Remove fresh stretch marks after childbirth. Natural oils against stretch marks

Every woman is familiar with stretch marks after childbirth. Of course, in the first months of joy after the birth of a baby, we have no time for this.

After some time, we understand that it is necessary to restore the skin to its former elasticity, smooth structure and youth.

The question arises, how to remove stretch marks after childbirth?

After all, you want to look perfect and so that everyone who meets you will be surprised whether you gave birth at all, because you look your best.

We will tell you why stretch marks occur after childbirth, what preventive measures can be accepted and how to get rid of them.

Why do stretch marks appear after childbirth?

During pregnancy, do not use scrubs, it is quite dangerous.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth using compresses

In order to make a compress we need:

  • 2 terry towels (small);
  • 1 liter of cold water;
  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • 1 tbsp. l table salt;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2 basins.

Take one basin and pour hot water into it, adding salt.

Pour into the second basin cold water and add lemon juice.

Soak a towel in each basin and apply it one by one to the postpartum stretch marks for 30 seconds.

6-7 procedures are enough, but the last towel should be the one you took out of the basin with cold water.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth with massage

Can be done with both oils and creams. To make a massage cream against stretch marks, you need to take note of the following recipe:

peroxided kefir + brewed ground coffee

The result is a cream similar to a scrub, but this is not entirely true.

Rub it into your skin and wait until it dries. When the cream cracks, you can wash it off.

After this, apply honey to the body and rub it, patting it with your palms. Massage in such a way that the skin sticks to the palm.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth in a salon

Typically, difficulties arise with stretch marks on the abdomen. Sometimes nothing works and stretch marks after childbirth cannot be removed by any means, so you should contact a salon.

Yes, these methods are really effective.

The following procedures will help with stretch marks after childbirth:

Of course in modern times, they may offer you surgical intervention. It is better to carry it out six months after birth.

Enough painful procedure and do it knowing that you are at home Small child, it's simply not practical. After all, it takes a long time to heal and causes discomfort.

Pregnancy is a happy and at the same time filled with trials period, which forever remains not only in the memory of a woman, but also on her body. Today, a site for mothers, the site offers to talk about the most effective methods of getting rid of postpartum stretch marks. Do stretch marks go away after childbirth? How to make them less noticeable at home using professional products? What methods does aesthetic medicine offer?

It is impossible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth: is this really true?

Stretch marks after childbirth or stretch marks are microdamages of the skin various lengths and thickness, most often localized on the abdomen, hips and chest. Such visible scars occur due to the rapid weight gain of a pregnant woman in a short period of time, and age in this situation is an aggravating factor.

The older the pregnant woman, the higher the likelihood of developing stretch marks: the skin loses its elasticity with age due to a decrease in the production of collagen fibers and elastin in the epidermis.

When the stretched skin on the abdomen, chest and thighs is damaged, the tear site is scarred with connective tissue, which is devoid of collagen but is full of tiny vessels. Therefore, fresh stretch marks have a bluish or pink tint. Over time, they discolor and become less noticeable, but they cannot completely merge with intact areas of the skin.

So, will stretch marks go away on their own after childbirth?

Unfortunately, it is useless to hope that they will disappear over time: stretch marks are the same scars, but not deep, but superficial. In addition, the replaced tissue is not capable of accumulating the pigment melanin, and therefore, against the general background tanned skin stretch marks will stand out noticeably.

The intensity of the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy directly depends on the structure of the skin: the drier and thinner it is, the more likely ruptures. Belly size and heredity also have an impact. Regularly wearing a special support bandage and bra will help protect a pregnant woman from this unpleasant cosmetic defect even while bearing a child.

If preventive measures do not help and stretch marks still appear on the chest after childbirth, as well as on the stomach and hips, it is worth addressing them as early as possible, and a diverse and comprehensive approach is needed here.

Cosmetological approach to eliminating stretch marks

Methods offered by modern aesthetic medicine, can give relatively good results in a short period of time. But is it possible to fully benefit after childbirth?

