How to persuade a guy to marry. How to make sure that a man is ready for family life

See yourself in a white dress, get new status: not just a girl, but a wife, the desire to take care of someone - these and some other reasons lead women to think about how to get a man to marry.

It is worth mentioning right away that it is wrong to put the question in this way. It is necessary not to force, annoying your loved one, but when, but to bring him to such a decision. Be wiser.

As you know, a man wants to keep everything under control, lead, and not be led, conquer, and not become your “prey”. And when the beloved begins to ask if the engagement is coming soon, he automatically tries to defend himself. The consequences may not be the most rosy: a lot of quarrels, up to parting, and if he marries (for example, you get pregnant on purpose or say that you are expecting a baby), it is not a fact that such a family life will suit you.

We push the man to the registry office

Your goal is not to force him to marry, but to lead him to the idea that without you - nowhere. Here are a few tricks that will help lay out the path to the registry office.

1. Tell him more compliments, most importantly - believable. No need to tell him how good he is, and he did nothing. A man will immediately understand that you are not sincere with him. Better praise him for being so strong: he rearranged the furniture in the house; smart and with "golden hands" - he repaired the tap.

2. Don't just focus on your future husband. Spend time with friends, build a career. After all, a man must conquer you, he himself will try to “make his own” such an interesting person. And he will understand that you are multifaceted, and do not think day and night how to get someone to marry.

3. Don't get too caught up in playing multifaceted personality. First, don't pretend to be someone you are not. For example, if you are not a fan of football, it is not necessary to go with him to all matches. Remember that your main weapon is in femininity. Be affectionate, gentle, become the most skillful lover. It is essential for a man.

4. At the same time, learn how to cook so that he feels the warmth of the hearth. If you are not very good at it, start with simple but tasty dishes.

5. Sometimes it is advised not to move in with him. This is wrong, and here's why. You can simulate the situation. Beloved invites you to live together. You refuse and say that only after the wedding. And then he begins to understand that you will develop relationships only if there is a stamp in your passport. Think in a different way. After all, if he offered you a civil marriage, perhaps he has already begun to look at you as a future wife and wants to know if you are a good match. No need to be offended. You also need to live together in order to understand whether this is the person you need.

6. It is very important that you have a good relationship With future mother-in-law. No, it is not at all necessary to call her mother from the threshold, to become her girlfriend. Just be friendly with her, talk respectfully, and then she herself will begin to hint to her son that you - ideal wife. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the mother of the groom is selfish and does not want to share him with anyone.

Do not rush to quickly marry him to yourself. Enjoy relationships, be yourself, try to enjoy every moment - and then the treasured ring will be on your finger!

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How to push a man to marriage?

Every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse and her wedding with him, and when she grows up, she discovers that the prince is in no hurry to the altar. And the young woman begins to worry that time is running out, her friends are married, her parents are completely exhausted, and you have been dating for a long time. Throwing begins, the woman understands that attempts to put pressure on a man can lead to separation. And he carefully avoids this topic.

The first thing a woman should do in this situation is to seriously consider whether this is a man worth marrying. To do this, it will be useful to make a list of traits that you want to see in your husband. And then, as impartially as possible, evaluate what features from the list your beloved has. If more than half of the desired qualities are missing from your current man, then you should not waste your precious time on him.

If you feel like it's time long term relationship If you are too attached to a man and do not find the strength to part with him, then keep in mind that this is a typical addiction. In the case when your loved one is less interested in you than you are in him, all control of the situation is in his hands. You also need to change your attitude. But if your chosen one corresponds to your ideal by more than half, then it is necessary that he himself matures to such a serious step as marriage. Help form the right decision- in your power. Become his friend, share his hobbies and joys. To do this, talk to him, conduct dialogues on any topic, build joint plans for the future and gradually enter into his life. In this case, the man will cherish your relationship, get used to spending his time together and begin to see your future together. All together, this means that he is mentally ready for major changes in the status of your relationship.

