What happens if you cry often? Teenage depression (what your general practitioner needs to know about the disorder).

Hello! What you are describing is typical behavior child in adolescence. The fact is that their changes are so global that they can behave this way. Mood changes are typical for teenagers, that’s right, they either cry or laugh. And it scares them very much. Sensitivity appears; they feel that they are not heard or understood. In addition, they do not know how to express their emotions, that is, they may be angry and not realize it. To be offended - and not to understand that they are offended.

All this happens due to a jump in hormones in one direction or the other. Enormous physiological and mental changes occur. At the very beginning of adolescence, children are usually very aggressive, then the carousel begins - then you are angry with the teenager, that is, he causes anger with his behavior, then she is angry with you. Thus, at this time, the so-called separation from mom and dad occurs. What is the task of this age is to understand who she is in herself.

In addition, the child may begin to criticize you. Question everything you say.

What will help here? Understanding and acceptance. Don't make fun of her problems. Yes, from the outside it may seem that they are not worth a damn, but for a child this is a TRAGEDY. Not less. Just imagine that the problem that the girl describes is a tragedy, and then it will be easier for you to speak her language. If she ever heard from you: This is nonsense! What is love at your age?! Are you really upset about this?... Consider that trust in you has been lost and needs to be restored.

Help express feelings. For example, “I see that you are angry, did something happen?”, “You are clearly upset, I really want to help you, what happened?”

Sometimes leave your child alone with his feelings. Especially if the aggression has become obvious and affects your dignity. Just say: “I see that you are very angry, let's talk another time. I will always be glad to listen to you.”

Praise your appearance, this is extremely important in adolescence. Find advantages in appearance that are very difficult to argue with. And if you hear that she is not happy with something, think about how to turn it into a plus.

Judging by her behavior, it can be assumed that your girl has some problems with her friends. Perhaps they had a fight. You can find out all this and support her.

Unfortunately, if you follow your emotions, there will be nothing but scandals. And the child will be sure that they do not love him, do not understand him and do not want to understand him.

It’s a difficult period, but the parent also needs to be mentally prepared that his child is no longer a child at all... But not yet an adult. This is such a transitional state.

Question from Tatyana:

My child is a sound learner. It's just something. She is 15 years old and now she has an acute condition, she cries all the time and does not want to listen to anyone, screams have a detrimental effect. How to cope with her condition?

Victoria Vinnikova, mathematics teacher, and Dina Liyasova, doctor, answer:

Hello Tatiana! We perfectly understand your situation when a teenage child is grieving, shedding tears, and you don’t know how to help. Strange, incomprehensible behavior, difficulties with communication, inability to establish contact - all these are difficulties adolescence. How to cope with such conditions that are difficult for both parents and adolescents?

The answer is given by Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology, which differentiates people according to their unconscious desires. Groups of these desires are called vectors. A vector is a huge range of development, given to a person from birth. First, children, under the supervision of adults, learn to use their abilities, and then, already in puberty, they try their strength on their own, without the help of their parents. Modern children polymorphic, i.e. their psyche is a complex interweaving of several vectors (from 3 to 5).

Your daughter is going through a period of growing up; hormones play in her body, which also affect her condition. She considers herself already an adult and independent, but is still dependent on her parents' home.

All teenagers experience things differently. transition period. Each has its own difficulties, which largely depend on innate vectors. During puberty, your beloved baby turns into a little imp. Sometimes he tests the patience of loved ones and often behaves inappropriately, as it seems to his parents.

In reality, this is how the power of his unconscious desires manifests itself, which strives to break out. And now the teenager throws tantrums, is rude, criticizes, and isolates himself from his parents. In general, he behaves as if he does not love his parents. In such situations, it sometimes seems that the teenager is doing everything out of spite in order to annoy his parents even more. But that's not true. It’s just that the child is trying to use his properties, and the first people he “trains” on are his parents...

Where are the tears coming from?

There can be many reasons for a daughter’s tears and hysterics: from the first love disappointment to conflicts with peers or girlfriends, which can be very cruel.

The presence of a visual vector in a child can provoke tears and hysterics literally out of the blue. For such children it is important emotional connection with loved ones, especially my mother. And the very first and important step in the formation of a connection is to understand with all your soul what is tormenting the child so much. This can be done by mastering systems thinking: it allows you to look at a person you have known for a long time with different eyes, to see his true desires and aspirations. Then even the most uncontrollable behavior of the child can be corrected, without irritation or screaming.

