Money amulet for money and wealth. Do-it-yourself amulets for attracting money according to special magical rites. Amulets around the neck


Runes and amulets are practical formulas designed to bring about certain results, such as pulling a cow out of mud.

(T. S. Eliot)

We have come to the manufacture of talismans. The talisman attracts good luck to you. The amulet protects you from something.

Many businessmen and bankers seek help when things go wrong, a profitable deal breaks down, etc. For anyone who has at least a small business, I offer ancient rituals to help.

It is said that Eve took the quatrefoil as a souvenir from paradise. If one finds such a thing, according to superstition, then there is a piece of Paradise Lost. Maybe a four-leaf clover, but also just out of luck because it's so rare and therefore something very special.

"Pig": in the Middle Ages, this was the worst participant in the jousting tournament. He received a pig as a consolation prize. Pigs were also considered lucky charms because they feed modestly on something that gets in their way. They become fat and valuable nothing.

By definition explanatory dictionary talisman is called:

1) a stone, ring or other object with engraved symbols, allegedly possessing mysterious forces and worn as an amulet or amulet;

2) any amulet, pendant or amulet;

3) something whose presence has a surprising or powerful effect on human feelings and actions.

Flushing the chimney made a special career: at first, because of his black face, he stood for a long time on a par with the devil, recognized people in the Middle Ages for his usefulness. He cleaned the fireplaces and made sure the risk of fire was reduced. He brought good luck to the inhabitants and protected their property.

"Shards bring good luck." At weddings, drinking festivals and boat baptisms, broken glass or ceramics should ensure a happy future. With noise, you want to drive away evil spirits. This belief is probably associated with sacrificial rituals, where the priest smashed the sacrificial bowl at the conclusion of the ceremony.

Runic Talismans

The runic talisman is a physical confirmation mental process that your will has set in motion. In the case of proper manufacture, the talisman becomes a "living" entity, programmed for specific purposes.

Almost any object on which runes are applied can become a talisman. The material can be a metal or wooden plate, a strip of tape, or a piece of cardboard. The material doesn't play a big role. The purpose for which the talisman is made is important.

Fatima's hand is worn primarily in Arab world as protection from the evil eye and is a symbol of strength and happiness. Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. The "Queen of the Women of Paradise" is revered as a sinless virgin, similar to Mary in Christianity. In Japan, the most popular lucky charm is called "Maneki Neko" or "waving cat". People either wear a magical cat as protective amulet or dialing numbers in home and business. The wavy cat is supposed to invite customers and bring money and happiness into the house.

DIY money tape

The Indians see the tortoise as the bearer of the worlds, the father of all creatures. The wise reptile carries the "whole" world on its shell. It is a symbol of the eternal change of birth and death. If you carry a small copy of the turtle with you, it gives the owner a long and healthy life and protect you from sickness.

Important advice!

Talismans for material affairs are made on Thursday and on the growing moon or on the full moon.

If the talisman is made of wood, then for prosperity and wealth it is good to use pine, oak, birch, apple tree, elderberry.

Talisman Charging Ritual

Having made a talisman, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of charging, although already during the manufacture the master puts into it the necessary energy to achieve the goal.

In China, the dragon is considered the god of good luck. According to legend, dragons are the fathers of the first emperors. That is why the emperors, under the symbol of the dragon, reigned as a sign of their wisdom and divine power. Their throne was called the Dragon Throne, and when the emperor died, he rode the dragon to heaven.

In the 19th century, secret messages were stuffed into cupcakes in China to get past the Mongol invaders. The entire popular uprising was successfully coordinated thanks to filled pleasures. Later revolutionary messages were replaced by aphorisms or good wishes.

? Pick up the finished talisman and mentally feel the power that pulsates in it. It is present both in the talisman and in your mind.

Then wrap the talisman in a piece of fabric and wrap it with a cord 9 times. Thus, you will create a magical space for the accumulation of energy.

Place the talisman in the middle of the table and turn it 9 times clockwise, saying aloud the purpose of the talisman (this is very important!), 9 is the number of fate, it is ruled by the Norns.

Primarily, correct use horseshoes are important, so it brings good luck. First, you can't buy it, you really have to find it. On the other hand, the opening of the suspended iron should point upwards. Thus, happiness can flow, but not fall out.

Talismans and amulets to attract money and good luck

It is strange that out of all the poison hut, it became a lucky charm. One explanation is given by legend: Odin rides a horse-drawn carriage through the night sky at winter solstice and wherever the mixture of his horse's blood and white drool falls to the ground, lips grow nine months later. Odin is considered the god of ecstasy and knowledge. Through mushrooms you can communicate with God.

When you feel that enough energy has accumulated in the talisman, untie the cord and unfold the talisman. He is "born", his energy is called to life.

Bend over the talisman and, using the maximum force of your breath, blow on it, mentally imagining how your personal power enters the object, reviving it.

With the index finger of your right hand, touch the talisman three times. You can also ring the bell three times to attract the "spirit" of the talisman and activate it for the desired purpose.

Are you having problems with love? Or do you just need money? Turn confidently towards Madame Duval. For many years, the "President of the French Institute", whose real name is Maria Gamba-Carolina, has been following the pages of the press like a "human radar".

feng shui wealth charms

Instead of a talisman, bills come. So, this year in a full-page announcement in the "view" of January. “I will give you a real talisman that can completely change your life,” Duval promises, emphasizing: “You don’t pay a cent.” Those who are interested in a fast track to happiness and good fortune simply fill up the salon and send it in.

? If you want to further strengthen the talisman, give it a name - "wealth growth", for example. This will enhance its effect.

Pass the talisman three times through the flame of the candle, saying its name aloud. This will fill the talisman with the powers of Fire. ? Sprinkle it with water, repeating: "I give you a name..."? Carry it through the smoke of incense with the words:

Amulets for money according to the zodiac sign

Within seven days, Duval promises one will receive a talisman that can bring "prosperity, happiness and extraordinary strength in life." After 48 hours, the effect comes, and lottery winnings and love of luck stand in the way. But Churin waits in vain for the talisman. Lateral letters in which the clairvoyant predicts good luck and prophesies spectacular star constellations. And a few weeks later a bill of 79 francs. After the third warning, Duval offers a compromise. Instead of the bill, which has since risen to 129 francs, Julia B. must pay only the originally agreed 79 francs. Do it today.

? "I charge you for the intended purpose and fill you with the powers of Air."

Then sprinkle it with salt while saying:

? "I cleanse you with the Earth element and charge you for your intended purpose."

Be sure to indicate the duration of the mascot. If you don't know it, then it's better to define it like this:

? "Until his work is done." May it be so!

And now, right now,” Duval writes. Prophecies: expensive advertising in Europe. “No way is Julia B. investing,” recommends an expert in legal matters Hans Rudy Schmid. "AT worst case if it comes down to enforcement, it can announce a legal proposal."

