Rating of foundations for problem skin. Foundation with ultra-masking effect: rating

The main purpose of cosmetics is to serve beauty and health. For a woman, this is the first remedy that saves her in any situation. And first of all, this can be said about foundation. In the fight against skin defects: scars, pimples, scars, pigmentation - he has no equal. But only if it is correctly and competently selected, if the rules for its use are followed.

Oily skin can be recognized by pimples, a greasy sheen, wide pores. Those with dry skin are concerned about flaking, various irritations, redness and even itching.

With the combined type, you can observe an oily sheen in some places and flaking in others. In such cases, it is more advisable to use two foundations, although this is not entirely convenient. But you won’t go to any lengths for the sake of beauty.

How to choose cosmetics for your skin type

Before buying a product, it would be useful to consult a cosmetologist. He will give professional advice that will help you choose a cream for your skin type:

  1. Not for oily type suitable remedy containing oils or similar components. This cream will only worsen the problem. The best option– cosmetics that have mattifying properties (regulating oil secretion by the skin). These products should contain extracts of plants such as tea tree, St. John's wort, chamomile.
  2. Dry skin needs nourishment, so it simply desperately needs hydration and saturation. But a cream made from oil should not be overly greasy. This product will close the pores, the skin will stop breathing fully, and inflammatory processes will appear (acne, pimples, boils or other very unpleasant manifestations).
  3. If your face is often covered with pimples, then you should think not only about masking them, but also about treatment. It's smarter to use foundation medicinal cosmetics antibacterial action, which will relieve inflammation.
  4. In adolescence, it is better to use BB products; they perfectly mask defects that may appear on the face. (BB from “Blemish Balm, blemish base”, translated as “a means of masking imperfections”).
  5. If your face tends to develop red spots or rashes, you should consider having products with antibacterial ingredients, such as salicylic acid, in your cosmetic bag.
  6. It would be good to treat dry areas with a product containing natural oils: jojoba, almond, sesame, coconut or rosehip seed. They activate the processes of restoration and soothing of the skin.

Having studied the composition of the foundation, you should pay attention to the fact that fats and oils (including mineral) are present in minimal quantities. Modern means For problem skin contain a lot of liquid, enriched with nutritional protective components: vitamins, sun protection factors and substances that fight wrinkles. But still, their main task is the highest quality smoothing and masking of existing defects.

Foundations for problem skin must be hypoallergenic and non-comendogenic (so that they do not clog pores). On their packaging there is an indication - “for problem skin”.

All that remains is to choose the desired tone. If it’s winter outside, then you need to take the product one tone lighter than your skin tone, and in the summer, choose a product one tone darker.

What do the labels on the packages say?

When choosing a foundation for problem skin, you should carefully read the instructions:

  1. If it contains the explanation “won’t clog pores,” this means that the cream does not clog pores and the skin breathes freely.
  2. The phrase “non-comedogenic” is translated as “without comedones.” It ensures that no additional inflammatory processes - acne, rashes, etc. - are caused by the product.
  3. If the product is water-based and does not contain oils, the “oil free” label will indicate this.
  4. There are foundation creams that can cause allergic reaction. It’s better not to take risks and try to find another product when the package says “bismuth oxycholoride”.
  5. Creams with a high oil content are the enemies of oily skin types. The labels “isopropil myristate” and “lanolin” should be avoided. These components can cause irritation and clog pores. Those with combination skin should use this type of cosmetics with caution.

Synthetic substances, preservatives and all kinds of fragrances are not included in creams for problem skin good quality, they are made on a mineral basis. Therefore, these products do not clog pores after using them. negative reactions do not appear on the face. Ideally, such a base contains antibacterial additives.

How to use foundation

It is important to know how to apply foundation correctly so as not to add problems to yourself.

Before using the product, wash your face with mandatory. As a base, you can first use a light moisturizer. If the foundation has a moisturizing effect, then only that will be enough.

In order for the skin to breathe freely, you do not need to apply the cream in a thick layer; it is enough to take a little product, which is distributed and shaded evenly on the skin. Before applying powder and blush, you need to wait 10-15 minutes for the foundation to absorb.

Before going to bed, the remnants of makeup are washed off, otherwise the pores will be clogged, which will significantly aggravate the condition of problem areas.

Video: Review of foundations for combination skin

The main task of every woman is to find her own foundation that suits all parameters. A cosmetologist, a sales consultant in a store or pharmacy, and reviews from personal practice of using a particular product will help you choose the right one. At the same time, you should always remember that the selection of a product is an individual matter. And what is ideal for one may seem completely unacceptable to another.

Face - business card, and facial skin is a reflection of the body’s well-being. Swelling, rashes, wrinkles, uneven color and other features indicate our way of life. Experienced cosmetologists read a person at first glance like a book. For example, earthy tone skin indicates an addiction to smoking, acne, depending on the location, indicates problems with the digestive, endocrine and/or cardiovascular system. Bags under the eyes are a classic symptom of chronic lack of sleep, and puffiness is a sign of drinking too much fluid before bed.

Insufficient care, poor quality cosmetics, poor nutrition– the culprits of most facial skin problems. In order to achieve a perfectly even tone, you need to carefully monitor your health and be extremely responsible in choosing cosmetics.

An assistant in achieving the aesthetic component of facial skin is such a representative of decorative cosmetics as foundation. Its functions include evening out and improving skin color, concealing freckles, small scars, facial wrinkles and other defects, protection from external factors - changes in temperature, wind, sun, etc.

  • user reviews;
  • opinions of dermatologists and cosmetologists;
  • brand reputation and relevance.

The best foundations for all skin types

Skin type is the leading factor from which you need to start when choosing a foundation. There is normal, oily, dry, combination, problematic and sensitive skin. Each variety has characteristics. For precise definition such as superficial observations are not enough. Doctors call for special test at home, but it is better to seek advice from professionals who will not only help you find out your skin type, but also select the latest cosmetics.

