3 Ways to Look Cute - wikiHow. How to be a well-groomed and beautiful girl: step-by-step steps

How to look attractive? This question interests every woman. And it is not necessary to have expensive clothes, cosmetics or jewelry. Believe me, money is not the main thing. There are simple and available ways look attractive. For example, smile correct speech, benevolent look 🙂 Here are some useful tips shared.

According to Coco Chanel, ugly women No, there are lazy people. Our parents, in difficult times, made cosmetics themselves and various means for skin care. No life's difficulties can be an excuse for unkempt woman. No money for expensive cosmetics - we use folk remedies and gifts of nature. Fruits, vegetables, ice, massage, gymnastics... If desired, it is available to everyone.

Clothing and appearance

Inaccuracy and untidiness are immediately reflected in the appearance: dirty clothes, unwashed and unstyled hair, threads sticking out of the jumper. A person with good external data, but slovenly dressed evokes feelings of disgust.

Well-groomed appearance does not require large financial investments and allows look attractive. It is necessary that the hair be clean, neatly styled, the skin should be clean and healthy look. Trimmed and clean nails are a perfect substitute for an expensive manicure. You should make it a rule to ensure that there are no chips of varnish on the nails, to tint the hair roots in time. All this allows you to look attractive.

Skin and hair care

Home remedies will also be very helpful. Very easy to prepare frozen herbal decoction- wipe your face in the morning with a piece of ice like this. You can use calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, succession, sage. But when choosing grass, pay attention to the type of your own skin.

Useful masks from vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, fermented milk products, which will make the skin elastic, velvety and it will look attractive. If you add a little to the water for rinsing your hair lemon juice your hair will get a healthy shine.

Physical exercise

Not the last role is played by healthy lifestyle life. This is, first of all, healthy eating . And you don't have to go on expensive diets. Carrots, cabbage, apples, beets, dairy products will help to look attractive.

Walk more on fresh air. This will ensure a healthy complexion and good physical form. For a slender figure, it is worth visiting the gym several times a week, study at home with dumbbells, or at least perform simple set of exercises on a group of muscles of the abdomen, back, arms and legs.

But really easy and beautiful gait will only correct posture. For training at home, you can walk around the rooms with a book on your head. This is a very effective and simple exercise.

Knowing of limits. How to dress with style?

The price of things is not the main thing. Much more important know how to match clothes between themselves. There must be desire and imagination. Gloves, jewelry, bags, scarves will help diversify your image.

Indeed, it can be argued that there are no women who do not want to look attractive. Everyone wants to be irresistibly beautiful and unique. Each woman is attractive in her own way, sometimes it is only necessary to emphasize these advantages a little. It refers to appearance girls and how she knows how to behave in society. Exist helpful tips women, following which anyone will feel beautiful and attractive.

It is necessary to pay special attention to personal hygiene. It is clear that it is pleasant to look at a girl who has a clean smooth skin, white healthy teeth, fashionable haircut and light makeup. It is important to learn to respect yourself, and only then can you expect the same reaction from others.

Clothing should be appropriate for the environment, and also not be vulgar and defiant. Otherwise, you can find yourself in an awkward position and at the same time look simply ridiculous. It is worth reviewing your wardrobe and removing from it things that you no longer need in your opinion.

To maintain a figure in good condition, you need to devote some time to playing sports. AT last resort, at least set a minimum of exercises for yourself, and try to perform them regularly.

It is also necessary to know how to properly behave in different situations. Also be interesting interlocutor. To do this, you need to be able to properly maintain a conversation, regardless of the topic. If you feel like you can't do it, then you should start reading books. After some time, the speech will become smooth and logically consistent. But it is necessary not only to learn how to talk, but also to listen to your interlocutor.

There is no need to look attractive just for someone. You must have beauty and attractiveness in the first place for yourself. In this case, there is an opportunity to get used to your charm and charm, as well as to convince others of this.

Agree, being an attractive woman is not so easy. Many, having heard this statement, compare it only with external beauty. But such a notion is far from being correct and is a delusion. Yes, external factors play an important role, but being charming only by external criteria is not always enough. It is very important to be able to express yourself and arouse a general interest in your person. Then appearance often fades into the background, and a woman becomes interesting with her inner beauty.

