What to do to make your husband leave. What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking?

It must be admitted that it is not easy to make a passionately in love man leave a woman for whom he has the most serious intentions. There are instances that forgive even obvious betrayal (fortunately, they are very rare). But no matter what misogynists and eunuchs say, if a woman really wants something, her inexhaustible energy and resourceful mind help her achieve success even in the most hopeless business. If a woman wants a man to leave her, he will certainly leave her, and much faster than one might think.

In order for a man to leave you, it is not at all necessary to make great personal sacrifices, for example, increase your weight from 60 to 85 kg, start drinking regularly or gain the glory of provincial Messalina. You should not sacrifice your reputation or appearance - a rather carefully thought-out line of behavior, and after a couple of months, even the most persistent lover will talk about “he is not worth you” and that you better leave.

It is clear that various nuances your strategy may vary depending on the status of a man in your life, but its essence remains the same: regardless of personal qualities, you must become unpredictable, capricious, stubborn and hysterically jealous - that is, behave like real woman from the Brazilian TV series.

First, find out his work phone number. If you already know it, do not waste time and type it. From now on, you will call your beloved at work at least 5-6 times a day. At the same time, you should not think for a long time about what you will say to him. There is no need to think at all - this will ruin everything. Be natural and direct, as it should be true woman. At 11:30 you call him because you want to hear his voice. At 12.15 you ask him if he is going to dinner. At half past one, ask if he is having lunch and ask him to list all the meals he has eaten. At four o'clock, please him that Pepita Juana from your favorite TV series has just got married. If he does not watch this series, reproach him for not being interested in your life. Well, at six o'clock you need to ask if he is going home, because you are bored.

Of course, this is only a sketch, which true talent can easily turn into a large-scale picture. Double calls work very well: as soon as he hangs up, five minutes later you call again. Conversations need to be stretched as much as possible, so that he starts to get nervous and hastily whisper “well, we’ll talk about this when we meet (at home).” If you know for sure that on Mondays at exactly 10:00 his boss starts a meeting, do not miss this opportunity and call your loved one at ten minutes past eleven on your mobile! In the end, let him decide what and who is more important to him: work or you. You can leave any meeting, even the president's. And talk to you.

Sooner or later, even the most phlegmatic subject will express dissatisfaction with your frequent calls. Wonderful! You have a great opportunity to quarrel. Move from defensive to offensive immediately. Accuse him of not loving you, that he is a cold, insensitive chump, a vile, aging cracker, a miserable coward who is afraid to reveal his feelings in front of employees and, in general, a rag, not a man. Do not try to listen to his words: immediately take a high note and squeal until he starts screaming in response. Then you shut up and cry. And there is a reason. For your sincere impulses, you were repaid with rudeness.

Your first big fight (and any fight can be made big) is your first success. In a hitherto strong relationship, the first crack appeared, which can easily be expanded. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

When your man begins to ask for forgiveness, in no case do not forgive him. Pout all evening. There is no need to talk about the night. No sex! Even if you really want to, be patient a little. Let him suffer, and, most importantly, suffer completely without understanding for what crime he is being punished: after all, he thinks that he is right.

If you withdraw, a strong man may withdraw in turn and pretend that your quarrel is not the slightest problem for him. It doesn't matter, let the alienation slowly grow. A weaker type will crawl with flowers and a gift. Accept it with a sour smile, criticize the flowers, and don't look at the gift. When pronouncing formal words of forgiveness, let him understand that in fact you have not forgiven him and in general only pity keeps you close to such an insignificant type. It's not a bad thing to make capricious tone in your friend's behavior the norm. A capricious tone, especially in combination with a high, slightly shrill voice, has a wonderful effect on a man, especially if the dialogue takes place in the presence of strangers.

Feel free to command your man in front of his relatives, friends or bosses: you have to show who is the boss in the house! Never ask if you can demand. Never demand ordinary things when you can demand something extreme. That's what love is for, to perform heroic deeds in the name of the beloved woman. For example, if you came to the stadium and you are annoyed by the screams of the fans, demand that your loved one immediately stop this bacchanalia, because your eardrums will burst now! If you are driving down a narrow, single-lane street and a truck looming ahead is preventing your car from accelerating properly, ask the man behind the wheel to overtake the rattletrap. Don't be afraid, he won't go for a suicidal overtake (men are generally not as stupid as they seem), but you will have new occasion for a quarrel. And in general, try to annoy him more often.

If you have been dating for a long time, you have an important advantage: you know his weaknesses and vulnerabilities well. So hit them! If he can't swim, call him to the pool, where a cheerful company of your friends will laugh at him together. If he is timid in the presence of strangers, steadily expand his circle of contacts, constantly inviting strangers into the house. If he is not confident in himself and is constantly afraid that women only want money from him, continuously demand from him expensive gifts and large bills. If he is psychologically dependent on his mother (friend, brother), fight endlessly with his mother (friend, brother), and in the end put before a choice: either - or.

If you've just met recently, take advantage of the fact that your admirer has a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou personality, and put on one of those masks that men "like" so much, for example, a playful cheeky girl. Do not let him talk about anything seriously, break off any phrase with loud laughter, sprinkle speech with slang words and tell obscene jokes. When a man, seduced by your imaginary looseness, tries to move from words to actions, with the words "I'm not like that!" give him a slap in the face. An equally strong option is to make an appointment and not come to it. Intrigue the man! Let him walk for half an hour in the cold with a bouquet in his hands and try to understand where you have gone and why the mobile is silent. When he finally gets through, honestly admit that you were joking.

If age does not allow you to enter the image of a playful girl, pretend to be a gullible stupid sheep. Stretch words and do not understand the simplest things. Endlessly asking him to do what anyone normal person can do it yourself, for example, call the help desk and find out the number of the desired phone. It looks damn effective to admit that you are “scared” because you are afraid of the dark, and the question is how to put back on the Internet a file that you downloaded from there and which you do not need.

Unfortunately, fans of silly blondes and sassy fools do exist, so your efforts may be in vain. But do not despair: in your hands there is such a powerful weapon as a scandal. According to the scale, the scandal is divided into an ordinary scandal and a grandiose scandal, and according to the place of action, it is divided into a domestic scandal and a public scandal. A huge public scandal is a bullet that can take down the most viable relationships. But! Like any show, it must be able to arrange.

The ideal cause for a grandiose public scandal is jealousy, and perfect place actions are your man's job. You can guess over time: perfect option- this is a probationary period before being approved for a position or another moment extremely important for a man's career, when he can in no way make a negative impression on his superiors.

A real GPS - a grandiose public scandal - is arranged like this. First, find out if there is at least one woman under forty among your man’s employees. As a rule, there is such a person, and often there is a choice: here you have an accountant - a divorced blonde in her thirties, and a pretty brunette secretary, and an eighteen-year-old intern. Asking for corporate party(if you're lucky, you'll have to make an ordinary domestic scandal for this), take a closer look at these women and determine which one of them looks towards your man more often than others. It doesn't have to be that she really hung up on him. One is enough stare- jealousy for that and jealousy, which is able to draw far-reaching conclusions on the basis of insignificant facts. Once you've identified your "rival", start drawing from other co-workers everything they know about her. This information will be useful to you when you begin to arrange scenes of jealousy for your husband.

It is necessary to arrange at least two or three scenes in order to warm up the atmosphere to the proper degree. In general, any delay at work is good for practicing skills: by arranging a regular scandal at home, you are training for a big show. As for the GPS, here main factor- suddenness. God forbid to hint, threaten, or even more so warn her husband that retribution for sins is close! No, everything should be spectacular and unexpected, like a storm in the tropics.

