What kind of mask can refresh the face. Options for all types

Refreshing face masks are designed to relieve signs of fatigue, smooth fine wrinkles, the return of the dermis healthy color giving tone and freshness. With the right ingredients of the product, you will be able to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time and appear before the public in all its glory, and it will not even occur to anyone that your skin has recently looked tired and problematic. You will learn how to prepare a miracle mask to give your face freshness and attractiveness from this article.

Rules for conducting refreshing face masks

In order for the active components of the mask to work correctly, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The composition must be applied to the skin in a warm form - only in this way are they found in products useful material can be absorbed into the upper layers of the epidermis and have a beneficial effect on its condition.
  2. Try to make the mask homogeneous - for this you should use a fork, blender, whisk, meat grinder and other kitchen utensils.
  3. In order for the product to lie on the dermis in an even layer, use special tools - a spatula, a cotton pad, a thick thick brush, etc.
  4. Refreshing express masks do not require a lot of time - just hold them on your face for 15-20 minutes, and the effect of exposure to the components of the composition will be visible even to the naked eye.
  5. Remove the mixture from the face with running water optimum temperature- from 27 to 34 degrees, without the use of soapy care products.
  6. Do not add to the mask those products that cause you allergies, otherwise instead positive result you will worsen the condition of the epidermis and spend a lot of time and effort on eliminating the consequences of exposure to the allergen.
  7. When creating a product, always follow the rules and dosage that are indicated in the recipe - ignoring this rule can lead to a loss of an attractive appearance and healthy condition skin.

Try to learn these rules and be guided by them during all the procedures that you carry out at home.

In order to quickly refresh the skin of the face, we recommend doing the following masks:

  • Curd-honey mix. In 25 g of cottage cheese, add 15 g of viscous honey. Stir the products until smooth and apply in accordance with the above rules.
  • Berry and sour cream mask. Pour 60 ml of juice extracted from fresh berries into 40 g of sour cream. For dry dermis, peach, orange, watermelon or tangerine juice should be used, for oily - from the juice of mountain ash, currant, apples, sour grapes, pomegranate, lemon, etc. (any choice). We use the mixture according to the standard.
  • A mixture of yolk, potatoes and milk. Boil 1 potato in its skin, then peel it and knead it to a state of gruel, into which we pour the raw yolk and 40 ml of milk. We use a homogeneous porridge-like composition according to the above standard.
  • Nut-honey mixture with butter and yolk. Grind 5 kernels from walnuts until a mass similar to coarse grinding bran is obtained. Pour them into a container with 10 ml butter(melt it in advance to a liquid state), raw yolk and 10 g of warm viscous honey. All products are mixed and used in accordance with the standards listed above.
  • Curd-lemon mix. We dilute 40 g of cottage cheese in lemon juice until a sour cream consistency is obtained. We use the mask according to the standard.
  • Coffee and oatmeal mixture with honey, butter and milk. 15 g coffee grounds dilute in 20 g of viscous honey, stir and pour in 7 ml of milk, 10 ml of sunflower seed oil, and 7 g of oatmeal. We use a homogeneous mixture according to the standard.
  • Mixture of yeast, juice sauerkraut and oils. In 25 ml of juice from sauerkraut, dilute 10 g of pressed yeast and pour in 5 ml of camphor oil. After 15 minutes, apply the mass according to the standard.
  • Honey Glycerin Mask . In a raw yolk, stir 10 g of viscous honey and 10 g of glycerin. We use the created mass taking into account the listed recommendations for the implementation of home procedures.
  • Egg-rice mixture with buckwheat, flour and honey. Grind 20 g of rice and the same amount of buckwheat and combine with whipped raw yolk, 10 g of oatmeal and 7 g of viscous honey. The resulting composition is used according to the above rules.
  • tea mask. We brew bags of ordinary (without impurities) black tea for 7 minutes, then send them to the freezer for 3 minutes, and then apply them to the eyes for 20 minutes. There is no need to rinse off the rest of the tea.
  • A mixture of parsley and cottage cheese. We cut the parsley into small pieces and mix 20 g of the obtained raw materials with 40 g of cottage cheese, stir until smooth and use, taking into account the above recommendations for masks at home.
  • Creamy Cucumber Mix. 40 g of cream of the highest possible fat content mixed with 20 g of chopped pulp from fresh cucumber and 10 g of viscous fresh honey. We use the mixture according to the established standard.
  • A mixture of lettuce and sour cream. Mix 40 g of chopped lettuce leaves with 40 g of sour cream (you can use yogurt, yogurt or kefir). We use the mixed mixture in accordance with the above rules.
  • A mixture of oatmeal, cottage cheese, honey and curdled milk. Pour the flour obtained from 40 g of oatmeal flakes into a deep plate with 10 g of honey, 90 ml of yogurt and 15 g of cottage cheese. The mixture (without lumps) is used according to the standard.
  • Oil-orange mask. We combine 20 ml of olive oil with raw whipped yolk and 35 juice extracted from a ripe orange. We use the mask taking into account the listed recommendations for the implementation of procedures at home.
  • Mask-mix of honey, mint and avocado. Cut 2 mint leaves into small pieces and mix with gruel from ½ ripe avocado fruit, dilute the resulting mass with 10 ml of lemon juice. We use the puree composition according to the standard.
  • salt mask, mineral water and citrus juice. In 180 ml of mineral still water dilute 20 g of salt and pour in 20 ml of citrus juice. Wet in the mixture tissue paper and put on the face, remove the solution according to the standard.
  • One-component berry mask. 7 berries of any berry (raspberries, strawberries, currants, strawberries, etc.) are crushed into a pulp and used, taking into account the above rules for masks at home.
  • Mask-mix of milk and oatmeal flakes. Flour obtained from 40 g of herculean flakes, pour 30 ml of milk. We use the mass according to the standard.
  • Avocado, coffee and oil blend. In 40 g of coffee grounds, add 15 g of avocado pulp and 5 ml of olive oil. We use the mass taking into account the rules for the implementation of home procedures.
  • Single component cucumber mask . We remove the skin from the cucumber and rub it until a puree-like mass is obtained, which we use according to the standard described above.
  • A mixture of honey, butter, pomegranate, oatmeal and egg yolk. Pour 60 g of herculean flakes with 80 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, pour the juice extracted from ½ pomegranate, 5 ml of olive oil, 10 g of viscous honey and raw yolk into the porridge. We use the mask, taking into account the described recommendations for the implementation of procedures at home.
  • Sour cream-potato mask with butter. Mix 40 g of boiled potato gruel with 10 g of sour cream and 10 ml of olive oil. We use the mass according to the standard.
  • Honey-raspberry mix mask. Mix 10 g of viscous honey with 7 crushed raspberries. We use the mask, taking into account the above rules for carrying out masks at home.
  • Protein-milk mixture with flour. Pour 10 g of wheat flour into whipped raw protein, stir and dilute with milk to obtain a puree-like mass. We use the tool according to the standard

