Increasing immunity in a 3-year-old child. How to strengthen the immunity of a frequently ill child - what to do if the baby is constantly sick? Water procedures during hardening

As the famous doctor Komarovsky said: “Few people know what immunity is, but only the lazy don’t try to improve it and raise it.” But is it necessary to do this? Before answering the question of how to increase a child’s immunity, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of leading doctors on this matter.

What is immunity and why increase it?

Let's start, perhaps, with the very concept of immunity or immune system. Why is it needed and what is its function?

The immune system is given to a person in order to recognize foreign cells, destroy them and remove them from the body. Foreign to our body are: microbes, viruses, fungi, bacteria, allergens, as well as tumor cells (which under unfavorable conditions can develop into cancer).

Immunity is divided into two types. The first species appears with the child at birth. This is a huge complex of various barriers. For example, innate immunity includes:

  • skin and delicate but durable mucous membranes that protect the body from mechanical damage;
  • secretion of tears and saliva that wash away irritants, the ability to sneeze and cough, which “push out” harmful elements with a stream of air, an increase in temperature to fight infectious microorganisms;
  • the smallest cells capable of catching “enemy” microorganisms that have entered the body from the outside. These cells also know how to convey alarm signals to the brain and immune system;
  • interferons;
  • blood proteins.

The second type of immunity is acquired in the process of living and fighting viruses. It is divided into two subtypes depending on the type of lymphocytes produced:

  1. If these are B lymphocytes, this specific immunity called humoral.
  2. If these are T-lymphocytes, then they are cellular.

Acquired immunity plays the role of a full-fledged army-defender. Lymphocytes are quite smart compared to other cells in the body. They are able to recognize cells that should not exist in a healthy functioning body. If lymphocytes encounter such cells, they turn on their own defense: the body begins to produce antibodies that kill foreign agents. After the bad cells are eliminated, the lymphocytes remember them in some way. Thus, when a virus enters the body a second time, lymphocytes immediately give a signal to produce specific antibodies.

The immune system protects our body thanks to the immune system. This is the system internal organs, which precisely creates the lymphocytes necessary to protect the body. The organs of the system are also divided into two types:

  • central - which are responsible for the process of generation of lymphocytes. These organs include the thymus (thymus gland) and bone marrow;
  • peripheral - in them mature lymphocytes are waiting in the wings. The peripheral organs of the immune system include the spleen, lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue, which can be located in any other internal organs.

Blood and lymphatic vessels are responsible for the communication system between lymphocytes and other organs. When faced with a foreign body, lymphocytes can quickly move through the vessels to the site of “combat operations”, and at the same time send a signal to the entire immune system that it is time to start producing antibodies.

If any of the organs of the immune system begins to work incorrectly, immunity failure occurs. Lymphocytes may stop transmitting the necessary signals, or are unable to do so. On the other hand, if the system can be weakened, then it can also be strengthened and strengthened.

Boosting a child’s immunity is especially important in the first years of life. After all, the mother’s body transmits only the set of genes that she herself has. At the same time, the external environment is constantly mutating, viruses and bacteria interbreed and create new types of infectious diseases. At the same time, children’s immunity itself is undermined constant stress– at the beginning of life these are stresses associated with infant crises (developmental leaps), later – school and new stress, bad city air, insufficient number of walks and poor nutrition. As a result, a number of the baby’s diseases can go into a chronic stage, and the recovery process will be greatly delayed, which will also not benefit the growing body.

Natural immunity, designed for great amount bacteria and is initially ready to produce protective antibodies to them.

Signs of low immunity

You should start to worry if you notice one of these symptoms in your child:

  1. the child often catches colds, the interval between illnesses is less than two months, and after the initial cold flu, sore throat or swelling develops;
  2. during illness, absence of fever - bad sign, this indicates the reluctance or inability of the body to fight pathogenic agents;
  3. The lymph nodes more than normal, even if there is no disease as such;
  4. symptoms of reduced immunity often overlap with symptoms of dysbiosis (diathesis spots, problems with stool, allergic reactions);
  5. the child does not sleep well, daytime constantly sleepy, capricious, looks pale and tired;
  6. The baby develops allergic reactions that did not exist before.

All these symptoms are a reason to visit the pediatrician. It is impossible to boost a child’s immunity with vitamins alone, so there is no need to delay it.

Why you can’t raise children in “sterile” conditions

Why do children growing up in sterile conditions get sick more often? The answer suggests itself: because their body was deprived of the ability to recognize viruses and bacteria. In such children, protection against infections is significantly lower. And when the moment comes to go out into society, they begin to get sick. It is in children, with an unprotected immune system, that one disease smoothly flows into another. In this case, it is very difficult to boost a child’s immunity.

The child learns the world, crawling, walking, communicating with other children in the yard and kindergarten. Only by encountering microbes will his immunity develop resistance and become stronger. In order to boost a child’s immunity, he must grow up under normal conditions. It doesn’t need to be raised in dirt, but creating hypersterile conditions around it is also not quite the right way. Nature itself made sure that the body gradually became acquainted with all the bacteria. This is how the immune system is strengthened.

If you raise a child in sterile conditions, then his body will begin to react to any external stimuli. This will manifest itself in the form of allergic diseases that love well-fed, loved, warm and clean.

How to strengthen a child's immunity

Caring parents, trying to protect their children from diseases, persistently continue to search for the answer to the question of how to increase their child’s immunity. Let's look at several common parental mistakes that negatively affect the functioning of the child's immune system. This is about breastfeeding, vaccinations and keeping the child in sterile conditions. Let's start, perhaps, from the moment when the baby is born.

