Development of attention in 4 year old children. To develop attention

Attention is a mental process that ensures the direction and concentration of consciousness on a fixed object. Without it, a person will not be able to organize productive conscious activity, and therefore it is important to offer children effective games and exercises to develop attention.

Exercise 1. Icons in shapes


  1. A 5x5 table filled in random order with geometric shapes:
    • rhombus;
    • square;
    • triangle;
  2. Sample filling:
    • "+" in a square;
    • “–” in a circle;
    • "v" in diamond;
    • "o" in triangle


  1. Look carefully at the leaflet.
  2. How many figures are there in each line?
  3. How many figures are in each column?
  4. What color are [squares | diamonds | triangles | circles]?
  5. Take a pencil in your hands and put an icon in each figure, as in the sample. If you forget which icon to put, you can look at the sample.

When your child completes the exercise, discuss the results. Count how many mistakes he made.

The game can be made even more interesting. For each correctly placed icon, the child earns 1 point. Having collected 25 points, the child receives small prize(small toy, candy, apple, etc.). For each mistake made, he must make 1 forfeit. If several children perform the exercise, the winner gives forfeits to the losers.

Exercise 2. Correct the mistake

At the age of 4–5 years, children already master the grammatical structure of speech, and the accumulated knowledge allows them to find logical inconsistencies in sentences. Use this to practice auditory attention child, work on his stability

This exercise does not require special preparation, but you can print cards in advance with sentences in which the child will need to look for an error. If your child has already learned to read on his own, offer him independent work with cards. Otherwise, read the text, and let the little one correct the mistakes made by the author.

For example:

  1. White snow is falling on the sky.
  2. The plane flies under the forest.
  3. A white snowflake swirls beautifully in the air.
  4. Water freezes and turns into ice.
  5. An old kindergarten was built next to our house.
Exercise 3. Drawing by cells

Drawing by cells is a great way to develop attentiveness. In this segment of tasks you can choose an option for any level of development.

Ask the kids to continue stitching simple patterns:

If continuing the pattern does not cause any difficulties, make the task simple: the child needs to complete the pattern, focusing on your verbal commands, without a visual sample. In this format, the exercise perfectly trains visual and auditory attentiveness, and also perfectly develops spatial thinking.

Invite attentive preschool children to repeat the drawing according to the example:

Exercise 4. “Picture - word”


Several images. You can prepare a random set of pictures or use this exercise for additional practice of the lexical topic being studied:

  • winter;
  • dishes;
  • furniture;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • pets, etc.

You can replace the pictures with objects: toys, sports equipment, items of clothing, etc.


You show the child a picture (object) and say the word. If the image and the word match, the baby claps his hands; if not, he stomps his feet.

Pictures can be shown repeatedly.

Stop the game if you notice that your baby has lost interest or, on the contrary, is overly excited (shouting out of his seat, not letting you finish the word, becoming fussy and uncollected).

Exercise 5. Spy dances

You can develop attention in different ways. For example, during a fun children's disco. Offer your child not ordinary dances, but spy ones. Agree that you will have your own code for dance movements: each step is encoded with a number.

For example:

  • 1 - two jumps;
  • 2 - spin in place;
  • 3 - three claps.

Now turn on the music and give orders. It will probably be difficult for the child at first. In this case, connect the verbal commands with the demonstration of appropriate movements. Gradually, the baby will remember your code, and then the success of the task will depend solely on the child’s attentiveness.

  1. Significant impact on the development of mindfulness in childhood food plays. Milk and dairy products have a beneficial effect on brain function, fresh fruits, vegetables, greens.
  2. It is important to follow a daily routine. Active work (whether physical or mental work) should alternate with rest. Develop your child, train his attention and memory, but please don’t overdo it. The brain needs rest no less than the muscles.
  3. A child's body needs oxygen to function. Regular walks on fresh air will help you raise an attentive, collected and diligent child who will find it easy to study at school, complete teacher assignments and master new sciences.

