Physical culture and health work in the dow for the summer. Physical culture and health work in the dow in the summer

Irina Redkina

Protection and promotion of health, improvement of the functions of the child's body and its full physical development are an integral part of the teaching work in a preschool. great attention With early childhood given to the formation correct posture, motor skills, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, development of physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, strength, etc., as well as instilling cultural and hygienic skills and interest in physical exercises, which contributes to the formation of moral qualities, strong-willed personality traits, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

According to statistics for Lately number healthy children decreases. These data make us direct all our efforts to improve the level physical education health work in the senior group"Dreamers".

Given the fact that summer the most favorable period for strengthening the physical and mental health and development of children, our kindergarten strive to make full use of favorable conditions summer time. Planning a summer wellness work, I try to increase and diversify the physical activity of children.

Morning exercises and reception of children in summer, I spend on the site, since it is in warm time years, the conditions for the development of children's movements are significantly improved. Besides physical education classes are also held at fresh air, on sports ground. Our site is equipped with the necessary aids for the development of the main movements: sand pit for long jump; balance beam; obstacle course; sensory track. This allows children to willingly use them both in the classroom and in independent motor activities in order to consolidate skills in the main types of movements and develop dexterity.

IN summer period during the day, I provide for a balanced alternation of all types of children's activities, among which the game is predominant. In the warm season, more than 50 outdoor games can be held and various options. Children are especially interested in games with a longer run, with a race, with elements of competition, and relay games. Along with sports exercises: with exercises in throwing, throwing and catching the ball in order to prepare children for sports games, we fix classes in "School of the ball". Having on the territory kindergarten a football field, a volleyball and basketball court in the summer, we continue to teach children these sports games.

On the site of our kindergarten there are paths for riding bicycles and scooters. Children are offered tasks with a gradual complication: driving in a straight line, in a circle, one after another, along a winding path, along a path with different soil, etc. fun: "Do not hurt", "Snake","Eight", "Check in in pairs at a slow pace", relay races and bike rides.

a special place in our physical culture and health work we dedicate to such forms active rest, How sports holidays and leisure. Such events are always filled with fun entertaining exercises, meeting with your favorite heroes, unexpected surprises. Staying in the open air, playing with water, a variety of physical activities contribute to health promotion, hardening of the body, enrichment of motor skills. children's experience, which allows you to increase children's interest in movements. When organizing summer holidays, we introduce children to Russian public holidays with the characteristics of their implementation. And of course, parents who take Active participation V "Happy Starts" And "Summer Olympic Games".

Related publications:

Questionnaire "Physical and recreational work at home" Questionnaire: "Physical and health-improving work at home." Purpose: To find out: - do parents understand the importance of mobile activities in the life of a child;

Physical culture and health work. Be healthy! Physical culture and health work. Be healthy! DOU No. 10 gr. "Chamomile" junior group. Educator: Panteleeva A. A. FORMS OF WORK providing.

Physical culture and health work on the topic: “Mountains. Stones. Gymnastics after sleep "Naughty legs" Flexion and extension of the legs Leg,.

Physical culture and health work with young children The period of early childhood (from one year to 3 years) is characterized by rapid growth and development of the child's body. The child improves in walking.

This work is used in the complex-thematic planning "We want to be healthy" (physical development). As part of a long term project.

Physical culture and health work with preschoolers is distributed over the entire period day stay child in kindergarten. This work.

Summer period in a preschool institution - the opportunity to fully devote work saving health technologies. During the preparation for the health-improving process, the pedagogical staff develops routes for walks and excursions, replenishes the card index of outdoor games and corrective exercises. Compiled detailed plan summer health work in preschool educational institution. It notes the main points of working with children - tempering procedures, physical culture leisure, integrated activities.

Where does the summer season start?

In the summer, preschoolers spend a lot of time on the site, in the fresh air. It is in summer that children get the most impressions and positive emotions- outdoor games, sports entertainment, tempering procedures, sports holidays.

While a plan is being drawn up for summer recreational work in preschool, on the territory are held necessary work. The safety of children must come first. Necessary activities before the start of the summer period:

  1. Audit of street inventory.
  2. Sports field painting.
  3. Necessary repairs (verandas, swings, benches).
  4. Subbotnik on the territory of the entire garden.
  5. Instructing staff on the safety of children during holidays, trips.

