Psychological warm-up for parents at the parent meeting. Methodical development on the topic: Psychological games for adults at the parent meeting

family and kindergarten- two important institutions of socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for comprehensive development The personality of the child needs their interaction. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. That's why Special attention should be given to the implementation gaming technologies.

The game is one of the unique forms that make the interaction between teachers and parents interesting and exciting. Oversaturation of verbal, rational methods and means of education often bothers parents. And the game organically combines emotional and rational types of cognitive activity.

We bring to your attention some games that allow parents to appear as active participants in the educational process. They can be used both at parent-teacher meetings and in other forms of organizing meetings with parents.

"Question Header" on parent meeting:

So, the essence of the “hat” (author Alexandra Petrovna Ershova) is that parents compose questions-notes for each other, put them in a hat, then pull them out - who gets what. How to answer - confer in pairs or triplets. It is advisable to observe the socio-game directing - give tasks in small steps: “Disassemble the leaves. Ready? Then get your hands ready. Now write the first question. Who is ready - take your note to cap". And so on.

Types of questions - "classic". The first type is the "formal" question. He is at mutual verification parents of their knowledge of kindergarten life and practices: What time do children go to bed in kindergarten? How much?.. Where?.. Where? And so on.

With the second question, it is better not to rush. When almost all parents take a walk to put their notes in a hat, then you can move on to explaining the typology of the second question. It needs to be built on the design: I think so-and-so, and you?(For any reason related to the activities of children in the garden and at home: “I think that my son ..., and you?”)

The third type is I don't know: "I don't know how to put my son to bed on time", etc. T.

If all three types of questions are added to one header and mixed there so that the parent “twos” or “triples” randomly pull out two tickets to prepare an answer, then the “small steps” themselves cannot be dumped into one task. Parents will slowly stir and talk. The main thing is to stock up on sympathy, patience and not interrupt them. The “Questions Header” is convenient because parents see that each of them can be admitted to the mouthpiece of the truth. It elevates them in their own eyes. In general, many social game techniques can help parents to unite, find mutual language. Both with each other and with the teacher. And in the end, the kids win!

"Magic wand":

There are many options for relay races with the common name "magic wand" (at one time designed by A.P. Ershova). The "parent" option is as follows. The "magic wand" - a pencil, a ruler or an umbrella - parents will pass to each other in a circle. At the same time, they will need to name (without repetition!) Any personality trait or character trait (good or evil, obedient or ill-mannered, etc.).

First con- in the relay, parents name any positive quality. If someone hesitated or forgot, then the neighbors can be prompted! Usually on the second or third circle a second wind opens. Therefore, the teacher does not need to rush: let the “magic wand” go through several circles. This will only increase the interest of those present.

Second con— are now called negative qualities. And again a few circles.

Third con- instead of " magic wand» A piece of chalk is given in the hands. Each parent comes to the blackboard and writes down on it one of the negative qualities that sounded on the left, and one of the positive ones on the right.

When the relay race with chalk ends, the command sounds: “Everyone got up!” This is how it starts fourth con.

Now, standing, you need to figure out which of the negative qualities (of those on the board on the left) can be redone (" Seems, I know how”) into one of the positive ones written on the right. Thinking, you need to go to the board and connect these qualities with an arrow, putting your initials next to the arrow. For example, someone chose laziness and realized that from the listed qualities he knows how to remake it into upbringing, and connects them with an arrow. Another parent, having chosen, say, the same laziness, connects it new arrow With ingenuity. Etc.

Now any parent, for whom this negative quality of their child causes a lot of trouble and grief, can turn to the authors of the arrows for help, clarification and advice.

Content fifth horse— mutual consultations of parents on educational problems. The educator can only praise the initiative and write down dead-end problems, so that he can then look for the relevant literature in the library. Both for myself and for interested parents.


All participants greet each other in a circle in different ways:

  • Say amicably to each other “Hi!;
  • Bang fists;
  • Rub your backs;
  • We hug.

Exercise - "Warm-up" (for acquaintance)

Each parent is asked to give their name and where they work. So proceed clockwise until everyone names themselves.

Exercise Oranges

The exercise helps the participants to get to know and quickly remember each other's names. Participants of the training sit in a common circle. The first participant introduces himself and names something he likes. This noun must start with the same letter as the name of this participant. For example, a participant named Anton might say: "My name is Anton and I love oranges." The second participant repeats what the first participant said and adds information about himself. For example: "This is Anton, who loves oranges, and I'm Tatyana and I love dancing."

Exercise "Talking hands"

Purpose: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants. Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The host gives commands that the participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

1. Say hello with your hands.

2. Make peace with your hands.

3. Show support with your hands.

4. Feel sorry for your hands.

5. Express joy.

6. Wish you good luck.

7. Say goodbye with your hands.

Thus, there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of the participants due to body contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops. Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

paper napkins

The exercise helps the participants of the training to get to know each other, and also creates a cheerful positive atmosphere in the group. The participants of the training are given a pack of paper napkins with the words: "In case you need it, please take yourself some napkins." After all participants have taken napkins, they are invited to tell as many of the most happy events from the life of their family, how many napkins they have in their hands.

How similar we are!

The exercise helps the participants to get to know each other better. You need to split into two groups. Let each group make a list of what unites its members. In this list, you can write, for example: “Each of us has a sister ...”, “Each of us has soft toy…”, “The favorite color of each of us is red…”. You can not write universal information, such as "I have two legs." You can specify, for example, the year of birth, place of study, hobbies, Family status etc. You have 8 minutes. The group that finds and writes down will win. the largest number common features.

"It seems to me that as a child you were (a) ..."

Participants throw the ball to each other with the words: "It seems to me that as a child you were (a) ...". In response, everyone can agree or refute the statement. The second option: "I think as a child you dreamed (a) ...". Here, the participants of the training can talk about themselves, what they dreamed about in childhood or what they were then. This exercise encourages group members to fall into a childish ego state.

Game "Wonderful bag"

I have a bag in my hands, at the bottom of which there are a wide variety of positive and negative feelings that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Dip your hand into the bag and take the "feeling" that fills you the most for now. a long period time, name it. Parents name the feelings that they are painfully experiencing. This activity allows you to identify problems and difficulties that arise in the family, and discuss these problems in the course of considering the topic of the meeting.

Game "Spider web"

Who wants to be like a child? (preferably dad) Here's our baby. One of the forms of parental attention, care and love are restrictions and prohibitions. Today, we will translate every ban that is presented into a physical one and show it on our child. We will literally bind him with obligations and prohibitions. I made red ribbons. Let's name what is usually forbidden to the child (parents name the prohibitions, and the teacher ties the "child" with ribbons)

Exercise "Fertile garden".

There is a poster on the board with a picture of a tree. Participants are given apples (green - positive emotions and red - negative emotions), on which everyone writes the answer to the question: What do you think about our last meeting?

Then apples are hung on a tree with a commentary on what the participants liked or did not like and wishes for the future.

Exercise "Puzzles"

Resources: Animal cards, small jigsaw puzzles.

The participants are divided into teams. Each team gets a puzzle. The task is to collect it as quickly as possible. The psychological meaning of the exercise: participants in game form are learning effective interaction in a team, improving the quality of work, while it is important that they are united by a common goal.

Discussion: Was it difficult to do this exercise in a team? Why? What does it take to work more effectively in a team?

Exercise “You and I are similar in that. »

Parents line up in two circles - inner and outer, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. Parents standing in the outer circle say to their partners opposite a phrase that begins with the words: “You and I are similar in that. ". For example: that we live on planet Earth, our children go to the same group, we both have 2 children ... The members of the inner circle answer: “You and I differ in that. » For example: what do we have different colour eye, different length hair, our children have different names, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants in the inner circle move (clockwise, changing partners. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle meets each member of the outer circle.

The game "What is he - my child"

The task of the game is to determine how parents see their child. To do this, each of them outlines the contour of the hand, on the image of each finger writes the letter of the child's name. Then parents are invited to decipher the letters, name the qualities of the child's character that begin with this letter. In the center of the palm, you can depict a symbol of who he is in the family.