Be attentive to your little one, enjoy parenthood, and let it be happy.

Very often, parents are faced with the problem of poor memory in their child. When a child is unable to memorize or recite a text, it takes him a lot of time, and parents do not know how to teach retelling the given material. He shouldn't be blamed for this; the problem lies in not enough developed memory and the child's inattention. This is a common problem that requires immediate intervention from parents.

Criteria that help identify the causes of poor memory in a child:

  • The kid finds mutual language with other children, he is normally socially adjusted.
  • It is difficult for a child to answer questions from parents or others directly.
  • Difficulties arise in completing a task in which there is a need for memorization and retelling of material.
  • The child is inattentive.
  • It is difficult to follow requirements and instructions when completing a task.
  • He doesn't know how to decide complex tasks, he has no interest in doing his homework.

The unresolved problem of poor memory in a preschooler will grow as snowball and will negatively affect learning in the future, since the quality of memory remains the main criterion for assessing children’s knowledge at school. This moment cannot be missed, because the baby’s development, his success in everyday and social life will depend on the actions taken by the parents.

Human memory works as a reflection of acquired experience and consists of 3 processes:

  • remembering information;
  • storage in memory;
  • playback

Memorizing information is the appearance and consolidation of material in the cerebral cortex, which is presented in the form of nerve impulses passing through cells to each other. Through this process, connections are made between old and new paths. An association appears - the formation of a connection between facts and ongoing events between objects and phenomena in the mind, which are fixed in the person’s memory. Association is necessary for the development of a person’s mental maturity and memorization of material.

Information is stored in the form of an engram. This is a type of memory trace or physical habit that brain cells are involved in establishing. The engram is preserved throughout a person’s life, but remembering it is a difficult and time-consuming process. This problem is easily solved by training your memory with special exercises. The more activities, the better the connection between nerve cells grows, they become stable and then it is easy to retrieve engrams from memory.

Reproduction is the formation in the mind of already received information, the repetition of learned actions. Playback helps better without outside help display information. But this will require repeated repetition of the material.

It is customary to distinguish between several types of memory. These classifications are based on 3 main features:

  1. Period for storing information. This trait includes short-term and long-term memory.
  2. Level of memory regulation. Here memory is divided into voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary requires human effort to memorize, while involuntary occurs on its own.
  3. Memory object. This includes the following types of memory:
  • figurative and visual – helps to remember appearances, sounds, colors;
  • verbal – semantic – helps to remember the material by ear;
  • emotional – remembers emotions and feelings;
  • motor – remembers movements and actions.

Features of memory development in children

Children's attention and memory depend on a number of factors. This includes age than more years, the easier it is for him to remember information. This occurs due to the development of memory along with growth and the improvement of the ways in which it is used. Older children are able to remember information without much difficulty, relying on their natural abilities.

Children from 12 years of age and adults, when memorizing, use special techniques that help find connections between new material and past experience, find associations and compare facts. These methods make it easier to consolidate information and help you remember it more easily.

The knowledge gained also affects the quality of memory. The higher the level of intellectual abilities and thinking skills, the easier and more he can remember. A schoolchild can improve and develop memory independently as he grows up, increasing intellectual abilities and horizons.

Why does a child become inattentive? bad memory:

  • There is a lack of interest and ability to properly use memory abilities. Developing these skills is a difficult process. You need to start training with early childhood, changing tactics and exercises with age.
  • Mental or physical illness. A child may develop poor memory due to stress, lack of sleep, or constant mental stress. This will further lead to absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.
  • Not proper nutrition, oxygen deficiency. There are no regular walks and proper nutrition, which negatively affects memory and normal brain functioning.

Games and exercises for memory development in children 3–6 years old

At 5–6 years of age, attention develops rapidly. The child remembers information that is interesting to him well and quickly, small poems. Tries to set a goal for himself and wants to achieve it. The child should always be supported in his endeavors and, if necessary, help him, do with him homework or play educational games.