1. Breastfeeding. If breast milk was called not food, but protection of the child, then surely many mothers would not give up breastfeeding, but would do everything possible to maintain lactation.

Mother's milk is the only opportunity to increase the child's immunity during the first days of life, and teach the body to resist infections, viruses and bacteria.

Breast milk has more than 80 components that influence the normal development of immune cells. No ready-made milk formula can completely replace this composition. A woman must understand that a child is born with an immature immune system, and only immune complexes found in breast milk can boost the child’s immunity. In addition, maternal immunity is also transmitted to the child, which means that a breastfed child cannot get sick from diseases for which the mother has developed a strong immunity. And if in the future he gets sick, he will transfer them to mild form.

When asked by young mothers how to boost their child’s immunity, a clear answer is given – breastfeeding.

2. Vaccinations. This is a way by which a child’s body is prepared in advance to meet the most terrible microbes and viruses that cause fatal diseases. Thus, the immune system is strengthened. During vaccination, a weakened pathogen is introduced into the body, as a result of which protective antibodies are produced against it.

In the first year of life, vaccines against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. are introduced into the body. Vaccination is the direct formation of specific (individual) immunity, in which the antigen (foreign cell) of a specific disease is recognized .

It should be noted that the immune system has an immunological memory, thanks to which repeated contact with an infectious agent will not allow the development of the disease. It is this mechanism that is the basis of vaccinations.

Parents' opinion that vaccination weakens protective functions organism - is erroneous. The body's protective reaction is to increase body temperature. This is due to the fact that for many viruses, heat is destructive.

3. Hardening the child. The main cause of various colds and sore throats is a sharp change in temperature, for which the body does not have time to prepare and build protection. The child, as people say, “picked up cold air”, which fell into Airways and became the cause of another rhinitis or cough. Hardening will help boost the child’s immunity.

However, you cannot harden your baby using your own system, since you can not only increase the child’s immunity, but also seriously harm your health. Everything should take place under the supervision of a pediatrician.

There are also a number of general rules that parents must adhere to with any method of hardening their child:

  • adjust for age. The younger the child, the more tenderly you need to treat him;
  • you need to start small. It is forbidden to give the maximum load to the child’s body on the first day, for example, pouring a bucket of ice water over it. This will not only scare the child, but will also completely discourage him from hardening procedures in the future;
  • Make a schedule of procedures and strictly adhere to it. Any pauses and delays will instantly deprive the body of all the accumulated effect;
  • Monitor your child's well-being. There is a pretense associated with a reluctance to perform the necessary procedures, but there is also a real deterioration in well-being. And a bad mood in general is not an aid to hardening. It is better to work with the child psychologically, so that he himself wants to make himself stronger and more resilient;
  • the basis for hardening is the child’s sincere interest, and not shouting and pressure. If the child does not want to do something, the parent must either interest him in it or replace the procedure;
  • During and after the procedure, the baby should remain in a good mood. So that he does not focus on not entirely pleasant sensations, hardening can be turned into a game - singing children's songs with the child, telling him fairy tales or acting out skits;
  • After the hardening procedures, you can warm up the body with exercises and give the baby a massage. This is pleasant, and it also helps to “stir up” the body, activating blood flow.

4. Child nutrition. Can boost a child’s immunity balanced diet. Need to pay attention Special attention those foods that are more likely to cause allergies. Make a vitamin map and use it to track whether your child is getting all the necessary microelements. Also, from the age of about a year, fermented milk products can be introduced into the diet. They stimulate the digestive tract and reduce the likelihood of intestinal problems.

Nowadays, not every person can boast of strong immunity. Regular absences kindergarten children due to colds are considered the norm today. Some blame the spoiled environment, others blame the disgusting weather. Of course, these people. However, there are many means that can strengthen the immune system of even a child. Agree, a healthy lifestyle and medications alternative medicine today are available to everyone. So, how to increase immunity in a 2-year-old child?

What parents need to know about the immune system

Many experts claim that frequent infections children in winter and autumn period- This normal phenomenon. After all, immunity develops over many years. In addition, this process is considered very difficult. The immune system is fully formed only by the age of 12.

A newborn baby has virtually no immunity. In the first months of life, antibodies protect the baby from infections. The child receives them in the embryonic state. The substances that the child receives through mother’s milk, as well as after vaccination, help the child cope with diseases. They begin to stimulate the immune system, protecting the baby from various ailments.


Don't put it off without good reason vaccination. You should also discuss with your doctor what additional vaccinations your child can receive. Many experts recommend vaccination against pneumococci. After all, young children are susceptible to diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia. It is worth noting that pneumococci are the main cause of the development inflammatory processes in the ears and throat. Studies show that many children who received this type of vaccination get sick much less often in the future. Doctors also recommend vaccination against meningococci. After all, these bacteria can cause pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis.

Let's start strengthening our immunity

So, how to boost your child’s immunity? 2 years is the period when the baby begins to attend kindergarten. At this age, doctors do not recommend giving the child any additional medications, of course, if they have not been prescribed. Otherwise it will be overstimulated.

The immunity of a child under one year old is very weak. Before the age of two, it is important to follow a diet. The baby's diet must include mother's milk or adapted mixtures. In addition, the child should eat fish, lean meat, yogurt with probiotics, fruits and vegetables. At this age, walks are very important. fresh air, as well as a calm environment.

Why is the child sick?

Most often, children who have already started going to kindergarten suffer from infectious diseases. They get sick much more often than children who stay at home with their grandmothers. Why is this happening? While attending kindergarten, the child comes into contact with other people. In addition, separation from parents has a negative effect on the baby. These two factors make the child more susceptible to infections.