Despite the amazing result and ease of preparation, refreshing express masks have one significant drawback - short effect. As a rule, the exposure time of the active components of the product does not exceed 6 hours, so it is recommended to apply such masks only in cases where you need to quickly rejuvenate and refresh your face before a party / date / important event, etc. To get rid of existing problems (flabbiness of the skin, swelling, grayness and yellowness of the dermis, irritation and dryness, acne, etc.), it is necessary to use other recipes that are designed for a deep impact and high-quality results after a fully completed course of 1.5 months.

Beautiful facial skin is in most cases not a gift of nature, but the result daily care and the use of additional care products. Bad ecology, rare exposure to air, improper diet, stress, chronic lack of sleep do not pass without a trace for her. In order for the skin to look good, it needs refreshing face masks. Their use is especially important in winter, when, against the background of a decrease in immunity and a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, it is exposed to aggressive impact frost and cold winds.

  • saturate with moisture, vitamins and minerals;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • saturate cells with oxygen and accelerate their regeneration;
  • stop the processes of age-related wilting;
  • reduce wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • increase tone and elasticity skin.

Can be used to make masks various products. Summer should be prioritized vitamin masks from fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits, and in winter - from fermented milk products, coffee and green tea leaves, honey, eggs, cosmetic and essential oils (for example, mint, bergamot, clove and jasmine oils).

Advice: Refreshing masks should be done when the skin is dry and flaky, lack of sleep, dull color, the appearance of age spots, premature wrinkles.

Before applying a refreshing composition, it is very important to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub, especially if it has clogged pores. This will allow the components to be completely absorbed. It is best to carry out the procedure at night before going to bed.

Video: Quick masks for refreshing facial skin

Refreshing products are suitable for all skin types. The main thing is to choose the right composition. For dry skin, products based on honey, fruits, dairy and cereal products will be good, for oily skin - with vegetables, herbs, lemon juice and medicinal herbs. For mature and aging skin, formulations with vegetable oils, eggs and yeast are suitable.

