Responsibility of parents for the upbringing of minor children article. How do the courts solve the problem of divorce? Close connection between family and school

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents have the right and obligation to raise their children. They are obliged to take care of their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development, ensure that they receive basic general education, and also protect the rights and interests of their children.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, responsibility for the upbringing and development of children should be common and obligatory for both parents, wherever they are. When transferring a child to be raised by a guardian, trustee, or adoptive parents in accordance with the procedure established by law, the parents bear responsibility together with the substitute person. Temporary transfer by parents of their children to relatives, strangers, or to one of the child care institutions does not relieve parents of responsibility for the upbringing and development of children.

Current legislation provides different kinds liability for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties in raising children, namely: criminal liability, administrative liability, civil liability, liability provided for by family law.

Parents can be held accountable for all of the above types of liability.

If the actions of the parents contain elements of several illegal acts that are regulated by different rules of law, for example, when committing a criminal offense under Art. 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, parents can be brought both to criminal liability and to family legal liability, i.e. deprived parental rights.

Deprivation of parental rights is a measure of responsibility provided for by the rules family law, and like any measure of responsibility, it serves not only to protect the rights and interests of children, but also performs a punitive function in relation to parents.

A parent who committed violations of his duties, for example, did not fulfill his duties to provide the child with food and clothing, which resulted in harm child health, may be brought to civil liability in the form of compensation for moral damage and damages.

At the same time in Art. 65 of the RF IC, the legislator indicated how children should not be raised and what methods should not be used in the education process. Neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children, harm to physical or mental health children, their moral development. Poor parenting certainly poses a threat to full development child, for the safety of society as a whole.

46. ​​Main categories of inheritance law

Inheritance. In the theory of inheritance law, the key concept is “inheritance”, since such concepts as “inheritance law”, “inheritance”, etc. come from it.

Inheritance is the transfer of the property of the deceased (testator) to one or more heirs. In addition, inheritance must be considered as a set of rights and obligations of the testator passing to his heirs.

When inheriting, the property of the deceased (inheritance, hereditary property) passes to other persons in the order of universal succession, i.e. unchanged as a single whole and at the same moment, unless otherwise follows from the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Art. 1110 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Grounds for inheritance. According to Art. 1111 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation there are two grounds for inheritance: inheritance by will and inheritance by law. In the previous legislation, inheritance by law came first, and then inheritance by will. Inheritance by law in practice is more common than inheritance by will.

Inheritance by law takes place when and insofar as it is not changed by a will, as well as in other cases established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, inheritance by law will take place in the following cases:

If the testator did not make a will;

If a will was drawn up, but was declared completely invalid by the court;

If a will was drawn up, but was declared invalid in a separate part;

If the testator bequeathed only part of the inheritance (for example, only movable property was bequeathed, and immovable property will be inherited by law);

If the heir under the will refuses the inheritance;

If the heir under the will did not accept the inheritance;

If the heir under the will died before the testator;

If the heir under the will is a legal entity that has been liquidated.

Inheritance. Inheritance (inherited property, inheritance mass) represents things, other property, including property rights and obligations that belonged to the testator on the day the inheritance was opened, which are part of the inheritance.

The inheritance does not include:

a) rights and obligations inextricably linked with the personality of the testator (the right to alimony, the right to compensation for harm caused to the life or health of a citizen, the rights of the donee under a gift agreement in the future (unless otherwise provided in the agreement), the obligation to perform work under the author’s order agreement , the right of the deceased to receive a pension, social insurance benefits, etc.);

b) rights and obligations, the transfer of which by inheritance is not permitted by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or other laws (share in the right to receive rent under a life annuity agreement, the rights and obligations of the testator under a social tenancy agreement for residential premises, the rights of the borrower under an agreement for gratuitous use, rights and obligations of the parties under the agency agreement);

c) personal non-property rights and other intangible benefits (personal dignity, honor and good name, business reputation, privacy, personal and family secret, the right of free movement, choice of place of stay and residence, the right to a name, the right of authorship, other personal non-property rights and other intangible benefits belonging to a citizen from birth or by force of law, which are inalienable and non-transferable in any other way).

