Pedagogical living room for parents. Pedagogical living room "happy parents"

Pedagogical lounge “To kindergarten with a smile”

In education, it's all about who the educator is.

K. D. Ushinsky

Sooner or later, the question arises in every family: “Should I send my child to kindergarten or not?” Many parents decide to send their child to kindergarten due to being busy or for personal reasons (in kindergarten the child socializes faster, develops, etc.) and here the teacher’s task is to create all the conditions so that the child painlessly goes through all stages of adaptation to conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Adaptation is the body's adaptation to new environment, and for a child, kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space. Relevance due to the fact that adaptation period- a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions, with a new environment and new relationships, which inevitably entails a change in the child’s behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders.

The purpose of my work on adaptation was:

Creating conditions for the most painless adaptation of young children to conditions preschool and increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents in matters emotional development child.

The implementation of this goal determined the decision tasks:

1) Study the problem of adaptation, its types and identify the features of adaptation of young children to a preschool institution.

2) Organize the educational process in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

3) Create a system of interaction with parents.

The principles of my work on the adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions are:

1) familiarizing parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution,

2) gradual adaptation of children to new conditions,

3) a flexible regime for the stay of children during the initial period of adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children,

4) maintaining the babies’ existing habits in the first 2-3 weeks.

5) individual approach to the child.

In the process of my work on adapting a child to a preschool educational institution, I used the following forms and methods of adaptation of children How:

Elements of bodily therapy (hug, stroke).

Improve your health with body-oriented therapy internal organs and your well-being improves.

Execution lullabies before bedtime.

Lullabies are the first language lessons for a child. Lullabies relieve anxiety and excitement and have a calming effect on the baby.

Relaxation games (sand, water).

Relaxation is the release of tension, relaxation, rest. Exercises should be in an accessible playful form.

In addition, sand and water play toys provide children's experimentation, variety of game actions.

Musical lessons and movement development.

Music begins to attract the attention of children early and arouses constant interest in most of them. Songs of different types evoke a positive emotional response in children.


Cubes. Building with blocks and constructing develops manual dexterity and gross motor skills, purposefulness of their actions, imaginative thinking and imagination.

Game methods of interaction with a child.

Subject activity is leading, because it ensures the development of all other aspects of the child’s life: attention, memory, speech and thinking.

Looking at illustrations in books. Book illustration helps a child to understand the world, master aesthetic ideals, and deepen the perception of a literary work. The process of choosing a book for a child to read begins with illustration.

Artistic creativity. Drawing and creating various objects with your own hands is useful for both motor and mental development. mental development child (develops emotional sphere, aesthetic perception). Among other things, creativity contributes to the development of self-awareness. One year old baby, drawing or simply crumpling paper, and observing the result of actions, he realizes himself as the source of what is happening, the subject of the action.

Adaptation period young children are divided into 3 levels:

1) Severe level of adaptation (from 2 to 6 months) - Children show anxiety and restlessness. They require constant attention from the teacher and do not notice their peers.

2) Average level of adaptation (20-40 days) - children are characterized by getting used to kindergarten, adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, but during the day they play with peers and communicate with adults.

3) Easy adaptation level (7-10 days) - when familiarizing yourself with the surrounding environment, it is easily included in the subject, independent or play activity. They can play both independently and with peers. Quickly and easily establish contact with adults.

Indicators for the end of the adaptation period:

Calm, cheerful mood of the child at the time of parting and meeting with parents;

Balanced mood throughout the day;

Adequate attitude to the suggestions of adults;

Communication with adults on your own initiative;

Ability to communicate with peers without conflict;

The desire to eat independently, to finish the quota;

Calm nap in the group before the scheduled time.

You can reduce the tension of the acute adaptation period by doing the following: rules:

Individual approach to every family;

Timely informing of all interested parties;

Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere and conditions for students in kindergarten.

Targeted training of parents and educators produces positive results even with difficult adaptation. The baby's family also needs time to adapt to new circumstances. To avoid complications and ensure normal adaptation, it is necessary gradual transition child from family to preschool.

Mankova Natalia Igorevna

senior teacher of MDOBU "Kindergarten of compensatory type

"Golden Key" Gavrilov-Yam
Pedagogical living rooms

What are “teaching lounges” in my understanding?

Pedagogical living room in a preschool educational institution - a specially organized form of interaction between all adult participants in the educational process, all members of the staff of the educational organization.

Who is a participant in the pedagogical lounges in our kindergarten?

Participants are all kindergarten teachers, as well as other members of the preschool educational institution team - medical staff, junior teachers, service personnel, etc.

Why am I organizing teacher lounges in our kindergarten?

The purpose of pedagogical living rooms:

Expanding the general horizons of teachers and other members of the kindergarten team,

Development of their cognitive interest, cognitive activity,

Creating opportunities to express creativity,

Motivating teachers for self-improvement,

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Relevance of the topic

In the federal state educational standard preschool education(FSES DO) it is highlighted that in kindergarten it is necessary to “...provide full development children's personalities in all major educational fields, namely: in the areas of social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being And positive attitude to the world, to oneself and to other people...” (clause 3.1.). And on whom, first of all, does the personality development of a preschool child depend? Of course, from the adults who surround him. In kindergarten, these are primarily teachers - specialists and educators. It is not without reason that the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for the first time highlights the requirements for the personality of a teacher (personnel conditions for the implementation of the Program). But even the classics of pedagogy repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​​​the unconditional authority of the teacher, educator, his personal example in the system of means of pedagogical influence on the younger generation.

Now let's ask ourselves: “Is it possible to entrust such a delicate, responsible, significant matter as the training and education of the younger generation,person with limited horizons , poverty of emotional experience, dogmatic thinking, bad habits?" The negative answer is obvious. So what should it be modern teacher?

More V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that nothing surprises or captivates teenagers so much, nothing so powerfully awakens the desire to become better than an intelligent, intellectually rich and generous person.

It is known that there is no learning without passion. “To raise a personality, you have to be a personality yourself; to ignite another, you have to burn yourself” ( J. Simenon).

As noted D. B. Elkonin, the child is limitless in his need for knowledge, and in order not to get into trouble, the teacher himself must have a broad outlook. Given the increased level of knowledge modern children, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, general culture, he must be a high example of morality for his students, a bearer of human virtues and values.

Thus, a modern teacher must think freely, have a scientific understanding of the world, and have a broad outlook- for this he must master political, economic, legal and other social knowledge, including in the field of culture (painting, music, theater, etc.).

Of course, the most important thing is the teacher’s personal interest in self-improvement, but this process can be partially motivated from the outside. If you “catch” a teacher in time, stimulate his cognitive activity, deepen his knowledge and skills, broaden his horizons, this will lead to the personal and professional growth of the teacher and the development of his creative potential.

I believe, that pedagogical lounges are an excellent method of motivating teachers for self-improvement .

Famous teacher A. S. Makarenko great importance gave creative, harmonious teaching staff, emphasizing that in such a team even a young, inexperienced teacher can achieve a lot, and if teachers are not united in a close-knit creative team, then even an experienced teacher will not achieve high results in working with children. And our pedagogical living rooms bring together the entire kindergarten staff, thereby contributing to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team, which is the basis effective interaction between participants in the educational process , which undoubtedly affects the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions, and also contributes to the fulfillment of one of the main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - ensuring the emotional well-being of children, protecting and strengthening them mental health.

How long ago and with what frequency have pedagogical lounges been held in our kindergarten?

From 2011 to present.

2-3 times a year.

Features of organizing and holding pedagogical lounges in the MDOBU “Kindergarten of compensatory type “Golden Key”

  1. Organizer – senior kindergarten teacher Mankova N.I. – at the beginning of the school year, determines the topics of pedagogical living rooms, the time of their holding and coordinates with teachers, develops a script for each event (in Lately with the obligatory use of a computer presentation), selects audio and video materials, suggests topics for presentations to preschool teachers.

