100 days from the date of the wedding. wedding years - Crown wedding

Every year after the wedding, the couple celebrate beautiful holidays - wedding anniversaries. And if the first anniversaries are celebrated on a grand scale, inviting many guests, then subsequent ones are usually held in a narrow family circle. But such a date as the 100th wedding anniversary should not be left without attention, because not everyone manages to celebrate such an anniversary. What is the name of a hundred year wedding anniversary? Platinum, because such strong relationship strong and expensive, like this metal!

Do you think it is difficult to live up to such a beautiful holiday?! In vain, as an example: the spouses Agayev from Azerbaijan (she turned 116 years old on the day of the anniversary, and he turned 126!). It was they who gave the second name to the 100th platinum anniversary - the red wedding, which is firmly entrenched in this holiday! What to give relatives for such a unique holiday? How can it be carried out? This and other information about wedding anniversaries by years will be gladly provided to you by the Svadbagolik.ru portal.

How to celebrate a 100 year wedding?

The 100th wedding anniversary should be celebrated in the family circle, which should be attended by all generations: from anniversaries to the youngest - grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There are no special requirements for holding such a holiday, but since this anniversary is called a platinum or red wedding, it is advisable to decorate the space decorative elements in red. It can be a white tablecloth with red patterns, red napkins, etc.

As a drink for such a holiday, you should choose red wine - it not only fits perfectly into color scheme holiday, but also has a beneficial effect on health, which is important for anniversaries.

What is a wedding without entertainment?! If your relatives have lived 100 years together, then you can spend interesting game“Remember”: let the spouses answer questions about their moments life together! Such entertainment will amuse all the guests and allow the spouses to plunge into the past moments of happiness and joy! But it is better to refuse noisy games and dances - such violent entertainment can tire the “newlyweds”.

What to wear to your 100th birthday?

On the 100th wedding anniversary, you can wear a variety of outfits: from dresses to suits. It is desirable that they contain red in the form of embroidery or individual elements, after all, 100 years lived together, symbolizes red as well as possible - the color of love! And what wedding many years ago could take place without this wonderful feeling!

What to give spouses?

What wedding anniversary is complete without gifts, especially a 100-year anniversary?! And all relatives and friends have a question: “What to give?”. Since this wedding anniversary is called platinum, then as gifts you should pay attention to products from this precious metal, because it is customary to give symbols of this holiday for wedding anniversaries, as, for example, silver jewelry and interior items are given for a silver wedding. For 100 years of marriage, you can give:

  • Chain with pendant.
  • Bracelets for spouses.
  • Rings (you can even arrange a symbolic exchange of rings, and the old wedding rings put in a box and give to descendants as a family heirloom).

In addition, you can buy symbolic gizmos with platinum inserts or red stones. For example, elderly spouses will be happy:

  • souvenir dishes;
  • a beautiful candlestick;
  • nominal spoons, etc.

As you remember, the 100th anniversary is also called red. Its second name may tell you what other gifts can be presented to anniversaries. For example:

  • textiles with red elements: a set of towels, a tablecloth and napkins, bed sheets etc.;
  • a headscarf for the wife and a pocket square for the husband.

In addition, for 100 years, you can present their spouses joint photo from youth or from a wedding, beautifully framed in mahogany. You will touch them to the core, the portal www.svadbagolik.ru is sure!

The centennial anniversary is so rare that it is almost impossible to find mention of it in everyday life, but folk wisdom knows that nothing is impossible, so every anniversary - from the first to the hundredth - has its own figurative and capacious name.

Still, there are few examples of celebrating 100 years of marriage. What it is after a century of living together, you can see in the table, which is compiled by year. And in it it is called - Red or Platinum, which means very beautiful and very rare. Living together for so many years is wonderful.

In Europe, the 70th wedding anniversary is known under the name platinum, and the 100-year-old has no name at all.

Their marriages are concluded later, and in very old age parents are rarely left to live in a family, preferring to take them to a boarding house or a nursing home, which is essentially the same thing.