In this state, it is very difficult for the daughter and she needs support more than ever, and screaming and talking in a raised voice further alienates the teenager from her parents.

Shouting has a particularly detrimental effect on teenagers with a sound vector. They grasp meanings very subtly, and the inability to be in silence can bring them to the hardest. And in this difficult period, the most important thing is to preserve trusting relationship with the child, this is the bridge through which the mother is able to help the child go through the period of growing up with the least loss.

Mom's condition is half the battle

Try, very gently and delicately, to convey to her the idea that you love her and want to help. You do not put pressure on her, but simply want to “remove all the pebbles from the road,” while making it clear that the final choice still remains with her. After all, this is her life, her desires.

We highly recommend that you talk with your daughter more often, not from the position of “I know better how to live,” but as if consulting with her and discussing similar situations from films or stories from the Internet. At the same time, ask questions: “What do you think the girl felt when this happened to her?”, “What did she want to prove with her action?”, “How do you think others felt?” characters in this situation?". Thus, you have the opportunity to talk, as if not about herself, but about someone else. And at the same time express those feelings and concerns of adults who are observing the situation.

Here it is very important not to get personal and at some point not to exclaim: “You are the same! She frayed all my nerves!”

In complex teenage years the mother can still influence the child. Yuri Burlan says that the most important thing at this time is to maintain contact between the child and parents.

At free lectures on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan dwells in great detail on the relationship between parents and children. Many listeners tell how their relationships with children have changed after the training.

The teenage years are some of the most emotional, when a student emerges from childhood but does not always know what it means to be an adult. It is at this time that he is susceptible various influences, contradictions, often disappointed in life situations, friends, people. If things go poorly at school and there is no support at home, then the teenager develops depression. What to do when it appears, how to recognize and manage it in time necessary treatment, will be discussed in this article.

Depression: definitions of the concept

Depression - characterized by loss of strength, indifference to public life, refusal to carry out important tasks and assignments. This is considered a disease that needs to be treated. Quite often a person cannot get out of depression on his own, so he needs outside help.

Like any disease, depression has its own symptoms and causes. Adolescents, like adults, are susceptible to depression, which often becomes a factor in psychological disability or mortality. Therefore, it is so important to recognize this disease in order to help in time and restore the joy of life to the student.

Causes of teenage depression

A depressive state usually does not arise out of nowhere; it can have both objective and subjective factors. The main causes of depression in adolescents are:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body of children. During this period, they change quite a lot physically, occurring chemical processes may cause mood swings, restlessness, and anxiety.
  2. Failures in school life. Underachievement, rejection by classmates, “attacks” from teachers, increase emotional instability, make the teenager unhappy.
  3. Social status. If a child does not enjoy respect among his peers, his friends constantly make fun of him, do not value his opinion, then such an attitude suppresses the student and makes him lonely.
  4. Unhappy first love. Teenagers react very sharply to feelings that arise, which most often remain unanswered, so children develop a critical attitude towards their appearance and body. They cease to respect themselves, they believe that there is nothing to love them for, and as a result, this attitude leads to despair and depression.
  5. High demands from parents. A high standard that is too high for a student causes him to feel insecure, fear of punishment for an unachieved result, and fear of even greater demands.
  6. Family troubles. Family relationships play an important role in the emotional state of the child. The development of depression in adolescents may be associated with the indifferent attitude of parents who are not interested in the student’s life, do not support him, and are not happy about the child’s achievements.

Symptoms of depression

Any disease has its own signs by which it can be recognized. Depression is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • constant apathetic state;
  • the appearance of various pains (headache, stomach, back);
  • persistent feeling of fatigue, loss of strength;
  • the student cannot concentrate on completing a specific task and becomes forgetful;
  • sadness, anxiety, and excessive anxiety appear;
  • irresponsible or rebellious behavior - a teenager skips school, does not do homework, spends time on the street late;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • a sharp decline in school performance;
  • avoidance of peers, ignoring various activities;
  • lack of motivation to perform any duties;
  • eating disorders - the student either refuses food or abuses it;
  • excessive agitation, frequent outbursts of anger, irritability;
  • obsession with the theme of death, the afterlife.

In general, signs of depression in adolescents cause changes in their behavior and mood. Schoolchildren become withdrawn, spend most of their time in their room, and do not communicate with other people. They lose interest and motivation in previously favorite activities and become gloomy and hostile.

Age characteristics

Growing up, children change not only externally, but also internally, they look at the world differently, see and understand new relationships, relationships between people. Therefore, it is at this time that they are susceptible to depression.

