How to remove eyebrow dye from skin. How to wash off eyebrow dye

Bright and expressive eyebrows can not only beautify the face, but also completely change the appearance. One way to avoid daily procedure giving the eyebrows the desired color and shape, is the coloring of the eyebrows permanent funds. However, before starting this event, it is useful to learn how to wash off the dye from the eyebrows if the result does not meet your expectations.

How to get rid of the consequences of unsuccessful painting

The method of removing the coloring matter depends on its chemical composition. Getting rid of the effects of natural dyes is easier and faster than professional products. But if you prefer professional cosmetics, then make sure that the paint is intended specifically for eyebrows, not hair, as they have a different composition and concentration.

the most logical and in a simple way to insure before painting the eyebrows, is the purchase specialized tool to remove the coloring matter or lighten the tone. This product can be purchased at a beauty salon or store. Sometimes famous brands complete with a set of eyebrow paint and a means for its removal. The disadvantages of this method include its relative high cost and the aggressiveness of the impact on the hair and skin.

In fairness, it should be noted that it is rare for any of the fair sex to purchase a ready-made professional drug in advance. Therefore, let's figure out how to wash off eyebrow paint at home.

The most popular ways

To the main ways to get rid of the dye on the eyebrows and skin available means, relate:

  1. Three percent hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite tablets with a lightening effect. It is necessary to apply peroxide or gruel from crushed tablets mixed with water on a cotton swab or stick and wipe the eyebrows and painted areas of the skin. The procedure must be repeated until the desired result is obtained, and then lubricate the treated surface with any vegetable oil or nourishing cream. A similar effect has the "Lokon" tool used for perm hair, which, however, is more difficult to find at home if you do not have artificial curls.
  2. Citric acid or ordinary lemon juice, which, judging by the reviews, have the most pronounced effect. They should also be gently applied to the eyebrows and adjacent skin and left for 10-20 minutes, then rinse and check the result. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Don't be afraid possible feeling burning during manipulation. After washing cold water it must pass.
  3. salicylic acid, alcohol, ammonia or any alcohol solution or lotion can also partially dissolve the dye and lighten the color. It is important to avoid getting these funds into the eyes, which, however, is also true for all other described methods. Because alcohol base has a pronounced drying effect, after the procedure, attention should be paid to moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
  4. Shampoo mixed with baking soda, which is recommended to be applied for 20-30 minutes with the regularity necessary to obtain the desired effect.
  5. The usual vegetable oil available in every home. You can use any kind of it, but a special effect is noted from olive and castor oil. The result will not be instantaneous, but it is not only the safest, but also useful way nourishing your skin and hairline faces. Oil should be applied to the painted areas as often as possible throughout the day. To enhance the impact, the face can be pre-steamed or the desired surface treated with a scrub. It is not recommended to use this method at night, as it can cause puffiness on the face and bags under the eyes.
  6. Laundry soap, which you need to rub your eyebrows. effect from this method will also appear not quickly, but within two days, provided that it regular use. However, if you used natural dyes, for example, basma and henna, the result will become noticeable much faster.
  7. Peeling professional cosmetics or, prepared independently, from medium-sized table salt and baby soap foam. Rub into the eyebrow area with gentle movements and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat several times.
  8. A decoction of chamomile, kefir or a mixture of aloe juice, vegetable oil and parsley, which should be used to wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them.
  9. Dishwashing liquid or liquid form stain remover, oddly enough, can also help in the elimination of the consequences unsuccessful painting eyebrows.

For more quick effect you can combine components or methods, for example, kefir with lemon juice or chamomile with hydrogen peroxide.

It doesn’t matter if you dyed your eyebrows on your own, in a salon or with the help of a girlfriend - oversights can happen to everyone. Poor or too bright pigment, a sloppy line or eyebrows that are too wide instead of the usual bend ... before wringing your hands and spending the evening sobbing, assess the situation sober look. Maybe it's not all that scary?

If you dye your eyebrows with henna or paint, then the situation is quite fixable. Wash it away permanent tattoo simply impossible, for such a correction you will have to turn to specialists for laser removal pigment. You need to go through several procedures, the cost of each of which will be about 1,000 rubles.