Many women, not seeing prospects in their relationship with a man, are wondering how to get him to marry. Again, you can't force a man to marry a woman. One can only lead him to this thought. If, by hook or by crook, you still force a man to put a stamp in his passport, you will not get the desired family life. It will be a confrontation richly flavored with mutual insults and reproaches. It will inevitably lead to divorce and make you even more unhappy than before marriage. And what a terrible blow this can inflict on your children!

Therefore, if after a long-term relationship, during which you also became friends, the long-awaited offer did not follow - think about whether it is worth holding on to such a man? Leave and remember: you are young, independent, all horizons are open before you. Do not listen to the fears of relatives that you will be left alone, do not let thoughts of age push you into a hasty marriage. Listen to your feelings and do not be afraid: you will definitely meet your destiny.

Finding a man is one thing, but keeping him and forcing him to marry you is another, more difficult step. What are you ready for, so that he offers you a hand and a heart? Here are some tips to help you make your relationship stronger and lead to marriage:

1. Self respect

If you don't like yourself, how can someone else love you?! Analyze your shortcomings and try to correct them. Positive self-esteem is a key factor.

2. Don't hide negativity (sincerity)

Since the beginning of a relationship, the most important thing is sincere communication, you should talk to each other, express both positive and negative emotions.

3. Natural

A man appreciates in you not fake smiles, makeup, hair color. He appreciates your naturalness. Don't pretend to be someone else. After all, in marriage, he will live with the real you, and not with a fictional character.

4. Sexy

Is not the only thing in a relationship, but it's important. Show what you are capable of romantic relationship that you need them. Try not to be boring or snow queen, you must radiate sexuality, be cheerful, free, uninhibited. A married man is not looking for a roommate, he wants to marry a Woman.

5. Be clear about what you need

In a relationship, it is very important what goal you are pursuing and whether it is mutual. If you want children and he free relationship, then you are unlikely on the way.

6. Harmony

Life with you shouldn't be like a rollercoaster. Men love fairly stable women. Sometimes it's difficult, but possible. Learn to calm down and relax.

7. Men are slower than women to progress in relationships.

They need more time to go from acquaintance to closer constant communication. Sometimes the "boyfriend" stage never goes any further. You just need to come to terms with this. No need to push, otherwise he will run away. Don't be the first to talk about marriage for at least the first year of the relationship.

8. Be as positive as possible.

If everything is good in the relationship, if you are always positive, then he will want to see you around for a very long time. If he feels good with you, then he will begin to think about marriage and a serious relationship. You will know that the "X" hour has come when he starts talking about long-term plans together, buying a house, etc. He should feel that you are ready for this step and that he will not be disappointed in you.

9. Self-confidence

Prove that you are ready to solve any problem and you will not be afraid of obstacles. Many men love confident women. The fact that he is next to a woman who is so confident in herself and her abilities boosts his self-esteem.

10. Show that you are a Woman

A long look, scratches on the back, a soft kiss - use everything. But don't do it for show or at the wrong time.

11. Show you appreciate his power

Tell him that he is strong, this is a reason for pride for a man. Be sure to praise him when he does something well. But if something is done badly, then it is better to remain silent, and not to “nag” and scold.

12. Sense of humor

A must in a serious relationship. Less negativity and anxiety, more fun and positive.

13. Enjoy life

Women who appreciate every minute are irresistible for a man. They are much more likely to successfully marry.

14. Do not hide positive emotions

If it is written on your face that you feel tenderness towards him, if he sees the sparkle in your eyes, his heart will melt.

15. Modesty

A modest person is not one who downplays his merits, but one who does not flaunt them and is interested in the achievements of others.

16. Dates

Nowadays, this is a very vague concept. In fact, relationships are formed before you even start dating. Just communicate and don't get hung up on this term.

17. Do not be tormented by doubts

Sometimes men make women think that they will never wait for an offer to marry. But if a lot of time has already passed, and he is moving away from talking about marriage, then you will have to reconsider your relationship.

18. Romance

If you want her in a relationship, then also work in this direction, and do not expect manifestations of romance only from him. Turn on your imagination, come up with something cute. If nothing of equal value follows in response to your romantic actions, then it is unlikely that you will be able to marry this person.

