Talisman of happiness and good luck. Faith Hope Love. The divine sword preserves an unshakable spirit, purity of thoughts and fidelity

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Happiness is a state of a person that corresponds to full or partial inner satisfaction, meaningfulness of life and knowledge of one's purpose in the world. O given state it is difficult to speak without going headlong into philosophy, because each person has his own concept of happiness, however, everyone wants to be happy, invariably putting a unique meaning into this word. In some cases, happiness can mean joyful experiences, good luck in life, the fulfillment of all desires, etc.

Based on the theory of managing a person’s destiny, happiness can be attracted into your life and there are a number of effective tools for this. Amulet for the fulfillment of desires, good luck and happiness - quite real and effective remedy to change your life for the better.

How to make an amulet to attract happiness

There are many different talismans that allow you to attract happiness into your life. Any such amulet allows you to significantly change your own destiny, the main thing is that it be correctly made and activated.

Talisman for double happiness

This is extremely effective talisman, allowing you to realize your most cherished dreams and desires, to bring good luck and wealth to life. With the realization of the action of the amulet, everything that happens in life will no longer be perceived as luck or mere chance.

The amulet for double happiness came to us from the ancient traditions of the Druids. It is difficult to say how such talismans originally looked, what symbols were applied to them, because over time and under the influence of other cultures and traditions, the appearance of a magical accessory was constantly changing. According to some reports, initially such talismans were marked with signs known only narrow circle initiated, and these signs cannot be deciphered at the present time.

Archaeological finds indicate that during the heyday of the Roman Empire, such amulets were also popular, but instead of the symbols of the Druids, Latin words and numbers were applied to them. Looking at such modifications of a magical object, it is safe to say that the symbols on it do not play such an important role, because when the symbols change, the talisman continues to positively influence a person’s life. Thus, the main thing when creating any talisman for happiness is not the words and symbols spoken and applied, but the meaning that a person gives them.

In order for the use of the amulet to bring only positive changes in life, it is important to remember and follow many rules and requirements.

Most often, a charged amulet will only function for the first year, and then it will need to be reactivated.

According to some magicians, any talisman can only be used for nine years, and after that it will finally lose its positive energy.

How to choose an amulet to attract happiness


Unfortunately, there are no universal talismans, the use of which guarantees happiness for any person. This is due to the fact that each of us brings a unique meaning to this concept. For example, for one person, happiness is financial well-being and success at work, for another - peace in the family, many children and a faithful spouse, for the third - the presence of constant good luck in life, etc. There are a number of talismans, the purpose of which is the fulfillment of the desires of their owners. Only such amulets can be called magical accessories that to some extent make their owner happy. If you clearly know your own criteria for happiness, then the talisman must be chosen in accordance with them.

Kabbalah and Happiness

Kabbalah is one of the most widespread magical teachings, in which special meaning given to talismans. In this tradition, there are practically no aesthetic requirements for the amulet, and indeed, it is important for us that the amulet really works and fulfills the duties assigned to it, other accessories can also play the role of decoration.

At the same time, in order for an amulet made according to the canons of Kabbalah to work, it must be made by a person who understands the teachings and understands the meaning sacred symbols and able to use these signs for their intended purpose.

DIY amulet

Despite the complexity of the teaching, effective talismans based on it can be made independently, but this will not be an easy task, since in order to be sure of the power of any symbol, you need to know how it works and how it can be used.
Kabbalah gives its adherents huge selection various talismans, some are aimed at helping in making difficult decisions, others build relationships with the boss or a loved one, others help in the implementation of the most innermost desires, fourth - relieve nightmares and bestow restful sleep. There are several dozen such examples, and each of them deserves special attention.


In many modern jewelry stores you can find many items in the design of which the symbols of Kabbalah are used, however, you should not hope that you have found an effective amulet, most likely, you have a simple trinket that does not have any magical properties. An effective amulet can only be purchased in specialized shops or from experienced magicians who create talismans with their own hands. In addition, you can make any desired amulet, moreover, an object made by you personally will already carry a piece of your energy, and therefore its functionality will increase significantly.

In the manufacture of Kabbalistic amulets, professionals use various magic symbols and signs, including: pentagrams, crosses, circles, hexagrams and more. The material in this study does not of great importance, can be used as natural stones and wood, and metal, cardboard and even paper. Kabbalah does not bind people in creativity at all, you can create talismans the way you imagine them.

Kabbalah and Happiness

If you want to attract love into your life, the talisman of Venus, which depicts a well-known astrological sign, will help you with this. With it, you can achieve family happiness. Get new love or conquer the heart of an unrequited lover. The effectiveness of the amulet is almost 100% dependent on your faith and your desires. You need to be clear about what you want to receive, believe that your desire will come true, and take any available steps to achieve it.

If you want to attract good luck into your life, then talismans with the image of a pentacle - an ancient magic sign. It is necessary to make such an amulet during the period of the growing moon or on the full moon, and only on Wednesday. The easiest way is to draw a pentagram on a thick sheet of cardboard, and put all your desire into it, give it the right direction and energy. After that, you should always carry the finished talisman with you in your pocket or bag, and in a couple of weeks you will notice positive changes in your life.

