How to quickly get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Removing wrinkles around the eyes with folk remedies

Each of us understands that aging is inevitable. And it attacks first of all the most vulnerable area - the skin around the eyes. And if this phenomenon does not mean at all that female body getting older, it is still annoying to watch how the skin gradually loses its elasticity, freshness and smoothness.

The website will tell you how to remove wrinkles around the eyes without resorting to expensive procedures. Systematic anti-aging care at home can be a real salvation from unwanted wrinkles in the delicate area.

Causes of rapid aging of the skin around the eyes

The main factor in the formation of stable folds on the surface of the epidermis is the slowdown in the production of collagen fibers and elastin. These types of proteins are building materials to create a framework that supports the skin. Their deficiency leads to “subsidence” of the epidermis and the formation of cracks and fine wrinkles OK. The skin of the eyelids is most early exposed to this effect also due to the lack of a lipid layer.

Let's look at what reasons can speed up the formation of wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Weather. The sun, dry air, cold, wind gradually become the culprits of dryness and irritation of the skin of the eyelids. In order not to ask yourself ahead of time the question of how to remove fine wrinkles around the eyes, do not forget about daily procedure hydration.
  2. Dirty air, chlorinated water, poor nutrition, bad habits, work in production - all this becomes the cause of unhealthy earthy tone skin and swelling of the eyelids. Toxins accumulate in cells, which lead to premature aging.
  3. The habit of squinting with poor vision, active facial expressions, smoking, and alcohol abuse are serious factors in the appearance of noticeable wrinkles already in youth.
  4. Poor quality cosmetics, lack daily care behind the face or regular illiterate care can quickly worsen your skin condition.
  5. Even the habit of sleeping on a high pillow or face down can play a cruel joke on your skin: in the first case, less oxygen and nutrients will be delivered to your head; in the second case, there is a risk of developing permanent wrinkles after sleep. To remove them, you will have to change your habits.

Subject to elementary rules facial skin care can be avoided most cosmetic defects, but the area around the eyes needs a special approach. To remove already formed wrinkles around the eyes, a simple face cream will not be enough. It is necessary to use special anti-aging cosmetics with a properly selected concentration of active substances: gels, serums and masks.

Cosmetics for wrinkles around the eyes

The first step towards solving the problem of how to remove pronounced wrinkles around the eyes at home is a competent choice of high-quality cosmetics. The cream or gel must work thanks to its active ingredients.

It’s great if the product contains moisturizing substances such as hyaluronic acid or urea. They actively retain moisture inside the epidermis, which visually smoothes the skin and quickly reduces the size of wrinkles.

But it is better to avoid products containing glycerin. In a humid environment, the eyelids will appear swollen; in dry weather, glycerin will promote the active evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. In this case, it will not be possible to remove wrinkles - the skin will peel off, and the problem will be aggravated.

Important components of a cream with a lifting effect for the skin around the eyes are ceramides, albumins, lecithin, allantoin, organic acids, peptides, Vitamins A, E and K, natural plant extracts, powerful antioxidants (Coenzyme Q10), blockers of enzymes that destroy collagen ( Acetyl-Hexapeptide-3). Each of the substances has its own range of actions against imperfections on the skin:

  1. Antioxidants enhance protective properties skin.
  2. Vitamin E increases its firmness and elasticity, removes small expression wrinkles.
  3. Organic acids help wash out excess pigment and overall even out skin color.
  4. Peptides help get rid of puffiness and also strengthen blood vessels.

For a complete and comprehensive fight against wrinkles around the eyes at home, only day cream will not be enough: you need a night one. In addition, it is useful to use concentrates, serums and gels with a lifting effect, which contain a higher concentration of active substances than in a regular cream. Many manufacturers produce entire series of products separately for each age.

To quickly remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes, you can purchase special hydrogel patches. Such cosmetic patches are impregnated with a special composition of active substances, microelements and plant extracts, so their effect can be safely compared with the effect of serums and anti-aging express masks. The petals, which easily attach to the delicate skin around the eyes, are capable of regular use reduce the depth of facial wrinkles, remove puffiness under the eyes, give the skin a healthy color.

