39 weeks we take the stomach down pulls. Feeling of a "stone belly"

The less time remains before the birth of a child, the more amniotic fluid. They are updated with the usual frequency, which is 3 hours.

The weight of a woman should not increase, but the child continues to grow. By week 39, he will weigh about 3300 g, and his height can reach 50 cm or more. Weight gain is carried out mainly due to the accumulation of adipose tissue by the child.

Fetal development

At this time, the child has already grown significantly, so he no longer has enough space in the uterus to make active movements. Now he can only turn slightly, and the woman will feel slight internal shocks. With the help of such movements, he begins to train coordination of movements, gradually increasing muscle strength. The expectant mother needs to monitor the frequency of movements. Normally, the child should make itself felt at least 10-12 times. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the movements. If they are too intense, or, conversely, absent for a long time, then this should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible, since such changes are a sign of trouble.

A baby in the womb can react to light and darkness. He feels touches on his stomach, hears loud sounds. From the first days of life, the baby will learn to focus his eyes, so you must definitely smile at him.

The baby is completely ready to be born. His lungs, digestive organs, heart and other systems will already be able to work normally outside the womb. However, they continue to improve, and this process does not end after birth.

At this time, myelination of neurons continues, reflexes are formed, and the nervous system is improved. The most developed will be sucking reflex. After a few feedings, a chewing reflex will also appear.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the pancreas is already active in the child, which produces the enzymes necessary for the digestion of food. At the same time, the intestines of the child are sterile and covered with small villi. The first bacteria will appear in it after the baby tries breast milk. Now the intestines contain only meconium (original feces). It can come out either after the birth of the baby, or even in the womb, before the onset of childbirth. The reason for this may be a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy. If meconium came out before the baby was born, then after the birth, obstetricians perform bronchial lavage to clear them. As before, the fetus continues to receive nutrients through the placenta, but by 39 weeks it begins to age.

By this time, the child has taken its final position. There is little space for him in the uterus, so the legs of the fetus are pressed to the stomach, and the arms are folded on the chest. Exactly this suitable position for the easiest passage through the birth canal. In 95% of cases, the baby's head is pressed against the pelvis.

Sometimes the child may be breech presentation. You should not panic about this, as it will be possible to give birth naturally, without harming the health of a woman or baby. If the doctor suspects any threat, then a caesarean section will be performed.

All women who have a child in breech presentation, they are sent to the maternity hospital even before the start of childbirth. There, a control ultrasound is performed, during which the size of the child is estimated, its location is clarified, and the method of delivery is determined.

What does a woman experience at 39 weeks pregnant?

At this time, a woman is most often in an agonizing expectation of when the child will be born. After all, the process of childbirth can begin at any time. It is important to maintain peace of mind and calmness: the bags for the hospital are packed, there are no health problems. However, slight nervousness, as a rule, is present in every woman. To remove it, you must definitely talk with the child, listen to his movements. After all, the baby will have to go through an equally difficult path.

It will not be possible to miss the onset of labor, since the first contractions are always expressed in the appearance of cramps in the lower abdomen. They will repeat every 10-15 minutes, and then even more often. It is not excluded the discharge of water and the appearance of bloody discharge. Some women experience early labor increased appetite. Therefore, you need to take care of a light snack in advance.

It is worth paying attention to your blood pressure. Normally, it should be no higher than 140/90 and no lower than 90/60.

Harbingers of the onset of labor at 39 weeks of gestation

If the contractions have not yet begun, you need to carefully listen to your body. It is possible that it is already giving signals that labor will begin soon. For example, a decrease in appetite may indicate an approaching birth. You may also lose weight. Many women report a loss of 1-2 kg.

If earlier false contractions were weak and painless, then in recent weeks they can become more intense and frequent. And at their peak, hardening of the abdomen is observed. Some expectant mothers are very worried about the fact that they will not be able to distinguish between false contractions and real ones. In fact, it is difficult to confuse them. As a rule, false contractions end with a change in body position, or after a short walk around the apartment. If spasms and pain in the lumbar region pass, then go to maternity hospital it is too early.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge may indicate the imminent onset of labor. Sometimes it is transparent, and sometimes it can have a pinkish or brown shade. You should not be afraid - this is part of the mucous plug that comes out. The passage of the mucous plug is a natural process. The cervix gradually softens and contracts, preparing for the birth of the baby. Sometimes you can see the cork entirely. It is represented by a lump of mucus, in which there are streaks of blood. The entire volume of the cork can fit in 2 tablespoons. If this happens, then the birth will begin very soon.

Many women before the onset of childbirth feel an unprecedented surge of energy. With a vengeance, they begin to prepare the house for the appearance of a new resident in it. This is a very pleasant process, so do not deny yourself it. However, hard work cannot be performed. Let other family members take care of it.

Another sign early delivery is a digestive disorder. It is possible to increase the feeling of nausea, indigestion, and sometimes appears.

Nevertheless, until real contractions begin, you need to continue to lead a measured lifestyle, spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, and take walks. And don't go too far from home, exchange card and it's best to keep it to yourself.

Prolapse of the abdomen

The abdomen most often drops between 36 and 39 weeks. This is one of the signs by which we can assume the imminent onset of childbirth. Although the prolapse of the abdomen may not occur at all.

When the stomach drops, it becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, because the strong pressure on the diaphragm stops. Also disappears. However, urination becomes more frequent, as the uterus begins to put more pressure on bladder.

You should also not worry too much about the appearance of pullers. At the 39th week of pregnancy, this is normal, because the birth will begin very soon.

Causes of pain at 39 weeks pregnant

The causes of pain at 39 weeks of gestation may be as follows:

    Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen occurs due to the fact that the body is preparing for childbirth: the stomach drops, and with it the baby in the uterus.

    Pain in the pubic, pelvic and sacral region occurs due to softening pelvic bones and liaison apparatus. This happens under the influence of the hormone relaxin. Moreover, the bones gradually diverge so that the baby comes out easier. It is worth a little patience, because after the birth everything will pass.

    Pain in the back and spine appears due to the fact that the woman's center of gravity is shifted. The same cause causes pain in lower limbs.

    Aching or shooting pain in the back of the leg occurs due to the fact that the femoral nerve is pinched. Sometimes the pain is so intense that it even reaches the knee.

    Sometimes women note some soreness of the breast. This is also a variant of the norm, because the body prepares it for the upcoming process of breastfeeding. Therefore, in addition to pain, a feeling of heaviness may appear in the chest, and colostrum will come out of the nipples.

To reduce pain in the back, lower back and legs, you need to unload them as often as possible. You should sleep in the correct position, it is equally important to wear a prenatal bandage.

Allocations at this time should be milky white, with a uniform consistency. A slight sour smell may also be present. Pinkish or clear mucus in the discharge is a variant of the norm and should not be scared. Thus, part of the mucous plug leaves, which closes the entrance to the uterus.

Pathology is indicated by discharges such as:

    Purulent-mucous discharge;

    Discharge with flakes;

    curdled discharge;

    Green or yellow discharge.

If such secretions are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the existing infection. If this is not done, then the risk of infection of the child during childbirth is high.

With the discharge of amniotic fluid, even in a small amount, it is necessary to go to the hospital. The waters look like a thin, watery discharge that may be clear or yellowish. Sometimes they leave immediately, and sometimes in small portions. The latter option indicates that the walls of the placenta have become thinner and began to leak fluid. In any case, medical consultation is necessary, it is impossible to ignore the discharge of water. So, with the thinning of the placental wall, the child becomes extremely vulnerable to various infections.

Allocations with blood require a woman to promptly call a medical team. Most often, this indicates placental abruption, which has a normal location. Sometimes blood in the discharge is a sign of placenta previa. However, presentation by this time is excluded from the list of pathologies, since the woman has undergone many examinations.

Previously, all doctors unanimously opposed sex on such a later dates pregnancy. This was justified by the fact that during orgasm the uterus contracts, which can lead to the onset of labor. On this moment time, this theory is not considered correct. Doctors point out that a woman should rely on her own desires and listen to her body. If discomfort and fatigue reduces attraction to a sexual partner, then you should not step over yourself.

If a woman feels the need for intimacy, then you should not deny yourself either. Sex is a soft preparation of the cervix for an early birth, because male sperm contains a special hormone (prostaglandin), which makes it more elastic. Orgasm, in turn, trains the uterus and prepares it for quality labor.

It is worth remembering that during sex you need to be as careful as possible, since the child is very close to the birth canal. If pain occurs, then sexual intercourse should be interrupted. You should also abandon uncomfortable postures and exclude any pressure on the stomach.

Ultrasound examination at 39 weeks of gestation can only be performed on special indications. During an ultrasound, the doctor assesses the size of the child, determines the degree of its development.

The condition of the uterus and cervix is ​​also assessed, the quantity and quality of the amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman is determined. The placenta by this time has a third degree of maturity. The higher this degree, the thinner the walls of the placenta. However, it is through her that the child receives from the mother the antibodies that he needs to form immunity.

Ultrasound examination eliminates the risk of the umbilical cord wrapping around the baby's neck. However, it is not always necessary to perform a caesarean section when entangled with the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord itself can reach a length of 65 cm, so a woman is able to give birth naturally, and doctors simply remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck immediately after it is born. Even if the umbilical cord is short and begins to tighten during the passage of the child through the birth canal, doctors are able to decide on the need for an emergency caesarean section.

