What causes protein in urine in pregnant women. Protein in urine in pregnant women is the required norm

Which make it possible to timely identify any possible threats for the fetus due to the development in the mother’s body of conditions or diseases unfavorable for the child. A urine test, which is considered one of the most informative and necessary, will also become commonplace for a pregnant woman.

Urine analysis during pregnancy

Urinalysis during pregnancy is mandatory analysis, which the expectant mother will have to take regularly: during the first half of pregnancy monthly, then every two months. However, experts always warn: a urine test during pregnancy will be informative only if there is the necessary preparation for it, the rules of which are not at all complicated. Thus, doctors recommend not to indulge in salty, spicy and sour foods, as well as meat, on the eve of the test. The jar in which morning urine will be collected immediately after waking up must be clean. And a woman should wash herself with soap before filling the jar. You need to fill the jar with the so-called medium urine: after urinating in the toilet for the first three seconds, then you can then collect the urine in a container. And after this, it is advisable to deliver the urine for analysis as soon as possible, ideally within 2 hours.

Urine examination allows doctors, first of all, to assess the functioning of the kidneys, which work at an increased pace during pregnancy, and also to suspect the presence of diabetes mellitus or any infections in the pregnant woman’s body. Thus, the presence in the urine of certain substances that should not be there (for example, protein) may become the first signal for adequate action by specialists.

Normal level of protein in urine during pregnancy

There is normally no protein in the urine during pregnancy. Only slight fluctuations in its indicators are possible due to the significant load on while carrying a baby. It is known that carrying a baby doubles the load on everything internal organs and the mother’s vital activity systems: they now must protect not only their “owner”, but also the little life growing in her. The urinary system at this time also works with double the load: the kidneys now remove toxins and decay products not only from the mother’s body, but also from the baby.

The permissible level of protein in urine during pregnancy, which doctors do not classify as symptoms of any threats, is a protein content of up to 0.14 g/l. If the kidneys cannot cope with their function due to some inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system, protein appears in significantly increased quantities.

Inflammatory processes can be a consequence of a woman’s behavior inappropriate for her status, a frivolous attitude towards her own health, or can also be the result chronic diseases kidneys, which many women dealt with even before pregnancy. Thus, protein in the urine during pregnancy in significantly larger quantities than is generally considered normal can become a symptom of the development (or exacerbation of existing ones) in the expectant mother, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Increased protein in urine medical practice called proteinuria. And if, at your next visit to the doctor and a urine test, a high level of protein is detected in it, the corresponding analysis will have to be carried out regularly several times. Thus, it will be possible to track the dynamics of the increase in protein in the urine, to determine whether such an increase was “one-time” or is of a permanent nature. After all, protein in the urine during pregnancy can really be detected only once: after suffering psychological stress, physical stress, taking certain medications, if the day before the pregnant woman had an excess amount of protein food in her diet.

Certain diseases can also provoke the appearance of proteinuria during pregnancy. Among them are hypertension, congestive heart failure, kidney or urinary tract infections, and polycystic kidney disease. But doctors call the most dangerous condition that can be associated with the appearance of protein in the urine during pregnancy. This condition is typical only for pregnant women - after delivery and the birth of the baby, it disappears. The danger of gestosis also lies in the fact that often a pregnant woman may not even suspect its development and may not feel any changes in the body. And the only evidence of a threatening condition is protein in the urine during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a kidney pathology that ultimately leads to dysfunction: not only does it stop performing protective function and is unable to protect the child from negative impacts, so the baby also stops receiving the nutrients and oxygen necessary for development and health. All this can result in a slowdown in its development, provoke or lead to the birth of a stillborn child.

In addition to increased protein in the urine, other symptoms of gestosis may include increased blood pressure and the appearance of edema. Sometimes gestosis requires mandatory and prompt medical intervention: to treat it, a woman can be sent to hospital treatment, where she will be provided with constant control. Gestosis that occurs on later pregnancy, and may even become an indication for stimulation premature birth: sometimes this step becomes necessary in order to save the life of the mother and child.

But to say that protein in urine during pregnancy becomes somehow alarming symptom, is possible only if the diagnosis was carried out several times, the analysis was carried out in parallel with tracking the readings, before collecting urine, the woman had sufficient external toilet of the external genitalia and if the container in which the urine sample was collected was guaranteed to be clean and suitable for analysis.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

The main parameters of a general urine test are very important criteria, with the help of which doctors can determine various pathologies of pregnancy at the most early stages. The appearance of protein in the urinary sediment during pregnancy is a rather unfavorable symptom that requires careful monitoring. This article talks about what normal values ​​of this indicator exist, as well as what is considered pathology.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Urine formation occurs in the kidneys. Filtration of fluid occurs in special anatomical structures - the renal tubules. These microscopic formations help the body get rid of all toxic metabolic products that it no longer needs.

