Smirnov health-saving technologies in dhow. Abstract "Health saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Health-saving technologies are one of the types of modern innovative technologies, which are aimed at preserving and improving the health of all participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The use of such technologies has a two-way focus:

  • formation of the foundations of valeological culture among preschoolers, i.e. teach them to take care of their health independently;
  • organization of the educational process in kindergarten without negative impact on children's health.

Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are perfectly combined with traditional forms and methods in pedagogy, complementing them with various methods of implementation health work. The use of such technologies solves a number of problems:

  • laying the foundation for good physical health;
  • increasing the level of mental and social health of pupils;
  • carrying out preventive health work;
  • familiarizing preschoolers with the principles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • motivating children to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • formation of useful habits;
  • formation of valeological skills;
  • formation of a conscious need for regular physical education;
  • fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s health.

To ensure an integrated approach to protecting and improving the health of pupils, required by the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool educational institutions use different kinds modern health-saving technologies:

  • medical and preventive (conducting medical examinations, monitoring the health of children, anti-epidemiological work, organizing specialized correctional groups, preventing many diseases, sanitary and hygienic work, quality control of catering, etc.);
  • physical education and recreation (, sporting events, valeology classes, hardening procedures, etc.)
  • valeological education of parents (motivating parents to lead a healthy lifestyle, teaching parents how to interact with children to form a valeological culture in them);
  • valeological education of teachers (familiarization of educators with innovative health-saving technologies and methods of their implementation, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, expanding knowledge about age and psychological characteristics preschoolers);
  • health-saving education for children (formation of valeological knowledge and skills).

Only by implementing all of these types of health-saving technologies can we achieve close interaction between the main factors influencing the health of preschool children.

Card index of health-saving technologies

There are many effective varieties of modern health-saving technologies that should be in the teacher’s file cabinet kindergarten.

Physical education minutes

One of the simplest and most common types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions is physical education minutes. They are also called dynamic pauses. These are short-term breaks in intellectual or practical activities, during which children perform simple physical exercises.

The purpose of such physical education minutes is to:

  • changing the type of activity;
  • preventing fatigue;
  • relieving muscle, nervous and brain tension;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • activation of thinking;
  • increasing children's interest in the course of the lesson;
  • creating a positive emotional background.

Carrying out dynamic pauses has some peculiarities. They are designed to be performed in limited space (near a desk or table, in the center of the room, etc.). Most physical education sessions are accompanied by a poetic text or performed to music.

Such dynamic pauses last 1-2 minutes. All children are involved in physical education activities. This does not require sports uniform or inventory. The time for the exercise is chosen arbitrarily depending on the degree of fatigue of the children. A physical education session may include individual elements other health-saving technologies.

Breathing exercises

A study of the work experience of many preschool teachers shows that the most popular types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions include breathing exercises. It is a system breathing exercises, which are included in the complex of correctional work to strengthen the general health of the child.

Using breathing exercises helps:

  • improve work internal organs;
  • activate cerebral circulation, increase oxygen saturation of the body;
  • train the breathing apparatus;
  • prevent respiratory diseases;
  • increase the body's defense mechanisms;
  • restore peace of mind, calm down;
  • develop speech breathing.

During breathing exercises, the following rules must be observed. It is recommended to carry it out in a well-ventilated room and before meals. Such exercises should be daily and last 3-6 minutes. No breathing exercises required to perform special shape clothing, but you need to make sure that it does not restrict the child’s movement.

During the exercises you need Special attention pay attention to the nature of the inhalations and exhalations made. Children should be taught to inhale through the nose (inhalations should be short and light) and exhale through the mouth (exhalation should be long). Breathing exercises also include breath-holding exercises. It is important that children do not tense their body muscles or move their shoulders when performing exercises to develop speech breathing.

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics is a type of health-saving technology that is used not only for the development fine motor skills hands (which is important for preparing a child for drawing, modeling and writing), but also for solving problems with speech development in children. In addition, such gymnastics promotes the development of:

  • tactile sensations;
  • coordination of movements of fingers and hands;
  • creativity preschoolers.

Finger gymnastics is carried out in the form of staging poetic texts using the fingers. This is almost the first type of gymnastics that can be performed with children. During finger gymnastics, children make active and passive movements with their fingers. The following types of exercises are used:

  • massage;
  • actions with objects or materials;
  • finger games.

It is recommended to do finger exercises daily. During its implementation, you need to ensure that the load on both hands is the same. In addition, it is necessary to remember that each session of finger gymnastics should end with relaxation exercises. Such classes can be carried out collectively, in groups or individually with each child.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Also, health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions include eye gymnastics. It involves conducting a system of exercises aimed at correcting and preventing visual impairment. Eye exercises are necessary for:

  • relieve tension;
  • fatigue prevention;
  • eye muscle training;
  • strengthening the ocular apparatus.

To perform such gymnastics, 2-4 minutes are enough. The main rule of this gymnastics is that only the eyes should move, and the head remains motionless (except for cases where head tilts are provided). All exercises must be done standing.

