Roasted almonds during pregnancy. The benefits of nuts for the expectant mother

According to scientists, nuts are much healthier than fruits! They contain a special protein that is necessary for human tissues. This protein is found in nuts more than anywhere else. That is why pregnant women need nuts. But not all! Some are extremely useful for the unborn child, others are the strongest allergens that are strictly contraindicated for the body of the expectant mother. Almonds are a particularly useful nut during pregnancy.

Benefits of almonds during pregnancy

  1. The almond contains very high content of vitamin E. And, as you know, it is extremely necessary for a woman expecting a child.
  2. There's enough in this nut high mineral content: magnesium, calcium, folic acid (this substance is especially necessary at the stage of pregnancy planning and in its early stages), iron, phosphorus, zinc.
  3. If a pregnant woman eats a very small amount of almond kernels every day (about 10-15 pieces), her body will be completely saturated essential substances on which the health of the mother and the development of the unborn baby depend.
  4. If a woman who is expecting a child suffers from some chronic diseases, or wants to spend prevention of possible chronic diseases , the doctor will recommend her the use of almonds.
  5. Almonds contain quite a high percentage of the required daily norm of minerals.
  6. ri regular use of almonds in food, brain activity increases several times!
  7. During pregnancy, such a nuisance as insomnia is not uncommon. When using almonds, a pregnant woman will get rid of this trouble.
  8. This nut rich also fiber. So, the pregnant woman will not have problems with digestion.
  9. Almonds even promote the formation of new cells, that is, by using it, a pregnant woman ensures the normal growth of the unborn baby! It is recommended to eat this nut even when the unborn child has a growth retardation.
  10. Almond has analgesic effect, which means you don’t have to swallow pills if, for example, you get a headache.

Harm of almonds during pregnancy

But not only the benefits can be obtained from the use of this nut. Be careful and study the information below well.

  1. If a pregnant woman eats unripe almonds, it may lead to poisoning. Moreover, the degree of poisoning will be directly proportional to the amount eaten.
  2. Almonds are an allergen. Therefore, before you decide to eat it, consult a doctor in order to find out if you are allergic to this wonderful nut.
  3. If pregnant woman gaining weight quickly, and the indicators have long exceeded the norm, it is worth abandoning the use of almonds. This nut is high in calories and promotes rapid weight gain.
  4. If a pregnant woman often has a rapid heartbeat, then, also, almonds should be discarded. It can make the heart beat even faster.
  5. In no case not edible bitter almonds. It contains a special substance, which, when certain conditions, becomes a terrible poison - potassium cyanide.
  6. Not worth it consume almonds in large quantities. With unlimited use of almond kernels at a time, severe dizziness can occur, up to mild drug intoxication. Which is not useful either for a pregnant woman or for an unborn baby.

How to choose the right almonds during pregnancy?

Demand creates supply. Therefore, in modern supermarkets, big choice almond itself different kind. How to choose from all the variety exactly the almond that will be most useful for a pregnant woman?

  • The best almonds are those sold in shell. You just need to carefully examine this shell - are there any signs of rust or mold on it, is the shell intact, are there any cracks on it.
  • When buying peeled almonds, pay attention to the fact that they are even, whole, uniform in shape and color.
  • Fresh almonds have a pleasant nutty smell, without foreign impurities. Any foreign smell may indicate that the nut was stored incorrectly, perhaps next to those products that emit a strong smell.
  • It's best to buy one almonds, which are carefully packed in sealed packaging. This will protect the nut from impurities of foreign odors, excessive moisture or, conversely, drying out. Protects against mildew.
  • If you want to buy roasted almonds stop at which has been dry roasted. That is, one in which no oil was used.
  • When purchasing almonds in a package, carefully study the label, namely, the composition of the product. Only almonds should be listed there. If the composition contains all kinds of preservatives, additives, sugar, you should not purchase such a product - it will be of little use.

How to store almonds?