  • Laser resurfacing. A technique based on evaporation of the surface layer of the skin to increase cell regeneration. The most popular and effective method for removing stretch marks after childbirth, which allows even mature skin discolor fresh injuries, and almost completely remove small ones. During the procedure, the relief of large breaks is evened out, and the addition of pigment to their structure allows them to merge with the tone of the rest of the skin. The method has one peculiarity - after laser treatment of the skin, crusts form on it, which disappear on their own after 2-3 weeks.
  • Mini-invasive laser perforation. The depth of penetration of the laser beam is less than in the first case, which allows you to completely renew the entire surface of the treated area without significant damage.
  • Mesotherapy. Subcutaneous vitamin and mineral supplement that helps to significantly improve external condition skin after childbirth. Some shakes can be further enriched with various nutrients, enzymes and contain collagen. For a noticeable result, at least a dozen procedures will be required.

  • Chemical peeling and mechanical grinding with diamond chips. Such methods are aimed at removing the top layer of skin from the abdomen and thighs. In the first case, special solutions are used for this. In the second case, a special apparatus under pressure processes the skin with the required portion of diamond chips.
  • Vacuum roller massage. The technique of alternate suction and smoothing of the skin helps strengthen the skin, muscle frame and blood vessels, enhance microcirculation in the problem area and accelerate the process of tissue renewal.
  • Fractional thermolysis. Thermal impact It is applied to the skin using numerous laser microbeams, which together form a lattice. The technique is effective against even old stretch marks, and it can remove small and fresh stretch marks almost completely.
  • Injections hyaluronic acid. During the procedure, injections containing hyaluronic acid and a vitamin mix are precisely injected under a break in the skin. This stimulates the work of fibroblast cells – sources of collagen and elastin.
  • Ozone therapy. Atomic oxygen in combination with the ozone component is introduced under the skin and causes the tissues to intensively renew themselves, smoothing out and pushing stretch marks out.

All these methods are quite expensive and are based on an attempt to renew the surface layers of the skin, which could gradually push out old scars and damage.

In addition to all this variety, salons offer a variety of wraps and masks based on therapeutic mud. But their effect can only be assessed in the case of fresh, small stretch marks.

Home remedies for stretch marks

Choosing independent methods fight against tears, you should understand: removing even barely noticeable and fresh stretch marks will take a long period, and it will not be possible to completely remove old ones. Home therapy can only bring results if it is started no later than a month after the birth of the baby.

So, how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest and abdomen after childbirth at home? To remove small tears and reduce large ones, you can use the following means:

  • Everyday massage problem areas without strong pressure and stretching of the skin using vegetable oils. Ideal for olive, almond, Peach oil, also from wheat germ or grape seed. The effect can only be achieved after several months of hard work: day after day, the oil will slowly but purposefully moisturize and nourish the skin, thereby increasing its elasticity and preventing the appearance of new breaks. And if you add a couple of drops to the vegetable essential oil, the process may speed up a little.
  • Peels. Like medical procedures, home peeling skin has one goal - removing the surface layer of the epidermis to enhance cell regeneration. Best options abrasive is sea ​​salt, natural ground coffee or kernels crushed in a blender apricot kernels, raspberry seeds or citrus seeds. For the base use natural yogurt or sour cream.

  • Special products from the line for skin care during pregnancy and after childbirth. Any professional remedy for stretch marks after childbirth contains valuable vegetable oils, extracts of various plants, collagen, panthenol and vitamin E. Creams from the “Mama Comfort”, “9 months”, “Mustella”, “Pregnacare” or “Avent” series are dermatologically tested and can be used even on the delicate skin of the mammary glands and inside hips.
  • . Rubbing problem areas twice a day with a composition of several crushed mummy tablets and any baby cream helps heal damage to the abdomen and chest. There is no need to rinse off the product.
  • Pharmacy ointments for scars. Some pharmaceutical products, used to remove serious scars, scars and burns, can become an alternative to cosmetic creams. Kontraktubeks ointment is used for stretch marks after childbirth and is often prescribed during pregnancy, because contains only natural ingredients: Serae onion extract, allantoin and sodium hepatrin. Their overall effect helps speed up the process of renewal of epidermal tissue and increases the elasticity of the skin in the abdomen and chest. Minimum term Therapy with Contractubex ointment lasts two months. To remove “old” stretch marks, you need to apply the ointment in a thick layer and apply a bandage on top.