19. Remember that not every man sees you as a wife.

If a year after the start of a relationship, there is no talk of joint purchases, travel, plans, it is worth talking frankly. Ask what qualities he appreciates in you. If, apart from sex, he did not come up with anything, then marriage is clearly not planned.

20. If you want to have a serious talk with him about a future relationship.

Don't start the conversation as if your whole life depends on it. This will frighten him and make him feel tense. Be optimistic, the tone should be light. You can say: “I like being around you, spending time together, but I want to see if you feel the same way about our relationship. I'm not saying that we should get married tomorrow, just let's discuss our future relationship."

21. Love

Of course, there must be love. Marriage cannot be based on the fact that you are comfortable with him. strong feelings they can come in marriage, but for this you need to go through many difficult and difficult situations.

Here are some hints:

* You should be comfortable and at ease with this man, as he should be with you. Nobody wants to spend the rest of their life with a hated person.

* If you do not respect a man and flirt with his friends, then you can not wait for an offer to marry him.

* If after a long time there is no hint of marriage, then he will most likely never marry.

* Decide what traits your future husband should have. Understand what attracts you the most.

Look for these traits in potential partners, be honest with yourself when sober assessment men.

* Women who push a man into marriage may have the opposite result.

* Keep in yourself what attracted him. Your beauty depends on the eye of the beholder. Men appreciate cute, sexy, beautiful women. If you are not trying to be like that for him, then do not think that he will look at you as the most beautiful woman in the world for too long.

* Use all your positive traits and talents to show himself as a woman he must remember fondly.

* Believe in the best, and it will happen. Be clear about what you want from this person. Prepare yourself mentally for marriage.

* Always strive for something new! To new impressions, sensations, try new food, the new kind sports. Make your life full of discoveries.

* Be honest and truthful from the first day of the relationship.

* Discuss any issues that arise. Leave all past problems in the past, and solve new ones as they arise. Do not discuss issues and problems, if you are emotionally unstable now, let off some steam first. Discuss issues objectively, honestly, and openly. You must understand each other.

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It's a big mistake to assume that if a guy thinks you're cute, you're already on your way to a serious relationship. No matter how! If he's impressed with your looks, you're more likely to be with him. the right way... to light flirting followed by a stormy night together without commitment. The man to whom you show signs of attention, of course, will rush into battle in order to quickly take possession of the prey. And you'll get another one nice evening co passionate night. That's all. And usually no serious intentions with his hand.

A reasonable question: what does the right first step to a serious relationship look like? It needs to be in his head. Make him think about you. Constantly. So that he admires you, is intrigued, tries to unravel you! This may happen before or after the first flirting, or the flirting may not be needed at all. Physical attractiveness in this matter is not the main thing, although, of course, you should not discount it.

Before moving on to practice, that is, dating, it is worth learning the main points of the theory. Some of the tips may seem controversial, but they definitely work.

1. Be self-sufficient!

If you are suffering now and think that if you had a boyfriend, life would be completely different, then something needs to be done about it. There are always very few hunters to pull depressed people out of their swamps, but bask in the radiance happy person all instantly flock. If you sincerely enjoy your life without a man, it will be very easy for you to find a loved one. Remember: you don't need a guy to "complete you" or make you happy, and he can't do that either. You are fully capable of enjoying life right now and today, regardless of whether you have someone. Make your life interesting and be grateful for what you have. It's great, of course, when you have a loved one, but to be happy, it's enough to be happy, and that's it!

2. Exude confidence!

No one will be able to consider you beautiful and amazing if you yourself do not think so. What is your self-esteem? Do you think that your society is a gift for a man, or are you afraid that everyone is bored next to you? Don't forget that you are the hero's reward! And not at all for everyone, it is completely normal that all men in a row do not like you. yours the main task- be confident in yourself and your charm! If you can't believe that you really are a tidbit, work on yourself, after all!

Take action! What do you dislike about yourself? Fix it! Talk to someone who can help, don't sit back!