When coloring eyebrows in the salon, the following options are possible:

  • The color turned out to be uneven (the master will repeat the procedure to even out the tone).
  • The color turned out to be more intense than you expected.
  • The paint was simply overexposed and it was strongly eaten into the skin.
  • The shape or width of the eyebrows is different from what you are used to, or frankly asymmetrical, does not suit your face.

In general, the color of eyebrow hairs when dyeing is recommended to be made a little lighter than your hair. Saturated color will put emphasis on the eyebrows and seem unnatural. Especially attentive to the choice of shade should be blondes and red-haired girls. There are not so many people who suit jet-black eyebrows.

Usually, 2-3 days after staining, the color becomes softer and more familiar, there is no need to additionally wash it off. Most often, it is not the color of the hairs that irritates, but the paint that has got on the skin.

If the staining took place in the salon, then the master will remove the excess pigment (the main thing is to tell him what exactly you do not like as a result), this is your right, do not neglect it! And if you did the coloring yourself at home, then see the tips below ...

The choice of "wash"

What means exist to remove excess pigment from the skin? Not so little!

Special products for beauty salons You can find them in specialized stores.

The peculiarity is that they are not only effective, but also very active, they may not be suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, cause severe redness after active reagents (“Curl”, color remover (color wash)).

Drugs sold in pharmacy chains(hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, alcohol compounds, vegetable oils - castor, burdock, etc.).

An unexpected discovery can be well-known products that can be found on a shelf in the bathroom, in the kitchen.

Often the most simple means- oily face cream, cream with AHA-acids (fruit), makeup remover, micellar lotion, cosmetic oil. But if they did not help out or gave a weak effect, then more significant drugs will have to be connected to lightening the skin.

How to wash off?

The flushing technique is as follows:

  • wet a cotton swab the right tool,
  • gently blot with soft movements, slightly pressing on the applicator, the correction zone.

Traces of paint become less noticeable and annoying. Do not make wide movements so as not to smear the pigment and do not press hard, otherwise you will injure the skin.

After color correcting, use a facial moisturizer to help your skin recover.

No need to repeat!

And there are also TOP funds that often appear on the forums under the heading “How to wash off the paint from the eyebrows?”. However, using them is a reckless and dangerous step: you can get serious allergic reaction on the skin and even eye irritation, if carelessly gets on the mucous membrane and cornea.

What won't fit

Never use to correct the eyebrow line:

Often there is advice - to rub the skin well with a sponge with soap. It is logical: the paint has eaten into the top layer of the skin, if it comes off, then the pigment will be washed off. But before staining, it is recommended to do or scrub the area to exfoliate the skin. It turns out that the epidermis will be thin. After prolonged exposure, the eyebrows and skin can peel off, turn very red, and the paint will be completely washed off the hairs. Well, the alkaline composition for the pH of the face will not be useful;

  • Acetone, chemicals for cleaning glass, mirrors, machine chemicals - they can not only discolor the skin, but also burn, leave bald spots instead of eyebrows.
  • Dishwashing liquid - the usual "anti-fats" can get into the eyes and cause allergies.
  • Soda - promotes scrubbing of the skin, greatly dries it, does not suit sensitive and dry skin.

If the desire to take risks and save is great, then you will have to mask the red skin, and this is much more difficult.

How to wash off the paint at home?

  • Sour-milk products (sour cream or kefir).

In the first 20-30 minutes, they can save the situation: they completely wash off the tone from the hairs and skin. To do this, you can apply a mask of sour cream in a thin layer for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water. The mask can be done on the whole face - it moisturizes the skin well.

  • Chamomile decoctions.

It will help to reduce the intensity of color and relieve skin inflammation. You can make a strong decoction, wet cotton swabs or discs and place them on brow line leaving for 20-30 minutes. Or you can make a decoction from a pair of filter bags and use them for application on the eyebrows.

Although they show results, cosmetologists do not recommend them: perhaps severe irritation skin.