The selection of care products should be agreed upon with a cosmetologist, who will help you choose a suitable series of products depending on the initial condition of your skin.

To get the most possible effect at home, you need to choose creams, gels and serums of the same line. To remove deep, persistent folds after 50 years, a cosmetologist can advise cosmetic procedures(mesotherapy, fillers, different kinds resurfacing, Botox injections).

Natural anti-wrinkle remedies

If you prefer industrial means homemade recipes, then learning how to remove wrinkles under the eyes using folk remedies will not harm you at all. Their main advantage for the skin is their absolute naturalness. Yes, store-bought cream is more convenient to use - after all, the “broth” of active substances has already been prepared. All that remains is to apply it to the skin and wait for the first results to appear, but any industrial product contains chemical additives, unlike medicinal herbs, oils and what’s in the refrigerator.

Honey-bread mask against expression lines around the eyes

To remove wrinkles under the eyes at home, the site advises using a simple mask based on black bread and honey. Place the slightly dried piece in a bowl with warm milk. When it softens, mash it with a fork and add 1 tsp. honey

Prepare gauze napkins for applications in advance. Apply the mixture onto them (it should not be too liquid) and gently transfer it to your eyes. The mask lasts for 20 minutes and is washed off with warm water.

Yeast mask to moisturize and soften the skin

Live cultures have a beneficial and gentle effect on the area around the eyes, helping to quickly reduce the network of fine wrinkles. To do this, take 1 tsp. dry instant yeast, add 1 tsp to it mineral water without gas. Wait 5 minutes until bubbles appear. Then add 1 tsp. olive and 1-2 drops of rose oil.

Mix and apply the mixture without touching the moving eyelid. After 15 minutes, the mixture should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

Protein-honey mask for a light lifting effect

This mask can slightly refresh the skin and remove signs of fatigue. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 egg white beaten into foam and the contents of 1 capsule of Vitamin E. Apply to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes.

Rejuvenating herbal lotion

How to remove fine wrinkles around the eyes using herbs? Parsley is not only excellent remedy from the first facial wrinkles, but also an active fighter against cyanosis under the eyes and age spots on the skin. Based on it, as well as on the basis of cornflower flowers and burdock root, you can prepare a tonic for daily care.

You can take fresh and dried ingredients, grind them and pour 2 tbsp. l. olive or sea buckthorn oil. The mixture should stand in dark place at least 10 days. Apply the lotion to the skin every day at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, otherwise swelling may appear. There is no need to rinse off - wet the skin with a napkin.

Anti-aging cream based on three oils

You can take equal proportions (1 tbsp) of olive and sea buckthorn oils and add a couple of drops of ylang-ylang ether. Mix and pour into a small glass bottle. Apply the mixture to cotton pad or a piece of flannel fabric, cut into a crescent shape and placed under the eyes. With goose paws light Pat the oil into the skin using patting movements, then remove the remaining residue with a paper towel.

Feel free to use mixtures of vegetable oils at home against wrinkles. Olive, sea buckthorn, apricot, coconut, almond, flaxseed have rejuvenating properties. grape seeds. From essential oils It is preferable to use rose, patchouli, neroli, ylang-ylang on the skin around the eyes.

Aloe perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin, fresh cucumber, raw potatoes and banana. To remove early wrinkles, these ingredients can be used independently. In this case, it is better to use potatoes and cucumbers not in the form of circles on the eyes, but in mashed form and through a gauze napkin.

Homemade masks should be made regularly, at least once a week, and alternated so that the skin does not have time to get used to the same components and continues to actively produce collagen. This also applies to cosmetics.

Another good home method for combating cobwebs is massage, which activates blood supply and lymph drainage. It needs to be done with pads ring fingers strictly according to massage lines using patting and pressing movements.

Botox injections offered big number cosmetology clinics will relieve you of wrinkles in the eye area, but not forever. The effect will last for about six months, after which you will have to contact a cosmetologist again. Keep in mind that the result may upset you rather than please you, because partial paralysis of the facial muscles often leads to facial distortion.

