Mini scenario for the celebration of the day of the neighbors. Holiday "Day of Good Neighbors"

Celebration of Sadovaya street, Komsomolsky lane, Substation

1. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Dress up properly
Come join us for the holidays!
To look at guests, people of honor,
Take a look at the street performance!
Listen to good songs
Yes, delicious dishes to eat!

2. Honorary elders, family,
Youth and children!
Good health to you all in the morning!

1. I hasten to tell you - hello,
To wish good health!

2. I hasten to tell you goodness -
To wish you a new happiness!

1. I hasten to tell you the joys
Good luck, success and luck!

2. And to all, friends wish you
Good mood!

1. We are sure everyone is in a good mood, because today we have a holiday that has already become traditional - this is a street holiday.

2. 2. Hospitable hosts will meet guests at Sadovaya St., Komsomolsky Lane, and on the street. Substations.

1. Move aside, people, yes, good people!
Give a place with a single bridge, send a welcoming word to our guests, invited and welcome guests.

2. The head of the village council Petrova E.I. congratulates you (congratulations from the head of the administration of the village council).

1. Thank you, E.I. per good words, and we want to remind you all that there is an iron law on our holiday: no entry is allowed for the gloomy, gloomy.

1. There is no sweeter corner in the world,
than the one where you were born
Where he grew up, matured and sometimes cried,
seeing a wounded bird covered in blood.
No matter what hardships happen,
no matter what times come,
We know for sure that it will always accept us,
native since childhood, our side.

2. Dear friends, today the hostess on your street will be a woman who was born on Sadovaya Street, walked along it to school, found her soul mate. Now she is a wife, mother and her children are growing up on this street. This is Nadezhda Valova.

1. We know Nadya Valova as pretty, energetic, cheerful woman. She is a soloist of our folk choir. Together with her husband Alexei, they are raising a son and a daughter. This year Nadezhda celebrated her 35th birthday.

2. Her mother lives next to her - Khramtsova Lyubov Timofeevna, who raised three children, now she has 6 grandchildren. In July, Lyubov Timofeevna celebrated her big anniversary she is 60 years old. We congratulate her on her anniversary, and the best gift for her there will, of course, be a song performed by her daughter.
(1. song "Red Currant")
(the mistress of the street tells a story about the inhabitants of Sadovaya street)
1. Congratulations to Vasilina Bayeva.
Vasilina, you are turning 8!
In the morning the birds chirped loudly about it.
Behind your first school autumn
And preschool children rush to you for advice.
Grow up, good, mom and dad's beloved daughter.
Gather your mind easily, with passion.
Be beautiful like the sun, brighter than a flower!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday! (a gift is given)
2. Sodovaya Street is rich in anniversaries and birthdays this year. So Alexander Ivanovich was born on August 12 exactly 60 years ago.

1. Six tithes flashed by so soon.
Respectable age, what can I say.
But, we repeat again and again,
Any age to live and love!

Lane Komsomolsky.
1. Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! Now the hospitable hosts of Komsomolsky Lane are waiting for us. This lane is small, 8 men, 9 women and 2 children live here. Everyone knows each other very well.
2. And the Altapkin family Vasily Dmitrievich and Raisa Anatolyevna are the first to meet us. The spouses are well-known entrepreneurs. They started small, and now their business is well established. They have an adult son and daughter who live and work in Barnaul. There were two significant anniversaries in their family this year. Vasily Dmitrievich turned 55 in June. We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts and wish him many more years to remain as vigorous, provocative and healthy. So that in his life everything was on five.
And on July 31, friendly married couple Altapkinykh celebrated her 30th birthday life together pearl wedding.
1. Thirty years of joint springs
Your rings have not tarnished.
Thirty years sliding into autumn
How the moment flew by.
Thirty years in one breath -
Unity of lips and hands.
2. Thirty years of understanding
And a single heartbeat.
Snow, wind not cooled
Tenderness, love union.
Like a waltz this day is circling -
All in weave old feelings.
(4. song "White Dance")

2. We wish all the best to the inhabitants of the lane. Komsomolsky and continue our journey to the street. Substation.
1. Yes, it’s good when good neighbors, friends and just good people. It's so nice to treat your neighbors with your delicious pies, and have a cup of tea with friends. And we wish you all Dear friends, good neighbors.
Street Substation.
2. Our dear guests, now we are on the ter. Substations. We are warmly welcomed by the people of the area.
(leads a story about the inhabitants)
Dear friends, thank you for the warm welcome, and once again we congratulate our esteemed anniversaries: Tereshina Valentina Fedorovna, Valova Galina Kimovna, Anisimov Sergey Vasilyevich. Let's wish them good health, family comfort and warmth, happiness, good luck and all the best. And this song will be the best gift for you.

