How to stretch patent leather boots at the top. Video: how to stretch children's shoes using water bags

Each of us has experienced tight shoes. Perhaps someone tried on new boots somehow, and now they are too tight. For some they don’t fit at the top, while for others they simply bought a beauty one size smaller because they really liked the model. Naturally, I don’t want to return it! There is only one way out: find a way to stretch them. You can, of course, take them to a repair shop for stretching. What if there is no such possibility? Let’s use the advice of those who managed to achieve a positive result in this matter at home.

Universal stretching methods

  1. Let's start moving from a simple method to a complex one. Buy a spray or aerosol to stretch your shoes. Apply it to the area you want to stretch. Walk around in the treated product for 30-40 minutes. It should work!
  2. The most harmless way: first pull several pairs on your feet warm socks, put on tight shoes. Walk around the house like this for at least one hour. Take off your shoes and push in plenty of wet newspapers to maintain the maximum shape of the product. The more you need to stretch, the more newspapers. Leave the shoes in this condition overnight. And the next morning, when the skin has softened, repeat the breaking-in procedure with warm socks. Repeat several times until you feel comfortable.
  3. If the product is without fur, rub it inside and outside with castor oil. And then work according to the well-known scheme in the paragraph above.
  4. Lubricate tight shoes at night thick cream at both sides. If you suddenly have a last in the shape of a foot of your size lying around somewhere in your house, install it inside the product. You can shove it plastic bottle with water.
  5. Pour water into a strong plastic bag. Release the air and tie tightly. Place the bag in your shoes and put it in the freezer. The water in the bag will begin to freeze and expand. The material will stretch along with it. Pull out, set to defrost at room temperature.
  6. Rubber boots can be stretched using boiling water. Real rubber is extremely rare, and it practically does not stretch. Modern products are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is quite possible to process this material. Pour boiling water directly into your shoes. Let it steam for half an hour, and in the meantime you put on the same woolen socks, besides, they will perfectly protect your feet from the hot material. Pour out the water and quickly put on the softened rubber boots on your feet. Prepare a deep container with cold water. Step into it and stand for a few minutes. While the product is cooling, move your fingers to stretch the material as much as possible.

Increasing the size of shoes made of genuine leather

Treat leather boots with boiling water. The high temperature will make the skin soft and stretch more easily. Put on your shoes and walk around the apartment in them.

If suede ones are too tight, wet them with vodka inside and out, put them on and walk around for a few hours. Wait until they are dry inside and only then remove them. This procedure can be repeated several times.

There is another effective way to stretch suede products. Pour into the pan vegetable oil, let it boil. Very carefully, so as not to burn yourself, soak a sponge in it and wipe the material until a glossy shine appears. Put it on and don’t take it off for two hours. Lubricate tight spots every 30 minutes. After this, thoroughly wash the oil from the surface and set it to dry.

Video to help the fashionista

How to enlarge in the lower leg

Probably, many have encountered the problem when shoes fit in size, but do not fasten at the calf. What to do? Don't buy a size larger! There are several ways to stretch boots at the top.

  1. This can be done by using a special spray or liquid. Process the boot from the outside and inside, and put it on your leg. Wait until the liquid is completely dry. This method is good for items made of artificial and genuine leather.
  2. Find a glass container of suitable diameter. Insert it into the boot and pour warm water into it. Get wet leather boots V problem area outside and inside. For this you can use vodka or hot water. Very carefully insert a pencil between the container and the product, followed by a second, then a third. Continue as long as you have room for pencils. Leave to dry in a warm room, but away from the radiator! After drying, they will fit perfectly into the boot! But if this does not happen, you can repeat it. And here are the shoes and artificial leather Use this method to stretch it very carefully so as not to harm it. Remember that leatherette is more fragile.
  3. Some people advise putting gaiters soaked in vodka on your feet and trying to pull the boot as tight as possible. Continue this way until the material is completely dry.

It often happens that boots fit perfectly to the size of the foot, but put a lot of pressure on the shins. This causes swelling of the limbs, and walking becomes unbearable. To remedy the situation, people resort to all sorts of tricks. If we talk about boots made of thick leather, it is quite easy to stretch the boot. But what should girls and women who wear boots made of thin material do? Experienced housewives deduced by trial and error effective ways that will help solve the problem.