  2. Teachers are active participants in pedagogical living rooms and prepare presentations on the theme of the living room.

  3. All members of the preschool educational institution team are invited to pedagogical living rooms ( main principle– voluntary participation).

  4. Teachers' lounges take place in an informal atmosphere, over a cup of tea. (Such an environment facilitates communication between members of the preschool educational institution team with each other, helps to perceive each other as people who are completely equal in all respects, who know each other well enough personally, and not as officials.)
Topics of pedagogical living rooms organized by me

for the period 2011 – 2016

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Journey into the world of poetry"

"In the world of painting"

"So different, different world"(teaching ring),

"Favorite Writers"

"The Magical World of Music"

"Around the world",

“What kind of people are in Hollywood!”,

"Relay of Generations"

"Unsolved mysteries of the world"

“Come on, girls!”

Result of work

The pedagogical lounges introduced us to interesting facts from the life and work of many writers and poets - Pushkin, Blok, Tsvetaeva, Bunin, Belyaev, Perrault, Dumas and many others. others, artists and composers - Kalman, Beethoven, Frida Kahlo, Malevich and others, domestic and foreign theater and film actors, with outstanding teachers - K.D. Ushinsky and M. Montessori, with the world's most famous dynasties of monarchs and representatives of professional dynasties - Boyarskys, Durovs, Zapashnys, Lokalovs. At the teachers' lounges we visited Hollywood's Star Walk and made trip around the world and got acquainted with the wonders of the world - classical and modern lists...

But the most important and very important result is the pronounced cognitive interest of teachers, which they show when preparing for pedagogical lounges and find really interesting and unusual facts on the proposed topics. In addition, all teachers and other preschool employees enjoy visiting pedagogical lounges and are upset if for some reason this does not work out.

Did you know...

What do the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, and the world-famous film industry called “Hollywood” have in common?

A dynasty is recognized as having three or more generations. In this case, can the Boyarsky dynasty be called a dynasty?

That in Germany there is a very famous and popular tourist route “The Road of Fairy Tales”, which passes through ancient medieval cities?

What attractions are included in the classical and modern lists of wonders of the world?

Are you interested?

Then welcome to our pedagogical living rooms!

Examples of teacher living room scenarios

Scenario of the pedagogical living room

"Visiting a fairy tale"


- expanding the general horizons of teachers and other members of the kindergarten staff (enriching knowledge about the life and work of storytellers),

- development of their cognitive interest, cognitive activity,

- creating opportunities to show creativity,

- motivating teachers for self-improvement,

- creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Preliminary work: script development, selection of illustrative and educational material, audio and video materials; preparation of speeches by preschool teachers –about H.-K. Andersen, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm.
The song of V. Shainsky and Yu. Entin is played"There are many fairy tales in the world".

As children, we dream of quickly getting to know the world in which we live. We dream about distant countries, about traveling around the Earth and deep into the Earth, about flying into space.... Each of us, setting out on the journey of life, takes dreams and knowledge as our companions. A dream calls a person forward, does not allow him to stop, inspires him and attracts him with unknown wonders, opens up distant horizons. Knowledge helps a person to go, makes him strong, equips him to fight all the difficulties and dangers, all the enemies that may come along the way. Both of these companions appear before us in the book.

But the fairy tale is older than the book, because printing is only five hundred years old. The tale is older and so are the letters. Even in those immemorial times, when people did not know how to write, they already told fairy tales. Hundreds of generations passed it on from mouth to mouth, and each storyteller added something of his own to it. This is how the fairy tale lives, forever renewing itself, old and always young.

Many domestic and foreign writers, inspired folk art, created and are creating their own fairy tales.

And today I invite you to plunge into magical and enchanting world of fairy tales.

1. “My homeland is Denmark, a poetic country, rich folk tales, ancient songs, the historical past...” - one world-famous storyteller said in his autobiography. Who is this? Of course, Hans-Christian Andersen.(Speech by the teacher.)

2. Now we call him a storyteller, but in general during his lifetime he was known as a poet and publicist, dignitary and academician. He was a lawyer, the first clerk of the French Minister of Finance Colbert. But it is this storyteller who can be considered the founder of world children's literature and literary pedagogy. This Charles Perrault.(Speech by the teacher.)

3. “The Road of Fairy Tales” - this famous and very popular tourist route in Germany passes through ancient medieval cities, which contain priceless masterpieces of architecture, painting and decorative arts. The residents of these cities are smiling, very kind, friendly and hospitable. They welcome any guest and love to dress up in the costumes of their loved ones. fairy-tale heroes. And the “road of fairy tales” originates in the city of Hanau. And this is not without reason: after all, it was in this city that eight sons and one daughter were born into the family of one famous lawyer and his respectable wife. And his name was Philipp-Wilhelm Grimm. Teacher's speech O Brothers Grimm.

Quiz “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.”

All those present are divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a name for itself.

Exercise 1. Remember and name Russian folk tales.(Teams name fairy tales one by one.)

Task 2. Guess the fairy tale using the given words, name the author. (Each team initially receives 3 words. If this number of words is not enough to correctly name the fairy tale, then the presenter adds one word each, but the points earned will be correspondingly less.)

1) Tsar, princess, queen, apple, mirror, heroes.(“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, A.S. Pushkin.)

2) Boys and girls, old men and women, clocks, time, evil wizards, Petya Zubov.(“The Tale of Lost Time”, E.L. Schwartz.)

3) Sister, brothers, stepmother, Eliza, swans, nettles.(“Wild Swans”, H.-C. Andersen.)

4) King, queen, fateful prediction, fairy, yarn, spindle.(“Sleeping Beauty”, Ch. Perrault.)

5) Winter, mirror, sleigh, roses, deer, Kai.(“The Snow Queen”, H.-C. Andersen.)

6) Sister, brother, Baba Yaga, apple tree, stove, geese.(“Geese and Swans”, Russian folk tale.)

7) Sons, father, donkey, mill, ogre, cat.(“Puss in Boots”, Ch. Perrault.)

8) Orphan, cat, goat, Kokovanya, Daryonka, Muryonka.Silver hoof", P. Bazhov.)

9) Trader, flies, giant, jam, unicorn, little tailor.(“The Brave Little Tailor,” Brothers Grimm.)

10) Rat, mystery, theater, log, key, Malvina.(“Golden Key”, A.N. Tolstoy.)

Task 3. Musical competition. Based on many fairy tales (both original and folk), cartoons or fairy tale films are created. Based on the musical fragment, you need to name the fairy tale and its author.

1. “Cuckoo” from the film Morozko.” (“Morozko”, Russian folk tale.)

2. “Tango of the Snow Queen” from the film “The Secret of the Snow Queen”. (“The Snow Queen”, H.-C. Andersen.)

3. “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the movie “The Nutcracker”. (“The Nutcracker”, V. Hoffman.)

4. “Song of Cinderella and the Prince” from the film “Cinderella”. (“Cinderella”, Ch. Perrault.)

5. “Troubadour's Song” from the film “ The Bremen Town Musicians" (“Musicians of Bremen”, Brothers Grimm.)

6. Song of the guards from the film “Po” pike command" (“At the command of the pike,” Russian folk tale.)

7. “Road” from the film “An Old, Old Tale.” (“Flint”, H.-C. Andersen.)

8. “We are going to the Emerald City along a difficult road...” from the film “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” (“The Wizard of the Emerald City”, A. Volkov.)

Task 4. Solve the crossword: guess the author by the title of the fairy tale.

1) “Dwarf Nose”.

2) " Winnie the Pooh and that’s it, that’s it, that’s it.”

