Why hair turns gray at 25. Gray hair in young men - reasons for its appearance

Many people believe that gray hair is a sign of wisdom, intelligence and wealth. life experience. As a rule, the first gray hairs can appear in men after 35 years, and in women - after 40. However, the appearance of gray hair at a young age is also quite common among both sexes.

IN modern world Gray hair at 30 is quite common. But still, gray hair in youth is not a pleasant phenomenon, so many want to get rid of this problem. Are you wondering why your hair turns gray? early age? Why does it happen that some people have gray hair at the age of 25, while other people, who may be much older, have none? gray hair on your head? Let's figure this out.

What is gray hair?

In order to study the phenomenon of early graying of hair, you first need to understand what gray hair is. Why do people's hair turn gray?

Gray hair is a physiological process and a manifestation of biological functions that occur in the body with age. Color hairline depends entirely on the pigment melanin. With age or due to external factors, this pigment is no longer produced in sufficient quantities, and the cells inside the hair begin to secrete tiny particles of hydrogen peroxide, which discolor the hair from the inside. It is after this that gray hair begins to appear.

If men and women's hair begins to turn gray before the age of 35 (provided that if all the hair turns grey, one gray hair does not count), then this is called premature greying. In the case when a person develops gray hair at the age of 20 or earlier, this indicates the need for an urgent medical examination.

Gray hair happens:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • age;
  • partial;
  • complete.

Early graying

Now let's identify 10 factors why young people's hair turns gray:

  1. Severe stress. A loss loved one, problems at work or school, betrayal - everything similar situations can provoke the appearance of gray hair as early as thirty (or even less) years old. It has been proven that frequent sadness and depression can reduce melanin production.
  2. Heredity is one of the most common factors early gray hair. Its presence indicates that a person may experience gray hair in the same year in which his older relatives began to experience it.
  3. Diseases. When it comes to gray hair at an early age, one cannot help but write down the reasons for its formation. various diseases heart, liver, kidneys, disruption of stable functioning thyroid gland, hormonal imbalances, as well as atherosclerosis. Despite the fact that a young or teenage body does not suffer such ailments as severely as an old one, their consequences can greatly affect hair color.
  4. Avitaminosis. Not everyone knows, but a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body can have a bad effect on the condition of the hair follicles and affect natural processes associated with pigmentation. If this problem is diagnosed in time, it can be cured and subsequently return the natural pigment to the hair.
  5. Strict diets. A meager diet during a diet will not only not be beneficial, but will also greatly harm your curls. Too moderate consumption or complete refusal of products with essential vitamins, iron, iodine are also the reasons why hair turns gray at 30 years of age and earlier.
  6. Smoking. Because of nicotine, the cells of the whole body do not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is why many people turn gray even at 30 years old.
  7. Frequent use hot water while washing your hair. Because of it, the process of pigment production may be disrupted and graying may begin.
  8. Regular consumption of coffee or products with high content salt.
  9. The effect of medications.
  10. Poor circulation.

How to avoid problems

You have already read the information and understood why the hair on the head turns gray at the age of 30 in those whose hair should begin to turn gray much later. Now you're probably wondering, is it possible to prevent early graying? Yes, this is possible, but only if it is not inherent in genetics. You just need to understand that it is impossible to completely prevent gray hair, but you can easily postpone its appearance, for example, for 20 years, if you follow these simple rules:

  • Balanced diet. Food must be rich in vitamins and minerals. You need to add more vegetables, fruits, fresh berries, legumes, nuts to your diet, as well as foods high in iodine, calcium, copper and zinc.
  • Water balance. A sufficient amount of water is the key to stable functioning of hair follicles.
  • No stress. Take care of your nerves and try to control your emotions. If you cannot keep yourself under control, you are prone to stressful situations and cannot do anything about it, then do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist
  • Refusal bad habits. It has been scientifically proven that due to smoking and alcohol abuse, the human body ages several times faster. It is imperative to eliminate nicotine from your life and alcoholic drinks.
  • Full sleep. Deep 8-hour sleep will not only prevent early gray hair, but will also have a positive effect on your health in general.

As you can see, the reasons why hair turns gray early are quite obvious. To avoid exposing your hair to early gray hair, it is enough to improve your lifestyle. There is nothing supernatural in the advice above. All of the above rules are simple truths.