Usually the teacher shows a sample of each action, and the children repeat after him. Often such gymnastics has poetic accompaniment. It may include exercises with objects, special tables or ICT.


Psycho-gymnastics refers to innovative health-saving technologies that are used in kindergarten to develop the emotional sphere of the child, strengthen his mental health. The purpose of psychogymnastics is the following:

  • conducting psychophysical relaxation;
  • development of cognitive mental processes;
  • normalization of the condition in children with neuroses or neuropsychic disorders;
  • correction of deviations in behavior or character.

Psychogysnastics is a course of 20 special classes that are conducted in game form. They are organized twice a week and last from 25 to 90 minutes. Each lesson consists of four stages that involve acting out:

  • sketches using facial expressions and pantomime;
  • sketches to depict emotions or character traits;
  • sketches with a psychotherapeutic orientation.

The session ends with psychomuscular training. During the lesson, there is a “minute of mischief”, when children can perform any actions they want.


Rhythmoplasty is innovative method work with children, which is based on their performing special plastic movements that have a healing nature to music. The purpose of rhythmoplasty:

  • replenishment of “motor deficit”;
  • development of the motor sphere of children;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • improvement of cognitive processes;
  • formation of aesthetic concepts.

Rhythmoplasty is organized in the form of special music lessons. Physical exercises should be performed at a slow pace with a wide amplitude. These classes should be done twice a week for 30 minutes each. It is recommended to do rhythmoplasty no earlier than half an hour after eating.

Play therapy

The Federal State Educational Standard states that the leading activity for preschoolers is play. Therefore, play therapy should be a mandatory type of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. This technology involves involving children in participating in a variety of games, during which they will have the opportunity to:

  • show emotions, experiences, imagination;
  • express yourself;
  • relieve psycho-emotional stress;
  • get rid of fears;
  • become more confident in yourself.

Play therapy is considered an excellent remedy to combat childhood neuroses.


Aromatherapy involves using special items containing essential oils in the room where children are. It can be called a passive method of influencing the health of preschool children, since the children themselves do not have to perform any actions. They can engage in any type of activity and at the same time inhale aromatic vapors. This is how it happens:

  • improving the well-being and mood of children;
  • prevention of colds;
  • solving sleep problems.

Essential oils can be applied to figurines made of clay or untreated wood (the dose of the aromatic substance should be minimal). It is also recommended to make special aromatic pillows with your parents, filling them with dried herbs, or individual aroma medallions.

In addition to the described health-saving technologies, other types of technologies can be used in preschool educational institutions:

  • herbal medicine;
  • color therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • heliotherapy;
  • sand therapy.

The essence of such technologies is clear based on their names. The ultimate goal of using health-saving technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, which serves as a prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. Only healthy child can become a good student and a successful person.

All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, especially during the adaptation period. For successful adaptation, two main criteria are distinguished: internal comfort and external adequacy of behavior.

Health activities in kindergarten allow the child to cope with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment, to organize the child’s life in a preschool institution in such a way that this leads to the most adequate, almost painless adaptation to new conditions, to form positive attitude To children's team peers and developing skills Everyday life, while creating in the child a positive attitude towards all types of activities, developing in him various skills that correspond to age-related capabilities, forming the need for communication with adults.

Health-improving activities ensure the solution of educational problems already during the period of the child’s adaptation to new conditions and thereby accelerate and facilitate the course of the adaptation period, that is, the child’s adaptation to kindergarten, to public preschool education. Wellness activities have A complex approach and are built on three main directions: creating a healthy environment for the prevention of various deviations in psychophysical development in children; formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in kindergarten and at home; development physical culture.

In addition, they are built on such fundamental principles as: complexity, differentiation, consistency, and axeology.

The principle of complexity is to create a single holistic program of health-forming foundations for preschool children, the purpose of which is to create a health-forming educational space for children. The medical direction involves providing hygienic conditions educational process and educational work of a physician, educator and valeologist.

The principle of differentiation is pedagogical direction health-forming education in the educational process, in an individually differentiated approach to each child (assignments are given, the children’s temperament and positive character traits are taken into account).

The principle of consistency is the gradual inclusion of health procedures, their diversity, arousing interest and a positive emotional response from children.

The principle of axeology (value orientation) is carried out through parents, with whom the worldview is considered universal human values, healthy lifestyle of a young child, since the formation of a healthy lifestyle of children first three years is the basis for the formation of healthy psychophysical development of the child in the future. IN in this direction The following forms of work with parents are used: health corner; consultations; parent meetings with the involvement of medical specialists.

Formation culturally hygienic basics contributes to the proper upbringing and development of the child as an individual. Therefore, the introduction of modern health-saving technologies is simply vital. Let's take a closer look at the features of using the most commonly used health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.

