The child does not eat well, what to do and how to increase appetite. Foods that increase appetite in children

The child began to act up in food, eats little? One way to solve the problem is to introduce a special vitamin complex. But remember: vitamins for children's appetite should be prescribed by a doctor.

There are many reasons for loss of appetite:

Parents are often to blame, persuading: “Well, eat another bite!” or “Until you eat, you won’t leave the table!”. This may cause problems for the child eating behavior including aversion to food.

But during the period of rapid growth of the fidget, the reason for the loss of appetite, most likely, lies in the lack of vitamins and trace elements. After all, the reception and assimilation of food is not an easy task for the child's body and takes a lot of energy. Vitamin deficiency provokes disruption of the organs and systems in the child's body. Digestion becomes sluggish useful substances is not digested at all, energy resources run out.

Vitamin deficiency, in addition to a deterioration in appetite, is indicated by:

  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased attention;
  • bad sleep;
  • bleeding gums;
  • irritability;
  • cracks in the lips.

Lack of interest in food can be triggered, for example, by iron deficiency. Therefore, before buying a vitamin complex to improve appetite, consult a pediatrician. A blood test will show which compounds your child is missing.

Vitamins will also support in case of childhood illness. They return interest in food, as they normalize the functioning internal organs, help to assimilate useful substances and promote energy production. As a result, the body seems to “wake up” and begins to demand food and sleep.

Poor appetite, in turn, can also cause a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and aggravate the child's condition. Vicious circle? Not really. This problem can be solved with the help of special complex preparations for children. Tablets and syrups will restore the balance of nutrients in a growing body and return cravings for food.

Effective Options

The main fighters with low appetite are vitamins A, C and B12 - they can be bought at almost any pharmacy. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes for children have attractive fruit flavors. Few children refuse to take them.

Ascorbic acid strengthens immune system, improves digestive processes and promotes the absorption of iron.

Vitamins A and B12 (cyanocobalamin) are two more traditional components of children's food additives aimed at increasing appetite.

Cyanocobalamin, in addition to the tablet form, is also sold in ampoules under the brands: Ankerman B12 (Germany), Dodex (Turkey), Cyanocobalamin Darnitsa. The solution for injection has a pinkish color, but there is one problem: the injection is quite painful, so the child is unlikely to agree to it voluntarily.

Poorly eating children also need other B vitamins:

  1. B1 (thiamine) is essential for all biochemical processes in a growing body, including energy production and protein digestion.
  2. B2 will return the child to a good mood, as it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulates the functions of brain cells. This vitamin is needed by human neurotransmitters, including dopamine - it is responsible for feelings of happiness and pleasure.
  3. B6 contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and helps a thin child gain normal weight.

Table of daily doses

But how much to give a child to restore appetite? The table below provides recommended daily allowances for the vitamins listed above for children of various ages.

Selection rules

Arriving at the pharmacy, you will be amazed at the variety of drugs offered by the modern market for children's vitamins. Their cost is quite high, but whether there will be a result from their reception is a big question.

Often, the drug contains up to several dozen compounds that do not interact well with each other. As a result, the tablet dissolves in the stomach, after which its components leave the child's body. naturally without any benefit.

Vitamin-mineral complexes often compensate for the lack of some substances, but at the same time create an overabundance of others. That is why it is important to get advice from an intelligent pediatrician before buying a drug. It also happens that the problem of lack of appetite is solved by ascorbic acid prescribed by a doctor.

  • "Elkar";
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Kavit Junior";
  • Vitrum Kids.

For each trustworthy drug, an instruction is attached, which describes in detail the rules for taking and dosage, taking into account age gradation: one, two or three, five years, and so on.

Other ways to regain appetite

You can return the fidget's interest in food not only with the help of pharmaceutical products. Many foods increase appetite and can be given to a child for treatment or prevention.

  1. Appetite helps sour and salty foods. But if pickles and sauerkraut your baby is unlikely to want to eat (and until a certain age these foods should not be included in the children's diet at all), then a glass of lemon water or green apple he will gladly swallow before dinner. Before the main dishes, the child can be offered a fresh cucumber, tomato, or any citrus fruit, or berries. Although children under one year old, these vegetables and fruits are contraindicated.
  2. There is another, a little unexpected way make the child eat more. Half an hour before meals, he is given a piece of chocolate or candy. A small portion of sweets does not discourage appetite, as many believe. On the contrary, the release of sugar into the blood creates the illusion of satiety, but not for long - after this appears strong feeling hunger. But do not abuse this technique, because not all doctors approve of it.
  3. You can try non-alcoholic aperitifs - drinks that awaken the feeling of hunger: tea with mint, fruit juices, berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes. Here it is important to offer the child fresh, not canned juices. "Boxed" versions contain too much sugar, which brings false sensation satiety.

For correct and harmonious development A child needs a complete and balanced diet. However, all parents know that feeding a baby is sometimes quite laborious and difficult. difficult process. He can be naughty, refuse the offered dishes and scatter dishes. Most often, these difficulties are temporary and disappear with age, but sometimes it may be necessary to use drugs to increase appetite in children.

Appetite disorders in preschoolers - common causes

Very often, parents of preschool children (age four to seven years) face the unwillingness to fully eat.

Excitability nervous system in preschool age is on a very high level. So distract him from exciting games with peers is very difficult, and getting his attention to food is even more difficult. Then most moms and dads (as well as grandparents) make one mistake: trying to get their son / daughter to eat at least a little, he / she is offered snacks in the form of sandwiches, cookies or sweets. As a result, there is a malfunction in the activity of the digestive system, and, in fact, the stomach simply “does not understand” when it needs to be ready to work.

Another reason for refusing food can be its monotony. Even if he really likes, for example, buckwheat porridge, he may not want to eat it for several days in a row. You can solve the problem by trying new recipes, delighting your baby with a variety of healthy and tasty diets.

ATTENTION! When a child is sick, he heat, intoxication and a general deterioration in well-being, and at the same time he does not want to eat, you should not force him to eat. It needs to be provided plentiful drink(it is better to drink often and in small portions), as well as organize a comprehensive medical examination.

By the way, calm, sedentary children who prefer to spend time reading books or watching cartoons, as a rule, eat less than their peers who prefer active games on fresh air. Usually we are talking about the fact that people who expend energy at different intensities simply require an unequal number of calories. Therefore, comparing children with different characters and addictions in matters of the volume of food consumed are impossible, even if we are talking about brothers and sisters.