Kidney function is especially important during pregnancy. In this case Toxic formations are released through the kidneys not only from the mother’s body, but also from the fetus. Waste products are also filtered through the kidney tubules, since the baby develops its own urinary system somewhat later.

Normal in any urine must be missing any protein. The appearance of this substance in the urinary sediment should be a reason for mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Quite often this condition is temporary, in which case it is necessary to mandatory repeat laboratory test. Gynecologists note that during pregnancy, women often experience situations where traces of protein appear in the urine. This significance of the analysis does not at all indicate that this is a pathology. Doctors even came up with a special term for of this state- transient or benign protein loss.

On early stages During pregnancy, the result of a woman’s urine test should not differ significantly from the usual normal values. In this case, there should be no protein in the urinary sediment. In some cases, especially if urine collection was carried out very early morning hours immediately after getting out of bed, traces of protein may appear in the analysis.

Doctors believe that the first trimester is very important for intrauterine development fetus

Exactly at this period The unborn child will develop all the main organs and systems. The load on the kidneys of a pregnant woman at this time is minimal. A significant increase in protein in the urine is usually a consequence of the mother’s kidney or urinary tract diseases.

The appearance of a protein value of 0.066-0.33 usually occurs in the third trimester. The development of such a situation indicates a significant load on the kidneys. At 37-39 weeks of pregnancy, the renal tubules filter urine at an increased rate. Reviews from young mothers also indicate that many of them experienced this phenomenon in the later stages of pregnancy.

Doctors call high protein levels, rising above 3 g/liter, proteinuria. This is already a pathological condition. Proteinuria can be permanent, but most often it is transient. In this case, after childbirth, the woman may develop any kidney or urinary tract diseases. They are a consequence of persistent proteinuria, which arose during pregnancy.

For the convenience of assessing the results of a urine test, doctors use special tables that collect the main values ​​of the normal indicators of this laboratory test. In order to correctly interpret the results, quite a few different clinical indicators. So, if the expectant mother is carrying twins, then in this case, protein up to 0.15 g/liter quite often appears in her urine.

To clarify the diagnosis, doctors may prescribe additional tests - determination of daily protein. This laboratory test more accurately shows whether a woman's body has any problems with urine filtration. Normal daily analysis values ​​do not exceed 0.2 g/day. For many women who have initial manifestations of renal filtration disorders, the obtained values ​​are 0.1 g/liter, but if the indicator shows 0.3 g/liter or more, then it signals the need to correct this condition.

The general analysis is quite a comprehensive study. Despite its simplicity and routineness, it allows for a very comprehensive assessment of kidney function. To exclude concomitant diseases of the urinary tract, doctors also conduct a quantitative assessment of certain indicators:

  • Leukocytes- this is an important marker of existing infections or organ pathologies excretory system. At normal course pregnancy this indicator shows less than 10 units in the field of view. In most cases, leukocytes make up 1-5 per view. Exceeding this indicator should be a reason to seek advice from a urologist or therapist.
  • In normal general analysis also no bacteria present. This is usually marked “+” or “-” on the medical form of the study performed. The presence of bacteria is an extremely unfavorable condition, especially during pregnancy. Bacteriuria can lead to the development of dangerous infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Red blood cells- another important indicator of normal kidney function. Combination high protein and erythrocyturia, as a rule, is considered a consequence of glomerulonephritis. This dangerous pathology kidney disease is quite common among the female population. Exacerbation of pyelonephritis during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. In this case, various violations may occur placental blood flow fetus

Symptoms of high protein

Minor proteinuria, as a rule, is not felt by a pregnant woman. Appetite, sleep, body temperature remain within normal limits in this case. The appearance of protein in the urine up to 0.1 g/liter also does not contribute to the appearance of pain in the lower back or the development of swelling. The first “signs” of trouble appear later, when the protein levels in the urine increase significantly. Severe proteinuria is accompanied by the development of many adverse symptoms.

The appearance of edema on the body is a characteristic, striking symptom that accompanies this condition. Severity of manifestation of this characteristic may be different. It usually increases by the 38th week of pregnancy. Mothers carrying babies often complain that in the 3rd trimester they experience severe swelling on their face.

Edema can appear in various parts of the body, but there is also a “favorite” localization for the appearance of such swelling.

As a rule, with renal proteinuria, swelling appears on the face.

Quite often they appear under the eyes. This feature is due to the fact that in this area the skin is quite thin and delicate.

Severe proteinuria is also accompanied by the appearance of swelling in the legs. In this case, the lower legs swell more. In such a situation, swelling spreads in an upward direction - from bottom to top. The legs become looser and look swollen. When you press on the skin from above with your finger, a small indentation remains, which disappears in a few seconds.