(5. song "There beyond the outskirts")

Sadovaya street
1. And now we will continue our journey along the street. Sadova, and tells a story about the inhabitants of his native street N. Valova.
Congratulations to Tereshin Vitaly.
When you're 30 - still happen!
So serene are the flashes of dawn.
Let the heat fly into your house at night - a bird,
And kind light will illuminate the heart,
And promises you for 100 years
Happy life without worries and troubles.
Congratulations to Valov (young family)
1. Children are our future, the flowers of our life. And there are few flowers on your street - only 14.
2. Yes, it could be more. Young families should think about increasing the demographic situation of their home street.
1. And yet, the good news is that not all young people leave their native village. For example, Pavel Valov decided to return to his homeland again, and changed the city to his native village. Yes, and not alone, but with a young wife.
2. And now their daughter Dashenka is growing up in their family. She will be one year old October 8th. And she is our smallest resident of the street. Sadovaya. We wish her to grow up big and healthy, to the delight of mom and dad.
(a gift is given, congratulations from the head)

Congratulations to the long-liver.
1. On the street. Wonderful people live in Sadovaya, only 97 people, not so few. There are young people, there are older people, sedate ones. Of course, special gratitude on this festive day to the oldest resident of the street. Sadova - Olkhovskaya Tatyana Illarionovna. She turned 89 this June.
(congratulations from the head, a gift is presented)

Congratulations to Lukyanenko G.F.
2. Such is the nature of women
Every age is a blessing.
30s, 40s and any years
Should be gratefully received.
We wish you good and happiness without end.
So that there is a heart without interference,
Any work argued
Everything was a success!

Congratulations to Kimaev A.S.
1. We wish you Albert Stepanovich,
So that the heart beats rhythmically
So that the years slow down.
So that you never know troubles
Health was enough for a century.
And always remember that:
Each age is precious in its own way.
Life is good at every age
There would be only health and strength,
And I would have a young soul.
Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the Mironovs T.P. and A.N.
2. Sadovaya Street knew many different events, but the family has always remained the most important human value. Happy is he who is happy at home.
1. Dear friends, a wonderful married couple Mironovs lives on Sadovaya Street, for whom current year anniversary. On August 2, Tatyana Petrovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich celebrated the 45th anniversary of their life together.
2. Dear anniversaries!
Never give up, keep up the good work
To new anniversary was even brighter for you!
(6. song "A stream flows")
Congratulations for the Galician family
1. The strongest married couple on your street is the Galician family. They have been together for 46 years.
You lived together for more than one happy year.
Everything was in your life: joys, worries.
Whiskey is already white with worries,
But together they still walked along the road.
Congratulation of the head, gifts.
1. Dear friends! Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to all our guests, thanks to you, good people, residents of our village, for your skill and for the fact that you know how to have fun and work. Yes, the holiday was a success today, it was fun, friendly, interesting, it could not be otherwise:
2. After all, the sun alone shines above us,
The sky is one and the earth is one.
We are all yours, Novoyarki, native children,
One huge family.
We are all rural people.
(7. song "Villagers")

Scenario of the holiday of the courtyard

"My home is my city"

Good evening, dear friends!

Hello dear residents! We are very glad to see you so warm today, friendly family neighbors! It has become a good tradition in our city to hold holidays for residents of courtyards. We are glad to welcome you to the holiday "My home is my city".

Here people live alone big family. Everyone knows each other and is always ready to help in difficult times.

Gathering in this cozy courtyard, they share news and useful tips.

And this despite the fact that people live here different ages, different professions, hobbies. But they all have one thing in common - big love to hometown, your street, home.

It is enough to look at the yard and flower beds - you immediately understand that life becomes more beautiful with such neighbors.

Today's program is going to be different. Wealthy people live on Berezovaya Street, and therefore we invite you to publish today the anniversary holiday issue of the Our Neighbor magazine.