Per recent times only one 100- summer anniversary wedding, which took place in Azerbaijan almost 12 years ago, which was covered by mass media, but did not get into any books of records, and this is sad. Even if this is not an absolute record, the fact that the spouses have lived together for a century from the day of their wedding deserves the loudest and most beautiful holiday in their life and inclusion in any list of record holders compiled in the social aspect.

AT modern life even the golden wedding became a rarity, because marriages began to take place later, and divorces became much more frequent.

But even before there were few such examples, therefore, special traditions of celebrating 100 years married life no, and those that are, can be used depending on the situation.

It is better to develop a scenario individually and hold a celebration that is not forgotten for both the anniversaries and the guests present.

It is difficult to give special recommendations, because the spouses must be at least 115 years old at this point, and it is not known what their state of health is, whether they realize the importance of what is happening, whether they can move independently. At this age, remaining in the mind and sound memory is already a rarity, and not getting sick with anything is even more rare.

Usually this is a holiday for family members, which is attended by several generations, but the venue for the anniversary is chosen independently, depending on the financial condition.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

Of the indispensable attributes of the celebration, only the most mandatory can be indicated, everything else depends on the accompanying circumstances. Traditionally, on such a day there is an indispensable red or White color in the design, and the number 100 must be present everywhere:

  • festive red and white balloons (in the amount of 101, and 101 of both red and white can be used), if the holiday is planned to be pompous and takes place in a large room (balloons can be supplemented satin ribbons or beautiful bows in the desired range);
  • flower bouquets in red and white shades, although pink is also allowed as a symbol of marital tenderness;
  • the number 100, made in any form, is present above the entrance to the room, and in the interior, above the heads of the spouses sitting at the table;
  • are sure to be distributed wedding invitations which can be kept as a memento (very beautiful postcards with text, factory or hand drawn, Stuffed Toys with the number 100 attached, engraved souvenirs or symbolic tokens);
  • the clothes of the newlyweds are designed in red and white colors or symbolically supplemented with any red attribute (a flower in the buttonhole of a jacket, a silk ribbon with numbers, or the inscription 100 years of marriage, a medal on a ribbon hung around the neck indicating the reason for the celebration;
  • a huge (or small, depending on the number of guests) cake, on which there is an image of hearts or symbolic figures of a husband and wife;
  • the table is decorated with white dishes, red napkins, a tablecloth and ribbons (you can do the opposite, but you will have to look for red dishes);
  • placed on plates name cards indicating the degree of kinship or proximity of the guest to the anniversaries, and this is also a memorable souvenir;
  • at the request of those present, you can light 101 candles on the festive table or cake, or set off fireworks when you go outside.

How to congratulate spouses to friends and relatives

The main thing is to congratulate with all my heart. In this sense, videos dedicated to spouses, their joint portrait are perfect ( great idea- order the artist from a photograph), hand-made gifts or (for very wealthy descendants) - platinum rings that are presented to spouses before the celebration or put on in a separately thought-out ceremony already in the process of the feast.

An approximate scenario for celebrating 100 years of family life together should include several points that you simply cannot do without on this day:

  • congratulations to the anniversaries, which is said by each of the guests or a representative individual family, which is present at the anniversary (very touching when a child does this);
  • presenting gifts (if there are a lot of guests, in both cases, the host who leads this ceremony is appropriate so that it does not drag on and turn into turmoil;
  • cutting the cake and distributing it to the guests (if candles are burning, you can blow them out to everyone at the same time and make a wish, on this occasion it will certainly come true);
  • solemn introduction of the favorite dish of the spouses, which they choose together, and it should be very beautifully decorated;
  • holiday competitions that may be of interest to anniversaries (the most extravagant dance, reading poems written on the occasion, a competition for the best memory for the years lived together).

The next of kin should make sure that all the necessary attributes are present.

Although in modern conditions the arrangement of the celebration can be entrusted to a company that deals with different holidays who knows the peculiarities of such weddings and is aware of the attributes and subtleties appropriate for the occasion.

The main idea of ​​a gift on this day is to express your feelings and gratitude for the years you have lived together, so it is not particularly important what exactly they give to each other, the main thing is that the item gives pleasure to your beloved half. Usually this decoration special meaning, which the anniversaries exchange, and then put on for the holiday.