Health-improving work begins in the preschool educational institution during the summer planning period. The creative group develops forms of work with children and parents.

Goals of the recovery period

In recent decades, in working with preschoolers, emphasis has been placed on health-saving technologies. The health-improving work program in preschool educational institutions is only the direction in which teachers of the institution must move to obtain the desired result.

The basic program is usually supplemented methodological developments. It could be " Acupressure» Umanskaya A.A., “Muscle relaxation” by J. Jacobson, “Gymnastics for fingers” by Pak Je-woo, “Psycho-gymnastics” by Chistyakova M.I.

The main goals of recreational work are the preservation and strengthening of children's health (emotional, physical, mental). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics every child.

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard sets as its main goal the protection, strengthening physical health and mental well-being of the child. The introduction of the standard allows you to see the result of the work in perspective and strive for it.

Tasks of the recovery period

One common goal helps to orient in the direction of health work. Tasks lead to a comprehensive solution of the goal. They help to structure the work in different directions:

  • Increasing the adaptive capacity of the body with the help of various forms hardening.
  • Formation of a positive emotional mood.
  • Creation of conditions for independent motor activity kids.
  • Improving the physical functions of the child's body.
  • Development of a culture of movement.
  • Formation of the need for exercise, hygiene procedures, healthy way life.

Be sure to diagnose the psychophysical state of health of children before and after recovery period. Notify parents about hardening, hygiene procedures or other activities.

Planning summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution

Planning work with children consists of several main stages:

  • Health diagnostics.
  • Complete nutrition and drinking regimen (hygiene and aesthetics of eating, correct selection furniture).
  • Hardening activities (contrasting dousing of legs and arms, walking barefoot, stop therapy, morning exercises, salt paths, swimming pool exercises).
  • Preventive actions ( breathing exercises, fairy tale therapy, gymnastics for the eyes, self-massage).
  • Corrective measures (phonetic rhythm, individual sessions for the development of speech fine motor skills, touch, social orientation).
  • Vitaminization (herbal tea, juice, oxygen cocktail, vitamins).
  • Working with parents.

The plan of summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution is not complete without physical education, music, integrated classes, holidays and entertainment. They include:

  • physical education classes with valeological conversations;
  • morning exercises with musical accompaniment;
  • individual games and exercises;
  • physical education with parents;
  • after quiet time;
  • games in a dry pool;
  • integrated outdoor activities;
  • sports and music holidays.

Forms of recreational work in the preschool educational institution

All work is reduced to 3 main blocks:

  1. Adult initiative is a specially organized moments in which adults act as leaders, and children as followers.
  2. The joint activity of adults and children is the presence of an equal relationship, a mutual desire for interaction.
  3. The independent activity of children is a spontaneous desire in the game, creativity to embody already known techniques.

Forms of health work help to move from the 1st block over time to the 3rd block. It is important not only to show the child the basics of hygiene, but it is also important to motivate him to constantly use the acquired knowledge.

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution adheres to such forms as:

  • training sessions;
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations about maintaining health, body structure;
  • physical education minutes;
  • quizzes;
  • motor workouts;
  • excursions;
  • classes in the pool;
  • tourist trips;
  • holidays, leisure, sports days.

Physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard can take a variety of forms. Please note that there are no classes during the summer. Therefore, more attention should be paid to outdoor games, sports entertainment and targeted walks.

hardening activities

Hardening consists of a whole range of activities that can be carried out at home with parents. At the same time, take into account the emotional and physical state child.

The organization of recreational work in the preschool educational institution begins with the creation of conditions for the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures. It is in the summer that the main hardening procedures are carried out:

  • light- air baths;
  • dousing feet and hands with cool water;
  • tempering gymnastics after daytime sleep;
  • walking barefoot along the "paths of health";
  • rinsing the mouth after eating.

The basic principles of hardening are regularity and gradualness. If the child goes to kindergarten, then over the summer he will learn the basic principles of hygiene, learn about hardening procedures. The main thing is a positive emotional attitude, which will contribute to the overall improvement of the body.

