Wash bed satin at 40 or 60 degrees. Cultural wash rules

The washing machine is one of the most necessary household appliances. Obviously, its importance cannot be underestimated. With their appearance homework became much easier. However, many are lost which washing mode to choose, because there are so many of them!

Today there are many models on the market, each of which has at least 10 different ways clothing processing. What they are for, how they differ, and in which case each of them should be used, will be described below.

Important Rules

Modern devices make the washing process as simple as possible. All you have to do is put in your laundry and select a programme. However, despite the ease of use, problems sometimes arise.

To get clean linen, you need to know simple rules.

  • It is necessary to distribute the laundry according to the material, color and degree of soiling.
  • Check Availability foreign objects in pockets. They must be empty.
  • Remove metal objects from things, and fasten pockets and zippers.
  • Knitted garments should be placed in the drum turned inside out.
  • Bedding must not be stacked inside each other.

Due to the manipulations listed above, you can get not only well-washed things, but also maintain their quality.

How to take care of your device

Any technique has the ability to break. Most often this happens not due to factory defects or wear of parts, but due to improper operation.

To increase the life of the device, you should follow the recommendations for its use prescribed in the passport, as well as follow certain rules:

  • Each model has its own download. Do not overload it to save time, water or electricity.
  • For each type of fabric, you need to choose your own mode.
  • The powder must be poured into special departments (with the exception of liquid products).
  • The amount of powder is taken in the dosages indicated by the manufacturer.

When choosing equipment, many buyers look at the number of functions, but in fact they use only a third of them. Don't overpay for extra features.

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Each washing method has clear parameters that have been obtained through long-term research and optimization of fabric cleaning processes.

Uniform standards for all types of fabrics have been adopted all over the world:

  • 90-95 degrees is great for cotton and linen. It is recommended to wash heavily soiled bed linen and towels.
  • 60 degrees - best option for synthetic products.
  • 40 degrees - washing woolen things.
  • Less than 40 degrees. Nowadays, most brands have introduced a quick wash function (15 to 30 minutes) that uses water from 20 to 30 degrees. Most often, in this mode, lightly contaminated products are refreshed.

Do not wash colored items at high temperatures, as this may cause the color to wash out.

If for some reason the temperature set by the manufacturer does not suit the user, and he wants to change it, then it is very important to know what temperature is acceptable for a particular product.

Popular Features

Of course, each manufacturer tries to introduce its own characteristics into the washing process and develops new technologies. Despite this, the main processing methods for each company will be the same:

  • Daily. Water from 30 to 40 degrees. Duration from 15 to 40 minutes. In this mode, you need to lay clothes less than the maximum allowable weight. Put colored and white items separately. Suitable for slightly soiled clothing.
  • Intensive. The duration of the cycle is from 90 to 120 minutes, the water can vary from 60 to 90 degrees. You can wash any thing that can withstand such temperatures. Best used for very dirty things.
  • Fast. Water less than 30 degrees, the maximum procedure time is 40 minutes. In this mode, serious stains cannot be removed. Good for refreshment.
  • Economical. Duration no more than 1 hour, 40 degrees. The program works in such a way that energy and water are saved. Does not affect the quality of washing. Suitable for those who wash things with an average level of soiling every day or several times a day.
  • Soak. Duration from one to two hours at 40 degrees. Serves to remove old stains. First, the thing is soaked, and only after that the direct washing process begins.

The programs mentioned above are enough for everyday use. You can find such programs on any model, regardless of price or brand.

When changing the factory mode, it is best to use the instructions, which say in which case you need to increase the speed or reduce the temperature.

Additional functions

In addition to the basic functions, there are many other programs in the machines. Usually they are used very rarely, but in some situations they will be vital.

  1. delicate - analogue hand wash, here things are not taken seriously mechanical impact, suitable for underwear;
  2. stain removal - removes even very stubborn stains without the use of aggressive chemicals;
  3. boiling - perfectly washes light-colored cotton items at high temperature;
  4. wool - low temperature and slight shaking of the drum guarantee high-quality cleansing woolen products without any damage;
  5. drying - a mode that is not found in all models, the clothes are almost dry at the exit;
  6. steam treatment is another additional function, which helps to kill all allergens or refresh clothes without soaking, suitable for lightly soiled items, children's clothes.

Before turning on a “specific program”, you should read its description in the instructions. Its name does not always correspond to a specific type of clothing, because the material of its manufacture may differ.

Other Useful Features

Extra Rinse - Helps eliminate even slight traces of powder. Suitable for families with allergies or small children.

