Get rid of the section at home. How to get rid of split ends forever: oil therapy

If the ends split and break, it means they lack moisture. IN progress is underway heavy artillery! You can alternate all the remedies for split ends of hair, which we will discuss below, and use them in combination. First, trim your split ends (there is no point in restoring the old “dead” ones) and start taking care of your hair:

1. Yeast mask

You can make a good nourishing and at the same time moisturizing mask for the ends of your hair by mixing 2 teaspoons of dry yeast with 50 ml. kefir Apply this mixture to the middle of your hair, wrap it in cling film and leave for half an hour. Then just wash your hair as usual. Repeat the ritual once a week.

2. Coconut or almond oils

Natural oils - best friend your hair and an effective remedy for split ends. In particular, coconut and almond oil are easily washed off, do not weigh down the hair, but at the same time form protective layer, have a regenerating effect and contain antioxidants. These oils also soften the hair; Coconut, for example, contains useful lauric acid, which actively moisturizes. Apply oil to the ends of your hair daily before washing your hair and even wet hair after washing.

3. Honey and olive oil mask


Another one nourishing mask for dry ends, which will help make them more elastic. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of olive oil, apply this mixture to the ends and leave for an hour, after wrapping your hair in cling film. Don’t be afraid that it will be difficult to wash off: the honey will quickly dissolve in warm water, and the oil will prevent the ends from drying out.

4. Herbal infusions

You probably use a conditioner (this is not even discussed!), but try to wash it off not with plain water, but herbal infusion room temperature. Remember your grandmother’s recipes: brew nettle leaves, linden, peppermint or chamomile. Such infusions will give your hair extra shine and nutrition - finish with rinsing every hair wash. An excellent folk remedy for split ends!

5. Stop shampooing your ends.

We have already written about how to wash your hair properly, but just in case, we remind you: you only need to apply shampoo and whip it into foam at the roots of your hair, massaging the scalp, but you don’t need to lather the ends separately at all! To clean them, rinsing and foam, which you wash off, will be enough.

6. Use moisturizer

If you don’t have oil or serum on hand for the ends of your hair, and they look dry, use a regular facial moisturizer. This life hack really works: the ingredients that saturate the skin with moisture also help the hair!

7. Take vitamins

In the spring, when we all suffer from vitamin deficiency, this is especially true. One of the reasons why hair becomes dry and brittle is a lack of vitamins. To support your hair during this difficult period, you need a complex of products for split ends - vitamins A, E and B are especially important. By the way, you can buy vitamins A and E in capsules and add them separately to your care - masks for ends and balms.

8. Use professional products

Home care hair care will be incomplete if you don't use professional products. Serums and sprays seal split ends, moisturize them well, and also help protect hair during hot styling. Be sure to choose for yourself the best remedy from split ends according to reviews!

The very first tip on how to get rid of split ends is to trim them regularly, so your hair will always look well-groomed and beautiful. But what if you often don’t want to cut your hair or you decide to grow it out for the hundredth time. Then hair care rules and homemade masks will help you.

Why hair splits - reasons

Every woman has probably encountered the problem of split ends. This problem is very urgent, and, unfortunately, it is not possible to deal with it quickly. But, before starting treatment, you need to know why hair splits and begins to break.

The main causes of split ends of hair, according to experts, are:

  • lack of vitamins A, B, C, H, F and important microelements - magnesium, calcium, zinc, silicon;
  • lack of moisture and fluid in the body;
  • bad habits and poor nutrition;
  • incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  • irregular hair care;
  • various types of diseases: diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, metabolic disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

In addition, the condition of the hair ends may depend on their length: than longer braid, the more likely it is that split ends will occur, since the natural lubricant produced by the sebaceous glands is not enough to cover the entire length.

What to do if your hair ends are split

Previously, the problem of split ends was solved in the only way - with scissors, today there are a lot folk recipes, which help restore damaged hair and get rid of brittleness and dryness.

But, as they say, “it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it later,” therefore, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of split ends than to treat them later. Good for prevention:

  • oil wraps. Apply any product to the ends of your hair regularly (2-3 times a week), but be sure to warm it up. natural oil: olive, vegetable, burdock, flaxseed, castor;
  • O treating the ends with egg yolk. This product can be applied to all hair, including the roots;
  • masks made from fatty lactic acid products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt.

