Bathing a newborn with his head. Bathing and washing a newborn baby

Swimming for the first time

It is more convenient to bathe the baby in a special baby bath, which can be installed on the changing table or stools. In this case, the adult does not need to bend over excessively to carry out manipulations. In addition, to fill a small container, you will need less water. If there is no such bath, it is quite acceptable to bathe the baby in a washed adult bath.

What needs to be prepared?


On sale there are special children's bath towels. The shape of the product resembles a square with an additional "pocket" on one of the corners. After bathing, such a corner conveniently covers the head of the crumbs, and the body should be wrapped with the rest of the cloth.

The texture of children's towels is softer, terry weaving is smaller and thinner. Such products absorb moisture well and are more pleasant for thin skin baby. This important factor.The skin of a newborn is several times thinner than the epidermis of an adult., you can not rub wet skin - neither with a washcloth, nor with a cloth. After bathing, moisture should be blotted dry clean towel without causing friction or pressure.

If you have not purchased such a towel, you can use a large soft bath towel or a gentle and dense flannel diaper. Additionally prepare small towel or tissue paper to get your face wet.

Important! Baby bath towels do not need to be washed in high temperature, subject to boiling, bleaching and ironing.

Such manipulations will quickly spoil the structure of the fibers. The towel will harden and lose its absorbency.

Wash baby clothes separately with a neutral detergent. It is permissible to use a special conditioner without fragrances. Towels do not need to be ironed, as the iron "nails" the voluminous fibers that make terry towel fluffy and airy. Deformed fibers absorb water much worse. Wring towels at low speed. After washing, shake the product and hang it flat to dry out of direct sunlight.


At first, a newborn does not need any special means for washing the skin. The kid spends time lying down, doesn’t sweat much and doesn’t get dirty. For the first baths, only clean warm water is needed. If you wish, you can add a decoction of the string to the water (1 cup per bath).

A little later, a neutral one will come in handy for swimming. baby remedy for swimming. For the first procedures, universal soft washing substances are produced, which replace bath foam, shower gel, mild soap and shampoo.

Signs of a good remedy:

  • transparent (without dyes);
  • without a sharp aroma (preferably no flavors at all);
  • certified for newborns (look for marks on the package);
  • on natural soft detergent base(without sulfates);
  • without dangerous preservatives (parabens);
  • with a convenient dispenser (during bathing, most often one hand will be free);
  • without intensive foam (soft surfactants do not form active foam).

If you prefer soap, buy natural baby soap. The shower gel must meet the same criteria as the bath product. Baby doesn't need shampoo- the hairs are washed with a universal remedy.

For daily washing you need baby soap. Convenient liquid agent in a large bottle with a dispenser. Place the soap bottle on the sink. Loosen a towel hook next to it, which you will use to blot the skin after washing.


Water temperature - from 33 to 37⁰С. The principle is this: the smaller the bath, the warmer the water. If the baby cannot move, it will freeze in cool water. If bathing is carried out in an adult bath, then the temperature can be reduced by 1⁰С weekly. Thanks to this, the body will be hardened, and the child who has been swimming will fall asleep faster.

You don't need to boil water. Install filters for incoming tap water. It is permissible to add decoctions of herbs to the bath, but this is not necessary - special therapeutic effect such a measure will not give, but will add trouble.

Attention! Do not add potassium permanganate and salt to the water. The skin will lose moisture faster.

Additional inventory

For a hygienic procedure, a special stand is useful with an elevation for the head or a foam pad for the bath.

If there are no such accessories, place a folded diaper on the bottom so that the child does not slip. If the baby actively frolics in a large bath, get a special circle to keep the head above the water. Buy a thermometer to check the water temperature.

For hygiene procedures needed after swimming:

  • cotton wool;
  • cotton pads;
  • clean diaper;
  • baby cream or powder;
  • clean clothes.

Prepare everything before swimming. The baby must not be left unattended- all the little things need to be thought out and decomposed in advance.

How to wash the foreskin?

Consider how to properly wash the genitals of a newborn baby - a boy.

Before circumcision

Up to 3-5 years, the glans penis is closed by the foreskin. This condition is called physiological phimosis. Genital hygiene in young boys is different from the principles of sexual hygiene in adult men.

The foreskin must not be forced to move, exposing the head. This can lead to injury, inflammation and paraphimosis. Paraphimosis is a pinching of the head as a result of forced exposure. The foreskin is not elastic until a certain time, therefore it squeezes the tissues strongly. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.

Considering the characteristics of the structure, washing involves caring for the external genitalia. Do not move the foreskin while trying to flush the glans. Prior to discovery, this area is protected by smegma, which has strong antibacterial properties. If the lubricant is removed, the likelihood of inflammation and infection will increase.

To carry out the hygiene procedure, place the baby with his tummy on the forearm of his left hand. The head should rest on the hand. Grasp the right leg of the baby with your palm. Rinse the genital area and anal folds with warm water.

If the baby is not particularly dirty, do not use soap every time - soft skin coated with a protective grease that breaks down on contact with the foam. Flush groin in the direction from the penis to the pope. Gently rub the tip of the penis without any effort. Rinse all wrinkles thoroughly.

If you are afraid to wash your baby under running water, or this is not possible, then wash your baby on the changing table. Dip a small towel or cotton pads into a bowl of warm water and gently work the groin in the direction from the genitals to the anus. If water is not available, use wet wipes.

After washing, wet skin should be blotted with a dry cloth. Don't rub. Dry the folds thoroughly.

Leave the baby without a diaper and clothes for 10 minutes if the room is warm. The skin needs air baths.