Without spinning - indispensable for delicate clothes, its service life will be significantly extended.

Delayed rinse - the rinsing and spinning process will be carried out some time after the end of the wash.

Helps in cases where the hostess understands that she will not have time to hang clean clothes and it will lie wet in the tank.

Delay start is a convenient mode that allows you to finish the process by a certain time. The device starts working at the specified time and ends the procedure at the specified time.

For example, she will start at 6 in the morning, and at 8 things can already be hung up.

Obviously, it is impossible to develop and place a mode for each type of fabric or clothing in the machine, so most programs are universal for several options for things.

At a high temperature in the cotton or intensive mode, you can wash bed linen. The first is best used in cases where it is heavily smeared.

To wash a down jacket, it is best to choose a gentle mode with a low temperature. The best option is delicate processing at low temperature. For winter jacket a similar program will do.

In both cases, it is necessary to set a small number of spin revolutions, but it should be rinsed twice, so if there is an additional rinse, then it can be selected immediately.

Features of models from different manufacturers

Almost every manufacturer develops their own programs that leave no doubt about their use.

  • LG - sports and children's clothing, duvet;
  • Indesit - sport, down and feather;
  • Bosch - thin linen, synthetics, jeans;
  • Beko - shirts, fluff;
  • Samsung - dark fabrics.

How they differ from each other, only manufacturers can answer, however, for the end user, their presence simplifies the selection process.

Sometimes the movement of the drum changes from the program - a full rotation, swaying or rotation by two-thirds of its diameter. Almost all brands have rotation options, only the names differ.

Thanks to the emergence different ways drum rotation in home appliances, it became possible to clean a jacket or down jacket without compromising their appearance and quality.

A little about spin

  • Cotton and linen can be spun even at 1400 rpm.
  • Silk - no more than 400 turns.
  • Synthetics - up to 600 rpm.
  • Jeans and woolen items are the best option for 800 rpm.

Before turning on the program, you must manually set the desired number of revolutions. The device selects them by default, indiscriminately what laundry is loaded into it. Many delicate things cannot be spun at all, especially at high speeds.

In some washing machines the choice of water temperature for washing occurs automatically - for example, when choosing the "Silk" program, washing takes place at a temperature of 30 ° C, and intensive washing for things with heavy soiling implies heating the water to 60 degrees. For other models, the choice of the washing program and temperature is “at the user’s choice”: by loading the laundry into the machine and selecting the program, the hostess independently sets the desired water temperature.

The minimum water temperature at which the washing machine is washing is 30 ° C, the maximum, depending on the model, is 90 or 95 degrees.

At self-selection washing temperature step is generally 10oC; with automatic for, the following values ​​are usually used:

  • 30oC (cool water)– , is used in such basic modes as "Wool", "Silk", "Delicates", "Hand Wash", "Soaking";

  • 40oC (warm water)- one of the most popular temperatures, it is what the quick wash programs for lightly soiled laundry, washing products from colored fabrics, mixed laundry, synthetics mean, delicate wash cotton products;

  • 60oC (hot water)– washing of cotton fabrics, intensive program for things with serious pollution. At this temperature, bed linen, towels and tablecloths, children's clothes, white cotton fabrics are usually washed;

  • 90 or 95°C (very hot water), the mode can be designated as "Boiling" - used to disinfect cotton fabrics, wash very dirty clothes and things with old spots, laundry processing for the youngest children. As a rule, the use of this mode implies a pre-wash at 60 degrees.

What temperature to choose for washing fabrics of different types

When choosing the temperature for washing, it is best to be guided by the information indicated on the product label. However, if this is not possible, you can follow the general rules.

  • things from natural wool (both one hundred percent and with the addition of cotton or synthetics) are washed at a minimum temperature of 20-30 degrees;

  • clothes and linen made of silk and things with lace trim also requires special delicacy, the recommended water temperature for washing is 30 ° C;

  • viscose silk garments require the same care as natural silk, the temperature of the washing water should not exceed 30oC;

  • tulle curtains wash at 30-40 degrees;

  • lavsan, nylon and capron less demanding on temperature - the fibers can withstand temperatures up to 50-60 ° C, while chemical bleaches cannot be used for washing them. These restrictions also apply to things made of natural fibers with the addition of synthetics - even if the content, for example, of lavsan is 5%, if the permissible temperature is exceeded, the thing may be deformed;

  • 100% cotton, linen or can be washed at any temperature, however, it is not recommended to expose brightly colored fabric to very hot water - with systematic washing at temperatures above 60 ° C, even the most durable color will quickly fade;

  • sportswear(fleece, thermal underwear, clothes made of membrane fabrics) are washed as carefully as possible, at a temperature of 30 ° C and using special means;

  • jeans wash at 30-40 degrees, this avoids deformation of products and preserves the color of the fabric;

  • down jackets and clothes on a synthetic winterizer lining also wash with low temperatures- from 30 to 40 degrees.

