How to look well-groomed for everyone. Golden rules for a well-groomed woman of any age

Want to look like a star? Then take into account the 5 rules of a well-groomed woman.

Actresses, models, famous media people literally amaze us from the covers of magazines and TV screens with their well-groomed appearance. On the one hand, this is explained by their capabilities. Stylish well-groomed appearance can also be called part of their work, so visiting salons for them is something akin to professional duties.

But on the other hand, it is not impossible for a mother and wife, without being a celebrity, to look stylish, well-groomed and expensive. And today we will tell you 5 simple tips how to achieve this.

1. Your skin should be perfect

Healthy glowing skin is the first sign of well-groomed skin. Therefore, skin care should be given close attention. And most importantly, care should be regular. It is naive to assume that one mask once a week will make you young and beautiful. It should be looked after daily.

  • First, remember to cleanse your skin properly. Tone and moisturize it. When using skin care products, apply lighter products first and then thicker ones. This ensures their better absorption, penetration and impact.
  • Secondly, get into the habit of studying the composition of cosmetic products before purchasing. Choose products that contain peptides. These elements contribute intensive hydration and stimulate collagen production.
  • Thirdly, scrubs and masks should also be present in your arsenal. With their help, it is possible to narrow pores, get rid of dead cells, moisturize and nourish the skin. However, they should be used wisely to avoid damaging the skin and not cause irritation. We recommend that you pay attention to fabric masks. This deep hydration and maximum nutrition that will give your skin radiance.

2. Working on the eyebrows

It’s not surprising, but it’s the eyebrows Special attention paid by modern makeup artists. Actually, imagine a face on which the eyes and lips are beautifully emphasized, but at the same time the eyebrows are practically invisible or have different shapes. Agree, such a picture will ruin the overall impression.

Today the emphasis is on naturalness. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is take care of the growth and thickness of your eyebrows. For this you can use folk remedies or special cosmetics offered on the market. Also cosmetic companies offer products and various devices to make eyebrow care easier.

Next important point- choose the right eyebrow shape. Again, don’t forget about naturalness. And to determine perfect shape for your face, use the following method: take a pencil, apply it to the wing of your nose and place the other end near the outer iris - this will be the most high point eyebrows, where the arch begins. Using the same pencil, determine the direction from the wing of your nose to the outer corner of your eyes - this will be the end of the eyebrow.

3. Moisturize your lips

Lips are another element that immediately attracts attention. They should not be weathered or cracked. Use scrubs and special nourishing balms for lip care.

You can prepare the scrub yourself using this recipe: thoroughly mix a teaspoon of honey and sugar, add a few drops olive oil. Use the composition no more than once a week.

4. Hair and volume

Healthy, radiant and voluminous hair- a real decoration for any woman. It is very important to choose the right care products. Don't forget to apply periodically nourishing masks. Visits to the hairdresser should be regular. Trimming the ends is one of the mandatory methods of care.

5. Well-groomed hands and nails

The skin of your hands requires careful moisturizing and care. It is our hands that can primarily reveal our age. Therefore, they should be nourished and moisturized no less diligently than the skin of the face.

The next important point is manicure. Ungroomed nails instantly catch the eye, and in such a situation it is already difficult to talk about stylishness and ideality. Nails should be of equal length, without burrs or unkempt cuticle edges. Even if it is not possible to visit regularly nail salon, take care of home care. Use cuticle care products and get a good manicure set.

And finally, remember the most important thing women's jewelry- smile!

The famous designer Yves Saint Laurent said: “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.”. But it turns out that this is not enough to become truly well-groomed lady.

Editorial "So simple!" compiled a list of 20 golden tips, following which a woman will look one hundred percent. If you stick to these rules, they will soon become yours. good habits. You will become much more confident in yourself, and others will notice it.

20 golden rules of beauty

You don't have to have a lot of money to look well-groomed. These are just excuses. Try to follow these 20 golden rules, you will look fabulous and you will become more confident. The result will not take long to arrive.

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

Today, I want to raise a question that worries the minds of women all over the world - how to look well-groomed, what needs to be done for this and how to be such that, looking at you, everyone you meet says: “What a well-groomed girl!”

Not everyone can be beautiful and slim, but every woman must be well-groomed. It seems to me that every person should take care of their external and internal beauty.

