Preserving the health of children in preschool institutions. Health saving in kindergarten

Olga Ermakova
Children's health in preschool institutions

If a person perceives

yours health how"duty" in front of someone

if the meaning of your health he sees

in the possibility of doing something

important thing, he can become significantly

healthier than the one for whom health

His "private bussiness".

Health saving in a preschool educational institution in relation to a child - provision high level real health pupils and education of valeological culture, i.e., the totality conscious attitude To health child and human life, knowledge about health and skills to protect, preserve and support it, in relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of professional health preschool teachers , and valeological education of parents.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority problem of modern preschool education - the tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching health subjects pedagogical process in children's garden: (children, teachers, parents).

By target attribute health-saving technologies are used to maintain and strengthen physical and mental health of preschool children. The provision of technology with diagnostic tools helps teachers monitor the process and results of pedagogical influences.

To others important property pedagogical technology is its optimality.

Pedagogical technology will be optimal, If:

Its use contributes to the achievement of each child’s level of health, development and education in the zone of proximal development;

Its use does not exceed the scientifically substantiated time expenditure of the teacher and the student, i.e., it gives the maximum possible results under the given conditions for the period of time determined by the education standard and the Charter of the preschool educational institution.

It is important to pay attention to such properties of the technology as its effectiveness, applicability and reproducibility. The specificity of pedagogical technology is that the pedagogical process built on its basis must guarantee the achievement of its goals. The second difference between the technology lies in the algorithm of the process of interaction between the teacher and students, which is not reflected either in didactics, or in the theory of education, or in teaching methods. The technology differs from the methodology in its reproducibility, stability of results, and the absence of many "If"(if the teacher is talented, if the children are capable, if good parents and so on.)

Pedagogical conditions health-saving activities are determined by the environment, which can be divided into external (natural, social, economic and pedagogical (educational institutions) . The possibilities for teachers to influence the first are very limited, while changing and creating a correctional and developmental environment is a potential health-saving system.

Health-saving the environment is presented as three-component structure:

1. Subject environment - economic infrastructure, catering, material support for educational and health activities.

2. Communication environment - interpersonal relationships between subjects of the pedagogical process, recruitment of groups, their occupancy, individual and typological characteristics children, the quality of training of specialists, the relationship between parents and teachers, their idea of healthy lifestyle.

3. Correctional and developmental environment, health-improving environment - forms and principles of educational and health activities.

To subject environment was not uncomfortable towards the child, it is necessary to protect him health, organizing such pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions that will comply with all recommendations of hygienists and doctors; this is what the process is aimed at health saving. Process health improvement is focused on transforming the correctional and developmental environment, which can be aggressive if means and methods of influencing him are selected that are inappropriate for the child’s age and capabilities. Conflict communication environment is harmful spiritual and moral child health.

Preservation and strengthening health pupils is one of the main tasks of the kindergarten.

IN kindergarten we are faced with the problem of weak physical development children upon admission to preschool. The big picture that's how it is: children experience "motor deficit", i.e. the number of movements during the day is lower age norm because of which delayed: age development speed, agility, movement correction, endurance, flexibility and strength. Children are overweight and have poor posture. One of the main reasons for such violations in physical development preschoolers is parents' lack of awareness of issues health-saving technologies and their implementation in the educational process.

Health-saving The pedagogical process in kindergarten is a process of education and training children preschool age in health saving and health enrichment mode, a process aimed at ensuring physical, mental and social well-being children.

Most effective forms health improvements are:

Strict adherence to the daily routine;

morning exercises:

Dynamic pauses (physical education minutes);

Providing conditions for the implementation of physical activity during the day;

Physical education classes;


Sports events, entertainment, outdoor games;

Balanced diet;

Modern scientific data proves that for mental children's health a balance of positive and negative emotions is necessary to ensure the maintenance of mental balance and life-affirming behavior. When others treat a child with understanding, recognize and do not violate his rights, he experiences emotional well-being- feeling of confidence, security. This, in turn, contributes to harmonious development the child’s personality, his development positive qualities, friendly attitude to other people. Inattention or insufficient attention To emotional life children, on the contrary, leads to negative consequences.

