What should I do to make my hair shine? Herbal decoctions

Long hair is beautiful if the look is neat and well-groomed. When the strands are electrified, crumble, stick to the body and clothes, they look more like a broom than a stylish hairstyle.

How to make hair smooth and silky so that it looks shiny and attractive general attention looking healthy?

This problem can be solved at home with the help of industrial and home remedies, cosmetic balms and shampoos, folk masks.

Professional cosmetics

Salon procedures are performed by the same means for smooth hair that can be applied at home. If you spend money once and see how professionals work, then in next time do curly curls obedient and silky just enough.

The fluid acts on the ends of the hair, and styling should begin with them. Exactly this trouble spot on long strands, if you do not stop the section, then the curls will become brittle and dry along the entire length. You can also make the ends of your hair smooth with an elixir, oil, liquid crystal– marketers give these funds different names. Apply them after washing or on dry ends no higher than 2-3 cm from the end of the strand, otherwise they will look dull.

Loose hair should be handled with care, you need to comb them only with a comb made of natural materials, but not iron or polymer - plastic accumulates static electricity, and the metal can further damage the structure - delaminate the scales. It is worth splurge on a piece of wood or purchase massage brush from natural bristles. Such a product for hair care will not only help remove static electricity, but also carry out massage effects on the hair zone, activating the metabolic processes of the hair follicles. Regular massage of the scalp strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates the growth of healthy strands.

Home hair lamination

The secret to smooth and shiny hair is lamination. During it, each hair is formed transparencies, clogging all the scales, as in a case. This procedure in 3-6 sessions eliminates unpleasant problems:

  • overdrying;
  • brittleness;
  • sections of tips and hair along the entire length.

How to make lamination at home?

  • Recipe #1

  1. The head is washed with a shampoo that stops excess sebum secretion, regardless of quality.
  2. After the strands have been thoroughly degreased, they must be dried;
  3. Then they wind up "tail" plastic wrap and hot air is blown into it with a hair dryer;
  4. Apply a laminate purchased at a cosmetic store;
  5. The heating-cooling process is repeated several times.

One hour later procedure, alternative professional lamination, finished.

Hair lamination can be done without industrial facilities- The "case" on the hair is made of gelatin.

  • Recipe #2
  1. A bag weighing 15 g is dissolved in boiling water - 3 tablespoons;
  2. Then add any balm or hair mask - 1 tablespoon - you can get by with a self-prepared remedy;
  3. Mix and apply to strands along the entire length;
  4. Wrap in plastic wrap and heat with a hot hair dryer for about 5 minutes;
  5. Repeat the procedure one more time;
  6. Leave the composition under the film for another half an hour.

If rinsed with water jet without application detergents it doesn’t work - the curls stick together - you can again call for help folk remedies. For example, make rye shampoo: dissolve rye flour to a creamy consistency and add the yolk there.

Express methods for making hair smooth

How to make your hair smooth, when only a few minutes are left before the “publication”, and appearance far from ideal?

Any varnish or spray for fixing curls can handle this, even the cheapest. Each strand is separated with a comb made of natural materials, and processed along the entire length.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the tool with which you solve the problem of how to remove curly hair. Inexpensive varnishes in their composition have shiny particles, and in daytime may look funny. But in a club or cafe in the evening, such additions will give the look the necessary charm - especially if the girl is young and energetic.

If you do not have any of the above home or store funds, and the hair is disheveled, you can get by with the express method - comb the strands by dropping a few drops of vegetable oil on the comb. Ideally, it is desirable to use almond or jojoba oils, but you can get by with refined sunflower. Within 3-4 hours, the strands will remain smooth and shiny.

Folk recipes for smooth hair

If you devote time to your hair, do it, not limited to duty hygiene procedures, then in 2-4 months you can achieve healthy shiny curls that are not afraid to dissolve at any moment.

homemade masks

  • Recipes #1


  • olive oil - 3 teaspoons;
  • liquid honey - 3 teaspoons;
  • juice squeezed from a small lemon;
  • banana puree - from 2/3 banana;
  • yolk.