On the packaging of many foundation creams You may come across the following note: “Suitable for all skin types.” Qualified specialists do not share such loud advertising slogans, declaring that the same product cannot satisfy the needs, for example, both dry and oily skin simultaneously. This is just a ploy to expand your target audience.

Therefore, despite the statement that regardless of skin type this cream suits you, focus on own feelings and reviews from other users. All of the foundations presented below are labeled “For all skin types,” but we have highlighted those that have proven themselves best in combination with oily, problematic and dry skin.

3 L'OREAL Alliance Perfect

Best for dry skin
Country: France
Average price: 549 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

For dry skin, according to user voting, the L’OREAL Alliance Perfect foundation is best suited to others. Does not roll down, lays down evenly in a thin layer. Hypoallergenic composition. It is highly durable. Copes with masking minor defects, but does not create a mask effect. Moisturizes dry skin.

According to reviews, Alliance Perfect from L'Oreal is not recommended for those with oily skin types, as it creates an additional oily sheen. Among the disadvantages is that it clogs large pores. Some people report flaking with regular use.



  • not suitable for oily skin;
  • clogs large pores;
  • peeling may occur.

2 Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream

Best for problem skin
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1,490 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Problematic skin, which gives rise to many complexes, requires treatment. Masking flaws is an auxiliary measure that will not bring results if you do not adjust your diet, hormonal background and lifestyle. Among the products that can help fight acne and redness, Missha Perfect Cover BB cream takes the leading place.

Users note the natural color, convenient dispenser, perfect alignment. The cream does not sink into pores and perfectly masks imperfections. Nice light consistency. Moisturizing and matting effect. Bonus – protection of facial skin from the sun.

Among the disadvantages of the legendary BB cream from Misha is that it stains clothes, in particular collars. Traces also remain on the phone after a conversation. It doesn’t wash off well and requires a careful approach to makeup removal.


  • adapts to skin tone;
  • hides defects well;
  • moisturizes;
  • protects from the sun.


  • high price;
  • leaves marks on clothes;
  • doesn't wash off well.

1 Maybelline Superstay Better Skin

Best for oily skin
Country: USA
Average price: 460 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Concealer from mastodon cosmetic industry, Maybelline, was liked by many users. So in number key advantages noted for its convenient release form (dispenser), high durability and matting effect. Reviews say there is no feeling of a mask on the face, the tone is even. Applies well. In general, consumption is economical. Reduces oily shine and does not clog pores.

Users agreed that this product is most optimal for oily skin. But for dry skin it is undesirable. People with dry skin types describe a feeling of tightness and dryness when using. Other drawbacks include the emphasis on wrinkles caused by the formula drying quickly, as well as the shade, which some found to be overly dark. It does not cope with obvious problems, for example, severe acne. Effective only for minor skin defects.


  • persistent;
  • bottle with dispenser;
  • hides minor defects;
  • reduces oily shine.


  • not suitable for dry skin;
  • does not mask pimples well;
  • emphasizes wrinkles;
  • dark shade.

The best moisturizing foundations

Moisturizing foundations are in greatest demand during the cold season. In winter, the skin becomes dull. Dehydration and excessive dryness are observed. High competition in the market of cosmetic manufacturers has become the impetus for the fact that modern foundations implement not only a decorative function. In addition to the initial matting products, the tasks of moisturizing the skin are also solved.

For those with dry skin types, moisturizing foundation creams are recommended throughout the year, regardless of the season. And for the rest - with the onset of cold weather. Such compositions have a more liquid consistency and light texture, which help you feel comfortable throughout the day. Their use is designed to relieve the feeling of tightness, give the face a healthy tone and hide skin unevenness.

3 Garnier BB Cream 5 in 1

Country: France
Average price: 305 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Garnier BB cream, according to advertising slogans, simultaneously moisturizes, evens out skin tone, reduces acne, mattifies and tightens pores. Reviews mainly confirm such a high effectiveness of the product. It reduces redness. Well distributed. Does not dry out the skin. Gives the skin freshness. Hides flaws. Excellent for problematic and dry skin types.

The cream is not best suited for those with oily skin. It gives an excessive oily shine. Some users note a poor matting effect. It can lead to clogged pores, and then inflammation on the face will worsen.


  • moisturizes well;
  • low price;
  • reduces redness and hides skin imperfections;
  • uniform coverage.


  • matts poorly;
  • may lead to clogged pores.

2 Clarins True Radiance

Best quality
Country: France
Average price: 2,230 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

True Radiance from Clarins is the choice of those who are not used to saving on personal care. The high cost is partly justified by the decent quality. Masks unevenness, hides minor rashes and circles under the eyes. Gives the face an even tone and radiance. Natural shade. Protects skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Has increased durability. The consumption is economical. Additionally moisturizes the skin. Attractive bottle design. Nice smell.

Despite the many advantages, many users speak negatively about this foundation. There are conflicting reviews about the effect of the mask on the face. It adds excessive shine, so it is not recommended for those with oily skin types.


  • uniform distribution;
  • coating durability;
  • masking flaws;
  • Sun protection.


  • high price;
  • not suitable for oily skin types;
  • mask effect;
  • greasy shine.

1 Bourjois Paris Healthy Mix Serum

Light texture
Country: France
Average price: 611 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Healthy Mix from Bourgeois is famous for its incredible lightness of texture. The Photoshop effect is what people call it. Users note that after use there is no feeling of tightness or heaviness on the face. The presence of a layer of cream is not felt at all. Despite such a fine distribution, the cream effectively hides unevenness. Applies evenly. Doesn't dry out. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Possesses pleasant smell. Compact bottle with dispenser.

The downside is that it is undesirable in hot weather and makes your face look “sugar-like.” Untimely makeup removal leads to clogged pores and inflammation on the face.


  • light texture;
  • nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • hides defects;
  • evenly distributed.


  • ineffective in the hot season;
  • can lead to clogged pores and inflammation.

The best anti-aging foundations for facial skin

The lifting effect is achieved by including silicone in the composition. However, such tonal products are not suitable for everyone. Sensitive skin will react negatively if you use cream with high content silicone components. Irritation will indicate indignation of the skin.