Laser wrinkle resurfacing is a fairly popular procedure. The rejuvenation effect lasts for about 5-6 years. During resurfacing, the laser beam evaporates the epidermis, which provokes skin renewal and increased collagen production. But after the procedure, scar tissue may form instead of healthy tissue. If you decide to laser resurfacing, choose a clinic with great experience and mass positive feedback.

Blepharoplasty is a very expensive operation to remove sagging skin from the eyelids. It is performed under local or general anesthesia. Deep wrinkles They do not disappear forever, but for several years. Big list contraindications, as well as long-term rehabilitation period– the main disadvantages of blepharoplasty.

Care for aging skin

Unfortunately, the aging process of the skin cannot be stopped even in radical ways. Any interventions to smooth out wrinkles will have to be repeated. If you are afraid or you simply do not want to visit cosmetology clinics and centers plastic surgery, resort to more affordable procedures.

In stores and pharmacies you can find many facial and eyelid skin care products. Buy a line of cleansing gel, toner, night and day cream, and eye serum. Check the recommended age on the packaging. Use the products regularly. Don't forget that you can only remove eye makeup by special means rather than soap and water.

Apply olive oil around your eyes at night. To do this, dip forefinger in oil, and then distribute it onto the skin using tapping movements. During the day, if you have time, make a mask of butter and honey - mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Buy vitamin complex, enriched with collagen, calcium and vitamin D. Try to drink as much fluid as possible, get enough sleep and healthy image life. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of wrinkles this way, but you can slow down subsequent aging.

My age is slowly but surely approaching thirty-five. Once I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw wrinkles appearing near my eyes and was horrified. I was, of course, terribly upset, almost to the point of tears, but then, having pulled myself together, I decided that there was no point in getting limp, I had to act! Wrinkles under the eyes are not a problem! And so, armed with a laptop and a cup of coffee, I decided to turn to the almighty Internet for help to figure it all out. Why do these insidious wrinkles around the eyes appear, how to avoid or, at least, postpone their appearance for a while, how to effectively remove these defects on delicate skin?

When do the first wrinkles appear under the eyes?

Of course, the appearance of wrinkles with age is inevitable, but this unpleasant event can be delayed.

In the eye area, the skin itself is very delicate and thin, and due to the small number sebaceous glands in these areas, she lack of adequate and timely hydration . By showing emotions, squinting in the sun, or blinking, we place enormous stress on the skin around the eyes, and as a result, by the age of 20-25, the first facial wrinkles appear, which over time turn into the characteristic “crow’s feet.”

The main cause of age wrinkles is insufficient amount of collagen produced by the body - a protein responsible for skin elasticity, the level of which begins to decline after thirty years. Moreover, with age the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner due to the slowdown of regeneration processes, skin retain moisture worse and lose their former firmness and elasticity.

Why did I have early wrinkles under my eyes - I understand the reasons

It is not surprising that wrinkles appear as a result biological aging and skin aging, but when they occur at the age of 20, then of course it’s not just a matter of aging.

To the main reasons early appearance wrinkles near the eyes can be attributed to:

  • Increased emotionality and active facial expressions . When you laugh or cry, are indignant or happy, the muscles on your face actively work, and as a result, the skin constantly contracts and stretches. Over the years, its elasticity becomes lower and it becomes more difficult for it to return to its original state, which is why wrinkles appear.
  • Genetic predisposition . If you inherited drooping eyebrows or overhanging eyebrows from your mother or grandmother upper eyelids or deep-set eyes, then be prepared to face the first wrinkles at a fairly early age.
  • Environmental factors . Frequent and prolonged exposure sun rays, frost, wind, cigarette smoke, too dry indoor air, as well as Negative influence toxins found in polluted city air and tap water also cause premature appearance wrinkles.
  • Improper care . The main errors include incorrect removal makeup, using unsuitable skin care products around the eyes, or incorrectly applying skin care cosmetics.

In addition, they have a negative impact bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol), poor diet, long work at the computer, not following a daily routine, vitamin deficiency and strict diets.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home?

Only now I realized how was unforgivably careless with her eyes : I forgot to remove makeup before going to bed, instead of using a special eye cream, I didn’t use it sunglasses. And here is the result - at thirty-something a wrinkled network under the eyes already appeared. So who to turn to, where to go and what to do if wrinkles appear under the eyes?