If you notice irritation, treat the inflamed areas. For wet redness, use powder. For dry skin - baby cream or oil.

After circumcision

After the foreskin circumcision procedure, the boy is washed away, taking into account additional nuances:

  • at each change of a diaper, the baby should be washed with water without soap;
  • you can not disturb the crusts and films on the surface of the penis;
  • take special care when drying the skin - find the most soft and absorbent materials;
  • Protect your skin with petroleum jelly before putting on a diaper.

Ask your doctor if you need to give your baby anesthetics.

Features of booty care

When washing the priests, it is worth thoroughly rinsing all the folds, directing movements from the genitals to the priest. At heavy pollution additionally use mild soap without fragrances. Otherwise, the procedure is similar to normal washing. Until the baby's umbilical wound has healed, it is important to ensure that water and detergents did not hit the navel.

How to properly bathe a male baby?

The first bath in the bath occurs after the umbilical wound has healed in the crumbs and the umbilical cord has departed - for about 10-12 days.

Time of the procedure: in the evening, before the last feeding before the night sleep.

Duration of the first procedure: 7-8 minutes(Komarovsky recommends starting with 15 minutes).

Bathing frequency: 2-3 times a week (according to Komarovsky - every evening).

Don't bathe an irritated or upset baby. Bathing should evoke pleasant associations.

  1. Prepare everything you need for bathing, hygiene procedures and changing clothes.
  2. Wash the bathing container with a mild detergent.
  3. Fill your tub or tub with warm clean water.
  4. Add a decoction of herbs (optional).
  5. At the bottom of a plastic bath, place a diaper folded in several layers or use a slide, stand or foam pad.
  6. If you bathe in a large bath, it is permissible to bathe in a special inflatable collar that holds the head above the surface of the water.
  7. Undress the baby.
  8. If there is a “surprise” under the diaper, wash the boy before bathing.
  9. Place the baby in the bath - on a stand or a diaper. The water level should be such that the chest and head are above the water. If there are no special devices, put the baby back on the forearm. The butt should be in the palm of your hand or lower.
  10. Talk to the baby, pouring warm water over the body. Make sure that splashes do not get in your face - it's scary.
  11. Wash the baby with water from the palm of your hand, carefully wetting the head and chest. Gently rinse the neck under the chin.
  12. Do not rub the baby with washcloths and sponges - the skin of a newborn is very thin and vulnerable. For the first baths, only warm water is needed.

Actions after the procedure

Remove residual moisture from the skin

Wrap your baby in a towel. Do not rub or press on the skin. Just wait until the moisture is absorbed into the fabric.

After laying the baby on the bed or changing table, blot all the folds, remove moisture from the crotch and hair.

Crease processing

Let's clarify right away: healthy skin does not need to be lubricated and sprinkled with anything.

When do you need a cream? If you notice irritated areas of a dry structure - with crusts, a rough surface, then lubricate the damaged areas with baby cream. Perfect for diaper cream. These products contain zinc, which copes well with irritation and covers the inflamed areas with a protective film.

Cream can be replaced with baby oil. Choose a product without mineral oils. mineral oils(paraffin) are refined products. They really "lock" moisture in the skin, but they lock it along with everything else. The skin needs to breathe and remove sweat and toxins. The impermeable film interferes with the normal functioning of the skin. Read the ingredients on the label. If on the shelves of the store was not found good product, treat the baby's skin with a neutral base vegetable oil(olive, sunflower).

When is powder needed? It should be sprinkled on weeping and moist inflamed places, that is, those areas that need to be additionally dried. Use the product sparingly, do not raise a cloud of talcum powder - if inhaled, such powders can be harmful to health.

All products are applied in a thin layer and only on those areas that require processing. If redness and irritation has passed, stop lubrication and powdering.

Removing water from the ears

Attention! Don't use regular cotton buds- there is a high risk of injuring the eardrum and infecting the middle ear.

You can remove water from the ears:

  1. special cotton buds for children, which have a special thickening that does not allow the tool to be inserted deeper than the permissible one;
  2. homemade cotton turundas - twist a dense flagellum out of cotton wool, insert it into the ear canal, the cotton wool will absorb moisture.

Important nuances

During bathing, you can not wash the crumbs- the active ingress of water on the face, along with movements, will scare the baby. Therefore, the face should be washed separately, simultaneously with the hygiene procedures that complete the bath.

Soak cotton pads in warm water and gently wipe your face. Pay attention to the eyes - movements should be directed towards the nose. If there is souring, rinse each eye with a separate cotton pad. Cleanse the nasal passages with cotton swabs. Separately rinse the ears and the area behind the ears.

You can trim your nails if needed. using children's scissors with rounded edges. Small tweezers are used for toenails. Slightly round the nails on the hands, on the legs - cut strictly straight.

If there are crusts on the baby's head, lubricate dry areas with vegetable or baby oil an hour before bathing. While bathing, wash your hair with a mild detergent. After bathing, remove softened crusts with a soft brush.

Opinion of E. O. Komarovsky

The pediatrician thinks a newborn should be bathed in a large, adult bath. The main purpose of the procedure is to tire the baby before a night's sleep. Evgeny Olegovich recommends gradually lowering the temperature of the bathing water so that the baby behaves more actively during bathing, is tired and cold. After such stress, the baby will eat with appetite and fall asleep for 6-9 hours.

The recommended bathing temperature is 33-34⁰С (for large bath, where there is a maneuver for movement) and 36⁰С - for a small plastic bath. Every week lower the temperature by 1⁰С, bringing it to 21-26⁰С. Bathing time - at least 15 minutes, gradually increase to 30-40 minutes. Bathe daily. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure if the child has a temperature.