Some kidney pathologies are accompanied by pain in the lumbar region. It usually intensifies when changing body position or walking quickly. A distinctive manifestation of urinary tract diseases is the persistence of pain in the lower back even at rest.

The occurrence of such a symptom should be a mandatory reason to contact a urologist.

Expectant mothers usually detect the appearance of protein in their urine on their own. In this case, they notice that the urine becomes more cloudy. In such a situation, a whitish suspension appears in it. Usually this symptom manifests itself well in late pregnancy.

High body temperature is an extremely unfavorable symptom, especially during pregnancy.

If given clinical sign combined with pain in the lower back and cloudy urine, then most likely it indicates the presence of aggravated kidney or urinary tract diseases in the body of a pregnant woman.

With a fairly severe exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis Body temperature during pregnancy rises to 38 degrees. This condition is extremely unfavorable and requires urgent treatment. In some cases, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be hospitalized in a hospital to prevent the development of many dangerous conditions for the fetus.

Causes of protein in urine

A variety of causative factors can lead to the development of this condition.

Functional proteinuria can develop as a result of existing curvatures in the lumbar spine.

This clinical variant is also called lordotic. It occurs due to the presence of a pronounced curvature in the lower back. In some cases, even collecting urine in an upright position can contribute to protein loss. In order to exclude this, doctors recommend collecting material for research while sitting. You can also collect urine lying down.

This type of orthostatic (vertical) proteinuria is usually recorded in morning portions. If the analysis is collected in the evening, then the protein may not appear. Typically, this clinical type of proteinuria develops in tall, thin women, as well as in expectant mothers who have not yet turned 20 years old.

Doctors note that After intense physical activity, the amount of protein in the urine increases significantly. In later stages, the appearance of this substance in the urinary sediment can even lead to climbing several stairs. In this case, to get reliable result Before collecting urine, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity a couple of days before going to the laboratory.

Quite often the development of proteinuria leads to severe dehydration. This condition can develop due to severe vomiting. Quite often, this pathology manifests itself in pregnant women with toxicosis. This condition can occur in several trimesters of pregnancy at once. The appearance of protein in the urine may also be a consequence of viral or bacterial infections. Usually, before this symptom appears, a sick pregnant woman’s body temperature rises greatly. This condition can also appear after severe hypothermia.

Doctors also note a rather specific type of proteinuria, which is called stagnant. It develops due to the fact that during pregnancy, pronounced phenomena of blood stagnation begin to occur in the hemodynamics of the pelvis. This occurs due to the strong pressure of the uterus on nearby organs.

Errors in diet quite often contribute to the fact that severe metabolic disorders begin to develop in the female body. Usually the development of this condition leads to excessive consumption of various protein products, especially of animal origin. If, while taking an excessive amount of protein, a pregnant woman also eats a lot of salty and canned foods, this leads to a significant progression of this condition.

In some cases, proteinuria may develop and for a number of diseases of the urinary system. Such pathologies include renal amyloidosis, chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, as well as various neoplasms and cysts that form in the kidney tissue. Many also lead to damage to the organs of the excretory system. autoimmune diseases. Systemic lupus erythematosus and vascular vasculitis lead to disruption of renal blood flow, which will ultimately lead to large amounts of protein appearing in the urinary sediment.

Doctors note that the development of this pathological condition may be preceded by a strong immunological imbalance that occurs between the mother and her unborn baby. Severe immune inflammation causes swelling to appear on the expectant mother's body.

Types of violations that occur

Doctors distinguish several clinical types of proteinuria, which can occur during pregnancy. This classification helps doctors determine in which specific case treatment will be required.

About functional proteinuria

A slight loss of protein into the urine is called functional proteinuria. This condition is registered in pregnant women if the protein levels in their urine do not exceed 0.14 g/liter. This condition merely indicates initial disturbances in the metabolic processes occurring in the body. This phenomenon is in most cases transient. It can develop several times during pregnancy. An increase in protein in the urine is already an extremely unfavorable symptom., indicating the progression of metabolic disorders.

The development of this condition in a pregnant woman can be caused by the most different reasons. These include hernias and pinched intervertebral nerves, increasing pressure in the ureters (especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters), hypermobility of the kidneys and nephroptosis, severe psycho-emotional stress or inadequate physical activity. In these cases, you can get rid of the unfavorable manifestation without the help of any medications.

To correct developed disorders, only strict adherence to a certain diet and normalization of the daily routine are required.

The gynecologist together with the therapist compiles a complex general recommendations which a pregnant woman must strictly observe while carrying a baby.