Nervous tension caused various factors, can also cause the baby to eat little. The most common factors are:

  1. Overexcitation caused by prolonged active games.
  2. Continuous viewing of TV programs / movies / cartoons. Such entertainment, despite the fact that they seem calm, can lead to a significant overstrain of the fragile nervous system. As a result, sleep disturbances and vision problems may also occur.
  3. Tension (quarrels, scandals) in the family.

Change of environment associated with moving to another place of residence or transfer to a new kindergarten. In such a situation, the problem resolves itself over time. As soon as he adapts to the new conditions, he will eat well again and reappear with pleasure.

Lifestyle and its effect on appetite

Sometimes it is enough to reconsider the lifestyle of the family and form a daily routine, as well as think about food habits - and all the problems associated with the nutrition of the younger family members disappear. The following simple tips can help:

  1. Use cutlery (plates, spoons, mugs) bright colors, and better - decorated with pictures, for example, from cartoons. You can play the game "What's at the bottom of the plate?". Simple curiosity can motivate you to quickly eat porridge to see fairy tale character hiding from him at the bottom.
  2. If the child is in bad mood, is naughty and refuses the offered dishes - it is impossible to force feed him. At a minimum, he needs to be given the opportunity to calm down, play or watch a short cartoon. The ideal option is to feed when he asks for it. However, it is not suitable, for example, for young children who have not yet learned to speak.
  3. Avoid snacks. If a son or daughter looks down at their plate without enthusiasm during the main meal, it is possible that he/she simply does not feel hungry yet. A small cookie, cottage cheese or cereal bar is quite capable of leading to the fact that the usual meal will again be accompanied by refusal and protests.
  4. Develop a daily routine, set intervals between feedings and strictly adhere to them. So you can help to establish the work of the digestive system, and the situation will return to normal.
  5. Offer the baby non-standardly designed dishes. An ordinary emoticon drawn with jam on porridge can not only cheer you up, but also improve your appetite. The main thing is to periodically invent something new and interesting. And for ideas, you can turn to the resources of the global network or come up with your own;
  6. Walk more often and encourage physical activity. Outdoor games are a great way for your baby to eat all the dishes offered and ask for supplements when they return home. Perhaps he simply does not spend enough energy, and therefore does not seek to replenish it.

Using Traditional Medicine Recipes to Improve Children's Appetite

In order for the baby to eat well again, you can achieve by using means traditional medicine. Among the most popular methods are the following:

  1. Offer stimulating food. It can be an apple or carrot, including in the form of juice, berries: cherry, raspberry, strawberry, kiwi; citruses. It is recommended to offer such appetite stimulants to the baby about half an hour before meals.
  2. Tea. stimulate digestive system maybe Mint tea. To prepare it, pour 0.5 teaspoon of dried and chopped mint into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. If the baby is less than two years old, then he is recommended to drink a tablespoon of such tea on an empty stomach, older children need to give a drink twice a day for ¼ cup. Fennel. A drink from the seeds of this plant can be given even to babies (in this case it improves digestion). Older children can drink it as a stimulant. To make this tea, you will need fennel seeds (one teaspoon), which will need to be poured into a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for two hours, preferably warm. Children drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach. With currant leaves. Such tea, which improves appetite, can be given to children over 3 years old. It perfectly quenches thirst, you can drink it in any volume.
  3. Garlic. When cooking, you can add a small amount of garlic. It also contributes to solving the problem, including by improving both the taste and aroma of dishes. In addition, it is very useful for immunity. This tool can only be used by children who have reached the age of three;
  4. The use of bitters. These are infusions of herbs such as wormwood, centaury, calamus root or dandelion. They can be found in almost any pharmacy and purchased without a prescription. For the body, they are in most cases safe (with the exception of cases of individual intolerance). The action is based on irritation of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the desire to eat increases reflexively.

The remedy is effective, however, due to the specific taste, most children simply refuse to take it.

  • Wormwood. It is recommended to drink this tincture for three weeks on an empty stomach, fifteen drops each. If necessary, you can repeat the course no earlier than ten days later.
  • Air (rhizome). Dry rhizome (ten grams) should be poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water. The tool is infused for half an hour. Each time before eating, you need to give a quarter cup of infusion to drink.
  • The collection is appetizing. This infusion will be effective if you drink it three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Dosage - dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm boiled water and give me a drink.
  1. Fish fat. This remedy is taken in courses of thirty days with a two-week break. Take one teaspoon of liquid fish oil twice a day. You can also use fish oil in the form of capsules. Then be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Pomegranate juice. Give a glass of juice regularly for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  3. Bee pollen. It can also act as an immunomodulator and source a large number trace elements needed by the body. Consume pollen once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach. If we are talking about a child, then one teaspoon is enough. Care must be taken, especially if there is (or has ever been) a tendency to be allergic to bee products.
  4. Aromatherapy. This original and interesting method also widely used. This procedure will require one of the following aromatic oils: bergamot, chamomile, hyssop, cardamom, juniper or wormwood. If desired, the oils can be alternated or, having tried several, choose the flavor that you like best.

ATTENTION! The use of traditional medicine is permissible, but only if the child does not have any diseases. All of these agents are capable of causing allergic reaction, therefore, for the first few times, it is permissible to give them only little by little and closely monitor the condition of the child.

Effective drugs that increase appetite in children

Lack of appetite can lead to serious consequences or be a sign of a number of diseases. If a person eats poorly, his body does not receive enough nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

If a child refuses food or takes it only in small quantities for two weeks or longer, this is a well-founded reason to see a doctor.

ATTENTION! If we are talking about a baby, you should definitely visit or call a doctor if the baby has refused to feed two (or more) times in a row.

It is important to remember that identifying safe and effective medicines, which increase appetite in children, it is unlikely that it will be possible to pick it up on your own, so the specialist will most likely first give a referral for tests and, possibly, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on these studies, you can determine the cause of the problem, and determine how to eliminate it.

The table shows the most popular and effective drugs that can help to cope with the problem, and which can be used in childhood.

