The most effective oils for stretch marks. Flaxseed oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

The benefits of natural and essential oils for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks. Recipes for oil mixtures, rules for their preparation and use.

With such a problem as stretch marks (stretch marks), many women are familiar with firsthand. Not only young mothers can buy them, but also very young girls - after a sharp weight loss, due to hormonal changes. One way or another, their owners want to get rid of these “decorations” as soon as possible.

Women who have tried to deal with stretch marks know how difficult it is, no matter what. special creams, nor expensive salon procedures sometimes they don't solve the problem. Old stretch marks are really very difficult to remove, but every woman can make them less noticeable. And for this it is not necessary to resort to laser correction or other expensive procedures.

For centuries, women have known that natural and essential oils can help prevent stretch marks and eliminate or make existing ones less noticeable.

natural oils from stretch marks

Stretch marks are internal breaks in the skin that are formed due to the loss of proteins by the connective tissues that ensure their elasticity. Therefore, the first thing that skin prone to stretch marks needs (which, by the way, may also be due to a genetic predisposition) is an increase in its elasticity and firmness. Natural (fatty) oils do an excellent job with this task - olive, wheat germ, almond, jojoba, avocado, macadamia, peach and sesame.

Jojoba oil improves blood circulation, moisturizes and nourishing action. Almond oil soothes and softens sensitive skin. Wheat germ oil slows down skin aging, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates cell regeneration, nourishes the skin with vitamin E and beneficial acids, and softens hardened scars. Olive oil rejuvenates, nourishes and softens the skin. These four oils are the most effective in the fight against stretch marks.

Essential oils for stretch marks

Natural oils work best in combination with essential oils (aroma oils). Aroma oils of rose, lavender, orange, neroli (bitter orange flowers) are considered the most effective. You can also use geranium, rosemary, patchouli, mandarin, mint, and cloves. Essential oils have a wide range useful action. They improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, make the skin supple. Rose essential oil fights stretch marks purposefully, optimizes metabolism, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin. Orange provides a tonic and softening effect. Neroli and lavender have a firming, soothing and refreshing effect. Essential oils, when added to base blends, multiply their effectiveness.

Oil blends for stretch marks

The value of aromatic blends prepared from base oils enriched with essential oils is their diversity, 100% naturalness and high efficiency. They simultaneously moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity, and saturate it with vitamins. Among the many recipes for aromatic mixtures that are used to combat stretch marks, each woman can choose the most suitable options for her.

Recipes for oil mixtures for the prevention of stretch marks

Recipe 1

You will need: 30 ml of almond, sesame or peach oil, 2 drops of neroli and lavender aroma oils, 1 drop of orange oil.

This mixture tones and firms the skin. Apply it better in the morning, after shower.

Recipe 2

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil, 15 ml of wheat germ and avocado oils, 4 drops of neroli aroma oil, 2 drops of frankincense, rosemary and lavender.

The resulting balm has a soothing effect on the skin, and best effect gives after taking a bath.

Recipe 3

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil (wheat germs, jojoba), 4 drops of rosemary, lemon, orange or tangerine aroma oil.

This mixture is used daily to treat areas on the body that are prone to stretch marks - the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks, or lubricate existing stretch marks.

Recipe 4

You will need: 30 ml of jojoba oil (or olive oil), 4 drops of geranium aroma oil, 2 drops of mint, lavender and cloves.

The mixture is applied to the chest, abdomen, thighs and other areas of the body where stretch marks may appear, every morning after taking a shower.

Recipe 5

You will need: 30 ml of almond oil, 1 drop of lavender (geranium or orange) aroma oil.

The resulting balm is applied to problem areas to prevent stretch marks. With regular use, it smooths out the existing stretch marks a little, makes them less noticeable on the skin.

Recipes for oil mixtures to eliminate stretch marks

Recipe 1

You will need: 30 ml of olive or jojoba oil, 3 drops of any essential oil - mandarin, patchouli, rosemary, mint, geranium, lavender or cloves.

This mixture helps to improve the relief and color of the skin, has a firming effect, reduces stretch marks. In the morning and evening it is rubbed into skin light pinching movements.

Recipe 2

You will need: 100 ml of olive oil and freshly squeezed aloe juice, 5 drops liquid vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E.