What tests need to be done?

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy, then the woman donates blood and urine for a general analysis.

At the same time, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Sometimes at 39 weeks, the doctor performs a vaginal examination, assessing the degree of readiness of the cervix for childbirth.

How is childbirth at 39 weeks pregnant?

Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is physiological and has a standard course. If labor activity has begun, it is necessary to concentrate on your feelings. You need to watch your breath correct position body. It is important to understand that not only the woman herself needs help, but also the baby, so you need to listen to all the doctor's instructions and follow them.

During contractions, you do not need to sit or lie down. It's best to stay on your feet as long as possible. If the contractions intensify, it's time to remember breathing exercises that help relieve pain. You need to breathe deeply and calmly. This will save energy for the upcoming attempts.

It is the attempts that characterize the second stage of childbirth. They can sometimes be confused with the desire to empty the intestines. However, without medical supervision it is impossible to push. This should be done only at the command of the doctor. When a woman takes a seat in a chair, and the body is ready, then you need to start pushing. At this time, the entire volume of air that is in respiratory tract, must be directed down the abdomen. The diaphragm must work, which helps the child to be born. When the doctor orders to stop pushing, you need to stop. This time should be used to rest and relax all the muscles.

During childbirth, all fears must be cast aside. It is important to help the baby to be born, because he experiences stress, no less than the woman herself. The birth process takes a lot of energy from the child. It is very important to get together and not panic. The calmer the woman, the easier the birth.

When the baby comes out of the birth canal, The final stage childbirth - the exit of the placenta. At this time, the child will be examined by doctors. The doctor will cut the umbilical cord, the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate and come out along with fetal membrane and the remaining umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is cut only after the pulsation stops. At the same time, the so-called placenta or child's place comes out. On this, the birth process can be considered completed.

It is in the first 30 minutes of a baby's life that it will be attached to the mother's breast. This moment will be remembered for a lifetime. The first colostrum is very necessary for the baby for the normal completion of childbirth, for the normal functioning of the intestines, for the development of immunity. Being close to the mother will allow the baby to adapt more easily in an unfamiliar world.

Methods of pain relief during childbirth

Perhaps most of all, women are afraid of severe pain that accompanies the process of childbirth. Therefore, the question of anesthesia often arises.

Sometimes epidural or epidural anesthesia is used during vaginal delivery. In this case Bottom part the trunk becomes insensitive, the muscles relax, but the cervix continues to open. Conducting anesthesia contributes to the lengthening of attempts. The indications for anesthesia are cardiovascular diseases in a woman, a slow opening of the uterus or an extremely low threshold of pain sensitivity.

Anesthesia is also performed in the case when it is necessary to start an emergency operation. It is important to understand that anesthesia for a child is dangerous with side effects, therefore, anesthesia is not performed only to reduce labor pains.

Answers to questions about the 39th week of pregnancy

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the cork came off. Days have passed since then. How soon will labor begin? As a rule, after the discharge of the mucous plug, childbirth begins in the coming days. Sometimes it can go out a week before the onset of labor. It is important to keep track of your condition. If the pain in the lower back has become severe, and training bouts have become more frequent, then childbirth will begin very soon.

    Increasingly, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach becomes stony, recently this sensation has become painful. Does this mean you need to go to the hospital? You need to go to the hospital when a woman has 5 painful and prolonged contractions in 1 hour. However, if a woman feels calmer in the hospital, then you can go there earlier. The doctor will examine the woman, assess her condition and decide on hospitalization.

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls, the cork has already come off, there are pains in the lumbar region, but the water has not yet departed. How soon will I give birth? These signs are harbingers of an early birth, so you should not panic, but gather in the hospital.

    Why do my legs hurt so much at 39 weeks pregnant? Pain in the legs appear due to the fact that the uterus with a vengeance presses on the venous vessels, from which the venous outflow is disturbed. This may cause discomfort in the legs, but there is no danger. You just need to lie down as much as possible, putting your feet on a raised platform. Massage also helps a lot. Sometimes leg pain occurs due to muscle spasm. They begin against the background of a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body of a woman. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    I am 39 weeks pregnant. Water has been leaking for several hours. What do we have to do? It is necessary to go to the hospital, as the discharge of water is a harbinger of an early birth. Moreover, the child's natural protection against infections is reduced, so a professional examination is essential.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University federal agency Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

This is the norm when the 39th week of pregnancy goes and the stomach pulls, because a lot of unusual things happen and this should not frighten a woman. At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent living, however, ideally, the pregnancy should continue this and next week. As an expectant mother, you should be fully prepared for the birth process a couple of weeks ago. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother should completely lose her peace and be in eternal expectation of the onset of childbirth.

In the event that bags are collected for the maternity hospital, and you, in turn, are psychologically ready for childbirth, then everything should be nothing to you. However, it's easy to talk, but hard to do, isn't it? A certain restlessness and fussiness still exist. The most basic thing is to listen to your baby, talk to him, calm him down before the birth process, but ask him not to linger, as the time is approaching.

When it all starts, you will definitely understand this: cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, which will be repeated five times in an hour, and then more often. If childbirth begins, you will feel pains of a pulling type in the lumbar region, maybe the water will break and bloody discharge will appear. At the very beginning of childbirth, the expectant mother may have an appetite, so you need to prepare yourself some low-fat meal in advance.

Childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy: their harbingers

Until the birth begins, listen to yourself, watch out for possible changes that will be harbingers of the onset of the birth process.

Shortly before the onset of childbirth, the expectant mother can find out about their approach by changes in appetite - it is clearly decreasing. The weight of the woman in labor may also decrease: many mothers who have given birth said that the weight at the very end of pregnancy decreases by one to two kilograms.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach pulls more often, because. the contractions-harbingers, which were previously absolutely painless and rare, become more intense. In addition to the fact that contractions become more frequent, they appear against the background pulling lower back and tummy: pain of a pulling type, which rings the lower abdomen, as well as the lumbar zone, is another of the many harbingers of pregnancy. Many expectant mothers are very afraid of confusing to distinguish false from real contractions, but this can be done by changing the position of the body. Indeed, often at the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls not because of the onset of labor. But if suddenly it seems to you that childbirth has come, get up, walk around the house, sit down on a chair again. If the contractions have passed, then it is too early for you to go to the maternity hospital.

When childbirth begins, you will definitely understand this, the mucus that has arisen in the vaginal discharge will testify to their approach. It can be either pink or brown, or transparent. The admixture of mucus is part of the so-called mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus. During this period, the cervix contracts and gradually softens, preparing for childbirth, and the particles of this cork come out. You will see the mucous plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, perhaps with streaks of blood, the volume of the lump will be equal to two tablespoons. The discharge of the mucous membrane is another signal that the process of childbirth is about to come.

Most women, before the start of childbirth, have a nesting instinct - it is not known where, but they have strength and a great desire to equip the house, make it as comfortable as possible. Such pleasure should not be denied to oneself, but hard physical work should be left to someone else. You need to conserve energy for the most significant event in your life.

Also, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls and for several days before giving birth, a woman can also feel dysfunction. gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, perhaps vomiting - all these signs may well be harbingers of the onset of labor. In the meantime, everything in the stomach is unchanged, provide the baby with the necessary supply of oxygen - go for a walk in the park. However, don't go too far from home.

Belly at 39 weeks pregnant: sore, tight, sagging

Another sign of the onset of childbirth is the prolapse of the abdomen. The tummy drops between the thirty-sixth and thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or it may not happen at all - some expectant mothers do not observe a lowered tummy until the onset of childbirth. In the event that the stomach has dropped, you will definitely feel relief: it will become easier to breathe, and the annoying heartburn will recede. Instead, there will be a need for more frequent urination: the uterus in this case presses on the bladder, which means that the need for frequent emptying increases.

Do not worry if you find pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the lower back. Often, if the stomach pulls at the 39th week of pregnancy, this is the norm, which indicates the approach of childbirth.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

About nature pain at the bottom of the tummy and lower back, we already know - these are signs of preparing the body for future childbirth and its way of telling the expectant mother about their approach. Therefore, if your stomach is pulling at the 39th week of pregnancy, there is no need to panic.

Again, due to the preparation of the body for a quick birth, you are now most likely feeling pain symptoms in the pelvic area, in the pubis, in the sacrum. Your body intensively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to relax and soften the ligaments and bones. Also at this stage, the softened pelvic bones gradually diverge, preparing the child for the most good conditions for movement through the birth canal. The expectant mother has to endure the pain caused by such changes in the body and wait for the birth process, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Most likely, you already know pain in the spine, in the back, in the sacrum. This is such a result of a shift in the center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, pain in the legs is widespread. In addition: you may feel aching, shooting pains due to compression of the femoral nerve, in the back of the leg, which sometimes reaches the knee. Tips on how to reduce pain in the back, sacrum, legs are the same: their regular unloading, good rest, sleeping in the right position of the body, wearing prenatal bandage.