The palms are glued to the paper. Summing up. Most often given positive characteristics that allows you to see in a child positive traits thereby setting it up for success. Also, the game leads parents to certain conclusions about the formation of the child's personality.

Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Use whatman paper, markers and pre-signed worksheets with tasks. The goal is to teach teamwork, to acquire non-verbal communication skills. It is forbidden to use the voice in any manifestations and show each other individual leaves. All participants are divided into three groups, several people each (depending on the number). Everyone receives a task on a piece of paper, which they do not show to anyone. Task: draw a single tower separate elements. For example, one should draw an outline, another should draw the windows of the tower, a third should draw a flag, a fourth should paint, etc. The result should be a coherent logical picture. Discussion. What turned out to be the most difficult, who exactly did not cope with the task and why?

The role of the game and gaming technologies in shaping the active position of parents cannot be assessed and exhausted by entertainment and recreational opportunities. The phenomenon of the game lies in the fact that, being recreation, entertainment, it is able to grow into learning, creativity, therapy, and a model. human relations and manifestations in life.

parent meetings

Health-saving support for parents


Parent meeting 8-B class,

Cl. leaderKarimova Tatyana Viktorovna

Development modern society puts the educational process of the school on the path of transformation and a new understanding of the goals and objectives of training and education. Recently, the issue of health protection of all subjects of the upbringing and educational process has become acute: students, teachers, parents. The influence of stress factors make a person constantly be in a state of stress, tension, aggression, which cannot but affect somatic and mental health. In order to find harmony with the outside world, knowledge is needed to help solve emerging problems and, accordingly, preserve the health of the individual. In this regard, we have developed a program of environmentally friendly support for parents, which provides the necessary knowledge that makes it possible to obtain maximum results in the upbringing of children at minimal cost.

Development of a parent meeting in 8th grade.

Preparing for the parent meeting:carrying out methods:

a) "Your nerves";

b) "Definition of alarm";

c) "Psychogeometric test";

Goals :

acquaintance of parents with each other and the class teacher;

rallying the parent team;

familiarization with the characteristics of adolescence and the characteristics of the development of their children (using the above methods);

optimization of child-parent relationships.

Form: training.

The design and equipment of the office: the desks are arranged in the form of a circle, a tape recorder with audio recordings of a calm, classical music. (Music may be played throughout the meeting.) Talisman: Candle.

Time spending: 1 - 1.5 hours.

Assembly progress.

Stage 1.

What is training

Exercise "Bag of Problems"

Setting goals for the parent meeting.

Exercise "Introduction".


introduce parents to each other, to the class teacher and the teacher-psychologist;

rally those present at the parent meeting.

Presentation Plan(written on the board):

1. Name

2. adjective describing character

3. My job.

4. Hobbies

(Practice shows that this plan is very good helper for both parents and class teacher and a psychologist, as he helps each participant of the training to open up and unites all those present.)

After this exercise, a warm atmosphere is felt, an atmosphere of openness and trust is established, which is important for further work.

Before moving on to the main part of the meeting, we conduct a psychological warm-up.

The word of the teacher at the end of the quarter.

Exercise "Snowflake"

Now we are going to do an interesting exercise. The main condition: close your eyes and listen to my instructions. Everyone has a sheet, all sheets are of the same shape, size, quality, color. Listen carefully and do the following:

1. fold the sheet in half.

2. tear off the top right corner

3. fold the paper in half again

4. tear off the upper right corner again

Continue this procedure for as long as possible. Now open your beautiful snowflake. Now I ask you to find among the rest of the snowflakes exactly the same as yours. Conclusion: All children are different. Their abilities, opportunities and personal qualities are different.

Exercise "Diplomatic reception".

Target: create an emotionally warm, conducive to openness and trust atmosphere in communication.

1. Participants stand in a circle and count on the "first - second".

2. All "first" numbers acquire the status of "foreign guests" in the game, "second" numbers - diplomatic workers.

The following scenario is set: "You are meeting a foreign guest from a friendly country at the airport. Within five minutes, you need to make your guest feel comfortable, in the center of attention and care."

The group members are divided into pairs and in each pair a conversation begins. Time is strictly fixed (2 minutes each - roles are reversed).


What role did you enjoy being in and why?

What were you talking about?

Did you feel free in the conversation, or were you embarrassed by something?

Exercise "Palm tree, monkey, elephant"

Palm - hands up

Monkey - close your eyes with your hands

Elephant - put your hands on your stomach.

Main part.


1. Talk about the characteristics of adolescence.

2. Individually psychological features teenagers in this class.

IN adolescence children are reminiscent of those very foreign guests, in the role of which you have now visited. And in order to establish a warm relationship with them, it is necessary to make efforts, surround them with care and attention.

Adolescence is a period of change and transformation in a child's life. Everything changes during adolescence: the body, character, thinking, ideals, norms, values, etc. Changes cover four areas of development: body, mind, social life, self-awareness.

A change in bodily forms and its internal structure entails the need to restructure the consciousness of a teenager, it is important for him to take on his new look.

One of the neoplasms of this period can be called a sense of adulthood. This means that during this period itself, the teenager does not have a sensitive sense of "who is he?". He has yet to figure it out. He already feels "not a child", but not yet an adult. And this factor is one of those that make a teenager come into conflict with adults, as he (the teenager) wants to try to be an adult. It is to try it himself, it is not enough for him what he sees around him.

Social sphere. The teenager needs to take a certain place in his reference group. The influence of the family is gradually replaced by the influence of a group of peers, where a young person acquires new forms of behavior and, accordingly, receives a certain status. It is during this period that adults, in particular parents, take offense at their children, thinking that they are completely moving away from them, feeling indifferent to their children. This is not entirely true. An adult is important to a teenager, his recognition, understanding, support is important to him, but it is also important for a growing person to understand by what standards people live in the adult world. Therefore, some begin to smoke, especially if there is a smoking parent in the family, some try alcoholic beverages, "disappear" somewhere until late. They thereby reproduce the behavior model of an adult (maybe one of the family members behaves In a similar way, maybe this model of behavior was seen by a teenager somewhere from the environment, taken from a movie ...). But by their behavior, a teenager also studies your reaction. It is important for him to know how you will behave in this or that situation in order to draw a conclusion for himself - he wants to be like you or not. This is the path of becoming an individual.

And then parents make the first mistakes in raising their children, telling the child: "Don't show off, be like everyone else." And the child does not want, and cannot be like everyone else. He strives for individuality, and everything around him is in the same state. What should he be? This is the first reason for disagreement between teenagers and parents.

Secondly, during this period, the verbally transmitted negative instructions of adults are especially acutely perceived by the child. These instructions are destructive. They are like curses that bewitch a teenager, especially if he is very susceptible. Among the verbally transmitted prescriptions, one can single out spells, curses, negative prophecies, stoppers.

spells - negative definitions like: "You are dirty!", "Dumbass!", "Stupid!", "You terrible child!" etc.

curses - a wish for damage, which has the character of a direct order: "May you fail!", "We would be much better off without you!", "Why can't you be a man!".

Negative prophecies- the child is told what awaits him in the future: "Nothing sensible will come of you!", "The prison is crying for you!", "You will never achieve anything!", "You will never become a real man!", "You will be homeless !".

Stoppers (from the word stop)- messages that in one form or another indicate what should not be done: "Don't be smart!", "Don't be angry!", "Don't think about ...", "Don't touch, you still won't succeed! Give me, better me!" ".

Match these phrases with those that you say to your child. Do you really want everything you say negative to come true? But it is no coincidence that in the Russian language there is a saying "The word, but it does not go by"! You may also know these lines:

"Words can kill,

Words can save

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you!"

Be careful what you say to your children. They can come true!

Exercise "Collective drawing"

Agree on a drawing

Relaxation "Walk along the seashore"

“Imagine that you are going for a walk by the sea. In front of you stretches a white endless sandy beach. You stand barefoot and feel how fine warm sand gives in under your feet. You are completely relaxed and calm, you inhale the fresh, clean sea air with your chest. You kneel down and pick up sand in your hands. Slowly, you spill the fine, sparkling sand through your fingers. You sit here on the warm sand and hear only the sound of the sea. You get up again and calmly move on. A light pleasant breeze blows. You feel him caress your face. You well. You fall into the warm sand and it embraces you. You lie still, not moving, and feel the warmth of the sand beneath you. Memorize this picture and take it back to class with you. You are completely relaxed, calm and happy. You are full of fresh energy and ready to go.”