In kindergartens they are widely used as special classes, and in everyday activities, physical exercises that help relieve fatigue which occurs due to exhaustion nerve cells, especially typical for young children. This is due to the fact that preschoolers are characterized by instability nervous processes, increased excitability of the cerebral cortex. Fatigue is the main cause of various persistent dysfunctions of the cortex, manifestations of nervousness, which can lead to neurotic states of varying degrees. Therefore, overwork nervous system negatively affects the child’s development, health and behavior. Therefore, it is important to prevent fatigue, detect its first signs in a timely manner and relieve them as quickly as possible.

Consequently, an effective means of preventing fatigue and improving general condition are physical exercises, under the influence of which the number of impulses coming from the motor, vestibular and other analyzers increases. The endocrine glands work more intensively, which leads to stimulation of the nervous system and an increase in its performance. At the same time, the functions of those centers that were in an active state during mental work are restored. Physical exercises increase subsequent performance during complex mental activities. A physical training complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises: for the arms and shoulder girdle; for the body; for legs.

Finger games are also widely used when working with children, as they give parents and educators the opportunity to play with children, make them happy and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. Thanks to such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between adults and children. The characters and images of finger games: a spider and a butterfly, a goat and a bunny, a tree and a bird, sun and rain, are liked by children from one and a half to two years old, and children are happy to repeat the texts and movements of adults. Finger games prepare the baby for counting; in others, the child must act using both hands, which helps to better understand the concepts of above and below, above and below, right and left. Games in which the baby catches or strokes the hand of an adult or another child, slaps his hand or bends the fingers of a playing partner are important for developing a sense of confidence in the child. Some games in which fingers are named one by one or acted one after another are reminiscent of little fairy tales.

Finger games encourage children to be creative, and in the case when a child comes up with his own, even if not very successful, movements for texts, he should be praised and, if possible, show his creative achievements, for example, to dad or grandmother.

Relaxation exercises play big role for preschoolers, the system of measures to relieve psycho-emotional stress adopted in preschool educational institutions includes the “System of relaxation exercises for preschool children”, as well as the “System of working with a dry pool”, training sessions with children, etc.

The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is achieved through specially selected gaming techniques, each of which is given a figurative name. Children perform exercises not just imitating the leader, but transforming themselves, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly and relax well. This can be judged by the child’s appearance: a calm facial expression, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands that fall heavily, some yawning, a drowsy state, etc. Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children have improved sleep , they become more balanced and calm.

Health-improving physical exercises and games in kindergarten for a child must be selected taking into account his motor skills, characteristics of physical and mental development. The basis of physical activity should be walking, climbing, overcoming obstacles, various games with a ball, gymnastic stick and other toys. The most effective form activities are a game.

To begin with, these can be simple and interesting tasks. Gradually the games become more difficult. Since children are very susceptible and prone to imitation, it is necessary to show the exercises to teachers themselves, comparing them with the movements of animals and characters from fairy tales. It is necessary to complicate tasks gradually, only after the baby masters simpler movements. Each lesson should include movements for all muscle groups, and they should be alternated. And if the child is tired and does not want to do any exercise, you should not insist on continuing, but, on the contrary, give him the opportunity to rest. Children younger age are characterized by increased fatigue, so gymnastics classes should not be too long and include rest breaks.

Outdoor play is an emotional activity that is associated with the performance of basic movements. Such games are an indispensable tool development of children, play a big role in their comprehensive physical education. There are games of low, medium and high mobility, they are held in group room, in physical education and music halls and also on walks. As you know, games develop physically, mentally, educate morally, affect all mental processes (thinking, imagination, memory, attention), cultivate aesthetics, work skills, and have great health value. The choice of a particular game depends not only on its content and features, but also on the age, physical condition and level of motor development of its participants. The younger the children, the simpler the plot and rules should be, the duration of the game should be shorter, the degree of load should be less, and the participation of an adult should be more active.

Preschoolers with great pleasure learn acupressure self-massage by pressing with their fingertips on the skin and muscle layer at the location of tactile and proprioceptive points and nerve branches. Such a massage, having an stimulating or inhibitory effect, with a complex effect gives good results, especially in cases when it is combined with “communication” with your body in a game situation and the mental utterance of affectionate words (sweet, kind, good). Acupressure as an element of psychophysical training helps relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional tension. It is most often used to improve the flow of nervous processes by influencing some active points. It's basically self-massage. active points on the sole and toes, some points on the head, face and ears, as well as on the fingers.

You can use play massage in kindergarten during the day, since massage techniques developed by ancient doctors are useful not only for a sick person, but also for a healthy person. And if an adult himself understands that massage and self-massage are necessary for health, then a child can learn this thanks to an experienced teacher.

Learning the simplest massage techniques takes place in the game. Children perform massages, and at the same time they themselves are characters in a fairy tale, entertainment, or travel. They can be a fox, a snowman, a cockerel or a cheerful frog. Children reinforce through play the skills of correctly performing basic self-massage and develop the fine muscles of their fingers.

