What to do for your loved one to make him happy. Costumes, toys and other nice things

How to become a sex goddess? Tips for girls who are inexperienced in sex.

How to give unearthly pleasure to a man, a guy in bed, how to please him without having much experience?

If a girl has a desire to give a man pleasure in bed, then she has every chance of becoming a sex goddess. Because any undertaking begins with the desire to implement it. And if both partners have such a desire, then mutual willingness to give more than to receive will lead the couple to sexual harmony.

It must be said that a girl’s inexperience in sex is not always a disadvantage for a man. So, if a man is sophisticated enough and sex is a common thing for him, then a girl who is inexperienced in sex can become his student. He will teach her all the basics of this art and the pinnacle of it unearthly pleasure there will be a woman who can do everything in sex thanks to her teacher.

If you, without experience, want to please a man in bed, just follow your desires and the desires of your man.

Forget about your inhibitions, relax and enjoy sex. Your man will definitely feel that you feel good with him and it will be best reward for him.

Important! Do not forget about contraception and protection from possible infection with sexually transmitted infections. The most in a simple way protection is a condom.

A completely different situation may arise if both the guy and the girl are not prepared for sex. In this case, the timidity of the boy and the shyness of the girl can play a fatal role, and the couple will receive mutual disappointment from sex.

How to behave correctly in bed with a man, a guy, for the first time?

There is a certain program that will help inexperienced girls show their best side.

Step one

Foreplay to sex can take from 10 minutes to half an hour and includes kissing, hugging and affectionate touching. You can practice touching your partner’s fingers with your fingers, intertwining your arms and legs, touching your partner with your hands and tongue. erogenous zones, touching your hair to his skin and other methods that bring pleasure and help you relax.

There are times when a man and woman are very excited and do not need foreplay. In this case, everything happens like a sudden whirlwind, where clothes are torn off and the couple enjoys rapid intercourse.

Step two

The sexual act itself. If a woman is sufficiently aroused by foreplay, then her vagina is moistened with lubricant, which helps to have sexual intercourse painlessly and without excessive irritation of the internal genital organs. If lubrication is not enough, you can use oils designed for this purpose.

If you are having sex with a man for the first time, act as if this is the first and last sex for you and for this man in your life. Show all your imagination and tenderness. If you put off demonstrating your talents until later, your man may simply not wait for it and leave for a more interesting girl.

How to make a man interested in having sex with you? To achieve this goal, you can use changing positions during sex. It is a mistake for girls to think that the standard position “woman below - man on top” completely satisfies the needs of men. Such monotony can disappoint a guy. And if a girl doesn’t want to learn all the Kama Sutra poses, then she can at least use the most common poses.

  • Man on top - woman on bottom
  • Woman on top - man on bottom
  • Woman leaning on elbows and knees - man behind
  • Man and woman lying sideways on bed
  • Jack pose or 69 pose
  • The man is kneeling and the woman is lying on her back

And many other variations of these and other poses. It would be nice to show your imagination and come up with your own options for sex positions. In this case, your man will be subdued, fascinated by you, and will no longer want to look for another woman to satisfy his sexual needs.

Step three

The caresses that couples practice after sex complete the process. You can meet quite a lot of men who immediately after sex kiss their girlfriend on the cheek, turn to the wall and instantly fall asleep. You shouldn't be offended by them for this. It’s just that men’s physiology is designed in such a way that after sex they need rest. And the physiology of women may require final caresses and conversations.

How to make a man, boyfriend, or husband feel good and pleasant in bed with your hands?

Touch female hands men always feel good about the genitals, but women mistakenly believe that such a touch should be extremely gentle and barely noticeable for men. Touching the head of the penis should be gentle, and squeezing the shaft of the penis should be strong enough. You can ask the man to tell you what kind of compression is most pleasant for him.

How to make a man, boyfriend, or husband feel good and pleasant in bed with your tongue?