How to be a well-groomed and beautiful girl: step-by-step steps

In fact, there is certain rules and you just need to adhere to them. I will not discover America for you, but will simply put together the main actions, stages, so to speak, that every girl should adhere to Everyday life, don’t forget about them and then everything will be just perfect!

Stage 1: hands and nails

In reality, sometimes everything is banal: there are the main signs of our appearance, by which anyone can distinguish well-groomed girl from a slob. As the great Coco Chanel said: "hands are business card girls, her neck is her passport, and her chest is her international passport.” It is the hands that are the first thing that catches the interlocutor’s eye. It happens:

  • when you gesture;
  • holding out or showing something;
  • during a lecture or interview when you need to point out something;
  • at the moment when you are holding the phone in your hands and the interlocutor’s gaze willy-nilly slide over your fingers;
  • or finally, when you simply extend your hand for a handshake.

Hands are always noticeable, they are always visible and attract attention. It is obvious that unkempt cuticles, dry and cracked skin, sloppy and untidy always create unpleasant firsts impressions about a person. If this is your goal, then you can bite your nails, cut them different lengths, do not file or moisten.

Take care of your hands if you want to look well-groomed.

However, if you are one of the ladies who prefers to look presentable and well-groomed (and I have no doubt that you belong to this category), then naturally you need to constantly make sure that you have. Of course, it can be very difficult and time-consuming to constantly renew and repaint the varnish, especially when you work a lot and want to relax after a day of work rather than study similar cases– but it's definitely worth it.

If you can’t repaint and renew the coating in time, then there are always simple tricks, for example, touch up the chipped areas and cover the top top coating or apply glitter on top. This will refresh the manicure and hide the resulting defects.

Make it a rule: if you urgently need to run somewhere, you don’t have enough time and your manicure is not perfect - be sure to wipe it off, moisturize your hands with cream, moisturize your cuticles and go with your nails unpainted. Believe me, your hands will look much more beautiful and well-groomed than they would with a manicure that is not the first freshness.

It is very important to keep the skin of your nails, hands and cuticles in good condition and carry oil or some kind of moisturizer with you. Fortunately, now there is a huge mass of all kinds of hand creams in compact containers that are easy to carry with you and use anywhere as needed.

In addition to manicure, you should also pay attention to pedicure. It doesn’t matter that it is not always visible, however, your man can see it, who will not be pleased to see unkempt nails and rough heels. In addition, this is important from a hygienic point of view, especially in summer.

Stage 2: hair

The next point, which is no less important than hands and nails, if not even more important, because any beautiful girl could ruin dirty head, undyed roots, unkempt hairstyle - after all, hair creates your first visual portrait, which will be etched in the memory of your interlocutor even before he sees your hands. And in this sense, it is very important to ensure that your hair is always clean and tidy. If you don’t have time to wash your hair and need to run urgently, put it in a ponytail or apply dry shampoo (although many stylists recommend it as a temporary alternative to washing your hair, I would still recommend using it in extreme cases).

Take care of your hair.

If you dye your hair, it is very important to dye the roots and trim the ends in time so that the ends of the hair do not split and have better volume. There is also erroneous opinion that in order to grow long hair. Unfortunately, it is not. If you do not trim the ends of your hair regularly, they will look untidy and dull, since the ends will be split, uneven, and stick out to the sides, which is most noticeable on undyed hair. At least once or twice every three months, trim the ends and give your hair a finished look, because no matter how long it is, no matter how chic the color it is, all efforts will come to naught due to ugly hair ends.

External beauty and well-groomed appearance allows a woman to feel confident.

It’s also worth saying a few words about deleting excess hair on the body. You can do this both in the salon and at home - it all depends on the abundance of your hair in places unacceptable for a woman and your skills in removing them. There are a lot of ways - from basic shaving to waxing. However, I still recommend the latter.

Stage 3: facial skin

The next one is very important point, it is the skin of the face that reveals our lifestyle. At the age of 20, there is still a lot that can be forgiven - alcohol, lack of sleep, partying until the morning and cigarettes - the skin of a young girl can withstand all these blows. However, by the age of 30, your skin will not forgive you for this. Like a litmus test, it will reflect all your “sins” by broadcasting them on public view on your facial skin, like a film projector on a white canvas.

Before going to bed, wipe your face with toner and be sure to remove daytime makeup.