But it is impossible to predict in advance how the skin will react to a particular composition. The industrial cosmetic market, when releasing a new product, necessarily tests its products. The range of all kinds of facial masks is rich and growing every day. Manufacturers apply modern technologies to improve the performance of their products. good example symbiosis the latest technologies And natural ingredients you can call the splash mask "Energy Charge" from AVON. This is new! The mask is released in a convenient liquid format: it is easy to apply, spreads quickly, it does not need to be washed off, and the exposure time is only 15 seconds. Contains silk proteins, vitamin B5 and fruit acids. At home, it is almost impossible to repeat such a mask. The mask tones the skin, gives it a boost of energy, visually smoothes the skin surface and improves complexion. It is also convenient in that you can apply it even in the morning, just 15 seconds - and excellent result!

Refreshing mask recipes

Refreshing masks used at home include ingredients that are easily accessible to every housewife, have a pleasant texture and do not require large preparation time. It is recommended to use them several times a week.

For winter care

In winter, for many women, the skin on the face becomes rough, overdried, begins to peel off due to the cold wind, sudden changes in humidity and temperature when going outside from a warm room, lack of vitamins. Application special masks during this period will increase protective properties skin and provide them with additional nutrition.

Mask with cereals

Buckwheat - 1 tbsp. l.
Rice and oat flour - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 10 g
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Chamomile infusion - 100 ml

Grind the yolk with honey, add chopped cereals. Distribute the resulting slurry over the face. When 20 minutes have passed, wash it off with warm water and apply a compress of chamomile infusion. Apply for 5 weeks, 2 times a week.

Herbal mask with cottage cheese

Curd - 20 g
Hawthorn flowers - 1 g
Shepherd's purse herb - 1 g
Dandelion root - 3 g
Water - 200 ml

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix herbs and pour boiling water over. Cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Then strain through a sieve. Take 30 ml herbal infusion and mix with curd. Apply the mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with citrus zest

Dried zest of lemon, tangerine, grapefruit or orange - 20 g
Kefir or yogurt - 1 tbsp. l.

Spring masks

With absence good care behind the skin winter period by the beginning of spring, she usually looks faded, lethargic and tired. Spring refreshing face masks will help to put it in order, clean it, remove peeling, redness, increase tone and saturate it with vitamins.

Coffee mask with oatmeal

Ground coffee - 1 tsp.
Honey - 10 g
Vegetable oil and milk - 1 tsp each.
Oatmeal or barley oatmeal - 10 g

Mix coffee with vegetable oil, milk, warmed honey and crushed oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Apply this viscous mass on the face and hold for half an hour. Then gently remove the remnants with a cotton pad dipped in warm milk, rinse your face with water and moisturize with cream.

Mask with banana and kiwi

Banana - 1 pc.
Kiwi - 1 pc.
Egg white - 1 pc.

Mash the pulp of each fruit separately into a puree or chop with a blender. Take one teaspoon of the resulting slurry, mix, add the protein whipped to a foam state and mix. Distribute the product over the face. After 20 minutes have passed, rinse with warm water.

Cottage cheese honey mask

Curd - 40 g
Honey (linden, acacia, sunflower) - 1 tsp.
Low-fat sour cream - 7 g

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add honey and sour cream heated in a water bath. Apply the product on the skin of the face, soak for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Important: When using fermented milk products as part of refreshing masks, it should be borne in mind that for dry skin, you need to choose oily (preferably homemade) sour cream, for normal and combined - yogurt or kefir, and for oily - kefir, spoiled milk, whey or yogurt.

Summer masks

IN summer period refreshing masks are best prepared from fresh seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits containing a large number of moisture, skin-important vitamins and antioxidants. The following products have a good refreshing effect:

  • vegetables - cucumbers, young potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes;
  • berries - blackcurrant, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries;
  • fruits - cherries, apricots, peaches, plums, pears, apples;
  • greens - parsley, dill, lettuce.

Masks based on them help to improve the condition of the skin, transform it appearance and prepare for the cold. They not only refresh, but also protect the skin from negative impact sun rays.

Video: Mask for the summer period

Cherry mask with flour

Cherry - 60 g
Potato flour - 15 g

Remove the stone from the cherries and mash the pulp into a puree, add the potato flour and mix until smooth. Apply the composition to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Mask with dill and egg

Dill - 1 bunch
Egg - 1 pc.
Water - 200 ml

Dill pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 7 minutes, cover and let cool. Then strain the broth. Take a tablespoon of dill infusion and mix with a beaten egg until foamy. In the case of dry skin, instead of a whole egg, it is better to take only the yolk, and oily - protein. Apply the composition on the face and rinse with water after 20 minutes.

