Research activity of preschool children. Research activity of the child

Essay on the topic of: " Research activity child"

One of the current problems modern education is the choice of the most effective ways upbringing and development of a creative, proactive personality who is capable of implementing research activity in various types activities. The initial foundations of such a personality are certainly laid at preschool age. According to authoritative researchers, the period of preschool childhood creates the most important prerequisites for the development of a child’s research activity (A. N. Poddyakov, N. B. Shumakova, A. G. Gogoberidze, Ya. A. Ponomarev, A. M. Matyushkin and others. ).

Activity is the leading characteristic of a person as a subject of activity, which manifests itself in initiative, creative and independent relationship to reality, to other people and to oneself (V. A. Yakunin, V. G. Maralov, A. M. Matyushkin). The implementation of the activity of the individual occurs in a state of readiness and desire for independent activity, in choosing the most optimal ways to achieve the intended goal, obtaining adequate results.

The basis of productive forms of activity is the search cognitive activity of the child, which is aimed at discovering the unknown, discovering it and ending with the solution of a problem that has been subjectively formed in understanding. productive species activities provide the “generation” of images (V. P. Zinchenko), generalizations (V. V. Davydov), goals (O. K. Tikhomirov), meanings (A. N. Leontiev), motives and interests (G. I. Shchukina , L. I. Bozhovich, T. I. Shumakova, N. G. Morozova).

One of the first manifestations of the child's activity is his purposeful desire for knowledge and exploration of the world around him. The research activity of the child acts as an integral part of behavior and as a condition for continuous development in changing conditions. modern world(S. M. Bondarenko, V. S. Rotenberg).

The child's exploratory activity manifests itself as an internal desire that generates exploratory behavior. She creates the conditions for mental development child initially occurred as a process of self-development. A. M. Matyushkin considers the child's exploratory activity as a key expression of his creativity, which manifests itself in the child's high selectivity for the new being studied, in broad curiosity (J. Berline). Analyzing modern approaches educators and psychologists, exploratory activity can be defined as the expressed desire of the subject, aimed at finding a solution to an important problem for him with the direct help of a certain system of means, methods and techniques.

Research activity is determined by the development various groups research skills (O. V. Dybina, G. P. Tugusheva, A. E. Chistyakova, O. V. Afanas’eva, L. S. Kiseleva, etc.): the use of special equipment and tools in the study, the ability to joint research search.

As evidenced by the analysis of scientific data, the child's exploratory activity has a complex structure, it highlights a motivational component that is directly related to the child's interest, the desire to conduct an exploratory search for a solution to the problem and the manifestation of perseverance in achieving the goal; content component, which is associated with ideas about possible ways and means of carrying out a research search for a solution to the problem; an operational component that reflects the experience of children's practical use of research skills to solve a problem in the research process.

Children can explore absolutely everything that is in their near and far, physical and social environment. The objects of study of children are extremely diverse: objects inanimate nature(stones, pieces of ice, streams, etc. A child can explore objects of inanimate nature in any way acceptable to him, including transforming and destroying them in order to understand their hidden properties, internal structure etc.); objects of wildlife (among the objects of wildlife, often children show the greatest interest in animals, paying Special attention mentality and behavior) people (children can use various social research strategies to understand and master the norms and rules of human behavior, as well as possible conditions their violations) artificial objects (in the study of artificial objects, especially important aspect for the child is their place in human life: their purpose, functioning, etc.).

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that the readiness and ability of the child to explore new things in the world around him through real interaction with him is an independent value. it essential quality child, which reflects the level of his cognitive, personal and social development and our understanding of the phenomenon of a child's exploratory activity depends not only on the greater or lesser success of children in cognitive and practical activities, but to a certain extent, and the prospect of their development in terms of novelty.

At present, the process of qualitative renewal of education is actively taking place in the country, its cultural, developmental, and personal potential is being strengthened. Modern society needs an active personality, capable of cognitive and activity self-realization, to the manifestation of creativity and research activity, able to independently and proactively study life important issues and find solutions.



