Empty eighth house in the natal chart. Houses in the natal chart

Astrological houses are twelve sectors of space, divided with respect to the horizon and the celestial meridian, and sections of the ecliptic with the planets located there in this moment time in a given geographic location. The position of astrological houses depends on the date, time, latitude and longitude of the place of observation. Houses are similar to signs, that is, the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, the third to Gemini, and so on. The interpretation of houses is similar to the interpretation of signs, but there are differences. If signs are a deep, psychological layer, then houses are an event layer. Houses characterize the spheres of life and our attitude towards them, how things are with us in each area. 12 houses cover our entire life and the events that can take place in it.

First housemeans your personality, briefly characterized by "I myself", the most important house. Here you can determine the main character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, attitudes. Events with active personal participation take place in this house, life-changing events, including those affecting changes physical body, change of attitudes. This is a very important and strongly manifested house. The ascendant and planets in the first house are stronger than the sun sign, in any case, their influence is more noticeable from the outside. If the top of the first house is in Aries, then the person is energetic and assertive, knows well what he wants, shows independence. Typically athletic, tall. Impulsive, impulsive. With Gemini at the top of the first house, a person is characterized by sociability, the desire to receive new information. As a rule, it makes it easy to learn foreign languages. Quick, quick look. The skin is swarthy, easily sunburnt. If the Ascendant fell into the sign of Virgo, then a person loves a sound approach to everything. Critical, first of all, to himself, and with tense aspects, an inferiority complex may appear. Such a person likes to see the concrete results of his hard work. Thus, we see that the Ascendant manifests the qualities of a sign in relation to the personality of a person, his appearance, and life principles. The planet in the first house is very important, as well as the location of the ruler and significator of the house.

Houses and areas of life

Second house shows everything that a person owns, what he considers his own. Material conditions of life, property (movable, as real estate associated with the fourth house), money. Shows also stock vitality, attitudes towards material values, what things he tries to surround himself with this person. Also here you can find out how a person spends earned money. Events in the second house are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, shopping. If the top of the second house falls into the sign of Aquarius, then we can say that a person loves original things, new technology. If the top of the house is in Taurus, we can talk about good prerequisites for wealth, love for luxury, beautiful things and jewels.

third house associated with the immediate environment. These are equal or almost equal people, those with whom a person interacts in Everyday life. This includes brothers, sisters, neighbors, colleagues (but not superiors and not subordinates). It is also the house of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, conversation, gossip, everyday communication - all these are the spheres of influence of the third house. Events related to the listed people take place in this house, short trips, obtaining information (receiving or writing letters, any correspondence is reflected here), business contacts, specific education as a sum of practical knowledge and skills. Places associated with this house are shops, libraries, transport stops, schools, colleges.

fourth house- my roots. it own house, place of residence, family, place of rest, attitude to nature, small homeland, parents. This house also means completion, including natural death, as the end of a certain stage. It is also the foundation, education, support or base in life. Events in the fourth house: changes in the family, in the house, change of residence, completion of any activity.

