Pregnancy 36 weeks stomach ache. Condition of the expectant mother

By the 36th week of pregnancy, the likelihood of the onset of labor increases, so a woman is advised to prepare for the birth of a baby. On the this period you need to pay special attention to your mental and physical health.

Despite the fact that all the organs and systems of the child have already been formed, he still needs to gain weight, so his birth will still be premature. If the lower abdomen hurts badly at 36 weeks of pregnancy, then you need to consult a doctor to exclude the development of pathology.

Why does the stomach hurt

Abdominal pain during childbearing occurs as a result of the course physiological processes. On the late weeks Pregnancy women tend to exaggerate the intensity of pain, because they are in anticipation of the upcoming birth, and any sensation that has not been observed before, whether it is a violation of the stool or tingling in the lower abdomen, is perceived as the beginning of labor.

But not all future young mothers rush for a consultation with an obstetrician, but wait for the appearance of regular contractions, cork or water discharge, while being sure that pain, nausea or diarrhea is the beginning of the process and childbirth is about to begin.

That is why pregnant women turn to the doctor late with the development of surgical pathology, and this leads to complications. To avoid unnecessary emotional experiences and to prevent the development of complications, a woman should know in which cases she should immediately consult a doctor if pain in the lower abdomen is disturbed at 36 weeks of pregnancy.

natural causes

Many women experience occasional abdominal pain during pregnancy. Discomfort arise as the uterus increases and the ligamentous apparatus that supports it is stretched.

Drawing pains are more intense in those women who have underdeveloped abdominal muscles.

After the twentieth week of pregnancy, the baby begins to move, and the older he gets, the stronger his tremors are felt. The blow can sometimes fall on the organs, while a strong sharp pain, which is gradually decreasing.

With an increase in the fetus, the pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back intensify, as the center of gravity shifts.

The uterus, increasing, begins to put pressure on neighboring organs abdominal cavity, which leads to a violation of their function and deterioration of the digestive process. Hormones that prevent the tone of the uterus, have an effect on the rest of the smooth muscles. As a result, the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach is reduced, the bile ducts do not work so actively, due to which the secret can stagnate.

Therefore, during pregnancy, a violation of the stool often occurs, pancreatitis and / or cholecystitis develops, stones form, heartburn and belching torment.

Against the background of a decrease in the immune defense of the body and a deterioration in the promotion stool the appendix may become inflamed. Appendicitis ranks first among surgical pathologies during pregnancy.

Food habits change during pregnancy and women may eat large amounts of salty, heavy, fatty or inappropriate foods. The enzymatic system does not cope with the incoming substances, hence indigestion, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach.

By the 36th week of pregnancy, abdominal pain during training bouts can become much more noticeable. During such a false contraction, the walls of the uterus contract, but there is no opening of the cervix and discharge of water.

For some, training contractions are painful, the stomach seems to turn to stone, while for others they cause slightly noticeable discomfort, but the contractions are irregular and short-lived, as a rule, begin against the background of emotional stress. Often the pain goes away after a change in body position or a short rest.

At 36 weeks of gestation, the baby has already turned head down, so the stomach drops and no longer presses on the diaphragm, which makes it easier to breathe and heartburn decreases. But the uterus presses harder on bladder and intestines, leading to frequent urination and difficulty with bowel movements.

To reduce the load on the spine and pelvic bones, with the permission of the doctor, you can wear a bandage

On the later dates pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is intensively produced, which is necessary to soften the connective tissue and ensure divergence pelvic bones by 5–6 mm. When the bones move, there is a pulling or It's a dull pain in the pelvis, the intensity of which does not increase.

Normally, the pain disappears with proper rest. If the bones become too mobile, then they talk about symphysiopathy. In pathology, pain increases with the course of pregnancy and becomes even more noticeable when changing body position.

The hormone affects not only the ligamentous tissues of the pubic bones, but also others, for example, softens the joints of the limbs, which causes pain in the legs in late pregnancy and increases the risk of dislocation even with a slight external influence. The circumference of the abdomen at the 36th week of pregnancy reaches a maximum. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to bend over, because the walls of the uterus rest against the ribs.

