How to remove paraffin from clothes. How to remove wax stains from clothes

A wax stain can appear on clothes quite unexpectedly. This may happen on romantic date, birthday celebrations, when visiting a church or at a large-scale celebration. At first it seems that an inconspicuous speck does not bother us at all, but then a greasy stain spreads on the fabric under the wax. Because of such a nuisance, you have to put off your favorite trousers or dress in the back drawer of the closet. After reading this article, you will learn that such stains should be removed immediately, as well as how to remove wax from clothes.

hot iron

This is a very popular way to remove candle wax from clothes.


  • Turn on the iron and set it to the lowest temperature.
  • Place paper towels under the stained fabric and on top of the wax.
  • Iron the stain. As the wax is absorbed into the napkins, they must be changed to fresh ones.
  • The spots completely disappear after 10-15 minutes.
  • After treatment, place the clothes in the washing machine and wash with detergent.

Instead of napkins, you can use powdered chalk. It is a good absorbent, with such a material, the stain treatment time will be reduced to 5 minutes.

Important: Ironing wax stains works very well, but should not be used on delicate fabrics. In this case, it is better to just try to wash the thing well with liquid agent designed for such washing or use other methods.


How to remove candle wax from clothes without applying extra effort? You can arm yourself with the same method as in the case of chewing gum. Take advantage of the freezer in the refrigerator. Place the "stained" clothing in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. Try not to lean the packaging against the walls. After a couple of hours, the influx of wax will harden and become very brittle. Remove the item from the freezer and rub it with your hands in the area of ​​contamination. You need to do this quickly, since wax can only be wiped off clothes while it is cold and crumbling. Try to clean off small residues with your fingernail.

Hot water

There is another way to influence a paraffin or wax stain with heat. This is processing hot water.


  • Heat water in a kettle or fill hot water from the tap.
  • Get someone to help you stretch the stained cloth over the tub or sink. As a last resort, pull your clothes over a bucket or pot.
  • Pour the stain with hot water until the wax is completely dissolved.
  • After treatment, wipe the area of ​​​​contamination with a clean cloth and send the item to the wash.


Many households keep a lot of different substances necessary for the household, which can be very useful for those who do not know how to remove candle wax from clothes. If in home arsenal there is no such remedy, then you can always buy it without problems at a hardware store or pharmacy.


Before you remove the wax from your favorite clothes, take care of the availability at home cotton pads or clean cloth rags. Then dissolve 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in a liter of water room temperature. Pour the resulting liquid on the stain formed by the wax. Wait for it to dissolve and wipe the contaminated area with a cloth or cotton. Then the clothes must be washed in the machine in the usual way. Ammonia is even suitable for removing wax stains from many delicate fabrics.

Alcohol and turpentine

How to clean candle wax from clothes with alcohol? Take cotton pad and blot it with alcohol or turpentine. Squeeze a little and thoroughly wipe the contaminated area with a swab. Wax should completely dissolve during processing. If it did not work out to remove the stain at once, then you can put cotton soaked in alcohol or turpentine on the stain, leaving it for half an hour for a more intense effect.

Dishwashing liquids

Do not worry about damaged clothes, as you can wash the wax from clothes conventional means for dish washing. It is suitable even for things made of wool and silk. Pour some concentrated, undiluted product onto the stain and let it work for a while. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening and leave the stain with dishwashing liquid overnight. In the morning, collect loose wax with a napkin, and place the clothes in the washing machine. You can wash it in the usual way, suitable for this type of fabric.

Note: Dishwashing liquid is also useful if, after removing wax from clothes, stubborn greasy stains remain on it.

Removing wax stains from denim

Denim clothes can be washed at any temperature without fear, because this material is very resistant to damage and high temperatures. If you have planted a stain on your favorite jeans, then immediately proceed to neutralize it. First, soak the item in very warm water for 30 minutes, then add some more hot water and try washing it by hand.

You can also use help washing machine. The temperature must be set in the range of 50-60 degrees. This heating will be enough for the wax to come off without problems. denim. Unlike machine processing, hand wash it is much easier to determine whether the wax stains are gone from the jeans or not. Just look at the water in which the thing was soaked and washed. If you notice oily stains on the surface, then the contamination has left the fabric. During washing, jeans are periodically removed from the water and inspected. In case of insufficient cleansing of stains, they can be immersed again in soapy water and wrinkled with your hands. After washing, rinse items in clean cold water.

Before using all of the above wax removers, try applying a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. Wait 30-40 minutes to make sure that the fabric has not changed color and its structure has not collapsed. Soak delicate fabrics overnight in warm soapy water, and then wash in a special mode that every washing machine has.