Water does not need to be specifically treated, it is enough if filters are installed in the apartment that clean tap water. You can add a glass of decoction of the string to the water. Bathing water does not need to be boiled.

It is quite normal if the baby dives periodically while bathing. Before the baby is 2-3 months old, there is a strong breath-holding reflex upon contact with liquid. Diving promotes cleansing respiratory tract. If the baby drinks water during the procedure, it is worth offering the baby drinking water before bathing. Getting water in the ears also does not threaten any complications. After bathing, dry the external auditory canals with cotton turundas.

After bathing, the child's body needs to get wet, examine the condition of the skin. healthy skin does not need additional processing. If necessary, damaged areas must be treated. The basic rule: dry - moisturize (cream, oil), wet - dry (powder, talc).

Consequences of careless intimate hygiene

If the genitals of a newborn are handled carelessly, the child may suffer. Do not pull back the foreskin in pursuit of perfect cleanliness. Nature took care of the security of closed areas much better. Smegma will not allow infection to develop, but if the protective lubricant is removed, then problems cannot be avoided. The foreskin can become inflamed and grow together with the head, which subsequently leads to the need for circumcision.

If you forcibly expose the head, the narrow foreskin will lead to swelling and inflammation., holding in a vise a tender part of the body. In this case, surgical intervention is indispensable.

Abuse of active detergents can cause dry skin and dermatitis.

  • bathe only a calm, contented child in good mood;
  • do not overheat the water and the room;
  • do not use detergents without a real need;
  • do not boil water;
  • do not treat water with potassium permanganate;
  • do not iron towels;
  • do not add salt to bathing water;
  • do not bathe a sick infant with a fever;
  • do not bathe a baby with an unhealed umbilical wound.

Useful video

You can visually familiarize yourself with the procedure for bathing a newborn boy by watching the video:

A positive attitude of adults plays an important role in caring for a baby.. If mom and dad like to bathe the baby, new member families will feel it and look forward to evening water treatments.


Children under one year old are bathed daily. You need to start bathing as soon as the umbilical wound dries up. Children under the age of pediatricians are advised to bathe in boiled water especially if the tap water Bad quality. The air temperature in the bathroom should be approximately 20-22 ° C, the temperature of the bathing water should be 37 ° C.

In the first life of a child, it is better to bathe in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this is a good antiseptic that helps to disinfect the umbilical wound and its rapid healing. Manganese crystals must first be dissolved in a bowl of water, and then added to the solution in the bath until a faint pink color. Also, instead of manganese, you can add an infusion of string or chamomile to the bath - these herbs are also antiseptics, soothe the skin, and help fight diaper rash.

Before bathing, it is necessary to rinse the bath with baby soap and rinse it with boiling water each time. Clean linen for the baby should be prepared in advance, like all hygiene items: cotton flagella, baby oil, diapers.

If you are unsure of holding the baby, have someone help you bathe him at first. A newborn can be supported by a father or grandmother while you wash him. It is not necessary to pour a lot of water into the bath while the child is small. Soon you will learn how to bathe your baby on your own.

When everything is ready for bathing, undress the child, wash him, if he has soiled the diaper, carefully immerse his body in water. Hold it in the water with one hand, placing it under upper part child's shoulder. Its head should lie on your arm bent at the elbow. The rest of the body must be in the water. Wash your face first. You can do this with your hand, a soft sponge or a piece of cotton wool. Then wash your hair with water. Hair should be washed with soap 1-2 times a week - gently lathering them in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head, and then gently washing off the foam.

After washing your head, with a soapy sponge or hand, wipe the skin behind the ears, neck, armpits, arms, legs, sides, back, tummy, groin. After this, the baby should be rinsed with clean water from a jug, which should be the same temperature as the water in the bath.

Having taken the child out of the water, wrap it in a terry towel and hold it there for 5-7 minutes so that the child dries and does not freeze when you undress him. After that, put it on a clean, dry diaper and proceed to the toilet: wipe the ears with cotton flagella, grease the folds with baby oil, treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide to remove the crusts, and then with brilliant green. After that, you can dress the child.

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The birth of a child brings joy, happiness, as well as a sea of ​​worries and a thousand new responsibilities. With daily chores, many questions arise: how to express milk, how to calm the baby if she cries, which diapers will not cause allergies, and, perhaps, the most important question- how to bathe a newborn baby after discharge.

A small, defenseless living lump needs permanent care 24 hours a day. A young mother has to adjust to a new regime, change habits established over the years and forget about a good sleep, thinking only about the well-being of the crumbs. The baby learns the first bath in the hospital. Experienced midwives wash the newborn, treat the navel, ears and nose with a disinfectant solution. The following days, the child is wiped with antimicrobial wipes, so the question of a full-fledged bath arises already at home.

Rules for bathing a newborn baby

Water for a newly born little man is the most comfortable environment, because for 9 months the baby stayed in amniotic sac. If you're worried stomach cramps, and the child starts crying, put him in the bath, and he will immediately calm down, tense muscles will relax. If the dried umbilical cord has not fallen off, try not to touch the process, do not lather with soap. External microbes can enter the open wound, which will infect and provoke suppuration. It is best to wait until the umbilical cord is completely discharged, and clean the skin with napkins. Completely the process dries out after 14 days.

It is undesirable to bathe a child in an adult bath. Get a plastic slide or a small bath. If the baby sits like a glove on the slide, then in the bath it is necessary to hold the head so that the liquid does not get into the mouth or flow into the ears. The children's bath has an oblong shape, but you can find a round one with handles on the sides. It is in round baths that babies learn best to work with legs and arms. This bath is convenient because it can be placed on the table in any room.