To form a child’s emotional stability, it is important to teach him how to control his body. In the process of development, education and training, children receive great amount information they need to learn. Active mental activity and its attendants emotional experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restore strength, and increase your energy supply.

As you know, emotions and feelings are difficult to regulate by will. Adults need to remember this when faced with unwanted or unexpected childhood emotions. It is better not to evaluate the child’s feelings in such acute situations, since this will only lead to misunderstanding or negativism. You cannot demand from a child not to experience what he experiences and feels; it is possible to limit only the form of its manifestation negative emotions. In addition, our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children feel their emotions, manage your behavior, hear your body.

To this end, when working with preschoolers It is necessary to use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. They can be considered as part of a lesson and as an independent training system.

For ease of use of these exercises, they can be classified as follows: directions:

*Relaxation exercises focusing on breathing;

*Exercises to relax facial muscles;

*Exercises to relax the neck muscles;

*Exercises to relax arm muscles;

*Exercises to relax the leg muscles;

*Exercises to relax the whole body.

Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This applies equally to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation the body the best way redistributes energy and tries to bring its body to balance and harmony.

Relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts. Such systematic work allows the child’s body to relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health. health.

Play therapy (view correctional technologies, often used by preschool teachers)- this is a game in which the child feels comfortable, at ease, develops his thinking, organizational abilities, imagination, fantasy and ensures full mental development.

Conclusion: Main stream health saving in preschool educational institutions - moving forward along the path of a person-oriented attitude towards the child. Main concern institutions is to ensure such conditions and methods educational process, in which no damage will be caused children's health. Our common task is to provide children with the joy of childhood, joy, and not the burdensome work of understanding the world, the joy of communication and life.

Report on the topic:

“Health Preservation of Preschool Children”

Erkanalieva. U.A. teacher

SP GBOU secondary school in the village of Progress

“I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

Taking care of your health is most important work

teacher From cheerfulness,

children's vigor depends on their spiritual

life, worldview, mental

development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

1. The problem of the health of preschool children is currently very relevant. To be healthy, you need to master the art of maintaining and strengthening it. This art should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution. It should be remembered that only in preschool age is the most favorable time to develop the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers health-saving technologies for preserving and promoting health, will lead to positive results. The pedagogical process in our kindergarten is the process of raising and teaching preschool children in a health-saving mode; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of children.

2. From these positions, the “Health” program was developed. It is aimed at practicing teachers who carry out daily work with preschoolers and their parents. No one doubts that it is practically impossible for a teacher alone to achieve the solution of all tasks aimed at strengthening the child’s health and physical education. Therefore, one of the main directions health work with children is collaboration with the family in addressing health promotion issues.

3. The main goal that the kindergarten staff sets for itself is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, improve their motor status, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities. Formation of responsibility among parents, teachers, and students in preserving their own health. To achieve this goal in kindergarten, we have created conditions for strengthening children's health and harmonious physical development. Eat playground, sports and music hall, which are equipped with standard and non-standard equipment for the development of the child. In addition, in each age group physical activity corners are equipped that take into account the age characteristics of children and their interests. To provide insurance and prevent injuries, there are gymnastic mats. There are also manuals for the prevention of flat feet and outdoor games. Teachers show creativity in making manuals from waste material to replenish physical education corners. Small equipment is placed so that it is accessible to children. All this allows you to include a large group of children in the work, which ensures high motor density of classes. There is a card file for the development of basic types of movement, a card file of physical education minutes and finger games, outdoor games.

4. A variety of physical education and health activities carried out within the framework of the “Health” program, along with the ongoing comprehensive sanitary and educational work and the ongoing valeology education of children, make it possible to make the most of all available means to achieve main goal- maintaining and strengthening the health of all children in preschool institutions.