Unfortunately, in the modern world people forget about them, which subsequently leads to a sad outcome. And now we are talking not only about early gray hair, but about deterioration of health in general. Enter these rules into your daily life, and it will definitely get better. Remember that everything in this life depends only on you.

Gray hair appears in every person at different ages. Such changes may be a sign of old age or indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body. We propose to understand why the hair on the head turns gray at the age of 30, having considered the reasons for this phenomenon and useful preventive measures for some delay. The appearance of gray hair is often associated with physiological processes aging, in which certain changes are found throughout the body. It has been scientifically proven that severe stress can cause gray hair at any age. IN in some cases Early gray hair is a hereditary feature.

Gray hair as a symptom of problems in the body

Possible causes of gray hair

It is worth mentioning a number of factors predisposing female body To natural discoloration curls. Various metabolic failures have a direct impact on the concentration of melanin pigment, which normally should give intense color to each hair. Shortage useful substances- Another one dangerous factor. It has been noted that the natural pigment of the hair can undergo changes due to the abnormal functioning of the endocrine glands. In addition, destructive processes throughout the body cause diseases of viral etiology and autoimmune pathologies. By various reasons the nutrition of the scalp is weakened, which also has a bad effect on the condition of the hair. It is impossible not to mention in the wrong way life, alcohol consumption and nicotine addiction, which definitely accelerates the aging of the body and may be the cause premature graying.

Common diseases that cause gray hair

Treat everyone carefully alarming symptoms and constantly monitor your health. When your body is affected by one or more of the above negative factors, then melanin production may stop overnight or significantly slow down. The process is irreversible, since the place of the pigment is taken by air voids, a person notices that part of the curls or their entire mass gradually turns grey. Know that suddenly appearing white hair in adolescence act as a sign of a disease developing in the body. For example, in Lately Against the background of this problem with hair, the following diagnoses are often made: anemia, thyroid dysfunction, seborrhea and herpes. Also in this list is worth including a pathology called vitiligo, which implies the absence of melanin in isolated areas of the body. If melanin deficiency is congenital, then albinism is diagnosed.

Gray hair at 30: hair prematurely loses melanin pigment due to stress or disease

Early graying of hair

Age limits for gray hair

Researchers know why the hair on the head turns gray at the age of 30: in addition to pathological factors, they indicate physiological aging of the body. This phenomenon cannot be prevented. Each person experiences these changes at different ages. Scientists have found that people belonging to the Caucasian race often discover their first gray hair at 25-45 years old, most Asians begin to go gray at 30-35 years old, and representatives of the Negroid race - at 35-55 years old. It is reliably known that in most cases men turn gray before women. Statistics show that men go gray earlier than women, and blonde hair go gray earlier than dark ones.

Why does hair turn gray at an early age?

Certain life situations create a stressful environment, causing young people’s hair to turn gray, while other signs of aging are often absent. Constant worries and daily overwork - catastrophically overload nervous system. In this case, there is a spasm of blood vessels intended to nourish the hair follicles. Without proper nutrition, the bulbs die or normal melanin synthesis becomes impossible in them. Needs to be developed from childhood valuable quality character - resistance to stress, otherwise it will not be possible to resist early gray hair, which can appear much earlier than 30 years. Girls should not panic when they notice unwanted changes in their hair. Perhaps this is not a consequence of nervous exhaustion or serious pathologies, but a genetically inherent feature.

Gray hair prevention

If desired, you can protect yourself from premature graying. In some cases, it is possible to restore natural pigmentation. Let's name the most effective preventive measures. First, if necessary, protect yourself from unfavorable weather conditions in winter - through warm hats. Secondly, during the hot summer months you also need to be more vigilant, protecting yourself from intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can destroy melanin reserves in the hair. Thirdly, your hair needs proper care and suitable quality cosmetics.

Carefully monitor your own health, follow the recommendations of doctors and undergo timely examinations. Consider the fact frequent occurrence gray hair due to Crohn's disease and heart disease. If you suspect abnormalities in the body, you should immediately go to the doctor.

In this article we tried to reveal the question that worries many: “why does the hair on your head turn gray at the age of 30?”, a completely adequate explanation was given for this current topic. In fact, it is necessary to analyze each case of spontaneous bleaching of hair in young people on an individual basis, so it is advisable to contact a trichologist.