Corrective measures

Corrective measures in the summer period are carried out by all kindergarten specialists - a speech therapist, music director, teacher of fine arts, instructor of physical education, choreographer, psychologist.

Corrective games can be carried out individually or included in general classes:

  • Communication games.
  • Articulation gymnastics.
  • logarithmic exercises.
  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Body therapy exercises.
  • Relaxation games.
  • phonetic rhythm.
  • Rhythmoplasty.
  • Orthopedic gymnastics.

Importance correctional games consists in the fact that the child sees how other children perform exercises. So kids quickly overcome shyness and fear, get necessary skills and skills. When a child attends a kindergarten, a competitive effect appears - to do better than others.

Preventive actions

Preventive measures include sets of exercises. They prevent the appearance of scoliosis, flat feet, visual impairment. Non-traditional methods also used for disease prevention, strengthening nervous system and the formation of a positive emotional background:

  • Gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Self-massage.
  • Acupressure.
  • Art therapy.
  • Music therapy.
  • Fairy tale therapy.
  • Psychogymnastics.
  • Game training.
  • Drama therapy.
  • Kinesiotherapy.

As well as corrective preventive actions are carried out not only by educators, but also by all specialists of the institution.

IN without fail based on age features health work in the preschool educational institution. IN middle group preventive measures are significantly different from preparatory exercises. Gradual complication is a fundamental factor for full development children.

Working with parents

The summer health work plan at the preschool educational institution includes Close interaction between the family and the garden helps to speed up the process of acquiring hygiene habits. For parents, they put them out on the street where you can find advice on a healthy lifestyle, the formation of hygiene skills.

On parent meetings or in a private conversation, the nurse will talk about the methods of hardening. Help with advice in the organization necessary procedures Houses. In the memo for parents, the teacher will write a recipe for herbal tea or the rules of an articulation game.

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution is also not complete without the participation of mom and dad. Joint sports days and competitions, health days and trips will help to include parents in the educational and health-improving process.

Ecological trails have been created in some gardens. They allow you to make small excursions with children and parents on the territory of the children's preschool.

Summer period features

In the summer, the time spent outdoors increases. Weather conditions should be taken into account when going for a walk.

Morning exercises and physical education classes are held outside. In good weather, drawing, applique, modeling, manual labor, music lessons pass outdoors. Hardening procedures are carried out daily and corrective exercises.

As often as possible, taking into account weather conditions play with sand and water. Organize observational activities (for the sun, wind, insects, plants).

The organization of labor and supervision should take into account the plan for summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution. GEF recommends creating optimal conditions For independent activity children. Therefore, toys, tools should be in every child. On the site it is necessary to break flower beds or make a small garden. Then the children will be able to plant flowers and vegetables themselves. Watch them grow and take care of the plants.

Project activity

A sedentary lifestyle, an increase in the incidence of children make the project of recreational work in preschool educational institutions relevant. Practical orientation will help organize subject environment and involve children, parents, and employees in the educational and health-improving process.

The project indicates why a healthy lifestyle is needed, how it will help human life. In the theoretical part, goals, objectives, expected results, methods and technologies used are prescribed.

The practical part includes conversations with children, observations, theatricalization of fairy tales about healthy lifestyles, didactic games, reading stories, watching cartoons and videos. They should push children to realize the need for hygienic, hardening skills.

The implementation of the project begins with monitoring the incidence of children. After that, a plan of recreational work is drawn up, the selection of exercises and techniques.

Organizational moments of work

In the summer, do not allow overwork of children. Overloading the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems of the body can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to alternate periods of physical activity with calm games, relaxation.

Morning. Gymnastics on the street, outdoor games. Hygiene procedures after the walk, breakfast. After eating - rinsing the mouth. Reading books, talking about health. On a walk - exercises for the development of large and Balance exercises alternate with relaxation gymnastics, eye gymnastics and articulation exercises. Round dance games are practiced, walking barefoot on the grass, sport games(badminton, ball games, bowling, cycling and scootering).