Time of opening of the inheritance. The time of opening of the inheritance is a legal fact and plays an important role in the development of inheritance legal relations, since at the time of opening of the inheritance the applicable legislation is established, the circle of persons called to inherit, the composition of the inherited property, the procedure and timing of its acceptance, the grounds for calling to inheritance are determined inheritance, and other important issues are resolved.

In accordance with Art. 1113 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, inheritance opens with the death of a citizen. The day of death can be determined on the basis of a medical report or a court decision in a case establishing the fact of death.

Place of opening of inheritance. Determining the place of opening of inheritance is of key importance for resolving practical issues related to inheritance. In particular, taking into account the place and time of opening of the inheritance, the circle of persons called for inheritance and the applicable legislation are established; at the place of opening of the inheritance, applications from the heirs for acceptance of the inheritance or renunciation of the inheritance are submitted; the testator's creditors make claims against the heirs who accepted the inheritance; applications are submitted to take measures to protect the inheritance; heirs apply for the issuance of certificates of right to inheritance, and other legal actions are taken.

47.Inheritance by law.

According to the law, the property of the testator, which was not bequeathed by him, is inherited. All possible heirs are legally divided into several queues. The heirs of each line can inherit property if the heirs of all previous lines are absent, did not accept the inheritance, refused it, or lost the right to it (according to the will or as a result of their illegal actions). Property inherited by law is divided equally among the heirs of the corresponding order.

Currently in Russia there are eight lines of heirs according to the law:

The first priority is the spouse, parents and children (as well as grandchildren and their descendants by right of representation);

The second priority is siblings (including half-siblings), grandparents (as well as nephews and nieces by right of representation);

Third priority - uncles and aunts (as well as cousins ​​by right of representation);

The fourth stage is great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers;

Fifth line - children of nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters of grandparents;

Sixth line - grandchildren, nephews and nieces, children cousins and sisters, cousins and aunts (children of grandparents' siblings);

The seventh line is stepsons, stepdaughters, stepfather and stepmother.

Disabled heirs by law, from the first 7 orders (and regardless of this order), who were dependent on him for at least a year before the death of the testator (regardless of whether they lived together or not), inherit together and equally with the heirs of the order that is called to inheritance.

Disabled persons who are not included in the first 7 lines, but who were dependent on him and lived with him for at least a year before the death of the testator, inherit together and equally with the heirs of the line who are called to inherit, and in the absence of them, they form the eighth line.

If an heir by law dies before the testator or at the same time as him, then in some cases the descendants of this heir are given the opportunity to inherit in his place by right of representation: in this case, the share that would have been due to this deceased heir is divided among his descendants.

Currently in Russia the following are inherited by right of representation:

The grandchildren of the testator and their direct descendants - instead of the children of the testator (1st stage);

Nephews and nephews of the testator - instead of siblings (2nd stage);

Cousins ​​of the testator - instead of siblings of the testator's parents (3rd stage).

In the second and third cases, the right of representation is limited only to the children of the deceased heirs; more distant descendants belong to the 5th and 6th orders or do not inherit by law at all.

48. Inheritance by will

Will- a unilateral transaction, the disposal of one’s property in the event of death. It comes into effect from the moment the inheritance is opened, when the testator is no longer alive. It is an expression of the will of the testator, which is directly related to his personality. The right to bequeath property is an element of legal capacity. The testator has the right to dispose of any of his property, including those that he acquires in the future. In addition, the testator has the right to disinherit one or more heirs by law.

The will must be drawn up in writing and certified by a notary or other official expressly specified in the law. Failure to comply with the requirement to certify a will entails its invalidity, however, in special cases (specified in Article 1129 of the Civil Code), it is allowed to draw up a will in a simple manner writing.

The testator, according to the principle of freedom of will, has the right to cancel or change (add) the will he has drawn up at any time after its execution and is not obliged to inform anyone about this, nor indicate the reasons for its cancellation/change. Moreover, a new will, even if it does not contain explicit instructions to cancel the previous one, cancels those of its provisions that it contradicts.

Heirs under a will can be individuals and legal entities, international organizations, etc.

Legal aspects parents' responsibility for raising children

Family is a child’s natural habitat. This is where the prerequisites for development physically and spiritually are laid. healthy person. In addition, a family for a child is also a kind of refuge that ensures his survival. That is why one of the basic rights of a child is his right to live and be raised in a family. That's why the most important issue In the development of a child’s personality is the role of parents in his upbringing.