At the top fourth house in Aries family environment is impulsive, life in the family is uneven. Problems home life resolved by parental initiative. It may very well turn out that family life is, as it were, on a hike, without much comfort, and a person does not have a need for special comfort, coziness, and stability. It may turn out that they often move, or it may turn out that the parents are military. Conflict situations in the home can lead to head injuries or headaches. It may turn out that the mother has an aggressive character, while it is transmitted to the child, and the aggressiveness of the fourth house is very deep. Either this is not aggressiveness, but negativism, i.e. internal deep discontent and projection of a negative character for the future. This feeling that a person can produce on others is the most difficult for him to trace in himself, since the 4th house is the deepest point of the horoscope.
When the fourth house cusp is in a sign Taurus, the situation in the house can be harmonious, it can be disharmonious, depending on the aspect of the ruler. Harmonious or disharmonious, this is a stable, stable atmosphere in the house. Depending on the aspect of the ruler, a person receives stable material support from his parents or needs it, hopes for it, but does not receive it. It's hard to change anything in this house. And if the parental environment does not match your taste, then you need to make a tremendous effort in order to do something at home to your taste. Parents can leave a fortune accumulated over many years of life, it may consist of buildings, territories, savings and savings. In an adult state, a person has a need to organize his own house according to the principle my house is my fortress, a place where he can hide, where he feels reliable, stable, stable. How well he succeeds will be shown to you by the planet in the house or the aspect of the ruler to the cusp. It should be a strong, beautiful, durable house, where there will be food supplies and valuables for a "rainy" day, there is concern about old age.
If the top of the fourth house is in Gemini, then in the house there can be flexible relations, sensitive, an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents and children, ease in relations, their intellectual nature, great fortune it is not obvious, there may be intellectual heredity (the manager will show what kind), frequent moving. Home life can be animated by numerous contacts, visits, departures of relatives. The idea of ​​sociability is present in the house, perhaps a lot of reading, perhaps a lot of talking on the phone. And, most likely, all the neighbors are in the house.
When Cancer on the top of the fourth house, the family environment pays great attention family past, traditions, people from the family. The family keeps archives, letters, documents. Family heritage is preserved and passed down from generation to generation. The condition can be quite solid, mainly on the part of the mother. It is extremely important for a person to create his own own family, this is the goal of his life and can cause difficult experiences if the family does not work out. Then he tries to create a family at work or work in areas where the situation turns into a family one: all kinds of children's institutions, orphanages, hospitals, public catering.
The position of the top of the fourth house in the sign of Leo indicates that in family life a sense of hierarchy is observed, there is a chief, elder, boss of the family. Relations with their own are open, clean, clear, independent. There may be paternal inheritance. The condition is solid, possibly has luxury items, gold, large valuables. This house is bright, bright, they are trying to make it luxurious. In his own soul, man seeks brilliance and superiority. He is very careful and reverent about his merits and how they are perceived. If he finds out that his actions are perceived unworthily, he is able to change them for the sake of self-love. After creating his own hearth, a person takes a patronizing or authoritarian attitude towards parents, he becomes the boss in the family and dictates his own terms.
If the top of the 4th house falls in Virgo, then miscalculations, practical meaning here have a strong influence on family life. In his soul a man keeps a large number of duties and obligations, the inheritance, usually modest, consists of the fruits of labor of family members, passed from hand to hand. Transfer of skill, some practical skills. The house is organized in humble taste, with simplicity, and satisfies the practical needs of man.
When we see Scales on top of the fourth house, then here family life is full of charm and taste. This is an elegant house, arranged in an aesthetic manner. Harmony reigns in the house good understanding at the members. The house should be fashionable, secular, elegant, light. A person has the same soft and harmonious soul, communication with him brings you to peace, to a state of silence. Family life is necessarily a part of a person's emotional life. Social receptions, artistic, musical, literary salons can be organized in the house, not for the sake of celebrities, as it could be in Leo, but for the sake of communication, for the love of art.
When scorpio, the family situation is rather tense, it is often filled with feelings, jealousy, passion, hatred, death - these are problems that are discussed in the house, this is a state that passes through the house and changes it. It may turn out that family mourning is painful. It may be that questions about the material condition provoke conflicts, quarrels over inheritance, division of inheritance, family breakup on this matter. In this house there may be tendencies towards a secret life, there is a need to hide in your house and hide your soul, hide. This house, purely physically, can be organized with some kind of secret doors, with additional exits, with hiding places. External tragic events can lead to the physical destruction of the home, events such as all kinds of natural disasters, and the death of relatives. So deep in the house can be occult knowledge, interests, secret methods of treatment. This is the house of passion and the house of secrets.
When Sagittarius is at the top of the fourth house, then we can talk about spiritual, intellectual relationships in the family. The family, the laws of the family are subject to the moral principles of its members. Questions of conscience and honesty are the root causes of all kinds of discussions in the family, family councils, conversations about ethics, behavior, family legends. There may be a religious atmosphere in the house. From afar, this relationship looks very independent, but this is only from afar. How are things really? A careful study of Jupiter in relation to the cusp of the fourth house and the Moon is necessary. A person feels great affection for his comforts at home, has his own forms of recreation, his own traditions. This family can completely, unlike Gemini, emigrate from home country. Geminis tend to move from their home, leave their parents and go to another world. And Sagittarius, rather, will move all, all together.
If the moment of birth caught the top of the fourth house in Capricorn, then in the house, usually, the situation is strict, dryish. The house may be dark, poor lighting. Family ties, relationships can be quite strong, deep, but they are very far from demonstration, any demonstrativeness, they look dry and restrained, although feelings can be deep and strong. There may be a single father, a widower. In this family, the slow but steady growth of property, consisting of land and buildings. The inner life of a person lacks liveliness, lacks feelings and sensitivity, he experiences some isolation from the world, his emotional life undergoes deprivation, limitations. The end of life can be chosen locally, at the end of life there can be a hermitage, a conscious limitation.
Finding the cusp in Aquarius gives family life organized in conditions of warm, fraternal understanding, in conditions of equal relations. In the house there can be numerous friendly receptions, relationships of disinterestedness, sincerity, deep, basic strengths of a person. There is an intellectual atmosphere at the end of life, but also the end of life can be subject to some abrupt, unexpected event that will change emotional life person or his house, the atmosphere in the family.
Finally, if the top is Pisces, then in this family there are some elusive relationships, very similar to Tarkovsky's films, here is such a reality of a dream: something is happening, someone appears, it is not at all necessary who he is, some conversations are being held. Relationships can look ridiculous or strange. Sometimes this is expressed in an atmosphere of sacrifice, when the whole family sacrifices for the sake of another person's illness, or when parents demand a child's sacrifice, or the child himself sacrifices his life in favor of his parents, caring for them. It could be a sick mother. In this home life, there is an atmosphere of instability, unspoken conditions. There may also be some difficulties with the inheritance, sailing away from a person, or sailing incomprehensibly how and from where, from the unknown. They say that with such a house it is dangerous to live close to water, it is threatened with accidents and floods. If not close to water, then in such a house leaks of the roof and ceilings occur, pipes break through, cars break down - such a "fish" house. The danger is especially aggravated if the Moon or Neptune is in this house, or if the Moon and Neptune are afflicted in the chart.
Correlation: zodiac sign - house of the horoscope