Gray hair has always been a sign old age. However, the first gray hair can also appear in young people who have reached the age of thirty. The reasons for this may be the characteristics of the body, conditions environment, Lifestyle. Is it possible to cope with gray hair at 30 years old or is early graying irreversible?

Causes of early graying

The constituent components of hair (proteins and keratin) have no color. To give a shade, a pigment is required, which is produced by special cells - melanocytes. The more pigment is formed, the darker the hair color. The number of melanocytes and pigment is determined genetically and is laid down in embryonic period. These cells do not remain active throughout a person’s life. With age, their number decreases.

Graying is the loss of pigment in the hair, so it becomes completely white. This process occurs due to natural or pathological death of melanocytes. The pigment stops being produced, its remnants are washed away, and the hair becomes discolored.

Fact! Graying begins after the age of 40, and a person becomes completely gray by the age of 75-80. Men begin to go gray earlier than women.

Why does hair turn gray at 30? There can be many reasons for early graying. It is due to both internal and external factors. The main reason for gray hair at the age of 30 in men and women is the adverse impact of the environmental situation. Air pollution and radiation lead to the death of melanocytes, so the hair begins to discolor.

Too much may lead to gray hair in women at 30 years of age. frequent coloring low-quality dyes containing ammonia, the use of hydrogen peroxide to bleach hair. The reason is following strict diets for a long time. Lack of protein and vitamins leads not only to loss of pigment, but also. If you constantly use too hot water to wash your hair, this can also cause your hair to lose pigment.

Internal factors

Why does gray hair appear at 30, if visible external reasons missing? Graying is possible with pathological processes inside the body:

  1. Genetic predisposition is early graying in a person's closest relatives. In this case, graying is a programmed process.
  2. Race matters in early graying. This process occurs most quickly among representatives of the Caucasian race, especially among residents of Scandinavian countries. Africans turn gray much later.
  3. Smoking leads to a lack of oxygen in the body. And hypoxia promotes early death melanocytes and pigment leaching. Nicotine abuse leads to early graying.
  4. Chronic anemia has a similar mechanism of action. A lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin leads to hypoxia of the body.
  5. Chronic emotional stress and insomnia lead to disruption of melanin synthesis. As a result, the hair begins to discolor. Gray hair in women at the age of 30 appears most often for this reason, because they are more prone to psychological instability.
  6. Pathology of the thyroid gland leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. In particular, melanin metabolism also suffers (see).

The more causative factors appear simultaneously, the higher the risk of early graying.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do when your hair turns gray at 30? The approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive. First of all, find out the reason for early graying. However, it is quite difficult to find out exactly why gray hair appears at 30 years old. All obvious factors should be excluded - abandon bad habits, Go to healthy eating, treat diseases in a timely manner so that they do not become chronic.

However, if early graying is genetic or related racial identity, it is impossible to influence these factors. Even if the cause is removable, but the melanocytes have already died, it will not be possible to restore the color; these cells are not formed again. The measures are more preventive, aimed at preserving as many functioning melanocytes as possible.


Proper nutrition has a very great importance in preserving pigment. To do this, it is important that the diet is balanced and complete. What to eat in this case:

  • milk and any dairy or dairy products- This main source calcium;
  • chromium, which is involved in the formation of melanin, can be obtained from wheat and seafood;
  • copper, also part of the pigment, is found in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, eggs, and green vegetables;
  • iodine: seafood, persimmon, black currant;
  • zinc - it can be obtained from oysters, mushrooms, egg yolk;
  • Iron for the prevention of anemia is obtained from beef, buckwheat, eggs, and liver.

The diet should be built on the basis of these products; every day a person should receive at least one of them.


Massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation. Hair follicles receive more nutrients and melanocytes remain viable much longer. Head massage should be carried out daily in the evenings (see).

Complete rest

A person needs at least eight hours of sleep a day. Reducing sleep duration leads to disruption of biological rhythms and hormonal imbalance. Melanin production also suffers - hair will turn gray early. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to give the body complete and quality rest.

It is also necessary to avoid constant stress, emotional stress. If this is not possible, you should periodically seek psychological help.

Protection from external factors

It is necessary to protect your hair with a hat, especially in winter and hot summer. Taking antioxidants, for example, will be useful. To dye your hair, you need to use only high-quality dyes and then use special cosmetical tools for colored hair. If gray hair does appear, coloring will be the solution to the problem. You only need to do this quality means. The growing roots will need to be touched up from time to time.

