How to get a guy to propose. Phrases that will encourage a man to propose

How to marry a man? This question interests almost every unmarried young lady, because this is quite understandable and understandable - a girl wants a family and a more serious relationship, but a man, by nature, most often approaches this stage in his life later, as if to say, thinks it over and delays it at the same time.

Marrying a man is a general concept and has many facets, and one of them is to competently lead your loved one to create full-fledged family. After all, it is in this context that you can make sure that a man is not afraid of pressure or direct hints and does not run away. We know that the entire male half, at the subconscious level, perceives the understanding of marriage as something terrible, and this is repulsive and frightening.

If a woman already wants a more serious relationship and we are already talking about starting a family, then she needs to remember that not a single man likes direct and clumsy hints about a wedding and everything connected with it repels them, so the issue of marriage should be raised more competently and veiled. In this article we will look at several ways that will help a woman lead a relationship to marriage and make it clear to a man that he wants a family with her.

First of all, a woman should find out how her partner feels about marriage in general, what the meaning of family means to him, and whether he even has plans to get married at all. This is possible due to leading questions, for example, during or after watching a film in which something in this regard happened. But again, the main thing is not to be intrusive and not to ask too many questions on this topic.

Give your reasons. If in the first stage you realized that your partner is in no hurry to start a family and believes that marriage will not change his life in the most better side, then it will take a lot of effort and effort to change his opinion. Your goal is to provide more “food” for awareness, i.e. provide evidence that everything only gets better after the wedding, as an example, these could be films with a happy ending, try to communicate more with families where everything is fine and the house is full, perhaps your sweetheart will change his mind about marriage against their background.

Find a friendly vibe with his relatives, i.e. getting to know your man’s family is only half the battle, but to please them and become one of your own requires strength and effort, because it is his mother who will be your main assistant and ally. In this part, you must prove yourself as good hostess, a kind and sympathetic person and simply loving woman, be a friend for his mother, you know that in the subconscious, all men choose a wife who will be similar to his mother.

Those girls and women who are tormented by the question: “What should I do with him, we’ve been dating for so long, but he doesn’t propose to me!”, Should, first of all, think about whether they need to connect their lives with this particular man. Quite often, girls approach the issue of choosing a partner from this point of view: “it’s time for me to get married,” “we’ve been dating for so long, it’s awkward in front of our parents,” or the banal “it just happened,” and they don’t take into account the fact that marriage - this is a very important step.

First of all, soberly assess the situation, think about what qualities you would like to see in your husband? Without thinking about a specific person at this moment, take a piece of paper and write down all these qualities, and the more points, the better, and then mark those points that your chosen one meets.

This simple test will allow you to determine how well a guy meets your needs: you should seriously think about marriage only if HE scores 75% or more. If it is less, then the game is not worth the candle, sooner or later you will grow cold towards him, he will not suit you, and the relationship will fall apart anyway. In this case, it is better to let him go now and go in search of someone who will live up to the ideal.

Unfortunately, not all girls, after a long-term relationship, even if not very prosperous, are able to break up: often lacking self-confidence, they end up in emotional dependence from a man. Her symptoms are: “I can’t leave him, I can’t do without him, I suffer from my love.”

In this case, it is necessary to radically change the relationship. Your state should be like this: “If this relationship does not suit me, then I can leave at any moment. I am completely free and attractive enough to have fans if the need arises.” If you cannot do without this person, and he can do very well without you, then he will manage the situation, not you.

But, in any case, remember that your relationship is in your hands, and you need to develop it so that:
1) you became him best friend, since only in this case will your marriage be strong;
2) you had common interests and hobbies, try to enjoy his joys with him;
3) talk about everything that worries him, just let him not have taboo topics with you;
4) and most importantly, make common plans for the future so that he cannot imagine his life without you.

If you were able to successfully fulfill all the conditions, then the man is ready to start a family. He feels good with you, he values ​​your relationship, he plans with you later life, which means romantic proposal not far away.