When performing a massage, it is recommended to teach children not to press forcefully on the indicated points, but to massage them with soft movements of the fingers, lightly pressing or lightly stroking them. Massaging movements should be performed in the direction from the periphery to the center (from the hands to the shoulder, etc.) preschool mental health-saving

Our experiences and feelings are “read” by those around us by our eyes, by the tilt of our heads, by our gait, and by the movements of our hands and lips. We receive most of the information about each other using non-verbal, wordless language - the language of facial expressions and gestures. Sometimes it takes us great efforts to control our emotions, to restrain ourselves, to hide them from strangers.

Nonverbal language, like verbal speech, we have been learning since childhood. It has its own laws and rules. Mentally retarded children and children with mental retardation are often distinguished not only by poor vocabulary and undeveloped speech, but also by underdeveloped emotions and inability to express their feelings. As a result, such children are uncommunicative: they do not know how to play, and it is not interesting to communicate with them.

In the practice of correctional pedagogy, there are cases when children are taught to speak through literacy and reading. Yes and emotional sphere a child can be developed through learning the language of movements, through recognizing other people's emotions by their facial expressions. Psychogymnastics serves this task.

So, in kindergarten they use various health-saving technologies, which include a whole range of different exercises, games and hardening activities. Each of these health-saving technologies has its own positive aspects and distinctive features, but they are united by the fact that they are an important means of saving children's health.

Report on the topic “Application of health-saving technologies in the educational process of a preschool institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Stepanenko Olesya Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 2 “Fairy Tale” in the village of Kulunda, Kulundinsky district, Altai Territory. (slide No. 1)
This development is intended for teachers preschool education, primary school teachers, heads of educational institutions, as well as parents who have children of preschool and primary school age.
(Slide No. 2)
With my speech I plan to introduce you to the types of health-saving technologies, methods of their implementation in the educational process; justify the need for their use in a preschool institution.
I consider the topic of my report to be relevant, since the problem of improving the health of preschool children is particularly acute in our time.
Health-saving technologies in kindergarten is a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed not only at protecting children, but also at developing in them a value-based and conscious attitude towards their health.
Increased attention to preschool children is due to the fact that the incidence increases from year to year. This happens despite all the achievements of modern medicine. At the same time, many kindergarten students suffer from chronic diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and they have problems with posture.
The preschool educational institution has large potential opportunities to develop a health-saving culture and healthy lifestyle skills in children. This is due to the systematic nature of preschool education, the possibility of stage-by-stage implementation of assigned tasks, taking into account age and psychological capabilities children.
(Slide No. 3)
In the educational process, health-saving technologies are aimed at:
1) stimulation and preservation of health;
2) teaching healthy and the right image life;
3) correction of the condition of children.
In my speech I want to talk about health-saving technologies used in our kindergarten.

I. Direction - technologies aimed at preserving and promoting the health of children.
(Slide No. 4)
1. Finger gymnastics.
Conducted to develop fine motor skills and for children's entertainment,
stimulates the development of fingers. Their regular use in the garden and at home also contributes to the development of a child’s memory, thinking, attention, and speech.
(Slide No. 5)
2. Gymnastics for the eyes.
Necessary for maintaining vision. We use eye exercises to prevent visual impairment, they relieve visual tension and strengthen the eye muscles. You can blink, ask to close your eyes, open your eyes wide and look into the distance. It is also interesting for children to follow the finger, which is either approaching the nose or moving away from it. Such health-saving technologies are used constantly in working with children.
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3. Breathing exercises.
It is very important to pay attention to proper breathing. It is important that children breathe not shallowly, but deeply.
The “train” exercise is well suited for breathing exercises. When walking, you need to make movements with your hands, depicting the ride of a train and at the same time pronounce words. It is also good to bend to the sides while inhaling and exhaling. The “clock” exercise is also popular in our garden: children stand up straight and begin to wave their arms back and forth, while saying “tick-tock.”
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4. Dynamic pauses during class (physical education).
They entertain children, create an atmosphere favorable for learning, provide elements of relaxation, and relieve nervous tension from overload. They are also able to unobtrusively correct emotional problems in the child’s behavior, prevent psychological disorders, and promote overall health.
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5. Outdoor games.
In kindergarten, outdoor games have great importance. Children satisfy their need for movement, communication with each other, and at the same time receive the information necessary for development. Precisely because this type of activity is an important part of the education process, every parent should know what kind of outdoor games are interesting to preschoolers. After all, this will help to use them at home.
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6. Round dance games.
Round dance games have been loved in Rus' since ancient times. Not a single holiday would be complete without them. They develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music, help improve motor skills, attract children to each other, and liberate them.

II. The direction of technology is teaching a healthy and proper lifestyle.
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7. Morning exercises.
Regular (daily) morning exercises (naturally, under the guidance of adults) gradually accustom the child to physical exercises and connect them with positive emotions, pleasant muscle sensations that only cause cheerfulness. Daily physical exercise helps children develop the habit of systematic morning exercises and the manifestation of volitional efforts.
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8. Invigorating gymnastics.
As a set of measures aimed at teaching a healthy lifestyle. These are exercises performed by children after a nap. You can perform these exercises on beds. This includes self-massage, walks on ribbed boards, stones, jogs from the bedroom to the playroom, which support not a big difference temperatures After such exercises, extensive washing with cool water is carried out. Such invigorating procedures allow the child’s body to quickly get into the working rhythm and improve his health.
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9.Physical education classes.
The main task physical education classes is the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities.
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10. Physical education holidays- competitions, relay races.
Sports holidays have a significant impact on normal height child, on the development of all organs and tissues. And if sporting events are held outdoors, they strengthen the body. Relay races and outdoor games contribute to the development of positive qualities: independence and self-control, attention and skill, resourcefulness, courage, endurance.