Platinum jewelry or inexpensive red beads, cufflinks and a locket - at this age, any gift has a deep symbolic meaning for them.


There are no special gift ideas for this day. Usually, spouses are given warm and cozy household items, children and grandchildren can traditionally give the newlyweds clothes appropriate for the ceremony (parents at this age rarely have the strength to go shopping to choose their festive things).

Recently there has been a trend to give natural products from sheepskin, cotton, linen, so that the elderly in them feel as comfortable and convenient as possible. When presenting any gift, the guests must certainly have a bouquet of flowers in the colors prescribed by the occasion.

The bouquet has special requirements A: It must be original and lovingly chosen. Usually give beautiful compositions, flower baskets, imitations wedding bouquets in red and white, or pink and red tones, author's works of flowers, fruits and additional accessories.

Since anniversaries are deeply elderly people, they are given a comfortable and warm clothes or household items to create maximum comfort.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

You can come up with them yourself or borrow them on special sites if you don’t have a poetic gift:

  1. Century you are already together

But you are beautiful as a bride!

And you, like that groom, are dangerous,

Your marriage is truly wonderful!

We wish you with all our hearts

To be just as good!

And ten years later with you again

A toast to happiness and love!

  1. Our dear ones

You have reached the record:

Today in your family

Platinum Accord!

You have been in the family for a whole century,

Wife and spouse.

More health for you

Happiness without separation!

  1. Today the world will be surprised once again:

Together 100 years - not everyone is much!

You are the ideal of family happiness,

May your life remain beautiful

Let the people around bring only joy,

May old age remain healthy and peaceful.

It is better to make congratulations in prose short and write it down in advance. not to look for words in the process, but to give pleasure to the anniversaries.

Original and practical gifts

On this day, it is better to give useful and practical gifts, although you can also give a work of art that will remain in the family and will remind you of a rare and beautiful holiday experienced on this occasion.

Close relatives and friends can donate money if they know the unfulfilled dreams of the anniversaries, for the implementation of which there is not enough a certain amount. Perhaps these funds are needed for sanatorium treatment, going to the theater or to a concert.

Such a gift can be placed in a beautifully decorated envelope in the form of a red bouquet of your favorite flowers. If comfort is not enough cozy soft blanket then you can donate it. Each time, hiding with him, the spouses will remember the donor. a good gift becomes a tablecloth, a towel.

If anniversaries want to keep up with the times, then they will be pleased to receive something from household appliances as a gift. It can be a new TV, a vacuum cleaner, a slow cooker, an iron or a meat grinder. The main thing is that they need this item.

Here you will learn how to celebrate the 100th wedding anniversary and what to give to the anniversaries:

A 100th wedding anniversary is a wonderful and rare event that few manage to live to see and even just attend it. What do you think about this? Share with us, please, your opinion.

The most worthy wedding anniversary is considered to be a red wedding. Currently, only one couple has been registered, who lived up to centenary weddings - married couple from Azerbaijan.

It was there that they came up with the name of the wedding anniversary of 100 years - red wedding. Why exactly red? The fact is that in the old days the word “red” was used to describe everything beautiful, unusual, desirable.

Spouses who have lived 100 years together can have no doubts about the correct choice of a life partner, because together they live not life, but an eternity.

Red wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary of 100 years

As such celebration traditions wedding anniversary 100 years does not exist, but, based on the fact that the name contains red, the color of the celebration should be a red tint.

The red color should be present everywhere: in the clothes of the spouses, in the design of the hall.

Be sure to order a cake that will be decorated with red flowers. From alcoholic beverages on the table in without fail wine must be present: in the old days it was believed that it was red wine that had a beneficial effect on health.

The entire organization of the holiday is taken over by children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The ceremonial program can include a show family video, which will consist of joint photos taken from the family archive.

Try to play the memory game with your spouses, see how much they remember important dates his married life. Try to have the spouses tell on this day young generation the whole history of the family, because each of us should know this.

What to give your spouse for a red wedding?

What to give your spouse, celebrating the wedding 100 years later? On this day, the husband should give his beloved wife jewelry with large red stones, as well as a bouquet of roses, which are a symbol of eternal love.