Dermatologists advise making a choice in favor of decorative cosmetics, in which silicone is not one of the first listed ingredients. Such foundations will be the safest. They give silkiness, softness and shine.

3 Black Pearl

Visible rejuvenation
Country Russia
Average price: 260 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

BB cream “Self-rejuvenation” from the company Black Pearl is intended for age category"36+". The tool has proven itself well among users. Reviews note a noticeable lifting effect. After regular use, the color evens out and redness decreases. Apply evenly. Well absorbed. Perfumed aroma.

Does not hide minor defects and age spots, especially acne. Sun protection is only SPF10, which is not enough for safe and comfortable sun exposure. During hot periods, it is advisable to choose a product with a large filter.


  • low price;
  • lifting effect;
  • nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • even tone.


  • low protection factor – SPF10;
  • does not hide defects.

2 Faberlic Freeze frame

The best of domestic
Country Russia
Average price: 560 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Faberlic foundation gently cares for the skin, providing an anti-aging effect. The lifting effect becomes noticeable instantly after applying the product. Hides minor defects. Users confirm good efficiency. The foundation perfectly evens out the complexion. Thanks to the inclusion of hyaluronic acid, the skin is deeply moisturized and fine wrinkles are filled. The face looks rested and fresh throughout the day.

Among the shortcomings, the reviews indicate small volume and poor combination with dry skin types.


  • deep hydration;
  • lifting effect;
  • hides fine wrinkles and minor defects.


  • small volume;
  • not suitable for dry skin.

1 Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift Teint

The best lifting effect
Country: France
Average price: 1,660 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Vishy Liftactive is different high quality. This foundation is ideal for those who want to look natural and well-groomed. The lifting effect is expressed in tightened skin and improved facial contour. The cream corrects minor skin defects and hides shallow expression wrinkles. Light texture and uniform application are another significant advantages. Users note that the foundation does not dry out the skin. Spectacular bottle. Natural shades. Mattifies and protects from the sun.

The disadvantage is the high price of the product. Some reviews indicated that the consistency was a bit runny. The texture is not the best for summer – it’s a bit heavy.


  • high lifting effect;
  • correction of defects;
  • masking wrinkles.


  • high price;
  • heavy texture for summer.

The best mattifying foundations for facial skin

Foundations with a mattifying effect are in greatest demand. In general, products in this group are characterized by high durability. It is important to understand the principle of influence. The result is not visible right now. After a few hours, when the fat is absorbed, you will get desired result– the skin becomes velvety and smooth.

It's kind of Blank sheet. Such products are applied evenly, hiding unevenness and minor defects. You can safely apply other decorative cosmetics on top - highlighters, blush, concealers, etc. Throughout the day, thanks to the mattifying foundation, a fresh appearance of the face is maintained.

3 Freedom Ballet 2000

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 74 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Among the inexpensive foundations The most popular is the Svoboda brand cream called Ballet 2000. According to the manufacturers, this is a super-resistant foundation that contains vitamin E. Designed for all skin types. However, reviews describe that it is not best suited for dry skin. It hides redness on the face well. The texture is soft and light. Distributes evenly over the skin. Users note Not nice smell cream. A frankly cheap product generally demonstrates good quality. Perfectly mattifies and masks. The cream does not protect against exposure to ultraviolet rays.


  • low price;
  • hides minor defects;
  • distributed evenly over the skin;
  • delicate and light texture.


  • does not protect from the sun;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • not suitable for dry skin.

2 Avon Calming Effects

The best combination of price and quality
Country: USA
Average price: 315 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Products from Avon are not for everybody. Some products are admired, while others are absolutely disliked. Regarding the “Calm Radiance” foundation, user opinions were also divided. Low price, no mask effect on the face, pleasant consistency, ease of application and removal - obvious advantages. The coating applies evenly. The product copes with the task of mattifying the skin and hiding minor imperfections.

Among the disadvantages - it is not suitable for oily and combination skin types due to the abundant moisture. Reviews note that the color rendition of shades is sometimes strikingly different from that stated in the catalogue.


  • low price;
  • no mask effect;
  • mattifies and hides imperfections.


  • not suitable for oily and combination skin;
  • discrepancy between real shades and those presented in the catalogue.

1 Estee Lauder Double Wear Light

Premium quality
Country: USA
Average price: 2,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Foundation from Estée Lauder is a representative of premium decorative cosmetics. The high cost fully corresponds to the quality. The cream, judging by the reviews, demonstrates high durability - up to 15 hours. The coating is quite dense, yet light at the same time. Mattifies the skin well, hiding imperfections. What is important is that it does not weigh down the face, it does not seem like a mask. There is no greasy shine. The cream does not slide off even at the end of the day. The tone blends with the skin. Looks natural.

Among the disadvantages is the high price. Users also speak negatively about using foundation in the heat. Despite the presence of protection against ultraviolet rays, the cream causes the face to begin to treacherously shine in the sun.


  • durability up to 15 hours;
  • mattifying effect and correction of imperfections;
  • Sun protection;
  • natural shades.


  • high price;
  • the appearance of shine in the heat.

The best foundations with sun protection

Many foundations provide such a function as sun protection. Contrary to misconception, such products are valuable not only in the hot season. The danger to the skin lies not in ultraviolet radiation, but in its excess.

SPF is a sun protection factor. The products are marked SPF from 2 to 50. The number indicates how many times longer you can stay in the sun without getting burned. For example, if after 8 minutes you start to blush, then when using a product with SPF 30, you are protected for 4 hours (8*30=240 minutes).

The main rule is to take a foundation or other product not with the maximum sun protection factor, but with the most optimal one for you. Otherwise, the skin will be subject to excessive chemical and physical exposure, which can lead to both allergic rashes and exacerbation of acne.

3 Revlon Colorstay

Best in its price category
Country: USA
Average price: 520 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Revlon Colorstay foundation is a hit with users. Most reviews about its use are positive. The advantages include such characteristics as durability, good matting ability, and uniform coverage. SPF 15, which corresponds to a high degree of sun protection - up to 95%.