This age is better for development tactile memory and study foreign language. Help improve memory special exercises for memorization.

"Association Game"

Invite your child to play interesting game- words that he will definitely like and will help improve his attention. To do this, come up with 10 word pairs that are identical in meaning and are slowly repeated to the child so that he remembers. Then say the first word, and the child must name the second pair, and so on with all the words. For example, a lake is a frog, a dacha is a vegetable garden, the sea is a shell.

"Going to the Market"

Play a game with your child in which he needs to “go” to the market to buy groceries. Make him a list of 10 products that he will buy there. The seller will be one of the parents, who will check whether the child remembers the products correctly.

"What is this?"

This is a game to develop tactile memory. We blindfold the child and place it in his hand. small items. The kid must guess what this object is without opening his eyes. After a few minutes of guessing, ask him to repeat the items he touched in the original order.

Games and exercises for memory development in children 6–10 years old

The age of 6–10 years is characterized by the development of involuntary attention; the first test of memory and attentiveness occurs at school. The horizons continue to grow, and along with it, the intellectual abilities expand. If a child’s attention suffers or he fails to complete his homework, there is no need to scold him or make comments; it is better to find out the reason for the failures and try to correct them through joint efforts.

You need to do the exercises in a fun way friendly company, under no circumstances force them to do it by force. This will not bring any benefit, it will only push you away from your studies.


The game is played in the company of children. One child starts and the others continue. The game begins with the phrase “Today we were at the zoo, we saw a lion there,” and so on in order, each other child repeats the named animals and adds his own. The game lasts until the first mistake.

“Memorize and draw”

For this exercise you will need a blank sheet of paper, a pen and a simple interesting picture. We show the child a picture, within a few minutes he must look at it carefully and remember what is drawn there. Then we ask you to draw on the piece of paper what was not in the picture. For example, the picture shows a house without windows, which means the child needs to draw a window.

In this exercise, you need to show imagination not only for the child, but also for the parents. We come up with a story and pause symbol, bang or knock. At this point, the child must say the phrase “and I,” but only if a person is capable of performing this action. For example:

The boy Pasha went to visit his grandmother.

On the way, he found a cat and took it with him.

The cat was happy and purred (the child should remain silent).

"The most observant"

This exercise helps improve memory and attention. The exercise is more interesting to do with a large number of children. They must name one after another an object that combines a specific feature, for example, children name only square objects or only red ones. The one who makes a mistake or repeats himself is eliminated from the game.

« Fun walk»

The game helps improve memory, attentiveness and imagination. To do this you will need a notebook or album, markers. After a walk with your child, invite him to draw everything he saw on the street. If your child has forgotten something, you can help him a little by asking suggestive questions.

Memory development at 10–12 years old

At the age of 12, the highest stage of development of logic and memory occurs in children. Parents should continue their studies, further developing the attention and intellectual abilities of their offspring. The pressing question of how to teach a child to retell at the age of 8–12 years can be resolved in a simple, but very effective way- read more books. The child should spend less time at the computer and TV, read more, play with friends, and draw.

Playing sports will help improve and develop memory. Learning new skills will train and improve your memory much more effectively. The child should like the sport; if there is no desire to engage in it, try sending it to music school.

It is considered a good habit to memorize poetry or prose. The child should periodically learn new poems and tell them to their parents. There are many educational games that will help improve attention and vocabulary, such as Sudoku, Scrabble, and Monopoly. The main thing for parents is to find a common language with their children, do homework with them, regularly do activities in the form of a game, and the problem of memorization itself will disappear.

Modern society is developing dynamically and requires comprehensive developed personalities. Therefore, teachers actively involve parents in the process of teaching children with disabilities. early age. It is no coincidence that the emphasis is on the development of attention before the age of 6 years.

Attention is the concentration of consciousness on some external object. It can be anything - objects, phenomena, relationships, feelings, or inner world person. To focus attention on any object, you need to make an effort and gather your perception on one thing. The outside world and way of life surrounds a person from birth a huge amount information. A person is not able to fully assimilate all this. He needs a system that helps highlight the most important and necessary information. This system is attention.