Features of cleaning clothes from colored candles

Colored wax is a substance that is very difficult to remove. Do not, under any circumstances, immediately hot iron, since the high temperature will only aggravate the situation, contributing to the absorption of the paint into the fabric. Proceed with extreme caution.

Here detailed instructions for removing colored wax from clothes:

  • Try to cool the wax dripped onto your clothes as quickly as possible. To do this, you can use an ice pack or any frozen food from your home freezer. Place ice or food in a clean bag first.
  • Wait for the stain to dry completely.
  • Remember the thing with your hands and gently shake off the spilled wax. What is left can be scraped off with a fingernail or the blunt side of a knife.
  • After this procedure, as a rule, a colored greasy stain remains on the clothes. You can try to remove it with a store stain remover.
  • Rinse the remaining stain under running water and soak the item in the selected product for several hours.
  • Wash clothes in the usual way washing machine.
  • In some cases, there are no residues of unwanted color left, and fat is not displayed in any way. Now you can use the iron according to the above instructions.

Our lives are filled with fun events where candles play an important role. For these events, everyone wears only best clothes, so it's unpleasant when favorite dress or a blouse gets dirty with wax. But do not worry, because there are many effective ways to remove a paraffin stain.

The fresher the contamination, the easier it is to remove, but do not panic if precious time lost. The main thing to remember is that you can’t rush in this matter, because you can damage the fabric. Below are only proven ways to remove wax stains from fabric, which fall into two categories: cold and hot removal.

Hot removal techniques:

  • With the help of an iron, a dry cloth and a towel. Turn the iron on medium heat. Place the soiled item on ironing board, after placing a clean napkin under the stain. Cover it with a towel or handkerchief on top. With a heated iron, gently iron the stain through the fabric. This will melt the wax and absorb it into the tissue. For maximum effect change the wipes until the stain is completely gone.
  • How to remove a wax stain from clothes when using boiling water. Boil water in a clean container and carefully lower the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bcloth into it. Wax or paraffin will quickly melt and drain into the water. It is important to remember that this method is only suitable for white or solidly colored solid items. Otherwise, the thing may shed. It is also not recommended to remove wax stains on delicate or natural fabrics in this way.

Cold removal techniques:

  • How to Remove Wax Stains from Fabric Using Ice. This the way is fine for when you are in a cafe or restaurant. Apply ice to the contaminated area or, on extreme case, any product from the freezer. The wax will harden quickly and come off your clothes.
  • How to wash a wax stain with a dishwasher. This method will be a useful find if a thing made of delicate fabric that cannot be processed at high temperatures is dirty. Thoroughly treat the place of contamination with dishwashing detergent and leave for half an hour. Then gently peel off the wax from the surface of the item and wash by hand or washing machine in the appropriate mode.

Now you know how to remove a wax stain quickly and effectively. But it should be remembered that after wax or paraffin, a greasy trace remains on clothes. It can be removed using:

  • Laundry soap. Lather the stain, leave the thing for 5-10 minutes, wash.
  • Talc. Sprinkle the stain on them, leave for 5 minutes, shake off the residue and wash the item.
  • Food soda. Pour generously onto the stain, leave for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the residue and wash in soapy water.
  • Turpentine. Dilute 50 grams of turpentine with ammonia, mix thoroughly and apply on the wax mark with a cotton pad. Leave the thing for three hours, then wash it.

Now your clothes will not even have a hint that there was once wax. It will be useful to learn how to remove a wax stain from fabric of different textures.

How to remove a paraffin stain from different fabrics

Since holidays where candles are present are celebrated all year round, it will be useful to learn how to remove a wax stain from delicate, fur and leather products.

