The best way to depilate. What epilation is better? Seven types of hair removal

Nowadays, hair removal is an integral part of body care, which is resorted to not only by women, but also by men. Since there are many ways to deal with unwanted vegetation, everyone chooses the most suitable for themselves.

All types of hair removal are divided into two classes - epilation and depilation. Depilation involves the removal of vegetation without damaging the bulb, that is, only that part of it that is within the epidermis. Epilation also helps to get rid of hair, destroying the follicles, which can significantly prolong the effect of the procedure.

In turn, these classes are divided into separate varieties: shaving, sugaring, laser hair removal, photoepilation and many others. Each method has its pros and cons, and in order to decide which hair removal is better, it is necessary to consider each of the types separately.

Where did it come from

Remove fashion unwanted hair originated in Mesopotamia. There, vegetation was removed with sharp shells and stone scrapers. Later, using resin, herbs and donkey fat, they learned how to create a kind of depilatory cream.

In Egypt, smooth leather was achieved using resin and wax. In addition, the Egyptians used honey paste.

IN Ancient Greece the presence of hair on the body testified to the low class of a person, so the vegetation was removed from the entire body, except for the head. The Greeks used fire, tweezers, and bryony tincture to get rid of hair, while the Romans used twisted thread to pull out hairs.

The beauties of the Middle East also performed threading and used sugar paste, which is considered to be the progenitor of sugaring.

The craze for the removal of vegetation began in the twentieth century. Then women began to remove hair in the armpit due to the fact that dresses with short sleeve. But the shortage of nylon also contributed to this, because of which women were forced to get rid of their hair with the help of safety razor. After that, the fair sex painted their legs to match the color of the stockings and drew a stocking arrow.

Since the 60s of the twentieth century, in connection with the trend towards ever greater exposure of the body, new methods of depilation began to appear, which continue to improve to this day.

Depilation and its types

Despite the many progressive methods for removing unwanted vegetation, depilation remains the most popular and sought-after method. The reason for this is the availability, low cost and ease of procedures. Big plus for many, it is that any type of depilation can be carried out at home without visiting beauty salons.


A common type of hair removal on the body is shaving. Despite the simplicity and relative cheapness, this method has significant drawbacks. Due to the fact that a thin layer of skin is cut off along with the hair, it becomes vulnerable to various infections and irritations. In addition, frequent shaving leads to ingrown hairs, which can cause inflammation of the hair follicle. And most importantly, the effect of the procedure is short-lived and after a few days it has to be repeated.

Depilatory cream

The main advantages of depilatory creams: low cost, ease of use and no pain during use. But due to the aggressive chemical composition, due to which the hair is destroyed, an allergic reaction, irritation or even a burn of the epidermis may occur.

Mechanical removal

Using tweezers or thread is also a cheap method of getting rid of vegetation. The epilator will cost a little more, but it will do its job more efficiently. Sugaring and waxing can also be included in this category.

Many people mistakenly consider shugaring and waxing to be epilation, which is contrary to reality. The essence of these procedures is to get rid of vegetation, pulling it out by the roots, without destroying the hair follicle. Despite this, the result of the procedure lasts for 1-3 weeks. The main advantage of this method is that it can be carried out both in the salon and independently. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is very painful and takes a lot of time.

Do not depilate, If:

  • you have very sensitive skin;
  • vessels are close to the surface of the skin;
  • there is a predisposition to varicose veins;
  • there are cuts, inflammations, scratches on the skin.

Epilation and its types

Any method of hair removal is aimed at removing unwanted vegetation once and for all. It is important that none of the types of hair removal can be done independently. The session should be qualified specialist in a beauty salon. A cosmetologist will help you decide which method is suitable for a particular person, depending on many factors: skin and hair color, the presence of chronic diseases, the presence of inflammation of the epidermis.

Epilation requires large financial investments than depilation, but its effectiveness speaks for itself.

Frequent contraindications for hair removal are:


Photoepilation - it is a method of getting rid of hair with flashes of light. A gel is applied to the area with unwanted vegetation, which plays the role of protecting the epidermis from exposure to radiation. After that, the epilation area is illuminated with a manipulator that produces a pulsed beam.

Thus, light energy releases heat, which destroys the hair follicle. Photoepilation is suitable for people with any shade of skin and hair. This method can be carried out on any area of ​​the body, and the effect of it lasts from six months to 5-6 years. A minimum of 5 sessions is required to achieve complete hair removal. The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

In addition to the main contraindications, you should not do photoepilation if:

  • there are tattoos in the hair removal area;
  • the client has been in the sun for a long time;
  • there are pacemakers or other electronic devices in the body.