So how to become attractive and be able to keep the views of men? Any girl needs to work on herself, be able to present herself and learn how to emphasize her attractiveness. If you really want people to gravitate towards you, then you have a lot of tricks in your arsenal. Only in this way can you achieve more.

If you look at the facts in numbers, then more than 50% of the first impression in men is the external beauty of a person. About 40% of the total number of respondents say that the manner of communication is important, but only 7% are given to the topics of conversation. So what exactly is important? How to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male?

External beauty: is it so important?

This question is always relevant and causes a storm of controversy and a lot of opinions. Most psychologists say that attractive appearance has its advantages. For example, when talking with a person with regular and symmetrical facial features, with a healthy blush, there is always a feeling of trust in what was said. Her words are more convincing. But at the same time, the same psychologists argue that a woman does not have to be beautiful in order to become attractive to the opposite sex.

There are some points that are scientifically confirmed and help to make guys interested in a girl.

  1. Make friends with a dentist. Numerous studies conducted by British psychological universities have proven that even healthy teeth make a woman more attractive to men. It is laid down at the subconscious level of a person. Teeth are directly associated with genetics and are an indicator good health. This cannot but affect the general perception of a woman. But at the same time, it should be clarified that teeth with a natural shade work this way, and not "Hollywood" smiles with a bright white color, which in many cases are repulsive.
  2. Lead correct image life. To be attractive and have a healthy appearance, follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle: give up fast foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, go in for sports, drink enough fluids, sleep at least 8 hours a day, find your hobby or passion, read books and develop yourself. This helps a woman maintain her natural beauty and makes her life as full as possible for new emotions and impressions.
Take these two simple rules into service. By following them, you will be able to feel the views of men and their interest in your person over time, as you will radiate a natural beauty that attracts the opposite sex.

How important is inner beauty?

It has already been mentioned that, when meeting a woman, most men first of all pay attention to the external data of their interlocutor. He can be very fascinated by external beauty, but often, after talking for a few minutes, his opinion can change dramatically. It affects the inner beauty of a person.

For example, a girl appeared in communication selfishly, enviously or narcissistically. And the image external beauty in the eyes of a man begins to break down. He already sees flaws in him, the woman is no longer as perfect as it was originally.

Or vice versa, outwardly not very attractive girl opens on the other side after communicating with her. When you get to know her better, you stop noticing external flaws, as you evaluate her already with an inner eye. Therefore, it is very important to achieve conformity and harmony of manifestations of femininity in everything. This is the secret of how to become attractive to men.

What is the inner beauty of a woman? These are charisma, intelligence, a sense of confidence and purposefulness, the ability to keep up a conversation, and much more. All this contributes to the manifestation of inner attractiveness.

9 tips to help achieve harmony between internal and external

In the arsenal of every woman there are several commandments. They help to become attractive to guys. Consider the 9 main commandments, which include not only maintaining inner beauty, but also external.
  1. Love your look. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. Even if you know that your waist size is not ideal, then you should not dwell on this problem. Yes, you are not a standard, but you have beautiful hair, a healthy complexion and you love yourself for who you are. This will give you confidence. An insecure woman looks different. Her demeanor and external features of the face and figure are changing. This cannot go unnoticed by the surrounding guys or men. Therefore, it is important to love yourself - and it will be appreciated. increased attention to you.
  2. stay yourself. A woman who knows her own worth does not need to imitate someone. Recall any party. Which girl will guys be drawn to? To a person with unique, but not intimidating manifestations, or to a simple person who behaves like most of those present? The eyes of almost all the guys will be on the first one, and it is she who will be of interest. it psychological moment and should be memorized.
  3. Take care of your skin health and condition. As you strive to improve your inner attractiveness, don't forget to follow and maintain your outer charm. A woman should always radiate beauty and health.
  4. Another way to look attractive on the outside is the beauty of your hair.. A haircut should always look aesthetically pleasing. Greasy hair, overgrown roots do not attract, but repel the views of men from you.
  5. stop being rude. Always be polite in any situation. Rudeness in communication pushes away from the interlocutor. But at the same time, learn to fight back those whose rudeness is directed against you. A woman who allows rudeness in her direction will never look charming in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to resist rudeness beautifully. Remember: sometimes the best tool is politeness.
  6. Good mood and smile. Psychologists say that a smiling person looks attractive and predisposes others to his person. Learn to smile just like that. You were greeted - smile and say: "Good afternoon!". Don't frown! It will make you more interesting and enjoyable.
  7. Take part in conversations. How to look attractive in the eyes of men - know how to keep the conversation going. Don't be afraid to join the conversation. They will immediately pay attention to you and become interested in your person. No one will ever look in your direction if you sit silently in the corner. Such women are perceived by men as boring and do not arouse their interest. If you are a layman in the topic of conversation, ask a question that interests you. This will draw attention to your person.
  8. Learn to accept compliments. Be more charming woman help the words that a man says about her beauty. And it is very important to be able to accept these phrases. Only a woman with complete confidence and self-love will always correctly respond to a male compliment. You should not pronounce words like: “Oh, what are you! In fact, this is such a make-up! This repels you and discourages the desire of the opposite sex to communicate with you. It's enough just to thank pleasant words to your address.
  9. use your voice. This is the last of the 9 commandments to help a woman be more interesting to the opposite sex. Numerous psychological research proved that men are attracted to girls with high notes in their voices. They associate this on a subconscious level with a small physique of a representative of the opposite sex, which cannot but be liked.
Using the listed 9 ways to become beautiful and attractive in the eyes of a male, any woman can succeed. But it is worth noting that this will require some effort on your part, since changing a certain set of habits is not so easy, but it is possible if desired. Therefore, take these 9 points into service and make them a reality. And very soon you will begin to notice the exciting looks of men on you. In addition, this technique will help you be more confident, and you will begin to live. full life.