  1. How to remove a paraffin stain from cotton or wool? To do this, lay on an ironing board or any flat surface. clean towel. Put the soiled product on it and cover it with paper napkins folded in two layers. Then heat up the iron to the maximum indicated on the garment label and iron the stained area several times. The paraffin will melt and be absorbed into the towel.
  2. How to remove wax stains from linen products if it is dry? First, carefully scrape off the wax with your fingernail or knife. Lay a towel on the ironing board with a lightly dampened, thick, undyed fabric on it. Then lay the soiled product and cover it with blotting paper. Iron with a hot iron until the wax stops appearing on the paper. Naturally, the paper changes after each ironing.
  3. How to remove a paraffin stain from a synthetic fabric? Lay a slightly moistened clean towel on the ironing board, lay the soiled clothes on it and cover it thick cloth. Heat the iron on the lowest setting and iron in the area of ​​the stain. After it is completely absorbed into the fabric, you can wash the item.
  4. At the right time winter holidays useful information on how to remove a wax stain on clothes made of natural or faux fur. In this case, freezing is applied. To do this, take the item to the balcony for 2 hours. The wax will freeze completely and be easily removed from the villi with your nails.
  5. How to remove wax stains on leather goods without any damage? To do this, also take the soiled item to the balcony or place it in the freezer, if the size allows, for about 30-40 minutes. Then fold the skin in half in the area of ​​the stain. Cracked wax is easily scraped off with fingernails or other not very sharp object.
  6. Suede never goes out of style, so it's important to know how to remove wax stains from suede. To do this, let it dry well, then carefully scrape it off with a dull knife or nail file. Then put a dry towel in two layers on the problem area and apply the product to a not very hot iron. It is important to apply in such a way as not to damage the tissue structure. Change towels until no more wax appears on it. To remove old stains use a mixture:
  • 5 ml of gasoline.
  • 5 ml of wine alcohol.
  • 30 ml of ammonia.

Everything is thoroughly mixed, applied to the stain for 5-10 minutes, then removed. wet wipe or cloth.

  1. From velvet and plush, such contaminants are removed with warm alcohol or turpentine. To do this, soak a cotton swab in these liquids, blot the stain.
  2. How to remove a wax stain from silk clothes without the slightest damage? For this, cologne will come in handy. Apply it to the problem area, leave for 15 minutes and wash the item in warm water.
  3. How to remove a paraffin stain from non-washable fabric? To do this, take medical or denatured alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the dirt every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.

These simple tips help get rid of problem spots and preserve the visual appeal of clothing from any fabric.

If not only clothes, but also furniture are damaged, use the following folk remedies.

How to remove wax stains from furniture made of different materials

In order to immediately achieve the maximum effect, it is advisable to choose a method specifically for the material from which the furniture is made.

  1. For wooden furniture, use a hair dryer, paper towels and polish. A completely frozen stain is treated with a hairdryer until completely melted, then quickly blotted with a towel, and the remains are removed with a polish.
  2. For leather furniture, use a kitchen sponge and dishwasher. Scrub the stain with a damp, soapy sponge, let dry, and wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  3. For upholstered furniture suitable stain remover. After cleaning the surface of wax with ice or a knife, treat the problem area with a stain remover and leave for 30 minutes. Treat the contaminated area first soapy water and then clean water.

Of course, there are many other ways to remove a paraffin stain from fabric, but the above have proven to be the best.

To get the most out of cleaning, remember the following:

  1. Prepare your workspace first.
  2. Do not hurry.
  3. Cleaning products and mixtures are applied only to the problem area.
  4. Be sure to use rubber gloves.
  5. Dry the processed things in a well-ventilated place.

Now you are not afraid of wax. But it's better to prevent similar situations rather than looking for a solution.

Updated: 10/18/2018

Candles decorate the celebration, they are used in the church, they are used as a source of light. And because wax on clothes is a common situation. If wax has got on your favorite thing, then getting rid of such pollution is not so easy. You can try to resolve the situation yourself different ways. The most important thing is not to put off cleaning and follow the proven tips on how to remove wax from clothes.

Before you figure out how to remove wax from clothes, you should learn about the existence of some useful tips. This will help not only get rid of stains, but also save appearance products.

  1. It doesn't matter if you are interested in how to remove paraffin or wax, the principle will be the same. The main thing in this case is to take into account the characteristics of the fabric.
  2. Most effective method– thermal impact. This is due to the fact that the substance that left the spots melts at a temperature of 42 degrees.
  3. Paraffin not only leaves a stain on the material from above, it also penetrates between the fibers, accumulating inside the fabric. Therefore, the use of heated steam is also effective for removing contaminants.
  4. But if the pollution is left with colored wax, then thermal exposure is contraindicated. This is worth remembering. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove the greasy stain itself, but the dye cannot be eliminated, since it will be absorbed into the material. AT this case it is better to use household chemicals.
  5. Delicate fabrics and synthetics are also best not to expose thermal effect. This spoils their structure and appearance.
  6. Any chemical agent, used to remove wax from a candle from a favorite thing, you must first test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. Otherwise, unpredictable consequences may await you.
  7. In addition to heating, cooling will help remove wax from the fabric. This is due to the fact that the pollutant solidifies when the temperature drops. You just have to peel off the top layer of paraffin, and then get rid of the greasy stain. Usually cooling is carried out using a freezer - this is best option at home.
  8. It is recommended to heat the canvas to wipe the wax from the clothes only if it is made of dense fabric.

