Forms and methods of acquaintance of preschool children with nature. Hands are an important tool for understanding the world

How to introduce your child to the world of animals? How to introduce a child to the world of plants?

Hands are an important tool for understanding the world

When the child is already “strongly on his feet”, he does not have to balance and maintain balance with the help of his hands. The legs now live their own lives, and the hands have freedom and a lot

Nature is an inexhaustible source of information. Leaves are turning yellow, snow is falling it's raining, birds sing, flowers bloom, a river splashes ... For a child, this is to some extent fabulous, Magic world. After all, he sees everything for the first time, and the feeling of boredom is definitely not familiar to him. He is a pioneer!

SEASONS. You don't need to come up with any challenging games so that the baby learns something new for himself. It is enough to pay attention to changes in nature and weather during a walk.

◈ Use new words and phrases in your conversations about weather and nature. Compare phenomena and qualities: cold and hot, sun and clouds, rain and snow, windy and quiet, wet and dry, etc.

◈ Nature can be studied by looking out the window or walking on the balcony (especially in non-flying weather).

◈ Note how people dress at different times of the year, how they work: they remove snow, sweep leaves, sprinkle sand on the paths.

◈ Give the baby the opportunity to stroke the bark of trees, feel the grass, crush the leaves with his hands, touch the ground. How more baby will study the world with his hands, more information about him he will receive. Do not forget to describe the sensations: smooth and rough, cold and warm, wet and dry.

◈ Read books about nature, the world of plants and animals as often as possible. View reproductions of landscapes by great artists. Gradually introduce your baby to the world of beauty.

◈ Admire nature, sincerely, with fullness of feelings. Is it possible to remain indifferent to a sunset or a rainbow that suddenly appeared in the sky? The child will be surprised twice: your emotions and the beauty of the world.

WORLD OF PLANTS. Introduce the child to the names of trees and flowers. For him, this will not be a difficult science. Every day, going for a walk, explore the world of plants. Try to classify them: trees, grass, bushes, flowers, berries. Make thematic albums with the names and classification of plants. To begin with, there will be the simplest plants (those that grow in our region, and the child sees them almost every day). Over time, your albums will be replenished with new copies and become more complicated with names. You can purchase thematic cards or make your first herbarium. Teach your child to notice details and differences: the shape of leaves and flowers, tree crowns, the height and diameter of trunks, a palette of colors.

ANIMAL WORLD. Animals for children of all times and peoples have always been the object of close attention. Children especially love dogs and cats, the closest four-legged friends. Why are all the children so not indifferent to them? Maybe they catch in them their own openness, immediacy and inner freedom. Start learning with observation. True, some children immediately go to practice: first you need to pull the tail and pat the ears, and then see what happens. This is also an experience. Teach your baby from an early age to take care of all life on Earth. Go for walks in parks more often, go to nature, go to the zoo. Here the child will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the world of animals, birds and insects. You can also make themed albums: " forest dwellers”, “Pets”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Exotic animals”. Look at pictures of animals and birds together, show body parts and name them, learn how someone "speaks", tell how animals eat and where they live. Do not rush to make a botanist and zoologist out of a baby. Give information in an accessible way.

Good in the countryside in summer!

If you have the opportunity to go to the village or to the country house in the summer, do not miss this chance. stay on fresh air, eat fresh fruits and vegetables from your own garden, soak up the sun - all this is included in wellness program. In addition, you can see calves, geese, pigs, horses and other domestic animals with your own eyes.

No picture book can replace the experience of living communication with the world of wildlife.

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Coursework on PM. 03

MDK. 03.03. Theory and methodologyenvironmental educationpreschoolers

Introduction to the natural worldas a means of shaping the personality of preschool children

students of the 205th group of the 2nd year

specialty 050144

Preschool education


Scientific adviser:

Zavalishina G.D.

Chapaevsk 2015


Chapter 1. Theoretical content of familiarizing preschool children with nature

1.1 General characteristics of preschool age and its opportunities for education and upbringing

1.2 The role of nature in shaping the personality of preschool children. Educational and educational tasks of familiarizing children with nature

Chapter 2

2.1 General characteristics of methods for introducing children to nature

2.2 Forms of organization of children when introducing them to nature


List of information sources


Each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, has experienced the influence of our native nature and knows that it is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime.

Children always and everywhere in one form or another come into contact with nature. Green forests and meadows, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, animals, moving clouds, falling snow flakes, streams, even puddles after a summer rain - all this attracts the attention of children, pleases them, provides rich food for their development.

Playing in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of a lake or river, picking mushrooms, berries, flowers, caring for and observing animals and plants give children many joyful experiences. All his life a person keeps memories of the river in which he swam as a child, of the lawn on which he ran after a motley butterfly and picked flowers. From close attention to nature, from attachment to the place of children's games, love for one's land, for native nature, for the Motherland arises and develops, a sense of patriotism is brought up.

The color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the splash of water, the rustle of grass, the rustling of dry leaves, the crunch of snow underfoot - all this allows children to feel nature and can serve as a rich material for developing their aesthetic sense, sensory education .

Acquired in childhood, the ability to see and hear nature as it really is, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and interests.

Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the surrounding nature, based on sensory experience and cultivating the right attitude towards it.

Children's lack of knowledge that correctly reflects reality often leads to the formation of various prejudices and superstitions in them. Misconceptions often lead to friendly attitude children to animals, their destruction of frogs, hedgehogs, beneficial insects, etc. This not only harms nature, but also negatively affects the psyche of children, hardens them. It is much more difficult to correct existing misconceptions than to form new, correct ones. That is why it is very important that children are already in preschool age received correct information about nature.

In order for children to correctly perceive the phenomena of nature, it is necessary to direct the process of their perception of nature. Without bringing children closer to nature and its widespread use in educational work kindergarten it is impossible to solve the problems of the comprehensive development of preschool children - mental, aesthetic, moral, labor and physical.

R. Tagore said: “You cannot raise a full-fledged person without cultivating a sense of beauty in him ...”: these words simply and clearly express the idea of ​​the indissolubility of moral and aesthetic education, of the connection between aesthetic ideals and the understanding of beauty as the measure of all things .. .

Specialists in preschool education(L. Schleger, V. Schmidt, D. Lazutkina, E. Tikheeva, R. Orlova, A. Surovtseva) and figures of general psychology, pedagogy, physiology (S. Shatsky, P. Blonsky, E. Arkhin, K. Kornilov and etc.). Reports on these issues were made by specialists whose activities were not limited to narrow methodological searches, they knew the theory very well and had experience working with children (G. Roshal, V. Shatskaya, M. Rushel, N. Dolmanova, etc.).

Relevanceresearch is determined by the fact that for the effective implementation of the work on acquaintance of preschoolers with nature, it is necessary to develop a complex of educational activities aimed at educating, “clarifying” the feelings of a small person, developing the ability to distinguish shades of color and sound, a sense of unity with nature. During direct educational activities, a combination of transmission should be used new information with its use, consolidation in practical activities.

An objectresearch: the process of personality formation of preschool children.

Itemresearch: forms and methods of work to familiarize preschool children with the natural world.

Targetresearch: description of the main practical and theoretical points for familiarizing children with nature.


1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem, to investigate the degree of knowledge of this issue.

