How to do massage for children 3 years old. Massage for children: when and in what cases is it necessary

The child spends a long nine months in the cramped space of his mother's womb. There he has (especially on later dates pregnancy) there is no way to straighten the limbs, stretch, straighten up. That is why all babies from birth have physiological problems with muscle tone. Massage is designed to help parents cope with it faster, as well as contribute to a more harmonious physical development of the crumbs. We will talk about how to make it for babies on their own in this article.


Some people think that massage is only prescribed for babies who have certain health problems. This is, of course, true. But general massage is shown to all children, even completely healthy ones. Considering that sessions performed by a professional massage therapist are quite expensive, the question of how to do a massage on your own does not lose relevance.

During the first year of his life, a baby develops by leaps and bounds. It took humanity several millennia to get back on its feet and walk on two limbs. Nature gives a child no more than a year to do this. From a helpless lump, he quickly turns into a Homo erectus. Each of the stages of this "evolution" needs the support of adults. Learning to hold your head, roll over on your side, sit, crawl and walk are the primary tasks of the baby. Parents can help him with this.

Actually early stage developmental massage helps to eliminate physiological tone, the baby gets the opportunity to grow and develop more freely. Starting from 3 months, the procedure is designed to strengthen the muscular frame so that the baby’s first turns and attempts to crawl are as good as possible. At any age, massage improves blood circulation, and also has a beneficial effect on nervous system baby: allows you to “cheer up” an inactive child and has a calming effect on a hyperactive baby.

Massage session - also great way communication between mother and child. Have you ever wondered why babies cry so often when they are touched by a stranger with a massage therapist diploma? The answer is obvious: the child needs tactile contact, but not with just anyone, namely with his mother, whom he learned to feel during his existence in the womb.

Only a mother can turn an ordinary medical and preventive procedure into a fun and exciting game, which will bring not only benefits to the body, but also joy. Only a mother can feel her baby, the slightest nuances and shades of his mood, and therefore only she can choose the most right time for a massage session.

Professional massage is indispensable, but only in cases where the child has congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, birth injuries, paralysis and paresis, and other diseases that require specialized procedures aimed at certain groups muscles. A healthy baby needs a general, classic massage, which any mother can master without much difficulty. A properly conducted session improves sleep, increases appetite, and has a positive effect on mood and well-being. baby, and also helps to strengthen his immunity along with bathing, walking, hardening, vitamin therapy. It is the strengthening of the immunity of the baby - the most important task every mom.


With all the obvious benefits, massage can also harm the baby, therefore, it is not recommended for certain conditions and diseases.

  • Fever. If the child has a temperature (has a cold, teeth are cut, etc.), then increased blood circulation during a massage session can lead to an even greater increase in temperature.
  • Infectious diseases. Any ailments that are associated with the appearance of blisters, pustules, rashes of fungal, viral or bacterial origin on the skin are a strict and direct contraindication. The movements of the massage therapist can disrupt the integrity of the rashes, infection of neighboring skin areas may occur.
  • Non-infectious skin diseases. The development of prickly heat, skin allergies, diaper rash, as well as scratches and abrasions, burns are also a contraindication for massage, so the procedure can be carried out only after skin naturally restore their integrity.
  • Heart defects. Circulatory disorders in a child born with heart defects can occur even at complete rest. Massage is a certain load on the body, and how it will be perceived little heart, no one can predict. Children with heart defects massage treatments are done exclusively by specialists under the vigilant supervision of a cardiologist.

  • Diseases of the blood and blood vessels. Certain blood disorders and frailty blood vessels create a risk of internal bleeding during massage. This procedure prohibited in hemophilia, hemorrhage, with some congenital diseases associated with hemostasis disorders.
  • Tendency to convulsions, epilepsy. Massage is contraindicated for such babies because of the risk of provoking a new convulsive attack.
  • Big hernias. It is about the widespread early age umbilical and inguinal hernia. If it is quite large and parts of organs, veins go into the hernial sac, massaging can lead to muscle contraction, which can, in turn, lead to infringement of the hernia.

In addition, with great care should be addressed the issue of massage for premature baby. Such sessions are not contraindicated for him, but the procedure can be postponed for a while (until the child reaches a certain body weight). For such children, the question of when to start the massage is decided exclusively by the pediatrician.

Age restrictions

Regarding the age at which you can start doing massage, there is no consensus among pediatricians. Some doctors recommend healthy children start conducting such sessions from a month and a half, others say that you can start doing massage immediately after the umbilical wound has healed.

Modern pediatricians are more inclined towards the second option: a child who does not have the above contraindications can and should start doing a general classical massage literally from 2-3 weeks of life with obligatory condition, What umbilical wound completely tightened up. For two months and three month old baby massage should be an important and integral part of daily exercise along with washing, bathing, walking, feeding. Do not give up massage and seven or eight months month old baby, because at this age the child has new motor skills, which require a strong and developed muscular system.