Don't forget important details:

  • Do not put the baby on a hill with a swing. The first bath should resemble an acquaintance: first immerse the legs in some water and look at the reaction;
  • At the first sign of fear, pull the child out and calm him down, otherwise he will be afraid of water;
  • Prepare everything you need in advance: a soft sponge, a clean diaper, a thermometer to measure the water temperature, a towel. If the mother is not collected, a rush will begin, which the newborn may not like;
  • To create the appearance of protection, wrap the body in a thin diaper or gauze. As soon as you realize that the danger has passed, turn the baby around, let him splash in the water;
  • Do not always use soap accessories: the head is washed with shampoo once every seven days, and the body is washed with soap twice;
  • The best time to swim is in the evening, just before bed.

Add 1-2 drops of manganese to pre-boiled water for disinfection. It is imperative to boil water for at least the first two weeks. Especially if the umbilical wound has not healed. Do not overdo it with manganese, the baby's skin is very delicate, you can cause burns or dryness. It is very useful to add infusions from medicinal herbs- chamomile, plantain, coltsfoot, succession, lemon balm. Even the most capricious baby will calm down from such a herbal set. But, when bathing a baby for the first time, it is better to do without any additives and wait for getting used to. Many herbs can cause allergies, so don't mix too many herbs at once.

Check the water with a thermometer - the temperature should be 37 degrees. If there is no thermometer, dip your elbow into the water - if it burns, you need to wait. Some mothers harden the child, gradually cooling the water to 30 degrees. Do not be afraid if the child poops into the water - this means that all the muscles have relaxed.

Where to start swimming

First of all, wash the folds behind the ears, armpits, neck. The genitals of girls should be washed gently using a cotton pad. If touched with fingers, you can damage the delicate skin. Wash your head at the very end. Try not to let water get into your eyes or mouth - the baby will remember the uncomfortable state and in next time will start crying. For older babies, inflatable circles are purchased - in this way you can quickly learn to swim. After bathing, wrap the child in a towel, cover his head. No need to immediately rub the body - let the moisture absorb on its own.

When the skin dries, treat all the folds with baby cream, remove the softened crusts from the head, clean the ears with cotton flagella. If your child bursts into tears at the sight of the bathroom, do bath procedures together. Before this, mommy needs to take a shower.

It is important not only to know how to properly bathe a newborn baby, but also not to forget about communication. Talk to your baby, turn bath time into fun game, and your baby will be happy to take water procedures.

When a baby appears in the house, parents have many questions related to bathing a child.

Why bathe a child? Is it not enough just to wash?

Most parents are sure that bathing a child is necessary, first of all, for cleanliness. However, in addition to the hygienic role, regular water procedures have a wide impact on the body and psycho-emotional state baby.

Bathing your baby is beneficial because:

  1. During bathing, the child hardens. Since the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times higher than the thermal conductivity of air, even a small one, 1-2 ° C, the difference between body temperature and water is enough to achieve a powerful hardening effect, exceeding that of hardening. air baths. This effect will be enhanced by dousing the baby at the end of the procedure with cool water with a temperature several degrees lower than that in which the bath was taken.
  2. Bathing a child has a positive effect on nervous system child and his psycho-emotional development. Moving from air to water and vice versa leads to the stimulation of many nerve receptors located in the skin. At the same time, training and regulation of the activity of various parts of the nervous system take place, a certain balance and optimization of their work are achieved. In addition, bathing ensures that the child receives vivid emotions and impressions, which positively affects his intellectual development. Usage various toys according to the age of the baby and short sessions with them in the water enhance this effect.
  3. The movements of the child are improved. It is more difficult to move in water than in air, due to its increased resistance. Throwing arms and legs, the baby strengthens its muscles and trains the heart. The greatest effect can be achieved when bathing a baby in an "adult" bath, where he can move his arms and legs more freely and change his body position. It is very useful to perform small complexes of water gymnastics with the baby.
  4. Helps to improve the condition of the chest. Being in water reduces or completely removes pain, which helps to calm the child, for example, when he is being tormented.
  5. Bathing for a baby is communication and a valuable experience. In the process of bathing the baby occurs emotional contact between the child and adults, which has a positive effect on the development of relationships between the baby and the people around him.

Bathing a newborn: questions from parents

It would seem that it is difficult to bathe a child? However, many young parents are afraid of this simple procedure, afraid to do something wrong, because the newborn baby is so tiny and defenseless. We have collected the most popular questions that parents ask about bathing.

When should you start bathing your newborn?

According to the recommendations of domestic pediatricians, you can bathe a newborn already on the day of discharge from the hospital - if the BCG vaccination was given the day before, or the next day - if the BCG was given on the day of discharge. Up to this point, the child is simply washed several times a day after each stool. Bathing is contraindicated for any acute diseases accompanied by fever, as well as in the presence of pustular skin lesions.

What is the best time to bathe a baby?

The answer to this question depends both on the characteristics of the child and on the rhythm of life of the whole family. As a rule, children calm down and sleep soundly after water procedures, and therefore bathing is often carried out before one of the evening feedings. For those babies for whom bathing is exciting, the time of taking a bath can be postponed to daytime and even morning hours. It is important that the procedure begins no earlier than one hour after eating and no later than 30-40 minutes before the next feeding.

How to prepare a room and a bath for water procedures?

It is most convenient to bathe a child directly in the bathroom. Optimum temperature in the room where water procedures take place - 24–26 ° С. It is better to lay a rubber mat on a slippery tiled floor in advance, and set a clock on a shelf within sight in order to navigate in time.