2. Analyze the psychological characteristics of preschool age to familiarize children with nature.

3. Reveal the meaning of nature in the mental, physical, aesthetic and labor education preschoolers.

4. Analyze the main most effective methods and forms of work to familiarize preschool children with nature.

Hypothesisresearch: correct and planned organization educational work to familiarize preschoolers with nature will contribute not only to the acquisition of knowledge about the objects and phenomena of the outside world, but also to labor, physical and, above all, aesthetic education preschool children.

Research methods Keywords: study and analysis of literary sources, observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment.

Chapter1. Theoreticalthe content of familiarizing preschool children with nature

1.1 General characteristics of preschool age and its opportunities for education and upbringing

Preschool age is a particularly responsible period in education, as it is the age of the initial formation of the child's personality. At this time, in the communication of the child with peers, rather complex relationships arise that significantly affect the development of his personality. At preschool age, the child's world is already, as a rule, inextricably linked with other children. And the older the child becomes, the more important contacts with peers become for him.

Preschool childhood is extremely important period human development. Its existence is due to the socio-historical and evolutionary-biological development of society and a particular individual, which determines the tasks and opportunities for the development of the child. given age. Preschool childhood has an independent value, regardless of the upcoming schooling for the child.

The preschool period of childhood is sensitive for the formation of the foundations of collectivist qualities in the child, as well as humane treatment to other people. If the foundations of these qualities are not formed at preschool age, then the whole personality of the child may become flawed, and subsequently it will be extremely difficult to fill this gap.

At this age increases cognitive activity: perception, visual thinking develop, rudiments appear logical thinking. The growth of cognitive abilities is facilitated by the formation of semantic memory, voluntary attention.

The role of speech is increasing both in the child's knowledge of the world around him, and in the development of communication and various activities. Preschoolers begin to perform actions according to verbal instructions, knowledge is also mastered based on explanations, but only when based on clear visual representations.

The basis of knowledge at this age is sensory knowledge - perception and visual thinking. From how the perception is formed in a preschool child, visual-effective and visual- creative thinking, depends on his cognitive abilities, further development activity, speech and higher, logical forms of thinking.

New activities are emerging:

The game is the first and main activity.

Visual activity is the first productive activity.

Elements of labor activity.

In the same way, the child's personality develops intensively. Will develops. Preschool children are already assimilated moral ideas and forms of behavior in society.

In the process of education in a preschool institution, the comprehensive development of children is carried out - physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic.

Familiarization of preschool children with nature involves giving them a certain amount of knowledge about objects, phenomena of inanimate and living nature, in the process of assimilation of which the cognitive abilities of children are formed, and right attitude to nature.

In each age group, certain program tasks are carried out to familiarize children with nature. They provide for the gradual assimilation of natural history knowledge by the child.

Children of the 2nd and 3rd years of life are introduced to plants, animals, phenomena of inanimate nature, they are taught to isolate them in space, to distinguish and correctly name some signs of plants (color of leaves, flowers), movements and voices of animals, lead to primary visual connections and generalizations (a fish swims in water). At the same time, analyzers (visual, auditory, etc.) are improved in children, attention and interest in the observed objects develop, and a benevolent attitude towards them is formed.

In children of the 4th year of life, they form ideas about the objects and phenomena of nature that they constantly encounter in life, lead them to establish such connections that children can learn in the process of object-sensory activity in the classroom, in the game and reflect them in the form of concrete representations.

Children are taught to observe, highlight individual signs of plants, animals, determine them using sensory standards (color, shape, size), compare objects and group them according to outward signs. In the process of assimilation of knowledge, they form higher forms of cognitive activity: from the visual-figurative level of knowledge at the age of three, children by the age of four are able to approach the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

By the age of five, children form the highest form of visual-figurative thinking. They can assimilate generalized knowledge, which contributes to the emergence of their ideas that reflect the patterns that occur in nature. Children are taught to identify characteristics structures of plants, animals and establish their dependence on the conditions of existence.

By the end of preschool age, children should have developed an elementary form of logical thinking: the ability to analyze and synthesize, the ability to identify individual and general signs of plants and animals and make generalizations (for example, generalize different groups of animals according to the signs of nutrition, movement, food, habitat etc.).

Children are led to the conclusion that natural phenomena are due to natural causes (for example, changes in the life of plants and animals depend on the sun, light and heat). Before going to school, children should develop observation, curiosity, love and respect for nature, the ability to find beauty in it.

1.2 The role of nature in shaping the personality of preschool children. Educational and educational tasks of familiarizing children with nature

Nature is the most important means of education and development of preschool children. The child makes many discoveries by communicating with her. Every living being seen by a child is unique. Natural materials (sand, clay, water, snow, etc.) with which children love to play are also diverse. Preschoolers interact with nature different time year - and when fluffy white snow lies around, and when gardens bloom. Special meaning for a child, when getting acquainted with nature, the personality of an adult plays, along with which the child learns about the world around him. Not a single didactic material can be compared with nature, in terms of the variety and strength of the developmental impact on the child. Objects and phenomena of nature visually appear before children. Thus, the baby directly, with the help of the senses, perceives the variety of properties of natural objects: shape, size, sounds, colors, spatial position, movement, etc. He forms initial concrete and vivid ideas about nature, which later help him see and understand connections and relationships natural phenomena to learn new concepts. Children learn many connections and relationships between natural phenomena in the process of observation. This allows the teacher to develop logical thinking in students.

The communication of children with nature also has an ideological and ideological significance. The accumulation of real, reliable ideas, understanding of the interconnections of natural phenomena underlies the subsequent formation in children of elements of a materialistic worldview.

A variety of natural objects allows the educator to organize an interesting and useful activity children. In the process of observing, playing and working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities of objects and natural phenomena, learn to notice their change and development, they develop curiosity.

The preschoolers are invited to use the knowledge and skills they have gained in practice: the children moisten the sand, pour water on the snow to create durable buildings, coat the bottom of streams and canals with clay to hold water. In the process of this activity, further improvement of knowledge and development of mental abilities takes place.

On the formation of the personality of the child positive influence renders labor in nature. It is he who gives the child a tangible and significant result. Caring for plants and animals, the child takes care of nature. In labor there is an active process of cognition and application of the acquired knowledge. In the process of labor in nature, the health of the child is strengthened; development of his psyche. At the same time, the role of the teacher is very important - his ability to create conditions that ensure the activity and independence of each pupil when getting to know nature.

The influence of nature on the development of the child's personality is associated with the formation of certain knowledge about its objects and phenomena. Knowledge about nature helps the baby to navigate the qualities, signs and properties various items. Therefore, if we talk about the tasks facing the educator, introducing children to nature, then the first among them will be the formation of an elementary system of knowledge in children. The system of knowledge about nature includes knowledge about its objects and phenomena (their features, properties), as well as the connections and relationships between them. Knowledge about nature in preschool children is formed at the level of representations, which reflect significant, but outwardly expressed signs, connections and relationships.

The development of a cognitive attitude towards nature in children is associated with the assimilation of a system of knowledge. It manifests itself in curiosity, the desire to learn as much as possible.

The role of knowledge in the formation of labor skills and abilities is great. Knowing about the needs of plants and animals, that these are living organisms that need to be taken care of, the child will strive to master different ways caring for plants and animals and choosing them correctly in this or that case.

Knowledge about nature encourages children to take care of it. Good deeds and deeds are reinforced by the awareness of the correctness and necessity of such behavior in order to protect nature. However, a careful attitude to nature cannot be formed only on the basis of knowledge. Labor in nature is a manifestation of active concern for it.