The birth of a baby - happy event, which parents have been waiting for for nine long months. During pregnancy, a woman has a hard time - the body is rebuilt, illnesses worsen and cause a lot of trouble. However, all problems are forgotten as soon as the child is born. A little time passes and, having recovered from the euphoria, the young mother notices that her figure has changed in an unpleasant way, and stretch marks, otherwise called stretch marks, have appeared on the skin.

Almost all women experience various changes in appearance after the birth of a child. But if excess weight that disfigures your figure can be corrected with nutrition and exercise, then removing stretch marks after childbirth is not an easy task. How you can restore smoothness and beauty to your skin, you will learn from the article.

What are stretch marks

Striae are essentially scars created by internal wounds in the skin. During pregnancy, the skin on the chest, legs (usually thighs) and, especially, the abdomen experiences serious stress due to significant stretching. If a woman’s skin is not elastic and elastic enough, then its inner layers cannot withstand pressure and rupture, forming a stretch mark on the surface different lengths and width. Internal gaps are filled with connective tissue, which, unlike the epidermis, does not contain collagen and elastin, which give the skin firmness and elasticity. The new layer is permeated with capillaries, so the stretch mark may appear pink, bluish or purple at the beginning of its formation.

Over time, stretch marks lose color, becoming almost white, and less noticeable, but they still differ from the main color of the skin. You can see what stretch marks look like in the photo. Striae, like scars, do not go away without a trace on their own, and therefore cause serious psychological discomfort to a woman due to an unaesthetic appearance. If the skin is tanned by the sun, then problem areas become even more noticeable. Therefore, removing stretch marks after childbirth is a top priority for women who carefully care about their appearance.

Reasons for appearance

The main cause of stretch marks is low level collagen and elastin content in the skin. Serious problems occur during pregnancy hormonal changes in a woman's body.

Increased production of female sex hormones leads to a decrease in the amount of two substances important for the skin, responsible for elasticity and extensibility. skin. At the same time, the skin, deprived of these properties, begins to stretch intensively, as the chest and abdomen quickly increase in volume. Thus, the inner layers of the outer covering of the abdomen cannot withstand and are torn. Stretch marks after childbirth are rare in young women.

This is due to the fact that the skin contains a lot of elastin and collagen, which means it stretches easily without being damaged. With age, the skin loses these properties and becomes thinner, so stretch marks occur more often.

Provoking factors

In addition to the main cause of stretch marks, there are various factors, which negatively affect the skin and provoke rupture of the epidermis, in particular:

  • rapid weight gain (the speed and area of ​​skin stretching increases);
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins;
  • intoxication of the body (smoking or alcohol abuse);
  • age factor;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight.

How to prevent

Eliminating stretch marks after childbirth is not so easy, but preventing their appearance or reducing their severity and number is possible if you take preventive measures during pregnancy.

Such as:

  • the daily diet should be dominated by foods containing vitamins, microelements and vegetable fats;
  • in order to eliminate excessive stress on the skin, from the third trimester (or earlier) it is necessary to wear a bandage specially designed for pregnant women;
  • It is useful to periodically nourish the skin from the outside, lubricating it with cosmetic creams or gels, with high content vitamin E or replace them with natural oils obtained from peach, almond or olive;
  • Immediately after the breasts begin to enlarge, you should not neglect wearing a bra; you should select those models that are optimally suited in size.

Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth: eliminating the problem at home

If preventative measures turned out to be useless, and stretch marks still appear, then, first of all, you should try to eliminate them yourself.

The desired effect can be achieved using topical medications, cosmetics, massage, methods of traditional medicine and sports.

It is best to use these methods comprehensively, then the result will be more obvious.

When using external remedies to combat stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, it should be understood that they can only be effective if the tear is quite fresh and has not had time to be overgrown with connective tissue. Such stretch marks differ in color - pink, purple, etc., if they turn white, then more radical measures will be required.


Can be used to smooth and heal stretch marks various gels and creams designed to eliminate scar skin defects. These include drugs such as Contractubex, Dermatix, Mederma, Kelofibraza, Fermenkol. Apply medicines must be done strictly according to the instructions. If a woman has a child on breastfeeding, you should first obtain permission from your doctor.