Psychological tricks of a woman

A woman who knows how to charm a man from the first minutes has a set of certain qualities, but at the same time there are interesting tricks that help a man perceive his interlocutor in a different way.

Become more sexy woman research conducted at British universities will help. They talk about the need to reduce the distance between you and your interlocutor. If you want the man you're talking to to see sexuality in you, enter his intimate space.

In the psychological perception of a man, a distance of up to one and a half meters is considered friendly. If a woman breaks this barrier, then her interlocutor begins to perceive her differently. To do this, it is enough to lean a little in a conversation to say something important in a quiet voice. How to reach for the ear of the interlocutor. With such a clever trick, you will achieve a different look at you.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the intuitively opposite sex is drawn to people who copy their movements when talking. This does not mean the antics of your interlocutor. Just watch his hand movements. If he adjusted the cuffs, make a similar movement after a while, etc.

And the last advice - live without deceit. If you smile, then do it sincerely.

Only daily work on yourself and adherence to 9 basic rules will help you find a balance between inner and outer beauty, and your life will become full of new and vivid impressions. 14 429 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become attractive to men. Today we will reveal the main secrets female attractiveness that will no doubt attract the opposite sex.

A little about the concept of attractiveness

From time immemorial, women have sought to look beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex. For this in different cultures carried out all kinds of rituals. For example, they wore hoops to lengthen the neck or wore tight corsets to make the waist appear thinner. AT different time were different views about beauty, and any modern man has his own concept of a beautiful woman.

But the methods of achieving attractiveness have not changed much. If you want to become attractive, you must understand that it is not enough to be beautiful on the outside, you need to have a rich inner world, natural magnetism and just be feminine.

Attractiveness is a combination of qualities such as:

  • love for one's own "I";
  • kindness to others;
  • sexuality;
  • humanity, etc.

What kind of women are considered attractive?

In order to understand, it would be nice to look into their heads. But we can’t do this, but it’s easy to find out exactly what qualities attract them.

Based on numerous surveys and analysis, we have created the image of an ideal woman.

  1. This is a confident woman.
  2. She knows how to support any conversation, a pleasant companion.
  3. In her image there is a certain mystery, zest.
  4. Dressed in revealing but elegant clothes(not to be confused with vulgarity).
  5. From it emanates the most pleasant aroma for men. It is the smell of a clean body.
  6. Such a woman is attractive not only on the outside, but also in her soul.

There are women in whom attractiveness is inherent from birth, or this feeling was instilled in her by her parents from childhood. But there are those who, at a conscious age, do not feel feminine and desirable enough, so they want to correct the situation.

In order to become charming and attractive, one desire is not enough. You have to work hard on yourself. This applies not only to external beauty, but also internal.

Components of female beauty and attractiveness

Before proceeding to action, we suggest you figure out what exactly makes a woman attractive in the eyes of men. Thanks to this, you will identify your weaknesses and understand what you need to work on.