The second task is the formation of labor skills and abilities in children. Children's understanding of the need to create certain favorable conditions, based on knowledge and supported by strong work skills and abilities, creates basis for a true love of nature. Labor habits and skills acquired in childhood are not destroyed - in the future they are improved, turning into more complex types of labor. The labor of children in nature gives real results. This is how he attracts children to himself, causes joy and a desire to care for plants and animals.

The third task is to develop in children a love for nature. This task stems from the humanistic orientation of education in our society and the need to protect nature - the vital concern of all mankind. Respect for nature involves the manifestation of good deeds and deeds in cases where it is necessary, and for this, children must know how to care for plants and animals, what conditions to create for them. favorable growth and development. Of particular importance for the formation of a careful attitude to nature are knowledge about a living organism, the ability to distinguish it from objects of inanimate nature.

Respect for nature is associated with the development of observation, that is, educating a child with a sense of love for nature, one must strive to ensure that the child does not pass by this or that phenomenon that causes anxiety, so that he actually takes care of nature.

The formation of a careful attitude to nature also depends on the ability to perceive it aesthetically, that is, to be able to see and experience the beauty of nature. Aesthetic perception is provided by the direct "live" communication of children with nature. Observation of the beauty of natural phenomena is an inexhaustible source of aesthetic impressions. It is important to show children aesthetic qualities natural phenomena, to teach them to feel the beauty, to express value judgments related to the experience of the beauty of the observed phenomena.

All of the above tasks facing the educator are closely interconnected - it is necessary to consider and solve them as a whole. The complexity and variety of these tasks require the teacher to be able to use a variety of methods of working with children (observation, work, reading and storytelling, organization of experiments, conversation, etc.).

Love for nature can be brought up only on the basis of knowledge, as we have already noted, about plants and animals, their living conditions, basic needs, as well as skills and abilities to care for plants and animals. The formation of a careful attitude to nature contributes to its aesthetic perception. In addition, all children age groups it is necessary to cultivate a cognitive attitude towards nature, a desire to learn about it as much as possible.

Systematically acquainting children with nature begins in the first and second junior groups. At this age, it is important that children accumulate knowledge, that is, specific ideas, about individual objects of nature: about natural material (sand, water, snow, ice) and its properties, about the structure of plants (stem, leaf, flower) and their moisture needs, the appearance of animals (fish, birds, mammals) and their methods of movement, nutrition. Children are introduced to the cubs of some animals: a kitten, a puppy, rabbits, chickens. They are given the first knowledge about hallmarks seasons.

Younger preschoolers should understand some of the connections between natural phenomena: the wind is blowing - the trees are swaying, the sun is shining - it is getting warmer. The teacher teaches kids to observe objects and natural phenomena. At the same time, children are offered the task of observation and a plan that should be followed. In the course of observation, the educator teaches the children to explore actions.

It is very important to teach kids to talk about the results of observation. The task of the educator is to form in the children an emotionally positive, caring attitude towards nature (the ability to rejoice at the sight of a flower, bird, sun).

IN middle group children's ideas about the properties and qualities of inanimate objects are expanding and concretizing (for example, water - clear liquid that flows; some objects float in water, others sink; snow and water change their properties depending on the air temperature).

Children form ideas that plants need warmth and moisture, and animals cannot live without a variety of food, water, and a warm home.

Children learn generalized concepts, such as: trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, garden plants, flower beds, vegetables, fruits, domestic and wild animals.

Pupils of the middle group continue to learn to observe the objects of nature. This activity in comparison with the previous groups becomes more complicated. Children are taught to define the task of observation, they master investigative actions, try to compare, talk coherently about what is being observed, and draw conclusions.

As in the younger preschool age, in the middle group, children continue to be brought up with love for animals and plants, but now they must show it in practice - caring for their pets in a corner of nature.

IN senior groups The main task is to form children's knowledge about the connections and relationships that exist in nature: about the needs of plants and animals, depending on the conditions of life and condition, about the connections between certain organs and their functions.

Children learn about the stages of growth and development of plants, about seasonal changes in nature and their causes, about a certain sequence of seasonal changes. In older preschool age, children's knowledge is systematized; links are established between the needs of plants, animals and human labor aimed at satisfying these needs; between the organs of animals, their functions and habitat (a fish has fins, it swims in water; a bird has wings and legs, it flies in the air, walks on the ground, jumps).

The systematization of knowledge about the seasons occurs on the basis of the establishment of temporal (what happens after what) and cause-and-effect (from what certain phenomena occur) relationships. It is important to develop in children the ability to observe changes in natural phenomena, to cultivate a sense of love for all living things, to teach some simple ways nature conservation.

In the preparatory school group, the main task is to clarify and expand knowledge about the regular changes in the phenomena of inanimate nature, their further systematization and generalization. It is necessary to form ideas about the change of seasons, about the increase (or decrease) in the length of day and night, about regular changes in air temperature, and the nature of precipitation.

Children develop clear ideas that each animal and plant is adapted to a certain environment. Preschoolers learn about seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals, establishing connections between their needs and the degree of their satisfaction at different times of the year.

The generalization and systematization of knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, about their main groups (according to the nature of their adaptation to the conditions of the habitat and the occupied territory - forest, meadow, reservoir, field, etc.) continues. Knowledge of seasonal changes in nature is generalized. based on a deeper understanding of temporal and causal relationships. The knowledge about the work of adults in nature is systematized on the basis of understanding the need for it to meet the needs of plants and animals.

The complication of knowledge requires the improvement of the mental activity of children. They are taught to set the task of observation, to plan it in an elementary way, to use different methods of observation. The first skills of search activity are being formed, the ability to analyze the situation, to accept or set a simple task, to make an assumption, to compare the accumulated facts, to draw conclusions. In the process of labor, children develop the ability to see the need for this or that work, plan its sequence, and interact with peers. The acquired knowledge and skills contribute to the formation of a negative attitude towards the manifestation of negligence or cruelty in contact with nature, cause a desire to protect it.

Thus, by the end of preschool age, children learn an elementary system of knowledge about nature, which contributes to the development of mental activity and the formation of a stable positive attitude to nature. A preschool child will have to get acquainted with the natural world that surrounds him. Knowledge about nature, which the child must acquire at preschool age, is formulated in groups:

1. Knowledge about inanimate nature.

Throughout preschool age, children form knowledge about the change of day and night, about typical weather phenomena characteristic of the local region: the presence of warm and cold days, cloudy and sunny weather, typical atmospheric phenomena - rain, snowfall, wind, frost, hoarfrost, thunderstorm etc. Preschoolers learn to recognize the state of the weather and define it with the appropriate term-word. Gradually, children begin to correlate the state of the weather with a particular season, to establish the causes of seasonal changes.

Children form ideas about the state of aggregation of water and its dependence on air temperature: liquid water can be solid (ice, snow, frost); in frosty weather, the snow crumbles, creaks underfoot - it is impossible to sculpt anything from it: in warm weather it begins to thaw, become wet, plastic - various figures can be sculpted from it. In kindergarten, pupils are introduced to such inanimate objects as clay. Children love to play with these natural materials. Children get acquainted with the soil, with its processing, preparation for growing plants. The children also form ideas about some cosmic bodies: about the Moon, stars, the Sun. The system of knowledge about inanimate nature underlies the understanding of the relationship between animate and inanimate nature.