Cosmetical tools

Suitable for treating stretch marks cosmetic creams, which include a large number of the following components:

  • flavonoids and antioxidants (found in medicinal plant extracts);
  • almond, peach, cocoa and other plant oils;
  • vitamins A, C and E;
  • hyaluronic acid.

These components promote tissue healing, restoration of the epidermis and saturation of the skin. necessary substances. They improve the production of collagen and elastin, giving the skin lost elasticity and firmness.

Folk recipes

Besides finished cosmetics you can cook it yourself medicinal products. Medicinal plants or their fruits must contain the same components that are taken into account when choosing cosmetics. Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are most often eliminated by rubbing vegetable oils into them.

They also serve as the main ingredients in numerous recipes for preparing creams, scrubs or compresses. Shilajit can be used as additional components, coffee grounds(for scrubs), essential oils, paraffin, badyagi powder, hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients.


You can eliminate or reduce stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth with the help of massage. This procedure enhances blood supply and metabolic processes in tissues, which naturally stimulates the processes of regeneration and production of necessary substances.

It is not necessary to visit a salon for a belly massage; you can do it yourself, following a few simple rules:

  • In front, the abdomen is massaged clockwise;
  • on the sides of the abdomen, movements should be directed from the hips to the ribs;
  • the buttocks are massaged, starting from the legs, moving to the lower back;
  • The thigh massage is performed starting from the knees.


Sport significantly improves the condition of the skin, as it always keeps it toned. If a woman played sports before pregnancy and did exercises while pregnant, she will not have stretch marks. However, if stretch marks appear, then, unfortunately, playing sports will not help get rid of them.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth: hardware methods and plastic surgery

On Internet forums, women often ask each other about what to do if stretch marks appear after childbirth, how to get rid of them forever. Young mothers who improved their skin after childbirth advise different ways fight against stretch marks. Many have benefited from salon procedures - body wraps, laser resurfacing, peeling and others.

Salon procedures:

Surgical intervention

If, after salon procedures, stretch marks are still too noticeable after childbirth, only a surgeon can tell you how to get rid of them completely. Most often, stretch marks appear on the stomach. In this case, abdominoplasty will help, which will not only improve appearance skin, but will also eliminate the problem forever.

Plastic surgery will be especially appropriate if the skin of the abdomen is greatly stretched (hanging) and is not restored. Stretch marks on the breast can be radically eliminated only if a woman needs breast reduction, which happens quite rarely. About how and in what way it is better to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth in every specific case An experienced cosmetologist will advise you or plastic surgeon. To choose a competent specialist, it is useful to read reviews about him on forums and study information about beauty salon or the clinic where he works.

The likelihood of women developing postpartum stretch marks on the skin depends on the characteristics of the body: metabolic rate, general constitution, elasticity of connective tissues and skin, fetal size and the amount of intrauterine fluid.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the skin loses its elasticity and, as a rule, stretches in the abdomen, hips and chest.

Wearing a prenatal bandage

Most effective prevention the appearance of stretch marks is wearing prenatal bandages, which support the abdominal wall, promote the correct placement of the fetus, and also reduce the load on the back of the expectant mother.

Taking into account the characteristics of a woman’s figure, it is recommended to wear such a bandage from about the 20th week of pregnancy.

The right bra

The selection is also important the right bra for pregnant women, which should have a sufficient supporting effect and not compress the breast.

Rubbing in creams and oils

It is possible to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen even during pregnancy with the help of special preventive creams and oils. They must be rubbed daily into areas where the skin is subject to greater stretching: stomach, thighs, chest.

However, unfortunately, despite all the measures taken, in rare cases it is possible to completely avoid skin stretching during pregnancy.

How to get rid of postpartum stretch marks?

Intense contraction of the uterus after the birth of a child leads to a gradual return of muscle tone to its former state. abdominal cavity. As a rule, after 6 weeks after birth, the skin that has been subjected to severe stretching begins to regain its former shape.

But this does not always happen, so postpartum period must be done active actions to increase skin elasticity, minimize acquired stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones.