At the height of the working day, when everyone is at their workplaces (you can’t lose a single spectator!) You have to literally break into the office, pushing the guard away. Take care of the appropriate appearance: a woman in righteous anger cannot look like a fashion model on set, which means smeared makeup, disheveled hair, mud-splattered shoes and a jacket with a button torn off. It is very good to get drunk for courage, so that you would smell alcohol from a mile away. If you do everything right, then at your very appearance, the people will be dumbfounded. Taking advantage of the general stupor, you run up to the object of jealousy and grab her hair with a hysterical cry "You will not get my husband, schemer!" If her hair is short and there is nothing to grab onto, slap her face with your palm. You can add a few curse words, you can add nothing. As a rule, the scandal flares up after your very first gestures. The victim will begin to resist, you will attack, the men will separate you, in general, the fun will go to the fullest. When fighting off the peacekeepers, don't forget to shout out two signature lines: "Don't lie to me, I know everything about you!" (this is in response to the cry “I am innocent, and there is nothing between us!”) And “You will regret, the homeowner, that you were born into the world!” (You can threaten in other words, but it is necessary to threaten).

A well-played GPS is remembered for many years by both spectators and participants, and the news of it is instantly spread to all friends and acquaintances. Its main charm is that all the trio - you, your man and the "homeowner" - look equally ridiculous. And if after such a thing your man does not leave you, then ... then he either conceived a terrible revenge, or he is not worthy of this name.

Well, no problem. In our arsenal there is something stronger than Goethe's Faust, and more terrible than the atomic bomb. True, the man will be hurt, but what can you do? But the method gives almost 100% guarantee. Tell him, tell him the bitter truth: his penis is small, his caresses are clumsy, and as a man he is a complete zero. Call a spade a spade: he is semi-impotent, almost impotent, impotent without five minutes and impotent without any "buts". True, after such revelations it can hurt you, because impotents are terribly pugnacious and cannot stand it when they are called by their true name. There are also subjects who do not dissolve their hands, but begin to insult the woman in response. Do not get lost, the exchange of views will turn into another scandal, which will most likely be the last.

Quite a good way to put an end to it is to involve mediators in the reconciliation. There are two ideal intermediaries: your mother, who never liked him, and your friend, who always liked him. Be calm: as soon as these characters appear on the scene, the curtain will fall in an instant on your relationship.
And you can easily breathe: ugh, finally I'm free.

There are times when girls do not want to take responsibility for breaking up a relationship. They are looking for how to make the guy quit on his own initiative. In this case, our tips will help you, which can force a guy to break up with you.

Alas, it also happens that a person is bored to death. And now, it would seem, you don’t give any reason, but he keeps walking and walking on his heels and suffering. How to turn a person away from himself, because such a life becomes truly unbearable.

And it would be nice if you met with him for a while, and then you realized that this is not your person and decided to leave. But it also happens that you talk to a person for literally five minutes, and he is already starting to follow you around, claiming that he cannot live. Something definitely needs to be done about this.

It would seem - what is easier - to tell him the truth? Like, so and so, I don’t like you dear and that’s it. However, surprisingly, such a conversation practically does not convince anyone of anything and, as a rule, there is no effect from it. So what to do?

Well, perhaps the most reliable way so that the guy himself leaves you - do not meet with him. To do this, you can use several cunning ways. For example, give an absolutely meaningless digital combination instead of a phone or declare that you have a different sexual orientation. You can also say that you are a member of a sect, and start persuading him to join, after unsubscribing his property. Well, or just frankly send it with the help of a mat.

We can say that you have a fan who suits you in all respects. Namely. He has a lot of money, an apartment in the center of New York and a lot of other advantages that are just as unattainable for your unlucky fan. Report. That you have a wedding scheduled for the next month, after which you fly away on a honeymoon trip to Jamaica.

If you already had some kind of relationship with this person, you can do it even easier - arrange hell on earth for him. Well, usually women know how to do it well. However, for those who do not know, we can advise the following.

The first step on a long journey is depriving this very guy of personal space. Is he going to spend the evening with friends? Fine, you go with him. You will also manage to flirt with one of your friends, jeopardizing the holy of holies - True Male Friendship.

Does he need a workout? And you just need to visit the premiere of the melodrama with your "beloved" tonight. At the same time, do not forget about yourself. Hitting the club with the girlfriends while he tuned in romantic dinner together, shopping, visiting beauty salons

By the way, he should be the sole sponsor of all these events. He's a real man, truth? And a real man is obliged to provide all the desires of his beloved. Even to the detriment of their own desires.

Give him scenes of jealousy more often. You can check his pockets - there you can find a lot of interesting things. And, try to do it in such a way that he will certainly notice. To get a guy to leave you, you can make a pleasant habit, when he is talking on the phone, come up and sit next to him, looking directly into his mouth so as not to miss a single word.

Act like a scandalous bitch. You need to make more scandals to him. For example, today's topic might be that he does everything to annoy you. And add more command notes to your voice. And that will be unconvincing.

Subject open and covert criticism of himself, his mother, actions, manner of dressing, and so on. Remind him of his mistakes as often as possible, not forgetting to add at the same time - well, what else could be expected from you, but if he was suddenly promoted, say that it happened completely by accident and not for long.

Talk to him often about his shortcomings and criticize him. It is advisable to do this in public when more witnesses gather. Then explain to him that his manner of dressing is simply ridiculous. And what he thinks about foreign policy is of no interest to anyone at all.

Every second pester with a question; honey, do you love me? Sometimes a tool called "knock out with a wedge" turns out to be effective. Switch roles - now let him suffer from hourly SMS and persistent calls. Leave clouds of confessions on his page in Odnoklassniki - and the more Pink hearts and twinkling flowers, the better.

In order for the guy to leave you himself, reward him with some kind of derogatory and affectionate nickname, like a musik.

As often as possible, in conversations with him or in his presence, remember all your exes, talking about how great they were.

If you already live together, you can make the guy leave you without bothering to take care of him. Let him prepare his own supper or be content with semi-finished products every day. Let him wash and clean himself, iron his own shirts and go grocery shopping. And when this stubborn and persistent specimen has some problems, do not try to listen sympathetically to his outpourings. For this, there are psychoanalysts, even if he turns to them if he does not understand the hints.

What's with his wallet? Is he too fat, in your opinion, and isn't it time to lighten him up? So what. that only yesterday he gave you money for a new dress - that was yesterday .. and today it is already slightly worn out. And besides, you really need new shoes. The ones he bought you last week are out of date.

Does he like to watch football? Here's what football can be like when your favorite series starts. And there is nothing to sit through the evening with friends. After all, he also has you - so why does he need friends?

Finally, in order for a guy to leave you, encroach on his freedom. For some, it is enough just to hint about a white dress, a veil and imminent children, others will have to say the key phrase, as they say, on the forehead. Experience shows that this is a rather powerful weapon against which rare guy.

Usually, all of the above is enough for the eyes so that in a week the person will disappear from your life forever, without even leaving a farewell note.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell so that the husband leaves his mistress with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

How I bewitched my husband and with the help of magic I was able to make him leave his mistress and return to the family

Yes, I independently made a strong love spell on my husband and forever bewitched him to me. I was able to force the beloved man with the help of magic to return from his mistress to the family. Now my husband and I are together again and everything is fine with us. And then my story of how I bewitched my husband.

Husband left the family after 9 s extra years family life when my son started first grade. One day after work, he came home and said that he had found another and he would have nothing more with me. That same evening he packed his things and went to her. For a week I lived like in a dream, I did not know how to live without him, how could he do this. At work, one woman said that with what to “kill” like that, you need to bewitch your husband to yourself or order a love spell from sorcerers. The thought firmly stuck in my head and all day at work I only thought about my husband’s love spell:

  • what consequences can be after a love spell on my husband for me and him,
  • how quickly the love spell that I will do will work,
  • what will happen after the love spell with my husband and me,
  • what kind of love spell is better to do on your own, in order to surely bewitch your beloved husband and return him to the family,
  • what magic of love is the strongest and fastest,

I don’t remember how I spent the day at work, counting every minute for the working day to end and when I came home, I bewitched my husband to me and returned my beloved to the family. On the way home, I bought candles in the church and poured holy water, and when I got home I found a photograph of my husband on which I planned to do a love spell. In the evening, having put my son to bed, I made a love spell on my husband from the photo and went to bed. At that time, I didn’t even know what would happen after the love spell and whether it would work or not.

