New rules of behavior for well-mannered children. The big book of rules of behavior for well-mannered children

Valentina Petrovna
Pedagogical project “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children”

View project: informative.

Age: senior group.

Target project: Introduce children with rules of behavior in society, teach how to use these rules in practice. Shape the culture behavior. Develop the ability to express your feelings, skills of action and cooperation.

Tasks project:

1. Give children an idea of ​​the characteristics of a person as a living organism.

2. Develop emotional world children, learn manage your feelings.

3. Foster a culture of communication.

4. Contribute moral development child by forming his ideas about goodness, mercy, friendship, and culture of communication.

5. Develop an interest in communicating with adults.

Duration: 1 Week.

Stages project:

Stage 1. Preliminary stage.

1. Selection and approval of the topic project.

2. Definition of goals and objectives project.

3. Selection of information material, children's and popular science literature, illustrations, audio recordings, photographs.

4. Replenishment of the corner in the group visual material (illustrations)

5. Creating a card index of games.

6. Compilation perspective-thematic plan.

7. Providing conditions for the implementation of this project.

Stage 2. Main stage.

1. Conducting conversations.

2. Familiarization of preschoolers with works of art children's writers

3. Getting to know each other children with folk, outdoor, didactic games.

4. Organization of exhibitions.

5. Learning songs and round dances.

6. Observations.

Stage 3. The final stage.

1. Presentation project for parents.

2. Processing of implementation results project.

3. Making additions, amendments.

4. Final entertainment.

Ways of implementation project.


1. N.O.D. Formation complete picture peace "Evil Tongue"

Target: Learn to give a moral to what is happening.

2. Outdoor game "Change of Place"

Target: develop speed of reactions, volitional processes.

3. Didactic game "Call me kindly".

Target: learn children convey feelings with intonation, cultivate a culture of communication.

4.“The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it”

Target: Pin polite words.

1. Discussion of fairy tales by O. N. Pakhomov "Good Tales"

Target: develop attention, interest and love for fiction, careful attitude to books.

2. Looking at the illustrations on topic: "What is good, what is bad".

Target: learn children to look at, compare and evaluate actions.

3. Plot - role-playing game "Visiting friends"

Target: Educate children a polite attitude towards others and a desire to help them.

4. Folder - moving for parents “Toys, how to estimate their number” (consultation)

Target: give an idea about toys, their meaning; bring up careful attitude towards them.

1. Drawing "Our little brothers".

Target: instill a sense of love in children, compassion for our smaller brothers, a desire to help them.

2. Game "Loud quiet"

Target: develop auditory attention; cultivate a culture of behavior V in public places; the ability to listen to others.

3. Dramatization of a fairy tale "Dr. Aibolit".

Target: continue educate children understanding the value of health, the need to be neat, clean, neat.

4. Outdoor game "Sparrows and the car".

Target: Strengthen running skills in different directions without bumping; foster mutual assistance(respect, friendliness.

1. Listening to Shainsky's song “If you go on a journey with a friend”.

Target: develop the ability to listen, hear, sing along; bring up respect for your friends.

2. Watching a puppet theater "Three piglets".

Target: fasten rules of conduct in the theater, cultivate a culture of speech.

Tips for parents:

Visiting the sights of your hometown to education love for hometown, taking care of him.

How to develop Creative skills at children.

How to instill a love for fiction.

Entertainment "Courtesy Day" (With the invitation of parents and kindergarten staff)

Expected result:

Children gaining knowledge about culture behavior;

Formation children's culture of behavior in public places.

Parents' manifestations of interest in the problem of moral raising children.

Target: generalization of knowledge about culture behavior in children and parents.

Question and answer competition form:

Name five magic words.

How to contact an adult?

Name it rules of communication(do not shout or interrupt)

Why do people communicate?

A game “Who can move the rattle faster?”.

Holding a competition for parents "Proverbs".

A game “Recognize the action by description”, "Guess from the photos" (hometown - meta attractions)

Publications on the topic:

"Rules of conduct for kids" One day, a children’s book by Yulia Sokolova, “Rules of Behavior for Kids,” appeared in the group. My kids and I have read it many times.