Day. Hygiene procedures before lunch. Pouring feet and hands up to the elbows with cool water. Weather permitting, the windows are open throughout the day. Be sure to practice daytime sleep without shirts. After him - corrective gymnastics on the beds. Before lunch - observing the plants in the group, learning poems about nature.

Evening. During an evening walk, you can arrange a creative workshop on the veranda: children can choose modeling, drawing, and manual labor if they wish. After quiet classes, arrange competitions with sports attributes. Alternate them with elements In conclusion - a walk through ecological path with parents.

Holidays for children:“Like a brook went to visit”, “We teach Luntik to do exercises”, “We protect nature”, “A fun sports day”, “Relay race with Lesovichok”, “Day of the sun”, “Temper, do not be shy”, “Draw in the sand”, “ Water games”, “Summer Olympics”, “Moidodyr and Summer”.

Advice for educators:"Plan of recreational work in the summer", "Aesthetics of the site", " Drinking regime”,“ Basics of hardening ”,“ Outdoor games in summer ”,“ Daily routine according to SanPiNu ”,“ Organization of motor activity ”,“ How to make a conversation about the structure of the body ”,“ Healthy lifestyle for children ”,“ Doable work in the air.

Advice for parents: "Outdoor games on the beach", "Games with sand, water", "Learning to melt and dive", "How to play with a child in summer?", "Sunburn and heat stroke", "Temper up together", "What berries can you eat ?”, “We are in the country with a baby”, “If a wasp stung”, “A child on the road”, “Safety in summer”, “How to make health paths on your own?”

Activities with parents: "Day fun games”,“ Visiting the Traffic Light”, “How microbes got on your hands”, “ Fun starts”,“ Cleanliness Day ”,“ Neptune Day ”.

Olga Rudometkina
Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution in the summer

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution in the summer. Presentation.

Target: To ensure the preservation, multiplication, development and strengthening of the health of children in summer health company.

Tasks:Create optimal conditions for summer recreation and health improvement of children.

form right attitude children to motor activity, hardening activities held in the fresh air. Increase physical activity of children in the air. To carry out a complex of hardening procedures, making the most of the natural factor. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. Maintain close contact with parents, involving them in hardening procedures, recreational activities.

To achieve a healing effect in summer period- the daily routine of all preschool educational institutions is the maximum stay in the fresh air.

Pay special attention to ensuring sufficient physical activity of children throughout the day.

The effectiveness of the motor mode depends on the volume, time, intensity of motor activity of children. In the regime of the day, physical activity of various intensity: 10-15% of the total time of physical activity. In medium intensity, all physical exercises are carried out in the summer.

Specificity summer work.

Reception of children and morning exercises in the air. Organized motor activity in the air (health walking, running, motor warm-ups, breathing exercises, basic exercises, outdoor games, entertainment, general developmental exercises.)

Gymnastics awakening with hardening activities.

Walk in the morning and afternoon (outdoor games, elements of sports games, scooter riding).

The summer wellness period consists of:

Drinking regimen, motor regimen, catering, tempering procedures, wellness work with children,family work.

Strengthening activities include myself:

Air and sun baths, awakening gymnastics, bare walking, water and sand games.

Motor mode in summer season includes:

Reception of children and gymnastics in the morning in the fresh air. Organize the motor activity of children on the street (Walking and running are improving, breathing exercises, motor warm-ups, outdoor games, entertainment). Gymnastics of awakening with tempering activities. Walks in the morning and afternoon (outdoor games).

Family work.

Organized motor activity of children together with parents.

Parent participation in physical culture-health-improving events organized by the State Educational Institution. educational Job(exhibitions, information stands, consultations, talks, meetings).

wellness work with children.

Organized educational activity on a healthy lifestyle (health days and weeks) Vitaminization, juices, drinks. Prevention of flat feet, strengthening posture.

Related publications:

Questionnaire "Physical and recreational work at home" Questionnaire: "Physical and health-improving work at home." Purpose: To find out: - do parents understand the importance of mobile activities in the life of a child;

Physical culture and health work. Be healthy! Physical culture and health work. Be healthy! DOU No. 10 gr. "Chamomile" junior group. Educator: Panteleeva A. A. FORMS OF WORK providing.