On the second day at lunch, my husband came to my work and called me on the phone and offered to have lunch together. The whole dinner he asked me for forgiveness, and I only cried with joy. I do not regret at all that I did a love spell on my husband and if necessary, I would repeat the ceremony again. Now we have a loving and happy family and I know that now my beloved will never cheat on me and leave us, because I have forever bewitched my husband to me!

There are moments in people's lives when love ends and feelings between loving hearts cool down. At such moments, it is very sad and painful for the other, because his feelings are still “attached to his soulmate”, his heart is “torn to pieces”, and his soul does not find peace. At such a moment, there is a feeling as if “the earth diverges under your feet” and it seems that life is over. But on

We decided to bewitch a person on our own, which means it is best to use a strong love spell that will work instantly and which cannot be removed. The action of the Siberian love spell instantly and acting through the subconscious of a person will very quickly make him feel love attraction and a strong craving for you. With the help of magic and the action of a love spell, his consciousness

How to quickly and profitably marry a rich groom? A conspiracy to create a family, read as a prayer in the church at the icon of the Virgin, is the most powerful and fastest love spell in terms of effectiveness so that a guy or a man gets married. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very effective love spell at home that will help you marry

If your husband likes to walk away from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, develop them with the help of magic. Every time a loved one leaves the house, tell him a whisper about her husband's fidelity that will allow him to speak of betrayal: Go where you went, you will return anyway. From me you go like a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Amen.

Today I will tell you about some of the strongest droughts that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisukhi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the magician have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or an unmarried man to me. Only here is a proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy - a prayer for return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from a young man who left me while studying at the institute and always

This is the most powerful love spell to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a love spell black wedding. Having decided to perform a black magic rite for love and read a love spell in a cemetery, you know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

A thousand love spells

“I am writing to you out of desperation. Only the woman who was left by her husband for the sake of a young mistress can understand me. I lived with my husband for twenty-nine years. We agreed with him when we were eighteen, and now we are already forty-seven. Everything in life was like in all other families. I gave birth to two daughters, and now I have two grandchildren.

I also went through a lot with him. After the accident, she nursed him for two years, fed him with a spoon, washed him, wiped his food, sat with him at night, did not close his eyes ... She went out, and a year later he started drinking and drinking for almost three years. She fought for him, did not quit, managed: in the end, he was coded.

He stopped drinking, and to support him, I sold the house I inherited from my mother and bought him a new car. It was this car that caused the trouble. He once drove a twenty-year-old woman, and he liked her. And that woman by that time already had three children from different men. She grabbed onto my husband.

She sees that he does not drink and has a car, and she needs to pull the boys. I went to her, in a good way asked: leave him alone, you won’t need him in a few years, and you will break our family. But where is it, she began to scream like that, call me names with such words ... Not every man is capable of swearing like that.

And my husband lost his mind, runs to her, says:

“I got younger with her. Then she began to play with him: she would call, then she would kick him out. If you come without money, leave. As long as he has money, he tolerates him. He begs me:

“Katya, give me at least some money, I can’t do without it, borrow it somewhere, I’ll take it to her and look at her with at least one eye. I look at him, and my heart is torn to pieces. I'll give him money, he runs to her at a run, and I roar at home. Or I go to her house and stand under the windows. And she specially opens the curtains and walks in a bra, as if she knows that I'm peeping from behind the bushes. Such flour, you would only know!

Once he ran from her furious, his shirt was torn, he was covered in blood. He says he got into a fight because of her. He came to her, and she, drunk with a soldier on the couch, makes love. Her children are right there, and everything is in front of their eyes.

My husband is sitting, crying, hitting the table with his fist, saying that she will no longer have his leg. In the morning I got ready for work, and went to her. As I felt, I called him at work, and they told me that he was not there. I got up and went to this woman. I went in, the door was not closed, like a passage yard. The room stinks, it's a mess. She and some soldier are sitting at the table. There is moonshine on the table. And my husband sits on the couch and looks ahead with glassy eyes. I turned and went home, it became so hard for me that the white light was not nice.

Is there such a conspiracy so that the husband forgets his mistress, peace settles in his soul and love returns to me? With hope and respect for you, Katerina Menzikova.

Wash your husband’s things, and in the last water, in which you rinsed your clothes and over which you read a special love spell, wash your feet and pour it under the female tree.

The female tree is a tree female, about which you can say “stood, swayed, beautiful, etc.” - that is, birch, mountain ash, viburnum, pine, spruce and so on. But not aspen.

I will get up, blessing, I will go out, crossing myself,

From my home, from all doors, from the last door

To the gates and from all gates

To blue sea, wide freedom.

There stand twelve brothers,

All have twelve wives.

Shout out, call out their names:

One is longing, the other is dryness,

The third wife is a heartbeat,

Fourth, headache

The fifth is mental illness, the sixth is desire,

Seventh - torment, eighth - erection,

The ninth is sleeplessness, the tenth is boredom,

Eleventh - hot blood,

Twelfth - ardent love.

Oh, you demonic twelve wives,

May the servant of God (name)

My article will be surprised

With a conspiracy word, this is subdued, captivated

For now, forever and forever.

Let you, wives, sadness and longing for him,

God's servant (name), yearned,

Couldn't live without me for a minute, for a second,

Not a single night to pass:

Not with a red sun.

In the morning it would be a little light to get up,

On the mind-mind took my name,

Let him have another girl

It will seem like a terrible tigress,

Like fiery frequents, an owl with a big head,

On a hot afternoon - water,

In severe hunger - food.

Be strong, all my words,

Husband's love spell

The rupture of relations, indifference on the part of the chosen one negatively affects the woman. She begins to worry, get nervous - why is the spouse indifferent or left the family, is there a rival? There is an inferiority complex, irritability. To return the elusive relationship will help a love spell on her husband.

It is important that the wife has a desire to return her beloved to the family. In this case, the chances of success are great. The energy of the spouses, even if they are not fixed church wedding, are interconnected. Common life, children, memories provide a good platform for reunion. The forces of the elements are on the side of the family, they help to return the chosen one. Therefore, the husband's love spell usually ends in success.

After returning the relationship, follow the 3 rules.

Conspiracy for personal items

To bewitch a husband, you should use the things that he wore (from 1 month). New ones or ones that were rarely worn will not work. It can be a tie, underwear, shirt. The common life allows the wife to use all possible methods of white magic, the husband's love spell acts quickly and efficiently.

Spell for love to spend late in the evening, during the growing moon. There should be no one in the room. Light 3 wax red candles, place them in a triangle. Place a glass of holy or settled water in the center of the triangle. Pick up the thing of your beloved, press it to your chest, say 7 times:

“How true that water from the corner of the house will not pour, it will not burn the threshold. It is so true that my beloved (husband’s name) will not leave me, he won’t find another for himself, he won’t press him to his chest, he won’t hug him, he won’t caress, he won’t leave me as a servant of God (his name) until the thing serves him faithfully and truthfully. What is said will come true. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Sprinkle a thing with water from a glass, put it under your pillow. Do not talk to anyone after the magical effect. The husband must wear the charmed thing all the time.

Option II

Take your spouse's belt, discreetly write the word "My" near the buckle. Move the belt from the buckle to the end, saying:

“Strap-strap, my dear friend. Serve me a service, (husband's name) tie to me. Tie not by force, but by kindness and affection! Hug him as I hug him, help as I will help him! Gray in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be gentle like my hand. I marked the strap, now there is a mark on my soul (husband's name). The heart will feel, the belt will lead, my chosen one will find the path to me. Amen"

At the end of the belt, discreetly write the word "My" again. A charmed belt will help restore good relations.

