What tests should I take when planning pregnancy? Mandatory tests when planning pregnancy. For Rhesus and group

Pregnancy planning - responsible and serious step. A couple’s readiness to become parents lies not only in the moral side of the issue, but also in physiologically. A comprehensive examination of the expectant mother before conception is an important and necessary step before such important event. What examinations you need to undergo and what they provide are discussed in this article.

At what age is it better to plan a pregnancy?

Thanks to numerous studies by specialists, it was possible to calculate the most optimal age for conception and successful gestation. Women aged 21 - 26 years are the easiest to bear pregnancy and give birth the most healthy children. It is in this age category female body the strongest for gestation and successful childbirth.

Statistics show that in modern world girls give birth at a later and more conscious age. This fact is positive from the point of view that after 26 years women already have a fairly strong material base and are ready to provide the child not only with warmth and comfort, but also with enough money to satisfy all needs.

Late first birth, especially after 30 years, is no longer as safe as at a younger age. This is due to the fact that eggs undergo genetic changes, and general health women undergoes changes not in better side by virtue of various factors external environment.

Attention! After 35 years, a greater number of complications are detected during labor activity and the birth of children with congenital anomalies.

Comprehensive examination before pregnancy:

- examination before pregnancy by a therapist

A woman planning a pregnancy should contact a therapist first. All expectant mothers, without exception, need to visit a doctor, regardless of their well-being and general health. Even if the girl has no complaints, it is through the therapist that she will be able to pick up an outpatient card, which contains everything necessary for further actions information.

The personal card contains infections suffered in childhood, vaccinations and existing diseases. All this information is extremely important for doctors and is necessary in order to monitor and advise a woman before conception and throughout the entire duration of her pregnancy.

It is the therapist who studies the patient’s medical history and writes a referral for examination to various specialists, and also refers for primary blood and blood tests. In case of existing chronic pathologies in a woman, the doctor may prescribe a course of additional preventive therapy. This measure is important for maximum reduction the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic ailments throughout pregnancy.

- Rh factor test

A blood test for Rh factor is necessary to exclude the possibility of a conflict between parental Rh factors. If this conflict is detected, the likelihood of having a defective baby increases.

If both spouses have the same indicators: both have negative or, conversely, positive Rh factors, the problem is eliminated and pregnancy planning is safe. A conflict may arise if the father's child inherits Rh positive, and from the mother is negative. Children in such cases may be born with pathological abnormalities such as brain damage, jaundice, an enlarged liver or heart, kidney organs, and also be born with anemia.

Reference! To prevent such adverse outcomes, a woman should be given anti-Rhesus serum, which helps to the mother's body perceive foreign fetal red blood cells as native.

- examination for STDs and TORCH infections

There are infections that are quite dangerous for the fetus, which can damage it if the pregnant mother is infected or the father already has an illness during the transfer of sperm. Such infections include:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • rubella;
  • herpes;
  • toxoplasmosis.

In order to identify these infections, a special TORCH test is performed. It allows you to detect the mother’s tendency to these pathologies and check the strength of the immune system. The study reveals specific immunoglobulin antibodies of groups M and G in the bloodstream, or it makes a conclusion that these antibodies are absent in the blood.

There are three possible diagnostic outcomes:

  1. Presence of immunoglobulin IgG in the bloodstream. This result indicates that the girl had previously suffered an infection and against this background she developed good immunity.
  2. Presence of lgM antibodies in the blood. This indicates an acute progression of the infection at present.
  3. Lack of immunoglobulin of both groups. Based on this study result, it becomes clear to the doctor that the woman has not previously been exposed to such infections and she has no immune defense against them.

Important! The third outcome of the analysis of the TORCH test is the most unfavorable. If an infection affects a woman’s body during pregnancy, this can have the most unexpected consequences for the child and the pregnancy process itself.

As for testing for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), it is advisable for both spouses to undergo it before conception. Infections such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus infection or chlamydia can be asymptomatic and lead to further infertility. Therefore, it is important to donate blood to detect these diseases, and if one of them is detected, undergo comprehensive treatment. As a rule, it is possible to get pregnant only six months after treatment.