Method No. 1. Shoe stretcher

In leather goods and shoe stores you can purchase special composition, intended for similar purposes. In some cases, the product is used to eliminate friction when wearing new shoes.

The technology for using products of this kind is quite transparent: spray the composition on the area of ​​the boot, inside and outside, put it on, zip it up. Start doing household chores, wait until the shoes are completely dry. The good thing about this method is that the product perfectly stretches boots made of both genuine leather and substitute leather.

The most popular products are considered to be products from the companies “Kiwi”, “Twist”, “Salamander”, “Salton”. The listed manufacturers produce products in the form of gels, sprays, and foam. Choose the release form at your discretion, they are all equally effective.

Feature of stretching varnish or suede shoes is the fact that the composition must be applied exclusively with inside. Otherwise, stains, cracks and stains will form on the surface of the product. The procedure can be repeated until you achieve the desired result.

Method number 2. Castor oil

Many people use castor oil to soften rough skin, but not everyone knows that a similar product can be used as a stretcher.

You can increase the bootleg as follows: pour castor oil into a ceramic or glass bowl, heat it in the microwave to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Wash and dry your shoes, soak them in oil foam sponge and treat the boots from the outside and inside.

Put it on knitted knee socks, leg warmers or thick high socks, fasten your boots, walk in them for about 3 hours. After the period has expired, without removing your shoes, go over the surface again with a sponge soaked in oil. The length of exposure depends on how much you need to stretch the boot.

After all the manipulations, take off your shoes, stuff your boots with fabric or newspapers, and leave them to dry completely. After the expiration date, wipe the outside with a flannel cloth, and if necessary, stretch again.

Method No. 3. frozen water

For effective stretching you will need a thick plastic bag that can withstand freezing water and will not tear. Pour into the cavity cold water, place the bag of liquid inside the boot, close the zipper. Send the product to freezer until final hardening.

It is known that when water freezes, it increases in size, and at the same time the boot will begin to stretch. Keep the boots in the freezer for about 5 hours after hardening, then remove and leave at room temperature for 3 hours. After this, fill the boot with newspapers and wait until it dries completely. Complete the manipulations by treating the shoes with cream; if the result is insufficient, stretch again.

Method No. 4. Newspapers

As mentioned earlier, the shaft of leather shoes stretches quite easily. Natural materials are elastic, but you should not make every effort to avoid damaging the product. Great option Stretching is generally considered to be the use of paper or rags as padding.

To carry out the procedure correctly, take an old rag or newspaper, crumple the material into a ball, then stuff the boot top. Wet the shoes with water (temperature 40 degrees), leave to dry at room temperature. Do not dry your boots on radiators under any circumstances, otherwise they will lose their shape and become covered with lumps.

After 2-3 days, the shoes will be completely dry, all you have to do is remove the padding and evaluate the result. If the boot does not stretch enough, repeat the procedure, but this time add more newspapers. Finish the stretch by applying nourishing cream to record the result.

Method No. 5. Iron

The stretching technology is designed for medium to thick skin. Cannot be processed In a similar way patent leather shoes, lycra products or too thin skin. To carry out the procedure, you will need cotton or gauze cloth and an iron. If possible, involve an assistant in the stretching, since the procedure is best performed together.

Set up the ironing board, unzip the boot and place it with the zipper facing up. Heat the iron, soak a cloth in filtered (!) water and place it in inner part boot on the shin area. Without sparing steam, start ironing the product, making sure that no liquid drips from the iron. It is important to remember forever: you only need to fill the iron with drinking water. It does not contain impurities and heavy metals, so it won’t leave any streaks.

When you have moistened the leather of the boots sufficiently, put the iron aside, then begin to stretch the bootleg in different sides. Try to perform the procedure without jerking, smoothly and evenly. To avoid overdoing the stretching, after steaming, measure your calf, then stretch the skin to the required level.

Upon completion of processing, fasten the boot, stuff it with cloth or paper, and leave to dry at room temperature. The newspaper must be compacted tightly, otherwise the skin will shrink. If desired, you can replace the paper with a wooden block of the required size. Drying time after similar procedure approximately equal to 2-3 days.