In any case, before starting a massage, a child of any age up to a year should definitely ask the opinion of the attending physician on this matter. So it will be calmer for both mom and doctor.

Types of massage

Massage for babies can be restorative, relaxing, relaxing, and also tonic. All these types of massage belong to the group classical massage. It can be done in the clinic if you are ready to visit it daily with your child, since it is undesirable to interrupt the course. It is much more convenient to do massage at home. A specialist who comes to your house for a fee is quite expensive. If a completely specific type of therapeutic massage is not assigned, then there is no need for such expenses.

Classical massage techniques are based on the impact in three successive stages. At the first stage, stroking is performed, adapting the skin of the child and his nervous system to subsequent manipulations. At the second stage, rubbing occurs, then kneading occurs. The session is completed again with gentle and delicate strokes.

There are also quite simple and very useful highly specialized types of massage: vibration (children's percussion) - a massage that facilitates the removal of sputum in bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract; there is dacryomassage, which helps babies suffering from dactriocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac).


It is not difficult to master the technique of massage for the baby. This can be done even during pregnancy at special courses for expectant mothers who work in every antenatal clinic. After the birth of a child, you can seek advice from a pediatrician or nurse children's office which will show the basic techniques and techniques. After all, in the 21st century, it is quite possible to use video tutorials that, in in large numbers are available on the Internet. Let's describe in more detail basic technique some types of massage at home.


Massage should begin in the supine position. After gentle stroking of the tummy, you should proceed to the massage of the limbs. First, the hands are massaged, for this, the mother fixes one hand in her own, and with the other hand gently rubs the baby's hand from all sides. Then the second handle is massaged in the same way. One leg is lifted and fixed with a hand by the ankle, with the second hand stroking movements are carried out, and then gentle rubbing, after which the same is repeated with the second leg.

The tummy is massaged with light movements in a circle. The second part of the session is performed in the supine position. The back muscles are massaged, but the spinal column is not affected, then stroking and light rubbing of the lateral muscles are performed.


Distinctive feature toning firming massage is to use the inborn children's reflexes. In the position on the side, fingers are drawn along the spine so that the baby unbends the back, and in the position lying on the tummy, the legs are brought in and support is created under the feet with the palm of your hand. After a slight forward movement with the palm of the hand, the baby will reflexively make a crawling movement.

If the baby is over four months old, you can add light massage collar area and shoulder girdle. It should be done very carefully and limited to stroking and light rubbing.

It is forbidden to knead the area adjacent to the vertebrae at home.


Relaxing massage is based on soothing and gentle strokes, intensive kneading of the muscles is not carried out. The order of massaging is the same as above: limbs, abdomen and chest, back, lateral muscles. You can complete the massage with circular strokes of the scalp and feet. Massage for relaxation is carried out before bathing, while it is important to ensure that the child is not overexcited during the complex. You should never combine a relaxing massage with gymnastic exercises or exercise therapy exercises because the effect will be the opposite.

With bronchitis

Vibration (percussion) massage helps the child to cope with wet cough accompanied by the formation and discharge of sputum. The child should be placed on the stomach over the adult's knee. With the fingertips, the chest and costal parts are tapped both from the back and from the sides. After this, the baby is turned into vertical position and lightly tap on the back to make him cough.

Such a massage is very useful at the final stage of viral and other diseases, when the cough becomes wet and you need to quickly remove the remnants of bronchial secretions. The procedure time is about 10 minutes.

With colic

If the baby is tormented by colic, you need to massage the stomach. Lay the child on the back, with the thumb of the adult's hand, make light circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction. Then the child is laid out on the tummy for 10-15 minutes. Such a session contributes to the removal of intestinal gases, which are the cause of colic, and alleviates the condition of the child. For greater effectiveness, combine massage with other methods: applying a warm diaper, ironed, or a heating pad, as well as taking products based on simethicone.

With dacryocystitis

Children with dacryocystitis are massaged to free the nasolacrimal ducts from pus and fluid. For this clean thumbs mother holds hands from the corner of the baby's eyes towards the bridge of the nose 8-10 times with a slight pressure. This allows you to restore the patency of the nasolacrimal tract and facilitate the removal of tear fluid. Massage products are not used for the procedure.

  • prepare in advance and arrange everything you need during the massage process at a distance outstretched hand so as not to turn away from the child even for a second and not leave him alone on the table (otherwise, a soothing or tonic massage can result in a fall and serious injury);
  • massage with clean and warm hands, as the touch of cold hands is unpleasant for children;
  • try to massage 45 minutes after feeding or an hour before the upcoming feeding (this way you can avoid spitting up during the session or a hungry cry);
  • increase the time of the procedure gradually and consistently (start with 3-4 minutes, gradually increase the time and bring the session up to 15 minutes);
  • do not lose precious time, use it sensibly and to the maximum benefit - turn on the music to the child during manipulations, sing a song to him, read poems or counting rhymes; in parallel with the muscles, the baby will develop hearing, vision and speech perception;
  • if the child cries during the session, is naughty, there is no point in continuing the impact, since there will be no benefit from such a massage (you should stop manipulations and conduct a session at another time when the child is healthy, cheerful, cheerful and happy with everything).