The location of the baby bath should be, first of all, convenient for parents. It should be noted that there are many various models baths for bathing - for every taste and budget. For example, double-walled baby baths provide long-term maintenance of the water temperature at the initial level, and built-in temperature sensors help to monitor its level. "Slides" are designed to help keep the baby in the bath, they are built-in or removable. It can be convenient to have a drain hose in the bath, thanks to which it will not be necessary to turn it over to pour out the water - just open the drain. There are even changing tables or chests of drawers that have a built-in bathing container. So that during the procedure the adult does not have to be in a half-bent position, special coasters for baths have been invented. Some of them are installed on the floor, while the bath is approximately at the level of an adult's belt. Others are placed on the sides of an adult bath. In both cases, you need to make sure that the bath is firmly fixed on the stand.

The bath in which the baby bathes must be washed hot water with soap immediately before each procedure. If a child bathes in an adult bath, it is recommended to clean it with soda. While bathing, the bathroom door can be kept slightly ajar, provided there is no draft, of course, so that too much steam does not accumulate in the bathroom. Then the subsequent transition of the child from the bathroom to the corridor will not be very abrupt.

Do you boil water for bathing?

Currently, subject to the availability of centralized water supply, there is no need to boil water for bathing the baby. However, if you live outside the city and water is not supplied from centralized sources, boiling water is mandatory at least in the first month of a child's life.

How to disinfect water?

Minimal disinfection of water is recommended until the umbilical wound is completely healed and the crust falls off: as a rule, this happens by the 2-3rd week of the baby's life. Potassium permanganate solution is usually used for disinfection. Potassium permanganate is diluted in a separate container until a saturated solution is obtained, which is then filtered through a three-layer gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from getting on the skin of the crumbs, which can lead to chemical burn. The filtered solution is added to a bath of water until a pale pink hue is obtained.

Bathing a baby with the addition of potassium permanganate causes dry skin, so it is no longer added as soon as the umbilical wound heals and the crust falls off.

Decoctions of herbs are also traditionally used as disinfectants - calendula, string, chamomile. To prepare the infusion, a glass of dry grass is poured with a liter of boiling water, after which it is infused for 3-4 hours. Then the resulting broth is filtered through a three-layer gauze and added to the bath. It is recommended to use decoctions of antiseptic herbs when prickly heat or diaper dermatitis appears on the skin of a child. If the baby's skin is healthy, there is no need to add herbs.

What should be the temperature of the water for bathing a baby?

The optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn is 36–37 °C. It is recommended to use a thermometer to measure the water temperature. The so-called elbow method, i.e. lowering the elbow of an adult into the water - while the water temperature should practically not differ from body temperature - is inaccurate due to the difference subjective feelings with changes in air temperature and humidity in the room.

In the "adult" bath, the water cools rather slowly. And when using a baby bath, it is better to control the temperature of the water with a thermometer throughout the process and add warm water if necessary. To obtain a hardening effect, the temperature of bathing water can be reduced by one degree within 7-10 days to 32-33 ° C.

It is useful to finish bathing the baby by pouring cool water from a jug, ladle, etc. The water temperature should be a couple of degrees lower than the one in which the child bathed: for example, 34-35 ° C, if bathing took place at a temperature of 37 ° C.

What should be the duration of water procedures?

The very first bathing of the baby should not take more than 5-7 minutes. By 2-3 months, this time increases to 15 minutes, and by six months - up to 20 minutes.

How often should a baby be bathed?

For normal psycho-emotional and motor development and to improve the health of the child infancy need to bathe daily. In the hot season, water procedures can be carried out twice a day to prevent overheating of the body and prevent prickly heat.

What detergents are best used when bathing a child and how often can they be used?

When bathing a baby, it is better to use detergents designed specifically for infants - there should be a corresponding mark on the label. We list some of them:

Baby soap - liquid, in the form of a gel or solid. Its main difference from conventional soaps is the minimum alkali content - pH neutrality. In this regard, baby soap does not cause unwanted drying and irritation of the skin. Bathing a newborn with use should be no more than 1 time per week, not counting regular washings. In the second half of life, when the child begins to actively crawl around the apartment, you may have to bathe him with detergents more often.

Baby shampoo. It is used from 2-4 weeks of age to wash the baby's hair, as a rule, no more than 1 time per week. It should be noted that you can wash the baby's scalp with baby soap or bathing gel. To soften and remove gneiss - a seborrheic crust on the scalp - before using baby shampoo, you can use any natural vegetable oil.

How to bathe a baby?

The process of bathing a child should evoke positive emotions: only in this case all those positive effects that we talked about at the beginning. If the baby does not like something, then, first of all, the adults themselves need to tune in to the positive and analyze the entire bathing process, trying to find out what upsets the baby. Maybe the time of the procedure or the temperature of the water is not suitable for the child, the light is too bright, or the sound of water from the tap scares him. It is necessary to understand this and create suitable bathing conditions for the baby.

The long-awaited little man appeared in the house. Parents waited for the appearance of their child for 9 months. We prepared in advance: we read books on upbringing and care, bought diapers and undershirts, consulted with doctors. Taking a small helpless child in their arms, adults have fear and fear of harming the baby. The biggest concern for parents is bathing a newborn baby.

Mom and dad are afraid that the child will slip out during the bath. There are many questions about how to wash a newborn baby. What to do so that bathing brings benefits and joy, and does not scare the baby? It must be understood that water procedures, including bathing, are a very important part of care that affects the physical and psycho-emotional state of the baby.

For comfortable bathing of the child and the convenience of parents, it is necessary to purchase a bath and special accessories that facilitate water procedures. Some doctors advise bathing the baby in a large bathtub, where the baby has more room for movement. And yet, it is better for a newborn child to buy a special baby bath.