Stage 2.

Working with parents based on the results of the methods. Each parent receives an individual psychological card of their child, where the data of the methods are entered.

Exercise "You and I are similar ..."

Parent survey

(micro-study on the normalization of study load)

Exercise "Telegraph"

Pass the clasp of the hand in a circle. At the end, the compression should reach the leader.

Stage 3.


What is the most important thing for a teenager in such a difficult period of his life? I think that, firstly, a teenager should know that his parents love him. Love breeds trust in each other. Trust is the basis of understanding and support.


Psychologists advise parents of teenagers:

Make all comments in a friendly, calm tone;

Do not use shortcuts;

Help the child find a compromise between body and soul;

Remember that the child needs not so much independence as the right to it;

In the independence of the child should not be seen as a threat to lose him;

Do not overload the teenager with guardianship and control;

If you want a teenager to do what you need, make him want it himself (Carnegie);

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Exercise "Collective score from 1 to 10"

Stage 4 .


"Candle of Trust"

Getting feedback from everyone present at the meeting.

A talisman is passed around the circle and each participant shares his thoughts, impressions, discoveries, draws conclusions, gives advice ... Suggestions can be made.

Municipal state preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Pinocchio" teacher of the first qualification category Banshchikova Marina Stanislavna 2013

Parent meeting

« Game training with parents "Let's play" (games for the formation of interpersonal relationships).


1. Consultation of the educator on the topic "Friendship is strong ...".

2. Game training with parents "Let's play" (games for the formation of interpersonal relationships).

3. Test to identify the level of communication skills of children.

4. Presentation of a memo to parents "How to help a child make friends."

Form of carrying out: training.

Purpose: to return parents to childhood, at least for a while, so that they are imbued with the experience of their child, understand how difficult it is for a child in this world, how difficult it is for him to adapt in this society, how to “keep” friendship between peers.


1. To acquaint parents with the peculiarities of communication of a preschool child with peers.

2. To introduce games that contribute to the formation of interpersonal relationships.

3. Conduct a test to determine the level of communication of the child.

Preliminary work:

Invite parents to talk about their child's favorite games;

Make a video with children on the topic "What is friendship";

Create visual and Handout: poster "Children are the flowers of life", a poster - a drawing of a tree: leaves, apples - cut out of colored cardboard, paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, pens.

Good evening dear parents! I am very glad to see you today! Before starting our parent-teacher meeting, I would like to know how you would like us to address you. To do this, you have prepared on the table colored paper, markers, scissors. Circle your palm, cut it out and write your name on it, and pin it on like a badge.

Today we have gathered to talk on the topic "On children's friendship, on the communication of preschoolers with peers."

I would like to know what you expect from our parent-teacher meeting after learning the topic. To do this, you have leaflets on your table, write wishes on it and stick it on a tree.

Two girlfriends covered

Rubber coat.

Two pairs of fast legs

Flashing in the rain.

Under a wet hood

Visible from afar

Four blue eyes, four cornflowers,

Two colorful kerchiefs on blond hair.

sly giggles

In narrowed eyes.

The water is already flowing

Behind the gate in three streams.

The girls are missing

Short coat.

And they have little grief:

Get wet - so what!

They have such a friendship

Do not spill water.

Why are we discussing this topic at the meeting today? Because your children have entered the age when communication with peers becomes the most important and significant for your child. After all, a child behaves differently with children than with adults: he is liberated, more independent.

Communication itself develops the child as a person: it teaches to interact, to show sympathy, justice, sensitivity. And most importantly, by the age of 6, children strive to win the respect of their peers: in our group, everyone does this differently: someone will bring something to brag, someone will share, someone tries to excel in the classroom with a good answer, someone then he takes it by force, bullies him, but more often than not, children do not play with this.

Basically, our friendship prevails in turn with many children, depending on the circumstances. But there is already a pair friendship, which is characterized deep sympathy. Children are friends with those who feel sympathy and respect. And the selectivity of friendly contacts is already increasing (for example, Sasha B. and Artem K, Valya K. with Natasha B and Ira Ts), Children play 2-3 people, game preferences may change.

I conducted a survey with children on the topic "What is friendship?" next questions:

What do you think friendship is?

How should you be friends?

Who do you consider a good friend?

We can see what the children answered.

After conducting a survey of children, and with whom he wants to be friends, Ksyusha, Nastya Smirnova and Varya Ivanova became leaders in our group. Why they want to be friends with them: they named such qualities as kindness, the ability to share, do not fight, do not scream. But the leaders, of course, can change, if, for example, the survey is conducted again, other children may become leaders or these children may remain, i.e. while at 5 years the relationship is not stable, depending on the circumstances. But by the age of 7, more stable electoral relations arise, the first shoots of friendship appear.

Thus, the child needs communication with peers as an important condition for his personal and social development, including his preparation for school.

We are all from the world of childhood. What do kids love to do? That's right, play. Let's play a little, shall we? Let's feel like children.

Game "Give each other a compliment"

Children love to be praised, complimented, so I suggest that you pass leaflets with outlined palms in a circle and write a compliment on the owner of this hand on one finger of the palm. At the end, we will read out all the compliments that are written on his palm.

The goal of this game is to be able to express your feelings.

The game "Stand up for .."

The leader gives tasks:

Stand from highest to lowest;

Rise from the fairest to the darkest;

Stand in order by the number of buttons on clothes: from most to least.

The purpose of this game is to develop attention to the other.

Test to identify the level of communication skills of children:

1. How often does your child use words of politeness when communicating with friends?

A) always

B) never

C) depending on the mood

2. How does your child establish contact with peers?

A) Easy, he likes to make new friends

B) He needs time to get used to the new team

C) He does not like communication with peers, because he himself never makes contact

3. How does your child behave in conversation with peers?

A) Can listen carefully to the interlocutor

b) Tries to end the conversation as soon as possible

C) He talks a lot, constantly interrupts his interlocutor

4. How does a child behave towards a peer when he is upset about something?

A) Tries to help, calm, cheer

B) does not pay attention to him

C) gets irritated when someone is upset

5. How does your child behave when a friend shares something joyful with him?

A) Sincerely rejoices with him

B) He is indifferent to the joy of another child

C) causes envy, annoyance

6. When your child is saddened by something, or vice versa, happy about something, does he share his experiences with a friend?

A) yes, always

B) sometimes

B) never

7. Can your child express his mood with the words "I'm sad", "I'm happy", etc.

A) yes

B) not always

C) no

8. How often does your child behave in a conflict situation?

A) Tries to solve the problem in an adult way, calmly without shouting and reproaches

B) starts crying, offended, naughty

C) abruptly cuts off a peer, categorically showing that he is wrong

9. Describe your child's reaction if he hears that unethical words are spoken to someone, teasing?

A) intercede for the offended

b) pays no attention

C) he starts teasing himself

10. How does your child most often behave when one of the children insults, calls him names?

A) adequately answer

B) keep silent and go to complain to adults

B) insults back

11. How does the child react to punishment?

A) agrees that he deserved it

b) starts crying

C) argues, does not agree with the punishment

Most "A" answers

Your child has good, friendly relationships with peers. He is sociable, easily establishes contact with new children. He is always ready to listen, help (to the best of his ability), calm the one who is upset, sincerely rejoice with those who are happy. The child behaves appropriately in conflict situations.

Most responses are "B"

The child has difficulties in relationships with peers, due to his shyness, isolation, or vice versa aggressiveness. He in every possible way avoids communication with new people (children), any contact with peers, does not rejoice with them, does not sympathize, does not participate in disputes, is afraid conflict situations and punishments, constantly crying, complaining.

Most responses are "B"

At first glance, it can be said that the child is sociable, active, but in fact he is fixated on his experiences. He does not make contact first, he is annoyed by someone else's grief or joy. When communicating, he talks a lot and demands that only he be listened to. Such a child often gets into conflict situations, dares children, insults them. Most likely, it's feigned, so he hides emotional experiences, showing that he is doing well, he is the best, but deep down he can think completely differently.