The gift must be sincere, because, despite all the difficulties, hardships, the couple lived 100 years together. An unforgettable gift for both spouses will be the exchange of old wedding rings for new rings. Old rings must be put in a box for further inheritance to grandchildren.

What to give for a red wedding if you are a guest

Have you been invited as a guest for your 100th wedding anniversary and you don't know what to give your spouses? A gift for a red wedding can be: tableware, Appliances, red interior items and much more. On this anniversary, it is customary for a woman to give flowers and sweets. You can also print a photo of the spouses in a large format and order a mahogany frame for it.

You can ask the spouses that they would like to receive a gift for their wedding anniversary, but usually at this age few people appreciate material gifts, mostly older people appreciate the attention paid to them by children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. That's why the best gift good for spouses organized holiday where the whole family will attend.

Serious date, big anniversary,
We heartily congratulate you
You turned a hundred years old, our bow to you,
We only wish you good health!

For all of us always and in everything you are an example,
Seen so much in a century
We wish you many more years to live
We ask God for this.

A hundred years is a long time! One hundred years is awesome!
A hundred years is a glorious, great jubilee.
We wish you happiness, health, comfort.
And next to only devoted, true friends.

May you have everything you want.
Let dreams come true with each other.
Another three hundred years you live in the world.
Be loved by children and family.

We wish you light. We wish you peace.
We wish you eternal youth in your eyes.
So that the sky keeps from troubles and sorrows,
So as not to lose fire and fuse.

100 years is an unimaginably great number these days! But you lived your life worthily, were a witness and participant in many historical events who completely changed the way of life. However, you remained strong man who knows how to enjoy life and has a philosophical attitude to all the vicissitudes of fate, finding in them a lot of pluses and reasons for joy. We wish you to live for many, many more years surrounded by your big family who appreciates you and loves you very much. Happy anniversary!

You have lived for a century
Our dear person!
We are very proud of you
You are beautiful, by the way!

You have a heart of gold
Very good, great.
Your hands are not simple -
They are gold too!

And gray hairs and wrinkles,
as if fashion news -
Your age, only decorate,
We are made to be proud!

You live a long, long time
Start dancing with delight
Play pranks, frolic,
In childhood, plunge into a fairy tale!

We have no more doubts
You are a unique person!
After all, 100 beautiful long years
You please this light.

No matter how trite it sounds,
We want to wish you good health.
It is relevant for any age.
We wish you many more years of life and prosperity.

May the days be filled with care
Relatives and people close to you,
And all desires are fulfilled
And your heart will be happy!

So the steward crept up to you
Invisible walking.
We will celebrate the anniversary
Friendly, happy family.

After all, a century happens
Only once in life.
So let this holiday
You will remember this hour.

Added health
Every year again and again.
May it reign for you forever
Grandchildren and children love.

Far, far beyond the mountains
Where dawns are born again
Where the fog spoke to the sky
Love was born and awakened.

Our years run and go
But love, you're always young
Timeless, wandering
Making you forget about the years.

Let a lot of them rush past,
These years, only as they say:
We wish you to start
To live another hundred and fifty.

Let the Siberian be healthy
Longevity Caucasian let
Let everything be done with love,
Transience will hide sadness.

Let sometimes it owns us
But amid the turmoil and deeds,
May the soul grow younger every day
And any year is not the limit.

We are celebrating our 100th anniversary
He gathered his relatives and friends in a close circle.
You are a very wise person
After all, you are subject to a whole century!

Today honor and praise to you,
Great, let things go
And we believe that another 200 years
We will be by your side together!

To live a hundred years is not a field to cross,
Although, it's not that much.
Another hundred for such a soul,
And just right there would be that road.

We also wish the next hundred years,
Live only in joy and light,
So that there are no adversities or troubles,
So that only holidays, smiles, grandchildren, children ...

A hundred years for many is only a desire,
And you have crossed that line.
And a very respectable age
You saved the joy of life.

Linen (coral) wedding - celebrated 35 years after the wedding. The canvas represents peace, prosperity and comfort. Corals - health and long life together.