3) “Pippi Longstocking.”

4) “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

5) “Grandma Metelitsa.”

6) “Town in a snuff box.”

7) “Fairy Gifts.”

8) “Baby Elephant”.

In the highlighted cells - “The Little Mermaid”.

1. G




2. M




3. L








4. E





5. G














7. P





8. TO







Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of a child at an early age."

One of the principles of preschool education is cooperation between the preschool institution and the family.

The federal state standard for a teacher is the basis for assisting parents in raising children, protecting and developing their physical and mental health, in the development of individuality and necessary assistance for developmental disorders.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that work carried out with parents should be individual, taking into account social status, “mood in the family,” parental requirements for education and the degree of parental interest in the activities of the preschool institution.

Family and kindergarten are the two pillars on which we build our future. Often they lack mutual understanding, compromise, to hear each other and interact in harmony. How can this situation be changed? How to involve parents in joint work? How to create a unified field for child development in the family and kindergarten?

There are the following directions for involving parents in joint activities with preschool:

1. Cognitive;
2. Leisure;
3. Information and analytical;
4. Visual and informational.

There are traditional and non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings.

Traditional forms such as: classic parent meetings, conversations, consultations, work with the parent committee, design of moving folders and stands, open days - teachers use them every day in their activities. However, in modern conditions, these forms of interaction are not enough for full cooperation between a preschool institution and a family, so there are also non-traditional forms of interaction.

These include:
1. Interaction via Internet technologies (kindergarten websites, personal blogs of teachers, sending information via e-mail, etc.)
2. Conducting master classes for parents;
3. Publication of family newspapers;
4. Photo exhibitions;
5. Round tables
6. Teacher's living room.

Our kindergarten actively uses such a non-traditional form of working with parents as a pedagogical lounge.

The pedagogical living room is a specially organized form of interaction preschool teachers, narrow specialists of preschool educational institutions (speech therapist, psychologist, nurse), parents and pupils.

Visiting teachers' lounges allows parents to interact with children in a new way, taking into account the consultations provided by teachers.

The main goal of holding pedagogical lounges is to develop the child’s individuality with the help of parents, with their active participation.

Preparation for organizing a pedagogical living room begins with defining a topic, for example:
“Do you know your child?”
"Our friend the book"
"Children play - let's play together"
"Our Friendly family»
“Protecting the life and health of the child”

“I’m graduating from a nursery, I’m entering a kindergarten” - this was the theme of one of the most interesting (in the opinion of parents) pedagogical meetings held in our kindergarten.

We created invitations for parents that announced this event in order to interest parents.

A speech therapist and a psychologist spoke with the consultation “After three it’s too late.” Parents could get individual consultation on issues of interest to them.. Then the teachers spoke summarizing the results of the first year at the preschool educational institution. To be initiated into the ranks of the kindergarten, parents were solemnly presented with the “Code of a True Parent” and the “Oath of a Parent” was pronounced.

Parents' oath

Do you swear:
Do you love Berezka as much as we do?
Bring your children to classes in any weather: frost, slush, heat?
Treat your children with respect, love a child not for good behavior, and for the fact that he is your one and only?
Actively participate in all our holidays and meetings?
Maintain an atmosphere of kindness and love?

Then there was a ceremonial awards ceremony for parents in various categories:
The most responsive
The most responsible
Most active
The most friendly
The most friendly
For the ability to be friends

The reward was memorial certificates created by the children with the help of the teacher.
A mini-concert with the participation of children was organized for parents. And in conclusion, a video film about the life of the group was presented to the attention of parents. last year.

The advantage of this system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is:
Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents towards working together on raising children;
Taking into account the child’s individuality;
Strengthening family ties;
The possibility of implementing a unified program for the upbringing and development of children in preschool educational institutions and families.


  1. Speech by a teacher-psychologist on the topic “Child Aggression”
  2. Consideration of tables 1, 2. “Understanding of aggressiveness by older preschoolers” and “Parenting styles”
  3. Recommendations for parents for elimination and prevention aggressive behavior in children
  4. Training on getting rid of anger, game “From a seed to a tree”
  5. Speech by an educational psychologist on the topic “Anxiety”
  6. Assignment for parents on the topic
  7. An educational psychologist gives recommendations to parents regarding communication with anxious children
  8. Games “Fortress”, “Mirror Shop”, “Salute”
  9. Speech by an educational psychologist on the topic “ADHD”. Answers to parents' questions on this topic.
  10. Speech by a teacher-psychologist on the topic “Fears in Children”
  11. Creative play"Spell"
  12. Questions from parents, summing up.

Progress of the event:

Dear parents, it would be correct to say that all children are different. But they all need our love, affection, and care. And they all deserve this award. Today we'll talk about aggressive and anxious children, children with ADHD, and we will also discuss children's fears.

What is aggressiveness?

The causes of aggression in children can be very different. Some somatic diseases or brain diseases contribute to the emergence of aggressive qualities. It should be noted that upbringing in the family plays a huge role, from the first days of a child’s life. Sociologist Margaret Mead has proven that in cases where a child is abruptly weaned and communication with the mother is reduced to a minimum, children develop such qualities as anxiety, suspicion, cruelty, aggressiveness, and selfishness. And vice versa, when there is gentleness in communication with a child, the child is surrounded by care and attention, these qualities are not developed.

The development of aggressive behavior is greatly influenced by the nature of the punishments that parents usually use in response to the manifestation of anger in their child. In such situations, two polar methods of influence can be used: either leniency or severity. Paradoxically, aggressive children are equally common in parents who are too lenient and those who are overly strict.

Portrait of an aggressive child

He attacks other children, calls them names and beats them, takes away and breaks toys, deliberately uses rude expressions, in a word, becomes a “thunderstorm” for the entire children’s group, a source of grief for teachers and parents. This pugnacious, rude child is very difficult to accept as he is, and even more difficult to understand.

However, an aggressive child, like any other, needs affection and help from adults, because his aggression is, first of all, a reflection of internal discomfort, the inability to adequately respond to events happening around him.

An aggressive child often feels rejected and unwanted. Cruelty and indifference of parents leads to violation child-parent relationships and instills in the child’s soul the confidence that he is not loved. “How to become loved and needed” is an insoluble problem facing a little man. So he is looking for ways to attract the attention of adults and peers. Unfortunately, these searches do not always end the way we and the child would like, but he doesn’t know how to do it better.

This is how Nadezhda Leonidovna Kryazheva describes the behavior of these children: “An aggressive child, using every opportunity, ... strives to anger his mother, teacher, and peers. He “doesn’t calm down” until the adults explode and the children get into fights.”

Parents and teachers do not always understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he behaves this way, although he knows in advance that he may receive rebuff from the children, and punishment from adults. In reality, this is sometimes just a desperate attempt to win one’s “place in the sun.” The child has no idea how else to fight for survival in this strange and cruel world, how to protect himself.

Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame for the quarrel they started onto others. For example, while playing in the sandbox during a walk, two children preparatory group got into a fight. Roma hit Sasha with a shovel. When asked by the teacher why he did this, Roma sincerely answered: “Sasha had a shovel in his hands, and I was very afraid that he would hit me.” According to the teacher, Sasha did not show any intentions to offend or hit Roma, but Roma perceived this situation as threatening.

Such children often cannot assess their own aggressiveness. They do not notice that they instill fear and anxiety in those around them. On the contrary, it seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. Thus, a vicious circle results: aggressive children fear and hate those around them, and those, in turn, fear them.

At the Doverie PPMS center in the city of Lomonosov, a mini-survey was conducted among older preschoolers, the purpose of which was to find out how they understand aggressiveness. Here are the answers given by aggressive and non-aggressive children (Table 1).