  • If you have purchased almonds in large quantities, the question immediately arises - how to store it correctly so that it remains fresh and healthy for as long as possible.
  • Immediately pour the nuts from the bag into a container that has an airtight lid.
  • Put container with almonds to a dry, cool place where there is no access sun rays.
  • If you decide store almonds long time , wrap the nuts in a bag and put it in the freezer. Thus, almonds will remain fresh for a long time.

If you want to saturate your body during pregnancy useful vitamins and minerals without the use chemicals eat almonds. He will do the job much better. better than pills, bringing great benefits to you and your unborn baby!

Almonds are considered a tasty and healthy nut, which includes vitamins and trace elements. It is used in culinary recipes and in cosmetology. Walnut is especially necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The composition of the almond kernel depends on the region in which it was grown. In addition to various useful acids, the nut includes:

  • essential oil;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates;
  • glucose;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

Can only be used for food sweet almond. Grains of bitter are poisonous!

Almonds are useful for pregnant and lactating women due to their composition. Vitamin E prevents premature aging cells, thiamine speeds up metabolism, riboflavin helps the synthesis of hemoglobin, folic acid lowers cholesterol. Future mothers often experience a shortage of trace elements. Almonds are able to saturate the body with the fiber it needs, magnesium, fluorine, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, manganese.

In addition, a healthy treat calms the nerves and helps to fall asleep. Almonds are used instead of pills, for example, when the head hurts badly. It helps a lot with digestive problems. Nuts contain fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. 100 g of nuts contains:

If missing allergic reaction on almonds, it is recommended to eat 12-15 kernels every day to provide the body with the necessary minerals, protein.

How to use walnuts for pregnant or nursing mothers

Almond in a positive way affects the fetus from the very first month of its development. You just need to remember the norms and not abuse them so that an allergic reaction does not appear in the mother, and first of all in the crumbs. Do not worry about the fact that nuts will harm the baby during breastfeeding: if you use no more than 30 g of almonds per day, then the milk will only be enriched with amino acids, therefore it will become more useful. Such milk is especially useful for those babies who are not gaining weight well.

If you are still worried, then start eating a couple of nuts a day to see if the child accepts his mother's new diet well. In the absence of signs of allergy or intolerance, gradually increase the number of kernels eaten. It is best to snack on them between main meals.

almond milk recipe

There is an opinion that almond milk can increase breast fat, but this is a misconception. To impact on natural composition breast milk extremely difficult

Almonds are used raw or fried, added to cereals, fish, fruit salads. Almond milk is considered very useful. This is a light and fresh drink with a pleasant aroma. It can be drunk just like that or used in cooking instead cow's milk during the preparation of various dishes. Almond milk is quite easy to make. Would need:

  • 150 g raw almonds;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Almonds need to be soaked for about 10 hours, then rinsed and put in a blender. Add water and sugar there. The ingredients should be whipped for about 2 minutes at maximum speed. The resulting milk is filtered through two layers of gauze or a small household strainer. As a result, almost 1.5 liters of milk will be obtained from 150 g of nuts, which can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

If after using almonds you or your child has stomach problems, rashes, colic, you need to urgently exclude the product from the diet. Not the fact that it's an allergy. The baby's body sometimes does not perceive the product well because of its high calorie content.

On guard of feminine beauty

Today, women continue to take care of themselves even during the period of childbearing in order to keep themselves in order. Expectant mothers quickly gain weight and then lose it, which leads to deformity skin, in combination with hormonal changes, stretch marks often appear on the body. These are stripes on the chest, hips, abdomen. Mostly they are white, pink or purple.

White stretch marks on the body are considered the most difficult to remove.

Lotion with almond oil for stretch marks

Almond oil fights against such growths and helps to make them less noticeable. Make a carrot-almond lotion that helps to prevent and fight stretch marks. This will require:

  • 1 st. l. almond oil.
  • 1 medium sized carrot.
  • 50 ml of water.