- testing for hormones before planning pregnancy

The hormonal background of the expectant mother requires careful study before planning conception. The balance of hormonal substances in the body is extremely important for full fertility and full gestation. Doctors check next list hormonal substances in a woman’s body:

  • FSH. Follicle stimulating hormone is crucial in ensuring the proper and healthy growth of follicles that are involved in the monthly release of mature eggs. Blood testing for this hormone should be done on the 3rd or 4th day of the cycle.
  • LG. Luteinizing hormone is responsible for the production of estrogen and the normal functioning of the ovaries. During the ovulatory period, the LH level is the highest; its determination is necessary for fertilization and successful development of the embryo. LH testing is scheduled on days 3-5 of the cycle.
  • Hormones, produced thyroid gland. Some hormones have direct influence on material exchange and metabolic processes and affect the activity of all organic structures. First of all, this includes reproductive function. Identified problems before conception help to choose a way to improve the hormonal levels responsible for the quality of pregnancy.
  • Progesterone. This hormone is produced by the yellow-bodied gland, which forms immediately after ovulation. Progesterone leaves the membrane of the ruptured follicle and regulates the course of the pregnancy process. Its level should be studied before and after conception. At reduced rate progesterone, a woman is prescribed a course of taking the drug Utrozhestan.
  • Testosterone. Produced by the ovaries and adrenal structures. If it is in excess, conception becomes difficult.

- gynecological examination

A gynecologist is a mandatory specialist with whom a woman should be observed throughout her pregnancy. But the role of this doctor is also great before conception. He assesses the condition of the uterus and the girl’s entire reproductive system, takes a smear from the vagina to determine hidden infections and refers the patient to an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Ultrasound shows the condition of the ovaries, endometrium, fallopian tubes and the inner lining of the uterine body. If tubal obstruction is detected, the woman is sent for hysterosalpingography. This procedure consists of introducing a contrast agent into the uterine cavity, allowing for radiographic or ultrasound scanning.

- Is genetic counseling necessary?

Most babies around the world are born without any genetic abnormalities, but still 1 - 2% of children are diagnosed with intrauterine anomalies and pathological abnormalities. It is to avoid falling into this percentage that all future parents should undergo a consultation with a geneticist. The specialist identifies existing hereditary pathologies or genetic abnormalities in the family in both men and women.

Reference! Genetic counseling should also be sought by couples who have already had pregnancies that ended in miscarriage, fetal death, or fetal death inside the womb. The doctor helps assess the degree of risk and gives advice on preparing for conception and the process of carrying a pregnancy.

- other specialists

Depending on the existing health problems, a woman should visit other specialists. For example, if she has problems with her teeth, she needs to undergo a consultation, and if necessary, treatment from a dentist. An ophthalmologist will help you avoid vision problems during pregnancy, since expectant mothers often experience eye problems due to a lack of vitamins. Can be useful advice on the health of an otolaryngologist and other doctors who focus on a particular health problem.

An important assistant in the matter of planning and conception is psychological consultation. A psychologist will help you cope with the difficulties that arise in the perception of yourself and your body, which will help you relax and make pregnancy easier.

What tests should a man take if a couple is planning a pregnancy?

A man must also pass some tests to ensure proper conception and the health of the unborn baby:

  • blood and urine;
  • determination of the Rh factor;
  • TORCH infections;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • spermogram;
  • testosterone levels by donating hormones;
  • ECG to detect pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Before pregnancy, it is important to prepare your body well for pregnancy. This is necessary not only for maintaining the health of the mother, but also for the successful development of the fetus and birth a full-fledged child. How more woman If she goes through specialists, the calmer and safer she will feel throughout the entire stage of motherhood.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The doctor will conduct a survey, examination and will be able to draw conclusions: whether there are any diseases of the reproductive system. Every woman should keep her own menstrual calendar. It definitely needs to be shown to a doctor.

Test for infections

Majority infectious diseases pose a danger during pregnancy if infection occurs for the first time. Therefore, during the planning period, tests are taken to find out whether you have suffered from such diseases. If there has been no previous contact with the infection, then special caution is required in relation to it during pregnancy.