Protection and promotion of health, improvement of the functions of the child's body and its full physical development are an integral part.

Physical culture and health work on the topic: “Mountains. Stones. Gymnastics after sleep "Naughty legs" Flexion and extension of the legs Leg,.

Physical culture and health work with preschoolers is distributed over the entire period of the daytime stay of the child in kindergarten. This work.

Work experience "Physical and recreational work" (part 2). It is difficult to overestimate the importance of good posture and gait: this is not only the basis of harmony and beautiful figure, but also a healthy spine, from which.

Pleskovskaya E. V., educator

MBDOU "Poltava Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Planning and organization of sports and recreational work in the summer

Summer is a small life! It is during this period of the year that children get the maximum of impressions, pleasure and joy from communicating with peers and making new discoveries. And it depends on the adults around him how he will spend this time with health benefits, the development of emotional and cognitive processes.

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called wellness, it has its own specifics. Not all parents have the opportunity to leave the area in order to improve the child, task of preschool educational institution is to make every possible use of the conditions of summer time favorable for strengthening the health of children, to ensure that the child gets stronger, recovers and hardens, learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world plants and animals.

Regulatory documents.

Carrying out preventive, hardening and recreational activities with children in the summer period is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

Order on the preschool educational institution "On the preparation and organization of summer recreational work."

Summer success work is determined primarily by how timely and efficiently the kindergarten team prepared for it. Preparation affects all aspects of the life of a preschool institution, all members of the team in accordance with their functional duties.


Develops a plan preschool education to the summer recreational period (hereinafter referred to as LOP),

Distributes responsibilities between administrative and managerial, medical, pedagogical and junior staff for landscaping, equipment walking areas and a sports ground in accordance with SanPiN,

Provides training to teachers and staff

Supply manager:

Plans work to prepare the territory of the preschool educational institution for the LOP,

Carries out control within the framework of its functional duties.

Senior teacher:

Develops a plan of work at the HC with pupils, teachers, parents, society,

Prepares visual information for teachers and parents,

Exercises control.


- planning for injury prevention gastrointestinal diseases,

Plans hardening events,

Briefing, first aid preparations.


Develop long-term plans,

Provide instruction to students

Prepare equipment for hardening,

Prepare drinking equipment.

The organization of the ENT in the preschool educational institution is built in three directions:

    Strengthening the health of pupils (different kinds hardening procedures, the use of health-saving technologies )

* Morning exercises. Do morning exercises outdoors.

*Daily regime(adjust the mode of life of children, taking into account the warm season (this mode should be with the head of the kindergarten, the educator, and in the catering department - the schedule for dispensing food);

*Exercise after sleep. After a quiet hour, conduct “wake-ups” in groups using health paths and developed complexes.

*Physical training. Exercise outdoors in lightweight clothing.

*Hardening. Regularly carry out hardening activities: air baths, walking barefoot on a correction path, water procedures according to individual indications.

*Outdoor games. In the warm season, the conditions for the development of children's movements are significantly improved. The motor activity of children in the summer period consists mainly of outdoor games, sports games, sports exercises.

*Walks. Special attention during the summer period should be given to cognitive research activities on walks: observations on a walk of the phenomena of living and inanimate nature(soil condition, air temperature, precipitation), building relationships, interdependence of objects and natural phenomena, experimenting (with water and sand), collecting, modeling, solving problem situations. You can organize and hold entertainment "Beautiful and amazing around us", "Water and Sand Festival", etc.

IN summer time on the street with children, you can organize productive educational activities (drawing, appliqué, origami, paper-plastic, macrame, stained-glass windows, etc.). To do this, appropriate conditions must be created on the site (stable tables, chairs, portable easels).

* Do not forget about work: reinforcing self-care skills in young children preschool age, organization of labor assignments, shifts. Older children can be involved in cleaning group room, plot, work in the flower garden and garden, assistance to younger pupils, household work. In the course of this work with children, knowledge about professions is consolidated, proverbs and sayings about work are learned.

* Conduct work with the parent. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution is also not complete without the participation of mom and dad. Joint sports days and competitions, health days and hikes and excursions will help to include parents in the educational and health-improving process.