Carrots should be washed, peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Add cold boiled water to the resulting slurry. It should be enough to completely cover the carrots. After 15 minutes, squeeze the carrots with cheesecloth and add almond oil. Focus on your wishes for consistency and fat content. With the resulting product, you need to wipe the areas with stretch marks every evening after a shower. Thoroughly rub the drug into the skin and do light massage. The lotion should be kept in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to do peeling with a nut

Many women are delighted with almond peeling. However, it is best to avoid it during pregnancy, as mandelic acid often leads to backfire: skin atrophy, erythema, increased pigmentation, scarring, excessive photosensitivity. Also, acid can activate foci of herpes infection. Consult a beautician and choose more soft version skin care.

Contraindications for use and selection rules

Nuts will bring invaluable benefits only if you have no contraindications to their use. Remember a few basic rules:

  1. Eat only ripe nuts. The immature ones include cyanides, which are often the cause of poisoning.
  2. Do not eat bitter almonds. It contains poisonous hydrocyanic acid. There is an opinion that the poison contains only raw nuts, but during pregnancy it is better to refuse fried ones.
  3. Choose a different source of vitamins if you have an individual intolerance to almonds.

In order for almonds to bring only benefits, you need to be able to choose it. Here are some tips too:

  1. Try to buy a nut in the shell, examining it for mold and cracks.
  2. If you buy already peeled almonds, choose whole, even and uniform fruits.
  3. Try to buy nuts in airtight packaging. This guarantees protection against drying out, moisture, foreign odors and mold.
  4. In addition, fresh walnut has quite pleasant aroma. A foreign smell indicates that the storage of the nut was incorrect. Most likely, he was near products with a strong odor.

You also need to think about where and how to store almonds so that they retain their beneficial properties and stay fresh. Immediately after purchase, pour the nuts into a container with an airtight lid. Put it in a cool place where the sun does not penetrate. If you plan to store the almonds for several months, put them in a bag and leave them in freezer. When you take out the nuts again, they will remain fresh.

This nut has long been used in culinary and cosmetic recipes. The rich vitamin composition of almonds makes it an indispensable tool for pregnant and lactating women whose body needs enhanced nutrition. If you use almonds correctly, they will bring invaluable benefits to you and your baby.

nuts in without fail should be included in the diet future mother. Moreover, nuts can be very different, each type has its own characteristics. For example, almonds during pregnancy can provide the fetus in the womb with almost all the trace elements it needs to normal growth and development. And for this, only 10-15 peeled nucleoli per day are enough.

Almonds are not nuts at all. Almond is the fruit of a tree belonging to the plum subgenus, which grows in the countries of the Middle East and Turkey.

The nucleoli, which are contained in the seeds of these fruits, are used for food. Almonds have two varieties - bitter and sweet. Oil is pressed from bitter almonds, which can be used for food, and can be used for the production of cosmetics.

The composition of the almond nut

Almonds are an excellent source of pregnancy vitamins and other nutrients.

  • Just 100 grams of almonds will provide a pregnant woman with 60% of the daily intake of B vitamins.
  • A lot of almonds contain vitamin PP, vitamin E and 12 essential amino acids.
  • Oil is extracted from almonds. This means that it contains a lot of fat. Moreover, both saturated fatty acids - palmitic stearic, margarine, arachidic and milistine, and monounsaturated - in particular, linoleic and oleic.

Can pregnant women eat almonds?

Benefits of almonds for pregnant women

Almonds help to normalize sleep, it improves digestion during pregnancy and prevents the exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you suffer from occasional headaches, adding almonds to your diet can help reduce their frequency and intensity significantly. However, along with useful properties, almonds also have contraindications for use during pregnancy.

Please note that if you eat almonds while pregnant, all of its grains must be ripe. Unripe almonds can cause quite serious poisoning.