Obstetric pathologies causing pain

If the stomach has become stone, then this indicates that the uterus is tense and the birth process may begin. To reduce the tone, you need to take a No-Shpy or Papaverine pill, lie down and calm down. AT similar situation it is important to remain calm and breathe slowly so that the child does not have a rapid heartbeat.

If the lower back hurts a lot, the lower abdomen is stone, there are contractions and bloody issues from the vagina, it is urgent to contact maternity ward hospitals. May indicate obstetric pathology uterine bleeding, discharge of water, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, leakage amniotic fluid.

At the 36th week of gestation, the mucous plug may gradually move away, preventing the infection from entering the uterus. It is normal if the discharge milky or almost transparent without inclusions. The mucus plug may come off in patches and show pink or brown streaks.

If the discharge is bloody, then this is a sign of placental discharge or the onset of labor. With placental abruption, in addition to discharge, abdominal pain, nausea, pallor, dizziness are noted. When pathological discharge(With pungent odor, green, gray or yellow color, curdled or foamy) it is also necessary to urgently see a doctor, as this indicates the penetration of an infection and if it is started, then it can go to amniotic fluid.

If the microflora is disturbed, then there is a burning sensation and itching in the perineum. With oligohydramnios, you can feel by touch how the child lies, where his arms or head are located, the heartbeat is heard clearly, the movement of the crumbs is limited. With polyhydramnios, the opposite symptoms appear (the abdomen is greatly enlarged, fluid is felt under the arms, the child is palpable with difficulty, his heartbeat is muffled).

With polyhydramnios, due to excessive stretching of the walls of the uterus, the risk of premature birth is increased

If the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, amniotic fluid leaks. If started this process, then the birth must take place within the next day, otherwise the child will die due to hypoxia.

When the amniotic bladder ruptures, the fluid can come out immediately (and then the pathology is obvious), or it can leak periodically, and there is a feeling that this is urinary incontinence. Amniotic fluid is odorless and colorless, while the consistency is more like mucus than water. If amniotic fluid leaks, then the stomach is significantly reduced in size.

Acute abdomen during pregnancy

A woman at 36 weeks pregnant needs urgent medical attention if signs of an "acute abdomen" appear. At given state there is a delay in emptying the intestines from feces and gases, acute or cutting pain in the abdomen and involuntary tension of the peritoneum. Similar signs indicate the development of surgical pathology.

During pregnancy it is very difficult to recognize surgical pathology for several reasons:

  • the location of the organs is changed;
  • palpation is difficult or impossible;
  • erased symptoms;
  • reduced reactivity of the body;
  • discomfort during pregnancy is similar to signs of organ diseases digestive system(nausea, stool disorder, abdominal and back pain);
  • difficulties in differentiating surgical from obstetric pathology.
  • changed hormonal background.

That is why the examination of a pregnant woman should be carried out by a surgeon and an obstetrician-gynecologist, while the number of palpations of the abdomen should be as small as possible so as not to provoke an increased tone of the uterus. The main complaint with acute abdomen" this is pain.

When carrying a child, in addition to caesarean section, operations are performed in 0.2–2.2% of pregnancies

By their location, it can be assumed where the pathological process develops. Soreness in the entire abdomen occurs with peritonitis due to bleeding, exudate, or the presence of intestinal contents in the abdominal cavity. Pain in the center at the very bottom of the abdomen is often caused by the tone of the uterus, and at the bottom of the side by torsion or violation of the integrity of the neoplasm.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen indicates the pathology of the intestines, and in the upper part occurs when the spleen, stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, duodenum malfunction. Most often diagnosed (in descending order) acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis.

Inflammation of the appendix

Appendicitis, in which pus is already beginning to leak into the abdominal cavity, is diagnosed 2-3 times more often in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. This is associated with a late diagnosis, since a woman does not go to the doctor immediately as soon as abdominal pain, nausea and lack of appetite appear, as she believes these are signs of pregnancy.

Since the uterus causes the appendix to rise upwards, moderate leukocytosis is the norm for pregnancy, and probing and listening to the abdominal cavity is difficult, this leads to a delay in the diagnosis and appendectomy.