III. Direction - corrective health-saving technologies: massages, therapies.
(Slide No. 14)
1 Massage and self-massage.
The main purpose of massage is to relieve nervous tension, general relaxation, and improve the functioning of internal organs and vital systems. These are exercises such as:
riding one walnut, a ball or bump between the palms,
rolling a ribbed pencil,
imitation of rolling a kolobok, sticks, as in modeling,
squeezing rubber toys of different densities, etc.
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2. Articular massage.
Ear massage - articular - is used from a very early age. It helps develop all body systems, improves intellectual abilities. Activates the work of all organs and systems of the body without exception. We use it daily.
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3. Music therapy.
Music therapy as the holistic use of music as the main and leading factor influencing the development of a child includes such areas as vocal therapy (singing, music therapy in movements), dancing, musical-rhythmic games, playing music on musical instruments.
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4. Fairytale therapy.
Fairy tale therapy or “fairy tale treatment” is a new young trend in applied psychology, which is used by psychologists and teachers. The essence of fairy tale therapy is that a child or an adult composes a fairy tale that reflects the difficulties that the child has encountered, and then together they find ways to solve them.
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5. Isotherapy.
As an independent method of art therapy, isotherapy relieves stress on the nervous system, stimulates the development of motor skills, and calms the psyche. This method is one of the best ways to find out about the internal state of the child. In isotherapy, various materials are used: pencils, paints, plasticine, colored paper.
(Slide No. 19)
6. Logorhythmics.
Together with musical director Logorhythmic exercises are carried out. Perform movements with speech accompaniment. As a result, the child's speech improves.
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7. Articulation gymnastics.
According to the recommendations of a speech therapist, during speech development and literacy classes, I conduct articulatory gymnastics to form the correct pronunciation of sounds.
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8. Art therapy.
“Art therapy is one of the areas of modern psychotherapy, in which the main means of achieving positive psychological changes is creativity. Art therapy usually involves such types of creativity as drawing, creating collages, sculpting, creating sand sculptures, and appliqué.”
(Slide No. 22)
Thus, each of the technologies considered, used in combination in our garden, has a health-improving focus, and the health-saving activities used ultimately form the child’s habit of a healthy lifestyle. Physical development indicators improve, emotional state children, there are favorable dynamics in the health of preschool children, and the level of general physical fitness of children increases. This is very well observed and analyzed during the child’s five-year stay in kindergarten.
(Slide No. 23)

The article about health-saving technologies is intended for educators, as well as other kindergarten employees who use them in the educational process. This article describes the types of health-saving technologies, their relevance, as well as how they can be introduced into educational and educational process at the preschool educational institution.

Purpose of the article: reveal the meaning of the need to introduce health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions and describe the mechanisms for implementing this activity.

Human health will always be hot topic. It cannot be controlled with medication. There are more effective remedy- movement. Physical exercise should certainly be included in the lifestyle of every person who thinks about maintaining efficiency, health and a full life throughout his life.

Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundations of mental and physical health of children. It is during these years that organs are intensively formed and the functional systems of the body develop. IN last years A steady downward trend in the level of health of preschool children has been noticed; more and more children are showing impaired speech and mental development. All this makes it necessary to search for mechanisms that would help change the situation.

The main task of kindergarten teachers is to prepare the preschooler for the future. independent life by giving him the necessary conditions to obtain and consolidate sustainable skills, abilities, knowledge, instilling in him the necessary habits. But can every teacher or just an adult be indifferent to the unfavorable state of health of their students, to its noticeable deterioration? One of the answers is the demand for health-saving technologies among teachers.

Health-saving technologies are:

  • an organized set of techniques, programs, methods of organizing the educational process that does not cause harm to the health of children;
  • qualitative characteristics of educational technologies based on the criterion of their effect on the health of participants in the educational process;
  • technological base of health-saving pedagogy.

The goal of health-saving technology is to provide every preschooler with a high level of health, giving him the necessary skills, knowledge, and skills that are needed for a healthy lifestyle, establishing in him a culture of health.

This goal is achieved by solving many problems by the teacher in the course of his activities. Educators teach children a culture of health, how to take care of their bodies, i.e. reasonable attitude towards personal health, safe behavior.

Objectives of health-saving technologies:

  1. Combine the efforts of parents and teaching staff for the effective organization of physical education and health work, the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet;
  2. To train students in safe behavior in emergency situations in the city and in natural conditions;
  3. To ensure continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school through physical education and recreational work.