Conspiracy for water, food

As soon as you realized that the chosen one was about to leave the family or directly said about it - to return him, to bewitch her husband, conspiracies for food and drink will help. Before serving food, read the conspiracy words:

“Neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband's name), would not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry up, Dreams home to the servant of God, (his name), called back. The word is firm, will be forever. Amen"

Option II

Cook jelly from 2 berries (for example, cherry and raspberry, irga and currant). Read the words to the husband's love, stirring the jelly:

"Growing up apart, and now together"

It is necessary to drink it together, it is better - from one mug.

Option III

If there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family, the words for any food and drink will help to return the husband’s love:

“As Eve walked for Adam, so you, a slave (your name), go for a slave (husband’s name). So that they lived together for a century, shared bread and bed, did not lag behind each other, did not know life without each other. Where the slave (his name), there is the slave (husband's name). Amen"

Option IV

Say words that will help bewitch your husband on red wine:

“Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and Father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love. So that love is until the end of time your servant of God (husband's name) and God's servant (her name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In the evening at dinner, treat your loved one with wine.

The plot is read for salt. It is important that not the entire salt shaker falls under the conspiracy. Only the part with which you will salt your spouse's food:

“How people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day, not an hour, not a minute to pass. Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen"

Lapel from a rival

If you are sure that after leaving the house, the spouse went to his mistress - after him, say a conspiracy to love. Open the door and read:

“Land of the earth, light of the light, I turn to you, who didn’t walk on you, didn’t sew on their sins. A slave (husband's name) will follow you to a lovebird, give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets away from me, the harder it will be for him on the way. To pull him back, turn him back. So that he suffers without me like the holy martyrs. Amen"

Option II

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather. So that the slave (husband's name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry up, dreams were called back home to the slave (his name). The word is strong, will be forever. Amen"

Wrap a piece of bread in a handkerchief, put it discreetly in your husband's pocket. This will help bring your husband home, return his love for you. It is important that the chosen one does not notice the love bread. Otherwise, the love spell of the husband will not work.

Option III

If the chosen one went to live with a rival, read the words 3 times a day in order to return the spouse, his love:

“I will take the heart of a servant of God (the name of my husband), I will carry it to the cold in the ice kingdom, in the cold state. So that the slave (the name of the husband) did not love the slave (the name of the separation woman), cooled his heart, did not wear it in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice oven. The devil and the devil fight, pinch, bleed, they don’t think, they don’t advise advice. So the servant of God (the name of the husband) would fight and pinch, get angry and curse, he would not think, he would not advise advice. From now on, century after century. Amen"

Option IV

Looking at the growing month, say the words in a quick whisper to return the chosen one:

“A month, were you in the next world? Have you seen my dead? Have you seen (husband's name) alive? As you change place and light, you either grow or decrease, So you find me a slave (husband's name) and bring me a slave (husband's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The power of wedding rings

The rings of the consorts bear strong energy families. Wedding ring - ancient symbol love and fidelity. This is a good guardian of the family. Magical power will begin to act if there is a sincerity of desire to save the chosen one and faith in the successful outcome of the ritual.

Love spell to start during the growing moon, light 3 candles. Put yours into a glass of holy water wedding ring. Say the words 3 times:

“Holy water, calm me down. Help me, (your name), return the faith and love of the servant of God, (husband's name). As the rings held our marriage together, so the water and my words will unite us forever. As water flows here and there, so my beloved will return to me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Love spells from a lovebird.

One of the most strong feelings that is given to man is love. She is able to move mountains, give true happiness, but it can also bring a lot of grief and resentment. That bitter word is treason. How many shed tears, unspoken grievances, nights without sleep. Anything happens in life, and no one is immune from the fact that the person you love will meet another woman. All this can end tragically, up to the breakup of the family. No need to fall into despair, you just need to take measures that will help restore lost happiness. In such cases, you can resort to magical rites to eliminate an annoying rival from your life. Such rituals were used by our grandmothers. If some woman began to follow your beloved, it's time to start using a conspiracy from a rival.

A conspiracy to make a loved one turn away from his mistress.

You will need a blank sheet of paper and a black pencil or marker. On this sheet, write in large letters the name of your opponent. When a strong wind blows outside, open the window, after tearing the piece of paper with the opponent's name written on it, into small pieces. Throw away slowly, these pieces into the open window, and at the same time read the words of such a conspiracy:

After that, close the window, and wait for the result in one week.

A conspiracy so that a loved one hates his mistress.

This plot is read into boiling water. Put on fire any dishes with water poured into it, wait until the water boils. Looking at boiling water, read the words of the conspiracy:

Then put out the fire, and looking at the cooling water, say these words:

Only when the water is absolutely cold, pour the water into four glasses, after that, sprinkle this water on the four corners of your bedroom, saying these words:

A conspiracy to eliminate a rival and a husband's longing for his wife.

Buy three candles in the church. Read the waning moon plot. When reading the plot, be alone at home. Lay a dark tablecloth on the table, put and light three candles on three corners of the table, and put a photograph of your husband on the fourth corner. Read the words of the conspiracy on the photo, in a clear, quiet voice:

After reading the plot, put out the candles and roll them up with a flagellum. Hide in a place where no one will find them.

To quickly remove an opponent.

For this plot, you will need a skein of red woolen threads. At any time of the day, as long as no one bothers you in your business. You need to take a hank with red woolen threads, and tying knots on it, whisper the following words of the conspiracy:

Keep a hank with knots, and do not show it to anyone.

Conspiracy for a rival.

Three nights in a row, at an open window, on a waning moon, read these words of the conspiracy:

You won't have to wait long for the result. The conspiracy is very strong.

A strong conspiracy-prayer to get rid of a rival.

Get out into an open space, preferably in a field, so that you are as comfortable as possible. Raise your hands to the sky, and turn to higher powers with such a conspiracy-prayer.

After reading the plot, leave without looking back. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

A conspiracy to ward off an opponent.

Go to the market or shop and buy a bag of poppy seeds. At your own doorstep, sprinkle all the poppy you bought. Then read in a low voice:

This conspiracy is read for twelve days. After that, expect a good result.

Conspiracy on a rival at home.

The plot is read during sunset. Open the window in your room, at this time you should be completely alone in the room in which you are performing the magic ceremony. Raise your arms above your head, clasp your palms in the lock. Start reading the plot, clearly pronouncing the words:

The next day, go to church and light three candles for health, for yourself, your husband and his mistress.

A strong conspiracy - how to remove a mistress.

When you are out of town, collect weeds and make a bouquet out of them. After that, go to the cemetery, find a spruce there, and pick the most prickly branch from it. This branch must be added to the previously collected bouquet of weeds. With this bouquet you have obtained, go back to the cemetery and place it near the gate leading to the cemetery. When you see how the dead man was carried through the gate, take the bouquet and go with him to the house where the hated rival lives. Put the bouquet on the threshold, and read these words:

After that, be sure to go to church and light candles for the health of everyone you can.

A conspiracy to separate a mistress from a loved one.

For this plot, you will need three red candles, a pen, and a sheet of clean paper. At dawn, open the window, and place the candles on the windowsill in a triangle. At this point, you should be alone in the room. Write the name of your opponent on a piece of paper. Light the candles, and separate one of the candles from the rest, with a sheet with the name written on it. After that, say these words -

After that, extinguish the candles, and roll them into a ball. Bury this wax ball deep into the ground, preferably where your lovebird walks. In the place where the enchanted wax is buried, spit three times and say the words that you read earlier. Then leave without looking back.

A conspiracy to eat from a mistress.