The procedure for bathing a baby in such a bath will not be difficult for young parents. In addition, in a container for children it is easier to control the condition of the baby, to hold it. Currently presented huge selection various types of baths:

  • Classic baby bath. Comfortable for baby and mom. Pretty safe option.
  • Anatomical. Differs from classic version the presence of special protruding parts corresponding to the physique of the baby. Very suitable for babies up to 3 months old. Later, the bath will have to be changed, as the grown-up baby will knock on protruding parts while bathing.
  • With an antimicrobial coating containing a special antimicrobial additive "microban". This additive destroys more than 95% of harmful bacteria on the surface, it does not “wash out”, it remains active for the entire service life of the bath, which does not need special disinfection. If the baby has sensitive skin or allergic symptoms are identified, then a bath with an antimicrobial coating fit better Total.
  • "Mom's belly" This type of baby bath is widespread in European countries. In Russia, such baths are not yet very popular. Outwardly, it looks like a pot-bellied, wide bucket. The baby in such a container is in the form of an embryo, which helps to reduce stress from the procedure.
  • Thermo bath. The built-in thermometer is also a stopper for draining water. Built-in container for liquid soap or shampoo. Sometimes there are two such containers. The thermometer is located in such a way that the child cannot pull out the cork.
  • Inflatable - a good option for a summer holiday. Such containers require thorough disinfection.

After choosing a bath for bathing, it is worth considering accessories, which are required for this water procedure:

  • A special slide or hammock for a baby bath that keeps the baby in a reclining state, with a raised head.
  • Jug or ladle with a lid. Before starting the procedure, fill the container with water from the bath, and set aside a little. During bathing, the water in the jug will cool down a little and it can be used to rinse the baby. Rinsing with slightly cooled water is one of the elements of hardening.
  • Water thermometer, if the bath does not have a built-in device.
  • Bathing products: baby shampoo, soap, oil for the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Piece soft tissue or sponges.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate.

The use of herbal infusions

Often, parents are interested in how exactly to bathe a newborn in herbal infusions?

Herbal infusions for bathing babies should be used strictly according to the doctor's indications. If the child is healthy, then the use of herbs can be harmful to his health.

Indications for use:

  • Increased or decreased muscle tone.
  • Disturbances in the nervous system: anxiety, capriciousness, irritability, as well as restless, interrupted sleep, frequent non-stop crying.
  • Reduced immunity, which leads to frequent illnesses.
  • Problems at work gastrointestinal tract: frequent colic, regurgitation, flatulence.
  • Diaper rash, sweating. Skin rashes and diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergic rash.

Medicinal preparations and herbs affect the functioning of many body systems, not only when used internally, but also when used externally. The baby is not immune. At little man systems of the body that are defenseless against external adverse factors are just beginning to form. Be sure to consult a doctor, do not make rash decisions that can harm the baby.


  • Period before and after vaccination.
  • Manifestation allergic reaction for medicinal herbs.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Any damage skin: wounds, scratches, ulcers, diaper rash, wet eczema.

If there are contraindications, any baths with medicinal herbs may harm the child. If the pediatrician prescribed therapeutic baths, then specify which herbal infusions can be used. The doctor, depending on the diagnosis, will advise which herb to use for your child.

  • Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and also used to correct muscle tone and relieve skin irritation.
  • A series - to eliminate the causes of seborrheic crusts. It is also used to treat almost all types of skin rashes and diseases.
  • Soothing: valerian, motherwort, mint, lavender.

There are herbs to treat colic and problems of the reproductive system. How to brew decoctions, make infusions, how much to add to the bath - do not solve all these questions yourself. Be sure to check with specialists so as not to harm the baby.

When can you swim

Ensuring the cleanliness of the baby is one of the important tasks baby care. It should also be clean in the children's room. Every morning of a newborn begins with hygiene procedures. Mommy cleans the eyes, ears, nose, wipes the baby's body with wet wipes or a soft, damp cloth.

Through the navel, an infection can enter the baby's body, cause a disease. That is why, for about 10 to 14 days, doctors advise not to bathe the baby in the bathroom until the umbilical wound has healed: wiping is enough. They wash the babies under a tap with running water, holding on one hand, and with the other they direct a stream of water in the direction from the genitals.

The benefits of bathing

Bathing a newborn baby is not only about ensuring hygienic cleanliness. This procedure renders a huge impact on the psycho-emotional and intellectual development of the infant. During bathing, all muscles relax, hypertonicity is removed, and gross motor skills, hardening of the body occurs. All nerve receptors respond positively to the aquatic environment. The baby's motor functions are improving. Positive emotions, vivid impressions- all this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The baby is less naughty, sleeps more soundly. The water relieves pain caused by colic in the abdomen. The emotional closeness of the child and parents during bathing creates the prerequisites for the successful socialization of the crumbs.

Must choose certain time. Each family chooses the time of bathing itself, taking into account the peculiarities of the baby's daily routine, and taking into account the interests of adults.

Several requirements must be met:

  • You can not bathe immediately after feeding, so that the baby does not burp.
  • The child should not be hungry during the procedure, otherwise he will be capricious.
  • Most often, the procedure is carried out in the evening, before the penultimate feeding.
  • For children with pronounced hyperactivity, bathing has an exciting effect. For such children, it is better to schedule the procedure for a day.