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky strongly recommends that mothers master the firming and soothing massage on their own and only in extreme cases seek help from professional massage therapists. Such situations include medical manipulations, especially if it is not possible to carry them out at home (for example, a massage is prescribed in combination with electrophoresis). In order to achieve maximum benefit, Evgeny Olegovich advises not to be limited to one massage, but to comprehensively strengthen children's immunity: combine massage with hardening, cool baths and mandatory walks on fresh air In any weather.

Charging, gymnastics, fitball exercises are useful (from 6 months). But in everything you need to know the measure, so you need to take breaks between massage courses - for 1-2 weeks.

Massage for newborns at home is carried out only after examination by a pediatrician, if necessary, by a narrow specialist - a neuropathologist and orthopedist. The doctor must determine the condition of the baby's muscles and his general development. In case of serious neurological, orthopedic disorders, massage should only be done by a professional.

Therapeutic or corrective massage is prescribed if the baby has any disturbances in psychomotor, neurological development. Often deviations from the norm occur in premature, underweight children, with congenital pathologies. Read more about what a child from 1 month to a year old should be able to read in a number of our articles. If the crumbs are all right and it develops according to age norms (although the concept of the norm can also be conditional), you can carry out wellness, restorative massage on one's own.

About the benefits of the procedure

Why is massage helpful?

  • Tactile contact. gentle touch, warm hands- this is the "food" that the baby needs so much.
  • Relaxation of the nervous system. IN infancy at light massage with strokes, children often fall asleep, calm down, stop crying.
  • Normalization of muscle tone. With the help of massage, you can relax too tense muscles and, conversely, tone too relaxed ones. It is important that the condition of the muscles is determined by a children's specialist - a neuropathologist, orthopedist, massage therapist.
  • Normalization of the digestive system. In the first months of life, many babies suffer from digestive disorders. Spasms, bloating, colic helps to eliminate abdominal massage.

A general strengthening massage for babies can be learned by every mother. To do this, it is best to watch videos and listen to the recommendations of professional children's masseurs. We emphasize again: massotherapy is carried out only by specialists, since it requires an impeccable knowledge of anatomy, strict indications and contraindications, and experience with young patients.

Terms and Conditions

  • Assess the baby's condition. The baby must be healthy, in good spirits. How older kid, the more emotional inclusion in the process. The child can be distracted by those present, so it is better to carry out the procedure alone with the baby. If during the massage the child begins to cry and worry, you need to interrupt the procedure. Massage for babies is not recommended immediately after a meal, as well as when the child is hungry. Best time- an hour after feeding, before evening bathing, but not on the eve of a night's sleep.
  • Consider hypersensitivity baby skin. The skin of babies is delicate and hypersensitive, so everything massage movements carried out in a gentle and gentle manner. There are children with hypersensitive skin who do not respond well to massage and cry all the time. Such babies can only be gently stroked. If there are no indications for massage, it is not recommended to do it. Also, a contraindication to massage can be atopic, diaper dermatitis, various skin rashes. By at least, rubbing and kneading can not be carried out.
  • Assess your own emotional state. An adult who gives a massage to a child should be in a balanced, calm state. It can be not only mom, but also dad. A child needs tactile contact with both parents. It is also important to talk affectionately with the baby during the procedure.
  • Masseur's hands. It is necessary to remove jewelry from the fingers and wrists, cut the nails. Hands should be warm and soft, before the procedure they can be lubricated with baby cream or oil. The massage begins with a soft touch, while maintaining contact with the baby's body all the time. Any sudden movement can scare the baby.
  • Session duration. Depends on the age and condition of the baby. Massage for a child in the first 2 months is recommended to be done for about 3 minutes. Then the session time is gradually increased. After six months, massage can be done for about 10 minutes.
  • Comfortable air temperature. For the massage, the baby is undressed (the diaper must be removed). Children infancy quickly supercool and overheat, because they do not have a thermoregulation system. You need to check the air temperature in the room, and also make sure that there are no drafts.
  • Location. The surface on which the baby lies should be comfortable, even and sufficiently firm. A changing table is well suited for this procedure.