3. Be elegant

A couple of years ago, one of the well-known glossy magazines conducted a survey on which image of a girl is most attractive to young men. It turned out that 67 percent of guys find attractive ordinary "earthly" girls living, for example, in the neighborhood, and only 12 percent of those surveyed like exuding sex appeal female vamps, "sex bombs". What conclusions can be drawn from this? Beauty is in naturalness. It's time to stop trying to tease men with provocative clothes and bright makeup. The only thing you will achieve with this is an erection. Not love. If you are the owner of a good figure, resist the temptation to show off all the charms overnight. No need to go to extremes and dress in worn sweaters, just be a little more elegant in your choice of clothes.

4. If you are not a couple, then you are free

Let it sound a little mercantile, but dates are a kind of shopping, where everyone “takes the price” or “shows the goods with his face”. By the way, men are always more active regulars of such shopping. Girls are sometimes shocked by the idea that you can go on dates with two or three guys in one period of time, but men are not at all shocked by the same thought about women.

Therefore, while no obligations have been discussed, everyone is free to dispose of himself according to own will. As the song says: "We choose - we are chosen."

5. There must be some mystery in a woman ...

6. The old rule still works

The most durable love relationship arise between kindred spirits. Sex is not an assistant here, but rather the opposite. You have to go through mutual sympathy for friendly relations from friendship to love and finally to sex. Postpone sex as long as possible until you both get to know each other better. This is the case when the sum changes from a rearrangement of the terms: sex in the first days of dating can complicate the process of friendship or even put on further relations cross.

Anyway: guys appreciate the long thorny path to victory!

7. Don't make a scene with him, you're not even a couple yet!

Don't lash out at a guy if you think he's hesitant and can't make up his mind about your place in his life. John Gray in his book "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" compares guys with rubber bands: they can retreat for a while, so that later with new force"fly" into a woman's life. If he needs some time to think, give him that time. It will appear - well, meet calmly, without claims and reproaches. If it does not make itself felt for more than three days, just continue to live your life. ordinary life, do not cling to him and do not attack with calls. Because by doing this you are only blocking his path to return. If you emotionally demand from him that he be there, he will not return: he will know what awaits him: accusations, tears, misunderstanding. Men hate drama. The only possible way for reconciliation is long conversations to sort out your feelings and desires. Stay calm.


First, don't get hung up on the idea of ​​a wedding. Don't bother him with talking about wedding dresses, rings and your life together. He may simply think that nothing but a wedding and wedding dress You do not need. And no self-respecting person wants to play the role wedding doll.

Instead, try to invite happy guests over as often as possible. couples, then your chosen one will be able to see for himself that marriage is no longer a terrible and useless thing.

Another incentive for a wedding is the desire to give birth. This instinct is laid down by nature, and, driven by maternal feelings, wants to find a companion who would make her family happiness. Talk to your chosen one, argue your desire to legitimize the relationship not only by what it requires, but also by the fact that the time has come for you to become a mother and you can no longer wait. loving man must understand this.

If you haven't figured it out yet, find out why he's in no hurry to marry you. May need straight Talk who will put everything in its place.

The reason for his unwillingness to marry may be an elementary fear of losing freedom. In this case, you must understand what exactly he means by his freedom, and whether you are able to keep it for him after the wedding. If yes, then let him know, directly or veiled, that you will not encroach on his freedom.

A man may be dissatisfied with you, i.e. some of your traits, characteristics, habits. He is you, but not sure if he can put up with these shortcomings. If you really want to marry him, be prepared to change. But at the same time, it is not sin that will demand the same from him.

Another factor that may be holding him back is his financial position. First, his ambition may not allow him to pass the cost of the wedding on to someone else's relatives. Secondly, he is not sure whether he is able to support his family on his salary. This is bigger psychological problem than financial. Your task is to prove to him that you are able to help him in Hard time. If you prove that you can provide support, then the ice will break.

Most Hard case- when a man is very dependent on you, which does not allow him to leave her house, referring to weakness and, and in every possible way prevents, sometimes unconsciously, the creation new family. In this case, look for the "key" to his mother's heart. Otherwise, this situation may last for long years.


  • how to get him to marry

Today, many men are in no hurry to get married and take responsibility for the family. But girls still dream of a white dress and beautiful rings in the presence of guests. Different opinions on marriage issues often interfere with the development of relationships, but sometimes indecisive man just push in the right direction, and life will turn out completely differently.