1 On the cover of our magazine, the first residents of Berezovaya Street and Vladimir Ivanovich

and Vladimir Ivanovich

I wish the neighbors well
Let the vanity run past them!
Let luck come to the threshold
Grief will be unaware of you!
And wealth goes straight to the house,
Happiness let it burn with a spark!
Let's meet at the table then
And we'll drink it all in a cup!

Singing for you ___________________________________________

On the second page of our magazine, as in all publications, official reports are usually published ... we will not deviate from traditions

The word for congratulations is given to the head of the city Kuznetsov Alexander Yurievich.

(delivery thank you letters)

Live so that over the years

Everything was dearer to you:

Family comfort, peace and happiness

Under the roof of your house!

Live together for each other

Not offending anyone

And just build your happiness

Under the roof of your house!

The next page of our magazine let's call it landscaping

Berezovaya Street is still a few years old Thanks to the efforts of the residents of Berezovaya Street, the street shines with extraordinary cleanliness. With great inspiration and great love of the residents, the street acquired a bright festive look.

Responsive, hard-working women took a great part in carrying out activities for the improvement and gardening of the yard, in solving many problems and preparing this holiday.

We invite the most active residents and express our heartfelt gratitude for the work on the improvement and landscaping of the territory. ________________________________ is invited to present letters of thanks.

And on the next page of our magazine - Baby

Let's applaud the youngest resident of Berezovaya street Ulyana Belokon

What is happiness?
Such a simple question
Probably asked
Not just one philosopher.
And in fact
Happiness is simple.
It starts
From half a meter tall.
What is happiness?
Easier no to answer:
Everyone has it -
Who has children!


Let's turn the page of our magazine, it's called Old timers of the street

And we are pleased to invite to this stage the most adult resident of Berezova Street Tretyakova Valentina Mikhailovna

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

presentation of a memorial gift

Singing for you ___________________________________

The next page of our magazine is called "Welcome!" We welcome our new settlers Alexey and Ekaterina Kozyrev

Let happiness come to your house

And life will be filled with success

And my head will spin

From joy, fun, laughter!

Let these walls keep you warm

And there is a place for guests

Both weekdays and holidays

You won't feel cramped here!

Music number ____________________________

The next page of our magazine is called "Life wonderful people» This is a whole colorful post in full spread of our magazine., We heartily applaud the doctors, teachers, pensioners of the investigative committee

Nurture, cherish and teach -

This is a talent given by God.

All children, as if to love your own,

Lead to life from the school threshold.

Patiently explain the letters

Find answers to questions

Know everything and everything in the world

Kudos to you for this

We congratulate the teacher of Russian language and literature Kazyulina Nina Viktorovna and Meshkova Lyudmila Vasilievna who live next door to you.

(delivery of certificates).


We congratulate Ilya Sergeevich Pakhomov, urologist, and Yuri Ivanovich Pavlov, urologist, and their families on the holiday of Pakhomov Street

A male doctor, like a man of mystery,
The profession is shrouded in a dream,
We wish you to live easily and eat sweetly,
And enjoy feminine beauty.

Let the Medic's Day portend you
Many more life victories
And I only wish you the best
Live in this world for many years!

And invite you to this stage

musical number

We heartily congratulate pensioners of the investigative committee on the street holiday

The Rakitin family

All of you are warriors of order,
It's been so long since
Let things go smoothly
The facts are a solid canvas!

We consider the case of the investigation
Very important for the country!
We sincerely congratulate you
Be healthy and strong!

And we would also like to invite Gomzov kngkg here on stage

The legal profession is multifaceted.

Legal adviser, judge, lawyer.

We congratulate you on the holiday today,

Let there be more money and rewards!

Let work bring pleasure

And there will be more interesting things

Good luck to you, let in your life

Everything will be just the way you wanted it!

For the presentation of certificates of honor, we invite you to this stage

Singing for you ___________________________________________

Our next page is called "And the head is in place, and the money is in hand."

We invite Deputy Mayor Lyudmila Vasilievna Rogachova to this stage

let me test you a little

(competition with coins, the participant counts coins, and at the same time answers questions)

1. What kind of education did you receive?
2. When did you buy your very first car?
3. Where spent last vacation?
4. Where did you meet your other half?
5. Favorite drink.
6. Favorite movies/books.
7. Foot size.
8. How many acres does your site occupy?
9 Favorite alcoholic drink.
10. Favorite pop artist / performer / group.
11 Favorite songs

You coped with our difficult task and we are convinced that you are not in vain in your position

The Mayor of the city _________________________________________________ congratulates you

You are an important specialist
For any office
you are a great financier,
Business - support!
Money loves counting!
And your slogan is short:
A penny saves a ruble
And this is the path to abundance
_________________ sings for you

Host: So our magazine has been read

The initiators of the holiday "My home - my city" are the residents of Berezovaya Street. The floor is given to the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Our Neighbor", and part-time to the street officer _______________________________________

Nadezhda Rakutova

Scenario of International Neighbor Day

Before the event, songs about family, kindness, and children are heard.