Massage techniques

  • Stroking. The lightest massage movements. Best suited for newborns and infants. Usually, any therapeutic and wellness massage for babies begins and ends with these movements. Legs and arms are stroked with grasping movements.
  • Trituration. Follows after stroking. Movements are denser, relax muscles well, improve blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on the development of ligaments and tendons. There are several types of rubbing: sawing movements with the edge of the palms; ring-shaped for legs and arms, with fingertips, parallel and in a spiral. On the limbs, rubbing is performed from the bottom up: from the wrist to the shoulder, from the foot to the thigh.
  • Kneading. Works on deeper tissues, improves lymph flow. It is performed with forceps-like movements of the fingers. With the help of kneading, the buttocks, shins, and longitudinal muscles of the back are also worked out. It must be remembered that the spine cannot be affected. In infants, the most delicate type of kneading is used - felting, when the muscles are sort of rubbed with both hands - squeezed and moved. Felting is used to knead the muscles of the legs and arms.
  • Vibrations. Babies can do shaking, which is used in the massage of the limbs. Also, when massaging the chest, a kind of vibration is used - shaking. To do this, the child’s chest is clasped with the palms so that four fingers are located below, and the thumbs are on top. In this position, light shaking is performed. It should be remembered that large vibrations calm the nervous system, while small ones, on the contrary, excite. Vibrations also improve metabolism.

You need to be extremely careful when performing massage around the joints (ankle, hip, wrist). If the baby pushes, resists during the massage, you need to stop the procedure for a while. You can not suppress the movements of the child, create strong resistance, as this can lead to displacement, injury to the joint or tendon. It is best if a professional massage therapist shows the basic techniques and points to those areas that require the most gentle massage.

Massage by month

Some experts believe that massage can only be done after 2 months. Others are of the opinion that gentle strokes are simply necessary for the baby from the first days of life.


How to massage a newborn? Basic massage reception at this age - stroking. At about the 3rd week of a baby's life, colic may disturb, therefore, abdominal massage is most often done in the form of light circular movements. By this time, the umbilical wound may not have healed yet, so you should be extremely careful when massaging on your stomach. Massage movements are carried out clockwise. Can be stroked with the back of your hand. When massaging the abdomen, it is important not to touch or press on the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium - the liver. Massage for a child at 3 weeks is done with one hand, with the other at this time you need to carefully hold the baby's body. Massage for a child at 1 month, like a newborn, is performed with extreme caution. At this age, stroking remains the main and safest massage technique.

At 2 months

Massage for babies at 2 months includes all the procedures that were previously performed, but you can also do new types of movements. Often, hypertonicity persists in babies of this age, so massage movements are aimed at relaxing the muscles.

  • Breast. It is performed by circular strokes clockwise, shaking is also applied.
  • Hands. Stroking with one palm or covering strokes with two palms is used.
  • Shaking hands. To perform this movement, you need to take the baby by the hands, spread them apart and shake them slightly.
  • Legs. Stroking with one palm or covering strokes with two palms is used.
  • Back. Masseurs warn: you should never massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine at infants. A gentle technique such as stroking is suitable for a child of this age. The baby is in the prone position. One hand should be put on the buttocks and not tear it off, and the other should be slowly driven from the back of the head down to the buttocks and back. You need to perform 5-10 such movements. You can also stroke from the buttocks to the head with the back of the hand, and from the head to the pope - inside. According to the observations of masseurs, babies are most calmed by back massage, children stop crying and often fall asleep during the procedure.

At 3 months

Massage for a child at 3 months old can be diversified with new techniques. Stroking is joined by more rubbing and shaking.

  • Palms and feet. In addition to the hands and feet, you can massage the palms and feet, as well as the fingers and toes. It is known that in these places there are many biologically active points which have a beneficial effect on the development of the organism as a whole.
  • Stomach. It is carried out according to the same scheme as in previous months. It is done to prevent umbilical hernia. Gaziki at this age, the baby is less worried.
  • Back. You can start by stroking the back of the palms in the direction from the bottom up, then in reverse side palms. You can rub the back on the sides along the spine.
  • Reflex flexion and extension of the spine. To perform this technique, the child needs to be laid on its side and stroked along the back along the spine, holding the baby by the legs. The baby will reflexively bend and unbend. These movements strengthen the back muscles well. Then the baby is turned over to the other side and the massage movements are repeated.
  • Breast. Breast massage for a 3 month old baby is complicated by new elements. You can stroke the chest from the center to the sides, diagonally from the chest to the shoulder, from the collarbone to the lower chest, alternately in each direction.

At 4 months

Massage for a child at 4 months already includes techniques such as pinching, tapping, felting.