No. p / p Name How to use Note
1 Primobolan - Depot It is administered intramuscularly. For children, the dosage is 0.07 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight. Helps to increase physical activity, increase body weight. Helps improve general state body, often used for developmental and/or growth disorders. Can be used from an early age (on the recommendation of a doctor)
2 Peritol (Periactin) Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age.

2 - 6 years old: 4 tsp syrup or 2 tablets per day;

6 - 14 years: 6 tsp syrup or 3 tablets per day.

Blocks the action of mediators that suppress the feeling of hunger.

Contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma.

3 Peptides (GHRP-6, GHRP-2) 1 mcg/kg body weight three times a day for a month. Influence the process of glucose metabolism. Use with caution only under the supervision of a specialist.
4 Pernexin Children under one year: contraindicated;

At the age of one to three years: 0.5 tsp. three times a day during meals;

Over 3 years: 1 tsp three times a day during meals.

Helps to increase the overall tone of the body, while stimulating the process of hematopoiesis.
5 Iron preparations (Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Fenyuls, Sorbifer) It is recommended either during a meal or immediately after a meal. As side effect stomach upset may occur.
6 Ascorbic acid and B vitamins Instructions for taking should be specified in the instructions for a particular drug. Often in both children and adults, the cause of the problem lies in the deficiency of these substances.
7 Home drops Montana 20 minutes before a meal, 1 teaspoon with a small amount of boiled water at room temperature. Helps to increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. It can also be used for increased gas formation and constipation.

Decreased appetite in a child is a phenomenon that can and should be fought. Both parents and the attending physician in this case require a lot of time and patience. The main thing in such a situation is not only to correctly determine the cause and develop effective measures to eliminate it, but also to consistently and carefully follow all the appointments of a doctor, nutritionist, psychologist. It is also required to carefully study all instructions for the use of the prescribed medical preparations and follow them as closely as possible. This is the only way to achieve positive dynamics and help the child grow up healthy.

The appetite of a child is influenced by many different factors, which is why you need to understand the problem together with a professional doctor at an in-person consultation.

Causes of decreased appetite in a child

7. Stop snacking. Fully! This is very bad for appetite, cookies, juices, cereals - all this gives the child a feeling of satiety. What can we say about sweets and other sweets. It is not surprising if the child at the table turns away from the soup. If the child ate badly at lunch, steadfastly, again, without snacks, wait for an afternoon snack. Let the appetite arise, do not interrupt it!

8. Follow the feeding regime, that is, try to arrange breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day. So the body will “remember” these hours and after a while it will even begin to produce gastric juice “by the time”. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on appetite.

9. Some mothers find a seemingly easy way to feed a child with reduced appetite - under the TV or tablet. It is strongly not recommended to do so. This disrupts the digestion process and from childhood forms a very unhealthy habit of eating in front of the TV. As you know, this is the way to overweight and other problems with gastrointestinal tract. Also, you should not promise anything to the child for a spoonful of soup eaten, otherwise this bargaining will become a habit and will be perceived by the child as part of the meal.

10. Negative emotions not a place at the table, therefore it is strongly not recommended to drive the child during meals, threaten, shout, insist and force. So you can achieve the opposite effect - stress and, as a result, an even greater decrease in appetite.


Since ancient times in Rus', freshly squeezed cabbage juice or a sour apple half an hour before meals was used to increase appetite. Recipes that include coriander, anise, or dandelion root are also effective. However, I would like to remind you that you need to

A good appetite in a child is a source of endless joy for parents. There is nothing more pleasant than to see how a child happily eats a cooked lunch, dinner or breakfast. But more often it is the other way around. Mom and grandmother tried to cook, and not just like that, but exactly what the little one loves. And the kid persistently refuses to eat and is naughty.

In some families, every meal turns into a real battle between the "unwanted" and his persistent parents. The child is persuaded, they try to deceive with various maneuvers and tricks, they insist and threaten that he will not get candy if he does not eat the soup. Is it necessary to try so hard and what to do if the child has a poor appetite, says the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

Appetite is different

Without food, life is impossible, but appetite does not always come with eating. Natural appetite occurs when food is required by the body to replenish energy reserves in order to survive. And the electoral accompanies modern man much more frequently. The child wants cookies because he likes them, and does not want porridge because cookies are better.

Selective appetite reflects the real picture of needs only in an infant, at 8-9 months he intuitively feels that he needs calcium, and refuses to eat soup. Not because the soup is tasteless, but because milk is healthier. At the age of 1 year, 2 years, children prefer dairy products for the same reason.

If a one-year-old child fundamentally does not eat meat, this does not mean that at 3-4 years old he will not begin to eat it with pleasure. It's just that for a 12-month-old baby, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and milk are more important. And he understands this intuitively.

Closer to 3 years, the problem of selective appetite, according to Komarovsky, is far-fetched - if the child does not eat vegetable puree and requires only chocolate and sausage, this is a common pedagogical mistake of mom and dad, and you should not look for any medical reasons for such behavior.

Why is the child not eating?

If the little one refuses to eat, he, according to Komarovsky, may have two reasons: he cannot or does not want to eat.

It cannot - this means that the appetite is present, but it is difficult to physically eat. For example, mother’s milk is tasteless (the woman ate something wrong), the hole in the nipple is too small, and the porridge is not sucked, etc. In infants, quite often, during sucking, the intestines begin to work actively, its peristalsis is activated at the wrong time . The tummy twists, the baby hurts, he stops eating and cries.

Quite often in a child, the root of the problem with appetite lies in the mouth. Stomatitis, inflamed gums during teething, gum microtrauma (scratches from toys that have been in the mouth or nails) - all this makes the process of eating food rather unpleasant.

Sometimes there is no appetite during colds or SARS. If the nose does not breathe, then during sucking, access to oxygen is blocked, which is uncomfortable, and the child stops eating. If the throat hurts and swallowing is unpleasant, refusal to eat will almost always follow.

Sometimes the child does not like the offered food itself - it is hot or too cold, salty or unsalted, large or mashed.

It all depends on the personal preferences of each specific child. If moms and dads managed to understand that the child wants to eat, but cannot, then it is best to consult a doctor to find and eliminate the obstacle that prevents the baby from eating normally.