Many women, tired of the uncertainty of meetings or “civil” marriage, are interested in how to get a man to marry. And not to persuade, not to convince, not to beg, in the end, but to force. Such methods, of course, exist, but it is important for such women to know that forcing a person to marry you means acquiring not a friend and helper as a spouse, but an enemy. If for some reason a man is in no hurry to go to the registry office, you can come to an amicable agreement with him (and if not, then think: maybe you shouldn’t contact him at all?).

And finally: at the age of 25-30, gloomy thoughts creep in: “Everyone got married, and me?” Some continue to wait for their happiness, while others enter into a hasty marriage. Alas, it may not last long. Dear girls, do not despair. If you have been dating a guy for a long time, but even the slightest drop of doubt creeps into your feelings, if you are not sure that you can live with this person, leave... Don't be afraid. Be confident. After all, your only soul mate will definitely be found on Earth.

You can make a huge mistake, you can force him to marry based on the most dangerous feeling for marriage - affection, and then deal an even more irreparable blow - divorce, and God forbid it affects the children. Think about it. You are young, beautiful, take care of yourself, because 25-30 years old - wonderful age, you have already gone through a lot, you have a job, and you are not dependent on a man, and this is the main thing.

It's a big mistake to think that if a guy thinks you're cute, you're already on your way to a serious relationship. No matter how it is! If he's impressed by your appearance, you're more likely to be with him. on the right track... to light flirting followed by a stormy night together without obligations. The man to whom you show attention will, of course, rush into battle in order to quickly take possession of the prey. And you'll get another one nice evening with passionate night. That's all. And, as a rule, no serious intentions with his hand.

A reasonable question: what does the right first step to a serious relationship look like? You need to live in his head. Make him think about you. Constantly. So that he admires you, is intrigued, tries to figure you out! This may happen before or after the first flirtation, or flirting may not be necessary at all. Physical attractiveness in this matter is not the main thing, although, of course, you should not discount it.

Before moving on to practice, that is, dating, it is worth understanding the main points of the theory. Some tips may seem controversial, but they definitely work.

1. Be self-sufficient!

If you are suffering now and think that if only you had a boyfriend, life would be completely different, then you need to do something about it. There are always very few hunters to pull depressed people out of their swamps, but to bask in the radiance happy person everyone flocks instantly. If you truly enjoy your life without a man, it will be very easy for you to find someone you love. Remember: you don’t need a guy to “complete you” or make you happy, and he can’t do that either. You are fully capable of enjoying life right now and today, regardless of whether you have someone. Make your life interesting and be grateful for what you have. It’s great, of course, when you have a loved one, but to be happy, it’s enough to be happy, that’s all!

2. Exude self-confidence!

No one can think you are beautiful and amazing if you don’t think so yourself. What is your self-esteem? Do you think that your company is a gift for a man, or are you afraid that everyone is bored around you? Don't forget that you are a hero's reward! And it’s not at all for everyone; it’s completely normal that all men don’t like you. Yours the main task- Be confident in yourself and your charm! If you can't believe that you really are a tasty morsel, work on yourself, after all!

Take action! What don't you like about yourself? Fix it! Talk to someone who can help, don't sit idly by!

3. Be elegant

A couple of years ago, one of the famous glossy magazines conducted a survey about which image of a girl is most attractive to young men. It turned out that 67 percent of guys find attractive ordinary “earthly” girls living, for example, in the neighborhood, and only 12 percent of respondents like vamp women who exude sex appeal, “sex bombs.” What conclusions can be drawn from this? Beauty is in naturalness. It's time to stop trying to tease men with provocative clothing and bright makeup. The only thing you will achieve with this is an erection. Not love. If you have a good figure, do not give in to the temptation to show off all your charms overnight. There is no need to go to extremes and wear worn-out sweaters, just be a little more elegant in your choice of clothes.