About pathological proteinuria

Doctors talk about the development of this condition if the protein in the urine reaches 0.25-0.3 g/liter. The development of such a pathological condition is usually caused by exacerbation of chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Quite often it happens that the expectant mother did not even know before pregnancy that she was suffering from these pathologies. Many of the diseases of the urinary system are quite long time are “silent” and appear only during times of increased stress on the body. This period is precisely pregnancy.

It should be noted that not only kidney or urinary tract diseases can lead to the development of this pathological condition in a pregnant woman. Existing diseases of cardio-vascular system and diabetes mellitus also provoke loss in the urine large quantity protein during pregnancy.

In later stages, strong pressure from the uterus on the blood vessels leads to the development of this condition. In this case, blood flow in the renal arteries is also disrupted. This contributes to the fact that urine filtration is slightly impaired.

About false-positive proteinuria

Doctors exclude this condition when protein appears in a general urine test in a pregnant woman, but there are no various diseases kidneys and urinary tract. In this case, its values ​​usually do not exceed 0.055 g/liter. This condition is not caused by kidney and urinary tract diseases, but by violations of personal hygiene rules. Irregular morning and evening washing may result in small amounts of protein appearing in the urine of pregnant women.

To exclude pathological proteinuria Mandatory assessment of other indicators of a general urinalysis is also required. An increase in the number of leukocytes or erythrocytes against the background of altered density indicates that there are some chronic diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract in the body of a pregnant woman. In this case, a mandatory urine culture is also required to exclude the presence of infectious diseases. Women with these disorders must be monitored by a nephrologist or urologist.

Why might this condition be dangerous?

Proteinuria is far from the most dangerous condition during pregnancy. Its long and protracted course is especially unfavorable. In this case, this condition can lead to the development of adverse consequences.

Doctors believe that one of these conditions is development of chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases. As a rule, the first adverse symptoms of these pathologies begin in expectant mothers during pregnancy, then over time these diseases progress and can bother the woman throughout her life.

Preeclampsia is another dangerous pathology, the development of which doctors try to prevent in patients with signs of persistent proteinuria. The development of this pathology can be caused by hypertension or diabetes mellitus that a woman had before pregnancy. In some cases, gestosis develops without previous diseases. This pathology is usually accompanied by massive proteinuria. In this case, a pregnant woman can lose 5 or more grams of protein every day. Such a process will inevitably lead to pronounced metabolic disorders. Ultimately, this will contribute to the development in the unborn baby of signs of insufficiency of placental blood flow or possible emergence intrauterine developmental defects.

Severe proteinuria is a condition that must be treated. This treatment is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist together with a therapist. In some cases, a nephrologist is also involved in making recommendations. This mainly happens in a situation where a pregnant woman has any diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract.

You can remove unfavorable symptoms not only with the help of medications. Doctors recommend that expectant mothers first normalize your daily routine. Pregnant women with signs of persistent proteinuria are advised to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. To improve sleep, you should ventilate the room before going to bed.

During the acute period of the disease, doctors recommend observe bed rest. If the disease is severe enough, then in such a situation the pregnant woman may be hospitalized. Correction of the regime is carried out gradually. All expectant mothers should not be overtired. It is better to postpone active sports and intense physical activity until after childbirth.

In order to reduce swelling and reduce the amount of protein in the urine, it is used special diet. It excludes any canned and pickled foods.

It is also limited salt. Excessive salting of ready-made dishes will only contribute to the appearance of edema on the body.

Drug therapy includes the prescription of sedatives and diuretics. To improve renal blood flow, aminophylline and magnesium sulfate are used. These substances are administered intravenously. This treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

To reduce swelling Doctors prescribe diuretics. They help reduce the volume of circulating fluid in the body. Usually to achieve positive effect small doses of diuretics are used. IN severe cases diuretics can be administered parenterally.

Quite often, proteinuria is accompanied by the development arterial hypertension. In this case, antihypertensive drugs are used to normalize high blood pressure. Their selection is carried out individually, taking into account the initial blood pressure values. These drugs are prescribed by a physician. If a pregnant woman arterial hypertension is accompanied by the development of proteinuria, then in this case it must be registered at the dispensary.

For severe cases, some are used vascular agents. Their use also prevents the development of cerebral edema. Such means include "Reopoliglyukin" and "Mannitol". These drugs are administered intravenously. To improve overall well-being, you may also need a 20% Albumin or plasma solution.

If pathological changes arose due to rheumatological diseases, then in this case a mandatory consultation with a rheumatologist is required. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. In some clinical situations, long-term therapy is required. The appearance of protein in the urine requires the expectant mother to consult a doctor.

To prevent dangerous complications, monitoring and monitoring the development of this condition is imperative. In this case to the expectant mother You will need to visit the clinic a little more often.