In the Canton of Vaud, a case against another clairvoyant, Ann Chamforth, is pending, which doesn't really exist, but is just an enterprising clone of Duval's "human radar". Both advertise their prophecies throughout Europe. Open like Maria Duval, she is so secretive when it comes to her business practices. Otherwise, she was silent, despite repeated requests. Business with the hope of wealth and love is worth it even after a few years. This shows the new ad campaign.

? If the talisman is lost or broken, then it has fulfilled its purpose. Thank him and you can make a new one if necessary.

If you no longer need the talisman, you can burn it or bury it in the ground so that the remaining energy returns to the ground.

How to make a talisman yourself

Making a talisman for luck

Balance: Ms. Duval gives everyone who submits a ticket a talisman to fulfill all their dreams. Is it successful with this scam? Josian Wolpen: Ms. Duvall advertises blue skies and makes use of weak readers' pages. Then you are paying good money for offers that are absolutely worthless and useless.

How do you protect yourself from spam from Maria Duval or other psychics? It is advisable never to proceed with such an offer. Usually, however, there is only one effective method: toss mail in the trash. What advice would you give to people who turn to psychics in desperation?

For people who are pathologically unlucky, this recipe very useful: it will open the way to luck in money.

Take a small piece of paper.

On its front side black pen redraw the symbol shown in the figure.

Write your wish on the back.

You can do this on any day, but always in the evening - from 19 o'clock to midnight. Then bury the talisman in a secluded place.

Offers with fast and simple solutions not serious. We recommend clarifying the seriousness of the alleged healer with the Swiss Association natural healing. Coins bring good luck - this statement is made all over the world. Of course, coins also have material value, but that in itself does not predetermine them. Not everyone who is rich is lucky, but thanks to a coin that is endowed with special qualities, everyone can be lucky.

In many cultures, talismans are viewed and passed down. As a gift, they are ideal because they are lightweight, can be presented beautifully in boxes or other packaging, and will always delight. The origin of the idea that coins bring good luck is unclear. It is often suspected in Asia, but other countries claim this perception of coins.

Repeat the ritual three times, each time redrawing the image again on new leaf paper. Thereafter you can play the lottery. You will definitely get lucky! Remember: your faith is directly proportional to the realization of desire.

Another way to use this talisman: do not bury it, but carry it with you in your wallet for 40 days. On the 41st - throw it away, but rather burn it, pour the rest of the ashes into running water or down the drain.

Anyone who gives away a coin can open it in advance. Coins bring good luck if you believe in it. And many people who always carry a coin while traveling or at work do so. The origin here may not even be that significant. If you are carrying a coin that you returned from a holiday country, then good luck can be a pleasant memory. But even coins from a country you don't know have never traveled can be used as a lucky charm.

A convenient way to wear coins is to wear them on a chain around your neck. often have a hole, so they are often used as a talisman. Discovery coins are usually perceived as something special. Carry it with you, as a single piece or as a pendant necklace, is clear sign that a person believes in their effect as a lucky charm, and also likes to show it openly.

Now I will tell you in detail what this miraculous talisman is. In its symbolism, the number 331 is encrypted - a triad consisting of an angel, a man and a woman.

Adam personifies masculinity, Eve is feminine, and the angel points to Yahweh (each of the four archangels symbolizes one letter of the sacred word IHVH in the following order: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Ariel).

When you look at a child, it often means that the person wants the child's health. Happiness is determined individually by each person, but health and wealth, as well as the enjoyment of life, are certainly often referred to as aspects of happiness. The beginning has been shrouded in darkness since the creation of the world.

Although the Aventine version of the Bavarian early history the truth is still much closer than the assertions of the creative authors of the Middle Ages. They claimed that the people of the Bavarians descended from one of the biblical land of Noah's Ark or even the Greek demigod Hercules, but his thesis has a big hook. There were no E. Bavarians at all. Those who settled there at that time were the Celts. People who liked to call the old historiography unstable and mysterious because it left traces all over Europe as far as Asia Minor, but, unfortunately, nothing useful.

Adam saw God in Eve's eyes. It is this tantric postulate that is expressed in mathematical form in our drawing.

As already mentioned, the Kabbalistic symbol you have drawn should be carried in your wallet. Its matrix is ​​able to attract money and business partners. To enhance this property, reverse side write your desire on a piece of paper, and under it - the word KALHIVI (which means: "Be like the gods").

The latter they make in such large quantities that there have been enough of them found over the centuries in fields and meadows to inspire folk verses: where a rainbow strikes the ground, it is reflected like gold. Fortunately for the real Romans, the Celts between the Danube and the Alps did not live up to the maxims of Asterix in real life. They surrendered to the advancing legions under Drusus and Tiberius in 15 BC. after a very foggy but probably lost Battle of Lake Constance, not much more resistance.

One of the defeated Celtic tribes was named "Boyer" for Bavarian history. After 800 years, Aventine also made the Celtic boires in Urbayern - and so far he remains the master of conscientious historians with ancient philology. After the defeat of the Celts, established between the Alps and the Danube embossed cute rainbow ball and rose to the sestertium as coins as subjects of the Roman Empire, as was almost all civilized people in Europe. The battle as a people no longer existed, and therefore they could not take revenge on the Bavarian great-grandchildren.

Such a combination of symbols will give a win even to the most incapable of luck person, making money almost out of thin air! But remember the main thing: such a formula can be used only once.

Important advice to those who love all kinds of lotteries!

It is better to play on Wednesdays, and to purchase tickets on Mondays. It is desirable that the purchase takes place three days after the manufacture of the talisman. Optimal time for its action - after seven o'clock in the evening.

The ancestors of the Bavarians - the "ancestors" of Aventinus - are definitely not. Today's southern Bavaria to the Danube became a rural, sleepy Roman province. They feasted - we know that the archaeological finds from ancient Kempten - are exquisite for snails, frogs, thrushes, thrushes and even oysters or mussels from far away.

You could almost universally literate, went to the public bath and flush the public toilet under the seats, also in small towns, the theater, which is celebrated with grossly funny things, is the greatest success. Of course, one or the other brothel with surprisingly popular rates. And in the provinces you did not have the number one bloodthirsty mass entertainment, give up deadly gladiator fights, even if the arenas where these massacres took place, not a single representative of stone buildings, such as the Colosseum in Rome, was here, but probably consisted only of wooden structures and mounds, They were transplanted from Italy as vine to the land north of the Alps and Roman mythology, whose protagonists from Mercury to Minerva, together with their druid priests, quickly supplanted the Celtic gods.

You can slightly modify the amulet by writing on its back the word ANVN (which means "love", "lovers"), and next to it - the word AchD ("union", "unification"). In this case the amulet will represent creative force love and will be able to influence human relations making them more harmonious and cleaner.