Graying is largely due to genetic reasons, but there are other prerequisites, such as nutrition and stress.

For most people, genetics is the determining factor. First gray strand you will have it at the same age as your parents or grandparents. However, the rate at which new gray hair appears also depends on a person's lifestyle and habits.

What makes gray hair worse?

Smoking speeds up the process of new gray hair. Anemia, poor nutrition, lack of B vitamins and thyroid problems can also contribute to premature hair bleaching.

The pigment melanin is responsible for hair color in the human body. This is the same pigment that colors skin dark color when tanning. Each hair follicle contains cells called melanocytes. These, in turn, produce coloring pigments of black, brown, yellow and red, and also conduct melanin to the cells that produce keratin, the main protein that makes up hair.

At the very beginning of graying, melanocytes are still present in the hair, but the hair color becomes lighter. Gradually these cells die out, and from rich color there is no hair left.

The appearance of gray hair is an inevitable process of aging. But sometimes premature gray hair appears as a result of an autoimmune disease. Some people start after 20 years of age, but they are quite healthy. Severe stress or shock can cause rapid onset large quantity gray hair

As a rule, white-skinned people begin to go gray after 30 years, closer to 40 years, and Africans after 40 years. According to research, the age of first gray hair in women is becoming earlier. Currently, approximately 32 percent of women begin to go gray before reaching age 30. This suggests that, in addition to genetic factors, hair is greatly affected by stress. It has been scientifically proven that during stress, vitamin B is destroyed in the body, and its lack contributes to the appearance of gray hair.

Japanese scientists claim that hair follicles react to stress in the same way as DNA. This is called oxidative stress and is caused by pollution, smoking and ultraviolet radiation. There is also some connection between this type of stress and emotional stress.

How to deal with gray hair

Currently, those who want to have little choice: dye their hair or leave it as it is, gray. It should be borne in mind that gray hair is difficult to dye due to the lack of melanin in it.

Researchers from the L'Oreal Institute have discovered interesting fact. They learned that skin and hair cells produce melanocytes in the same way. But skin doesn't change color with age the same way hair does. The reason for this is the lack of enzymes in hair follicles that are found in skin cells. Scientists hope to develop a drug that could replicate the effect of enzymes to make hair cells retain color longer.

Modern hair dyes allow fashionistas to experiment with their appearance and surprise others. However, initially such dyes were intended solely to disguise gray hair.


The best remedy getting rid of is salon procedure re-pigmentation. This method allows you to not only paint hair from above, but penetrate their structures and saturate the cells with the disappearing . At the same time, masters in salons use the most gentle dyes that return hair not only bright color, but also faded.

also in professional salons beauty, you can undergo a procedure in which only the hairs are painted over, and the bright, pigment-rich hair remains untouched. This procedure is as harmless as possible compared to other chemical methods staining.

The Antisedin product will help restore lost color to your hair. It is sold exclusively in pharmacies. In a similar way Renolan soap works, however, it needs to be used for a long time - for 3-4 months.

You can cover gray hair using any dye sold in stores. Be careful when choosing a company: work with gray hair It’s not easy, so trust your beauty to professionals. Quality paints for covering gray hair are produced by such companies as Garnier, L’Oreal Professional, Schwarzkopf. Choose one that is as close to your natural one as possible. In this case, choose a tone 1-2 darker than you want to get: if you have a lot of gray hair, they will be colored more intensely than shown on the package packaging. Keep in mind that the tone may differ not only at the level light-dark shades, but also in brightness. If you use paint with red, red, or purple tints, be prepared to get an overly bright, “alien” color.

If you do not want to spoil your hair with chemical dyes, use natural ones - henna and basma. To get a beautiful chocolate shade mix henna and basma in proportions 2:1, pour boiling water, let the mixture brew and start painting. Follow the instructions on the package completely. Perhaps, on gray hair, henna will show its color after a few days.

Video on the topic


  • how to dye gray hair at home in 2019

The appearance of gray hair at the age of 40 years and older is normal. If the hair began to turn silver much earlier, you need to think about identifying the reasons that led to the reduction in melanin production. This will help to pause this process.

Causes of early gray hair

Gray hair often appears after stressful situations. And this applies not only emotional outbursts. For the body, stress can be caused by vitamin deficiency, a weakened immune system, or a previous operation.