No matter how much many beauty bloggers say that the color and tone of the face largely depends on a well-chosen cream, the main role still plays healthy sleep, nutrition and timely hydration of the skin – drinking plenty of fluids and hydration. All our beauty and healthy appearance be built on these three pillars:

  1. Try to follow the regime and get enough sleep, even if your work or study does not allow you to do this - try to find the time. You may have to give up night parties, long get-togethers with girlfriends or friends - your skin will not forget such care and will definitely repay you with a radiant and healthy appearance.
  2. Compose balanced diet and follow a specific eating schedule. Avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods. Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables and berries - these can also be dried fruits out of season (dried apricots, prunes, raisins). Foods that are high in fiber and iron are especially beneficial. In addition to vitamins, eat foods rich in microelements - legumes, red fish, porcini mushrooms, chocolate, walnuts and dairy products.
  3. Drink as much water as possible during the day - 1 liter in autumn and winter, at least 2 liters in spring and summer. Moisturizing creams and serums are also very important in facial skin care. Wash your face at least in the morning and evening - you don’t want to catch any infection from the dust or dirt that settles on your skin during the day. Be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed - otherwise, skip a couple of days and you risk getting a rash or breakouts on your face.

Take care of your face from a young age and better spend money on cosmetic care products instead of momentary whims - a dress, T-shirt or. After a while, you will thank yourself.

Stage 4: eyebrows

Eyebrows also play an important role in organizing a well-groomed appearance. This is the frame of our face, eyes, and eyes are our mirror of the soul. In addition, it is now in fashion to have prominent and well-groomed eyebrows. There are a lot of techniques and tricks on how to completely change your facial expression using eyebrows and eye makeup, giving your appearance a completely different look. To do this, you need to constantly pluck them, shape them, and, if necessary, tint them.

Not no beautiful women- there are lazy people.

Fortunately, now the trend is towards naturalness, so you can stick to your natural shape eyebrows, pluck in the middle, along the very growth of the eyebrows. It’s not difficult to keep your eyebrows well-groomed yourself, so save money and don’t go to a cosmetologist for this. By the way, the master in the salon will not always do this job better than you.

Forms fashionable eyebrows in this season.

Stage 5: clothes and shoes

Naturally, it should be clean and well-groomed, not to mention well-chosen for your figure and up-to-date. Clothes, just like shoes, should be ironed and repaired (if necessary), this applies specifically to shoes, because they are beautiful and attractive full picture about a woman, just like a watch or a suit about a man.

An example of a stylish and rich-looking girl without special costs.

Stage 6: Makeup

To complete the look, you need to have a light, neutral makeup. And this in no way applies to “war paint” or other analogues of evening makeup. It should be an airy, neutral makeup when you apply translucent powder, emphasized the eyelashes, applied lip gloss or whatever you like best. In fact, light makeup for a woman this is a sign good manners according to etiquette. And we should not appear in society completely without it. Obviously there are exceptions that concern household needs when we go out to buy groceries, take out the trash or walk the dog.

An example of a light, natural, but beautiful make-up.

Stage 7: perfume

We summarize with the last stage, which includes good perfume. Without a beautiful aroma, a woman will not be a woman. This is very important detail especially for evening wear, when a splash of your favorite scent completes the look. This stroke shows female individuality, emphasizes the uniqueness of the image. The unique aroma of perfume, which can say much more about a woman than her appearance itself, will remain in the memory of those around her for a long time.

Stage 8: Time Management

In order to get everything done, you should plan your schedule for the upcoming week in advance, especially if you have children/study/work. For example, spend one day doing laundry, ironing and other household chores. Set aside another day for beauty treatments - manicure, pedicure, cosmetic procedures, as well as what gives you pleasure personally - reading, favorite music, watching your favorite movie. Be sure to find time for sports 2-3 times a week. You don’t need to go to the gym for this - just some basic exercises in the mornings or evenings for 30-40 minutes and you will always be in good shape. Well, if you manage to find time for jogging, consider yourself lucky!

Stylish looks: how to look well-groomed and rich.

These were all the points that I collected for you and which every girl should definitely use to look expensive and well-groomed every day without special expenses. This big job and labor and in no case should you ignore all the steps listed above if you want to produce good impression, make acquaintances - find young man, life partner - you need to be well-groomed and beautiful. The degree to which others perceive you depends on the level and degree of grooming. This increases your value to the opposite sex.