Having studied reviews on the Internet, listened to the advice of friends and tried a lot of anti-aging recipes on myself, I want to tell you about all the proven and effective means against wrinkles under the eyes .

Cosmetical tools

The very first thing that came to my mind was to buy special care products .

Cheap funds are unlikely to help here - the saying “The miser pays twice” comes in handy in this case. Worth paying Special attention on creams that enhance collagen production , but it is better to avoid products containing hormones. Of course they will necessary action, but as soon as you stop using them, the number of wrinkles will increase dramatically. To do right choice It is best to consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

The second thought was to contact folk medicine. Based on reviews on the Internet and advice from friends, I chose the most effective and fairly simple recipes.

So, let's eliminate the defects:

Massage and exercise

As practice has shown, excellent results gives massage, increasing blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity , it prevents the occurrence and eliminates wrinkles that have already appeared.

Before starting the massage, apply the skin cream near the eyes using point-to-point movements, never stretching the skin.

We provide massage pads of the ring fingers .

Press the pads on the outer edges of the eyes, then, using light pressure, move along the line of the lower eyelid to the inner corners. Follow the same steps for the upper eyelid.

Then perform light tapping movements with the pads of your ring fingers along the same path.

Periodically massage can be done using warmed olive or any other vegetable oil . It is rich in vitamin E, so it will also help restore skin elasticity.

Special eye gymnastics is very useful not only for the prevention of wrinkles, it will also help reduce existing wrinkles:

  1. Sitting up straight, you need to look ahead . Open your eyes wide, making sure that your face does not wrinkle. Hold this position, mentally counting to eight. Then close your eyes and relax. To begin with, do this exercise no more than once.
  2. Continuing the first exercise, the next one consists of 12 different movements. : Look straight ahead without changing the position of your head, move your eyes to the right, then to the left, up, then down. Next, move your gaze first to the right and up, then to the left and up, to the right and down, and finally to the left and down. The result is a kind of circular movements with the eyes. The exercise is also first performed once, gradually increasing the number of exercises to six.
  3. The simplest exercise is to close your eyes and count to five. . Relax. Execute once.
  4. Sit in front of the mirror, tilt your chin and look at your reflection . Slowly close your eyes until a small crack remains. Concentrate your gaze on the semicircle under your eyes and try to lift your lower eyelid. Then close your eyes completely and relax. Do the exercise again.
  5. Press the muscles under the eyebrows with your fingers . Trying to overcome the resistance of your fingers, try to close your eyes tightly, concentrating well on this. Count to six. Remove your fingers and relax. Repeat twice.
  6. Close your eyes, place your palms so that your fingers are on your forehead , A Bottom part Cover your eyes with your palms and press lightly. Relax by transferring the warmth of your hands to your eyes.

The delicate skin in the eye socket area is the first to be exposed age-related changes. Wrinkles under the eyes appear by the age of 25-30. There are no sebaceous glands in the eyelid area, subcutaneous fat, the skin structure is thin and not elastic, and the muscles are not able to maintain tone and elasticity. This contributes to the appearance of small, dark circles under the eyes and other unattractive cosmetic problems.

Many people blame emotionality for the appearance of periorbital wrinkles; they think that if you don’t frown or smile, wrinkles won’t appear on the skin. In fact, everything is not so, with age the number of fibroblasts and collagen synthesis decreases, this is the main reason for the appearance of “crow’s feet”.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

In addition to natural factors, a number of other reasons aggravate the skin condition:

  • inept or improper care;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • prolonged exposure to sun, wind or frost;
  • increased emotionality;
  • poor environment and a number of other reasons.

It is impossible to change the structure of the dermis, but every woman can constantly take care of her area under the eyes. Modern cosmetology offers many ways to combat wrinkles in problem area. There are folk cosmetic recipes have stood the test of time. Everyone can choose a facial care method for regular use.

From green peas

Canned or fresh (boiled) peas are rubbed through a sieve or punched with a blender. Two tablespoons of pea puree are combined with boiled egg yolk. Apply the paste for 5-10 minutes, rinse with cool water.