Table 1. Understanding of aggression by older preschoolers

Responses from aggressive children

Responses from non-aggressive children

1. Which people do you consider aggressive?

Mom and dad, because they swear, beat, fight (50% of children surveyed)

Indians, bandits, hunters, because they kill people and animals (63% boys, 80% girls)

2. What would you do if you met an aggressive adult?

“Started to fight”, “Would hit” (83% of boys, 27% of girls), “Splashed, got dirty” (36% of girls)

“I just passed by and turned away” (83% of boys, 40% of girls), “I would call my friends for help” (50% of girls)

3. What would you do if you met aggressive boy(girl)?

“I would fight” (92% of boys, 54% of girls), “I would run away” (36% of girls)

“I would leave, run away” (83% boys, 50% girls)

4. Do you consider yourself aggressive?

“No” - 88% of boys, 54% of girls “Yes” - 12% of boys, 46% of girls

“No” 92% of boys, 100% of girls. “Yes” - 8% of boys

The number of reactions even to standard situations very limited. Most often these are defensive reactions. In addition, children cannot look at themselves from the outside and adequately evaluate their behavior. It is worth noting that children often adopt aggressive forms of behavior from their parents.

Table 2 Parenting styles (in response to the child’s aggressive actions)

Parenting strategy

Specific examples strategies

Child's behavior style

Why does the child do this?

Drastic suppression of a child’s aggressive behavior

“Stop it!” “Don’t you dare say that” Parents punish their child

Aggressive (The child can stop now, but will throw out his negative emotions at another time and in another place)

The child copies his parents and learns aggressive forms of behavior from them.

Ignoring your child's aggressive outbursts

Parents pretend not to notice the child’s aggression or believe that the child is still small

Aggressive (Child continues to act aggressively)

The child thinks he is doing everything right, and aggressive forms of behavior become a character trait.

Parents give the child the opportunity to express aggression in an acceptable way and tactfully forbid them to behave aggressively towards others.

If parents see that a child is angry, they can engage him in a game that will relieve his anger. Parents explain to their child how to behave in certain situations

Most likely, the child will learn to manage his anger

The child learns to analyze various situations and takes an example from his tactful parents

Useful recommendations for parents can be found on the pages of R. Campbell’s book “How to Deal with a Child’s Anger” (M., 1997). R. Campbell identifies five ways to control a child’s behavior: two of them are positive, two are negative and one is neutral. Positive methods include requests and gentle physical manipulation (for example, you can distract the child, take him by the hand and lead him away, etc.).

Behavior modification, a neutral method of control, involves the use of rewards (for performing certain rules) and punishments (for ignoring them). But this system should not be used too often, since subsequently the child begins to do only what he receives a reward for.

Frequent punishments and orders apply to negative ways controlling the child's behavior. They force him to excessively suppress his anger, which contributes to the appearance of passive-aggressive traits in his character. What is it passive aggression, and what dangers does it pose? This hidden form aggression, its purpose is to enrage, upset parents or loved ones, and the child can cause harm not only to others, but also to himself. He will begin to deliberately study poorly, in retaliation for his parents he will wear things that they do not like, and he will be capricious on the street for no reason. The main thing is to keep the parents off balance. To eliminate such forms of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments must be thought out in every family. When punishing a child, it is necessary to remember that this measure of influence should in no case humiliate the dignity of the son or daughter. Punishment should follow directly after the offense, and not every other day, not every other week. Punishment will only have an effect if the child himself believes that he deserves it; in addition, one cannot be punished twice for the same offense.

There is another way efficient work with the anger of a child, although it may not always be used. If parents know their son or daughter well, they can defuse the situation during the child's emotional outburst with an appropriate joke. The unexpectedness of such a reaction and the friendly tone of an adult will help the child get out of a difficult situation with dignity.

1. First of all, analyze your own behavior and style of relationships between family members. Children copy the behavior of their parents.

2. Avoid watching aggressive imported cartoons, and especially adult horror or thriller films, with the exception of children's cartoons with “benign” aggression, which teach how to stand up for yourself.

3. Spend time and attention on your baby! This allows your child to feel that for you he is the most important and beloved person in the world. A sense of self-worth and value for parents creates a healthy nervous system, self-esteem and a friendly mood in the child. Parents should devote at least 15-20 minutes a day to their child and only to him, forgetting about their “adult” affairs. This could be a game, a conversation, reading a book, or any general occupation. Nothing should distract an adult (TV, telephone, household chores, etc.).

It is also necessary to have personal, friendly (at least a full hour) one-on-one communication at least once a week, spending time exactly as your child wants (a game chosen by him, a trip to the park, a movie, a cafe, watching together children's film).

4. Explain to your child why it is forbidden to fight, bite, call names, or throw toys and books at other children. Then tell and show your baby what behavior you expect from him: kiss him, hug him, talk to him. Explain to your child how someone who has been hit or bitten feels. Tell us why you should be friendly.

5. Stop aggression, both from your child and from other children, directed at your baby.

If you see your child fighting, a three-part reprimand will be most effective: a command to stop the inappropriate behavior (“Stop fighting!”), a reason why it needs to be done (“Children hurt when you hit them”). , and alternative behavior. It goes without saying that you need to find out what the reason for your child's attack is. After all, it may be that he was justly defending himself or his property. In this case, you need to morally support your child, maybe help him defend his interests, and also explain how this can be done in a constructive way.

6. Teach your child ways to express anger in an acceptable way. In the practice of psychologists, when teaching aggressive children constructive ways of expressing anger, the following areas are used:

They teach children to directly express their feelings “...The more anger that is expressed in words, the less of it will be left to express later through lies, theft, sex, drugs and all other examples of passive-aggressive behavior so common today” (R. Campbell);

Express anger indirectly, using play therapy techniques;

Transferring feelings to non-dangerous objects (it is recommended to teach this mainly to young children, who cannot always put their thoughts, much less feelings, into words). Here, an adult’s arsenal should include rubber toys, rubber balls that can be thrown into a bathtub filled with water, pillows, foam balls, a dartboard, a “screaming cup,” a piece of soft log, a hammer and nails, sports equipment, etc. .

All these items are needed so that the child does not direct anger at people, but transfers it to inanimate objects and splashes it out in a playful way.

7. Be consistent in punishing the child, punish for specific actions.

8. Punishments should not humiliate the child.

Learn to release anger yourself in constructive ways.

Dear adults, what ways do you know to free yourself from anger? There are several ways to demonstrate this now.

Technique for releasing anger

1. Inhale (4 counts) + slowly rub your hands, gradually increasing the pace.

2. Hold your breath (for 10 counts) + clench your fists + tense your body + pull in your buttocks and stomach.

3. Exhale - we sharply throw our arms forward, saying “XO” as we exhale.

Matthew McKay, Peter Rogers, and Eudis McKay in their book “Taming Anger” give adults recommendations on developing the ability to self-control. Let me remind you once again, useful recommendations Parents can find it in the pages of Ross Campbell's book, How to Deal with Your Child's Anger.

"From seed to tree"

Goal: training in expressive movements, relaxation.

Progress: Parents stand in a circle. A teacher-psychologist stands in the center and invites adults to turn into a small, wrinkled seed (shrink into a lump on the floor, draw in their head, cover it with their hands). An adult gardener treats the seeds very carefully, waters them (strokes them on the head and body), and takes care of them. With the warm spring sun, the seed begins to grow slowly (adult seeds rise slowly). Its leaves open (arms rise), a stem grows (the body stretches), branches with buds appear (arms to the sides, fingers clenched). A joyful moment comes - and the buds burst (the fists unclench sharply), the sprout turns into a beautiful strong flower. Summer comes, the flower becomes prettier, admires itself (examine itself), smiles at the neighboring flowers, bows to them, lightly touches them with its petals (reach the neighbors with your fingertips). But then it blew cold wind, Autumn has come. The flower swings in different directions, fights against the weather of swinging with its arms, head, body), bends, bends towards the ground and lies down on it. He's sad. Time is running, the winter snow began to fall. The flower again turned into a small seed (curl up on the floor). The snow has covered the seed and now it is warm and calm. Soon it will be spring again, and it will come to life.