In order to influence events successfully and as painlessly as possible for yourself and your loved ones, among other symbols, the talisman uses the Hebrew letter “Kof”. According to Sefer Yetzira, it symbolizes the state of sleep in good luck and awakening for accomplishments (that is, positive internal changes).

Its outline can also be seen as an image of two towers. These are the biblical columns of Mercy and Severity: the first represents fire, and the second represents smoke. Fire cleans out all the black stripes of life, and along with smoke, all the troubles and problems that interfere with the implementation of the plans are destroyed.

Making a protection talisman for documents

Making a talisman is the first milestone, the foundation of your success. It is called "fulfillment of the plan" and is done today in the same way as hundreds of years ago according to the laws of Kabbalah. The size of the talisman can be any, but it should look exactly like in the picture.

Now comes the crucial moment - charging the talisman and connecting it to the owner, that is, to you.

Buy St. John's wort (grass) at the pharmacy, pour it into a metal strainer and hold it over the flame church candle until the weed starts to smoke. St. John's wort has various magical and healing properties, including help to clean objects or premises from harmful energy influences. In our case, cleaning the talisman, he "opens" it for charging.

So, put the talisman on the table and with the smoking St. John's wort make three crosswise movements over it. Then circle the talisman three times with a strainer in the outer circle and make three more movements from top to bottom. So, the energy of the Cosmos is connected to a charged object.

Next, take the talisman to left hand and hold for 15-30 seconds over the strainer, fumigating its back side. After that, put the strainer with St. John's wort on a tray or saucer, but do not throw away the remnants of the burnt grass, it will still be needed.

Again, holding the talisman in your left hand, circle it with your right in a circular motion, as if you are winding threads on an empty spool. At the same time, imagine that these are not threads, but invisible energy. In magic, this part of the ritual is called the creation of an energy veil.

? Place the talisman face down on the table again. Take a pinch of ashes and smear it on the back of the talisman, then on the front. Thus, it is not protected from extraneous influences.

Now put the talisman "face" down, take a burning candle over which St. John's wort was held, and drop a drop of wax on the inside of the talisman.

Then fold your palms crosswise - one on top of the other and hold them over the talisman for three minutes. Thus, a connection is established between the magical object and the energy of the person whom he should help.

That's it, the talisman is charged and started working. It is hard to say how long he will work: maybe a month, maybe a year. In any case, if your problems do not begin to be resolved within a month, make a new talisman using the same technique.

Similarly, you need to do in the case when the help of the talisman begins to weaken. The difficulty is that those who have low sensitivity cannot determine in any direct way whether there is a charge in the talisman or not. Those with higher sensitivity should feel cold, warm, or tingly when holding the palm over the talisman.

In any case, know: to increase sensitivity to energy field, clap your hands sharply 2-3 times.

Carry this talisman with you if your business is traveling, keep it in a desk drawer in the premises of your enterprise, not necessarily your own, the main thing is that you work in it and wish it prosperity. If you see from the results of the activity that the talisman helps your business, use it and make a new one from time to time.

How to determine that the talisman helps and what exactly it helps?

Only your feeling will be the judge here: if it seems that there is a sense from the talisman, keep it, do not pass it on to anyone and do not even give it into your hands, otherwise it will lose its power. All the more so, keep the talisman when things that have fallen into decay for no reason begin to be corrected.

"O! - an ignorant person will say. - Luck has gone down! This is not an accident, but the result of the work of the talisman you made.

Cleaning Documents and Charging the Print

All the time, the talisman will not have to lie quietly and calmly in a drawer or pocket. No wonder it is called "fulfillment of the plan."

With his help:

? cleared of harmful influences documents (for example, contracts concluded so that they are better implemented);

The seals are charged - the imprint of the charged seal protects the document from negative influences; such a seal looks more solid in the eyes of people, and the company to which it belongs is more reliable.

How to clean up a document?

After holding the paper over the smoke of St. John's wort, put it on the table, and your talisman on top. Leave it on it (or on a stack of fumigated documents) for 10-15 minutes.

What to do with printing?

Fumigate it with St. John's wort and put it on Blank sheet paper. Press down to leave a pattern or logo.

Under the imprint in Russian write: "Do not spoil, do not mutilate." And below in Latin letters:


The crosses before and after the words mean that here you need to baptize the seal with a talisman. Next, the seal is wrapped in this sheet of paper and a plot for good luck is read above it:

? “Save, Lord, and have mercy on the servant of God (name) in matters of contractual, negotiation, trade and in all kinds of enterprises. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then the paper is burned. The ritual of charging the seal must be carried out at least once a quarter.

money square

Magic squares are another type of money talisman. They were created in ancient times and were the key to all things.

There is a legend according to which a person who has managed to reveal the secret of such a talisman will gain the power of all things: his desires will be fulfilled by themselves.

Each number of such a table corresponds to a certain planet, which is responsible for a particular area of ​​life. That is why with the help of the magic square you can cope with a wide variety of problems: repay debts, get rid of poverty, meet love, find a job, protect yourself from misfortunes or witchcraft influences, restore lost feelings, etc.

Magic squares are pretty easy to use.

First of all, take a small piece of thick white paper square shape and redraw on it everything that is shown in Figure 1: front side the talisman will be a table with numbers, and the back - symbols.

Number 4

Then think about what you want to achieve with this talisman. For example, would you like get money, get a high-paying job or in some other way improve your financial situation.

The number 4 will help you with this, shown among other numbers on the outside of the square. It is it that is the key to financial well-being, is responsible for stability and strength, and also ensures reliability - the rule to which all Existing is subject.

The "four" according to the laws of magic is represented by a square, the sides of which symbolize the four parts of the world (north, south, west, east), the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and the four elements (fire, water, earth, air).

So, in order for the talisman to work to increase your capital, in addition to the main nine-cell table, you should make another one - an additional one. On her front side you need to depict only one number - 4, and on the back - magic symbol(see Fig. 2).

Happened? Now put the nine-cell square in front of you face up, on it - the second table with the number 4 up and fasten both parts of the talisman with an ordinary paper clip.

Carry it with you for exactly 40 days.

On the 41st - burn the nine-cell table, and hide the second in your wallet and keep it there for exactly a year without taking it out.

The expected result will not be long in coming: a guarantee of this is the centuries-old experience of using this method raising capital!

Number 2

If you are striving find love, tenderness and understanding or return lost feelings, then your number is 2. In the ancient magical tradition, the deuce represents the scales of balance, the law of Tao, Yin and Yang, eternity, harmony and beauty.

You will again need an additional table (Figure 3). Then we repeat the above procedure.

We attach the table shown in Figure 3 to the nine-cell table and carry them with us for 40 days. On the 41st, we burn the main table (Fig. 1), and keep the additional one (Fig. 3) with us for another 40 days. After this period, it should also be burned.

Number 3

If you want to protect yourself from negative impact, damage, curses, the evil eye, or you yourself seek to influence someone, then your number is 3. In the ancient magical tradition, it is represented as a triangle, the sides of which symbolize the past, present and future (see Fig. 4). Attach it triple up to the table in Figure 1.