The product has a slight lifting effect and helps with the “mesh” of small expression wrinkles under the eyes.

To prepare: mix a spoonful of warm honey with a spoonful of white flour and beaten egg whites. Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes, rinse after complete drying.

Tibetan cream mask

First you need to prepare a decoction of bay leaves: pour 2-3 leaves with boiling water (0.5 cups), simmer at low boil for 10 minutes. Then strain and cool.

To prepare the cream, mix whipped egg white with 1 teaspoon bay decoction, 10 grams of olive oil, 3.5 grams of burnt alum (at the pharmacy), stir until smooth. Soak the pieces of flannel, cut into a crescent shape, with the mixture. Apply to wrinkles under the eyes and leave overnight.

Curd and honey

Combine full-fat cottage cheese with warm milk (30 g each) in equal proportions. Add composition vegetable oil, heavy cream, honey (5 grams of each). Divide the resulting mass into two parts and place in gauze bags. Apply the product to your eyelids and leave for a quarter of an hour.

From rose petals

Effectively fights wrinkles and produces home aromatherapy.

Add fresh rose hips or rose hips to 1 spoon of crushed petals. egg yolk and 20 gr. melted butter. Apply to the eye socket area, after half an hour, rinse with clean, lukewarm water.

Based on natural vegetable oils

Oils have been used in cosmetology for skin care since time immemorial. Suitable for sensitive skin around eyes. Natural oils are available, and the masks are quickly prepared. Cosmetics will smooth out wrinkles, moisturize, and tighten delicate areas of the skin.

Olive oil

This oil occupies a leading position in skin care. It can be used in pure form(as compresses), as well as in multi-component oil masks.

For frequent use Olive oil with vitamin E is recommended. Mix 50 ml of olive oil with 10 ml of liquid vitamin E. Apply the composition in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, driving it in with your fingertips. After 5 minutes, blot off the residue with a napkin.


This home remedy helps very well early stage when wrinkles are just beginning to appear. tablespoon olive oil cold pressed dilute lemon juice(2-3 drops). Gently massage the resulting mask into the area under the eyes. After 10 minutes, remove excess product with a napkin.

Coconut oil

This product significantly reduces the number of small wrinkles under the eyes and prevents the appearance of new ones. The procedure is quite simple. In the evening a small amount coconut oil Gently rub in circular massaging movements around the eyes. In this case, you should not apply force or stretch the skin.

Linseed oil

The oil helps get rid of wrinkles in a very severe cases. Circles from soft fabric soak in warm oil, apply to closed eyelids or face. After half an hour, the mask is cleaned with a napkin. Use after 2 days.

With sea buckthorn oil

To nourish the eye socket area, mix one tablespoon each of cocoa and sea buckthorn oils, add liquid vitamin E. The resulting mixture is generously applied to the upper and lower eyelids. After a quarter of an hour, remove excess with a napkin. Use the mask every other day. Apply to the face one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

  • switch to a healthy diet;
  • give up bad habits;
  • provide complete rest;
  • constantly play sports;

All these factors together will preserve youth for a long time and significantly increase the quality of life. More .

Video: an intensive course of exercises for wrinkles under the eyes.

Age-related changes do not add beauty, so every woman tries to hide imperfections with makeup, use concealer or injections. beauty salons. But can this be considered a panacea, since this can only mask the problem? Why do wrinkles appear suddenly, especially in such noticeable places as the corners of the lips and the contour of the eyes? How to deal with this? Or maybe tighten the skin?

Wrinkles under the eyes - how to get rid of them at home

The most favorite option for modern beauties is plastic surgery and professional products used in beauty salons (Botox injections, gel pads, etc.) often for preventive purposes. But both methods have a significant drawback - high price and risks. Therefore, many women wonder: are there really no cheaper and safe alternatives? We answer - ways for similar procedures mass, you just need to choose the one that is convenient for you.