For happiness and good luck

Pendants, amulets, figurines - for thousands of years people have been using the most various items to ward off misfortune and achieve financial success.

Talismans are found in different cultures, and many of them today have become real travel brands. In our review, 10 items that, according to experts, will definitely bring good luck. But even if this does not happen, they will be a wonderful souvenir brought from a trip.

Mascot cat

In the houses and on the streets of Japan, you can find unusual figurines of cats with a raised paw - Maneki-neko (literally translated as "Inviting Cat" or "Calling Cat"). It is believed that if the cat's right paw is raised, then it attracts money and good luck, and if the left one - buyers and customers. That is why such talismans can often be seen in front of cafes, restaurants and shops.

Typically, Maneki-neko figurines are made of clay or porcelain, less often of wood and papier-mâché. Red Maneki-neko protect the owner from diseases and evil spirits, black ones repel evil, gold ones bring good luck in business and attract money, and pink ones help in love.

three legged toad

big luck a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth promises the Chinese. In the Celestial Empire, she is considered one of the most effective talismans that attract wealth and success in financial affairs. Usually the figure of a toad is made of metal or precious stones. Often it is cast from natural gold - a talisman that attracts money should itself look expensive. As a rule, the toad is depicted sitting on a stack of coins or gold bars.

Blue eyes crusaders

All tourists who have visited Turkey have seen numerous souvenirs in the form of a dark blue pendant with white and blue circles in the middle, inside of which there is a black core, the so-called “eye from the evil eye”. Actually it's not just banal souvenir for tourists, but a real ancient talisman.

In Turkey, the amulet is called nazar. They hang it not only over the cradle of a newborn or carry it with them as a pendant, but also decorate the entrance to shops and cafes with it. It is believed that the talisman not only protects the owners of establishments from the evil eye of competitors, but also brings good luck in business.

Bug rising sun

In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle was the personification of Khepri, the god of the rising sun. Observant Egyptians noticed that the beetles roll perfect balls out of dung, which they then move from place to place, pushing them in front of them. It was very reminiscent of the movement of the sun across the sky, and in the teeth on the head of the beetle, people saw a similarity sun rays. Since then, the scarab has become a symbol eternal life, success and good luck in new business.

triangle like life cycle.
Triangles in many cultures were considered the personification of stability, and also symbolized the life cycle: birth, maturity, death. Triangles are also often associated with the Egyptian pyramids and the symbol depicted on the US dollar.

Crickets have been symbols of good luck in Asia and among many Native American cultures. It was considered bad luck to kill a cricket, even by accident. In some Asian cultures, crickets are believed to be the protectors of homes, as they begin to crackle if danger is nearby.


Since horses have remarkable strength and endurance, it was believed that horseshoes bring the same qualities to the owner. A horseshoe, nailed over the door, was supposed to protect the house from evil.

Dream catchers

The American Indians have a belief that they can make a trap that will trap bad dreams. This Indian talisman in the form of a web supposedly protects the sleeper from evil spirits: bad dreams get entangled in the web of the talisman, and good dreams pass to the sleeper through a hole in the center.

guardian lion

Throughout Asia, especially in China, statues of lions can often be found in front of palaces and temples. They supposedly have to scare off robbers and thieves.

Usually people don't like bugs in their garden. But there is an exception - ladybugs. They are believed to bring good luck and prosperity, especially if they land on a person's hand.

The ankh is one of the most common symbols of ancient Egyptian culture. Pharaohs often wore amulets in the form of this symbol of eternal life.

Many cultures have stories about the lucky coin. Most often, it is believed that you need to pick up a coin only if it is heads up. Lucky coins are worn either on a string around the neck or in the left pocket.

People have always considered the dragon a symbol of wisdom and power. Therefore, often those who want to succeed in their careers acquire a figurine of a dragon.

Pigs symbolize wealth and prosperity throughout Europe (and parts of Asia). In Chinese mythology, the pig is also associated with honesty and hard work. It is not surprising why piggy banks are made in the form of a pig.

It's believed that rear foot the rabbit brings good luck as well as fertility. Those who carry a rabbit's foot with them should get ready for replenishment in the family in the near future.

The word "talisman" is of Arabic origin; among the Jews, similar objects with certain images were called Tzel and Teraphim, among the Greeks - Telesmata, Phylactery and Stocheia, among the Romans - an amulet, from the cauldron of reconciliation, the consecrating vessel of Amul or Prebia. The invention of the talisman was attributed to a certain giant who lived before the Flood and knew how to "seduce the constellations from their path."

According to the Arabs, Nakraus, the first Egyptian king, made two stone images, Magic power which she stopped the thieves so that they could not budge (this is evidenced by Kircher in his "Oedipus Aegyptiacus").

The Arabian Abenef writes that even Ham, the son of Noah, introduced the science of talismans; some writers call him Zoroaster, which means "living star", according to the interpretation of George of Tours; according to Dinon - "priest of the stars", and according to others - "son of the stars."