Formation of rules of behavior culture in children 3–4 years old Formation of rules of behavior culture in children (from work experience) At the beginning of work in 2 ml. We paid special attention to subject-development groups.

Consultation for parents “Teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the roads” In the family, in the system of preschool institutions, in school, the development of children’s skills safe behavior must be considered equally.

ECD "Rules of behavior in the forest" for children of the senior group Abstract of GCD for educational field « Cognitive development» “Rules of behavior in the forest” For children of the older group Goal: to educate the basics.

Organization of organizational educational activities children

Etiquette rules for children are one of the important topics that parents should raise in their family in a timely manner. A person of any age living in a society must take into account the norms of behavior accepted by this society and follow them. The child’s place in society depends on how conscientiously parents raise their child.

What is etiquette?

Etiquette is a set of norms and rules governing the behavior of people in society or an individual social group. When we talk about etiquette for children, we mean rules good behavior, first of all, in relation to adults, because they are the ones who can evaluate behavior as “good” or “bad” due to their experience.

Etiquette is divided into different types– there are both generally accepted rules and special etiquette for individual cases(for example, official, religious, mourning). Etiquette should be taught to children gradually, and for up to school age those rules are enough good manners that kids can apply in everyday situations.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scripts comprehensive developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations on how to conduct complex games and how to create them yourself;
  • A plan for creating such activities at home

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When to instill good manners?

You can teach children rules of behavior as early as younger age, although awareness will come much later - after 5 years. Children should be introduced to table manners from the age of 2. The child is already quite capable of eating on his own, which means it’s time to start explaining how he can and cannot behave while eating.

Preschoolers are taught etiquette by their parents at home and by teachers in kindergarten. The baby is in the company of adults and children; situations arise around him every day that require politeness, respect for elders, and the ability to interact with peers.

When a child grows up and goes to school, his level of freedom will increase, and there will be less control from adults. All omissions of parents in upbringing will be clearly visible, and correcting the behavior of schoolchildren is not easy. That is why the rules of etiquette and ethics (the foundations of ethics and ethics) must be laid down from an early age.

What should a preschooler know?

The best example for a child is family members, primarily parents. By imitating them, the baby learns good and bad, so parents must control their behavior in front of the child. You should not forcefully teach your child politeness if, due to his age, he still cannot understand why he should say hello to strangers. Or with those about whom his parents do not speak very well. In addition, imposing rules can lead to a backlash – protest.

Around age 5, just when adult imitation is in full swing, is the time to start paying your child's attention to how you interact with other people, especially outside the family. Here are the rules that a preschooler needs to know so as not to get into an awkward situation and not make their parents blush.

Speech etiquette

Follow the rules speech etiquette it is necessary not only with members of your family, but in general with all children and adults, not necessarily only with acquaintances. Adults should set an example for children and also follow the rules of communication:

  • greet family in the morning, wish Good night before going to bed;
  • greet acquaintances on the street and at a party, and then say goodbye to them;
  • say hello to your neighbors, even if you don’t know each other personally;
  • use the words “thank you”, “please”, “be kind”, “sorry”;
  • address strangers using “you”;
  • do not insult, do not tease other children, do not snitch, do not provoke;
  • apologize if you did something wrong;
  • say “let me interrupt you” if you need to address one of the speakers.

Table etiquette

A child should be taught table manners from an early age, and as they grow older, the requirements for the child will increase. The way a child behaves at the table creates the main idea of ​​his upbringing, cleanliness and respect for such a family ritual as eating.