4. Since you are not a couple, it means you are free

This may sound somewhat mercantile, but dating is a kind of shopping where everyone “asks the price” or “shows off the product.” By the way, men are always more active regulars of such shopping. Girls are sometimes shocked by the idea that you can go on dates with two or three guys at one time, but men are not at all shocked by the same thought about women.

Therefore, while no obligations have been stated, everyone is free to dispose of themselves according to at will. As the song says: “We choose, we are chosen.”

5. There must be some kind of mystery in a woman...

6. The old rule still applies

The most durable love relationship arise between kindred spirits. Sex is not a help here, but rather the opposite. You need to go through mutual sympathy for friendly relations, from friendship to love and, ultimately, to sex. Put off sex as long as possible until you both know each other better. This is the case when the sum changes from rearranging the terms: sex in the first days of dating can complicate the process of establishing friendship or even put further relations cross.

And in general: guys appreciate long thorny path to victory!

7. Don’t make a scene for him, you’re not even a couple yet!

Don’t throw out your indignation at a guy if, in your opinion, he hesitates and cannot make a decision about your place in his life. John Gray in the book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” compares guys with elastic bands: they can retreat for a while, so that later new strength“fly” into a woman’s life. If he needs some time to think, give him that time. If he appears, it’s good, greet him calmly, without complaints or reproaches. If it doesn’t make itself felt for more than three days, just continue to live your life. ordinary life, don’t cling to him and don’t attack him with calls. Because by doing this you are only blocking his path to return. If you emotionally demand from him that he be there, he will not return: he will know what awaits him: accusations, tears, misunderstanding. Men hate drama. The only possible way for reconciliation is long conversations to sort out your feelings and desires. Keep calm.

See yourself in a white dress, get new status: not just a girl, but a wife, the desire to take care of someone - these and some other reasons lead to women thinking about how to force a man to marry.

It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s wrong to pose the question this way. It is necessary not to force, annoying your loved one, but when, but to bring him to such a decision. Be wiser.

As you know, a man wants to keep everything under control, to lead, and not to be led, to conquer, and not to become your “prey.” And when his beloved begins to ask if the engagement is coming soon, he automatically tries to defend himself. The consequences may not be the most rosy: a lot of quarrels, even separation, and if he gets married (for example, you get pregnant on purpose or say that you are expecting a baby), it is not a fact that such a family life will suit you.

Pushing the man to the registry office

Your goal is not to force him to get married, but to lead him to the idea that he can’t live without you. Here are a few tricks that will help you lay out the path to the registry office.

1. Give him more compliments, most importantly believable ones. You don’t need to tell him how great he is, but he didn’t do anything. A man will immediately understand that you are not sincere with him. Better praise him for being so strong: rearranging the furniture in the house; smart and with “golden hands” - he fixed the tap.

2. Don't focus only on your future husband. Spend time with friends, build a career. After all, a man must conquer you; he himself will try to “make” such an interesting person his. And he will understand that you are multifaceted, and do not think day and night how to force someone to marry.

3. Don't get too caught up in playing the multifaceted personality game. First, don't pretend to be someone you're not. For example, if you are not a football fan, you don’t have to go to all the matches with him. Remember that your main weapon is femininity. Be affectionate, gentle, become the most skillful lover. This is necessary for a man.

4. At the same time, learn to cook so that he feels the warmth of the hearth. If you are not very good at it, start with simple but tasty dishes.

5. Sometimes they advise not to move in with him. This is wrong and here's why. You can simulate the situation. Your loved one invites you to live together. You refuse and say that only after the wedding. And then he begins to understand that you will develop a relationship only if there is a stamp in your passport. Think differently. After all, if he proposed a civil marriage to you, perhaps he has already begun to look at you as a future wife and wants to know if you are right for each other. No need to be offended. You also need to live together to understand whether this is the person you need.

6. It is very important that you have a good relationship With future mother-in-law. No, it is not at all necessary to call her mom from the very beginning and become her friend. Just be friendly with her, talk respectfully, and then she herself will hint to her son that you are ideal wife. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the groom’s mother is selfish and does not want to share him with anyone.