During pregnancy, a woman has to take many different tests and examinations. The level of protein in the urine is recorded and measured every visit to a specialist, because the kidney filter does not always cope with its job, and protein in the urine of pregnant women can indicate this.

Delivery Increase analysis
When lactation calcium Diet
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Determination of protein content is an important test for pregnant women. These indicators may indicate kidney disease, or a pathology such as gestosis.

In order to collect the required amount of material for analysis, you need to follow some rules. Not everyone knows how to do this correctly. You will have to prepare in advance not only according to hygiene rules, but it is also important to observe other points.

  1. About a day before collecting the sample, the pregnant woman should protect herself from physical activity. Avoid gymnastics, yoga, etc. You should not eat salty, spicy or meat foods before taking tests. This is necessary in order to obtain correct and accurate information in the future when interpreting tests for the presence of protein in a pregnant woman.
  2. Containers for urine must be sterile; you can purchase special containers at the pharmacy.
  3. Before collection, it is necessary to toilet the genitals.
  4. The samples are collected in the morning, immediately after waking up. Urine is more concentrated, the slightest deviations from the norm will be visible.
  5. Urine should be average, that is, for the first few seconds you need to urinate in the toilet, then collect the required amount of material. Urine must be taken to the laboratory within the first 2 hours.
  6. In order to correctly pass the analysis, it is not advisable to shake the sample, otherwise the decoding may be incorrect.

You can find out about the amount of protein content from the results laboratory research, but you can also determine the presence of protein by eye - if a persistent foam has formed during collection. Recommended to pass reanalysis a week later.

Submission of analysis

Repeated urine collection will allow you to track the dynamics and determine the increased or normal protein content in a pregnant woman.

Decoding the analysis results

Urine healthy person completely eliminates the presence of protein. But during pregnancy, a certain amount of protein in pregnant women is considered normal. With a content of more than 300 mg of the substance (per day), we can say that the girls’ body undergoes various changes. More often this indicates the presence of pathology; they are associated with kidney function.

At in good condition daily norm should be about 0.08 grams (up to 0.2 grams when physical activity or emotional stress). A reading not exceeding 0.14 g/l is considered normal. In order to constantly monitor the female body for the presence of globulin, the pregnant woman should be observed by a gynecologist or urologist. A .

The more protein the body contains, the greater the danger it poses to the unborn child. After detecting an increase in protein in the urine, the first thing a pregnant woman needs to do is to examine herself for swelling (face, legs, eyelids). Press on inner part shins, if the hole quickly straightens out, then there is no swelling, and vice versa.

You also need to measure your blood pressure and, if the readings are more than 135 to 85, you need to contact a specialist. The absence of these symptoms indicates that this is not gestosis, and the woman has time to take tests again.

Acceptable substance content

Treatment of a pregnant woman

If the analysis results show a substance content of more than 0.033 g/l, this means that the woman needs treatment. Such indicators indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. When diagnosing pyelonephritis, specialists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics to pregnant women.

In the laboratory

If a woman has an acute or chronic form of the disease, she is prescribed antibiotics. To eliminate renal congestion, it is recommended to sleep on your back, move more and perform some gymnastic exercises allowed during pregnancy. The increased content of the substance quickly decreases.

If there is no decrease in protein in the urine, then perhaps the cause is more serious, for example, gestosis. Treatment in pregnant women is much more difficult. Specialists ensure that the level of indicators stabilizes and maintain its normal content until the moment of birth. In such a situation, it is often possible to carry a child to full term, but the threat of miscarriage will remain throughout the pregnancy.

To prevent the appearance of globulin in tests, a woman must follow a diet that excludes or contains a small amount of salts, and should also avoid fatty, smoked foods. You should avoid coffee, strong tea, and carbonated drinks. A good drink for prevention is lingonberry, cranberry juice and various herbal infusions.

Eat more fresh vegetables and herbs. Move more, take walks fresh air. You also need to monitor your weight and blood pressure. All this will help control the increase in protein in a woman’s urine during pregnancy.

The main reasons for the increase in indicators

An increase in normal values ​​during pregnancy may indicate not only the presence of pathology. This may be the result of improper urine collection, or normal physiology may be the cause. For example, on the eve of the collection, a woman consumed a lot of foods containing globulin (cottage cheese, eggs, milk, etc.).

Avoid dairy products before testing

Physical activity, anxiety - all this can cause the formation of protein in the urine. In this case, re-collection will bring clarity. If, nevertheless, the analysis shows an increase in the norm, then the reasons may be pathological.

The main and most common cause is gestosis (late toxicosis in pregnant women). Another reason for the appearance of protein in the urine may not be such a severe and dangerous pathology as a problem with kidney function.