People get married voluntarily, as a rule, being well aware of not only their rights, but also their responsibilities. The spouses have children. They have no power in choosing their mother and father. The law is obliged to protect their interests. As for parents, with the birth of a child they enter into new legal relations- the relationship between parents and children acquires rights and responsibilities of parents.

The right of parents to raise children is ensured not only and not so much thanks to state assistance, but mainly through the fulfillment by parents of the duties of raising them. These responsibilities include caring for the health, physical, mental and moral development of the child. These are the real general view the most important responsibilities of parents, which constitute, as it were, two groups. One is directly related to the physical development of the child, which largely depends on his nutrition and habitat. The second concerns the mental, spiritual, moral development of a minor and presupposes the existence of more complex in nature means and methods of forming a child as a person. Currently, the role of parents in fulfilling responsibilities of this kind is becoming more and more obvious. This largely depends on spiritual world the child, his readiness for interpersonal communication, the desire for knowledge, the ability to control his mind and feelings. Fulfilling parental responsibilities not only contributes to the exercise of parental rights, but also serves as an example of desired, approved behavior - its model.

The rights and responsibilities of parents in relation to their children are regulated by a number of laws of the Russian Federation. The main ones are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Family, Civil, Administrative, Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. In addition, the provisions of the International Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child apply in our country. Here are some legal provisions that define the rights and responsibilities of parents.

Family Code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 12. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTS

Article 61. Equality of rights and responsibilities of parents

1.Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights).

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - care for children, their upbringing - equal right and the responsibility of parents. Consequently, we are talking not only about the moral duty of each parent, but also about his constitutional rights and responsibilities. Giving parents rights in relation to their minor children means that they are given the opportunity to perform actions and actions that are approved, desirable from the point of view of the state, and aimed at the benefit of the child. The rights of parents give rise to corresponding responsibilities.

2. Parental rights provided for by this chapter are terminated when children reach the age of eighteen years (the age of majority), as well as when minor children marry and in other cases established by law when children acquire full legal capacity before they reach adulthood. ( marriage and emancipation (clause 2 of article 21 of the Civil Code and article 27 of the Civil Code).

Family Code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 12. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTS

Article 63. Rights and obligations of parents regarding the upbringing and education of children

1. Parents have the right and obligation to raise their children.

Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. Parents have a priority right to raise their children over all other persons.

The right to raise a child is a personal inalienable right of every parent. This right can be lost only in cases provided for by law: upon deprivation of parental rights and adoption of a child.

2. Parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive basic general education.

Parents, taking into account the opinions of their children, have the right to choose educational institution and forms of education for children until children receive basic general education.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" considers education as goal-oriented process education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state. This process is ensured not only by the state, but also by parents.

From the Law Russian Federation"ABOUT EDUCATION":

In this Law, education is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of an individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

The receipt of education by a citizen (student) is understood as the achievement and confirmation of a certain educational qualification, which is certified by the appropriate document.

The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Article 52. Rights and obligations of parents (legal representatives)

1. Parents (legal representatives) of minor children, until the latter receive basic general education, have the right to choose forms of education, educational institutions, protect the legal rights and interests of the child, and take part in the management of the educational institution.

2. Parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils are obliged to ensure that their children receive basic general education (item entered Federal law dated June 25, 2002 No. 71-FZ).

3. Parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils are obliged to comply with the charter of the educational institution.

4. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to give their child primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education in family. A child receiving education in a family has the right at any stage of education, subject to positive certification, by the decision of the parents (legal representatives), to continue education in an educational institution.

5. Parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils are responsible for their upbringing and their receipt of basic general education.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, parents or persons replacing them ensure that their children receive a complete general education. IN Everyday life Parents' responsibility for this is to ensure that their child learns. He can combine his studies with work, creative, entrepreneurial, commercial activities, but whatever the family situation, the level of financial security of the family, the health status of the parents, the child must receive the necessary education. Avoidance of this duty serves as grounds for deprivation of parental rights, removal of the guardian (trustee) ).