Under the backing track “wonderful neighbor”, the presenter comes out.

Leading: Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.

And by and large, everyone is neighbors.

And if we are together, we are not afraid

No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorms on the planet.

Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy

Forget TV for the evening.

Knock on your neighbor's door.

May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.

Good evening, dear friends: adults and children, residents of the microdistrict! So beautiful and good holiday, as the International Day of the Neighbor, which gathered us all on this beautiful warm May evening, began to be celebrated only in 2000, therefore, this is a new and modern holiday 21st century. It's time to reconsider our attitude towards the people around us, to become more responsive and attentive to our Neighbors, who surround us everywhere!

World Neighbors Day was invented by the French, they generally invented a lot of things that suited us too - cinema, cosmetics, chocolate and mayonnaise, an electric car and even the name of the single currency - the Euro! So let's root their recent innovation of celebrating World Neighbors Day! (applause)

In our typical house

We live with neighbors

Very fun and friendly.

After all, it is very necessary

For someone to support

To shake your hand in the morning,

Would lend salt and matches

I would talk in person

Happy neighbors day!

And I wish you patience

To all who live with us in the world,

Behind the wall, in another apartment.

And so that we, neighbors, meet more often, walking with our beautiful children, deputy of the Saratov City Duma *** installed in the courtyard of the house at *** a bright, environmentally friendly and safe children's sports complex with comfortable benches for parents!

International Neighbor Day is celebrated on the eve of summer holidays! And summer is always leisure and fun! So let's play with you!

Not so long ago there was such a tradition - to visit each other, in a neighborly way, with pies, cookies, for tea, and just talk about everything and nothing. And now we want to offer you to bake an impromptu pie! But first, let's remember what ingredients we need for the test? (answers: flour, sugar, salt, water, butter, eggs, vanillin). Well done, you all know, and you and I will decorate our cake!

2 pies are laid out on the asphalt (the bases, 2 teams of children of 6 people each are selected, they are given fruits - strawberries, raspberries, a slice of tangerine, grapes, etc. And to the music, without running, the children come up and decorate the pie with berries. (Or a musical game "Loaf")

Leading: Well done boys! And you can try to bake a real delicious cake for yourself and your friends or neighbors at home with your mom and grandmother! And now I invite you to dance a little! Let's stand in a big circle so as not to interfere with each other, look at me and repeat all the movements after me!

Muses. charging "Hey couch potatoes"

game "Stomp your feet"

Dear friends, tell me, are you friends with your neighbors? Do you communicate? Or maybe there is some secret how to support with neighbors a good relationship? (People's answers are to say hello, to jointly maintain cleanliness in the entrance, not to make noise, etc.).

Excellent! But the guys know polite words? And what? (hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc.).

Do we have those who are not yet familiar with their neighbors, but really want to make friends with them? Come to me, let's stand in a big circle! I suggest we all get to know each other, because even standing in a circle, each of us has a neighbor! Do you agree? (yes) So, I will say my name - Yana, and the one who is standing to my left says: “Yana is to my right, and my name is (name)” and so we continue along the chain until our circle closes! Ready? (Yes)

The game is being played

Leading: Guys, and now we want to invite you to draw bright drawings on the asphalt - about neighbors, about friendship, about summer! Take crayons, and then parents will choose the best drawings! Do you agree? (Yes)

The children are handed out crayons and the children go to draw

Leading: And you, dear adults, listen for now to advice on how to become good neighbors!

1 If you are new or your neighbors have just moved, introduce yourself. Say hello, make a small symbolic gift(for example, homemade cake, congratulations on your housewarming. Tell me where the nearest grocery store is and where the pharmacy is.

