being. Passive closed ones are usually on the last step before leaving the world of mutual vampirism, and they are people with a fairly clear consciousness and the right worldview precisely because of familiarization and possibly partial acceptance of someone else's rich experience of mistakes and achievements.
All four scenarios can be used by beings both individually and in combination, depending on the level of their own controlled energy, chakra blockages due to violation of laws, or the desire to raise the level of self-esteem by shifting the assemblage point to a higher level. The assemblage point in this context is meant to be the area of ​​greatest chakra activity. Each person can, during self-diagnosis, identify one or two of the most active chakras, the characteristics of which are most clearly manifested in his life. The growth of self-consciousness occurs from the bottom up with the development of the being along the evolutionary spiral. Development in breadth occurs with the realization and acceptance for implementation of the greatest number of aspects within the sphere of influence of the chakra. The assemblage point is always located in the chakra with the highest energy intensity, so that in the most unfavorable, in terms of energy, scenario, it can maintain its existence and not subject the consciousness to alchemical spraying. The more chakras are free from energy disturbances and plunder through viral blockages, the more effectively a person can manifest himself in the dense world and the spiritual world, where any manifestations of the “I” require payment by the energy that is produced in physical body sublimation of energy received from food, breath, emotions and mental activity. The higher the quality of thoughts and emotions produced by a human being, and the purer the air and food he uses, the more energy he has, and the higher it is valued in the spiritual plane. The simplest ratio of red energy to orange as 1 to 10 will give an understanding that blue energy, that is, the energy of intelligence and the ability to calculate and build sustainable self-sustaining structures, stands in relation to rough physical strength"diesel" in the ratio of 1 to 100,000. And even more valuable is the energy of purple and white. But when the assemblage point falls into their zone of action, the being acquires a very weak interest in the dense and changing world. Both of these energy centers live in the eternal world, if, of course, they are awakened to life to even a small extent. Any vampirism and use of scenarios in the case of turning on the purple chakra or the white sphere becomes absolutely impossible, since the creature gains access to infinite energy, and no longer needs energies of any quality and quantity from surrounding creatures.

In case of significant disturbances in the lower chakras and their blockages, premature activation of even the violet chakra can lead to the splitting of consciousness into two or more components, with each part having its own will. Almost simultaneously, infection occurs with a whole complex of viruses at once, which, with the consistent development of the individual, would have already been worked out and recognized in advance. The energy of such a creature becomes destructured and its behavior, to put it mildly, inadequate. Such a person is fully affected by vampirism, regardless of the scenario applied to him. In almost all parts of consciousness, a hostile attitude towards thieves arises, and, according to the law of similarity, there are more and more thieves in the environment, which can lead to forced self-isolation. Self-isolation will lead to the materialization of many spiritual beings who will feed on the energy of that plane, which is produced to the maximum extent by the being. It helps either to escape under the roof of any religious egregore, and any, regardless of the possible initiation made earlier, or the gradual cleansing of the mind from negative thought forms against anyone, with positive affirmations. But this is given with great difficulty, since each part of consciousness has to be disinfected from viruses separately. And the virus strives for self-preservation and at this time captures another part of consciousness, which manifests itself as a completely independent person. Nevertheless, consciousness will gradually be freed from destructive programs, and the integrity of the personality will be restored. In this case, the creature will gain a huge energy potential, and will not need egregorial flows.

Since all situations are given to us for our own development, then skirmishes with energy vampires belong to the same section. You just need to learn how to properly behave with them. All the tricks and methods of vampires are easily calculated and predicted. It is enough to study them and apply damping methods at certain points in time. The energy vampire always hits the weak points of the character, thereby being an indicator of these weak points. By examining yourself, you can get rid of weaknesses. A vampire is easily pierced, it is enough for him to tell him directly about the fact of vampirism. But he is also a man and will always find good excuses for his behavior. If you decide to get rid of this “bloodsucker” once and for all, know that cut off from the feeder, a person will begin to wither, get sick, and may die. As soon as you feel sorry for him, he will begin to eat your life with a vengeance.

There are several other types of vampirism and the causes of it:
Children's vampirism arises due to the presence in the educational program of too a large number"it is forbidden". Punishment for violating the rules leads to the child's loss of interest in the outside world and the closure of energy tails on the parents, as the only sources of external energies.
Senile vampirism arises from the loss of a sense of one's own need for society. Age-related desire to transfer experience and knowledge. The need for education.
Production vampirism due to a sense of self-importance, careerism, envy, a subconscious feeling of one's own inferiority, the illusion of one's own upward movement due to the humiliation of others.