Choose the most beautiful photo of yourself in which you look happy. Put it in the pillow your loved one sleeps on. In the morning, when preparing breakfast, slightly salt it, while whispering the words of the conspiracy:

Make sure he eats everything. Do not tell anyone about this, even if the result will please you.

A conspiracy against the husband's mistress to read in order to separate and the husband hated his mistress

If the husband went to his mistress or is just about to leave you, this strong conspiracy against her husband's mistress will help, which will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the lover oppose your loved one. Read the words of the conspiracy - spells need to be early in the morning at dawn. At dawn, go outside, raise your right hand above your head and say conspiracy on husband from mistresses :

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, all Heavenly Power.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Untie the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name).

Untie and forbid them to be together,

Eat and drink together, sin together in bed.

Intercede for me, Great Empress,

From sadness, from grief, from husband's betrayal, free and protect.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Having said the plot, return home. Very soon, the conspiracy will be able to separate the husband from his mistress, and he, having quarreled with her, will settle down and return to the family.

Falling out of love with a person after a breakup will help white magic and a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and it doesn’t matter who was the reason for the separation, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the burden of parting and fall out of love with a loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it to a slave for a slave. To stop loving a person forever, running cold water is needed. It can be tap water, a river or a stream. At running water, say the words of a conspiracy of a cooling feeling of love seven times and helping you stop loving

A love stick made using this method is very strong and has a long lasting effect. The following dry spell for love is equivalent to lung action love spells, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - dry are spoken when meeting with a person and do not require special training other than memorizing short text love sucker. If you decide to dry your loved one so that he “dries for you”, yearns and falls in love with his ears, use this particular love drying after which the beloved on the same day will begin to dry and miss you, feeling craving for communication and meeting. To make a dryer yourself when meeting with a person, tell him in the next

The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in the photo right in the cemetery and grave ground. This rite belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. For independent rite for love, take a photo of the person you need to bewitch to yourself and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (on bare skin) say the words of a black cemetery love spell on eternal earth

This strong love spell with the help of a photograph of your girlfriend and church candles can be done independently at home. For a love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ceremony. Before performing the love spell, put a photo of your girlfriend on the table and put a candle in front of her so that she does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together, to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles by saying a love spell

You should read the black plot for melancholy on your own if you need to quickly catch up love longing about yourself per person. A conspiracy will help to evoke a feeling in a guy or a man who is at any distance from you - even in another city or another country. true love longing for loneliness without communication with you. If you need light and quick rite, which will make a person bored and longing, could not fall asleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. By the way, you can also read this conspiracy on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-husband, having overtaken him with a strong and real feeling of love and desire for communication

This is perhaps the most powerful and fast-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. To read a love plot, you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the ritual - a love spell, so keep this in mind when choosing a photo for a love plot. Rituals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read the most various conspiracies on love, but the one that conspiracies will tell today has the strongest and fastest impact on a loved one - a guy, a girl, a man or a woman. It is this love plot that is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day.

The call of a sweet and beloved person is a love conspiracy that needs to be done if, with the help of magic, it is necessary to return a person who has left you to yourself. The call of a sweet and beloved person (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife) helps not only with the help of a strong call to force a person to come or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to return my husband if you make a strong call” - my answer is yes. This ancient ritual contributes to the restoration of relations after strong quarrel or divorce, restoring once lost relationships. A strong call to meet your loved one is a whole magical rite that is performed independently by several

A love spell of a loved one with prayers is a very common rite of white magic for love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for themselves and they read him in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you the magic words how to fall in love with a loved one or meet your soul mate who marries you, for this you need to read the most strong spell- a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in the church after reading all the strongest prayers for marriage. For a love spell in the church with the help of prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before

Very strong love words of a conspiracy spoken to water in a glass front door they will overtake a loved one with severe boredom and force him to always return home. They read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of treason. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

How to return your beloved girl or woman if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after parting and awaken her love and interest in herself again. After parting, go to church and perform a ritual of white magic to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the action of the return conspiracy, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be fully restored. A conspiracy to return your beloved which you need to read in

To return your husband home after a quarrel or divorce will help a strong conspiracy to return love and relationships that you need to read at home - the house where you lived with your husband. Looking for a worker and fast way how to get rid of a rival and return a beloved man will help a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationship as before (before parting). A conspiracy to return the one who left you is read during the day, just as in order to return a person by conspiracy is not important lunar cycle, any day except Sunday and major church holidays is suitable. Before you read a conspiracy that can quickly return your husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put a yeast dough. When

Instantly returning a husband with the help of prayer is not easy - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - in the morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the return prayer will work and the husband will return to his wife. This one strong prayer for a family reunion, read with candles in the church, it has tremendous power and quick action, not infrequently capable of returning her husband to herself and her children in one day and reconciling after any quarrel. Prayer as a reliable way to quickly return a husband is read by abandoned wives, whose loved ones have gone to a young mistress. After reading the prayer for the return of her husband, the unfaithful very quickly came to the family and repented of

If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting you, a strong conspiracy will help right person urgently called you, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person called by him. This ritual will be able to make your loved one feel sad and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A conspiracy to call will make the one you need remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ritual to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house

The action of the conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is very strong and the right remedy which a loved one cannot resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel a husband and wife who had left home

There is a good white marriage conspiracy after reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is so indecisive that he does not propose to you to marry can do this. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who is in Easter week read the words of the Easter conspiracy to him quickly and successful marriage- read on

» . What can this method give? ordinary women like you and me?

After reading the methodology, you will know how to do so,


And the weight is because in it Svetlana Ermakova REVEALS HER SECRETS, WHAT TO DO SO THAT HE DOES NOT LEAVE YOU:

« When the man left me again, I decided: that's it! I’m leaving now on my own, at the slightest humiliation! .. It was then that they began to call me in marriage, I had only to choose.

All their love stories I described in the methodology, very frankly analyzing my mistakes.

Later I opened main law love: in any pair, one runs away, the other catches up. And, if there is a catcher, there is also a runaway, isn't it?

When a man catches up - this is normal, natural. After all, a man was created to catch up, conquer, achieve, and when they achieve him, he subconsciously, like a male, gets scared.

Women who follow a man, I call chasing. Often they are pretty, smart, nice - but men leave them after a month or two.

In my methodology, several NOTs are listed, several prohibitions; remember them to be NOT a catch-up.(See also article )

There is also a rule of behavior with a man, if in doubt what to do - apply this simple rule.

If you want a man, be a woman. And they will not leave you, you will leave, you will choose.(Read )

Is it necessary to say that my husband does not cheat on me and has never given rise to jealousy in the thirty years of our family life? After all, I do not prevent him from falling in love with me daily.

My method was tested by a hundred volunteer girls. Everyone notes that men show incredible, respectful attention, suitors from the past suddenly return, and even the ex-husband "carefully breaks for a visit." Many are getting married.






Read the review of the technique:

"About your magic phrases:

The first phrase - lights a star in me, inside somewhere. And very energizing.

The third phrase - would say that this phrase is the CODE, PASSWORD that many psychologists have been explaining for so long and difficult how to make and let go of a wish. That is, the information is very concise and effective.

And I advise men to give it to their wives - your life will become easier, more interesting, and in more love.

All books by Svetlana Ermakova and Leonid Zharov you can see at the link below

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What to do if the spouse drinks heavily, and it is impossible to drive him away from alcohol in the usual ways? Desired result can be reached without his knowledge - alcohol will forever remove white magic. A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink can be read at home - it is free and easy to do. Salt, a white towel, water and other traditional remedies will heal the sick.

We will tell you how to correctly speak artifacts, whisper prayers for drunkenness and drive away evil spirits. The pain will not return to your home, but this requires following our recommendations. Get ready to record.