The products described above have an excellent effect on the hair; the natural ingredients in their composition hold together the opened scales, restore damaged tissue, and protect the hair from lack of moisture and negative external influences.

Treatment of split ends of hair at home

1. Split ends are the result of excessive dryness of the hair, so it is MANDATORY that after washing your hair with shampoo, you must apply it to your hair. air conditioner, it helps retain moisture in the hair.

2. Try often to dry hair naturally, and if you use a hair dryer, use cool air and keep the hair dryer at a distance from your hair.

3. Don't comb your hair when it's wet , it is better to wait for your hair to dry and then comb it very carefully. Do not use iron combs, it is best to use wooden ones.

4. At least once a week do a head massage using warm olive, coconut or sesame oil. Apply a little oil to your palms and gently rub it into your hair, gently massaging your scalp.

Masks for split ends at home

Masks with essential oils for split ends of hair

Make it a habit before each wash of your hair to apply warm oil to the ends of your hair - olive, coconut, burdock. After 30 minutes, wash your hair as usual. The oil retains moisture in the hair and the ends do not split.

Mask with gelatin

A mask with gelatin will become an excellent remedy from split ends. This product can protect hair, accelerate its growth, add shine and volume. Due to the collagen contained in gelatin, the mask gently and carefully envelops the hair, thereby “fastening” split ends. In addition, gelatin contains many vitamins, microelements and amino acids, which contribute to the rapid development and restoration of connective tissues.

To prepare a mask with gelatin for hair, you need:

  • mix one egg yolk and 15 g (bag) of gelatin until smooth. Then pour in a little regular shampoo;
  • let the mixture brew for about 15-30 minutes;
  • apply the mask to your hair, especially pay attention to the ends of your hair;
  • After thirty minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with non-hot water.

After using the product, the hair becomes smooth, shiny, and more voluminous. With regular use (a course of 2-3 procedures over a month and a half), you can significantly improve the condition of your hair, including getting rid of split ends.

Castor oil mask

Castor oil is one of the most popular and used components for the care of dry, colored, damaged hair with split ends. Castor oil has the ability to restore damaged tissue, promotes rapid growth hair, activates the regeneration processes of the scalp, gives hair shine, makes it manageable and silky.

To prepare the mask, heat castor oil and apply it first to the ends of your hair and then along the entire length. Wrap your hair first with film and then with a towel. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes to 2 hours (until you get tired of it). Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Mask with dimexide

A mask with dimeximide will help you prevent the appearance of split ends, as well as get rid of those that have already appeared. With the help of such a product you can quickly restore your hair and make it healthier, since the components medicine penetrate deeply into the hair structure. The effect of dimexide can be improved using various oils: olive, burdock, castor, vegetable, linseed, etc.
To prepare a regenerating mask for split ends, mix dimexide with any oil in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture first to the roots and then along the entire length of the hair. Leave for 40-60 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mask for split ends with burdock oil

Burdock oil is perhaps the most effective hair care product. It perfectly strengthens, nourishes, moisturizes hair, makes it more voluminous and manageable, restores damaged and diseased strands, and also fights various skin diseases: dandruff, seborrhea.
Burdock oil envelops every hair, thereby protecting it from mechanical and chemical damage, making it stronger. To prepare the mask you need: slightly heat the burdock oil and add one egg yolk to it. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply first to the roots and then along the entire length of the hair.

If you carry out such procedures regularly, you will soon get rid of split ends and enjoy beautiful, manageable, healthy and shiny hair.

Mask for brittle hair with olive oil

If your hair has become dry, thin, has begun to break and become split, then a hair mask will undoubtedly help you. brittle hair with olive oil. It perfectly nourishes hair, restores its structure, makes it shiny, beautiful and healthy.

To prepare the mask you need: mix two yolks, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tsp. warmed olive oil. The resulting mixture must be mixed thoroughly and applied along the entire length of the hair, starting from roots to ends. After half an hour or an hour, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures: 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Yeast mask for split ends

Take 2 tablespoons of pressed yeast and dilute it from 1/4 cup of kefir. Let the yeast swell and apply this mask to the ends of your hair for 30-40 minutes, while wrapping your head in a towel. Wash off the mask with regular shampoo.

Honey masks to restore hair ends

We dilute 2 teaspoons of honey in 1 glass of water. We braid our hair into a braid or ponytail and dip the ends in the infusion for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes we dry the oxen.