Method number 6. Bottle and pencils

Pick up glass bottle, which in size will coincide with the volume of the boot. Soak the boot in hot water, insert a container into it, and fasten the zipper. Now pour hot water into the jar and prepare the pencils for drawing. Insert one craft tool into the gap between the bottle and the side of the shoe. Take the second pencil and do the same. Repeat until there is no room left to insert pencils.

After this, leave the shoes to dry at room temperature away from radiators. It will take about 2 days for the product to take shape. If the result is insufficient, perform the procedure again. If the shoes are made of leatherette, the procedure is not recommended. Hot water may cause the material to swell.

It is easy to stretch the boot top at home if you follow practical recommendations. Stuff your shoes with old rags or newspapers, and consider stretching using castor oil. Buy a product for similar purposes in the store, insert a bag of water into the boot and freeze. Stretch your skin with a bottle of hot water, leave until completely dry.

Video: how to stretch the boot top by 14 cm

Stretch your boots up the right size it is possible at home, since there are a lot of methods. At the same time, in order not to make a mistake when choosing the most effective way, it is worth proceeding from the material of the shoes. If simple methods did not help, you can resort to alternative solutions.

How to stretch leather boots?

There are several proven ways to stretch boots made of genuine leather:

How to stretch suede boots?

Suede shoes are quite capricious. When stretching suede boots, you need to be extremely careful. There are several ways to stretch delicate suede shoes:
  • Treat with foam . In a shoe store you need to purchase a special foam for stretching suede. Following the instructions on the label, it is necessary to treat the boots with the product both outside and inside. Put them on and walk around for about half an hour.

You cannot wear a boot treated with foam on your bare foot!

  • Use wet socks . Hot water and ordinary socks can also work a miracle. Wet socks made from natural fibers with hot water and put them on. Then put on your boots and walk around the apartment for a while.
  • Treat with vegetable oil . It is necessary to heat the oil in a water bath and apply it to the outer surface of the boots worn on your feet. It is recommended to walk in oiled boots for several hours, renewing the oil every 30 minutes.
  • Treat with alcohol . Combine alcohol with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply liberally to the inner and outer surfaces of the boots. Put on socks and boots and walk around like this for several hours.

You can use vodka instead of alcohol!

  • You can also stretch suede boots using damp newspapers, as is the case with leather boots.

How to stretch rubber boots?

IN Lately rubber boots "from grandma's chest" If the size of rubber boots does not suit you, then you can stretch them only in one case - if they are made of polyvinyl chloride. You can find out what exactly your boots are made of by touching, for example, a hot needle to the boot. If a material melts, it is subject to stretching.

You can stretch rubber boots in the following way:
  • fill the boots with boiling water;
  • wait a couple of minutes until the material softens;
  • put on woolen socks and fill a large basin with cold water;
  • when the water in the boots has cooled down a little, it must be drained and immediately put on the shoes;
  • wearing boots, stand in a basin of cold water.

Stretching leatherette boots

Leatherette shoes are particularly flexible. Therefore, stretching it is not as difficult as products made from other materials. So, there are several effective methods:
  • Use laundry soap . Artificial leather will quickly soften under the influence of such soap. So, you need to dilute the laundry soap until a paste-like foam forms. Apply this foam to inner surface boot. Leave for a couple of hours, optimally 5-6. Then, using a sponge, remove the remaining soap from the boots, put socks and boots on your feet, and walk until the shoes are completely dry.
  • Apply a hair dryer . Warm up the boots using a hair dryer, put the heated shoes on your feet (with thick toes), and wear them for a while.
  • Method with newspapers also perfect for leatherette boots.
  • Use of alcohol and alcohol-containing products . Alcohol, as well as any alcohol-containing substances, can soften leatherette boots. Wet the inside of the boots with vodka or cologne, put them on your feet, and walk until they dry completely.

How to stretch faux leather boots?

Faux leather boots are relatively inexpensive, which is why they are very popular. But they may also be too small.

You can stretch faux leather boots in the following ways:
  • Spray for artificial leather. The product is sold in specialized stores and can soften the surface of the product. To do this, you just need to spray your boots with spray.
  • Also suitable for artificial leather are stretching with alcohol and wet newspapers, freezing and treatment with castor oil.
  • Stretches the toe of the boot quite well raw potatoes. The peeled tuber is tightly inserted into the boot for a couple of hours or even overnight. Afterwards, carry out the boots.