Carry the talisman with you for 40 days. On the 41st - burn the main nine-cell table, and save the additional one for a year.

Number 9

If you want to gain success in all endeavors, then your number is 9.

According to ancient magical tradition, it is represented by the Phoenix bird, which again and again revives itself from the ashes. The wearer of such a talisman becomes practically invulnerable and will win in spite of all obstacles.

You will need an additional table, shown in fig. 6, attach it to the main one (Fig. 1) and wear it for 40 days. On the 41st - burn the nine-cell table, and after another 9 days - also the table shown in fig. 5. Such a talisman will be the most powerful source of energy that can affect almost any area of ​​human activity. He bestows power and helps in the healing of the soul and body.

Number 5

The number 5 will come to your aid if there is any risky business. Make an additional square, on the front side of which the "five" will be depicted, and the wrong side will remain clean. Attach it to any of the talismans you have already folded.

For example, if you want to succeed in love, but achieving what you want is fraught with some kind of danger, successively place a nine-cell table, a square with a "two" and a square with a "five" on top of each other. Fasten them. Ready! Any, even the most risky enterprise, will end successfully and without any damage to you or your loved ones.

Number 6

"Six" will make you a darling of Fortune, It will help you bring happiness into your life. After all, 6 is an extraordinary number, which includes the properties of two and three. The six balances the past, present and future, while balancing the duality of the scales with luck and harmony. Make a talisman (see Fig. 6) by attaching a square with the number 6 drawn on it to the two main tables. On the sixth day after that, buy lottery ticket and... win!

Talisman "Unchangeable banknote"

In any nation, you can hear legends about the "irredeemable banknote." Anyone can become such a talisman banknote. After a certain ritual, she will attract money to you.

This is the method of "non-spend" or "own" banknotes. Your assistants in this case will be time and patience, since the result will not follow immediately. The result will be that you receive your reliable money talisman, which, like a magnet, will attract money to you, and even if it doesn’t make you rich, it will not let you fall into poverty.

You will feel the effect of this talisman all your life, although instant enrichment, a kind of golden rain that poured "over pike command, according to my wish," will not. But money will always flow.

Hard work will still remain the main condition for your prosperity, a “non-spending” bill will help you earn more than usual. More than if it wasn't there.

What is needed for this?

It is necessary to find among the money that ended up in your wallet or pocket, "your" bill. It is done like this.

First of all, pay attention to the banknote number (of seven digits) following the series designation (of two letters).

Let's say you were born on February 12, 1971, that is, purely in numerical terms, it looks like this: 02/12/1971. In order for the banknote to play the role of your talisman, it is necessary that its number contains at least the numbers 12, 02, and if not 971, then at least 71. Their location can be arbitrary, but it is best if they go in the same sequence, like yours, i.e. "date, month, year". Then, as astrologers and numerologists say, your cosmic vibrations will coincide and this bill will be associated with you.

The power of the talisman will become greater if the letters of its series coincide with your initials. If your name is Maximov Ivan Petrovich, then it should be MI (Maksimov Ivan) or IM; IP (Ivan Petrovich) or PI, but not MP (Maksimov Petrovich) or PM. Most perfect option one when you are lucky enough to find a bill that has:

1) a series that matches your initials;

3) if both go in the correct order (that is: the letter of the surname + the letter of the first name or vice versa, followed by numbers in the same sequence as in the series “date, month, year”). But this is a rare case.

Tune in to the fact that you will have to look for your talisman for a long time. If there are inaccuracies, for example: if the letters in the series correspond to your initials and the numbers in the number - the date and month of your birth (in our case it is 12 and 02) there will be no year of birth, the bill can still become your talisman, but not powerful enough.

Even a bill with an incomplete date of birth or without initials will fulfill this role. It will still "attract" money to you. But that's not all.

The talisman needs to be charged.

This magical ritual held on the days of the growing moon (in its first quarter), on Friday or Sunday.

? Take a sheet of blank paper and write on it your most ardent desires that you would like to fulfill with the help of money.

Then put your banknote-talisman on top, put six candles around it at regular intervals, forming a circle, and light them.

While they are burning, visualize as vividly as possible what you are trying to acquire (its shape, color, internal structure, or something else, for example, if you dream of a house or a car).

When the candles burn out, wrap the wish sheet and the miracle bill in small towel with which you wipe yourself and hide in a secluded place.

Keep in mind that the talisman will start working no earlier than in a month. Remember that the talisman does not replace you, but only helps you, enhancing the effect of your work, increasing the amount of money you will receive for it.

In addition, make it a habit to look at banknotes in bundles: maybe you have banknotes of the same series in different bundles?

Put them together immediately: it’s more pleasant for them to be among their close relatives, and if you come across banknotes with numbers in order, put them in one bundle in ascending order, when you take money from this bundle, start with a smaller number, let those that have numbers more impressive, they attract their “rich relatives” to you.

When you look for your nominal banknote, do not forget to pay attention to the positive series on banknotes.

For example, your name is Olya, and a banknote with the OL series came to you, or the VL series can be called Vladimir, or you can call it the authorities: who is inclined to what.

The BG series is read as "BoGach", ZL - as "Evil", which means that ZL needs to be spent, and BG should be left.

It is recommended to keep and not spend banknotes with series that reflect your initials: first and last name, first name and patronymic, or just the letters of the first name. For example, NA - for Natasha, EL - for Elena, PT - for Peter, NI - for Nikita Ivanov, etc.

There is an interesting story.

One woman, having checked the salary received, found the following series on 500-ruble bills: ON, NYA, LI, S: the word “HIRED” came out. She put those bills in a secluded place, and five-hundreds flowed to her. But one day her husband spent one bill, and cash flow interrupted, they "employed" to someone else.

Another person got the phrase ET, ABOUT, OG, AT, ST, IN. “This is wealth” - of course, such money becomes talismans in itself.

Eight is considered the most valuable number.

This number is karmically doomed to attract money to you. Therefore, banknotes with numbers starting, ending in 8 or adding up to numbers 8, leave at home: they will attract money.

However a large number of Eights in any business will put pressure on you, demand that you bring money and save, but will not allow you to spend it. To avoid problems, watch yourself: as soon as you have accumulated eight bills with eights and you feel that you are becoming greedy and irritable, any spending is not easy for you, urgently spend a couple of bills with eights.

Spell to attract money

After returning home from the store, check your wallet. If after all the purchases made on the list you have something left in your wallet, consider that you have already taken the first step towards enrichment. You will need the first 10 ruble coins saved for the magic ritual.

On the evening of the day when you have accumulated 10 saved coins of 1 ruble each, light two green candles, and place a glass vessel between them.

Filling it with consecrated water, say:

? “Let my pockets be filled, let money come to my house as soon as I fill a vessel with water.”