  • Legs. It starts with stroking, then the felting technique is performed with careful displacement of the muscles in a clockwise direction. Then pincer-like movements are performed with the thumb and forefinger. Also, after rubbing, you can do tapping index finger on the foot. The foot massage ends with gentle strokes.
  • Hands. It also starts with stroking, then turns into ring-shaped rubbing from the hand to the shoulder. After that, you can do shaking and again complete the procedure with a soft stroke.
  • Back. In addition to vertical strokes and rubbing along the spine, you can carry out transverse massage movements. At this age, you can use lung reception pinching with thumb and forefinger, moving in the direction from the buttocks to the back of the head. You can slightly lift the baby by the legs with one hand, and with the other tightly stroke the body from the back of the head to the feet and then in the opposite direction.
  • Stomach. It is done according to the same principle as in the first months of life. During the massage, the area from the diaphragm to the pubis is captured. It is necessary to perform circular movements in the direction from top to bottom. You can stroke with one hand or alternately with two. You can also try massaging the area around the navel with your thumb in a circle, increasing its diameter. It is also recommended to lift the baby's legs with one hand so that the stomach sags a little.
  • Breast. It is done according to the same principle as before, with the shaking technique.

At 5 months

Massage for a child at 5 months in combination with gymnastics stimulates motor activity, strengthens muscular system improves blood circulation. At this age, all previous massage techniques are repeated, the procedure can last a few minutes longer.

  • Arms and legs. As usual, it starts and ends with strokes. You can actively apply rubbing with your fingertips in a spiral or straight line, as well as ring-shaped, grabbing an arm or leg with both palms. Massage is done intensively, but without strong pressure. Also at this age, forceps-like massage movements are acceptable. Felting is performed with both hands: one palm is placed under the shin or forearm, and the other is placed on top.
  • Stomach. Spiral rubbing of the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles is added. You can use the technique of sawing and pinching the muscles around the navel.
  • Back and buttocks. Forcep-shaped kneading of the muscles of the back and buttocks is actively used. The technique is performed with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, while the index and middle should be parallel to the thumb. The displacement of the baby's skin should be vigorous but gentle, extending from the waist to the neck. Buttocks can be kneaded in a spiral or in a circle. On the buttocks, tapping and sawing techniques can be used. It is important to know that tapping should not be applied in the lumbar region and kidneys.

At 6 months

Massage for a child at 6 months old can begin with the chest, arms or, conversely, the legs. Masseurs say that it is not so important from which area the massage begins at this age. It is important that the baby be in the mood and enjoy communicating with a loved one, so that the massage is not perceived as a painful procedure.

  • Feet. At this age, foot massage is perceived with pleasure. You need to massage in the direction from the heel to the toes. Movements can be straight or spiral, performed with the thumbs. Separately, you can massage each finger. Masseurs open little secret: to improve digestion, you need to massage the right foot in the direction from the center to the edge, and the left - from the edge of the foot to the center.
  • Palms. This technique is shown to all kids without exception. Helps to relieve tension throughout the body, and also promotes the development of fine motor skills. You need to massage the inside and back of the palm from the base to the fingertips. You can also massage each finger.
  • Twisting technique. Used for foot and hand massage. It looks like a delicate rotation of the skin along the entire length of the arm or leg, always alternating with stroking.
  • Vibration tricks. Shaking and shaking is joined by tapping with fingers, which increases muscle tone. By this age, physiological hypertonicity is already passing, so tapping will not harm. But if, for some reason, six months old baby hypertonicity persists, you need specialist advice and professional corrective massage. Tapping is performed with the back of the hand, while the fingers should be apart. The technique is carried out rhythmically, but gently. Tapping can be vertical, horizontal, spiral, zigzag.

Features of the procedure after six months

From six months to a year, massage procedures can be complicated by the fact that the baby will become a real fidget. Children of this age tend to actively explore the world, try to get up, sit down, crawl, get up, master motor skills as they develop. It is difficult for them to lie passively and relax during a massage. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out gymnastics along with massage for babies so that children take Active participation in progress. You can also use rhythmic music, nursery rhymes. Emotional contact, verbal communication with the baby during massage and gymnastics during this period are especially important. After six months, you can use everything listed species stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibrations. Read more about gymnastics for babies in our other article.

Newborn massage should be performed only with the help of stroking technique. From 2 months you can apply rubbing, kneading. After 4 months, vibration techniques are allowed in the form of light tapping. It is important that the movements are confident, rhythmic, but at the same time soft and gentle. And it is even more important that the baby is tuned in to the procedure and enjoys it.


Massage for children is very important. Today, scientists and doctors are sounding the alarm: an increasing number of babies are born with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, an increasing number of children under one year old acquire various diseases due to the negligent attitude of parents to their health.

Is it possible to massage a child

Many parents wonder if it is possible to massage a child? Need to! In the East, children's massage is done from the age of three. It improves blood flow in the child's body and stimulates active development brain, motor reflexes. But why this stimulation if the baby was born absolutely healthy? Maybe you can do without a massage? The external environment is very aggressive. Parents do not have the opportunity to provide the baby with crystal clear air saturated with minerals drinking water, complete nutrition.