Bikmukhametova Natalya Sergeevna,




Research activity of older children preschool age

At present, the process of qualitative renewal of education is actively taking place in the country, its cultural, developmental, and personal potential is being strengthened. Modern society needs an active personality capable of cognitive and activity self-realization, creativity and research activity, able to independently and proactively study vital problems and find solutions. The foundations of such a personality must already be laid in preschool childhood(A.N. Poddyakov, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova, N.B. Shumakova, V. Syurkevich, A.M. Matyushkin, Ya.A. Ponomarev, etc.).

AT modern research emphasizes that preschool education It is designed to ensure the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler, to lay the mechanisms for self-development and self-realization. The scientific search for characteristic means of developing research activity is an urgent problem that requires a theoretical and practical solution.

In order to unravel the conceptresearch activityneed to analyze more general concept"activity". Activity is the subject of research in various sciences. Word"activity" comes from latin activus and means active participation in something, energetic activity. In the works of G.S. Kostyuk, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, V.I. Lozovoi, A.V. Brushlinsky and others. Activity acts as the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one's own needs, views, goals. As a feature of a person's personality, activity is manifested in energetic, initiative activity (in work, in teaching, in social life, various types of creativity, in sports, in games).

There is a dialectical connection between the activity and the activity of the subject. Activity is manifested in activities that are internally necessary for the subject. In the concept of activity, we distinguish between potential activity (desire and readiness for activity) and real activity, that is, actions that result in the achievement of the goal. Activity implies initiative, independence, responsibility of the individual in the choice of objects, means, ways to achieve the goal.

A.M. Matyushkin conditionally divides the types of activity into two types: adaptive and productive. Adaptive types of activity provide adaptation, productive forms the basis for the emergence and formation of various mental neoplasms. Adaptive forms of activity are caused by numerous needs and motivations for achieving success. According to A.M. Matyushkin, needs are “internal sources of activity”. A.M. Matyushkin pays attention to productive forms. The basis of these forms of activity is the search cognitive activity of the subject, aimed at the discovery, discovery of the unknown, its assimilation. The basis for the development of productive activity is formed by those principles of personality education and the development of thinking, which include the stimulation and encouragement of the acts themselves. cognitive activity person.

One of the brightest and early manifestations activity of the child is his disinterested desire for knowledge of the world around him. The value of activity in cognition is very great. This gave rise to the emergence of a number of related concepts, which differ only in their emphasis on one or another aspect of cognitive activity. Thus, there are such concepts as"research activity"(A.M. Matyushkin), “exploratory behavior” (D. Berlein), “cognitive activity” (M.I. Lisina), “curiosity” (E.P. Thorens, D. Berlein), “research initiative” ( A.N. Poddyakov), “intellectual activity” (D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya), “ research activities» (P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets and others).

Based general characteristics activity,research activitydefined as active, proactive, independent activity, aimed at finding a solution significant forthe subject of the problem with the help of a certain system of methods, techniques and means.

M.I. Lisina, D. Berline, A.M. Matyushkin, N.N. Poddyakov characterize the general research activity in terms of their conditional value. A.M. Matyushkin considers the research activity of the child as the main manifestation of creativity in childlike activity that ensures the subjective discovery of the "world" by the child himself.

In a preschooler, it manifests itself as a very broad curiosity for objects and phenomena of the world around us, as a desire to learn new things and ends with the acquisition of new knowledge and the achievement of more high level understanding of reality.

A.M. Matyushkin outlined the main stages development of research activity in childhood:

Stage 1 - research activity acts in the form of involuntary attention, constitutes a prerequisite for intuitive understanding and involuntary memorization(early age).

Stage 2 - there is a development of a broad curiosity for everything new and for more high forms activity, expressed in self-raising questions, and problems in relation to the new, unknown, there is a search for answers to their own questions (3-5 years).

Stage 3 - the main structural component of the research activity of the child becomes problematic, which ensures the child's constant openness to the new, expressed in the search for inconsistencies and contradictions (N.N. Poddyakov), in his own formulation of new questions and problems (5-6 years). "Even failure gives rise to a cognitive problem, causes exploratory activity and provides opportunities for a new stage in creative development."