2. Knowledge about plants.

At preschool age, it is necessary to teach children to distinguish between plants, the most typical, often found in a given area (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants). The teacher chooses the plants that bloom most brightly at different times of the year and shows them to the children. In the garden, he offers to observe the growth and development of vegetable crops. , in the flower garden - admire the ornamental plants that bloom at different times of the year. At preschool age, children have access to knowledge about the needs of plants; for their growth and development, plants need light, warmth, and nutrition organized by man. Children are taught to distinguish between parts of plants, stem, root, flower, bud, seed, fruit). They will learn about the functions of some of them. Children are introduced to different ways of caring for indoor plants, as well as behind the plants of the garden and flower garden.

During preschool age, children form ideas about the change in the state of plants in different seasons: awakening, rapid growth and development in spring and summer, ripening of fruits and seeds in summer and autumn, dormancy in winter. It is necessary to ensure that children understand the essence of the state of trees, shrubs and herbs known to them in a given season and can explain the reasons for such changes.

3. Knowledge about animals.

Preschool children are introduced to the most common representatives of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and insects. They are told about domestic animals and wild animals of their native land. Gradually, children learn about the life of the most typical animals of other zones. The teacher introduces them to birds - wintering and migratory, living near a person (it’s good if you can watch them all year round) - and, if possible, teaches the children to take care of poultry or those kept in a corner of nature. Preschoolers form ideas about reptiles and amphibians. Knowledge about fish and their habits is well formed V the process of observing and caring for aquarium fish.

Watching animals, caring for them, children gain knowledge about their appearance, behavior, adaptation to conditions. environment, including seasonal changes in nature.

4. Knowledge about the work of adults in nature.

The teacher tells the children about the ways of growing plants and caring for animals, about protecting nature and using it by man. The children will learn about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, about the methods of tillage, about how sowing, planting, weeding, fertilizing and grain, vegetable and other crops are carried out.

In unity with the accumulation of knowledge about the work of adults, the formation of labor skills and abilities in children takes place. Preschoolers learn to take care of plants and animals in a corner of nature, on the site.

These general patterns can be learned by children, provided that during preschool age they form specific ideas about each season (day length, air temperature, typical precipitation, plant conditions, animal lifestyle, adult work, changes in the lives of children themselves in any given season). Children need to know the order of the seasons.

All this knowledge is gradually acquired by children by the end of preschool age.

Chapter 2. Methods of familiarizing preschool children with the outside world

2.1 General characteristics of methods for introducing children to nature

Our research work was based on the principle of systematization and generalization of all knowledge obtained from the methodological and psychological works mentioned in this work. In our practical activities, we took into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

Leading the knowledge of nature and the acquisition of various skills and abilities by children, the educator uses a variety of methods and techniques.

Preference should be given to those methods and techniques that provide direct perception of nature by children and active mastery of skills. These methods include observation, experiment, work, games. Along with this, methods based on the word of the educator are widely used - a story, reading works of art, conversations conducted with a demonstration of natural objects, or their images.

The methods and techniques used by the teacher in the work are combined, for example, observation with conversation, the story of the educator with reading a work of art, experiment with labor, etc.

Using this or that method, the educator uses many different techniques. So, for example, when conducting a conversation in combination with observation, the educator "brings" the object to the children, compares it with the already known, introduces elements of the game, uses proverbs, sayings, etc.

The same techniques can be used in different methods. For example, comparison is used during observations, in didactic games, in conversation; game techniques are also used in observations, in conversations; demonstration, explanation - when teaching labor skills, conducting experiments, etc.

The variety and effectiveness of methods and techniques characterizes the skill of the educator. The choice of methods and techniques is determined by the content of the program and depends on the natural environment preschool, place and object of observation, as well as the age of the children and their experience.

In groups of early and younger preschool age, sensory perceptions of children are of particular importance, so observation will be the main method. nature knowledge skill skill

During observation, the child can observe natural phenomena, seasonal changes in a natural setting, see how people transform nature in accordance with the requirements of life and how nature serves them.

The advantages of observation-classes are that here the children have the opportunity to see plants and animals in their habitat. Observation helps to form in children primary worldview ideas about the relationships that exist in nature, a materialistic worldview.

Observations in the forest, in the field, on the banks of rivers and lakes attract the attention of children, provide an opportunity, under the guidance of a teacher, to collect a variety of material for subsequent observations and work in a group, in a corner of nature. On observations, the children develop observation, interest in the study of nature.

They learn to peer into the subject and notice its characteristic features. The beauty of nature causes deep feelings in the children, indelible impressions, contributes to the development aesthetic feelings. On this basis, love for the native nature, a careful attitude towards it, love for the Motherland is formed.

Organization of observations.

Observation as a form of directly educational activity is used in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. For each observation, tasks are determined that are mandatory for mastering by all children.

Natural observations are carried out in a certain system. It is advisable to organize them on the same objects at different times of the year in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature. For example, in spring season with children of older preschool age, 3 observations should be made in the park with a gradual complication of tasks. The purpose of these observations is to introduce spring changes, develop the ability to see them and understand the reason for what is happening in nature.

Agricultural observations are carried out to get acquainted with certain types of adult labor. It is much more difficult to organize observation than a group session, and it will be successful only if careful preparation is made.

Didactic game.

The game is not only entertainment, but also a method by which young children get to know the world around them. The smaller the children, the more often the game is used as a method of educational work with them.

Didactic games.These games use natural objects of nature (vegetables, fruits, flowers, stones, seeds, dry fruits), pictures of plants and animals, Board games and all kinds of toys.

Didactic games with the natural material of nature or its images are the main way of sensory education, the development of cognitive activity.

Games are carried out in the classroom, excursions, walks at a time specially allotted for them. Didactic games used in the classroom help children learn the qualities of objects and clarify the ideas obtained in the process of observing nature.

Didactic games need to be gradually complicated. So, for example, the recognition of objects should be given first by appearance, then to the touch, then according to the description, and finally, according to the answers to the questions posed to the riddle. The most difficult is to combine objects according to common features and guessing objects by answering questions.

During the didactic game with plants, you need to cultivate a careful attitude towards them.

Games with natural material of nature. On walks, children's games with natural material are widely used.

In numerous games with sand, water, snow, pebbles, children get acquainted with the quality and properties of natural materials, accumulate sensory experience. So, for example, children learn that water can be cold and warm, it spills, stones sink in it, chips and light toys float, that dry snow crumbles, and wet snow can be sculpted, etc.

During the game with natural material (snow, water, sand), the teacher, talking with the children, helps them learn some of the properties of the material, for example: “Kolya took dry sand, it crumbles” or “Tonya put wet sand in the mold, she came out with good pie".

Having fun with such toys as turntables, arrows, windmills, children get acquainted with the action of wind, water and learn a number of facts that will later help them understand the simplest physical laws (floating objects in water, movement in air, etc.).

Walking with children in the forest, it is useful to draw their attention to knots, dry branches, roots, which in their outlines resemble birds and animals. Gradually, children begin to look closely at natural material and look for something similar to familiar objects in it. This makes them very happy and contributes to the development of observation and imagination.

In the younger groups, the game usually takes up the entire lesson, in the middle, senior and preparatory groups it is most often part of the lesson and lasts from 5 to 20 minutes.