The more gestation, the more less signs peritoneal irritation. On the initial stage temperature and pulse remain normal.

Nausea with appendicitis occurs in 70% of pregnant women, and vomiting in only half

Diagnosis can be made using diagnostic laparoscopy.

Gallbladder diseases

When carrying a child, the lithogenic properties of the secret increase, in addition, bile stagnates due to a violation of the contraction of the biliary tract, and with an increase in the volume of the organ by 2 times, its ability to eject bile still decreases. All this leads to the formation of stones and inflammation.

In pathology, the pregnant woman is worried about nausea, vomiting, a slight increase in body temperature, pain in the right side of the abdomen from above, lack of appetite. Attacks usually occur after a meal and can last for minutes or hours. gallbladder cannot be felt through the uterus. Diagnosis is made by ultrasound and laboratory research.


The disease occurs as a result of autolysis of the pancreas. Often pancreatitis is a complication of cholecystitis. It can also be caused by an anomaly in the structure of the gland, infection, abdominal trauma, drug therapy, alcoholism.

Predisposing factors are stagnation of bile due to the action of pregnancy hormones, an increase in the amount of enzymes and lipids in the blood, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, spasm of the duct sphincter occurs with spasm of the muscles of the uterus, and metabolic disorders.

In pathology, there are the following symptoms:

  • sharp or increasing, girdle pain in the epigastric region;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • prolonged slight increase in body temperature;
  • tachycardia;
  • tension of the peritoneum;
  • BP changes with body position.

Pathology is detected during ultrasound. At the initial stage of the disease, conservative treatment, if complications appear, then it is carried out surgical intervention. If acute pancreatitis occurs for a period of more than 36 weeks, then after the symptoms subside, early delivery is performed (in the absence of contraindications, delivery through the birth canal).

Bowel obstruction

Pathology is provoked by mechanical or dynamic blockage of the intestinal lumen (volvulus, hernia, squeezing of the organ by the uterus, tumor). If there are adhesions (and they occur after operations), then the risk of intestinal obstruction increases during the period of lowering the child's head into the small pelvis, since the topography of the organs and their relationships change.

In the third trimester, if the uterus prevents access to the intestines, then first C-section

Pain with obstruction is constant or at intervals of every 4-5 or 10-15 minutes, depending on the site of blockage of the lumen. With small intestinal blockage, the pain is stronger and vomiting occurs more often, a violation of the stool may not be noted. The disease develops rapidly and within a day fever, oliguria, shock, acidosis, infection are possible.

An x-ray is required to make a diagnosis.

And although surgery is rarely required during pregnancy, but if you miss the time, then this threatens the life and health of the child and mother, which is why, at the first suspicions, you need to apply for medical care. Only a specialist after diagnostic measures will be able to answer why it pulls the lower abdomen or hurts its top.

Therefore, there is a threat to the life and health of the child and mother. It is considered normal if the stomach hurts at 36 weeks of gestation is not more intense than during menstruation, while discomfort pass after good rest or changes in body position, and do not increase over time.

If the discomfort is strong, then this should be warned by the doctor leading the pregnancy. An ambulance call is necessary if, in addition to increasing abdominal pain, other symptoms are noted pathological process such as vomiting, fever, genital discharge, nausea, severe diarrhea, weakness, dizziness.