fifth house responsible for creativity. These are any free self-manifestations of a person. Games, theater, sports - if it's for pleasure, and not for a career or money. Excitement, hobbies and entertainment, leisure. This house is also responsible for love, for love as a feeling, and not for marriage and not for sex, although sex for pleasure is also related to the fifth house. Another area of ​​this house are children and attitude towards them. Everything that brings joy and pleasure is associated with the fifth house. Events around the house - pleasure, love, the birth of children. By studying the fifth house, the astrologer finds out to what extent a person will pursue pleasures, including extramarital relationships, finds out how passionate a person is, predicts possible success or failure in the love sphere, as well as relationships with children and with children. For example, a water sign on top of the fifth house, especially Cancer, indicates desire to have children, to developed maternal feelings. If this is a man, then he will be very attached to his children.

sixth house associated with daily work. Ability to work, application of acquired skills. Subordinates and servants are also related to the sixth house. The presence of pets and attitude towards them. The sixth house is also associated with health. By the planets in the house and the sign at the top of the house, predispositions to diseases can be determined. For example, Gemini at the top of the sixth house can give frequent colds, speech disorders, and generally speaking of little security respiratory system. Events in the sixth house: work, receiving new position, dismissal, illness, treatment, recovery, relationships with subordinates, including servants.

seventh house- "my partner". House of relationships, longer and more serious than in the third or fifth houses. Various contracts, marriage and marriage partner are described by the seventh house. In the horoscope, the seventh house also shows what type of partners a given person seeks. If, for example, Aries is on top of the seventh house, you are looking for a partner who is energetic, physically active and enterprising, as well as able to shake you up to balance your well-being. If in your horoscope Pisces falls on top of the seventh house, you tend to show excessive care about a partner, respectively, you are attracted to partners whom you can help and support during crises. You are unlikely to be attracted to an active and proactive partner; rather, you tend to take on the role of leader in relationships. Events around the house: the beginning of a relationship, the conclusion of contracts, marriage, and also, together with the eighth house, the termination of contracts, divorce.