Then take the coins one at a time and, throwing them into the water, read the spell one phrase for each coin:

? "I wish you health.

I wish you success.

I wish you happiness.

I wish you wealth.

I want gold.

I want silver.

I want abundance.

I want help.

I want money to come into my life.

I want it, so be it."

Leave the candles to burn out and go to bed.

In the morning, sprinkle the piggy bank, the corners of the dwelling with water from the vessel and pour the remaining water on the threshold.

Spread the coins along the windowsill, and in the evening, when you pour the coins saved during the day into a glass piggy bank, throw them there as well.

Don't waste unexpected money.

When you receive them, say to yourself:

? “In my purse is your money, and your treasury is my treasury. Amen" and put them in the piggy bank. The same conspiracy is read upon receipt of a salary, change in a store.

Numbers for Wealth, Prosperity and Happiness

All ancient magical traditions are devoted to gaining special success, which allows you to discover all the secrets of being and the universe, to penetrate into the sacred knowledge of adepts.

One of these keys to the hidden knowledge of the initiates is the numerical symbolism of Pythagoras, which allows you to find what all human civilization has been striving for for many centuries: wealth, prosperity and happiness.

Magic Pyramid:

The structure of ten numbers corresponds to a special magic square, in the center of which is the number 5. The number of absolute success.

An esoteric formula is encrypted in the magic square, which is comparable to the Greek phrase (toxvti ev koguxd), meaning "Everything in the Universe" corresponding to the magic combination or digital matrix of the number 1626 = Everything in the Universe.

If you want to achieve absolute success everywhere and in everything, then you need to perform the sacrament on the fifth day of any month at 15:00 (the number 15 corresponds to the vibrational matrix of the number 1626, and the number 5 is the core of absolute success). It is desirable that this be Friday (this day of the week is the fifth in a row, which enhances the magical vibration that attracts absolute success).

Take a sheet of A4 paper and draw a magic pyramid on it with a black pen, and write a number on the back of the sheet

Below, write down the desire, need or dream you formulated - that guiding star that will direct your life to success, prosperity and wealth.

The first letters of the word "pyramid" (feast) correspond to the element of Fire, and thus, there is an associative connection between the base of the pyramid and Fire. Therefore, after you clearly articulate your needs on a piece of paper, this paper should be burned.

The above procedure (that is, draw a pyramid on the front side of the sheet, the number and your desire on the back, and burn it) must be repeated exactly five times on the same day, and the ashes should be scattered into the wind.

Thus, following the esoteric traditions, you have created a magical vibrational matrix that attracts success, happiness and well-being.

It is believed that within fifteen days you will find the realization of your plan. If you want to further enhance the effect, then the next day after the ceremony - on the 6th, at the same time, at 15:00, draw the following on an A4 piece of paper:

This is an addition to the magical pyramid, a digital model in which the encrypted Greek name God (Th EOS, Geoc;).

This letter triad becomes the basis of the word EON and can be translated from Greek as "always", "infinite", "eternity".

This will strengthen the main magical pyramid, embodying your absolute success, transforming it into eternity - that is, into the ability to pass success from generation to generation. So that wealth, prosperity and happiness, when used correctly, will “always” be not only for you, but also for your relatives and friends (does not apply to friends).

After you write an alphabetic triad with the encrypted name of God on a piece of paper, keep this paper for 40 days, and burn it on the 41st day, using the magical vibrational sound mantra-formula (you need to say it out loud while burning):

Kether - Crown Monad

Malkud - The Kingdom of Decad

Iezach - Victory of Heptad

The time of this ceremony on the 41st day is exactly at 18:00 (determined by the fact that:

Kether - Crown (Monad) corresponds to the number 1,

Iezach - Victory (Heptad) - number 7,

Malkud - Kingdom (Decade) - number 10: summing up, we get 18).

It is believed that if all actions are carried out accurately, then you and your relatives and friends will be able to get absolute success, and such energy can be passed on from generation to generation.

Numerical money talisman

This talisman encodes a scheme for building a money channel of success, the numerical value of which is comparable to the Greek phrase ????? ?? ????? (it means "Everything in the Universe").

Take a sheet of paper, on one side of which write the numbers as it is done in the figure on the left, and on the other (wrong side) as shown in the previous figure.

The talisman should be made at 19.00, and only on certain dates in October - 16, 17, 20 and 25: it is on these days that the planetary combination of Jupiter and Mercury can give it maximum strength.

Winning the lottery

If you are dreaming of a big lottery win, attract good luck with a special talisman. It is made in the form of a literal triad-pyramid, which becomes the root basis of the word EON, which is translated from Greek as "ALWAYS", "ENDLESS", "ETERNITY".

According to ancient legend, a similar triad adorned the entrance to the premises of the Delphic Oracle for more than one thousand years.

The talisman will work for a long time if you do it right. True, the effectiveness of its impact depends on the purity of the thoughts and actions of the owner.

Draw on plain paper with a black pen this letter triad and always carry it with you in your left pocket of your clothes or in your wallet.

It is believed that in this case you will be provided with the favor of Fortune and winnings in lotteries. The talisman can only be made on the 23rd of any month and strictly at 24.00.

I repeat once again: you should always have a talisman with you: it required condition success.

Divination to win the lottery

In every third letter, the mail brings the question: how to win the lottery? Despite the fact that everyone knows that “cheese is only in a mousetrap for nothing,” and you need to buy it in order to put it there, a person’s desire to win is indestructible. The instinct "freebie pliz" works.

Before you buy a lottery ticket and possibly waste your money, leave fate to give you the answer to this question.

Take a sharpened pencil, close your eyes and randomly poke it at the picture in front of you. If the tip of the pencil hits one of the squares with magical signs. Look for the answer to your question under the number indicated in the corner of this square. If it falls into some line or beyond the cross, postpone the question for a week: for the next seven days, Fate will not reveal its cards to you.

You have a question: what kind of symbols are depicted in the cells?

In the Tibetan book from which this divination is taken, very little is said about them. It is only known that they came from Eastern magic, and each reflects the essence of the answer that Destiny gives you.


0. Postpone divination for the next day.

1. You know, not me.

2. Easy to buy, hard to win.

3. Failure and success have equal chances.

4. Buy, otherwise the money will be wasted.

5. Take it, it won't get worse.

6. Buy while Fate is for you.

7. Take, and then give.

8. If you take it, you will cry.

9. You can buy if you really want to.

10. Decide for yourself.

11. Better spend money on something else.

12. How much is the ticket that the eye fell on, donate to the church or give to the beggar.

Protection against loss and theft

Often people complain that money “does not stay” in their pockets. It seems that they earn quite well, but everything is spent on who knows what. Money is constantly stolen: either they pull out the wallet, or they steal the bag, or they break into the apartment.

It happens that one of the relatives will lend a large amount, but is not going to return. Here come the losses one after another. How to be in such cases?