Everyone in their life had to deal with men or women who, because of any seemingly trifle, start a quarrel. And they procrastinate their resentment for a long time, scrolling it like a broken record, over and over again. Everyone cannot calm down and continue shouting and scolding. After communicating with such a "scold" one feels tired, weak, the mood deteriorates for a long time. With annoyance, the thought flashes that “what an absurd person he is, how unpleasant it is to communicate with him!”.

However, few people would think that such people are energy vampires, who take incomparable pleasure to “spoil the blood” of their neighbors. This is the meaning of their entire existence. They diligently “smear” their counterpart on a “plate” and simply “go crazy” when they see him in a confused, upset look.

It happens because such individuals have a bad aura, which actively influences others. Drawing their bioenergy "tentacles" into someone else's biofield, such energy "ghouls" suppress and destroy it. This affects those in contact with them with bad moral, psychological and emotional well-being. And the "ghouls" only rejoice and gain strength.

In common parlance, these are called "draculas" and "bloodsuckers", without thinking at all what contributes to their appearance and why they behave this way. Psychologists believe that there are about 30% of them by nature, in the process of life, 50 percent become "bloodsuckers", the remaining 20 - from time to time.

Psychologists distinguish two types of energy vampires: unconscious and those who consciously feed on the energy of others. The first includes "bloodsuckers" who take away someone else's energy unconsciously. They lack their own life force, and in order to get it, they “steal” bioenergy from their relatives and friends.

Probably, many can recall a case from their lives when someone, for example, from relatives, constantly starts quarrels over a seemingly completely trifling fact, inflating it to a “universal” scale. Such a “truth-lover” will not calm down until he proves his “rightness”, which ends with completely inflated nerves for someone who fell for his “energy bait”. And he, on the contrary, has a surge of strength, he is in a good mood, smiling cheerfully. This is nothing but energy vampirism.

The second kind includes those who consciously live off the bioenergy of their opponents. Such "bloodsuckers" are very dangerous. They are not embarrassed by any moral arguments, they have no sense of compassion at all. Like predatory spiders, they catch prey in their energy nets in order to suck out life energy from it, thus strengthening their strength.

Varieties of energy vampirism

In order to recognize people who live off other people's energy and not fall for their "bait", you need to know the forms of energy vampirism. They can be:
  • Vampirism "absentee". When a “good” friend or buddy is not around, and when you look, say, at his gift, it suddenly becomes hard on the soul, not at all rosy thoughts arise. Another option is online messaging. Communication is kind of gray, it only brings anxiety, it does not bring any satisfaction. It is likely that such acquaintances are energy vampires, through their gifts and letters, even at a distance, they draw out the energy they need so much.
  • Collective. Man is a social being, always in all life circumstances is among people. Let's say it's a work group. And not always he can be "respectable". If an atmosphere of hostility, envy, lies, acquisitiveness reigns in it, this can play its negative role on those of its members who have completely different moral attitudes. Such "collectives" will suppress their opponents, voluntarily or involuntarily feeding on their energy.
  • Family. One of the spouses can be a vampire in the family. Older relatives, for example, a mother-in-law or a father-in-law, are often “bloodsuckers”, whom you never please. A quarrel always gives them pleasure, they enjoy it, and one of the spouses - a constant headache. In such cases, it often comes to divorce. It is not for nothing that there are many jokes about "evil" mothers-in-law. But this is nothing but a kind of family energy vampirism, when the older one is fueled by the energy of the young one. You can also talk about children's vampirism, when children literally draw blood with their whims - they take away energy from their parents.
  • Informational. There is a lot of negativity in the media these days. Reports of wars, terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, and other grave crimes filled the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are constantly talked about on TV, and criminal films are shown. This is now considered the rule. good manners. However, such "horror films" depress the psyche, take away energy from people with a weak biofield and an unstable psyche.
  • Erotic. If a marriage is “unequal”, when one loves to the point of self-sacrifice, and the other uses it, we can talk about sexual vampirism, when one of the spouses takes the energy of their partner. A variation is a situation where the husband is elderly and the wife is young (sometimes vice versa). He just uses her energy and feels great. No wonder in ancient China decrepit emperors, in order to prolong their years, slept with young concubines.

It's important to know! If after communicating with someone there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue, it is highly likely that there was contact with an energy vampire.

The main signs of energy vampires

The main signs of an energy vampire is his appearance and behavior.