Oral sex is enjoyable for almost all men, and some of them value it more than standard sex. To make a man feel good in bed with your tongue, it’s enough to remember a few simple techniques blowjob. They include:

  • Licking and gentle biting
  • Vibrations with the tip of the tongue and suction

Alternate these techniques to create a cascade of sensual pleasures. To make your tongue touches more gentle and gliding, use oils intended for oral sex.

How to surprise your beloved guy, man, husband in bed, drive him crazy, make him feel good, seduce, conquer, please: tips, secrets

To surprise and conquer a man in bed, beautiful underwear, candles and champagne are not enough. Men, if they pay attention to such little things, do so only minimally. Your man will be pleasantly surprised by you only if you, like a workhorse, provide him with the full range of sexual services: oral sex, a variety of poses, moans and sighs. And if after sex you feel that you have fulfilled hard work, it means that your man received the very pleasure he dreamed of. Of course, sex should not only be work, but also bring pleasure to the woman herself. And here it is important to find golden mean, where both a man and a woman will be able to get mutual pleasure from sex.

If your man is happy after sex, it means you did a good job

What do men, guys like, what do they want from a woman, a girl in bed most of all: men’s desires

During sex, both men and women go into their own world own feelings and experiences. They begin to think in terms of “pleasant”, “good”, “very pleasant”. Most of all, men want to linger at the peak of the most pleasant sensations for them. Men want a woman to read their thoughts and make their desires come true. If you don't know how to read your man's mind, ask him what he wants from you. This option takes the unpredictability out of sex, but it helps to understand the desires of men.

How to get a man, a guy into bed, how to hint a man about bed, turn him on, excite him?

If a man likes you, then getting him into bed will not be difficult. Usually, a dialogue on the topic of bed is conducted between a man and a woman without words, with just looks and gestures. If a man is not interested in you, then words and hints will not help you turn him on and excite him.

How to become interesting to a man?

Men are hunters by nature and they are interested in hunting for hard-to-reach prey. So a woman pretending to be an impregnable rock may be more interesting to him than a woman clearly hinting at sex.

What can and should be done and said to a man in bed, and what not: how to be on top?

Most men prefer not to talk during sex. Conversations are distracting and throw them off their rhythm. An exception to the rule would be oohs and aahs to the beat.

Being at your best during sex means feeling your man, guessing his desires and making his fantasies come true.

What do men keep silent about in bed, what do they pay attention to?

Men are silent about what they don't like during sex. So they may not like the fact that the male penis enters the woman’s vagina too freely and does not find sufficiently tight compression by the muscles. If a woman's vaginal muscles are stretched after childbirth or they are weak physiological reasons, a man may not only not enjoy sex, but also not achieve orgasm.

How to pump up vaginal muscles?

It is quite simple to pump up these muscles and for this you need to perform simple gymnastics, which you can do in any free and even non-free time. The essence of this gymnastics is to tense the muscles that are located in the lower part of the bladder and intestines. To perform gymnastics, you need to tense these muscles the same way you tense them when you need to empty bladder or intestines, but there is no such possibility. You need to strain them for 10 - 15 minutes every day. A noticeable result will come after about a month of such exercises. The more and more often you do such gymnastics, the more pumped up your muscles will be.

What a man likes in bed: reviews

In reviews about sex, men write about what they don’t like:

  • Monotony of poses
  • Criticisms about sexual talent
  • Women chatting during sex

They also write what they like:

  • A woman capable of being bright, diverse and temperamental
  • Compliments and praise of sexual achievements
  • Voluptuous moans that indicate that a woman enjoys sex very much

VIDEO: How to make a man feel good with your tongue?

There is a common belief that surprising your significant other is the responsibility of representatives strong half humanity. This is a completely wrong idea: a girl should also think about how to surprise a guy. If you want your relationship to be long-lasting and develop into something more, perhaps even ending with a marriage proposal and the magical sounds of the Mendelssohn march, you need to avoid routine and diversify your communication.