Don't rush to marry him quickly. Enjoy your relationship, be yourself, try to enjoy every moment - and then the treasured ring will be on your finger!

All the secrets of the stronger sex Belov Nikolai Vladimirovich

How to push a man towards marriage?

Every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse and her wedding with him, and when she grows up, she discovers that the prince is in no hurry to get to the altar. And the young woman begins to worry that time is running, your friends are married, your parents are completely exhausted, and you’ve been dating for a long time. Throwing begins, the woman understands that attempts to put pressure on a man can lead to separation. And he carefully avoids this topic.

The first thing a woman should do in this situation is to seriously think about whether this is the man worth marrying. To do this, it would be useful to make a list of traits that you want to see in your husband. And after that, evaluate as impartially as possible which traits from the list your lover possesses. If more than half of the desired qualities are missing in your current man, then you should not waste your precious time on him.

If you feel like it's time long term relationship If you are too attached to a man and do not find the strength to part with him, then keep in mind that this is a typical addiction. In the case when your loved one is less interested in you than you are in him, all control of the situation is in his hands. You need to change your life position. But if your chosen one corresponds to your ideal by more than half, then it is necessary that he himself matures to such a serious step as marriage. Help shape correct solution- within your power. Become his friend, share his hobbies and joys. To do this, talk to him, conduct dialogues on any topic, build joint plans for the future and gradually enter his life. In this case, the man will value your relationship, get used to spending his time together and begin to see your future together. All together this means that he is already mentally prepared for serious changes in the status of your relationship.

Many women, not seeing prospects in their relationship with a man, wonder how to force him to marry. I repeat once again: you cannot force a man to marry a woman. One can only lead him to this thought. If, by hook or by crook, you still force a man to put a stamp in his passport, you will not get what you want. family life. This will be a confrontation, richly flavored with mutual grievances and reproaches. It will inevitably lead to divorce and make you even more unhappy than before marriage. And what a terrible blow this can cause to your children!

Therefore, if after a long-term relationship, during which you also became friends, the long-awaited proposal did not follow, think about whether it is worth holding on to such a man? Go away and remember: you are young, independent, all horizons are open to you. Don’t listen to your family’s fears that you will be left alone, don’t let thoughts of age push you into a hasty marriage. Listen to your feelings and don’t be afraid of anything: you will definitely meet your destiny.

Finding a man is one thing, but keeping him and forcing him to marry you is another, more difficult step. What are you willing to do for him to offer you his hand and heart? Here are some tips to help you make your relationship stronger and lead to marriage:

1. Self-esteem

If you don’t like yourself, then how can someone else love you?! Analyze your shortcomings and try to correct them. Positive self-esteem is key.

2. Don’t hide negativity (sincerity)

From the beginning of a relationship, the most important thing is sincere communication, you should talk to each other, express both positive and negative emotions.

3. Naturalness

What a man appreciates in you is not your fake smiles, makeup, or hair color. He appreciates your naturalness. Don't pretend to be someone else. After all, in marriage he will live with the real you, and not with a fictional character.

4. Sexuality

Is not the only thing in a relationship, but it's important. Show what you can do romantic relationship that you need them. Try not to be boring or Snow Queen, you should radiate sexuality, be cheerful, free, relaxed. A married man is not looking for a roommate, he wants to marry a Woman.

5. Be clear about what you need

In a relationship, it is very important what goal you are pursuing and whether it is mutual. If you want children and he open relationship, then you are unlikely to be on your way.

6. Harmony

Life with you doesn't have to be a roller coaster. Men love fairly stable women. Sometimes it's difficult, but it's possible. Learn to calm down and relax.

7. Men move slower than women in relationships.

They need more time to move from acquaintance to closer, ongoing communication. Sometimes the "boyfriend" stage never progresses further. You just have to come to terms with this. There is no need to press, otherwise he will run away. Don't talk about marriage first, at least during the first year of the relationship.