Gifts for the 35th wedding anniversary - red coral decorations, linen tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, towels, garments. A wife can give her husband a linen shirt.

36th wedding anniversary - Bone China Day

In Russia, this anniversary has no name, usually it was not celebrated. But in America this day is called the day of bone china. The couple dress up light colors and receive chinaware, figurines and even floor vases as a gift.

Muslin - thin, but very durable material requiring a lot of patience from the weaver. No less effort is required in order to wear a strong, but not rough and thick, fabric of family relationships.

This day is usually not celebrated, but if you are invited to the 37th wedding anniversary, it would be appropriate various gifts from fabric.

The second "half" wedding anniversary, moreover, is more common than 37 years of marriage. Aluminum is the lightest, but still a metal, and these qualities, when applied to a family, call for lightness and strength of relationships.

Mercury is the only liquid metal. Taking this opportunity, spouses can transform their life together, giving it new forms. For example, to carry out a long-planned move to Vacation home, or go on a trip to an exotic country.
As a gift for mercury wedding you can, of course, give a thermometer, but you run the risk of not being so original if a similar thought comes to one of the guests. So choose a gift with moving parts: an expensive cabinet globe, hourglass, mobile or even a robot vacuum cleaner!

The threads of crepe fabric are tightly and elastically intertwined with each other. The fates of people who have been married for 39 years are also tightly connected, for sure. The relationship of the spouses should be persistent and unbending, the same as crepe fabric, but, nevertheless, they still require a careful and careful attitude towards themselves in order to keep them for many more years.

A gift can be made of a translucent material (for example, curtains, tablecloths, clothing), or be universally solemn (cake, flowers, interior items). Try to find out from the "newlyweds" what gift would be desirable for them.

Spouses celebrating ruby wedding, have every right to recognize their relationship as simply precious. The dark red color of this stone symbolizes true love. In honor of the 40th wedding anniversary, a husband and wife can encrust rubies in their wedding rings.

On the festive table be sure to put a noble red wine, and treat guests with a pie stuffed with red berries: cherries, strawberries or cranberries.
The invitees try to give the couple jewelry with rubies, jewelry crafts or hours. If the budget does not allow making such expensive offerings, then, according to at least, take care to pack the gift in red or burgundy paper. Or let the gift itself have an appropriate shade.

41 wedding years- not celebrated.

42 years - Pearl wedding

Mother-of-pearl shimmers and changes color when viewed from different sides. So beautiful and different family bonds linking the couple for 42 years.
For this beautiful anniversary a woman can be presented with mother-of-pearl earrings or a necklace, and a man with cufflinks or a tie pin. A husband with a sense of humor can please his faithful life partner with a dressing gown with mother-of-pearl buttons.

43 years - Flannel wedding

Flannel - the material is soft and cozy, just like home dear grandma with grandfather. Gifts for 43 years of marriage should create a feeling of comfort and family warmth.

Topaz is one of the most expensive and valuable gemstones. Its crystal purity and transparency are similar to the sincerity and honesty of spouses who have lived together for 44 years from the date of their wedding.

Topaz gifts are very expensive, but they can be successfully replaced with objects made of crystal or other materials that have a transparent or pale blue tint.

The name of the 45th wedding anniversary is associated with another precious stone. Its blue color and transparency in again remind of the importance of mutual trust in marriage, which makes the family firm and indestructible.

The closest people are invited to this wedding anniversary, and, if possible, they try to invite witnesses who were lucky enough to capture the beginning of such a long life together.

On the 45th wedding anniversary, you can add sapphire to your wedding rings, or exchange new ones containing this stone. Guests also try to present sapphire jewelry (earrings, cufflinks) for the anniversary. Considering high cost stone, one might think of joint gift from those invited to the celebration.

46 wedding years - Lavender wedding

This is a touching title. wedding anniversary symbolizes tenderness, kindness and longevity marital relations. After all, lavender is a flower that is able to retain its beauty and aroma even when dried.

As a rule, this non-circular anniversary is not widely celebrated. Close relatives can give spouses a bouquet of lavender, or something with its aroma: a beautiful candle or scented lamp, cosmetics.