8th house often associated with extreme conditions. This is home border states. emergency, emergency surgical operations, death, committing risky or forbidden actions - all this is related to the eighth house. Another meaning of the eighth house is sexual relations and personal sexuality. The first sexual experience always connected in some way with the eighth house, like an irreversible crossing of the boundary "before" and "after". Other people's property, money, insurance, taxes and loans are another facet of the eighth house. Events around the house: injuries, operations, death (of oneself or someone close to you), transactions with other people's money, gaining or losing money, sex, risk, criminal cases. Here a reasonable question may arise: how to distinguish between these events? How to determine if a person will have an accident or will get the first sexual experience? To do this, you need to look at the horoscope and current influences together, look at what other houses, planets are involved, and what aspects are formed.

ninth house- house of aspirations. Outlook, higher education, travel, worldview, ideology and religion are the realms of the ninth house. Foreigners and distant relatives also related to this house. For example, Capricorn at the top of this house gives a conservative attitude to life, while Aquarius shows your openness to everything new, inventiveness, love of other countries and travel. Events at home: higher education (admission, graduation), long journeys, getting to know other cultures, changing your outlook on life.

tenth house- "the purpose of life". X-th house - the middle of the sky, MC, the most high point above the horizon, the top of the triangle, the evolution of man, where at the base, under the ground lies the II and VI houses, his financial situation, with which he was born, the service that he is ready to perform in the house, and on the basis of this, the peak that he can reach in life, the highest task that a person sets for himself. The X-th house will show what are the means to achieve this goal, in what area a person seeks to succeed in life: in social, intellectual or spiritual. From this point, a person looks at himself from a height, this is his place in the structure, this is the goal of the embodiment of the personality, this is a way to integrate into the social structure, this is his attitude to the hierarchy. Here is spiritual teaching, here are those teachers whom a person chooses for himself and the area in which he wants to improve. Here is the administrative activity of a person, how he is adapted to it or not, here is the level of his professional success. Here we can see the activity of a person in accordance with his spiritual principles, his ability to purposeful activity, his strategic nature, what is the goal of his life, how much will to fulfill this goal. By this point you can find the God that a person creates for himself, his idol. It is his social status and the profession that he chooses for himself as the goal of life.

The position of the planets in this house is very important, as well as the position of the ruler of this house. Success, fame, fame, social position are determined by the tenth house. Events around the house - gaining fame, career. In general, everything important events can pass through the tenth house. For example, marriage of convenience is more associated with the tenth house than with the seventh.

Eleventh house - "associates". This house, first of all, describes the person's friends, relationships with friends, with interest groups. It also describes a person's attitude to the future, his plans. When Aries gets to the top of this house, the person's friends are active. Often there is rivalry between friends, which promotes mutual growth. If Capricorn is on top of the eleventh house, then, as a rule, a person has few friends, in whom he first of all appreciates reliability.

twelfth house the most difficult house to understand a person. He is responsible for everything hidden, inaccessible to man. He shows the intrigues and intrigues of behind-the-scenes enemies. Deprivation, illness are often associated with the twelfth house. Emigration, separation from home, family, imprisonment, military service, chronic diseases are typical events of the twelfth house. It is also the house of karma that needs to be worked through. The nature of karma is determined by the position of the top of the twelfth house, as well as its ruler and significator.