Poor nutrition can also contribute to the appearance of gray hair. Negative Impact The production of melanin pigment is affected by fatty, salty and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic drinks.

Early silvering of hair can be caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for a large number of metabolic processes in the body. In addition, early graying is often inherited.

Fighting early gray hair

Start treating early gray hair by reviewing your diet. Stop using harmful products food - mayonnaise, strong coffee, smoked sausages, chips, hamburgers and so on. Include in your daily menu maximum amount fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts, seafood, seeds, vegetable oils, meat and milk. And be sure not to neglect ginger, garlic and herbs.

Pay special attention to your health - exercise, visit an endocrinologist annually and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

Traditional methods of treating early gray hair

If you notice the appearance of gray hair, regularly do nourishing onion masks. To do this, rub the previously ground onion into the roots of your hair. Keep this mask for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water and shampoo. To get rid of unpleasant onion odor, rinse your hair with water and a little lemon juice.

A nettle decoction, which must be taken orally, will help activate the production of melanin and strengthen hair. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed nettle into 300 milliliters of hot water, put on low heat and cook for 5-7 minutes, then let it brew for about half an hour, strain and consume 1/2 cup twice a day. Use the same decoction to rinse your hair after washing.

An excellent assistant in restoring gray hair roots is natural henna, which is sold at the pharmacy. Use it as a mask, according to the instructions that came with it. this tool. Henna will not only temporarily cover up gray hair, but also restore its structure, making it more vibrant and healthy.

We all age... This is the natural evolution of life itself. Some people choose to accept this fact and not worry about it. Others decide to fight because they cannot accept this natural process. In fact, there is nothing wrong with either point of view, since we are all trying to combat the inevitability of aging, but we do it in different ways.

What causes hair to turn gray

One of physical aspects The natural process of aging is the proliferation of gray in our hair, and not everyone likes it. But hair follicles age just like the rest of the body. As they age, they produce less melanin. This is the pigment that gives our hair natural color, and gray hair is side effect this process.

But all people's hair begins to turn gray different time, and scientists still do not have a clear explanation why this happens. There was only one consensus: genetics probably have much more to do with early graying of hair than other factors.

In fact, racial demographics can tell you a lot about this. As a rule, Caucasians begin to go gray after their 30th birthday, Asians - before reaching their 40th birthday, Africans - closer to their 50th birthday. Be that as it may, more than half of all people have a significant amount of gray hair before they turn 50. For Caucasians, premature graying of hair is considered a change in hair color at 20 years old, for Africans - at 30.

As mentioned, premature graying is mainly caused by genetics. There are, however, catalysts that can accelerate the change from normal hair tone to one that clearly shows the natural aging process.

This actually brings us back to the point of the article - the answer to the question of why some people's hair turns gray prematurely. Contrary to popular belief, this physical change appearance may in some sense be due to lifestyle or other characteristics.

1. Medical condition

Autoimmune diseases attack cells in the body, including those that form hair follicles, causing premature graying to occur. But there are also other medical reasons.

Vitamin B12 deficiency or problems with the pituitary gland or thyroid gland can lead to premature aging. The good news is that the physical effects premature aging(including gray hair) can be eliminated. In addition, premature graying of hair medical reasons- this is a rare occurrence.

2. Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your skin and hair. Of course, you can't see the wrinkles on your scalp, but smoking does affect your hair follicles.

Despite the potential impact of smoking on the aging process, it does not have as much influence as genetics. If premature graying is not typical sign your family, you should see a doctor to evaluate your thyroid health, vitamin levels, and to rule out anemia - a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood.

3. Chronic stress

Although there is a lot of debate on this issue, some studies have found a correlation between stress and gray hair. In a study conducted by biologists at New York University, scientists observed a decrease in the number of hair follicles due to a reduction in stem cells in mice placed under stressful conditions.

Again, there isn't a lot of research on the effects of stress on premature graying. However, there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that there may indeed be a strong connection between the two.

4. Lack of vitamins

As mentioned, vitamin B12 deficiency can accelerate the graying of hair. Vegetarians and vegans, due to their dietary restrictions, may also be at greater risk of premature greying.
Women who take birth control pills as well as people with problems gastrointestinal tract may also have more high risk premature graying.