The essence of enzyme epilation in that a composition enriched with enzymes is applied to the skin - special enzymes that destroy hair follicles and slow down metabolic processes in cells. A film and a special bandage are applied over the enzyme composition, which is heated with a thermal epilator. Under influence high temperature opens access to the hair follicles, into which it enters chemical composition. It closes the access of oxygen to the cell, due to which the hair becomes thinner, and the follicle is destroyed.

Enzymatic hair removal can be carried out on any part of the body, except for the face. Before the procedure, you can wax depilation, since the presence of regrown hair on the epilated area is not a condition for using this method.

The course of enzymatic hair removal is 5-7 procedures, depending on the structure and thickness of the hair.

After a session for several days, it is prohibited:

  1. Remove new hairs with other hair removal methods.
  2. Stay in the sun or go to the solarium.
  3. Use the pool.

With a laser the hair is heated from the tip to the root, after which the hair follicle is destroyed. This method allows you to remove vegetation only if there is melanin in the cells. Simply put, the procedure is effective only with a contrast in the color of the hair and epidermis. For example, the result will be almost null when removing blonde hair from light skin. Dark vegetation on light skin contributes to the fact that the laser beam affects precisely the structure of the hairline.

For achievement desired result it is necessary to do several procedures, due to the fact that they are carried out only on regrown hair 5-7 mm long. After the first use of the laser, hairs in the active growth phase are removed. In subsequent sessions, they get rid of the vegetation that appears from the "sleeping" follicles.

Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of unwanted vegetation for a period of 6 years, and if you have dark hair on fair skin - forever. The advantage is also the absolute painlessness and safety of the method. Flaw laser hair removal- high cost, possible occurrence of burns and redness.


Electrolysis- this is the destruction of the hair follicle with a small discharge of current. A thin needle is inserted under the skin, directly into the follicle, through which a weak electric discharge is launched. In this regard, electrolysis is a rather painful method of hair removal. In addition, it takes a lot of time, so to achieve desired effect several sessions are required.

Before the session, you need to grow hairs on the treated area up to 4-6 mm and check if any of them are ingrown into the skin.

After electrolysis, spot redness, itching, small scars may appear at the places of hair removal. To prevent Negative consequences procedure, it is necessary to treat the epilation area with an alcohol solution, chlorhexidine.


  • 24 hours after the session, do not take a bath or shower;
  • 48 hours do not use cosmetics and deodorants;
  • 7 days do not visit saunas, swimming pools, do not play sports;
  • 14 days not to visit the beaches and solariums.

QOOL hair removal

Cool hair removal- one of the varieties of laser hair removal. The impact on vegetation occurs in a similar way, however, QOOL is considered a more modern method.

  1. It allows you to remove hairs, regardless of their color and contrast with the skin.
  2. High efficiency is noticeable immediately after the procedure.
  3. The interval between sessions can reach several years.

The price of cool epilation is higher normal deletion hair with a laser, but the effect justifies its cost. After 10 sessions of epilation with this method, vegetation will not appear for 5 to 10 years.

Elos hair removal

This type of getting rid of unwanted hair is based on the point destruction of the follicle. The hair shaft is exposed to bipolar current (RF) and broadband pulsed light (IFL), which melts the bulb.

Advantage of the method The fact that the device for elos epilation is equipped with a cooling system, due to which the likelihood of discomfort during the session. Moreover, the thermal charge acts only on the hair, which eliminates the occurrence of epidermal burns.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to shave the hair removal area, as well as get advice from a gynecologist and mammologist to eliminate possible negative consequences.

You can remove hair with Elos epilation from any part of the body. This method is especially popular among men for getting rid of vegetation on the back and shoulders.

The number of sessions depends on the area being treated.. Hair removal on the face will take at least 10 sessions, on the legs and in the bikini area - up to 8 sessions, and in the armpit - only 3-4 procedures.

What kind of hair removal is the most effective and safe, each person decides for himself. The main thing in this matter is to weigh the pros and cons, get acquainted with the contraindications, the consequences of each method of hair removal and choose the most suitable one.

Fashion on smooth skin has long been rooted in modern world. Increased "hairiness" not only does not attract people, but, on the contrary, repels them. And this applies to both women and men.

Many of them have learned to take care of themselves and their appearance by removing unwanted hairs from the surface of the skin. Epilation is aesthetics and hygiene, because it is thanks to this procedure that you will rid your body of bacteria, and the body of unpleasant odors.

To date, categorical “for” is expressed by dermatologists and cosmetologists around the world, since various ways epilation helps to avoid skin irritation reactions, excessive sweating, followed by unpleasant odors, as well as the formation of bacteria on the surface of the skin when a person does not have the opportunity to monitor personal hygiene, for example, in extreme conditions.

Modern ways Epilation offers a fairly wide range of services, including:



laser hair removal,

Photo and electrolysis,

ultrasonic hair removal,

ELOS epilation,

Qool hair removal and others.

