What a pregnant woman should look like. Sun protection

Pregnancy is excellent condition, but you may not feel all its charm when your body begins to change. It is very difficult to remain beautiful and attractive during this period.

When you first find out you're pregnant, you may be over the moon, but that feeling of euphoria will be short-lived. Every month your belly will begin to grow, you will gain weight, painful toxicosis, pain, and discomfort lie ahead. All these changes may make you feel wary and unsure, but you should feel attractive and wanted during pregnancy!

If you're looking for ways to love yourself and your body during pregnancy, it's definitely possible if you follow our tips!

Choose clothes made from soft materials

If you are going to look soft and romantic during pregnancy, choosing soft fabrics is correct solution. When you choose more comfortable clothes from materials like silk, lace and satin, you are sure to look beautiful and sexy even with big belly ahead.

While these fabrics are nice and soft to the touch, the main benefit is that they don't tighten your belly. You may prefer bandage dresses, but it is best to ensure that the clothes are comfortable and breathable!

Don't be afraid to show your belly

During pregnancy, many women choose to hide their bellies under big shirts and dresses, but showing off your baby bump doesn't mean you can't be attractive during this period!

If you hide the body under a large and loose clothing, then you may seem much larger than you would like. A situation that many women are afraid of is buying completely new wardrobe for just a few months. But you don’t need to do this!

The ideal way to show off your curves is to wear the clothes you wore before you were pregnant. Throw all tight shirts and blouses aside until better times, and feel free to wear things that are not too tight, that stretch easily.

While you shouldn't be afraid to show off your belly, make sure it's covered by clothing! You may be tempted to sunbathe, and if you're enjoying your time by the pool, it's perfectly acceptable to soak up the sun for a bit while covering your bare belly. It is not recommended to walk in the sun with a bare belly, so try to cover it as often as possible!

Don't sacrifice your old style

What many women feel the need to do is sacrifice their style when they find out about an "interesting" position. But you don't have to do that! Although some people consider certain styles inappropriate for a pregnant woman, who are all these personalities to forbid you to look attractive in such important period life!

When you're pregnant, certain clothes and shoes may be too small after a while, but if you're comfortable with them, feel free to wear them! If you like bodycon dresses with over the knee boots, don't feel like you can't wear them!

Heels are a staple in many women's closets, and you can still wear them while pregnant. As long as you feel comfortable, go!

Low-top shoes are your friend

If you're a fan of heels and boots, you might find yourself in bad mood regarding the prospect of wearing low-top shoes. While sandals, ballet flats and moccasins can sometimes look boring, they are a better (and safer) alternative to walking in heels. And don’t think that such shoes turn you into an ugly person without a sense of style.

One of the main so-called side effects Pregnancy means swollen feet and ankles. Instead of trying to wear a fancy pair of ankle boots or boots, opt for flats and flats. They can be comfortable and stylish too!

Invest in maternity jeans

When you're pregnant, you'll notice the biggest changes in your body in your waist size. While you may be able to wear your favorite tops and dresses, you will notice that you will have to say goodbye to those beloved jeans for a while, but not for good!

It might be more comfortable to spend the second half of your term in leggings or sweatpants, but let's face it. If you have beautiful hips And slender legs, then you can’t do without a pair of jeans! This is why you need maternity jeans if you want to look attractive during this period.

You will be pregnant for several months, so don't buy too much, a couple will be enough for you. Stick to the classics and go for black or navy blue.

Don't forget to wear dresses

You don't want to wear clothes that squeeze your stomach and restrict your movement? Everyday dresses Made from soft cotton, they fit perfectly into the wardrobe of a woman who wants to feel sexy during pregnancy. The material will allow you and your belly to breathe and will highlight all the charms of your figure.

Pamper yourself

As your pregnancy progresses, you may become tired of tossing and turning in bed at night and waking up trying to find a comfortable position. You may feel tired and even look tired. Unfortunately, this can prevent you from enjoying your wonderful condition.