The mixture is interrupted with a blender and applied to the hair for 30 minutes, insulated in the usual way. If you want to not only make your hair soft and smooth, but also improve your health, this mask is used: base oil for smooth hair - castor, burdock or almond - driven in egg yolk and a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

It is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. Keep 40-60 minutes under a warming cap.

  • Recipe #2

When the hair is oily, then to remove excess greasiness and give healthy shine, the mask that is applied to the strands is made from whipped yolks and high-quality alcohol:

  • Roma;
  • brandy;
  • cognac.

Proportions: 1 egg - 4 dessert spoons of alcohol.

Decoctions for rinsing

After applying homemade masks, the head should be rinsed. herbal infusions or acidified water - this will add shine and softness to the strands. Proportions for the preparation of decoctions: 4 tablespoons of dry herbs per liter of boiling water. Herbs that increase the smoothness and softness of hair: chamomile, lovage, calendula, mint.

If acidified water is preferred, then juice of any citrus or apple cider vinegar is added to it - 2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of warm water.

Another way to make hair crumbly and shiny is to treat it with a decoction of flaxseed.

  • 3 tablespoons of flaxseed are boiled for 10-15 minutes in 100 g of water over low heat;
  • Then they insist for about an hour, constantly stirring - shaking in a sealed container. If the broth turns out to be very thick, like jelly, it is diluted with water to the consistency of thick jelly;
  • Before applying to the hair, the infusion is activated with essential oil - up to 10 drops per 1 liter of the mixture. You can use essential oils coniferous trees, citrus fruits, esters of rosemary, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, chamomile. When it is difficult to stop at one product, you can take several - the main thing is to observe the mixing proportions.

Wash off after half an hour, without shampoo.

When using oily hair products, you should follow the measure - do not apply them in a thick layer - otherwise the curls will look dull.

It doesn't matter what you use to get desired result– leave-in conditioners from well-known cosmetic companies, perfumes oil based, homemade masks or oils. The main thing is to achieve the desired goal and look aesthetically pleasing.

But it is worth considering if the strands are cut along the length - what they lack - and then treat the "cause" in the future. Health to you and shine to your curls!

Girls are ready to devote a lot of time to hair care, and for some it even becomes a full-fledged hobby. The field for activity is endless: shampoos, balms, masks, paints ... But that's bad luck: even fashionably cut, stylishly colored and beautifully styled hair will not look good if it does not shine. Do not agree? Okay, then imagine long and thick, but dull curls with split ends. That's it! But if after these words you ran to the hairdresser, do not rush. In addition to taking care of color and other care, it is important to know how to make your hair shiny and smooth at home. This skill will come in handy when your favorite master is busy, you want to save some money, or you just don’t have time to visit the salon. Make hair silky home any woman who is not too lazy to give her head a little time and effort can.

Why is my hair not shiny? Smoothness and shine of hair
The structure of the hair should be known to everyone who has graduated from school. Let's refresh our knowledge: every hair on your head consists of a root "hidden" under the skin and a shaft visible from the outside. When you want to grow long hair or make your hair thicker, then quite rightly you try to influence the hair roots, improve their blood supply and nutrition. Because the visible part of the hair is essentially dead, and no manipulation of it will affect its growth and development. But the external attractiveness of the strands depends solely on the state of the outer shell of each hair. Or rather, the cuticle, the thinnest and most vulnerable layer.

If we consider the hair cuticle at a close approximation, the numerous scales that form it become visible. They consist of relatively hard keratin and resemble a tiled roof in their arrangement, that is, they partially cover each other. As long as the keratin scales adhere snugly, the hair is shiny and looks like a mirror-smooth. But as soon as the microscopic surface is "tousled", and the scales lose their tightness and fall behind, the hair becomes dull, loses its softness. Such hair is often called lifeless, because it no longer has radiance or elasticity.