Kircher's writing says that, on the advice of their astrologers, the Jews entrusted Aaron with the manufacture of a golden calf with the intention of obtaining the favor and protection of Venus and the Moon against the influence of Scorpio and Mars, which did not favor their exit from Egypt.

Just as the Urim and Thummim helped in the affairs of state, in Everyday life ordinary Jews were favored by Teraphim (Tefilim) and Phylactery. The names of God written on parchment - instead of statues - were put on the forehead or hand, nailed to the lintel above the doors for favorable influence constellations.

Such is the historical (and to no small extent, mythological) background of the term "talisman". Currently, a Talisman is a magically charged object that has the ability to attract life's blessings. In contrast, an amulet is a thing that protects the owner from negative factors life, thus being a preventive means of protection against different kind trouble. Often both groups of concepts are correlated with the most commonly used term - a talisman. We will use it in the future.

There are many varieties of energy-informational (hereinafter referred to as EI) programs embedded in the talisman. It may be intended for certain person, for members of the same family, for certain persons and their descendants, or for any person who owns it. The program embedded in the talisman can protect against illness, injury, evil eye, damage, infertility, bankruptcy. At the same time, the talisman takes over negative impact(if it is a magical strike) or adjusts the lines of probability near the owner in order to minimize the risk of unfavorable circumstances (for example, an accident). As practice shows, a talisman focused on performing a narrow, specific task (for example, protection against damage) is more effective.

The talisman program can also provide good luck and luck in hunting, battles, business transactions, etc. Talismans for health and attractiveness harmonize the work of certain energy centers in the subtle human body, due to which the desired effect is ensured. All these conditions are determined by the nature, volume and direction of the program being laid down.

In the technique of coding talismans, several successive steps can be distinguished. The first of these is mental creation concrete or abstract situation with a positive outcome. The second is attuning to the image of a concrete or abstract future owner. The third stage is the transfer of the generated EI program to the subject (this is done against the background of maximum concentration consciousness and psychoenergetic arousal).

Technically, the process is carried out by volitional effort through mental concentration (using a figurative representation or a verbal formulation of the task). This can be reinforced by passes (in a non-contact way) or in contact mode, when the object is held in the hands. The impact is complemented by the energy of the look.

The shape of the object plays no less a role than the material from which the talisman is made. For example, objects of a round, cylindrical or annular shape (rings, pendants) easily "absorb" both the energy structure of their owner (when worn for a long time) and a specially introduced EI program. The first property is actively used in psychometry. Sensitive (a person who has psychic abilities) can determine from a person’s personal thing whether its owner is alive, what gender or age he is. The second of the mentioned properties of EI transmission is used in the creation of talismans and amulets. This feature is especially pronounced in single crystals, in particular, diamonds.

1. A magical shield that reflects evil wishes, spells, damage and the evil eye

Pentagram POWER OF LIGHT (White Pentagram) is the main protective sign. Reflects evil spells and magic, returning them to their source and trapping them. Allows you to master supernatural powers and control them.

2. Coin of happiness, bringing good luck in life, friendship, love

Korean HAPPINESS coin (second half of the Li Dynasty, 17th–19th centuries AD). Initiates a flow of happiness from the four corners of the world and collects all happy waves scattered in time. Produces the so-called successful thinking vibes that attract happiness, health and peace, good luck and success.

3. The cross of life, giving healing power and immortality

The Egyptian CROSS OF LIFE "ANCH" is a symbol and attribute of all eternally living deities. The combination of a circle and a cross is a symbol of initiation, rebirth. In the letter ANKh - a hieroglyph meaning life. In symbolism and beliefs ancient egypt gives health, long and happy life. This is the key to opening the gates of paradise in other worlds and to unity with God. Brings energy balance, eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.

4. An amulet that brings business success, profits and fortunes

Magic PENTACLE OF SOLOMON "WEALTH" - multiplies the state, gives wealth. Protects against financial risks, protects against unsuccessful investments and unreasonable spending of money.


5. Protects on the road, returns the lost, brings new acquaintances

ASTROLOGICAL NAVIGATIONAL talisman from the environs of the Mediterranean Sea (XVIII century AD). Used in sea ​​voyages to follow the chosen course and achieve the goal without obstacles and disasters. It also helps in the search for treasures, treasures, lost things, facilitates meetings with interesting people. It is favorable to take with you on a trip to have a good time and return home happily.

6. Symbol of life, giving energy balance

YIN-YANG (Chinese "Taiji") - ancient symbol Great Limit in Chinese philosophy. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe, existing through the balance of Yin and Yang.

Yang - light, dominant, active male sign. This is a day, a symbol of the sky, the power of creation.

Yin is dark female sign- contemplation, mystery, night, the emergence of life. FROM reverse side amulet - tai chi surrounded by eight trigrams, magical amulet from evil spirits.