What should those women who need a boost do? An amazing way to regain your sense of sexiness during pregnancy is to pamper yourself. Plan a shopping trip. Take a trip to the sanatorium, where you will be provided with a whole range of medical procedures.

It is often said that you look good when you feel good. IN in this case feeling good is the most important step, which will give you confidence, give you wings, and you will continue to enjoy your pregnancy.

Feel free to wear beautiful underwear

It would seem that for the entire period of bearing a baby you need to say goodbye to the beautiful underwear, but that would be a big mistake! Before you plunge into the world sweatpants and pajamas, wear underwear. This great way feel attractive during pregnancy!

Like clothing, it should be made from materials that are pleasant to the body! Most lingerie is made of silk, satin and lace, so you will feel feminine and confident.

When you are pregnant and happy that your child will soon be born, you should not be ashamed of your body. Of course, your body will change, you will gain weight, but this is not a problem, this should not stop you from feeling like a beautiful woman!

Love your body and accept all the changes that happen to you for granted, and don't let anyone stop you (except safety, of course) from feeling attractive during pregnancy. You deserve to be beautiful, desired and in a good mood!

Sometimes a mother has to “pay” for her baby with stretch marks, sagging breasts and dull hair. But these problems can be minimized if you are not lazy for 9 months. About how to take care of your body for nine important months For the expectant mother, let's ask a gynecologist antenatal clinic No. 124 of the Moscow region Zheleznodorozhny Irina Ivanovna Rubinova.

Luxurious hair

During pregnancy, hair grows very quickly for the simple reason that cell nutrition improves. Most pregnant women's hair becomes shinier and thicker, but it can also be different. Suddenly, your hair can become very oily or, conversely, too dry.

If your hair becomes oily: Wash your hair as often as possible using herbal-based shampoos. oily hair. Don't rinse them too much hot water, as carefully as possible. Try to avoid blow drying.

If your hair becomes drier and brittle: Use special nourishing hair masks. “Soften” the water when washing by adding vinegar.

During pregnancy, you should not resort to hair perm or coloring. If you really want to change your appearance, use paints of plant origin, such as henna, basma. Concerning perm, then, firstly, under the influence of hormones released during pregnancy, hair may not be curlable. Secondly, the chemical solutions used are absorbed by the scalp and are absorbed into the scalp through it. blood vessels. There is no data on the danger to the child’s health, but it is still better to refrain from “chemistry” during pregnancy.

Beautiful breasts

A pregnant woman's breasts begin to grow long before her belly begins to grow. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, glandular tissue grows, the breasts become larger, and by the time the baby is born, each of them gains about 500 g in weight. Doctors believe that it is at this stage, and not during feeding, you can ruin the shape of your breasts.

Doing exercises. A trained muscle is more elastic and does not sag as quickly as a physically untrained chest. Three exercises will be enough for you, but you should perform them only on the condition that they will not cause you expectant mother no pain, no discomfort, not even the slightest discomfort.

Exercise No. 1. Squeeze the ball tightly behind your back at hip level and try to lift it up. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds and lower. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise No. 2. Fold your arms at chest level and squeeze your palms tightly, tensing the muscles of your arms and chest. Count to 15 and relax. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise No. 3. Take dumbbells weighing 1-2.5 kg. Starting position – hands in front of you. Then spread them apart and back. So 10-15 times.

Getting ready to feed:

  • Give your breasts firming air baths;
  • From time to time, allow your nipples to rub against your clothing using the holes cut out for them in your bra. This will make them less sensitive;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, do not wash your nipples and areolas with soap or lubricate them with cream. This will give time for natural lubrication to restore and avoid further cracks.

We support the chest. As soon as you notice breast enlargement or just found out that you are pregnant, immediately put on a bra and spend most of your time in it. The requirements for it are as follows: it must have widely spaced straps, hold the chest well, be comfortable and made from cotton fabric. It is best if you buy a bra for expectant mothers in a specialized store. Special bras are made taking into account the characteristics of the “pregnant” breast, for example, they have straps that are spaced out as the bust increases.