As a rule, these people are rather gloomy, eternal discontent is “written” on their face. They look much older than their years: a wrinkled physiognomy, thick, fused eyebrows (women thin them out with tweezers), the corners of the lips are often lowered. The eyes are dull, inexpressive, and the look is cold, repulsive, it is not easy to endure.

By the way they behave, they are aggressive and whiny. The former always run into a scandal and enjoy the tears, pain and suffering of their victim. The latter constantly whine that everything in their life is bad, and in this way they draw energy from people who sympathize with them.

The following indirect factors will help to recognize the energy vampire:

  1. Food preferences. Such people avoid sweet and hot, indifferent to tea and coffee. But drinks “with ice” are respected, they pepper their food a lot, add hot spices to it.
  2. Poor attitude towards domestic animals. "Love" here is mutual. Pets and plants feel the negative aura of such people. A dog or a cat, if they suddenly start up in the house, try to escape, and the flowers simply wither.
  3. body contact. A vampire always tries to touch his counterpart: hold his hand, stroke his head, seemingly inadvertently push or step on his foot. This is the immediate moment when energy flows to him from the one opposite.
  4. Permanent Debt. Such a person is an eternal debtor. He likes to borrow money, promises to give back on time, but deliberately does not keep his word. The lender is nervous and “feeds” the energy vampire with his emotions. It's the same with any business. Lots of promises, but nothing. Only one disorder and a spoiled mood, but for the "ghoul" - joy.
  5. Severe mood swings. Feeding off someone else's energy, the vampire is always excited and cheerful. And when there is no one to “pinch” her at least a little, she seems sick and walks gloomy.
  6. Love for mass events. Such people simply adore various crowded "parties" when you can grumble and show your displeasure. In the crowd, you can always knock around, come into contact with someone. It adds energy.
  7. negative emotions. Energetic vampire always speaks evil of people, for example, of friends of his loved ones. This gives him pleasure, so he feeds his aura.
  8. Constantly complaining about your problems. Complaining about his alleged hardships in life, the vampire involuntarily draws his interlocutors into a bad conversation, thereby fueling their energy.
  9. Avoiding positive emotions. Cheerful, positive people are avoided by vampires. They are afraid of a good aura, which they cannot penetrate with evil intentions.
  10. Striving to win trust. Vampires can be sympathetic, sympathize with someone else's grief, but their compassion does not bring relief, it only makes it worse.
You can recognize an energy vampire by date of birth. To do this, add the day, month and year of birth. It turns out a two-digit number. We divide it into two single ones and add it again, and so on until we get an unambiguous number. It determines the energy of a person.

Interpretation of the result. If it is in the range from 1 to 4, this means that the energy is weak, constant replenishment is needed, such a person may well become an energy vampire. A number in the range of 5-7 says that everything is in order with your biofield, but you should be careful, avoid people who are not averse to feeding their aura at the expense of others. If the resulting value is more than 7, then you have an excess of energy and can share it with others without fear for your health.

Example: 03/30/1990 = 3 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7

Biofield with excellent energy! Such a person should not be afraid of energy vampires.

It's important to know! All of these signs are not a 100% guarantee that you have a vampire in front of you. They may just be a hallmark of behavior. In each case, an objective analysis is needed. Only one thing is certain: one should not succumb to any provocations of suspicious individuals. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid the loss of one's bioenergy.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

Protection can be different, for example, with the help of amulets and amulets. But before you figure out how to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to recognize who it is. And then, depending on this, take appropriate measures. And this can be one of the family members, for example, a child, close relative, friend or work partner. Even a casual fellow traveler on public transport can be such a dangerous person. For everybody specific case your advice is appropriate. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

If in a young family an energy vampire is one of the relatives, for example, a father or mother (husband, wife), with whom you have to live under the same roof, the most best advice- leave immediately. The truth is trivial, but because of such energetic vampirism of the elders, when constant squabbles, for example, that, for example, the son-in-law did not look at the mother-in-law in the right way or “he doesn’t like the way I cook,” many families broke up.

A forced vampire can be a seriously ill relative. He tries to replenish his fading vital energy at the expense of loved ones. This needs to be given more attention. True care will calm him down, he will not get nervous over trifles, cause unnecessary inconvenience to his loved ones. Simply put, will not "drink their blood."

A good help so that the patient is less nervous can be a flower in his room or, say, an aquarium for fish. TV will also distract him from negative emotions.

Quite often, vampires are children. The body grows, develops, its energy is still small, the child tries to replenish it at the expense of his parents. He is naughty, naughty, wants to be paid more attention to him. Constant childish whims exhaust the elders, but bring pleasure to the children. And here comes the problem right upbringing. Otherwise, with age, unconscious children's vampirism will grow into a conscious adult and take the rest of the strength from aging dads and moms.