  • Rubella. For those who know for sure that they had this disease in childhood, a test is not required. But when there is no certainty about this, an antibody test (IgG, IgM) is performed. If IgM is detected in the blood, this means that you have become infected with this infection for the first time. In this case, you cannot plan a pregnancy within three months, but this situation is extremely rare. But the presence in blood IgG means that rubella was previously transferred and the body is immune to this disease. If IgG and IgM are absent, then it is necessary to get vaccinated to avoid infection during pregnancy (3 months before conception).
  • Toxoplasma. If specific antibodies to this pathogen are found in the blood, it means that this disease has already been suffered in some form. It should be noted that 90% of cat owners have such antibodies. If they are not there, then there is a risk of becoming infected during pregnancy. To prevent toxoplasmosis, it is recommended to have as little contact with cats and dogs as possible.
  • Herpes virus and cytomegalovirus. These pathogens remain in the body for life; treatment only reduces their activity, but does not completely destroy it. Therefore, tests for these viruses are taken in order to assess the likelihood of primary infection during pregnancy.
  • Sexual infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella). Tests for sexually transmitted infections are taken if there are complaints (for example, burning, itching, copious discharge), in preparation for IVF, unsuccessful pregnancy outcomes in the past. It is also recommended that such tests be carried out for those who have had a large number of sexual partners.

If you are diagnosed with chlamydia, herpes virus and other infections, your spouse should also be examined. If pathogens are present in him, but you are not, then during pregnancy sex life allowed only with a condom.

Hormone analysis

These tests are taken in the following situations:

  • Violations menstrual cycle.
  • The presence of pregnancies with an unsuccessful outcome in the past (miscarriage, regression).
  • Excess body weight, increased hair growth, acne.
  • Absence of pregnancy for a year or more.

Blood type and Rh factor

Both spouses need to know these indicators if this is not the first pregnancy. This is due to possible immune conflicts between the mother and fetus. During the first pregnancy, the probability of developing incompatibility between an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive fetus is no more than 10%. The more pregnancies a woman has had (including all miscarriages and abortions over 8-9 weeks), the higher the likelihood of Rh conflict. Conflicts based on blood type are also possible, but they are much less common.

When carrying out these tests, not only the blood type and Rh factor are determined, but also the presence of antibodies (anti-Rh or AB0) to the spouse’s blood.


Ultrasound is recommended for all women planning pregnancy. They do not pass it only when regular visits gynecologist and the absence of pathology. During an ultrasound, you can detect ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, malformations of the reproductive system, compliance of the condition of the uterine mucosa with the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence indirect signs completed ovulation.

Consultation with an endocrinologist and therapist

For healthy people without chronic diseases Visiting these specialists is not necessary. Everyone else needs detailed consultation from an endocrinologist and therapist. It is better to have the results of general and biochemical blood tests and a general urine test with you.

Genetic consultation

Necessary for those who have a family history of children with developmental defects, as well as inherited diseases. Consultation with a geneticist is also necessary for women who have had more than two regressive pregnancies.

Analysis of spouse compatibility

It is carried out if pregnancy does not occur for more than a year, but no visible reasons for this purpose no. Incompatibility between spouses is quite rare.


This test is required by the spouse if pregnancy does not occur for more than a year.

Consultation with a psychologist

If infertility treatment is carried out for a long time (2-3 years) and does not produce results, married couples It is recommended to visit a psychologist.

Planning pregnancy is a special period in family life. There is no need to complicate it with additional examinations if there is no need.

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Obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences Make an appointment

Pregnancy planning examinations should begin several months before the expected conception. This is important because, if necessary, the expectant mother can be vaccinated against rubella no later than two to three months before the expected conception; vaccination against hepatitis B begins six months before the onset of pregnancy.

In addition, all changes in the lifestyle of future parents should have time to affect the condition of their body, so it is better to plan a pregnancy sooner rather than later.