It also depends on the parents what additional education and where children will receive them. Parents exercise their right to choose taking into account the child’s opinion. It doesn’t matter how old he is. For children younger age attachment to friends with whom he would like to study, his abilities, inclinations may be important. Older children act consciously and realistically, basing their choices on their future professional orientation. The choice by a parent and his child of the type of educational institution and form of education is influenced by the child’s health status, the degree of financial security of the family, family traditions, profession of parents, etc. In any case, taking into account the child’s opinion means treating him with respect. However, parents have the right not to take into account the point of view of a minor if it contradicts his interests or cannot be realized for objective reasons.


Article 65: When exercising parental rights, parents do not have the right to harm the physical health of children or their moral development. Methods of raising children must exclude neglectful, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children.

Persons with parental rights are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. This responsibility is common and binding on both parents, wherever they may be, and determines special meaning responsibility of parents in ensuring the rights and interests of their children. At the same time, there is an impact on the formation of a sense of responsibility for the child and his upbringing, the completeness of which largely determines the quality of family upbringing. It is assumed that there is responsibility, both of a moral nature and as provided for in various branches of legislation (administrative, civil, family, criminal, etc.). In the first case, responsibility entails moral condemnation, in the second - additional burden or even punishment in the manner prescribed by law. Additional burden refers to consequences unfavorable for the violator of rights that go beyond the scope of forced performance of duties. Typical liability for improper family education children is deprivation of parental rights.

Family code RF. Article 69 provides for the deprivation of parental rights of those parents who shirk their responsibilities for raising children, abuse parental rights, abuse children, harmfully influence them with their immoral behavior, and are chronic alcoholics or drug addicts. By depriving irresponsible parents of parental rights, the state eliminates not only their unfavorable, bad influence on children, but also ends the fiction of education, that is, a situation in which a pedagogical vacuum is created, often filled with negative spontaneous influences. Parents deprived of parental rights are not released from the responsibility for supporting children. They must pay alimony to those to whom the child is placed in care, and they themselves cease to receive benefits assigned to the children. The basis of the elemental obligation is family relationships - marriage, adoption, etc. Minor children, and in some cases disabled adult family members, have the right to alimony. Child support is paid primarily by parents (adoptive parents), and in the event of their death - by other family members (grandfather, grandmother, adult brothers and sisters and other so-called actual caregivers). In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, alimony is collected according to the following scheme: 25% of earnings are transferred monthly for the maintenance of one child, 30% for the maintenance of two children and 50% for the maintenance of three or more children. The courts are given the right to increase or decrease the amount of alimony, taking into account the financial and marital status of the parties. In addition, the law deprives such parents of the corresponding rights provided for by civil and labor law.


Article 64. Rights and obligations of parents to protect the rights and interests of children

1. Protection of the rights and interests of children rests with their parents.

Parents are legal representatives their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in the courts, without special powers.

In our country there is a system of bodies and institutions that are obliged to deal with preventive work with families, protect the rights of minors, monitor the activities of children's institutions. These include:

    Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights

    Social protection authorities

    Education authorities

    Guardianship and trusteeship authorities

    Health authorities and health care institutions

    Youth authorities, employment services

    Internal Affairs Bodies

Modern law regulates in sufficient detail the rights and responsibilities of parents in relation to their children. And yet, in conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy:

"All moral education children comes down to good example.

Live well, or at least try to live well,

And as you succeed in a good life, you will raise your children well.”

Family is natural and best atmosphere for the life and development of a child. Only in family circle children receive full physical development and spiritual education.

Parents play a huge role in this process. From the very birth of the baby, they must take care of him, support and educate him.

In case of improper performance of duties, parents may become responsible for raising their children.

Developing and being brought up in the family circle is one of the highest priority rights of a minor, enshrined in the legislation on family relationships. Another alternative form of education is not capable of bringing the same positive results.

The law protects and protects the rights of minors to live in the family circle, together with their parents. Not allowed external influence and interference in the internal life of the family.

The exception is violations of the rights of persons under 18 years of age and the corresponding responsibility of parents for improper upbringing of children.

When children cannot live in family of origin, the state strives to provide them with a similar form of development: adoption, transfer to another family or guardian.

Only in the absence of the latter options do they remain in social institutions.

Closely related to family upbringing are rights such as: communication with biological parents, relatives and distant relatives, respect for honor and dignity, care.

Parental responsibilities

Both spouses have the same responsibilities and rights regarding their children. The law imposes responsibility for the failure of parents to fulfill their duties in raising minors and their normal development. Therefore, parents must conscientiously fulfill their duty of upbringing.