During meals, you must observe table etiquette:

  • you need to eat only in a designated place (kitchen or dining room);
  • use cutlery during family meals, this also applies to small children (prevent smearing food with your fingers on the plate);
  • you need to eat from your own plate, do not comment on the contents of someone else’s;
  • do not pounce on food if not all family members have gathered;
  • do not chat with your mouth full, remember the rule “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb”;
  • chew with your mouth closed;
  • do not play with food, do not indulge in drinks (do not spill tea, water, do not drink juice loudly through a straw);
  • it is indecent to express your negative opinion about food (“ugh, that’s disgusting”, “I won’t eat this”);
  • it is indecent to put your elbows on the table, to push;
  • It’s not nice to stretch across the entire table; you need to ask the person sitting next to you to pass something;
  • You can’t pick your mouth at the table;
  • you need to use a napkin or towel, and be able to ask for a clean napkin;
  • take from the plate that piece of bread (piece of pie, sandwich, fruit) that is closest, and not choose the one that is larger or more beautiful;
  • Moreover, it is indecent to take a piece from a common plate, hold it and put it back;
  • before leaving the table, you need to wait until all family members have finished the meal, or ask adults for permission to leave;
  • You can’t take a plate of food and go to the TV or to another room.

Guest etiquette

When visiting, you need to behave calmly, show respect to the owners of the house and follow the rules:

  • do not come empty-handed (bring some kind of treat, even symbolic);
  • do not ask for tea without an invitation;
  • always say hello to the owners of the house;
  • you cannot walk around rooms without permission and touch other people’s things on shelves or inside cabinets;
  • It is strictly forbidden to jump on beds, sofas, chairs, even if the owner’s child does this;
  • do not throw tantrums, do not demand anything from the owners of the apartment;
  • keep clean, throw away trash after yourself (candy wrappers, juice boxes), collect toys after yourself;
  • calmly pack up and leave when the time will come, do not demand to play yet;
  • Be sure to say “thank you” for the hospitality and food, and say goodbye to the owners of the house.

Family etiquette

The rules of behavior in each family are established individually, but there are common ones for all - respect and mutual understanding.

When communicating with family members, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • older relatives must be treated with respect, without being rude, not insolent, or undermining the authority of the head of the family;
  • You cannot swear or shout at family members;
  • if you need to get into the room of your parents (or other relatives), you should definitely knock;
  • it is at least ugly to tell or “report” on a brother or sister;
  • It is important to respect the work of family members, be it cooking, cleaning the house or playing together.

Rules of behavior on the street

If at home only family members can judge a child’s upbringing, then on the street all the flaws in upbringing are striking. So that you don’t have to blush awkwardly and embarrassly take your baby away, teach him the following rules:

  • there is a trash can for garbage;
  • It is forbidden to walk on lawns or pick flowers from flower beds;
  • it is indecent to point a finger at people and discuss their appearance out loud;
  • you cannot cross the road whenever and wherever you want if cars are driving along it;
  • You should not intrusively tell any personal information to strangers;
  • it is forbidden to leave the place where the parent left the child waiting for him, or where they agreed to meet;
  • When walking, you should not run far ahead of your parents or hide in busy places;
  • when moving along the sidewalk, you need to walk on the right side (analogy with lanes for cars);
  • Don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk to tie a shoelace or chat with a friend—you need to step aside.

Behavior in transport

Sooner or later you and your child will have to go somewhere by public transport, so give instructions in advance little passenger on how to behave on a bus, train, train, plane:

  • on the bus, give up your seat to older people (if the child is still small, then explain that now he needs to sit for his own safety, and another person will give up his seat to the grandmother);
  • offer a place to pregnant women (when the child already knows this concept);
  • on the train long distance You can’t run around the carriage or knock on other people’s compartments;
  • do not shout, do not knock on the wall of the train compartment;
  • on an airplane you cannot stand up from your seat if this is temporarily prohibited, shout loudly, or push the seat in front with your feet;
  • In any form of transport, it is indecent to dirty the person sitting in front of you with your feet or to push dirty shoes the back of the chair;
  • It is forbidden to shout, laugh loudly, or sing songs.

Rules of conduct at the theater, circus or other cultural event

Parents have the opportunity to introduce children to cultural life already from an early age - theaters, museums and other institutions are now accessible almost from birth. Therefore, before visiting such places, you need to explain to your child how to behave:

  • do not be late for the performance, but arrive with plenty of time to pass outerwear, visit the restroom if necessary;
  • come to the hall before the program starts in order to take your seat and not disturb your neighbors;
  • if you are still late, you need to move forward to your seat along the row facing forward, and apologize for the inconvenience caused;
  • do not crunch on food or make noise with your drink during a performance or movie show;
  • do not talk during the session, do not answer phone calls, put the device on silent mode.