The disadvantage that is mentioned in almost every review is the lack of a dispenser. Users also noticed the alcohol smell of the product. Owners of dry skin are not advised to purchase this product, as it leads to even greater dryness and causes flaking. Representatives of other skin types were generally delighted.


  • sun protection – SPF
  • high durability;
  • uniform coverage;
  • hides imperfections.


  • lack of dispenser;
  • not suitable for dry skin;
  • may cause peeling.

2 Max Factor Facefinity 3 in 1

Reliable sun protection
Country: USA
Average price: 626 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Facefinity from Maxfactor demonstrates excellent corrective and mattifying properties. Hides imperfections. It is not accompanied by the appearance of an oily sheen. This foundation makes your skin smooth and even throughout the day. Doesn't dry out. Combines makeup base, concealer and foundation. Has a high degree of protection - SPF 20.

Users have noticed that for dry skin types it is preferable to combine it with a moisturizer. It does not hide peeling, but emphasizes it. Some reviews mention clogging pores.


  • high protection against ultraviolet rays – SPF 20;
  • 3-in-1 product: foundation, corrector and tone;
  • hides defects.


  • may lead to clogged pores;
  • not suitable for flaky skin;
  • For dry skin types, you need to use a moisturizer.

1 Lumene CC Color Correcting Cream

Best cast
Country: Finland
Average price: 919 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

CC cream from Lumene provides a perfectly even skin tone, quick, even application and easy makeup removal. There are no parabens in the composition. Pleasant consistency. The face acquires a healthy pinkish tint. The skin is fresh and smooth. The product masks imperfections. Users are pleased with the economical consumption and high degree of sun protection (SPF 20).

Ineffective for oily skin types. Also, some reviews write that the foundation emphasizes flaking and gets stuck in wrinkles and large pores.


  • high degree of protection against ultraviolet rays - SPF 20;
  • even pinkish tone;
  • absence of parabens;
  • correction of skin imperfections.


  • not suitable for oily skin;
  • emphasizes peeling;
  • can get clogged in pores and wrinkles.

How to choose the best foundation

  1. Skin type for which it is intended cosmetic product. For example, foundations intended for dry skin do not contain alcohol components, while those for oily skin do not contain oils. Don't be fooled by "For all skin types" labels. Focus on the composition.
  2. Palette of shades. Cosmetologists advise choosing a foundation that is a lighter tone, this will add naturalness. Pay attention to products that independently adjust to your skin color. This trick will help avoid the mask effect.
  3. Texture. Depending on the time of year, texture preferences vary: in summer - lighter, in winter - denser. The concentration of pigment depends on the density. It's important not to overdo it.
  4. "SPF" mark. This abbreviation means that the product protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. More doesn't mean better. Choose a factor in accordance with your skin type and its characteristics, so as not to provoke allergies and peeling.
  5. Lifting effect. Choose a foundation that tightens the oval of the face and evens out shallow wrinkles in accordance with your age. On each package you will find a mark, for example, “30+”.
  6. Price. As reviews show, high cost is not always a guarantee of quality, just as a low price does not mean a poor composition. Read more reviews and ask your friends before purchasing.

Every girl wants to look attractive, and properly done makeup plays an important role in this. Everyone knows that creating a harmonious composition without an even and beautiful color faces are impossible. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to choose a foundation for those with problem skin.

How to choose foundation for problem skin

To choose the right tool, you need to take into account many criteria:

  1. Problem type. First of all, you need to determine your skin type. It can be oily, with a greasy sheen and enlarged pores, or dry, prone to irritation and itching. Sometimes girls suffer from combination skin, which is shiny in some places and flaky in others. In such situations, there may be a need for two foundations.
  2. Foundation color. This product should match your skin tone as closely as possible. If you have certain problems with your complexion, you should take this circumstance into account when choosing a cream. For example, an earthy shade will help eliminate peach or apricot tones. Get rid of dark circles An orange-pinkish cream will allow under the eyes.
  3. Age. This criterion is also of great importance, since there are creams for young and mature skin.
  4. Structure and consistency. When choosing a cream for problem skin, you should give preference to a product that contains less oils and fats. It is desirable that cosmetics include more water and have as light a texture as possible. It’s good if the foundation has a moisturizing effect, because problem skin needs a sufficient amount of moisture.
  5. Trademark. It is very important to monitor the quality of the foundation and avoid fakes. If you can’t afford an expensive product, you can choose mass-market cosmetics. However, it is strictly not recommended to buy cream from dubious stores. It is much better to choose trusted cosmetic boutiques.

Which cream is better to choose - a review of good products

To select truly high-quality and effective remedy, you need to pay attention to products from well-known brands.

Vichy NormadermTeint (Vichy Normaderm)

This cream has excellent quality, since it is made exclusively from natural ingredients. It is worth considering that this product is quite expensive, but it allows you to achieve an amazing effect.

This foundation perfectly moisturizes and mattifies skin prone to oily skin. In addition, it effectively copes with minor rashes and inflammations. This product does not clog pores and does not leave marks on clothes. The only drawback of this cosmetics is that it is not very a wide range of color palette.

For problematic and oily skin Clinique Anti-Blemish

This product has a very effective innovative formula. It has a gentle effect and is perfect for skin that is prone to inflammation. Thanks to a unique set of ingredients, this product helps to improve skin health, reduce sebum secretion, and at the same time maintain normal level moisture.
Thanks to the application this tool It manages to provide medium-density coverage, which allows you to hide all pimples, redness and enlarged pores. The foundation has a fairly light texture, which ensures even application.

Therapeutic foundation Bioderma Sebium (Bioderma)

This cream has a fairly thick structure and only one shade. Enough dark color The product limits its scope of application - it is suitable only for those with dark or tanned skin.

The foundation has virtually no odor and applies easily and evenly to the skin without leaving a sticky feeling. It is perfectly absorbed and perfectly protects against ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to unique composition the remedy provides healing effect on problematic skin, significantly improving its appearance.