Taking care of mental and physical health children. This concerns nutrition, meeting the needs of a growing body, habitat, social circle, spending time with family, etc.

Development of moral and spiritual state. This group should include training, paying attention to the child’s abilities, his inclinations and hobbies, and participation in the formation of the personality of a future adult.

Today, the fulfillment of these duties is most in demand. Influence external factors can disrupt the normal spiritual development of a teenager’s personality, the desire to learn, manage feelings and emotions.

High-quality performance of parental responsibilities will serve good example behavior for a minor.

Until the end of 9th grade, spouses, taking into account the opinions of the children, have the right to choose an educational institution, school and form of education. The family must provide education for the minor. In this case, it is possible to combine classes with creative or commercial activities, work and other hobbies. Obstructing the opportunity to receive an education entails the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and education of their children. When choosing a form or place of study, it is important to listen to their desires, and sometimes completely focus on them.

All interests and rights of minors must be protected. Parental duty is to ensure the proper implementation of personal rights, as well as housing and inheritance interests, and to defend dignity and honor.

The regulation of this obligation by law classifies parents as the legal representatives of a minor. To confirm your eligibility, you only need to present your birth document.

Parental Responsibility

In accordance with the rules on parental responsibility for raising children, the following types are provided:

  • civil law;
  • administrative;
  • criminal

Within family law The law on parental responsibility for raising children establishes civil consequences.

Limitation of parents' powers
. It is allowed if there is a danger for a minor to remain in the family. The reasons are mental condition parents, illness, difficult life situations etc.

The restriction is applied if there are insufficient grounds for complete termination of rights.

Deprivation of rights. It is established when illegal acts are committed against children, cruel treatment, physical or mental violence.

This includes avoiding responsibilities to one’s children, alcoholism, drug addiction, and deliberately dangerous actions against a minor or a second spouse.

If rights are limited or terminated, the obligation to support their children remains. They don't lose.

Civil law establishes the responsibility of the parents of a minor to compensate for damage caused by his actions. If the minor has not reached 14 summer age, then the damage falls entirely on his parents. An exception is when they can prove the absence of their guilt.

At the age of 14 - 18 years, the child independently compensates for the harm. However, if the court determines that he does not have funds to cover expenses, then compensation is assigned to the family.

These norms also apply to people deprived of rights to their children. They will be required to compensate for damage caused by their children within 3 years after termination of rights. In this case, the connection must be proven that the minor’s actions were a consequence of his upbringing.

The responsibility of parents to their children is moral in nature. It consists in shaping the child’s way of thinking, mood, culture of behavior, attitude towards people and society.

Punishment for violations in education

The administrative responsibility of parents for improper upbringing of children is reflected in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The norm establishes sanctions in cases of inappropriate performance by spouses of their duty to minors for upbringing, maintenance, education and protection.

When establishing the elements of an offense, the following are applied: a warning or a monetary penalty from 100 to 500 rubles.

The fine will increase to 3,000 rubles if a number of facts are revealed on the part of the spouses:

  • violation of the right to communicate with close relatives;
  • violation of a judicial act on the place of residence of a minor;
  • violation of the decision on the procedure for exercising the rights of a parent.

Laws on parental responsibility for raising children include the norm of the Criminal Code - Art. 156. Punishment for failure to fulfill educational responsibilities may be incurred by:

  • parents;
  • workers educational institutions– teachers, lecturers;
  • employees of medical institutions;
  • employees of other organizations supervising children.

The article establishes the following types of punishments:

  • financial recovery up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • compulsory, corrective or forced labor;
  • deprivation of a position and the right to hold it in the future;
  • imprisonment for up to 3 years.

A prerequisite for the application of the article is the establishment of the fact of improper upbringing with the presence of cruel treatment. Such treatment refers to actions that do not lead to a significant deterioration in health. Otherwise, the crime will be classified under more serious charges.

In addition, the parent or other person responsible for education will be subject to criminal sanctions in the following cases:

  • Involving a child in participating in a crime;
  • Involvement in antisocial acts.

When considering the question of whether parents have the right to beat their children, it is worth paying attention to established order fulfillment of their rights.

Family members should not cause physical or psychological harm to their children or interfere with their normal development.