And to do this, you need to constantly maintain your boyfriend’s interest in you, without ceasing to surprise you again and again. In addition, by arranging surprises for your loved one, you can stimulate him to respond, and a wonderful tradition of surprising and delighting each other will appear in your relationship.


How can you surprise your loved one at the beginning of a relationship?

At the very beginning of a relationship, when you don’t know each other at all, it won’t take much effort to surprise a guy. During the period of first love, young people enjoy communicating with each other.

If this is your first date, prepare thoroughly for it and give him a tour of the city, surprising the guy with your encyclopedic knowledge of history, architecture and attractions. Even if all this is familiar to him, he will listen to your story with interest, and perhaps you will have common hobbies and topics for conversation.

A surprise could be an invitation to dinner, for which you yourself prepared something exotic and very tasty. Try to impress him with elegant table settings and your culinary talents. Moreover, as is known, the shortest path to to a man's heart lies through the stomach.

Anniversary of dating

Your relationship can already be called quite long and stable, because the first anniversary of your acquaintance is approaching. I would like to celebrate this day in a special way, to please my loved one, to surprise him an unexpected surprise, coming up with something original and extraordinary.

On this significant day for both of you, you can give your loved one a gift made with your own hands. Such gifts are very valuable not only for their exclusivity, but also because you made this thing just for him, putting your love and a piece of your soul into it. You can give your loved one an original knitted Warm scarf, artfully designed photo album self made, which your boyfriend will fill with the most successful photos together.

Your loved one will undoubtedly be surprised if you invite him to celebrate the anniversary of your relationship by flying hot-air balloon. What could be more romantic than kissing at a bird's eye view and admiring the surroundings?

A romantic dinner by candlelight is already a classic celebration of a couple's anniversary. And the classics have not yet come up with anything better. But if you want to surprise your boyfriend, you need to add some flair to the evening. Maybe she will be unusual choice music, design, original outfit or exotic culinary masterpieces. It all depends on your imagination and taste.

Surprises for a guy at a distance

There are situations when lovers have to be away from each other for some time. For example, this may be due to a business trip or study of one of them. Of course, daily telephone conversations and communication on social networks somewhat brightens up the separation, but even being at a distance, do something nice friend for a friend it is quite possible. How to surprise your loved one while apart?

If you are a home girl and far from extreme sports, you can surprise your boyfriend by doing, for example, skydiving or riding a motorcycle. Ask one of your relatives or friends to film your achievements and send the video to your lover. Seeing you in a new role, he will be very surprised, and you will open up to him from an unexpected side. He will see in you a versatile personality, capable of unpredictable actions.

You can simply send him e-mail or on a social network musical card with a declaration of love or a video from your photos together. It will be good reason remind him of himself and show that you think about him.

What other surprises could there be?

In order for the relationship not to be everyday and monotonous, the guy and the girl must make some effort and imagination. You cannot always be predictable in everything. Moreover, the magic of a girl is that she is constantly different: her roles, mood, temperament, and actions change. For example, it is sometimes useful for a quiet and calm girl to try on the role of an Amazon or a bitch. By adding new touches to your image, you will make your relationship more interesting and mysterious. The guy behind all these images will still see who you really are, and this will benefit your relationship.

Intimate relationships in the life of a young couple should also undergo renewal from time to time. Think about how to surprise a guy in this regard too. This can be done, for example, by purchasing and showing him beautiful and sexy underwear. Complete it with fishnet stockings or a garter. Or just ask what he would like.

You will be pleasantly surprised young man, if, by inviting his mother to dinner, you manage to make friends with her. This will also be useful for you, because the sooner you establish a good relationship With future mother-in-law, the calmer and more cloudless your family life will be.

Relationships, no matter how ideal they may be at the very beginning, require constant work to strengthen them. Of course, in the life of any couple there are quarrels, disagreements and other minor troubles, but if you consider yourself wise woman, then you understand that a relationship, like a child, needs to be raised and nurtured. And you need to do this by your own example, then your lover will strive for diversity and harmony.