Game "Wishing Candle"

Now each of you can answer the question: what did you take away from the parent meeting for yourself? Should parent meetings be held? What have you learned? Have you looked at your child with different eyes?

Please write your answers on the apples in front of you.

Let's stand in a circle, and passing a lit candle, say our wishes.

And then we'll hang these apples on our tree.

Look how beautiful the tree has become from our warm words, from goodwill, from attention to each other. So is a man, he alone will fade, and if he has a friend or friends, then, as they say, the sea is knee-deep.

In conclusion, I would like to say that his future depends on how the child communicates now, even at preschool age. After all, we live in a society, constantly establishing contacts with different people. If you teach your child communication skills as early as possible, then it will be easy for the child to go through the processes of socialization and realize themselves in society.

Interactive methods: exercises and training for parents

"To school with joy"

In order to form a culture of family relations, preserve and strengthen family values, preparing students for family life through the implementation of the "Family and School" program, we offer interactive methods for use in the work of a psychologist with parents (Appendix 1), training for parents "To school with joy" (Appendix 2).

Annex 1

Interactive Methods

in the work of a psychologist with a parent audience

Exercise "Bag of Associations"

The facilitator offers the parents a task: to present their association in connection with the subject, the phenomenon indicated on the card, which they take out of the bag. The facilitator asks that this association be connected with the family, family relationships in their early childhood.

(Cards: parental home, family holiday, weekend in the family, traditions, evening at home, belt, sweet Nothing, family quarrel, guests, punishment, game, TV, relatives, older generation, etc.)

Exercise "Bank of parental wisdom"

The facilitator distributes leaflets to the participants and invites them to write wise advice on family education on a particular issue. Tips are voiced, discussed and posted on the information stand.

Exercise "Symbolic drawing of a family"

The facilitator invites the participants to depict the family in the form of symbols on a piece of paper and offer their interpretation.

Exercise "Envelope of everyday questions"

The facilitator invites parents to write problematic questions family education which are then discussed in a wider audience. Psychologist commentary.

Exercise "Flower"

The facilitator offers parents (a group of parents) a flower of seven petals, on which advice (questions) are written on a particular problem of family education. Parents give their interpretation of advice or questions. Psychologist commentary.

Exercise "Flower-Semitsvetik"

The leader at the meeting with the children, which precedes his work with parents, distributes flowers with seven petals to them and invites them to write their desires in the field of relationships with parents. Similar flowers are distributed to parents. They are invited to think and write about what their children dream about. Then parents are presented with children's flowers, and they can compare their results with children's.


Exercise "Theater"

The facilitator invites parents to discuss any topic related to family education issues from the point of view of representatives of various social roles. The envelope contains cards social roles. The facilitator distributes cards to the participants and invites them to consider the point of view of their character on this issue: a child, a teenager, a young man, a representative of one of the youth subcultures, a teacher, dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, policeman, psychologist, liberal, democrat, communist, clergyman and etc.

Exercise "Free microphone"

In the hands of the presenter is a microphone. The one from the audience whose hands the microphone falls into, briefly, for 30 seconds

a) expresses his point of view on a particular issue, shares his memories, his experience, etc.;

b) recalls a fact from his childhood that caused stress, made him suffer and suffer, etc.

The form of the dispute involves addressing problematic topics that cause conflicting opinions of parents. The wording of the topics should be “sharp”, “hurting to the core”. " Ideal Parents- myth or reality?", "Is it easy to be young?", "How to live without conflicts with children?", "Is it worth punishing a child?" etc.

"Proverb Contest"

The facilitator invites the participants to remember as many proverbs about family education as possible.

"Story Competition"

The host invites parents to recall fairy tales that reflect the problems of family education and tell how the characters found a way out of this situation.

Exercise "The Tale of Education"

The facilitator offers parents a scheme for compiling a fairy tale. Within 20 minutes, they must compose a fairy tale in which this or that problem of the relationship between parents and children is resolved.

Exercise "Piggy bank of errors (problems)"

Making collages

"Modern Youth", "This Strange Adult World"

Youth magazines are needed.

Competition "You to me, I to you"

Teams come up with several conflict situations between parents and children. There is an exchange of situations. Parents choose one of them, which they beat.

Psychologist commentary.

Competition "Youth of my parents"

Children together with their parents talk about the youthful hobbies of their parents.

Exercise "Ways to resolve conflict situations"

The facilitator invites the participants to draw up a program of action in a particular conflict situation.

Exercise "Perception of the feelings of the child"

Children tell us much more than is expressed in words. Feelings are always behind words. Participants need, after reading the statement of the child, as accurately as possible to perceive his feelings about this situation. Some statements may express different feelings of the child.

The child says, "I don't know what's wrong! I cannot solve this problem. Maybe I shouldn't try to solve it?

The child feels: a) feels stupid; b) feels like abandoning the decision, c) feels annoyed.

Exercise "Prohibited Speech Catalog"

Participants are invited to compile a catalog of prohibited statements in relation to the child.

Exercise "Childhood memories"

Exercise "Poetry"

The host invites parents to compose a quatrain about the relationship between parents and children according to a given rhyme.

For example: a) I love to sweep

I endure will respond

Exercise "I am a message"

The facilitator invites parents, using the “I-messages” technique, to resolve the situation so that both parties are satisfied.

Annex 2

Training for parents "To school with joy"

Purpose: to promote the successful adaptation of parents of first graders.

create conditions for the parents to calmly pass the period of the beginning of their child's education at school;

help build confidence and reduce anxiety levels as you transition from preschool to elementary school;

explain the causes of possible psychological difficulties in first-graders and ways to prevent them;

compose psychological picture successful first grader.

In the life of each of us there are stages, steps that are very important for the future. One of these stages is preparation for learning in a school environment. This is a very difficult period for a child, especially a six-year-old.

Our baby goes to first class. How can you help your child adapt successfully? How to prevent the occurrence of psychological problems?

During this period, it is difficult for a child in the same way as it is for us when applying for a new job.

General task teaching staff And legal representatives- to help the child learn with pleasure, to help him maintain a direct natural interest in knowing the world.

Child and parent constitute a single emotional space. Our excitement, anxiety and worry are passed on to our children. Therefore, it is very important to first learn how to manage your psychological state, and then help the child to overcome the "entry into a new position" without loss.

Today we tried to measure your ideas about the child's admission to the first grade with the help of color. Each color carries a certain semantic load.

Exercise "What color are your ideas about your child entering school?"

Red - the idea of ​​school as an active activity.

Yellow - You are happy to think of school as an exciting stage in life.

Orange - joyful ideas about school life child.

Green - a calm attitude towards school life.

Blue - the school is causing concern.

Purple - anxious expectations.

Black - gloomy ideas about school everyday life.

Anxiety and worry about the unknown are quite normal, unless they reach the point of pathology. It is necessary to help the child perceive education as a vital, interesting and creative process. The secret of success is just that.

What are the reasons for parents' concern?

This may be a loss of self-confidence, insufficient knowledge of how to prepare a child for school, excessive demands on a child, or, conversely, excessive love to him.

Often at meetings, parents ask the question of how to prevent the occurrence of difficulties. Here it is very important to observe the following points. Talk about the school, about its everyday life and holidays calmly. It is important to create an atmosphere of calm and goodwill at home, not to scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance, because he came to school to study, and not to shine with his knowledge.

The second question is how long can the adaptation process take? In different ways: from one month to one year. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child. This is where your patience matters. Adaptation was successful if there are no tears, no “I can’t” and “I don’t want to”.

Exercise "Difficulties of a first grader"

Parents are encouraged to think and write possible difficulties first graders.


Let us dwell on the most typical problems faced by parents of first-graders.

The child has no desire to go to school or is afraid.

What are the reasons? The child thinks that he will be scolded, punished for bad behavior. Fear can be transmitted from parents who share their experiences, fears in the presence of children. The child hears "terrible" stories about the school from his relatives. What to do? First of all, eliminate the causes. If the fear does not go away, then you should seek help from specialists.