The resulting balm will help make stretch marks less noticeable. Store it in the refrigerator in a dark glass container. Apply to the skin in the morning and evening.

Recipe 3

You will need: 100 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of wheat germ oil (or jojoba), 7 drops of rose oil.

With regular use, rose essential oil is very effective in fighting chronic stretch marks. Its only drawback is the high price. The mixture is applied with light patting movements to the affected areas of the skin. It is advisable to use it daily.

Recipe 4

You will need: 100 ml of wheat germ oil (or jojoba), 4 drops of essential oils of lavender, neroli and any citrus.

This mixture, like the previous one, quite effectively fights chronic stretch marks.

Recipe 5

You will need: 30 ml of olive, coconut and cocoa butter, a couple of drops of liquid vitamin E.

This mixture reduces the appearance of cellulite and effectively fights stretch marks. It is applied after a bath, accompanied by a light massage of problem areas.

Rules for the preparation and use of oil mixtures

Fragrances should not be rubbed into the skin vigorously, as this can further stretch the skin, especially if you already have stretch marks. It is better to apply them on the body in combination with a light massage - this way they will be absorbed faster and penetrate deeper into the skin. Ideally, this should be done after a bath, when the skin is well warmed up and the pores breathe. Massage problem areas with light pinching movements: grab the skin with fingertips, performing light twisting movements.

There are some rules for the preparation of oil mixtures. First, first with wooden stick mix essential oils and only then they add the base or base oils. If you are using the oil for the first time, be sure to check if you are allergic to it: apply a drop to the inner crease of the elbow or to the skin behind the ear. If there is no irritation or redness, then this product is right for you.

In combination with oil mixtures for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks, wraps, compresses, baths using natural and essential oils are used, physical exercise. Can't do without proper nutrition, after all, one way or another, stretch marks appear due to fluctuations in weight, regardless of the reasons that cause them. Include white meat in your diet oily fish, fresh vegetables, greens, berries, fruits, cereals, homemade dairy products, olive oil. It is highly advisable to limit your sugar intake (you can replace it with honey or brown sugar).

Fight against striae It is a long process that requires daily efforts and patience. Therefore, stretch marks are easier to prevent than to get rid of them. Prevention of stretch marks should be done every day, because with age, due to loss of elasticity, the skin becomes very vulnerable to such problems. And it only takes 10 minutes in the morning or evening to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. Take care of her today, and the power of nature, embodied in healing oils let him help you with this.

Many women are familiar with such a problem as stretch marks. These are winding lines and scars on the skin: on the legs or in the abdomen and chest. They can appear after childbirth, with a sharp weight loss or vice versa, weight gain, with endocrine problems or hormonal changes in the body. adolescence. Of course, such a problem is very unpleasant, because it spoils appearance and attraction. She rises especially sharply in the summer, when many tend to wear light outfits that do not hide the body.

The following methods help to get rid of stretch marks:

  • surgical method - it can completely remove striae, but it will entail considerable costs, and not every woman wants to go under the surgeon's scalpel;
  • cosmetic procedures: compresses, wraps, masks, etc. can be effective, but also cost a lot of money.

There are also various mixtures of natural ingredients that are rubbed into the skin; after several procedures, the desired effect can be achieved. Among them are essential oils for stretch marks.


Essential oils are found in many flowers, seeds, fruits and herbs. They are easily absorbed into the skin upon application and are able to produce an effect in a few minutes. These substances rejuvenate and strengthen tissues, promote efficient blood circulation and metabolism. They are also used in other cases, for example, against cellulite or sagging skin.

In the case of stretch marks, the effect of using such ointments is not achieved immediately, you need to be patient. Procedures must be carried out regularly. The positive effect of essential oils and the duration of treatment depends on the type of these skin defects. If the stretch marks are "young" - reddish, blue or purple, then the effect can be achieved in 4-6 months. If they have already managed to brighten and have acquired a skin tone, then the course before getting rid of them can take up to a year or more.


Each type of oil is effective in its own way and has its own healing properties.

Olive oil is the most common, as it is the most available in any store. The effect of it is not as strong as that of other varieties, but when striae have just appeared or as a prophylactic, it is quite suitable.

almond look promotes the formation of collagen fibers on the skin, which can serve as a prophylactic against scarring. It can be used daily after a shower, applying to problem areas and removing after 5-7 minutes with a damp cloth.