Professional MAC Studio Fix Fluid

This is a modern foundation that has a low-fat base. It gives the skin a stunning matte finish that has a medium density. Thanks to its use, you can protect your skin from negative impact ultraviolet. The cream contains no oils. In addition, it lasts quite a long time on the skin - about 8 hours.

The product contains microscopic pigments. Thanks to this feature, it allows you to even out the surface of the skin and eliminate imperfections. In addition, the foundation of this brand allows you to absorb excess fat.

Mineral foundation Lumene Double Stay

This is a fairly long-lasting foundation that lays on the skin in a soft layer. Thanks to this, it is possible to hide all imperfections and make the complexion flawless. Thanks to the stable formula, it makes the skin look fresher and more natural. The product does not clog pores and provides skin comfort.

In addition, the product contains moisturizing components. Thanks to the use of foundation, it is possible to protect the skin from negative effects environment, temperature changes and air dryness. It is very important to choose a shade that will match as closely as possible natural color skin.

Video: which foundation is suitable for dry problem skin

Choosing a foundation for dry skin can be a real problem, because it... to a large extent subject to peeling and irritation. An excellent solution to this problem can be a BB cream made in Korea or from Western brands. What kind of foundation should you use? Watch the video:

Oily skin requires attentive attitude to the choice of foundation, since most cosmetic products It practically doesn't stick to it. To choose an effective, and most importantly, long-lasting product, you should watch a video that shows the most famous foundation creams for oily skin:

Problem skin needs special care. Foundation is one of the products that should not harm the skin. The wrong foundation can negate all the results of previous skin care.

What features should the best foundation for problem skin have?

Every girl with any type of inflammation of the epidermis must know the qualities that a foundation for problem skin should have. Rating suitable means you need to keep it in mind and follow it when choosing a cream.

When choosing a mattifying product for problem skin, it is necessary to take into account the decorative properties. Customers with acne problems face a double task: to find a product that will not aggravate the condition of the skin and will look good and enhance their beauty.

If, when choosing, we take into account only medicinal properties, then the result will be disastrous. A cream that does not suit the texture and tone will differ from the neck, hands and look unnatural.

Natural composition

The most safe creams– natural. It is difficult to find them on the shelves. Not everyone has even mattifying products in the pharmacy. natural composition. However, among non-natural mattifying products, you can also choose a decent one by understanding the components.

Harmful substances:

  1. Aluminum. The most harmful component that is added to foundation for problem skin. Rating harmful substances It is he who leads, accumulating in the cells of the whole body and causing cancer. It is rarely added to mattifying products, unlike other cosmetic products.
  2. Silicone. It is found in many luxury and budget mattifying products. Promotes the formation of a silicone film, which creates a greenhouse effect. The skin stops breathing, and the remaining moisture becomes a breeding ground for various bacteria that cause pimples.
  3. Propylene glycol. A synthetic element that causes allergies in many people. It absorbs water from the skin. It is doubly dangerous if it contains silicone. Silicone provides a breeding ground for microbes. Propylene glycol provokes the creation of multiple allergic microscopic spots through which bacteria penetrate. They cause deep subcutaneous inflammation.
  4. Synthetic glycerin. Glycerin from vegetable oils is a beneficial substance for the skin, but many manufacturers are cunning and add unnatural glycerin to their product, which acts in the same way as propylene glycol
  5. Talc. This component is natural, but not organic. It is better to take organic cosmetics, because talc is not added to them. Talc absorbs nutrients: moisture and fats. The skin becomes dry, which causes premature aging

Composition of a quality product

Rated most useful substances in creams for problem skin Description of components
Volatile siliconesFor oily skin. After a while they evaporate, leaving a stain with a uniform tone and useful components.
Non-volatile siliconesFor dry skin. They don't evaporate. Moisturizes the skin, creating a porous coating through which the body continues to breathe
Natural glycerinGlycerin absorbs moisture from the air, nourishing skin covering
Salicylic acid or triclosanThey have an antimicrobial effect, dry out inflammatory elements

It is important to know! There is no need to rely on price or advertising when choosing a foundation for problem skin. Rating advertised in

Media media should also be considered with caution. The components must attract the buyer. Without knowing what should be included in cosmetic products, you can harm your skin with both cheap and expensive cosmetics.

The presence of properties beneficial for nutrition (rejuvenation/treatment) of the skin

Conscientious cosmetics manufacturers in the production of mattifying products use various caring substances:

  • oils of natural origin;
  • plant extracts;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins.

A foundation product for aging skin does not fight wrinkles. It does not affect the deep layers of the skin. The antioxidants, plant extracts, and vitamins included in the composition can maintain youth, but not restore it. Sun filters– these are the only components that prevent premature aging.

The indicator of medicinal ingredients is much higher in foundations for problem skin than for any other skin. It includes: grape seed extract, green tea, antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E, and F. Licorice root and quince seeds allow the skin to reduce sebum production.

Those with dry problem skin need to purchase mattifying products that have a more liquid structure. These products contain more moisturizing ingredients. For skin prone to dryness, products with hyaluronic acid and vitamins A and E are suitable.

Interesting fact! To enhance the effect of the caring components of the cream, you need to eat natural products and do not use chemical shampoos. You need to wash your hair so that the shampoo does not run down your face when rinsed off. This causes skin irritation and rashes.

Tone equalization

All people suffering from acne have an uneven complexion. A good foundation should even out skin color and not stain. If you know how to apply foundation correctly, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Foundations containing silicone even out the tone very well, but they are harmful to the health of the skin. It is necessary to use products that are water-based or made from silicone derivatives that are safe for the skin.

On mature skin, foundation accumulates in wrinkles. To avoid this, you need to use more liquid textures with a shining effect. Such products will hide wrinkles and emphasize advantages.

Acceptable price

A high price is not an indicator of a good foundation for problem skin. When purchasing an expensive product, the buyer may pay most of it only for the brand. These foundations may contain poor quality ingredients.