7. A sign that reinforces intellectual ability and talents

THE MAGIC PENTACLE OF SOLOMON, associated with the intellect and abilities of a person. Helps during any training - develops logical thinking, gives clarity of mind, ease of memorization and consolidation of acquired knowledge.

8. Coin of good fortune and prosperous life

Chinese FENG SHUI HAPPINESS COIN is an ancient payment coin. A distinctive sign of noble origin, outstanding services to the country and society. It means recognition, receiving privileges and improving life. Widely used in the practice of Feng Shui.

9. A symbol of gaining love and transforming enemies into friends

TALISMAN OF VENUS (LOVE). Astrological sign giving happiness in love, harmony and understanding in marriage. Venus patronizes women, protecting them from intrigues and ailments, gives beauty and attractiveness to conquer lovers. After drinking a drink in which this talisman was immersed, the enemy becomes a friend "to the grave." Thrown (gifted) to the desired person, the sign of Venus excites reciprocal feelings.

10. A symbol of maintaining great performance and good health

SHOU (Chinese "Chow") - an ancient Chinese symbol of longevity, the basis happy life. awakens internal energy, promotes high performance of the body and mind, gives endurance, health and strength at any age. Reminds of the benefits of constant movement and development on the physical and spiritual planes.

11. The magic formula is a pendulum that saves from evil fate and disease

ABRACADABRA - a magical Gnostic formula (c. 1st century AD). It originates in the tradition of "Allkwot" - the chanting of sounds that, with their vibrations, carry you into elevated states of the spirit (trances) and purify. Abracadabra, written and pronounced "in the system of disappearance" - from full name up to one letter, removes diseases, evil fate, poverty and all evil energies. When wearing an amulet, this is facilitated by the shape of the pendulum and the engraving on it.

12. An eternity calendar that finds time and makes a profit

AZTEC CALENDAR - STONE OF THE SUN, the great altar of life with astrological symbols and directions of space. Grants the ability to anticipate events, manage time and extract maximum profit in a short time.

13. Shield protecting from superstitions, bad predictions and curses

The pentagram of AGRIPPAS is the main amulet in ceremonial magic. Protects a person universal figure in the macrocosm) from harmful supernatural forces and unclean spirits. Provides the magician with all-round protection and return to the "world of the living". Worn as a talisman, it protects against spells, superstitions and bad predictions.

14. Celtic cross - a cult protective sign

CELTIC CROSS (IX-XI centuries) connection of an archaic circle (mandala) of ancient pagan rites with a Christian cross, i.e. a symbol of a higher, privileged civilization. The Celts never stopped their magical practices, but they always believed that the cross, connecting the real and the other world, would protect and save in a difficult situation.

15. The key to foreseeing the future and foreseeing the intentions of other people

PREDICTOR "PROGNOSTIKON" - an ancient Greek magic circle (Pergamon, c. III century AD). Helps in the exchange of information with parallel worlds and foresight of the future, serves to develop intuition. It answers many questions and can be used to reveal the insincerity of other people.

16. Amulet of the sun - eliminates diseases and improves mood

AMULET OF THE SUN. Angel Michael and the spirit of the planet Oeh bestow honors, wealth and respect. Due to the influences of all the planets, it focuses, like a lens, a positive space energy throwing out all the bad. Gives spiritual and physical forces, strengthens the will, spirit and body, protects against apathy and pessimism. As a solar talisman, it improves mood and stimulates creative activity.

17. A sign that ensures safety while driving and traveling

Kabbalistic TALISMAN OF MERCURY - guarantees safety on the road and at work, protects against surprises. This planet protects drivers, as well as train or plane passengers, ensures the normal operation of all mechanical components and devices on the road. Radial, symmetrical arrangement of lines gives harmony and protection always and everywhere, eliminates human errors.

18. The sign of Atlantes is an energy barrier from all misfortunes

The SIGN OF ATLANTS is an amulet discovered by the French Egyptologist Pierre d'Agrain during excavations in the Valley of the Kings c. 1860 Gives a very strong protection, immunity in the face of aggression and evil. Protects from damage, evil eye, accidents and theft. Eliminates illness and pain, restores psychophysical balance. Enhances intuition, telepathy and foresight.


CHRISTIAN SYMBOL FAITH-HOPE-LOVE. The outer circle is an attribute of the unity of Christ and Mary, Faith and Truth. Strengthens Faith, inspires Hope, brings Love to the heart.

20. Gives vitality, makes the mind clear and helps in learning

SYRIAN AMULET "TREE OF WISDOM" is an attribute of the Gods, a symbol of rebirth and higher knowledge. Gives balance, vitality, promotes intellectual growth and spiritual development. It clears the mind, develops logical thinking, helps in gaining comprehensive knowledge.


21. OM sign-mantra, frees the spirit and mind from mundane deeds

OM is an ancient Indian and Tibetan sign associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. This is the visual form of a mantra - a magical sound that opens the state of illumination, brings purification of the mind and peace. Associated with the knowledge and comprehension of higher truths, with the highest Spirituality (in Buddhism - the achievement of Liberation and Enlightenment).