Cashmere is the down of mountain goats that live in Southeast Asia. 47 wedding anniversary reminds of warmth loving hearts, long years beating in unison. Aging spouses will be pleased to receive a cashmere scarf, sweater or shawl as a gift.

48 wedding years - Amethyst wedding

After 48 years of marriage, the couple celebrate another precious wedding - an amethyst one. This durable and beautiful stone once again reminds of the highest value of strong family ties.
Gifts can be anything, a wide celebration on this day is usually not satisfied.

Cedar is considered a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Both of these qualities are fully inherent in spouses celebrating 49 years of marriage and approaching the most significant anniversary.

As well as on the wedding day, a kalach or a festive cake is prepared for the 50th anniversary, with which the anniversaries treat all the guests who came to their holiday, sharing their experience and wisdom and, of course, taking a piece for themselves. According to tradition, you should immediately eat the received part of the kalach and drink it with a sip of water: in this way you wish the spouses happiness.
gifts for golden wedding, of course, - products made of gold. Guests can also present gilded jewelry and interior items.

After the golden wedding wedding anniversaries no longer have special names and are not marked, with the exception of anniversaries. However, in some sources you can find their names.

51 wedding years - Willow wedding

The willow symbolizes the long years spent together, the well-being of the couple, the support and care of relatives and friends.

55th wedding anniversary - Emerald wedding

Emerald - very beautiful gem and also very rare. Indeed, the 55th anniversary of marriage is a rarity. In addition, the emerald is a symbol of loyalty and honesty.

The preparation of the celebration is undertaken by the children of the anniversaries, taking into account the wishes of the parents. And as a gift can be presented as Jewelry, as well as a photo of the “newlyweds” together with their children and grandchildren, framed in a beautiful frame.

56-59 wedding anniversaries- are not noted.

60th wedding anniversary - Diamond (platinum) wedding

A family that has gone through a joint journey of 60 years is a genuine diamond, a cut diamond.

The hardness of diamond is unmatched by any other material. So the family, where husband and wife lived together for 60 years, became a true stronghold, worthy of admiration.

As a gift to such people it is appropriate to present jewel with a diamond. But if you are already very limited in funds, then crystal can replace it.
A man can be presented with a collection weapon encrusted with a diamond. And of course, there should be a lot of fresh flowers in the house!

61 years - Rich wedding

62 years - Aquamarine wedding

63 years - Mercury wedding

64 years - Merry wedding

65th wedding anniversary - Iron wedding

It would seem that the metal is simple, but durable and, most importantly, necessary for everyone. So the elderly spouses, who gave rise to a family of several generations, have become a solid support on which the family tree rests.
It is better to choose gifts individually, because who, if not you, knows better the needs of your beloved "old people"!

66 years - Neon wedding

67 years - Magic wedding

67.5 years from the date of the wedding - Stone wedding

An unexpected fractional anniversary reminds us that strong family ties are like a rock that serves as the foundation for any buildings. Don't miss this date: you don't have long to celebrate your grandparents. You can bring as a gift big bouquet flowers and festive dishes prepared by one's own hands.

68 years - Chamomile wedding

69 years - not marked

70th wedding anniversary - Gracious (grateful) wedding

Of course, you are grateful to the people who gave life to your entire family. This anniversary is good reason express your gratitude! Any gifts, chosen with love and gratitude, are appropriate.

75th wedding anniversary - Crown wedding

People who have lived so long family life, it remains only to crown! Remember this day: few people manage to attend the celebration of the 75th wedding anniversary!
If great-grandchildren make real crowns, then it would be quite appropriate to crown anniversaries at a family celebration.

80th wedding anniversary - Oak wedding

90 years - Granite wedding

Granite is another symbol of strength and longevity. People who have lived to see the 90th wedding anniversary have already crossed the centennial milestone at their own age!

100 years - Red wedding

To date, only one case of celebrating the centennial anniversary is known. The Agaevs from Azerbaijan lived together for a whole century. It was Niftulla and his wife Balabeim who gave the name to this anniversary. At the time of the 100-year celebration, her husband was 126 years old, and Balabeim celebrated her 116th birthday.

We wish happiness and longevity to your family!