By this time, you may also feel like your chest hurts. There is no need to be afraid of this: the breast has now clearly become larger and heavier, it will soon be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from your breasts and endure the typical pain and heaviness in your chest.

Each expectant mother has a special attitude to her well-being. Yes, on the most early dates women are worried about toxicosis and abundant vaginal discharge. Later, they monitor the activity of the baby and the growth of their tummy. This article will tell you about what happens at 38 weeks pregnant. The child moves very actively during this period - what could be the reason for this? You will learn more about this later.

What should be the movement in the later stages?

If you are 38 weeks pregnant, the baby is actively moving and making itself felt. What could be causing this? Before you know the answer to this question, you should find out what the baby's movements should be.

At this time, the child may already be quite crowded in the mother's tummy. The growth of the baby is approximately 46-50 centimeters, and the weight is about three kilograms. All movements of the child are more like stroking. The baby stretches the reproductive organ, and it may seem to the expectant mother that the fetus is about to be born. The woman no longer feels sharp jolts, as it was a few months ago. All this is an absolute norm.

In the morning, the baby should make up to ten movements. However, too active behavior should alert the expectant mother. In some cases, it is normal. Doctors also recommend playing it safe and visiting a gynecologist. So, you are 38 weeks pregnant, the baby is actively moving at night - what could be the reason for this?

Beginning of normal labor

If the expectant mother already has 38 weeks of pregnancy, the child is actively moving and pulling the lower abdomen, this may be a signal that it is worth going to the maternity hospital. Try to relax and not panic. While the contractions are not strong, you can take a shower and drink two tablets of the drug "No Shpa". In some cases, after such a manipulation, all the symptoms of labor disappear. This suggests that the contractions were training.

The activity of the child during this period is explained by the fact that the contracting uterus puts pressure on the baby. It becomes very tight for him, and he tries to free himself. Be sure to tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

If, after a short rest, the state of the soul has not changed, then it is necessary to collect an “alarming suitcase” - and in maternity ward. Most likely, you will return home with the baby in your arms.

oxygen starvation

If there is a 38th week of pregnancy, the child is actively moving at night, this may be due to the fact that he lacks oxygen and nutrients. Why, then, does the baby begin to remind himself?

The thing is that the baby receives the main nutrition and oxygen from the placenta through the umbilical cord. When he doesn’t like something, the fetus begins to actively massage and push the child’s place. Thus, blood exchange is accelerated, and the embryo receives more oxygen.

When you feel too active movements of the baby - this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will undergo a series of examinations. Most often, this includes blood and urine tests, cardiotocography and ultrasound diagnostics. The results obtained will show the presence or absence of a problem. In some cases, the expectant mother may need an emergency caesarean section.

Detachment of the placenta

If you are 38 weeks pregnant, the baby moves actively at night or during the day and eats severe pain in the lower abdomen, this may be a sign of premature delivery of the placenta. Most often, this pathology is accompanied by bleeding. However, this is not always the case.

When detached children's place acute oxygen starvation occurs, which doctors most often call hypoxia. The woman needs emergency surgery. Usually, doctors perform a caesarean section on an urgent basis. Otherwise, not only the child, but also the expectant mother herself may die.

Stuffy room

When the 38th week of pregnancy comes, the baby is actively moving - what can this mean? Perhaps the expectant mother is in a stuffy room. If this process occurs at night, you need to open the windows and let fresh air get into the room.

In addition to active fetal movements, a sign of a lack of oxygen in a future mother may be feeling unwell. In some cases, women even lose consciousness.

Incorrect position or tight clothing for a woman

In late pregnancy, the active movement of the baby may indicate that he does not like something. If these sensations occur at night, you should pay attention to how you sleep. Often expectant mothers lie on their backs and because of this, a large vein is squeezed. There is stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and there is a lack of oxygen. Most women feel all these signs on their own. They feel dizzy and their blood pressure drops. However, in a dream, this sign may simply not be noticed.

Tight clothing that compresses the pelvic area also leads to constriction of the vein and stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. Try to choose loose-fitting clothes made of natural "breathable" fabrics that will not cause you discomfort. This is especially true at night. In some cases, even underwear can be uncomfortable for the expectant mother.

Summing up or concluding the article

So, you have become aware of the main reasons for the restless behavior of the baby in the womb. Remember that when you reach 38 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the baby in the abdomen may subside. This is absolutely normal. The baby can no longer somersault as before. However, his movements must be regular. If you haven’t felt a single jolt during the day, then you should worry. Tell your doctor about your symptoms and concerns as soon as possible. Have a peaceful pregnancy and easy delivery. Be healthy!

Every mother looks forward to the birth of her baby. But sometimes it also happens that patience is simply not enough. And often a woman wonders how to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy. Is it possible to do this, is the child ready to be born and how can everything be accelerated - I want to talk about this now.

What happens at 39 weeks

At the very beginning, you need to figure out what is happening with the woman's body at this time and whether the baby can be born. So, childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is a normal phenomenon. The baby is already formed enough to be born without fear. His posture in the womb is head down, legs and arms are tucked in. And this means that he has already prepared for the natural process of appearance. All his internal organs are also designed to work, although while the baby receives food through the umbilical cord, and his intestines are still sterile. It is also important to remember that at this time physical activity child is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the baby is also not enough free space. The child may not move for a long time, but there is nothing to worry about.

Harbingers of childbirth: distant

How can you understand that labor begins at 39 weeks of gestation? So, for this it is possible to trace whether there are the first harbingers of this process. What can a lady feel at this time? So, indicators can be far and close. If we talk about distant:

  1. Childbirth will be very soon, when the lady's belly sank. A woman will definitely feel this, as it will become easier for her to breathe. However, this may cause diarrhea, as the baby will put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. False contractions. Closer to the time of childbirth (but sometimes in the second trimester of pregnancy), a woman may experience false contractions, which got their name thanks to the scientists Braxton and Hicks. Thus, the body prepares for the birth of the baby. However, the strength of these contractions is significantly lower, the sensations are not so painful.
  3. Posture change. Due to the fact that the woman's stomach drops, her center of gravity shifts. And, of course, posture changes. The gait becomes "duck". May occur discomfort, discomfort in the area of ​​the pubic joint and sacrum.

Harbingers of childbirth: close

However, there are more clear signs that the birth is about to come. If a lady has a pregnancy of 39 weeks, the harbingers of childbirth will be as follows:

  1. Vaginal discharge. Before childbirth, brown mucous discharge may appear, possibly streaked with blood. It's not scary, the mucous plug comes out. This may also indicate that amniotic fluid is leaking.
  2. Waste of the mucous plug. It appears in the very first weeks of the baby's formation. Its main function is to protect the child from infections. This cork tightly closes the entrance to the uterus, which prevents viruses and infections from penetrating into its cavity. When she leaves, it is important indicator that the birth is coming soon. However, she can go out a week before the baby is born. How can you understand what exactly happened? The woman will have a thick mucous discharge, their accumulation, possibly streaked with blood.
  3. Motor activity of the baby. Before giving birth, the babies in the stomach seem to subside. It's all because of the lack of space for active action. The child grows up, the stomach increases as much as possible, but this is not enough for the baby. Therefore, children move less.
  4. Changes in the cervix. Of course, a woman will not feel this, but a doctor can diagnose. So, it is very important to monitor the dilatation of the cervix, because these indicators indicate how close the process of active labor is in a lady.
  5. Change in body weight of a lady. Before childbirth, the weight of a woman most often decreases. This is because the body of a pregnant woman accumulates estrogen (the most important hormone for labor), which helps to reduce swelling. Excess fluid is excreted from the body, the weight of the mother decreases.
  6. Relaxation of the stool. The accumulation of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman also affects the state of the woman's stool. So, often about a week before giving birth, a woman will visit the toilet more often. This is a natural bowel movement before childbirth.
  7. contractions. What else does a woman need to know if she is 39 weeks pregnant? Harbingers of childbirth, which indicate their initial process, are contractions. In this case, pain sensations will gradually increase, and the time between sensations will decrease.

And, of course, an indicator that natural childbirth is close will be psychological changes in the pregnant woman. A couple of weeks before the birth of a baby, a woman becomes calm, peaceful, forgetful. Stop worrying about little things. This is all very important, as it helps to prepare the lady for the process of labor. However, it should be said that all these indicators are very individual.

intimate relationship

If a woman wants to know how to give birth faster than 39 weeks pregnant, she should just have sex. For a very long time, doctors tried to prohibit intimacy in recent weeks bearing a child. And all because it is an excellent stimulation of labor activity. Everything happens during the lady's orgasm, when the body can take such contractions as the beginning tribal activity. In any case, even if this does not help to intensify labor activity, it certainly will not harm. After all, all the positive emotions that the mother experiences are transmitted to the baby. However, it is worth remembering that at this time a woman may have little lubrication. In order not to spoil the sensations during intimacy, you need to stock up on artificial substitutes for it.

Also, nipple massage works in a similar way. This is not only an excellent preparation of a woman for breastfeeding, but also natural stimulation tribal activity.

Reception of alcoholic beverages

You can often read that natural childbirth can be significantly brought closer if you drink a little alcohol. So, the ladies advise each other to take a glass of wine or even an alcoholic mixture. According to their version, this makes the baby quickly “get out” from the inside, since he does not like such food at all. However, this fact is not confirmed by doctors. Moreover, doctors do not get tired of repeating what to drink alcoholic drinks at any period of bearing a baby is absolutely impossible. After all, this can affect not only the state of health, but even the development of the child himself.