Let's talk about them in more detail and find out what type of depilation is suitable for regular use just for you.

Bioepilation (wax, shugaring)

Sugaring and waxing are today considered one of the most affordable and simple ways get rid of unwanted hair in various zones. Of course, the procedure can be carried out both seasonally and exclusively in summer period, before the beginning beach season.

Waxing has its own materials that are used on different types of hairline:

1. Low temperature and cold wax used on thin hairs, and also removes the keratinized layer of the skin. Thanks to him, the skin becomes soft, velvety. This wax can be used on any type of skin, even the most sensitive.

2. Hot wax works effectively on rough and thick hair. Most often it is applied during the first procedure.

Often, waxing brings pain and discomfort, as wax is applied to the surface of the skin, it hardens, and the hairs are inside this mass. Then, with a sharp movement against hair growth, a special paper or fabric strip is removed, which is immediately applied to the wax. The hairs break out immediately with the hair follicles. The effect after such a procedure lasts about 3-5 weeks, it is carried out very quickly, but the sensations leave behind truly “unforgettable”.

Sugaring or sugar hair removal is considered a more gentle procedure. The procedure is based on the use of thick caramel paste, which is rolled over the area to be depilated against hair growth. Hooking hairline, the paste also needs to be “teared off”, as well as wax strips, only this should be done according to hair growth. Given the number of reviews, shugaring can be considered less painful procedure available for home use.

However, the bioepilation procedure is quite painful and is not suitable for ladies with sensitive skin and low pain threshold. If there are diseases with concomitant obvious lesions skin, it is strictly forbidden to conduct a bioepilation session.

Laser, Qool and photoepilation

The procedures are similar to each other in the way they are carried out, but they have some differences. Explaining in an accessible language: laser hair removal differs from photoepilation by a modification of the laser that is used to carry out the procedure. During a laser hair removal session, a certain type of wave is selected taking into account the color of your skin, as well as the color of the hairline. The greater the contrast between them, the more effective the procedure will be. As a rule, on dark skin with dark hairs and fair skin with light hairline, laser hair removal is not performed due to its inefficiency.

During photoepilation, lasers are used with various lengths waves, which allows you to influence different areas skin and capture a large area of ​​the treated surface.

Qool hair removal appeared relatively recently. It allows you to work on all types of hairs, including light, gray and fluffy.

All methods are quite effective, since the destruction of the hair follicle occurs. Because of this, the hair does not grow back long time usually 4-6 years old. The procedures are practically painless, but can be used for people with a low pain threshold. special means based on lidocaine or devices with cooling functions.

There are also pitfalls of laser and photoepilation, for example, allergic and burn reactions that can occur on too sensitive skin. In addition, there are hidden hair follicles on our skin that make the hairs grow back even after the procedure. Therefore, the epilation session must be repeated after a while, and it is not at all cheap. Qool epilation eliminates excessive “hairiness” in 10 sessions, and you will have to pay for each.

For the session, you will need to grow hair up to 3-5 mm. The procedure itself takes a little time: the bikini area is treated for about 10-15 minutes, the nasolabial folds - 10 minutes, but it will take about an hour to treat the legs. However, Qool hair removal takes longer, as it covers small areas of the skin. Usually one procedure takes at least one and a half hours.


It is electrolysis suitable for owners light skin and light hair. During electrolysis, the hair follicle is destroyed under the influence of a directed electric current. To carry out the procedure, you will need to grow hair at least up to 2 mm. The surface of the skin is treated by inserting a thin needle into the follicle area and destroying it with current. After the session, there is almost always a significant hyperemia of the cover and swelling, therefore, most likely, you will not be able to go to the beach immediately after the electrolysis.

The cost of electrolysis is much lower than the photo or laser procedure, and after the required amount sessions (as a rule, 2-3 are enough) you will be able to overcome excessive “hairiness” of any zone forever.

The disadvantages of electrolysis are very significant:

1. Firstly, the procedure is very painful. It is almost impossible to provide any anesthesia to the patient during it, because subsequently the hairs in the area of ​​anesthesia will grow twice as fast, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. The only exceptions are special ultra-modern devices equipped with the technology of cryotherapy (freezing) of the skin.

2. Secondly, there are many contraindications for electrolysis, including: diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, malignant formations, hepatitis, the presence of pacemakers, coronary heart disease, hypertension, varicose veins and even dental pins in the epilation area. Also, the procedure can not be carried out by pregnant women and people with intolerance to certain metal alloys.

3. In rare cases after electrolysis, visible scars may remain on the skin.

Ultrasonic and enzyme hair removal

This is where patients with a low pain threshold can relax. Often in their case, the use of bioepilation, electroepilation and even laser hair removal is impossible, but exposure to the hair follicle with ultrasound or enzymes is quite acceptable.