Men, just like women, love surprises. And a girl should always be at her best, showing imagination, inventing new ways to diversify relationships. After all, life is so long, and it is in your power to make it as interesting and delightful as possible.

I don’t understand those girls who live a routine family life. After all, there are so many interesting things around, so many things that you can try together with your loved one. Surprise him with new facets of your ingenuity, show yourself from a completely different side. But in order to avoid mistakes and present a real surprise, you need to know the guy well, then it will be easier to make him smile. Let's look at how to surprise a guy?

According to family psychologists, powerful emotions- such as surprise - strengthen relationships and bring pleasant novelty into them. So, by surprising and delighting your boyfriend, you are also strengthening your future life together.

How can you surprise a guy?

In fact, it is very easy to surprise your boyfriend, you just need to want it and the necessary thoughts will immediately come to mind. There are a lot of options.

  • Surprise your boyfriend with the kitchen. Prepare a new dish that he should like. Don't make the mistake of choosing exotic foods or mixing meats with fruits. For some reason, not all men like such combinations.
  • You don't really like it when he plays computer games? Then he will be very surprised by your good heart, if you buy him a new game disc! And you won’t just buy it, you’ll also sit and watch him smash his enemies.
  • If you are not an ardent fan of football matches, then go to football with your boyfriend. There, behave like a fan - yell, blow horns and cheer for your boyfriend's favorite team. His surprise will know no bounds.
  • Give your consent for his mother to come to visit - if you live together. Perhaps from such a proposal you will even see a tear of joy and a look full of adoration. After all, all men dream of their girlfriend and mother being friends.

I think all girls are interested in the question of what to say to a guy to surprise him. Each of us has our own tricks.

But our favorite is to say that you are having a baby. To say, and so modestly wait for a reaction.

Look at the whole range of feelings on his face and giggle in your soul. We know that nothing will happen to us for this. And to see his surprise - oh, how I want to!

So you will surprise the guy with your inattention to contraception and see how he treats children. Only then don’t be too surprised if he reacts negatively. The reason for this is not necessarily in you specifically - he may simply not be ready yet and be afraid of the new responsibility. Of course, if this joke didn’t go over with him once – and he was surprised somehow unkindly – ​​then it’s not worth repeating.

I can say that he will be very surprised when you utter words of love for the first time. Then he will get used to them and stop reacting violently. But at first you will really surprise him.

Surprise the guy with your words. The words with which a book about your loved one will be written. Nowadays it is very easy to write an e-book. If you put in a little effort and remember everything bright events your life - from the day you met to the present - you will get a wonderful collection of stories that he will read with undisguised curiosity and pleasure. Besides, a book is like a family album.

Reading it, the young man understands the seriousness of your intentions regarding your life together.

How to surprise a guy with a kiss

All guys love to kiss, and every girl wants to kiss her beloved young man so that he likes it. Kisses are different, it can be friendly kiss on the cheek, maybe passionate, or maybe tender, bashful. But truly surprising your boyfriend with a kiss is not easy.

What secrets do you have in your arsenal?

  • An unexpected kiss. The simplest solution to surprise your man. Quickly get closer and touch his lips with your lips. Hold there for a few seconds, then slowly pull away from him and say something gentle. Guys love initiative, so this kiss will be very effective.
  • Kiss the back of the neck. Usually this kiss is actively used by guys, but believe me, they also like it when they are kissed on the neck! Discreetly approach the guy from behind and lightly hug him. Direct your hot breath into his ear. After that, kiss him softly on the neck, and when he turns around, smile. The best way to surprise a guy with a kiss.
  • Cold kiss. Almost every girl has such lip glosses, “with a chill”. Before the meeting, paint your lips with this gloss and kiss your loved one. He will be very surprised to feel a slight coldness on his lips after the kiss.
  • Delicious kiss. Buy yourself a strawberry or cherry flavored lipstick and invite your boyfriend to “taste” your lips when you meet. No guy has ever refused such an offer!
  • Romantic kiss. This kiss requires a special atmosphere. When you are standing somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building at night or in a less extreme but romantic place - look meaningfully into your boyfriend's eyes, take his hands, press your whole body and kiss him slowly! Your boyfriend will be very happy about such an initiative!