Special food

We understand further how to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy. So, people say that you can eat certain foods, and they, in turn, accelerate the process of the birth of crumbs. What in this case is offered to the ladies:

  1. Spicy dishes. However, doctors have absolutely no scientific confirmation of this. In addition, it is worth remembering that you can not eat raw fish at the same time (if the lady chooses Japanese cuisine).
  2. Olive oil. Physicians do not refuse this remedy. If you take it one tablespoon three times a day, the ligaments of the uterus soften, and its elasticity improves. In addition, this is not only a way to speed up childbirth, but also a method to avoid ruptures at the time of the birth of the baby.
  3. Raspberry tea. This is a common method of speeding up labor in the US. So, you need to brew a drink from raspberry leaves and drink it starting from the 35th week. However, everything needs to know the measure, this must be remembered.
  4. Castor oil. Some women know that its use can cause contractions. However, why is this happening? The thing is that castor oil has a laxative effect. And that leads to what happens early stimulation cervix.

When figuring out how to give birth faster than the 39th week of pregnancy, it is worth remembering that you do not need to speed up this process on your own. Experts say that it is necessary to stimulate labor activity only by medical indications. In other cases, the baby himself knows better, it's time for him to be born, or he needs to sit a little more in the tummy.

medical stimulation

Normal natural labor can begin any time after the 37th week of pregnancy. At this time, the baby is already fully formed and ready to see the world. However, sometimes the patient may be prescribed labor stimulation (the feedback from the patients after that is positive, because all this happens exclusively under the supervision of obstetricians). However, such a procedure should be prescribed only for special indicators.

Indicators of labor stimulation before the appointed time

In what cases can a woman at the 39th week of bearing a baby be stimulated into labor?

  1. Multiple pregnancy. This is necessary because two or more children at this time are already very crowded in the mother's stomach.
  2. Medical indicators. This may be a Rh-conflict between the mother and fetus, complications with the heart, increased blood pressure. It is worth remembering that all this affects not only the condition of the mother, but also the baby himself.
  3. Failure during childbirth. Before the appointed time, at the 39th week, a woman can be medically stimulated to give birth if there is a premature discharge of water, the marriages are weak and short, if the cervical dilatation is large, but there are no contractions, and also if the lady is tired, exhausted and does not can manage the process of the birth of the baby.

Ways to induce labor

If a lady has a pregnancy of 39 weeks, how to speed up the birth? So, for this, doctors can choose one of the ways to stimulate labor.

  1. Influence the cervix. To do this, the lady is injected with prostaglandins, special hormones that cause the cervix to open up.
  2. Amniotomy, i.e. autopsy amniotic sac. This procedure is painless. When the water leaves the uterus, pressure rises in it, the baby's head presses on the pelvic bones, which stimulates the birth of crumbs.
  3. Oxytocin. The introduction of this hormone into the body stimulates uterine contractions.

When is stimulation prohibited?

If a lady has a pregnancy of 39 weeks (second birth, first - it does not matter), stimulation of labor may be prohibited for her according to the following indicators:

  • The position of the child is wrong, he is not ready for the normal process of birth.
  • The baby's condition is not ideal (cardiac monitor readings are important).
  • The size of the baby's head does not match the size of the mother's pelvis.
  • The mother has certain health problems (for example, a stitch in the uterus).

In all these cases, most often natural childbirth becomes impossible, the lady is prescribed a caesarean section.

Many women do not carry the baby before this period and give birth safely full-fledged child for a period of 36-39 weeks. But sometimes, even at the 40th week of pregnancy, the time for childbirth does not occur. Each female body is individual. We will deal with the main symptoms of the approaching birth, study the reviews of experienced women in labor and medical specialists to help the expectant mother prepare for this important event.

Reasons for the absence of harbingers of childbirth

The normal time to start labor is 39-40 weeks pregnant. But in nature there is no clear timetable, so there is no need to worry about delaying the start of this process. Even gynecologists with a long work experience cannot give a clear answer about the absence of harbingers of childbirth at this time.

One of the reasons for the delay in the onset of labor may be the unpreparedness of the cervix or the need to “ripen the fetus”, which is firmly established in the womb, where it is comfortable and safe. There is little time left to carry the baby, a much longer segment of the difficult path is behind. The baby will be born soon. How to determine that the time has come to give birth, if this is the first time?

Description of the harbingers of childbirth in women giving birth for the first time

The 40th week of pregnancy for a nulliparous woman is marked by sensations that are symptoms of the imminent start of changes in her life:

  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Uncharacteristic calmness of the baby after the previous increased activity.
  • Amniotic fluid is leaking.
  • The intensity of training bouts increases.
  • There is a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen, or it becomes hard.

Often at the 40th week of pregnancy, it pulls in the lower abdomen because the mucous plug has already come out, preparing the cervix for the upcoming birth. This process sometimes goes unnoticed. Don't panic. It will take a little more patience - and the long-awaited meeting will happen.

Description of the harbingers of labor in women who give birth again

What to do at 40 weeks of gestation if there are no prerequisites for the onset of labor. If a woman has already had the experience of reproducing, she may soon experience a quick, even rapid, birth. Especially you need to be careful if you experience such sensations:

  • Fossilized belly.
  • The mucous plug came off, after which a lot of mucus was released.
  • The intensity of training contractions increased, they were replaced by regular uterine contractions.

Before childbirth, it is important to clean the intestines so that it does not interfere with the process. To do this, a woman can eat dates, drink a serving of castor oil. Such measures will help to avoid the introduction of an enema, which is customary to do in the hospital and is not very pleasant to feel.

When taking castor oil, it will be possible not only to cause an intestinal reaction, but also to provide stimulation of labor. Therefore, before using such a substance, it is advisable to consult with your gynecologist.

The stomach at the 40th week of pregnancy can hurt regularly due to the opening of the cervix, when hormones act on it, and the baby striving for freedom exerts pressure.

When the pushing starts

Gynecologists determine the beginning of the straining period when they diagnose the opening of the cervix by 4 fingers. For women who have already given birth to a child, such a moment can come quickly. A woman in labor sometimes does not have time to get to a medical facility. For this reason, gynecologists advise women to come to the hospital as soon as they are convinced that the nature of the contractions has become regular. It is better to wait under the supervision of specialists than to give birth in an ambulance.

Timing Calculations

The 40th week of pregnancy has begun. Obstetric calculations define this period as 10 months. By calendar calculation, the term is 9.5 months. During this time, a number of important changes have taken place:

  • The body is ready for fertilization.
  • A fertilized egg has implanted into the uterine cavity.
  • The embryo developed and became a fetus.

10th calendar month - completion of fetal development. If the 40th week of pregnancy has begun, for the child this is the time when it is time to appear in front of the parents and please them. Women who have not become mothers before this time are quite rightly concerned about the delay in the process. They are interested in the possibility of deviations from the norm. Sometimes the reason for this delay may be the constitution of the uterus due to its long neck. Then the promotion of the fetus takes longer, which will take several days.

If contractions do not start at 40 weeks of gestation, this is not always considered a pathology. A woman should remember if she took magnesia. This drug is sometimes given to an expectant mother who is less than 36 weeks old to keep the pregnancy going. High uterine tone can be dangerous. With the use of magnesia, smooth muscle relaxation occurs. The drug provides a reduction in edematous syndrome. Such opportunities are important for successful labor activity.

When Doctors Decide to Wait

If 40 weeks of pregnancy have passed, and labor does not begin, you should consult your gynecologist. Experts will decide on further actions. Often a woman gets the opportunity to wait for contractions in a natural way. This is possible if:

  • the nature of the discharge has not changed;
  • there are no pronounced edema, nausea, vomiting;
  • not diagnosed high pressure, protein in the urine, headaches, other signs of preeclampsia.

In some cases, the woman will be advised to have sex. This will help release hormones and produce mechanical stimulation so that labor can begin safely. Do not ignore the recommendations of doctors if they advise you to lie down for preservation medical stimulation childbirth. Under the supervision of specialists, there are more chances for a successful delivery.

Extraction analysis

A pregnant woman should carefully monitor the character vaginal discharge. They signal changes in the body:

  • When pregnant at 40 weeks, brown discharge may indicate a deviation from the norm. They should alert a woman at any time. After all, they can mean that there was a detachment of the placenta. Even in the absence of pain or its mild manifestations, it is important to consult a specialist. Such discharge sometimes appears after a visit to the gynecologist, if there was a medical examination on the armchair.
  • The symptoms of thrush are discharge white color, with curdled lumps. Availability light discharge it can also be a harbinger of labor starting in the near future. Such mucus is not considered a pathology.

Feeling of a "stone belly"

Discharge at 40 weeks pregnant the only signs changes in the condition of a pregnant woman. Often, expectant mothers before childbirth feel heaviness in the stomach. This phenomenon may be accompanied by:

  • pain sensations;
  • lumbar aching pains;
  • copious secretions.