Massaging the chest. Every day after taking a shower, preferably a contrast shower, or bath, rub your chest terry towel Using circular movements from the edge to the nipple, massage it with your hands. This strengthens the connective tissue of the skin and reduces the likelihood of stretch marks. You can also do this kind of massage using special creams against stretch marks (stretch marks). You can use other creams, oil or milk, as long as they contain vitamin E or hyaluronic acid.

Belly without stretch marks

You should start caring for the skin of your abdomen much earlier than it begins to grow. But the most careful care will be required in the last few months of pregnancy, when very short term your skin will have to be stretched to its limit.

The following will help increase resistance to the formation of stretch marks (stretch marks):

  • Daily shower, abdominal massage with streams of water;
  • 15-minute baths (of course, if there are no medical contraindications) with the addition of 5-10 glasses of milk and 3 teaspoons almond oil. They help restore and maintain the natural moisture and elasticity of the skin;
  • After finishing water procedures rub your stomach and thighs first with a terry towel, then with anti-stretch mark products. Gently rub in the oil, cream or milk, and then use your index and thumb gently “pinch” the skin centimeter by centimeter until there is slight redness;
  • Do not neglect your doctor's advice, especially when it comes to wearing a bandage. It’s not so important what it will be: imported or “native”, it’s just that both of them, in addition to their direct purpose, contribute to the fact that soft fabrics in the abdominal area they are less subject to stretching with the appearance of scars.
  • Remember the right thing balanced diet. Gradual weight gain and elastic, well-stretched skin are 70% his merit.

Legs without varicose veins

By the end of pregnancy, the load on the legs increases by 10-15 kg, and 1.5 liters of blood passes through their veins more than before. This gives rise to the feeling that they are filled with lead, and even standing in one place for a short time turns into flour.

Here's how to take care of your feet during pregnancy:

  • As soon as you sit down or lie down, if possible, try to place your feet on an elevated surface;
  • After a bath or shower, massage your feet better with a brush or with a special massage mitten from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, using any foot cream or gel with chamomile extract, mint or menthol, which relieve the feeling of fatigue and cool “burning” feet;
  • Wear shoes made of leather or fabric that are non-slip, comfortable and allow your feet to “breathe”.

Those pregnant women who are predisposed to varicose veins veins, you need to be especially careful:

  • Do not stand for too long, and if you are sitting, it is better to keep your legs at hip level, and when lying down, on a pillow;
  • Watch your weight. If you are prone to varicose veins, it is better to avoid excessive weight gain;
  • Wear special tights, try to put them on while still in bed and take them off while already in it;
  • At the same time, you should not wear constricting, squeezing clothing: garters, hip belts, stockings, socks with too tight an elastic band and tight shoes.

Did you know that all your senses become heightened during pregnancy? By at least, some girls definitely have a sharper sense of style! Expectant mothers do not want to hide their belly: they are happy in their situation and want to tell others about it.

Take a few tips from fashionable pregnant women (even if pregnancy is only in the plans) on how to dress during these wonderful 9 months.

Shopping ideas from the store:

Even more interesting offers you will find on Instagram @chudo9.ru.

1. Wear a hat

A pregnant woman can do anything! If you previously thought that wearing a hat outside the beach was stupid, then it's time to change your mind. Surprisingly, a hat is almost the favorite accessory of pregnant fashion beauties. Maybe it's because the hat is wide brim perfectly balances the image and distracts attention from the tummy? Either way, the hat is cool.

(all photos enlarge by clicking!)

2. Don’t be shy about wearing tight dresses.

Stop wearing tight clothes? Never! If you only gained a few kilograms during pregnancy, then you definitely have nothing to hide. Buy special supportive underwear and head to the red carpet.

3. Love the striped print

Remember the old story that horizontal stripes visually expand the figure and increase the volume of the body? Pregnant women do not care about this property of the striped print, because their volumes have already become much larger. This means we dress in stripes from head to toe and don’t worry about anything.