You can use a special magic formula. It looks like this:

The formula is based on two numbers. It also includes thirty Greek letters, located on six levels and having a numerical value equal to 9999.

Write down the formula on a piece of paper and keep it under your pillow for exactly 40 days (including the day of manufacture), and burn it on the 41st day. Repeat everything In a similar way thrice.

The amulet can be made on any day, but always at midnight. It will help ensure financial stability and save you money.

Talisman of happiness

With the help of a talisman of happiness, you can win the lottery, receive a gift, realize your plans or fulfill your innermost desire.

This talisman came to us from the ancient practices of the magical teachings of the Druids - the Scandinavian Celts. The inscriptions originally looked like now forgotten ancient symbols, which were later deciphered and were replaced first with runes, and then with Latin words and Arabic numerals.

The talisman should be made on colored paper (suitable colorful paper for children's creativity).

If your desire is related to events related to personal life, take a sheet of sky blue or of blue color, if you want to get money or something material - green.

The symbols shaded in the figure should be yellow, so you need to separately cut out from yellow paper circles.

The talisman of happiness does not have certain form, so you can make it round or rectangular - it doesn't affect how it works. Stick the talisman on cardboard and always carry it with you. It is valid for one year. After that, it should be made again. But remember: you can only make it for 9 years in a row.

Advice from a 500-year-old book

Arnold Armistead discovered in one of the monasteries of Bavaria the so-called "Bible of Magi", dated 1500. It is not known how she got to the monastery - perhaps she was saved by the monks out of pure curiosity. Another option: cunning monks, having carefully studied the magical secrets, secretly used them for their own benefit.

These secrets are surprisingly simple, but the unknown author of the book says that they will only work if the person who uses them firmly believes in the fulfillment of his plan.

Attracting wealth. Dig a hole about 15 cm deep and lay it on the bottom new coin. Bury the hole and generously sprinkle your cache with salt. After six weeks, dig out the coin and put it in your wallet. Wealth will come to you within six months. The book says that this procedure best done on a full moon.

Seven stone spell

Get rid of trouble that are approaching you, the next rite will help in this.

If you feel that clouds are gathering around you, that it has become harder to live, or you foresee unpleasant changes in your life or in the lives of people close to you, then here are some tips on how to avoid this.

Analyze all the pros and cons of your situation and answer one question: what are you most afraid of?

Once you figure this out, take action. Say “yes” to yourself in your heart, and then everything will work out for you. I warn you that everything you read below must be done with great faith and desire, so that it is exactly the way you want. This must be done very quickly.

Find any seven stones on the road and on foot, without getting into any transport, reach the nearest bridge, turn your back on the water and jerk the stones into the water with the words:

? “Seven stones will converge in a circle, and they will take my misfortune, everything is not so in this circle, my misfortune in it (say in your own words what you are most afraid of) is a trifle!”

? "May it be so! And so it will be!”

You can ask not only for yourself, but also for your relatives or just acquaintances. But remember, don't take on more than you can handle.

Next, you need to quickly return home, find a thing in the house that is related to your problem (it can be a photograph, any household item, important documents on which your fate or your close relatives will depend, etc.).

Take a raw egg, light a candle, put a thing in front of you and, holding the egg a little over the fire, roll it clockwise over this thing for five minutes. At the same time, ask again for what you are striving for.

After that, you need to take this egg out of the house without breaking it. If you break it, it's a bad sign. The egg must be buried in the ground as far as possible from the house, and always under a tree with male title(for example, oak, elm, poplar, etc.).

When you fill the egg with earth, do not forget to draw a circle around it with some metal object and say the spell that you already said by throwing stones into the water. After that, keep your hands under the stream cold water and forget about the problem you had.

Try to think about it as little as possible and not remember it if possible. The less you think about it, the better the result will be.

Another way to make sure that the impending thunderstorm bypasses you. Find an old, abandoned house. Take some dishes in your house and walk with this thing around your apartment three times clockwise, saying out loud what you want to have, what problems to get rid of and how. Then take the selected vessel to an abandoned house and leave it there with the words:

? "Go away trouble, your friends are here!"

You must leave without looking back, and after that you cannot touch the forks with your hands for three days. You will be successful if you do all of this exactly. Most auspicious days: Friday and Sunday - at 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 hours. Instead of dishes, you can take a new broom. Repeat with him the entire ritual described.

After everything, go outside, preferably at 11-12 pm, and throw this broom at the crossroads of four roads with the words:

? “Let this night come, and my problem (explain what it is) goes away. May it be so! And so it will be!”

As soon as you say this, immediately leave this place without looking back. When you get home, pour seven cups of cold water down the drain.

This ritual is best performed on Tuesday, Friday or Saturday afternoon. Remember, your success depends on the accuracy of doing all of the above.

Ritual "Reliable bank in a glass jar"

You need money? Then this magic ritual is for you.

With it, you can not only enrich yourself, but also achieve the fulfillment of all your desires. So...

? Take a three-liter glass jar. Before proceeding to the rite itself, it must be cleared of extraneous influences. This is done simply. Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers and witches have known: St. John's wort drives away everything unclean. So you take this dried herb (you can with sprigs if you collect it yourself, or buy a package of St. John's wort at a pharmacy), pour it into a metal strainer and set it on fire. The smoke of St. John's wort needs to be fumigated inside the jar. To do this, simply put a strainer on its neck and leave it there until the grass burns out. The smoke itself will settle to the bottom.

Now light a candle (you can take any, but preferably a church one) and, turning the jar upside down, drip five drops of wax onto the bottom: one in the center, and four as if you were marking the corners of a square. Then turn the jar upside down again. Sit for a minute eyes closed, clasping the jar by the sides and thinking about future wealth. So she will receive an energy-information charge from you.

Next comes the main thing: you need to install your individual code, which will contribute to enrichment. Take four coins of any denomination and do the following. Holding the first one in the palm of your hand, whisper your name and purpose over it: “Andrey Petrovich Ivanov (repeat three times). To have a lot, a lot of money."

Then whisper the name of your loved one over the coin three times. precious stone. Then throw it into the jar.

? Take the second coin and say the former words: Andrey Petrovich Ivanov... etc. Then name the type of fur that you like best three times. And drop the coin into the jar.

Now it's up to the third coin. Again, say your name and wish for wealth over it. Then repeat your favorite brand three times passenger car. After that, the coin also flies into the jar.

And for the last coin, the plot begins with the same words. After whispering them, think about what you would do if you had a lot of money. The answer must be sincere and prompt. Tell it three times to the fourth coin, and then throw it into the jar.

So, your individual installation for enrichment is laid.

Now shake the rest of St. John's wort out of the strainer into the jar and place your crossed hands, palms down, on the neck of the jar. Closing your eyes for a minute, imagine pictures from your future rich life.

? Take the candle again and put four drops of wax on the edges of the neck, marking the corners of the square. And the fifth drop - inside the jar.