Specialists can prescribe the "Ginipral" technique to relax the uterine muscles, provide gentle cleansing intestines to prepare for labor. When the harbingers of childbirth appear, Mifepristone is sometimes prescribed. This is necessary to block the production of progesterone and cause contractions.

We cause childbirth

40 weeks of pregnancy is the time when you can already prescribe medications. This requires hospital conditions and specialist supervision. At 40 weeks, it is important to continue to take care of physical activity. Then childbirth will come faster and will be easier. Remember about proper nutrition.

Also, to speed up delivery, a combination of long vigorous walks, leading to fatigue in mild degree with doing homework. Doctors recommend:

  • do stretching exercises;
  • bending down to wash the floor;
  • go up/down stairs.

After all, pregnancy is a natural state for a woman, not a disease. But even at this time it is important not to engage in amateur activities, but to consult a doctor. This is especially true for taking medicines, since all of them, in addition to benefits, have side effects.

What does a woman feel in this period

At 40 weeks pregnant, the mucus plug should have come out, exposing the cervix. If a pregnant woman has new sensations, they may signal an approaching meeting between mother and baby. To that important point She was preparing throughout the term.

The appearance of such reactions of the body is permissible:

  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • weakening of movements;
  • small edema;
  • insomnia.

With frequent training bouts, you can use the help of a drug such as no-shpa. But if the pills do not help, and even after taking a warm shower, the situation does not improve, the contractions become real. Keep track of their regularity and prepare for a trip to the maternity ward. The time has come!

How is the child doing?

The belly at the 40th week of pregnancy has already grown so much that the pregnant woman moves with difficulty. After all, the baby takes up all the space. Women who already have the experience of childbirth are worried about why labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy still does not begin. It should be borne in mind that each pregnancy differs from the previous one in a number of ways:

  • woman's health status;
  • the effect of drugs that the woman took throughout the entire period;
  • intensity of physical activity;
  • developmental features of the fetus.

You can never predict exactly what week labor will begin. It is important to monitor the condition, get expert advice. There are moments that require the immediate intervention of doctors:

  • Conducted ultrasound diagnostics revealed oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.
  • The uterus has been in good shape for a long time, but there is an unpreparedness of the cervix, which is in no hurry to open.
  • KGT shows a deviation from existing norms.
  • Diagnostics determined that the umbilical cord wrapped around the body of the baby.
  • The child has gained too much weight.

These conditions require observation in a hospital setting. They can jeopardize the birth of a baby.

It is very important to inform the gynecologist if a woman feels nauseous. These symptoms may indicate manifestations of problems such as preeclampsia and preeclampsia.

What is gestosis? This is a peculiar form of toxicosis, but it manifests itself in the last stages of pregnancy. It is diagnosed by passing a urine test, when an excess amount of protein is detected in it. The second confirmation of the disease will be an increase blood pressure, which is also measured when visiting a doctor. The disease is dangerous for a pregnant woman, affects the functionality of her excretory and vascular system damaging the brain.

Preeclampsia is dangerous with consequences, even irreparable. It is also a kind of toxicosis. It is diagnosed by determining the level of protein in the urine, measuring blood pressure, if edema is additionally present. Concomitant symptoms are the presence of headache, dizziness, the pregnant woman quickly gains weight.

Who is at risk for these complications?

  • for women during their first pregnancy;
  • in early or late pregnancy under the age of 16 and after 40;
  • if arterial hypertension bothered the woman before;
  • in the presence of a strong stage of obesity, diabetes, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease;
  • if multiple pregnancy is diagnosed;
  • if you had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy;
  • due to heredity.

Preeclampsia and preeclampsia are dangerous for the baby. Doctors should deal with such deviations from the norm, since diseases are dangerous for the child due to a violation of the processes of blood flow to the placenta. Then the child may be born underdeveloped. However, with such diseases, most often childbirth occurs prematurely, and not with a delay.

Norms of weight and height of the newborn

When a baby is born, they are immediately measured and weighed. Regardless of the number of pregnancies, the weight of the fetus should be in the range of 3300-3500 grams. But often there are cases of the birth of "heroes", whose weight reaches 4-5 kg. In most cases, the reason for this is the build of the mother. But the mother will not be able to give birth to children with such a mass on her own. Therefore, she is given a caesarean section.

The body length of the baby is normally 47-52 cm. For girls, smaller sizes are acceptable, for boys - large ones. It all depends on the genetic predisposition. In the first months of life, the child will intensively gain weight and grow, delighting his parents with his changes.

Summing up

Very soon the baby will see this world. His mother had plenty of time to prepare for a meeting with such a dear, but still unfamiliar little man. Many women do not carry a fetus until 40 weeks. But if the birth has not yet occurred, there are reasons for this. Wise nature itself knows when to release the baby into the environment as prepared as possible. For some children, even 8.5 months in the womb is enough, others are in no hurry to leave the cozy womb.

A woman needs to pay special attention to herself in order to prepare as much as possible for an important event:

  • constantly monitor your well-being;
  • continue to lead active image living within their means;
  • eat right and prioritize fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products;
  • observe the nature of vaginal discharge.

Pregnancy is a special time in every woman's life. This is the happiness that overwhelms the future mother from only one thought that is ripening inside her new life, so warm and dear, even if the baby is not yet aware of it. And on the other hand, this is almost 40 weeks of excitement and worries for the life of an unborn baby. And it is not at all surprising when a pregnant woman is so acutely experiencing a situation when she is pulling her lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation. What is it: an alarm or just her baby is already in a hurry to see the light, not wanting to wait another minute?

Causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation

Since childbirth in the penultimate week of pregnancy is considered a variant of the norm, many “kind” people advise not to worry too much, but to prepare for the imminent birth of a baby. In most cases this advice will go for the benefit of calming the already tense nerves of a pregnant woman in the prenatal period. But sometimes it seems right wish can play a cruel joke.

And the thing is that the causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy can be different, and they do not always indicate an approaching meeting with a baby who has been born. Here it is necessary to pay attention not only to the aching pain, which many people compare with pain during menstruation, but also to the accompanying symptoms. But they can often tell about what is really happening, much more than the pain itself.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in the penultimate week of pregnancy, of course, are most often associated with preparing the body for an important (and often difficult) event - childbirth. Symptoms of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy, warning the expectant mother of an imminent meeting with her long-awaited baby, may be as follows:

  • A woman periodically feels aching pain in the pelvic area, which is often accompanied by unusual pressure from the inside on the area of ​​​​the ureter and external genitalia.
  • At the same time, the stomach drops (of course, this can happen a couple of weeks earlier) and becomes more solid.
  • Periodically appearing pulling pains, accompanied by dull, breaking pains in the lower back, may indicate the onset of false contractions, which are also called training or Breston-Higgs contractions, or be due to the increasing pressure of the fetus on the mother's pelvic floor towards the end of the pregnancy.
  • The strong pressure of the abdomen on the pelvic organs causes loosening of the stool and more frequent urination, while the amount of urine excreted becomes less. Sometimes there is nausea associated not with eating, but with the position of the uterus before childbirth.
  • In the same period, a woman can observe the discharge of a “plug” (thick transparent mucus with or without blood interspersed), which protects the birth canal from infection that is dangerous to the fetus.
  • The weight of the woman in labor can decrease by 0.5-1 kg.
  • The baby becomes less mobile and reminds of himself no more than 10-12 times a day.
  • The cervix begins to prepare for childbirth (opens slightly).

If a woman feels that her lower abdomen is pulling at the 39th week of pregnancy, and notices other symptoms that are harbingers of an early birth, you should not be afraid. It is better to check if everything is ready for the arrival of a new tenant in the house. But you should not actively move during this period, so as not to rush things. Let everything take its course.

Unfortunately, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not always the first signs of approaching childbirth. Sometimes such sensations are associated with pathological processes in the body of a woman, which are dangerous both for her and for her unborn baby.

Aching pains and heaviness in the abdomen can be a signal of indigestion, and if such pains intensify, adding belching rotten eggs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, this indicates poisoning, which is possible at any stage of pregnancy, but in recent days it is especially dangerous.

If aching pain is accompanied by vaginal discharge that has a strange color or smell, contains a large number of blood or pus, this is a signal that something is wrong in the woman's body. For example, saturated bloody issues can talk about incipient bleeding, the causes of which can be many. Probably the worst of them during this period is placental abruption. And disruption of the placenta, which ensures the vital activity of the fetus, leads to pathologies of its development due to starvation, intoxication and a decrease in the protective function of the placenta.

The causes of placental abruption can be various cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, toxicosis of pregnant women, inflammatory processes in the uterus and the placenta itself. There are some risk factors that indicate the possibility of placental exfoliation: late delivery, a large number of births, pregnancy after long-term treatment for infertility, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy diet), drug allergies, abdominal injuries, heavy physical exertion, predisposition (according to history). When a discharge saturated with blood appears, it is imperative to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

White small discharge most likely they will talk about a fungal infection (thrush), while purulent with a smell - about a sexual bacterial infection. In any case, this is an occasion to immediately visit your gynecologist in order to prevent various complications.

Aching pains in the lower abdomen may be associated with the eternal problem of pregnant women - constipation. They are dangerous at any stage of pregnancy, and what can we say about the last days, when any attempts can provoke the onset of labor.