Products that are priced too low can harm skin health, but there are exceptions among them. There is no need to focus on the cost of the product when purchasing. It is better to pay attention to the composition and reviews of the product.

Possibility of daily use

Not every popular foundation for problem skin that is on the store counter or the best in the rating of popular creams glossy magazine, you need to use it. Some of them are too thick and not suitable for daily use. Light water-based creams are ideal for every day.

Note! To use the cream for as long as possible and preserve its beneficial properties, it must be stored correctly. There should be no sudden temperature changes in the room where the foundation is located.

Choice of colors

It is very important to choose the right shade of concealer. An incorrectly chosen shade will make the face unnatural. To choose perfect tone, you need to determine the color type and skin tone level.

Color types:

  • warm ( golden color skin);
  • neutral (no pink or yellow pigment);
  • cold (pink undertone).

Skin Tone Levels:

  • white;
  • white with a beige tint (ivory);
  • light beige;
  • olive;
  • brown;
  • black.

Taking into account the color type and skin tone level, you can choose the right shade of foundation. When choosing a product, you need to apply a small amount of tone under the cheekbone line and compare it with your skin color.

No pungent odor

For many people, the smell of a cosmetic product is great importance. When choosing a foundation, some people pay attention to products with a neutral smell, while others are attracted by the scent of perfume. In such cases, everything is individual and there are no rules.

A strong unpleasant odor combined with the flaky texture of a foundation for problem skin is an indicator of the product's deterioration. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the expiration date of the product. If it is in order, then the cosmetic product was stored improperly. In any case, the product pungent odor is dangerous, harmful to the skin and should not be used.

Lightweight, suitable for oily skin

Girls with problem skin often choose a very thick foundation in order to hide imperfections. Such actions only emphasize flaws even more, creating a mask on the face and attracting attention to oneself. Problem skin, in most cases, is oily.

Foundations with a light texture suit her well. New generation mattifying products combine both light texture and high coverage. These qualities allow you to hide skin imperfections and not harm it.

Doesn't clog skin

One part of the cosmetics does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe and forming a light layer that allows air to pass through. The other part, when used daily, provokes the appearance of blackheads.

Unfortunately, products that clog pores often cause acne. Dense textures can penetrate deep into pores, causing inflammation. Such means should be used rarely. For frequent use, it is better to choose light creams that cover the skin with a barely noticeable veil.

Conceals but doesn't crease

To prevent foundation from creasing, you need to select light textures. Water-based creams and thick silicone products clump. To avoid this, you need to use products with harmless silicone derivatives. Such products also mask the skin well.

Availability of a convenient dispenser

When choosing a foundation, you need to pay attention not only to the quality, shade, texture, but also to the packaging. Products with a dispenser attract customers with their ease of use.

The dispenser allows you to use foundation economically. Thanks to it, the consumer will never squeeze out too much product by carelessly pressing. Another advantage of the dispenser is its hygiene. It eliminates the possibility of germs entering the jar, which makes it safe to use.

Duration of effect

Many owners of oily skin complain that the foundation begins to spread after 2-3 hours. This is often caused by oils. In order to prevent the cosmetic product from spreading, it is necessary to apply it with a sponge or brush, but not with your fingers. Then you need to use mattifying wipes every few hours to remove excess moisture from the skin.

Foundation for problem skin - rating

Foundation Affinitone, Maybelline New York

Contains silicone – 0.

Contains vitamin E, plant extracts and panthenol - 1.

Well evens out tone – 1.

Price 400 rub. - 1.

Especially for Russian girls, Maybelline has produced 10 different tones, which makes it possible to choose a tone for any skin - 1.

Has an unpleasant smell of alcohol - 0.

It has a liquid, light texture -1.

Does not remain in the pores – 1.

When distributed, it is quickly absorbed without slipping – 1

Located in a tube without a dispenser – 0.

Very durable. In the evening before washing, the cream looks the same as immediately after application – 1.

In total, the cream scores 9 points out of 12.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup

Contains dipropylene glycol – 0.

Contains salicylic acid – 1.

Evens out tone – 1.

Price 2600 rub. – 0.

With daily use, skin tone becomes more even - 1.

Has 6 shades - 1.

No odor - 1.

Liquid consistency – 1.

Does not clog pores – 1.

Covers the skin well without pilling – 1.

No dispenser – 0.

Persistent. For removal you will need a special tool - 1.

In total, the product scores 9 points out of 12.

Foundation Bielita Classic

Contains titanium dioxide – 0.

Contains vitamin E and peach oil. Protects skin from sun SPF 15 – 1.

Applies evenly to the skin - 1.

Price 115 rub. - 1.

Not suitable for daily use – 0.

Small palette of tones: 3 shades - 0.

No smell - 1.

Has a dense consistency - 0.

Clogs pores -0.

Covers the skin tightly and does not roll off – 1.

No dispenser -0.

Lasts all day -1.

The total number of points is 6 out of 12.

Vichy Normaderm Teint foundation

Contains aluminum – 0.

Contains vitamin E and SPF 20-1 protection.

Uniform monochromatic coating – 1.

Price 1200 rub. – 0.

Small palette of tones: 3 shades and all with a beige undertone – 0.

There is practically no smell - 1.

Has a light consistency - 1.

Doesn't clog pores -1.

Completely covers the skin, does not roll off – 1.

No dispenser - 0.

Lasts for 8 hours - 1.

In total, the product received 8 points out of 12.

Foundation Bourjois 123 Perfect

Contains aluminum – 0.

Protects the skin from the sun SPF 10 – 1.

Well evens out skin tone, hiding any imperfections – 1.

Price 550 rub. - 1.

Can be used every day - 1.

Has 5 shades - 1.

The smell is neutral – 1.

Has a liquid consistency - 1.

Doesn't clog pores -1.

Distributes well over the skin, masks, but does not roll off – 1.

There is a dispenser - 1.

Lasts very well throughout the day -1.

In total, the cream has 11 points out of 12.

Noreva foundation

Contains aluminum – 0.