22. The sign of Chi (QI), awakening internal energy to action

QI SIGN (chit. QI) - contains a hieroglyph denoting QI energy. According to the philosophy of the Chinese, the energy of the Qi cosmos permeates the body of every being, giving strength, the will to live and achieve. This symbol reminds the doubters and the weakened of how much energy a person can find within himself in order to overcome all obstacles and accomplish even what seems impossible.

23. Symbol of the Five Goods: happiness, health, peace, virtue, long life

The symbol of the FIVE BENEFITS - happiness, health, peace, virtue, longevity. An extremely auspicious sign, known from time immemorial in Chinese culture. Placed on clothes, military shields, jewelry, it represents five bats around the symbol "Universum of Eternity". The perfect gift in cases where they want to wish loved ones a long and happy life, prosperity and mutual understanding.

24. Saint Christopher - patron of drivers, sailors, and travelers

HOLY CHRISTOPHER is the patron saint of drivers, travelers, guides and sailors. Designed specifically for drivers of cars and other vehicles, it protects against accidents, injuries and unforeseen situations on the roads. It is good to wear it on a keychain or place it in the car.

25. Wheel of Fortune, attracting good luck in lotteries, gambling and life

WHEEL OF FORTUNE, attracting good luck in lotteries, casinos, gambling and life situations when everything depends on luck. Can help win even when "everything is against you." On the reverse side, the wheel is marked with the sign of Jupiter - the planet of wealth, prosperity and optimism.

26. Circle magic spells for the fulfillment of desires and foreseeing the future

THE SECRET MAGIC CODE OF ALESSANDRO CALIOSTRO (1743-1795). The magician and alchemist, using random combinations of letters from three keys, created spells that fulfill the most secret wishes. Concentration on the key gives the ability to spiritualism and foresight.

27. Symbol of knowledge and unmistakable decisions, victory in rivalry

ALPHA AND OMEGA with the personal monogram of CHRIST (approx. I century) - God's wisdom and comprehensive knowledge contained between the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Gives peace of mind, wisdom in solving life and logical tasks, the will to live, success in intellectual rivalry. The inscription "In hos signo vinces" - "Under this sign you will conquer" - is a formula for victory over all human weaknesses arising from ignorance.

28. A symbol of finding a groom (bride) and awakening reciprocal feelings

MAGIC LOVE ANAGRAMS - love spell, "love potion". Tossed or given to a chosen person, anagrams ignite reciprocal feelings. They awaken sleeping hearts, strengthen the feelings that have already arisen and give them constancy. Wearing two hearts on oneself contributes to the search for the Desired, the one to whom one would like to give a heart.

29. A symbol of love, strengthening relationships, repayment of mutual conflicts

WOVEN LOVERS - a Celtic amulet for a couple who found each other. Many connecting "threads" that have neither beginning nor end strengthen the connection, make it permanent and inseparable. Contributes to the settlement of conflicts, "blurring" them in many directions. It is good to wear on yourself or place at home in the Corner of Love "Kun" (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

30. Ganesha - a protective talisman for removing obstacles and successful enterprises

Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati. An unbending guard, to whom even the gods entrusted the protection of their loved ones; "Mr. Barriers", which is enough to ask - and he will eliminate everything that stands in your way. Gives success, helps to overcome the barrier of uncertainty when doing business and making decisions. Protects from loss of property, from thieves and aggression from outside. You can place the houses in a conspicuous place opposite the entrance.

31. Brings good news, indicates right choice, eliminates indecision

The mythical AZTEC EAGLE from the Nutal codex. A messenger that brings strong energy, which gives rise to all favorable changes. The eagle brings good news, gives strong motivation for action. Eliminates indecision, shows the right choice.

32. Gives strength in overcoming difficulties, protects against bad dreams and fears

Magic PENTACLE OF THE FATHER. It is based on the hexagram "a symbol of balance and the power of life." Gives support and strength to solve everyday problems. Protects against insomnia, bad dreams, fears and unpleasant forebodings. Gives strength, determination and good luck.

33. Protective Christian sign that supports in difficult situations

SERAPHIM (lit. Flame). In Christianity, a creature with three pairs of wings from the immediate environment of God. The messenger of God, the embodiment of the power of the spirit, the vigilant protector. Associated with the good wishes of the closest people. It is good to carry with you to protect and strengthen the spirit in important and difficult moments life.

34. Magic circle from unpleasant surprises and otherworldly influences

THE GREAT PENTACLE OF SOLOMON is a magic circle that protects against surprises and witchcraft. Pentagrams in the corners guard all directions of the world, because it is not known where danger may arise. Strengthens self-confidence, gives strength to resist any attack and not pay attention to negative influences.

35. A sign of a favorable attitude of strangers, bosses and colleagues

UDJAT - THE HOLY EYE OF HORUS (God of Heaven). Foresight and omniscience. The eye means the constant presence of the gods, who see always and everywhere. Worn as an amulet, it protects against the malevolent views of those higher in any hierarchy, from envy and jealousy, which could complicate one's fate or hinder one's career.