The child is restless. What is the reason? First of all, it lies in the physiological immaturity of the child's body. A first grader can hold attention for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes. Motor restlessness is a protective reaction of the body. It allows you not to bring your body to overwork. It should also be remembered that even short-term illnesses disrupt the performance of children for a significant time. The highest efficiency of first-graders is from 8.00 to 11.00 in the morning. In the second half of the day from 16.00 to 17.00 there is an increase in working capacity, but it does not reach the morning level. How to help a child? Breaks in educational activities after 15-20 minutes in the form of physical exercises, outdoor games, as well as a change in the type of activity help relieve physical stress.

The child is bullied at school. Here it is important to listen to the child to the end and teach him to forgive insults without taking them to heart. Having found out together the motives of the offender, it may turn out that our child is wrong. If so, then we can teach the child to respond to insults with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

The child violates discipline.

The reason is to get attention. Adults often pay attention only to negative qualities child, taking the positive for granted. But nature does not tolerate emptiness. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a sense of kindness is not brought up on the example of adult behavior. If a child hears about kindness only in the form of moralizing and teaching, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, and cruelty.

What needs to be done for a child to be successful? What qualities should a successful first grader have? Let's try to answer this question together by making a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.

Exercise "Psychological portrait of a successful first grader"

Parents are invited to make a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.


We wish you to successfully prepare for school, to go through the adaptation period painlessly. During this period, it is very important, when seeing the child out of the house, not to lecture, threaten or scold, but it is best to tell him in confidence, with love and faith: “I really look forward to seeing you in the evening, at dinner. I'm sure you can handle it, you're a good boy!"

And then the school will become a school of joy for you and your baby.

At the end of the training session, parents are given leaflets “Good advice to parents”: “If the child does not want to go to school”, “Self-diagnosis for parents”, “If the child is restless”, “If the child is offended?”, “What should I know and be able to future first grader?”, “How to develop a child’s creative imagination”, “How to praise a child?”, “How to punish a child?”, “Useful games”.


If the child does not want to go to school

Or is he afraid?

Possible reasons:

* Children are afraid that they will be scolded at school, punished for bad behavior, that they will come across an evil teacher.

* There are older children in the family who share negativity with the younger ones.

* Sometimes fear is transmitted from parents who experience in the presence of a child: "I'm afraid that it will be,

when my child goes to school - he is like that

vulnerable, and the teachers are so twitchy, and if he gets to the desk with the same wildness as our neighbor Vanya, he is his

will offend."

* Sometimes grandparents share "terrible"

stories from the lives of their children.

* One of the most important conditions for successful adaptation is the child's conscious desire for school,

genuine interest in learning

those. formation of educational motivation.

It includes:

* Availability cognitive interests(child likes

reading books, solving problems, doing other things

interesting problems).

* understanding the need for teaching how

obligatory, responsible activity.

* Emotionally positive attitude towards school.

What is the best way to help your child

in the first months of school?

* Mandatory good rest in the summer.

* Calmly talk about the school: its everyday life and holidays.

* It is advisable to take a vacation and the first 2-3 weeks to be

next to the child.

* Create an atmosphere of calm and goodwill at home.

* Greet your child from school with a smile.

* Do not scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance.

He is just starting to learn.

* Be sure to walk after class.

* Furnish your home school place with love.

* He can take his beloved to school, not very

big toy.

* When he returns from school, ask in detail

about what was interesting at school.

* Do not forget that the child needs recognition and praise.

* Rejoice in his successes and victories.

* The child cannot quickly adapt. This period

can last from 1 month to a year.

*Try to be patient. And if you see that everything

"straightens", comes back to normal, becomes smaller

tears, "I can't" and "I don't want to", it means that this is a small

victory is yours and your child's.

What to do if your child

bullied at school?

* First of all, listen to the child to the end, without interrupting.

* After listening to him, be sure to say that everything will change soon. People grow up and become wiser.

* It is important to teach the child to forgive these grievances and not take them to heart.

* Try to figure out the offender's motives together. It may turn out that your child was wrong.

* If this happens, teach your child to respond to insults with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

* Think about whether you are touchy. After all, for a child, a parent is the most worthy role model.

If the child violates discipline?

Often adults indicate only the negative qualities of the child, his misdeeds, but they forget about the positive ones. But nature does not tolerate emptiness. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a sense of kindness is not brought up. If kindness is not brought up purposefully, if the child hears about it only in the form of moralizing and teachings, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, cruelty.

The main thing is to cultivate positive qualities for everyone possible ways on my own example, on examples from surrounding life, art, culture, history.

What to do if your child enjoys going to school

but is he not doing well?

* Let the child feel that he is no worse than others.

* Give them the opportunity to believe in themselves.

* Understand what he likes best, what he does best, and, based on the positive, try to interest him in what is more difficult.

* The child is not always to blame for the fact that he studies poorly. He has not yet switched from kindergarten to school: he misheard something, misunderstood. The main thing is that the teacher should not stigmatize the child: loafer, stupid, lazy.

* "Get into" his difficulties and together with him understand, resolve, explain.

What to do, if the child is restless,

spins and cannot sit for 15 minutes?

A first-grader child can hold attention for 15-20 minutes maximum, because his working capacity is low. Then he starts to spin, play, make noise.

Motor anxiety is a protective reaction of the child's body. At this time, there is a kind of shutdown, a short rest. This allows you not to bring your body to overwork.

Signs of fatigue:

* Handwriting deteriorates

*increases the number of errors

* Speech rate slows down

* "stupid" errors appear

* the child becomes distracted, inattentive, whiny, lethargic and


The best option is to have breaks in educational activities every 15-20 minutes, which will help the child regain his strength. During breaks, physical activity is useful: physical education, outdoor games, dance activities.

If the child is slow?

It is wrong to consider such behavior of a child as disobedience or stubbornness. He may have some features of the nervous system,

manifested in a slow pace of activity. With enough time, such children cope with the tasks. You can’t rush such children, demand that they do something quickly - this slows them down even more. Parents should definitely consult a doctor, warn the teacher about the characteristics of the child.

A passive child will definitely have difficulties, it will be more difficult for him to complete tasks in the classroom, when there are time limits, it will be more difficult for him to respond to a changing environment. Such a child adapts much longer than an active child.

However, slow children have their advantages: as a rule, they perform tasks more efficiently, diligently, thoughtfully.

Self-diagnosis for parents

We offer you a test, by answering the questions of which you will be able to approximately estimate the level of development of your child. Each question requires an affirmative answer. The more such answers, the higher the level of development of your child. If any of the evaluated criteria did not receive affirmative answers, you have the opportunity to pull the child in this direction.

Evaluation of the development of cognition

  1. Does the child understand basic concepts such as right/left, big/small, in/out?
  2. Is the child able to understand the simplest cases of classification, such as things that can roll and things that cannot roll?
  3. Can the kid guess the ending of a simple story?
  4. Can the child remember and follow at least three directions?
  5. Can the child name most of the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet?

Assessing the child's baseline experience

  1. Did your child have to accompany you to the post office, to the savings bank, to the store?
  2. Was the baby in the library?
  3. Did the child have to visit the zoo, the village, the museum?
  4. Do you have the opportunity to regularly read to your baby, tell him stories?
  5. Does the child show an increased interest in something, does he have a hobby?

Assessment of language development

  1. Can the child name and designate the main objects around him?
  2. Is it easy for a child to answer questions from adults?
  3. Can the child explain where the objects are located: on the table, under the table?
  4. Can the child explain what various things are used for: a brush, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator?
  5. Is the baby able to tell a story, describe some incident that happened to him?
  6. Does the child pronounce words clearly?
  7. Is the child's speech correct in terms of grammar?
  8. Is the child able to participate in a general conversation, act out a situation, or play in a home performance?

Assessment of the level of emotional development

  1. Does the child look cheerful (at home, among friends)?
  2. Has the child formed an image of himself as a person who can do a lot?
  3. Is it easy for the baby to “switch” with changes in the usual daily routine, go to the decision new task?
  4. Is the child able to work independently, compete in tasks with other children?

Assessment of communication skills

  1. Does other children get involved in the game, does it share with them?
  2. Does the child take turns when the situation calls for it?
  3. Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?