The composition includes vitamin PP and ceramides - 1.

Evens out facial tone – 1.

Price 1000 rub. – 0.

When used daily, it reduces sebum production and the skin becomes clearer – 1.

Has 2 shades – 0.

Slight pleasant odor – 1.

Has a liquid texture - 1.

Does not settle in pores -1.

Does not have a dispenser - 0.

Lasts a long time -1.

The total is 8 points out of 12.

Max Factor Facefinity 3 in 1 foundation

Contains aluminum – 0.

Protects from the sun SPF 20 – 1.

Evens out skin color – 1.

Price 570 rub. - 1.

Has 8 shades - 1.

Slight odor – 1.

It has a light texture and is quickly absorbed – 1.

Settles in the pores -0.

Does not roll off, masks redness – 1.

Has a dispenser - 1.

Persistent - 1.

Overall, the product scores 8 out of 12.

L'Oreal AlliancePerfect

The composition includes propylene glycol, aluminum - 0.

Provides sun protection SPF 16 and contains panthenol-1.

Adapts to skin tone and evens it out – 1.

Price 770 rub. -1.

Can be used daily - 1.

Color range of 10 shades – 1.

No odor – 1.

Light texture without mask effect – 1.

Non-comedogenic -1.

Conceals well, but can roll off - 0.

Has a dispenser - 1.

Holds on long time — 1.

As a result, the product scores 10 points out of 12.

Uriage - "Rozelyan"

Natural composition – 1.

Protects from the sun SPF 30, contains ginseng extract, macadamia oil, vitamin E - 1.

Does not even out facial tone – 0.

Price 1300 rub. — 0.

Suitable for daily use, prevents the appearance of pimples – 1.

Has 1 shade – 0.

Faint odor – 1.

Light texture – 1.

Does not settle in pores -1.

Doesn't cover well, doesn't roll off - 0.

Does not have a dispenser - 0.

Sustainable - 1.

The final result is 7 points out of 12.

BB cream Holika Holika Petit BB Clearing SPF30 PA++

Not all ingredients are natural, but all are safe – 0.

Sun protection SPF 30, contains oil tea tree – 1.

Distributed evenly throughout the skin, evening out the tone - 1.

Price 600 rub. -1.

Does not provoke inflammation, can be applied daily – 1.

There is no choice of shades, only 1 shade is available - 0.

Faint floral smell – 1.

Thick texture – 0.

Doesn't clog pores -1.

Well masks imperfections, does not roll off – 1.

Does not have a dispenser - 0.

Lasts well only for 4 hours, then becomes translucent - 0.

As a result, the cream scores 7 points out of 12.

Nars Sheer Glow foundation

Unnatural composition – 0.

The composition includes antioxidants and UV filters - 1.

Does not even out skin color – 0.

Price 1800 rub. -0.

Suitable for daily use – 1.

20 shades of the product were released - 1.

Neutral odor – 1.

Light texture – 0.

Does not penetrate into pores -1.

Does not mask imperfections, does not roll down – 0.

There is a dispenser - 1.

Not stable, mattifies only for a few hours - 0.

In total, the product scores 6 points out of 12.

Lancome Teint Idole cushion foundation

Contains 0 polypropylene glycol and aluminum.

Has SPF 15 – 1 protection.

Adapts to complexion and evens out tone – 1.

Price 2900 rub. – 0.

The product should be used rarely due to its thick consistency - 0.

Has 15 shades - 1.

Slight smell - 1.

Has a dense texture - 0.

Does not remain in the pores -1.

Does not roll off, masks redness – 1.

Has a dispenser - 1.

Lasts all day – 1.

The result is 8 points out of 12.

Dior Diorskin Ultra Mat

Composition partly natural – 0.

Has SPF 15 – 1 protection.

Makes the face monochromatic – 1.

Price 2500 rub. – 0.

Can be used every day - 1.

Has 16 shades - 1.

The smell is pleasant - 1.

Has a semi-liquid texture - 0.

-1 does not penetrate into the pores.

Masks minor imperfections, does not roll off – 1.

Has a dispenser - 1.

Lasts 16 hours perfectly – 1.

The total number of points is 9 out of 12.

Shiseido Perfect Refining Foundation

Contains aluminum – 0.

Has SPF 15 – 1 protection.

Evens out the complexion tone very well – 1.

Price 2700 rub. – 0.

Suitable for daily use - 1.

Has 6 shades - 1.

No smell - 1.

The consistency is not liquid, but quite light - 0.

Non-comedogenic -1.

Well masks redness, does not roll off – 1.

No dispenser - 0.

Longevity lasts for several hours - 0.

The total number of points is 7 out of 12.


Contains the harmful component phenoxyethanol – 0.

The composition includes plantain seed extract – 1.

Evens out complexion – 1.

Price 450 rub. - 1.

With daily use, the skin begins to dry out - 0.

Has 5 shades - 1.

The smell is barely noticeable - 1.

Light consistency – 1.

-1 does not clog in the pores.

Does not roll down and masks imperfections – 1.

No dispenser - 0.

Lasts a long time - 1.

The final score is 9 out of 12.


Contains aluminum – 0.

Has SPF 18 – 1 protection.

Makes the face uniformly uniform – 1.

Price 470 rub. - 1.

Suitable for daily use – 1.

Has 6 shades - 1.

Light smell - 1.

Liquid water consistency – 1.

Non-comedogenic -1.

Covers pimples well and does not sag – 1.

Has a dispenser - 0.

Stays on the skin for a very long time - 1.

As a result, the product scored 10 points out of 12.

Avon "Calm Radiance"

Contains the harmful component butylene glycol - 0.

The composition includes vitamin E and extracts of lavender, aloe and chamomile - 1.

Evens out complexion – 1.

Price 400 rub. - 1.

Suitable for daily use - 1.

Has 5 shades - 1.

There is practically no smell - 1.

Light liquid consistency – 1.

No -1 remains in the pores.

Masks imperfections very well, does not roll off – 1.

There is a dispenser - 0.