Harm of almonds for women during pregnancy

  • Almonds have a high calorie content, so pregnant women should not consume too much. Moreover, during pregnancy, this can lead to dizziness.
  • In the event that your weight is already exceeding the norm, almonds should be completely abandoned.
  • For a pregnant woman, almonds can lead to tachycardia.
  • And bitter almonds may contain hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, eating bitter almonds is strictly prohibited.

All pregnant women often worry about different reasons, and food is almost always the main reason for experiences. The diet of the future mother should be useful and, of course, varied, otherwise the growing body of the baby, and the woman herself, will regularly experience a deficiency of certain nutrients. Nutritionists consider nuts one of the sources of valuable microelements and vitamins. Experts unanimously argue that a woman who is expecting a child can and should eat this natural product. The place of nuts in the diet future mother will discuss in the article.

Each type of nuts has an original taste and brings great benefits to the body. Here are the substances necessary for the successful development of pregnancy that nuts contain, regardless of variety:

  • a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • natural dietary fiber;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E and all B vitamins;
  • essential amino acids;
  • vegetable protein;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid.

In count valuable minerals nuts are 3 times higher than fruits, they also have an excess beneficial proteins and fats, so regular consumption of nuts in food helps to smoothly reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, nuts are high in calories, and in terms of protein content in their composition they surpass even meat.

Thanks to nuts, the body is enriched with iron, zinc, copper, potassium and calcium, phosphorus. Such a mineral "cocktail" is very useful for the work of the cardiovascular and bone muscular systems. People who are used to snacking on a handful of nuts are always energetic and cheerful.

There are a lot of varieties of nuts, and, despite the fact that some grow on trees and others on bushes, they are in many ways similar in their chemical composition, and hence their properties. In the world there are about 150 types of nuts that you can eat. Walnut is recognized as the most high-calorie among the nuts most known to us. The second place in terms of energy value is occupied by pine and hazelnut kernels, and the third place is shared by almonds, cashews, pistachios and peanuts. Here are just a few Interesting Facts that come to mind when it comes to this or that nut:

  • walnuts contain vitamin C and iron more than other types;
  • fructose in the composition of pine nuts is incredibly useful for the intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • hazelnuts can significantly improve general state person suffering diabetes, varicose veins and metabolic disorders;
  • almonds saturate the body with iron, which is known as an essential component hemoglobin. In addition, this nut contains zinc, phosphorus and vitamin E. Thanks to it, blood pressure is normalized and the work of the cerebral cortex is stimulated;
  • a small handful of cashews will satisfy even the strongest hunger for a while. In addition, the nut is considered a hypoallergenic product;
  • eating pistachios is an excellent prevention cardiovascular diseases. These nuts are called a natural immunomodulator. Their composition is useful for the liver and brain.

The benefits of nuts for the expectant mother

The benefits of nuts for the body during pregnancy increases significantly. Regulating the main processes fat metabolism, a natural product prevents sharp fluctuations in body weight, which is very important for a woman in position. From nuts, the mother's body receives a number of substances necessary for full development skeletal and muscular systems of the fetus. As a result of long-term studies of the effect of nuts on the body, scientists came to the conclusion that children whose mothers often ate nuts during pregnancy practically do not suffer from allergic reactions.

Nutritionists advise expectant mothers to eat different types nuts during pregnancy - their combination will become a real vitamin "mix" to keep the body in good shape and a delicious addition to main dishes. The main disadvantage of nuts is long digestion and slow absorption (no wonder they are considered a “heavy” product). To speed up this process and help digestive system, and so burdened with all the "charms" of pregnancy, nuts must be chopped in a blender before direct use. If the nuts are slightly dried out again, it is very easy to make them fresh - you need to soak them briefly in salted water.