36. Ancient Chinese sign good wishes, friendship or love

The ancient Chinese symbol of happiness FU. Magical syllables - signs of good wishes - bring the happiness that you wish for yourself or another. In China, this sign is given, folded from flowers, or placed in the Corner of the Zhen Family (Feng Shui Geomancy) for strong, good relations. donated close person, is proof strong friendship or love.

37. Lucky palm - draws lucky "cards" of fate, wins

LUCKY PURPOSE PALM. Activity and power, fate, written out with persistent lines on the hand of each person. It means friendly help, forgiveness, sincerity and openness. Allows a happy hand to choose the "cards" of fate, to accept in time right decisions. Develops flair in choosing friends and connections. Often this is a "lucky ticket" or a win.

38. Shambhala - the center of energy and the key to parallel worlds

Yantra SHAMBALA (English "Shambhala") - ancient sign from the Himalayas. Shambhala is a mysterious place, a door to other worlds, from where the next Maitreya Buddha, Jesus among Christians and the Tenth Avatar of Vishnu among Hindus should appear. Connection with Shambola is possible through meditation. Wearing an amulet opens the door to parallel and spiritual worlds, new thresholds of knowledge.

39. Good luck in finding your “half” and overcoming stiffness

FLOWER OF ARABIA - a couple in a love union - the most intimate and sensual symbol in the culture of the islands of Oceania. Worn as a talisman, it helps to find your "half", promotes good partnership and overcoming stiffness. At home, the amulet is placed in the Corner of the Partnership "Kun" (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

40. Thor's hammer breaks barriers, evil intentions of enemies and difficulties

"MIJOLLNIR" - THOR'S HAMMER. In Germanic and Scandinavian beliefs - the hammer of the God of Thunder, driving in a chariot across the sky. Benevolent to people, Thor destroys obstacles on the way with his magic hammer. Thrown like lightning, the hammer always returns to the owner's hand and serves to remove large obstacles.

41. Talisman of love, charm, strength of feelings and marriages

The Kabbalistic Pentacle of the QUEEN OF THE HIGHEST DESTINY is the herald of finding the groom (bride), betrothal and marriage. From the glass - the vessel of the pleasure of love - rises the sign of Venus, the patroness of the senses. Helps to maintain happiness in marriage and harmony in the home, refreshes fading feelings. Inserted to the desired person, draws his attention to you, interests you.

42. The divine sword preserves an unshakable spirit, purity of thoughts and fidelity

DIVINE SWORD WITH A SHIELD TETRAMORPH - a symbol of unbending faith and character. Shield - a sign of the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) powerfully protects in any place and time. The divine sword stands guard over principles, promises, marriages and fidelity, preserves the purity of thoughts and an unshakable spirit, ready to repel all evil and concealment of influence.

43. A sign of the balance of the elements, calmness and independence from circumstances

Celtic TRISKEL (cheat. Triskel) - an amulet of balance with nature. Contains interweaving of the Three Elements (Fire, Water and Air) and Infinity. Their balance in nature gives peace, protection and energy of life, and a symmetrical arrangement in the amulet - self-sufficiency and independence from changing circumstances.

44. Amulet for children, giver of talents and success in learning

CRANE WITH PEACH FRUIT - an ancient Chinese amulet, similar to the Slavic stork, bringing new life. Charm of a new life, a talisman for young children or a couple dreaming of a child. Gives creative and scientific abilities and talents. Those who are waiting for "replenishment" are advised to carry the amulet with them. When everything is successfully resolved, it is placed in the nursery or in the Children's Corner /Creativity "Dui"/ (Chinese Feng Shui geomancy).

45. A magical seal that helps to forget about strong feelings, losses

Chinese MAGIC SEAL with the inscription "The past is irrevocable." The magical seal has great power, it helps to quickly forget about everything bad and oppressive that has ever happened. Recommended for those who have experienced severe shocks, separation or loss.

SQUARE THE CIRCLE. The Pythagorean sign of unsolvable problems. Circles, squares and triangles that fit into each other are powerful support in the final solution of difficult everyday and psychological problems.

48. Sign for the protection of the sleeping and the protection of the home

Medieval Spanish protecting CROSS OF THE MONTH (original - Museo Del Pueblo Espanol, Madrid). Means a watchful observer who sees in the dark. Protects sleeping children from illnesses, fears and nightmares - if placed in a nursery, in an inconspicuous place for a child. When located near front door- protects from thieves and intrigues.

49. A symbol of prosperity, prosperity, health and success

Chinese COINS OF HAPPINESS - mirror images of ancient Chinese coins, one of essential tools in the formation of the interior Feng Shui. Tied three by three with a red ribbon, they create a space of prosperity and wealth. It is recommended to carry them in your wallet and place them in all places related to profit (cash desks, accounting, etc.), and in the house - in the Shun Welfare Corner (Chinese Feng Shui geomancy).