According to experts, today the norm is considered to be from 6 to 8 diseases that occur with elevated temperature, within one year. If the child suffers from more serious illnesses, for example, pneumonia, then it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

Even if your baby has suffered more than 8 episodes per year, this is not a sign of immunodeficiency. Indeed, in some cases, the infection occurs in a milder form and is manifested by a runny nose, sore throat and cough. If the baby gets sick quite often and suffers from illnesses seriously, then it is worth thinking about how to increase the immunity of a child at 2 years old.

Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the body

Today, there are many drugs that can strengthen a child’s immunity. 2 years is the period when you can begin to improve your baby’s health. In some cases you can do without pharmaceuticals. For example, fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. This product can be given to a child from 6 months about once a week, and at two years old - twice every 7 days. Omega-3 acids are also found in nuts. Before feeding the baby, they should be crushed. If your child does not particularly like such products, then they can be replaced fish oil. However, this issue should be discussed in advance with the doctor who is observing the baby. After all, excessive consumption of vitamin D often leads to negative consequences.

Purple echinacea

You can give immunity preparations to children based on this plant from the age of two. You can prepare the infusion yourself. To do this, you need to take a few tablespoons of dried purple echinacea herb and pour it with a glass of water, preferably boiled. After this, the container with the product must be placed on water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Then the finished broth needs to be strained. This can be done using gauze folded several times. The resulting volume should be brought to the original volume. For this you can use a regular boiled water. The result should be 20 milliliters of the finished product.

A decoction of Echinacea purpurea should be taken one tablespoon three times a day. Drink ready-made product preferably 20 minutes before meals. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days.


Today, medicines for immunity have been created based on Echinacea purpurea. For children, you can purchase the drug “Immunal” at the pharmacy. It can be given to a child starting from one year old, three times a day. The dosage is from 5 to 10 drops at a time. The minimum course is 3 weeks, and the maximum is 8. The product acts gently and has practically no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance.


Many immunity medications for children are made on a plant basis. Such drugs include “Imupret”. The product is a complex of vitamins created from plants. It contains dandelion herbs, yarrow, horsetail, chamomile bark, marshmallow root and walnut leaves. Such drugs are used to increase immunity in children and adults. In general, the drug has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects.

Probiotics will help your baby

What other drugs are there to boost immunity? Probiotics are very often prescribed to children. These are beneficial bacteria that are found in yogurts and some milk formulas and cereals. Such remedies are often recommended after completing a full course of antibiotic treatment. After all, these drugs kill not only bad, but also good bacteria.

Probiotics are substances that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Most of them are found in some baby cereals, chicory, bananas, milk with lactose, and yoghurts. These are the foods that should be included in your child’s diet.

Important Research

If your child is often sick, then you can contact specialists to conduct a more thorough examination. To do this you need:

If you don’t yet know how to increase a child’s immunity at 2 years old, then you will definitely need the following tips.

  1. Walks in the fresh air should be daily. You need to walk for at least an hour a day. Thanks to this, the body learns to better respond to any temperature change. Ultimately, this leads to a decrease in the incidence rate.
  2. Increasing immunity with folk remedies for children includes a procedure such as hardening. To begin with, you can do contrast baths for arms and legs.
  3. Complete nutrition. So that the body has enough of everyone useful components, you need to carefully consider the menu. The more diverse it is, the bigger baby will receive vitamins and microelements. The diet should contain fruits, vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, and fish. Don’t forget about products that contain probiotics: yoghurt, kefir, bananas, etc. They are simply necessary for the child’s immunity. 2 years is the time when you should take your baby’s health seriously.
  4. Air humidification. Probably everyone knows that the heat emanating from air conditioning and other heating devices dries out the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This allows the microbe to penetrate the body faster. That is why it is necessary to ventilate the house several times a day. Can be used to moisturize mucous membranes pharmaceutical drugs, for example, “Quix”, “Salin”.

In addition to the above measures, you can strengthen your immune system using alternative medicine.

Onion and garlic

Modern baby products are made mainly from herbs. The most effective plants are garlic and onions. However, young children are reluctant to use them. They are often embarrassed Strong smell and pungent taste. You can finely chop green onions and add them to the soup, or sprinkle them on the side dish. As for garlic, you can grate it on a piece of bread or toast.

Vegetables can be cut and placed in rooms. However, you should not place plates with onions and garlic near the sleeping areas.

Propolis for strong immunity

Many parents use products that contain propolis for their children. Such substances are simply necessary for immunity. To make your baby’s health stronger, you can give him a water tincture of propolis. You should start taking such drugs only from the age of three. Initially, the dose should not exceed three drops. You can add propolis tincture to milk. Take the drug several times a day. The course is a month. Gradually the number of drops can be increased. At the end of therapy, you should take a break for a month.

IN Lately Propolis for children has gained great popularity. For immunity, drugs based on it are simply necessary. After all, they can be taken even during illness.

Lemon and cranberry

The immune system plays an important role. After all, it is she who allows the child to fight various diseases. The simplest thing is that children can be given a preparation made from lemon and cranberries. The composition of the folk remedy is quite simple. To prepare it, you should grind several lemons and a kilogram of cranberries using a meat grinder. The bones should be removed. You need to add a glass of honey to the resulting mass. All components must be thoroughly mixed. The prepared pulp should be given to the child a few tablespoons at a time. You can take this folk remedy for immunity in children with tea.

with rowan

To prepare a healing drink, take a tablespoon of dried rowan fruits and brew them with several glasses of boiling water. You need to steep the tea for about 20 minutes. To make the drink more tasty, you can give it to your child along with honey. This product will only enhance useful qualities rowan. It is worth noting that this folk remedy is suitable for immunity for children and adults.