The kindergarten offers a range of recreational activities:

      Compliance temperature regime, ventilation, according to SanPiN.

      Lightweight clothing in kindergarten (inside the institution)

      Morning exercises (in summer period Location on)

      Gymnastics after sleep

      Ribbed tracks - to prevent flat feet

      Control over physical education, consolidation correct posture

      Proper organization of walks and their duration. Reception of children at the site in the summer

      Compliance with seasonal clothing for students ( individual work with parents)

      Three times a week, children attend physical education classes conducted by teachers, including once (in accordance with weather conditions) physical education classes are held outside. In addition, outdoor games and competitions are held, including in the fresh air.

      1 health day is held once a year, sports leisure is held once a year

      Find application folk remedies(wearing garlic pendants) to prevent viral infections.

      During periods of increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, kindergarten students are vaccinated. (Parental consent)

      In groups, teachers conduct corrective and breathing exercises with children after nap. Airborne solar hardening(in summer), barefoot.

      An important role in the framework of health conservation is given to anti-epidemic work and medical control of the catering unit in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic rules.

5. A lot of work is being done to create ideas about a healthy lifestyle in children. During conversations, we instill skills in caring for our body, providing emotional assistance, and developing an understanding of the structure of our body and the purpose of our organs.

Fairy tale therapy used for psychological and developmental work, increasing children's attention, developing emotional responsiveness, imagination, fantasy, creativity.

Using calm music, sounds of nature, at different moments, depending on the condition of the children, I set emotional contact.

6. We pay great attention to sanitary and educational work. Folders for moving, screens for parents on various topics: “Children’s adaptation to preschool”, “Hardening a child at home”, “ Balanced diet and daily routine", "Dirty hands - source intestinal infections", "Prevention colds", "Preventive vaccinations and their importance", etc.

6The ongoing work on health conservation in my group gives positive effect: for most children there is a tendency conscious attitude to your health and use available funds to strengthen it, the desire to expand motor experience..

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type"Rowanushka"

“Health conservation in kindergarten”

Completed by the teacher

MADO DSKV "Ryabinushka"

Gorbunova A.G.

Pokachi 2014

Health saving in kindergarten


A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we teach children from the very beginning early age appreciate, protect and strengthen our health if we personal example demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, then we can hope that the future generation will be healthier and more developed not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, and spiritually. Health is one of the main values ​​in life. And one of the sides this process there should be the formation of a culture of health, as part of the general culture of a person - awareness of health as vital important value, fostering a responsible attitude towards one’s health, the health of others and the natural environment.


– to form the basics for preschoolers healthy image life and achieve conscious fulfillment elementary rules health saving.


– develop an understanding of the need to take care of your health, protect it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle;

– instill a love of physical exercise and hardening;

– to increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschool children.

– formation of communication skills between children – parents – educators.

Integration of areas: health, cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, safety.

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies in preschool age, the following groups of means are recommended:

1. Outdoor games while walking, in the gym.

Movable and sport games– as part physical education class, on a walk, in group room- low, medium and high degrees of mobility.

G.A. Speransky wrote: “A day spent by a child without a walk is lost to his health.” A preschool child should be outside for at least 3 hours every day. Children should be in the fresh air as much as possible.

2. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses.

Dynamic pauses - during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics, breathing exercises and others depending on the type of activity.

3. Finger gymnastics.

Gymnastics is carried out with younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.

4. Breathing exercises.

- “Find and show your nose”;

- “Help your nose get ready for a walk” (cleaning your nose with a napkin or handkerchief).

- “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose.

- “The nose is playing around” - inhale through the nose with resistance.

- “The nose is sniffing nice smell"- 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils alternately.

- “The nose sings a song” - tap while exhaling index finger along the wings of the nose and pronounce “ba - bo - bu.”

- “Let's warm up the nose” - massage the nose with the index fingers.

5. Gymnastics for the eyes– daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. Recommended to use visual material, teacher demonstration.