Composition based lavender capable of softening and smoothing the skin. This is also one of the most popular recipes. In addition, lavender is used for cuts, burns, abrasions. It has excellent tonic and rejuvenating properties, it is recommended to use against cellulite.

orange oil softens the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. He is considered one of the most effective in the fight against similar scars on the body. This species helps well with this problem after childbirth.

Composition based coconut applies when different types scars. It is recommended to apply after steaming procedures, diluting 100 ml of the substance with 5 drops of rose and jasmine oils.

Castor oil can be used in pure form. Before the procedures, it must be heated in a water bath, then massage the affected skin areas with it and wrap it with a film. With him you need to lie under warm blanket half an hour, then wipe the residue with a napkin.

Cacao butter used in melted form in the composition of 50 ml with the addition of orange and olive.

Composition of carrot seeds has good regenerating and tonic properties. It is also used for dermatitis, eczema, scabs.

rose and rosemary have anti-inflammatory properties, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate collagen tissues. They are especially recommended for oily skin and with cellulite.

Immortelle traditionally used for skin problems, wounds, scars, abrasions. It is very affordable and effective remedy.

Wheat germ oil can be used for chronic stretch marks, complete with olive oil.

Application methods

The easiest way to apply any composition or mixture of several components is to rub in. This should be done only after a shower on a clean body, it is very successful if the skin is steamed and the pores are as open as possible. The ointment itself should be slightly warm. The procedure is best done for 5-10 minutes, then remove the residue with a clean cloth or napkin. This method is repeated daily until no visible results. During pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, this method may be the only available.

The wrapping is used in combination with components from lavender, cocoa, olive, honey, clay. The affected areas are wrapped after rubbing cling film, some kind of warm fabric you can cover yourself with a blanket. The procedure lasts about half an hour, then the ointment is carefully removed.

Baths with the addition of essential oils are best used if there are large lesions on the skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to add just a couple of drops to 10 liters of water. The most commonly used are almond, eucalyptus, lavender, olive drops, which in addition have a calming effect.

Compresses can be used if stretch marks have appeared on the chest, but they are also placed on others. problem areas. A few drops are enough for a glass of warm water. available means. Next, gauze is placed there, soaked and applied to the scar area. The compress is kept for half an hour, the procedure is repeated 4 times a week.

It is possible to use daily prophylactic baths in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. A few drops based on lavender or frankincense will suffice. In the morning they give strength, and in the evening they have a calming effect.

Hello dear readers! Surely many of you are familiar with such a problem as stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and hips. If yes, then this article will tell you how to use essential and carrier oils for stretch marks.

I must say right away that you do not need to spend huge amounts of money on going to salons, because with the help of inexpensive natural remedies you can achieve positive results right at home.

Let's take a look at which oil blends are best for preventing or removing existing young or old stretch marks.

How essential oils work for stretch marks

Essential oils are an effective anti-stretch mark remedy that works almost instantly, providing such beneficial effects as:

  • increased elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • removal of edema;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • renewal of the cellular composition;
  • getting rid of small wrinkles;
  • improvement in muscle tone.

However, one should not hope that the remedy will instantly remove them, because in order to achieve a result, procedures must be carried out regularly and carefully. This is the only way you can get rid of old striae.

Contraindications and precautions

There are no general contraindications to the external use of essential oils, but you should still choose the remedy meticulously, having fully studied the information about the product: it is important that only natural ingredients are included in the composition.

Choose products from reliable manufacturers, because this is the only way you can be sure of reliable information about the contraindications indicated on the package.

note that best technology in production oil products is steam distillation and cold pressing.

It is important to remember that in order to exclude the appearance of an allergy, it is necessary to apply a few drops of the product on inside elbow joint and wait a day. If no redness, burning or other reactions followed, you can safely apply the product.

How to choose "your" remedy

Among the many varieties essential products do right choice pretty hard. The most effective oils for stretch marks are rose, lavender, neroli, and orange.

How to use orange oil for stretch marks

Orange essential oil is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against stretch marks. It must be applied massage movements with a napkin or coarse mittens for 15 minutes.

Perform the procedure mainly in the evening or on days when you do not plan to go out in the sun, since the essential oil in combination with ultraviolet rays can produce toxic substances that can cause burns and poisoning.