Legal discipline methods do not include harsh, cruel or degrading practices.


Today the issue of regulating intra-family relations, proper education children amid the influence of external factors (Internet, television, economic situation) remains largely problematic.

Studying the responsibility of parents for the improper upbringing of children, this article on this topic will be quite relevant. After all, to become a full member modern society the child will be able to through positive development in family.

The law is aimed at timely suppression of violations on the part of parents, so that injuries caused to a minor in childhood do not affect his entire future life.

Legal aspects related to parental responsibility for raising children

In the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of Art. 38 Constitution It has been established that caring for children and their upbringing is an equal right and responsibility of parents. This constitutional norm is ensured and specified by family legislation RF. Art. 61 SK states that parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights). Parental rights are based on the origin of the children, certified in the manner prescribed by law. Parental rights are understood as a set of rights and responsibilities that are vested in parents as subjects of parental legal relations (parental legal relations are legal relations between parents and children).

Personal non-property rights of parents include:

  • the right to raise and educate children,
  • the right to protect the rights and interests of children,
  • the right to protection of parental rights.


Article 61. Equality of rights and responsibilities of parents

1. Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights).

In accordance with Part 2 Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - caring for children and raising them is an equal right and responsibility of parents. Giving parents rights in relation to their minor children means that they are given the opportunity to perform actions and actions that are approved, desirable from the point of view of the state, and aimed at the benefit of the child. The rights of parents give rise to corresponding responsibilities.

2. Parental rights provided for by this chapter are terminated when children reach the age of eighteen years (the age of majority), as well as when minor children marry and in other cases established by law when children acquire full legal capacity before they reach the age of majority (marriage and emancipation (Clause 2 of Article 21 of the Civil Code and Article 27 of the Civil Code).

Article 63. Rights and obligations of parents regarding the upbringing and education of children

1. Parents have the right and obligation to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. Parents have a priority right to raise their children over all other persons. The right to raise a child is a personal inalienable right of every parent. This right can be lost only in cases provided for by law: upon deprivation of parental rights and adoption of a child (see Art. 69, 70 and 140 IC and commentary thereto). The right to education is to provide parents with the opportunity to personally raise their children. At the same time, parents are free to choose methods and methods of education that are consistent with the developing abilities of the child (Clause 2 of Article 14 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).

A typical penalty for improper family upbringing of children is deprivation of parental rights (commentary to Article 69 of the SK).

2. Parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive basic general education.

Parents, taking into account the opinions of their children, have the right to choose an educational institution and the form of education for their children until their children receive basic general education. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" considers education as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state. This process is ensured not only by the state, but also by parents. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation parents or persons replacing them ensure that children receive basic general education, i.e. education in the amount of 9 classes secondary school. Avoidance of this duty serves as grounds for deprivation of parental rights and removal of a guardian (trustee).

Article 64. Rights and obligations of parents to protect the rights and interests of children

1. Protection of the rights and interests of children rests with their parents.

Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in the courts, without special powers. Protection by parents of the rights and interests of the child is carried out in accordance with Art. 8 SK. The subject of protection is all the rights of children listed in Art. Art. 54 - 58, 60 SK.

2. Parents do not have the right to represent the interests of their children if the guardianship and trusteeship authority establishes that there are contradictions between the interests of parents and children. In case of disagreements between parents and children, the guardianship and trusteeship authority is obliged to appoint a representative to protect the rights and interests of the children.

Article 65. Exercise of parental rights

1. Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of children. Ensuring the interests of children should be the main concern of their parents.

When exercising parental rights, parents do not have the right to cause harm to the physical and mental health of children or their moral development. Methods of raising children must exclude neglectful, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children.

Parents are responsible for exercising their rights and responsibilities to the detriment of the rights and interests of the child. This means not only abuse of parental rights, but also other actions and actions of parents that cause or may harm the rights and interests of the child as an individual. The same can be said in relation to the property rights of a child. It's about responsibility provided by law. This may be administrative - legal - Art. 5.35, 6.10, 20.22 Code of Administrative Offenses, civil law - Art. Art. 1073, 1074 Civil Code, family law - Art. 69 SK, criminal - Art. 156 of the Criminal Code, etc. Parents who exercise parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children are liable in the manner prescribed by law.