Mask with blueberries and yogurt

Blueberries - 15 g
Yogurt - 25 ml
Lemon juice - 5 drops

Make a puree from blueberries, add yogurt and lemon juice. Spread evenly over the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse boiled water and wipe the face with a cotton pad moistened with a decoction of oak bark. The mask is designed for normal, oily and combination skin. It is better to use it on weekends, as blueberry juice can temporarily slightly stain the skin.

Autumn masks

In autumn, as well as in summer, refreshing masks can be prepared from fresh berries (rose hips, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, cranberries, viburnum and others) and vegetables. Their main task is to prepare the skin for winter frosts and maximum saturation with vitamins.

Pumpkin mask with yolk

Pumpkin pulp - 2 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 5 ml
Yolk - 1 pc.

From the pulp make pumpkin juice - puree, add whipped yolk and vegetable oil, stir until smooth. Apply the product on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Vegetable mask

Any vegetables (choice of potatoes, eggplant, white cabbage, carrots, zucchini or beets) are peeled and chopped with a blender to a puree state. Liberally apply the resulting vegetable mass on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. If desired, you can also add some fermented milk product to the vegetables.

Video: Refreshing mask recipe from a home cosmetics expert

Precautionary measures

When using refreshing face masks, like any other, certain precautions should be observed. Before using them for the first time, an allergy test is carried out by applying the product to the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. The mask is considered safe only if there is no hypersensitivity reaction from the skin in the area of ​​direct contact, as well as the body as a whole, for 24 hours.

Refreshing masks are contraindicated:

  • apply daily;
  • apply on the face if there are wounds, abrasions, inflammation, capillaries close to the surface of the skin.
  • cook from products of dubious or unknown quality.

Do not apply the product to the area around the eyes, unless there are special instructions that allow it. Otherwise, irritation and inflammation of the eyes may occur.

The freshness of the skin is an indicator internal forces body, its strength, energy and health. But life is a struggle. Our poor skin has to constantly face aggressive nature, ruthless time, exhausting rhythm. modern life. Forces are not equal, but only if we ourselves do not take part in the battle for a beautiful, flowering view.

The freshness of the face in our hands

And refreshing face masks will help us with this. These formulations with a light consistency are easily made at home. After all, they are based on fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. Their main goal:

  • resuscitation of tired dermis and improvement of complexion;
  • increased supply of epidermal cells with oxygen;
  • cleansing the skin surface from impurities;
  • rejuvenation and renewal of the cellular structure;
  • tightening the contours of the face, smoothing fine wrinkles.

Masks that refresh the complexion, our skin needs all year round. And the best of them are not purchased, with the addition of chemicals and concentrated substances, but taken from the piggy bank of folk recipes, reliably tested by time.

Attention! If you have open wounds on your face, blood vessels too close to the surface of the skin, extensive inflammatory foci - wait a little with refreshing care. Treat the dermis first.

Refreshing masks by season


How wonderful in winter! And how hard our skin tolerates frost, cold winds. It is covered with microcracks, strongly dries out. Her condition is aggravated by shortened daylight hours, changes in humidity, lack of vitamins. The dermis rapidly loses moisture during such a period, its surface layer thickens and coarsens, and aging accelerates.

Winter refreshing face mask will be filled not only with vitamins, but also nutrients, which will increase the protective properties of the epidermis and help maintain a blooming appearance in a harsh period.

Winter refreshing masks are carried out weekly 2-3 times. Sessions are 20-30 minutes. It is best to take care in the evening.

  • Cinnamon and sour cream

Mix ground cinnamon (7 gr.) With fat sour cream (18 ml). Try to get homemade sour cream for care.

  • Carrot and apple

We cut the same amount of carrots and apples into small pieces and rub until mashed. Apply in a thick layer.

Carrots are the richest storehouse of various vitamins. It deeply heals the skin, giving it strength and increasing immunity. In addition to the refreshing effect we need, carrots also remove all pigmented areas.

  • Parsley and sour cream

Wash a few stems and leaves of fresh parsley, dry and squeeze out the juice. Mix parsley juice (16 ml) with sour cream (25 gr.).

No wonder parsley is called the "golden vitamin reserve." This amazing creation is not only able to give freshness to the face, but also smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and renew the cells of the dermis.

  • Lemon zest and kefir

This is a quick refreshing face mask that works on the skin in just 5-7 minutes and has a slightly whitening effect. Mix crushed lemon peel(20 gr.) with kefir or yogurt (12 ml).

  • Coffee and nuts

When you drink aromatic coffee in the morning - do not throw away its thick. And add chopped nuts (8 gr.) And melted honey (18 ml) there.


It is difficult for our skin, primarily because it is beautiful. spring period when everything around comes to life, when it is so pleasant to look at melting snow and blossoming leaves, our dermis fades treacherously. These are echoes of the winter period.