Being in an “interesting” position, you can eat about 30 g of nuts daily without undue stress on the stomach - you need to chew them very carefully. So, we found out that the benefits of nuts during pregnancy are undeniable, now let's look at how different types of nuts affect the mother and her child. To begin with, we note some of the nuances of the use of this product by the expectant mother:

  • if a woman has diagnosed diseases that concern gastrointestinal tract, she needs to limit the amount of nuts in the daily diet, since the product can provoke the development of an internal inflammatory reaction;
  • eat nuts with great care - they can cause a severe allergic reaction. In this regard, honey and nuts during pregnancy are the most dubious products;
  • Being in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is better to give up the daily consumption of nuts. It is necessary to reduce the usual amount of goodies by half and eat it no more than 2-3 times a week.

walnuts during pregnancy

Nuclei walnut are considered the most useful during pregnancy, since they have a very beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother. Under their influence:

  • the level of glucose in the blood decreases;
  • severe swelling disappears;
  • the work of the thyroid gland is stimulated;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • is strengthening defensive forces organism.

These positive internal shifts are due to high content walnut contains iodine, zinc and iron. Regular consumption of this gift of nature will help the expectant mother always be in good shape, forget about headaches and insomnia, and also be less tired. The presence of the product in the diet last days pregnancy stimulates the unproblematic development of lactation immediately after childbirth. The use of walnut is not recommended for women who suffer from constipation.

Pine nuts during pregnancy

Nuts of this type are digested in the stomach relatively quickly and are perfectly absorbed - they contain protein, the structure of which is very similar to the structure of the proteins of the human body. Pine nuts supply the mother's body with a specific amino acid arginine, which guarantees proper development fetus. The product will be especially useful in a situation where the fetus is not gaining weight well, is characterized by low activity or is lagging behind in development. Due to the high likelihood of developing allergies, nutritionists recommend expectant mothers to eat no more than 2 tablespoons of pine nuts per day.

Hazelnut during pregnancy

This nut is a natural bactericidal agent, and its frequent use suppresses the course of internal putrefactive processes. The high energy value of hazelnuts makes it very useful product during pregnancy. The unsaturated fatty acids in nuts provide correct formation fetus, which primarily depends on the successful development nervous system and bone structure. Regular consumption of hazelnuts increases a woman's immunity, protecting her from infectious diseases. The nut is rich in iron and B vitamins. Thanks to these components, the natural product has positive influence on the liver, muscles, blood vessels and capillaries - as you know, all these organs experience an enormous load during pregnancy.

cashew during pregnancy

This is very healthy nuts during pregnancy. The active substances in their composition are able to normalize the work of the heart muscle and nervous system, put in order arterial pressure future mother. Cashew with great content iron is also useful to a pregnant woman if she has been diagnosed with anemia. One more important component as part of cashews - vitamin D - can have a positive effect on the development of the fetal skeleton. Nutritionists note that pregnant women should certainly pay attention to this nut if they are constantly faced with such an unpleasant condition as dysbacteriosis. In general, cashew nuts have an antiseptic, antimicrobial and tonic effect on the body.

Peanuts during pregnancy

Despite the fact that peanuts are also called peanuts, this product is not. It belongs to leguminous plants and is widely used as a fodder crop. But, of course, many of us perceive peanuts as a tasty treat. The peanut is famous for its unique composition- a rich combination of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and antioxidants. However, peanuts are very high in calories and can cause a severe allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock. It is quite obvious that potential harm peanuts for a pregnant woman exceeds the expected benefits, so doctors and nutritionists advise expectant mothers, if not to give up peanuts, then reduce their consumption to a minimum. Peanuts during pregnancy:

  • can cause obesity (in 100 g of the product there are more than 551 kcal);
  • provokes the development of atopic dermatitis in a newborn baby;
  • causes bloating and increased gas formation;
  • aggravates varicose veins veins, as it can slow down blood flow;
  • disrupts the natural blood supply to the placenta, which results in hypoxia for the fetus.

Almonds during pregnancy

Like peanuts, almonds are not a nut, although many of us perceive this product as a nut. It is a stone fruit that appears on a tree of the Almond subgenus of the Plum genus. The attitude towards the use of almonds during pregnancy is ambiguous.