2.Organization of food in the summer recreational period. The full development of children is impossible without organization balanced nutrition in compliance with established norms nutrition. When organizing the nutrition of children, first of all, the diet includes products containing a protein component, the main sources of which are meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. important place vegetables and fruits in the diet. According to the plan of work at the LOP, children receive juices, fruits, and vitamins every day. C-vitaminization of the third course. A second breakfast is introduced.

3.Planning(summer health work plan has the following structure) :

1. Incidence analysis(analysis of the health status of children, % of children in need of additional recreational activities)


    Goals and objectives for the summer recreation period

    Methodological support of intellectual and motor activity

    Motor activity mode

    Instructive and preventive work

    Control and management of health work

    Working with parents

Principles of planning health work in a preschool educational institution

When planning recreational work in a preschool educational institution, one should adhere to following principles:

Integrated use of preventive, hardening and health technologies, as well as their continuous implementation;

In terms of predominant use non-pharmacological means recovery;

The use of simple and affordable health technologies;

Formation positive motivation in children medical personnel and teachers to carry out preventive, hardening and recreational activities;

The integration of the hardening prevention program into the family should be monitored;

Increasing the efficiency of the system of preventive, hardening and recreational activities through compliance with sanitary rules and regulations in the preschool educational institution, optimal motor mode and physical activity, sanitary condition of the institution, catering, air-thermal regime and water supply.

Thus, a well-planned system of entertainment, educational and recreational activities provides required level physical and mental development children. It also satisfies the need of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement, as well as health promotion.

Sample Plan preparation of the preschool educational institution for summer season

Preparation affects all aspects of the life of a preschool institution, all members of the team in accordance with their functional duties.

1. Administrative and economic issues

Name of events


    A plan is being developed to prepare the preschool educational institution for the LOP

    Responsibilities are distributed between administrative and managerial, medical, pedagogical and junior service personnel for the improvement of the territory, the equipment of walking and sports grounds in accordance with SanPiN.

3. Carrying out various types of repairs (specify what exactly)

4. Prepare a garden, flower garden

5. Study the occupancy of groups in the summer months to combine groups

6. Instruct teachers, technical staff on the issues of protecting the life and health of children when organizing summer holidays, games, hikes

7. Organize a community work day for the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents

2. Methodical work

Name of events


1. Conduct a seminar for educators on the preparation and conduct of work with children in the summer

2. Organize creative groups summer preparation educators

4. Equip a methodical office necessary material to help educators:
a) Develop routes for walks and excursions, taking into account the location of the preschool institution, recommendations for them on their implementation, information about plants growing on the routes.
b) Make a card file of mobile, construction, design, didactic games of preschoolers on a sports ground, on an excursion, on a hike with brief description each of them.
d) Prepare a calendar of summer folk holidays, entertainment.
e) Pick up literature about plants and animals, about agriculture.

3. Working with parents

1. Conduct group meetings to prepare for the summer, at which to acquaint parents with the state of health of children, to inform about the summer program of the kindergarten;

2. Organize consultations on medical and pedagogical topics;

3. Prepare an information and reference section for parents both in the methodological office, and slide folders in groups, portable stands on the street.

Sample topic:
1. Organization of sports and recreational work with children
Variety of morning exercises given period
Organization of outdoor games
Holding holidays and leisure
Games for hiking or walking in the woods
Water games
2. The natural world
Calendar of seasonal observations, phenomena
The nature of the region in which we live
Organization of work in the flower garden and garden
Secrets of nature, medicinal and poisonous plants
Tour Requirements
Preventive work for the prevention of poisoning by poisonous plants
3. Game
Requirements for the maintenance and placement of gaming equipment on summer playgrounds
Organization different types games during the summer
4. Visual activity
Unconventional methods in visual activity
Development children's creativity
5. summer holidays and leisure
We introduce children to Russian folk holidays
Basic requirements for organizing a holiday
Themes and selection of material for holidays and leisure activities for outdoor activities in the summer
6. Fundamentals of children's life safety
Learning the rules fire safety
Organization of the work "Attention, road!"
7. Local history
Conducting excursions to memorable places
Themes of children's art competitions
8. Organization of work with parents
days open doors, meetings with interesting people living nearby, joint labor activity, excursions, hiking, sports competitions

Consultation for teachers

"Features of the organization of physical culture and health work in the summer"

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschool children in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will please children for a long time.