But what does all these benefits have to do with the full physical development of the child, and how can massage help? Children's massage allows you to point to activate all organs, processes in small organism. It is useful for all ages chronic diseases, pathologies of child development. It is very important to remember that the mother can perform the main wellness massage on her own, but other types of it must first be done by a specialist. The mother can learn the basic techniques and practice massage regularly, adhering to the basic rules:

  • massage can be performed on a child from three weeks of age;
  • massage should be prescribed by a pediatrician, except when the child is absolutely healthy;
  • a massage course should have a duration of 7 to 10 days;
  • it is necessary to take weekly breaks between courses;
  • the duration of the massage should not exceed 60 minutes.

These are the basic requirements that should be followed, but there may be individual additions and features. The mother can combine professional rehabilitation massage courses with massages performed at home. For many parents, massage is associated with a set of strokes on the baby's body, tapping and squeezing. More than 20 techniques for performing this wellness procedure, the main ones being:

  • health tonic;
  • at home;
  • with the use of paraffin;
  • using electrophoresis.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home

When it comes to children older than one year, massage a child at home can provide:

  1. To kid before school age– improvement of concentration, sleep, reduction of nervous tension, improvement of reflexes.
  2. For a child of primary school age - prevention of scoliosis, improvement of memory, concentration, improvement of school performance, activity.

Baby massage: video tutorials will help young parents choose the right technique for them and their baby. Parents need to pay special attention to undeniable advantage home massage How preventive measure in the fight against scoliosis. Many parents mistakenly think that the development of scoliosis is possible only during the period when the child masters school literacy. This disease has no age restrictions.

Due to reduced motor activity children and absence active classes many of them experience scoliosis at an early age. The worst thing is that the disease is diagnosed only with the development of the second stage. Its origin can be traced only on x-rays.

But if the parents without fail regularly perform a restorative procedure with the child at home, then the likelihood of developing the disease is minimal. What is needed for the procedure:

  • ventilated, well-lit room;
  • Massage Oil;
  • several dry diapers for children up to a year;
  • hard, flat surface
  • pleasant music;
  • toys to distract the baby;
  • good mood.

Procedure for children under one year old

It is worth dwelling separately on this type of procedure, such as massage for children up to a year. Babies develop very actively and completely individually. Every mother wants to improve the living conditions of her child, to make him joyful, healthy. Massage for a 1 month old baby is a procedure that can lay the foundation good health And active image baby's life. Today, many pediatricians recommend doing this procedure from the age of three weeks. The first step is to seek advice from experienced doctor, which on the child will show the basic movements. Moms at this age should not massage the baby's neck, it has not yet fully formed and can be damaged.

The whole complex at the age of one month is aimed at reducing the active muscle tone of the child. It can be light pats, gentle strokes, as the baby's skin is still tender and requires special care. It is very important to carry out the procedure in the form of a game, so as not to frighten the child and discourage him from performing sessions. Do not continue the procedure for more than 15 minutes. This is exhausting for both the baby and the mother. Relatives can help her. It is worth considering the unique nature of the kids. For those who are active in the evening, it should be performed in the morning and not on a full stomach, for those who are lethargic after dinner, massage should be done in the evening.

Massage for a child of 2 months has its own specifics. At this age, it is quite possible to use a special exercise ball. It is sold both in medical stores and in open places of trade. The specificity of this kind of exercises lies in the fact that they are carried out in the form of a game, which brings the child, parents together, and does not bring discomfort to the baby. Doctors recommend exercises on the ball from the moment when the baby begins to hold his head on his own.

Many children at this age begin to have problems with the intestines, so you should use stroking the tummy with a warm diaper:

  1. Strip naked in a ventilated room, but the temperature should not be below 22 ° C.
  2. Spread on the back on a flat hard surface, covered with a diaper.
  3. Gentle, slightly pressing movements with a full palm massage the baby's stomach clockwise, the mother can hum a song, lisp.
  4. It is worth stretching the arms and legs, at this time you can put a warm diaper on the tummy.
  5. You can move on to rocking on your stomach on the ball, this will release the accumulated gases from the baby's intestines.

At this age, special attention should be paid to the prevention of dysplasia. To do this, at each change of the diaper, spread the baby's legs to the sides, pressing the knees to the surface at least 10 times. If the legs are bred tightly, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and advice.

Massage for a child of 3 months is the best for children under one year old. The baby already holds his head well and rejoices at the approach of his mother. At this time, it is laid fine motor skills, so it's worth Special attention give to the palms, feet of the baby. At this age, if a child has developmental disabilities, he is prescribed a special complex, which is good to supplement with home massage. Toddlers love to pump onto the barrel, they can be helped in this by performing appropriate exercises on the ball. In general, the massage procedure is no different from the one performed in 2 months. You can connect elements of yoga for kids. These are special exercises that are aimed at stretching the muscles of the child. They allow you to stimulate its flexibility and mobility.