AT natal chart you can find empty houses where there is not a single planet. Beginners to study astrology sometimes worry about this: “Oh, my seventh house is empty! I will never marry!” This is a gross mistake. There are many people with a blank who got married or married more than once or even twice. Many people who have earned billions of dollars have empty second or eighth houses of the horoscope, and sometimes both at once. Any house of the horoscope is very important. House with a planet (or several) accents certain areas life of the individual, which makes the latter seem extremely relevant. The energy of the planet in the literal sense of the word makes a person actively participate in the affairs of a “full” home and there is nowhere to hide from this, but the achievement of integrity by a person is possible only in a complex, when the individual does not divide himself into parts, but tries to move harmoniously through life. It is also worth remembering that the Sun, Moon and other planets transit through one or another part of the horoscope, activating the empty signs of the Zodiac and the houses of the natal chart.

The sign of the cusp determines the manner and method of the individual's approach to solving situations in the house of the horoscope. If you have , then the cusp of the second house may be in Virgo, which indicates attentive and caring attitude to finance. Even if five planets “crowded” in the house, the sign of the cusp still determines the attitude towards the affairs of this house of the horoscope.

  • First house - demeanor, appearance.
  • The second house is money, abilities, talents, energy.
  • The third house is communication, inner circle, brothers and sisters.
  • Fourth house - parents, roots, home, end of life.
  • Fifth house - entertainment, children, creativity, romance.
  • The sixth house is work, health, hygiene, daily affairs.
  • 7th house - partnership, marriage, open friends and enemies.
  • Eighth house - other people's finances, sex, death, rebirth.
  • Ninth house - higher education, philosophy, travel.
  • Tenth house - career, positions and titles, reputation.
  • Eleventh house - friends, dreams, goals and aspirations, social movements.
  • The twelfth house is isolation from society, secrets, spirituality.

It is worth considering carefully the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the house of the horoscope. Her position gives a lot of information. If Virgo is on the cusp of the second house of finance, then Mercury (ruler of the sign of Virgo) will give additional information about how the individual earns money. When a person can be a psychologist, publicist, writing on self-development topics, or, for example, a nutritionist. With the cusp of the second house in Aries, and Mars (ruler of Aries) in the sixth house of the horoscope in Leo, the individual can earn money with his creativity, for example, to work in a business related to festive events and selling fireworks, children's sports or just being a talented stripper, gigolo or marriage swindler. If Saturn is in opposition to such Mars, then the person (or rather the ego of the individual) will be dissatisfied with his work. The result will be achieved only through patient and measured actions. With the trine of Mars to Chiron, deadlocks at work are possible, with the trine of Uranus - an unexpected bonus.

The expression of the approach to the affairs of the house of the horoscope is due to the sign on its cusp

  • House cusp in Aries - directly, energetically, initiatively.
  • The house cusp in Taurus is productive, thoughtful, practical.
  • The house cusp in Gemini is flexible, sociable, changeable.
  • The house cusp in Cancer is intuitive, careful, caring.
  • The house cusp in Leo is creative, festive, expressive.
  • House cusp in Virgo - analytical, attentive, critical.
  • House cusp in Libra - diplomatic, aesthetic, fair.
  • The house cusp in Scorpio is intense, insightful, transformative.
  • The house cusp in Sagittarius is open, global, authoritative.
  • The house cusp in Capricorn is responsible, conservative, hierarchical.
  • The Aquarius house cusp is extraordinary, independent, unpredictable.
  • The house cusp in Pisces is receptive, deceptive, compassionate.

That was the division of the plane of the circle into 12 different sectors. In astrology, these sectors are called "houses". Each house is responsible for a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200blife and is associated with certain events. Sectors can be the same size, or they can be different. It depends on which house system we will be using. The vast majority of astrologers work with the Placidus system, but some prefer Koch, the equal house system, or Regiomontanus. There are also rarer systems. The choice of a grid of houses often depends on the astrological school. We will only talk about Placidus, with the exception of the polar latitudes, for which it is best to choose Zariel. However, if you are using Zet 9, it will automatically suggest this grid of houses for you when building a map for high latitudes.