To always look well-groomed, remember one of key rules: You need to take care of yourself regularly, regardless of the circumstances, and do it for yourself, and not on occasion. For example, some women do pedicures only in the summer, during the season open shoes, because in winter “no one can see it anyway.” This example is very indicative and clearly characterizes a lady who can hardly be called well-groomed. Basic procedures– from manicure to hair removal – should be performed on a regular basis. Life is unpredictable, and even in the January cold you have a chance to unexpectedly find yourself on a tropical island or, at least, in a swimming pool. It will be very disappointing if you have to refuse a tempting offer because hair removal was not done on time.

IN cosmetic care There is a concept of “routine”. This is a set of manipulations that are performed almost automatically every day. As a rule, these actions take a minimum of time; their implementation requires the same aids. Each woman has her own routine: some limit themselves to cleansing the skin and applying cream, others, in addition to this, make masks every day, use serums and perform self-massage of the face. One way or another, these regular procedures help you look well-groomed at any time.

Necessary little things

Always carry a cosmetic bag with you containing SOS products in order to maintain your appearance at the proper level. Place matting wipes in it, cotton pads, lip balm, deodorant, dental floss, toothpaste and brush. Use mini versions or product samples so it doesn't take up a lot of space. Some products can be multifunctional, so be sure to pay attention to them. For example, unrefined oil shea in a small jar: this one unique product will help soften lips or chapped skin, and if you apply a small amount to your fingertips, even unkempt nails will look shiny and dry cuticles will look moisturized.

Often girls take with them a huge travel bag, with which they can do full makeup, which is what they do on the road or at work. Of course, this is, at a minimum, disrespectful towards others, and therefore all procedures should be done at home. During the day, it is enough to just correct the flaws so that the make-up does not look unkempt. By the way, so that you have almost no reasons to worry about the condition of the cosmetics on your face, follow long lasting makeup. Eyeshadow base, fixative foundation, lipstick with a dry texture - these little things will allow you not to worry about stains on your face and smeared cosmetics.

Try to protect yourself from typical unpleasant situations, due to which important meeting you may come with a hole in your stockings or a broken heel on your shoe. Always keep in your car or at work a spare pair of shoes, a needle and thread, new tights, wet wipes, nail polish remover, manicure set, adhesive plaster.

In extreme cases, ladies are embarrassed to run out to the bakery without makeup, or for many decades they get up an hour and a half before their husband wakes up to clean up the mess. Of course, everyone chooses their own lifestyle. This publication in women's magazine JustLady is not dedicated to exposing hot advocates of 24-hour make-up - it is intended for those women who want look naturally beautiful and well-groomed without makeup.

Step one. Psychological readiness

Anyone external change preceded by an internal process. Believing that you can look beautiful without makeup may not be so easy. The reason for this is not only prejudice - after all, one often hears the opinion that a woman cannot live without an ounce of cosmetics. look well-groomed a-priory. You need to be prepared for the “withdrawal syndrome” of makeup - if you have been applying foundation, blush, eyelashes and lips every morning for several years in a row, you may have to get used to the sight of your own face without makeup in daylight for some time. Well, meet the new you—the real you. Don’t forget that during “withdrawal syndrome” you will seem paler and more expressionless, not because it is so, but in contrast to your usual “on parade” appearance.

In addition, tested: 2-4 weeks after quitting decorative cosmetics the color of the face and lips evens out and becomes brighter, the quality of eyebrows and eyelashes also improves.

Step two. Work with sources

Using decorative cosmetics, we essentially paint our face, changing its proportions and the size of its features. When you're ready to look beautiful without makeup, look at yourself through new eyes. Pay special attention to the shape and condition of your eyebrows; It would be better to go to a beauty salon to correct them. If your eyebrows are naturally light and you are used to tinting them at the same time as your eyes, try permanent coloring. It uses gentle dyes; a specialist in the salon will help you choose the optimal shade. It looks more natural than eyebrow pencil or shadow, and, most importantly, even without makeup, a face with beautifully defined eyebrows immediately becomes noticeably more expressive and well-groomed.

Step three. Skin is our everything

To look well-groomed, Must have well-groomed skin. This axiom is both simple and difficult to implement. Yes, decorative cosmetics can disguise some skin defects, but not all of them and far from ideal, and we shouldn’t forget about this either.