General rules of conduct

There are things that unacceptable anywhere, in any group:

  • scratching, picking teeth, ears, nose in public;
  • get ahead of others when passing through a door, for example, in a store;
  • scream, run, slam doors;
  • be rude, answer questions unkindly;
  • cough without covering your mouth and burp without apologizing;
  • shouting on public transport;
  • run and step on feet;
  • shuffle your feet when walking;
  • chew gum without covering your mouth, chew loudly in public.

Rules of conduct for preschoolers in pictures

You can teach your child etiquette both by example and by visual aids. You can explain how to behave in society and show them. The book “Etiquette for Kids” in pictures by E. V. Sokolova and N. N. Yankovskaya is suitable for this.

When showing the child a picture, you can ask suggestive questions: “What do you think is depicted here? How should you behave?" Let the child try to formulate the rules of behavior himself.

Learning by playing

You can also teach your child the rules of good manners through play. Conduct politeness lessons at home when you are studying with him or just playing in the nursery. You can play out situations with the help of dolls and your favorite toys - write a fairy tale about someone ill-mannered, act out a mini-scene, come up with etiquette games (“tea party with dolls”, “the bear went to visit”, etc.), and then - discuss and ask: “Who did the right thing? And why? Who will mom praise?" You can put on a whole theatrical performance for kids.

Read books on this topic and discuss which characters behave correctly and which ones are rude to others. Books on the topic children's etiquette many, here are some of them:

  1. "Etiquette for children various years", A. Usachev;
  2. “Rules of Conduct”, E. Beaumont;
  3. “Polite words”, O. Korneeva;
  4. “Sociable Tales”, T. Shorygina;
  5. “The ABC of Politeness”, L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus;
  6. “School of politeness for small owners”, N. Ivanova, G. Shalaeva;
  7. “Rules of conduct for well-mannered children”, G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva, O. Sazonova;
  8. “The most important rules of behavior for well-mannered children”, Harvest publishing house;
  9. “Etiquette for Fidgets”, Clever publishing house;
  10. “How to behave at the table. Etiquette for everyone in stories, poems, pictures,” ed. R. Dankova.

In preschool educational institutions Children are taught politeness using specially designed programs. Teachers organize classes and teach children the rules of good manners, but this does not mean that parents should abandon this topic and rely only on teachers.

Note to parents

It is difficult to name the exact age when you need to start teaching your child good manners. It is necessary to instill in a child norms of behavior with family members and society from birth, even when the child does not understand the whole essence. He understands the intonations, the mood of his family and sees the picture of what is happening.

The table below clearly illustrates approximate age limits when you can introduce your child to the rules of behavior.

Table “When and how to teach a child etiquette”

Age What to pay attention to
Up to 1 yearWe use polite words in our speech (“thank you”, “please”, “ Good morning", "Good night")
We wash our hands before eating, saying out loud why we need to do this
1-3 yearsWe instill neatness - use a bib or napkin, change soiled clothes after eating, wash your face and hands
We instill norms of behavior and communication in the family, showing by example respect and politeness
We teach to eat with a spoon and fork, we replace the sippy cup with a mug
3-5 yearsWe improve the skill of using cutlery, teach how to eat carefully - do not move away from the table, lean towards the plate so as not to spill the soup, and not to spread “dirt” around you
We actively teach independent personal hygiene - brushing teeth, washing hands, using a handkerchief or napkin.
We teach you to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing; don’t forget about polite wishes addressed to another person (“Be healthy”)
We introduce the child to the rules of behavior in public places, transport, visiting, cultural events, in kindergarten
5-6 yearsWe continue to introduce the child to table etiquette, adding the use of a knife to everyday life
Improving knowledge guest etiquette, we apply the rules if we go to visit; we correct mistakes, explain to the child why some actions are unacceptable
By our example we constantly show how to communicate in the family and in society outside it, we monitor our behavior
School ageLet’s not forget everything we instilled in the child before; we remind you how to behave at the table (in the school canteen), in lessons (speech etiquette, respect for the teacher, peers), in transport (independent trips) and public places

Instead of a conclusion

Children - independent individuals, but at the same time they are a continuation of us, adults, our reflection. Looking at how a child behaves with the people around him, one can draw far from superficial conclusions about the standards of decency accepted in his family. It’s not for nothing that they say that you need to educate yourself, not children, because children take their cues from those they see every day, whom they love and whom they want to imitate.