Stage 4 - the process of searching and exploring the world ends with solving problems, discovering hidden connections and relationships (8-12 years).

D.B. Godovikova (1974)considers the child's exploratory activity as a consequence of his orienting-exploratory activity in a new situation. The research activity of a preschooler is manifested in his search activity.

All stages of search activity are carried out in the course of active observation, participation in experiments, and in the process of conversations of a heuristic nature.

The main thing that awakens search activity is the impossibility of satisfying ordinary needs in the usual ways. The unusual situation that caused search activity changes in the process of research, and a person must respond to its change with his own actions, build assumptions about further development situations. All this is possible only when previous experience a person is perceived and assimilated. At the heart of search activity, activity is the need for new experiences. Search activity, according to N.N. Poddyakov, differs from any other in that the image of the purpose of this activity is characterized by uncertainty, instability. Only during the search it is refined and therefore all actions are flexible, mobile and have a trial character.

Analysis of the studied literature shows that the research activity of the subject is manifested:

  • in the subject's directed interest in a problem or class of problems;
  • in the analysis of the initial state of the problem and the formulation of a hypothesis for its solution;
  • in active search ways to solve the problem, including using a combinatorial enumeration of solutions;
  • in the perseverance of the research search and the desire to continue it, regardless of the result;
  • in the ability to analyze the decision process in stages and as a whole;
  • in evaluating the results (intermediate and final) and making adjustments to the study in the process of solving the problem;
  • in maintaining interest in further exploratory research.

Thus, it can be concluded thatresearch activityplays an important role in the development of children. Children do not just learn the knowledge that an adult gives, they actively contribute content to this process. own experience, which, interacting with newly acquired knowledge, causes the generation of new unexpected knowledge, acting in the form of conjectures, assumptions. A preschool child has a steady research activity, which is one of the important conditions his further creative development, his successful schooling (N.N. Poddyakov, A.I. Savenkov, N.B. Shumakova).


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Experience of the educator kindergarten"Exploratory activity of the child"

Description: I offer you my opinion about the work of an educator, my work. This material can be used by teachers for their portfolios and for various competitions.
The main goal of the educator is to develop the child's abilities, laid down from birth in every child.
A task modern educator: to educate a creative, creative, sociable personality. You need to predict and evaluate your results, develop independence initiative. To create conditions for the realization of the individual abilities of each child.

How more baby saw, heard, experienced, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative activity will be.
L.S. Vygotsky