First of all, decide if your . Many women strive instinctively, not realizing that marriage is a sacred union for life, which is not entered into with any partner. Imagine ideal husband for you, his character, habits, appearance. Compare the resulting image with yours and evaluate the matches. If there are few or none at all, then you should think about whether you need to marry him?

Men are afraid of responsibility. Help him overcome this fear. Show that he lives with self and self-sufficient person. Do your best not to depend on him financially. Over time, your loved one will understand that he has nothing to fear, and in your possible family responsibility will be shared equally.

Show independence. Take care of yourself, go in for sports, dance, sign up for sewing courses - in general, live full life not sitting around waiting for him to come home. After realizing that you are comfortable enough and alone, any man will focus on finding ways to keep you around. If this does not happen and you begin to live your own life, draw conclusions about choosing a partner.

Respect your loved one and share his interests. For any man it is important to be on top not only in society, but also at home. Show that you appreciate and respect him. Sharing his interests will help you become an understanding person who can be there all your life.

Arouse the interest of other men. A beautiful self-confident woman always attracts attention. Don't be afraid of it, but don't get carried away with flirting either. Your loved one needs to see that you are attractive to outsiders as well. Do not cause jealousy, let him be proud of you and your relationship.

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Useful advice

Remember that you cannot force a man to marry a woman. This approach will not lead to anything good. Marriages not contracted mutual agreement, and under the influence of parents or anyone else, often break up, leaving only disappointment in family life.

Marriage is not only a serious and responsible step for future spouses, but also the biggest dream for many women. But men often do not share this desire and do not rush to the altar at all. Before solving this problem, it is necessary to understand what is the reason for their inaction.


If you've had enough long time you meet, or maybe you live together, and your man is already happy with everything, and he doesn’t even think about legitimizing the relationship, then most likely he is just a hunter by nature and perceives you as a prey that he has already conquered. AT this case you need to make every effort to prove him otherwise. That is, that you are not his property, that you have other interests and your own life.

Think of one or more hobbies. Try to make the most of your time. And so that you enjoy it. Thus, the time you spend together will be reduced, and he will feel a lack of communication with you. Try to be around people more and be less at home. If a man sees that you are interested in other personalities, his interest in you will increase dramatically. Of course, you shouldn't openly flirt with others if you're not sure about it. adequate response his other half.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to be together at the weddings of friends and relatives. Perhaps the atmosphere of joy and fun will infect him, and your man’s thoughts will begin to work in the direction you need.

If your man is not Julius Caesar and cannot concentrate on several things at the same time (for example, if he is working on an important project or a scientific article), then you just need to wait. The main thing is not to miss the moment of the "break", otherwise it will replace one important business another will come, and again he will not be able to think about marrying you.

If your loved one, before starting a family, wants to buy an apartment, a car, etc., you should carefully discuss this with him and explain that when you are together, it will be easier for you to make all your desires come true, and it will be much more interesting.

If a man is afraid because of change, responsibility and the loss of his precious freedom, you need to first push him to live together or just take a normal vacation for a couple of weeks. During this time, try to lead a life together, and also not to restrict his freedom, that is, if he wants to go to the bathhouse with friends, there is no need to make a scandal. This will only turn him off. But if you do everything right, your loved one will understand that the changes that will occur in his life are not so terrible.

Useful advice

For whatever reason, your loved one does not delay the trip to the registry office, be patient and everything will definitely work out.

Women dream of getting married, but not all men want to get married. Or rather, men have completely different dreams. This is understandable, because marriage is a responsibility, and modern men are in no hurry to take it upon themselves. It has become much more difficult to survive on your own, to say nothing of the fact that a family means certain obligations, and not everyone can handle them. In addition, life itself has become much more interesting, many temptations have appeared, and few people dream of quiet family evenings front of the TV.

If a man, he will definitely want to marry her. Just a little bit later. Sometimes this "later" lasts for quite a long time, developing into permanent cohabitation, or until the relationship collapses on its own. What should women do, because the time allotted by nature for the birth of a child is limited, and to start it without legal spouse won't everyone decide?