Mask with egg (yolk)

Take 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of cognac, 1 teaspoon of henna powder and 1 teaspoon of any oil. Mix everything and apply to the ends of your hair, wrap your head. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask.

Mask with kefir

Take half a glass of kefir, yogurt or sour milk and rub into your hair, not forgetting the ends. Wrap your head in a towel for 30-40 minutes. After this, wash off the mask.

Anti-split hair mask with pumpkin

Take a small piece of fresh pumpkin and grate it on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice a little and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon each of basil oil and ylang-ylang oil to this slurry. Apply the mixture to your hair, rinse with warm water after 30-40 minutes.

Remedy for split ends

To prevent split ends, apply castor and burdock oil to the ends every evening. Alternate oils every evening and within two to three weeks you will see the result: beautiful, silky hair.

Split ends are a recurring nightmare for many women. Even the most Fancy Hairstyle It looks untidy if the hair at the ends is dry and broken. How to get rid of split ends at home? When answering this question, you need to carefully understand the reasons for this problem.


The causes of weakening hair and the appearance of split ends are divided into two large groups: internal and external.

External causes are associated with the effect on hair environment and the woman herself. The most common external influences are described below:

  • Frequent coloring. Aggressive substances in the dye disrupt the structure of the hair.
  • Incorrect use of hair dryer and curling irons. Regular exposure high temperatures on hair, has a detrimental effect on their health. They become dry, lifeless and dull.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Direct Sun rays dangerous not only for the skin, but also for the hair. Unprotected ends dry out, become dull, and begin to split.

Split ends may appear due to various reasons. But if external reasons are absent, and the hair is weakening every day, you need to consult a specialist, as this can cause serious health problems.

Split ends treatment

If the cause of brittleness is health problems, then you will not be able to get rid of split ends using masks at home. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused this unpleasant situation.

First you need to go to the clinic and see a therapist. He will appoint necessary tests, will find out the cause of split ends.

If the problem arose due to a lack of vitamins or other nutrients, then it is easy to get rid of it by simply improving your diet. You can also purchase vitamin complexes at the pharmacy.

Treatment hormonal disorders takes a long time, so don’t rely on fast recovery split ends after short-term use of medications.

It is best to get rid of the symptoms of menopause with the help of hormone replacement therapy. In this case, not only the tips, but also the skin and nails will look great.

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Treating split ends at home

Many manufacturers offer effective means to combat split ends. But such cosmetics are expensive. An alternative may be homemade masks based on natural ingredients, which will cope with split ends no worse than expensive products.

  • Homemade mask honey + burdock oil. To prepare, you need to take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and 1 tablespoon burdock oil. Warm the mixture slightly and apply to clean, combed hair to the very ends. This mask not only fights split ends, but also nourishes the scalp.
  • Homemade mask made from whey, yolks, olive oil. The ingredients should be taken in the following proportion: whey - 100ml; 2 yolks; olive oil 50ml. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair, distributing well to ends. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. When using such a mask, it is best to use homemade serum. The ends will stop splitting after just 5 uses.
  • Homemade mask with aloe, onion and castor oil. Squeeze the juice of three aloe leaves into a container. Grate one onion there on a fine grater. Add a tablespoon to the resulting mixture castor oil. Distribute the mixture well over the ends with rubbing movements and leave for an hour. This mask will not only restore split ends, but also destroy fungal and bacterial infections, if any.
  • Vitamin cocktail with kefir at home. To create such a mask, you need to purchase vitamins A and E from the pharmacy. oil solutions. In 100 ml of kefir you need to dissolve 20 drops of each vitamin, mix everything well. Apply to scalp and split ends. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. The vitamins contained in this mask not only heal split ends, but also nourish the hair roots.
  • Home remedy: lemon juice + burdock oil. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass or porcelain container. Add 2 tablespoons of burdock oil there. Heat the mixture slightly, apply to hair, focusing Special attention tips.

Home remedies for treating split ends have worked well even in advanced cases. The advantages of this treatment method are the ease of preparation and the low price of the components.


When the ends become dry and break, this indicates that the problem has already gone far enough and immediate treatment is necessary. To prevent such developments, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions for the health of hair and the whole body as a whole.

First of all, you need to get rid of diseases that cause split ends and brittle hair. During menopause, you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the ends. When signs of this problem first appear, you need to get rid of it immediately. A good prevention in this case is to take hormonal drugs, which will restore the level of female sex hormones.