4. Wear a tight skirt

Wear tight skirt during pregnancy? Hm, complex issue. Firstly, it is not very comfortable, and secondly, such a skirt greatly emphasizes the stomach. But still... wear it! It's beautiful, feminine, elegant. Moreover, you can combine a skirt and sneakers without remorse.

5. Don’t put your heels in the closet

Most doctors prohibit pregnant girls from wearing shoes. high heels. And they do the right thing: heels several times increase the already heavy load on the pregnant woman’s spine. Moreover, in stiletto heels it is easy to fall, twist your leg or damage your joints. Search golden mean: You need a stable heel of 4-6 cm or a comfortable wedge. For example, elegant pumps will not harm your health and will decorate your everyday or evening look.

If your legs get tired, then be sure to do special gymnastics, take foot baths and don’t forget about the contrast shower.

6. Add a couple of oversized items to your wardrobe

On the one hand, during pregnancy we encourage you not to be ashamed of your body and wear tight clothes, on the other hand, if you don’t have a single cool thing in your oversize style, then now is the time the right time buy yourself something new. For example, . The main thing is that you can easily wear these things even after the birth of your child.

7. Dress up in long dresses

Pregnant girls look amazing in beautiful dresses to the floor If there is a birthday ahead or gala event, then a long outfit - the best choice future mother.

8. Choose romantic and feminine looks

During pregnancy, a girl's tastes change, and if you previously couldn't get out of jeans, then it is very likely that now you will want to wear baby-doll dresses and midi skirts. Don't give up on your desires! I would like you to be a feminine, gentle, romantic, sensual young lady during this amazing period of your life. Airy dresses, lace, bouffant skirts– allow yourself to be a woman in every sense of the word.

And a few more images of pregnant beauties for inspiration:

    Stylish mothers-to-be prefer Converse

    A nice jacket covers your belly well

    IN light dress comfortable walking on a summer day

    Denim shorts during pregnancy are allowed!

    Wide trousers and short jacket good for early dates pregnancy

    For one day, borrow a T-shirt from your husband and go for a walk.

    Dress in white in summer

    There is no need to hide your legs during pregnancy

    Boyfriend Jeans – great option for pregnant women

    Comfortable, beautiful, stylish!

    Fashionable expectant mothers choose a plaid shirt and comfortable ankle boots

    Be sure to buy a fashionable denim overalls

    Wear cute flounced skirts

    In cold weather, don't forget about warm accessories

    Complete your look with a neat fur vest

    Be great!


Illustrations: womenshealthmag.com, babble.com, pretapregnant.com, mycornerview.com, katewaterhouse.com, laiamagazine.com, fashables.com, kitty1063.rssing.com

Expecting a baby is a wonderful time. You probably think every day about who your baby will be like, dream about that not-so-distant time when you can take the long-awaited baby in your arms, put it on your chest, sing a lullaby... But at the same time, you don’t always feel good physically, you seem to yourself a little clumsy, get upset over trifles? You know, sometimes the most perfect trifle, a useful thing, a gift to yourself or your loved one can improve your well-being and restore peace of mind. We have compiled a small but very useful list things that will be useful to you during these (so long, but so short!) 9 months.

The body is changing

And you definitely need to take care of it.

Comfortable, supportive bra simply necessary. “Pregnant” models have a number of advantages: they have several hooks at the back; comfortable straps and wide belt bras better support expanding and heavier breasts; and deeper cups reduce pressure on the chest muscles.

Special panties-bandages comfortable thanks to the supporting elastic band and, unlike ordinary panties, even very large ones, they do not curl or slide off the stomach.

Cosmetics for pregnant women. As you gain weight, your skin loses its elasticity and stretch marks appear. Cosmetic lines created for expectant mothers include very special components. For example, a special cream for preventing stretch marks from AVENT contains extracts of sea plants and algae, shea butter has moisturizing properties, and papaya oil fights congestion. Do not forget also about cosmetics that maintain the natural moisture and elasticity of the breasts.