The peak period for the onset of depression in adolescents is considered to be between 13 and 19 years of age. At this time, schoolchildren are subject to stress, they have unstable and increased emotionality, the world perceived through a magnifying glass, all problems seem insoluble.

Severe and moderate forms of the disease are rare under the age of 15, but this does not mean that you do not need to pay attention to the child’s depression, since a mild stage can quickly turn into a more severe one.

Children 10 - 12 years old mainly show symptoms such as general deterioration in health, digestion and nutrition disorders. In addition, the behavior of schoolchildren changes; they become more withdrawn, lonely, may complain of boredom, and lose interest in previous activities.

Teenagers aged 12 to 14 hide their depression, but it manifests itself through mental and motor retardation. Children cannot clearly formulate their thoughts, and difficulties arise in the communication process. Symptoms of depression in adolescents also appear, such as poor academic performance, violation of discipline, anger, and spending more time on the street. Schoolchildren are in constant tension and fear that they will be scolded, lectured, and humiliated.

The most problematic depressive states occur between the ages of 14 and 19, an age when schoolchildren face difficulties in choosing a future path and passing exams. In addition, they tend to think about the meaning of life, which they cannot yet understand and find; such thoughts acquire a self-sufficient character. During this period, symptoms of depression in adolescents such as insomnia, poor appetite, irritability, fear of making decisions, anxiety and others may be most acute.

Types of depression

Depending on the behavioral characteristics and symptoms exhibited, the following conditions can be distinguished:

  • Zombie- fixation of a teenager on a certain activity that does not bring any benefit, but is absolutely fruitless. A striking example is spending time in in social networks, constantly updating the page in anticipation of a new event. The child turns into a “zombie”, feeding on meaningless information.
  • Mystery- the student does not show any signs of the disease, but he changes dramatically in a short period of time. Transformations can affect appearance, habits, worldview.
  • Victim- depression in children and adolescents often takes the form of a victim, when they, feeling worthless or inferior, easily succumb to the influence of a more successful person, from their point of view, under whose influence the depressive state only intensifies.
  • Screen- schoolchildren hide their true experiences, fears, and pain behind apparent success. This form of the disease can lead to the child constantly striving for success, but this will not bring satisfaction.
  • Problem- teenagers do not feel a taste for life, everything is boring and uninteresting for them, they can always be in a situation. At the same time, they study well, do not lead an asocial lifestyle, however, such children do not have spiritual harmony.
  • Rebel- this type of depression indicates its prolonged form. The student does not value life, it irritates him, and he is practically not susceptible to suicidal behavior, since he loves his Ego too much and takes care of it.

Depression in boys and girls: gender differences

Teenagers who are depressed, unable to bear it, often try to find some way out that will help alleviate suffering and numb the pain. At the same time, a teenage boy sees the answer to the question of how to get out of depression in rebellious and antisocial behavior, and for the girl - in isolation or in causing even greater suffering.

Boys most often get involved with bad company, try all kinds of drugs, alcohol, in this way closing themselves off not only from personal problems, but also from the world as a whole, from its injustice and misunderstanding. In this state, the child feels absolutely happy. There are no responsibilities, teachers or overprotective parents.

Depression in a teenage girl has slightly different manifestations. She withdraws into herself, closes herself off external influence in his inner world, becomes unsociable, withdrawn, lonely. Often this behavior is associated with low self-esteem, when a girl does not know what to respect herself for, what makes her attractive, while she tries to drown out the pain through promiscuity. Most often, such underestimation of oneself as an individual and one’s capabilities comes from the family, when the child was told little about how wonderful and good she is. After all, there is never too much love for a girl; it won’t spoil her, it won’t make her a prude.

However, such exits from this state only worsen the situation: after the end of the drug or sexual intercourse, the pain becomes even stronger, self-esteem drops to zero. Therefore, it is important to start fighting depression in adolescents in time to avoid voluntary death.

Treatment of depression

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor to determine competent treatment, which can be medicinal or advisory in nature.

From medicines Usually, various sedatives are prescribed that do not have a detrimental effect on the child’s body as a whole and do not lead to drowsiness and renunciation. Any medications must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

However, most often it is enough to carry out a course psychological consultations, where treatment of depression in adolescents is carried out through searching for the causes of the disease, learning to recognize negative thoughts and the ability to cope with them. Such consultations are carried out both separately with the child and with the whole family, if the causes of the disease are difficult relationships with relatives.