Eye massage – performed during morning exercises and during classes. Massage helps children relieve fatigue, tension, and improves metabolism in the tissues of the eye. Visual gymnastics – enables the eye to cope with significant visual load. Use gymnastics in drawing classes, looking at pictures, and during long-term observation. Perform eye training exercises several times a day, depending on the activity that causes tension. Visual landmarks (spots) – relieve eye fatigue and increase motor activity during the day.


"The sun is rolling in the sky -

Like a yellow ball.

Then he will hide behind a cloud,

Then he jumps through the trees.

Walked around, turned around

And it rolled behind a cloud.”

6. Hardening.

Hardening is an important link in the system of physical education of children. It provides training of the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. Hardening gives a healing effect only if it is carried out competently and strictly observed. following principles:

 hardening activities fit harmoniously into all regime moments;

 are carried out systematically against the background of the optimal thermal state of children, against the background of their positive emotional mood;

 carried out taking into account individual, age characteristics children, health status, level of hardening;

 the strength of influence and duration of hardening procedures increases gradually.

7. Gymnastics after sleep.

Nowadays, gymnastics has firmly entered the system of physical education of children and occupies important place. Gymnastics after daytime sleep is a set of activities that facilitate the transition from sleep to wakefulness, which has proper guidance health-improving nature.

The transition from the sleep state to the waking state occurs gradually. Immediately after awakening, the predominance of inhibitory processes remains in the nervous system, the child has reduced mental and physical performance, almost all types of sensitivity, and the speed of reactions is significantly reduced. The inhibited state of the central nervous system can persist for several tens of minutes or even several hours. This is in to a large extent depends on the quality of sleep and the degree of general fatigue of the body.
Such a long transition from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness is not only inconvenient, but also harmful to the health of the child’s body, which, after waking up, is subjected to mental and intellectual stress when the nervous system is not yet ready to perceive them.

Therefore, activities that help facilitate the transition to a state of wakefulness after daytime sleep are extremely important. The rate of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness can be significantly influenced. The most effective acceleration of this process is those influences that stimulate excitation processes in the nervous system. In turn, excitation processes in the central nervous system are stimulated by various external signals entering the nervous system as from environment, and from various organs of the body. The more of these signals and the more intense they are, the more the activity of the nervous system increases.
Excitation processes in the nervous system are stimulated by:

  • sound signals (for example, music)
  • visual cues (eg, bright light, especially sunlight)
  • impulses from various organs of the body (skeletal muscles, skin and others, for example, when performing physical exercise, during massage or when the skin is exposed to cold).

8. Self-massage.

Along with traditional forms work, perform self-massage for colds with children (author A.I. Umanskaya). Everyone knows that a person has special points on his body that regulate activity. internal organs. Massaging these points increases protective forces the body as a whole. Self-massage is easy to do. Children lightly press on the point and make circular movements 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise. Do massage 1-2 times a day.

9. Orthopedic gymnastics- V various forms physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.


Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions to maintain mental balance and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body. For this purpose, specially selected exercises are used to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. Conducted in any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the intensity of the technology is determined. Used for quiet work classical music(Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.

Take advantage of quiet moments more often:

Let's sit in silence with eyes closed; Let's sit and admire the burning candle; - let's lie on our backs and relax as if we rag dolls; - let's dream to this beautiful music.

11. Aromatherapy.

“Aromatherapy” - the process of breathing aromas - has a great healing effect. This has a positive effect on the nervous system and brain. The smell of pine - cleanses the respiratory system, increases tone. The smell of birch - improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The smell of spruce and poplar – cleanses digestive tract. The smell of nettle destroys bacilli. Bouquets of birch, pine, cedar, juniper branches to cleanse the room. (Bouquets even in dry form purify the air).

Anastasia Mirgorodskaya
Health saving in kindergarten and at home

Target: Introduce parents of pupils to the main factors

contributing to the strengthening and preservation health of preschool children

home terms and conditions kindergarten.

Tasks: Create conditions for parents to understand the need

collaboration children's garden and family to preserve and strengthen

health of preschool children.