The difference between these types of getting rid of excess hair on the body is that a special conductor gel that destroys the hair follicle and slows down hair growth is delivered directly to its destination by ultrasound or a thermal epilator. In the first case, the patient will feel absolutely nothing, and in the second - only a slight warmth. Usually allergic reactions, redness and swelling during and after the use of these types of hair removal are absent.

The disadvantage of ultrasonic and enzyme hair removal is the impossibility of its implementation in people with varicose veins in the area of ​​the procedure, as well as the presence of scars and skin allergic reactions. Enzymatic hair removal is prohibited for pregnant women, patients diabetes people with bleeding disorders, hypertension, as well as during infectious and colds.

Ultrasonic treatment of the skin surface can be carried out both on light and on dark hair, small down covers and even in especially delicate areas where the use of other types of hair removal is not possible: in the auricles, in the nose, on the halo of the chest and upper lip.

Usually, the effect after applying these types of hair removal persists for a long time (up to a year), but in order to form a stable result, it is necessary to conduct 8-10 sessions and repeat them annually afterwards. It is necessary to grow hairs for the first session up to a length of 3 mm.

ELOS hair removal

Perhaps one of the most modern and high-tech ways to remove unwanted hair on any part of the body is ELOS hair removal. It combines all three types of hair removal products that we have already described: laser, electric and photoepilation. Thanks to the combination of electromagnetic waves, pulsed light energy, as well as diode laser radiation, a stable long-term effect is achieved, in which you can get rid of hairs in a short time and forever.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless, you will rather feel a hot touch, which can be compared to the sensation of cotton on the surface of the skin. During the epilation session, you will be sure to treat the area with a special coolant, with the help of which the sensitivity of the cover is noticeably reduced. After the epilation is completed, no traces, burns, excessive pigmentation or scars remain on the skin. It will also not be necessary to grow hair for a long time, because ELOS hair removal can be carried out in the presence of hairs only 1-2 mm long.

You may need to undergo the procedure more than once for optimal results. But after each treatment, the hairs will become noticeably thinner and lighter.

The only significant disadvantage of this type of hair removal can be considered the cost. Usually it is higher than the cost of laser or photoepilation procedures. There are also contraindications. For example, patients with a pacemaker or metal implants should not have the procedure. Also, ELOS epilation is contraindicated for people with weakened immune system, HIV-infected and cancer patients, pregnant women and those who are allergic to the sun.

To summarize:

Summing up all of the above, it is worth saying that photo or laser hair removal can be considered the most effective, painless and safe way to get rid of hair. They are suitable for most patients of beauty parlors and have a reasonable price. If you are not limited in funds, then you can try ELOS hair removal and vice versa - when finances do not allow you to visit a beautician every 3-4 weeks and pay for each session, you can use sugaring paste or wax strips at home. Everyone chooses for himself suitable look epilation, the main thing is to take into account all the nuances when choosing and take care of your health.

On the eve of summer, the first question for women is: what kind of hair removal is the most effective? smooth and well-groomed skin has always been every woman's dream. Currently, men have also appreciated depilation, as this procedure not only improves appearance but also hygienic. The ancient Greeks were the first to remove hair from the body. Egyptian pharaohs and famous queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti were admirers waxing. Already in the ancient world, people removed hairs from the hair follicle. This method is the most popular in modern cosmetology.

The difference between epilation and depilation is expressed in one sentence: depilation is for a while, and epilation is forever. This means that the depilation procedure removes only superficial hairs located on the skin. Epilation removes not only the hair, but also its root - the hair follicle. This allows us to hope that over time, the hair follicles will be completely destroyed, and hair growth in this area will stop.

Depilation with a razor or cream

Suitable for everyone. It has no contraindications and is easy to do on your own at home. Depilation with a cream gives an effect for a couple of days, while it is painless and takes 10 minutes. Shaving lasts even less, but the effect of it is 1-2 days. After the razor, prickly bristles begin to grow, and the skin in the places of shaving is covered with red pimples and itches. These are not the only unpleasant consequences of depilation. After cream or shaving, you may have:

  1. Ingrown hair. The process of ingrown hair depends on a large number layers of scales of the epidermal layer and its density. To avoid this, use a scrub a couple of days before depilation and a couple of days after it. This will remove dead scales that delay the germination of the hair outward. If the hair is already ingrown, then it is enough to steam the skin and use the same scrub or hard mitten.
  2. Inflammation and irritation. If there is inflammation on the skin, then over the next few days you need to apply any remedy for acne. After the inflammation subsides, you can do a light peeling. To avoid this, shaving with a machine should be done only according to hair growth.
  3. Allergy. Before depilation, any cream should be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to rule out an allergic reaction.
  4. Violation of the direction of hair growth.