If a child does not eat well or does not eat at all, not because the meal gives him discomfort he just doesn't want to eat. However, you should not immediately accuse him of hooliganism and insist that the porridge be eaten. Reluctance to eat also has its reasons:

  • Disease. Even if the parents have not yet noticed that the baby is getting sick, he, as a rule, begins to feel negative changes in his body in advance. In this case, the child who does not eat anything simply "turns on" defense mechanism- On an empty stomach, it is easier for the immune system to fight the causative agent of the disease. Do not force feed the baby, he does everything right, as they tell him natural instincts. But this is true only for acute infections. If the child has a long chronic illness, lack of appetite is a bad symptom, but this is rare.

    The child's body easily gets used to new conditions for itself, and therefore the baby, with a protracted illness, begins to eat, as usual, and with some ailments, for example, with diabetes, there is even increased appetite. Komarovsky gives certain recommendations on how to feed a sick child: no way, until he asks. And mother should not be ashamed at all that she does not feed her sick child. This is the best thing she can do now for his speedy recovery.

  • Refusal to eat "out of conscience." This happens with teenage children, especially with girls. If she suddenly decides that she has become "fat" and needs to "do something about it urgently", offer the child lighter and healthy foods(salads, boiled meat, fruits, milk). If a girl refuses to eat this too, then fasting becomes pathological and is quite comparable with a symptom of a mental illness that leads to anorexia and slow death or a girl's disability. In this situation, feeding by force is also not an option, says Komarovsky, since it is necessary to eliminate true reason hunger strikes. A psychiatrist and an adolescent psychologist or psychotherapist will help with this.

  • Refusal to eat for no reason. There are also children who, without any illness, eat little or practically do not want to eat. They, according to Komarovsky, still have their own reasons for not wanting to eat, such as individual metabolic characteristics. Indeed, in one child, digestion is faster, nutrients are absorbed and absorbed faster, while in others the process is slower. Therefore, such a "slow" child refuses to cook lunch, because he still has breakfast in the process of processing.

Appetite depends on the level of hormones.

If the child grows faster (his mother and father are tall), that is, he will be larger and more often than his peer, who high growth genetically "does not shine."

The level of energy consumption also affects the presence of appetite. If a child runs and jumps in the fresh air, then he will get hungry faster than if he sits in front of the TV and watches cartoons.

To restore the child's appetite, it is enough to simply adjust the energy consumption.- walk more, enroll the child in sports section. In the end, the whole family going for evening walks before dinner is sure to give positive result.

Parental Mistakes

Very often, parents try to treat a non-existent disease. If no serious acute pathologies and infections are found in the child, it can be difficult for parents to admit that the child does not eat because he is not brought up that way. And the testing begins, and there are always diagnoses that “as if they don’t exist” and their treatment is a waste of time and money.

Komarovsky advises to stop dragging the child around clinics and laboratories, leave him alone and simply change the daily routine and lifestyle - introduce longer walks, cool baths, and go in for sports.

Many parents force their child to eat by force.

Yevgeny Komarovsky also refers to these actions his favorite cunning tricks: “Look, the spoon flew, flew”, “Eat, otherwise we won’t go to the park!”, “I’ll tell dad everything!”. A cornered baby under pressure will eat, but without an appetite. And this means that less gastric juice will be allocated, the liver will cope with its part of the work more slowly, digestion will be more difficult. The benefits of force feeding outweigh the harm.

It is also wrong to give food not according to age. If a child does not eat in pieces a year, demanding pureed food, this may be fully justified. If he has only 2 teeth in his mouth, then there is simply nothing to chew on the pieces. However, mothers who have read that the pieces will certainly stimulate the rest of the teeth to grow faster immediately sound the alarm: they say, the appetite has disappeared. Komarovsky calls for a realistic assessment of the capabilities of his child. No one asks to wipe his food up to 5-7 years, but to make it digestible, at least until 6-8 teeth come out, is quite within the power of any parent.

Komarovsky's advice

If a child refuses soup for lunch, do not rush him to cook something else. It's also not worth the hassle. Let it work up an appetite. The only thing that can defeat selective appetite is the feeling of hunger. When it becomes real, strong, the poured soup will cause a lot of enthusiasm and will be quickly eaten without any persuasion. The main thing is in next move food to offer the child the same soup, and not another dish.

A child who suffers from a lack of appetite should not have any snacks between main meals: no apples, no oranges, no sweets.

Such " easy prey» should not be within his reach. This rule must be observed by all family members, it will be especially difficult for grandparents, but we must hold on.

You should not impose your meal schedule on your baby - breakfast, lunch and dinner may not coincide with his regimen. Try not to offer him food at all for at least a day. At the same time, walk, play in the air, but do not say a word about food. The child himself will ask to eat, and will eat everything that you offer him, with excellent appetite.

You will learn more about what to do if the child does not want to eat in the following video.

Any mother loves to watch with tenderness how well the child eats. However, this happiness is not for everyone. For many moms, breastfeeding becomes a real hassle. A woman is tormented by her own need to satiate her child and is tormented by the fact that this is impossible. How to be? Forced to stuff food, run to the doctor, or still leave the child alone? The child has no appetite, what are the reasons you can ask Komarovsky, a doctor who is ready to express his opinion on any issue related to children's health.

According to a famous doctor, poor appetite is not a misfortune of the child himself. Rather, it is a problem of psychological comfort of parents. First of all, mothers. In women, the instinct of mandatory feeding of offspring is laid down by nature. The decision to force the baby to eat at any cost is dictated by the subconscious.

The role of the father is the provider. His task is accomplished if there is enough food in the house. Daddy's worries end there. And it is unlikely that he will worry that the children do not eat well. Do not want? Eat when they are hungry! Mommy's head is spinning from such words. The purpose of a woman is to feed, warm, provide comfort. Who is right in this situation? Ironically, it's a man. Forcing a child to eat just because the time has come is inappropriate. Another thing is that mom feels remorse. After all, her instinct is unsatisfied.

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that in most cases, the mother can independently determine the cause of the child’s lack of appetite:

  • busy with the game and does not want to be distracted by food;
  • ran and did not want to eat because of overwork;
  • does not want to eat food at a particular moment;
  • did not have time to come to his senses after sleep.

If the above reasons are excluded, but the child still refuses to have lunch, he simply does not need it. The body's need for calories is equal to its energy costs. The child will definitely feel hungry when the energy reserves run out. And until there is a desire, you should not stuff him with food.

The healthiest food is the one you eat with pleasure. Not ideal scheme product consumption. Lack of appetite is not always a sign of illness and a cause for concern for parents.