What else determines the choice of temperature for washing

The higher the temperature of the water, the more damage it causes to the tissue structure, even when gentle washing. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the maximum allowable water temperature only when it comes to washing heavily soiled items. And in this case, it is better to increase the exposure time of detergents by choosing a program with a soak or a pre-cycle.

Therefore, in order to "refresh" this or that wardrobe item, it is better to use the most gentle programs and slightly warm water - 30-40 degrees. This is the temperature usually provided for short daily wash programmes.

In addition, the choice of detergents also affects the optimum water temperature. Traditional powders are usually designed for washing in any water - from cold to boiling. At the same time, special detergents usually have limitations. For example:

  • organic laundry detergents can be used at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, in hot water the enzymes decompose and the product loses its effectiveness;

  • liquid shampoos for washing designed to work at temperatures up to 60 degrees;

  • means for washing membrane fabrics are used only for washing in cold water.

So if you use special means When choosing a temperature for washing in a washing machine, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the composition of the fabric, but also with the instructions on the package.

Although washing things has become much easier for recent times, thanks to the advent of washing machines, however, new questions have arisen. One of these questions is at what temperature to wash certain things? If the temperature is chosen incorrectly, then this can lead to serious consequences. The washing quality will decrease and the fabric of the clothes may deteriorate.

To pick up correct temperature, first you need to familiarize yourself with the label on the clothes. The instructions given indicate optimum temperature washing. Separate temperatures are used for white and colored items. Consider each temperature separately, and for which materials it is suitable.

If you are going to wash delicate fabrics at home, then cold water will help you with the care. Water heating is not more than 30 ˚C. Fabric fibers under the influence of cold water are not deformed, do not change color. AT cold water only the most expensive materials are erased, which require only gentle care. Items to be washed in cold water:

  1. Wool things.
  2. Silk clothes.
  3. Lace products.

There are other materials that can only be cleaned in cold water.

Use of warm water

The average water temperature is 35 ˚C. Water with this temperature is used for everyday washing of things and textile products. Warm water helps clean small to medium stains on clothing. However, the removal of contaminants involves pre-soaking.

Almost all types of fabrics can be washed in warm water.

Hot water usage

The maximum water heating is 60 ˚C. Hot water allows you to eliminate the most complex spots on clothes and other things. First, it is necessary to pre-treat with a detergent, but soaking can be omitted.

Bed linen, children's clothing need intensive washing, because these products most often appear heavy pollution. Such things include different towels, work clothes, because these products are constantly in use.

Using boiling water

Boiling water is used not only for cleaning, but also for disinfection. The use of boiling water is allowed only for certain types of fabrics:

  1. Things that are intended for newborns.
  2. Textile toys.
  3. Things that are intended for people suffering from skin diseases.
  4. medical things.

Boiling water can be used to wash ordinary clothes, especially when it is necessary to remove very stubborn stains. But boiling water can be used if other types of washing have not helped eliminate stains. However, boiling is prohibited for cleaning delicate items, wool and knitwear.

At what temperature to wash? Before washing, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric:

How to wash white things that are made of cotton or linen? They are resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, the heating temperature can be made maximum, and the mode can be intensive.

How to wash natural silk? Let's heed the advice:

  1. It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the delicate mode. On the modern models washing machines have a program "Silk".
  2. The heating temperature must not exceed 30 ˚C. The spin must be completely turned off, otherwise the material will lose its shape.
  3. As soon as you take the products out of the machine, you must wait until the water drains from them. Then just hang things outside.

Buying underwear made of synthetics is not recommended, as given material does not pass air well. Synthetics practically do not absorb moisture. But if this material is in the house, then it must also be looked after. Install the Synthetics program, select a heating temperature of 40 ˚C. Don't forget the extra rinse. The number of turns during unscrewing should not exceed 600.

These tips will help you do the right laundry for your different types fabrics.

Timely and competent care bed linen provides long term operation. Properly selected program and temperature regime allow you to make linen pleasant to the touch, preserve the color and structure of the material. In order not to spoil things, you need to carefully study the label on the product and determine the type of fabric. This will avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of deformation, fading or pilling. Compliance simple recommendations will help to keep attractive for a long time appearance underwear.