Experiment with kisses, the main thing is to avoid routine and monotony in this regard, and then the guy will never dodge your kisses!

Your first “love” holiday is approaching - the anniversary of a relationship or the start of dating. This day is special for each of you. And how you want to please your loved one not with a banal bottle of perfume or aftershave cosmetics, but with an unusual, memorable and original gift.

So, let's think together about what we can present dear person on this important and meaningful day for you.

  • DIY gifts: give a piece of yourself! Such things are an excellent alternative to expensive gifts; the most important thing you need for this is your time, strength, desire and love. Give it to your loved one knitted scarf handmade, homemade photo album with the most romantic pictures, a postcard with the warmest declarations of love…. There are many options, choose what your boyfriend will definitely like and will cause surprise and delight.
  • Extreme Gifts: add some adrenaline to your life! If your lover is a thrill-seeker, a great gift for him there will be a hot air balloon flight, jumping (jumping from a bridge with a rope), diving or paintball. When choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the preferences of your loved one and his inclinations.
  • Romantic gifts: spend unforgettable moments together! Lovers of romance will enjoy a candlelit dinner prepared by your beloved, tickets to a night show at the dolphinarium, a massage or a bath with aromatic oils for two, a romantic song that you will sing to your beloved yourself, a big heart from inflatable balloons... Put a piece of yourself into such a gift, think through everything down to the smallest detail, prepare well, then the gift will be remembered by both of you for a long time and the fire of love will flare up even stronger.

A gift does not have to be expensive or spectacular. Even the most simple thing, presented with love and joy, will awaken in your loved one the desire to appreciate and cherish you even more. Let your holiday be unforgettable!

How to surprise a guy on VKontakte

If you want to surprise your boyfriend on social media, go ahead, just don't overdo it! Are you already dating? for a long time, which means they have studied each other well enough. Then you can sometimes start surprising your loved one. For example, you can surprise him on the social network VKontakte, you can write on his wall that you love him, then that you want children from him, send him pictures of children and a wonderful family life.

Write that you want to introduce him to your parents and relatives. This should be done as if you were just making fun of him. And you are actually joking now, but as snipers say, with a long-range aim.

Why shouldn't you surprise a guy in the first weeks of dating? He doesn’t know you well yet, and your attempts to surprise him may seem like yours to him. normal behavior, and he will want to break up with you. And if you don’t know each other well yet, then you shouldn’t risk it. After all, men are cautious people and even timid in some ways.

He just may not understand you.

Based on your behavior, he can conclude that you are a rather eccentric and unpredictable lady and it will be difficult for him to be with you. This scares many men. Be careful!

You don't know him well yet. And you don't know how he might react to your attempts to surprise him.

Living together without surprising each other is simply boring. And if you surprise through social media, this is very relevant now.

  • Changing clothes. Inspired by erotic films, guys react very strongly to the costumes of nurses and waitresses. Take this powerful weapon into your arsenal, your boyfriend, returning home after work, will be incredibly surprised if you meet him in a waitress costume and escort him to bed as if it were a table in a restaurant - it will be a stormy night!
  • Erotic lingerie. The easiest way to surprise your boyfriend, since the choice of all kinds of stockings, corsets and transparent bras is now very large. Put on fishnet stockings, beautiful lace underwear with a thong - slowly undressing you, the guy will simply go crazy with delight.
  • Striptease. Dim the lights in the room and turn on slow music. The smooth and erotic movements of your body will lead the young man into a state of extreme excitement. Carefully remove every piece of clothing to the beat of the music.
  • Initiative. It may be really difficult for some, but it's worth it! A man is dominant by nature, and when a girl takes the initiative into her own hands, for the male it becomes a pleasant and unexpected surprise; for him it is new and interesting experience. Let it be not he, but you, who leads in sex. Start undressing him yourself, offer the “Cowgirl” position - let your boyfriend fully feel your passion and desire!