Now you are 36 weeks pregnant, which means that the pregnancy is coming to an end, there is very little time left to wait. After 36 weeks, most likely the child will rest his head against the pelvis, you will feel this pressure. The uterus puts less pressure on the stomach and diaphragm, so inconveniences such as heartburn, shortness of breath and indigestion occur less and less. The bottom of the uterus is under the sternum, which in turn leads to some discomfort. Your urge to urinate will probably increase and your feeling of clumsiness will increase, but remember, you are not alone.
For most mothers this week, when they begin to look to the future and think about the appearance of a child in the house, the "nesting instinct" wakes up. Many women find a boost of energy that gives them the opportunity to organize preparations for the big day.
From the 36th week of pregnancy, visits to the doctor will be weekly. The optimal weight gain is about 13 kg.
36 weeks pregnant is the time when you should be very well prepared for childbirth. You should already have chosen a maternity hospital and a doctor. It's time to pack a bag for the hospital with necessary things, consult with experienced mothers, what is needed first of all. First of all, buy clothes for your baby, she will need them immediately after birth, a nursing bra, a dressing gown and various little things that are needed. Surely you also know how childbirth will take place, by caesarean section or naturally. What will allow you to better prepare for this significant day!
From the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby will gain about 14-28 grams in weight every day. On the this moment he weighs about 2.6 kg, and his height is about 47 cm. At this stage, the baby has accumulated enough fat to make his face smooth and chubby cheeks. The development of the crumbs this week is almost completed, and he can rightfully be called a full-fledged child.
By the 36th week of pregnancy, your child becomes crowded in the uterus, his movements become not so active, but you should feel them every day. His position will now be upside down, it is the most common and is present in 95% of children. The fetal brain develops rapidly. The skull at 36 weeks is still soft, the bones are not fused, which will help him pass the birth canal. kid trains sucking reflex, he constantly sucks his fingers on the handles and even legs. The gums have become strong and hard. The child swallows a certain amount daily amniotic fluid and excretes it as urine. Your miracle's liver is already producing iron. If you are expecting a boy, his testicles have already been clearly identified, but if a girl, the large labia covered the small ones.
Now the child began to actively prepare for the birth.
Well, now the time has come when we are actively starting to prepare for future births, you have already packed a bag for the maternity hospital, you can get acquainted with the literature on how and where it is better to give birth, you know by sight all the future mothers of your area, as well as you , most likely, has already chosen a maternity hospital for herself. So the moment has come when you need to devote more time to yourself and preparing for future childbirth.

How is the 36th week of pregnancy.

You will receive information:
  • What feelings as a mother should you have
  • Discharge from the genital tract
  • The importance of eating right

What developmental stage is your baby at?

Of course, your baby is growing and developing, and you are constantly interested in the question - how does he develop, are there any deviations, why is there less movement and many other questions.
fetus at 36 weeks pregnant reaches "height" (length) up to 47 cm, and the weight approaches 2.8 kg, the diameter of the tummy is still slightly larger than the diameter of the head, but soon they will equalize. Of course, if everyone in your family is large, and the child may be of completely different sizes, and if, in addition, both parents are miniature, it is difficult to expect the child to correspond to the average parameters.
By this time, your baby already has a small amount of fat to cope with the stress of birth, and if you look closely, you can see the wrinkles on the legs and on the tummy, he is quite plump.
The skin of your son or daughter becomes pink, tender and velvety to the touch. There is almost no original lubrication left on the skin, vellus hair is also not observed, but the hairs on the head and nails on the hands become noticeably longer. The cartilages in the ear and its curls also become visible.
The internal organs of your baby. By the end of 36 weeks, you feel the rhythm very well little heart you inside, heart beats are 140 beats per minute, and the number of movements is about 1 time in 10 minutes. If the fetus used to be able to do somersaults in your uterus, turning where you wanted several times a day, then this week you should feel the correct presentation of the fetus, it drops head down and gradually begins to move towards the pelvic organs. Your baby's lungs are already sufficiently formed, they contain surfactant, which means that pulmonary gas exchange will occur normally, and even with early birth your baby will be able to survive.
The placenta by this time is becoming more and more fading, although it still retains its full functions of delivering nutrients to the baby's body. The thickness of the placenta reaches about 36 mm. If the placenta begins to fade ahead of time, which she is supposed to, then the baby experiences oxygen starvation, which undoubtedly leads to a lag in the development, growth and normal functionality of all internal organs.
What feelings as a mother should you have
Yes, at week 36 you are already fully aware that pregnancy is not the most pleasant thing to do, but work and painstaking work in anticipation of a baby, it depends only on you now how healthy and active he will be born into this world.