As the heroine of one famous film said: "We will not wait for mercy from men." How to force a man to marry, and even so that he thinks that he made this decision himself? First of all, start with yourself.

It's not true that men don't like strong women. Hardly modern man for a long time will be interested in such an infantile person, languidly flapping her eyelashes and not being able to clearly connect two words.

So, a woman should be active first of all. Appearance also important: hairstyle, makeup, manicure. She should be dressed with taste, always neatly and appropriately. It is not necessary to buy expensive brands for this. A thing may not be expensive, but stylish.

A man will always be attracted to a young lady who is well-read, literate, able to navigate in various fields of knowledge, own a computer, drive a car, and understand the latest technical innovations. You must be insanely attractive so that a man is afraid of losing you every minute. Then, perhaps, the thought will come to his mind that by marrying you, he will be able to sleep peacefully.

A woman should not be impregnable, like a rock, but she should not be intrusive either. Don't let him know that you really want to marry him. Let everything be at the level of "maybe" or "I need to think." Find yourself a hobby. Keep your personal space. Chat with other men. Flirt and flirt, but know the measure, do not go too far. A competitive spirit is developed in a man, take advantage of this.

But even if after that the object of your desire does not make you an offer, you should think about whether you need this man and is it worth spending your time on him? Maybe you still deserve better?

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A girl in love usually dreams of marrying her boyfriend as soon as possible. But many men are in no hurry to propose. Time runs, often couples live together for a long time, but decisive action does not take place. In this case, a woman needs to take the initiative in her own hands and push her beloved to take decisive action.

You can’t force a man to marry, but you can make light, unobtrusive hints. If the couple still does not live civil marriage, then girls should avoid it in every possible way. By agreeing to Cohabitation, a woman begins to perform all the functions of a wife. A man loses interest in marriage, because his half is already there all the time. A woman should become a so-called trophy for her beloved, so that he dreams of a life together and imagines how good they will be together.

How to hint a guy to propose?

You can take it with cunning. You only need to ask one question for which you need to prepare in advance. To do this, for a few days or even weeks, the girl should not raise the topic of marriage. You need to be kind, flexible, gentle, perfect.

Then she should choose the right moment. While walking or walking under the stars, firmly take your beloved by the hand and say with regret in your voice how sad she is that they cannot get married. Try to persuade him.

A normal man will immediately respond with a counter question, or he will voice the reason why they cannot get married. In the first option, the girl should answer the guy’s question that if they are still not married, then something is stopping them. A man thinks and understands that good reasons he does not have to marry. And then she will understand the desire of her half, how much she wants.

If the chosen one names such reasons as lack of money, lack of an apartment, etc., the woman should explain that it is important for her to be together, and material values is not important to her. The man will think again and in the near future decide to make an offer.

According to the advice of psychologists, you can instill anxiety in the chosen one. To do this, the girl needs to cancel several dates, citing employment or headache. Go away with your friends for the weekend and just talk less about your affairs. The psychology of a man is such that when they feel how the previously complaisant, quiet and complaisant girl began to move away, they again feel her "prey" and strive to conquer. Many of them in such a situation will rush to make an offer.

How to invite a guy for a walk

What can not be done?

When a couple for a long time together, a woman can ask a man about his intentions. If he does not plan to marry her, then his answer will be this. The partner is not afraid to lose this relationship and speaks directly about it. In this case, the woman should immediately stop such a relationship.

  1. 1. You should not tell a man that he is forcing a woman to waste time on him. It is her conscious choice, no one forced her to live with him. You need to be able to take responsibility for your own actions.
  2. 2. Do not force a man to see a psychologist to discuss his fear of marriage. If he loves his chosen one, then there is no fear. But if a woman decides to come up with a lot of excuses.
  3. 3. You should not be led by a man and agree that marriage is just a formality. If he is not ready to marry, then his love is not real and he is still in search of the best chosen one.
  4. 4. Do not agree that if a man has already been married, then he does not need to marry again.
  5. 5. Do not wait until the man solves his financial and work problems. They will never end. If he decides to marry, then no problems and worries will prevent him from doing this. And then their hands and hearts will be connected not only by love, but also by the official recognition of the relationship.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.