The ability to focus your attention plays a huge role for schoolchildren. Therefore, it is especially important to use the age of 5-6 years to develop attention in children. This development is one of the main ones for preparing children for school. Developing attention is as important as teaching reading and writing.

How can you characterize attention?

The main problem in the development process is the restlessness of children. Children aged 5-6 years often suffer from an inability to maintain attention. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. Any learning process turns into torture. The child is constantly distracted, plays around and cannot remember even the simplest lesson.

In this case, another quality that is inherent in children at this age will help - curiosity. Kids are very curious. Therefore, any process of teaching children should interest and involve them. Information “under pressure” will not be absorbed. IN worst case, such a lesson will come psychological trauma to kid.

A feature of the attention of children 5-6 years old is that it attracts appearance items. Attention is divided into several types:

  1. Voluntary - this type requires a person to make an effort to concentrate. That is, it is a forced process when a person does what is necessary.
  2. Involuntary - occurs spontaneously and does not depend on human efforts.
  3. Post-voluntary – occurs during training, removing concentration and volitional effort.

Children aged 5-6 years are not yet able to force themselves to do anything on their own. Therefore, their attention is mainly voluntary. The learning process should be built on attracting the child’s attention and retaining it. With each lesson, your attention span will increase.

The baby's involuntary attention arises and remains as long as interest in objects remains. Psychologists recommend forcing the child to reason out loud. Then the process of involvement in learning is maximum.

Attention has the following properties:

  • sustainability;
  • concentration;
  • volume;
  • selectivity;
  • switchability

Violation of any property leads to a change in the baby’s behavior.

Important: before the age of 5, a child cannot concentrate and control his attention. He may be attracted to large bright objects, loud sounds etc. But by the age of 6 the situation changes dramatically. Development is taking a different path. Children are immersed in the exploration of new knowledge headlong. They can already control their attention, speech and train of thought. True, not for long.

How to determine your attention level

Every year, voluntary attention develops and becomes more stable. Children 5-6 years old already have the opportunity to follow the course of their thoughts, draw conclusions and analyze the situation.

To understand at what level the child’s attention development is, objective and subjective methods are used:

  1. Raven's table.
  2. B. Bourdon's algorithm “Corrective test”.
  3. Algorithm N. Gutkina “House”.

To determine the level of attention, not only testing methods for children are used. Parents should also be involved in this process. Teachers usually ask them to fill out questionnaires and conduct a survey.

These are the techniques that are used experienced teachers and psychologists in educational institutions. At home, you are unlikely to be able to cope with such techniques on your own and draw the right conclusions.

Important: the attention span of a child under 5 years old is no more than 2 objects in which he is interested. By the age of 6, this is already 3 objects. Schoolchildren can keep their attention on 5 objects, and an adult on 7. You should not demand more from your child than he can by age.

For self-determination the child’s attention level, you can use simple games:

  1. Find 5 differences (two identical pictures, except for a few details).
  2. Find the same pair.
  3. Find the hidden triangle/square/circle in the picture.
  4. Labyrinth (you can’t use a pencil, look for a way out only with your eyes).

It’s so easy to understand whether your baby can show perseverance and complete the task. The norm for concentrating at the age of 5-6 years is considered to be 10 - 30 minutes.

For any learning process it is important to ensure the correct environment. It is useful to conduct activities in the fresh air. Without access to oxygen, in rooms with stale air, the brain cannot cope with new information, and does not assimilate it. Shallow breathing can disrupt the learning process. Therefore, it is important to monitor the child’s breathing and teach him to take deep breaths. They help a lot with this bubble and balls, whistles and wind instruments.

The technique that our grandmothers used is called needlework. It's simple and effective. While studying manual labor, the child actively develops concentration and finger motor skills. It is wrong to think that needlework is for girls. At this age, boys also enjoy sewing dolls, knitting toys and assembling ship models.