2 Find out more about the life of your neighbors - what they do, what their work schedule is, whether they have a large family. This way you can avoid some problems before they start to surface. For example, if you find out that your neighbors work at night, you will try to be quieter during the day, knowing that at this time they sleep off. If there are small children in the family, you will try not to make noise in the evenings. Provide your neighbors with similar information about you. If you are going to do repairs or play drums, let us know in advance. Agree that if one begins to cause inconvenience to the other, the second will immediately report it.

3 Be careful with shared walls. If you are roommates, try not to put noisy Appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers. TV and speakers should also be kept away from the wall. If you live above someone, consider putting rubber mats under appliances to help reduce noise. Try not to stomp too loud when everyone else is asleep.

4 Watch your pets. If you live next door, keep your dog on a leash when you let him outside. Especially if your neighbors have a cat or dog. If your pet makes too much noise, this can also be a cause of conflict. Imagine yourself in the place of your neighbors and try to understand them. If your dog is barking loudly all the time, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

5 Warn about parties. If you decide to throw a party, notify your neighbors in advance, specifying when it will start and how long it will last. Just in case, leave them your phone number. If you like your neighbors, why not invite them too? At the party itself, stick to your agreement.

6 Keep your yard clean and tidy. If you live in your own house, keep an eye on your site. Remove weeds regularly. They not only spoil general form your yard, but may also spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and prune your flowers, trees and shrubs when needed. When using fertilizers, ask if any of your neighbors are allergic to them.

7 Keep an eye on the fire when roasting something in the yard. If you decide to fry kebabs or barbecue in your yard, watch the fire and follow all safety rules. Warn your neighbors about your intentions, perhaps on this very day they planned to dry clean clothes on the street. Having learned about your desire in advance, they may reschedule their plans.

8 Observe parking etiquette. When parking your car, be careful not to block your neighbor's exit. Try not to start the engine too late at night or too early in the morning. Its noise can wake up your neighbors.

9 Chat with your neighbors. Keep in touch with your neighbors and keep them updated on your plans. Remember" Golden Rule"- if you are going to do something about your neighbor, warn him about it in advance. Keep communication channels open: if your neighbor is unhappy with something, he should be able to tell you about it.

10 Don't forget to help each other. If your neighbors are moving away, keep an eye on their house or apartment. Do not lose vigilance and when they are at home. If you see suspicious people nearby, report them to your neighbors immediately.

11 Good neighbors look after each other. They give each other advice and offer help. They respect other people's boundaries and are always ready to support in an emergency. They are looking for an opportunity for cooperation and will never refuse communication.

12 If you are convinced that the conflict with your neighbors is unresolvable, seek the advice of specialists. You may be able to legally enforce them.

Guys who have already drawn their drawing, who are already free, get up in a big circle, let's play and have fun! And parents will help us! Guys, repeat all the movements for us!

The game "We will go first to the right"

The game "What attracts a bird"

Leading: Well, guys, is everyone ready for drawings? Let's see! (evaluate the children's drawings and announce that friendship has won).

All the guys are great! And we keep playing!

bowling game

music the game "We are going to play" (the song of the Strekotushi and Mishka-Tishki)

Leading: Dear friends, we have found out that you are and will be friends with your neighbors, right? (yes) But they forgot to praise our wonderful neighbors! Need to fix this!

Let's play encryption with you, for each letter of the word "FRIENDSHIP" we will name what our neighbors are? For example, the letter "D" (shows a card with the letter) - kind, what else?

The game is being played

D kind, friendly, friendly.

R joyful, kindred, frisky.

Wu respected, successful, smiling.

Zh cheerful, horror what good, cheerful.

B cheerful, rich, fast.

And active, careful.

Host: Well done!

Be polite neighbors

Clean and modest.

And in midday conversation

Indulgent, smart.

Young people, respect

Grey-haired old people!

And don't throw cigarette butts

Past the damage and barrels!

Wise through the years

Have pity on the young!

Loving them without judging

You will forgive all their ardor

And forgetfulness is avaricious,

Songs, noise from all sides,

Life speed unearthly

And cars under the window.

Living side by side is not easy.

Learn to save the world!

For unruly teenagers

Be condescending!

We hope that you are surrounded by decent, kind people, sympathetic neighbors, and you yourself are such! Let's never quarrel, listen to each other's requests, jointly maintain cleanliness and order in the entrances and in the yard, respect each other!

And once again, let's loudly and unanimously congratulate each other on the International Day of Neighbors by shouting "Congratulations!" (shouting)

Our holiday has come to an end! But we do not say goodbye, but we say to you - goodbye! See you soon!