Spring refreshing face masks at home will help refresh the skin, awaken it from hibernation, free it from peeling, redness and lethargy. To give tone and nourish well with vitamins.

Pamper your skin with spring refreshing masks 2 times a week, changing the recipe. The time of "refreshing" sessions is about half an hour.

  • Coffee and oatmeal

Mix ground natural coffe(8 gr.) with vegetable oil and milk (5 ml each), honey (12 gr.) and oat flour(8 gr.).

  • Curd and honey

Cottage cheese (40 gr.) Wipe through a sieve and stir in warmed honey (12 gr.) And sour cream (6 ml). Honey better fit light (lime, acacia, sunflower). Melt it in a water bath.

For dry skin, use high-fat cottage cheese, for oily - with a minimum percentage. Cottage cheese improves metabolism and softens the dermis well, deeply nourishing it.

  • cottage cheese and grass

In the cottage cheese mashed through a sieve (40 gr.) Add an infusion of healing herbs (16 ml). The infusion is prepared as follows: medicinal herbs: Dandelion roots, shepherd's purse and hawthorn flowers mix 3 gr. Brew herbs in a glass of boiling water, wait a quarter of an hour (so that the mass is infused) and strain it.

  • cabbage and cottage cheese

Finely chop fresh cabbage leaves(50 gr.) and mix cottage cheese (36 ml) with them. Then add lemon juice (5 ml), melted natural honey(12 gr.).

Cabbage has a healing effect. In addition to excellent toning, it smoothes small wrinkles improves skin elasticity and tone.

  • Tea and mayonnaise

Brew green tea. Add mayonnaise to its strong infusion (16 ml) until a thick composition is obtained. You can apply this remedy in the form of compresses (apply gauze soaked with the composition on the face, periodically wetting it again).


The sun's rays are ruthless to our dermis. Our task in summer season protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, fortify it well and prepare it for an equally difficult autumn period. Summer is a period of berries, fruits and greens.

Beauticians advise not to change too often summer recipes refreshing face masks at home. Derma may react negatively to this. Therefore, for June, choose greens and vegetables for yourself, for July, berries, and dedicate August to fruits.

In summer, make refreshing masks more often, especially in hot weather. You can carry out procedures every other day, spending only 15-20 minutes on them.

  • Carrots and butter

Rub the carrot thoroughly. Mix the carrot mass (36 ml) with the yolk, oatmeal (8 g) and olive oil (5 ml).

  • Blackcurrant and cream

Mash blackcurrant until pureed. Add cream (6 ml) and (5 drops) to the berry mass (25 gr.).

  • Plum and sour cream

Remove the stone from two large plums and knead well. Add sour cream (10 g) and olive oil (7 ml) to the plum mass.

Plum love to use for refreshing masks. It helps to heal dry skin, it is also suitable for oily epidermis. The power of this fruit to regulate the sebaceous glands.

  • Apple and cottage cheese

Grate a finely sour apple, and add the yolk, cottage cheese (20 g) and (4 drops) to its mass (25 gr.).

The apple is an amazing creature. It gives the skin purity and radiance, suitable for any type. Perfectly tones and nourishes the epidermis.

  • Cherry and flour

We knead a ripe juicy cherry (after removing the stone). We mix potato flour (15 gr.) into the cherry puree.

Cherry is ideal for oily dermis. Its rich composition includes unique substances. They help the sebaceous dermis get rid of acne and inflammation.

  • Strawberries and honey.

Mash ripe strawberries. Mix strawberry puree (25 gr.) With liquid honey (12 gr.) And nourishing cream (7 ml).


This is probably one of the most difficult periods for our body. And for the skin too. It is during this season that exacerbations of all chronic skin ailments begin. The epidermis coarsens and prepares for the upcoming cold weather. The purpose of autumn refreshing masks is to give the skin more vitamins, raise its tone and prepare for winter. Autumn masks are designed for 15-20 minutes.

In the autumn refreshing masks, a variety of autumn berries are used (sea buckthorn, wild rose, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, viburnum). During this period, the usual vegetables are also suitable for us. All berries should first be frozen, and before adding to the masks, scald with boiling water and knead.

Apply autumn masks designed to refresh the dermis at the beginning of autumn 2 times a week, and by the onset of cold weather, increase the procedures up to 3-4 times a week. Sessions are designed for 20-25 minutes.

  • Kalina and flour

Stir cornmeal (15 g) into viburnum berry puree (50 gr.). Flour can be replaced with potato starch.

  • Sea buckthorn and dairy

To the sea buckthorn mass (25 gr.) Mix any non-acidic dairy product: cream, cottage cheese or sour cream (18 ml). dairy product you can add more - so that the mass of the mask becomes thicker.