Participation in household chores actively helps the child learn to concentrate on any task. Pet care plays a big role in this.

The main thing is to be patient and not rush to do the child’s work if something doesn’t work out for him.

Mental and physical formation child are two interrelated concepts. Mental health characterized by cognitive functions. Children are very grateful people, and the development of attention in children before school age With regular practice it gives very good results.

Attention - this is not an isolated mental function. Working with a child, along with mindfulness training, involves connecting memory, will and other mental processes In total. It is advisable to develop these functions in parallel. For example, it is impossible to perceive and reproduce information if memory suffers. But a person cannot remember information if he is inattentive. In turn, attention is impossible without adequate thought processes.

Attention is necessary for a person to be able to respond in a timely manner to changing circumstances in the external environment. In the process of evolution, this phenomenon developed and honed. The constituent components of the process - alertness, vigilance, readiness to act on the first signal - were constantly improved and honed by our ancestors.

In order for attention to develop, it must constantly be reinforced by responses and actions. The muscles that implement the response should be constantly trained.

All cognitive activity of the child, aimed at the object of research, consists of the following factors:

  • selective perception of an object;
  • comprehension;
  • speaking out loud or to oneself;
  • imagination;
  • switching from one object to another.

In order to train a child’s attention, the object of study must be attractive to him, and there is a desire to do something with it.

Types of attention

There is a division into the following types of attention:

  • arbitrary;
  • involuntary;
  • post-voluntary;
  • sensual;
  • intellectual;
  • natural;
  • socially conditioned.

All these types are interconnected, one flows into another under certain circumstances. To form voluntary attention, it is necessary to include work with will, thinking, and speech in training.

Functions, properties of attention

Attention performs the following tasks:

  • activation or inhibition of physiological and psychological functions depending on a specific need;
  • perception, differentiation of information coming from outside;
  • replacement of initial data thanks to associative thinking;
  • detection of an irritant, assessment of its danger to the body.

Properties of attention:

  • Concentration is the ability to focus on a specific object.
  • Distribution over several objects without compromising perception.
  • Intensity – the greater the interest in any activity, the higher the intensity of attention.
  • Resilience - the ability to remain mindful long time, engage in the study of any issue for a long time.

The amount of information a child can control in his environment demonstrates how much stimuli he can keep in focus. Normally, no more than three objects per 4-5 years. This volume is directly dependent on short term memory, thinking, ability to concentrate.

  • Switching ability.
  • Ability to resist distractions.

Only that object or action that is interesting to the child at a particular time or provides some of the body’s needs can be a full-fledged object.

Methods for assessing attention

To assess functions, there are special individual and group tests and techniques. The most common ones include:

  1. A technique for finding the beginning and end of lines in a drawing.
  2. To assess distribution, switching, stability, and fatigue, a technique is used in which children are given the task of marking in a certain way different figures, for example, a triangle - a dot, a square - a tick, etc. The time to perform diagnostics is 2 minutes.
  3. In parallel, short-term memory is assessed. To do this, the child is given multi-colored pictures, asked to look for objects and arrange these images in a given sequence. And then they ask where this or that thing originally lay.

Very great importance when conducting diagnostic procedures, the child has a desire to participate in them.

Violations attention

Depending on which form of inattention predominates, the following types of attention disorders are spoken of:

  1. Decreased stability and concentration impede cognitive activity and lead to disruption of thought processes and learning difficulties.
  2. Reducing volume is a quantitative indicator that allows you to concentrate on a few distinctive properties object at the same time, orientate yourself on the street.
  3. A significant impairment is the inability to perceive information by ear and follow verbal instructions. This disorder indicates that a person does not perceive speech as a carrier of information.
  4. Complete lack of attention.

Borderline states occurring with impaired attention:

  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • spring hypovitaminosis;
  • social neglect;
  • scandals in the family;
  • asthenia after illness;
  • irregular stay in the fresh air, poor nutrition.