Health-saving technologies are generally divided into 4 groups:

I. Technologies for preserving and stimulating the health of preschool children.

  • Dynamic pauses (physical training sessions, including finger exercises, breathing exercises, eye exercises and articulation exercises);
  • Sports and outdoor games;
  • Exercise equipment, contrast track.

II. Healthy lifestyle training technologies.

  • Physical education classes;
  • Gymnastics after sleep;
  • Acupressure;
  • Pool;
  • Sports events, entertainment;
  • Media (situational small games - imitative role-playing simulation game);
  • Health Day.

III. Technologies of musical influence.

  • Music therapy;
  • Fairytale therapy.

IV. Behavior correction technology.

A teacher who feels like a guardian of children’s health, who fosters a culture of health for children and their parents, must himself be healthy, have valeological knowledge, not overworked, and be able to objectively assess his own shortcomings and advantages associated with the profession. He must make a plan for self-correction and begin to implement it.

To realize the enriched physical development and the improvement of children's health in preschool educational institutions, non-traditional methods are used.

Each group should have a “Health Corner”. It should contain traditional aids (massagers, massage mats, sports equipment), as well as non-standard equipment handmade:

  • "Dry aquarium" It helps relieve tension and fatigue, relaxes the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  • Cork mat. Walking on such a mat gives a massage to your feet.
  • Pinwheels, plumes. Necessary for the development of speech breathing, to train the functioning of the lungs, to increase their volume.
  • Massagers, including homemade ones. It is known that there are many points on the palms of the hands, by massaging which you can influence different points body.
  • Rugs and ropes with knots. Needed for foot massage, which helps develop coordination of movements.

Health-improving gymnastics should be done daily after sleep, barefoot to music.

The group’s health regimens should include a range of medical and restorative techniques:

  • gymnastics for the eyes (relieves static tension in the eye muscles, improves blood circulation);
  • facial warm-ups;
  • finger gymnastics (impacts on the development of fine motor skills, stimulates the development of speech, attention, spatial thinking, helps develop reaction speed);
  • breathing exercises (strengthens and develops the chest);
  • acupressure;
  • exercises and games for the correction and prevention of posture and flat feet.

Health-saving activities result in the child’s motivation for a healthy lifestyle and full development.

Realization of set goals in practice

Dynamic pauses. Organizes and conducts the teacher during classes, 2-5 minutes. This includes elements of breathing exercises and eye exercises. Correct breathing helps to avoid sinusitis, asthma, neuroses, relieves runny nose, headaches, colds, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep, helps to quickly restore performance after physical and mental fatigue.

In order for breathing to be complete, the following rules must be observed:

  • You need to breathe only through your nose, rhythmically and evenly;
  • Try to fill your lungs with air as much as possible when inhaling, and exhale as much as possible when exhaling;
  • Classes should be stopped if the slightest discomfort occurs;
  • Breathing exercises should take place in a well-ventilated area, in a friendly environment;
  • Students should master the set of exercises gradually. Every week one exercise is added.

Systematic physical training helps to improve your psycho-emotional state and changes your attitude towards yourself and your health for the better.

Physical education sessions can be conducted by one of the children.

Outdoor and sports games. They should be conducted by teachers or the head of physical education. Used as a physical activity in the gym, in game room or on a walk.

Relaxation. Conducted by the head of physical education, psychologist or teachers in any suitable room. Suitable for everyone age groups. Recommended use during calm relaxation classical music(Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, sounds of nature).

Finger gymnastics. Recommended for younger children with a subgroup or individually. A speech therapist or teacher conducts gymnastics. It is useful for absolutely all children, but is especially necessary for those who have problems with speech development. Such gymnastics can be performed at any time, including during classes.

Gymnastics for the eyes. Should be carried out daily, for 3-5 minutes, at any time free time, in class. Relieves visual strain.

Breathing exercises. Implemented in various forms physical education and health work, during physical education sessions, during classes, and also after sleep - during general gymnastics.

Invigorating gymnastics. Organized and carried out daily after nap, 5-10 minutes. Free form of exercise: extensive washing, exercises on beds; walking on relief planks. Conducted by a teacher.

Orthopedic and corrective gymnastics. Held in different forms physical education and health work. Conducted by a physical education worker or teacher.

Physical education classes. Should take place in a well-ventilated area, 2-3 times a week, in the gym. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. It should be carried out by the head of physical education or teachers.

Problem-game situations. Organized in your free time, possibly in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed; classes are held depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized even unnoticed by the children; the teacher is involved in the play activity.

Purposeful formation of the elementary foundations of mental self-regulation in 5-year-old children can be achieved through role-playing games, outdoor games and physical education sessions.

Communicative games “Knowing myself” E.V. Kharlmapova and M.V. Karepanova. Once a week for 30 minutes, starting with older people. This includes sketches, conversations and games different levels mobility, drawing classes, which contribute to the rapid adaptation of children in a team. Conducted by a psychologist.

Classes from the "Health" series for children and parents as cognitive development. Once a week for 30 minutes. Conducted in the afternoon, starting with older people. Organized and conducted by educators.