Lasts all day – 1.

In total, the product scores 10 points out of 12.

As you can see, it is not so easy to choose a good foundation for problem skin. The rating of the products is based on the ingredients of the composition, reviews of real consumers, and was created so that people can evaluate the real features and properties of each product.

A foundation for oily and problem skin is presented in this video:

The basic rule of ideal make-up is even, beautiful tone skin, so you need to choose mattifying cosmetic products very carefully. When a woman purchases a foundation for problem skin, she must weigh the pros and cons so that its use does not aggravate the situation. An illiterately chosen tone will highlight all the imperfections of the face and can cause irreparable harm. Let's find out what you need to look for when buying foundation and how to apply it.

Foundations for problem skin

Foundations for problem skin are different from other cosmetic mattifying products: they are distinguished by their composition. This product includes special components that eliminate traces of skin inflammation, smooth out wrinkles on the face, and well moisturize the epidermis. In addition to this, foundations of this type create a perfectly even tone, hide all imperfections on the face, and also significantly improve its color and provide a healing effect.

Which cream to choose

The best foundation for problem skin is the right cosmetics. The first guideline for choosing an individual cosmetic product is your skin type: dry, oily, combination. So, how do you know which product is right for your problem skin? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of a qualified cosmetologist on this issue.

  1. If a woman has oily skin, then a foundation that contains oils and similar ingredients will not suit her. Using such a product will only aggravate the problem; it is better to purchase cosmetics with mattifying properties.
  2. Dry skin, on the contrary, needs a foundation with oil base and moisturizing effect. It is worth remembering that too oily foundation will not be beneficial, because it closes the pores of the epidermis, leading to the formation of blackheads, pimples and other inflammatory processes.
  3. Before purchasing a foundation for problem skin, you need to seriously evaluate its condition. If pimples often appear on your face, then a regular foundation will not work here - it is better to buy a medicinal foundation that contains substances that have an antibacterial effect and relieve inflammation.
  4. For fair-skinned women, it is advisable to use a foundation with UV protection.
  5. For mature skin, a thick foundation is suitable that “fills in” wrinkles and well moisturizes the dermis.
  6. Cosmetologists recommend that young girls use BB foundations that are excellent at combating blemishes on the face.
  7. If you need to remove red spots, rashes, or hide other blemishes, then feel free to purchase creams that contain antibacterial elements (for example, salicylic acid).
  8. For effective humidification epidermis, a foundation with natural oil(jojoba, almond, etc.).
  9. Tonal products with extracts from plants restore and soothe the skin.
  10. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend using foundation with a large amount of mineral (and other) fats and oils. The cream should contain more liquid, its main difference should be lightness.

How to choose a tone

When choosing the tone of foundation, you should focus on certain factors:

  1. It is better to choose the tone closest to natural color. Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the epidermis: freckles, age spots and other nuances that make applying cosmetics difficult.
  2. The shade of the foundation depends on the type of fat content. For example, oily skin means using one color for the entire face. The chin, nasolabial folds, forehead are additionally processed loose powder more light tone, because these areas “shine” much more often than the cheeks or nose.
  3. Combined view requires the use of a product, for example, with light fluids, but the price of these cosmetics is above average. An inexpensive alternative to expensive mattifying products can be applying two types of foundations that are as similar in color as possible. We apply a cream of a darker shade to the cheekbones and forehead, and use a lighter shade to tint the rest of the face.
  4. For dry skin types, any tone that matches its color is suitable.
  5. Before applying foundation, it doesn’t hurt to test the product on a small area of ​​your cheek. This will avoid getting an uneven tone.

The best foundations

Women have been using cosmetics, including foundations, for a long time. During this time, an unofficial top list of the best cosmetics that hide imperfections has appeared. Ladies often prefer brands such as Clinic, Belita, Bourgeois, Noreva. Quite a few have already been released good products for oily and dry skin, including the popular Vichy foundation. Let's take a closer look at them:

For oily skin

  1. Cosmetics company Clinique uses to create its products modern technologies, thanks to which a unique tinting cosmetic product for problem skin was released. All components of facial cosmetics rid the skin of excess fat, keeping the work under control. sweat glands. Clinic foundation allows you to quickly hide spots or areas of inflammation, and also creates a matte, perfectly smooth coating for the whole day.
  2. The foundation-corrector from the Belarusian cosmetic brand Bielita Classic has a special formula with which the foundation maximally moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and adapts to all its nuances. Belita foundation mattifies all imperfections well, provides an even, beautiful complexion, and is easy to apply.
  3. Vichy cream for problem skin is one of the most popular cosmetic products. Vichy Normaderm Teint foundation is produced specifically for skin care with increased fat content. Thanks to this cream, the face becomes smooth matte shade, which lasts at least 7 hours. Normaderm foundation for oily skin from Vichy does not close pores, but it perfectly masks minor imperfections.

For dry skin

  1. BB cream for problem skin from Bourjois lasts a long time, does not close skin pores, perfectly evens out the tone and does not sag. This cosmetic product is available in 4 shades.
  2. Light Noreva cream does an excellent job of corrective function. It not only creates a beautiful tone, but also restores and revitalizes dry skin. With the help of Norev, you can achieve anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
  3. Finnish medicinal base Anytime is based on extracts of plants, herbs, and flowers. Absolutely all products are created on the basis of natural ingredients. The foundation effectively combats excess dryness and restores normal color faces.

How to apply foundation

  1. Before treating your face with foundation, you must thoroughly clean it of impurities using tonic or lotion.
  2. After this you need to apply a base coat. It can be played by a non-greasy moisturizer or emulsion. We wait until the base is absorbed.
  3. Let's move on to application foundation. To do this, use a sponge, a special brush or your fingers. It is recommended to distribute the cosmetic evenly so that you get a perfectly smooth tone. The complexion will differ from the décolleté and neck area, so you will also have to apply a little tinted cosmetics to them.
  4. If “troubles” in the form of pimples or blackheads often appear on your face, then before applying the corrector you should treat them with concealer.