Pathological conditions characterized by decreased attention:

  1. In manic states, an acceleration of associative processes is observed; patients do not track events that may occur around them due to the fact that they do not have time to concentrate on them: a fluttering consciousness is observed.
  2. With epilepsy, inertia of thinking is observed, patients get stuck in unimportant details and cannot cover all the necessary details of the object. Basic hallmark epileptic type - florid phrases, viscosity of thinking, unnecessary complications.
  3. The consequences of traumatic brain injury and neuroinfection are manifested by interrelated disturbances of attention, decreased intelligence and other functions.
  4. Mental retardation is characterized by difficulty switching from one task to another. When setting new task children slip into the old, already familiar solution, cannot follow the instructions received, synthesize information, or draw conclusions. There is a narrowing of the range of interests. In these patients it is impossible to develop a voluntary type of attention.
  5. One of the first symptoms of schizophrenia is a violation of active attention, which leads to a violation cognitive activity, snatching minor details from events happening around. The child cannot focus on the designated object. He instantly switches and loses interest in what is happening.

The above pathological conditions must be diagnosed by a specialist doctor. When there is a violation, it is worth seeking a consultation, conducting a diagnostic search and following the instructions received. Often, with this type of disorder, it is enough to regularly engage in sequential exercises in the development of attention in children, following certain stages.

Methods for training attention

There are different approaches and patterns for training mindfulness in childhood and adulthood. It is strongly recommended to create conditions for comfortable learning, a preliminary explanation of upcoming classes, a positive emotional tone, and confidential communication.

Stages of attention development in children:

  1. During the first year of life, children have only involuntary attentiveness.
  2. By the beginning of the second year of life, the research activities– these are the beginnings of focused attention.
  3. From the second to third years, children can follow verbal instructions, purposefully looking for the named object with their eyes.
  4. At 4-5 years old, a child is able to follow confusing instructions. He gradually develops purposeful fixation and can firmly maintain attention not only on an object, but also analyze its properties and relationship with environmental factors.
  5. At the age of five to six, voluntary function improves at will and under the control of self-instructions. This is clearly visible in games.
  6. At the age of seven, volitional attention has already been formed. Its volume and stability will improve for the rest of your life.

Educational games, of which there are a great many, have a good effect. A distinctive feature of these manipulations is that children easily learn things that are colored with positive emotions and involve alternating mental and physical activity.

Lesson methods

Starting from 4-5 years, a phase of imaginary psychological well-being, or calm, begins. Now the child becomes obedient and flexible, learns with pleasure, and his enthusiasm for studying the world around him increases.

When developing attention in children 4-5 years old, it is necessary to rely on the child’s desire for independence during this period of time.

We must allow him to do some things on his own and strive to ensure that he completes the task he has begun. Now is the time to give you the opportunity to express your desires and express your thoughts. An attempt to establish rules that are convenient for him will teach the child to react correctly, understand, and empathize with people.

When helping children create their own world from their fantasies on paper or from a construction set, it is necessary to strive for them to explain their goals and objectives in words and talk about heroes from their world. In this way, the formation and development of attention and speech occurs in children 4-5 years old. The person becomes the main character, the main actor and seeks the attention he lacks.

At this age, there is a desire to make friends, make new acquaintances, and communicate in a team with others like yourself. Features of the development of attention in preschool children are that the child must be given the opportunity to take part in role-playing games, for example, to a hospital, a store, a war, or to act out episodes of your favorite fairy tales. The ability to plan sequential actions, distribute roles in the game, learn to communicate, and concentrate attention are perfectly trained in this situation.

All the shortcomings in upbringing and communication defects that the child had at this time are transformed into bad habits, negative traits in behavior.

Mathematical games should take into account that children at this age are capable of the following actions:

  • distinguish oval, square, rectangle, etc.;
  • arrange the first ten digits in the desired sequence;
  • compare - less, more, distinguish the number of objects.