Assessment of physical development

  1. Does the child hear well?
  2. Does he see well?
  3. Is he able to sit quietly for some time?
  4. Does he have developed motor coordination skills, such as playing ball, jumping, walking down and up stairs?
  5. Does the child appear alert and engaged?
  6. Does the child look healthy, well fed and rested?

visual discrimination

  1. Can the child identify similar and dissimilar forms, for example, find a picture that is different from the others?
  2. Can the child distinguish between letters and short words, for example b / n, cat / year?

Visual memory

  1. Can a child notice the absence of a picture if he is first shown a series of three pictures, and then one is removed?
  2. Does the child know his given name, home address, phone?

visual perception

  1. Is the child able to arrange in order (in a given sequence) a series of pictures?
  2. Does the child understand that they read from left to right?
  3. Can he on his own without outside help put together a picture of fifteen elements?
  4. Can the baby interpret the picture: formulate the main idea, trace the connections?

Hearing ability level

  1. Can a child rhyme words?
  2. Is he able to distinguish between words that begin with different sounds, for example, forest - weight?
  3. Can a child repeat a few letters or numbers after an adult?
  4. Is the child able to retell the story, retaining the main idea and sequence of actions?

Evaluation of attitude towards books

  1. Does the child have a desire to look at books on their own?
  2. Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when someone reads aloud to him?
  3. Does the child ask questions about words and other printed characters?

Do I want to go to school? (test for preschoolers)

  1. When I go to school, I will have many new friends.
  2. I wonder what lessons we will have.
  3. I think that I will invite the whole class to my birthday.
  4. I would like the lesson to last longer than recess.
  5. I wonder what the school offers for breakfast?
  6. When I go to school, I will study well.
  7. The best thing about school life is the holidays.
  8. It seems to me that there are more interesting things in school than in kindergarten.
  9. I want to go to school, because many of the guys from my house are already studying.
  10. If I had been allowed, I would have gone to study already last year.

Ask your child: “If someone were to speak for you, would you agree with the following words?” and record their answers on a chart.

Let's calculate the results:

1 - 3 points- Your child believes that he lives well without school. It should be thought about.

4 - 8 points- The child wants to go to school, but it should be clarified why. If there are more points in the first line, then the child basically dreams of new friends games. If there are more points in the second line, then he fully imagines the main purpose of the school.

9 - 10 points- Well, if your child keeps positive attitude to school in the coming years.

What should a future first grader know?

  1. Your name, the names and patronymics of your parents.
  2. Your address.
  3. The name of the country, city in which he lives.
  4. Rules of conduct at school during the lesson and break.
  5. How to properly organize your workplace.
  6. Rules for seating at a desk and organizing a workplace.
  7. The names of the seasons and their signs, natural phenomena.
  8. The names of the days of the week, the name of the current month.
  9. Names of animals and plants found in our region.
  10. Number series from 1 to 10, forward and backward counting.
  11. Numbers.
  12. Signs +, -, =.

What should a future first grader be able to do?

  1. Behave correctly in class and recess.
  2. Prepare everything you need for class.
  3. It is correct to sit at the desk.
  4. Hold a pen and pencil correctly.
  5. Listen carefully to the teacher, perceive what he says.
  6. Follow the instructions of the teacher.
  7. Switch from one activity to another.
  8. Correctly respond to your failures and victories, to the successes and failures of classmates.
  9. Slow down your movement.
  10. Make up sentences of 3-4 words, divide them into words,
  11. Make up stories from pictures.
  12. Talk about what you see and hear.
  13. Express your thoughts clearly.
  14. Distinguish a sound, a word, a sentence.
  15. Pronounce sounds correctly and be able to distinguish them by ear.
  16. Determine by ear with the help of claps the number of syllables in a word.
  17. Type your name, familiar letters and words.
  18. Count to 10 and back.
  19. Recognize numbers and use them when pointing to a number.
  20. Compare and equalize sets by adding and subtracting.
  21. Recognize objects by description
  22. Recognize simple geometric shapes.
  23. Orient yourself in space and in a notebook.
  24. Perform simple graphic dictations.
  25. Color the pictures carefully.
  26. Hatch in different directions.
  27. Draw pictures in half of them.
  28. Redraw and copy graphic drawings, shapes, elements.
  29. Solve labyrinths, be able to distinguish between seasons, natural phenomena, animals.

How to develop creative imagination


Creative imagination must be developed from early childhood. It is necessary for everyone.

* Start with "What is it like?" games. Try to guess the images in the clouds frosty patterns, colorful blots, unusual roots, twigs, leaves.

* Ask your child more often: “how what?”

* Same fluffy - like what?

* The same prickly - like what?

* Just as funny - like what?

The child will learn to compare and find a suitable image.

* Accept the child's fantasies, don't reject them. About chocolate trees and snow frogs, about sweet rain and a blue apple... Fantasizing, he will learn to compose fairy tales, stories, sketches.

* Try to draw on large sheets: paints, chalk, prints of leaves and candy wrappers, palms and fingers. Try to ask: what happened? What does it look like? Even if it turned out to be absurd in your opinion, ask the child: "What is this?" And he will definitely answer. Accept his "creativity".

* Give him plasticine and clay.

* Give empty boxes and plastic glasses. Model, invent, build...

Let all the fantasies of the child spill out.

* Create your own "typography" at home. Try to publish your newspapers, books. Teach and learn with your child to design, compose, draw.

* Try to create a home "gift fund" where you will put everything interesting crafts which can be given as a gift to relatives, friends, acquaintances.

* Try to compose carnival costumes together.

* Try to connect the child to the design of the festive table.

* Teach your child wit. Teach him to find funny things in the world around him. A sense of humor promotes a creative attitude towards life.

* Read funny and witty poems by D. Kharms, O. Grigoriev, G. Oster and A. Usachev.

* Remember! Creative, gifted, capable children often stand out for their unusual behavior, original actions.

* If you want your child to grow up internally free, independent, to strive for future success, develop creative imagination from an early age.

How to praise a child?

Praise has the property of a drug: more and more. And if there was a lot, but there was little or not at all, a state of deprivation arises.

When and who to praise more?

* lagging behind, sick, too idiosyncratic, too shy,

slow, clumsy, fat, stutterer, bespectacled, redhead. If a person in these states is not supported with encouragement, approval, a person can go to extremes, to hopelessness.

* Healthy, cheerful, capable, everything is easy, the first in everything. Praise only for the labor of development - for exceeding your norm.

*Sufficiently healthy and developed. Not without ability. Quite prosperous. But a sharply heightened sensitivity to assessments. Does not tolerate the slightest disapproval, gets upset. As few assessments and comparisons as possible.

How not to praise?

* Do not praise for what is not achieved by one's own work: physical, mental or spiritual.

* Strength, dexterity, health, ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, talent, good disposition are not subject to praise; easily given good grades, toys, things, clothes.

It is advisable not to praise:

* more than two times for the same thing;

* out of pity;

* out of a desire to please.

You are good (a) already by the fact that you live in the world! There has never been anyone like you, and there never will be. You are a dewdrop that manages to reflect the sun, and this is a miracle. You are a miracle!

Is it worth punishing

child and how to do it?

To punish or not to punish, how to do it - everyone decides for himself. Sometimes psychological punishment can be harder than physical punishment.

* Punishing, think: why?

* Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.

Punishment should be useful.

* If in doubt - to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No "just in case" punishment.

* One at a time. Even if a great many misdemeanors are committed, the punishment can be severe, but only one - for all at once, and not one by one for each.

* Statute of limitations. It is better not to punish than to punish belatedly. Belated punishment reminds the child of the past, which prevents the child from changing.

* Punished - forgiven. Not a word about old sins! Don't hesitate to start over!

* Without humiliation. Punishment should not be perceived by the child as a triumph of our strength over his weakness.

* With a lack of love, life itself becomes punishment, and then punishment is sought as the last chance for love. It is impossible to punish with lessons, reading, cleaning.

These "out-of-order outfits" are capable of instilling an aversion to work.

You can not punish and scold:

* When sick, experiencing some kind of ailment, or has not yet recovered from an illness: the psyche is especially vulnerable, reactions are unpredictable.