Vitamin herbal tea

This drink is prepared from a mixture of herbs. To prepare it you need oregano flowers, strawberry and black currant leaves. Each component itself gives the drink an unforgettable aroma. Take everything in equal parts and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared mixture into several glasses of boiling water and let it stand for 4 hours. The resulting product can be drunk as a regular drink or mixed with green and black tea. It is worth noting that the drug is not just tasty, but also healthy. This herbal tea regulates metabolism and also tones well.


If your child is often sick, do not rush to give him medications that can strengthen the child’s immunity. 2 years is the age when the baby begins to contact the outside world. So first, visit your doctor. Perhaps this is not the problem. Also, you should not self-medicate, since even folk remedies have contraindications. And with the wrong approach, you can only harm your child.

All parents want them to be happy. If a child often suffers from colds, then parents are looking for ways to strengthen the child’s immunity. We have collected material that will help you learn how to increase your immunity without drugs and with the help of medications. The table at the beginning of the article exposes some myths about immunity and ways to strengthen it.

Common misconceptions about immunity - fact and fiction

Myths and facts about immunity and ways to strengthen it

Question Myth Data
Do newborn babies need to be kept in sterile conditions? A newborn needs to create sterile conditions at home after the maternity hospital. Even in the maternity hospital the baby does not need sterile conditions . It is enough that the newborn’s room is clean and the temperature is maintained at a comfortable temperature for the child (22 degrees Celsius).
Are frequent illnesses an indicator of reduced immunity? Frequent colds are not an indicator of weak immunity. If a child gets colds more than 6 times a year and the duration of the illness is more than 2 weeks, this may indicate weak immunity.
Is it possible to strengthen the immune system by taking vitamin C? Vitamin C tablets are one of the the best ways strengthening the immune system and protecting against infection. Taking vitamin C may not protect your child from colds , but it is able to mitigate the course of the disease.
Is a breastfed baby protected from all diseases? A child during breastfeeding is protected from all diseases. Thank you baby breastfeeding protected only from those infections that the mother had or from which the mother has antibodies in her body.
Does exercise help strengthen your immune system? Exercising in any form has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. Moderate exercise several times a week helps strengthen the immune system . However, excessive and intense physical activity causes stress and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.
If the body has coped with infectious disease, then this disease will not threaten him in the future? If the body has coped with the disease, then the child will not get it again. Some infectious diseases they get sick only once (chickenpox, rubella). But with many infectious diseases a person can get sick more than once, but after each contact with the causative agent of the disease.
With a strong immune system, a child cannot have a high temperature during illness? In a baby with a strong immune system, diseases occur without high fever. Children with weakened immune systems rarely have a high fever. Children with strong immune systems often develop a fever when sick. This indicates that the body is trying to fight the infection and the immune system is working well. But it’s worth remembering that it’s too high temperature can lead to problems, so at temperatures above 38 degrees it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic.
Is it dangerous to carry out immunocorrection? Immunocorrection only strengthens the immune system. Immunocorrection should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor , since its incorrect use can lead to malfunctions of the immune system and deterioration of health.
Is weakened immunity the cause of all diseases? Reduced immunity is the cause of all diseases. Reduced immunity is not the cause of all diseases. For example, diabetes mellitus can develop regardless of the state of the immune system.

How to strengthen children's immunity without drugs?

Every parent aims to protect their child from colds and illnesses. Therefore, moms and dads are interested in the question of how to strengthen their baby’s immunity. But more important question is how to improve the functioning of a child’s immune system without resorting to medications.

Some inexperienced parents believe that immunomodulators and multivitamins can help the child’s body create a protective barrier against various viruses and infections. There is some truth in this, but the main component is the independent production of antibodies and the active fight against pathogenic bacteria that can enter the child’s body anywhere and everywhere. To strengthen the immune system, parents should accustom their child to the correct regimen, healthy eating and hardening. Below we will look at how this can be done.


In order for a child to grow healthy and strong, he should not be overworked and exhausted, otherwise the body will be weak and susceptible to infections. Plays an important role in this. How much should a baby sleep to strengthen his immunity and restore strength?

Sleep standards for children from 1 year to 9 years:

  • Children from one to three years old . On average, babies should sleep 12-14 hours. Wherein nap required. It should last at least 2-3 hours a day. If the child sleeps less than an hour, then he should be put to bed twice a day.
  • From three to six years. Children need to spend 12 hours sleeping. But, daytime sleep can be reduced to an hour.
  • From six to eight years. Sleep should be 10-11 hours a day. It is advisable that children sleep for at least 1 hour during the day.
  • From the age of 9 . Daytime naps can be canceled or left at the child’s request.

You should try to put your baby to sleep during the day so that he does not wake up after sunset. Doctors have long noted that children who wake up after sunset are more tearful and have a harder time returning to normal after sleep.


Without physical activity It will not be possible to strengthen your immune system. Therefore, you should definitely stretch all the muscles of your body after a night's sleep. Charging should take at least 15 minutes a day. Thanks to exercises, not only muscles, but also internal organs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, become toned.

Walks in the open air

Without fresh air, a child cannot feel cheerful, so it is important to go for a walk with your child every day. Regardless of the time of year, even newborn babies must get used to environment. Thanks to fresh air, the child’s lungs and nose are cleansed, and the skin is saturated with moisture. Parents must clearly understand that walking with their baby is required condition to strengthen the body.

  • Children from 0 to 1 year you need to walk at least an hour a day. It is better to accustom newborns to the street in doses, starting from 15 minutes, and gradually increase the intervals.
  • From one to three years You should walk at least 2 hours a day. If the weather is unfavorable or frosty, walks can be divided into morning and afternoon walks of an hour each.
  • From three to six years - This preschool period. The kids are already starting to go to kindergarten. But when returning home, it is better to devote at least 30 minutes to fresh air.