Cosmetic creams

You can remove stretch marks after childbirth using medicinal gels and creams that contain collagen, vitamin E, elastin and retinoids. Thanks to daily use Such remedies can not only get rid of existing stretch marks, but also prevent the appearance of new ones.

Sports activities

You can eliminate postpartum stretch marks and improve skin tone with the help of physical exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal wall and training the muscles of the thighs and abdomen.

This includes running and others sports training on exercise machines in the gym, at home or on fresh air in the park. Exercising will help you lose weight accumulated during pregnancy and maintain it at an optimal level in the future.

Home workouts

At home, for example, you can do next exercise: while inhaling, draw in your stomach, staying in this position for 2-3 seconds, then, while exhaling, inflate it for 3 seconds. The exercise should be repeated several times a day for 2 months.

Young mothers can start training as early as two to three months after giving birth.


Swimming is the most effective method fight against stretch marks by increasing overall muscle tone. Thanks to swimming, muscles and skin are quickly restored to their original prenatal state.

Massage of problem areas

Abdominal massage can be started immediately after the birth of the child, while massaging the chest area is allowed only 3-4 months after delivery. Before the procedure, apply any essential oil or special gels(cream) for stretch marks.


Self-massage can be performed by stroking according to the following pattern: on the waist - with vigorous movements down and up, on the tummy - clockwise, on the hips - up from the knee, and on the buttocks - from the hips to the waist. Then, after warming up the skin, you can proceed to pinching it with your fingertips with medium force.

A positive effect can only be achieved by regular self-massage, the result of which will be elastic and elastic skin without visible flaws in the form of stretch marks.

If there is no desire or opportunity to carry out a massage yourself, or you want to enhance its effect: you can resort to salon procedures against stretch marks: roller-vacuum massage, laser or meso therapy.

Salon treatments

Roller-vacuum massage

This is a variety hardware massage are carried out in beauty salons, and their essence lies in the use of a special vacuum device that artificially creates pressure differences.

Thanks to the procedure, blood circulation in the skin tissues, muscle condition improves, strengthens blood vessels and the processes of connective tissue regeneration are accelerated.

Laser therapy

With the help of laser correction, you can completely remove stretch marks or reduce their appearance. As a result of laser resurfacing of damaged areas of the skin, the formation of new connective tissue is stimulated and skin regeneration processes are activated, which visually reduces its sagging and forms a smoother texture.

With the help of a laser, it is possible to discolor fresh stretch marks (no more than 6 months have passed since their occurrence), as well as to add coloring pigment to the old ones, thanks to which both of them become almost invisible.


Action this method consists of the direct introduction of medicinal substances into the subcutaneous tissues using numerous injections. The composition of the nutrient for injection is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s skin and the condition of the body as a whole. The basis of such a “cocktail”, as a rule, consists of collagen, amino acids and plant extracts.

Electrical stimulation

Due to the effect of electric current on the skin, muscle fibers begin to contract intensively, blood circulation and the outflow of excess fluid from tissues improve, and blood vessels dilate. The consequence of this is an increase in the elasticity of the skin and muscles, as well as a decrease in visible skin defects and signs of sprains.

Folk remedies for stretch marks

Essential Oil Blend

Combine 10 drops each of lemon, jasmine, sweet orange and rosemary essential oils with 20 drops of lavender oil. Infuse the mixture in a closed bottle for 24 hours. dark place. Rub the mixture into the affected areas of the skin during self-massage.

Cream with mumiyo

With the help of this unique means You can get rid of not only fresh stretch marks, but also those that formed several years ago.

To prepare it you need to mix one gram of mumiyo, a tablespoon of water and baby cream(80 grams). Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. The prepared mass should be applied to stretch marks immediately after childbirth every day until a visible effect appears.

Aloe cream

Take 100 grams of dried dandelion leaves, mix them with olive oil(75 grams) and a few fresh aloe leaves (cut into small pieces). Grind the ingredients in a blender and add oatmeal to the mixture until a creamy consistency is obtained. Apply an even layer to the skin in areas of stretching, wait half an hour and then rinse with warm water. Ready mixture Can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than a week.