Washing Features

It is necessary to wash bed linen as it gets dirty, preferably not too often, so as not to thin the material. Optimal time- once a week. New, newly purchased items, must be washed before the first use. This will get rid of harmful bacteria, dust and dirt formed during storage in a warehouse or store. It is also necessary to wash linen after use by guests.

Before loading things into the machine, you need to use the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Sort the laundry by color and type of fabric. White items should not be washed with colored ones, so that they do not shed. It is also not recommended to place products that differ in the structure of the material into the drum. For example, when washing cotton along with synthetics, spools form, since synthetics, clinging to natural fibers, raise the pile. At the preliminary stage, you should carefully study the label of the product and distribute linen to linen, silk to silk, cotton to cotton, etc.
  2. 2. Separate children's things from adults. It is better to wash diapers for newborns by hand and do not use aggressive and scented detergents that can cause allergies in the baby. When washing in the washing machine, you can grate 2-3 tablespoons laundry soap and fall asleep in the drum.
  3. 3. Limit the use of bleach and store-bought conditioners. Such products thin the fibers of the fabric, so things quickly become unusable. If you want to refresh products and give a pleasant aroma, you can make a natural rinse at home: add 9% vinegar to a liter of table vinegar 5 drops of any essential oil(with the smell of mint, lavender, jasmine, etc.) and use 100 ml of the product with each wash, pouring the solution into the conditioner tray. You can use the air conditioner for 2 months, after pouring it into a plastic bottle.
  4. 4. Observe weight and volume limits. The drum should be 50-60% full. This will allow household appliances work without interruption and significantly improve the quality of washing. Average set bed linen weighs 2-2.5 kg, but its volume may vary depending on the type of material. If 5 kg can be loaded into the machine, but the drum is filled even from 2 kg of sheets and duvet covers; you need to make room so that things can rinse well.

Colored laundry must be turned inside out before being loaded into the drum. Items decorated with embroidery should preferably be placed in a laundry bag for delicate items to avoid damage.

The right choice of mode and temperature for different types of fabrics

The choice of the optimal temperature regime and program directly depends on the type of fabric. Bedding sets can be made from:

  • cotton
  • silks;
  • satin;
  • flax;
  • synthetics.

It is very good if the product has a factory label or the packaging with important information about care. If the symbols on the label are unclear, you can use the auxiliary table for decoding the symbols:

If information from the manufacturer is lost or missing, it is recommended to follow general recommendations depending on the type of material.


Cotton is the basis of such types of fabric as:

  • chintz;
  • satin;
  • flannel;
  • bike;
  • mahr.

Such items can be washed by selecting the "Cotton" program. For colored products, it is recommended to set the temperature to 40 degrees to keep saturated color, 60 degrees will suffice for white. Processing at 95 degrees will help restore the original whiteness. For stubborn stains, it is recommended to add bleach and run a pre-soak cycle.

You need to iron things a little damp and with front side if there is embroidery - from the wrong side. Dry in a well-ventilated area or outdoors away from sun rays.


Silk products are allowed to be washed at a temperature of 30 degrees in the delicate or hand wash mode. It is advisable to turn off the spin, so as not to damage the structure of the material. Detergent should be chosen marked “for silk and wool”, bleach should be completely abandoned. It is advisable to add a little water softener to the conditioner tray. To improve the quality of washing, it is recommended to pre-rinse things in cold water with the addition of an antistatic agent.

Laundry should be dried away from sunlight and heaters. Need to iron with wrong side at moderate temperature, no steam. To avoid stains, items should not be moistened with water from a spray bottle during ironing.

Velvet bedding should only be washed by hand at 30 degrees using liquid detergents. Since it is impossible to unscrew the products, you can remove the remaining moisture as follows: put the pillowcase on a large towel, roll it up, and lightly press it with your hands. If water remains, change the towel to a dry one and repeat the manipulations. Then hang to dry in the shade.


The material feels like silk to the touch, but the structure is more durable. Since cotton is present in its composition, such things can be washed in the appropriate mode at a temperature of 60 degrees. If a detergent with active additives is used, the temperature can be lowered by 20 degrees. The number of revolutions during spinning can be maximum, but the best option is medium, around 800.


The optimum temperature for colored products is 40 degrees, for whites - 60 (90-95 is allowed to return whiteness). It is recommended to set the pre-soak cycle and the "Cotton" mode. If the linen is dressed, i.e., has impregnation for wear resistance, crease resistance, then it is recommended to select a delicate mode.