Meeting plan:

1. Introduction.

2. Strengthening components health.

3. Game self-massage "Good morning".

4. Game "Find the right answer".

5. Finger gymnastics "Friendly guys".

6. Distribution of reminders.

7. Conclusion.

Progress of the meeting:

1. Educator: Hello, dear parents. our meeting

today is dedicated important issue- education of our children

positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle.

Health children and their development is one of the main problems of the family and

preschool institution. Folk wisdom reads: “I lost money -

I didn’t lose anything, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - everything

lost". “What is it health What kind of person can you call

healthy? Have you ever heard of such a concept as

health saving? (Parents' answers)

Educator: To grow up a child healthy, successful, strong – this is

every parent's wish. What can be done to introduce children to

healthy lifestyle?

2. It is necessary to use the healing natural factors of the environment

environment: sun, air, water, phytoncidal properties of plants, since

natural forces of nature are familiar

components of the environment and are necessary for life


The child needs a calm, friendly psychological

climate. Emotional stability and related behavior

brought up in a family. What is important here is the ability to correctly and rationally

refers to what we see, perceive, hear. So let's go

smile and give joy to each other!

Adults should not only protect children's the body from harmful

influences, but also create conditions that contribute to increased

the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And important here

is correct organized regime day.

The daily routine is the optimal combination of periods of wakefulness and sleep for children

during the day.

Walking is one of the essential components of the daily routine. Walk

must be carried out in any weather, except in extreme weather

unfavorable conditions. In this case, clothing and shoes must correspond

weather and everything hygienic requirements. Children should walk at least

twice a day for two hours, in summer - unlimited.

An equally important part of the regime is Sleep, which

especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that children daily (and

day and night) fell asleep at the same time. Thus, home

The child’s routine should be a continuation of the daily routine kindergarten, And

especially on weekends.

Good nutrition - including foods rich in

vitamins A, B, C, D, mineral salts, as well as protein. More often

include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal. Important

The diet is also important, that is, adherence to certain

intervals between meals.

Hardening, as noted by the famous doctor and teacher Efim Aronovich Arkin,

for a weakened child is more important than for healthy. We have

V kindergarten the following hardening procedures are carried out Events:

Ventilation of the room;

Daily walks;

Lightweight clothing in a group;

Walking barefoot along the paths health;

Wake-up exercises after sleep;

Extensive washing after sleep;

Morning exercises;

GCD Physical culture.

It is impossible not to take into account individual characteristics child, his age,

its sensitivity to hardening procedures. Not recommended

carry out hardening against the background of negative emotional states,

for example, fear, resentment, anxiety. This may lead to

neurotic disorders.

If we want to see our children healthy- must be done daily

hardening procedures. Minimum hardening is air and

water procedures, properly selected clothing.

Remember: health baby in your hands!

3. Game self-massage "Good morning."

Good morning, smile quickly

And today the whole day will be more fun.

We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks,

We will be beautiful, as in flowers in the garden.

We will rub our palms bolder, bolder,

And then we will clap more friendly, more friendly.

Now we'll rub our ears, and Let's save your health.

Let's smile again - be everyone healthy!

Educator: Now I propose to play a little and during the game we

Let's try to find out what adults can do to

to instill in children the need to preserve and strengthen their health,

as well as obtain information about the above technologies.

4. Game "Find the right answer".

(The teacher reads the question, parents choose the correct answer from

three options, and raise a sign with the letter corresponding

the correct answer. Correct options answers are marked *).