Serve good examples, and then your children's behavior will not disappoint you. Even from a distance, you will be sure that you will not have to blush, apologize and have unpleasant conversations with your child in the hope of correcting what you missed.

This summer, our eldest child (4 years old) spent all his holidays with his grandparents. And so that he wouldn’t be too bored there, we bought this book for them to read. I immediately apologize that the book is not in perfect condition, because it is read every day, and in the summer it was also dragged around on the street.

With the participation of: O.M. Zhuravleva, O.G. Sazonova, N.V. Ivanova, S.V. Pastors.

The pages of the book are not glossy, they are some kind of melamine. But very durable. The pictures are bright, the animals are well drawn, any child will immediately understand who they are talking about.

The book contains funny instructive poems to tell children how to behave in a given situation, teaches the rules of etiquette, and cultivates politeness.

This beautifully illustrated book will introduce your little one to the basics of etiquette. Funny poems will help your child understand how to behave correctly in any situation. life situation, be it a trip on public transport, a visit to the hairdresser or just a walk down the street. The publication will serve a wonderful gift any child.

Total pages in the "Book for Well-mannered Children" 496

The book is quite heavy (weighs almost a kilogram)

There are 19 sections in total:

Each section has its own subsections, for example, in the section “how to behave at the doctor” there are subsections: before going to the doctor, get yourself in order; at the clinic, hand over things to the cloakroom, etc.

For each subsection there is a story in verse about animals that did not know how to behave correctly in society and at the end - a quatrain about what should have been done in this situation.

And now some poems closer.

Usually my child and I read poems from one subsection, then look at the pictures and retell what we read. Sometimes we memorize last quatrain by heart... Well, like us, more likely I And then in the right situation, instead of scolding the child for mischief, I retell the poem and we analyze what should have been done. We analyze and consolidate in practice.

In the book, half of the poems tell what kind of animals are brought up and not brought up, and from about the middle of the book real poems begin with pictures of little people, not animals.

So this book taught my oldest child a lot. For example, having read the section on how to behave on an airplane, he already knew that baggage check-in, ticket checks and seating on the plane awaited him... Arriving at the airport (this was his first conscious flight), he asked when we would check in our luggage, and when I need to take a coin out of my pocket, and when they give me a seat belt to fasten... Well, on the plane there were 2 hours of time, and we studied the section: How to behave with grandparents.


We draw a conclusion :

  • Big bright book
  • Clear verses
  • Vivid pictures
  • Really raises kids
  • Quatrains are easy to remember
  • The cover is bright and memorable
  • Feel free to give as a gift

And I would never have thought that my baby would carry this book with him everywhere and tell the kids in the kindergarten how to talk to the teacher correctly

I hope my review will be useful to you and you will make the right choice.

In a civilized society one cannot do without the application of the rules of etiquette. Therefore, children must be taught from birth and demonstrated by personal example. This is very important, because if the rules of good manners are not followed in the family, then it will be impossible to teach the child. Why does a little capricious person need etiquette? Believed to be correct well-mannered child will know how to behave in society. Society is a kindergarten, a playground, a school, a clinic, everything that a child attends in the first years of his life. He learns the basics of etiquette from his family. As soon as he begins to understand something, he needs to be explained “what is good and what is bad.” For example, ask to pick up grandma’s fallen stick and give it to her, or bring grandpa a newspaper. The basic rules of etiquette for children begin with such little things. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, older brothers and sisters should help kids learn etiquette. In the civilized world there is a problem ethical education is more acute than ever. Modern children They think less and less about the rules of good manners, because always busy parents did not have time to convey to their child the basics of correct, good manners of behavior inherent in children. well-mannered person. In cultural and educated parents children know and practice the rules of good behavior: with older people, peers, strangers, caregivers and teachers; at home and in public places (in kindergarten, school, clinic, transport, etc.); visiting; at the table; in a telephone conversation and so on.