Baby massage reviews can also be negative if mothers violate the basic rules for its implementation:

  • high room temperature;
  • the child is hungry or has recently eaten;
  • nervous atmosphere in the house;
  • is ill.

Massage for a child 4 months old - at this age, many mothers try to sit their children down. This big mistake, the baby should sit down by himself. In order to help the muscles of his back to get stronger, you can connect to the main complex more pull-ups by the handles from a sitting position. They must be performed smoothly and gradually without sharp jerks, this will protect the child from injury. Very useful at this age are exercises such as crossing the legs and the wheel, they will prepare him for crawling. It is very useful to perform various massage movements, outdoor games while swimming in the bath. At this age, the child's body is already strong, and you can play with the baby in the water. For those children who refuse to lie on a massage table, this is the most the best option.

Massage for an 8 month old baby : The best option for such children is a massage in the form of a game. These can be swaying on the ball, twisting the legs and arms, walking on the handles. uneven surface, kneading the palms, fingers, feet. At this age, orthopedists recommend various health complexes for children, as many babies develop muscle tone or physical inactivity. Depending on this, a set of exercises should be built.

If the child is diagnosed with flat feet or valgus feet, then it is worth paying special attention to the massage of the legs:

  1. It is necessary to purchase a special orthopedic mat and drive the baby along it.
  2. It is necessary to teach him to grab, clamp objects with his toes.
  3. You need to massage the calf muscles daily.

Every mother wants her baby to grow up beautiful and healthy. But not all babies are born like this. The task of parents is to provide a full-fledged childhood for their baby. This can be helped by massage, both classic, performed at home, and special, performed by a specially trained doctor. Today, many children are prescribed health courses. physiotherapy exercises based on massage. But without the care of close and dear people, he will not get better.

For healthy children, massage is the prevention of flat feet, clubfoot, scoliosis.

Spinal health is key healthy formation and development of the whole organism. It is useful at any age, always brings positive therapeutic results. The most important thing is a friendly and calm atmosphere in the house. The child should like the procedure, then the recovery will go faster, and the prevention of many diseases will be more effective, because thanks to it the child will grow up strong and healthy.

Baby massage - a necessity or a pleasure was last modified: April 27th, 2016 by MaximB

Baby massage consists of rubbing, kneading and stroking his arms, legs, neck, back, and abdomen.

If you properly massage your child, he can correct many health problems. Good massage:

  • improves digestion and relieves colic;
  • makes sleep longer and more restful;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • leads muscles to tone, develops coordination of movements;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • boosts immunity.

How often should a baby be massaged?

Pediatricians recommend giving a child a massage in courses of ten procedures at three, six, nine and 12 months. A favorable time for massage is the first half of the day, an hour after feeding or an hour before it. Massage can be started from two to three weeks of age if the baby is healthy and good mood. The room should have a comfortable temperature - 22–26 ° C.

If a mother does a massage to a child, the baby calms down and tunes in to positive tone. How to massage three month old baby so that he quickly starts to roll over on his stomach, and then sit down, how to massage the legs of a child of 12 months, so that he walks faster - we will talk about this in more detail in this article.

How to massage a newborn baby?

Newborn babies are delicate and fragile, so many mothers are worried about how to massage to an infant so as not to hurt him. Touching the baby's body should be light and gentle. It is important to warm the hands before the massage, cut off the nails or at least round them off, remove the jewelry so as not to accidentally injure thin skin baby. To glide your hands over the skin, you can use baby cosmetic oil.

The rules on how to massage a month-old baby, as well as a child weighing up to 5 kg, are universal. Stroke the legs, back, tummy and chest of the baby with light movements, returning to each part of the body three to four times. Stroke the tummy clockwise, do the “bicycle” exercise with the baby, pressing his legs to his chest. The total duration of the massage for children of this age is about five minutes.

How to massage a two month old baby?

If the baby already weighs 5 kg or more, the massage becomes more serious. While you are giving the baby a foot or back massage, add rubbing to the stroking movements. After preparatory strokes, you can also try gently “sawing” movements with the edges of the palms and pinching. Knees, elbows, inner thighs and mammary glands when massaging it is better not to touch. The total duration of the massage is about 10-15 minutes.

How to massage small children weighing more than 8 kg?

Massage of children aged 6–12 months also begins with stroking and pinching, after which new movements are added - clapping hands or fingertips. The total duration of the massage at this age can already reach 25-30 minutes.

You can massage a specific part of the child's body or combine different types massage within one session.

How to give a relaxing massage to a child?

If the baby is naughty or tense, you can give him a stroking massage: start from the back, walk with light movements along the spine, and then massage the tummy with circular movements.

How to give a child drainage massage?