The causes of aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, both at the 39th week of pregnancy and at other times, can be various benign and malignant neoplasms (polyps, fibroids, tumors).

If mild pain in the pelvic area is accompanied by pain in the lower back, this state of affairs can equally indicate the preparation of the body for childbirth (training contractions), and kidney disease due to hypothermia or increased load on them during pregnancy, because the kidneys have to work for two.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be manifested and inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, as well as such a pathology of pregnant women as symphysitis (excessive mobility of the pubic joint, which is caused by the preparation of the body for childbirth), dangerous for the mother herself, despite the fact that it has no effect on the health of the baby.


Epidemiological studies suggest that in most cases, pregnant women pull the lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation due to the proximity of childbirth. Why is this happening?

This is not surprising, because in our reasonable world there is no place for accidents. If a woman's body has been preparing for an important event for 38-39 weeks, then why not have a dress rehearsal in recent weeks ?! Yes, and the baby is already quite ready to come into our world, since he has sufficiently formed all the vital organs and systems. In the womb, there is already not enough space for him even for normal life, and what can we say about active movements with arms and legs.

The fetus is already “ripe”, but the mother’s body needs a few more days so that it can train (and during the first pregnancy, you can even say learn) to help the child get out, pushing it through the birth canal with the help of muscle contractions (the same spasms of various intensity that just cause pain).

Chaotically repeated training contractions with their pulling pains in the lower abdomen and aching in the lower back are nothing more than ordinary contractions of low intensity. So to speak, a warm-up.

The mammary glands of a pregnant woman are also preparing for the appearance of the baby, which in the last weeks begin to actively produce milk to feed the baby. All these are physiologically conditioned processes laid down by nature itself.

The pathogenesis of pain in the lower abdomen, not related to the preparation for labor, depends on the pathology that causes such sensations. For example, pains spreading to the lower abdomen and the kidney area are due to a large load on excretory organs a pregnant woman who may no longer be able to cope with her duties.

And the development of such a pathology as syphysitis can be associated both with calcium deficiency in a woman's body, which causes weakness of bones and cartilage tissue, and hormonal changes characteristic of the period of pregnancy, due to which bone tissues soften a little, facilitating the baby's "way to freedom."

Complications and consequences

The consequences of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by all the signs of the approach of childbirth, will only be the birth itself, which will come at the stipulated time (or maybe even a little earlier or later). In any case, this is not a cause for concern.

Another thing is if the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy pulls due to the development of some pathology that can lead to unpleasant, and often even tragic consequences. Such pathologies are considered to be complications of pregnancy, since they can adversely affect both its course and the health of the mother or child.

For example, pathologies of the kidneys, leading to a serious violation of their functions, can lead to dangerous intoxication of the mother and fetus, which can even lead to death. Then the doctors already have to choose, saving someone alone.

Detachment of the placenta is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies of pregnancy for the child that occurs in the later stages. The severity of the condition depends on the area of ​​the exfoliated "children's place". With detachment of 25-30% of the area of ​​​​the placenta, the baby develops severe hypoxia, which will subsequently affect its development (this also applies to the physical, and especially mental development child after his birth). If the placenta exfoliates by half, the child is threatened with death in the womb. And for the mother, this can even threaten with an operation to remove the uterus due to the formation of a retroplacental hematoma.

But such a pathology as syphysitis, when everything also pulls the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy (and sometimes even in the 2nd trimester), is already dangerous for the mother herself. If a strong divergence of the pubic symphysis is not prevented before or during childbirth, this threatens the woman with a very long and painful rehabilitation period. Very often in such a situation, doctors resort to caesarean section.

Poisoning and constipation become main reason body intoxication future mother(and hence the fetus in her womb, with which they are connected together for all 9 months), and sometimes they can cause premature birth.

Infections of the genital tract, if all measures are not taken to cure before the birth of the child, are very likely to pass to the baby during passage through the birth canal. And then it all depends on the type of infection and the consequences it causes.

Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs of a woman also sometimes cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, which leads to congenital pneumonia, heart disease and other pathologies. For a woman, this condition is dangerous for the development of chorioamniotitis (infection of the amniotic membranes and fluid), which, after delivery, can turn into endometritis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus).

Diagnosis of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation

Diagnosis of various conditions during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all research methods in this position are acceptable. And the task of the doctor is reduced to the selection of methods by which he can accurately diagnose (and the life of the mother and child sometimes depends on its correctness), without harming the fetus growing inside the woman.

The safest method of differential diagnosis in this case is the collection of anamnesis based on the study of the patient's card and her complaints. The patient's survey should consist of clarifying the gestational age, the nature of pain and its localization, accompanying symptoms, the relationship of pain with physical activity, etc.

Supplement the information, as well as confirm or refute the suspicion of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract, as well as any inflammatory processes, tests will help (general blood count, general urinalysis, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, etc.).

If bacteriological or fungal infections of the genital tract are suspected, a swab is taken from the vagina.

As for a biopsy for suspected oncology, if the stomach pulls at 39 weeks of gestation due to the presence of a tumor process in the pelvic area, then such a study will most likely have to be postponed until the baby is born. IN last resort, you will have to give birth 15,-2 weeks before the expected end of the pregnancy.

If the patient's condition indicates placental abruption, a vaginal examination is mandatory, which, if indicated, can also be performed using instrumental methods (vaginal ultrasound), although this procedure is rarely performed.

Among other methods instrumental diagnostics during pregnancy (especially in the later stages), preference is given to the good old ultrasound, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the placenta and the fetus inside it, as well as to diagnose neoplasms and other diseases of the genitourinary and partially digestive system.

At 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, in assessing the condition of the fetus and uterus, this method comes to the fore instrumental research like cardiotocography. Since the cause of pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy becomes increased tone uterus, as indicated by a hardened abdomen, doctors can determine with great accuracy how soon labor may occur by measuring the tone of the uterus.

The state of the placenta and its functionality can be judged from the results of dopplerography, which is also not contraindicated in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Treatment of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation

Treatment of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy is carried out only after a comprehensive examination of the future mother, finding out the symptoms and causes of pain. Yes, and a special approach is needed here, since not all forms of drugs that are effective in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy are acceptable for use in the later stages. In particular, the use of vaginal suppositories in the last months of pregnancy is considered undesirable and even dangerous.

If the cause of pulling pains in the abdomen is an increased tone of the uterus, but, according to doctors, it is necessary to wait a little while giving birth, to relax the muscles of an important female organ, inside which a new life is maturing, you can use special preparations that are acceptable for use in the last stages of pregnancy .

Usually these are relatively safe antispasmodics, such as "No-shpa", "Drotaverine", "Papaverine" and medicines that reduce uterine activity (magnesium preparations: Magne B-6 complex, magnesium sulfate solution). Rarely, in the later stages, such serious drugs as Ginipral, Brikanil, etc. are prescribed, since subsequently they can adversely affect the course of childbirth.

"Drotaverine"- antispasmodic, effective in preventing early start tribal activity. It will help to reduce the tone of the uterus and reduce pain.

The drug can be prescribed both in the form of tablets and injections. A single dose is 1-2 tablets or 2-4 ml (40-80 mg). Tablets are taken orally, injections - intramuscularly from 1 to 3 times a day.

Side effects of the drug, which, by the way, are very few, make themselves felt infrequently. Sometimes nausea, headaches, dizziness, allergic manifestations (swelling and skin rashes) can be observed. Occasionally, doctors diagnose a decrease in blood pressure and pulse, sleep disturbances, and constipation.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are considered severe damage to the liver and kidneys, heart failure, hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Do not take the drug during breastfeeding.

Solution "Magnesium sulfate" (magnesia)- A favorite drug in gynecology and obstetrics, used at various stages of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage and premature birth.

The dosage of the drug is purely individual. The drug is administered intramuscularly and intravenously (slow administration or in the form of a dropper).

During drug therapy, the following side effects may occur: a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in the frequency and strength of the heartbeat, a feeling of heat, shortness of breath, headaches, fainting, confusion, speech disturbances, numbness or trembling in the limbs. Sometimes there are reactions from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea and vomiting, allergic manifestations, skin reactions, metabolic disorders, and other unpleasant symptoms.

The drug is not used if the patient complains of pulling and aches in the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy, has the following pathologies: severe disorders of the kidneys and / or liver, myasthenia gravis, malignant tumors. Stably low blood pressure, bradycardia with a pulse rate below 55 beats per minute, hypersensitivity to components, conditions caused by calcium deficiency, and some others are also contraindications to the use of the drug.

If the pulling pains in the lower abdomen are associated with disruption of the intestines (constipation), the drug "Dufalac" will be effective, which is safe for the mother and fetus, which is available in bottles in the form of a syrup or in sachets for the preparation of a therapeutic solution.

The dosage and frequency of taking the drug during pregnancy is determined by the doctor individually in each specific case, based on the patient's condition and the results of a gynecological examination.

Taking the drug in large doses can cause flatulence, diarrhea, nausea (sometimes vomiting), pain in the abdomen.

Contraindications to the drug are: a violation of the metabolism of galactose, gastrointestinal obstruction, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hypersensitivity to various components of the drug.