The very word “hardening” often causes anxiety and fear among parents that their baby will get sick after the procedures. This is not at all true if you approach this matter with knowledge of all the subtleties. A child’s body will be strong only if its immunity can fight bacteria on its own. Hardening is an ideal method for developing strong immunity in a baby. It is recommended to start hardening a child from the age of one year, when he is more or less physically stronger.

  • Wiping handles with water room temperature . On initial stage hardening this will be enough. The procedure must be repeated for at least 5 days for 3 minutes.
  • Wiping hands and feet. This should be done with water at room temperature for about 5 days for 5 minutes.
  • Contrast rubdown. Optimal temperature bathing children 30-32 degrees. You should wipe the baby with a sponge or mitten, and then lower the temperature by one degree every week to 22-20 C.
  • Cold and hot shower. If the child tolerates rubbing well, you can start dousing. The water should be 32 degrees at the beginning of the procedure, and then gradually decrease to 20-18 degrees.
  • Foot baths. Place two buckets of water. In one bucket the water temperature is 34 C, and in the other 25 C. After a week, you can lower the water temperature in the second bucket by a couple of degrees. But this type of hardening is possible when the child is already prepared for this, having gone through the above stages of hardening.

Hardening is useful and healthy. But you need to be patient and systematically engage in these procedures. Although they are monotonous, they are very useful.


To increase immunity, great attention should be paid to the nutrition of the baby, since the main condition for the formation of strong immunity is the intestines. Its lymphoid apparatus contains most of the immune cells. What foods should be in a baby's diet?

To strengthen the immune system, your child’s menu should include:

  • Squirrels . The most a large number of protein is found in meat. Toddlers and children under 7 years old are recommended to prepare dishes from easily digestible turkey, chicken and veal meat.
  • Vegetables . Broccoli and squash are especially useful for babies from 9 months. They contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which protects the body from external environmental aggression. Equally beneficial for the immune system are dishes made from fresh carrots, which contain a huge amount of keratin. Any vegetables are good for a growing body. It is important to feed children potatoes in moderation, because they contain a lot of starch, and this is not very healthy for a child’s stomach.
  • Fruits . Citrus fruits contain vitamin C and carotene. If the child is not allergic to oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, they should be included in the child’s menu. in moderation. Iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and B can be found in apples, cherries, bananas, and kiwi. The usefulness of fruits is that children like them, are easily digestible, are good antioxidants and cleanse the child’s intestines.
  • Dairy . Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese. These products are a source of calcium and microelements.

Helpful advice on organization healthy eating gives Olga Romanova in the book “Immunity without drugs”:

Foods that weaken the immune system high content sugar, so it is much healthier for health to replace sweets and cakes with sweets of natural origin - dried dates, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and other dried fruits. It is very important to prevent systematic entry of toxic substances into the body. It is better not to use tap water for cooking (or install a water purification filter in the kitchen). Water for cleaning is subjected to chlorination and, in combination with other impurities (for example, rust), can cause tangible harm health.

Traditional medicine recipes to improve immunity in children

The baby’s immunity “works” around the clock, protecting him from infection. You can strengthen your child's body with traditional medicine. Before using any traditional medicine recipes to treat a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

Juice recipe to increase immunity and hemoglobin

Mix the juices of the following products:

  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Apples – 2 pcs.
  • Beetroot (medium size) – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Three teaspoons of honey.

Take the prepared cocktail in 4-5 doses 15-20 minutes before eating. Take this mixture for 5-7 days.

Brewed tea recipe to strengthen the immune system

Children, like adults, love nice smell. Tea made from mint petals, lemon balm with the addition of linden blossom and 1 tsp. honey has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. This drink is useful not only for kids, but also for parents.

Recipe for vitamin decoction of apples

This recipe has a general strengthening effect. To prepare it, you need to cut the apple into slices and boil in a glass of water in a water bath for no more than 10-12 minutes. Then add a little honey, tincture of orange or lemon peels. If desired, you can dilute the resulting liquid with brewed tea.

Parents can also purchase herbal teas for children. They contain useful herbs such as: echinacea, St. John's wort, ginseng, fireweed, oregano herbs, etc. All these components contribute to the natural strengthening of the baby's body

What medications are prescribed to strengthen the immune system?

All pediatricians in the world warn parents that immunity-boosting medications (immunomodulators) do not affect the entire body, but only parts of the immune system. Such methods are necessary for those children who tend to get sick often or have severe illnesses (with complications). But such modulators do not build the immune system of children, but only temporarily protect the child’s body from viruses and bacteria.

The best remedies for immunity are not actually pills, tinctures or injections, but rather the cessation of exposure to factors that weaken protective forces body in a child or adult.

Immunomodulators are:

  • Plant origin. These include preparations made from plants that have a beneficial effect on the baby’s immune system (ginseng, Kalanchoe, hawthorn, aloe, etc.) herbal ingredients make the following medications: Dr. Theiss, Immunal, Immunoplus etc. They are usually prescribed for the prevention of diseases.
  • Animal origin. This kind of medicine is obtained from the internal organs of pigs and cattle. These include the following drugs: Timalin, Vilosen, Thymogen, Immunofan etc. Medicines of animal origin are used for serious diseases. They are prescribed along with antibiotics.
  • Microbial origin. These are drugs that contain fragments of cells of certain bacteria. Such medications stimulate the child’s immune system through pathogens that are included in the medications. These include: Bronchomunal, IRS-19, Imudon, Likopid etc. Pediatricians prescribe this kind of medication only for the prevention of diseases when the baby is healthy, but tends to catch colds often.