Most main secret We all know how to surprise and please him in bed. We know, but we often forget that the biggest surprise that will bring a guy is not suits and striptease, but ordinary - or unusual - oral sex. Simply put, it is the easiest and quick way surprise your loved one in bed!

When you are far from each other, sometimes you want to remind yourself. Nowadays it’s easy to do this, thanks to the telephone, the Internet, and intercity delivery services. Imagine how surprised your boyfriend will be when he receives a pleasant reminder of your love from you. Here are just some examples of how you can maintain feelings at a distance and surprise a guy.

  • A gift with romantic overtones would be a very suitable reception. It could be sweets love notes, a t-shirt, or a refrigerator magnet that says “I love you.”
  • If you are a fan of the classics, then you can write him a letter of recognition in which you will lay out all the good things that you think about him.
  • If he likes to read, go ahead. book Shop. Choose the book that he wanted to read or the one that matches your experiences. Not bad, but somewhat banal, but still a nice gift there will be money.
  • It doesn’t matter in what form, but preferably for current expenses (money to a mobile account or money to a card).
  • If a guy loves flowers, then there are a lot of organizations for long-distance delivery of goods. All that remains to be done is to choose the desired bouquet and place an order.
  • He football fan, or is interested in sports? Then the best way He will be surprised by your knowledge of this sport. Buy him his favorite uniform, or ask him about the results of the competition.
  • If you want to surprise your partner, then don’t be shy and do an erotic photo shoot. Such a surprise will not only please him, but will also diversify your relationship.
  • Also relatively recently, unique underwear from Durex appeared. It was created specifically for couples at a distance and has a vibration response. Using your phone, you can move your hand over your partner's erogenous zones, being many kilometers away from him. But if this doesn’t help, offer sex on a webcam and surprise will be the least of what you get in return.

As you see, There are really a lot of ways to surprise a guy. It all depends on the extent of your imagination and virtue. But if you decide to become the brightest star in your boyfriend’s life, then don’t be shy - invent it and bring it to life!

Stop grumbling. This advice may seem funny and ridiculous to many, but believe me, there is more to it. common sense than you think. The husband is accustomed to the fact that delicious food awaits him at home, ironed shirts and his wife’s systematic grumbling about various things. household topics: he must do this, he must not do that. But you go ahead and forget about everything he should and shouldn’t do and try for one evening just to be yourself, without burdening your loved one with any grumbling. Do you think he won't notice this? Maybe so, but one pleasant evening Without moralizing, you will definitely provide him with it, but isn’t this a nice gift?

You constantly make sure that your family eats right and does not eat anything unhealthy, fatty or heavy in the evening, and especially before bed. Maybe sometimes it's worth stepping back from this. Imagine how your man comes home from work tired and receives something he has never seen before - a huge steaming plate of pasta, covered in cheese sauce and a piece of fried meat. Men always need to be well fed, but for this occasion, arrange something incredibly tasty and appetizing. Something you’ve never cooked before, especially for dinner.

Many women think different ideas, of an erotic nature. Believe me, your husband will be very happy if you allow him to do something that you have never agreed to before. Of course, you yourself must want this; doing something that is unpleasant to you, even for the sake of the man you love, is still not worth it. But you can completely make his long-standing erotic fantasy come true. Have a surprise romantic evening, put on new underwear and do everything to make your husband remember what is happening for a long time.

Tell him often that he is important and valuable to you. Many spouses, after several years of marriage, stop talking to each other. tender words, believing that there is no need for this. However, this is not the case. When you tell a person that you love them, you are doing and sharing positive things for them. During the period of your love, you constantly spoke endearments to each other, was that really true? bad time? Try to continue this period, most likely, the sensations you will experience will be the most pleasant.

If you want to refresh your family life, it is not at all necessary to arrange dizzying somersaults with whips, role-playing games and daily lunches at the hotel's rooftop restaurant. It is quite enough to do some small, but nice little thing, which he can appreciate. Your love needs periodic encouragement, so try to maintain it constantly. It's not difficult at all.