If as a result diagnostic study in the body of a woman, bacterial, viral or fungal infections were detected, therapy will have to be carried out with antibacterial drugs (during pregnancy, erythromycin, cephalosporins and drugs from the group of unprotected aminopenicillins are acceptable). The choice of drugs is carried out only by a specialist doctor, taking into account the condition of the woman.

If there are inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, antibiotics are preceded by therapy aimed at improving the outflow of urine (diuretics and diuretics).

vitamins shown to a pregnant woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy and even after childbirth. Usually, when prescribing them, doctors prefer vitamin and mineral complexes that help maintain the health of the mother and full development fetus.

The best option, if it pulls the lower abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation, is to take the drug "Magnesium B6", which effectively fights both spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and increased nervousness of a woman on the eve of childbirth.

There are very few side effects of the drug. sometimes happen allergic reactions, as well as various disorders of the digestive system.

Do not use the vitamin-mineral complex for severe kidney damage, impaired metabolism of phenylalanine, intolerance to fructose and other components of the drug, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

It is worth consulting with your doctor about the possibility of physiotherapeutic treatment of pulling pains in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy due to the development of certain pathologies. As with any thermal, as well as other medical procedures to relieve spasms, which some women try to practice at home.

Alternative treatment of pulling pains in the lower abdomen

Alternative treatment of abdominal pain is also carried out on the basis of the diagnosis. Its effectiveness has been proven if such treatment is used in parallel with traditional medication.

Although if the lower abdomen is pulled at the 39th week of pregnancy due to fetal pressure, and the pain appears as a prenatal workout, you can limit yourself to the advice of traditional medicine as monotherapy to alleviate the condition. But again, without consulting the attending physician, the use of any folk remedies is not recommended if there is a desire to give birth healthy child in due time.

To slightly reduce the tone of the uterus, traditional medicine recommends including magnesium-rich foods in your diet: nuts, especially hazelnuts and almonds, cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat), legumes (beans), any green vegetables.

A special relaxation technique will also help, based on the fact that if you relax the muscles of the face, the uterine muscles automatically relax. enough to sit in comfortable posture, try to relax the muscles of the face and neck to the maximum and breathe evenly. Spasm and pain go away within a couple of minutes.

Herbal treatment will also help in this situation. Calendula, yarrow, valerian, motherwort, sage and St. John's wort will help relax the muscles of the uterus, prevent bleeding and promote better access of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus by improving blood circulation. But chamomile, nettle, dill, hay, aloe and some other herbs can, on the contrary, cause premature birth.

Proper nutrition will help fight constipation and associated aching pains in the lower abdomen: a glass pure water on an empty stomach plus a vitamin mix (dried apricots, prunes, raisins) plus foods rich in fiber (cereals, greens, vegetables and fruits).

With pyelonephritis, pumpkin will be useful, from which you can cook a variety of dishes, and watermelon (instead of water or as a dessert with black bread). These vegetables have an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, which is very important in the fight against inflammation of the urinary system. Of the herbs, horsetail and bear ears will be useful and safe.

Treatment of genital infections with folk remedies by douching during pregnancy is not used, and other methods folk treatment in this case are unlikely to be effective.

Homeopathy during pregnancy

It is no secret that homeopathic preparations with a minimum of side effects and contraindications can serve women in good stead in anticipation of a baby. But their reception should be treated with great caution, even in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the birth can no longer be called premature in the full sense of the word.

Whether it makes sense to take homeopathic medicines, if it pulls the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy, it is not the woman herself who should decide, but her attending physician. Perhaps in this situation it would be preferable to start delivery a little earlier than to relieve spasms caused by normal physiological processes.

Yes, muscle spasms in the uterus, characteristic of training contractions, you can try to remove with the help of homeopathic remedies Agaricum or Spascuprel. The latter is considered more preferable for relieving spasms in the uterus. It should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals. The tablets should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

For constipation in the last stages of pregnancy, Alumina (aluminum oxide), Collinsonia and Opium will be useful. The dosage and frequency of taking these drugs, which are safe for a pregnant woman and her baby, must be checked with a homeopathic doctor.

Urinary and genital tract infections can be treated with Cantharis and Dulcamara. But again, after consultation with the attending physician regarding the appropriateness and safety of such therapy.

Surgical treatment

Since the 39th week is considered the period of full-term pregnancy, when all fetal systems are already fully formed, any deviations from the norm during this time may be an indication for urgent delivery or surgical treatment(C-section).

If the lower abdomen is pulled at the 39th week of pregnancy and all signs indicate that real contractions have begun (the strength of the spasms increases, and the time interval between them gradually decreases, amniotic fluid may discharge), the doctor decides on the best option childbirth, based on the state of health and constitutional features of the pregnant patient.

Indications for a caesarean section may include: narrow pelvis, high probability of myopia (hemorrhage in the eye) with stress, transverse position fetus, rapid irreversible cessation of labor, the threat of rupture of the old scar (with repeated caesarean section), prolapse of the umbilical cord, symphysitis.

If placental abruption is observed, then a caesarean section is inevitable, and in the shortest possible time.

Sometimes doctors resort to caesarean section to avoid complications if the mother has severe pathologies. of cardio-vascular system and kidneys. And also to prevent infection of the baby during passage through the birth canal if the mother is diagnosed with untreated sexual infections. Here the decision about the operation remains with the doctor.


If we talk about the prevention of pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy, then the main measure can be considered the intake of magnesium preparations, which help to eliminate the deficiency of this trace element throughout pregnancy and before childbirth. After all, it is magnesium that prevents an increase in the tone of the uterus, relaxing the muscle muscles, and also facilitates the course of childbirth.

An important role in the processes occurring at the end of pregnancy is also played by the nutrition of a woman, which should be complete, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Nutrition, of course, is important, but a woman should also monitor her health more carefully than ever, undergoing preventive examinations and consulting a doctor for any reason that worries her. During the entire period of pregnancy, a variety of infections, including respiratory ones, should not be allowed to enter the body of the expectant mother. After all, infections of any type are dangerous both for an unformed baby and for a child who is quite ready to see the light, but still in the womb. The health of the baby after his birth also depends on this.

Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, avoiding physical inactivity (if possible) will help to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that a woman will not be tormented by constipation, threatening to develop into hemorrhoids.

The use of foods rich in calcium, and special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, according to the doctor's indications, will reduce the likelihood of developing symphysitis. If the disease makes itself felt, then in order to prevent complications, the pregnant woman will have to limit herself in movement, wear a “bandage”, perform special exercises, take anti-inflammatory and vitamin-mineral complexes, and follow other doctor's instructions.


The prognosis of pulling pains in the lower abdomen depends on the cause that caused such sensations, and curative measures to eliminate this cause. The best prognosis, of course, is observed in pregnant women, whose body thus informs the woman about the approach of childbirth. Worst prognosis with a significant detachment of the placenta, when the count goes literally for seconds.

Pulling the stomach at 39 weeks of gestation, and other unusual symptoms appear? This is an occasion to visit the doctor as soon as possible and tell about your anxiety and fears. Perhaps these experiences are groundless, and you will soon become the most happy mom in the world. But sometimes such foresight helps to avoid very sad consequences. But there is nothing worse for a mother than a disability or even the death of a long-awaited baby, for which the mother will have to blame only herself for her own carelessness.

Your pregnancy is full term and labor can begin any time you and your baby are both ready. The growth of the child does not stop for a minute, he gains weight, although already not as actively as a few months ago. There is not enough space in the tummy for him, you often feel discomfort from movements, fatigue has accumulated and you want to give birth as soon as possible. You have come a long way and there are only a few days left. Closer to the significant date, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease and the baby will become very crowded. But this will reduce the risk of complications in the form of prolapse of the umbilical cord and others during childbirth. Prepare everything you need for the trip to the hospital and relax.

Changes in the body at 39 weeks

39 weeks is the tenth obstetric month and the end of the ninth calendar month, the period from 38 to 40 weeks is considered quite normal for the birth of a baby. Now you are no longer gaining weight, despite the fact that the baby is still growing, your body is preparing for the birth of it. Significant changes in health status compared to last week not happening, but steel frequent urges to the toilet, increased anxiety and nervousness. The uterus and its cervix are actively expanding and softening, which can produce brown discharge. There is a lowering of the abdomen and easier breathing, digestion improves, and even diarrhea can occur. Childbirth can begin at any time - day or night, while contractions may first occur, and only then the water will break, or vice versa - both options are normal. You should not go on trips far from home now, you should always carry with you Required documents. If surgery is planned, you will most likely be admitted to the hospital in advance to prepare.

Only 5% of women have a baby in the DA, the rest do it earlier or even later due date. This is not dangerous, the baby has already matured and is completely ready for extrauterine life.

Fetal development at 39 weeks: weight, size and gender

By this time, the baby weighs about 3300 g, and has reached a height of 52-53 cm. He is fully term and is preparing to be born. The movements become less and less active due to the strong tightness, he pulls his knees to his chest and crosses his arms to make it more convenient to be located in the womb. This is also due to the fact that the amount of amniotic fluid closer to the PDR decreases due to the influence of the hormonal background, which also significantly limits movement. Most children have cephalic presentation, the most convenient for natural exit, but there may also be pelvic ones, and then the question will be decided whether childbirth is possible through the natural birth canal or is it better to resort to caesarean section.