A child’s immune system directly depends on the life factors surrounding him, so you should take care of the baby’s health in advance!

A good and strong immune system is the key to protecting the body from external infections. Immunodeficiency is the first sign of a weak immune system; in this case, the baby is exposed to a large number of infections.

There are a large number of reasons why the immune system malfunctions: inappropriate living conditions, all kinds of stress, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases and poor diet.

In order to maintain a strong immune system, doctors around the world advise monitoring your diet. During the period when the temperature drops outside, take vitamins and immunostimulants.

Depending on age, the immune system has its own developmental characteristics. Unlike adults, children are more susceptible to viruses and infections. From the first minute of life, immunoglobulin enters the child’s body. During mother's milk lactation, it helps support the immune system in newborns. And in this regard, doctors strongly recommend breastfeeding the child as much as possible, and not using various artificial formulas.

To strengthen the immune system, try to breastfeed for at least 6-8 months as it is an ideal food for newborns. It contains enzymes, hormones, nutrients for the development of the child and ideally promotes easy absorption in the baby's body. Milk also contains substances that help fight diseases; those who are breastfed are less likely to get sick and susceptible to infections such as diarrhea and pneumonia.

Causes of colds

During the development of the fetus in the womb, class G immunoglobulins are transferred to the baby with the mother’s blood. During the first six months after birth, all immunoglobulins themselves are not produced and therefore children begin to get sick more often if they are not breastfed. Children begin producing their own immunoglobulin after 6 years of age. While going to kindergarten and school, the child is exposed to great risk encountering various infections and colds. In this regard, routine vaccinations are carried out, which help to resist bronchitis, ARVI, jaundice, measles, influenza, etc.

Many parents wonder why some children run through puddles and care nothing for them, but their child, after drinking cool water, lies with a stuffy nose and fever in the evening? This depends on the strength of the nonspecific immunity. At an early age, children are vaccinated against chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases. But vaccination does not provide protection against sore throat, bronchitis, and otitis media, since it is the nonspecific immune system that provides protection against these diseases.

An important factor in a strong immune system is the nutrition of children. Parents should include vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. If you do not adhere to this rule, it can lead to a decrease in the immune system. Nutrition should include products of plant and animal origin.

It is important to maintain correct emotional atmosphere in family. If parents lead wrong image life and often swear, this will negatively affect mental state baby. A child should be surrounded by love, affection and care from people close to him.

Congenital or acquired diseases, such as gastritis and dysbacteriosis, tonsillitis and pneumonia, negatively affect the immune system.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child over 4 years old

Basic rules for strengthening the immune system:

  • proper nutrition
  • taking multivitamin complexes and medications
  • minimizing stressful situations
  • hardening
  • clothes for the weather
  • daily walks in the fresh air
  • active lifestyle

Hardening can begin with contrast shower. The procedure should be done alternately, first with cool water and then with warm water. Once a week you can reduce the water temperature by one degree, keep in mind that each procedure must end with warm water. But if the child was born healthy, then hardening can begin from the first year of life. Breasts can be rubbed with a sponge. At the end of the procedure, we wipe the child dry and dress him in warm clothes.

At 5 years old, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. Vegetables and fruits should be present in large quantities in food. Your daily diet should include foods that contain: vitamins A, C, E, groups B, D, as well as potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and iodine. Every day the child must receive minerals, proteins and vitamins with food.

Make sure that at the age of 5 your child drinks herbal teas and black, green teas. Freshly squeezed juices and juices with pulp are especially useful. Rosehip tea contains a huge amount of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other elements that have a positive effect on the quality of the child’s immune system.

At the age of 6, before the baby goes to school, you need to be safe from vulnerability to colds and take a course of multivitamins.

Every day, starting from the first day of life, the child should be in the fresh air for at least one hour.

We try to start every morning with active image life. In the morning after a light breakfast, 5-10 minutes should be devoted to exercise. Walking barefoot on the grass, pebbles at sea or just in the apartment has a positive effect on the baby's immune system.

Periods of formation of the body's protective properties

The first 28–30 days of a baby’s life are critical. At this time, the immune system is at risk from the outside world. During these first 30 days, the baby is protected only by maternal antibodies.

From 3 to 6 months the second critical period passes. Children are often exposed to ARVI and intestinal diseases.

The third period of formation of the immune system occurs in the second year of life. To get acquainted with the outside world, the child’s immune system has not yet fully formed, so the body is faced with viral infections.

Methods to strengthen immunity

Starting from the age of three, the fourth critical period of the formation of allergic and chronic diseases begins.

Include honey, lemon, onion, and garlic in your baby’s diet. They protect the body from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and sore throat.

Let's look at several recipes to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. Viruses are wary of acidic environments. If possible, consume more juices from lemons, radishes, etc.