Vitamins. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins and minerals increases by 2–4 times. Balanced vitamin and mineral complexes will provide you with everything you need useful substances, and the baby will be born beautiful, strong and cheerful.

Shoes and clothing

Comfortable and fashionable shoes on a stable sole. You'll have to give up high heels for a while - the health (yours and your baby's) is worth it. This is especially true for the second half of pregnancy, when the load on the legs increases significantly. Shoes should now allow the foot to “breathe” and be as stable as possible. Sneakers and boots from genuine leather(not made from artificial leather!), fabric slippers, fashionable low-cut shoes wide heel- this is for you! And try to buy shoes without fasteners, because every month it will become more and more difficult for you to bend over.

A jumpsuit that “grows” with your belly. You won't find anything more convenient. Mothercare and Sweet Mama offer big choice denim overalls and sundresses for expectant mothers. You will feel not only comfortable, but also fashionable!

Festive outfit. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up the holidays. Do you still want to look smart? Dresses for pregnant women will highlight your very special beauty and grace: delicate colors, comfortable fit, and exquisite details distinguish these models.

Always in shape

Fitness card in sport Club , where there are classes for expectant mothers. Many large clubs have special programs for pregnant women. Water aerobics, gymnastics and swimming will allow you to stay fit and slim for 9 months, strengthen your chest and abdominal muscles, and simply lift your spirits!

Pool subscription. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a sports club (as a rule, the prices for club cards are quite high), try to at least not forget about the pool. Swimming, according to the vast majority of experts, is the optimal physical activity for pregnant women. It would be especially nice to swim in sea water.

In this context you will definitely need special swimsuit. The advantageous difference is the bra sewn into it and a special “pocket” for the belly made of fabric that is denser than the entire swimsuit.

Let's relax?

Rest and relaxation are so necessary for the expectant mother!

Fluffy blanket: I really want warmth and comfort, especially on rainy days. Wrap yourself up in soft blanket and spend a couple of hours with a mug of good tea and your favorite magazine.

Rocking chair, soft pear chair, big ball for relaxation. A growing belly dictates new conditions: sitting and lying have to be completely different. The above devices will help you get more comfortable and relieve the stress on your spine. And if you deflate a large ball halfway, it will be very convenient to “place” your stomach in it, and the ball will also be useful for a set of special exercises!

Player and music for relaxation. This and classical music in different treatments, and sounds of nature (imagine how pleasant it is to meditate to the sound of the ocean and the singing of birds!). On sale you can also find special discs with music for the future baby.

Aroma oils- the hit of the season! It has already been proven that with the help of aromatherapy you can cope with many ailments that accompany pregnancy, including relieving stress. It is useful to take a bath with Leuzea oil, rub a mixture of jasmine and mandarin oils with deodorized vegetable oil in the areas of the central lymphatic ducts (armpits and groin), as well as use an aroma lamp and enjoy your favorite scents. Attention: do not buy aroma oils at street stalls! Visit a pharmacy or aromatherapy center.

Box of good green tea should always be in your kitchen - strong black tea (and even more so coffee) will have to be eliminated from your diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But it's fragrant green tea(regular or with floral and berry additives) will warm you up on cool evenings and restore lost vigor.

Pregnancy changes a woman's body in many ways, from glowing skin (caused by increased blood flow and increased sebum production) to weight gain and changes in skin and hair condition. However, all women want to look beautiful during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up your habits of looking good and taking care of yourself. There are many ways to highlight the changes taking place in your figure and feel beautiful at all stages of pregnancy.


Part 1

Stick to it healthy image life

    Pay attention to your diet. You need to dial required amount weight to ensure normal development fetus Pregnant women should consume 2000-2500 calories daily, divided into 4 meals. Monitoring the total amount of calories you consume will help you avoid gaining excess weight, which can lead to health problems. You must gain the weight necessary to ensure good nutrition and the growth of the child, but you should closely monitor total mass your body, which will allow you to remain beautiful throughout all three trimesters of pregnancy.