In younger groups, games are played in which the child must learn to distinguish objects by their appearance. Organizing such a game, the teacher instructs the children to bring a leaf, a flower, carrots, beets, potatoes, etc.

In the middle group, while playing, children recognize objects (vegetables, fruits) by touch. These games include "Guess what's in the bag?", "Find out what's in your hands?".

For the first of these games, the teacher prepares a bag in advance and puts vegetables or fruits in it (potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, cucumbers, apples, pears, lemons). Children take turns putting their hand into the bag, take the object, feel it, call it, and then take it out and show it to the whole group.

After the children have accumulated specific ideas about plants (field, forest, indoor, etc.), in the older group, didactic games can be given to compare objects and recognize them in parts (flowers, leaves). When conducting a game, for example, “Find out whose leaf?”, Children compare the leaf received for guessing with the leaves that plants have.

In the preparatory group for school, games are played that require the identification of certain signs of plants or animals, the ability to describe them, and make a generalization.

Word didactic games, for example, “Recognize the subject from the description”, “Guess what it is?” or “Who is this?”, organized on material familiar to children; with their help, the thinking of children is activated, speech develops.

Labor as a method of educational work in kindergarten is important. By directly coming into contact with objects and phenomena of nature, children acquire specific knowledge about it, establish some links between the development of plants and human care. All this has a positive effect on the development of children's thinking, creates the basis for a materialistic worldview.

Systematic work in the garden, garden, flower garden and corner of nature increases the interest of children in plants and animals, helps to educate children in love and respect for natural objects, contributes to the formation of high moral qualities.

Adequate physical labor has a beneficial effect on general development children, improves the functions of their analyzers, and primarily motor.

Labor in kindergarten is used in daily care for plants and animals on the land and in the corner of nature, sometimes in the classroom. But you can not turn the work of children into an end in itself. By educating certain labor skills, one should expand or consolidate children's knowledge of nature. So, for example, before sowing, children should consider the seeds (shape, size, color), before planting the cuttings, repeat the names of the parts of the plant (stem, leaves, flowers).

Children need to be educated conscious attitude to work, to demand that they comprehend the work done, understand its purpose. It is very important that children not only learn this or that technique, but also understand why it is needed. Therefore, showing the sowing of seeds, planting cuttings, adding water to the aquarium and other labor operations, it is absolutely necessary to accompany them with explanations.

If all the activities of children are reduced to the mechanical performance of certain operations, then, no matter how effective their result may be, labor will lose its educational value. The educator must explain and show any new labor technique himself, then it is repeated by two or three children of the middle group and one or two of the older and preparatory groups for school. Only then can the reception be offered to the whole group. The constant application of the same techniques leads to the formation of labor skills and thus ensures the successful cultivation of plants and the care of animals.

The main methods used in the labor education of children include familiarization with the work of adults, the example of the educator himself, assigning children various labor operations and checking their performance, and evaluating the work done by the educator and the whole group.

Labor on the land. Kindergarten workers and parents prepare the site for growing plants. They dig up the ground for a vegetable garden and a flower garden, prepare beds. Children participate in the cleanup of the site and in the work of growing plants.

Children of younger groups collect pebbles and chips when cleaning the site and put them in a pile, with the help of a teacher they plant onions, sow large seeds, observe the watering of beds and flower beds, loosen the soil and weed the plants, participate in harvesting the grown crop.

Children of the middle and older groups take more than Active participation at work. They rake the rubbish and carry it to the pile on a stretcher. With the help of an educator, they sow large seeds of peas, beans, beets, oats, nasturtiums and other plants, water flower beds and beds, loosen the ground, observe weeding, and collect ripe vegetables.

Children of the preparatory school group are involved in digging the earth and breaking up its lumps, sowing seeds, planting seedlings, watering, loosening, weeding plants, harvesting, planting tree seedlings.

2. 2 Forms of organization of children when introducing them to nature

The forms of organization of children's activities in familiarizing them with nature are directly educational activities, excursions, walks, work in a corner of nature, work on the land.

Direct educational activities . This is the main form of organization of children in familiarizing them with nature. It is organized at certain hours according to a pre-developed plan, agreed with the program. During the direct educational activity, the educator not only informs the children of new information, but clarifies and consolidates the knowledge they already have.

Directly educational activities are organized in such a way that in the process of getting to know nature, the development of cognitive abilities (observation, thinking) and children's speech, the enrichment of their vocabulary, and the development of interest and love for nature are carried out.

The main thing in directly educational activity is the assimilation by all children program material. For this, various methods are used - observation of natural objects, adult labor, didactic games, working with pictures, reading works of art, stories, conversations, etc.

Directly educational activity is closely connected with other forms of work. So, for example, the knowledge and skills obtained during directly educational activities are used by children in everyday activities (in games and work), and the accumulated ideas during walks, work and observations on the site are specified and systematized during directly educational activities.

Preparing for directly educational activities, the teacher outlines the object with which he will acquaint children with the program. After that, it determines the methods and techniques that it is advisable to apply, which visual aids use.

An excursion is a directly educational activity during which children get acquainted With nature in natural conditions: in the forest, in the meadow, in the garden, by the reservoir, etc. Tours are held during the hours allotted for directly educational activities.

On excursions, a certain program content is carried out, the assimilation of which is mandatory for all children in the group, which distinguishes excursions from everyday walks. The educational and educational value of excursions is very great, as they raise interest in native nature, contribute to the education of aesthetic feelings.

Staying in the open air in a forest or meadow among fragrant flowers, movement and joyful experiences, usually associated with this, have a beneficial effect on physical development children. The choice of a place for an excursion depends on its tasks and the age of the children.

Excursions outside the kindergarten are conducted with middle, senior and preparatory groups. With younger groups, nature observations are recommended on the land plot of a preschool institution, and only in the second half of the year - short excursions to the meadow, to the park (forest). When choosing a place for this, one must avoid roads on which there are steep ascents and descents.

Taking into account the physical capabilities of preschoolers, for excursions it is necessary, first of all, to use the nearest places. In cities, these are boulevards, gardens, parks, ponds, where you can observe seasonal changes in the life of plants, birds, insects, as well as the work of people. In rural conditions, such places will be a forest, a field, a meadow, a river, a poultry house, a barnyard.

Excursions to the same places are advisable to conduct at different times of the year. This makes it much easier for children to observe the seasonal changes that occur in nature.

Preparing for the excursion, the teacher visits in advance those places where the excursion is planned. Here he decides, based on the program, what can be shown to the children, what they need to take with them for various gatherings, how to organize observation (questions, tasks for children), what games to play, where to have a rest.

Children are warned the day before about the upcoming excursion, telling where they will go, what they will observe, what they should take with them to collect and transfer plants and animals, how to dress. This five-minute pre-message creates good mood in children, excites interest, draws their attention to the planned excursion. During the tour big role plays an organization of children. Before leaving, they check whether they have taken everything they need. Then remind the children how they should behave. Arriving at the place, you can allow the children to move, run, sit. It is very important that they feel nature. To do this, you need to draw their attention to autumn colors forests, to winter dress, the expanse of fields and meadows, the scent of flowers, the singing of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the rustling of leaves, etc. However, children must not be allowed to be overwhelmed by impressions.

The central point of any excursion is planned observation, which is carried out with all children.


Daily walks are widely used to introduce children of all age groups to nature. They can be in the nature of small excursions, during which the teacher conducts inspections of the site, organizes observations of the weather, seasonal changes in plant and animal life.