What causes lack of appetite

Appetite is the natural urge to eat food. It can increase during periods of active growth of the child. Such situations are episodic. Growth hormones are activated, the baby begins to eat better. The desire to eat also depends on how actively the day passed. The mode of walking also plays a role. It is influenced by the season and the weather. For example, in the heat, hearty meals are useless.

During the hot season the main task parents to prevent dehydration. The primary task is sufficient fluid intake. Food takes a backseat.

Many factors affect appetite. Most of them are temporary. But there are also serious reasons:

  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, intestinal obstruction;
  • enzymatic insufficiency (the stomach is not able to digest the volume of food that enters it);
  • slow metabolism;
  • various diseases (lack of appetite is biologically determined).

If you suspect something is wrong, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. If the reason is obvious, for example, a cold or acute respiratory infections, the situation is clear. Everything will get better as soon as the symptoms subside. When you find it difficult to independently determine the etymology of the problem, there is a reason to seek medical help.

A real reason to sound the alarm

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if a child has no appetite, but he looks healthy and active, there is no cause for concern. Offering food is worth it. If you refuse, the topic is closed for a while. But when the baby is lethargic, pale in appearance, strives to lie down and is indifferent, this is an alarm signal.

The phrase "I don't want to eat!" bored to the teeth to my mother. However, it is rarely a sign of disease. The state of health should be assessed according to the following parameters:

  • good mood and well-being, no complaints;
  • no problems with hair, nails, skin;
  • the child is mobile, he is interested in everything that happens around him.

The picture is different when there is a clear desire to eat, but it disappears as soon as the child sits down at the table.

Remember, not wanting to eat and not being able to are completely different things. If the desire to eat ends with a sharp refusal, these are not just whims. The reason is worth looking for.

The following situations occur:

  • feeding problems (for example, the hole in the nipple is small or poorly milk is coming from the mother's breast)
  • damage in the oral cavity (possible stomatitis, the occurrence of ulcers);
  • nasal congestion (difficulty chewing or sucking);
  • at the beginning of eating, intestinal motility increases, which causes pain (a common occurrence in infants);
  • the taste of the proposed dish (certain food may simply not be to your liking);
  • unsuitable physical characteristics, namely the temperature of the food, the consistency, the degree of grinding.

If you yourself are not able to determine why the baby willingly takes to eat, and then quits, consult a doctor.

Theme poor appetite extremely painful for mothers. Frightens the likelihood of serious illness. Yes, refusal to eat in chronic and acute diseases is a typical occurrence. But what if the test showed a positive result? It's worth reconciling. This is the individual need of your child. The method of struggle is inappropriate. And yet you can look for a way.

Metabolism, hormone production and lifestyle are the three main factors that determine the degree of desire to eat. It is impossible to influence the first two - these are individual indicators. But to arrange such a pastime for the child, after which he will get hungry, is quite within the power of the mother.

It is not surprising that a child who has sat all day in front of the TV is indifferent to food. When the baby runs, jumps, makes noise from the heart and then calms down, his body itself will require refreshment. At the same time, the fidget can refuse a full meal, demanding something tasty, sweet. Never compromise. Your position: “If you don’t want to eat soup or porridge with a cutlet, don’t eat anything!” Cookies, chocolate, banana and other goodies are the reward for a good meal. Having received something like this before eating, the child simply interrupts his appetite, and it is simply unrealistic to force him to eat solid food after that.

Evgeny Olegovich draws the attention of parents to such a phenomenon as selective appetite. This issue is ambiguous. Asking his parents when they sort out grubs, Komarovsky immediately answers himself - when food is in abundance. The offer of one, the other, the third makes the child spoiled. Children quickly truncate such moments: “I won’t, they will give something tastier.” How to influence the situation? No matter how hard it is for the mother, she must allow the child to starve. Believe me, he will not die of exhaustion, but he will stop sorting out food.

With poor appetite, diet is important. Breakfast, lunch, dinner according to the schedule daily. The result is the development of a food intake reflex in a certain time range. A habit appears, the body adjusts that it is time to feed it, and gastric juice is produced in the stomach. The child begins to feel hungry.

It is unacceptable for "little kids" to be allowed to drag sweets, cookies, and other snack foods. Allowing you to eat snacks between main meals, you naturally end up refusing to eat. A strict ban and after a week or two you no longer suffer because the baby does not want to eat meat, dairy products, cereals. If snacking has ceased to affect appetite, let the child do what he wants.

Not generally accepted norms how much food is required for the development and growth of the body. Dr. Komarovsky leads by example. One child eats a kilogram of food, and 900 grams of them end up in the toilet. Another can eat 100-200 grams and they are almost completely absorbed. Main indicatorgood health and sufficient activity.

There is no specific pattern regarding the diet. The menu should contain meat, milk, cereals, vegetables, fruits - this is quite enough for a child. But the ratio of the number of products depends on the individual. So people with black hair and dark skin can live primarily on fruits. And fair-skinned, blond persons in more need fish and meat. Much depends on heredity. Don't be surprised if your child doesn't like a certain dish when you yourself hate it.

Instead of inventing new ways to get your child to eat, relax and give him freedom of choice. Step over your own psychological barrier and over time you will find that everything changes for the better.

There are many reasons for not eating, but the first thing that comes to mind is illness. And this is true, loss of appetite - typical manifestation any acute illness and many chronic ones. Is this good or bad? This is normal, because it is due to biological expediency, and this symptom is common to all mammals. Both a sick cat and a sick mouse do not want to eat.

At first glance, something here is not logical. After all, it is necessary to fight the disease, strength is needed, energy, how is it possible at such a crucial moment without food ... But this is only at first glance.

The main manifestations of acute diseases lead to increased blood circulation in vital organs(brain, heart, lungs), and the vessels in less significant organs narrow. Vasoconstriction and a significant decrease in blood flow activity are especially pronounced in the intestines. It is clear that the intestines in such a situation, to put it mildly, are not up to eating.

The liver is the most important organ of the digestive system and at the same time the main “fighter” against infections. It is the liver that is an active participant in the synthesis of antibodies that neutralize viruses and bacterial toxins. Again, the liver is a powerful filter that stops and neutralizes poisons, products of tissue breakdown. It is clear that the load on the liver during acute infection is high, and loss of appetite is an important defense mechanism with an obvious goal: to enable the liver to focus on functions more necessary than digestion.