  1. Apricot compote with raisins. IN summer time Make your baby a compote from one kilogram of apricot and two tablespoons of raisins. Boil all these ingredients in five liters of water. Cool and give to the child instead of water.
  2. Garlic. It contains a lot of vitamins. If you eat one or two cloves of garlic every three days, this will reduce the risk of diseases in your child. And since not all children like garlic, you can put garlic juice in your nose; it copes well with a runny nose.
  3. Tea with lemon is healthy drink on every day. Parents, keep in mind that the lemon peel does not need to be cut off. It contains a large amount of vitamins and essential oils.
  4. Healing juice of radish and carrots. Radish juice and carrot juice are each beneficial in their own way. But if you combine them, it turns out great. vitamin cocktail. To make this cocktail tastier for your child, you can add honey and lemon juice according to your taste. Your baby will be delighted with this drink.
  5. Pollen. Flower pollen is excellent for strengthening the immune system. This beekeeping product should be taken morning and evening, one teaspoon. Just keep one thing in mind, if your child is allergic to bee products, then this recipe is not for your baby.
  6. It is useful to drink a drink made from aloe and honey. We will need 150 grams of aloe juice and 250 grams of honey, mix all this and add the juice of five to six lemons. You need to put this drink in the refrigerator for at least two hours. You should take it once a day, one teaspoon.
  7. Decoction of rose hips. Rose hips can be added to tea, and you can also make a decoction from them. Rosehip decoction perfectly strengthens the immune system and also cleanses the kidneys.
  8. A decoction of dried rowan. The process of preparing the decoction is simple, take one tablespoon and pour a glass of water. You need to boil it all for 10 minutes. Let the broth sit overnight. You need to take the decoction half an hour before meals, 2 teaspoons three times a day. This decoction can also be made from hawthorn and cranberries. From these berries, your child’s body will be completely saturated with vitamins. You can add honey, but do not forget that it is not added to the hot broth.
  9. Kalina. Viburnum berries contain not only a huge supply of vitamins, but also a natural red dye that makes viruses lose consciousness. Mix the ground twenty berries with a spoonful of honey. All this is filled with boiled warm water. It is better to drink the infusion at night as it also improves the child’s sleep.
  10. Fish oil capsule three times a day. You can add lard to your diet - it is an excellent immunostimulant.

At frequent illnesses the child consumes twice as many vitamins and minerals. For this reason, you need to undergo a health complex of vitamin therapy. Stick to a sleep schedule and proper diet nutrition.

Health to your children!


- just a disaster. It’s always hard to watch how your perpetual motion machine turns into a sluggish quiet person who is not interested in toys, treats, or even your favorite cartoons. But, alas, there is no childhood without runny nose, cough and fever.

The child’s body has a number of characteristics that predispose to high risk morbidity. These are the so-called critical periods development, when an increasing level of metabolism, aimed at ensuring intensive growth and weight of the child, leads to a decrease in defense reserves, or, more simply, a decrease in immunity. Periods of intensive child growth, as a rule, occur between the ages of 4 and 6 years, from 11 to 12 years, and from 16 to 17 years. During these periods, children are likely to get sick more often.

However, boosting a child’s immunity and teaching the child’s body to resist various viruses and infections is within the power of every mother.

It is enough to follow 5 simple rules to achieve what you want. It is important to fulfill two conditions. Maximum effect guaranteed if:

  1. All specified rules are observed simultaneously, which gives the basic setting for the formation the right image life in the future.
  2. Have patience. Increasing immunity is painstaking, long and systematic work. But the result is worth it: the child will get sick less often, and if something happens, he will cope with the illness more easily.

Lydia Matush

It is fundamentally important to start taking care of the child’s health at the planning stage. Stress, poor diet, lack of vitamins, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and even infections that the mother suffered during pregnancy are not in the best possible way will affect her child’s immunity. So, before preparing for conscious parenting, it makes sense to review key points your lifestyle, get tested for infections and undergo treatment if necessary. A child's immune system develops on average until the age of 6 before it reaches the level of the adult immune system. At an early age - up to 3-4 months - children, as a rule, rarely get sick: their mother’s antibodies still protect their immunity from external infections. Gradually, the amount of maternal antibodies decreases, and the child’s body begins to produce its own antibodies. If we talk in simple language, the ability of these antibodies to recognize and neutralize the infection most often implies the strength of the immune system. You can increase the body's resistance through vaccination and creating appropriate conditions for the life and development of the baby.

Rule one: a nutritious, varied diet is the first step to strengthening the immune system.

If possible, try for at least six months. In this case, all other things being equal, the child’s immunity is supported by immunoglobulins (antibodies), which are present in mother's milk. The highest immune effect is found in colostrum - the very first thick breast milk, which contains a large amount of antibodies.

In the future, an important component children's menu should become dairy products. Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk foods contain probiotics - lacto- and bifidobacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and normalize the digestion process. Daily consumption of fermented milk products has a positive effect on the child’s immune system.

But in consumption of sugar, on the contrary, the baby should be limited. According to experts, excessive sugar consumption reduces the body's ability to fight viruses and germs by 40 percent. And we’re not just talking about candies, chocolate or pure sugar. There is more than enough of it in seemingly harmless juices and the same yoghurts with additives. Therefore, when purchasing products for children's table, study the composition especially carefully and give preference to those with minimal or no sugar content. What has no place at all in a child’s diet, especially with weak immunity, so these are chips, carbonated drinks and any fast food.

A special place in a child’s diet is given to vegetables and fruits. They are useful in any form, but especially raw. At the same time, you should not chase overseas delights in your desire to diversify your child’s menu. On the contrary, it is generally not recommended to give exotic vegetables, fruits and berries to children under 3 years of age. It is better to put off mangoes, avocados, pomelo, kiwi, pineapples, papaya, citrus fruits and even bananas for a while, but then introduce them into the menu gradually and little by little. Exotic foods can not only be hard on the child’s stomach, but also cause allergic reaction. So it’s better to minimize the risk and rely on local vegetables and fruits.

If your baby doesn’t have a special love for vegetables and fruits, show your imagination: plan carrots, cucumbers, beets funny figures, wrap from cabbage and lettuce flowers. Make eating vegetables not only healthy, but also fun. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming: the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables and fruits will significantly strengthen your child’s immunity.