On walks, children get to know nature according to a planned plan, drawn up in advance on the basis of a program and taking into account local conditions. The program content of the plan is carried out on a series of walks at a time when certain natural phenomena appear.

On walks, the teacher organizes games using natural material (sand, snow, water, leaves), toys set in motion by wind, water, during which children accumulate sensory experience, learn the various qualities of natural objects.

For games while walking on the land, you need to have a box of sand, a small pool, waterfowl toys and toys driven by wind and water. During daily walks, children participate in labor processes: raking fallen leaves, clearing snow from paths, digging up the ground for beds, watering and weeding plants.

Work on the land.

On the land, children work mainly after daytime sleep. As well as in a corner of nature, this work is combined with observations and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about plants and animals, the improvement of labor skills and abilities, and the development of industriousness. The organization of work depends on the type of work, the age of the children and the time of year. Some work on the land can be carried out in the form of teaching the whole group (or subgroup), but the formation of labor skills and abilities should be carried out in the daily work of children. Various assignments (episodic or long-term) are given to individual children, to small groups of them, or to the whole group.

Work in the corner of nature.

Work in the corner of nature is carried out daily during the hours allotted for work. Children observe plants and animals and get used to caring for them, master elementary labor skills, learn to work together with adults, with each other, and then independently. The organization of work of children depends on their age. In the first junior group children only watch how the teacher takes care of the plants, and in the second younger group they themselves participate in this work. In the middle group, all children carry out separate assignments of the teacher. In older groups, they are performed by duty officers under the supervision of a teacher. In the group preparatory to school, in addition to duty, children conduct individual observations of plants and animals.

Periodically, it is possible to carry out joint work of all children on cleaning in a corner of nature.


Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens in him better feelings. The role of nature in the upbringing of children is especially great.

"Nature is a source of creative inspiration, a source of uplifting of all the spiritual forces of a person, not only an adult, but also a growing one." Nature helps to color all perceptions of the surrounding reality in emotional tones. This emotional attitude to the surrounding nature, an inexhaustible source of beauty, and the system should educate educational institutions in children.


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Influence nature per child is huge. Every day, in one form or another, children encounter its objects or phenomena. Such communication with others enriches the sensory experience of the child, awakens the imagination, and promotes emergence various issues, answers to which he cannot always find on his own, without the help of adults.

children 3 – 5 years desirable meet with phenomena and objects of the nearest environment: with plants and animals living in the park, in the forest, at home, in the yard; with seasonal phenomena, with the properties of water and sand, etc.

In that age it is important for the child to interact with these objects and phenomena: look, touch, smell, listen, taste, experiment. At the same time, an adult should not overload children information, since this can lead to randomness of knowledge.

Based on the sensory experience of the child, and using visibility during a walk, an adult draws the child's attention to the state of the weather (Look what today warm weather the sun shines brightly, birds, butterflies, flowers rejoice in it .... And we have fun walking with you). If it rains, you can offer the child to substitute palms and so he will feel the cold rain (in autumn) or warm (in summer).

Anyone can interest and attract the attention of a child fairy tale character, for example, an old man is a forest man, it can be made from large fir cones, walnuts and thin tree branches. This character will come to visit the child, bring a variety of natural material from which interesting crafts are obtained; invite for a walk in the park or forest to collect natural material.

The child will examine the material, feel to explore it. As a result, the perception of the child will develop nka: he will begin to distinguish the shape, color and other parts of objects.

Work with natural material will develop the child's attention and thinking nka: he, considering a made sample of crafts or a drawing of a toy, analyzes what parts it consists of, what it can be made of, and comes up with what additional material is required. Do not forget to praise the baby, along with the woodman, admire the toy made together. This will make him want to perform new, more complex crafts, help overcome difficulties, will contribute the development of such qualities as perseverance, the ability to bring things to the end.

Getting to know the plants in the park, square, forest, the child learns to distinguish trees from herbaceous plants (Trees have thick, strong trunks, grasses have thin and flexible stems, they bend and break easily). Pay attention to the varied shape of the leaves, color and smell of flowers. Read a short poem to your child, make simple riddles about those trees and flowers that you met on a walk.

Children's fiction about nature affects both on the mind of the child and on his feelings. In combination with natural observation, the book will help the child take a closer look at the environment nature, will teach you to perceive it correctly.

Introducing the child to nature you can use conditional icons - denoting a house, forest, water; introduction of concepts "vegetables", "fruits", "mushrooms", "seeds" icons that you can come up with with your child will help.

At first, the icons should be offered by an adult, later the child begins to invent them by analogy with acquaintances.

Conditional icons indicate the weather, the state nature, seasons, etc.

Acquaintance with seasonal changes in nature opens wide opportunities for children's experimentation.

With the onset of cold weather, conduct a simple experiment. Prepare several bowls of highly colored water and set them outside overnight. When you discover in the morning that the water has turned to ice, ask your child who changed your bowls. It is very important that he himself come to the conclusion that the cold has frozen the water. Find out if it will remain like this forever, watch it melt, remember if such phenomena occur in nature(icicles, snow, ice melt). Why is this happening? Lead the child to the conclusion that when it gets cold, water freezes, when it warms, it doesn’t.

Interesting objects for experimentation are snow, ice, water, sand, air.

Getting to know nature, receiving the necessary sensory experience, the child discovers a new world. Maintaining the child's interest in the environment, one should remember to educate a caring attitude towards nature.

It is very important that adults themselves love nature and tried to instill this love in children

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Are you curious to know how to make it interesting when outside the window there is not a blue sky and a bright sun, but gray color, with clouds and drizzling rain.

Is it worth it to go out for a walk with children in such weather? I, as promised in the previous article, will continue my story.

The weather continues to spoil us with warm spring days. It rains constantly, and sometimes snow and hail. Only occasionally the sun appears, and then the whole nature comes to life. Or are we starting to see it? Ours continues.

This time we will tell and show what we saw in the city park Burevestnik, in which there are so many interesting and healthy things. We begin ours literally with what lies under our feet. Emir is not indifferent to cones, clumsy sticks and pebbles. Where he finds them, I wonder all the time.

Before you know it, the prey is in his hands. And he is happy to carry it to his mother. The young researcher is quite inquisitive and constantly asks “what is it, what is it”? In the event that he knows the name of the object, then he answers his own question. He has been familiar with such a spruce for a long time. He loves both young buds, and green cones and mature spruce cones, which he uses in his own.

I often hear from parents that it annoys them. physical activity of children on a walk . And I always wonder, are mothers really not interested in their babies growing up healthy and strong children? So why is personal peace and sitting on a bench with friends more precious to them than communicating with their own children? Well, how can you miss such a miracle!

Yes, kids often run the wrong way, jump, climb, where it can be dangerous. So for this, parents go for a walk with their children together. Our Emir is a very mobile boy, but if he is carried away with something, he becomes observant and attentive child. He enjoys listening, touching, smelling. And how else to make it interesting for young children, if they are forbidden to do everything?

When we walked through the forest plantation, Emir himself stopped and looked at the grass breaking through last year's leaves on the ground. In summer this grass grows tall and bright green. See for yourself how persistently it grows. And here is the fern, unexpectedly met on the way.

The grandson sniffed the first flowers with pleasure, they were quite unprepossessing, but so resistant to cold. When I drew Emir's attention to this, he listened and stroked the flowers. Didn't even cut them off. This is how the careful attitude of the kids to all living things is formed. He realized, he wanted to protect them, to get to know them better.