Then, you need to find out which minerals, there are not enough vitamins or amino acids in the body. To compensate for the deficiency, you need to change your diet or take vitamin complexes.

To have great hair, your body must be in good shape. Can't do without healthy sleep, physical activity and stress prevention. All this can be done at home.

Do not forget that the ends must be trimmed at least once every six months. You only need to cut 1-2cm, no more. Along with home cosmetics, this is in a great way prevention of brittle ends. The edge of the hairstyle will always look well-groomed, as if it came straight from the hairdresser.

And of course, you need to take proper care of your curls. You need to wash your hair 2-3 times a week, as it gets dirty. Frequent washing will not lead to anything good, since the natural microflora of the hair growth area is washed away. After such washing, it is necessary to use a rinse aid or conditioner. Can be done natural masks, described above.

A hairdryer or tongs should also be used with caution. It is best to choose models equipped with hair overheat sensors. You need to blow dry using cold or warm air. The hot jet can only be used in in rare cases. It is best to choose curling irons with ceramic plates, as they damage the hair structure less.

Hair care can sometimes be a very troublesome task, especially when nature has not endowed you with lush, strong curls. But if you have patience and exercise regularly useful procedures, then even thin and naturally weak hair will look healthy and beautiful.

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Disease. But sometimes split ends appear due to improper care behind the strands.

Often the cause of split ends is more complex and its root is hidden in loss of moisture and poor care.

How to treat split ends of hair at home, how to deal with split curls: using folk remedies or getting a haircut?

    What could be the reasons?

    You can improve your split ends if you find out what it is. Each hair is protected by a unique sheath and fat, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands on the head.

    This protective layer protects against moisture evaporation, which makes the strands elastic and shiny.

    REFERENCE! When the sebaceous glands are inactive or do not “work” at full strength, then the lubricant that is released from them is not enough. Therefore, the hair is partially protected. The ends dry out quickly, become weak and easily damaged.

    The functioning of the glands is impaired. There are several reasons for this:

    • exposure to an iron, as well as a hairdryer, curling iron;
    • lack of nutrition, moisture;
    • pH level disturbances.

    So, what to do at home if your hair ends are split? Let's take a closer look.

    Mask recipes

    If you have split ends in your hair, treatment at home involves using masks with natural products. Here are some recipes:


    • 15 g gelatin;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 50 ml regular shampoo;

    Mix all products. Leave for 15-30 minutes and then apply to strands and keep for 30-120 minutes.

    You can wrap your head with film or a towel. Wash off after 30-120 minutes.


    • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
    • 1 tsp liquid honey;
    • 2 yolks.

    Mix products and keep it on the strands for half an hour.


    • 2 tbsp. dry yeast;
    • 70 ml kefir.

    Connect. When the yeast swells, rub it into the ends and cover the strands with a cloth.


    • 2 tbsp. castor oil;
    • 1 tsp glycerin;
    • 1 tsp vinegar;
    • 1 egg.

    Rub the mixture into the strands and leave for a third of an hour. This recipe allows you to get rid of split ends at home and gives your hair a unique shine.


    • 1 tbsp. liquid honey;
    • 1 tbsp. oil (olive, sesame);
    • 1 yolk.

    Keep the mask on for 1 hour. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

    If you have split ends of your hair - home treatment and recipe effective mask will be useful to you:

    How to get rid of split ends at home?

    So, how to remove split ends at home? It is not possible to completely cure split ends and strands. They can only be cut off or improved appearance. This can be done with the help of: homemade masks, skin massage, rinsing with herbs. The benefit of these procedures is that they carefully care for the strands. Also, trim and laminate.

    To get good results you need:

    • wash your hair every 3-4 days and use shampoo with natural products (for example, prepare it yourself);
    • make masks weekly;
    • massage the scalp at least once a week;
    • comb your hair correctly (start from the ends);
    • choose combs made from natural materials;
    • wear a hat in summer and winter, protect hair from moisture, heat, cold and sun;
    • Use equipment and chemicals for styling as little as possible.

    How to trim and polish?

    How to seal split ends at home? Split ends can be polished at home. Twist the strands one by one into bundles, and cut off the protruding ends. You can use hairdressing scissors, because... ordinary ones injure the strands. Can be trimmed with hot scissors.