Parental help for a teenager

The main role in the prevention of depression in children belongs to their parents, whose behavior and attitude will help them either be completely unaware of this illness or easily cope with it. To protect a teenager from depression, parents need to choose the following parenting tactics:

  • It is not recommended to constantly punish or humiliate a child, otherwise he will grow up insecure, uptight, and will consider himself useless to anyone.
  • You should not overprotect children and make decisions for them, which provokes teenage depression, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the inability to make choices and be independent.
  • You cannot squeeze a child, limit his freedom, he must feel his independence, but at the same time know that his parents are always there.
  • Give the opportunity to choose a creative circle yourself, sports section, friends, you should not impose your unfulfilled dreams on a teenager.
  • It is necessary to talk with the child, it is best to do this through joint activities. Here it is recommended to choose something that both the teenager and parents like to do: it could be family skiing, ice skating, creating interesting crafts, reading books and much more.
  • If a child shares his difficulties, it is important to listen to him; in no case should you make fun of a problem, even a trivial one. It is better to discuss everything and find a solution.
  • Constant moralizing can also cause depression in teenagers, so it is recommended to teach with deeds, not words; you need to be an example for your child.

Signs of suicidal behavior

Teenage depression can take a rather dangerous form - voluntary death. All the problems that schoolchildren have are considered insoluble and insurmountable, causing unbearable pain. The most popular among them are: poor performance at school, unrequited love, problems in the family, constant failures in various matters. Teenagers can't stand it emotional stress, take the extreme step - suicide, which solves all difficult issues at once.

Among the main signs of this behavior are the following:

  • lack of faith in a good and joyful future, the child loses all hope;
  • an indifferent attitude towards oneself, depression in adolescence manifests itself through phrases such as “nobody needs me, no one cares about me”;
  • the student stops doing what he loves and loses interest in studying;
  • often starts talking about death or even threatens to kill himself.

If a teenager exhibits at least one of the above signs, then this cannot be ignored; you need to talk to the child or go with him to a consultation with a psychologist.

Underestimating and overestimating the situation

A depressive state is not always easy to recognize, but there is no need to go to extremes, which include underestimating or, conversely, overestimating what is happening.

All adolescents are exposed to psychological stress; this is a normal process that has the same symptoms as depression. However, it is shorter, the child does not withdraw into himself, and easily makes contact. In this case, there is no need to overestimate the situation and take the student to a doctor; a confidential conversation at home is enough. Here you can tell your parents about yourself, how they experienced certain problems at this age.

At the same time, children who really need help are left unattended, parents let the problem take its course, and signs of depression in adolescents are not noticed. Here there is an underestimation of the situation, the child is left alone with his problems, which is fraught with suicide.

Therefore, it is important to correctly recognize the first and second, provide them with support and, if necessary, treatment.

Thus, depression is quite common among adolescents, which is explained by their internal and external changes when children are not ready to accept the new rules that dictate adulthood, cannot understand the established relationships between people and find their place in society. The development of depression in adolescents is dangerous for them mental health and life, since not provided timely assistance, parental or medical, can provoke suicide as the only way out of the current situation.

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The modern lifestyle has a negative impact not only on the health of adults, but also on children. Nervous disorders in children are very common, but parents are not able to identify this pathology, thinking that this is just another whim. With the younger generation, circumstances are much simpler, because they are able to talk about their feelings, and the signs nervous breakdown in a teenager they help to make a final diagnosis. Children are very active and sometimes it is difficult to determine when an action comes from nervousness, and in what case it simply needs to release excess energy. Therefore, you have to resort to the help of specialists.

Parents need to monitor their child and note actions that become habitual. A nervous breakdown manifests itself differently in each person, and the same applies to children. One person withdraws into himself, while others, on the contrary, prefer to scream loudly and throw tantrums. If your child has taken up the habit of rolling on the floor and screaming wildly, it is best to contact a neurologist who can dispel all doubts. According to experts, neurosis occurs solely due to emotional condition becomes unbalanced.

The main alarming factors include following symptoms:

  • The occurrence of hallucinations;
  • Ahead of mental development their peers;
  • The child begins to fantasize or deceive in all seriousness;
  • Lost interest in life;
  • Strong interest in one subject at school (overindulgence).

These symptoms only appear when initial stage nervous breakdown, and to prevent their development, contact a neurologist in a timely manner.

How do nervous disorders manifest in children?