Depilation is quick fix problems of unwanted hairline if you are on vacation or business trip. It is always worth having a depilatory machine or depilatory cream in your purse for quick effect. But for those who constantly care for their body, epilation is more suitable.


For all time, waxing is the most effective hair removal. From the time of ancient egypt to this day, the procedure does not lose its popularity. Mankind comes up with new ways to remove hair. Some of them take root, some go down in history, but wax as a procedure remains in the same form in which Cleopatra used it. It is used on all parts of the body, despite the pain of such hair removal. The only negative is that not everyone can use waxing.

Waxing is prohibited for pregnant women, with varicose veins, in places of skin damage, for people with decompensated diabetes mellitus. It is impossible to carry out the procedure on skin areas with neoplasms, moles, papillomas, warts and herpetic rash. There is also very sensitive skin when hot wax may leave a thermal burn. In this case, the natural metabolic processes in this place are disturbed. If after that you also pull out the hair, then there is a high probability of inflammation, since regeneration is temporarily stopped.

Waxing can be done at home on your own. There are several options for the procedure:

  1. Warm wax in a special cartridge. It is easy to apply and keeps your hands clean. Convenience also lies in the fact that any area can be treated, since the shape of the cartridge is round and follows the shape of the body.
  2. Hot, which is pre-melted and applied to the body with a spatula. This method is difficult to use independently, as it requires skill and skill. If you don't apply liquid wax using a spatula daily, it is unlikely that you will be able to do this without staining everything around.
  3. Cold wax epilation takes longer and is painful.

In order for waxing to be less sensitive, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • carry out in the afternoon - in the evening the soreness of the procedure is less than in the morning;
  • before the procedure, take a hot steaming bath;
  • tear off the wax strips while inhaling - so you can not notice any pain;
  • red wine and good cheese before the procedure will help smooth out the discomfort.

It is important to remember that the wax is applied along the hair growth, and removed against. Peeling is required 2-3 days after the procedure to avoid ingrown hairs. Facial hair is best removed with hot wax. The effect of vasking lasts for more than a month, and new hairs grow thinner and lighter.

Sugaring or sugar hair removal

"Persian hair removal" removes hair in the same way as waxing, only with the help of sugar paste. Which one is more effective depends on individual features organism. The fact that sugaring is hundreds of times more pleasant than wax is a common opinion. Sugar paste is made from granulated sugar, lemon juice and water. The fact that the paste contains lemon juice already makes the skin softer and slows down hair growth. With this method, you can remove hair from almost any area of ​​the skin: face, arms, legs, back and buttocks, underarms and bikini.

Depending on the stiffness of the hair, sugar paste is selected. A softer one removes the delicate fluff that grows over upper lip among women. Medium paste is used on the lower leg and arms, back and armpits. Solid removes hair in the bikini area, as in these places the hair follicles are located deep under the skin. If during waxing the hair length should be from 5 mm, then sugaring will remove more short hairs. That is why the procedure of sugar hair removal removes the hairline much cleaner than waxing.

Less discomfort from shugaring is also because the temperature of the sugar paste for hair removal is not higher than 36ºС, and this is body temperature. For the same reason varicose veins vein is not a contraindication for the procedure. But there are still contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • skin diseases.
  • moles, papillomas, warts, they cannot be injured, as they degenerate into tumors.

A distinctive feature of shugaring is that the paste is applied along the hair growth, and removed against. This minimizes the risk of ingrown hairs. The procedure itself provides the skin additional effect light peeling, as when the paste is removed, it removes the surface layer of the skin from dead epithelial cells. The effect of sugar hair removal lasts from a month or longer. The skin becomes softer and looks more aesthetic due to the action of lemon juice, which is part of the paste.

In the 21st century, almost everything can be done with a laser, even the removal of unwanted body hair. According to the advertisement, in a few sessions, the laser beam will completely remove the hair follicles and hair growth will stop forever. This comes from the fact that melanin, which is concentrated in the shaft and hair follicle, is able to absorb light waves. certain length. The laser beam destroys the cells, blood and lymph vessels that feed the hair follicle.

Such hair removal is indispensable for the bikini area and armpits, as these places are difficult to reach for self-hair removal. Another reason for choosing a laser for these areas is non-contact hair removal. To eliminate maximum amount hair, it will take a long time: 4-6 procedures at intervals of 1.5-2 months. If you interrupt the course, then the hair will begin to grow again, and your efforts will be reduced to zero.