Those. the absence or decrease in appetite in a sick child is an absolute norm. The more serious the load on the body, the more pronounced the decrease in appetite. As the load decreases, appetite is restored, and this is one of the symptoms that clearly indicates the beginning of recovery.

Why does the child refuse to eat? Should children be encouraged to eat? Is it right to force a child to eat?

Is it necessary for a child to eat soup every day?

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

What are the main foods in a child's diet? How varied should a child's diet be?

More about it

Is it ok to give sweets to children? How many sweets can a child have?

Doctor Komarovsky answers

More about appetite and nutrition

1. Read up-to-date materials in the Library section different Authors on Appetite and Nutrition:

  • Food safety and foodborne illness. WHO fact sheet
  • How to feed the "unwanted"
  • Five principles for improving food safety
  • How to increase fiber in your diet
  • Nutrition for infants and young children. Newsletter N°342 (February 2014)
  • Vitamins and children
  • 10 foods for healthy skin
  • Research Findings: Sugary Drinks = Healthy Drinks?
  • Healthy food. Newsletter N°394 (September 2014)
  • The Society of Unclean Plates, or How NOT to Raise a Glutton!
  • Parents, be good example for a child! 10 tips to teach your child to eat right
  • Fruit juices. Hidden danger in a familiar product
  • Food safety
  • World Health Day 2015: Food Safety
  • The basics of proper nutrition: tested on yourself
  • Healthy eating (pyramid healthy eating)
  • Daily routine, nutrition and safety of schoolchildren
  • Teenagers: 5 Good Habits
  • Why should children get 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily?
  • TV and food - never useful

2. In the Video and Audio section, watch the following episodes of the School of Doctor Komarovsky program:

  • Food Safety Principles
  • Diverse food
  • Passion about sweets
  • Child and vegetarianism
  • vitamins
  • I don't want to eat!
  • Useful and unhealthy food
  • Bioadditives

And other shows:

  • Mom's school. O baby food
  • Our everything. Sugar
  • First course
  • Doesn't eat from a spoon
  • Vegetable puree - in jars or cook yourself?
  • Child and vegetarianism
  • Refuses dairy
  • selective appetite
  • Sausages, sausages, sausage
  • Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have cow's milk?
  • Microwave

3. Read the book "Child Health and common sense his relatives" chapter:

  • Appetite
  • Nutrition
  • I want it, I don't want it
  • Feeding between feeds
  • Sweets
  • First course
  • Nutrition and disease

4. In the Appetite Articles section:

  • I don't want to eat

Other nutrition related questions:

  • What is a "varied diet" and who needs it?
  • Passion about sweets
  • Nutrition

5. Appetite information in the Letters section:

6. About appetite in the Questions and Answers section:

  • The child often suffers from bronchitis and does not eat well
  • Calamus root to increase appetite
  • Excessively good appetite - a need or a bad habit?
  • The child refuses to eat
  • A good appetite
  • Teething and Appetite
  • Appetite
  • Great Appetite
  • Refuses to eat
  • The child eats little
  • About the harmfulness of Coca-Cola
  • Attitude towards dietary supplements
  • Eating only breasts
  • Milk before bed and at night
  • Treatment of the detected proteus
  • Why do children eat boogers?
  • Screaming child
  • Problems with appetite
  • Not gaining weight, but growing
  • How to teach a child to eat and drink?
  • Menu after 1 year
  • Dry and boiled porridges
  • Is there life without meat?
  • Poor weight gain
  • Food every 2 hours
  • New menu in kindergartens
  • Drinks a lot of yogurt

Other nutrition related questions:

  • Deviations in the cardiogram due to malnutrition
  • What does it mean - proper nutrition for a child?
  • Child and vegetarianism
  • Complete lack of hot food
  • Paratrophy
  • Nutritional guidelines for an 8 month old baby
  • Pickled cucumbers for a seven month old baby
  • Child refuses milk
  • Likes to eat plasticine - a need or a bad habit?
  • Digestive problems
  • Which milk is healthier - cow's or goat's?
  • About the dangers of kefir (arguments and counterarguments)
  • Age of kefir
  • Why is there no biliary dyskinesia in children from large families?
  • Is fast food bad?
  • Vegetable purees - food or not?
  • night food
  • Selectivity in food
  • About the dangers of sweet
  • Milk, calcium and strontium
  • Fatty food and festal
  • Cottage cheese, juices, fish broth
  • Dispancreatism
  • The fight against overeating
  • Eat only kefir
  • eating strawberries
  • How to drink milk?
  • Doesn't eat vegetables
  • Biliary dyskinesia (a little physiology)
  • Food and calcium (lack of dairy products in the diet)
  • About the dangers of milk
  • Close the dairy. What to feed?
  • How to dilute vegetable puree?
  • Vegetarianism and pregnancy
  • First meal
  • What is safe food?
  • Is the water melted or boiled? Which is better?
  • Dairy products or homemade kefir?

7. Discussion of problems with appetite in children in our Forum:

  • Poor eating (lack of appetite)
  • Good appetite or How to know if a child is overeating?
  • Poor appetite in the morning

Other nutrition related questions:

  • Reasoning about the benefits and harms of products
  • Starter cultures for fermented milk products
  • Doesn't chew, chokes
  • broths
  • SOS! At 2 years old, we eat 2 times at night!
  • How to diversify the baby's menu?
  • Does a child need sugar and salt?
  • Milk in baby food (cow, goat)
  • "Common table" or feeding after a year
  • Does a child need a culture of food?
  • We eat for a long time
  • And what about vegetarianism?
  • Junk food. Should you teach your child to it?
  • All about cereals after a year
  • All about honey
  • Self-catering
  • About the benefits of eggs in baby food
  • Transgenes in baby food. Various suspicious computers
  • Oil in baby food
  • Curd after a year
  • Nutrition during and after illness
  • Benefits and harms of cooking for kids in microwave ovens?
  • Sweets
  • Dry breakfasts
  • Useful semolina porridge?!
  • Nuts at 2 years old?
  • Myths about baby food
  • Seasonings in baby food
  • There is no such thing as too much bread
  • Blood type and nutrition
  • food in nature
  • Nutrition in the heat
  • raw food diet

8. In addition, read about problems with appetite in our Library:

  • Understanding, love, patience. Conversation with Vasilenko V.V.