An increase occurs in diabetes mellitus, if a woman has heart failure, hypertension, or kidney infection. A small content of the substance with leukocytes and microbes may indicate pyelonephritis. In this case, women experience painful sensations on the lumbar area, painful urination, fever or intoxication. The combination of globulin with red blood cells is a sign of glomerulonephritis (urine has a brick color).

Consequences of increased content

The concentration of the substance primarily indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the female body, or more precisely, the genitourinary system. This may be an acquired disease or an exacerbation of an existing pathology. Protein in the urine of a pregnant woman may mean that the woman is at risk of serious consequences, or simply indicate that she is overtired. Why is it dangerous?


Often during pregnancy, a slight excess of the normal protein content in a woman's urine is caused by eating foods rich in protein. In addition, proteinuria during pregnancy can be caused by a large physical activity, stress, taking certain medications on the eve of the upcoming laboratory analysis.

Therefore, it is important for a pregnant woman to have a repeat urine test. If it is discovered again increased protein in the transcript of the analysis , then the doctor will prescribe a series additional research to identify the cause of proteinuria.


Although protein is completely absent in the urine of a healthy person, traces of protein may be present in the urea of ​​a pregnant woman due to active work the urinary system, which removes waste products and toxins from both the maternal and developing fetus . Therefore, there is an acceptable norm during a woman’s pregnancy - up to 0.14 grams of protein per liter of urea.

In the table below you can see the most important indicators that correspond to the norm. But for a pregnant woman, these urine test data may be slightly different.


In order to determine the amount of protein in the urine during pregnancy, a woman must take general analysis.


One of the most common causes of high protein levels in urine is development of preeclampsia both in the early and late stages of gestation. Kidney problems almost always cause proteinuria;

Another reason is the development of diabetes in pregnant women. In diabetes, the urine contains increased levels of albumin;

Mechanical impact various kinds injuries in the kidney area;

Glomerulonephritis caused by lupus erythematosus, nephropathy or pyelonephritis. Infectious diseases kidney;

Connective tissue pathologies during pregnancy;

Actively developing arterial hypertension in a pregnant woman ;

Various pathological formations in the kidneys (cysts, tumors);

Severe burns and toxic poisoning;

Hypothermia of the body during long period time;

Multiple myeloma leads to the appearance higher level M-protein in urea;

After a course of chemotherapy, there may be a lot of protein in the urine;

Severe allergic reactions;

Chronic heart failure;

Inflammatory and pathological processes in the ureter, urethra or bladder;

toxicosis in the third trimester of pregnancy may cause a slight increase in the amount of protein in the urine above normal.


If a general urine test during pregnancy reveals a slight increase in protein, then proteinuria can be reduced by revising the woman’s diet . Avoid smoked and salty foods, and do not drink large quantities of water.

It is very useful to take special medicinal decoctions. But before taking homemade remedies, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to harm the baby in the womb.

One of the effective folk remedies for the treatment of proteinuria during pregnancy is a decoction of lingonberry leaf. Cranberry juice also helps reduce protein levels in the urine.

Significantly increased protein in the urine cannot be treated folk ways! Only a doctor prescribes a course of appropriate treatment after identifying the cause of proteinuria! Self-medication can lead to further development illness and miscarriage.


Below you will find the most popular folk remedies that can be used to reduce the protein content in the urine. You will learn how to prepare various decoctions, make infusions, and also improve the functioning of the urinary system using bee bread and propolis:

Once again we would like to remind you that during pregnancy it is necessary to coordinate any healing methods with your doctor. Folk remedies cannot replace the main course of treatment for the corresponding disease if a urine test reveals a lot of protein!

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During the period of bearing a child, any test results that differ from the norm require immediate diagnosis and careful monitoring of the woman’s condition. Increased protein in the urine during pregnancy is an alarming sign for expectant mother at any stage of pregnancy. The appearance of such a symptom often ends in hospitalization and treatment of the pregnant woman in an inpatient setting.

When is protein in the urine of a pregnant woman dangerous and how to avoid this condition?

Why is it so important to pay attention if you have protein in your urine during pregnancy?

Protein in urine - what does it mean?

In the human body, all fluid passes through the kidney filtration and ends up in the urinary sediment. Therefore, urine normally contains a small amount of proteins, leukocytes and red blood cells.

What does protein in urine mean during pregnancy? In pregnant women, the load on the kidneys increases, which is facilitated by the uterus, an increase in the volume of blood passing through the kidneys, etc. During the period of bearing a child, the genitourinary system works “for two” - it removes toxic substances and decay products from the body of the mother and fetus.