  • Potato and milk

Mash boiled potatoes and add milk to it. Add milk until the mass has a puree-like consistency.

For the area around the eyes, use pieces raw potatoes- it will refresh the skin in these places well.

  • vegetable

We rub any vegetables (eggplants, beets, cabbage, zucchini) into a small mass. vegetable puree apply generously on the face.

  • Blueberries and yogurt

Mix blueberry puree (12 ml) with yogurt (25 g) and lemon juice (5 drops). The blueberry mask may stain the skin for a short time, so make it before the weekend.

bright blueberries - great helper in the recovery of the problematic dermis. It tightens pores well, disinfects the skin and fights acne and blackheads.

  • Peas and sour cream

Peas can be used fresh or dry. Grind dry, and knead fresh. Add sour cream (18 ml) to the pea mass (22 gr.).

Every woman monitors the condition of her skin, as she clearly understands that failure to follow the simplest rules leads to premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. However, sometimes it is not enough to do with ordinary washing and using your favorite cream, since the appearance of the skin is affected by the unfavorable environmental situation, diseases, especially the stomach, poor-quality food, underuse water, influence of central heating, etc. Refreshing homemade face masks made from natural products can correct the situation. At home, you can make such a miracle gruel with your own hands. At the same time, after winter, give preference to natural refreshing masks.

Rules for the use of refreshing masks

If you are interested effective masks for the face, remember that only a natural mixture can enrich the skin with vitamins, deeply moisturize it and have a mild effect. This remedy is ideal after a sleepless night, before a holiday, in the heat, or when you need to freshen up your face before a party or renew your face. You can apply it at home at any time convenient for you: morning, afternoon or evening. But keep in mind, it is very important to do this before cleansing the skin, using special gel for washing, foam or some other product.

At the same time, the recipe for a refreshing face mask should be suitable for your type, as a result of which you need to take the choice responsibly, choosing the product that contains those components that are closer to you. Only in this case quick mask will justify your expectations and bring excellent results.

A mask for refreshing the skin of the face is applied no more than three times a week. To enhance the effect, steam the skin. After applying the remedy, it is very important to lie down in comfortable posture and relax. It is impossible to keep the miraculous mixture for more than the specified time, this will not improve the effect, it can harm your skin.

The best recipes for homemade refreshing face masks

So, let's see how to refresh your face at home.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Refreshing & Firming Mask

Result: the mask refreshes, invigorates and tones, you will notice the result immediately after application.


  • green tea - three bags;
  • water - fifty grams;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • mayonnaise - six tablespoons.

Refreshing & Purifying Mask

Result: this mask is ideal for those who want to tighten their skin a little, refresh and give it healthy look. This mask is also recommended for those people who long time hurt, as it quickly restores the skin.


  • cream (can be replaced with yogurt) - four tablespoons;
  • glycerin - one spoon;
  • essential oil (use lemon, cedar or chamomile) - a few drops.

Preparation: add essential oil to the glycerin-cream mass and apply it for twenty minutes.

Refreshing face mask for dry skin

Result: dry skin needs not only refreshment, but also enhanced hydration, otherwise the aging process starts much earlier in it.


  • cottage cheese - one spoon;
  • sour cream - one spoon;
  • honey - two spoons;
  • milk - one spoon.

Preparation: mix liquid honey with sour cream and milk, then add cottage cheese. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, and use at least twice a week.

Refreshing face mask for oily skin

Result: the skin becomes more beautiful, toned, you will get rid of oily sheen, fine wrinkles and prevent acne.


  • strawberries - a few berries;
  • raspberries - a few berries;
  • lemon juice - one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Preparation: grind the berries to make a porridge, then add liquid honey and lemon juice into it. We hold for ten minutes.

Refreshing honey mask


  • olive oil - one spoon;
  • pomegranate - 0.5 fruit;
  • honey - three tablespoons.

Preparation: squeeze the juice from the pomegranate, dilute with olive oil and add liquid honey. You can apply it daily, keeping the miraculous mixture on your face for about twenty minutes.

Video recipe: Mask with honey and yogurt to refresh the skin

Refreshing Cucumber Mask

Result: the mask perfectly refreshes and restores the lipid-water balance, removes the first signs of aging.


  • cucumber - one piece;
  • tomato - 0.5 pieces;
  • yolk - one piece;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Preparation: steam the oatmeal with boiling water, after a few minutes add the yolk, tomato juice and grated cucumber. The mixture is applied for fifteen minutes.