Self-massage. It is carried out in various forms of physical education and health work, or during physical education sessions for the purpose of preventing colds.

Psycho-gymnastics. Conducted by a psychologist. Once a week, starting from older age, 25-30 minutes.

Fairy tale influence technology. A fairy tale is a mirror that reflects the real world through the prism of personal perception. It can contain everything that cannot be in life. In fairy tale therapy classes with children, you can create verbal images. By remembering old images and inventing new ones, children expand their figurative repertoire, inner world the child becomes richer. This is a real chance to understand and accept yourself and the world, change in the right direction and increase self-esteem.

Since there are positive and negative feelings, children have both joyful and frightening images. One of the most important goals of classes is to transform negative images into positive ones. So that the child’s world becomes beautiful and joyful. A calm state of the nervous system gives the child health.

A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, when the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

Music influence technologies. They are implemented in various forms of physical education and health activities. Used to relieve tension, increase emotional mood etc. Classes can be conducted by a teacher and music director.

Additionally, hardening methods are used:

  • Washing with water after a nap;
  • Rinsing the mouth and gargling with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, calendula), which have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane respiratory tract, or a solution sea ​​salt. Should be carried out every day after lunch, for 2 weeks alternately;
  • Walking barefoot along with air baths can be carried out on physical education classes and after a nap.

A healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, personal hygiene, balanced diet, healthy psychological climate in the family, school, kindergarten, Attentive attitude to personal health, absence of bad habits.

Health-saving technologies that are used in working with parents

  • Consultations with parents, conversations, recommendations on disease prevention, the benefits of additional walks and activities in sports sections, regarding personal hygiene;
  • All these questions can also be answered at parent meetings;
  • Design of moving folders;
  • Personal example of a teacher;
  • Non-traditional forms of working with parents, practical demonstrations;
  • Questionnaire;
  • Joint events: health days, sports festivals;
  • Booklets, instructions from the series “Finger gymnastics”, “How to properly harden a child?”;
  • Open days;
  • Training parents in methods of children's health (workshops, trainings);
  • Publication of a preschool educational institution newspaper, etc.

Creating conditions for health-saving education of preschool children implies:

  • Organizing children's activities in a playful way;
  • Organization of cultural creativity for preschool children;
  • Construction of the pedagogical process in the image of a cultural model;
  • Supplying children's activities with toys, equipment, games, and aids.

All this work must be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day. Both pedagogical and medical workers should participate in this work: educational psychologist, speech therapist, educator, physical education instructor, music director.

Parents are the main educators of the child. The child’s mood and psychological comfort depend on how the child’s daily routine is organized and how much attention the parents pay to the child’s health. The healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in kindergarten, can either be supported daily at home and consolidated, or not find support, then the information received by the child will be painful and unnecessary for him.

So, taking care of your health is one of the most important tasks each person. Health, among all the blessings on Earth, is the most valuable gift that cannot be replaced by anything, but people do not care about it as much as necessary. It is important to understand that caring for children’s health today is the full-fledged labor potential of our entire country in the near future.

Teachers, doctors, parents, everyone wants our children to study well, become stronger every year, grow up and become great life people who are not just knowledgeable, but also healthy. After all, health is a priceless gift!


  1. Voloshina L. Organization of health-saving space // Preschool education. -2004.-N1.-P.114-117.
  2. Ternovskaya S.A., Teplyakova L.A. Creating a health-saving educational environment in a preschool educational institution // Methodist. -2005.-N4.-P.61-65.
  3. New health-saving technologies in education and upbringing of children. S. Chubarova, G. Kozlovskaya, V. Eremeeva // Personality development. -N2.-P.171-187.

“Types of health-saving pedagogical technologies

and the possibilities of their use in preschool educational institutions"

(consultation for parents)

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the health of children. Grow healthy child- this is the most important thing that kindergarten employees need to do. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

Conversions to pedagogical space and society that have occurred in our country recently imply a number of changes in the field of preschool education. According to scientists, the health dynamics of the younger generation over the past 10-15 years has been characterized by very unfavorable trends. Therefore, the issue of maintaining and strengthening health in children's organizations always remains one of the main ones.

Educational organizations and teachers working in them must ensure the availability of quality education in conditions that guarantee the psychological and physical safety of students, which requires high requirements to the competence and professionalism of preschool teachers in matters of health care.

More recently, these terms appeared in our lives -"health-forming educational technologies» (ZOT) And “health-saving technologies” (HS), but have already taken a fairly strong place in our speech and literature. So what is “health-saving technology”? Many authors interpret the definition of this term differently.

IN " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova: “to save is not to spend, not to spend in vain, without necessity,” therefore, “health-saving technologies” are technologies aimed at preserving health at this stage.

Kindergarten and family are two main social structures that mainly determine the level of health of the child. Modern parents need to develop and maintain an interest in the health of both themselves and their child. Modern moms and fathers should not act as passive “spectators” of the educational process of children in matters of maintaining and promoting health, but as active participants.