This ends the main part of the ritual, but the work to attract money continues.

Every day, one coin should be put into the jar until it is filled to the top. Each time, before lowering the metal round inward, it is necessary to whisper the following words over it: "To have a lot of money." Next you need to name your code, say: “I am Andrey Petrovich Ivanov. Emerald, sable, Mercedes. Great apartment, car Vacation home, travels" (in general, everything that was whispered over the fourth coin).

If you want money to never be transferred in your family, full jar seal and deposit in the safe deposit box of the bank. If this is not possible, put it in a secluded corner, or even better, hide it in a hiding place.

Pot of Mercury, or Silver Spell

The god of trade and enrichment in Roman mythology is known to be Mercury. The rite associated with his name has been known since ancient times. Because the impoverished Russians, it is quite useful.

English witch, connoisseur of magic, Doris Valiente in the book " natural magic”writes that this rite can be carried out in two versions: so to speak, in pure form and with the addition of oriental mantras that enhance the magical effect of the ritual.

You begin the ceremony (also known as the “silver spell”) by placing a small clay pot in a prominent place in your room.

Buy a green candle - green, because this color, according to the laws of pyromancy (fire magic), attracts the energy of wealth from subtle world. For a candle, you will need a candlestick. It must be new and not wooden. Now start the ceremony.

To get started, sit somewhere in your favorite corner and dream with your eyes closed. Imagine, for example, a briefcase full of wads of dollars. Run "to the fullest" your fantasy and dream about how you will spend your money. Finally, you are not dependent on anyone and can make any dreams come true.

Before proceeding to the description of the ritual itself, we will explain one subtlety. Our ritual is called the “silver spell” for a reason. The fact is that, according to all the rules, silver 10-kopeck coins were used in it.

This made sense - after all, silver, as you know, is not an easy metal: say, a bullet cast from it kills a vampire on the spot. But where among the current multi-colored little things to find silver coins? So you have to use ruble coins - they at least look like silver in color - each time imagining that it is sonorous silver.

Now you can proceed to the ritual itself.

During the week, put one coin into the pot of Mercury. But before lowering it to the bottom of the vessel, say:


This Tibetan mantra - a combination of magical words - will drive away the small evil entities that dart around you in the astral plane. As a result, you will get an additional chance that the ritual will lead to success.

The second guarantee in our business will be another mantra, which gives the rite a great energy power. You can use any spell of equal strength:




You must say one of these mantras when putting a new coin in the pot, and always before starting the ritual, main part which is described next.

On the eighth day, put the pot on the table. Take a green candle in your hands and feel as strongly and brightly as possible the power of money, the prospects and paths that will open before you as soon as you become rich.

Then insert the candle into the candlestick, and pour the coins from the pot into your left (or right, if you are left-handed) palm. With this ordinary money, you need to lay out a circle around the base of the candlestick.

As you lay down the first coin, say:

? "Money flow, sparkle money, grow money, you wish to make me rich."

Repeat these words, placing a new coin next to the previous one. And so on, until the circle is closed.

It's time to light the candle. Never use a lighter, only matches. When the candle flares up, imagine that this is not a small tongue of flame, but the living power of money. Imagine how their strength rises from the seven coins of the magic circle, connects with fire and rises further, upwards.

At this moment, with strength and brightness, try to see in your mind's eye what your life could be if you had money. You should succeed, because it was not in vain that you rehearsed in a cozy corner, fantasizing about the heavenly life that awaits you. Be sure to believe in everything you do.

Treating everything that is told here as a game, you yourself will slam the gates to magical reality in front of you. God usually performs miracles to sincere believers.

It should take you ten minutes to fantasize about the life of a millionaire - a little more, a little less, it doesn't matter. When this time is up, get up from the table and move away from it. Let the candle burn out; when it goes out, collect seven coins and put them back in the pot (remember to say both mantras while doing this: to exorcise evil entities and strengthen energy force ritual).

“Feed” the pot with two or three coins daily until it is filled to the top. Then close the lid and put it somewhere where you don’t look even once a year. Wait - the money will come to you.

Important final tip!

Take on arms anything that can help in attracting money. Use all possible talismans (stones, figurines, banknotes, coins, candles, pantacles, etc.), incantations and rituals, psalms and prayers, numerology and feng shui, knowledge of cycles and rhythms, astrology of the days of the week, planetary hours, etc. .

And God bless you in your endeavours.

Talisman from Maria Duval

AT last years the press is full of clairvoyant suggestions to “disinterestedly” improve your financial position. In fact, it is nothing but hidden form pumping money out of your wallet. In return, you will be offered to participate in the drawing of your “winning”, provided that you purchase an item you do not need for an amount of at least 500 rubles.

A tricky trick is used here: a Russian person always dreams that wealth will fall from the sky. That doesn't happen in life! Help yourself! At least make a talisman:

Take a square of paper, preferably green, and draw an image of a talisman on it. (Acorns symbolize wealth.)

Write your wish in the circle. Hold the talisman between your palms, filling it with the energy of your dreams, and carry it in your wallet. The talisman will definitely work.

Having received this talisman by mail (from Maria Duval), I entered my desire and performed the charging ritual according to the runic rite scheme mentioned above. As a result, within six months I earned money for a one-room apartment.

And in conclusion, I propose to annually hold a "golden rite for money."

Golden ritual for money

Classic variant

To change reality, it is better to make runes strictly according to the instructions: once a day, starting from December 24 (or from June 23), one rune is made. The rune must be carried all day with you.

You can form the predictive value of the rune yourself.

For example, on December 24, you started making the ABY rune, drew it on a stone, and carry it with you all the next day. Its magical and divinatory meaning is “wait”, but this value for this rune is not enough for you.

It happens that a person is so carried away by a hieroglyph that he simply dissolves in a rune.

You can commit additional actions with a rune in right hand, hidden in your pocket: make nice purchases, go to the theater, meet someone ...

Then the value of this rune will be enhanced by your action. When in the coming year you decide to make good buy or make an acquaintance, carry this rune with you in your pocket - but this is only if on December 25 you successfully did everything you wanted. When negative result you can state that this rune is not yours, and feel free to take the next one.

Starting to make the first rune on December 24 closer to the night, imagine the wheel of fate and how you stop it for a second. So you need to do before you make each rune.

AB - Rain Palace

This sign will correspond to the number 1, and it will be called AB. How do you sometimes spend the whole day waiting big holidays, and this sign always promises something more.

Divinatory meaning - wait.

Yu - Lord of Gold

December 25 closer to the night you draw next sign. It will be called Yu, and the number 2 corresponds to it. Its divinatory meaning is that it brings good luck and new acquaintances, but here you yourself are the creator of the runes and you can put whatever you want into it.

Carry this sign with you all day so that it captures all the events of this day.

M - The abode of separation

On December 26, we make a sign that will correspond to the number 3, and we carry it with us all the next day. The sign M carries a lyrical beginning. Its predictive meaning is parting, trying to reach another level.