Refreshing oatmeal mask

Result: for those who are interested in homemade oatmeal masks, we recommend that you pay attention to this recipe. It is great for young skin that needs hydration, nourishment and refreshment.


  • berries (it is best to use a mixture black currant and raspberries) - two tablespoons of chopped gruel;
  • oatmeal - one spoon.

Application: steam oatmeal with water and add berry puree to it. Keep it on your face for thirty minutes.

Refreshing yolk mask

Result: egg mask moisturizes, nourishes and regenerates the skin. This recipe is perfect for oily skin types.


  • yolk - one piece;
  • coffee (we use exclusively natural ground product) - one spoon;
  • vegetable oil - one spoon;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: heat honey and vegetable oil to fifty degrees, add coffee and egg yolk. Keep the mixture for twenty minutes. It is contraindicated for the category of people who have problems with the face, namely the expansion of blood vessels.

Refreshing banana mask

Result: many folk recipes contain banana. This ingredient is known for its nutritional properties. Plus, it contains a lot of vitamins that saturate the skin and prevent premature aging. This refreshing mask is suitable for everyone.


  • strawberries - a few berries;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • honey - one spoon.

Application: Grind strawberries and bananas, making gruel out of them, apply to the skin. Wash off after thirty minutes clean water, it is best to use a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Refreshing potato mask

Result: suitable for aging skin. Perfectly tightens, tones and cleanses.


  • potatoes - one piece;
  • milk - one spoon;
  • peach - 0.5 pieces;
  • parsley - a bunch.

Application: squeeze the juice from the parsley, after chopping it. Grate the potatoes along with the peach. Mix liquids by adding milk to a common container. Apply for ten minutes.

Refreshing clay mask

The result of such a mask largely depends on what kind of clay you will use: blue, black, gray, white or some other. However, each of them harmful substances from the skin, rejuvenates it and improves its appearance.


  • clay - one spoon;
  • cabbage - a spoonful of juice;
  • kefir - one spoon.

Application: Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and add to the above ingredients. Apply the "medicine" for fifteen minutes.

Refreshing lemon mask

Result: lemon refreshes, brightens the skin, helps to get rid of pigmentation, fine lines and "gray" color.


  • lemon - 0.5 fruit;
  • grapes - 1 tablespoon of juice;
  • berries (you can use any: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, including frozen ones) - one tablespoon of juice;
  • cheese - two tablespoons.

Application: squeeze the juice from the fruit and mix the ingredients. Hold for ten minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade refreshing face mask with carrots and apple

12 381 0 Hello! This article will tell you how to refresh your face. This can be done quickly and without large material costs, as a rule, everything you need is at hand.

signs of tired skin

How often, looking at yourself in the mirror, did you notice signs of fatigue on your face? Bad ecology, changeable weather, and just lack of sleep and prolonged stress can affect your face with the following adverse effects:

  • the skin becomes dry;
  • swelling and bruising appear, as well as which are not so easy to get rid of;
  • elasticity is lost;
  • appears;
  • the face looks pale and tired.

How to quickly refresh your face

Ahead of a business dinner or a date, and you feel that you do not have time to put yourself in order and you need to quickly relieve fatigue? IN modern cosmetology There are a number of popular procedures that will help tidy up the skin of the face and eliminate all signs of fatigue.

Refreshing ice cubes

Here are some of the most popular recipes:

  1. Parsley root and dill. To use ice with these ingredients, simply chop the peeled parsley roots and pour boiling water over them (about 60 ml). After the water has cooled, add chopped parsley leaves and dill. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and use several times a day.
  2. soda and salt. For 60 g of salt, you need to take a teaspoon of soda. Thoroughly dissolve the mixture in 250 ml. Very hot water. Cool and pour into moulds.
  3. Green tea. To prepare, take 4-5 bags of green or white tea and brew in boiling water. After an hour, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour into molds and freeze. Use to wipe several times a day.

Refreshing recipes for sprays, tonics and lotions

refreshing water In 250 ml mineral or thermal water add 8 drops of natural essential oilsThis composition is best applied to the skin with a spray bottle. This will distribute the refreshing water evenly over the skin.
Refreshing spray 150 gr. tea rose petals.
150-200 ml. water.
Pour boiling water over the roses. After the composition has cooled, it can be poured into a convenient container. Store in refrigerator for 5 days.
Spray can be applied not only on the face, but also on the whole body.
Refreshing facial toner Water - 150 mg
Grapefruit juice - 50 g
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Alcohol - 50 g
Mix all the ingredients and pour the resulting composition into a dark glass container. Let the tonic brew for 3-4 days. Apply a small amount to cotton pad and gently wipe your face.