How to prepare butter mixture

At home, you can prepare many effective oil mixtures that can be used in different time days, which will bring the desired effect closer.

After a morning shower, it is good to apply the following mixture, which will have a tonic and firming effect:

  • 1 drop of orange oil;
  • 2 drops each - neroli and lavender;
  • 30 ml base (sesame, almond or).

In the evening, you can soothe and relax your skin by preparing the mixture as follows:

  • 4 drops of rosemary oil;
  • 2 each - incense, rosemary and lavender;
  • 15 ml drops of a mixture of wheat germ and avocado;
  • 30 ml - almond.

Do essential oils need to be diluted?

Yes, they must be diluted with a base, because some of them are dangerous to use undiluted - burns may occur due to high concentration.

How to enhance the effect of mixtures

In this, a few simple rules will become the main assistants:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Nutrition and hydration of the skin.
  4. Massages.

Do not forget that you can enhance the effect with a wrap. To do this, apply oil mixture, wrap problem areas with foil, then wrap yourself in a blanket. The mask can be kept for thirty to forty minutes.

Effective remedies for chronic stretch marks

In order to get rid of young stretch marks, you should perform procedures daily, periodically do wraps, massages, and the result will not be long in coming. Another thing is old striae, which are much more difficult to get rid of. If you want an easier way and sooner to see your skin beautiful and clean again, it will help you.

Old stretch marks are difficult to treat, however, mixtures based on orange and rose essential oils, provided they daily use help make striae almost invisible.

The only drawback of a fragrant rose remedy is the cost, but it is still significantly lower than going to beauty salons.

To prepare a mixture for chronic stretch marks, you will need oil:

  • wheat germ - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • pink - 15 drops.
  • lavender, mandarin and neroli - 2 drops each;
  • base - 50 ml.

Apply the mixture during the massage and after the bath. However, you should not rub the funds into the skin too much, apply them by pinching and patting the problem areas.

Answers to current and common questions

What oils to use when stretch marks have already appeared?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a large number of changes that do not always have positive influence on appearance. Almost every woman during pregnancy or after childbirth is faced with such a skin defect as stretch marks or, in other words, stretch marks. But if excess weight, puffiness and other changes in shape soon after childbirth return to normal, then stretch marks can remain for life if measures are not taken in time. Such a cosmetic defect creates a lot of inconvenience for a woman, because she can no longer easily put on open swimsuit or a short top, not extorting a lot of complexes. Fortunately, you can fight stretch marks before they appear and the best prophylactic from this ailment - oils from stretch marks during pregnancy.

Stretch marks are subcutaneous microtraumas various lengths and widths that appear as a result of excessive stretching of the skin that has lost its elasticity. They can purchase different colour: Flesh to bright blue. Most often they appear in the area of ​​the thighs, abdomen and chest.

Stretch marks can appear both during and after pregnancy. But why do some women have them literally before their eyes, while others do not have a single one? The fact is that it all depends on the hormonal state of the woman and the degree of elasticity of the skin. If a woman is gaining weight intensively, epithelial cells simply do not have time to divide so quickly and eventually stretch and tear. As a result, unpleasant purple-colored stripes form on the skin, which eventually become flesh tone but still remain visible. The main provoking factors of their formation are:

  • Intensive increase in the volume of the tummy.
  • Fluctuating hormonal levels.
  • Unbalanced diet before and during pregnancy.
  • Age category "30+".
  • Smoking.
  • Concomitant diseases (diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity).
  • Re-pregnancy earlier than two years after the previous one.
  • Inactive way of life.
  • lactation period.
  • hereditary factor.

It should be noted that normally the skin has such a high elasticity that its structure resembles rubber. It should be firm, hydrated and elastic, which will allow it to easily "adjust" to the rapidly growing tummy and enlarging breasts. But already in a row known causes it is exhausted and, when stretched, begins to tear from the inside. At this stage, you can eliminate these striae that are not nice to us much faster and give the skin its original healthy look. But old stretch marks can also be dealt with, it just takes a little more time.

Most effective method treatment of stretch marks - prevention of their occurrence.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Application efficiency

Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is the only safe and economical way"nourish" the skin. It is completely natural remedy to remove stretch marks and costs ten times less than massage or biorevitalization in spas.