To look beautiful without makeup, treat the condition of your skin with the utmost attention: 1-2 times a week, gently cleanse it with a scrub, make masks, regularly visit a cosmetologist, do not try to eliminate acne and inflammation on your own, and, most importantly, accurately dose hygiene procedures: cosmetologists are sure that you should wash your face with water no more than twice a day, and even better, do it only once, before bed, in the morning, limiting yourself to cleansing milk, lotion, or a piece of tonic ice (for example, frozen infusion of green tea, mint, chamomile).

Daytime and night care are equally important: daytime products protect and maintain moisture levels, nighttime products regulate natural regeneration mechanisms.

Step four. Transparent hint

Conscious refusal of decorative cosmetics, of course, does not mean that you should avoid any contact with cosmetics. Dye-free products highlight natural beauty and help look more well-groomed: pay attention to the transparent colorless veil powder, mattifying the skin and giving it a light porcelain effect, transparent caring gel for eyelashes and eyebrows, making the look more open, and, of course, chapstick or transparent gloss.

Step five. The sun – enemy or friend?

Working for the future cannot be written off if you want to look well-groomed long years. Even when it's cloudy outside, be sure to use products that block the harmful rays of the solar spectrum (UVA/UVB), and bright days don't leave home without good ones sunglasses. This habit will help avoid many problems, including unsightly and conspicuous skin pigmentation disorders, the appearance premature wrinkles and photoaging, all kinds of diseases skin. It is typical that sanitary blocks will not prevent your skin from benefiting from walking on the fresh air; just purchased light tan will be really useful.

By the way, if you like the “sun-kissed” effect, use day care products with light pigment: they improve your complexion without clogging pores or creating a mask effect.

Step six. Don't forget about your hair

Gorgeous hair is an important part of the appearance of a well-groomed woman. If you want to look beautiful without makeup, then choose natural shades hair and hairstyles that do not require complex styling. Extreme coloring or an avant-garde haircut line may clash with the lack of cosmetics, remember this.

If you don't have time to condition your hair... perfect order, limit yourself to washing your hair. Cleanly washed and just lying hair is always better than not quite fresh hair that they tried to revive or disguise with styling. Don’t forget to use a conditioner that makes it easier to comb, and at the end of washing, rinse your hair with cool water - this will smooth out the keratin scales and give your hair a natural shine.

Step seven. The path to beauty is through the stomach

Nothing helps like this look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup, like proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake (8-10 glasses per day). A diet rich in fiber stimulates metabolism, helps the body quickly get rid of waste products, a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provides the body with everything necessary for cell growth and repair, pure water maintains optimal fluid balance, ensuring proper blood and lymph circulation. No stagnation means no swelling, puffiness, or oxygen deficiency. Well, good food also gives you energy and improves your mood!

Step eight. Check out the pharmacy

Vitamin C, B vitamins, retinol, silicon, selenium, zinc, biotin - this is not just a listing of the composition vitamin complex, and a list of the main assistants who help look well-groomed at any time of the day or year. All these vitamins and microelements directly affect the condition of your skin, hair, nails and make you more beautiful without makeup in a matter of weeks. But! Be sure to strictly follow the instructions for use vitamin preparations: an overdose will not improve the effect, but will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Step nine. Lips for kisses and smiles

Delicate lip skin deserves separate conversation. For lips to be alluring and sugary, they need attention. Make it a rule to briefly massage your lips with a toothbrush - this will improve blood circulation and remove dead particles. Careful regular peeling using very mild remedy, and secure it - use chapstick With natural oils shea and other valuable nuts. In addition, lips need protection from ultraviolet radiation no less than the rest of the face. And don't forget to smile!

Step ten. Did you get enough sleep? Get some more sleep

It is believed that women need odd number hours of sleep. Each of us can test this experimentally; However, the main thing is not evenness, but sufficient rest. Only regular, good quality sleep guarantees that the nightly skin regeneration cycles will be completed and beneficial. Don’t stay up past midnight, don’t eat spicy or salty foods at night (and don’t eat at night at all), and, if possible, go to bed during the day for 30-60 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on appearance, but also on nervous system, the harmonious state of which is quite important in order to look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup.

Olga Chern
Women's magazine JustLady