The stay of preschool children in the fresh air in the summer strengthens and tempers the child's body, has positive influence on their comprehensive development. The main task of adults at the same time as fully as possible to satisfy the need of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement. A well-planned system of entertainment, educational and recreational activities will help to ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children.

Goals of the recovery period

In recent decades, work with preschoolers has focused on health-saving technologies.The program of recreational work in the preschool educational institution is only the direction in which the teachers of the institution must move in order to obtain the desired result. The main goals of recreational work are the preservation and strengthening of children's health (emotional, physical, mental). At the same time, the individual characteristics of each child must be taken into account in the work. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard sets as its main goal the protection, strengthening of the physical health and mental well-being of the child. The introduction of the standard allows you to see the result of the work in perspective and strive for it.

Tasks of the recovery period

One common goal helps to orient in the direction of health work. Tasks lead to a comprehensive solution of the goal. They help to structure the work in different directions:

    Increasing the adaptive capacity of the body through various forms of hardening.

    Formation of a positive emotional mood.

    Creation of conditions for independent motor activity of children.

    Improving the physical functions of the child's body.

    Development of a culture of movement.

    Formation of the need for physical exercises, hygiene procedures, a healthy lifestyle.

Be sure to notify parents about hardening, hygiene procedures or other activities.

Planning summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution

Planning work with children consists of several main stages:

    Good nutrition and drinking regimen (hygiene and aesthetics of eating, proper selection of furniture).

    Hardening activities (contrasting dousing of legs and arms, walking barefoot, stop therapy, morning exercises, salt paths, swimming pool exercises).

    Preventive measures (breathing exercises, fairy tale therapy, eye exercises, self-massage).

    Corrective measures (phonetic rhythm, individual lessons for the development of speech, fine motor skills, touch, social orientation).

    Vitamin therapy (herbal tea, juice, oxygen cocktail, vitamins).

    Working with parents.

The plan of summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution is not complete without physical education, music, artistic and aesthetic educational activities, holidays and entertainment. They include:

    morning exercises with musical accompaniment;

    physical education;

    individual games and exercises;

    physical culture leisure;

    gymnastics after daytime sleep;

    games in a dry pool;

    integrated outdoor activities;

    sports and music holidays.

Forms of recreational work in the preschool educational institution

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institutionadheres to such forms as:

    training sessions;

    sport competitions;

    conversations about maintaining health, body structure;

    physical education minutes;


    motor workouts;


    holidays, leisure, sports days.

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standardcan take a wide variety of forms. Please note that there are no classes during the summer. Therefore, more attention should be paid to outdoor games, sports entertainment and targeted walks.

hardening activities

Hardening consists of a whole range of activities. It is important to take into account the emotional and physical state of the child. The organization of recreational work in the preschool educational institution begins with the creation of conditions for the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures. It is in the summer that the main hardening procedures are carried out:

    light-air baths;

    dousing feet and hands with cool water;

    tempering gymnastics after daytime sleep;

    walking barefoot along the "paths of health";

    rinsing the mouth after eating.

The basic principles of hardening are regularity and gradualness. If the child goes to kindergarten every day,then over the summer he will learn the basic principles of hygiene, learn about hardening procedures. The main thing is a positive emotional attitude, which will contribute to the overall improvement of the body.

Corrective measures

Corrective measures in the summer are carried out by all kindergarten specialists - a speech therapist, music director, physical education instructor, choreographer, psychologist.

Corrective games can be carried out individually or included in general classes:

    Communication games.

    Articulation gymnastics.

    logarithmic exercises.

    Relaxation games.

    phonetic rhythm.


    Orthopedic gymnastics.

The importance of corrective games is that the child sees how other children perform the exercises. So kids quickly overcome shyness and fear, get the necessary skills and abilities. When a child attends a kindergarten, a competitive effect appears - to do better than others.