I have been working in this small rural kindergarten for twenty years. Started her labor activity laundress, junior teacher, a teacher and even three years of them as a manager. But as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I moved to the position of an educator, and I don’t want another profession for myself. During my stay in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with different ages, and I will say, not concealing, that every age has its own “zest”, its own distinctive features. When you type younger age and you go, step by step, to graduation from kindergarten, then during this time you get closer to the children and grow with them.
The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with which you can implement the requirements of the new federal state educational standards. In this regard, in preschool institutions, teachers are provided with more larger volume for the development of creative and design capabilities, for self-development. And only if you want you can reach the greatest heights.
Today like never before ecological problem became one of the most pressing problems modern society. “The health of the nation depends on what kind of natural habitat we leave for our descendants,” said Dmitry Medvedev, speaking with the Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. According to D. Medvedev, “the decisive role in protecting environment must play civil society”, while ecological education and upbringing of the younger generation acquire an extremely important role. Therefore, for myself, I chose the topic "Ecological education of preschoolers", laying the foundations environmental education With early childhood. The ultimate goal of environmental education of preschoolers is to deepen their environmental education, the ability to self-education. Ecological education gives children opportunities for further growth of the ecological personality in cooperation with adults and peers. The basics of environmental education are associated with cognitive interest to objects and natural phenomena, systematic ideas about the world around, the ability to use knowledge for reasonable children's activities and conscious behavior in the natural environment.
Before the state, school, preschool and parents are faced with the task of extreme importance: to ensure that each child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - for sure! - initiative, thinking, capable of creativity to any business.
At present, the process of qualitative renewal of education is actively taking place in the country, its cultural, developmental, and personal potential is being strengthened. Modern society needs an active personality capable of cognitive and activity self-realization, creativity and research activity, able to independently and proactively study vital problems and find solutions. The foundations of such a personality should be laid already in preschool childhood (A.N. Poddyakov, Z.A. Mikhailova, V. Syurkevich, A.M. Matyushkin, Ya.A. Ponomarev, etc.). Modern studies emphasize that preschool education is designed to ensure the development of research activity and initiative of a preschooler, to lay down mechanisms for self-development and self-realization.
The word "activity" comes from the Latin activus and means active participation in something, energetic activity. In the works of G.S. Kostyuk, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya and others. Activity acts as the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one's own needs, views, goals. As a feature of a person's personality, activity is manifested in energetic, initiative activity. One of the most striking and early manifestations of the child's activity is his disinterested desire for knowledge of the world around him. The value of activity in cognition is very great, there is a concept as “research activity” (A.M. Matyushkin), “research activity” (P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets). Based on the general characteristics of activity, research activity is defined as an active, initiative, independent activity aimed at finding a solution to a problem that is significant for the subject using a certain system of methods, techniques and means.
At preschool age the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional-practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world with joy and surprise. The child wants to be active.
Search and research activity originates in preschool childhood. In this regard, children's experimentation as a form of this activity is of particular interest. According to Academician N.N. Poddyakova, “... in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing different ways on the surrounding objects and phenomena for the purpose of their more complete knowledge and development. The process of cognition is creative, and our task is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this.
The principal task of teachers and parents is the development of personality and its activity. S.R. Rubinshtein repeatedly emphasized that the pedagogical process shapes the personality of the child to the extent that the teacher directs his activity, and does not replace it. Any attempt to do without the child's own activity undermines the foundations of his healthy mental and moral upbringing.
Thus, we can conclude that research activity plays a huge role in the self-development of children. Children do not just acquire the knowledge that an adult gives, they actively bring into this process the content of their own experience, which, interacting with newly acquired knowledge, causes the generation of new unexpected knowledge, acting in the form of conjectures, assumptions. A preschool child develops sustainable research activity, which is one of the important conditions for his further creative development, his successful schooling (N.N. Poddyakov, A.I. Savenkov, N.B. Shumakova).

Research activity of the child.

"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember,

Give me a try and I'll understand."

(Chinese proverb).

Young children are by nature explorers, discoverers. They want to experience everything themselves, see it with their own eyes, touch it, smell it, and if possible even taste it. How children are surprised by the unknown, new, yet incomprehensible to them! Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. Everything is new to him: sun and rain, rainbow and dawn, moon and stars. The phenomena and objects of nature attract the child with their beauty, diversity and, of course, their mystery. research, search activity is their natural state, they want to know the world and understand all its secrets.

The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. Thanks to all this, the child learns the world, a part of which he is. It is very good when the child is inquisitive and asks a lot of questions. Children experience great joy, surprise and satisfaction from their small and big "discoveries".

The transformation of a child into creative personality, a person who wants to know the world depends largely on us, educators, on technology pedagogical process.

In this regard, one of the main tasks is to create the necessary conditions to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries.

The active introduction of research activities into the practice of my work with preschoolers is based on the fact that in the process of research and experimentation, all the material is acquired firmly and for a long time, because the child hears, sees and does everything himself. Creating conditions for children's experimentation allows each child to find a job according to their strengths, interests and abilities. During the research activity, the preschooler satisfies his inherent curiosity, build his idea of ​​the world. Children enjoy using various sources information and extract knowledge, information, materials.

To stimulate growth personal development child and provoke him to cognitive research activity, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment. To do this, we in the group created a mini-laboratory, which houses various materials and equipment. In our corner of experimentation there are assistant devices, natural material, medical materials, technical materials and much more. Selected educational literature didactic games search and research content, a file of experiments, abstracts of classes on cognitive research activities.