It's important to know! Protection from an energy vampire in the family suggests that harmony, peace and tranquility reign in relations between relatives. Then there will be no one to defend positive energy will be distributed among all members of the family in a reasonable measure.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in a public place

Such energy "bloodsuckers" can be a boss, a partner or one of those with whom you have to deal in the process of work, maybe even your subordinate. From communicating with them, you always feel discomfort in the mood, there is annoyance, resentment and bewilderment why this could happen.

And to prevent this from happening, you need to try to avoid all conflict situations with someone you don't like. Even if he calls for a quarrel, you should try to translate everything into a joke. She will disarm even the most inveterate lover of quarrels, he willy-nilly calm down and leave you behind.

In a conversation with a vampire boss, when a joke is inappropriate, you can cross your arms or legs. Even better, mentally imagine a glass wall between you. In case of a bad conversation, this will block the outflow of your energy into the aura of an unwanted commander.

Another example. A partner or someone else constantly complains about their life, so that they would take pity on him (her), thereby “earning” for themselves the much-needed energy. Such "unfortunates" should be avoided, communication with them should be reduced to a minimum under the pretext, for example, that there is a lot of work. And in no case do not discuss your personal problems with them.

To protect yourself from energy "beggars" on the street or in public transport, you just need not to get involved in any conversations with them. And in the case when they try to start a quarrel, you can smile and even apologize, saying, “I was wrong,” although there is no fault of yours. This will disarm them and defuse the situation. The conflict will be nipped in the bud. It will not be possible to profit from energy at your expense.

It's important to know! It is far from always possible to exclude communication with an energy vampire. In any case, you need to behave calmly and sensibly with him, so that, seeing that he cannot “rock” his interlocutor, he lags behind him.

How to use energy vampire charms

Since ancient times, our ancestors used amulets and amulets. They protected from damage and the evil eye. They were worn on the chest or wrist. Such protection from bad energy you can do it yourself, for example, weave a bracelet, putting into work the idea that it will certainly protect from the evil eye.

The made amulet should be carried to the church and consecrated. This is a guarantee that no otherworldly forces will cling to you. And here is the benefit of prayer. It protects against all sorts of ghouls and vampires. And it is worth reading it not occasionally, but every day. It can be "Our Father" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner ...".

A good talisman would be a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac. For Aries men, for example, pebbles of red, blue, purple color are suitable: ruby ​​or amethyst. Aries women fit black obsidian. This will help strengthen the energy, protect it from the vampire's energy tentacles.

It's important to know! Different talismans help only if a person sincerely believes in them. miraculous power otherwise there is no point in wearing them.

How to restore energy after communicating with an energy vampire

After communicating with an energy vampire, one feels great fatigue, weakness throughout the body, and all because the biofield is weakened. A familiar or unfamiliar "vampire" managed to ingratiate himself and "feasted" on someone else's energy.

To restore your biofield, the following available methods will help:

  • Walk in the city park, meadow, field, forest. Nature is the most powerful stimulator of vital forces, it will support a person in all cases of life and restore his spent energy. It’s good to run barefoot in the dew in the early morning, stand leaning against a tree, listen to the light rustle of foliage, it calms and invigorates. Oak and birch have excellent energy during a breakdown. Pine helps relieve stress. And trees such as alder and poplar consume energy, you need to be careful with them.
  • Communication with pets and plants. Our smaller brothers and their own garden, for example, on the windowsill, relieve fatigue and energize. Cats have a special energy, they subtly feel their owner (hostess) and always fawn over them when they want to show their disposition.
  • Music. A quiet melody relaxes, irritation and obsessive thoughts go away. There is peace in the soul.
  • Cold and hot shower. It relieves fatigue, invigorates strength, removes negative energy, puts thoughts in order.
In the end, find yourself a source of positive emotions. Let's say eat a piece of cake, watch your favorite movie on TV, or take your dog for a walk if you have such a good one. house friend.

It's important to know! In any communication, the exchange of energy must be voluntary and mutual. Only in this case, there will be no outflow of one's vitality to the other side, and then restoration will not be required.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire - look at the video:

Energy vampires are all around us. So that they do not "eat up" our vital energy, you need to save your strength, lead healthy lifestyle life. Only in this case, the energy of the body will be at the proper level. And this is a guarantee from any damage and the evil eye, assorted vampires and ghouls who love to live at the expense of someone else's "blood". They are afraid of people with a positive biofield.