During pregnancy, women may develop mild proteinuria (increased protein in the urine) under the influence of physiological factors or as a result of the development of severe pathological conditions. Therefore, any deviations in the results of a urine test serve as a reason for a thorough examination of the pregnant woman.

Important! Acceptable indicator the protein level, which is not pathological, is 0.033 g/liter. These are the so-called “traces of protein in the urine”, if detected, a woman should not fear for her health.

Proteinuria is classified depending on the severity of the pregnant woman’s condition and the reasons for the appearance of protein:

  • Functional proteinuria. Minor deviations are observed (0.034-0.14 g/liter), indicating minor metabolic disturbances in the pregnant woman. In this case, the woman does not experience any signs of malaise, and the pregnancy progresses normally. Protein levels can either increase periodically or return to normal on their own. The condition is considered benign and can be corrected by changing daily routine and diet.
  • Pathological proteinuria. If the norm of protein in urine during pregnancy exceeds 0.25 g/liter, then we are talking about the development of pathological conditions. The initial cause of this condition is inflammation of the genitourinary system and kidneys, disorders of the cardiovascular system, tumors in the adrenal glands and kidneys. This is a dangerous condition that requires immediate treatment.
  • False-positive proteinuria. When protein in the urine is increased during pregnancy, but no signs of disease are detected in the woman, this condition is differentiated as false proteinuria. The reasons are: improper collection of urine, insufficient hygiene, infections in the genitals.

Despite the form of proteinuria and the reasons for the increase in protein in the urine, a woman with such indicators in the analysis is at risk and must be registered with a nephrologist.

Norms of protein in urine

Normally, protein should not be present in urine during pregnancy. The appearance of protein in the urine exceeding the permissible level - danger sign, indicating kidney dysfunction. Therefore, the woman undergoes a thorough examination and undergoes additional tests in order to diagnose the pathology in time and exclude it. Negative influence per child.

Protein in urine during pregnancy: norm, table

If daily analysis exceeds the norm, repeated urine collection is prescribed, while it is recommended to follow the rules for urine collection, adjust the diet and eliminate stressful situations before the examination. If repeated collection of material shows a high concentration of protein in a urine test, the pregnant woman is prescribed an examination of the genitourinary system in order to exclude or identify possible inflammatory processes.

Note! Protein levels may increase as pregnancy progresses due to increased stress on the mother's body. In some cases ( multiple pregnancy) a level of 0.14 g/liter is considered acceptable in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Deviations from the norm:

  • Up to 1 g/day – mild degree proteinuria;
  • Up to 3 g/day – average degree;
  • More than 3g/day – severe.

With moderate and severe proteinuria, a woman must be placed in a hospital setting, because this condition poses a threat to her health and the life of the fetus.

It is important to take care of your health during pregnancy and remember that when visiting antenatal clinic you should be tested for the presence of protein in your urine

How to test urine for protein

Daily protein in urine is determined by a general blood test, which is included in the list of mandatory tests during pregnancy.

  • To prevent the result from becoming a false positive, you should follow special recommendations when collecting urine:
  • On the eve of the test, you should limit your consumption of salty, sour, spicy and meat foods.
  • Before collecting urine, careful hygiene of the genitals should be carried out.
  • To collect urine, it is better to purchase a special one. Plastic container at the pharmacy.
  • The container should be filled with an average portion of urine: for the first few seconds you need to urinate in the toilet, then collect the urine in a container (approximately 50 g).
  • The material for analysis should be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after the urine was collected.
  • If any vaginal discharge is present, a cotton swab should be used to prevent it from entering the collection container.

A protein test is performed at every visit.

Causes of protein in urine in pregnant women

The appearance of protein in the urine is not a disease, but a consequence of the development pathological processes in organism. However, they can provoke proteinuria various factors external influences that are not associated with the occurrence of diseases and that can be easily eliminated by changing conditions and lifestyle.

Non-dangerous physiological causes of proteinuria:

  • Improper urine collection (lack of personal hygiene, unsterile collection container).
  • Nutritional features of a pregnant woman - eating high-protein foods (milk, full-fat cottage cheese, poultry, etc.) on the eve of the test. Typically, this situation occurs in pregnant women who are having “protein” fasting days before collecting urine.
  • Excessive physical stress (overexertion, fatigue, inadequate sleep, insufficient rest) and psycho-emotional nature (anxiety, stress, etc.).
  • Taking certain medications that affect the composition of urine.
  • Excessive fluid intake (increases water load to the liver).

TO physiological reasons The appearance of protein in the urine also refers to the normal process of uterine growth during pregnancy. On urinary tract and the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the kidneys, which impedes their blood supply. This condition is not dangerous, but requires constant monitoring.

There are also more serious causes of proteinuria, especially if they are present stably high performance protein in urine. These may be pathologies of the genitourinary system, congestion, gestosis of varying severity. Any of these pathological conditions requires careful diagnosis and immediate specialized treatment.