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is more effective but must be handled with care.

Face scrubs (take soft and delicate ones, they are more gentle), as well as anti-dandruff shampoos, exfoliating washing gels, contribute to the natural washing off of the pigment. Lather the product with gentle massaging movements (a minute is enough), and then rinse. Repeat the procedure several times during the day.

Means room temperature can be applied to brow ridges and even left on long time, blot the remains with a napkin or a light alcohol lotion(you can replace it with your regular lotion or micellar water). You can use olive, sunflower, linseed, castor, burdock - there are a lot of options.

  • About cosmetics.

Makeup artists hide an unfortunate eyebrow tone by powdering or applying a lighter shade of foundation to the problem area. At the same time, a slightly darker shade is applied to the rest of the face to level the sharp border.


No one is safe from annoying oversights, so don't count bright color terrible tragedy. And before painting, take seriously the choice of paint or master:

  • Do an elbow bend test.
  • Do not use old, expired paint, products with a changed and unpleasant odor.
  • Study examples of the master's work, his own eyebrow line - do you trust his taste?
  • If you have special wishes (in terms of shape, asymmetry of the eyebrows), do not be too lazy to take a photo where you like the eyebrows as much as possible.
  • You can first ask to “outline” future eyebrows in order to evaluate the shape that the master wants to make.

The main thing is to carry out the procedure in comfortable conditions, without being distracted by extraneous matters, carefully apply paint and immediately remove what has gone beyond the borders of the eyebrows.

Check the time on the timer! It is better to underdo than to leave too long.

According to many reviews of girls, it is clear that saturated shade fades over time. Therefore, if the color and shape as a whole do not differ much from the ideal, it is not always necessary to take radical measures. remember, that frequent staining makes hair thin and even lighter! Try to give your brows a chance to recover by using light oil formulations. Let your new image only makes you happy!

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The desire to look attractive and irresistible makes lovely ladies use popular cosmetic services and conduct various experiments. One of the ways to give irresistibility and brightness appearance, is the coloring of the eyebrows. If the coloring procedure is performed by a professional, then the result is amazing - the eyebrows become smoothly curved, acquire brightness and saturation. But it also happens that after coloring the result is not at all what was expected to be - the eyebrows are either too bright, or the color scheme does not match the skin tone. It also happens that, together with the hairs, the skin is stained. It is when such defects appear that it is important to know how to wash off the paint from the eyebrows and skin.

Professional Troubleshooting

Modern cosmetics manufacturers have thought not only about creating products that help women look attractive and unique, but also took into account the fact that the use of such products can result in certain troubles. In almost any cosmetic store or even in a beauty salon, you can buy special preparations that help remove fresh dye from the eyebrows. Unfortunately, such products are much more expensive than coloring compounds.

Modern makeup artists offer a number of ways that can quickly remove excess dye from the eyebrows.

Peels and scrubs

The main effect of any means for removing excess coloring pigment from the eyebrows is the removal of the upper skin layer, as well as dead particles, with the help of which the skin acquires freshness and outward youth. When applying the dye to the eyebrows, it is precisely those dead particles that are painted.

Using scrubs or peels, you can effectively get rid of the presence of dead skin tissues, which are colored more intensely than the main skin. It is important to note the factor that the use of these products helps the skin to be better supplied with oxygen, respectively, to look fresher and more attractive.

If these products are used immediately after dyeing the eyebrows, then you can effectively reduce the intensity of the color scheme of the dyed eyebrows. It is also important to remember that if you use cosmetic scrubs or peels after a significant amount of time after staining, then positive result fail to achieve.


You can use ammonia at home, but you must follow safety measures. In no case should the product be allowed to get into the eye area, as well as on the mucous membrane of the mouth, otherwise you can get burned.

The method of application is quite simple: moisten a cotton swab in ammonia, squeeze a little and wipe off excess coloring pigment from the eyebrow area. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

Eyebrow tint removal at home

Products that are always present in the kitchen of any housewife will also help reduce the brightness of the dye. After staining, excess coloring pigment can also be washed off with proven folk remedies.