    • You may need to lose weight if you've gained more than you planned (or more than your doctor thinks is acceptable). It is important to proceed very carefully when attempting to reset excess weight during pregnancy to ensure that weight loss does not affect the baby.
  1. Exercise regularly. If you exercised regularly before pregnancy and felt attractive, there is no reason to stop doing so. physical exercise(although you will have to change your workout routine). Feeling slim and fit will give you confidence and help your body recover faster after childbirth. Exercising during pregnancy helps maintain a healthy weight, improves mood, gives energy and increases stamina and physical strength. All this will help you feel beautiful during pregnancy.

    Drink enough water. Dehydration is a significant health risk during pregnancy, and drinking enough water will help you feel and look good. A person needs to drink 15 to 30 ml of water for every 450 grams of weight, and pregnant women need to drink even more. Water helps with the formation of the placenta and is good for the amniotic sac. In addition, lack of water in the body negatively affects your appearance. Dehydration makes the skin dull and takes away the glow that is usually associated with pregnant women. In addition, dehydration leads to lethargy and poor health.

    Part 2

    Feel attractive in appearance
    1. Buy beautiful clothes for pregnant. Many stores and designers sell maternity clothes. Some women don't feel the need to spend money on items they'll only wear for a few months, but you should wear clothes that suit your changing figure and that make you feel comfortable and beautiful.

      Go to a spa or get a pregnancy massage. During pregnancy, pamper yourself with treatments that make you feel beautiful. Whether it's a manicure, pedicure or facial, book a treatment (or several!) that will leave you feeling relaxed and feeling better for a few hours. In addition, you can pamper yourself with a pregnancy massage. Studies have shown that massage during pregnancy helps reduce anxiety, relieve painful sensations in muscles and joints and facilitate childbirth.

      Pamper yourself. Your body is going through a lot of dramatic changes right now, and having a baby will change your life forever. Therefore, during pregnancy you can treat yourself. If you want to look attractive, make yourself generous gift and feel more beautiful than ever.

    Part 3

    Maintain confidence in your beauty

      Be proud of your rounded belly. It's important to remember how your body behaves during pregnancy. It grows by feeding and protecting another person. There are reasons for all the changes that happen to you.

      • Try to communicate with other pregnant women. Try to surround yourself with women who are going through the same things physical changes associated with the birth of a child, as this can increase your self-confidence and make you feel beautiful. In addition, this way you will make new friends who will become your support once you have your baby.
    1. Show off your changed body. Apart from glowing skin, your body will change in many other ways. For example, you may notice that your breasts have increased by 1-2 sizes and your waist has disappeared as your tummy has grown. You may also experience swelling in your feet or growing fingernails quickly. Be positive about these changes: accept and emphasize them. By accepting the changes in your body, you will feel beautiful.

      • Enhance your figure to make you feel beautiful. Choose one or more features of your figure that you are confident are attractive, and focus on them. For example, wear shirts with short sleeve, if you have beautiful muscular arms, V-neck sweaters to highlight your enlarged breasts, or long flowing dresses that will show off your rounded tummy to others.
      • If you find it difficult to think positively, remember that your pregnancy is not forever. If you felt beautiful before pregnancy, you will feel beautiful after.
      • If you don't want to draw attention to your pregnancy, try not to highlight your belly and wear loose-fitting plain clothes, giving preference to layering (for example, wear loose denim jacket over a button-down shirt). You can also focus on another area of ​​the body, for example, wearing a colored headband, a smart scarf or bright tights.
    2. Don't try to look perfect. Don't try to look and live like a model from a maternity magazine. Instead, focus on just being healthy and happy. You don't know how your body will react to pregnancy until you actually get pregnant. Try to give up the idealized picture in your mind and love your body for what it is. Positive attitude will help you feel always beautiful.