36 weeks pregnant what's going on in your body

Now you are starting to notice that everything annoys you, starting with the fact that it is difficult for you to move as fast as in initial terms, it is impossible to fulfill all necessary work around the house, not to mention the accumulated irritation and bouts of tearfulness.
Your own helplessness becomes one of the most annoying factors, at this time, many women complain, and want to give birth faster, because by the end 36 weeks pregnant pulls the lower abdomen.
Do I have enough strength, will I be able to take care of my baby after giving birth, is everything okay with the baby’s health - these and other questions spin endlessly in my head, sometimes interfering with the normal and calm course of life. This question is not worth strong feelings, because billions of women gave birth before you, remember that childbirth is a process of natural birth, and the body of a woman and a child is designed in such a way as to prevent any inaccuracies in this process. And since mothers also decide on a second child, and in many countries a third and fourth, it means that you have nothing to be afraid of, everything is not very catastrophic. Nature will never give you an obstacle that you cannot pass through.
Right now, your main task is be balanced and calmly expect the onset of childbirth. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, motherwort or valerian can help, while a gentle, soothing bedtime massage from a loved one will help you find a sense of harmony in yourself.
During this period, edema becomes noticeable, on the hands and more often on the legs, they occur because the outflow of blood is disturbed, since the enlarged uterus compresses the veins located in the pelvic region. How to understand, preeclampsia (the formation of microholes in the renal vessels, from which the protein leaves with liquid into the urine, is characterized by high blood pressure) whether it is or not?
The nature of the edema can give the correct answer. If edema appears only in the evening, as a result of long-term standing in one place, or sitting, this is unlikely to be a pathology. But the edema caused by toxicosis is unlikely to disappear, and untimely treatment can lead to the fact that the fetus will experience a lack of oxygen in the lungs.

36 weeks pregnant pulls the stomach

The closer you get to due date, the more unpleasant sensations become, such as, pulling the stomach at 36 weeks pregnant. You can feel pain in the lower back, pubis, hips and knees, some women feel signs of hemorrhoids, which causes not only itching, but also small bleeding from the anus. With any unpleasant manifestations, when it has passed 36 weeks pregnant and it hurts in the lower abdomen, you should inform your doctor immediately.

Discharge from the genital tract

Which selections will you pay special attention to:
  • If bloody discharge begins to go, as during menstruation, in addition to the fact that the stomach hurts, all this may be a symptom that the placenta begins to exfoliate and exit through the genital tract, urgently call an ambulance in this case.
  • Liquid yellowish-white discharge, especially if there is a lot of it, may be amniotic light color waters. Urgently go to the clinic, as it is possible that the child can survive without amniotic fluid and nutrients for about 12 hours, during this time you should try to give birth if the water has already broken.
  • Pus, mucus, curdled discharge, all an indicator that an infection has settled in the vagina, and are also a reason to go to the clinic.

The importance of eating right

Your nutrition should obey the principle: fewer calories, and more physical activity. And, meanwhile, nutrition must be kept complete and containing essential trace elements and natural vitamins. Try to limit your fat intake as much as possible during this period, as reduced exercise stress will lead to excess accumulation of cellulite, which will not only make it heavier tribal activity, but it will not go away as easily as it would not be desirable.
As for drinking, try to drink purified water, once a week take a rest in the form of unloading day, try not to eat at night, exclude from the diet fatty and high-calorie foods that have carbohydrate calories, such as cakes or buns.

Preparing for the upcoming birth

Do you feel your contractions getting stronger? Don't worry, these may be false or training contractions, they cannot be considered generic because you do not feel pain and the contractions end quickly. But during the period when the contractions intensify and become more painful, it's time to start deciding how to prepare well for childbirth. So start preparing the perineum this week, you need to make the birth canal soft, the walls elastic, then the birth will be much less painful. Massage the perineum and vaginal walls every day with baby oil, and preferably olive oil, there is a lot of vitamin E.
Every day you live helps you get closer and closer to long-awaited meeting with your baby. Be confident and calm, and your confidence will give strength to both you and him in future births.
I was with you practical psychologist, Olga Demchenko.

I'm already 36 weeks pregnant. Many fears and anxieties have already been left behind. And ahead is the long-awaited happy event- the appearance of a baby in the family. However, small discomforts still remain and haunt the mother.