Etiquette - generally accepted norms and rules of behavior of people in society. So has he outlived his usefulness? Looking at the communication style of modern teenagers, many psychologists wonder whether etiquette has become obsolete in principle. However, they immediately pull themselves together, saying that they can build without him normal relationship impossible, since there will be a rollback (degradation) to almost primitive times.

Types of children's etiquette

Exists a large number of types of etiquette. However, there are slightly fewer types of etiquette for children than for adults.

Day off - Taking the kids for a walk

On the street, as well as at home, as well as at a party, certain standards of behavior should be observed. Parents should pay a lot of attention to ensure that their child behaves well outside.

Without fail, the child must learn that:

    ​Garbage should be in the trash can, not on the ground;

    It is prohibited to walk on lawns;

    You can’t point fingers at people or point out their shortcomings;

    To avoid collisions with passers-by, when walking on the sidewalk, you should adhere to right side;

    If you stop, you should step aside so as not to disturb passers-by;

    It is forbidden to eat on the go; it is better to stop or sit on a bench;

    It's worth remembering the rules traffic;

    You cannot leave the place where your parents asked you to wait;

    You cannot disclose your address and telephone number to strangers;

    You cannot go anywhere with strangers.

It is good when a child has the opportunity to develop culturally. Therefore, parents should pay this issue attention and at least occasionally take the child to theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, etc. At the same time, parents should take care in advance to teach their child good manners.

For example, in the theater:

  1. You should look neat; it is unacceptable to come in dirty or torn clothes;
  2. You should arrive early so that you have time to clean yourself up and put your outerwear in the cloakroom;
  3. It is necessary to take a seat, especially if it is located in the middle of a row, in advance, so that later you do not have to disturb the rest of the spectators;
  4. You should only move along the row to your seat facing those sitting, apologizing for the inconvenience. Don’t forget about words of gratitude;
  5. During the performance, it is forbidden to make noise, share impressions, or talk on the phone - this can be done during intermission;
  6. During the performance it is forbidden to eat or drink;
  7. During the performance, you should sit quietly so as not to disturb those sitting behind you.

Guest - For friends' birthday

It is very important to teach your child how to receive guests at home and how to behave when visiting them. To do this, you need to remember just a few simple rules:

  1. Do not come to visit without an invitation, and, in case urgent need, inform the owners yourself about your visit. Unexpected guests almost always cause worries and troubles for the owners;
  2. You should not persistently ring or knock on the door - no more than twice;
  3. When going on a visit, you should definitely take a gift or a gift with you - going on a visit without a gift is impolite;
  4. When visiting, you should behave calmly and reservedly; you should not make noise or run around;
  5. It is prohibited to touch the owners’ things without permission, look into locked rooms, open cabinets, etc.
  6. You can’t give a bad assessment to the owners’ house, including the existing mess, unpleasant smell etc.
  7. If invited to the table, you should eat carefully;
  8. You should not stay at a party for a long time;
  9. Before leaving for mandatory It’s worth thanking the hosts for the warm welcome and food;
  10. Guests should be invited in advance;
  11. It is mandatory to pay attention to everyone invited;
  12. Before leaving, guests should thank them for their visit.

IMPORTANT: Vaccinate a child good manners, only those parents who themselves follow the rules of etiquette can make him a well-mannered person. After all, absolutely all children learn, first of allturn, on the personal examples of adults.

Passenger - On a trip, at least every day

So that parents do not have to blush because of the child’s limping behavior outside the walls of the apartment, they should tell him at home about the rules of behavior in public places. Special attention I would like to pay attention to the rules of etiquette in public transport:

  1. Before entering the transport, you should let everyone exiting it pass;
  2. Men and boys should let women and girls go ahead of them, and only then enter the salon public transport;
  3. It is forbidden to push passengers with your elbows when moving deeper into the cabin in order to take a seat. free place;
  4. You should give way to elderly people, disabled people, pregnant women and passengers with children;
  5. When entering a vehicle, you should remove your backpacks and backpacks from your shoulders so as not to disturb other passengers;
  6. Don't crowd at the entrance unless you need to get off at the next stop;
  7. In public transport it is forbidden to eat, shake off dirt, raindrops, snow from clothes;
  8. It is prohibited to run, talk loudly, or dirty the seats inside the vehicle;
  9. In public transport, it is prohibited to closely look at other passengers;
  10. Animals should be transported in special bags or cages, and dogs should be muzzled;
  11. In transport, you should prepare for the exit in advance;
  12. On the street, parked vehicles should be walked around from behind, only trams - from the front

Speech - Speak politely and thank

Younger schoolchildren, like preschoolers, must learn the rules of communication with people; for this, if necessary, they should be reminded of the rules of speech etiquette set out in the section above and reinforce them. There are also rules for communicating with people that absolutely everyone should follow. These rules should be taught to children from the very beginning. early childhood. Even very young children should know that:

Family - Respect comes from family

Etiquette rules should be observed everywhere, and family is no exception. Even the smallest baby should know:

  1. With parents, grandparents, etc. You should communicate respectfully and politely;
  2. You cannot argue with relatives or quarrel with them. When entering your parents’ room, you should knock;
  3. It is forbidden to swear, fight with brothers and sisters, or snitch on them;
  4. You should adhere to all the rules and traditions established directly in the family;

IMPORTANT: It is best to teach your child the rules of behavior in the family by example. In addition to parents, the child’s environment is also a role model for them, so you should pay attention to who your child communicates with.

Dining room - Nobility must be cultivated

From the time a baby begins to eat with adults, he needs to be taught table manners. No need with early years teach too complex rules of behavior at the table: why a certain fork or a certain glass is needed. The child will learn all this later, if necessary. Basic rules of decency are sufficient. The basic rules for child behavior at the table are that you cannot:

  1. eat by slurping, smacking and chewing with your mouth open;
  2. do not use a napkin while eating, licking your fingers;
  3. stuff your mouth too much;
  4. sit down at the table if the child is not washed, not combed, or dressed unkemptly;
  5. put your elbows on the table;
  6. take food with your hands (picking);
  7. spit out food;
  8. lean back and rock in a chair;
  9. sit at the table, lounging.

Need to:

  1. wash your hands before eating;
  2. start eating with everyone together;
  3. eat in silence;
  4. use napkins;
  5. give thanks at the end of the meal for the delicious food.

Telephone - Hello? Hello!

Parents should explain to their child that during a telephone conversation they should use all the rules of speech etiquette. Along with these rules, telephone etiquette The following can also be included:

  1. Should be unnecessarily limited phone calls from 21.00 pm to 08.00 am, and on weekends from 21.00 pm to 10.00 am;
  2. Phone conversation you should start with a greeting, and at the end of the conversation you should definitely say goodbye;
  3. In places where etiquette does not allow talking on the phone, you should turn it off;
  4. If you told someone that you will call back, then you should definitely do so;
  5. Etiquette rules prohibit answering someone else's phone;
  6. If you dial an incorrect number, you should apologize;
  7. Etiquette rules do not allow talking loudly on the phone in public places;
  8. It is forbidden to play around with your phone;
  9. All messages must be correctly written.

Academic - You need to study politely

There are also certain rules behavior at school. These include the following:

  1. Respect the teacher;
  2. You should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes;
  3. You should come to school prepared - do all your homework, don’t forget your books and notebooks, don’t forget sports uniform;
  4. It is prohibited to leave school on your own during classes;
  5. During class, if there is a need to go out, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher for permission;
  6. Skipping lessons is only permissible good reason;
  7. You should turn off the sound during classes mobile phone;
  8. At the beginning of the lesson, you should greet the teacher standing;
  9. If you have a question or want to answer a question, you should raise your hand and wait for the teacher to pay attention to you;
  10. You should maintain order in your workplace;
  11. Eating is prohibited during the lesson;
  12. The bell at the end of the lesson is for the teacher. You should wait until the teacher finishes;
  13. During recess, it is forbidden to run, shout, swear, fight - disrupt order in the school.

At what age should you start learning etiquette?