2. All issues related to the upbringing and education of children are decided by parents according to their mutual agreement based on the interests of children and taking into account the opinions of children. Parents (one of them), if there are disagreements between them, have the right to apply for resolution of these disagreements to the guardianship and trusteeship authority or to the court.

3. Place of residence of children at living separately parents is established by agreement of the parents.

In the absence of an agreement, the dispute between the parents is resolved by the court based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children. In this case, the court takes into account the child’s attachment to each of the parents, brothers and sisters, the child’s age, moral and other personal qualities of the parents, the relationship existing between each parent and the child, the possibility of creating conditions for the child’s upbringing and development (occupation, work schedule of the parents , material and Family status parents and others.) Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by parents or other legal representatives of minors of duties for the maintenance, upbringing, education, protection of the rights and interests of minors - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one to five minimum sizes wages.

Parents may have a question: what should they do if the child does not respond to their positive influence?

ignores their demands. In this case, I would like to draw attention to what concerns the child’s responsibilities in the family,

then they are determined only by moral norms.

But the main factor in upbringing has been and remains the constant influence of parents on the formation of the child’s personality from the moment of his birth.

If at some point in the child’s life educational impact it was lost or weakened,

then the parents themselves will have to reap the benefits first of all.

And this will happen both morally and legally.

Childhood is the first stage of human development. The state guards the protection of children's rights and holds parents accountable for the improper upbringing of children. This is no coincidence. After all, parents play a major role in the development of young citizen: They must take measures to ensure that their child receives the necessary education, development and upbringing.

Protecting children's rights is the responsibility of parents

Childhood is a time that should be happy, carefree, safe, filled with maternal warmth and fatherly love, care loving grandmothers and grandfathers. This is the very age when a person, like a sponge, absorbs generally accepted behavioral norms, acquires value guidelines and basic skills for communicating with the outside world, and learns to live in society according to established rules.

The family is the main link of socialization for children. The main value for responsible parents is well-being and safety own child. From the moment of birth until adulthood, parents must guard his interests: protect property and personal rights, the right to a decent upbringing, necessary maintenance, successful learning, provide protection from violence and cruelty, as well as information that is harmful to health and development.

Violation of the rights of a child in the family leads to the legal responsibility of parents for the improper upbringing of children.

The basis of education is training

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of citizens to education. Basic general education based on federal state standards is compulsory, and it is the parents who must ensure that their children receive it.

The Family Code determines that education and upbringing are not only a right, but also the most important responsibility of parents, who, according to the Law “On Education,” are the first teachers in a child’s life. They must shape the personality of the future citizen, laying in early age foundations of development: physical, moral, intellectual.

The education that a child should receive starting from the age of 6.5 (but not later than 8) is a holistic process of development and upbringing, aimed at acquiring socially significant knowledge and skills in various fields of activity. The result of obtaining the necessary knowledge is a corresponding document on education.

Education can be obtained in the form of full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time. Parents can choose a form of family education, engage in self-education of the child, or choose an external education depending on the state of his health, needs and capabilities, taking into account the opinion of the child himself and the recommendations of specialists. If this does not happen, then the parents will inevitably become responsible for the improper upbringing of their children.

An important component of upbringing is child support

The upbringing of a child directly depends on the conditions of his detention. The Family Code secures the child’s right to have a decent standard of living and provides for the obligation of parents to support their children. Content means the availability of food for the child in accordance with his age, clothing appropriate to the season and weather conditions, items that are necessary for development, training, organization of recreation and leisure.

The responsibility of parents for the improper upbringing of children occurs if these requirements are not met, both parents (or one of them) do not understand and do not want to understand the full degree of responsibility for their children, do not realize the extent of their needs, shirk parental responsibilities, and thus thereby violating the property rights of minors. It is considered illegal for a child to live in unsanitary conditions if he has nowhere to sleep or do homework, and his parents regularly drink alcohol, which has a harmful effect on his development.

Russian legislation establishes the need to punish parents who commit illegal actions: collection of alimony from negligent fathers or mothers (and in relation to malicious defaulters - application of administrative norms), criminal prosecution, deprivation or restriction of parental rights.