It's pain in the abdomen. There can be many reasons why pain occurs. And in pregnant women, they cause great concern. This is not surprising. Because the future mother thinks and worries about the baby.

36 weeks pregnant lower abdomen hurts

At the 36th week of pregnancy - a common and fairly common occurrence, as a rule, does not carry any danger. After all, a woman wears little man. And the uterus at the same time greatly increases in size. Puts pressure on internal organs. Besides big belly causes a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, the hormonal background changes, which softens, relaxes the joints and ligaments. It leads to pain in the hip joints, in the pubis and in the pelvic region. Therefore, pain in the lower abdomen is quite normal and natural. Especially on last dates pregnancy.

In addition, during pregnancy, it may appear or worsen. This issue is not something to be ashamed of. Contact your doctor as soon as possible. You will be assigned the most suitable safe remedy which will help you get rid of this disease.

When severe pain in the lower abdomen, you can drink no-shpu. But if after taking the pill the pain does not go away, call ambulance. Since pain, as during menstruation, may appear with. And this suggests that the volume of amniotic fluid is too small. And the baby in the stomach is very uncomfortable. In addition, with oligohydramnios, it will be quite difficult for you to give birth.

Video: False contractions at 36 weeks pregnant. My experience

36 weeks pregnant nagging abdominal pain

At the 36th week of pregnancy, pulling pains in the abdomen can very often occur, as during menstruation. You should not be afraid of this. After all, pulling pains are an integral symptom of recent weeks bearing a child. This is due to the appearance of spasms. During this period of time, the baby changes its location. His head is already down. The weight of the baby is concentrated in the center of the uterus. Because of this, the woman has a feeling that her stomach begins to slowly sink. Because of this, pulling pains appear, which can periodically radiate to the back, lower back.

Video: 1H Diary PREGNANCY 36-37 weeks! harbingers of childbirth!!

Unlike the beginning and middle of the term, at the 36th week of pregnancy, a woman can already take more medications. Therefore, in order to pass the pain, take no-shpu.

Also, pulling pains in the abdomen can also occur as a result of training fights. They occur in almost all pregnant women. Drawing pains, as during menstruation, are often the reason that the body is preparing for a future birth. But in this case, the pain is sudden. And it goes away after a few minutes. If the pain is prolonged, and besides, it is accompanied by the release of blood, urgently call an ambulance.

Among other things, pulling pains can occur when the uterus is in a state of increased tone. At week 36, this behavior of the uterus is highly undesirable. After all, it can cause oxygen starvation of the baby or the onset of premature birth. Distinctive feature such pain is . If at rest the pain does not disappear, it lasts more than one day, then you should contact a gynecologist. After all, it is necessary that the pregnancy last at least two more weeks.

During the appearance pulling pains many pregnant women start to panic. Remember that you should not be nervous. Try to calm down. No matter how difficult and scary you may be. Drink some water. Breathe deeply. Pay close attention to the sensations. It often happens when a woman comes to her senses and calms down, the pain immediately goes away.

If you are very worried about the appearance of any abdominal pain, it is better to consult a doctor. 36 weeks of pregnancy is the most crucial period. And you are doing the right thing by listening to your body. Do not be afraid to call an ambulance once again or ask your doctor a question. Not only the health of the child depends on you now, but also yours. Do you feel like you've started? And suddenly not? It's better not to guess. Go to the clinic and check it out. After all, only a doctor can accurately determine whether your contractions are false or a real birth has begun. Your health care provider has been monitoring your pregnancy. He knows the characteristics of your health.

And most importantly, never self-medicate. After all, ignorance of the symptoms or uncertainty can cause bad consequences.

Video: Pregnancy Diary | 33-34 weeks | Abdominal prolapse, pain and swelling

Remember that the 36th week of pregnancy is the period when you should be ready to go to maternity hospital Anytime. Everything you need should already be in the bag. The phone should always be at hand. After all, at any moment you can start contractions. And childbirth at 36 weeks is very common. So it’s better not to relax, thinking that you still have two whole weeks left.

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With the advent of the thirty-sixth week, pregnant women may experience transparent or translucent discharge, heaviness in the lower back, as well as pain in the abdomen, which have a pulling character.