Sugar scrub

To prepare it, you need to mix equal parts salt, sugar, sunflower oil, ground coffee and sour cream. After taking a shower, rub the resulting mass into problem areas of the body for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mixture with warm water and spray with a cold stream for a contrasting effect. Upon completion of the procedure, apply anti-stretch mark cream or gel to the skin.

Coffee scrub

Remove stretch marks in short time You can use a homemade scrub. Pour 100 g of ground coffee with warm water (sour cream) until a thick paste is obtained. You can add essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper or grapefruit to the resulting mass. The scrub should be used according to the scheme described above. He will become an excellent remedy both against postpartum stretch marks and can be used as an anti-cellulite agent.


Prepare two containers: with hot and cold water. Add a teaspoon of table salt to the first container, and one teaspoon of lemon juice to the second.

Soak a thick towel in the hot solution and apply it to the stretched areas for half a minute. After this, unscrew the towel, dip it in cold water and lemon and cover the problem areas for the same amount of time. The procedure with contrast compresses should be repeated 6-7 times.

After the appearance long-awaited baby the young mother tries to devote time not only to the child, but also to restoring her beauty and figure. What confuses women most is the appearance excess weight and stretch marks (striae). And if a lot of things will help you remove the gained kilograms, then how can you get rid of stretch marks on your stomach after childbirth? Here traditional medicine and cosmetic procedures will come to the rescue.

To solve a problem you need to know what you are dealing with. So what are stretch marks? Stretch marks (striae)– a skin defect that is formed due to ruptures of the skin layer when it is overstretched. They look like burgundy (“fresh”) or pale (“old”) stripes different widths. After pregnancy and childbirth, they can appear not only on the stomach, but also on the hips, buttocks and chest.

Reasons for appearance

  • Increased production of the hormone cortisol during pregnancy

One of the effects of this hormone is softening pubic symphysis(connection of the pubic bones) to facilitate childbirth. But this same hormone negatively affects the skin, reducing the production of collagen and elastin. This makes the skin less elastic and prone to stretch marks.

  • Natural overstretching of the skin with an enlarged abdomen

Rapid stretching of the skin leads to the fact that, due to a lack of elasticity, tears occur in the deep layer of the skin. This leads to the appearance of stretch marks, which initially have burgundy color, and after the stretch marks are overgrown with connective tissue, the color becomes faded pink (lighter than the surrounding skin).


As you know, stretch marks are easier to prevent than to treat them later. That's why to the expectant mother You need to think about your skin at the beginning of pregnancy.

Several ways to prevent stretch marks:

  • Proper nutrition

To support the condition of the skin, it is important to consume foods that contain components beneficial to it: nuts, cereals, whole grain bread, fatty fish, citrus fruits, cottage cheese.

  • Sports activities

Sports tone not only the muscles, but also the skin. To prevent stretch marks, it is recommended to go swimming, do abdominal exercises, and do morning exercises. Until what stage of pregnancy you can perform exercises, you need to check with your doctor.

For those who are not recommended to perform physical exercise, can use a simple breathing exercises to strengthen the skin: inhale while drawing in the abdomen for 3–5 seconds, exhale while protruding the abdominal wall for 3–5 seconds.

  • Massage

Best to do oil massage– this will ensure not only an increase in skin tone, but also its nutrition. It is better to use during pregnancy baby oil, after childbirth - any. The massage should be carried out with light circular movements so as not to cause premature contraction of the uterus.

  • Wearing a bandage and a special bra

Underwear specially created for pregnancy will not only support the fetus in correct position, reducing the load on the spine, but also strengthening the abdominal wall. The bandage is worn from the 20th week of pregnancy. After childbirth, a belt-panties are usually used and postpartum bandage(worn until 6 weeks after birth. Reading about postpartum bandages:).

  • Using Nutrient Cream

Anti-stretch mark cream is designed specifically to maintain skin elasticity and contains components necessary for its tone: vitamin E, collagen, elastin, amino acids ( Creams for stretch marks:“Nine months”, “Pregnacare”, “Mustela”, “Vichy”, “Lierac”, “Mama Comfort”, “Mangosteen”.).