Such observations with children on a walk much more useful than all encyclopedias. No, I am not against book pictures, I am for live communication with plants.

Indeed, on one tree you can immediately see swollen buds and the appearance of the first leaves with your own eyes. Children love to touch the buds, compare them with leaves. Pay attention yourself and involve children in learning to observe nature in dynamics. It's such an exciting process!

I will offer you another option on how to make it interesting for the guys. Show them the bark of different trees. Walking in the park, I drew the attention of my grandson to different colors bark of various trees. We even repeated the colors with him. The Emir touched the bark with his hands, watched with bated breath the life of ants on a tree trunk.

Then he ran around the park, ran his hand over the moss and said that it was soft. And the stone is hard. Well, why not a visual lesson on the study of comparisons?

He did not like the lichen, so he said "nothing" and ran away. It is easy and safe to walk in squares and parks with small children. Even if they run a lot and climb into the bushes.

Continuing, we wandered into a young cedar forest. The air there is amazing, it's easy to breathe until dizzy. There we found a broken cedar branch on the ground and studied it carefully. That his needles are long and not prickly. But in a pine they prick with a sharp end.

And then we came across a beautiful larch, so fluffy, with long needles and so soft that you can press your cheek. It even differs in the color of the needles. Just very light compared to cedar or pine.

Emir recognized rowan immediately, he ate these berries in late autumn. They were very bright, which attracted his attention. And now we drew his attention to the flowers and leaves of mountain ash. That's where these beautiful berries come from. The emir bowed his head, looked, touched and went on. Well, I paid attention, and this is the main thing.

So imperceptibly we walked for about 1.5 hours and were extremely pleased with the walk. Such a pastime has a positive effect on the physical and intellectual development of children. And how many emotions!

I think I was able to convince you to do such trips to nature more often and with your children. . This time will never be wasted. And in return you will get a good appetite and complexion, which is important for a young woman and a child. So try to stay healthy without pharmacies. Although the pharmacy can grow under your feet. For example, young nettle. It makes a delicious salad.

Summer is coming and there will be many more exciting walks and discoveries. If you liked the article, share the link with your friends and acquaintances, subscribe and receive new articles in your mail. And feel free to write, express your opinion, share your experience.

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Forms and methods of familiarizing children with nature

I picked a flower and it withered.
I caught a beetle and it died in my palm.
And then I realized that touch the beauty
only with the heart.
Pavol Gnezdoslav

Have you ever thought about the fact that the current generation of young children lives in isolation from nature? Modern children are practically deprived of the opportunity to see the flora and fauna with their own eyes, to be surprised at the wonders that direct communication with this world.
But because of his extraordinary natural curiosity, the baby, seeing a bug, a worm or a frog in the grass, shows a keen interest in them and begins to ask his countless “why” questions. Animals, birds, fish are constant objects not only of children's curiosity, but also of game action, observation, care and love.

Acquaintance with the outside world is like a journey along a deep, unexplored river.
What secrets does she keep within herself?
What awaits us on the way?
Where will this river lead?
What will give us confidence on the road, make our boat reliable?
- Interest in the knowledge of the world around; desire to explore, discover; the ability to think, reason, analyze, draw conclusions - this is what will help us in striving for the unknown.
Going on a journey, let's arm ourselves with oars that will help us
move forward in a given direction.

The first paddle is activity.
It is necessary to create conditions under which the child becomes the subject of cognitive activity, i.e. new knowledge, skills, habits, new ways of action are obtained in the process of search, research - experimental activities. It is important to encourage and support the child's desire to independently think, feel, try, and then he will try to solve many of his problems on his own, while receiving great pleasure.

The second paddle is emotions.

It is known that the leading area mental development in preschool childhood is emotional sphere. Therefore, it is important to give the process of cognition a bright emotional coloring, to carefully influence the feelings of children, their imagination and fantasy. It is important to remember that only if harmonious development two main areas - intellectual and emotional - personal harmony is possible.

Forms of familiarization of preschoolers with nature.

Familiarization of children with nature is carried out in various forms.
The forms of organization of children's activities in familiarizing them with nature are classes, excursions, walks, work in a corner of nature, work on a land plot.
Classes are held at certain hours, according to a pre-developed plan, agreed with the program. In the classroom, the educator not only informs the children of new knowledge, but also clarifies and consolidates them. The main thing in the lesson is the assimilation of program material by children. For this, various methods are used - observation of natural objects, the work of adults, didactic games, working with pictures, reading fiction, stories, conversations.
An excursion is an activity where children get acquainted with nature in natural conditions: in the forest, in the meadow, in the garden, by the pond.
Excursions are held during the hours allotted for classes. On excursions, a certain program content is carried out, the assimilation of which is mandatory for the entire group of children, which distinguishes excursions from everyday walks. Staying outdoors in a forest or meadow among fragrant flowers, movements and joyful experiences, usually associated with this, have a beneficial effect on the physical development of children. The choice of the place of the excursion depends on its tasks and the age of the children. Excursions outside the kindergarten are conducted with children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Excursions to the same places are recommended at different times of the year. Preparing for excursions, the teacher visits in advance those places where the excursion is planned. The organization of children plays an important role in the excursion.
Before leaving, they check if they have taken everything they need, then remind the children how they should behave.
Walks – daily walks are widely used to familiarize children of all age groups with nature. They can be in the nature of small excursions, during which the teacher conducts inspections of the site, organizes observation of the weather, seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals. On walks, children get acquainted with nature according to the planned plan, drawn up in advance on the basis of the program and taking into account local conditions. The program content of the plan is carried out on a series of walks at a time when certain natural phenomena appear. On walks, the teacher organizes games using natural material - sand, snow, water, leaves. For games while walking on the land, you need to have a box of sand, a small pool, waterfowl toys. During everyday walks, children participate in labor processes: raking fallen leaves, clearing snow from paths, watering plants.
Work on the land plot - on the land plot, children work mainly after daytime sleep. Just like in the corner, this is combined with observations and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about plants and animals, the improvement of labor skills and abilities, and the development of industriousness.
Work in the corner of nature - work in the corner of nature is carried out during the hours allotted for work. Children watch plants and animals, get used to caring for them, learn to work together with adults, with each other, and then on their own.

Methods for familiarizing preschoolers with nature

Visual Methods
As proven by psychologists, children of the first seven years of life are characterized by visual - effective and visual - figurative thinking. Therefore, we build the learning process in such a way that children learn the basic information not by verbal, but by a visual method.
One of basic methods familiarization with the outside world is observation. Observations during a walk enrich ideas about the world around us, contribute to the formation of a benevolent attitude towards nature, stimulate children's curiosity, and teach them to draw independent conclusions. So in winter they paid attention to the beauty of winter nature - trees in snow, fluffy snow, transparent ice, watched the birds arriving at the site, fed them.
Examining pictures - pictures make it possible to examine in detail the phenomena of nature, to focus on them for a long time, which is often impossible to do with direct observation due to the dynamism and variability of nature. When introducing children to nature, didactic, subject, as well as artistic pictures are used. The purpose of using paintings is to form in children an aesthetic attitude towards nature, the ability to see its beauty, to perceive the figurative and artistic meaning of the picture, to see vivid means of expression. Examining an artistic picture may be accompanied by listening to music or poetry.
Educational screen - when introducing children to nature in kindergarten, filmstrips, films, television films are used. With their help, the teacher forms in children ideas about the dynamics of natural phenomena - the growth and development of plants and animals, about the work of adults, showing phenomena that take place in nature for a long time.