  • Alcohol-based liquid (rubbing alcohol, cognac, vodka). 10 ml. any alcohol-containing product must be mixed with 10 drops essential oil geraniums. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting composition and wash off the paint from the eyebrows for 3 minutes. It is not worth rubbing the skin strongly, it is best to dip a cotton swab several times in the resulting composition and gently and gently wipe the surface of the hairs with a fresh solution. After that, it is recommended to lubricate the eyebrows with a mild or moisturizing lotion for the skin of the face. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 1 hour.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide 3% -6%. Apply to hair with a cotton swab liquid agent leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse with running water. At the end of the procedure, the skin is covered with a moisturizing cream.

  • Shampoo + soda. Pour soda powder into a small amount of shampoo, wait for a reaction (2 minutes), then apply the mass to the hairs. Leave for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly and gently with running warm water.

  • Toothpaste. Similar to the above method, you can use toothpaste. To remove excess color pigment, toothpaste on the eyebrows should “hold out” for about half an hour. With this tool, you can lighten the color range of hairs by 2 tones.

Tips to help you color your eyebrows yourself:

  • Lemon juice. Squeeze out a small amount of lemon juice. Grate separately lemon peel. Apply zest to the surface of the eyebrows, wait a few minutes, then remove and grease the hairs with lemon juice. A greater effect can be achieved if dipped in lemon juice cotton pads press to the eyebrows, hold certain time and then remove. After the procedure for eliminating defects, the skin is treated with facial milk.

  • Nettle + lemon balm. You can remove excess color pigment with herbal decoction: mix in equal proportions herbs of lemon balm and nettle, pour boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes and leave to steam for 40 minutes. Cotton pad soaked in herbal infusion, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows is wiped until the excess color pigment disappears completely. Chamomile decoction has a similar property.

  • Rice broth. In 150 ml. water boil 50 gr. rice grains, it is necessary to cook until fully cooked. After that, the broth is filtered. Soak a small piece of gauze in rice water and apply to the eyebrows for 10 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese. Mix a small amount of cottage cheese with sour cream, add a couple of tbsp. spoons of flaxseed bran. With the resulting mixture, you can erase excess color pigment if you apply the curd mass to the hairs as a compress for 20 minutes.

  • Household or tar soap. Specified detergents are able to wipe off almost any paint, including coloring compositions for eyebrows. Prepare a thick soapy solution, coat the hairs with it, after the procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

  • Olive or sunflower oil. Heat the oil to a moderately warm temperature, apply to the surface of the hairs, leave for 15 minutes, then wipe the excess oil product with a cotton swab.

Eliminate staining defects from the skin

When staining eyebrow hairs, the shade of the skin can also change. Many manufacturers of eyebrow dyes put a special tube in a box with a dye, the liquid of which can remove paint stains from the skin. A similar cleanser can be purchased at beauty salons or almost any cosmetics store.

An effective means of removing paint from the skin layer can be prepared at home.

  • Salt scrub. Take a small amount of fine salt, drop a couple of drops of warm water into it. The resulting composition is applied to the dyed skin. Rub the skin with gentle massaging movements of the fingers, then rinse with water. After the procedure, the use of a moisturizer is a must.

  • Honey scrub. Soften a small amount of honey in a water bath, apply to the skin layer deformed with paint, massage and rinse with warm water.

  • Coffee scrub. Thicken after boiled ground skin, apply to the skin, leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse thoroughly and gently with running water.
  • Shower gel. Foam the gel with a small amount of water, then gently rinse the stained areas of the skin with the resulting mixture. At the end of the procedure - wash.
  • Salicylic alcohol. Lubricate the stained areas on the skin with a cotton swab dipped in salicylic alcohol.

Makeup Secrets

If it is not possible to remove excess coloring pigment from the eyebrows after painting, then you can use simple, but effective secrets make-up to make the result of staining less intense.

  1. To make the eyebrows less bright and, accordingly, less saturated colors, it is necessary to make them more rare. To do this, you need to pluck a few hairs. The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it.
  2. Give hair light shades possible with the help foundation or powder. AT this issue you should also act wisely and not apply thick layer tone or powder on the eyebrows.