See how Anastasia got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy:

Hello girls)) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: how I got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Contrast compresses

Skin tone can be increased by changing temperatures. For this you need terry towel soak in hot water, squeeze and place on your stomach for half a minute. Then repeat the procedure, but dip the towel in cold water. You need to change the compress 5–6 times.

In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use all methods of prevention. Wearing a bandage is rightfully considered the most effective, since supporting the tummy prevents mechanical stretching of the skin.

What to do if stretch marks still appear?

If preventive methods did not help, and stretch marks still appeared on the stomach - no need to despair, there are proven ways to eliminate them. First, you need to try to remove stretch marks yourself using various cosmetics and “ grandma's recipes" And only if these methods do not help, you can resort to hardware medicine.

Getting rid of folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes and cosmetics will help you get rid of stretch marks at home:

  • Mumiyo

Shilajit-based cream is prepared quickly and simply: 1 gram of mumiyo needs to be dissolved in 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of warm boiled water, then mix the resulting mixture with a tube of baby cream (volume no more than 100 g). For this recipe, it is necessary to choose a baby cream, since it contains a minimum of substances that affect the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. Every day after a shower, rub the product into problem areas, the skin should be well steamed. The resulting cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Oil (olive, sea buckthorn, almond)

Using oils, you can do home peeling and at the same time saturate the skin with the substances necessary to strengthen it.

Several oil-based peeling recipes:

  1. add ground coffee or honey to olive or any other oil and rub into the skin until slightly reddened for 10 minutes, then rinse; This peeling can be done 2-3 times a week after a shower.
  2. mix 1 glass of salt, sugar and half a glass of oil (you can take vegetable, olive, coconut); Rub during a shower with massage circular movements into the skin of problem areas for 5 - 7 minutes, then rinse and apply baby cream.
  • Avocado peeling mask

To prepare the mixture you will need 2 tablespoons oatmeal and the same amount of cosmetic clay, 1 avocado, a tablespoon of any oil. Using a blender or a regular fork, grind all the ingredients into a paste, which is applied to the skin for half an hour. The mixture does not need to be rubbed in, it should be absorbed, after which its remains can be removed with a swab.

  • Aloe and dandelion mask

For this mask, you need to mix dandelion and aloe leaves in a blender in equal proportions (100 g each), half a glass of olive (or any other) oil and a little oatmeal until a paste forms. Apply the mixture to the skin of problem areas 2 times a day.

  • Wraps

For stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, cold and hot wraps with cosmetic clay and essential oils. They not only eliminate stretch marks, but also promote weight loss.

The mixture is made from clay, to which warm mineral water is added until a paste forms. You only need to stir with a wooden object (if you don’t have a special spoon, an ordinary pencil will do). After obtaining the mixture, add a few drops of any essential oil to it. The mass is applied in an even layer to the skin prepared by peeling, the body is wrapped in film (you can use food film) for 1 hour. After the procedure, the skin is cleansed with warm water.

To obtain a lasting effect, you need to undergo 10 - 12 procedures with a break between wraps of 2 - 3 days.

Also used blue clay and liquid honey, wraps with seaweed, pinch massage and aromatic bath, use of scrubs: salt, sugar, coffee.

  • We recommend reading:

Watch the video recipe:


In case ethnoscience not given desired effect, it is still worth resorting to traditional therapy.

Methods for removing stretch marks in cosmetology clinics:

  • Mesotherapy

Injections of nutrients (collagen, amino acids, enzymes) are made under the skin. Number of sessions to achieve visible result– about 10.

  • Microdermabrasion

By grinding with the smallest particles, the texture of the skin is leveled and its damaged layer is eliminated.

  • Laser stretch mark removal

The laser beam evaporates the surface layers of damaged skin, which eliminates stretch marks. After the procedure, crusts may form, which will fall off on their own after a while.

  • Ozone therapy

The technique is the same as for mesotherapy, but in this case ozone is introduced under the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin that the skin lacks.

  • Professional peeling

During this peeling they use chemical substances (glycolic acid or fruit acids), which remove the top layer of skin with subsequent regeneration.

  • Abdominal plastic surgery

Plastic surgery to remove stretch marks is used only in extreme cases when other methods are ineffective.

Lose 20 kilograms and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!