Drainage massage helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi or lungs, so it is indispensable if Small child coughs a lot. The technique of this massage is simple: put the child on his stomach (you can put a roller under his chest) and pat him on the back in the direction from the middle of the back to the shoulders.

Please note that drainage massage contraindicated in children under the age of six months.

How to give a back massage to a child?

To conduct a firming back massage, you need to lay the child with his stomach on a hard surface or fitball and massage his back in the direction from the spine to the sides, using stroking, and then patting and pinching movements. Finish the massage with stroking.

How to give a hand massage to a child?

Take the baby by the hands and gently shake them, with rhythmic smooth movements, lift the baby's hands and shake them - this will help get rid of hypertonicity. Stroke the baby's hands, bend and straighten them. Knead each finger on the handle, “draw” with your fingers on the baby’s palms, tickle the fingertips - such a massage will not only relax the muscles, but will also indirectly stimulate the development of speech.

How to massage the feet and legs of a child?

Lay the child on the back, wrap your fingers around his ankles and gently shake his legs. Bend the child's legs at the knees, press them to the stomach, and then spread them to the side (frog exercise). Such exercises are effective as a prevention of colic.

The stroking massage of the legs is done with light circular movements from top to bottom, while avoiding inner surface legs. Pay attention to the feet: massage all the fingers, bend and unbend them.

How to massage a child's abdomen?

To massage the child's abdomen, you need to put it on the back, and place your palms on his stomach, on both sides of the navel and lightly start stroking the abdomen from left to right - this massage also helps get rid of colic.

How to give a head and neck massage to a child?

This type of massage is not recommended for children in the first months of life, and even when the child grows up, it is better to have a head massage performed by a specialist. If you want to do this massage yourself, massage the baby's head and neck with very gentle movements, as if you were washing them with shampoo.

Exist different methods learning how to massage children: video tutorials, observing the work of a massage therapist, viewing diagrams and drawings in brochures on the development of a baby in the first year of life. But if, after studying the issue, you still have doubts about how to massage the child’s feet or how to massage his back, and also if your baby needs a course of professional corrective massage, you need to seek help from specialists.

Children, especially up to a year, are shown a general massage. Such a massage develops muscles, joint flexibility, and more than 80% of babies of this age have hyper- or hypotonia of muscles. All pediatricians agree beneficial effect massage for nervous and physical development babies. General massage is also useful for older children. Massage heals, relieves nervous tension, fatigue. A simple massage can be easily mastered by parents.

Massage techniques should be selected with care - it should cause only positive emotions. Some exercises will show you a pediatrician. Daily massage can be started from 1.5-2 months. The best time for it is before meals or after, about an hour later. In order for the baby to get used to the exercises and respond positively to them, do not start the massage when the child is naughty, crying. Do not use any massage creams, oils. Exercise with warm, dry hands, laying the child on a soft, flat surface covered with a natural fiber cloth. The temperature in the room should be comfortable. Massage methods should be soft: stroking, patting, rubbing, kneading. Before the massage, prepare the child - gently, kindly talk to him. Gently knead and rub the baby without causing pain. After some time, when it is prepared, complicate the exercises. Apply pinching, vibration, pressure without any visible effort. The child should experience pleasure and joy from exercise. Even light touches will give a positive result. Be especially careful when massaging the child's limbs. Protect his head from shocks, hold it. Try not to make sudden, vigorous movements. Do a back massage without affecting the spine area. Massage only the muscles and joints. Watch the child's reaction all the time, do more often those exercises from which he gets special pleasure. Immediately stop the massage if the baby is unhappy, does not like it or is tired. Start the massage with a simple stroking of the entire surface of the body, arms, hands, legs, feet. Such techniques will warm the skin, relax the muscles. Make strokes in the direction of the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes. Hand massage - from the fingers to the armpits, legs - from the toes to the groin. Massage the stomach, making light circular movements clockwise. Avoid pressure on the liver area (right hypochondrium). chest massage, stroking up and down 2-3 times, then in the direction of the ribs and around the nipples: with your left hand move counterclockwise, with your right hand in the direction of the clock. If your baby is not yet a year old, then do all the exercises gently, touching his skin only with the fingertips, making movements in a straight line, in a spiral. Grab the ring of your fingers alternately with the handles, then the shins of the child. The movements of the hands should be oncoming, sliding, not crushing the skin of the child.

After preparatory exercises, you can perform more complex - intense, but gentle pinching of the long muscles of the back, the back of the legs, buttocks. Buttocks after kneading lightly pat, remember, like dough. Always remember that this should be done quickly, easily. Always end these exercises with stroking. Massaging the ankles, stroke, knead them, then the feet and each finger separately. To prevent flat feet, run your index finger over each foot 2-3 times.

Under the age of 3 months, do only simple tricks vibrations - light shaking and shaking. Only after three months can pat with your fingertips in the massage complex. Massage your baby while playing, with jokes and songs. He will like it.