Experiments are carried out in joint activities with children and regime moments. The impetus for the beginning of experimentation may be surprise, curiosity, a problem or a request put forward by one of the children.

Therefore, in my work I try to use all existing varieties experiments: random observations and experiments, planned observations and experiments; experiments as an answer to children's questions.

Cognitive research activity permeates, including gaming activity. The game in the study often develops into real creativity. The presence of labor skills in children also creates favorable conditions for research activity.

Along with traditional methods and methods, we use innovative technologies education and upbringing of preschoolers. In the process of experimental and research activities, we use computer and multimedia teaching aids. After all, it is much more interesting not just to listen to the teacher's story, but to look at the objects or phenomena of research with your own eyes.

The project method is very relevant and effective in the development of the research activity of the child. This method allows the child to experiment, develops his Creative skills and communication skills.

It is very important to include parents in the process of developing the cognitive and research interest of children. For this purpose, visual information is drawn up for parents, individual and group consultations are held. I hope that most of our parents have understood that research activities have a comprehensive effect on the development of the child.

The only way to teach a child to live in a rapidly changing world is to create conditions for him to fully develop his own abilities. It is necessary to help the child find his own, even a narrow and sometimes difficult path. This is exactly what the research activity of preschoolers contributes to. I would like to believe that we, educators, by putting a particle of our soul into each child, make the world kinder.

Sagitova Gulnaz Fannurovna,

Educator of the first qualification category.

The author believes that the research activity of the child is one of the most important components educational process. Research activities can be organized at all age levels, but for positive result, a non-standard subject-developing environment should be created.



Tell me and I will forget

show me and I will remember

let me try and I'll understand"

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him.How more active child touches, smells, explores, feels, observes, listens, argues, analyzes, compares, the faster his cognitive abilities develop and research activity increases.

I believe that research activity contributes to self-determination and is the first step in preparing a person for self-realization in the natural science direction.

The formation of research activities takes place in substantive activity. For its successful organization, it is necessary to create a non-standard subject-developing environment.

In connection with the foregoing, when choosing the topic of self-education, I was faced with the choice of which direction for the development of children to take in order to maximize the needs and creative abilities of children, and also so that this activity gives me the opportunity for self-realization and the acquisition of new effective pedagogical competencies. On walks, I noticed that whiny and hyperactive children become calmer while playing with sand, it is easier to make contact with both peers and adults. I remembered the words K.D.Ushinsky "The most best toy for children - a lot of sand!

The issue was resolved. My choice fell on developing creative games with sand. The group created a mini-sandbox.

First, individual fairy tale games and games of hide-and-seek with sand were organized for children undergoing adaptation. At first, this frightened many parents and colleagues. But after 3 days, everyone noticed the difference: the reception of children began to take place more calmly. Then sand games began to be held with a subgroup of children, which immediately affected their successful socialization: the children became more sociable and liberated. I concluded that sand play increases the child's desire to learn something new, to experiment and explore on their own; develops "tactile" sensitivity; all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop harmoniously and intensively. Improved development subject-game activity, psychophysical skills and abilities, curiosity.

It became clear that the transfer of traditional educational activities in the sandbox gives a greater educational effect than standard forms learning.

Our Pedagogical Sandbox has been in existence for four years. During this time, a wide variety of types of sand, objects and materials for conducting integrated classes and game situations. Accumulated rich methodical material. Games and activities held in the sandbox make the process of upbringing and learning natural, bringing the joy of discovery and pleasure to children. Plus, it's simple, affordable, and useful!

The willingness and ability to explore new things in the world through real interaction with it is an independent value. From our understanding of the phenomenon of exploratory behavior and attitudes towards it,depends not only on the greater or lesser success of children in cognitive and practical activities, but to a certain extent on the probability of their physical survival in conditions of novelty and uncertainty.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the words of K.E. Timiryazev: “People who have learned observations and experiments acquire the ability to raise questions themselves and get actual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not passed such a school. »