In order not to run into the problem of how to wash off the paint from the eyebrows and the surface of the skin, it is recommended to use the services of only a proven and qualified specialist and perform eyebrow tinting procedures in professional salons beauty.

12916 03/16/2019 6 min.

Some girls have natural eyebrows as drawn by a skilled artist, while others have to tint them. Sometimes you can overdo it with their color, but you should not rush to take drastic measures, you must first wait a bit, perhaps the paint will wash off when washing.

If this does not happen the next day, then you can seek help from a hairdresser or use home removal methods.

Procedure in the salon

Some girls choose the cheapest coloring agent or hair dye, assuming that the brow arches will withstand everything, but you should not do this. Such compositions can significantly spoil the appearance and condition of the eyebrows.

If, when stained, the color turned out to be much darker than expected, then you can approach specialists who can correct the situation by applying several effective means.

special fluid

When coloring eyebrows, you need to choose a professional resistant paint, together with it often comes a special tool designed to remove paint residue.

It must be applied to a cotton swab, and then treated with strongly colored places. Wait a bit and wash off the residue with soapy water. Such a liquid acts immediately.


It is used to fix a perm, it can also be used to straighten curls after it, if the result did not meet expectations. Another property of this tool is the removal of paint from hair and skin.

To use it, you need to squeeze a small amount of the drug onto a cosmetic disk, then gently, without stretching the skin upper eyelid, go through the eyebrows. After just one use of this product, the hair color on the superciliary arches will become two tones lighter.

On the video, how can you wash off the eyebrow paint:

At home

To reduce the intensity of color on the eyebrows, time-tested home products and remedies will help.

Creams and oils

At home, every housewife has vegetable oil, sometimes a family cannot imagine their life without its olive counterpart, these two oil compositions can rid the eyebrows of excess paint, just like any greasy cream. The selected product must be applied to the hairs of the eyebrows, wait a quarter of an hour, and then remove everything with a cotton pad, the remnants of the coloring agent will be visible on it.

If the resulting shade does not suit you, then it can be lightened by repeating this procedure several more times. This is the most gentle way to remove paint, which does not affect the skin.

Lemon juice

it effective remedy to lighten colored hair. You can use not only freshly prepared juice, but also citric acid. In order to wash off the paint, you need to squeeze half a lemon into a ceramic or glass bowl. Then soak two discs in the resulting liquid and attach them to the eyebrows.

Hold for 15 minutes, then remove and rinse your face under running water. This procedure can be carried out several times a day until it works out desired color eyebrows.

When using citric acid, it is diluted in a small amount of water and the procedure is performed in the same way as in the case of using juice. During exposure, a burning sensation may appear, if it is endured, then this is normal.

How it happens is described in detail in this article.

Laundry soap

It will help wash unsuccessful staining, it is effective to apply immediately after detecting a dark color. Soap must be applied several times, the paint will not go away in one wash.

Soda and shampoo

Squeeze out a little soap solution and add a third of a teaspoon to it baking soda, wait until it dissolves, apply on the eyebrows, hold for half an hour and then rinse.

The tool must be applied regularly throughout the day, then you can eliminate the problem with the paint in a day.


She can lighten her eyebrows by a couple of tones. Apply the care product on the eyebrows, wait half an hour, then rinse with warm water, thoroughly washing away the dried residues so as not to get light islands on the eyebrows.

herbal remedies

To remove excess paint, a decoction of chamomile can be used. This is a long bleaching process, but very gentle. Dry inflorescences of this flower should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. Then moisten cotton pads in the resulting broth and apply them to the eyebrows. The procedure should be performed regularly.

You can also use a mixture of vegetable oil, aloe juice and chopped parsley leaves. She needs to wipe her eyebrows and eyelids, this remedy will also serve as an excellent mask for tired skin.

Dishwashing liquid

Every hostess has it. You need to take a clean sponge and drip on it from the bottle. Treat the eyebrows, rinse off the residue and be sure to treat with a tonic, and then apply a cream that soothes the skin.