    REFERENCE! For polishing, you can use a machine men's haircuts, but take special nozzle for polishing (you can buy it in online stores or specialized offline markets). Just paste straight strands into the nozzle and move it through the hairs, removing excess exfoliation.

    How to get rid of split ends of hair at home using scissors:

    What should you give up?

    • use equipment for drying and styling hair less often;
    • refuse foam, varnish and other chemicals to create a hairstyle.

    The health and appearance of strands is influenced by factors such as:

    • the quality of the water you wash your hair with and chemical composition shampoo;
    • frequency of hair washing (preferably up to twice a week);
    • ecology (in the city you need to protect your strands with hats, serums and sprays);
    • compliance with the rules of hair care (it is important to comb only dry hair, starting from the ends and moving towards the roots);
    • give up tight braids and ponytails.

    We select means for treatment

    How to cure split ends of hair at home and what product to choose for this? When choosing treatments for dry ends, consider the conditions in which your strands are exposed.

    If you relax at the sea, swim or visit the pool, it is important to protect your hair with special sprays and serums. You need to wash your hair within the next few hours after bathing in salt water.

    And if the sun is hot or very cold outside, be sure to strengthen your hair with milk serums and moisturize it at the ends to protect it from drying out.

    Treating split ends at home is partly about getting things working sebaceous glands. Homemade masks based on common and affordable products will help with this. You can also rub oils into the skin: almond, shea, sesame, peanuts, hemp, flax, chamomile. The oils should be left on the skin for 15-30 minutes and then washed. Or prepare masks at home, trim the strands with hot scissors.

    After each shampoo, use herbal rinses. For this purpose, decoctions of nettle, raspberry, currant, mint, cabbage, spinach, dandelion, and plantain leaves are suitable.

    What you should pay attention to when buying anti-split ends products in the following video:


    If your hair has been damaged by experiments or illiterate care, it is important to protect the strands from further destruction. To repair split ends at home, you need the following:

    • stop using a hair dryer;
    • use only a stream of cold air;
    • do not wipe the strands after washing, but simply blot them;
    • better wrap it up wet hair in silk or a soft towel, hold the strands like this for about 15 minutes;
    • do not torment your curls if they are difficult to comb (replace the shampoo with another one or also use conditioner);
    • Massage your scalp every day (5 minutes) and weekly (10-20 minutes), because... this improves blood circulation in the skin and strengthens the roots.

    To protect your hair from the appearance of split ends, you must follow preventive measures, take care of the health of your hair, and go to the hairdresser once a month to trim the ends. And use home remedies more often to wash, moisturize and nourish your strands.

    Comprehensive fit will give you beautiful and healthy hair at any age, it will maintain the attractiveness of your hairstyle regardless of the weather outside the window. Now you know how to repair split ends in your hair at home. We hope our article was useful to you.

Split ends are a problem for many girls and women. Hair loses its former beauty and shine, as a result of which it is necessary to special care. How to get rid of split ends at home? First you need to understand the reasons for their appearance, and then begin treatment.

Causes of split hair:

  • incorrect or excessive care;
  • weather;
  • regular styling with thermal devices;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • other factors: alcohol, smoking, harsh antibiotics, etc.
  1. Make it a point to regularly visit your hairdresser to have your split ends trimmed. The procedure does not require much time, but thanks to it, your hair will begin to grow healthy and shiny, and you will walk without a “hedgehog” on your head. The recommended frequency of visiting the salon is once a month.
  2. Not everyone knows, but that same towel drying after washing your hair can greatly harm your hair. The ends break, and the curls begin to split along the entire length, forming the so-called “snake tongue”. To avoid such consequences, after a shower, massage your strands; you do not need to fiddle with them in a circular motion. You can also not wipe them this way at all, just tie a towel on your head and fix it in a convenient way and walk for 15 minutes until the water is absorbed into the fabric.
  3. If your haircut suggests daily styling, carry out the procedure only after the hair is completely dry. Never comb wet hair, especially with a comb with iron teeth. If this becomes necessary, purchase a brush with natural bristles from a hairdressing supply store.
  4. To the owners long hair who love to do high ponytail on the top of the head, tying them with a tight elastic band, it is advisable to abandon such manipulations. The hairstyle involves constant tension on the strands, as a result of which the bulbs do not stay in place. The hair does not receive enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals are not supplied to the entire length, so the ends begin to split. Give your scalp and hair a rest; do not wear such hairstyles for more than 5 hours in a row.