And at the end of this topic I would like to talk a little about recipes for getting rid of anger.

Six recipes for getting rid of anger:

Execution paths

Build a relationship with your child so that he feels calm and confident with you

Listen to your child

Spend as much time with him as possible

Share your experience with him

Tell him about your childhood, childhood actions, victories and failures

If there are several children in the family, try to communicate not only with everyone together, but also give your “undivided” attention to each of them individually

Take care of yourself, especially in those moments when you are under stress and easily upset

Postpone or cancel altogether joint activities with your child (if this is, of course, possible)

Try not to touch your child during moments of irritation.

If you are upset, your children need to know about your condition.

Talk directly to your children about your feelings, wants, and needs.

- “I’m very upset, I want to be alone. Please play in the next room,” or:

- “Things at work drove me crazy. I’ll calm down in a few minutes, but for now, please don’t touch me.”

In those moments when you are upset or angry, do something nice for yourself that could calm you down.

Take a warm bath or shower

Have some tea

Call your friends

Make a soothing face mask

Just relax on the couch

Listen to your favorite music

Try to anticipate and prevent possible troubles that may make you angry

Don't let your child play with things that you value.

Don't let yourself be thrown off balance. Know how to anticipate your own emotional breakdown and prevent it by managing yourself and the situation

To some especially important events you should prepare in advance. Try to provide for all possible nuances and prepare the child for upcoming events

Explore your child's strengths and capabilities

If you have to make a first visit (to the doctor, to a kindergarten, etc.), rehearse everything ahead of time

If the child is naughty when he is hungry, think about how to feed him during a long trip, etc.

However, all of the listed methods and techniques will not lead to positive changes if they are one-time in nature. Inconsistency in parental behavior can lead to worsening child behavior. Patience and attention to the child, his needs and requirements, constant development of communication skills with others - this is what will help parents establish relationships with their son or daughter.

The next topic we'll look at is anxiety.

1.What is anxiety?

Carroll Izard explains the difference between the terms “fear” and “anxiety” this way: anxiety is a combination of several emotions, and fear is only one of them (1999).

Fear can develop in a person at any age: children from 1 to 3 years old often have night terrors; in the 2nd year of life, according to A.I. Zakharov, fear of unexpected sounds, fear of loneliness, fear of pain (and associated fear medical workers). At 3-5 years old, children are characterized by fears of loneliness, darkness and confined spaces. At 5-7 years of age, fear of death becomes the dominant factor. From 7 to 11 years old, children are most afraid of “not being someone who is well spoken of, respected, appreciated and understood” (A.I. Zakharov)

Every child has certain fears. However, if there are a lot of them, then we can talk about manifestations of anxiety in the child’s character.

1. Conflicting demands made by parents, or parents and school (kindergarten).

For example, parents do not allow their child to go to school because feeling unwell, and the teacher puts a “two” in the journal and scolds him for skipping a lesson in the presence of other children.

3. Negative demands that humiliate the child and put him in a dependent position.

Having committed some “unseemly” act, girls worry that their mother or teacher will think badly of them, and their friends will refuse to play with them. In the same situation, boys are likely to be afraid that adults will punish them.

A child’s anxiety largely depends on the level of anxiety of the adults around him. High anxiety of a teacher or parent is transmitted to the child

Portrait of an anxious child

He intensely peers at everything that is around him, timidly, almost silently greets and sits awkwardly on the edge of the nearest chair. He seems to be expecting some trouble.

This is an anxious child. Anxious people try to keep their problems to themselves. They are characterized by excessive anxiety, and sometimes they are afraid not of the event itself, but of its premonition. They often expect the worst. Children feel helpless and are afraid to play new games and start new activities. They have high requirements towards themselves, they are very self-critical. Their level of self-esteem is low; such children really think that they are worse than others in everything, that they are the ugliest, stupidest, and clumsy. They seek encouragement and approval from adults in all matters.

Anxious children are also characterized by somatic problems: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, difficulty shallow breathing, etc. When anxiety manifests itself, they often feel a dry mouth, a lump in the throat, weakness in the legs, and rapid heartbeat.

Parent question? How to prevent the development of anxiety in children?

Before giving some recommendations, I would like to note that most parents of anxious children themselves do not notice that their own behavior caused the change in the child’s character. So, having learned about the emergence of fears in a child, they either begin to persuade him to calm down, or make fun of his problem. This is very wrong behavior and will only contribute to increased fear.

Moreover, all your comments, shouts, and jerks can cause not only aggression in the child, but also anxiety, so try to at least reduce the number of comments addressed to the child, and try to talk calmly with him. Do not threaten the child, but learn to negotiate with him and try, before voicing your dissatisfaction, to think about what you are saying to the child.

Question from a parent. How to help an anxious child cope with this condition?

Very often, anxious children have a need to become a guardian for someone, to love, caress, and protect. That is why child psychologists recommend that parents of anxious children get a pet: a kitten, a puppy, a hamster and entrust it to the baby, but of course, help the child care for the pet. Such joint care for a pet will help build partnership and trust between parents and child, which will help reduce anxiety.

Also, in order to help a child get rid of anxiety, doing relaxation exercises, such as breathing exercises for children, will be very useful.

And finally, if your child’s anxiety is pronounced, and you cannot cope and help the child on your own, then be sure to contact a child psychologist or psychotherapist. After all, even minor anxiety in childhood can cause serious mental illness in future.

Assignment: Write down all the comments made to the child during the day. And look at them from the point of view of benefits (for the child, for you). Was it possible not to do them? Write down praises too. Look at how often you criticize your child, how often you praise him (and for what).

It is better if, as a preventative measure, without waiting for an extreme situation, parents talk more with their children and help them express their thoughts and feelings in words.

The affectionate touch of parents will help an anxious child gain a sense of confidence and trust in the world, and this will relieve him of the fear of ridicule and betrayal.

Parents of an anxious child should be unanimous and consistent in rewarding and punishing him. A child, not knowing, for example, how his mother will react to a broken plate today, is even more afraid, and this leads him to stress.

Parents of anxious children often experience muscle tension themselves, so relaxation exercises can be beneficial for them too.

2. Be consistent in your actions, do not forbid your child without any reason to do something that you allowed before.

3. Consider the capabilities of children, do not demand from them what they cannot do. If a child has difficulty in any academic subject, it is better to once again help him and provide support, and if he achieves even the slightest success, do not forget to praise him.

4. Trust your child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

5. If for any reason objective reasons It’s difficult for a child to study, choose a circle for him that he likes, so that classes in it bring him joy and he doesn’t feel disadvantaged.

6. Celebrate his successes daily by communicating them in his presence to other family members (for example, during a shared dinner).

7. Do not compare your child with others.

8. Address your child by name more often.

9. Demonstrate examples of confident behavior, be an example to your child in everything.

In the end, I would like to say that all behavioral features largely depend on ourselves, on our parents. Before you punish or reprimand a child, you need to evaluate your behavior, your actions and words. First of all, work on yourself and with yourself.

Game "Fortress"

Purpose: stress relief

Equipment: chairs, balls

How to play: Adults are divided into 2 teams. The first team builds a fort out of chairs and defends it from the second. The second one, using balls, must break through the fortress.

Game "Mirror Shop"

Goal: relieves tension, develops trusting relationships

Adults are divided into 2 teams. A team of “people” and a team of “mirrors”. Instructions: “I suggest you visit a store that sells various unusual and magical mirrors.