1. A healthy lifestyle is:

A) free mode

*B) life according to the regime, playing sports, balanced nutrition,

good sleep

C) prevention of diseases using folk remedies

2. Correct posture – This:

A) lowered shoulders, bent knees

*B) straight position of the torso and head, expanded chest

B) thrown back head, protruded stomach, flat chest, lagging behind

shoulder blades, flat back

3. To form correct posture necessary:

A) do only therapeutic exercises

*B) perform morning exercises, go swimming,

massage, outdoor games

C) it is enough to sleep on a hard bed without a pillow

4. A type of hardening based on walking on different surfaces:

*A) barefoot

B) rubbing

B) dousing

5. Sports device for training a separate group muscles:

A) jump rope

*B) simulator

6. A type of gymnastics aimed at developing small motor skills:

A) respiratory

B) morning

*B) finger

7. Games that promote movement development children:

A) computer

B) desktop

*B) movable

8. What will least protect against colds and flu:

*A) frequent washing hands

B) influenza vaccine

C) refusal to walk in the cold season

9. How to breathe correctly:

C) neither option is better or worse than the other

10. The most favorite attribute of children, used in many sports


A) jump rope

11. It’s better on a day off Total:

A) lie in bed

B) go on a visit, there are a lot of educational cartoons there, and children will be able

chat with each other

*B) take a walk with the whole family, play outdoor games,


12. Factor that to a greater extent affects child's health:

A) ecology

B) heredity

*B) lifestyle

Educator: Another component to strengthen children's health -

finger gymnastics. Why do you need finger gymnastics? What

the need to carry it out at home with children?

The child’s speech develops as the speech centers are activated


The child learns to imitate us by listening to our speech;

Children's attention is concentrated;

The child’s speech becomes clearer, brighter, more rhythmic;

Memory, fantasy, and imagination develop in children;

Hands and fingers will become strong, mobile and flexible.

5. Finger gymnastics “Friendly guys”.

Educator: Our meeting is coming to an end. We really hope that

everything we talked about today was useful.

6. Distributing reminders for parents on strengthening physical

child's health.

7. Decision of the meeting:

Deploy healthy lifestyle for every family

- Home The child’s routine should be a continuation of the routine day


Systematically harden the child in a family setting

On weekends, be sure to go for a walk with your children

Move more, ski and skate.

Educator: We sincerely wish you and your children health, happiness and family


The beginning of the emergence of the idea of ​​health conservation should be considered the 5th - 2nd centuries BC, when valeotugenarii appeared in Ancient Rome, responsible for the health and performance of slaves. During the same period, Greek scientists substantiated the importance of hardening, physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

The idea of ​​preserving health in pedagogy was first put forward by Plato, and subsequent generations of scientists developed it. Thus, Aristotle expressed the idea of ​​conformity to nature, which was developed by Ya.A. Comenius. His principle of conformity with nature is that man, being a part of nature, submits as a particle of nature to its universal laws. J.J. Rousseau views conformity to nature as following the child’s nature, as helping his nature.

In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, the idea of ​​“pedagogizing the environment” arose (P.P. Blonsky, P.F. Lesgaft, M.M. Pistrak, S.T. Shatsky), in which the child would be given the opportunity for free physical and mental development.

The main task of teaching L.S. Vygotsky believed in providing conditions for development internal forces and the child's capabilities. D.N. Uznadze especially emphasized the importance of the teacher’s personality in teaching. In his concept of the so-called “tragedy of education,” he pays special attention to the issue of studying the relationship established between the teacher and the child. Analyzing the nature of these relationships, the author focuses on the need to search for a humanistic approach to the child and the corresponding psychological basis for constructing the educational process.

One of the key areas of the health-preserving concept is the organization of the process of preserving and developing health, which includes social, medical, pedagogical and a number of other aspects.

Preserving and strengthening the health of children is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 51), “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as decrees of the President of Russia “On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “ On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation,” etc. The listed documents are intended to help achieve certain results of stabilization in preschool institutions and qualitative improvement of children's health.