Don’t be lazy to prepare masks 4-5 times a week; simple manipulations will help you get rid of “cockroach antennae” in short time. All of the following folk remedies benefit hair; they do not contain chemical components or questionable additives.

Pumpkin based mask

  • basil oil - 45 ml.
  • corn oil - 35 ml.
  • burdock oil - 35 ml.
  • pumpkin - 100 gr.
  • rosemary essential oil - 4 drops

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater or grind in a food processor until porridge forms. Pour in the oils, stir the mixture and cover your hair with it, carefully working through the ends. Leave for 45 minutes.

Mask with vitamins E and A

  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 4 pcs.
  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 4 pcs.
  • almond oil - 80 ml.

Add vitamins to the oil, cover the entire length of the hair with the mixture, and leave for at least 1 hour.

White clay mask

  • dogwood berries - 45 gr.
  • white clay - 60 gr.
  • olive oil - 60 ml.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Grind the berries in a blender or crush with a fork, pour white clay water and mix the two components together. Add oil and lemon juice, then cover strands with the mixture. Wrap your head cling film or plastic bag, wrap yourself in a towel and lie down to rest for 50 minutes.

Honey mask with egg

  • Quail yolks - 3 pcs.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml.

Beat the yolks with a whisk, put the honey in the microwave for 1 minute. Mix the ingredients, pour in the oil, apply the mixture and leave for 25 minutes. It is recommended that after this mask you rinse your hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, rosemary, mint, ginseng).

Mango mask

  • mango - 1 pc.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • sour cream with a fat content of at least 15% - 30 g.

Peel the mango, remove the bone and grind the fruit in a blender until a porridge forms. Combine with oil and sour cream, cover your hair with the mixture, thoroughly rubbing the mixture into the scalp, wait 30-40 minutes.

Kiwi mask

  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • kefir - 50 ml.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.

Peel the kiwi, chop in a blender, mash with a fork or grate. Combine with sour cream and kefir, apply first to the root zone, hold for half an hour, then distribute over the entire length, wait another half hour. After the procedure in 2 stages, the mask can be removed with water.

Tea leaf and henna mask

  • colorless henna - 30 gr.
  • leaves green tea- 50 gr.
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Do not beat the yolk, combine it with lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and place the henna there, wait 20 minutes. Combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mixture and cover your hair with the mixture. Wrap your head in a plastic bag, then cover it with a towel. Go to bed to rest for 3 hours.

Apple mask

  • cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 30 g.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • burdock oil - 35 ml.
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Grate the apple on a fine grater or chop in a food processor. Combine it with butter, honey and cream, mix thoroughly and let stand for 20 minutes. After due date beat 1 egg and add to the mixture. Apply to your curls, wrap your head in cling film and wrap with a towel. Keep for 50 minutes. Be sure to rinse with cool water to prevent the protein from sticking to your hair.

Fish oil mask
Buy it at the pharmacy fish fat(liquid), cover your hair with it. Keep for 45 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also use fish oil capsules for oral administration, it will make your hair shiny and strengthen the hair follicles.

Sour cream based mask

  • sour cream 20% fat - 45 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • burdock oil - 30 ml.
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Combine sour cream with yolk, add oil and lemon juice. Apply to the entire length of your hair, but concentrate most of the mixture on the ends. Wait 25 minutes, then remove the mask with warm water. It is also recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile and sage immediately after the procedure.

Nettle mask

  • fresh nettle - 60 gr.
  • horseradish - 30 gr.
  • red currant berries - 40 gr.

Grind the berries into porridge, pour boiling water over the nettles, wait 10 minutes. Add horseradish, mix thoroughly and apply to hair. Wash off immediately when the burning begins, usually after 15 minutes.

Aloe Vera Mask

  • aloe vera juice - 40 ml.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • sour cream - 20 gr.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.

Squeeze juice from aloe in a convenient way or purchase it already ready-made product at the pharmacy. Grind the garlic in a crush and mix it with lemon juice, then add honey. Beat the yolks, combine them with sour cream and mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Leave for at least 1 hour, don’t worry about the smell of garlic, lemon juice suppresses it.

Beauty salons offer all kinds of procedures aimed at smoothing scales and “sealing” the ends, but they are quite expensive. Do not neglect the use of masks, they are very effective in combating split ends. Follow the recommendations and your hair will become healthy and smooth again!

Video: how to get rid of split ends