Many parents may be surprised to learn that etiquette rules need to be taught to their child from birth. While still very young, you can easily begin to teach good manners with your eyes, intonation, and certain phrases. For example, you should wish the baby Bon appetit, thank him if he handed you a rattle, etc.

IMPORTANT: Already in early age It is worth praising the child for good manners, and also using the intonation of his voice to show when he is not doing exactly the right thing.

From two to four years old, parents should begin active learning child etiquette rules. You should tell him what to do and what not to do, motivate the child and not forget about personal example. From four to six years old, a child must realize the need to learn good manners - this will help him in communicating with peers and with adults. An important role in education is given not only to parents, but also to teachers of preschool institutions. Etiquette training is also carried out in schools, but by this age the child should already have some knowledge in this matter.

The rules of good behavior are those rules, knowing which a child will not end up in uncomfortable situation, will not look impolite or ill-mannered. You cannot do without these rules in any type of activity. You should start teaching your child etiquette as early as possible and, mainly, by showing positive personal example. Parents do not need to start abstruse conversations and boring moral lectures about the rules of etiquette. Psychologists and experienced teachers they say that such forms of education only discourage children from observing the norms of etiquette and contribute to the development of an inferiority complex. It is best to start introducing the rules of etiquette to the little ones using a playful form. For example, with the help of dolls or your child’s favorite toys, you can play out the situation of a visit or theater, a telephone conversation, or a dinner party. Let's say a child, in the role of a hospitable host, receives guests or, together with his toy friends, goes to a performance in puppet show. Children's books help to understand the rules of etiquette well, in which, using the example understandable to a child The characters are explained the rules of politeness and accuracy.

The basic rule of good manners is for the child to understand how important it is to treat others with respect. This law is the basis of all other rules of decency, because the rules of etiquette are nothing more than the good habit of treating people with respect in different situations.

Teach etiquette to children, in addition to game forms, it is also possible in the form of targeted communication. Exists great amount materials and lessons that will help both parents and teachers correctly structure the conversation and easily convey necessary information children.

It is worth remembering that the conversation should be:

  1. Not tiring for children, and therefore not long;
  2. Emotionally colored, not monotonous - children should be interested;
  3. Two-way - children must take an active part in the conversation;
  4. Vivid and memorable - you should use a variety of illustrative examples in the form of pictures, audio materials, video materials

IMPORTANT: Teaching the rules of etiquette in the form of a conversation is best used for children of older preschool age and schoolchildren.

When a child of 4, 5, 6 years old or school age has before his eyes an example of parents, relatives and friends who have good manners and know how to behave, this is wonderful. The baby will understand that this is how it should be, he will follow the example of the people around him. In parallel with this, etiquette training should occur purposefully. It is necessary to begin teaching a child the rules of behavior as early as one year old, because it is at this time that he first “separates” from his mother and begins to behave. active life- walk independently and try to communicate with other children. At this age, parents can control the child’s behavior with the help of intonation, facial expression and gestures, words “can” or “can’t”, praise and blame (which, again, are expressed by voice intonation). At about two years old, the baby should already have certain skills in communicating with people and the makings of good manners, because at this age, most likely, he will go to school. kindergarten. His socialization will begin. At 4-6 years old, at preschool age, the child must already consciously, purposefully and systematically learn the rules of good manners and communication. His parents and teachers act as teachers. preschool. The kid must understand that good manners and good manners are his helpers in making new friends, communicating with peers and adults. A preschooler learns etiquette through play. At school, demands on the child increase. He is already independent and conscious. His academic success largely depends on his ability to behave and communicate. good attitude to him from teachers, authority among classmates. The child already knows how to read, he needs to be offered children's books on etiquette.

You've probably heard more than once that children are empty vessels; what their parents fill them with is what they will be. Have you noticed that children, playing with their toys, can retell almost everything you just talked about? Therefore, the purity of a child’s speech directly depends on us. If our speech is pure and literate, then the child will naturally absorb it. If we talk calmly, without raising intonation, then the child will not “turn up” the volume. Speech is quiet, fast, loud, of course, refers to the manner of speech, but the main thing is polite speech