You can part with what torments you - insults, fears, debts.

C - Place to rest

On December 27, we draw the sign C, it corresponds to the number 4. The predictive meaning of the rune is power, wealth, success in work, associated with movement and movement.

B - Palace of Love

Its divinatory meaning is that it brings love, friendship, protection from enemies, popularity.

AS - Palace of the Wind

He is a mystical peak, and all roads are open to his owner. It's even breathtaking when you realize how much you can achieve.

The main divinatory meaning is that wherever you go, you will win. The main thing is to choose a path.

L - The abode of meetings.

Its prophetic meaning lies in those meetings that can be called "the influence of the master of chance" and which completely change lives.

Keep the made runes for a year, they will bring you money luck. On December 24, thank them and burn them. Then again proceed to the manufacture of a new talisman on next year. Don't make runes for someone. Each person himself must invest energy in the manufacture of a talisman, only then the Universe will respond to his call.


Dear readers!

Although modern world and provided humanity with an unlimited number of opportunities to earn money, to find at least one person who would not want to minimum effort to receive large sums of money additionally is almost unrealistic. Each of us, placed in the specific framework of the current economic situation, would like to work less, but at the same time receive much more. In such cases, many turn to magic, because magic is a unique “cure” for literally all problems. Using conspiracies, amulets and talismans for good luck and wealth, you can not only attract money to your home, but also, finally, get rich and be able to fulfill your cherished dream. And so in today's article we decided to tell you what a talisman of wealth can be, and how to make one yourself.

There are quite a few different magical things that can attract bills and large sums to the house, to the wallet. But "universal" talismans are popular among them, which bring good luck in financial affairs, which contributes to the enrichment of the person as a whole.

A variety of things can become talismans for attracting success, good luck in the financial and business sphere. As such an amulet, ancient relics that are inherited, interesting finds, jewelry or other souvenirs specially purchased in esoteric stores can be used. However, the most effective are the talismans made by the future owners of magical things with their own hands. And in order to make such an item with your own hands, you need to know not only the details of the needlework process, but also the classification of all the talismans of wealth.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that talismans have different direction actions. Depending on in which area a person is most eager to receive additional enrichment, talismans can be associated with:

  • Water - if there is a desire to attract financial well-being and abundance to your home. In this case, an aquarium, an artificial waterfall, a fountain, etc. may well become an effective "money" talisman. You should definitely install a backlight in the aquarium if you want to attract good luck in business matters and business;
  • Trees and plants whose leaves are shaped like coins. It can be both indoor "money" trees (crassula, crassula), and plants from the succulent family. They help to attract good luck and constant increases in the form of small amounts. It is believed that the better care for such flowers, the greater the additional income becomes;
  • Oranges, which the people of China consider a symbol of enrichment and prosperity. And it is not surprising, because in translation from their language, the name of this citrus means “gold”. Arranged on a crystal platter, these fruits are able to attract good luck not only to the business area, but also to the house.

Among the Slavs, the most popular were "money" talismans:

  • horseshoe - a symbol of the favor of the goddess of fortune Fortune, attracting prosperity, happiness, abundance, wealth;
  • ladle - a magical object, symbolizing wealth due to the successful completion of affairs;
  • the key is the protection of wealth, the increase of wealth, prosperity.

A person who wants to get rich could have original item- a talisman of wealth. At the same time, drawings depicting a certain magical object could be applied to various surfaces:

  • house walls, doorways;
  • household and kitchen utensils;
  • clothes.

In this case, the owner could contact the talisman for money and wealth more often. This, in turn, greatly affects the effectiveness of any item endowed with magic. So, for example, if you periodically take and hold a talisman in your hands for some time, filling it with positive energy, it will become more effective and demonstrate the effect faster.

Very popular today are jewelry, pendants, key rings and other trinkets that a person makes with his own hands. The advantage of such products is not only that the future owner can “program” the gizmos in the right way during the manufacturing process.

Their advantage is that such a talisman can have small size and is permanently owned by the owner. In general, the same applies to conspiracies, which may well be such "universal" talismans.

The easiest to make, but very effective amulets

There are many "recipes" according to which you can make a talisman of wealth yourself. But not everyone is popular. There are several varieties of such magical artifacts, for the embodiment of which many people who want to get rich are accepted. Some of them are shown in this article.

Fragrant "money bag"

For wealth, as well as attracting well-being and prosperity, you can make a talisman with your own hands in the form of a small bag filled with fragrant dried herbs. To create such a talisman, it is enough to prepare:

  • green wax candle
  • a clean red tablecloth;
  • a small cut is also green (for the bag);
  • a coin with a face value of 1 ruble;
  • dried eucalyptus leaf;
  • mint leaf, also dried;
  • a few drops of bergamot oil.

This ritual, during which a talisman of good luck and wealth will be made, should be carried out during the growing moon. And definitely Thursday. After waiting for midnight of the planned day, you can begin to conduct a ceremony to attract financial luck and prosperity.

First, remove everything from the table and spread the prepared red tablecloth on it. Putting a lit green candle in the center of the table, place a pre-sewn fabric bag (also green) next to it. Put dried plants in a bag, and take a coin in your hands. Dropping on her aromatic oil, rub it with your fingers and at the same time think about wealth. After that, put the coin in a bag of herbs and, tying it, say the words:

“I will receive money to make all my dreams come true. May it be so!".

The bag filled with magic items is sewn up. Then he is worn by the owner constantly with him, or he hides in the place where the person is waiting for enrichment.

Simple amulet for good luck

There is another fairly simple way to make a talisman for wealth. It consists in what you need to do for yourself a special magic bracelet from satin ribbon. Such an amulet will attract luck at work and in solving financial issues.

To create such a product with your own hands, you will need:

  • red satin ribbon (any width);
  • green thread;
  • green candle;
  • needle.

At midnight, with the growing moon, you can start making a talisman to attract prosperity and wealth. First, light a candle, and then thread the needle into the needle. Sew the ribbon with this thread along the entire length. Read at the same time magic words for enrichment:

“I am sewing a red summer - I am attracting and sewing clear luck. As now the thread will be in the ribbon, and the ribbon on the hand, so from now on, good luck will be with me everywhere, happiness and wealth!

After the procedure is completed, the ribbon must be tied around the arm, connecting its ends and saying: “So be it!”. It is desirable to wear it constantly. However, you should not show it to outsiders and, moreover, do not tell anyone about the purpose of the talisman. Only in this case will it be effective and help attract good luck and enrichment.

A simple conspiracy to increase money

As mentioned earlier, you can use as a talisman to increase wealth and wealth. magic conspiracies. One of these should sound when you take the proceeds (earned, donated) money in your hands.

The text of this conspiracy should sound like this:

"In my purse, your money, and my treasury is your treasury."

Saying such a simple magic text every time you receive money, within the next month you will be able to see its effect.