Features of the rituals

When conducting conspiracies against the drunkenness of a husband, a number of features must be taken into account. The successful outcome of a conspiracy from drunkenness is influenced by the phases of the moon, days of the week and general organizational issues. You should pay attention to:

  • male and women's days(drinking men need to be spoken on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday);
  • the lunar phase (it is better to treat drunkenness on a full moon);
  • faith in the result (for a husband to stop drinking, do not doubt a favorable outcome).

Most effective prayers and rituals are done in secret, in back rooms and under cover of darkness. It will be better for the husband if he continues to remain in ignorance. For outsiders, everything will look as if a man stopped drinking out of the blue.

Ritual with a photo

Among the conspiracies so that husbands do not drink, rituals with photographs occupy a special place. The moon should be waning, and magic is happening in the pre-sunset time. Procedure:

  1. Get some holy water, three wax candles and a photograph of the patient.
  2. Light the candles and place them on the table in a row.
  3. Sprinkle the photograph of your husband with holy water.
  4. Say a conspiracy from alcoholism (three times).
  5. Hide the photo in a secluded place.

This ritual will begin to benefit quickly. Within a couple of months, you will find that your spouse has stopped drinking. Spell text:

“Help, Lord, get rid of the dependence of God's servant (husband's name), who began to take alcohol. I want to wean my husband off vodka, return him to his family. If he wants to drink, then only water from the well. Amen".

White cemetery ritual

If a man has been drinking alcohol for a long time, ordinary conspiracies and prayers do not help him. You will have to conduct a powerful cemetery ritual and speak the bottle of an addict. Throw away any fears - this rite applies to whites magical practices. Procedure:

  1. Get a bottle of your spouse's favorite alcohol.
  2. Hide the bottle in your bag and go to the churchyard.
  3. Wait until the funeral procession overtakes you.
  4. Cast a spell.
  5. Leave the churchyard (you can’t turn around, you can’t communicate with passers-by either).

At home, you need to return the bottle to its usual place and wait until the husband drinks from it. It is impossible to offer vodka, a man himself must reach for a glass. Magic will begin to work after the first use of charmed alcohol. Ritual text:

“The deceased dead man does not know how to roam the earth, he does not bother the living with his appearance. The dead man will not pour vodka for himself, he will not bring it to his mouth. I want to make sure that my beloved (the name is called) stops using hops. Amen".

water ritual

Ordinary water, fortified with prayers, can become an effective weapon against the green serpent. Just keep in mind: you need to use spring (or well) water. By whispering conspiracy words into the liquid, you can save your husband from drunkenness. Drink the faithful magic water, add it to tea, coffee and other drinks. Spell text:

“Jesus did not know alcohol, the Mother of God did not drink alcohol forever. The apostles also saved themselves from drinking. If you drink cold spring water, you will turn away from the bottle. As I say, so be it. Amen".

We enchant soap

  • a drinking husband should regularly wash his hands with a made artifact;
  • soap must be completely used;
  • if the patient continues to drink alcohol, the ritual is repeated.

Spell text: “You are no longer destined to drink, God's servant (name of your spouse). I conjure, I speak, I exorcise drunken fumes, I return you to life. As you wash your hands, you will forget your addiction. If a lousy thought appears, you will drive it away, you will hate the cup with all your heart. Amen".

How to do powerful conspiracy in 13 days, says the famous healer Vanga. Buy your husband his favorite alcoholic product, speak the liquid and drink the missus. Before buying a drink, go to Orthodox Church. Here is what needs to be done there:

  1. Buy a set of candles (12 pieces).
  2. You can’t be baptized, lean against images, listen to prayers.
  3. Leaving the church, say a conspiracy.
  4. At home, close yourself in a back room, hide yourself from prying eyes.
  5. Having cleared your thoughts, put the charmed drink in front of you.
  6. Concentrate on the image of a sober husband.
  7. Say the second part of the plot.
  8. Give your husband some enchanted "nectar" to drink.
  9. Enjoy the results after 13 days.
  10. If nothing happened, repeat the ritual actions.

The first part of the conspiracy: “It is cold for living in severe frost. From the drunk my husband is bad at heart. You drink more, it gets worse. Amen".

The second part: “The candle melts and burns, the drinker (husband's name) cries. I won’t send my beloved to hell, but I’ll twist the addiction with a lapel. Dislike for the potion will begin, you will vomit from one type of alcohol. You don’t want to be in noisy companies, you will sit at home, take care of your wife and children. Empty bottles are standing, God's servant (name) is not ordered to drink. Amen".

Dead man's ropes

  1. Find out the name of the deceased.
  2. Get a pot of spring water.
  3. Rinse the dead man's ropes in this water.
  4. Whisper the plot on the pan.
  5. Try to give your husband a drink of this liquid.

The last point is rather complicated, since alcoholics are skeptical about magic. Keep the ritual secret, resort to little tricks. You can treat your husband to tea from enchanted water or cook a delicious soup. Spell text:

“Just as a dead man (name) cannot drink vodka, so you refuse alcohol. As God's servant (your husband's name) reaches for a glass, he will feel bad. It will make you feel sick from vodka and wine, you will want to drink spring water. Amen".

Charmed towel

Applying room (household) magic, you can use any means at hand. One of the most powerful artifacts is the towel. Ritual progress:

  1. Wait for the full moon, get a brand new towel in the store.
  2. Cast a spell.
  3. Make sure that the alcoholic wipes himself with a charmed towel.
  4. Tie the magic item in a knot and hide it away (no one else should wipe themselves with it).
  5. The knot cannot be untied.

When the spouse refuses alcohol, take a magic item and go to the nearest cemetery. Bury a towel next to the grave of a dead person whose name is the same as your spouse's. Go home without turning around and without engaging in dialogue with other people. Spell text:

"I bought a beautiful clean towel, I want to dissuade the evil attack, heal God's servant (name). As soon as you dry your hands with this towel, your new life will begin. Harmful addictions will go away, the forces of light will drive away evil, they will not give you offense. May your thoughts be pure, alcohol leave the body, health and strength return. From now on, you will not turn off the righteous path, you will not raise a glass to your mouth. As I say, so be it. Amen".

Rite with a broom

The symbol of cleanliness and order in the house is a broom that sweeps addictions and evil machinations of ill-wishers. With the help of this artifact, you can cure a drinking husband, the main thing is to believe in the end result. The ceremony is held in the strictest confidence, and you need to prepare for it in advance. Procedure:

  1. Go to the forest.
  2. Collect branches of "male" trees (ash, oak, maple).
  3. Tie a broom by adding sprigs of "male" herbs to it.
  4. Return home and sweep the trash in the corners.
  5. Say a conspiracy.
  6. Bury your trash in your yard by digging a small hole for it.
  7. In the same hole should be a broom.
  8. When the buried artifact rots, the spouse will refuse alcohol.

Spell text: “Green trees, grass-ants, you are fragrant and strong. You will no longer see the sun, you will not be nourished by the rain. Your leaves will not rustle, the flowers will not bloom. So my husband (the name is called) will stop drinking forever, he will not return to a dashing habit. Amen".

The ritual actions described above are time-tested, they have helped many generations of people. So feel free to embrace folk conspiracies and do light magic for the sake of your loved ones. Follow all the instructions, and learn the words of the spells by heart. Soon you will live a full life with your husband.

How I got rid of herpes with lipstick

Hi all! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes. Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears. She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now not a hint of herpes!

Source http://okoldoval.ru/zagovory/chtoby-muzh-ne-pil.html

Good day, readers of my blog!

My next article will be relevant for many Russian women. Unfortunately, the problem of drunkenness in Russia is far from last. Many families break up just because the wife does not know what to do so that the husband does not drink.

A drinking spouse is a grief for any woman. But few in girlhood voluntarily marry a drunkard. Does this mean that a man who has become a husband is good in himself and is simply spoiled by his addiction? It is important to understand that alcoholism is not a personal choice, but serious illness. Divorce and forget about the unlucky spouse is the easiest way out of the situation, but why not at least try to save the marriage and help the closest person to recover? There are many ways to wean a husband to drink alcohol.