On the one hand, the product has a lot folic acid, in which the body of a pregnant woman needs very much. The substance prevents the development birth defects at the fetus. Special protein compounds and vitamin E in chemical composition nuts are of great importance for the intrauterine development of the baby. It is especially important to supplement your diet with almonds if the doctor has recorded a growth retardation in the fetus. The active components of almonds normalize sleep and eliminate digestive disorders.

On the other hand, there are some risks associated with eating almonds during pregnancy. For example, you can get seriously poisoned by eating unripe almond kernels or get an allergy due to the individual sensitivity of the body to various specific foods. Almonds are also contraindicated for those women who, during pregnancy, began to quickly gain excess weight.

Pistachio during pregnancy

The composition of the nut harmoniously combines many mineral trace elements (copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.) and vitamins. In addition, pistachios are the least caloric among other nuts.

The unique combination of components in chemical structure product has a positive effect on the mental mood of a person. Regular snacks with pistachios reduce the level of individual exposure to stress several times! The pressure is normal, the mood is on top, the brain quickly copes with stress - isn't this what you need for worldly happiness? The daily norm of nuts for a future mother should not exceed 15 pieces - good, as they say, in moderation. In this case essential oils pistachios, which in large quantities negatively affect brain activity, will only increase the work of the brain will not cause any harm. In addition, pistachios effectively replenish potassium reserves in maternal organism, help to endure toxicosis more easily, support liver function, stimulate the development of the fetus with valuable proteins and organic acids.

Note also that the pistachio boasts useful property: walnut strengthens hair and nails, and this is especially important for a future mother. Doing blood vessels more resilient and elastic, important trace elements in the composition of pistachios normalize partly blood circulation, which provides the skin, hair and nails with a sufficient amount of oxygen and other valuable substances.

Black walnut during pregnancy

The fruit that grows on walnut trees in North America is not black at all. So he was nicknamed because of the black strong roots of the tree. Due to the composition, saturated with various specific substances, black walnut has many advantages. It has an analgesic, tonic and sedative effect, while it is also a wonderful antispasmodic. The product is related to the rejuvenation of the body. It is a powerful natural antioxidant and immune booster. The influence of black walnut on a person is also expressed by anthelmintic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

However, such a set of “usefulnesses” makes it impossible for children, pregnant and lactating women to use the nut - the product can cause a strong allergic reaction in a weakened body and provoke a spasm of cerebral vessels.

brazil nuts during pregnancy

In the composition of this high-calorie product, at one time many valuable vitamins and microelements were found: C, D, B6 and E, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, etc. In addition, the nut saturates the body with protein and fiber, and its frequent use cleanses the blood of bad cholesterol.

Nutritionists advise pregnant women to include Brazil nuts in their diet for the entire period of pregnancy: it is enough to eat 4 kernels per day. These fruits are very high level Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids. The source of specific substances is exclusively food, and there are more of them in Brazil nuts than in any other products that are allowed during pregnancy. We also note that the product contains arginine - the substance is responsible for the normal intrauterine development baby.

So, we found out that most of the nuts available to us today are recommended for future mothers to eat. You cannot refuse such a gift of nature - some unique combinations of vitamins or trace elements are found only in nuts. However, remember that the use of any product should be approached intelligently and best after consultation with a competent nutritionist.

All women during pregnancy want this process to be happy and easy, and the baby to develop correctly, without any complications, while receiving everything useful substances and the minimum number harmful components. While carrying a baby, some foods that were useful before conception may be contraindicated. Therefore, it is advisable to stop consuming such foods before the end of pregnancy and period. Future mothers are especially worried about nuts, because they cannot be called confidently safe during pregnancy.

What is an almond?

Almonds are often misunderstood as a nut, but this is not true at all. It is a stone fruit that does not grow on small trees of the plum genus and belongs to the subgenus "almond". It resembles in size and shape apricot kernels. Distributed in Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.