Preventive actions

Preventive measures include sets of exercises. They prevent the appearance of scoliosis, flat feet, visual impairment. Non-traditional methods are also used to prevent diseases, strengthen the nervous system and form a positive emotional background:

    Gymnastics for the eyes.



    Art therapy.

    Music therapy.

    Fairy tale therapy.


    Game training.


Like corrective, preventive measures are carried out not only by educators, but by all specialists of the institution. It is mandatory that health-improving work in preschool educational institutions is based on age characteristics. Gradual complication is a fundamental factor for the full development of children.

Working with parents

Plan for summer recreational work at the preschool educational institutionincludes working with parents. Close interaction between the family and the garden helps speed up the process of acquiring hygiene habits. For parents, they put them out on the street where you can find advice on a healthy lifestyle, the formation of hygiene skills. At parent meetings or in a private conversation, the nurse will talk about hardening methods. Will help with advice in organizing the necessary procedures at home. In the memo for parents, the teacher will write a recipe for herbal tea or the rules of an articulation game. It is good to use ecological trails in the summer. They allow you to make small excursions with children and parents around the territory of a preschool institution.

Summer period features

In the summer, the time spent outdoors increases. Weather conditions should be taken into account when going for a walk. Morning exercises and physical education classes are held outside. In good weather, drawing, appliqué, modeling, manual labor, music classes are held outdoors. Hardening procedures and corrective exercises are carried out daily. As often as possible, taking into account weather conditions, games should be played with sand and water. Organize observational activities (for the sun, wind, insects, plants). The organization of labor and supervision should take into account the plan for summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution. GEF recommends creating optimal conditions for independent activities of children. Therefore, toys, tools should be in every child. On the site it is necessary to break flower beds or make a small garden. Then the children will be able to plant flowers and vegetables themselves. Watch them grow and take care of the plants.

Project activity

A sedentary lifestyle, an increase in the incidence of children make the project of health work in preschool educational institutions relevant.Practical orientation project activities will help organize the subject environment and involve children, parents, employees in the educational and health-improving process.The practical part of the project includes conversations with children, observations, dramatization of fairy tales about healthy lifestyles, didactic games, reading stories, watching cartoons and videos. They should push children to realize the need for hygienic, hardening skills.

Organizational moments work

In the summer, do not allow overwork of children. Overloading the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems of the body can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to alternate periods of physical activity with calm games, relaxation.


Gymnastics on the street, outdoor games. Hygiene procedures after a walk, breakfast. After eating, rinse your mouth. Reading books, talking about health. On a walk - exercises for the development of large and Balance exercises alternate with relaxation gymnastics, eye gymnastics and articulation exercises. Round dance games, walking barefoot on the grass, sports games (badminton, ball games, bowling, cycling and scootering) are practiced.


Hygiene procedures before lunch. Pouring feet and hands up to the elbows with cool water. Weather permitting, the windows are open throughout the day. Be sure to practice daytime sleep without T-shirts. After him - corrective gymnastics on the beds. Before lunch - observing the plants in the group, learning poems about nature.

Evening .

During an evening walk, you can arrange a creative workshop on the veranda: children can choose modeling, drawing, and manual labor if they wish. After quiet classes, arrange competitions with sports attributes. Alternate them with elements In the end - a walk along the ecological path with parents.

Holidays for children: « forest journey”, “We teach Luntik to do exercises”, “We protect nature”, “Merry sports and athletics”, “Day of the sun”, “Draw in the sand”, “Water games”, “Summer Olympics”, “Cheerful kaleidoscope”, “Neptune Day” .

Advice for educators: "Plan of recreational work in the summer", "Aesthetics of the site", "Drinking regimen", "Basics of hardening", "Outdoor games in summer", "Daily routine according to SanPiNu", "Organization of motor activity", "Health-saving technologies for children", "Strong labor in the air."

Advice for parents : "Outdoor games in the summer on the street", "Games with sand, water", "Learning to melt and dive", "How to play with a child in the summer?", "Sunburn and heat stroke", "Temper up together", "What berries can is there?”, “We are in the country with a baby”, “If a wasp stung”, “A child on the road”, “Safety in summer”, “How to make health paths on your own?”