Practical Methods
Didactic games - in didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants and animals. Many games lead children to generalization and classification. Didactic games contribute to the development of attention, memory, observation, activate and enrich the vocabulary.
Subject games - games with leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits and vegetables: " Miraculous Pouch”,“ Tops and roots”, “Whose children are on this branch?”. Widely used in junior and middle groups. Board-printed games: "Zoological Lotto", "Botanical Lotto", "Four Seasons", "Berries and Fruits", "Plants" - provide an opportunity to systematize children's knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate phenomena. Word games "Who flies, runs, jumps", "Need - no need" - are held in order to consolidate knowledge.
Outdoor games of a natural history nature are associated with imitation, the habits of animals, their way of life. These are such as "The mother hen and chickens", "Mice and a cat", "Sun and rain".
Labor in nature is organized in the form of individual and collective assignments. Individual assignments make it possible to more carefully guide the actions of children, collective work makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities simultaneously for all children in the group.
Elementary experiments are observations carried out in special conditions. It involves an active impact on an object or phenomenon, their transformation in accordance with the goal. Experience is used as a way to solve a cognitive problem. The solution of a cognitive task requires a special process: analysis, correlation of known and unknown data. The discussion of the conditions of the experiment takes place under the guidance of the educator.
verbal methods
Teacher's story - you can tell children for different purposes: to expand knowledge about already familiar phenomena, animals, plants, to familiarize yourself with new phenomena and facts. The story must be accompanied by illustrative material - photographs, paintings, filmstrips. The duration of the story for children of senior preschool age should be no more than 10 - 15 minutes.
Conversation - there are two types: final and preliminary. Preliminary - used before observation, excursion. The goal is to clarify the experience of children in order to establish a connection between the upcoming observation and knowledge. The final conversation is aimed at systematization and generalization of the facts obtained, their concretization, consolidation and clarification. The conversation is the result of the work done with children. Therefore, the educator faces the task of accumulating ideas in children through observations, labor activity, games, reading, stories.
Conversation as a method of introducing children to nature is used with middle-aged and older children.
Reading Fiction - Children's natural history book used by the teacher, primarily for educational purposes. The book provides rich material for the education of cognitive interest, observation and curiosity.

Implementation of the principles and methods of familiarizing preschoolers with nature.

To improve my work, I combined different types of activities - visual, musical, physical, so I was able to form a more complete understanding of the surrounding reality. So after observing the sun, the guys draw a “radiant sun”, in music lessons they sing songs about nature, in physical education use comparisons - "we walk like bears, we jump like bunnies."

I tried to create in the group the necessary developing subject environment (including conditions for independent and joint activities children), during the day the child is involved in different kinds activities (observations in a group, on a walk, games, reading and discussing literature, drawing, etc.) We have a special corner where children have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge gained in the classroom. Here are board-printed and didactic games, manuals for individual work, albums for viewing.

Given the age of my pupils, the greatest place is given to the joint activities of the educator with the children. This is due to the importance of the accumulation of each child personal experience environmentally correct interaction with nature in accordance with their interests, inclinations, level cognitive development. To do this, our interaction with children is built taking into account individual approach, which helps to support insecure children, restrain the hurried, load the nimble and not rush the slow ones. And in order for the children to strive for the correct answer and for more independent work, we created the “House of Success”, where each child accumulates his own, albeit still small and at first glance inconspicuous, successes.
The older the children become, the higher their independence will be, the richer their activities in nature will become.
Of particular importance in familiarizing children with nature, I pay observations on a walk. For example, in autumn, I asked you to pay attention to the color of the sky through the branches: at this time, the varied coloring of the leaves especially emphasizes the color of the sky. Children love to collect fallen leaves of various shapes. In order to develop observation and broaden the horizons of children, we use leaves in the game.
The children and I attached particular importance to the organization of winter bird feeding. We have feeders of various designs, all of them were made by pupils together with their parents. Feeders are hung on the site. With children, we prepare food from seeds of plants and trees, crumbs, etc. winter feeding of birds makes it possible to clarify the idea of ​​wintering birds and the features of their life in winter; show the need for winter feeding; bring to the understanding that a person feeding birds in winter saves them from death.
I pay a lot of attention to introducing children to inanimate nature: earth, water, air, etc. children get acquainted with such a concept as wind, the causes and conditions for its occurrence. In experiments, children got the opportunity to get acquainted with the air, learned to turn water into a solid and liquid state.
In my work with children, I attach great importance to play technologies.
Didactic games: "Big-small"; "Where is whose house?"; "Tell me who I am?"; "Seasons"; “From which tree is the leaf”; "Let's dress a doll for a walk" helps me a lot in introducing children to animals, birds, and natural phenomena.
Word games: "Find out by description"; "Edible - inedible"; "Good bad"; "What is superfluous?"; " Magic wand»; "Recognize by voice"; "Who is screaming?"; "Who came to us?" develop children's attention, imagination, increase knowledge about the world around them.
With the help of toys and pictures, I introduce children to domestic and wild animals, educate interest in them and their cubs.

In working with preschoolers, I am convinced every day that they are very fond of fairy tales, stories, poems, so I great attention I devote to fairy tales, children of all ages succumb to her charm, and she does not leave adults indifferent. Therefore, a fairy tale should be one of the mandatory components of the ecological education of children.
Often I use fiction. Fiction about nature deeply affects the feelings of children. First of all, you need to use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program. These are the works of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi, N. Sladkov and others. After reading with the children, I have a conversation, ask questions, I see sympathy, empathy or joy, delight in the eyes of the children. It is very nice when children ask questions, where they show care and love for our smaller friends: “Will someone save him?”, “Won’t they freeze?”, “Why didn’t anyone help him?” It is very important to convey to children the meaning of the work.

Environmental education is currently not only one of the most difficult areas in working with children, but also important process education ecological culture parents, because The family plays a major role in a child's life. Therefore, we have developed a plan of cooperation with parents. For them, the Lesovichok magazine was created, which contains Interesting Facts from the life of plants and animals, facts about natural phenomena. A rubric on the topic “Know, love and take care” was designed, the motto of which was the words of V. Sukhomlinsky: “Before giving knowledge, one must teach to think, perceive and observe.” Homework was offered in the form of puzzles, crossword puzzles, quizzes, and experiments. The purpose of the issue of the magazine is to support the interest of parents in the environmental education of children.

Visual information also helps to draw the attention of parents to the environmental education of children. Consultations were offered on “the rules of friends of nature”, “the formation of a culture of love for nature among preschoolers”, a list of children's literature was proposed that would help in the environmental education of children, and together with parents they made a herbarium from tree leaves. We hope that our teamwork will give good results.
Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is an important means of educating the ecological culture of preschoolers. Without knowledge of nature, and without love for it, human existence is impossible. It is important to lay the foundations of environmental education from early childhood, since the main personality traits are laid at preschool age. It is very important to use a variety of forms, methods and techniques in working with children, to conduct it in close cooperation with parents and teachers. Make familiarization with nature an interesting, creative, educational activity for children, use more practical exercises. And then, through acquaintance with nature, we will educate sensual, kind, attentive and caring inhabitants of our planet.