* When eating, after sleeping, before going to bed, while playing, while working.

*Immediately after a physical or mental trauma(fall, fight, accident, bad mark, any failure, even if he himself is to blame for this failure) - you need to wait until the acute pain subsides.

* When he does not cope with fear, with inattention, with any shortcoming, making sincere efforts; when he shows inability, awkwardness, stupidity, inexperience - in short, in all cases when something does not work out.

* When the internal motives of an act are incomprehensible to us.

* When we are tired, upset, annoyed for some reason.

Which games will benefit the most

For intellectual development child?

* All constructors. Develop fine motor skills(and hence speech), design abilities, ability to analyze, attention, geometric representations.

* Educational games B.P. Nikitin and V.I. Krasnoukhov.

* All mosaics. They develop figurative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, color perception, creative imagination, etc.

* All lotto. They introduce them to the world around them, develop memory and attention, the ability to analyze and compare, etc.

* All dominoes. They introduce you to numbers and numbers, letters and syllables, teach you to compare, analyze and be attentive, develop communication skills.

* All plane games develop memory and attention, geometric representations, logical, figurative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, perseverance and independence.

* Paired pictures (Pekseso). Acquaintance with the surrounding world, history, develop memory and attention, communicative qualities focus, perseverance, etc.

* Puzzle games from the series "Little Genius" ("Little Genius",

"Lucky Cube", "Marble Cube", "Profi Club".

Develop logical thinking, design ability, skill

analyze and synthesize, accuracy and accuracy, etc.

How to make smart games useful?

* It is important not to impose, not to force them to play.

* Do not prompt the child with solutions, do not do it for him, do not rush him, do not reproach him if he suddenly did something wrong. Give him the opportunity to "win".

* If you do not have any games, you can make them with your child (the benefits of this are double).

SP GBOU secondary school No. 6 of the city of Otradny, Samara region

"Kindergarten No. 14"

senior caregiver

Topic: "Children and parents"

Target: help build trust and friendly relations between parents and children.


    summarize parental knowledge individual features children;

    identify problems and ways to promote the development of the personality of children.

Conduct form: traditional meeting with elements of training and interactive forms work.

Members: educator, teacher-psychologist, parents.

Preparatory work:

    Shortly before the meeting, the children are invited to complete the following task:

1. Choose from a certain set of toys one that you like best; (the teacher takes a picture of the child with this toy).

2. Conduct a survey of children (the same questions will be asked to parents at the meeting).

3. Previously, the children choose one of the three proposed shapes (circle, triangle, square), and then color it.

    Prepare paper and pens individual work parents.

    Prepare questionnaires, tests.

    Do multimedia support assembly.

    Prepare a booklet - an outline of the meeting, which is handed at the end to each parent.


1. Opening remarks.

5. Mini-lecture on the topic "What you need to know about your child?"

8. Mini-lecture "The living power of water. The living power of the word"

11. Test number 3 "My favorite toy."

12. Summing up the results of the meeting.

13. Questioning "Your opinion".

Proceedings of the meeting

Education can do a lot
but not unlimited.
Vaccinations can force
give soda apples to a wild apple tree,
but no gardener's art
can't make her bring acorns.
V.G. Belinsky

1. Opening remarks.

Many parents believe that they know their child thoroughly. The smaller our child, the better we really know him. But, already communicating with the kindergarten teacher, we notice that our judgments are becoming more and more approximate, after 10-12 years we quite often find in own family, in the face own child beautiful (and sometimes quite the opposite) stranger.

Do you know your child and what do you need to know about him? Today we will talk about this topic.

2. The game "Hello, let's get to know each other"

Target: To enable the participants to switch to the situation "Here and now", group cohesion. Actualize the child's need for daily communication with parents.

3. Exercise "Know your child"

Target: Awareness by parents of the actual needs of their child.

The psychologist gives a general interpretation of the choice in the works of children :

triangle- the need for leadership, management,

circle- need for communication

square- the need for knowledge;

yellow- the need for communication;

red- need in motor activity;

blue and white- the need for peace and solitude;

green- the need for self-expression and self-affirmation;

black and brown- the need for freedom and independence (anxiety, negativism, uncertainty).

4. Training-thinking of parents on the topic: "What do you need to know about your child?"

So what do you need to know about your child? And why do you need to know? ( Opinions of parents, work in subgroups)

You are all absolutely right. An unequivocal answer to this question: you need to know everything about the child! And since this is almost impossible, we must try to be closer to him.

    To know how he lives, whom and for what he loves.

    Why does his mood instantly deteriorate, and what can he do.

    What he can never cope with, what he believes and what he doubts, etc.

However, from this big set information about the child can be identified and the most important:

    the state of his health,

    temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic),

    emotional stability or neuroticism (increased nervous irritability),

    isolation (habits of an introvert),


    personality orientation (personal, business, collectivist).

5. Mini-lecture on the topic "What you need to know about your child?" (make a memo and distribute)

* Sometimes it seems to us that we have a very good child. We wonder why teachers are often dissatisfied with him, why no one is friends with him. And we draw a saving conclusion: educators, and in the future teachers, are unfair, and children are stupid, ill-mannered. And we make a fatal mistake. To avoid this, as well as to scientifically build family pedagogy, you need to know the age psychological characteristics of your children. Then you will be able to compare the possibilities and achievements of your child with the requirements of age, to assume them, to prepare children for them, to take into account the characteristics and difficulties of each age period. (memo attached)

* More than once I heard from parents such a phrase: "I know what my child needs!" Such parents build the life of the child according to their own model, and then are surprised that this life did not work out. Parents see themselves as rulers future life child. Very often they program the belief system, even the profession of their children, thereby suppressing their personality and the ability to more fully realize their abilities! As soon as the child declares himself as a person, a problem arises. And why? Because many parents are not able to tell themselves that this is my child, but he has his own values, my duty is to help him realize them. Parents see their task in something else: "I will make his life such that he is happy!".

In childhood, everything is laid that will then make up the essence of a person, his personality. Wise parent and the teacher is like an architect who, designing a new building, has a good idea not only of the facade, but of the entire interior. What adults invest in a child from early childhood is stored in him, as in a piggy bank, for long years, melting into character traits, personality traits, forming into habits and skills. But sometimes we, not knowing the future of our child and not knowing his present, build a too rough scheme, ideal model We are preparing for him in our ambitious dreams and bright hopes such roles that we once could not cope with ourselves.

What does a child need to full development?

In short, these are normal parents, good conditions life and upbringing, full communication with peers and adults, constant, active, age-appropriate activities.

A powerful need for activity is the eternal engine of human development. The wisdom of development lies in the fact that each age is characterized not only by a certain composition of activities, but there is also the most important, as psychologists say, leading. It is in it that those processes develop that prepare the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development.

Disturbances in the normal development of the child occur, when there is no agreement between educators - father and mother, between parents and teachers, when the chain of succession is destroyed. And then there is what is called the disintegration of personality. Simply put, the child is likened to a cart that is being pulled into different sides. Then the development stalls or deviates to the side.

The line of deviant behavior often originates in early childhood and, under adverse circumstances, eventually leads to persistent indiscipline, delinquency, and other forms of antisocial behavior in adolescence.

If pedagogical neglect- this is the state of the child's personality, caused by shortcomings in his development, behavior, activities and relationships due to pedagogical reasons, then you need to start with the latter. This may be the moral ill health of the family itself, the flaws in family education, the shortcomings and mistakes of the kindergarten and school.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate our adult mistakes. With a kind, reasonable, sparing attitude, bring the child out of a state of discomfort (feelings of uselessness, insecurity, abandonment, inferiority, joylessness, hopelessness) and only then (or at the same time) help him succeed in the most difficult task for him, arouse a desire to become better, build confidence in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

6. Pedagogical workshop "My child"

Do you know the strengths and weaknesses of your child? I offer you an essay from pedagogical literature.