The task of the wife is to understand why the husband began to drink, and try to solve this problem. To decide means to find an approach to your husband in order to act on the psyche, and not just on the body with the help of drugs.

It is also necessary to create comfortable conditions and surround your loved one with care and attention. It is worth trying to help your spouse discover some new activities and joys of life besides alcohol. This is a leisure organization, a reminder of an abandoned hobby, an introduction family traditions and finding new hobbies.

It is advisable to try to minimize contacts with your husband's drinking friends and try to keep him busy as much as possible. You should not load your spouse with monotonous work, it is much better to come up with minor assignments different type– from walking with children to helping with housework.

Most often from alcohol addiction recommend the drops that Elena Malysheva talked about in the Health program. Not only are the drops 100% natural, but they also help in 99 cases out of 100 after 3 weeks. More effective means in terms of price / quality ratio, honestly, it is difficult to find.

Husband drinks every day, what to do

Many wives of alcoholics do not expect their husband to start drinking when they get married. And suddenly, as if for no reason at all, the husband drinks every day ... what should the “poor” wife do then, who sometimes suffers from her husband’s drunkenness more than the alcoholic himself.

All the psychological, esoteric and mystical sites of the Runet are inundated with similar questions. However, not all wives know how to actually help their husband, and first of all themselves, get rid of suffering, cure alcoholism and finally find family happiness.

And often, having come to despair from unsuccessful attempts to force a husband to stop drinking, unfortunate wives resort to the services of magicians and fortune-tellers, to various conspiracies from drunkenness and medicines, secretly sprinkled into the food of the spouse, hoping for a miraculous healing of the latter.

At the same time, sometimes, spending a lot of money on all these often inadequate methods of secret treatment of alcohol addiction, instead of getting adequate, psychological help for alcoholics and co-addicts.

How to help your husband stop drinking

Often men begin to drink in difficult periods life. And if the abuse of the husband is connected precisely with the fact that he lost his job or is experiencing a serious problem, then it is worth trying to help him psychologically.

You can try to arrange small joys in his life, support him, do everything carefully and slowly - and then, perhaps, he will find the strength to return to normal life.

How to get your husband to stop drinking

The question of how to wean a husband from drinking is very complex and does not have a definite answer. If a man loves his wife very much, you can threaten separation, but it is not a fact that this will give a lasting effect. More precisely, the effect of such an impact will most likely be just a point one: the husband went over with a drink - the wife threatened to divorce - the husband stopped drinking - the relationship was restored - the husband began to drink and returned to the old indicators.

That is why it hardly makes sense to think about how to persuade, convince or force a husband not to drink. In this case, it is worth understanding the causes, and not dealing with the consequences.

What to do so that the husband does not drink

Rules for the wife's behavior if the husband is an alcoholic - or what needs to be done so that the husband does not drink:(the rules are tough (not cruel), but effective)

  1. You begin to love and respect yourself more as a person worthy of female happiness; raise self-esteem; do more for yourself than for him;
  2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and most importantly your husband - love and pity - different feelings therefore, you need to love yourself and your husband, and not pity;
  3. Following the previous point, stop being offended and accumulating resentment; no revenge;
  4. No close and sexual relations during the drinking of her husband;
  5. Help only in case of a real alcohol crisis ... not by salvation (sobering up), but according to the situation: call an ambulance, in case of a brawl - call the "police" (do not be afraid to call the appropriate services - this is not against the person you love, this is against him "Enemy" living in him and manifesting at the moment); Don't be cowardly!

In no case do not conduct a dialogue, and even more so a dispute that develops into a conflict when the husband is drunk - you will talk, in best case with herself, and at worst - with his inner "devil";

  • Also, under no pretext, do not “educate” your husband in the morning, during a hangover (withdrawal syndrome) - believe me, he is really bad, not only from physical suffering, but he is already “educated” and scolded by his own conscience, awakened after drinking. Those. do not scold and do not regret with his hangover syndrome.
  • When the husband “gets out” after drinking, he returns to normal, only then can you find the right moment, and seriously, without fawning and “collision”, talk about his drinking and family relationships. At the same time, in no case condemning or reproaching the husband - you can condemn the drunkenness itself, but not his personality. I assure you that he himself distinguishes black from white;
  • During your husband's sober lifestyle (between drinking), remember that it is likely that the husband already has some alcohol addiction. He can quite convincingly and logically deny this, or he can “admit” out loud that he is an alcoholic ... do not believe (silently, to yourself) either one or the other. If there were at least two or three similar, drunken episodes in your life together , then be 100% sure that if you relax and continue relationships and interactions in the same way as before (during sobriety), then your husband will again drink.
  • Based on the previous paragraph of the rules, avoid any provocations regarding the use of alcohol: until you completely get out of codependence with your husband’s alcoholism, no “drunk” parties and holidays, no stacks in his presence or with him, no glasses of champagne, no beer, no cocktail.

    However, it should be noted that with the inept implementation of these rules and not serious attitude to them may be side effects, for example, divorce and the termination of all relationships, with a set of emotional suffering.

    True, this happens only if, according to your life scenario, this is expected. And also, if there was no true love.

    Medical methods

    Modern medicine offers a whole arsenal of means to combat alcoholism. It is worth resorting to them if the disease progresses, and it is not possible to cope with it on your own. A popular question among wives of addicts: the husband drinks heavily, what should I do?

    After all, the binge must be stopped in harsh ways and preferably with the help of potent drugs, since the use of various herbs and fees will not work. quick effect and you should know. Effective way how to make a husband stop drinking - code him.

    The greatest effect is given by methods based on sewing ampoules with drugs under the skin. The medicine constantly enters the blood in a small amount. When alcohol enters the body, the active substance prevents its normal processing. As a result, even a small amount of alcohol causes symptoms of severe poisoning. The main disadvantage is that in order to bring the patient out of this state, it is necessary to visit the clinic. Taking a large number of drinks with a degree after coding can cause serious harm to the patient's health.

    If a woman knows how to convince her husband to stop drinking, you can start taking drugs that reduce alcohol cravings. Drugs in this category the patient should take on their own, believing that they will help him recover.

    One of these preparations is monastic tea, which is based on natural ingredients. The components of tea act on the very causes of craving for alcohol, return to its original state.

    If you pay attention to drugs, then at each stage of dependence, you need to select something specific, taking into account compatibility with the patient's body. These medicines may include:

    • stop alcohol,
    • esperal in the form of tablets,
    • torpedo in the form of an injection,
    • kolme in the form of a drinking solution.

    These are more suitable preparations for general masses. But there are many other drugs that need to be selected strictly on an individual basis, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

    Drugs for alcoholism can be given secretly, but here is the result

    But not everything is so simple ... Yes, there is such a drug, you can buy such drops that are really more convenient to give than pills and, of course, than giving injections. They can't be found in food either. But alcoholism is a disease that is not treated purely at the physiological, conditioned reflex level.

    The big delusion that can actually lead to real tragedy is blind hope. Confidence that in a forbidden way, even if the patient does not know about it at all, it will be possible to turn him away from the bottle. Mental and psychological aspect and the causes that led to alcohol addiction, while remaining unaffected, not eliminated and not cured.

    Sooner or later, the alcoholic will find out why he now has red spots on his face and body from wine. Why does his pressure now jump after one glass, although he used to drink bottles and there was nothing like that. And even if he doesn’t find out who and what is to blame for this “misfortune”, why is he now sick of alcohol.

    What happens if you give an alcoholic medication without his knowledge

    Usually, after several usually unsuccessful attempts to persuade the drunkard to come to his senses, it becomes increasingly difficult not to stop. It is difficult to convince him to pull himself together and stop being outrageous, drinking everything and everything. The closest relative gives up, as a simple admonition to the “alkonauts” does not work.