The laser hair removal procedure is absolutely painless and does not take much time. You need to prepare for it, since the main effect of the laser is directed to the pigment. 2 weeks before epilation, you can not sunbathe, and when leaving the house, use a cream with UV protection. A couple of days before the procedure, you need to carefully shave the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair removal. Repeat hair removal after 1-1.5 months until the hair disappears completely.

Laser hair removal has a lot of contraindications:

  • diseases of the immune system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure;
  • acute and chronic skin diseases;
  • moles at the sites of laser exposure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

After the procedure, consequences such as folliculitis, allergies, hyperpigmentation, herpes, conjunctivitis and other diseases may occur. In this case, laser hair removal is contraindicated. You should immediately consult a doctor. Today you can buy a home laser for hair removal in order to carry out the procedure yourself. This is not recommended. It is better to carry out laser hair removal in the office of a qualified doctor.

Modern in varying degrees allow you to fight unwanted hair on the body. What hair removal is the most effective? Often the choice of method depends on many conditions (temporary or complete hair removal, skin type, body area, pain threshold).

Epilation methods are divided into 2 groups:

  • the hair follicle is completely destroyed;
  • hair is removed only temporarily.

The first method refers to hardware cosmetology. The hair follicle is destroyed by the energy. This following methods epilation:

  1. Laser.
  2. Photo and electrolysis.
  3. Elos, Qool, AFT varieties.

The second method includes the following types:

  1. Shaving.
  2. Plucking.
  3. Chemical depilation.
  4. Bioepilation - shugaring (sugar method), wax method.

Comparative characteristics of hair removal methods

The optimal type of hair removal for most people who want to get rid of unwanted vegetation is selected taking into account the pain of the procedure. The less discomfort, pain and discomfort in a given area of ​​the body, the better. In this case, it is worth considering not only the features of the procedure, but also the area of ​​​​the skin on which the treatment is being carried out. Area of ​​arms and legs pain significantly different from the bikini area and armpits. The latter, of course, are more sensitive.

Painful methods - wax, shugaring, Elos, electrolysis. Wax (hot, cold, warm) removes hair well and quickly. With each session, the amount of hair is noticeably reduced. But the procedure has a short effect. Shugaring attracts with its low cost and even the possibility of doing it yourself at home with certain skills and the necessary ingredients. There is no lasting effect. Affordable electrolysis is suitable for everyone, regardless of skin type and hair structure. But sometimes it requires local anesthesia. Elos combines light, laser and electrical procedures. A little painful, but safe, not damaging the skin way. Can be quite expensive and require a full course to get rid of hair permanently.

To absolutely painless methods includes ultrasonic or laser hair removal (Qool, AFT). Laser radiation is effective, the result lasts for several years. But there are numerous contraindications, as well as in ultrasonic varieties of hair removal. This method is quite safe, selectively affects the hairs, does not affect the skin. This procedure is costly.

Photoepilation is the most effective epilation. Results are noticeable immediately after the first session. The procedure eliminates hair for several years, but causes discomfort. High price and a number of contraindications somewhat reduce its popularity.

Chemical methods in the form of an epilator cream can be used at home, but the problem extra hair resolved in just a few days. Allergic reactions are possible. Applying the cream is a fairly quick and easy process.

Shaving and plucking are the simplest and most economical methods that have a short effect and often lead to skin irritation and ingrown hairs. But you can do hair removal at home without resorting to the services of professionals.

Choice of epilation method

Which method to use should be decided in advance, taking into account personal characteristics. You may need the help of a specialist to determine the state of health, skin and hair type. Based on these data, the most effective one is selected from the body. It is recommended to determine the contraindications that may appear when choosing one or another method. Special attention should be given to cases where there are metal prostheses or electronic devices in the body.

Some types of hair removal do not accept this. Allergy is also taken into account when choosing the type of procedure. Some cosmetic preparations can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Which epilation is better to give preference?

The effectiveness of any of the epilation methods is expressed in the duration of the result itself, that is, the duration of the absence of hair.

Hardware procedures are carried out in courses in several sessions. It is very important to observe the regimen and intervals between sessions. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and take care of the skin as recommended by the specialist.

Sometimes even a full course can make you wait a bit for a sustainable result, since hair follicles grow even after the most powerful removal course. Some methods have a gradual effect. Hair begins to grow more slowly, change structure, become thinner. Only with regular exposure completely disappear. Therefore, any hair removal requires perseverance and patience.

Fashion on smooth body came to our country from the East, where even in ancient times, hair removal was a sign good taste and aesthetics. Why european girls immediately took the baton? First of all, they took advantage of the smooth skin in intimate areas and hygienic aspect. And after a while, they began to remove unwanted hair on exposed parts of the body.

What hair removal methods exist today, and which of these methods should you choose for yourself?