For best result, before loading things into the drum, it is recommended to soak them for 60 minutes in warm water with the addition of laundry soap. After that, you need to add a few drops liquid powder, a tablespoon of vinegar and rinse already in cold water.


Not natural fabrics not very healthy, but they attract with their budget price and practicality: they are unpretentious in care, have long term operation, do not need ironing. They need to be washed at a temperature of 30-40 degrees in the “Synthetics” mode. If the temperature regime is exceeded, pellets will appear on the fabric. To avoid damage to the material, do not add bleach, boil or boil laundry, dry on hot batteries or radiators, or iron.

Linen with 3D effect should be washed in delicate mode at a temperature of 30 degrees.

To always have the necessary information at hand, it is recommended to print or save on your computer such a useful cheat sheet:

If by chance it turned out that things shed, they should be immediately re-washed, removing colored product. You can also save the situation by soaking the laundry for an hour in water with oxygen bleach. To avoid stubborn stains deeply ingrained in the fibers of the fabric, you need to wash things as quickly as possible, without leaving them wrinkled for a long time in the laundry basket.

The quality of washing depends on many factors. And the water temperature is one of the main ones. AT best case things simply stretch badly, at worst, they will be hopelessly damaged. Therefore, before wetting clothes and underwear, it is necessary to study the information on the labels. If they are not there, then knowledge of the modes, tissues and general rules, with clothes.

Temperature for washing

Many automatic washing machines allow you to set the washing temperature with almost an accuracy of 1 degree. Therefore, it is very important to know in which cases this or that heating is used, at what temperature it is better to wash things, depending on the degree of contamination and the material of manufacture.

up to 30 degrees

This is cool water. It is used for slightly worn things. If the stains are stubborn and strong, then pre-soaking with powder or soap will be required. Such heating is suitable for delicate fabrics (wool, silk, some types of synthetics) and products that require gentle handling, such as knitwear. Also, at this temperature, things do not shed.

up to 45 degrees

30 to 45 degrees is the most versatile temperature regime. It can be used on almost all fabrics and even on daily use. fresh spots are easily removed in this range.

up to 60 degrees

This mode is used for more durable and strong fabrics such as linen or cotton. At 60 degrees, even heavy dirt is easily washed off. It does not require additional soaking or treatment with cleaning agents. This mode is used for, bed linen and cleaning children's things.
90 degrees and above

At this temperature, things are not only washed, but also disinfected. This is a way to cleanly wash without resorting to expensive and often hazardous chemicals. However, a fairly small number of things and fabrics can tolerate boiling: these are natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. Even when exposed to such temperatures, they do not deform and do not become unusable. But the color can be lost. Therefore, boiling is used mainly for white or light fabrics. It is recommended to boil children's clothes, medical clothes, underwear of sick people (especially for skin diseases), textile toys, etc.

Depending on the material

With the appointment of temperatures, everything is clear. But what to do if the labels are erased or lost, and only approximately is known about the thing and the material of its manufacture? In this case, decide which water is better to wash, based on previous experience or concept of fabric. If absolutely nothing is known about the wardrobe item, it is recommended that you first wash it in cool water by hand.

natural fabrics

The most durable and heat-resistant material of all is linen. white fabric easily tolerates boiling, and color retains paint even at 60 degrees.

Cotton is not far behind linen. It can also be boiled or machine washed at 90-95 degrees. However, the color keeps worse. Products with drawings or painted should not be washed at temperatures above 45 degrees.

Wool is one of the most whimsical materials. It can be rinsed only in cool water and using special products.

The same applies to silk. This delicate material does not tolerate heat above 30 degrees.

artificial fabrics

In most cases, artificial synthetic fabrics do not tolerate heat well: the fibers become coarse, brittle, or even change their properties. Also, things can be deformed or sit down. Therefore, it is recommended to wash any clothes made of synthetics at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, and it is even better to limit yourself to 30.

Viscose is easily deformed, it is better not to expose it to high temperatures, and limit yourself to cool water.

One of the most heat resistant artificial materials- polyester. He calmly refers to heating up to 40-45 degrees. However, when overheated, the fabric "breaks". Acetate also belongs to this group.

Elastane or lycra is quite resistant to hot water. Typically, these materials are added to another type of fabric (such as cotton). The percentage depends on how resistant to heat this or that thing. Usually the clothes endure hot water(up to 60 degrees).

Acrylic cannot be heated: it barely tolerates a 30-degree wash. It is as finicky as the wool it imitates. Also requires the use special liquids and easily loses shape.