ICD-10 code

R10 Pain in the abdomen and pelvis

Causes of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women should immediately pay attention to the fact that pain with a pulling character, which may appear in late pregnancy, is a fairly common occurrence. So don't worry right away.

This may be due to an increase in the size of the uterus, and this increases the pressure on the internal organs that are located in the neighborhood. The belly gradually grows, which means that the center of gravity changes, as does the background. female hormones the joints are relaxed. All this gives rise to unpleasant pain pulling character in the pubis, thighs, abdomen and lower back.

Starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman may develop or sharpen hemorrhoids, which can cause such discomfort.

Sometimes such pain can appear after the so-called "training bouts." In this case, pain is sudden and short-lived.

If the pain is constantly intensifying or there are others concomitant symptoms, it is best to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Symptoms of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of gestation

by the most common symptom, which occurs in pregnant women at the end of the gestation period, is pain that strongly resembles discomfort before menstruation. Do not worry about this if the pain is tolerable and you do not have bleeding. The fact is that the child is growing, during this period his head is down, so the woman has a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Sometimes the pulling pain in the lower abdomen also radiates to the lower back, it does not go away even after sleeping or resting in a supine state, it continues for several days in a row. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor, as this may indicate oligohydramnios, and if vaginal discharge joins, premature birth.

Painful sensations can appear suddenly and pass just as quickly, but remain quite tolerable. The lower back, pelvic region, and pubic region may also hurt.

Pulls the lower back and abdomen at 36 weeks pregnant

In addition to the lower abdomen, pain can also appear in the lumbar region. It is very important for a pregnant woman not to panic in this case, since nervous strain can adversely affect health. Such pain is directly related to all the changes that occur in a woman's body. In addition, among the most common causes of such pain are the following:

  1. cold or others infectious diseases. Especially often the lower back hurts if it is blown.
  2. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause such discomfort.
  3. Due to the increase in weight, the load on the back increases.
  4. If a pregnant woman walks a lot or stands for a long time, this can lead to pain.
  5. If you have had back problems before, after the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, they may worsen.

Complications and consequences

Sometimes pulling pain in the lower abdomen can cause more serious problems. For example, if the uterus is in good shape, which is undesirable for late pregnancy, as oxygen starvation of the fetus occurs, which can lead to a delay in the development of the unborn child.

Increased uterine tone can also cause preterm labor. If the pain is accompanied by spotting blood secretions, this may indicate placental abruption, which may be unsafe for the baby.

Treatment of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of gestation

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen after the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy can be caused by the most different reasons therefore, for the management of pregnancy at this time, it should be carried out under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. If you feel a growing pain, it is best to lie down and rest for a while. Most often, after rest, the discomfort disappears. If this does not help you, you need to visit your gynecologist or call an ambulance.


In late pregnancy (starting at 36 weeks), a woman is already allowed to take some medical preparations. Pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be relieved with the help of a no-shpa.

No-shpa - medicine from the group of antispasmodics based on the active component of drotaverine hydrochloride. It is forbidden to take with liver failure, heart failure, severe renal failure, lactose intolerance, intolerance to the components of the drug.

Take 120-240 mg of the drug two to three times in 24 hours. At one time, you can drink no more than 80 mg of the drug. May cause palpitations, headaches, nausea, insomnia, constipation, allergic reactions.

All expectant mothers around the clock are accompanied by feelings of anxiety and various fears. At these times, the fetus rises to the maximum and, thus, is directly under chest which makes it difficult to breathe. You can also notice that the lower abdomen is pulling, as the uterus is already beginning to prepare for the upcoming birth and thereby causes training contractions. Therefore, at this time, many experts recommend not to go on long journeys, so as not to risk health.

The main features of the 36-38th week

At this time future baby continues to gain weight. The movements of the fetus in the uterus are more active, and are usually accompanied by strong stirring arms and legs. A woman must definitely listen to them constantly, since during a normal pregnancy, a child should produce about ten shocks within twelve hours.

It should also be noted that the baby already fully determines its position in the uterus in future mothers at this time, precisely because the child is almost ready to be born, so the woman’s body is also prepared for this by regular uterine contractions. There may also be pain in the abdominal cavity and in the pubic region.