  1. Nervous tic. Very often, nervous disorders in children manifest themselves in this form, which is expressed in unconscious twitching of the limbs, cheeks, shrugging of shoulders, unreasonable movement of the hand, smacking, and so on. If you notice nervous tic in a child, when he is in a calm state, this is the first sign nervous disorder. At active work the tick disappears.
  2. Poor sleep or insomnia. If your child previously slept well, but suddenly begins to toss and turn frequently, sleep restlessly and wakes up very often, you should also pay attention to this symptom. In this form of the disorder, children also talk during sleep, and it becomes very realistic.
  3. Neurosis. This is the most serious form of manifestation of the disease and parents should pay special attention to the following symptoms: sadness, hysteria, phobias, frequent fears, obsessive movements, quiet speech, depression, panic. As soon as you notice these symptoms, consult a specialist immediately.
  4. Stuttering. This form of the disorder occurs in children around the age of three years. During this period, the baby learns to talk. It is very important not to overload the child, as due to the information load, he may experience stress. Ultimately important healthy child, not a potential prodigy. Stuttering also occurs when separated from loved ones.
  5. Enuresis. When a child experiences a strong shock or overstimulation, he wets the bed. During this period, unstable mood, numerous whims and increased tearfulness are noted.
  6. Anorexia. This form of nervous disorder results in loss of appetite. If a child was forced to eat in childhood, then in adolescence this, as a rule, “results” in the desire for slim figure. The best way to treat anorexia is early age, since teenagers show greater independence and rely on their inexperience.

Very often, the development of a nervous breakdown is caused by the incorrect behavior of parents, despite all the love on their part. To avoid the development of the disease and its appearance a priori, try to avoid the following actions:

  • Note the child’s shortcomings, constantly pointing out their weakness, as if trying to eradicate them. In this case, it is better to concentrate on the wealth that needs to be acquired;
  • Sending a child to two schools, clubs and other sections that he does not like, creating an overload;
  • Excessive guardianship of a child;
  • Scandals in the family;
  • Show that the child must achieve favor with his parents, earn it. Try to show your love.

Treatment of children

Treatment for nervous breakdowns in children consists of: different techniques in psychotherapy. Depending on the age, both nonverbal and verbal therapy can be used. However, at the heart of any technique is the idea of ​​combating anxiety and fears. It is necessary to reduce the patient's anxiety, return him to harmonious life. To do this, you need to remove all grievances, guilt and get out of stress. If a child has a nervous breakdown, it is advisable to conduct psychotherapy sessions with the whole family. However, in the case of teenagers, it is better to trust a professional without resorting to the help of parents. Moreover, some adults themselves have personality disorders.

Regarding application medications, then they are used as an addition and only in advanced cases. Drugs, of course, can ease anxiety and temporarily cure a breakdown, but if the cause is not removed, which can be resolved exclusively with a psychotherapist, the disease will return again and, perhaps, with greater force.

What should parents do if their child has a nervous breakdown?

As a rule, children accumulate tension in kindergarten or a house that sooner or later breaks out. If you feel your child is on the verge of a tantrum, try the following:

  1. When the baby is already on the limit and ready to throw a tantrum, smile at him, kiss him and tell him a joke.
  2. Try to redirect the child's attention. This needs to be done sharply to cause surprise. One way is to pretend to be hysterical, making a preemptive move. In some cases, this causes surprise and reassurance.

What should you do if your child has already had a nervous breakdown:

  • Place your child in a cool shower. If he is unable to do this on his own, pick him up and take him to the bath. IN as a last resort spray cold water in the face or on the forehead with ice, a bag of frozen vegetables, and a towel soaked in cold water. As is known, cold water slows down reactions in the body, washes off negative energy, emotions recede;
  • Use the mirror technique. The point is to repeat all the actions that the baby does. IN at a young age this causes great surprise and reassurance, hysteria is replaced by curiosity;
  • If you have an attack, move everything away dangerous items, since the child does not understand what he is doing and does not control himself. He can easily pick up an object and throw it wherever he wants;
  • Create an environment of privacy. Some people calm down when left alone, but you still need to watch your baby discreetly.

What actions should be taken after a hysteria has occurred:

  • Prepare hot tea and add a couple of drops of motherwort. This will calm the nervous system, the brain will come into balance, and the child will fall asleep;
  • Brew herbal teas with St. John's wort, mint, motherwort, fennel, and lavender more often. This is especially true if the child often cries and breaks down.