Instead, you can use a stain remover, their action is identical.

How to wash off the skin

Often dark color give not hairs, but the skin dyed between them. Sometimes during painting, a random drop is absorbed into the skin and forms dark spots. In any case, no matter what the skin is stained with, it needs to be lightened immediately, many home remedies are suitable for this.

Scrubs and peels

When stained, paint affects the color of dead cells; it is not able to color living ones, therefore, to eliminate it with skin you can use purchased peels or self-prepared scrubs.

The latter can be made from fine salt and honey, ground coffee and shower gel. Peelings with pineapple, fruit acids and papaya have proven themselves well. They can not only exfoliate the skin, but also brighten it. One application is enough for the eyebrows to become the desired shade, but they need to be maintained for a long time.

To correct the resulting eyebrow color, a tonic or facial lotion containing a high percentage of alcohol will help. You can also use salicylic acid, ordinary and ammonia. They are able to partially dissolve the coloring agent and lighten the hairs.

When using them, you need to very carefully go around the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye so as not to accidentally get into it. But after using alcohol-containing products, the skin becomes very dry, so be sure to apply a moisturizer after the lightening procedure. It is not recommended to use them often, it is better to limit yourself to one application.

Hydrogen peroxide

A 3% solution of it will help to eliminate paint that has spread from the eyebrows. Everyone has it in the first aid kit, so for such purposes it is used most often. medical drug you need to apply on a cotton swab and process your eyebrows with it.


If there is no time to mess with home remedies, but you can’t get into the salon, they will help cosmetics, with which you can hide too "expressive" eyebrows. For this you can use:

As a radical method, you can use tweezers. With it, you need to thin out the hairs on the eyebrows, and they will visually look not so black, due to the opened skin. But in this case, you must not overdo it, so that later you do not have to constantly use cosmetic pencil and brow shadows until new hairs grow back.

Finally, it is worth warning that you cannot use tools such as gasoline, acetone, various chemicals to care for household appliances and car.

It is better to wait a little while the eyebrows themselves are washed off than to be left without them. It is also impossible to use all of the above means at the same time, you need to pick up one and use it to the end, without switching to another on the same day. Careless handling of flushing compounds can cause skin irritation, after which it will have to be treated.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that self-coloring eyebrows, mistakes happen. No matter how carefully and carefully you apply the product to the hairs, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid getting it on the skin. However, there is nothing irreparable in this, because it is quite simple to wash off the paint from the eyebrows.

There are many resources for such an event. And not some unusual and expensive, but quite simple and affordable.

The main thing to remember is that the sooner you apply the wash, the more satisfactory the result will be.

Special preparations

Those who initially think through all the nuances of the eyebrow painting procedure and options for eliminating possible errors do the right thing. Therefore, it would be a logical decision to buy in advance at a cosmetics store or beauty salon professional tool to remove paint, or a special clarifier that helps to correct the final color of the eyebrows.

An even simpler option is to purchase a good, high-quality set, which, in addition to the paint itself, includes a tool for removing it from the skin. The use of such cosmetics is simple and convenient. If you follow the instructions exactly, the eyebrows get desired shade immediately and do not require additional correction, traces of paint are washed off easily, simply, quickly.

But this method cannot be called the best. Firstly, buying an additional skin dye remover or remover kit will cost 2-3 times more than buying the dye alone. Secondly, the active substances in commercial brighteners and means for removing coloring pigment are mostly artificial, differing aggressive influence on the epidermis.

Incorrect or too frequent use special means paint remover can harm or even cause an allergic reaction.

It is these two factors that make us think about choosing other, more affordable and safer ways to remove traces of paint from the skin after correcting the color of the eyebrows at home. Fortunately, there are many of them. Let's see how you can wash off the eyebrow paint from the skin with maximum efficiency and without ill effects.

home remedies

Traces of paint are easily washed off with any vegetable oil. You can choose from the usual sunflower, corn, olive, linseed, etc.