How to stretch boot tops at home?

A narrow boot is serious problem, which can also be dealt with at home:
  • Professional products Shoe stretching tools are sold in many company stores. The best of them: Salton, Salamander, Kiwi. The product is applied to the boot from the outside. Then boots are put on the terry toe and worn until the product is completely absorbed.
  • You can rub the boot of a narrow product with castor oil, put it on and wear it until completely dry.
  • The thick cream must be applied to both sides of the boot and placed in the boot. plastic bottle with warm water and leave overnight.
  • The top of leather boots can be stretched by pouring boiling water over it and putting the boot on your foot.
  • You can try stretching the boot tops made of thick leather using flannel fabric and an iron. To do this, you need to straighten the boot and place the boot (unbuttoned) on ironing board. Thoroughly steam the boots through a damp flannel cloth.

If the boot is narrow immediately after purchase, do not rush to turn to stretching methods. Perhaps in a few days it will expand on its own to the desired size.

How to stretch winter boots?

It is difficult to stretch winter boots, since they have fur inside, and not all processing methods can have a beneficial effect on its condition. the way out will be warm socks and warming up with a hairdryer. You can also resort to using special sprays or stretchers to winter shoes. These are the safest and most reliable methods for stretching shoes with fur.

Alternative methods for stretching boots

There are a couple more alternative methods How to stretch shoes one size. For example:
  • You can organize a “steam room” for boots at home. To do this, you need to hold the boot over steam, for example, over a boiling kettle or pan of water. Quickly put steamed boots on your feet and walk around for a couple of hours.
  • Those especially at risk may try to lubricate suede boots hot vegetable oil. After this, put on the boots and leave them on for several hours.
  • Paraffin candles will help stretch your boots. To do this, you need to melt the wax, pour it into bags (as in the freezing method) and place it in your boots. Wait for it to harden.
  • If the backs or side walls of the boots are rubbing, you can treat them with laundry soap.
  • Another remedy is kerosene treatment for those who are not afraid of an unpleasant odor. The boots are generously moistened with kerosene and worn in for several hours.
About methods of stretching other shoes - In the issue “Everything will be good”, experts talk about ways that will allow you to stretch your boots:

So, buying small boots is not a reason to be upset. Various ways Stretching boots allows you to cope with this problem. The only thing worth considering is the material of the product and compatibility with one or another stretching method.

Often new couple shoes in the store seem convenient and comfortable, but when worn they begin to pinch and rub. Additionally, new boots or shoes can shrink and shrink if they get too wet. In this case, stretching will be needed.

This can be done different methods. The most effective and safest way is to go to a shoe repair shop. In this case, the craftsmen will stretch the shoes using a special stretcher last, which is selected for the type and material of the product.

However, in shoe stores they mainly stretch shoes only in the instep and shaft, i.e. in width. It is very difficult to stretch a pair in length. Besides, in in this case the product may be damaged or deformed.

Experts do not recommend stretching shoes made of all materials except genuine leather. But many people try to carry them apart and make products one size larger on their own. In this article we will look at how to stretch shoes at home quickly and safely.

Before you stretch leather shoes on size or products made from other materials using folk remedies, try using special professional tools. This is a stretching spray or aerosol that is sold in shoe stores, salons or departments. The product is selected for the type of material, sprayed inside or outside the product according to the instructions. Then .

If professional products did not help or you do not want to use this spray, you can try traditional methods. The technique is also selected according to the type of material from which the products are made. Let's look at how to stretch the tops of boots and boots. Let's find out what to do to stretch your sneakers and shoes.

Stretching leather shoes using freezing and boiling water

It is much easier to stretch shoes made of genuine leather than those made of other materials. Genuine leather underneath aggressive influence various external factors is subject to stretching both in length and width. To slightly adjust your shoe size, wet a thick wool sock and wear it with your shoes. Wear a pair for two to three hours a day. However, this is not very quick way, as it will take seven to ten days.

To stretch leather boots at home, boiling water is often used. Pour hot water into boots or shoes and pour them out immediately. When the products have cooled slightly, put the pair on a thick, dense woolen or knitted sock and walk until it is completely dry. If you are afraid of pouring boiling water inside your shoes, you can hold the pair over boiling water and then take it in.