Don't forget about others preventive measures, in particular, B vitamins can remove negative emotional reactions and reduce the amount of stress. For nervous system cookies, cheese, egg yolk, beets, tomatoes, pears, spinach, cauliflower, carrots and others dairy products. Recently it was possible to prove that folic acid helps reduce the amount of the amino acid homocysteine, which has increased level in children prone to hysteria and nervous breakdown.

Signs and causes of nervous breakdown in teenagers

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Probably every person with age looks at the younger generation with caution, comparing his youth with the modern generation. In any case, it can be noted that teenagers behave extremely defiantly, noisily, aggressively and obscenely. At home, of course, almost everyone follows the rules of decency, but at school or on the street, behavior most often changes greatly. As a result, individuals who are very trusting are susceptible to strong emotions and those who are unable to defend themselves suffer psychological injuries, and they hit a person an order of magnitude harder than physical ones.

Transferred psychological trauma can interfere with age or throughout life full development, if it is not removed. Since in the post-Soviet space it is not yet customary to go to a psychologist, people are forced to cope with these problems on their own.

What causes contribute to the development of a nervous breakdown?

  • Unfavorable group among friends or at school;
  • Inability to stand up for yourself and defend your point of view;
  • Unfavorable climate within the family;
  • Lack of a favorite activity;
  • Frequent stress and emotional tension.
  • Signs of a nervous breakdown:

    • The teenager begins to withdraw into himself, avoids all contact with friends, blames others;
    • Shows excessive activity. However, this is much less common, since an outburst of emotions, even in the most primitive and ugly form, helps a person get rid of negativity;
    • During relaxation, the limbs of the body begin to twitch;
    • Poor sleep and insomnia;
    • Constant dialogues and disputes within the individual;
    • Depression and apathy towards the surrounding world.

    Parents should show maximum attention, because suicidal acts often occur among the younger generation and one gets the impression that modern school education only contributes to this. Show more care, try to spend weekends together, going out into the country for fishing or just relaxing. This will protect the teenager from bad companies, If there are any. Encourage him to sign up for interesting sections, where there is a “healthy” team. If a child feels a negative and disdainful attitude from other teenagers, send him to a sports section, wrestling or other types of combat. Thus, he will feel confident in himself and will be able to defend his point of view.

    Treatment of adolescents

    Like any treatment for a nervous breakdown, adolescents must follow certain rules:

    • Avoid conflicting communication, surround yourself with a favorable society;
    • Drink herbal teas with soothing herbs more often;
    • Do light sports;
    • Listen to relaxing music;
    • If you wish, do yoga, meditation;
    • Be sure to contact a psychotherapist who will help solve pressing problems and identify the cause of a nervous breakdown.

    Teenage depression (what your doctor needs to know about the disorder) general practice)

    Adolescence is a stage of life that is accompanied by numerous physical, emotional, psychological and social change. Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create strong feeling rejection and lead to deep disappointment.

    When things go wrong at school or at home, teens may overreact to such changes and stress. Many young people feel that life is unfair and feel stressed and confused. It's even worse when teenagers are bombarded with conflicting messages from parents, friends and teachers. Today they see all the good and bad that life has to offer on television, in magazines, the Internet, school and on the street. When a teenager's mood is able to interfere with his social functioning day after day, this may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that requires special attention, - teenage depression.

    About 11% of adolescents suffer from depressive disorders before the age of 18. Girls are more likely than boys to be depressed. The risk of developing depression increases as the child gets older. According to World Organization Health care, major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability among the population aged 15 to 44 years and one of the leading causes of death in this age group. It is estimated that about 20% of adolescents will experience teenage depression before reaching mature age, from 10 to 15% of them constantly have some symptoms of depression, and 5% suffer from clinically significant depression. 8.3% of teenagers suffer from depression for at least one year. Between 20 and 40% of adolescents will have more than one episode within two years, and 70% will have more than one episode before adulthood.

    In a number of European countries, adolescent depression is considered serious problem. The course of depression in adolescents is very similar to that in adults, but adolescents and children may experience their emotions more intensely and with greater intensity. external manifestations. They are also extremely rare in similar conditions turn to others for help. Often the problem is that many doctors and psychologists have difficulty identifying symptoms of early stages.

    The effectiveness of treatment for depression correlates with the time it takes to identify the disorder.

    Feeling anxious about an upcoming exam is normal, but feeling anxious or low for months for no particular reason may be a sign of undiagnosed depression. A small percentage of teenagers suffer from seasonal depression, usually in winter months in high latitudes.