When planning a pregnancy, consultation with doctors should include not only expectant mother, but also a father. This is very important for the health of the unborn baby. Some doctors should be visited by a married couple together, and some doctors should be visited separately.

For example, a woman absolutely needs a consultation with a gynecologist, and a man needs a consultation with an andrologist and urologist.

It is known that the optimal age for a woman to give birth is from 20 to 28 years. If the expectant mother is under 18 or over 35 years old, then she should take doctor visits and tests as seriously as possible. However, a woman even of the “optimal” age needs this, just like healthy image life when planning pregnancy.

Where should you start preparing for pregnancy, other than the parents’ desire to have a child?

First of all, the couple needs to decide where and with which doctors they will undergo examinations. It is optimal for the doctor in charge of pregnancy planning to be in constant contact with the future parents: that is, so that you can call him at any time and ask any question.

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In addition, it is important that test results and specialist opinions flock to this doctor. Therefore, it is best to carry out everything medical examination within the walls of one medical center, which has all the necessary doctors and equipment for tests.

And most importantly: you need to trust your doctor. If he does not inspire confidence as a person or as a specialist, it is better to find someone else - fortunately, when planning a pregnancy, the couple is not as bound by the time frame as after its onset.

So, we start with a consultation with a leading doctor who will refer the couple to specialists.

First of all, you should visit a geneticist. A geneticist is a doctor who can determine whether a couple is at risk for any genetic diseases and whether they can even have a child.

It also happens that genetically determined diseases are dangerous only for children of a certain sex. In this case, future parents may be recommended a clinic that will help them “choose” the sex of the child - it’s not cheap, but not more expensive than the life and health of the unborn baby.

And this is done like this: for example, if hereditary diseases are dangerous for boys, then with the help of special equipment they will isolate the necessary chromosomes in the husband’s sperm and then inject them into the wife.

Consultation with a geneticist is especially necessary for couples who have already had problems of this kind during previous pregnancies or have had children with developmental anomalies.

In many countries, couples planning a pregnancy are required to take a blood test to study their chromosome set. The couple also goes through this research together - after all unborn child He will receive half of his chromosome set from his mother, and half from his father. The parents themselves can be completely healthy, and at the same time have balanced chromosomal rearrangements, which, once transmitted to the child, can cause chromosomal imbalance in his body. A timely examination will help correct the situation and avoid the birth of a sick child.

In addition to genetic testing, future parents should undergo a consultation with a therapist. Why do you need a therapist?

First of all, in order to identify chronic diseases and hidden infections that can be asymptomatic and unnoticed by patients. This must be done before pregnancy, because any latent infection will worsen during pregnancy, when many organs and systems of the body work with double the load. And exacerbation of a chronic infection during pregnancy can harm both mother and child. Not to mention that treating an aggravated disease during pregnancy is also difficult and unsafe for the child.

Therefore, everything that can be treated should be treated at the stage of pregnancy planning.

In addition to the therapist, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, especially if the woman suffers from activity disorders endocrine system such as diabetes or thyroid disease.

It is also necessary to undergo tests that will help identify hidden pathologies (clinical blood and urine tests, blood sugar tests, biochemical analysis blood), latent sexually transmitted infections (in particular, HIV and hepatitis), and expectant mother, and the future dad (by PCR method), the presence or absence of antibodies to torch-complex infections.

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In addition to all this, before pregnancy it is very important to find out the Rh factor of both parents, because with a negative Rh factor in a woman and a positive Rh factor in a man, complications may arise if the child inherits the positive Rh factor of the father. In this case, it is possible to give birth to a child with hemolytic disease, as well as severe complications from the mother. If the problem is “intercepted” in advance, even before pregnancy, then with the help modern medicine you can deal with it.

Future parents undergo the remaining examinations separately.

  • A woman needs consultations with a gynecologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, and dentist. And also undergo an ultrasound and some other examinations.
  • A man should see a urologist and andrologist and have a spermogram done.

This is necessary in order to identify and promptly treat infections that may interfere with conceiving a healthy child.

After all the examinations have been carried out, the doctor, who by then will draw up complete picture physical condition of the couple planning a child, will give future parents recommendations on what they need to do before conceiving a child.