There are two types of almonds - bitter and sweet. Sweet almonds are commonly eaten, while the bitter fruit is used to make almond oil, which can also be used in various dishes. Raw sweet almonds can be chopped and added to a salad. True, in pure form Almonds are also very beneficial for the body. It is best to consume it on an empty stomach. Another way to process the fruit is to pour almonds cold water for the night.

Almonds can be called the most nutritious product, since there are more useful substances in it, unlike nuts. Almond kernels are rich in vitamins - one hundred grams of almonds contain half the daily requirement of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which is vital for a person. It also contains thiamine, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and vitamin B9. 100 grams of almonds contain 95 grams of vitamin PP, which satisfies 35 percent daily allowance of this substance. The other half of the nutrients are fats and proteins. Also, the fruit consists of various dietary fibers, water, carbohydrates and ash. All essential acids for the body are found in this false nut. They are not only unique, but also very important for the human body, since they directly affect the functioning of the body.

Essential acids of almonds: histidine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, valine and. Essential acids: aspartic, glutamic, proline and glycine. Over 67 percent daily amount magnesium and 61 percent phosphorus are found in one hundred grams of almonds. It also contains a lot of calcium and potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium.

Useful action of almonds

Almond is the fruit that is able to cope with the disorder respiratory tract especially when coughing. It also effectively fights anemia, diabetes, impotence and constipation. Almonds can be used to care for hair, skin, to get rid of psoriasis.

because of a large number Nutrients in almonds promote brain function as well as brain development. Almonds are also able to regulate cholesterol levels, restore the level blood pressure and acts as an antioxidant, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of almonds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is very important to consume almonds on the menu, as this nut contains great amount folic acid, which can reduce the possibility of various developmental abnormalities in newborns. Almonds contain a special protein that human tissue needs, making it very valuable for a baby and a pregnant woman.

If almonds are present in the daily diet, you can stop worrying about the growth of the fetus. It is especially useful when there are problems with growth retardation. Also in the composition of almonds is vitamin E, which is needed during pregnancy. Every day it is necessary to consume fifteen pieces of the fetus in order to saturate the body with all the necessary substances and make the development of the crumbs complete, timely. All this applies to the minerals that are in the composition of almonds. By the way, he fights well with insomnia and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for the use of almonds during pregnancy

No matter how useful almonds are, sometimes a situation occurs when it will harm the health of a pregnant woman. All unripe almonds can be potentially dangerous for the expectant mother, as they can cause food poisoning. It is also dangerous for those pregnant women who have an allergic reaction to almonds.

All the women in position who scored overweight during pregnancy and continue to gain weight, should stop consuming almonds. The fruit is very high in calories and can aggravate the situation.

If the expectant mother feels an incomprehensible intermittent excessive activity of the heart, almonds should also not be consumed. Bitter almonds can cause female body great harm- should not be used in regular food, since the substance that bitter almonds are rich in can turn into potassium cyanide in the body.

Almonds also contain oxalates, which can crystallize and cause many problems for all women suffering from gallbladder disease.

How to identify sweet almonds when buying?

Today, supermarkets can provide just about any product your heart desires. This also applies to almonds, of which there are a lot on the shelves. When choosing the right almond, you need to know some rules. Firstly, almonds, which are bought in shell, are better than other types. It is necessary to see if there are any rust and mold marks on the fruits, any cracks.

Fresh almonds will be sweetish nice smell nuts, and other foreign odors signal that the product may be spoiled. Best buy this fruit packed in a sealed bag. This way you can be sure that moisture and other odors have not spoiled the almonds.

Pay attention to the labels. Ideally, only the almond fruit should be listed. If there are various additives or sugar there, it is forbidden to buy such a product during pregnancy.

Store almonds in dry containers with airtight lids, in dark, cool places without sunlight. A long period this fruit is stored in the refrigerator, in a regular bag.