So, attractiveness combines:

  • the ability to take care of yourself;
  • education;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • knowledge of good manners;
  • (just not to be confused with self-confidence);
  • optimistic mood and the ability to smile;
  • absence bad habits;
  • spiritual beauty.

Perhaps many women will be skeptical of our advice, but then they will probably continue to wallow on the couch, suffer from unrequited love and lament that all men are goats.

If you are ready to act, then read our tips and take action faster.

Take care of yourself and learn how to take care of yourself

We affirm that beauty is not the main thing in a woman, but her inner world. But in order for a man to want to know your soul, you need to interest him and somehow attract him. Your appearance and grooming can help with this.

Not all ladies are distinguished by natural beauty, but due to their well-groomed appearance, they at least do not repel men. But if a woman Beautiful face, but dirty gnawed nails with peeling varnish, then it is unlikely that a man will want to communicate with her.

So spend enough time on your appearance. If you have the means, you can go to a beauty salon, where professionals will carry out all the necessary procedures.

You can take care of yourself at home, using inexpensive cosmetics or homemade masks, creams and lotions.

To find the desired beauty will help:

  • healthy sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • balanced diet;
  • use;
  • maintaining hygiene;
  • regular cosmetic care behind the body and face;
  • neatness;
  • active lifestyle.

Try to keep your hair always shining in the sun, the skin on your face was plain, and your nails are well-groomed. Self-care procedures perfectly cheer up and. Treat yourself often and make it a habit.

Never do any procedures with your husband. Let him think that you are beautiful by nature.

Choose the right makeup

Surely every woman will say that I can apply makeup and skip this point. But you can often meet the fair sex, who put on a ton of makeup in the morning, and their image looks defiant.

Attractive woman knows what to zealous with decorative cosmetics no need. Your face must not have a mask of foundation and powders. Everyday makeup should be barely noticeable. It is intended only to emphasize individual parts and make your image a little more expressive.

If you are going to a party, then, of course, make-up should be brighter than usual.

To learn all the secrets of applying makeup, you can go to makeup artist courses, or simply watch training videos on the Internet.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise

Often overweight cause insecurity for many women. Of course, there are men who love ladies with magnificent forms. But having extra pounds is hard to lead a normal life and look healthy.

Firstly give up bad habits. They kill your beauty. For example, cigarettes cause gray skin on the face, yellow teeth, and bad breath.

Secondly, go to proper nutrition. Forget debilitating diets. Each of them negatively affects the body as a whole. Especially after you “jump” off it, you will quickly gain the lost kilos.

Thirdly love sports and physical exercises. Life is in motion. Thanks to physical activity, mood rises, health improves and extra kilos “melt”.

A woman should dress elegantly, but not provocatively. Review your wardrobe and throw out too frank and tasteless things.

In order to attract the attention of men, you do not need to wear very short skirts and blouses with a huge neckline. Men should not be shown all the charms of the body at once. You must remain a mystery to him. Wearing such clothes, you will attract attention to yourself, but interest in you is unlikely to last long.

It is better to give preference to elegant things in red, black, white or flesh-colored. They are able to inflame a man's interest in you. Moreover, it is always interesting for the opposite sex to imagine what is under long skirt with a pancake slit than contemplating bare legs under a miniskirt.

Find your style and stick to this fashion trend. Pay attention to what style of clothes your husband prefers. Try to match him. For example, if your significant other prefers business style, then being next to him you should not wear sportswear. It will look ridiculous.

Try to dress well even at home. Replace your outdated bathrobe with sport suit. It is convenient, practical and attractive.

Change your look

If we change, then change completely. Many women believe in the statement that with a new hairstyle begins new stage their lives. So you go to the hairdresser and experiment on your appearance.

Examine your strengths and tell others less about your shortcomings

Each person has a lot of advantages and strengths. It is important to correctly identify and emphasize them. Very often, girls get hung up on their problems. For example, in certain areas have extra pounds. But men do not notice them, because they are fascinated by the beauty of the eyes and the depth of the girl's gaze. But the woman stubbornly does not notice the admiring glances and talks about her extra kilos. In this case, men forget about the eyes and pay attention to the shortcomings. Thus, ladies do not attract, but scare away men.

To prevent this from happening, take a piece of paper and write down all the strengths that you have. Try to develop them and do not reveal your shortcomings to anyone.