Now the baby is exactly the same as it will be in the first days after birth, all reflexes are fully formed in him, his organs and systems are fully developed, and the nervous system fully controls them. Even the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is now what it will be in the first weeks of life. During periods of activity, the baby sucks his finger or moves his limbs, reacts to external stimuli, loud sounds or touches on his stomach. May wince, flinch, hiccup and swallow amniotic fluid. Due to amniotic fluid and their digestion, the original feces - meconium - formed in the intestines, it must pass after birth. If the fetus experiences suffering in the womb, meconium may pass prematurely and the water turns greenish.

Body weight and muscle strength increase, calcium and iron are stored for further extrauterine life, coordination and muscle tone. It is important to monitor the movements, it should make itself felt at least ten times a day. If its activity is very low or the movements are strong and constant, you need to see a doctor, perhaps the fetus is experiencing hypoxia.

The baby's heart pumps blood through the vessels, the kidneys filter urine, the intestines digest the swallowed waters, and the pancreas helps break them down by producing enzymes that will later help the baby digest food. But the nervous system still continues to improve, and will continue to do so after birth. Now the baby's body is sterile, the first microbes will populate the intestines with the first drops of colostrum from the mother's breast. Therefore, it is extremely important to attach him to the breast immediately after birth, so that he receives the flora familiar to him from the skin of the breast and nipple.

The fetus receives nutrition so far through the placenta, but now it is beginning to actively age, since it has very little left to work. The umbilical cord will be cut only after birth, and then the baby will feed on its own. The lungs are ready to breathe, but while they are in a state of sleep, they will open only after the baby is born.

Childbirth and precursors at 39 weeks

Childbirth can begin at any time, carefully monitor the condition and forerunners of childbirth, they will indicate the imminent onset of the main event of your pregnancy.

These signs are a decreasing appetite, there is a “cleansing” of the whole organism with weight loss due to the convergence of edema, bowel movements, up to diarrhea, and sometimes there may even be nausea with vomiting. On average, it takes up to 2 kg of weight. False contractions become frequent and strong, they are very noticeable, but do not have a clear periodicity and do not lead to the opening of the neck. They may be accompanied pulling sensations in the lower back and abdomen. To distinguish them from labor pains, you can take a shower, change the position of the body, walk around the room or lie down, false contractions usually look like, but real ones only intensify, and the interval between them is reduced.

There is an increase in vaginal discharge with the discharge of lumps of pinkish mucus - a plug that covers the cervix. The neck softens and relaxes, which leads to the release of the cork, it can depart in parts in a volume of up to two tablespoons or a lump of mucus.

There may be an irresistible desire to wash and tidy everything up - "nesting syndrome", which makes a woman take on a difficult task. homework. Do not be zealous and overtired. There may also be mood swings and insomnia.

Real contractions are painful, with them the sensations increase, and the intervals between contractions are reduced. The pains are dull, gradually increasing in strength, intensity, duration. During the first pregnancy, you need to come to the maternity hospital with contractions about once every ten minutes and lasting about 30 seconds. With repeated pregnancies, you should hurry, they usually pass faster. Childbirth in this period is quite normal, they will take place in three periods - the first is the longest - these are contractions with a gradual opening of the cervix, the second - straining - the birth of a child, and the third - the period of the birth of the placenta. During contractions, you need to move and breathe properly, this will make your condition easier, listen to the doctors and everything will be fine. There is no need to be afraid of the hospital, childbirth is a completely natural process, and a midwife and a doctor will always be with you.

Feelings of the expectant mother

39 weeks is tedious waiting the appearance of the baby and great fatigue due to the huge belly and discomfort. It is hard for you to move, dress, sleep and even eat, so you can get irritated and nervous, tired. Every movement of the baby is felt very clearly, he grew up and became very strong, and about 15 kg excess weight hard to wear. With a belly like that it's hard to find comfortable position, insomnia torments, and during the day you feel tired, you constantly want to go to the toilet, as the fetal head presses on the bladder. There is a preparation of the body - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea may occur, although constipation is also possible, which is difficult to cope with even with a diet rich in fiber. Swelling gradually disappears, and due to this, a couple of extra pounds can go away. Discomfort in the area of ​​the pelvic bones increases, pains in the lower back and back occur, they can radiate to the legs, complicating movement. But against the background of all these sensations, an emotional upsurge can occur with a desire to tidy up the house and wash and rewash everything, this is a "nesting" syndrome that helps to preserve positive attitude. Listen to your feelings - soon your baby will be born, enjoy last days pregnancy.


Now you can experience various painful and uncomfortable sensations, they arise as a result of weight gain and stress on the spine and pelvis. Most likely, the abdomen has already dropped, which led to the pressing of the fetal head to the exit from the small pelvis. At the same time, the back, lower back can ache and hurt, there are discomfort and pain between the legs, a feeling of pressure. Wearing a prenatal bandage and doing gymnastics, unloading the back in knee-elbow position. This will help in the work of digestion, kidneys and placenta.

Heartburn and constipation may occur due to digestive problems, as well as back pain and hemorrhoids. It is important to consult a doctor for advice on how to alleviate your condition. If there is severe swelling and headache, pressure rises and flies flicker before your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor, these are signs of preeclampsia. If there are pains in the abdomen, they are regular, while the stomach becomes stony - these may be signs of tone or the onset of labor, you should contact the hospital.


In this period, the nature of the discharge may change - they become more abundant due to a change in the hormonal background and the maturation of the cervix. It is the region of the cervix that gives a change in the nature of the discharge. This may be mucous discharge due to the discharge of a cork from the cervix, although pink, brown discharge is also acceptable due to the admixture of blood from the vessels in the softened cervix. Especially they are characters after a vaginal examination by a doctor. If the discharge is white, with flakes and itching occurs, it may be thrush, which should be treated before childbirth, so as not to reward the baby with it.

If spotting or blood of a scarlet or dark color appears, immediately call an ambulance, most likely it is placental abruption, which requires immediate delivery to save mother and baby.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage

If the discharge is abundant, underwear constantly gets wet, and they have a transparent or whitish tint, sweet smell- most likely, this is amniotic fluid. When they leak, you should immediately go to the hospital to resolve the issue of delivery. From the moment the waters break until the baby appears, no more than 12-14 hours should pass so that there is no intrauterine infection of the fetus. Leaking water can be recognized with the help of a special gasket - it is sold in a pharmacy.

The state of the uterus at 39 obstetric weeks

Most women by this time had a prolapse of the abdomen, and it became easier to breathe, the bottom of the uterus became slightly lower and did not rest against the ribs. At the same time, the uterus is actively preparing for the upcoming process, training contractions occur, which become stronger and more active, while the stomach hardens and can be painful due to increased tone. False contractions are irregular and do not dilate the cervix. She is now soft, misses the tip of a finger.If you have regular contractions or amniotic fluid, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

At week 39, an ultrasound scan may be needed only to clarify any nuances and determine the tactics of childbirth, it is additionally prescribed by a doctor. The doctor determines the gestational age by ultrasound, estimated weight and the growth of the fetus, all its organs and tissues, the degree of maturity and development, and also see other ultrasound indicators. It is important to assess the condition of the uterus and its size, the maturity of the cervix and its readiness, the amount of amniotic fluid and their condition. The degree of maturity of the placenta is determined - the norm for this period is the third degree of maturity, and the higher the degree, the older the placenta and the worse its function. It is also important to evaluate both the location and length of the umbilical cord - if it is located on the fetal neck, this will require special attention.

Symptoms and signs of polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios

According to the ultrasound data and the results of the examination of the pregnant woman, signs of oligohydramnios can be detected - for this period it will be physiological, since it gives more stable position fetus in the uterus, reduces its stretching and prevents the prolapse of the umbilical cord loops. With polyhydramnios, the uterus can overstretch, which will lead to weakness of labor and complications. It is possible to accurately establish polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios by ultrasound, determining the amount of water in ml.

Colds and treatments

IN this period during pregnancy, a cold is highly undesirable, since there is a risk of having a child by a sick mother in the observational department. If there are signs of SARS - fever, runny nose and cough, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. The doctor will tell you in detail how to treat a cold in order to prevent complications and infection of the baby.

Mother's diet and weight

Before childbirth, the woman's body is actively preparing for the upcoming process, so there is a weight loss of about 2 kg, on average you could gain about 12-15 kg, and now the body is gradually reducing weight. This is excess fluid and bowel cleansing.

Appetite may be reduced or absent, this is normal, it is worth eating a little - vegetable dairy food, avoiding spicy, fatty and fried foods. Give preference to fermented milk products, cereals and vegetable dishes. You can also make yourself a fasting day on apples, kefir or salads.


Attitudes towards sex this week of pregnancy are ambiguous. Many doctors are against this, as the mucous plug has come off and there may be an infection of the fetus. It is also believed that orgasm provokes labor. But at the same time, the man's sperm acts on the cervix as a means for its active preparation and softening, which helps in preparing for childbirth. Therefore, in this matter, you should focus solely on your desire and well-being, if you want - you should choose a comfortable position and avoid deep and sharp penetrations.