Essay "My child"

“I really wanted to have a child. But I didn’t succeed for a long time. I already decided that I was an inferior woman ... when I finally realized that I was pregnant, there was no limit to my happiness. I was very difficult to bear and give birth to my son. While he was not born, I thought a lot about him, what he would look like, how he would grow and get smarter with every year, how we will walk the streets with him, and everyone will look at us with admiration. I imagined all the main milestones of his life: here he goes to kindergarten, now he enters school ... but fate, along with the happiness of being a mother, gave me punishment. My child was born not very healthy, and his preschool childhood was for me a chain of sleepless nights and torment. Sometimes I asked God, why am I in such pain? But the worst started at school. He was completely incapable of learning. Very angry and aggressive, deceiving me and the teacher, taking other people's things, very lazy, not interested in anything, not friends with anyone. I'm already ashamed to show up at school and open my diary. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."

What reaction did this essay evoke in you? Describe your moments personal experience that might explain your reaction. Be in the role of this woman who raised her son alone and pinned all her hopes on him. Become her child, whom mother never called by name, from which she goes crazy and knows all his shortcomings. What did you feel in both roles? How would you feel if you were this woman? Is there a difference in your feelings and experiences? What do you think of it?

7. Exercise "What makes me sad in my child, and what makes me happy?"

Target: Identification of topics for education of parents and educators. Increasing the importance of narrow specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, neuropathologist) in solving certain problems.

Which column of the table is the most complete? Why?

For reflection, a table with the text is offered (answers of the same woman):

Table on the screen.

Advantages of my child

My child's faults

How would I like my child to be?












Behaves badly

good student

Poor student







8. "The living power of water. The living power of the word"

Target: Education of parents on the problem of the influence of society on the development of the child.

Experience 1: experiments were carried out over water. Water was taken and frozen from three places: from a holy spring; water stood in a place where they constantly cursed; water that stood in front of the TV screen during programs demonstrating situations of cruelty and tragedy. The water crystals from the holy spring were in the shape of a symmetrical beautiful star. The water crystals from the place where they constantly fought and sorted things out were already in the form of an asymmetric and inharmonious figure, similar to something unpleasant. The water crystals in front of the TV were not just ugly, but horrifying and reminiscent of characters from a horror movie.

Experience 2: water was collected from one source (from the tap) in three glasses. They set aside one glass of water and did not talk to him, another was constantly scolded, and only good things were said to the third. After a while, the water that was not paid attention to, it bloomed, which it scolded, faded, and the one that was said to be only good in its composition and its crystal looked like water taken from a holy spring.

Conclusion: Studies have shown that all ailments and problems are from bad words and images.

Think if bad word affects even the water, how can it affect the child? How will he grow if he only listens to criticism, abuse and negativity?

There is not a single person in life who would have only one merits or demerits, just as there is no person without merits and demerits. The wisdom of parents is that, seeing both, they correlate them with the effectiveness of family education. The described mother herself admitted that she did not bring up anything good in the child. But a child is not an empty vessel. And if some positive qualities are not formed in it, then bad habits and inclinations. If the child is lazy, this means that the family did not teach him to work; if he is aggressive, it means that he did not know a good attitude. Parents should be well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their child in order to balance them, relying on the positive, to help him get rid of the negative. Try looking at your child with those eyes.

9. Test number 1 "What kind of parent are you."

Who doesn't want an answer to this question! That is why you are offered a test game. Mark the phrases that you often use with children:



How many times do you have to repeat.

I don't know what I would do without you.

And who did you just born into!

What wonderful friends you have.

Well, who do you look like!

I'm in your time!

Well, what kind of friends do you have!

What are you thinking about!

What a smart girl you are!

What do you think, son (daughter)?

All children are like children, and you!

How clever you are!

Advise me please.

Now count up total points and answer. Of course, you understand that our game is just a hint of the actual state of affairs, because no one knows better than you yourself what kind of parent you are.

7-8 points. You live soul to soul with a child. He sincerely loves and respects you. Your relationships contribute to the formation of personality.

9-10 points. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

11-12 points. It is necessary to be more attentive to the child. Authority is no substitute for love.

13-14 points. You are on the wrong path. There is distrust between you and the child. Give him more time.

So you found out what kind of parent you are, appreciated the advantages and disadvantages of your child.

But does your opinion coincide with the child's ideas about himself?

I offer you the answers of your children. How they themselves assessed their shortcomings and advantages, and what phrases do you most often say to them. Learn the opinion of the child.

(Soft music plays while the parents are reading.)

What feelings are you experiencing right now? Why do you think?

(There is a discussion.)

I told you a thousand times

How many times do you need to repeat:

Me in your time

What are you thinking about:

Is it hard to remember:

You become:

All children are like children, and you:

Leave me alone, I have no time:

Why Lena (Katya, Vasya, etc.) is like this, but you are not:

And use more often:

You are my smartest

It's good that I have you:

You are my good man:

I love you very much:

Thank you:

I wouldn't have made it without you

You are my support and helper (ca)!

remember, that children learn to live from life.(Words on screen)

If a child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

If a child lives in enmity, he learns aggressiveness.

If a child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn.

If a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt.

If a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to accept others.

If a child is often encouraged, he learns to believe in himself.

If a child is often praised, he learns to be noble.

If a child lives in honesty, he learns to be fair.

If a child lives in trust in the world, he learns to trust in people.

If a child lives in an environment of acceptance, he will find love in the world.

10. Test number 2 "Do I know my child well."

Most favorite hobby Your child

Who do you think is the most beautiful in the family, according to the child?

What does your child like to eat the most?

What is your child's favorite fairy tale?

Write the name of your child's best friend

Preliminary answers to these questions are given by children, and then parents answer at the meeting. And the answers are compared by the parents themselves.

12. Test number 3 "My favorite toy."

Children choose a toy from the set of toys offered to them (a book, cubes, a mosaic, a car, a doll, etc.) and the teacher takes a picture of the child with this toy. At the meeting, parents from the same set should choose the toy they think their child has chosen. Compare your choice with the photo.

13. Summing up the results of the meeting.

Summing up the results of the meeting, it should be noted that children are largely guided by their parents.

The child learns to

What he sees in his house.

Parents are an example of this.

Sebastian Brant.

Offered as a gift booklets with key excerpts, tips from the collection.

Authoritative parents- proactive, sociable good children. Those parents who love and understand children are authoritative, preferring not to punish them, but to explain to them what is good and what is bad, without fear of praising them once again. They require meaningful behavior from children and try to help them by being sensitive to their needs. At the same time, such parents do not indulge children's whims.

Children of such parents are usually inquisitive, try to justify, and not impose their point of view, they take their duties responsibly. It is easier for them to master socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior. They are more energetic and self-confident, they have better self-esteem and self-control. It is easier for them to build relationships with peers.

Authoritarian parents believe that the child should not be given too much freedom and rights, that he must unquestioningly obey their will and authority in everything. They strive to develop discipline in the child, leaving him no opportunity to choose options for behavior, limit his independence, deprive him of the right to object to his elders, even if the child is right. Strict control over behavior is the basis of their upbringing, which does not go beyond severe prohibitions, reprimands, and often physical punishments.

In children with such upbringing, only a mechanism is formed external control, feelings of guilt and fear of punishment develop and, as a rule, self-control is weak, if at all.

Indulgent Parents - impulsive, aggressive children.

As a rule, indulgent parents are not inclined to control their children, allowing them to do as they please, without requiring them to be responsible and independent. Such parents allow children to do whatever they want, even to the point of ignoring outbursts of anger and aggressive behavior.

All this leads to the fact that children do not have a desire to learn social norms of behavior, self-control and a sense of responsibility are not formed. They do their best to avoid something new, unexpected, unknown for fear of choosing irregular shape behavior when confronted with this new one.

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for Active participation in discussing issues.

Have you received answers to your questions?

What did you learn from the meeting?

As a meeting resolution, I offer you a handout and a booklet of tips and tricks.

(Booklets are distributed to all parents)


Dear parents! To find out how the topics and content of parent-teacher meetings meet the requirements of the family, I ask you to answer the questionnaire. Your sincere answers will help me see the positives better and negative sides holding parent meetings. I really want to improve the quality of their conduct, taking into account your interests, requests, opinions.


    What are your impressions of the parent meeting?

    What did you like the most? _______________________________________________


    Do you want parent meetings to be held in this form? Why? _________


4. Meeting on what topic would you like to attend next?_____________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your help!