Adults look at “magic” mirrors and perform various movements and actions. “Mirrors” repeats everything.

Game "Salute"

Purpose: relieves tension, creates positive emotions.

Materials: colored paper, napkins, scissors

Adults tear or cut paper into small pieces (for our fireworks display). Everyone throws up his own fireworks, and others applaud him.

The next question that we will consider with you is “What is ADHD in children?”

Firstly, this is a medical diagnosis, it is made by a doctor (not a psychologist). A psychologist can only, after observing the child, talking with teachers and parents, recommend that the latter go to a specialist. Secondly, the term itself, ADHD, appeared relatively recently and this topic is this moment still developing. But we know that children with ADHD have difficulty concentrating and, as a result, cannot always cope with academic tasks. They make careless mistakes, do not pay attention and do not listen to explanations. Sometimes they may become excessively mobile, fidgeting, standing up, and doing a lot of unnecessary actions, instead of sitting quietly and concentrating on school or other activities. This behavior may not be acceptable in the classroom and can cause problems both at school and at home. Such children often have poor academic performance and are often considered mischievous, disobedient, and "terrorizing" their family and peers at school. At the same time, they themselves may suffer from low self-esteem; it is difficult for them to make friends and be friends with other children.

In fact, the reason for the above behavior is a lack of certain biologically active substances in certain parts of the brain.

Question from parents. How does the behavior of children with ADHD differ from the behavior of other children?

ADHD behaviors fall into three categories:

1. Symptoms inattention. Such children are easily distracted, forgetful, and have difficulty concentrating their attention. They have trouble completing tasks, staying organized, and following instructions. One gets the impression that they do not listen when they are told something. They often make mistakes due to inattention and lose their school supplies and other things.

2. Symptoms hyperactivity. Children seem impatient, overly sociable, fussy, and cannot sit still for long. In class, they tend to run away at inopportune times. Figuratively speaking, they are always in motion, as if wound up.

3. Symptoms impulsiveness. Very often in class, children with ADHD shout out the answer before the teacher finishes his question, constantly interrupt when others are speaking, and have difficulty waiting for their turn. They are unable to delay gratification. If they want something, then they must get it at the same moment, without giving in to various persuasion.

Your attending physician has all necessary information about ADHD and can make the correct diagnosis based on the diagnostic criteria at his disposal.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

All children can be inattentive or hyperactive at times, so what makes children with ADHD different?

ADHD is detected if a child's behavior differs from the behavior of other children of the same age and development level for a sufficiently long time, at least 6 months. These behavioral features appear before the age of 7, and subsequently they manifest themselves in various social situations and have a negative impact on family relationships. If ADHD symptoms are severe, this leads to social maladaptation of the child at school and at home. The child should be carefully examined by a doctor to rule out other diseases that may also cause these behavioral disorders.

Depending on the underlying disorders, doctors may diagnose ADHD with a predominance of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, or a combination of ADHD.

What are the causes of ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is still unclear. However, experts believe that ADHD symptoms may be caused by a combination of factors. Here are some of them:

ADHD tends to run in families, indicating that the disorder is genetic.
- There is evidence to suggest that drinking and smoking during pregnancy, premature birth and prematurity may also increase the likelihood of a child developing ADHD (4, 5).
- Brain injuries and infectious diseases brain in early childhood also create a predisposition to the development of ADHD.

The mechanism for the development of ADHD is based on a deficiency of certain chemical substances(dopamine and norepinephrine) in some areas of the brain. Dopamine is one of the chemical factors of internal reinforcement and serves as an important part of the “reward system” of the brain, as it causes a feeling of pleasure (or satisfaction), which affects the processes of motivation and learning. Dopamine plays an important role in ensuring cognitive activity. These findings highlight the fact that ADHD is a disease that requires appropriate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Question from parents. How to treat ADHD?

The most optimal is combination treatment, which consists of a combination of drug therapy and psychological correction.

Question from parents. How should I behave at home if my child has ADHD?

1. Develop a positive attitude.

Children with ADHD react painfully to criticism. Instead of criticizing your child and telling him what he SHOULD NOT do, turn your comments into a more positive direction and tell your child what he SHOULD do. For example, instead of: “Don’t throw your clothes on the floor,” try saying: “Let me help you put your clothes away.”
Help your child develop the habit of positive thoughts. For example, instead of thinking: “I can’t do this,” help him tune in to what he can do: “I can do this!”

2. Don't be stingy with praise.

Children thrive when their parents praise them. For example: “Today you did homework good and fast,” or: “I’m proud of you.”
We all make mistakes and small offenses sometimes. Instead of getting angry when your child messes something up, say something like, “Don't worry, it can be fixed.”

3. Help your child not to worry.

Activities such as quiet games, listening to pleasant music, or taking a bath will help your child calm down when he is irritated or frustrated.

4. Make simple and clear rules for your child. Children need a certain routine. With its help, they know when and what they need to do, and they feel calmer. Do your daily tasks at the same time of day.

Have lunch and dinner at the same time.
- Help your child not to put off things that absolutely need to be done.
- Keep a list of important things to do.
- Teach your child to plan his day. Start by packing your school supplies early.

5. Communicate more.

Talk to your child. Discuss with him different topics, - what happened at school, what he saw in the movies or on TV. Find out what the child thinks. Ask open-ended questions that invite a story rather than a one-word answer. When you ask your child a question, give him time to think and answer. Don't answer for him! Listen when he talks to you and give positive comments. Let your child feel that you are interested in him and his affairs.

6. Limit distractions and supervise your child's work. When your child needs to concentrate on a task, he needs special conditions. Reducing distractions will help you concentrate better.

Make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to let off steam. Children often need a break between school and homework.
- Make sure the child understands what is required of him when completing the task.
- Some tasks need to be broken down into several parts to make them manageable.
- If necessary, supervise classes and household chores.
- Regular breaks will allow the child to rest and then re-focus.

7. Respond appropriately to bad behavior.

Explain what exactly angered you about his behavior.
- Avoid generalizations (for example, instead of: “You never listen to me,” say: “I’m angry because you didn’t listen to me now”).
- Punishment must be fair and correspond in severity to the offense committed.
- Don't get into arguments with your child.
- Be adamant in your decisions, but do not resort to threatening tactics.

8. Rest yourself. Sometimes you also need rest and time for yourself. Invite someone to babysit or send your child to a trusted friend.

9. If you feel like you can’t cope, talk to your doctor who will give you the necessary advice.

And the last thing we will have time to consider today. "Children's fears in preschool children"

Fear is caused by a feeling of impending danger, i.e. The instinct of self-preservation kicks in. Fears are inherent in all people, and especially children (children's fears). After all, children find themselves in a large, not always clear and unsafe world of adults. For a child fear is the most powerful and dangerous emotion.

At different age periods Various childhood fears prevail in children: From 1 year to 3 years, fear of the dark, fear of being alone, and childhood night terrors are more common. Main character bad dreams most often it turns out to be the Wolf and Baba Yaga. In the 2nd year of life, fear of unexpected sounds, fear of loneliness, fear of pain and related children's fear of medical workers most often manifest themselves. At 3-5 years old, children are characterized by fears of loneliness, fears of the dark, fears of confined spaces and childhood fears fairy tale characters. From 5 to 7 years of age, children's fear of death becomes dominant.

On the emergence of childhood fears in preschool children affects:

Emotional tension in the family;

Absence emotional contact with the child, responsiveness to the child’s needs and feelings;

Excessive demands on the child, strictness;

Usage physical punishment, cruelty;

Aggressive behavior of parents, humiliation of the child;

The fears of the parents themselves and their anxiety;

Quarrels between parents;

Traumatic experiences in a child's life;

Instilling fears by the parents themselves: “Don’t go there, there’s a wolf there!”, “If you don’t obey, an evil uncle will come and take away naughty children,” etc.