50. A symbol of double happiness, fulfillment of dreams and a happy marriage

HSI-HSI - DOUBLE HAPPINESS. Fulfillment of dreams and harmony in marriage. Since the time of the first emperors of China, this has been one of the "strong" signs of the union. Fulfills desires - both the owner of the amulet, and his "half". Everything good is doubled, the success of one becomes the success of both! Such a gift is an expression of deep friendship, sincere love and accomplishments.

51. Sign of conservation eternal youth, beauty and health

KNOT OF LONGEVITY without end or beginning, originating from Tibetan Buddhism (approx. 580 BC). The infinity of everything that is most valuable. Energy balance symbol, the right person for a healthy and happy life. Philosophically means the desire to know the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

52. Sign, "catching" happy occasions, successful offers and acquaintances

HORSESHOE OF LUCK - a knightly symbol of well-being. Finding a horseshoe on the road is a sign of soon happiness and prosperity. Horseshoes found were hung on doors. Opened up, the horseshoe catches and stores happiness, and open down, it cannot hold and misses. Can be worn or placed at home, on the front door or in the Corner you would like to enhance (Chinese Feng Shui Geomancy).

53. Cuts off injustice and intrigue in life and on the path of a career

SWORD OF THEMIS - the goddess of justice. Allows you to cut off human suspicions. gossip and gossip. Opens its owner an honest path to a career or professional growth, suppressing the intrigues and unfair claims of the authorities. A secret weapon to win in a fair fight. Possible placement of the house - Career and Development Corner "Kan" (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

54. A sign of finding one's own path, stability and strong character

ANCHOR - reliable protection the ship (the life of the owner of the sign and his loved ones) from the elements (difficulties), achieving a goal or a temporary stop, rest before the next adventure. A sign of faith in oneself, finding one's own path and place in life, a symbol of strong principles and strong character. Male sign.

55. Wand of Hermes (Mercury), healing and bringing prosperity

Caduceus is an attribute of the Healer, the god of Ancient Mesopotamia (2600 BC), who heals all diseases. In ancient symbolism - the rod of the god of trade Mercury. Ascending serpentine energies give rise to a whirlwind of energy that transforms the whole person. Wings above the club - a symbol of air and liberation from bad habits.

56. A sign that protects while traveling to unknown places

THE CROSS OF THE TUAREG - a talisman of the ancient wandering African tribes. A guard who protects from everything unknown and life-threatening. If you carry a cross with you, it Magic power protects from fears, damage and spells, as well as from surprises and harmful influences new, unknown places.

57. Native American protective sign for risky ideas and enterprises

INDIAN IDOL. A source of fortitude that helps warriors in battle and guards their homes during campaigns. In the upper part of the figure is a vigilant eagle that sees all dangers. Protection in case of risky ventures, magical journeys - also to other worlds.

58. Runic circle-amulet for acceptance important decisions

Magic RUNIC CIRCLE "FUTHARK" (cheat. FUTHARK) - a set of characters from the writing of the legendary Vikings, used for magical divination and making important decisions. This is an amulet-mentor that reveals inner intuition and allows not to "miss" in difficult situations.

59. Eye of divine wisdom, protecting from mistakes and weaknesses

The EYE OF DIVINE WISDOM, inscribed in a triangle, is a symbol of victory over evil and striving for good. Gives strength and confidence, helps to overcome weakness, apathy and laziness. The eye expresses the divine gaze into the soul, it is also the gateway to wisdom and knowledge of the truth.

60. Guide of the soul - protects from indecision and throwing, shows the way

EGYPTIAN ROYAL KITE carrying the solar disc. Coat of arms of Upper Egypt and the sign of the goddess NechBet (chit. Nachbet). Guardian of all titles and privileges. Noble bird, with its outstretched wings protecting human soul, which only fleetingly "stays" in the body of every living person. Turns everything that happens into steps on the path of development.


Oleinikov Anton

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Each of us wants to be happy - this is an invariable axiom of any human life. But at the same time, the state of happiness is so individual and unique that to create similar situation in the realities of our everyday life it is almost impossible, it is only possible to experience moments of happiness. But it is very difficult to attract even such moments into our lives, success can only be achieved by using the talismans of happiness.

AT magical practice there are a lot of different talismans to attract good luck, as this is one of the most sought-after amulets. In creating such an object, it is very important to choose the right type of amulet and strictly follow all the prescribed rules for its manufacture. In addition, lucky charms, like many other magical items, are best made by hand. In this case, they initially have greatest strength and already loaded with your positive energy. With the constant use of such a talisman, you can confidently be considered a happy person.

The historical significance of talismans

Define exact time when the first talisman of happiness appeared, for sure it does not work out. Such things have been used for centuries, undergoing changes under the influence of time and different cultures.

The main theory is that such amulets came to us from the culture of the ancient druids. How exactly those amulets looked like is not known for certain, but even then all the nuances of their creation were kept in strict confidence and were available to a limited number of people.

Omamori is a Japanese amulet for good luck and protection.