It was once thought that frequent hair shaving in one place activates their growth enhancement. Today it has been proven that this is not the case. But, women still do not dare to correct some of the problems of unwanted hair “in a manly way”: most likely, traditions and prejudice are very strong. No one is surprised by a woman who shaves her legs, but for some reason it is difficult to imagine a girl who shaves her facial hair.

Razor making, razor blades, shaving creams is a multi-million dollar industry that does not in any way prejudice the gradual and slow growth popularity of other types of depilation. Usually women's machines are slightly different in shape and are made of plastic in "female" colors. However, today no one has yet proven that they are in some way fundamentally different from men's. By at least, men who, by the will of fate, used women's machines, did not notice a big difference - neither in the process of shaving, nor evaluating the result.

Chemical depilation

They are also called depilatory « chemical blades» . Depilatories are made in various forms:

  • Creams;
  • Gels;
  • Aerosols;
  • lotions;
  • Roller tubes, etc.

As the name implies, depilatories are based on the possibility chemical method destroy the hair shaft. Chemical reagents destroy the protein hair base, which, in turn, leads to easy detachment of the hair from the surface.

The disadvantage of depilatories is their high sensitivity to pH and skin temperature. So, with the deviation of these parameters, the activity of the drugs is significantly reduced.

Of course, the hair follicle is not affected during chemical depilation, because the hair growth cycle remains the same as it was before the procedure.

Each manufacturing company prescribes its own depilator usage plan. Therefore, it is important to carefully follow the instructions that come with a specific depilator. In addition, you must definitely do a skin test to determine sensitivity. It is known that the use of depilatories created chemical burns which left visible scars.

Chemical depilatories should not be used in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and eyelids, as well as on damaged or burned skin.

Depilation with wax

Depilation with wax or waxing is the most ancient method of hair removal using burnt sugar, wax, resin.

The meaning of the method is quite simple - with the help of an adhesive preparation (wax), the hair cover is glued, which is then removed in a single block using special napkins.

Naturally, waxing is more painful process than depilation, but still it is widespread. It is believed that wax creates the longest effect, unlike other methods of depilation, and hair growth begins in 3-4 weeks. In addition, there have been cases where the persistent use of wax for several years led to the cessation of hair growth forever.

The list of waxes used for bioepilation is very large. Some companies offer whole sets, where, in addition to wax, includes:

  • preparations that soften the skin after depilation;
  • pre-cleansers;
  • roller applicators;
  • wax heaters;
  • soothing lotions and oils;
  • paper strips that stick to the place of hair removal.

Paper strips are made different forms and sizes depending on where they are used.

Sugaring or sugar depilation

Some cosmetologists distinguish hair removal with sugar in a separate form. This is one of the most ancient methods: there is evidence that even in Egypt, a sugar solution was used to remove hair. Today, American cosmetologists offer sugar hair removal, which is called shugaring.

In this case, it applies thick warm sugary paste, it is applied with a stick not to the skin, but only to the hair. After drying, it is removed simultaneously with the hairs adhering to it. According to the supporters of this method, the skin suffers less than with classic waxing. In addition, hair grows much later - after about 1.5 months.

Thread depilation

This method is almost unknown in our country, but it is stably used in the salons of developed countries. Its meaning is that the hair is wound on a special roller, which is made of twisted cotton threads, then they are simply pulled out.


Used in Europe since the 30s. It is based on the effect of low voltage and high frequency alternating current. The current passes through the needle, which is inserted under the skin to the depth of the follicle, and local heating occurs, sufficient to destroy the follicle.

Thermolysis is quite a painful process. in which the use of surface anesthetics is insufficient. Some patients require local anesthesia. But, according to some reports, this further enhances hair growth. In addition, anesthesia provokes another problem: the liquid medium of drugs can change the course of the entire procedure, and it will not give the desired result. Another drawback: this is a rather slow process (each single hair takes a couple of seconds) and this explains the danger of getting small scars.


The method is based on the electrochemical effect of galvanic current. During the anodic-cathodic reaction, hydrochloric acid is formed, it, decomposing, transforms into caustic alkali. It is these substances that lead to burns and destruction of the follicle.

During the session, the patient holds the neutral electrode with his hand, and active electrode in the form of a needle, it is wound along the hair shaft to the follicle. Then a current is supplied, its strength is regulated using a special apparatus. There are standard recommendations for using a current of a certain strength, taking into account the thickness of the hair and the depth of the follicle. a sign of an end chemical reaction is the formation of white foam - hydrogen. The hair is removed with ordinary tweezers.

Electrolysis more painless appearance epilation, and the risk of complications is much less, in contrast to thermolysis. But, even though multi-needle systems are used today, the rate of epilation is very slow.

blend method

This method is an attempt to combine the two previous types of hair removal, the type of thermolysis at the time of the development of the blend method was the most studied, the second type is electrolysis.