In particular, all infections that may worsen during pregnancy, as well as those infections of the man that can be transmitted during conception, must be treated.

We must not forget that STIs (sexually transmitted infections) detected in any of the partners are an indication for examination and treatment (maybe preventative) of both partners.

If a woman does not have antibodies to rubella, then before conception (2-3 months before) she should be vaccinated against rubella. The same applies to hepatitis B, which, if infected during pregnancy, is an extremely dangerous disease for a pregnant woman.

The rubella vaccination is a single dose, but the hepatitis B vaccination is carried out in three doses, so the first vaccination must be done at least six months before pregnancy.

Let us remember that during pregnancy, vaccinations are not given due to the theoretical risk of the fetus being damaged by a “live” vaccine; moreover, it takes time for the risk to completely disappear. That's why doctors so insistently say that vaccinations need to be done several months before pregnancy.

The expectant father may also need vaccinations. If he did not have infections such as measles or chickenpox as a child, then it would be wise to get vaccinated so that, in case of infection with these infections, he does not pass the disease on to his pregnant wife.

The doctor will give the couple recommendations on changes in diet and lifestyle that are more suitable for future parents. If necessary, both the wife and husband will be prescribed vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that cover the deficiency of vital microelements, such as iodine, zinc, iron and others.

Let us repeat once again that you need to start taking such drugs before pregnancy, so that by the time of conception the body already has enough strength to bear a child. healthy baby.

Our medical center “Euromedprestige” employs professional obstetricians and gynecologists who prepare for pregnancy, plan it, and manage it. You can always pass full examination, get tested, consult with doctors of other specialties, such as a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, etc.

Currently the majority married couples prefer planned pregnancy. This is very good, because a few months before conception you can get rid of bad habits, undergo examination and, if necessary, receive treatment. All these measures are aimed at ensuring that the pregnancy develops without problems and ends in the birth of a healthy baby.

You need to start the examination by preparing your partner for the fact that the health of your unborn child also depends on his well-being. Men don't really like to visit medical institutions, therefore, it is necessary to explain as convincingly as possible the importance of the event, choose free time and go to the hospital together. What tests should you undergo before pregnancy?

Comprehensive examination before pregnancy

The ideal approach to conceiving a child is to undergo a complete examination. It includes consultations with a gynecologist, therapist, dentist, ENT doctor, geneticist, laboratory and ultrasound tests.

Pre-pregnancy examination by a therapist

The first thing you should do is visit a therapist, even if you do not feel any abnormalities in your health. The therapist keeps information about your childhood infections and vaccinations - this is important for your well-being future pregnancy. Having learned that you are planning a baby, the therapist will refer you for tests to identify general state body. Typically this is general analysis blood and general urine analysis. If there are chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult specialists in these areas. The purpose of the examination is to find out whether there are any contraindications for future pregnancy.

Examination of a woman before pregnancy

Then it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. Exactly female doctor determines the readiness of the expectant mother’s body to conceive, and also prescribes treatment if there are any problems in the female intimate sphere. Before visiting a gynecologist, carefully consider the questions you plan to ask the doctor. Be prepared to answer the doctor's questions about the date last menstrual period, regularity monthly cycle, about the contraception used.

During the examination, the doctor will examine the condition of the woman’s genital organs, take the necessary smears from the vagina, which determine the presence of hidden infections and microflora. For a more thorough examination women's health It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Ultrasonography shows the condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, inner surface uterus and its readiness for conception. If necessary, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed in the initial and final phases of the cycle in order to know about the condition of the endometrium.

The women's doctor, based on the data from the medical record and the examination completed, makes a diagnosis of readiness for conception. If any diseases or pathologies are detected, the patient is prescribed treatment, after which the issue of planning pregnancy can be raised again.