Oil can be purchased at any cosmetic store or pharmacy and used independently at home. Such prevention can prevent terrible stripes on the skin, the main thing is to successfully choose the right oils.

The effectiveness of skin restoration with the help of oils depends on the regularity of the procedures and the period of initiation of treatment. Stretch mark oil can be used from the first trimester. You need to be patient and give your skin 5-7 minutes daily. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure:

  • The skin becomes softer and more well-groomed.
  • Blood circulation is activated.
  • Increases the formation of collagen.
  • The peeling disappears.
  • Wrinkles are softened.

Treatment with oil against stretch marks during pregnancy is a long and painstaking work. It will not work to get a positive result in 3-4 procedures. But perseverance and optimism in treatment will certainly help restore damaged skin.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. How to choose a remedy for stretch marks

The choice of oils for stretch marks should be approached as seriously as taking medications:

  1. Compound. It must be studied first. In the remedy for stretch marks, only vegetable or essential oil should be present. It is also allowed to have mineral oils And vitamin complexes. If you are buying pure oil rather than a cosmetic, give preference to one that is produced by steam distillation (for essential oils) or cold pressing (for vegetable oil).
  2. Price. Natural oils are not cheap. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, the price ranges from a couple of hundred to several thousand rubles.
  3. Possibility of application in the gestational period. There are many essential oils that are strictly prohibited during this period because they can cause anaphylactic shock and even abortion. Avoid contact with cedar, mint, fennel, rosemary, sage, ginger, parsley, thyme, juniper oils.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. natural vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are ideal for use by pregnant women. They rarely provoke allergic reactions, do not require compliance with the dosage, can be used undiluted, and some of them can be used not only externally, but also internally. In addition, they help to get rid of stretch marks and give the skin a fresh and radiant look.

Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • Olives contain tocopherol, which is responsible for youthful skin. Tocopherol can be found in any anti-wrinkle or stretch mark cream, but in kind it is quickly absorbed by epithelial cells and smoothes out stretch marks.
  • For leather, it is better to use cold-pressed oil. It has dark rich color and bright aroma. For prevention, the oil is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas twice a day. It is better to do this after a shower and gentle peeling.
  • Olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. It contains a lot of vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids and potassium. Its use has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin and muscles, which prevents the appearance of microtraumas of the skin and birth ruptures of the uterus.

Almond oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • This is a classic tool in cosmetology. It is used for scarring, skin aging and cellulite. It is excellent for all skin types and virtually eliminates the risk of stretch marks.
  • Almond kernel oil is an absolutely non-allergenic product that does not show toxic effects and is allowed during any period of pregnancy and lactation. Its effectiveness lies in unique composition. It has a wide range of biologically active nutrients, including fats, minerals, vitamins A, E, F, B.
  • Almond oil can be applied to cleansed skin two to three times a day. Based on it, you can homemade cream or combine it with cocoa butter and jojoba.

peach oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Oil obtained from peach kernels enriches the skin with vitamins E and A, organic acids and esters. During pregnancy, it is used only externally. Its main purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, minimize the number of stretch marks and cheer up.

With anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties Peach oil helps with skin irritation, conjunctivitis and otitis media. The oil is useful in the period of viral and respiratory diseases, as it stimulates the immune system.

Peach oil is hypoallergenic and can be used when caring for a baby.

Flaxseed oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • Flaxseed oil has many healing effects when taken orally, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy. There are no exact research data on this subject, but experts believe that this oil provokes a miscarriage. But the external use of linseed oil is very welcome.
  • The high content of omega fatty acids, vitamins and essential oils in flax seeds at the cellular level "starts" the process of skin regeneration. Daily self-massage with this oil helps the skin to stretch evenly and return to normal after childbirth.

If the striae are a little old, you should mix the oil with any cream base. So the nutrients will penetrate deeper into the skin.

  • Well helps with stretch marks scrub based on flax oil. You need to prepare a mixture of oil, ground coffee and 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil. Once a day, you need to gently massage the affected areas of the skin.
  • Linseed oil suitable for use instead of a face or hand cream, it can be used to prepare nourishing masks, and after childbirth, use it for the skin of the baby. It is almost universal and will never be superfluous among home cosmetics. No wonder they think that it is best oil from stretch marks during pregnancy.