How to show a man that you care about him, what romantic actions do they appreciate? We asked men and they shared ways to melt their hearts.

“A few months before my 28th birthday, Lena secretly learned to play the guitar from me. Just to play my favorite song on my birthday, from Aquarium. I was speechless, I couldn’t believe that she spent so much effort for me.”
Boris, 29

“My girlfriend knows that I am passionate about cars and value my car very much. Once, when we were at the dacha, while I was sleeping, she completely washed it and even perfumed it a little. Her smell appeared there until the end of autumn, when the interior became very hot. And he reminded me of her.”
Kirill, 24

“My friend once took me sledding down a hill. I don’t know why, but I still remember this as the most romantic moment in our relationship.”
Roman, 23

“On our first date, I casually mentioned that I couldn’t find a rare album with Van Gogh’s paintings anywhere. When we celebrated our first anniversary, Anya, completely unexpectedly for me, gave me that very album. And by that time I was completely desperate to find him!”
Roman, 42

“I sometimes have to work from home until late at night. In such cases, my wife always brings me a saucer of ice cream when she goes to bed. At this moment I feel such tenderness for her..."
Kirill, 30

“Masha once recorded a very touching message, burned it onto a CD and discreetly inserted the disc into the radio in the car. I listened to it on the way to work and could hardly work all day, thinking about her.”
Leonid, 27

"One of the most pleasant moments was when she brought me my favorite chocolate cake… for breakfast!"
Stas, 23

“When we celebrated the second anniversary of our meeting, Tanya read aloud to me a private post from her blog, which she wrote after our first date. It was so passionate and frank that I would probably have been scared if I had known about it two years ago. And now this is perhaps the most touching thing I have ever heard.”
Alexey, 28

“One day Katya greeted me with an unexpectedly passionate and long kiss: she wrapped her arms around my neck, raised her leg, everything - as if she had not seen me for a year or more. I was very flattered by her enthusiasm.”
Igor, 29

“Last year, without any formal reason, my girlfriend gave me an album where the history of our relationship was outlined day by day: with pasted photographs, newspaper clippings, and so on - I can’t remember everything. But I didn’t even know that I meant so much to her.”
Victor, 26

“One night Masha pulled me out into the yard and encouraged me to climb over the fence together into the fenced playground to ride on the swings. Stupid. But I fell in love again."
Danya, 23

“Before our third date, Sveta insisted that only she decide what we would do that evening. I prepared for the worst. What I didn’t expect was to go on a date to my favorite pub, and then play shooting games online and eat pizza together at my house until one in the morning. I couldn’t even dream of such a date!”
Dima, 22

"Last Valentine's Day, my girlfriend gave me a piece of paper with the phrase 'I love you' written in 15 different languages."
Nikolay, 26

“I’m not a very impressionable person, but I still completely melted when my common-law wife gave me a bouquet of roses... And not all at once. I found one next to me on the pillow when I woke up. The second one was in the bathroom when I went to shave. The third is in the kitchen, and so on.”
Mikhail, 39

“She shamelessly flatters me. Just. Nothing turns you on like a girl who hugs you and compliments you.”
Tolya, 36

“A girl at the gym, with whom I never expected to be in a relationship, once left a note in the pocket of my bag that said, 'You're cute.' Now we live together, and I still keep this note in my wallet.”
Vladimir, 25

“My girlfriend amazed me by giving me a pair of new, very comfortable slippers in my size. I don’t know how she knew that I would never have bought them for myself.”
Sergey, 34

“My wife saved an old tape recording of me singing a song with a guitar in the company of our mutual friends. But then we hadn’t even met yet! It’s nice to think that even then she liked me.”
Vadim, 40

“Nastya masterfully comes up with different ideas for me funny nicknames, and almost every day there are new ones. This is not for everyone, of course. But it touches me when she calls me, say, Drakoshik.”
Evgeniy, 28