    It was then, as a rule, that the wife decides that she will interrupt this alcoholic race with her husband, and on her own. After all, there are modern drugs ... But doctors only want to cash in on health problems, and without them everything can be done.

    Then, “with the world on a thread” it is explored what and how people do to beat off the craving for alcohol with medication. Find out the name of the drug that calls for nausea and vomiting on alcoholic beverages .... And so on: what pills are there, what drops can be added to food for an alcoholic so that he cannot drink and that's it.

    Further, everything is seen in the wife of an alcoholic exclusively in pink colors. Now she knows how to deal with “her drunkard”, so that he “knows the measure”, drank when he could and didn’t get drunk when he couldn’t. Just gotta buy this one good drug and give it to the sick, and there will be no problems.

    Hopes for lectureship from drunkenness

    Tablets and drops will not let you go for a walk. After all, it is already known for certain that if the drug is in the blood, then drinking "relish" will not work. Chemical blocking for alcohol will work, the spouse thinks about the “new correct behavior» of your dearest half. The decision to add an effective remedy to food looks especially attractive, because it can be done without scandals and persuasion, in secret from the drunkard.

    And what, let him now try to get drunk, he himself will understand that it was not there. Before, after all, people say, pills had to be forced to drink or injections, but this does not come out secretly. Now I ate, got treated - that's all, I won't be able to drink with all my desire. Progress!

    Conspiracy and prayer so that the husband does not drink

    The only correct answer to the question of whether it is possible to cope with alcohol addiction with the help of higher powers, No. For some, these methods help, for other patients, there is no improvement. Most importantly, it is important to understand that prayer or ritual should not be the only means. Even if the wife believes in this method, one cannot sit idly by, performing some kind of ritual, while the health of a loved one suffers. A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink can be read on your own or ordered from a healer.

    There are also rituals performed according to the photo of the patient; an ordinary conspiracy can help, which must be read subject to certain conditions.

    Conspiracies from alcoholism

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Earth, you are my mother, order me a servant of God (name) from this please take good grass zarachel, you Mother Earth to stand, and to me for slaves and slaves, to treat their drunkenness. This servant of God (name) did not think about wine, did not look with his eyes, did not hear with his ears, did not feel with his feelings and ran away from wine. How sickening it is to die, so the wine of the servant of God (name) would be sick from now and forever. 2. “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Hop and wine depart from the servant of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

    What to do if you can't get your husband to stop drinking

    Alas, very often there are situations when a person has fallen and degraded so much that he physically cannot live without alcohol. The body - the liver, brain and other organs - is so affected by poison that a person has actually ceased to be a person. What to do in such a situation? Alas, the answer is simple.

    You just need to get a divorce, cut off any contact with this person and start living for yourself and your loved ones.

    Many women are ready to endure fear, beatings and humiliation for children, firmly believing that children need a father, even such. All this is just speculation and fear of change. It is better to let the children grow up without a father than they will constantly be beaten, live in poverty and simply hate their parent. strong and clever woman will always be able to raise his children so that they become people, and not repeat the path of their father.

    Of course, in no case should you try to stay with your degraded husband longer than the situation requires. Never try to understand it by keeping company over a bottle. This is the beginning of the path into the abyss into which your husband is already rolling.

    But sometimes it's better to just not bring it up. After all, any narcologist knows perfectly well that the path to alcoholism begins with a glass of vodka or a bottle of beer. So, if you succeed in persuading your husband to stop drinking beer, you can quietly rejoice - for sure you saved him and your whole destiny. So, you won the terrible duel for your own happiness.

    Source http://alkogolinform.ru/alkogolizm/chtoby-ne-pil-muzh.html

    When a man starts to drink the main task women help him give up alcohol. The first step is to determine the cause of alcoholism, which will help a psychologist and a narcologist. After establishing the cause, treatment is required. Traditional treatment of alcoholism is carried out only with the consent of the patient himself. If a man refuses to admit his problem, you can help him quietly with the help of traditional medicine.

    In a house where there is an alcoholic, everyone must live by certain rules that will help a man quit. bad habit. Such rules are developed for each family individually. It is important not to stop adhering to them throughout the course of treatment for alcohol dependence, even if it passes without the knowledge of the patient. The main rules include:

    1. 1. All family members must understand that the man is in strong dependence from alcoholic beverages, treat it with understanding and not indulge the sick.
    2. 2. No one should forgive the patient another drunkenness. It is not necessary to roll up scandals about this, it is enough to calmly shame an alcoholic.
    3. 3. All other family members must give up alcohol in any quantity. Do not even use alcohol-based medicines.
    4. 4. If the treatment is secret from the patient, then all family members should keep confidentiality.
    5. 5. All conversations and clarification of relations with an alcoholic should be carried out in a calm tone. Do not raise your voice, shout, make excessive noise.

    Such simple rules help achieve quick results during treatment. Therapy with folk remedies or conspiracies is of great power only when certain conditions Therefore, all family members need to be more tolerant and help the man cope with the disease together.

    Using traditional medicine for the treatment of alcoholism at home, you must be extremely careful. It is better to get a preliminary consultation with a narcologist. Folk remedies are good not only for their proven effectiveness, but also because they can be given to an alcoholic without his knowledge.

    When using various teas and decoctions, it should be remembered that each medicinal herb has contraindications and can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

    chief folk remedy against alcohol addiction is wormwood. It can be added to teas, used as a seasoning for salads. During the treatment, dried grass and the root of the plant are used. Add medicinal plant should be taken in small doses, as in case of an overdose, there may be:

    • intoxication;
    • hypertension;
    • tachycardia;
    • kidney failure.

    Quickly and for a long time causes disgust for strong drinks mushroom koprinus. Its use is safe for health. After collecting vegetable raw materials, it is dried in a frying pan and ground into powder. 1 teaspoon of the powder is poured with hot water and added 2-3 drops three times a day to food or drinks. You can use a medicinal plant, even if the guy drinks beer every day. Beer alcoholism is much harder than regular alcoholism. With the regular use of this drink, it is almost impossible to convince a man of addiction, so treatment with the help of the koprinus mushroom will come to the rescue.

    The monastic collection has a proven effect in the fight against alcoholism. It contains all the necessary herbal ingredients, which help not only to weaken cravings for alcohol, but also to restore the body, remove ethanol decay products from it. You can drink this drink instead regular tea. You can also brew the collection for the whole family so that the husband does not guess.

    Any secret treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The appointment will have to go to the wife or children who take responsibility for secret therapy. It is important to ask the patient about his well-being, control his emotional state and record all changes in a special diary. At the time of treatment, it is required to keep a diary of blood pressure, since if you refuse alcohol, hypertension may develop.

    Women who have lost all hope of making their husband stop drinking resort to magic and witchcraft. Apply magical ways can be taken with tablets or folk remedies. Alcoholics usually speak in secret. You can do this on your own, if you have confidence in your abilities, or with the help of knowledgeable people.

    Conspiracies are made on objects, for example, from photographs or on household items that a man uses. At proper conduct magic ritual the effect of complex treatment will become noticeable quickly enough, and the whole family will begin to live a normal life.

    You can carry out such a ritual at home so that the spouse stops drinking forever:

    • take a glass of water;
    • put a church candle in front of him;
    • read the words of the conspiracy;
    • give your husband water to drink.
    • “Water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as water can never be reconciled with fire, so my husband cannot be friends with alcohol. Water will get inside the husband, the fire will flood inside, and the addiction will disappear. The candle goes out - the disease will be dispelled by smoke. Amen".

    A man should be given water to drink before going to bed and in the morning he will wake up a healthy person.

    Before turning to magical methods, you should go to church and pray for your spouse, ask God to take trouble away from the family, and help your husband. Sincere prayers will always be answered.

    Source http://feelcontrol.net/about-relationships/manipulation/kak-zastavit-muzha-brosit-pit.html