What can worry?

Any expectant mother can also say that it becomes much more difficult to walk, and there is still stiffness in all movements, when it comes, it pulls the lower abdomen, the lower back can hurt - this very often happens at this time. Another unpleasant moment may be the occurrence of discomfort in the hip joints.

The reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant pulling sensations can be very different, so it is worth talking about them in more detail.

No reason to worry

In the event that the lower abdomen during pregnancy at these times hurts in the same way as during menstruation, then you should not panic. Usually, sensations of this nature do not threaten health. future mother and her baby. They are due to the fact that inside a woman it develops and grows at an active pace. small man. Therefore, the uterus becomes much larger every day and thereby puts pressure on all neighboring organs.

In addition, almost all girls have hormonal disbalance when the 36th week of pregnancy comes, it pulls the lower abdomen, the joints soften and relax, which leads to pain in the area of ​​many muscles and the pelvis. The expectant mother may also feel that it becomes very difficult for her to walk due to the fact that her center of gravity is already displaced by a very large belly, characteristic of this period.

From this, it should be concluded that pulling during pregnancy at week 36 are considered natural and non-dangerous phenomena.

Other reasons for pain

Among other things, at future mother may appear or worsen such unpleasant disease like hemorrhoids. This ailment can also be considered as a cause of pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy at 35-38 weeks. In this case, you need to consult with your doctor, who will be able to advise and prescribe safe medicine that can alleviate the condition of a woman and not harm the fetus.

They can also be caused by training contractions. With this phenomenon, pain should occur unexpectedly and pass within a couple of minutes.

Cause for concern

In the event that the 36th week of pregnancy is already underway, the lower abdomen is pulled, it has also become very hard, then you should immediately call a doctor or an ambulance. Such symptoms mean that the uterus is in good shape, and this is highly undesirable at such times. Due to these disorders in the body, the fetus develops a lack of air, which can lead to premature birth. For this condition of the uterus, pain in the back and lower back is also characteristic.

In case if increased tone does not go away within a few days, then it would be best to go to the hospital so that doctors can monitor the condition of the future mother and the health of her baby.

It is also worth showing concern if the 36th week of pregnancy has already come, pulls the lower abdomen and there are spotting from the vagina of a smearing nature. These signs may indicate that the placenta exfoliates. This process threatens not only the health of the future man, but also his life. With such phenomena, it is also worth immediately contacting a doctor.

What else can be ailments?

At the 36th week of pregnancy, many women, in addition to all of the above, also suffer from frequent constipation and other disorders of the digestive system. In addition, expectant mothers are worried about migraines, frequent urges to urination and insomnia.

Also at this time, you can already notice that fluid begins to stand out from the mammary glands. But do not worry, as it began to leak colostrum. More women are often tormented by varicose veins, heartburn, swelling of the legs and sleep with constant interruptions. In recent weeks, the fetus is already pressing hard on many nerve endings, which causes a feeling of numbness when walking.

To alleviate your condition during this period, you need to devote more time to staying on fresh air and passive recreation. In addition, it is necessary to avoid all kinds of sudden movements and get up from a lying position very carefully, turning over from your back to your side and hanging your legs to the floor only after this manipulation. Thanks to this sequence of body movements, you can protect yourself from pain in the lower abdomen and lower back at the 36th week of pregnancy.

Almost all experts at such times still recommend walking a little at least every twenty minutes and not staying in the same position for a long time. Women should these days only wear comfortable shoes and do not drink a lot of fluids so that swelling does not occur before childbirth. It will be very helpful to do special gymnastics designed for expectant mothers of this trimester. Also, starting from the 35th week, it will not be superfluous to be like courses that prepare for childbirth.

In addition, one should not forget about proper nutrition and visiting your doctor at least once a week. If the expectant mother has any doubts about her well-being, it is best to call a doctor or an ambulance for a consultation.

At this time, it is already necessary to start preparing for the maternity hospital, since a joyful event will take place in the near future, a feeling of happiness and relief at the sight of a native little man will come in place of all fears and fears.