8. Be as positive as possible.

If everything is good in the relationship, if you are always positive, then he will want to see you around for a very long time. If he feels good with you, then he will begin to think about marriage and serious relationship. You will understand that the “X” hour has come when he starts talking about joint long-term plans, buying a house, etc. He should feel that you are ready for this step and that he will not be disappointed in you.

9. Self-confidence

Prove that you are ready to solve any problem and will not be intimidated by obstacles. Many men love confident women. The fact that he is next to a woman who is so confident in herself and her abilities increases his self-esteem.

10. Show that you are a Woman

A long look, scratches on the back, a soft kiss - use it all. But you don’t need to do it for show or at the wrong time.

11. Show that you appreciate his strength.

Tell him that he is strong, this is a source of pride for a man. Be sure to praise him when he does something well. But if something is done poorly, then it is better to remain silent, rather than nag and scold.

12. Sense of humor

A must in a serious relationship. Less negativity and anxiety, more fun and positivity.

13. Enjoy life

Women who appreciate every minute are irresistible to a man. They have a much better chance of getting married successfully.

14. Don’t hide positive emotions

If it is written on your face that you feel tenderness towards him, if he sees the sparkle in your eyes, his heart will melt.

15. Modesty

A modest person is not one who downplays his own merits, but one who does not flaunt them and is interested in the achievements of others.

16. Dating

Nowadays this is a very vague concept. In fact, relationships start before you even start dating. Just communicate and don't get hung up on this term.

17. Don’t be tormented by doubts

Sometimes men make women think that they will never get a marriage proposal. But if a lot of time has passed and he is moving away from talking about marriage, then you will have to reconsider your relationship.

18. Romance

If you want her in a relationship, then also work in this direction, and do not expect manifestations of romance only from him. Use your imagination and come up with something cute. If nothing of equal value follows in response to your romantic actions, then it is unlikely that you will be able to marry this person.

19. Remember that not every man you have sees you as a wife.

If a year after the start of the relationship there is no talk about joint purchases, travel, plans, then it’s worth talking frankly. Ask what qualities he values ​​in you. If he hasn’t come up with anything other than sex, then marriage is clearly not planned.

20. If you want to have a serious conversation with him about a future relationship.

Don't start a conversation as if your whole life depends on it. This will scare him and make him feel tense. Be optimistic and keep the tone light. You might say, “I enjoy being around you and spending time together, but I want to see if you feel the same way about our relationship. I’m not saying we should get married tomorrow, just let’s discuss our future relationship.”

21. Love

Of course, love must be present. Marriage cannot be based on what you are comfortable with. Strong feelings can come in marriage, but for this you need to go through many difficult and difficult situations.

Here are some tips:

* You should feel comfortable and at ease with this man, just as he should feel with you. No one wants to spend the rest of their life with a person they hate.

* If you don't respect a man and flirt with his friends, then you don't have to wait for an offer to marry him.

* If after a long time there are no hints of marriage, then he will most likely never get married.

* Decide what traits your future husband should have. Understand what attracts you most.

Look for these very traits in potential partners, be honest with yourself when sober assessment men.

*Women who push a man towards marriage may achieve the opposite result.

* Keep what attracted him to you. Your beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Men appreciate cute, sexy, beautiful women. If you don't try to be like that for him, then don't think that he will look at you as the most beautiful woman in the world for too long.

* Use all your positive traits and talents to show herself as a woman he should remember fondly.

* Believe in the best and it will happen. Be clear about what you want from this person. Prepare yourself mentally for marriage.

* Always strive for something new! To new impressions, sensations, try new food, the new kind sports Make your life full of discoveries.

* Be honest and truthful from the first day of the relationship.

* Discuss any questions that arise. Leave all past problems in the past, and solve new ones as they arise. Don't discuss issues and problems if you are emotionally unstable right now, let off some steam first. Discuss issues objectively, honestly and openly. You must understand each other.

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