Logic tasks usually include the following techniques:

  • determine the differences between two pictures;
  • build a constructor from a sample;
  • put together puzzles of 4-5 parts;
  • 7-10 minutes to do something interesting to him, without diverting his attention;
  • generalize objects based on similar characteristics, select words that have opposite meanings, memorize phrases;
  • know the names of professions and countries;
  • retell your favorite fairy tales;
  • describe various fruits, berries, vegetables;
  • name insects, tell about them;
  • see incorrectly drawn figures.

Parents and teachers must understand that a child can do something interesting for him for a long time. Therefore, a person must be warned in advance about the end of the game. It is important to be interested in children’s opinions, answer “why” questions and provide the opportunity to choose the answers themselves.

Senior preschoolers

During this period of time, when developing attention in children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to take into account that the child already has full command of the language, pronounces words correctly, and constructs sentences.

He is subject to small and large movements, generalizing words, intonation, and perception of works of art and music. Children at this age enjoy the following pastimes:

  • paint;
  • sculpt from clay, plasticine;
  • cut out;
  • glue;
  • make crafts, applications;
  • help at home.

Features of the development of younger schoolchildren

When analyzing the development of attention in children of primary school age, it is necessary to take into account that at the age of 7-8 a turning point in life occurs. This is a time of reassessment of values: old motives are replaced by new thoughts and aspirations. It is important to base attention training on the fact that play gradually ceases to be the child’s main activity. Personal development depends on the results of his studies and recognition among peers.

The moment has come when the child thinks before doing something, hides his emotions and experiences, and a loss of childish spontaneity occurs. When developing attention, the emerging sense of responsibility in children of primary school age is involved. Everything that happens around leaves an imprint on his entire later life. Functions of higher nervous activity at this age they become arbitrary and meaningful.

But external stimuli are still a strong distraction, so it is advisable to perform the following training exercises:

  1. Forbidden letter or word: the rules are spelled out in advance that you cannot pronounce any letter or word in response to any question.
  2. Cities and countries, when they name the capitals of countries or continue the names of cities after hearing the last letter of the previous word.
  3. Training memory and attention - 10-15 objects are laid out on the table in a certain sequence and give the child the opportunity to remember where everything is. After this, you can swap no more than 3 items. Children enjoy finding changes in the arrangement of objects.
  4. Playing with lines where you need to trace the beginning and end without using a pencil. To enhance interest, an animal is depicted at one end of the line, and a house at the other. The children are intently looking for the animal's way to the house.
  5. To develop stability, inanimate objects are listed and periodically an animal or flower is among them. At this moment the child should clap his hands. This fun game for several children.
  6. Finding the difference in pictures is one of the most favorite games among children. From time to time, the images will have to be made more complex, which will increase the effectiveness of learning.
  7. The task of finishing or coloring the other half of the picture perfectly trains perseverance, attentiveness, fine motor skills brushes

Exists a large number of exercises. It is necessary to remember that you need to alternate tasks so that the learning process is always interesting: encourage the desire to learn, teach consistent purposeful actions, strive to bring the work started to its logical conclusion and always clean up after yourself workplace or play area.

Training the muscles of the whole body, outdoor games, and morning exercises are also an integral part of mindfulness classes. Mobile “bouncers” with a ball provide an opportunity to have fun, move, and concentrate on several external stimuli.


The formation of attention consists of regular, everyday, purposeful activity. Classes must take place in comfortable conditions. Gradually, training situations are created in an attempt to distract the child’s attention and teach him not to react to external stimuli. Demonstration of the importance of the actions performed, the significance of the child’s work will help to instill discipline, serious attitude to classes, develop behavioral skills, improve memory and attention.

It must be remembered that against the background of past infections, intoxications after infectious diseases there is a decrease in all functions nervous system. The same phenomena develop with vitamin deficiencies. To maintain the functions of the nervous system, it is necessary that the diet contains a sufficient set of vitamins and microelements. Special meaning have B vitamins, ascorbic acid, selenium, magnesium.