How to make hair silky
Silky hair or hair like silk - these phrases are very fond of using cosmetics manufacturers. And their analogies are quite understandable: well-groomed curls really flow and shimmer like thin cloth. But the similarities don't stop there. Like gentle natural silk, long hair is susceptible to damage even at the slightest mechanical action. They can tear, break easily with a lack of moisture and lose their gloss and attractiveness. But at the same time, initially healthy hair have shine and softness, so the primary task of every girl is to maintain these qualities and not damage her hair. Then you don't have to bring them back.

To keep your hair shiny and smooth, you need to follow a few simple rules to care for them. These are the laws that must not be violated, because even infrequent abuse can be detrimental to hair shine:

  1. Protect your hair from external factors: ultraviolet, snow, etc. But in addition to just heat and frost, hair needs protection from temperature extremes. The position of the scales on their surface is disturbed when you enter a heated room from the street in winter, or vice versa, in the summer heat you get under the air conditioner. To keep your hair healthy and shiny, do not neglect headwear.
  2. Apart from winter hats and hats, your wardrobe should have summer accessories: panama hats and / or bandanas, without which it is undesirable to appear on the beach. But they are not enough: when choosing products with ultraviolet filters for the body, be sure to purchase sunscreen cosmetics for hair so that they do not fade and do not become dull.
  3. When washing your hair, do not make the water too hot - this also harms the surface of the hair. Choose a comfortable temperature close to room temperature. And always rinse your hair at the end cold water, under the influence of which the scales are more closely adjacent to each other. And never comb wet hair - wait until it dries and / or blot with a towel.
  4. Shampoos, conditioners and masks for hair shine, presented in stores in large assortment, help to achieve smoothness, but with some reservations. These funds work due to the silicone in their composition. First, it envelops each hair and, without washing off completely, adds shine. But after 3-4 applications, the amount of silicone becomes excessive, and the hair grows dull. Therefore, alternate hair cosmetics: use a couple of times special shampoo, for the third time - soft for children without silicones.
  5. Hair loses shine after blow-drying and styling with hot appliances. Of course, in winter, few people can afford to dry their hair. naturally. Moreover, during the heating season, the air in the rooms is also dry, which does not at all contribute to moisturizing and shining hair. However, keep a reasonable balance: remember that gradual drying with cold rather than hot air of a hair dryer is better, and curlers at night are preferable to hot curling irons or irons.
How to make hair smooth and shiny at home
There is nothing easier than going to a beauty salon and for a certain amount to get professional care behind the hair. But this does not guarantee that the shine will last for a long time. Therefore, it does not hurt to learn how to make your hair smooth on your own. Here is an indicative list of cosmetics for hair shine intended for home use:
Here are the simplest, almost already ready-made ways make your hair shiny. You can choose one of them or try them all if you want. financial opportunities. But besides them, I would like to draw your attention to other, much more accessible, but no less effective natural remedies for smooth hair.

Folk remedies for hair shine
In the old days, women were justly proud of their thick, ugly and shiny hair. And not only because they did not know about hair dryers and did not use metal combs. Our grandmothers used natural recipes for hair care. And no one bothers us to repeat them at home:

  1. Masks for hair shine. Many variations are known, but all recipes have in common that the composition contains an acid and / or an enveloping substance. Good example: hair shine mask with yolk and lemon. To prepare it, you need to mix one egg yolk, juice from half a lemon, 2 tablespoons olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. The mixture is slightly heated and applied to the hair along the entire length for 3-4 hours. Lemon juice acts as an acid that covers the scales of the hair, and the egg and oil act as natural laminators.
    Another proven way to make your hair shiny is a mayonnaise mask. It is better, of course, to use the sauce prepared by oneself, but you can also apply high-quality store-bought mayonnaise without additives along the entire length of the hair and wash it off after 15-20 minutes. Such a mask not only smoothes the hair, but also nourishes them, however, the owners oily hair do not advise to do it more than 1 time per week. And, of course, egg yolk, vegetable oils And dairy products can be applied to hair for shine before each wash pure form without mixing.
  2. Rinsing for shine of hair. Even if you are disciplined about rinsing your hair after washing it with cold water, it doesn't hurt to add shine to it. For example, take two tablespoons apple cider vinegar and dissolve in half a liter of cool water. You can add a few drops if you like. essential oil lemon or grapefruit. After removing the shampoo and mask, wet your hair with this composition and do not rinse it off, let it absorb and dry on the hair.
    It is very useful to rinse hair with natural green tea. Black tea, in addition to shine, will give dark hair beautiful shade, and herbal chamomile tea will make blonde hair not only shiny, but also slightly golden. Nettle decoction is suitable for rinsing hair of any type. To enhance shine and smoothness, add honey to it (1 teaspoon per half liter) or lemon juice(half a lemon per half liter).
  3. Hair lamination with gelatin. Do not be surprised: lamination is by no means a new invention. And it can be done without industrial means, replacing them edible gelatin. To do this, dissolve a full tablespoon of gelatin powder (1 sachet, about 15 grams) in three tablespoons hot water. Then add a teaspoon of any thick mask or hair balm and mix until smooth. Apply the compound to clean wet hair and distribute evenly over the entire length. Wrap with polyethylene and heat with a hot hair dryer for 3-5 minutes. Leave for another half an hour under the film, and then rinse with running water without shampoo. Rinse thoroughly to keep hair from sticking.
And of course, there are a few other things you can do at home to make your hair shiny and smooth. Namely: eat right and refuse bad habits. Smokers rarely see beautiful and silky curls. But enough vitamins minerals and beca in the diet will affect the shine of the hair the best way. Drink clean water Instead of sweet soda, take a multivitamin and your hair will be shiny and smooth without the help of a hairdresser.

Shiny and silky hair always pleasantly pleasing to the eyes of others. This is not only an indicator of beauty, but also a real indicator of excellent health. If the hair has become very dull and does not shine as before, then the body gives a signal that not everything is as good as it was before. Pay special attention to the diet in winter and spring periods Is there enough vitamins in it? Consume more products, which are saturated with vitamin B. Namely: bread, yeast, eggs, cereals, liver. good sources Brussels sprouts, especially Brussels sprouts, and milk will also serve.

If everything is in order with your nutrition, you eat all of the above, then you are not properly caring for your hair.

Hair type is determined by the sebum secretion of the scalp. They are dry, oily and normal. You can properly care for your hair only when you have determined your type.

Normal hair is distinguished by a pleasant lively shine, does not split, is quite thick, does not stick together, and at the same time fits well.

Oily hair looks oily, becomes unkempt immediately after a few days after shampooing. If you wash your hair often hot water, then she gets fat much faster.

Dry hair has increased brittleness, it is not elastic and dull. The scalp is often covered with scales.

Only by correctly determining the type - you can choose the appropriate care products.

It is clear that every woman wants to have soft hair, no matter what type they are. Short or long, dry or oily looking, hard or thin to the touch, you want them to be shiny and silky to the touch.

To prevent hair loss natural shine, in the summer hide them from the sun, which dries them, and also discolors them. Blow dry hair very dry. Use it rarely, when it is very necessary, just use it high temperature. If you dry your hair naturally, then their shine will only improve.

To enhance the natural, natural shine of the hair - comb with a brush made ofnatural bristles.

It greatly affects the hair and its original structure. And it should be borne in mind that curly hair will never shine as smooth.

Once a month, you can trim split ends. To prevent your hair from looking like straw, moisturize your hair by special means. Great help night mask from sunflower oil. Apply to slightly damp hair, twist and lie down to rest. Oil can be anything - avocado, argon. You can also use maple sap and royal jelly.

Separately, it is worth mentioning macadamia oil. It spreads well, so it is possible to cover the hair evenly. Especially effective if the hair is dry and brittle. Gives hair shine, strengthens it, and evens out the structure.

What else should be done to make the hair soft and silky, and how to restore its healthy shine?