In order for the results of urine tests to be reliable, you need to follow the rules for taking tests and do not forget about basic hygiene before the procedure

Pathological causes protein in urine:

  • . This is a kidney pathology of an infectious nature, accompanied by chills, high fever, and lower back pain. In addition to protein, red blood cells and white blood cells can be found in the urine during pregnancy.
  • . Inflammation Bladder, characterized by a frequent urge to urinate.
  • Glomerulonephritis. Acute infectious process in the kidneys. In the urine, the content of leukocytes, protein and red blood cells is increased, and the urine itself acquires a slightly reddish tint.
  • Polycystic kidney disease. Genetic disease, which is chronic and severe.

In late pregnancy, proteinuria occurs for the same reasons as in the first months of gestation. However, at this time a dangerous condition such as gestosis is added to them. It usually develops after 34 weeks of pregnancy, but can also occur at 20 weeks, which indicates a severe course of the disease.

Preeclampsia is characterized by deterioration of the kidneys, brain and blood vessels of a pregnant woman, the appearance of protein in the urine and increased arterial blood pressure. During late pregnancy, such symptoms are accompanied by severe swelling of the extremities.

Important! Preeclampsia in the later stages is diagnosed in 10-15% of pregnant women. The disease is usually observed in multiple and first pregnancies.

Preeclampsia in severe forms can lead to placental abruption, convulsions, abnormal development of the fetus and its death.

Symptoms of proteinuria development

Manifestations of proteinuria depend on the cause that caused it. If the appearance of the protein is associated with the proliferation of pathogenic flora and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, women may experience the following symptoms:

  • Chronic weakness;
  • Pain in the kidney area;
  • Decreased ability to work;
  • Frequency of urination;
  • Sudden attacks of vomiting;
  • Increased blood pressure.

With gestosis, a woman’s condition sharply worsens - in the third trimester, gestosis can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Swelling of the limbs;
  • Violation of hormone production;
  • Convulsions;
  • Deterioration of fetal development indicators.

Visually, protein can be detected if flakes and heavy sediment are present in the urine when taking a morning urine sample.

The danger of the presence of protein in urine

If a pregnant woman has protein in her urine, the woman will be advised to regularly visit a gynecologist and nephrologist. Constant medical supervision will help prevent dangerous consequences proteinuria.

For proteinuria that is permanent and not temporary, especially if protein levels are constantly increasing, the woman is hospitalized and transferred under constant observation to a hospital setting. IN difficult situations the woman may be offered termination of pregnancy.

Why is protein in urine dangerous for a pregnant woman?

  • Kidney failure;
  • Child developmental defects
  • Attachment of purulent inflammation;
  • Blood poisoning;
  • Oxygen starvation of a child;
  • Infection of the placenta and fetus;
  • Premature birth.

Any disorders accompanied by an increase in protein in the urine of a pregnant woman require immediate medical intervention, because constitute a danger to the health and life of the baby and the expectant mother.


Before starting treatment for proteinuria, the doctor determines the cause of the presence of protein in the urine. If the condition is not associated with diseases, then therapeutic measures come down to normalizing lifestyle:

  • Following a certain diet that excludes chocolate, citrus fruits, strong tea, coffee, fatty, smoked, salty and spicy foods.
  • Inclusion in the menu of a large number of fruits, vegetables, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks.
  • Adjust the amount of fluid consumed: excessive amounts of fluid provoke swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine.
  • Avoid excess fluid loss - do not stay under direct lines for long periods of time. sun rays or in a very hot room.
  • Do an exercise to relieve the work of the liver - every day, at least 5-6 times a day, take a knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes. This reduces pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system, which is especially important in recent months pregnancy.

If blood pressure increases, in order to prevent gestosis, a pregnant woman should keep a special diary in which blood pressure readings in the morning and evening are recorded, as well as the reasons that caused it (overload, fatigue, physical or mental work).

Note! A slight increase in protein does not require hospitalization and therapeutic measures are carried out at home. In case of gestosis, the woman must be admitted to a hospital.

To prevent gestosis in a pregnant woman, plant-based medications are prescribed - Phytosilin, Canephron, decoctions of lingonberry leaves, cranberries, rose hips, etc.

In case of infectious pathologies of the kidneys, a woman is prescribed anti-inflammatory and diuretic herbal medicines.

For acute and chronic forms glomerulonephritis and the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Increased protein in the urine (proteinuria) is a condition that requires special attention, even general health the woman is satisfactory and the pregnant woman does not express any complaints. During pregnancy, protein analysis is important indicator, and any deviation from the norm is a reason to consult a doctor.