As well as other food-related questions:

  • Sweet lovers. Vasilenko V.V.
  • Sandwich rule. Conversation with Vasilenko V.V.
  • Set the fifth table. Vasilenko V.V.
  • About the danger of overfeeding
  • Nikitin B. and L. We and our children, chapters: The “problem” of nutrition and Porridge have nothing to do with it
  • About mushrooms, no jokes and seriously. Doctor's advice. Melnik A.A.
  • Overweight and obesity: what to do? Shvedova A.
  • Principles of healthy nutrition for expectant mothers and fathers

9. The following chapters are devoted to the topic of nutrition in the Handbook for Sane Parents:


  • 3.1. general information
  • 3.1.1. Stomach volume
  • 3.1.2. Chemical composition and calorie content of staple foods
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Fats. Meat and meat products. Eggs
  • Fish and fish products
  • Flour. Groats. Bread
  • Vegetables, fruits, fruits, berries
  • Sugar and confectionery
  • 3.1.3. Size of the inedible portion of food
  • 3.1.4. The main sources and functions of vitamins
  • 3.1.5. Main Sources and Functions of Minerals
  • 3.3. Nutrition for preschool children school age
  • 3.3.1. Daily physiological need children of preschool and school age in the main nutrients and energy
  • 3.3.2. Approximate amount of food for children of different ages
  • 3.3.3. Daily set of products for children

10. There is a section in our Directory on the site where you can also find a lot of necessary and useful information:

  • Nutrition

Poor appetite in a child is a phenomenon that can act as a sign of a certain pathological process, or be a consequence of certain physiological factors. It should also be noted that a decrease in appetite in a child may not always be due to a gastroenterological disease. Only a doctor can establish the exact etiology after an examination. Self-medication is unacceptable.

The external etiological causes of poor appetite in a child include the following factors:

  • stress, nervous situation in the environment (at home, in an educational institution);
  • change of habitual environment;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • non-compliance with the regime of the day and nutrition in particular;
  • abuse of sweets, junk food, sweet carbonated drinks.

In addition, it should be noted that the etiology of poor appetite may differ in children based on their age.

Poor appetite in infants may be due to the following factors:

  • malnutrition of the mother if breastfeeding is carried out;
  • improperly selected mixture;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • colic;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • uncomfortable position of the baby during feeding.

In some cases, the baby's poor appetite is observed up to 1 year without any pathological processes. In this case, this may be due to the individual characteristics of the child's body, but consultation with a doctor is necessary.

In children under three years of age, poor appetite is quite often due to teething, which will be accompanied by a corresponding clinical picture.

In older children (3 to 7 years old), poor appetite may be due to such etiological factors:

  • selective appetite;
  • frequent snacks. The only exception in this case is fresh fruits, as they stimulate the work of digestion, and increase appetite;
  • an insufficient amount physical activity, low activity of the child;
  • excessive efforts of parents when feeding - in this case, the child’s poor appetite will be the body’s reaction to constant overeating.

In addition, a loss of appetite in a baby will be observed after an illness, which is quite normal, since the child's body is weakened. Separately, it should be noted that baby taste preferences can change almost every day, so he can refuse the usual dishes.

Causes of lack of appetite in children

There are such types of loss of appetite in a child:

  • complete loss of appetite;
  • significant deterioration;
  • change in taste.

You should also pay attention to age norms daily kilocalories:

  • from 3 to 5 years - 1500;
  • from 5 to 7 years - 1800;
  • from 8 to 12 - 2000;
  • in adolescence from 12 to 16 years old - 2400.

However, you need to understand that the body of each child is individual, therefore, only a qualified doctor can establish a pathological lack of calories and the cause of poor appetite in a child, if any.

If poor appetite in a newborn is due to a pathological process in the body, then the presence of such a clinical picture is possible:

  • the child becomes capricious, constantly crying;
  • regurgitation, bouts of vomiting;
  • the consistency and frequency of the stool changes;
  • bloating, frequent constipation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the stomach becomes hard and tense;
  • the presence of a white coating on the tongue;
  • categorical refusal to eat.

If the deterioration in appetite is due to a disease of the oral cavity, then sores may be present, white coating on the oral mucosa.

Lack of appetite in a child may be due to a gastroenterological disease, which will be characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • complete refusal to eat, even from your favorite dishes;
  • weakness, lethargy, apathy;
  • abdominal pain, localization and nature will depend on the underlying factor;
  • nausea, which may be accompanied by repeated vomiting. Bile, blood may be present in the vomit;
  • violation of the frequency and consistency of the stool - with food poisoning bouts of diarrhea will be present;
  • subfebrile body temperature, in some cases elevated;
  • dizziness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dry mouth or, conversely, increased salivation;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn, increased flatulence;
  • bloating.

Due to the fact that the child is far from always able to explain what and where it hurts, at the first manifestations of the clinical picture, you should consult a doctor, and not try to eliminate the symptoms yourself.

Often the reason that the child eats poorly is a disturbed metabolism. In this case, there may be the following signs clinical picture:

  • excess body weight, despite the small amount of food consumed;
  • violation of the frequency of the act of defecation - those cases are meant when the child goes to the toilet less than once every 1-2 days;
  • brittle hair and nails, dry skin;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • destruction of tooth enamel, frequent diseases of the oral cavity.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of impaired metabolism, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures. Therefore, you should not self-medicate or try to force-feed the child.

If the cause of the lost appetite in a child of 2–3 years is an unfavorable psychological environment, then additional symptoms are usually absent, and the main clinical manifestation will be temporary. As you improve psychological state the baby will improve and his appetite.

You need to understand that only a doctor, by conducting necessary examinations, can determine the exact cause of a child's poor appetite. Trying to force the child to eat the usual portion should not be, as this can only aggravate the situation and lead to a complete rejection of food.

With such a clinical manifestation, you should first contact the pediatrician. You may also need to consult with the following highly qualified specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • child psychologist.

To clarify the underlying factor, the following laboratory and instrumental methods of examination can be prescribed:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • analysis of feces for helminths;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diagnostic program will depend entirely on the current symptoms and the history collected during the initial examination.