    It is known that youth with depression may exhibit symptoms that differ from typical symptoms of depression in adults. Children with depression may complain of bad feeling, refuse to go to school, cling to a parent or caregiver, or worry excessively that a parent may die. Older children and teens may sulk, get into trouble at school, be negative or grouchy, or feel misunderstood.

    Recent large scale clinical researches determined that the most effective way to help adolescents with depression is a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. To eliminate suicide attempts in adolescents and children, a complex of specialized psychotherapy is used, which helps reduce the number of attempts. There have been difficulties in treating depression in adolescents with co-occurring disorders, such as substance abuse. There is a relationship between the effectiveness of treatment and the time of diagnosis of depression. Strict monitoring of the condition of adolescents in the first days and weeks of taking antidepressants is also necessary.

    Taking into account chronic depression, the effectiveness of intervention at an early age and in the early stages influences the course of the disorder in the future and significantly reduces the risk of disability.

    The average duration of a depressive episode in children and adolescents is 7 to 9 months.

    During this period, children experience sadness, they lose interest in activities that they previously enjoyed, they begin to blame themselves for their failures, criticize themselves and begin to feel that they are criticized by others. They develop a feeling of rejection, hopelessness, thoughts that life is not worth living, and thoughts of suicide. When depressed, teenagers often become irritable, which can often lead to aggression. They lose confidence, have trouble concentrating, and feel a lack of energy and motivation, which ultimately leads to sleep disturbances. Teenagers may not pay enough attention to their appearance and personal hygiene.

    Recent studies have established a connection between depression and morphofunctional changes in the brain, some of which may precede the onset of depression. This study helps identify biomarkers and other early indicators, which may lead to improved treatment or prevention.

    Imaging technologies are helping scientists identify specific areas of the brain that are involved in pathological process for depression, and this makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and diagnosis of disorders.

    Such discoveries will help reduce the suicide rate, which is rapidly rising and is one of the leading causes of death among young people. In 2007, it was one of the leading causes of death among young people aged 15 to 24 years.

    Although the term depression can describe normal human emotions, it can also refer to mental disorders. Depressive psychosis in adolescents is defined as long-term persistence of a state of depression and its impact on the ability of the adolescent or child to function normally.

    Depression is quite common in adolescence and childhood. About 5% of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from depression. Teenagers who are stressed, struggling with loss, or who lack attention from loved ones, have learning difficulties, behavior problems or anxiety disorders are at risk. Teenage girls have a higher risk of developing depression, as do young representatives of ethnic minorities. One of the reasons that explains the higher prevalence of depression in adolescent girls is that they are more socially oriented, more dependent on positive social relations, and more vulnerable to losses in life. social relations than boys. This leads to an increase in their vulnerability and interpersonal tensions, which are the same in adolescents.

    Teenagers who experience depression often have problems with their families. In many cases, parents themselves contribute to the development depressive states in children and adolescents.

    The prevalence of depression has increased in recent decades and is now being diagnosed at younger and younger ages. There is a connection between an increase in the number of depressions in children and adolescents and an increase in the number of suicides.

    It should be taken into account that the behavior of adolescents and children during depression may differ from the behavior of adults with depression. Psychotic traits in adolescents differ from those in adults; they do not appear as often. Auditory hallucinations are more common in adolescents. Delirium is more common in adults. Depressed children and adolescents are more likely to experience fears of separation or reluctance to meet people and somatic symptoms such as general pain, abdominal pain, and headaches. Pessimistic thinking is not typical for children under 5 years of age, because it develops only after this age and can serve as one of the reasons for the low number of depression and suicides in children.

    Dysthymia is often the first symptom of depression. A sign may be that the child or teenager is depressed for most of the day or many days and the symptoms persist for several years. The average duration of dysthymia in children and adolescents is about 4 years.

    Sometimes children are depressed for so long that they interpret their condition as normal and, thus, cannot complain about changes in their mood.

    It is very important to carry out differential diagnosis with bipolar disorder, since often the first manifestation of bipolar disorder is a depressive episode. And the first signs of a manic episode may occur after a significant period of time.

    Often, children and adolescents with comorbid mental health conditions, such as behavioral disorders or substance abuse problems, experience depressive symptoms that subside or develop new features.

    Some of the core symptoms of depression, such as changes in appetite and sleep, are related to the function of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is closely related to the function of the pituitary gland. Abnormalities of pituitary function, such as increased circulating cortisol concentrations and hypo- or hyperthyroidism, are well known features of depression in adults.