Freezing is extreme, but effective method. Fill two plastic bags half or 1/4 water, tie tightly and place inside each shoe. The shoes are then placed in the freezer overnight. When water freezes, it expands and increases in volume. As a result, this puts a lot of pressure on the skin and stretches the material.

You can put one bag in the area that is pinching, or put a bag in both the heel and toe. And if you need to stretch the boot top, put another bag in this place and zip up the boot. After the procedure, remove the shoes from the freezer, wait until the water melts a little, and remove the bags. Dry your shoes, sneakers or boots thoroughly. natural conditions.

Vaseline and alcohol for stretching leather shoes

Another method of stretching is castor oil and Vaseline. By the way, such products are quite safe for natural leather. As a result of this treatment, the shoes are stretched by one or two sizes. It acquires a beautiful shine and aesthetic appearance. In addition, Vaseline will help disguise cracks and scratches.

Mix half and half Vaseline and castor oil, generously coat the inside and place a block of plastic or wood. You can buy such a block at a shoe or hardware store. Leave the product for a day, then remove the stretcher and any remaining product using a cotton pad.

Alcohol, vodka, cologne or even common remedy for washing windows and glass will soften the skin. To do this, mix the selected component halfway with water and lubricate each product inside and out. Treat the heel most thoroughly. To prevent alcohol from drying out natural or artificial leather, treat the material with heated Vaseline. Read how to polish leather shoes until they shine.

Five ways to stretch faux leather shoes

  1. Soak wool, knitted or terry socks in water, wring them out well and put them on your feet. Put on your shoes and walk around until your socks are completely dry. Repeat the procedure daily for a week;
  2. Lubricate the inside of faux leather shoes with Vaseline or liquid cream. When the cream is absorbed, after two to three hours, put the pair on a cotton sock. After this, the shoes need to be worn in for half an hour;
  3. Wet the paper or newspaper and stuff the leatherette shoes tightly, but do not overdo it so as not to deform the pair. Allow the products to dry under natural conditions, away from the battery and heater. Do not use a hairdryer or electrical devices! When the paper is dry, pull it out, the products should stretch slightly;
  4. Take cereals or grains that swell when exposed to water. To do this, place bags in the products and pour grain into them so that it occupies the entire internal space. Then pour water into the boots and leave overnight. When the croup or grain swells, it will stretch the artificial leather;
  5. To stretch boots or shoes made of leatherette in the shaft or instep, treat thoroughly dried products inside with hot paraffin or laundry soap. Then you should wear the shoes on thick and thick socks for two days. As a result artificial material expands and the seams stop rubbing. After treatment, carefully remove the remaining paraffin or laundry soap with a knife, and lubricate the surface with Vaseline, vegetable oil or.

How to stretch suede and nubuck shoes

Suede is elastic and pliable, so the material can be stretched if necessary. To do this, use the common method of wearing products on a damp thick sock. For of this material Do not use alcohol, vodka or cologne, otherwise it will crack!

In addition, the suede will remain oil stains and divorces. Aggressive ways using boiling water and frost are also not suitable, as they deform the material and irrevocably damage the appearance of the products.

In addition to classic breaking in, you can use the method with crumpled newspapers or paper. Pack tightly paper materials tight shoes. While the newspapers are straightening, the shoes or boots will stretch. However, do not wet the newspaper with water or alcohol!

How to stretch patent leather and sports shoes

  • To stretch patent leather shoes at home, you can use a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of two parts alcohol to one part water. Dip your socks in the prepared mixture, put them on your feet and put on your shoes. Walk like this until your socks are dry. Instead of alcohol, you can take vodka, cologne or vinegar;
  • can be wrapped warm and damp terry towel and leave in this state overnight. Then the products are put on and worn until they are completely dry;
  • New patent leather shoes with leather trim inside can be treated with lard or goose lard. To do this, lubricate the inside of the shoe with the product and leave until completely dry. Remaining fat is removed with alcohol. As a result Polished leather becomes elastic, soft, pliable and stretches, stops creaking;
  • Warm up patent leather shoes with a hairdryer and lubricate the inside with Vaseline or greasy cream. Then put on a dense and thick terry or knitted sock. Walk around for one or two hours and again lubricate the inside with Vaseline or cream. Leave the products overnight;
  • For patent leather shoes You can also use methods with freezing or boiling water. After processing the product, it is important to thoroughly dry and lubricate special cream, polish or balm;
  • To stretch sports shoes, for example, natural fabrics or leather sneakers or sneakers, take the potatoes and peel them. Place the tuber in the sock of the product and leave for several hours. Potato juice will make the material elastic, resulting in summer, demi-season or winter sneakers will stretch.