A lot depends on the parents. First of all, parents should think about what contribution and foundation they make to the emergence of childhood fears in children. Here are some recommendations: how you can help your child at home and remove children's fears. In a calm and trusting atmosphere, ask the child about his fear and invite him to draw it, and then together with the child, add funny details to the “fear”. Another way to think about this fear funny story. Another option is to draw a fictional character who has the same fears as the child. And then invite the child to come up with a story about how this hero could overcome your fear. All stories (children's fears) must have a positive ending.

Don't treat your child's childhood fears as nonsense or stupidity. Do not laugh at his fears under any circumstances!

Correction of children's fears can be symptomatic, i.e. aimed at eliminating fear, without affecting reasons that caused fear in a child, and causal aimed at eliminating the causes and sources that caused children's fears. At correction of childhood fear in a preschool child or schoolchild Therapeutic methods of play therapy, fairy tale therapy, and art therapy are used and applied.

Now, let's “play out” one of the ways to overcome fear. The game is called "Spell". We come up with fear and write a spell to make it disappear.


Abramova, G.S. Age-related psychology[Text]: Textbook for university students. - 6th ed. - M.: Alma Mater, 2006. - 702 s.

Bütner K. Living with aggressive children. M., 1991.

Mukhina, V.S. Psychology of a preschooler [Text]: Textbook for teachers. institutes and pedagogical schools / V.S. Mukhina; Under. ed. L.A. Wenger. - M.: education, 1975. - 239 p.

Nemov, R.S. Psychology [Text]: textbook for students. higher ped. textbook establishments in 3 books. / R.S. Nemov. - 4th ed. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. - Book 2. - 606 pp. [Text]

Aucklander V. Windows into the world of a child. M., 1997.

Parens G. Aggression of our children. M., 1997.

Basics special psychology: Textbook for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / L.V. Kuznetsova, L.I. Peresleni, L.I. Solntseva and others; edited by L.V. Kuznetsova, [Text] - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 480 p.
Popular psychology for parents / Ed. A.A. Bodaleva, A.S. Spivakovskaya, N.L. Karpova. [Text] - M.: Flinta: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 1998 - 400 p.

Pedagogical living room for parents

"Health without drugs"

PreparedIvanova M.V.,

health group teacher

directions for children

with tuberculosis intoxication,

MKDOU Combined Kindergarten No. 12 “Sun”

Shelekhov, Irkutsk region.


Formation of parental responsibility for the health of their children, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


    Increasing the level of knowledge and interest of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children's health.

    Study, implementation, dissemination of family experience of children's health.

    Involving parents to actively participate in health work groups, kindergarten.

    Creating an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding. Establishing confidential business contacts with parents.

Preliminary work:

    Questioning parents(Appendix No. 1).

    Preparation of invitation cards(Appendix No. 2).

    A selection of literary material: excerpts, proverbs and sayings about health(Appendix No. 3).

    Preparation of booklets “Tea for your health”(Appendix No. 4).

    Complex of kinesiological gymnastics(Appendix No. 6) .

Materials and equipment:

    Oak tree made of fiberboard,“oak” leaves made of colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue.

    Paths "Health"(Appendix No. 5) .

    Aroma lamp, cardboard flowers with essential oil carnations.

    Vitamin herbal tea.


Good evening dear parents! We are grateful that you took the time and came to meet us.

Let me ask you: what is your mood today? (answers).

I suggest you say hello to each other, but say hello in an unusual way - with your backs. At the same time we say: - Hello! Do you agree? Well, let's shake our backs. And now with your elbows. Don't forget to say: - Hello!

Now let’s put our hands on each other’s shoulders and say hello together again.

What's your mood now? (answers)

I'm glad. Make yourself comfortable and let's begin our meeting.

Hello! – This is how the day begins on Earth. Hello! - a simple ordinary word... And how sunny it is! How much joy and light it carries within itself! We didn’t just say hello, we wished each other health. And the mood immediately improved, there were smiles on their faces, their eyes became warmer and their eyes’s not for nothing that she’s Russian folk saying says: “If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health.”

Once upon a time, people, saying the word “Hello,” wished others to be healthy, strong, and powerful, like an oak tree.

I'll tell you an old legend.

A long time ago, on Mount Olympus, the Gods lived. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. Have you started to decide what kind of person a person should be? One of the Gods said: - A person must be strong. Another said: - A person must be healthy. The third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the Gods was indignant: “If a person has all this, he will be like us!” And the Gods decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health in the deep blue sea, others - behind high mountains, and one of the Gods said: - Let's hide health in the person himself.

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless Gift of the Gods.

Do you feel healthy? Listen to yourself...

What do you think: what is health? I propose to hang your answers on this “Oak” tree (parents write answers on oak leaves).

Health – strength, mind and mood.

Health is beauty.

Health is the greatest wealth.

Health is happiness.

What should you do to be healthy? (parents' answers).

    Take care of your health and do not self-medicate.

    Follow a daily routine and hygiene rules.

    Eat properly.

    Monitor the condition of your teeth.

    Alternate activities.

    Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

    Play sports and exercise.

    Strengthen your body.

You are right, all this contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. And now, I invite you to see what our children are doing to be healthy (presentation “Here I am, I won’t get sick!”).


The recording “Magic Flower” plays.

They say there is in the world magic flower. Flower of health. Whoever finds it and smells it will be a strong, agile and healthy person. This flower grows in the country “Neboleyka”. It's not easy to get to. How I would like to smell this “Magic Flower” at least once so that I can always be healthy!.. Do you want to?

So maybe we can take this trip? Then let's not waste time, let's get going!

1. “Health” tracks(see Appendix No. 5).

2.- Look how gentle the sun is in the country “Neboleyka”(visual gymnastics “Sun”):

Ray up, ray down

Ray of rays smile on us all

Look to the right - look to the left,

Go around the sun(repeat 2 times).

3. We are met by an indigenous resident of the country “Neboleyka”

Kinesiological gymnastics (see Appendix No. 6)

4. – What is this wonderful aroma? Do you feel it?.. Yes, we found our magic flower. And he’s not alone, there’s a whole clearing of them!

( clearing with “magical” flowers with the scent of cloves - creates a creative mood, warms the soul and body, provides a surge of strength and positive emotions ).

Breathing exercises. Aromatherapy “Oh, how it smells!”

Deep breath, slow exhale

Sniff – a few short breaths

Long exhalation with the word - Ah!

And the strength immediately increased. You feel “The Silushka is running like fire through your veins”!

The indigenous resident of the country, “Neboleyka,” gives everyone a magic flower.

We return back along the “Health” paths.

Agree, it’s nice to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful!

To be healthy - natural desire each person. But, unfortunately, cold weather is coming, and with it colds begin to plague us and our children. Young children often get sick. Every mother knows how difficult it is to cope with a cold, and how difficult it is for children to tolerate a sore throat or the flu, and a simple runny nose is no pleasure for anyone.

What can you do during cold season? From your answers to the questions in the questionnaire proposed to you, we understand what you are interested in healthy image life and prevention of colds using natural remedies. It's actually very simple, you just need to make a little plan preventive measures for your child, and even better, get involved in their implementation with the whole family.

So where do we start? The first point of our plan is to combine the pleasant and entertaining with the useful. It is clear that in city life there is time and conditions for hardening and staying on fresh air A little. But it’s not at all difficult to go or go to the pool with your child a couple of times a week. Swimming is a universal hardening for everyone. It not only perfectly strengthens and improves immunity, it is practically indispensable for a growing organism, as it develops muscles, promotes growth and normalizes the state of the child’s vegetative-vascular system, which can withstand high loads during the period of active growth.