So, in the device for this type of hair removal, they combined a constant galvanic and high frequency alternating current. With the blend method, a staged effect on the follicle occurs. At the first stage, a thermolytic reaction takes place near the follicle with the destruction of surrounding tissues. The second stage provides a galvanic reaction, in which the formation of a much smaller amount of alkali is sufficient for the complete destruction of the hair follicle.

Flash method

By and large, the flash method is an improved thermolysis, since the main principle of operation is the galvanic effect. But the current that is applied in this case is a very high frequency current (2000KHz). Due to the fact that the duration of action on one hair is very short (0.02-0.08 sec.) and the needles have isolation, pain and trauma in the flash method is almost not expressed.

Sequential blend

This method is considered an improved blend method. The meaning of the improvement is that in order to improve the effect of the destruction of the hair follicle when the needle is inserted during the impulse DC amplitude decreases, which, in addition to a more active effect on the follicle, reduces the sensation of pain.

Sequential Flash

As the name suggests, this is an improved version of the flash method. The hardware component makes it possible to use a sinusoidal high-frequency current, as well as to use pulses of different durations, taking into account the thickness of the hair.

Laser hair removal is promoted very actively all over the world. The introduction of laser technologies, research and development is a rather expensive undertaking, which, of course, should pay off over time. Therefore, laser hair removal is a rather expensive option for hair removal. Moreover, no one, including cosmetologists, can claim that such a fashionable and new way allows to finally and radically solve the problem.

A clear advantage of laser hair removal is considered almost completely painless and the possibility of acting simultaneously on a group of follicles.

The first reports of laser hair removal began to appear in the 90s. This method works on the principle of a directed stream of light. The laser beam is able to reproduce a strong local thermal effect, accompanied by reactive coagulation of the follicle zone, evaporation and charring of the tissues surrounding the hair follicle.

Computer software laser equipment makes it possible to achieve a directed action of the beam, so all of the above effects occur in the area of ​​​​the follicle.

The laser effect can be achieved only if there is some kind of absorbing medium in the path of the beam. Otherwise, the beam is deactivated (it simply scatters). In the skin, this medium is melanin cells, the number of which is quite high in the hair shaft. Heat from the rod passes to the follicle. In dark hair more melanin, respectively, their follicles are better destroyed during laser hair removal.

There are three main types of lasers for hair removal:

  • neodymium;
  • Alexandrite;
  • Ruby.

The last one is the most tested. Data about other lasers is rather contradictory.

The ruby ​​laser concentrates infrared radiation with a wavelength of 695 nm, creating light pulses duration of approximately 4 ms, creating an energy flux of up to 50-70 J/ Since the target in this case is only the melanin of the follicle, the laser cannot be used when tanned skin, since, it will begin to dissipate energy, and also have big risk tissue damage.

It is believed that laser hair removal requires about 8-16 sessions with an interval of up to one month. According to experts, 75% of patients get rid of hair throughout the year; 22% - for 1.5 years; 3% - for 3 years. Complications include desquamation, discoloration, erythema, itching, blisters, edema, angioectasias, post-burn scarring, and pain.

Lamp, enzymes, ultrasound

The search for the latest hair removal programs and products continues. The subject of these searches is concentrated in the area visible result, low pain and affordable cost. The three methods below demonstrate the continuation of these developments.

Ultrasonic hair removal

This method owes its name to the second part, when, after waxing, the skin is treated with special preparations, the ions and molecules of which, with the help of ultrasonic exposure after penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Here they slow down the process of cell division and partially destroy the follicle due to their pH.

The ultrasonic method of hair removal is quite effective in cases where the hair apparatus is highly sensitive to such inhibitors. The first changes usually occur about a year after the start of the sessions.

Enzymatic hair removal

At the core this method is the use of drugs that include enzymes (chymotrypsin, trypsin, papain). Its meaning is that enzymes act on the hair follicles, destroying it. The process occurs gradually, since enzymes cannot immediately remove the structure of the hair follicle. Therefore, the enzyme method also implies a certain course, after which, as the developers say, the result will be stable.

This type light depilation uses non-monochromatic light, it is provided by a broadband long-pulse lamp. Light pulses are generated in a large spectrum of 600-1400 nm, covering the area of ​​strong absorption by melanin. A lamp, unlike a laser, projects a rectangle up to 6 in size onto the body. The luminous flux is provided by series of up to 5 pulses duration 3-6 ms. The effect is explained by the photothermal death of the hair follicle.

Recall that the task of any type of hair removal is the destruction of the hair follicle, and this is not always possible in one procedure. Not all hair can be permanently removed. 40% of all hair follicles are located in the skin in a reserve state and can sprout even after a full course, so be patient and achieve smooth skin.