While the audience disperses, the music plays.

On May 29, for residents of apartment buildings in block No. 15, r.p. Priyutovo was organized wonderful holiday Good Neighbors Day international day neighbors.

AT modern world many have long forgotten what friendly means neighborhood relations. Carried away by everyday worries, we often do not even know the faces of those who live in the neighborhood.

In the quarter where the holiday took place, there are houses that serve all four management companies of our village: Atlant Management Company LLC, Almaz Management Company LLC, Victoria Management Company LLC, Saturn Management Company LLC.

The event was opened by the head of the administration of the urban settlement Priyutovsky Council of the municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Lilia Yunusova. There were congratulations from wonderful holiday and wishes to this event became good tradition our village.

The festive program was continued by a labor flash mob that united people from different age categories and professions. Children, adults and the elderly planted ornamental shrubs that will become a blooming hedge for the playground.

For all participants of the holiday, the management companies organized a free tea party.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans Lyudmila Pashina organized the exhibition "Our Achievements", in which the residents of the house No. 7 on the street presented their awards, crafts, photo albums. Trunk.

As part of holiday program the editorial staff organized a subscription to the newspaper "Priyutovsky Oilman".

There were songs, dances of groups of MAOU DOD "Center children's creativity» r.p. Priyutovo. Young artists gave the residents of the village those good emotions that we lack so much.

Specialists of the children's and teenage club "Brigantina" organized a creative workshop "My neighbors", a children's playground; specialists of MBUK "Center for Culture and Leisure" sports events; by librarians of the settlement and children's settlement libraries, the action "Share a book with a neighbor"; methodologist MAUK "House of Culture" r.p. Priyutovo Olga Buzaeva song contest "My talented neighbor". Each young resident I was able to find something to my liking.

Methodist of MAOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity" r.p. Priyutovo Aliya Sulimanova, together with the housing inspector of the administration of the urban settlement Priyutovsky Council Elver Gilyaz and a student of the MAOU secondary school No. 5 r.p. Priyutovo by Vlad Chernova staged a colorful performance with riddles and games, after which the children watched a puppet show with pleasure.

Members of the Youth Council of the village held a dance flash mob for kids, causing smiles on their faces and a great mood among young dancers.

And at the end of the holiday, to the sounds of the song “Wonderful Neighbor”, performed by the host of the holiday, Olga Buzaeva, adults and children formed a large and cheerful round dance.

The holiday caused a mass positive impressions, and I want to believe that it will become a good tradition of our village. Meet your neighbors, chat and share the fun together!

On May 24, the Central City Children's Library hospitably opened its doors to celebrate the International Day of Neighbors in a fun and interesting way. The holiday program was rich and interesting for our readers, young and old.

The first holiday block "Friendly Neighbors - funny friends» began at 10.00 - pupils and teachers became guests of the library kindergarten No. 61 "Golden Cockerel" - our really good neighbors and friends. The children were met by the hosts of the holiday Elena Nikolaevna Neznamova and Zinaida Ignatievna Gudilova, they talked about how the tradition of honoring neighbors appeared and that the basis of good neighborly relations is such concepts as respect, kindness, mutual assistance, cordiality, attentiveness to people around. Cheerfully and provocatively, they all sang the song “Wonderful Neighbor” together, watched videos about friendship and mutual assistance, and held a session of good neighborliness “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together.”

In order for our children to grow up into good and kind neighbors, it is necessary that they already learn the main moral principles right now - it is important to be friendly and attentive to the world around us: people, animals, plants - after all, we are all “neighbors on the planet”. It is important to respect the elders, not to offend the little ones, to be polite and friendly - and then our whole life will be comfortable and convenient. The guys listened attentively to the leaders, readily answered questions about good and bad deeds and showed themselves with the most better side. And then it's time for a creative moment. On whatman paper we depicted a large and kind heart, which personifies the best human qualities: friendliness, kindness, and invited the children to revive him with daisies, which they had made in advance with their educators. But chamomile is a symbol of friendship, which means that our heart will become truly kind, happy and joyful. With great pleasure, each of the guests attached their chamomile to their hearts, and even the guys prepared flowers for the librarians, and we also took part in decorating the “Heart of Friendship”. How wonderful it turned out! Our holiday of good neighbors continued with another bright event: to balloons all the brats strapped bright colorful ribbons With good wishes and we launched balloons into the sky, with a good message to the world. But our guests did not come empty-handed, as a sign of a good neighborly attitude, teachers and children made bright and beautiful birds and origami - tulips, which they presented to the library staff and Volga residents passing by the library, with wishes of health, happiness and good. Now many Volga residents have their own bird of happiness from the pupils of the Zolotoy Petushok kindergarten.