Features of shoe stretching

Do not wet insulated items with fur inside too much from the inside. By the way, to spread and stretch winter boots or boots, sometimes you just need to remove the insole. Do not stretch your shoes using a hammer! Any procedures can only be carried out with clean and dried products.

PVC rubber boots can be stretched by completely filling each product with boiling water. After five minutes, when the rubber has softened, pour out the water and wipe dry. Put your boots on a thick terry or woolen sock, walk for a few minutes and place them in a bathtub or basin with cold water. Leave for an hour and then dry.

Shoes made of natural, patent or artificial leather can be worn by a person with large size legs. But this method is not suitable for suede products, otherwise overstretching will occur and the suede pair will become too big.

A universal stretch method that is suitable for different materials, considered vinegar. Mix the product with water and thoroughly saturate the inside of the products. Then wear the boots or shoes with thick, thick socks for one to two hours. Unpleasant smell vinegar can be removed with soap solution. However, this method must be used carefully for suede shoes, since suede does not like moisture.

After processing products made from any materials, thoroughly dry the shoes in natural conditions and treat shoe polish, polish or spray. In addition, you can apply folk remedies. For example, for natural suitable for skin Vaseline, for artificial - vegetable oil, for rubber boots - glycerin.

To speed up the drying process, fill the pair with crumpled paper or newspaper. Whenever it gets wet, replace the paper with new one. Detailed rules You will find how to dry your shoes quickly and safely by following the link.

Mass-produced shoes are sewn according to certain patterns with standard proportions. But the structure of each person is individual, and the width (volume) of the pair of shoes you like does not always correspond to the actual size of the boot. If the boots don’t “sit” on your feet right away, this is not a reason to refuse them. Too much wide boot it will be difficult to suture, but if, on the contrary, it is slightly narrow, it can be enlarged. How to stretch the top of a boot made of genuine leather at home?

There are several effective methods increasing the girth of the boot. You can also take your shoes to a studio, but at home you can do it faster and, importantly, cheaper. We will give the most effective methods, but it is important to remember that you can only stretch shoes made from natural materials: leather, suede, fur shoes(ugg boots, high boots). Also amenable to slight deformation Rubber Shoes, and products made from leatherette or varnish may lose their aesthetic appeal due to such procedures - crack and even tear.

Stretching with socks and... a hairdryer

How to stretch the boot top at home using regular hair dryer? First you need to put on 2-3 pairs of thin socks and boots. At first they will press, but the longer you hold on like this, the more the boot will stretch. You can put on 2 pairs of socks first, and when your feet feel comfortable in them, put on a third pair and repeat the procedure. For more quick results problem areas (where the foot has difficulty walking or the strongest compression is felt) are heated with a hairdryer turned on at maximum power and blowing warm or hot air for 30-45 seconds. At the same time, it is important to keep the hairdryer at some distance from the shoes, since if the contact is too close, you can burn the product.

Warm air jets will make the skin more pliable, and therefore it will be easier to pull the boot.

The heated skin is first kneaded with your hands, then its position is fixed on the foot - for this, it remains in the boots until they cool completely. If you hurry up and take off your shoes earlier, the product will return to its original shape. After cooling, remove excess socks and put on boots again - the procedure may help not the first time, but the second or third time.

This method is suitable for increasing the shaft and for stretching any other areas of leather shoes.

Second life for newspapers

This method requires more time, but it takes a lot less strength. Previously, when people wondered whether it was possible to stretch the top of a leather boot, and the choice of available means was small, this method was especially popular. Stretch top part The boots will work if you first moisten them with slightly hot water (about 50 o C), then fill them with dense material - newspapers, compacting it well, and leave them in this state for several days.

This time is enough for the shoes not only to stretch, but also to fix with new parameters.