Screening for sexually transmitted diseases

Then you need to get tested for STDs. The number of these serious illnesses is constantly increasing, these include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, human papillomavirus infection, hepatitis and others. The insidiousness of these infections is that sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, but leads to sad consequences, for example, to infertility. Infection with these diseases occurs during unprotected sex from a sick partner. A blood test is done to detect infections. If the examination shows the presence of any disease, treatment is prescribed, which must be completed together with your partner. In this case, it is recommended to postpone conceiving a child for 3-6 months, and then undergo tests again.

Testing for TORCH infections before pregnancy

The complex of TORCH infections includes 4 main diseases: toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes. People of any age can become infected with these diseases, but they are especially dangerous for pregnant women. Infection with any of them during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is a clear indication for termination of pregnancy. The listed infections have a negative effect on the organs of the baby in the womb, destroying nervous system and forming congenital deformities and pathologies. TORCH infections can provoke miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death.

  1. Some children suffered from rubella in early age. If so, the woman may have developed immunity to the disease. But rubella often occurs in an erased form; by its appearance, parents mistake it for common cold. This is why tests for TORCH infections are prescribed. If the expectant mother has not had rubella, she is recommended to be vaccinated against this disease several months before her planned pregnancy.
  2. To protect against toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, it is enough to follow preventive actions: avoid contact with cats, thoroughly wash your hands, fruits, vegetables, observe the cooking time for meat and fish dishes.
  3. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted by airborne droplets, which means you can become infected anywhere: in transport, in a store, at work. This disease can lead to pathologies intrauterine development baby. If a blood test shows a high content of cytomegalovirus, the patient is prescribed antiviral treatment. At the end of therapy, you can again think about conceiving a child.
  4. The herpes virus cannot be completely removed from the body. Therapy is aimed at suppressing its activity. During pregnancy, it is necessary to protect yourself from primary infection with the herpes virus.

A blood test determines the amount of antibodies to these infections in the body. It is very important to undergo this examination before the start of pregnancy, during its planning. If this fails, try to get tested at the most early stages pregnancy. Give your child a chance to be born strong and healthy.

Hormone testing before planning pregnancy

Our appearance, weight, figure. Therefore, knowing your hormonal levels is no less important than your blood pressure or hemoglobin level. It is hormones that make a woman attractive, feminine and desirable. The balance of hormones determines a woman’s ability to conceive a child and carry a pregnancy to term. Per condition hormonal levels hormones produced by the ovaries, pituitary gland and thyroid gland act. A deficiency or excess of one of the hormones can lead to menstrual irregularities, excessive weight gain, and even a deterioration in overall health.

To test for hormones, it is recommended to donate blood in the first and second phases of the monthly cycle. Every isolated case examined in detail by the doctor, and according to the woman’s health condition, tests are prescribed different groups hormones. Mandatory examination Potential mothers over 35 years of age are exposed to hormones. This is due to the fact that after 30 years, hormone levels can decrease significantly. Indications for taking hormone tests are irregular periods or excess weight.

Pre-pregnancy examination: other specialists

Even if the therapist has not given recommendations to visit a dentist, ophthalmologist or ENT doctor, do not delay visiting these specialists. Your teeth will remain healthy during pregnancy and while breastfeeding if you take care of them in advance. To do this, it is necessary to treat problem teeth, as well as eat foods with high content calcium.

An ophthalmologist should be visited by those who know about their vision problems. Some eye diseases worsen during pregnancy and childbirth. Having received recommendations from an ophthalmologist, you will feel more confident throughout your pregnancy.

While carrying a child, a woman’s body is under enormous stress, sometimes leading to a decrease in immunity. That is why it is recommended to undergo an examination by an ENT doctor before pregnancy. A decrease in immunological defense affects the body's susceptibility to infections, especially if there are chronic diseases of the nose and throat.

A complete examination before pregnancy includes a blood test for sugar and blood clotting (coagulogram). A blood biochemistry test would be useful. The indicators of this analysis indicate coherence in work internal organs: liver, kidneys and gall bladder. Better to know about possible problems with health in advance to warn them before pregnancy. It is not at all necessary that you will be prescribed treatment. Sometimes it is enough to change your eating style or eliminate certain foods from your diet to improve your health.