Protecting children from harmful information

An integral part of education is information protection of children. To prevent harm from negative information the necessary measures are taken by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: it is prohibited for children to be in the in public places and at facilities where goods of a sexual nature only, alcoholic beverages, beer are sold, as well as in other places (for example, in institutions with Internet access, stadiums, train stations and bridges), the list of which is determined and approved by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently, taking into account the specifics region or individual municipality.

An important point: the presence of children in places specified by regional laws entails administrative sanctions against officials and legal entities, and legal liability of parents for the improper upbringing of children if they allow the child to be in these places at night.

What are the types of liability?

State coercive measures are applied to parents who are guilty of committing offenses against their children.

Exist different types parents' responsibility for the improper upbringing of children. Among them: administrative liability provided for by the Family and Civil Codes, civil and criminal.

Each of them characterizes certain illegal actions of parents, and also establishes sanctions corresponding to the form of the offense and its severity.

Administrative responsibility

Actions indicating parents’ neglect of basic needs and requirements, raising children, and unwillingness to stand up for their rights are recognized Russian legislation illegal (Article 5.35 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses). To punish such actions, continuing long time, administrative responsibility of parents for improper upbringing of children applies.

The legislation provides for legal liability in cases where the child does not have the opportunity to communicate with close relatives and parents, when it remains unfulfilled judgment, defining his place of residence.

Civil responsibility

The civil liability of parents for the improper upbringing of children is briefly but succinctly provided for by the Family and Civil Codes.

The Civil Code specifies that parents are obliged to live with children who have not reached the age of 14, thereby determining that parents who transfer the upbringing of their children to other people without good reason do not fulfill parenting.

The Family Code provides for deprivation or restriction of judicial procedure parental rights. This occurs in the case of malicious evasion of parents from their responsibilities, abuse of children, or recognition of parents as drug addicts (alcoholics).

If a child is in danger associated with living in a family, then the authorities of the prevention system can take the child away from the parents, and then apply to the court with a petition to limit (deprive) parental rights.

Criminal liability for illegal actions of parents

In accordance with the Criminal Code, parents are criminally liable for improper upbringing of children (together with ill-treatment) occurs in accordance with Art. 156. It provides punishment for the actions of parents that led to negative consequences for minors: health has deteriorated, normal mental development, the personality is formed incorrectly.

Cruelty can be expressed in the fact that the child, for example, is not provided necessary nutrition, clothes, housing, he is locked up for a long time, systematically humiliated, beaten, mocked.

This article provides for sanctions in the form of a fine, compulsory labor, restriction of freedom (for up to 3 years) - the punishment dependson the severity of the crime committed.

Criminal liability is also provided for such actions of parents as intentional evasion of child support payments, since this makes it difficult to create the conditions necessary for a decent upbringing. The Criminal Code provides for sanctions: correctional or forced labor, arrest, imprisonment (Article 157).

Protection of children's rights in the Republic of Belarus

If we compare the systems of punishing parents for violating the rights of children, then the legislative system of the Republic of Belarus largely corresponds to the Russian legal system.

The right and duty of parents to raise children, to show care, to create the necessary normal development and training conditions, provide funds for maintenance are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (Article 32).

The responsibility of parents for the improper upbringing of children in the Republic of Belarus is divided into administrative, civil, and criminal.

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, minors whose parents lead a lifestyle recognized as immoral, are sick with alcoholism or drug addiction, or improperly fulfill parental responsibilities in relation to children who, as a result of these actions, are in a socially dangerous situation are subject to state protection.

Adult indifference is a threat to childhood

Russian legislation, taking care of the protection of its rights minor citizens, provides for the responsibility of parents for the improper upbringing of children in the Russian Federation. Adoptive and foster parents, guardians and trustees are equated to parents, whose role can be assigned not only to citizens, but also officials bodies and government agencies entrusted with the responsibility of a public guardian.

The responsibility to raise children rests with parents (persons replacing them) until the child reaches adulthood.

Taking into account that in most cases children cannot seek help themselves in case of violation of their rights, social dysfunctional families should not be left without due attention from the authorities included in the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. The duty of concerned citizens is to help children raised in families where there are no basic conditions for their development, upbringing, and maintenance, where children are exposed to violence from adults.

About those who have become known facts Violations of children’s rights can be reported to the district police officer, the juvenile affairs inspector, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the education department, or a specialist of the commission on juvenile affairs.

Let the children be alive, healthy and happy.