Rule two: healthy sleep increases the body's resistance

Do you know what a sleep-deprived child is? Crying, mood swings, irritability - what lies on the surface. If you look deeper, it turns out that lack of sleep affects not only the child’s mental comfort, but also his overall health. Children who don't get enough sleep regularly are more susceptible to illness. For excellent health, newborns and children up to 6 months need a total of up to 18 hours of good sleep per day, babies up to 1.5 years old - 12-13 hours, children from 2 to 7 years old - at least 10-11 hours.

Of course, all children are different: some are already running out of energy by 8 pm, others cannot be put to sleep even at 11 pm. However, try to ensure optimal mode days in which the child will not experience sleep deficiency. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time in the morning. Correct mode day can significantly strengthen the child’s immune system.

Lydia Matush

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases of BSMU

Parents often overlook one important point: preparing their child for kindergarten. The regime in this sense is almost of paramount importance. Judge for yourself: while the mother is on leave to care for the baby, she, with the best intentions, can allow him to sleep longer: until 9-10 o’clock in the morning. Right up until the very day when it’s time for her to go to work, and for the child to go to kindergarten. Now everyone gets up at 7, or even earlier. Stress? Of course, stress. Such changes in the usual way of life can also affect a decrease in the child’s immunity. In addition to getting enough sleep with a specific schedule, the optimal daily routine for strengthening the immune system also involves walking in the fresh air. And in any weather. At least 2-3 hours! The only exception is children under 10 months - 1 year. They don’t need to be taken out for a walk if the air temperature is below 15 degrees and it’s windy. But even in this case, there is a way out: a daytime nap in a stroller on the balcony, for example.

Rule three: cold water is a friend of the immune system

If you harden a child from birth, his immunity will be much higher. When swaddling or changing a diaper, don't be afraid to hold your newborn for a few minutes without clothes. Gradually increase the time taken air baths, bringing it to 30 minutes a day by six months. When the child grows up, you can move on to more daring procedures, for example, a contrast shower. Its effectiveness lies in the difference in water temperatures. It is the contrast that hardens and has a beneficial effect on improving the immune system and increases the body's resistance. You should start hardening your child, regardless of whether he has a weak or strong immune system, with small temperature changes, watering only the baby’s feet. The duration of the contrast shower is 2-3 minutes.

Lydia Matush

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases of BSMU

Hardening is not the same as extreme. It is equally irresponsible and even dangerous to plunge a newborn baby into an ice hole or hide it from the slightest breath of wind. The main thing in hardening is gradualness and regularity. And air baths and washing cold water– these are all elements of hardening. They should not be neglected as insignificant. In a certain sense, cold is a friend of the immune system. Rinsing your nose with cold water magically eliminates a runny nose and increases the body's resistance to respiratory infections. And the favorite children's treat - ice cream, if eaten a little at a time, in small pieces - is a great “trainer” for the throat. An important element in hardening is dressing the child according to the weather, without unnecessary wrapping. Many parents, for example, instead of teaching their child to breathe correctly through his nose outside, believe that on a frosty or windy day he should be protected as much as possible from the effects of external temperatures. That's why they even cover his face woolen scarves and scarves so that only the eyes are visible. It is not right! The child breathes, condensation settles on the fibers of the scarf. This ends up making it even colder. Bacteria and viruses do not disappear anywhere when it comes to such protection during the rise of respiratory infections. Their child breathes back in. And if the mother, moreover, does not wash the scarf every day, then the next day she will actually cover the baby’s face with a breeding ground for infections. Even the strongest immunity is not always able to withstand such “care”.

Rule four: physical education lessons for children and adults

Physically active children, and this has been established for certain, get sick less often than their peers, and grow stronger and more resilient. Find an activity for your child that he will like and sign him up for the section. It doesn’t matter what it will be: team sports or dancing, athletics or martial arts, swimming or trampolining, the main thing is that the child’s eyes sparkle and he attends training with pleasure. Make morning exercises an integral part of your child's daily routine. This is one of basic rules to maintain and enhance immunity in both children and adults.

By the way, nothing stimulates a child to be active and healthy image life as an example own parents. If you want your baby to grow up healthy, get rid of it yourself. bad habits. It has been proven that children of smoking mothers and fathers suffer from bronchitis more often, catch infections more easily and are more susceptible to diseases nervous system, since they are more susceptible to harmful effects passive smoking. So your own image life directly affects the lifestyle and health of your child.

Lydia Matush

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases of BSMU

More than once I have seen how parents drive their children in their private cars to kindergarten and school. Of course, now the century is different, and the pace of life is more intense, and a car is no longer a luxury, but almost a necessity and big city, and in the village. But human needs for movement, physical activity however they remain the same. Unfortunately, we often deprive ourselves of the opportunity to realize them. When parents complain that their child flatly refuses to do gymnastics in the morning, everything free time spends time in front of the TV or on a tablet, I ask: “Do you exercise yourself in the morning? How do you spend your leisure time?” And the answer, as a rule, is always obvious. In a family where parents are active, by definition there cannot be passive children. Before demanding that they behave correctly in all senses, it’s a good idea to look at yourself from the outside: children are our reflection. And the example of how we, adults, take care of our own health is much more authoritative than thousands of correct words and instructions from our lips.

Rule five: screaming kills the immune system

Nothing undermines a child's health more than stress. If a baby grows up in an atmosphere constant quarrels and conflicts, his body loses its ability to resist viruses and bacteria. It has been scientifically proven that a bad mood, feelings of resentment or fear reduce a person’s immunity, while laughter and joy, on the contrary, improve health. For good immunity It is important for a child to be in a calm psycho-emotional atmosphere at home, in kindergarten or school. So try not to clarify your adult problems in front of your child, do not take out your grievances, fatigue and irritation on him, protect him as much as possible from negative emotions, and he will definitely thank you with a healthy and happy smile.

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