Other types of oils for stretch marks

The following oils are also suitable for removing stretch marks:

  • Coconut oil - evens out the tone, nourishes the skin, prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Cocoa butter - eliminates even chronic stretch marks; exhibits moisturizing and antioxidant effects.
  • Shea butter - stimulates collagen synthesis; softens stretch marks and makes their tone lighter.
  • Wheat germ oil - regenerates the skin, evens out and "masks" stretch marks.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is the strongest antioxidant; relieves inflammation and smoothes scars.
  • Jojoba oil - when used from the first weeks of pregnancy, completely prevents scarring of the skin.
  • Oil grape seeds- Restores the "health" of the skin and eliminates stretch marks.

Vegetable oils are used undiluted, can be the basis for the use of essential oils and are intended for external use only.

Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Essential oils have proven to be excellent as a remedy for stretch marks. They tone up skin covering, increase blood flow to the outer surface of the body, smooth wrinkles and, of course, eliminate stretch marks.

The disadvantage of such concentrated oils is that they provoke allergic reactions and therefore are not indicated during pregnancy. Ideally, the use of these funds is best postponed for postpartum period. But if you tolerate the use of essential oils well, you can do preventive procedures, but within reason.

Essential oils are used only in diluted form. The basis can be any vegetable oils, cream, tonic, emulsion and even honey.

There are a lot of essential oils and they all show miscellaneous action on the body. To remove stretch marks, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Immortelle oil - regenerates stretched and damaged skin areas.
  • Sandalwood oil - eliminates the causes of flabbiness and inelasticity of the skin.
  • Tangerine oil - improves blood flow to the place where stretch marks have formed.
  • Neroli oil - restores the work of damaged capillaries in places with stretch marks.
  • Myrrh oil - nourishes and restores damaged skin.
  • Geranium oil - moisturizes and restores skin turgor; fights cellulite.

For self-massage against stretch marks, you can make fragrant compositions of essential oils. In this case, several nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The utensils in which you will mix the oils should not be made of metal.
  2. First, essential oils are mixed, and then the base oil is added to them.
  3. Oils soon lose their volatiles and vitamins, so cook immediately a large number of mixture is not worth it. If it has an "old" smell, immediately pour it out.
  4. It is better to store oils in a glass container in the refrigerator.
  5. Essential oils are best purchased at a pharmacy or specialty stores with health and beauty products.

Cosmetics for stretch marks during pregnancy based on oils

In addition to the gifts of nature, great help in the fight against stretch marks cosmetical tools. Popular brands children's cosmetics produce a whole series of skin care products for pregnant women. Among the most popular oils for stretch marks during pregnancy, given the reviews of women, include the following:

  • Hipp Babysanft Stretch Mark Oil. The composition includes organic oils of almond, sea buckthorn, jojoba and sunflower. It has a long lasting moisturizing effect. The remedy is preventive. The oil does not have an allergic effect and is safe during pregnancy.

  • MAslo Johnson Baby from stretch marks during pregnancy. Suitable for both mother and baby. It can be taken as a basis for essential oils, and then massage the thighs and abdomen. It eliminates peeling of the skin and resumes blood flow. True, after using it, a greasy ball remains on the surface of the skin, which can stain clothes. The composition of the oil includes liquid paraffin, fragrance, isopropyl palmitate. There are no oils and vitamins there, so it is better to enrich the composition with a few drops of orange or lavender oil.

  • Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy Weleda. Made with almond kernel oil and arnica extract. Natural Ingredients smooth wrinkles, strengthen capillaries and increase elasticity. The tool is recommended to be used from the moment of conception until the end of lactation. It has only a preventive effect.

  • Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy Bio Oil. The product is designed for "adult" dry skin. Regular use oil makes stretch marks less noticeable, their color turns pale, and the surface is leveled. Contains oil of calendula, chamomile, rosemary, lavender, as well as vitamin A and E. The oil is actively absorbed without leaving any residue.

In order not to think about how to get rid of stretch marks, it is better to make every effort so that they do not appear at all. After all, damaged skin is very difficult to restore at home. Therefore, if you plan to get ahead of the enemy, choose which oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is right for you, and start intensive care behind your skin.

have existed for a very long time natural methods striae treatment available to everyone. Stretch Mark Essential Oils Help Minimize Stretch Marks local application. Using fragrant compositions usually there are no problems, on the contrary, scrubs, wraps, massage with oils allow you to create a mini-salon and spa at home.