Examination of a couple before pregnancy

Potential parents are recommended to attend a medical genetic consultation. This is necessary in order to identify possible genetic diseases in the child. The risk of these diseases is higher in families where children were born with developmental pathologies. However, completely healthy parents sometimes children are born with genetic diseases. Geneticist prescribes special studies, according to which the estimated forecast is made. If there is a risk of having a sick child, additional examinations will be scheduled during pregnancy.

A married couple is recommended to donate blood to determine the Rh factor. If the expectant mother Rh negative blood, and the partner is Rh positive, the development of Rh conflict is possible. This situation can negatively affect the health of the unborn child and the course of pregnancy. This combination requires closer study and observation by a gynecologist.

  • blood on RW;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for Rh factor;
  • blood for STDs.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, the doctor will refer the patient for a spermogram. This is a semen analysis that reveals the number, activity and viability of sperm. If necessary, the future father is prescribed treatment and other measures: balanced diet, giving up bad habits, taking vitamins.

When all the tests have been completed and no pathologies have been found, it’s time to start conceiving a child. In the hope of giving birth to a healthy baby, you have long given up smoking and other bad habits and eat only healthy products, drink enough clean water, avoid stress and take daily walks. All these events will create a favorable atmosphere in your family for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Pregnancy planning. Video

An obstetrician-gynecologist popularly talks about pregnancy planning.

Planning a pregnancy is an indicator of the responsibility and readiness of spouses to be parents. Of course, the emotional and psychological attitude is important here, but physical state the body plays an equally important role. After all, the child’s development depends on the health of future parents. Some problems can be taken into account at the stage of preparation for conception. To begin with, the couple needs to undergo a certain minimum of examinations; if necessary, additional tests and consultations will be prescribed.

Visit to the gynecologist

A woman should first visit a gynecologist, as this doctor plays a key role in the examination. What does the doctor do at such appointments?

  1. Collects anamnesis. Asks a number of questions regarding the health of the potential mother, inquires about hereditary diseases, both the woman and her husband. This is necessary so that, if necessary, you can be referred for consultation to other specialists, including a geneticist. Finds out how previous pregnancies and births proceeded.
  2. Conduct a cytological examination. The test is a smear from the cervix. The examination determines the presence inflammatory processes and the presence of atypical cells on the surface of the cervix.
  3. Will do a colposcopy. During this painless procedure, the doctor carefully examines the surface of the cervix through a special microscope, assessing the condition of the mucous membrane, to diagnose certain diseases.
  4. Will analyze the discharge for microflora. A smear can detect genital infections and inflammations.
  5. Recommends passing ultrasound examination pelvic organs. The procedure allows you to identify certain pathologies of the uterus, ovaries, and endometrium.
  6. Will prescribe if necessary.

It is worth remembering that a number of diseases can be effectively treated before pregnancy, so it is better to identify them and treat them before conception. After all, when a woman is expecting a baby, there may be difficulties in selecting medications (not all medications are safe during this period).

Visiting a therapist

After being examined by a gynecologist, you need to visit a therapist. This doctor will be able to assess the general condition of the body. What does a therapist pay attention to during a pregnancy planning appointment?

  1. Conducts anamnesis collection. Just like a gynecologist will ask a number of questions regarding your health. After all, firstly, it is better to treat existing problems before pregnancy, and, secondly, in the presence of chronic diseases, you need to seek advice from relevant specialists. The fact is that during pregnancy, diseases tend to worsen, so it is worth preparing for this in advance.
  2. Measures pulse, blood pressure, listens to noises chest, assesses the condition skin, mucous membranes of the mouth.
  3. Will issue a referral for an electrocardiogram, which will help assess the functioning of the heart.
  4. Will recommend undergoing fluorography or x-ray of the chest area.
  5. Will issue a referral for a general blood test, which, despite its simplicity and accessibility, is the basis for diagnosing a wide range of diseases. The analysis does not make it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis, but it allows you to see changes in the blood and prescribe more specific tests.
  6. Recommends taking the general exam. This type of research is often prescribed for the diagnosis of diseases, as well as for preventive purposes. The process of urine formation involves all urinary system, therefore the work of all its organs can be assessed using this analysis. The composition of urine also reflects the health of organs of other systems, which is also visible in the results.
  7. Will issue a referral for analysis to determine blood glucose levels. Increased performance the results may indicate diabetes and for some other ailments. A diagnosis is not made based on one result, but other studies are prescribed.