The tool is not only absolutely safe, but also useful, because the oils saturate the hair follicles with vitamins, nourish and moisturize the skin. To enhance the healing effect, you can prepare a mixture based on the selected vegetable oil (8-10 drops) with chamomile decoction (1 tbsp), aloe juice or fatty kefir (1 tsp).

Application algorithm:

  1. Apply some oil to the sponge.
  2. Gently remove the dye from the eyebrows.
  3. Soak a piece of cotton wool with any alcohol-containing solution (lotion, alcohol).
  4. Wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them.
  5. Moisten the sponge liberally with oil or soak a cotton swab in it.
  6. Gently treat areas of skin stained with paint.

Tip: to make the paint wash off faster, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrubbing compound or steam it before using vegetable oil.

An instant effect will not work - the main drawback this method. The procedure will have to be repeated 3-5 times with a break of 3-4 hours. In addition, it is undesirable to wash off the paint from the delicate skin around the eyebrows with vegetable oil before going to bed, since in the morning you can wake up with a swollen face and noticeable bags under the eyes.

Oil alternatives are oily creams. The product is gently applied to the skin around the eyebrows with a cotton swab, left for 20 minutes, and then removed with a sponge. Then the skin is wiped with lotion or alcohol. The procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 1-2 hours until complete cleansing.

It is known that citrus juice has a pronounced property of clarification. His artificial analogue- citric acid produces the same effect. Therefore, when there is nothing more at hand than you can remove traces of eyebrow paint from the skin or reduce the saturation of the resulting shade of hairs, lemon juice will come in handy.

Important! People allergic to citrus fruits and sensitive skin- This method of removing paint is not recommended.

The order of the procedure:

If the paint is deeply embedded in the skin and it was not possible to get rid of unaesthetic spots at a time, the manipulations must be repeated after 1-1.5 hours. Perform the procedure as many times as necessary to completely lighten the colored areas of the skin. Slight tingling and burning of the skin under the influence of lemon acid is normal. Discomfort and discomfort disappear soon after washing.

Peels and scrubs

Once on the skin, as a result of inaccurate dyeing of the eyebrows, the paint can be easily removed with cosmetic peeling or scrubbing compounds. Particularly good in this peeling based on fruit acids and enzymatic scrubs.

The rules for using such cosmetics in order to remove traces of eyebrow paint are simple. Peeling is applied to problem areas by using cotton swab thin layer, hold for 15-20 minutes, remove with a damp sponge. Scrubs are lightly rubbed into areas of skin stained with dye, left for 10 minutes, then washed off. Manipulations are repeated 2-3 times until the skin is completely cleared of paint.

Advice: home scrub sparing action, you can cook it yourself by mixing salt (cooking, sea) of medium grinding and whipped into foam baby soap to the consistency of a thick slurry. The composition is gently rubbed into the skin near with delicate circular movements, left for 10 minutes and washed off with cool water.

The action of such drugs is based on the ability to cleanse the epidermis from dead, keratinized cells. Together with the exfoliated particles of the epithelium, particles of paint pigment that have penetrated into the upper layer of the epidermis are also removed. Additional advantage the use of scrubs and peels - the effect of rejuvenation, light lifting and skin lightening.

To wash off the paint from the skin and eyebrows at home, many people use the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptic solution has the property of partially dissolving coloring pigment, which achieves light effect clarification.

Tip: instead of a hydrogen peroxide solution, you can use hydroperite tablets (crush, dilute with warm water to a slurry state) or Curl for perming hair.

The order of the procedure:

An alternative way to use hydrogen peroxide is to soak a sponge in the solution and place it on your eyebrows. After 15 minutes, remove, wipe the skin with oil.

To completely cleanse the skin of ingrained paint, the procedure in both the first and second cases will have to be repeated 3-4 times.

And finally. In order not to face the problem of removing the dye that has ingrained into the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the areas adjacent to them with any fatty composition- cream, butter, fat. A thin protective film is formed on the surface of the epidermis, which will prevent the dye from entering the skin. After manipulation, it will be enough to wash off the paint with soapy water, cosmetic milk, micellar water or lotion.