What aromatic substances help with stretch marks?

Medical and cosmetic effect fragrant liquids per person is proved by thousands of years of experience in their use, scientific research. The composition of essential oils is very rich, scientists still have not been able to decipher it completely. It is known that the main components are terpenes and terpenoids. Synthetic essential oils have a scent, but therapeutic effect do not provide.

The smell of natural fragrant mixtures due to volatile molecules of substances, many of which are named after the plants in which they were first discovered: limonene, geraniol, menthol. enjoys a good reputation orange oil from stretch marks, which includes more than 30 components.

Almost all methods involve the use of a fragrant liquid after a shower, bath or while visiting the bath.

Skin problems in the form of rough lines on the surface of the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body occur very often. There is a misconception that the stripes stretched skin- "fee" for losing weight, intensive sports, there are other excuses for these flaws. Cosmetic defects not only upset, but also reduce the quality of life, therefore true ladies and gentlemen do their best to get rid of stretch marks by any means available.

On the question of which oil helps with stretch marks, opinions practically do not differ. Suitable orange, rosemary, lavender, roses, neroli.

The impact of aromatic compositions covers two levels of regulation of processes in the body. Molecules of volatile compounds penetrate through the skin and mucous surfaces steamed by water procedures. Once in the blood, essential oils perform the same role as hormones. There are nerve endings in the integument of the body, which are also affected by aromas, forcing the body to more actively begin to regenerate damaged areas.

The skin is abundantly supplied blood vessels and nerves, which ensures high efficiency of the use of fragrant substances.

Video on making a cream for stretch marks with essential oils

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks with essential oils

Aromatic substances are used with jeweler's precision - they are added dropwise to the base.

Recipes for aromatic compounds that are suitable for everyone, including pregnant women:

  1. Measure out 4 tablespoons (40 ml) of carrier oil (olive or any other fatty oil). Add 2 drops of the following essential oils: orange, geranium, lavender.
  1. Measure out 40 ml of one of fatty oils(, olive, sesame, peach). Add 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 drop of orange and neroli to this base.

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks using the above formulations consists in daily application of the mixture to problem areas after taking water procedures. Need to do light massage canvas mitten, performing circular movements on the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the multiplicity is 3-5 times a week. The entire course of treatment takes at least 2 months.

In advance, you can prepare the effective remedy for stretch marks described above in a volume larger than indicated in the recipe. The mixture will not lose its healing and fragrant qualities if stored in a refrigerator in a dark glass bottle (no more than 2.5 months).

Rosemary oil: how to use it effectively for stretch marks

The general properties of fatty and essential oils are well studied, a lot of information was collected by ancient healers. Yes, the components fatty compounds improve lipid metabolism, nourish the shell of the body. Aromatic substances stimulate many processes in the body, anesthetize, tone the skin, and disinfect.

When it comes to the effect of fragrant liquids on stretch marks, this does not mean that an instant cure will occur.

Separately, essential oils are almost never used; they are included in body wraps, massage creams and other products. Rosemary oil for stretch marks is no exception. Of course, chronic stretch marks are difficult to cure with this remedy. If the skin has become flabby, then it will require much more attention than simply rubbing in liquids. Baths with rosemary oil give a wonderful effect.

For stretch marks, a mixture of equal volumes of almond oil and rosemary oil is used:

  • in the morning, apply 10 drops of the composition to problem areas of the skin;
  • rub the liquid into the surface of the stretch marks with massaging movements;
  • the next day, moisturize the skin with a suitable body milk;
  • continue treatment for more than two months with old stretch marks.

The exceptional benefit for the body lies in the mixture of oils: rosemary, wheat germ, cocoa and almond oil. Already after two weeks of application, the effect will be noticeable, the skin will become softer, velvety, its surface will even out, and stretch marks will become less noticeable.

Essential oils perfectly stimulate cell regeneration, create conditions for the restoration of skin properties at the site of stretch marks.

If striae cannot be removed on their own, then there is always the opportunity to seek help from professionals. Chemical peels, resurfacing and other techniques can minimize even chronic stretch marks.

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