After all the tests have been taken and the examinations completed, the doctor will give an opinion on the state of health and if there are any deviations, measures can be taken in a timely manner; the potential father should also visit a therapist.

There is no need to try to interpret the research results yourself; it is better to trust qualified specialists. In order to see full picture Regarding the state of health, it is necessary to look at everything comprehensively, taking into account not only tests, but also anamnesis, as well as indicators of other examinations.

Blood group and Rh factor analysis

Not everyone knows their blood type and Rh factor. Most often, such analyzes are carried out on medical indications, for example, before surgical intervention or during pregnancy.

Blood type and Rh factor are characteristics that depend on heredity and do not change throughout life. On the surface of blood cells, A-antigen and B-antigen can be distinguished. The presence or absence of these antigens in the blood determines membership in one of 4 groups.

The Rh factor is a special protein that can be found on the surface of the red blood cell. If this protein is present in the blood, then we are talking about a positive Rh factor, and if it is absent, then it is negative.

Both spouses need to get tested. If a woman is diagnosed Rh negative, and the man is positive, then in this case a Rh conflict may develop. If the fetus inherits the father's Rh factor, then its red blood cells, entering the mother's blood, cause a reaction immune system. The woman’s body begins to fight against “foreign” bodies, which can lead to negative consequences, the most terrible of which is fetal death fetus But if you know in advance about the likelihood of a conflict, the doctor will take measures to prevent undesirable consequences from the very beginning of pregnancy:

  • additional tests will be ordered to monitor the presence of a conflict;
  • if necessary, additional fetal ultrasound and other examination methods are performed;
  • anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered;
  • may offer observation in a hospital.

It should be remembered that doctors have extensive experience in managing pregnant women with negative Rh factor, therefore, it is necessary to implement all recommendations earlier that will reduce the risk of conflict consequences.

Analysis for TORCH infections

This analysis combines examinations for several infections (rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegolavirus, herpes), which are especially dangerous for a pregnant woman. These infections are widespread and the majority of the adult population of the planet is infected with them. After meeting them, a person develops stable immunity. If during pregnancy a woman encounters one of these infections for the first time, it poses a great danger to the fetus. This often serves as an indication for. If immunity is present, then repeated infection will not cause such serious intrauterine damage.

Testing for TORCH infections helps determine whether a woman is immune to infections or not. If the potential mother has never met any of them, the doctor will take this into account at the planning stage and during pregnancy management:

  • if there is no immunity to rubella, they will offer vaccination (after which you need to wait about 3 months before conception);
  • during pregnancy, additional means of strengthening the immune system will be prescribed;
  • will have a conversation about the prevention of these diseases.

Examinations by other specialists

The state of health of all organs affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby, so a woman should visit other specialists.


  • during pregnancy, it is important to prevent the development of any sources of infection, so you need to treat your teeth in advance;
  • visits to the dentist cause stress for many people, and while expecting a baby it is better to exclude such situations;
  • In a pregnant woman, microbes in the mouth develop faster, so caries can appear at a faster rate.


During childbirth, eye strain increases. Therefore, it is important to assess visual acuity and the condition of the fundus. At first glance, it may seem strange to need to consult this specialist. But his conclusion plays significant role even when choosing labor management tactics.

Special examinations

In some situations it becomes necessary to go through additional research. There is no need to rush to visit everyone possible doctors and pass maximum amount tests, if necessary, doctors will refer the spouses (or one of them) to the right specialist. Most often these are:

  • geneticist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • urologist;
  • neurologist;
  • Ultrasound of some organs;
  • additional tests.

What's in Lately All more families consciously approaching the issue of conceiving a child is a huge plus. Such an examination increases the likelihood of an easy pregnancy and childbirth and is a contribution to the baby’s health.

Video about pregnancy planning