You can mix any mask with hair conditioner, add a couple of drops of string or sea buckthorn oil. Spread over the entire length, massage a little, and then rinse.

You can also use funds from professional cosmetics. This is a variety of hair sprays. They are very different: means with a brilliant shine, with silk, with herbs in the composition, with healing effect, with antistatic agents, etc.

After dyeing, you can use a special shampoo designed for colored hair.

You can use once a week effective shampoo- pilling. You can rinse your hair with tea, lemon juice, decoction onion peel and apple cider vinegar.

Recently, in the cosmetics market, you can see care products different types hair that contains silk. Even our ancient ancestors determined the wonderful influence natural silk on hair. You can also try. Indeed, scientists have proven that in silk, or rather in its composition great amount substances that help carry out the metabolic process in the skin, and due to the fact that it has chemical composition very well moisturizes. Silk proteins are a popular ingredient in many hair care products, especially if your hair is damaged and dry. They are located on those parts of the hair that are most damaged, and therefore the hair is smooth, like silk.

The “Silk” mask from the “Home Recipes” series, which included a large number of natural constituents. It contains vitamins B5, C, PP, which create comprehensive care behind the hair. It is the hair roots that are made stronger, metabolic processes are stimulated, and the hair structure is restored faster. Silk proteins make your hair elastic, protect it from moisture loss, break less. Hair will become smooth and shiny over time.

A cream with proteins has a positive effect on hair. If you decide to buy such a cream, then look at the composition, it should include chickpeas, wheat germ, eclipta and emblic. These components, if used regularly, will restore softness to your hair, natural shine and, most importantly, health.

Masks and hair creams can be prepared at home according to folk recipes. Use the active substance of silk amino acids for the base. This remedy contains many excellent remedies. The main one, of which they consider protecting hair from moisture loss, will give them silkiness and smoothness. Silk amino acids combine perfectly with a variety of creams and shampoos. Their concentration in cosmetics should be about one and a half percent. Amino acids, unlike silk proteins, have a light molecular weight, and therefore easily penetrate the skin.

It may sound strange, but homemade masks are very effective. There are several recipes:

- using a blender, mix half an avocado or banana, juice of half a lemon, one yolk, two teaspoons of honey and olive oil;

- mix a spoonful of mayonnaise, castor and burdock oil, yolk or two tablespoons of kefir. It helps a lot in restoring shine if your hair is damaged and wavy from birth;

- mix four tablespoons of cognac or rum and an egg, beat everything well;

Any of the masks should be homogeneous, it should be distributed evenly over the entire length, hold for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

You can add vitamin B to your shampoo, it is sold in pharmacies. Leave on hair for five minutes and rinse.

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Do you want to make your hair shiny? There are ways to add shine to any type of hair. you can use special masks for hair or to care for hair in a certain way. Needed to keep hair shiny permanent care behind them to make them healthy and strong.


Hair masks

    Egg mask. The yolk nourishes the hair (they won't look dull), while the protein cleanses it. As a result, after one application of such a mask, the hair will look very shiny.

    • Crack one egg into a small bowl.
    • Wet your hair.
    • Apply an egg to your hair. Using a wide-toothed comb, comb your hair down to the ends.
    • Wait 15 minutes.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse with cold water for maximum shine.
  1. Apple cider vinegar mask. Apple cider vinegar conditions the hair and enhances its shine. It also balances the pH of your hair, cleans it and makes it soft. After drying, the hair will not smell like vinegar.

    • Shampoo your hair (as usual), but do not use conditioner.
    • Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of water and apply it to your hair; comb them.
    • Wait 5 minutes and then rinse your hair with cold water.
  2. Avocado mask. Avocado contains fats that nourish hair and give it shine. Use a ripe avocado to make it easier to apply to your hair and to better soak your hair. Use an avocado mask if your hair is dry and in need of moisture.