12 houses of the natal chart have their own groupings: they are combined by meaning and themes, by the source of activity, by position in the chart itself. Two points must be recognized as the most significant. The first is the division into lower and upper hemispheres. At the same time, the houses of the lower hemisphere are related to everything that the person initiates, for the most part, that he launches into life, which is his action and his personal activity. And the houses of the upper hemisphere refer to how a person interacts with society, and his activity starts there public processes. By the distribution of planets in the upper and lower hemispheres, we can indirectly judge how active a person is either himself or is driven by the people around him. Second important point in the grid of houses is their division into corner houses, falling houses and subsequent houses.

Corner houses are those that fall on the 4th most important points horoscope: ascendant (As), descendant (Ds), medium koeli (MC) and imum koeli (IC), which corresponds to 1, 7, 10 and 12 houses. These are the most important zones of the map and they are responsible for the main life events of a person. But let's go in order.

The 1st house of the natal chart also means its beginning. It describes the appearance of a person and how people around him see him. This house can be briefly denoted by the word "I". Because he is also responsible for the personal beginning. At big first the house and the abundance of planets in it, we see a rich or gifted person with a lot of inclinations, feelings and emotions, extraordinary and interesting. At little first house or the absence of planets in it, we are faced with a flattened, simple, unsophisticated person, not striving for personal development and they are not interested. The big first house, however, often tells us about a person’s sufficient obsession with himself, his appearance, his person. His ego can come to the fore and overshadow other areas of life. This is especially noticeable when placing the Sun in the first house. Such people are quite selfish and like to draw the attention of others to their person. This position can be good for the acting profession or the modeling profession, when self-presentation and the love of presenting oneself is a key personality trait.

When analyzing the first house, it is also important which planets will fall at its very beginning. The line marking the beginning of any house is called the cupsid. The cupsid of the first house is the Ascendant - the starting point of the chart. Planets on the Ascendant can describe the features of birth, or they can describe appearance. As a rule, a person with a planet on the Ascendant has an unusual appearance that attracts the attention of people around him.

The 2nd house in the horoscope is the house of finance. It describes your financial situation and where and in what ways money comes into your life. Of property 2, the house describes primarily movables, since there is a separate sector for real estate in the map, which means cars and everything that drives. Keyword for this house - "mine", so we say that it generally describes everything material that can belong to you. In a woman's chart, sometimes transits through the second house show the birth of children, since a child for her is also, in a way, "mine." Be attentive to bad aspects and destructive planets in this house - they can show that your financial affairs are not as stable as you would like, and indicate where the threat comes from. However, it is worth remembering that the second house - the house of money - should be evaluated in conjunction with the house of work and the house of career and life mission. Only then will we get a holistic understanding - which way is best to organize cash flows. The position of the Sun in the 2nd house always shows us a person who is very anxious financial matters their decision. They love money or money loves them - this should already be looked at throughout the map in its holistic analysis, but it is clear that there is an attraction between them. Such people may be good accountants, financiers, economists or to establish their own business, and not work for the employer.

The 3rd house in the natal chart describes our mental activity and our speech. The way you and I think and speak, what happens in our head and how we make decisions - all this is described by this house. The phrase that succinctly and briefly describes it sounds like "I think." An additional value of this will be primary (school) education. Therefore, if a child may have tangible difficulties in school, or a person is a born teacher or consultant (or writer), we can see this just in the 3rd house. Another of its meanings is nearby roads (within the city and the nearest region), as well as neighbors and brothers / sisters. Such diversity should not frighten us. Usually the whole map is informative enough so that we can understand which of these values ​​is better for us to choose. However, from experience I can say that if you take its very first and main meaning - thinking and speech - you are unlikely to be mistaken. Modernity, however, has added another aspect to this house - it is Internet communications, as this is a variant of written speech and communication. The position of the Sun in the 3rd house shows us the person who most likes to talk and communicate. His mode of realization in this life is speech. He can get involved foreign languages or just know the grammar of the Russian language well, treat the text with care and love. He may also be attracted to close trips and logistics, as an area where he can work. The Internet can also be an area for the development of his abilities and talents. Writing is also possible.