Learn good manners

An attractive woman should not only take care of her appearance, but also be able to behave in society. With a lady who's trained good manners a man will not be ashamed to appear in public.

Try to learn the basics of etiquette and learn how to maintain a relaxed conversation. This is the minimum that will help you open up to men on the other side.

Read books, expand your horizons

Men always prefer women who combine intelligence and beauty. Strive to expand your horizons, learn something new and amazing every day. opposite sex get bored quickly beautiful dolls no hint of intelligence. Prove that you are not. After all, beauty attracts for a short time.

Be kind and friendly

The spiritual beauty lies in the fact that a person can empathize and sympathize with another person, he is always open for communication and will gladly come to the rescue in difficult times.

Imagine the situation. You are "flowing" into new company where everyone looks at you with hostility or indifference. No one shows interest in your person, except for one girl who is keenly interested in you, shows respect and offers any help. Surely it is with this girl that you will want to communicate in the future, forgetting about the rest of the negatively inclined people.

In this example, we see that open and friendly people attract the attention of both men and women. So try to be kind to everyone around you.

smile more often

AT Everyday life we forget to smile. But this is the little detail that can transform a woman beyond recognition.

It is more pleasant for each of us to look at smiling people who radiate joy than to see gloomy and eternally dissatisfied personalities.

A smile on a woman's face makes it clear to a man that she is open and ready to communicate. A smiling girl in the eyes of a man looks more attractive and seems comfortable.

Smile more often and people will smile back at you.

Do not throw tantrums and control yourself

Men do not like it when women endlessly make claims to them, complain about life, throw tantrums over trifles. Even if you are smart and beautiful, but regularly "take out the brain" of your loved one, sooner or later he will run away from you.

If your chosen one really constantly gets on your nerves, then think about whether this is the person with whom you want to live your whole life. If you are confident in the correctness of your choice, then learn to control yourself, do not throw tantrums with breaking dishes, but try to resolve everything peacefully by discussing controversial issues.

Be unique and don't imitate anyone

An attractive woman attracts the views of men with her uniqueness and originality. If you blindly imitate any famous person, then hardly anyone will pay attention to you.

The girl must create her image on her own based on her preferences and taste. We rarely notice crowds of identical faceless girls who copy a certain image, and we will definitely highlight a unique personality.

Love yourself and believe in yourself

There is one simple truth“Until you love yourself, no one else will love you either.” But really, if you do not accept yourself with your strengths and weaknesses, then you are unlikely to believe in the sincerity of other people's feelings.

Therefore, in order to become attractive in the eyes of other people, you need to learn to accept and love yourself for who you are. All people different understanding beauty. For some, you may not seem too beautiful, but for others, you may become the ideal woman.

Respect yourself and believe in your strengths and then you will definitely see that other people do the same.

All people have their own principles, rules of life, tastes, preferences, ideas about beauty, etc. Therefore, if you want to be charming, feminine and sexy, listen, but do not listen to the opinions of others.

This is your life and your body. Only you have the right to dispose of them. Pay less attention to others and do as your heart tells you.

Be active

Male representatives love it when a woman is active and takes the initiative. Constantly bored ladies remain bored throughout their lives.

If that’s who you are, then it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and take action. For example, when at work they will choose a person who will take up the organization of a corporate party, offer your candidacy. Or being in a nightclub, be the first to invite the guy you like to dance.

Learn how to communicate properly with the opposite sex

Modern men are very scrupulous about the choice of their chosen one. If you have not yet found your soul mate, then you must definitely learn how to behave with the opposite sex.

  1. Show your interest in a man. Your chosen one should feel your sympathy.
  2. Learn to listen. Be attentive and interested in what the man tells you, ask questions, delve into the essence of what was said.
  3. Praise the chosen one. Not only women love with their ears. Men are also pleased to hear from the woman they like about the strengths of his personality.
  4. Complain less about life. Every person has problems, but not everyone around should know about them. It is better to cry to relatives who will understand and support.
  5. Don't be afraid to appear weak. Men are rightfully considered the strong sex, and women the weak. Even if you are very Strong woman, do not hesitate to seem weak and defenseless.

Find your passion

Every woman should have a hobby. Watching serials is not an adequate hobby.

Doing what you love, you get pleasure, your mood rises, you realize yourself as a person.