First bath

Finally, the umbilical wound healed, and the doctor allowed the baby to be bathed. The child's attitude to this species water procedure, so prepare in advance. Consider step by step how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

Getting ready for swimming:

Bathing procedure:

  • So, everything is ready for the bath. Undress your chest. Let the baby lie down quietly for a few minutes, take air baths. Do light massage, gently stroking the arms, legs, tummy of the child.
  • So that the fool is not afraid, put on a thin diaper. The fabric will gradually get wet and envelop the body: the baby will be cozy and comfortable.
  • Gradually lower the child's legs into the water, with one hand holding the head and shoulders, and with the other, hold the child by the buttocks. So you fix the baby, and he will not slip out of your hands.
  • The water should reach the top of the baby's chest. The head lies on the elbow, for example, dad. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes. When the baby is dipped into the water, the process begins.
  • Gently wash the face with a cotton pad without soap. First wash the body, moving from top to bottom. Lather the body of the baby with your hand or a soft cloth.
  • The head is washed last. You can lather the head, and wash off the soap from the forehead towards the back of the head so that the detergent does not get into the eyes, and water into the ears.
  • The baby at this age does not move much, so thoroughly rinse all the folds of the neck and perineum. Unclench your fists, wash your hands.
  • Rinse off the soap and shampoo carefully. To rinse, remove the baby from the water and place it upside down on left hand. Rinse your baby from a nearby bucket of prepared water. Throw on top soft towel and wrap up.
  • Do not dry the skin with a towel, as it is very thin, and a rough towel can damage it. Baby just get wet thin cloth let the skin dry. After bathing, on the folds and folds, lubricate the skin with baby cream.

The first 6 months the procedure should be carried out daily. The time gradually increases from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. After the first procedure, young parents are already more confident in their abilities. Now you can play a little with the fool in the water: raise and lower the legs and arms in turn. Be sure to talk to the baby when you bathe him.

While dad is holding the child in his arms, mom can unclench her fingers one at a time in a fist, while telling a rhyme or nursery rhyme. The baby responds well to a calm, familiar voice.

After swimming

After a properly conducted process, the child is in a good mood, he is tired and wants to sleep.

The first fears and doubts of parents disappear after a few days. But kids know how to surprise adults. Sometimes parents complain that the baby loved to swim, and now constant tantrums. To understand how to properly bathe a newborn baby in a bath, sometimes it is enough to observe his behavior.

  • Adults often make the water hotter, forgetting that babies have almost no thermoregulation system. The foolish can feel comfortable at a water temperature of 30 - 32 degrees. When a mother, following the instructions from books, achieves a temperature of 37 degrees, such a “colder” water lover will throw tantrums, cry, break out of her hands.
  • Shampoos and detergents should not be used more than 2 times a week. If the baby is healthy, the skin is clean, then do not be afraid to wash the baby with plain water.
  • Some parents carry babies with them to the bath. High humidity, intense heat in the bath - all this can lead to overheating of the body of a little man. It is especially dangerous when adults, in order to harden a baby, cut a hole in the ice, and after a hot bath they dip the baby into ice water. This type of hardening is available to big guys, but not to babies.
  • Boys and girls should be bathed according to the characteristics of their genitals. Wash the girl in the direction from the genitals to the ass. This is due to the not fully developed labia, through which an infection can enter the vagina. For boys, it is important not to open the foreskin so that the fusion process does not begin. The genitals must be washed with plain water, without using shampoos.
  • How to properly bathe a newborn baby can also be found in groups of young parents who share their experiences. In such groups, you can get advice backed up by practice.

Children's fears and their causes

If after some time the behavior of the baby changes dramatically, it is possible that he was frightened. Talk to your doctor or review your behavior and your child's behavior.

  • The baby often slips and falls in the tub. The reason may be in an uncomfortable bath. You can correct the situation by placing a diaper folded several times on the bottom.
  • Refuses to wash his hair. Perhaps one day the shampoo got into the baby's mouth. Wash your hair with plain water for several days to calm down the baby. Subsequently, take a little shampoo and make sure that it does not get into the eyes and mouth.
  • Afraid to go deeper. Tries to jump out of the water. The reason may be that he once took a sip of water in the tub. To correct this situation, pour less water. Distract with conversations, songs, when adding water from a jug.
  • Parents speak loudly and in harsh voices, quarrel while bathing. The fool catches intonations, a nervous mood is transmitted to him, as a result, the baby begins to be afraid to swim.

Most of the fears of children that have arisen before water are associated with the inattention of adults.

An important daily ritual of caring for a baby falls on the shoulders of parents. Bathing is not only one of the components of child care, but also a pleasant, joyful healing procedure that establishes a relationship between a child, mom or dad. How to bathe correctly? This very important question may include various points of "correctness". Young parents need to take into account all the nuances of the water procedure and buy the necessary funds in advance so that this activity is as useful as possible.

The first bath of a newborn after the birth

Indecision and fear, something wrong to do is experienced by young parents, bringing home a baby from the hospital. But don't worry, it's a fairly simple process. Some people confuse bathing and washing. Bathing is, first of all, a hardening, developing, calming procedure. The first bathing of a newborn at home is carried out on the day of arrival home from the hospital, if the baby is healthy and the umbilical cord has moved away from the navel. Until the wound has completely healed, it is worth preparing special water for taking a bath.

Some pediatricians advise not to bathe the baby at all for 2 weeks, but only to wash and wipe with a damp towel. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before embarking on water procedures: doctor's recommendations, the child's health, the temperature in the apartment, the psychological mood of the parents. Remember, you can’t bathe children after vaccination, you should wait a couple of days!

At what temperature can you bathe a newborn?