    • Grind the avocado until smooth (you can use a blender for this).
    • Wet your hair.
    • Apply avocado from roots to ends of hair.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse them with cold water
  3. Honey mask. Honey moisturizes and cleanses the hair, making it ideal remedy to add shine to hair.

    • Mix 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup water.
    • Wet your hair.
    • Apply the mixture to your hair.
    • Wait 15 minutes (at least).
    • Wash your hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse them with cold water.
  4. Deep hair conditioning. Use a deep conditioner once a week to keep your hair healthy, strong and shiny. Buy conditioner from the store or make your own using olive or coconut oil.

    • Wet your hair.
    • Apply 1-3 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil to your hair and comb through from roots to ends. Cover your head with plastic wrap or a shower cap.
    • Leave the oil on your hair for 1 hour or even overnight.
    • Shampoo your hair (you may have to wash it 2-3 times to completely wash off the oil). Rinse your hair with cold water.

    Hair care

    1. Apply leave-in conditioner to damp hair. When dry, the hair may fade. So use a good leave-in conditioner to keep dry hair shiny. Apply a little of this conditioner to damp hair and comb through.

      Dry your hair natural way. The use of hair dryers and other devices leads to damage, stiffness and dullness of the hair. Dry your hair naturally and after a few weeks or months you will notice that the hair has become soft and shiny.

      • Avoid using tools for hot styling and curling hair. Straightening irons, curling irons, and other tools dry out hair and make it dull.
    2. Use an oil to treat curls (after you have dried your hair naturally). This treatment will instantly add shine to the hair and protect it from damage. Use very little oil (but it depends on the length of your hair). You can buy a special hair oil or use one of the following oils:

      • Olive oil
      • Argan oil
      • Almond oil
      • Jojoba oil
      • Castor oil
      • Coconut oil
    3. Use a shine serum. This serum contains silicones and other ingredients that instantly make hair shiny. Most serums can be applied to wet or dry hair.

      • Do not use serums daily. Silicones, which give hair shine, build up in the hair over time and make it look dull. Use shine serums on special occasions.
      • Make sure the serum you choose doesn't contain alcohol as it dries out your hair.
    4. Get rid of curls. Curly hair looks dull. If your hair is straight or wavy, avoid curls as follows:

      Trim your hair regularly. Removal of split ends in long term will make your hair shiny. Ask your hairdresser not to use chemical substances and hot styling tools.

      Healthy hair

      1. Wash your hair less frequently. Every time you wash your hair, it becomes frizzy, dry and brittle because the sebum is washed away - natural oil, which produces the scalp to protect the hair. Wash your hair 1-2 times a week to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

        • It will take 1-2 weeks for your hair to get used to the new (less frequent) washing routine. During this period, comb your hair up.
        • Use dry shampoo between washes. It will remove excess oil from the hair.
      2. Use natural ingredients. Washing and styling your hair with chemicals can damage your hair. Look for hair products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.) that do not contain the following ingredients:

      3. Do not expose your hair to frequent chemical treatment(coloring, discoloration, perm), as this leads to their damage - they become dry and brittle.

        • If you want to dye your hair, use natural dyes, for example, henna (which also nourishes the hair).
        • Use honey or chamomile tea as a natural hair lightener.
      4. Follow your diet and healthy lifestyle life. No matter how you take care of your hair, it will not be shiny if your body is not healthy. Keep a diet and drink enough water to keep your hair in excellent condition. Try to eat the following foods:

        • Fish, beef, poultry, eggs, legumes and other products with great content squirrel. Hair consists of protein, so its lack is instantly reflected in them.
        • Avocado and nuts. They contain healthy fats that strengthen your hair and make it shiny.
        • Nutrient-rich plants like spinach and kale are especially good for hair health.
      5. Drink plenty of water. When the body is dehydrated, the hair becomes dull and brittle. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

        • Also eat foods that are high in fluids, such as watermelon, berries, apples, cucumbers, lettuce, and cabbage.
        • Drink tea, preferably herbal.
      6. Protect your hair from external influences. Sun, extreme temperatures and pollution environment can make your hair look worse. Protect them with the following measures:

        • Wear a hat when strong sun. The sun can easily damage your hair if you don't protect it in any way.
        • Wear a swim cap in the pool. Chlorine dries hair and leaves residue. If you swim without a cap, then wash your hair immediately after the pool.
        • Don't go out into the cold wet hair. Hair can freeze, causing it to frizz.