If you find your hobby, then your time will pass productively and you will less “nag” your soul mate on the topic “I have nothing to do” or “You are constantly busy with something but not me.”

Learn to shoot with your eyes

To attract a man's attention to themselves, some women use flirting. Its main technique is an alluring look. Shooting eyes, the ladies make it clear that they are interested in a man.

But the main thing here is not to overdo it. You can’t flirt with everyone indiscriminately and apply it in any situation. Act according to circumstances.

Be mysterious, let others know that you have a zest hidden in you

An attractive woman is desirable because she is unpredictable and full of mysteries that men will want to solve.

In order for others to know about the existence of a raisin, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Create an aura of uncertainty around your image.
  2. Learn to look into the distance thoughtfully.
  3. Light up those around you with a smile.
  4. Wear those things that will emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Just do not need to put all the charms on display.

What to do when the interest of men weakens?

Many married women meet with such a problem as cooled feelings. By all means, they want to become attractive to their husband again. This is difficult to do, but possible. The wife will have to change both externally and internally. If you are ready for this, then it's time to learn how to return the lost passion.

The ideal wife in the eyes of men - this is a multifaceted woman who combines several personalities at the same time.


  • "Sexy thing"- a man should constantly feel your sympathy and love towards him. Shackled and closed in bed, women are doomed to insipid relationships and male infidelity. Read more literature that will allow you to open up sexually, experiment and then you will definitely notice how desirable you are.
  • "Cutie"- you should not only be frank in bed, but also be sweet in everyday life. A cutie woman constantly wants to be protected, comforted, groomed and cherished. She exudes warmth and comfort. A sexy little thing without a hint of a cutie quickly bothers a man.
  • "Friend"- a guarantee of good marital relations are common interests and similar flavors. A woman should be able to smooth out any conflicts, a man should be comfortable with her, he should understand that she supports him. If you become a friend to your husband, you will notice that he is more willing to take you to various parties and tries to spend every minute with you.
  • "Desirable Prey"- even the most jealous men I want everyone to look at his woman with admiration and adoration. If the husband realizes that no one notices his wife, then he involuntarily begins to think that something is wrong with his lady. Try to always look beautiful and well-groomed, not forgetting to smile. This will help keep your spouse in good shape.
  • "Personality"- being married, women often plunge headlong into family life and forget that they are individuals. Try, no matter what, to do something, earn money, even if your husband fully provides for you. Think about the fact that men look with great desire at active business women and rarely pay attention to tortured housewives.

In addition to the fact that a woman must be multifaceted, she must know what qualities men do not tolerate.

Exterminate in yourself:

  • Hysteria;
  • bitchiness;
  • sullenness;
  • deceitfulness;
  • Infidelity;
  • Frigidity;
  • Crooked hand;
  • grumpiness;
  • Anger;
  • boredom;
  • Craving for the spread of gossip;
  • Anger.

If you apply your knowledge wisely, you will always look attractive in the eyes of your chosen one.

Qualities of an attractive woman: the view of a psychologist

Sometimes with the question “How to become the most attractive for men?” Women come to psychologists. Experts in this area advise women to develop the following qualities:

  • Brightness of the image and liveliness of feelings . A woman should be bright. This is what fascinates men and attracts them like a magnet. Such ladies seem open and cheerful. But it is important for everyone to know the measure and not to overdo it with brightness.
  • success . A woman should not completely dissolve in a man. Despite everything, she must find herself in this world and realize herself as a person. But be careful and try not to overshadow the man with your success. They like to be in charge, so let them feel like a leader. Successful ladies attract successful men Don't be surprised if you have working class men in your life.
  • bitchiness. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman's bitchiness is her highlight, which attracts men. But men are not ready to face a bitch every day, because given quality you need to educate yourself, but know exactly when to apply it.
  • Femininity and softness . With the help of these qualities, women activate the abilities of men related to their competence, strength, intelligence and provision. required level protection.


Modern men are very spoiled by female accessibility and attention. Therefore, ladies, in order to always be attractive, have to innovate, constantly develop and improve.

To be attractive means to be beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside. In order for men to desire you, love yourself, find your place in life, develop and improve. And then you will feel the enthusiastic looks of not only men, but also women!

Practical advice from a charisma coach on how to attract a man to you.


Science has repeatedly proven that attractive appearance has many advantages.

People with symmetrical facial features are healthier and more convincing, considered smarter, and inspire confidence.