    However, much less research has been conducted in this area among children and adolescents.

    In adults, dysregulation of the serotonergic system can affect them, make their impulsive actions more intense and provoke extreme actions, suicide attempts. However, little has been studied about the relationship between impaired serotonin metabolism and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents.

    Most frequent symptoms Adolescent depression has no direct analogues with the symptoms of classical depression, but there are certain similarities.

    Teenagers who experience frequent bouts of sadness, crying, or tearfulness are often susceptible to depressive disorders. Teenagers may express their sadness by wearing black clothes, writing poetry about their painful experiences, or becoming completely immersed in music that carries nihilistic themes. They may cry for no apparent reason.

    Teens may feel that life doesn't matter or that effort should be made, even to maintain their own hygiene or routine. appearance. They may believe that a negative or traumatic situation will never change and see their future in a pessimistic light.

    Children and adolescents may often have decreased or lost interest in activities or develop an inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities. Teenagers can become apathetic and often stop attending clubs, sports and entertainment activities which they were previously interested in.

    Boredom and decreased vital energy, lack of motivation to attend classes or frequent absences from school. In middle school, depression can manifest as poor concentration or slower thinking.

    Children may experience feelings of guilt or lower self-esteem due to negative events or circumstances. They may have negative views of their competence and lack self-esteem and may feel like failures. Teens may feel like they are “not good enough.”

    Many teenagers become sensitive to their own failures and rejection. Depressed children, believing that they are unworthy of someone or something, become even more depressed with each rejection or lack of success.

    It is common to observe increased irritability, anger, or hostility on the part of a teenager with a depressive disorder. Depressed people take out their irritability mostly on their family, and can attack others if they are criticized or insulted. When you're depressed, you often develop the belief that you have to be the first to reject your family before your family rejects you. Difficulties arise in relationships, teenagers cannot communicate as before, or they stop maintaining friendly relationships.

    Children stop going to meetings with their friends and calling them.

    Depressed teens may complain frequently of physical illnesses, such as headaches and stomach pain. They may complain of lightheadedness or dizziness, nausea and back pain. Other common complaints are: headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting and menstrual cycle from girls.

    Frequent omissions are also typical school activities and deterioration in school performance. Teenagers and children who have problems within the family or at school may actually be depressed, but they do not know it and do not understand what is happening to them. Because a child may not always appear sad, parents and teachers may not understand that behavioral problems are a consequence of depression.

    Some teenagers may have trouble concentrating. Problems may occur when concentrating during preparation school assignments, during a conversation or even while watching TV or while playing computer games.

    Changes in diet, sleep and wakefulness may also occur. Sleep disturbances can range from watching television programs all night long, to difficulty waking up and being often late for school. The child may be sleepy throughout the day. Eating disorders can manifest as loss of appetite, anorexia or bulimia. Increased appetite and increased food intake can lead to weight gain and obesity.

    Individuals with early signs of depression may attempt to run away from home or talk about leaving home. Flight in this context should be seen as a cry for help. This may be the first step for parents to understand that their child has problems and needs help.

    Thoughts or conversations about suicide, attempts to commit suicide also indicate depression in a teenager. Children with depression may say they wish they were dead or talk about suicide. People who are depressed belong to the group increased risk committing suicide. If a child or adolescent says “I want to commit suicide” or “I am going to commit suicide”, then such statements should always be taken seriously and a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist and an assessment of the child or adolescent’s condition should be insisted upon. People often feel uncomfortable talking about death. However, when you are depressed or when the topic of suicide comes up, talking about such topics can be helpful. It is very important that such topics be discussed by a specialist with experience in similar situations, because with such conversations you can “put thoughts into a teenager’s head” or give the child the opportunity to talk about his problems.

    To improve their well-being, depressed teenagers may begin to abuse alcohol or drugs.

    Children who find it difficult to talk about their feelings and experiences may show their emotional experiences, internal tension, physical discomfort in the form of physical self-harm, for example, they can cut their body.

    Timely and early detection symptoms of depressive disorder influence the outcome of the disorder and reduce the risk of its protracted course.

    With adequate help, the risk of suicide attempts is reduced significantly and the prognosis for subsequent life is improved.

    A more detailed study of this problem will make it possible in the future to introduce screening techniques and improve the quality of identifying initial symptoms in the early stages of the disorder.

    The study of changes in the regulation of the serotonergic system of streets suffering from depressive disorders is quite promising.