And in parting we gave the guys sweet prizes.

Next Part of the Day open doors collected in the reading room of the Pushkin Library for a heart-to-heart conversation "Who goes where - and I'm to my neighbors!" adult audience. Regular readers of the library and visitors of the Center for the History of Culture, residents of our district, gathered in a friendly circle.

In introductory remarks head TsGDB I.N. Volynska drew attention to the fact that the meeting dedicated to the International Day of Neighbors is being held in the library - the real center of the cultural and intellectual life of the region, and on May 24, on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture and on the eve professional holidayAll-Russian day libraries.

As guests of honor, the event was attended by deputies of the Volga City Duma S.V. Vinokurov and Yu.L. Angelica, which is well known to the Volga residents living in the nearby neighborhoods. In his welcoming speech Svetlana Viktorovna and Yuri Leonidovich told the Volga residents how much neighbors mean to each of us, how important it is to maintain peace and friendly relations in every yard, quarter, city as a whole. They wished everyone good health, well-being in families and only kind, helpful neighbors. And we, in turn, thank the distinguished deputies for their help in organizing this holiday.

A heart-to-heart conversation was conducted by librarians S.I. Svistuhina, I.A. Tareeva and head. Center for the History of Culture T.I. Gavrilov. The guests of the meeting were told about the history of the holiday, about the already established traditions of its holding.

Tatyana Ivanovna Gavrilova gave a tour of the history of the streets where our closest neighbors live. Together with our guests, we "walked" along the streets of Engels, Sovetskaya, General Karbyshev, remembered the sights and interesting cultural sites located here: this is a monument to the Hero Soviet Union General Karbyshev; memorial plaque on the house 24 on the street. Sovetskaya, where the first secretary of the Volga city committee of the CPSU Yu.N. Ponomarev; reliefs by the artist N.F. Barokha at the ends of buildings on the street. Engels; Volga Drama Theatre; the building of the old mill and, of course, the Central City Children's Library, Library No. Pushkin and the Center for the History of Culture, which this year are merged into one institution. With gratitude and reverence, we remembered that the Hero of the Soviet Union Aleksey Fedorovich Filippov lived next to us, and he was the last Hero who lived in the city of Volzhsky. And among the guests of the meeting, we named the oldest resident of Engels Street - this is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, order bearer M.Ya. Balibardin, he has been living here since 1963, it was then that this street began to be populated.

Many interesting, creative, outstanding personalities live in the immediate vicinity of the library, and now the word is given to a longtime friend of both the adult and children's libraries, the Volga poet N. I. Ledovsky, he spoke about his orphanage childhood and how he learned the science of living in good neighborhood. Nikolai Ivanovich presented to the audience the almanac "Volga Parnassus", in which one can read his works and get acquainted with many remarkable Volga authors.

Writer V.N. Remchukov, author of the Explanatory Cossack Dictionary and other books, dedicated to history and culture Don Cossacks, is well known not only in Volzhsky, but also far beyond its borders. Vyacheslav Nikolayevich, remembering that we had gathered on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, shared his thoughts on the significance in the life of any nation mother tongue, about the importance of studying, developing and certainly preserving it, as the most expensive and valuable national treasure.

EAT. Mashtakova - almost native person for many Volzhans present at the event, because she worked for many years in the library No. Pushkin and has always been for readers interesting interlocutor and guide to the world of literature, history, culture. Elena Mikhailovna told about a recent trip to the village of Veshenskaya, and her story came in handy, because May 24 is also the birthday of M. Sholokhov.

This is how our holiday passed over heart-to-heart talks and tea drinking. Much unites all of us, neighbors in the house, yard, quarter, city ... but nothing brings them together like a song. And, of course, there were songs - beloved, familiar to everyone. We really hope that the guests were satisfied with the sincere and good-neighborly atmosphere that prevailed in the library.

After a short break, the Central City Children's Library welcomed guests again. We invited our closest neighbors, students of school No. 19, and already regular partners, the Radost Association, to the Lesson of Good Neighborliness “It's crowded here from smiles”.