However, in order to become more attractive to the opposite sex, it is not necessary to have a stunning appearance.

Here are a few scientifically proven advice which will help you become more charming and interesting.

How to become more attractive?

1. Watch your teeth

Study Universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire in the UK confirmed that white and even teeth make us much more attractive. Teeth are the equivalent of a peacock's tail. They are a sign of good health and genetics, which helps when choosing a partner.

Yellow and widely spaced teeth are considered unattractive and may indicate childhood illnesses, poor nutrition and genetic disorders. However natural shade considered more attractive than bright white teeth.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables naturally improve skin condition, studies have confirmed.

They are rich in antioxidants and plant pigments, which give the skin a healthy tone.

Moreover, this effect is observed almost immediately. After the participants began to eat one more serving of fruits and vegetables per day, they had a healthy glow, and the skin began to look radiant.

3. Ride the rollercoaster

The study showed that a ride together on an attraction can be the best aphrodisiac, and increase your attractiveness.

Single people who skated with members of the opposite sex were rated as more attractive. Although the same effect was not observed in people in relationships.

How to attract a man?

4. Smile more often

Happiness is the most attractive emotion in women, and a simple a smile makes women sexually attractive in the eyes of a man.

Smiling is one way to connect, and men are more likely to talk to a smiling woman. Remember that men like women with whom you can have a pleasant conversation and laugh.

5. Don't be smart

If a woman is looking short relationship, she should not demonstrate her intelligence. Scientists came to this conclusion University of Texas-Austin.

The study showed that men liked the most women who looked stupid and immature, as well as "drowsy and drunk" if they were counting on an affair.

Women who appeared smart and clear-minded were considered less physically attractive. Fortunately, the exact opposite was true if the man was looking for a long-term relationship.

6. Carry red lipstick

Researchers from the University of Manchester found that female lips are considered the most attractive part of the body, especially if they are painted with red lipstick.

In a study of men stared at the woman's red lips for 7 seconds. At the same time, they looked at the women's eyes for an average of 0.95 seconds and their hair for about 0.85 seconds.

Full lips are considered the most attractive feature in women, and women with thin lips, were considered 40 percent more attractive after wearing makeup.

Forget about the sexy, hoarse voice. men more interested in women with a high voice.

Researchers from University College London found that men like the high voice of women because it subconsciously creates an image of a small physique. A deep voice in men, on the contrary, is considered more attractive in women, as it speaks of a larger body structure.

In addition, men who spoke with a slight breath were considered sexier, as this was indicative of less aggressiveness despite their larger builds.

How to attract a girl?

8. Get serious

thoughtful and serious men much more attractive than smiling, Canadian scientists found University of British Columbia. The women surveyed considered happiness to be the least attractive characteristic in men.

Scientists explain this by saying that a smile on a man's face is perceived as a sign of femininity and less authority. Perhaps this explains why women are so often attracted to the "bad guys".

9. Shave your beard

A recent study by researchers from New Zealand and Canada found that although a beard makes you look older and gives you status, it makes men less attractive to women.

Bearded men are perceived as more aggressive.

However, another study found that a 10-day-old stubble was considered by the opposite sex as the most attractive and most masculine.

10. Appear unapproachable

Research has shown that women are more likely to find men more attractive when they are not sure how they feel about them than when they know that a man is very interested in their person.

On average, women thought more of a man if they were in doubt about whether he liked her or not. After that, many came to the conclusion that they like a man, because they can not "get him out of my head."

Overall, the study found that if a man hide some of your feelings at the beginning of a relationship and create some mystery, he is more likely to win the attention of the opposite sex.

11. Wear a T-shirt

Researchers from Nottingham Trent University found out that simple t shirt with large black letters "T" can make a man more attractive.

This T-shirt creates the illusion wide shoulders and narrows the waist, causing the effect of a V-shaped figure, which women find sexy.

At the same time, men who wore an inverted "T" T-shirt were rated 12 percent less attractive by women.

12. Learn to deal with stress

Women find less stressed men more attractive. The researchers measured testosterone levels and levels of the stress hormone cortisol in men and asked the women to rate their attractiveness.

It turned out that women liked men the most high level testosterone and low level cortisol. The scientists came to the conclusion that coping with stress points to a "strong" set of genes, mate stability and also the ability to pass on "good genes" to offspring.