The guiding principle of such technologies– accounting personal characteristics the child, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children’s interests and preferences in the content and types of activities during upbringing and training.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education:

Medical and preventive;

Sports and recreation;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

Health conservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

Valueological education of parents.

Medical and preventive technologiesin preschool education technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel Preschool educational institutions in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies. These include the following technologies: organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children and developing recommendations for optimizing children's health; organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age, physical development of preschool children, hardening; organization of preventive measures in kindergarten; organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements; organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Physical education and health technologiesin preschool education – technologies aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child: the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers, hardening, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, wellness treatments in an aquatic environment (swimming pool) and on simulators, developing habits for everyday physical activity and health care, etc. The implementation of these technologies is usually carried out by specialists in physical education And preschool teachers in the conditions of specially organized forms of health-improving work. Certain techniques of these technologies are widely used by preschool teachers in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: in classes and outings, during restricted periods and during free activity children, during pedagogical interaction adult with child, etc.

Technologies for the socio-psychological well-being of a child– technologies that ensure the mental and social health of a preschool child. The main task of these technologies is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family, ensuring the social and emotional well-being of the preschooler. The implementation of these technologies is carried out by a psychologist through special organized meetings with children, as well as teachers and preschool education specialists in the current pedagogical process DOW. This type of technology includes technologies for psychological and psychological-pedagogical support of child development in pedagogical DOW process.

Technologies for health conservation and health enrichmentpreschool teachers – technologies aimed at developing the health culture of kindergarten teachers, including culture professional health, development of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving educational technologiesin kindergarten - these are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschoolers. The purpose of these technologies is to develop a child’s conscious attitude towards health and human life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it, acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to provision of basic medical and psychological self-help and assistance.

Technologies for valeological education of parents– these are technologies aimed at ensuring the valeological education of parents pupils of preschool educational institutions, their acquisition of valeological competence. Valueological education of parents should be considered as a continuous process of valueological education of all family members.

IN DOW more often In total, health-saving technologies are used according to the following directions.




Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Corrective technologies


Dynamic pauses

Outdoor and sports games


Gymnastics (corrective, orthopedic finger exercises, for the eyes, breathing, etc.

Physical education classes

Problem-based gaming: game training, game therapy

Communication games

Series of lessons “Health Lessons”

Acupressure self-massage

Music influence technologies

Art therapy

Fairy tale therapy

Color influence technologies


Phonetic rhythm

Using health-saving technologies in your daily routine:

Morning exercises:

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

General developmental exercises;

Dance exercises;

Using exercise elements from various health systems: aerobics, shaping, etc.

Before classes:

Acupressure massage, anti-stress massage, intellectual massage.

Physical education minutes in class:

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics.

Morning walk:

Breathing exercises, including muscle exercises;

Healthy walking, running.

Before bedtime:

Relaxation, self-regulation.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics;

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

Walking using non-standard physical education equipment (prevention of flat feet, correction (prevention) of posture, scoliosis).

Before dinner:

Massage for the prevention of colds;

Physical education classes – 2 times a week;

Rhythmic gymnastics – once a week.

Tempering breath. This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of the complex game exercises with a nose. Recommended for younger children, but can also be used with older children. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

- “Find and show your nose”;

- “Help your nose get ready for a walk” (cleaning your nose with a napkin or handkerchief).

- “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose.

- “The nose is playing around” - inhale through the nose with resistance.

- “The nose is sniffing nice smell"- 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils alternately.

- “The nose sings a song” - tap while exhaling index finger along the wings of the nose and pronounce “ba - bo - bu.”

- “Let's warm up the nose” - massage the nose with the index fingers.

Hand massage. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Ear massage. This type of hardening is based on stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds. Is accessible to children of all ages. It is recommended to do it in a playful way 2-3 times a day.

- “We’ll find and show you the ears”;

- “Flapping his ears”;

- “Let’s pull the ears” - pulling the earlobes;

- “Let’s twist the trestle”;

- “Let’s rub our ears.”

Tempering massage of the soles. This type of massage is recommended for children of middle and older preschool age. It is based on stimulation of active points located on the soles of the feet. Foot massage is done daily.

The future of modern society depends on how healthy our children are. It is in childhood that the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

It has been proven that a system of preventive measures to promote the health of the younger generation can only be effective if it covers all aspects of a child’s life and is implemented consistently throughout the entire period of childhood. Therefore, the problem of forming a culture of health in preschoolers in a system of an integrated approach becomes urgent: including work on protecting, strengthening and creating a culture of health in all educational areas, with the involvement of parents in this topic.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that health-saving technology is complete system educational and health-improving, corrective and preventive measures aimed at educating personal qualities, promoting the formation of a conscious and valuable attitude towards one’s health, its preservation and strengthening, the effectiveness of which depends on the productive interaction of the child, his parents, teachers and medical workers


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  2. Sokratov N.V. Modern technologies preserving and strengthening children's health. –M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005.
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  4. Kuznetsova M.N. A system of comprehensive measures to improve the health of children in preschool educational institutions. M.: ARKTI, 2002 – 64 p.
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