Can't go to the pool? We temper the child at home. I will not dwell now on the variety of hardening procedures; I suggest you learn about this from the consultations that we have prepared and will later post them in our “Health” corner.

The second point of our plan is to combine tasty and healthy. Currently, a lot of children's medications and fortified products are produced to prevent colds. However, no matter how safe they are, not everyone wants to stuff their child with medications. It is much better and healthier to include familiar and very effective in terms of prevention in the menu of the whole family. viral diseases, products.

If you make a rule of drinking tea with lemon every day and eating it with sugar along with the zest, teach your child to garlic, which does not have to be eaten in its pure form, but can simply be finely chopped into a bowl of soup and grated on bread. In addition, it will be very cool if you place a saucer with finely chopped garlic near your child’s bed or in the room where he plays. To inhale garlic phytoncides, you can use a linen bag or other plastic figurine with holes, which is hung around the child’s neck and worn throughout the day.

The phytoncides released by garlic promote the production of interferon. Interferon prevents the virus from getting inside the cell and starting to multiply. The microbe dies ingloriously and is removed from the body using, for example, a simple “Ap-chhi!”

You can finely chop the garlic (or onion), scald the teapot with boiling water, throw the garlic in, close the lid and inhale the steam. Here's an inhalation for you!

And also buy rosehip syrup, rich in vitamin C, at the pharmacy. Add it to tea, or give it to your child as an independent drink, diluting it in warm water.

An excellent folk remedy for preventing colds is sea buckthorn. Make a puree out of it with sugar, the child will eat it with pleasure - both tasty and healthy.

The third point of our plan is to teach the child to take care of his health. Viral infections are most easily picked up in crowded places. You should not limit your child’s communication with peers, but you can and should still tell him how to protect himself from viral infections. Explain to your child that it is better not to kiss when meeting friends. Wash your hands before putting anything in your mouth, try not to be very close to people who are coughing or sneezing, and do not use other people’s personal hygiene items. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with your palm and have a handkerchief available. Teach children to clean their nose. When sending your baby to kindergarten or for a walk, do not forget to lubricate the outer parts of the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment.

And fourth. To avoid colds, you first need to exclude their possible causes.

Dress your child according to the season, no warmer or lighter than necessary. The main requirement is that there is no hypothermia, and that the feet are dry and warm, and therefore good shoes– the key to your child’s health.

When sending your child to kindergarten, you can stick pepper plaster on the bottom of his feet, between the heels and toes. It will not burn much, but it will stimulate the reflex zones of the foot, causing blood flow. Your feet won't get cold. At night, remove the patch.

If the child is sour, and you feel that he is about to get sick, it is good to smear the feet with iodine, make an iodine mesh (and between the toes too).

I am sure that you also have your own secrets for preventing colds. Would you like to share?

(Advice from parents).

Thank you for your advice. In turn, we have prepared for you consultations on improving the health of children using natural remedies.

Well, that's all the wisdom. Difficult? No! But the most important thing, of course, in disease prevention is positive attitude, good mood and healthy lifestyle. Don't forget, parents, that your children are watching you! Do you agree?

Health to you and your children!

Presentation of booklets.

And now we invite you to the Zdoroveyka cafe. Where, over a cup of healing drink, we will continue our informal conversation.

Appendix No. 1

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Why do you think your child is sick?


2. What do you think will help improve his health?


3. What types of hardening do you use at home?


4. Do you do morning exercises with your child? sports games?


5. Is there sports equipment in the house? Which?


6. Does your child observe the rules of personal hygiene at home (washes hands before eating, after using the toilet, washes his face, brushes his teeth, washes his feet, etc.)?


7. Do you go for walks with your child after kindergarten?


8. Types of activities of the child after coming from the kindergarten and on weekends:

    Outdoor games

    Sport games

    Board games


    Watching TV

    Musical and rhythmic activity

    Reading books

9. What issues regarding children’s health are you interested in?


Appendix No. 2

Dear parents!

We invite you to our pedagogical living room for a meeting

"Health without drugs."

We ask you to think about the following questions:

    What is health?

    What kind of person do you consider healthy?

    What do you do to stay healthy?

At the meeting you will receive answers to these and other questions, and get acquainted with the group’s health-improving activities to improve the health of your children.

We look forward to meeting you!

Appendix No. 3

Excerpts, proverbs and sayings about health.

    Without health, happiness is impossible.

    All nature should be a pharmacy.

    The only beauty I know is health

Heinrich Heine

    Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!


    Health is more valuable than wealth.



    You will save your health and get away from trouble.

(Russian proverb)

    If you want to be healthy, toughen up

    If you're healthy, everything's great.

    Move more, you will live longer.

    Greet the morning with exercise, see off the evening with a walk.

    Eat garlic and onions and you won’t get sick.

Appendix No. 4 Booklet

Appendix No. 5.

Paths "Health"

The “Health” trail leads to the country of Neboleyka and you need to walk it barefoot. You are ready? (take off your shoes) let's go!

We got on the path,

They walked briskly.

On a smooth road

Our feet are walking.

We're on the path

On the magic grass

And now we're walking on the grass

On the green soft grass(track “Grass”).

Red hot weed

Hard, prickly(track “Bristles”).

There's nowhere you can look

There are stones on the path.

Stone by stone, stone by stone

We're walking slowly(track “Pebbles”).

Narrow bridge ahead -

Walk on your toes(track “Bridge”).

And now around, around

Everybody run, run, run

One two, one, two

That's where the trail ends(track “Sun” with buttons).

Appendix No. 6.

Kinesiological gymnastics.

Exercises to develop interhemispheric interaction:

improve mental activity, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, help improve memory, and increase stability of attention.

"Ear massage."

We rub the ears hard, and stroke them, and remember.

Massage the earlobes, then the entire auricle. At the end of the exercise, rub your ears with your hands.

"Shaking your head" .

Let's shake our heads - no more troubles.

Breathe deeply. Straighten your shoulders, close your eyes, lower your head forward and slowly swing your head from side to side.


We nod our heads so that there is peace in our souls.

Slow tilts of the head to the shoulders and “nodding” movements back and forth.


We will build a strong house, we will all live in it together.

Connect the phalanges of the straightened fingers. With your fingers right hand Press firmly on the fingers of your left hand. Practice these movements for each pair of fingers.


We will make a necklace and give it to a friend.

Alternately move your fingers, connecting with thumb sequentially index, middle, etc. The exercise is performed in the direct order (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse order (from the little finger to index finger). First, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

"Attention ».

To be attentive, you need to press on your palm.

Open the fingers of your left hand, lightly press the point of concentration located in the middle of the palm with the thumb of your right hand. When pressed, exhale; when released, inhale. The same with the right hand.


Turn your head, what's behind your back? Look.

Turn your head back and try to see objects behind you.


We will rub our palms and return the strength to our fingers.

Move the knuckles of the fingers of your right hand clenched into a fist up and down the palm of your left hand. The same for the right hand.

"Let's dance."

We all love to dance and raise our arms and legs.

Raise (not high) your left leg, bending it at the knee, and with the hand (elbow) of your right hand touch the knee of your left leg, then do the same with your right leg and left hand.


We grow, grow, grow and reach the sky.

Squatting, hide your head in your knees, clasp your knees with your hands. This is a seed that gradually germinates and turns into a tree. Slowly rise to your feet, straighten your torso, stretch your arms up. Wind started to blow. Rock your body, imitating a tree.

"Have a rest" (to relieve emotional stress).

Calm yourself down and sing a song quietly.

Make a fist with your thumb curled inward. Inhaling calmly, slowly, clench your fist with force. Then, relaxing the force of clenching your fist, inhale. Perform the exercise with both hands at the same time