How to increase the child's appetite, and what causes its deterioration or complete absence, the doctor can only say for sure after the examination. If the cause of this symptom is a gastroenterological disease, then a course is prescribed drug therapy and a special diet.

Medical treatment may include taking the following medications:

Probiotic preparations

A newborn child is credited with a minimum of medication.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the child, which should be based on the following recommendations:

  • the exclusion of snacking on junk food, eating out of order;
  • fast food, chips, sugary carbonated drinks and similar foods should be excluded from the children's diet;
  • the use of sweets should be in limited quantities and only after the main meal;
  • the child should be accustomed to the timely use of food;
  • enough vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • the exclusion of fatty and fried;
  • first courses must be present in the daily diet;
  • the gradual introduction of new foods (for a child at 2-3 years old).

You should also pay attention to general recommendations for baby feeding:

  • while eating, the child should not be distracted by something - feeding in front of the TV while playing is strongly not recommended;
  • to attract attention, you can use special children's dishes, interesting design food;
  • in unloved dishes, if they cannot be abandoned, you should add ingredients that the baby eats with pleasure;
  • you can not overfeed the child - this can lead to the fact that at an older age he will always overeat, which entails serious problems.

Also, to increase appetite, you can use traditional medicine, but only after consulting with your doctor. To increase appetite, you can use the following recipes:

  • fruits of anise or raspberries should be poured with boiling water and let it brew. It is necessary to give such a decoction in small quantities before meals;
  • parsley seeds need to pour cold water, boil, let it brew and cool. Give the child in small amounts 20-30 minutes before meals;
  • a decoction of dried cornflower flowers;
  • decoction of dandelion root.

The duration of taking such funds, as well as their dosage, should be checked with the doctor. It is strongly not recommended to arbitrarily use such funds as a treatment, since the baby may be allergic to some components.

In general, treatment should be comprehensive, and consultative sessions are often required. child psychologist. The effectiveness of therapy will depend not only on the attending physician, but also on the parents themselves.

In this case, it is difficult to isolate targeted recommendations, since this is a non-specific symptom, and not a separate one. pathological process. However, the risk of developing such a clinical manifestation can be minimized if the following rules are followed:

  • the child's nutrition should be balanced and timely;
  • Don't force your child to eat more than he can. This can lead to the habit of overeating, which threatens obesity and associated gastroenterological diseases;
  • from an early age, the baby needs to be taught to the culture of nutrition - eating at the table, excluding snacks on the go, poor chewing of food.

If parents observe that the child's appetite has significantly worsened for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor. It is also necessary to periodically carry out preventive medical examinations, which will help prevent the disease or begin its timely treatment.

It is generally believed that a good appetite in children is a sign of health and full development. However, there are times when a child eats almost continuously, and everything in a row. The consequence of such immoderate appetite can be obesity, indigestion, pain in the lower abdomen and other diseases. Why it happens? We will talk about this in our article.

Causes of increased appetite in children

There are several reasons why a child constantly requires food. Let's consider the main ones.

Excessive attitude to food due to fear of being hungry. If the child is constantly rushed at the table, set clear boundaries for the set time for a meal, demand to eat faster, then in the few minutes that are allotted for him to eat food, he will try to eat as much as possible. Ultimately, the child becomes literally obsessed with food.

Associative desire to eat. When children are forced to do things they don't like, they in turn feign hunger. For example, the child does not want to put away toys or do homework. Instead, he declares that he is hungry, thus manipulating his parents. If adults follow his lead, then the child gets used to eating through force. Over time, this becomes a habit, which can have serious consequences.

Increased appetite as a result of malnutrition. Parents who are concerned proper nutrition, and may overdo it by not giving children foods that saturate. As a result, the child may constantly feel hungry.

Disliked foods lead to hunger. If a child constantly has to eat dishes that he does not like, then, most likely, having eaten a little of everything, he will say that he was full. And after a while he will search the kitchen in search of food acceptable to him.

Violation of intra-family relations. Gluttony in children can be observed against the backdrop of conflict between the child and parents. Often, children, feeling deprived of affection, abandoned, deprived in comparison with other brothers and sisters, begin to absorb an exorbitant amount of food.

Feeling of hunger during the period of active growth. In adolescence, the child begins to grow rapidly. Due to the hormonal and physiological changes the child has an increased appetite. In this case, there is no cause for concern. This is quite normal.

Diseases leading to increased appetite

Excessive appetite in children can be observed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Toxic brain damage.
  • Residual effects of encephalitis and inflammatory lesions of the brain stem. Often, increased appetite in such cases is combined with diabetes insipidus and dementia.
  • Tumors of the brain stem. With this disease, increased appetite is not accompanied by the development of obesity.
  • Diabetes. Constant hunger often indicates the presence of untreated diabetes mellitus or is associated with low blood sugar as a symptom of a complication of the disease (insulin shock).
  • Genetic pathologies with damage to brain structures.
  • Hyperthyroidism is an overactivity of thyroid hormones.
  • Syndrome Itsenko-Cushing. In addition to immoderate appetite, there are other symptoms of the disease - an increase blood pressure, changes in blood sugar levels, stretch marks on the thighs and abdomen, etc.
  • Worm infestations (often there are lesions of tapeworms).

What should parents do?

If your child suffers from an indefatigable appetite, you can help him using the following recommendations.

Stick to the regime. Older children need to be taught to have a flexible meal schedule. The meal should take place in certain time, after certain manipulations (washing hands, cooking or heating food, etc.) and in the place designated for this. It is desirable that the family has a tradition to eat with the whole family for dining table. This will help to regulate both the frequency of requests for food and the amount of food consumed by the child.

Don't limit your eating time. Let your child get up from the table after he has eaten. Do not insist that everything be eaten to the last crumb.

Give your child a balanced diet. AT children's diet a variety of foods containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (greens, meat, fish, berries, fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, etc.) should be present. Balanced diet will provide a feeling of satiety in the child, and he will not constantly require food. And if he still gets hungry before the allotted time, then healthy snacks, such as nuts, apples, dried fruits or seeds, will help to wait for the main meal.

Discuss the daily menu with family members. Try to offer the child such dishes that he will eat with pleasure. However, gradually accustom him to a variety of foods, doing it unobtrusively, without the threat of not getting sweets.

If the above tips do not give the expected effect and the problem is still not solved, parents should contact a pediatric nutritionist.