In addition, in the war against time, quickly give a radiant shine and get rid of dark circles under the eyes will help.

By taking just a few minutes a day and using home remedies, you can acquire not only beautiful skin, but also good mood. And the reflection in the mirror and the admiring glances of men will be a clear confirmation that you are no longer tortured. domestic problems a middle-aged woman, but a beautiful young girl, glowing with beauty and health.

Refreshing face masks at home

Recipe number 1. Refreshing Cream Mask

  • Take 1 small banana and mash it.
  • Add some of your favorite nourishing cream about a teaspoon.
  • As many olive oil.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

All ingredients must be mixed well. Apply to face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. Result - fast hydration skin and dryness.

Recipe number 2. A mask that eliminates peeling and evens out the tone.

  • For those who have dry skin, a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and cream will help. Having rubbed all the ingredients well, apply the mass on the face and after 15 minutes. rinse gently.

Recipe number 3. Mask that improves skin tone.

  • Get in shape normal skin You can use a fruit mixture made from a banana and a tablespoon of grapefruit juice.
    The time of exposure to the skin is 15-20 minutes.

Recipe number 4. Mask for oily skin.

  • 1 egg white. Mix it with a small portion of olive oil and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face. The time of exposure to the skin is 12-15 minutes.

Recipe number 5. Gelatin and honey mask.

  • For 55 g of liquid honey, you need to take a tablespoon of gelatin and 10 g of glycerin. Heat the mixture in a water bath for several minutes and leave for 30 minutes.

Apply to a previously cleansed face and leave for 12 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rub with an ice cube.

Recipe number 6. mask from oatmeal with the addition of kefir.

  • Brew a tablespoon of cereal in boiling water (you can take bran if you wish), then add 2 tbsp. l fatty yogurt. When the mass swells, it must be applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes.

For slight effect scrubbing, you can massage the skin for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 7. Mask of red currants and thick sour cream.

  • 200 g of currant must be crushed in a blender and add a tablespoon of gelatin and 30 g of sour cream to it. Let infuse for 25 minutes.

Apply to the face with a special brush or spatula. Exposure time 15 min. The mask perfectly tones and makes the complexion better. Suitable for oily skin.

No less effective and easy to use.

If you have very dry skin, and there is absolutely no time, then they will come to the rescue.

Salon procedures

You feel that you have neglected your face and have not resorted to anti-aging masks and care products for a long time, then we suggest you start with facial peeling, which can be of several types:

  1. - this type of peeling involves cleaning the face with a laser. Under its influence, there is a complete renewal of cells, rejuvenation and restoration of tissues, and collagen begins to be actively produced - it gives elasticity, and elastin;
  2. Peeling fruit acids - this is very good way improve complexion and get rid of excess fat. This procedure gently cares for the skin of the face and is harmless, and you will immediately notice the effect;
  3. Exotic peeling- this type of cleansing is done with a mixture of fragrant herbs, sea ​​salt and the smallest coral crumbs. This procedure allows for short time lift and refresh your face. In addition, there will be saturation with nutrients that will help the skin shine;
  4. - the latest and very gentle type of treatment that evens out the tone and perfectly refreshes.
  5. - penetrates deep into wrinkles, smoothing them, renews the upper layer of the epidermis and evens out the complexion.
  6. - helps in the fight against acne, psoriasis and photoaging of the skin.
  7. (diamond microdermabrasion) - This is a micro-resurfacing of the skin surface using a vacuum suction apparatus.

For the prepared mask to bring best effect, you should know a few rules for the preparation and use of masks and other means, own cooking:

  • The mass to be applied must have a uniform consistency.
  • It is good when the mask is applied warm.
  • Before using the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics.
  • All funds will work in full only with regular use.
  • Products used to prepare masks or tonics must be good quality and tested for individual intolerance.

Refreshing products should not be used if the skin has wounds or any other damage, and is also very sensitive.

The effect of regular use of home recipes

At regular use refreshing masks, sprays, lotions occurs:

  • Improving the functioning of the circulatory system, which contributes to the appearance of a blush and the elimination of yellowness and excessive pallor.
  • Eliminates oily sheen.
  • The upper layer of the epithelium is updated.
  • Dead cells are cleared.
  • Significantly improves complexion.
  • The skin becomes radiant and even.
  • Lighten or fade dark spots.

A sleepless night? Do you only have 15 minutes to recover? Then following tips and recipes for you.

Our skin gets everything it needs, but with age, metabolic processes and the production of natural collagen slow down. Become noticeable physiological changes- pigment spots appear, the contour of the face changes. The sooner you start the necessary care, the longer skin will delight with beauty and youth .