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      While the owners of straight hair are thinking about how to wind them up, girls with unruly hair dream of making them perfectly even. But hair dryers and irons injure the structure of our hair, and chemical procedures not so easy to trust. Therefore, we are always in search of something more natural.

      Proper styling should start already in the shower

      • And it's not a joke. Good styling impossible without correct selection shampoo and conditioner. IN this case you need to choose products with keratin, which is famous for its straightening qualities.
      • Use an absorbent towel after washing. For example, bamboo, which also has antibacterial properties.
      • Do not dry your hair too hard, as this can cause frizz and breakage. Simply squeeze your hair all over the place to remove excess water.

      The choice of comb also needs to be approached wisely.

      • Avoid round combs: instead of straightening your hair, they twist the ends.
      • For combing, use a comb, as it has wider teeth that detangle the hair well without tearing it.

      You can straighten your hair, even just combing

      • After washing your hair, let it dry, but keep brushing every five minutes. Divide your hair into several sections, pull and hold each section for a few seconds so that it remembers this straight shape. You can use a hair dryer, but only in cold air mode.

      In the fight against capricious hair, a ponytail will help you

      • After proper washing head, wait until the hair remains slightly damp, and tie it in a tight low tail. If you have bangs or short strands falling out of the tail - secure them with invisibility. Comb the ponytail so that no knots remain.
      • Arm yourself with rubber bands and wind them around the ponytail every 5-7 cm to the very base (the number of hairpins depends on the length of the hair). Wrap your head with a silk scarf, wait for the hair to dry, remove the elastic bands, comb, keep open and loose. Ready.

      And you can use the secret of Latin Americans

      • In countries Latin America his secret to straightening hair - a technique called "Toga". In order to cope with naughty hair, residents of hot countries wash their hair, dry it with a hairdryer using the cold air function and, without drying it out a little, wrap it around their heads, fixing it with hairpins. They wake up in the morning with straight and shiny hair.

      A little about cosmetics for straightening

      • Creams and straightening serums

      Apply to clean and damp hair, distributing along the entire length, and allow to dry. These products protect well from ultraviolet radiation and overheating. The only drawback is incompatibility with chemical dye, as it blocks their way into the hair, which means that there will be no expected effect.

      • Leveling spray and bonding oils

      Can be applied to wet and dry hair. Despite the fact that sprays are convenient to use, they have a significant disadvantage - most contain silicone and various additives that accumulate in the hair and destroy it. Oils are useful in all respects, they are used to smooth hair and for thermal protection.

      It is necessary to pamper your hair with creams and masks more often so that they look smooth. And the thing is that the oily structure not only makes the hair heavier, but also helps to smooth the scales, making the strands straight and shiny.

      • Oil mask

      In the same proportion, olive, castor and burdock oil. The amount of oil depends on the density and length of the hair. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for at least 40 minutes, wrapping the hair with a warm cap.

      • Olive mask

      If all three oils are not at hand, you can get by with one. Heat about three tablespoons of olive oil in an enamel bowl. Wrap your head with a film and a towel to create a "greenhouse effect". It is recommended to make a mask in the evening and keep it all night.

      But to wash off these masks is quite difficult. You may need to repeatedly shampoo and rinse your hair. Well, in this case, a liter of non-hot water, acidified with lemon juice, will help.

      Another faithful assistant is colorless henna

      • It is another popular remedy used by many owners. curly hair. The thing is that henna thickens the hair, as a result it becomes heavier and loses its curliness. In addition, henna helps to get rid of split ends and dandruff.

      Perhaps there are more natural ways for straightening hair that you have tried on yourself. Share them in the comments.