In the early days, until the umbilical wound has completely healed, it is customary to boil water. It is very important that the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn is chosen correctly. The ideal temperature range is 37.0 -37.5 C. Therefore, you should take care of preparing water for the baby in advance. The temperature of the water should be checked in two ways: the first is a special thermometer, and the second is to feel the “comfort” of the water with your elbow. At optimal mode the baby will be comfortable in the water, then water procedures will be calm. Do not forget about the air temperature in the room where the baby is bathed. It should be at least 25 C. For these purposes, it is better to buy an alcohol thermometer, it is more accurate.

Bath for bathing newborns

For taking water procedures, it is worth buying a special bath. Bathing is easier to organize by setting it to the desired height. This necessary thing May be different cost, from different material. When choosing, you should focus on your capabilities and desires. Bathing a newborn for the first time should be done with great care and accuracy. It is better to do this with an assistant or buy special devices.

How to bathe a baby?

The tub of water is ready for the baby's first bath. Bought all the necessary means for bathing the crumbs. It remains to gather courage and proceed to the water procedure. Do not hurry! First, take the air procedures. It is worth undressing the child for a few minutes and leave to harden.

Bathing equipment for newborns

There are many assistants for taking water procedures. They make bath time easier. It is interesting and easy to bathe the baby with them. You can buy them in any store, they are not expensive. You should take a closer look at them, because they are designed to facilitate the care of a newborn.

Bathing circle for newborns

Useful bathing with a circle of a newborn baby to enhance self motor activity in water. Thanks to this, the child's muscle corset is strengthened, metabolism increases and, as a result, immunity is strengthened.

Such an "assistant" will not harm the baby due to its structure, which is specially designed for swimming, taking into account the characteristics of his body. A circle around the neck for bathing newborns can be used from the first months. There are contraindications! Therefore, you should consult your pediatrician before use.

In practice, a circle for bathing newborns is used from 1-2 months, when the procedure time increases and the water temperature is lowered.

Bath slide for newborns

The device is designed to facilitate the process, perfectly copes with its task. The baby does not have to be held in his arms, he will comfortably lie on the hill. There are many types of these devices:

  • Foam. They are the most budget friendly. This is a piece of foam rubber up to 20-25 cm high. Inside there is a recess in which the newborn is placed. Foam rubber absorbs warm water, so the baby is warm and comfortable on such a slide. She doesn't slip. The downside is difficult care. It has to be washed thoroughly and ensure that it dries well.
  • Plastic. In the bath, they are easily attached to the suction cups. Have big size, anatomical shape, due to this the design is safe. There are models with seat belts. Most often they buy just such a model.
  • Fabric or flannel. plastic frame, cloth-covered like a rocking chair. When bathing, you need to lightly hold the child. Pediatricians consider it unsafe because of this.

Before you buy a slide, it is important to measure it. The child is placed on it, if all the recesses are suitable, then the slide can be taken.

Hammock for bathing newborns

This is an analogue of slides of only fabric construction, which is attached to the edges of the baby bath. Under the weight of the child, the fabric stretches, and the baby can comfortably lie inside the bath. It can be easily rotated. If you buy such a hammock, it will last no more than 2 months, as it will not withstand the growing weight of the child for a long time.

What to add to the water when bathing a child?

Convert standard process to medical procedure can be easily. Add herbs for bathing a newborn to the water and you will get a therapeutic bath. Sometimes pediatricians themselves advise using such baths, especially if the baby has skin rashes or disease.

It is worth preparing a decoction in advance, its mass should not exceed 30 g per bath. High concentrations can cause allergies. The broth should be prepared only in enameled or faience dishes, aluminum should not be used. It is better to buy raw materials in a pharmacy. You can use a thermos. Use only freshly brewed infusion. Newborns should be bathed no earlier than 2 weeks after birth.

Bath line for newborns

line, one of best plants a decoction of which is used in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is recommended to be added to water for healthy babies. It effectively removes seborrheic crusts on the head, often found in babies in the first month of life. A bath with a succession is desirable no more than 2 times a week, the grass slightly dries the baby's skin.

Chamomile for bathing newborns

Chamomile is a simple herb that is effective in treating child ailments. Shows antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, removes skin irritations. Possessing a mild calming effect on the nervous system of the child, it will help to cope with insomnia. A decoction is added to the water when bathing a baby suffering from allergic rashes.

Brewing it is easy. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile herb or a filter bag, they are easy to buy at a pharmacy, 1 liter is poured. hot water temperature 80 - 90 C and infused for 1-2 hours.

Sometimes the question arises, how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn for a big bath? In this case, filled with 2/3 water, pour 2 liters. chamomile infusion from 2 tbsp. herbs.

Potassium permanganate

A newborn is sometimes bathed in water with a solution of manganese. This allows you to disinfect the water and has positive influence on umbilical wound. Many people ask how much potassium permanganate is needed to bathe a newborn? Potassium permanganate is first diluted in a separate bowl. Gently introduce little by little until a light pink solution is obtained. Dr. Komarovsky, considers such a solution more harmful than useful. If it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it can cause burns. Therefore, carefully prepare a manganese bath.

Baby care after bathing

After you've rinsed your baby's bath off and rinsed with clean water, wrap your baby in a large, soft towel. It must be specially bought for the crumbs. The towel should completely wrap the baby. Further procedures for caring for a newborn are as follows:

  • Pat your baby dry with a towel.
  • Treat wrinkles with oil, baby cream or powder. It is better to buy them in advance, having carefully studied the composition of the product.
  • Treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.
  • Clean your ears, eyes, nose.
  • Swaddle and feed.

Bathing is a procedure that has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, so after such a water event, your strong man will sleep in a heroic sleep. It is recommended to bathe the child in the evening. Sometimes there are children who, on the contrary, are excited by water, then water procedures are transferred to the afternoon.