Tip: Instead of newspapers, it is better to use regular newspapers. white paper, since it definitely won’t leave marks on your shoes.

Shoe freezing

A very original, but really working method is to place the boots in a regular household freezer. First, the boots should be prepared: fill a plastic zip bag with water to about half the volume, squeeze out the remaining air from it and close it. Special freezer bags are best suited for this procedure - they are more durable, so they definitely won’t burst in the freezer.

If you need to stretch the boot, you will need a 3-4 liter bag, and to stretch the toe part, a liter bag is enough. The filled bag is placed in the boots, then the shoes are placed in the freezer to completely freeze the liquid. It is important to place the shoes in such a way that the water is distributed evenly in them - then the stretching of the boot will occur symmetrically.

The freezing method effectively affects almost any material

After the water turns into ice, the shoes are taken out of the freezer and allowed to melt, the bag is removed, the boots are dried and tried on. If you try to immediately remove the ice from your boots, this can lead to damage to them - when water freezes, it expands and increases in volume.


This product expands leather shoes. 70% alcohol is especially suitable - in such a concentration it will not harm even when it is necessary to stretch the top of suede boots. At first problem area treat with alcohol from a spray bottle, then put on the boots and remain in them for 5-7 minutes: during this time, the alcohol is absorbed into the shoes, and its excess evaporates. The longer you stay in your shoes after applying alcohol to them, the more effective the results will be.

Recommendations for using various methods

Castor oil

It is often used to soften rough skin. Castor oil heated in a water bath, preferably in an enamel or glass container, then moisten a sponge in it and wipe the top of the boots with it. After this, it is recommended to wear socks, stockings or thick tights and walk in shoes for at least 3 hours. Then the oil is heated again, the shoes are treated with it and left in the boots for another 30 minutes until dry. This is usually enough time to break in boots that are too tight on your feet.

Wedge stretch

This is professional shoemaker equipment that is rarely found at home, but if somehow it ended up in the bins, it is definitely worth using. The shoe stretcher is a wedge-like mechanism with a rotating handle. It is inserted into the boot shaft, opens and remains in this state for several minutes - this helps to stretch the shoe.

It is better to entrust this method of stretching to specialists, since working with boot leather is not so easy

Sprays for stretching

They are sold in the same departments as other shoe care products: sponges, sprays, brushes. The packaging must contain instructions that tell you how to properly stretch your shoes using this product. chemical agent, and there is also a list of materials for which the product can be used. Usually it is genuine leather and rubber. And if you are interested in how to stretch suede boots at the top, you should read the instructions especially carefully - some products can be used on such material, while others are strictly not recommended.

Before using the spray, you should carry out a test control: apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area and leave for a quarter of an hour - if on a boot visible changes no (darkening, lightening, cracking), the spray can be used without the risk of damaging the product.

Professional products are used not only for stretching the boot, but also for narrow socks or small volume in the foot area

How to stretch rubber shoes

Genuine leather stretches well, unlike rubber. But this does not mean that rubber boots cannot be enlarged at the top: it is possible, but this should be done very delicately - with sharp scissors or a scalpel, neat small cuts are made around the perimeter of the top. First, two symmetrical cuts are made; if they are not enough, two more are added. Then you need to walk in the boots for 10-15 minutes, if after that they continue to press, the number of cuts is increased.

Simple recommendations will help make the process of stretching shoes easier. If it immediately becomes obvious when trying on that the top is too small, you should ask the store - perhaps their service includes a shoe stretching service. Sometimes it's even free.

The top of winter shoes, made of genuine leather or suede, can be widened by 2-3 centimeters. If this is not enough, it is better to discard such shoes: further expansion can lead to damage. It is easier to expand the boot, which is sewn with rubber inserts - they create a reserve of elasticity and provide a more comfortable fit.

How to stretch the boot women's boots using professional pads

It is also worth remembering that:

  • if the boot is to be stretched, this must be done in the area of ​​the locks - if the boot is too narrow, each fastening of the locks provokes mechanical damage, which leads to their rapid breakdown;
  • when freezing shoes, it is important to ensure that no water gets on them - this can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the product;
  • when shoes are stretched under the influence high temperatures it is necessary to periodically lubricate it with cream or glycerin - this allows you to preserve normal level humidity, avoid cracks and drying out;