The next stage in the development of talismans for good luck was the heyday of the Roman Empire, which is confirmed by the found artifacts of those times. By that time, the amulets had undergone significant changes in their appearance, the main of which was the application to them not of Druidic runes, but of Latin characters, numbers and letters.

Such talismans were very widespread in those days, which is proved with confidence by the fact that in any amulet it is not the form that is important, but the content, which only the owner can fill it with. Therefore, it is so important to carefully and sustained approach to the creation and acquisition of symbols and amulets.

Features of amulets

Lucky talismans have a number of specific features that every owner of a magic symbol needs to know about:

  • Any symbols of happiness, talismans and amulets have a strictly specified period of validity: some of them are one-time, and upon reaching the goal, they lose their properties. Others may last you a year or more and then require reactivation. Always pay attention to such moments and choose a talisman according to your requirements.
  • You should not be guided by generally recognized talismans: human happiness is such an individual and volatile concept that only you personally know what you need to bring it to life. That is why, when choosing an amulet for happiness, focus on your inner feelings and emotions.
  • In creating talismans that bring good luck, appearance very little attention is paid to the amulet itself, this issue is almost completely left to your discretion and wish. It is much more important to properly charge the amulet and fill it with the necessary energy.
  • Before the ceremony itself, you should carefully study the information regarding the symbols applied to your amulet: if you are not sure about their meaning or image, then choose another way to create a talisman for good luck. The slightest mistake in such things can lead to Negative consequences first of all for you.

Following all the established tips, you can create the most effective talisman for happiness individually for yourself.

Important points for making a talisman

An amulet for happiness can be both purchased and made with your own hands. Undoubtedly, the greatest force exactly the amulet that you make with your own hands will have, since it will already be initially tuned to you and charged only with your energy.

However, this possibility is not always present: some amulets should be created from a material that is practically impossible to process by hand: for example, stone or gold. Or you are not confident in your knowledge correct selection symbols and signs. In all these cases, it is easier and safer to contact a specialist who will make the required amulet especially for you. True, such an item will later have to be subjected to a cleaning and activation procedure so that an ordinary trinket can become a full-fledged amulet.

If you are determined to make a talisman of happiness with your own hands, then you should adhere to the following requirements and rules:

  • First of all, you should decide on the material from which you can make the required magic item. If you have never worked in this direction before, then choose the most easily processed things: wood, paper, fabric or thread. The main thing to remember: the material itself must have exclusively natural origin and approach in its essence to the chosen talisman.
  • If you need to choose a symbol that will bring you good luck and will be depicted on the amulet, then carefully study the information about its meaning and the possibility of combining it with other symbols. You can also seek advice from knowledgeable people. This is the only way to ensure that mistakes are avoided and unpleasant consequences for myself.
  • You must firmly believe in the effectiveness of the ceremony and have no doubt that the amulet for happiness will really bring it to you. If you are conducting such a ritual out of idle curiosity, then it is best for you to immediately abandon it: the result can be deplorable for you.
  • If you need to reach absolute happiness in life you need to improve your personal life, then turn your attention to the talisman of Venus: a correctly depicted symbol of this planet will help you return love or meet a new attachment in order to achieve happiness in life.
  • If you lack a little luck to achieve full happiness, then opt for the image of a pentacle. This ancient symbol will bring you success in any endeavors, which means happiness.
  • Most often, rituals for creating a talisman of happiness are performed against the backdrop of the waxing moon, so that its power can bring harmony and tranquility into your life.
  • The day of the week is chosen depending on which symbol you prefer: for example, if it is an ancient pentacle, then choose Wednesday. And on Thursday, the power of Venus will be most palpable.
  • The finished amulet should certainly be carried with you: you can use it as a pendant or keychain, or simply put it in your bag. The main thing is that he always accompanies you.
  • Such an amulet should be taken periodically in hands and addressed to him with words of gratitude or request.

simple talisman for good luck

by the most simple manufacturing it is this talisman that is different: anyone can make it, even a completely ignorant one in magical art, and the result will, nevertheless, be very effective.

To create it, all you need is a wax candle, a small bowl in which at the bottom is poured pure water and a square piece of new matter.

The ritual itself is carried out exclusively in complete solitude and after sunset. You should place the candle in a glass and light it with an ordinary match from a new box. While it burns, gaze into the flame and think of the things that make you happy. Any negative thoughts must be banished from your head.

After you mentally focus, start reading the words of the conspiracy for happiness:

“Beyond the sea-ocean is the island of Buyan, on that island there is a mountain and in that mountain there is a hole. And in the hole there are seven devils who send bad luck to people. While the younger one closed his eyes, I lured him by the tail to the fire. As long as that fire and its children are with me, the devil will not see me with my brothers.

After you read these words three times, leave the candle to burn out on its own. When the flame reaches the water and goes out, you will need to gather the remaining wax into a piece of cloth and tie it in a knot. In this case, you should choose only the wax that you liked the most, the rest, along with water, should be taken out of the house and buried under any tree.

Such a bundle for happiness should be worn constantly with you, so that good luck and luck accompany you constantly, making life itself easier and more carefree.