The reasons for this are the high incidence of illness in children and the increasing number of children suffering from obesity. The Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation notes that 85% of these children are potentially sick with cardiovascular diseases. Quite a lot of children in need of psychocorrection are characterized by serious psychological distress. The overwhelming majority of preschool children already suffer from a lack of movement and lack of strength. “The current task of physical education, as stated in the Concept, is to find effective means of improving the development of the motor sphere of preschool children based on the formation of their need for movement.” Since physical health forms an inextricable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, then the ways to achieve it cannot be reduced to narrow medical and narrow pedagogical measures. The entire organization of a child’s life in a preschool educational institution should have a health-improving focus. The implementation of the most important provisions of the Concept related to the protection and promotion of children's health has intensified the search for new technologies for physical education and health work, assessment of the health status and physical development of children.

The efforts of preschool educational institutions employees today, more than ever, are aimed at improving the health of preschool children and cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these are the priority tasks in the program for the modernization of Russian education. One of the means of solving these problems is health-saving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable. But what health-saving technologies are in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions and what is considered them is still a mystery for a wide range of professional pedagogical audiences and even for those who confidently use these technologies in their practice. Let's try to understand the concepts.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO). Table 1.

Health-saving pedagogical DOW process- in the broad sense of the word - the process of raising and educating preschool children in a health-preserving and health-enhancing mode; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Health saving and health enrichment - the most important conditions organization of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

In a narrower sense of the word, it is a specially organized interaction between children and teachers that develops over time and within a specific educational system, aimed at achieving the goals of health conservation and health enrichment in the course of education, upbringing and training.

Technology– is an instrument of professional activity of a teacher, accordingly characterized by the qualitative adjective pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced phasing (step-by-step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activities during the design process. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: specificity and clarity of goals and objectives; presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; using a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics of achieving the goal, criteria-based assessment of results.

The most important characteristic of educational technology is its reproducibility. Any educational technology must be health-saving!

Principles of health conservation.

- "Do no harm!"- all methods, techniques, and means used must be justified, tested in practice, and not harmful to health.

- Continuity and succession – work is carried out not from time to time, but every day and in every lesson.

- Consistency of content and organization training and education for the age and individual characteristics of the child.

- Integrated, interdisciplinary approach– unity in the actions of teachers, psychologists and doctors.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents. Target health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child - ensuring a high level of real health for the kindergarten pupil and nurturing valeological culture as the totality of the child’s conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and protect it, valeological competence, allowing the preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance. In relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education – classification of health-saving technologies according to the dominance of goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health-saving and health-enrichment of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

In this regard, the following types of health-saving technologies in preschool education can be distinguished:

Medical and preventive;

Sports and recreation;

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

Health conservation and health enrichment for teachers preschool education;

Valueological education of parents.

Medical and preventive technologies in preschool education technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of medical personnel of preschool educational institutions in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies.

These include the following technologies:

Organization of health monitoring of preschool children and development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;

Organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age;

Organization and control of the physical development of preschool children, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures in kindergarten;

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SanPiNov;

Organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Today, doctors are not able to cope with the problems of deteriorating health, so the question arises about preventive work, about the formation of a conscious attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Propaedeutic work in this direction falls on the shoulders of teachers.

Physical education and health technologies in preschool education – technologies aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child: the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschool children, hardening, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, health procedures in the aquatic environment (pool) and on exercise equipment , developing habits of daily physical activity and health care, etc. The implementation of these technologies is usually carried out by specialists in physical education and teachers of preschool educational institutions in the conditions of specially organized forms of health-improving work. Certain techniques of these technologies are widely used by preschool teachers in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: during classes and walks, during restricted moments and in the free activities of children, during pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child, etc.

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten- These are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschoolers. The purpose of these technologies is to develop a child’s conscious attitude towards health and human life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it, acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to provision of basic medical and psychological self-help and assistance. IN preschool pedagogy The most significant types of technologies include technologies for personality-oriented education and training of preschool children. The leading principle of such technologies is accounting personal characteristics the child, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children’s interests and preferences in the content and types of activities during upbringing and training. Building the pedagogical process with a focus on the child’s personality naturally contributes to his prosperous existence, and therefore health.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on the program in which teachers work, the specific conditions of a preschool educational institution (DOU), the professional competence of teachers, as well as indications of children's morbidity.