For example, an excellent remedy from the pharmacy is tiagamma. Sold in pharmacy chains, the cost is low. Accelerates the process of cell renewal, has a lifting effect, the product is effective in getting rid of acne, sunburn, wrinkles, peeling skin, etc. It is recommended to use it only for those with oily or combination skin, since it tends to dry out the top layer.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home more effectively

Experienced cosmetologists give a lot useful tips on the topic of replenishing the balance of collagen fibers, for example:

Tip #1 – balanced diet;
No. 2 – exercises for the face (facial expressions) and general gymnastics;
No. 3 – wealth fresh air(walking, airing rooms, etc.);
No. 4 – in sunny days compulsory wearing sunglasses, at the same time we learn not to squint;
№5 – nourishing masks, creams, lotions, massage - the skin is very responsive to care.

From modern means You can use creams and masks from such manufacturers as YvesRocher, Avon, Vichy, Chanel. They have excellent age correctors for men and women. Products such as Black Pearl, Eluage Ave. cope well with such problems.

Many beauties use inexpensive creams pharmaceutical products, cosmetologists approve of most of these options, for example: retinoic or zinc ointment, glycerin, etc. The main condition is to apply it correctly to problem areas.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes (reviews)

The opinions of specialists on this matter are very diverse, but they agreed on one thing - heparin ointment is effective, but not safe remedy, if permanent use is meant. It really removes puffiness under the eyes and helps smooth out wrinkles.

But such manifestations as clogging of skin pores are possible, which in the future inevitably leads to the appearance of blackheads, next on the list is drying of the skin around the eyes, and so on.

Conclusion - you can use the product in the fight for youth, but without fanaticism (more than 1 procedure per day is not recommended, in a course of 10 days). After use, be sure to use moisturizing creams. At the preliminary stage, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

How to quickly smooth out and reduce bags under the eyes

If you urgently need to get yourself in order, you can use a product that even Hollywood stars do not disdain - “Relief” ointment for hemorrhoids. This miracle remedy helps to quickly remove swelling, get rid of fine wrinkles, and make deeper ones less noticeable. But we do not recommend using it on a daily basis - always combine and change products periodically. They also help get rid of problems: Aevit, Diopticrem, Radevit, Isteal, Darsonval, Lierak, Nerolli, Solcoseryl, Curiosin, Bioderma, Panthenol, etc. Ordinary ice cubes or a special patch also help a lot.

Folk remedies that help remove deep expression wrinkles

In Ukraine there is a television program: “Everything will be fine.” One of the presenters in the “from Olga Seymour” section reveals the secrets of beauty and answers questions from viewers, for example: “Advise how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Can I use a vitamin, which one is better? Can the proposed remedies prevent skin aging? etc.

All the components offered are affordable and many housewives have them on hand, which is why the program’s rating is simply stunning. We will share some of them with you. For those who want to see everything with their own eyes, you can watch videos and photos on the Internet on the official website of the program.

Jojoba oil mask for mature skin

This unique component is equated by cosmetologists to liquid gold, since it is considered a natural lipid ingredient. It can even be used on delicate areas such as eyelids.

It can be used alone or in combination with other components, for example, avocado, sandalwood oil, camphor oil, milk, myrtle oil, geranium, bergamot oil, etc. All components are mixed in equal parts (2 drops each) and a compress is made.

Another option is a lip balm containing this component (40 ml). You should add to it: calendula oil and vanilla oil (10 ml each), beeswax(10g), 5 g cocoa butter (dissolve in a steam bath).

How does castor oil help fight the problem?

Castor oil helps remove freckles and other pigmentation, removes dark circles under the eyes, has a rejuvenating and firming effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, enhances the growth of eyelashes, etc. In other words, it effective way getting rid of many problems. But its main advantage is the absence of allergies.

It is used by adding one drop to the usual cream (day, night, etc.), or by combining the composition, for example, olive, almond, grape, peach or sea ​​buckthorn oil or fruit oil (rosehip, rose, avocado, etc.).

Time-tested recipes

We offer great option masks for smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating skin:

Aloe juice;
fruits (any, we use pulp);
oil (any oil, coconut, flaxseed, wheat germ, essential oil, or even butter or fish fat in capsules);
sour cream (whey can be used);
potatoes (potatoes are used in the form of gruel, starch can be used).