And now, when all the nuances are taken into account, it is worth figuring out which ones exist. effective ways cleaning and how to remove candle wax from clothes. Everything depends on the material. Let's figure it out.

natural fabrics

If such a nuisance as the formation of a stain on cotton, linen or woolen things get ready to work hard. Paraffin penetrates between the fibers of the fabric, so do not try to clean it off mechanically. There is a way out, you only need to prepare a napkin and an iron. Before proceeding, study the label on the thing, which indicates the maximum allowable exposure temperature. So, in this case, you can get rid of wax as follows:

  • Lay the item on a flat surface so that the stain is on top.
  • Cover the stained area with a paper towel.
  • Iron the paper over with an iron and see if the wax stain has been removed.

If the result does not satisfy you, repeat the procedure, but only with a clean napkin.

Using this method, you will quickly get rid of pollution without damaging the fabric structure. But if you find on the product label that temperature effect it is contraindicated, you will have to use a solvent. The main thing is to first test it on a small area so that you don’t have to throw things away later because of faded paint.

There is another option that involves the use of an iron. You will need wet cotton paper towel. It must be laid on the thing in the place where the stain formed. Place a sheet of white paper or a blotting paper on top of the towel. And iron this whole structure. As a result, paraffin particles are absorbed into the wet tissue. Nothing complicated.

Synthetic clothing

How to remove wax from clothes in this case? Much easier than the above situation. This is due to the fact that paraffin is not absorbed into the matter, but is located on the surface. It remains only to soften it.

The whole problem is that synthetics do not tolerate heat. Therefore, you will need to act differently.

Prepare the following: a container of hot water, a brush, or a piece of soft cloth. It is necessary to hold the contaminated item in water for a while so that the paraffin softens. Then gently scrub it off with a brush or cloth.

Another option on how to remove a candle stain from synthetic clothes is to use turpentine. Simply apply a small amount to a cotton pad and rub wax pollution. When you have completely cleaned off the paraffin, you need to wash the item in the usual way. Use a conditioner to remove bad smell turpentine.

Fur things

How to wash wax from such clothes? It may seem that this is impossible. And a paraffin stain threatens to turn into a disaster - an irretrievably damaged fur coat, for example. But do not despair. You can remove candle wax from fur clothes, but you need to take into account the nuances. It is not recommended to heat such things. Therefore, it is worth resorting to low temperatures.

There are two options - either hang things on the balcony (if the weather is frosty), or place them in freezer. Try rubbing the stained area with an ice cube. You must ensure that the paraffin is frozen. Now you can gently, lint by lint, remove the wax. Be careful not to rip out the fur.

Leather and suede products

How to remove a wax stain from clothes made of such expensive materials? Caution is important here - there is a risk of damaging the “capricious” material. Try scraping off the wax first with a knife (use the dull side of the blade). After that, hold the thing over hot steam, and wipe off the remnants of the softened wax soft cloth or a napkin.

If all these manipulations did not give the desired result, try to find in the house ammonia . For one liter of water it will need a little - half a spoon. Now moisten a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated area. Soon the stain will completely disappear.

There is one more for suede wonderful option how to remove wax from fabric. Mix 50 ml of gasoline, 10 ml of wine alcohol and 35 ml of ordinary ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution, rub the suede, and then hold the thing over the steam to restore the distorted structure of the fabric.


Everyone has clothes from it. Jeans are the go-to item for any occasion. And it’s very disappointing when drops of wax fall on your favorite couple. Do not worry - denim can be washed without observing temperature regime. As soon as you put a stain on your jeans, act immediately. Soak them in a bowl of warm water, then add hot water and try to wash them by hand.

There is another option - put the clothes in the cold. Freezer is the best option. Wait 10-15 minutes. If the wax has hardened, clean it off, leaving only a greasy stain on the fabric. It is easy to wash in the machine in the usual way.

Delicate fabrics

How to remove wax if it gets on silk, organza, chiffon, and so on? These fabrics are capricious and delicate, you need to be careful with them. In this case, it is forbidden to use the method with an iron. And any substances that contain alcohol can permanently damage the fabric.

Try removing the stain with dishwashing detergent. Apply it on the wax stain and wait for it to dry. After that, feel free to wash delicate clothes in warm soapy water. If the trace of wax could not be eliminated the first time, repeat the described steps again.

Fabrics with unstable dyes

It is also possible to remove wax from clothes in this case. If the paint on the material is not too resistant, overdoing it, there is a risk of spoiling the thing. Exists great option- freeze it - half an hour in the freezer will be enough. After that, you need to crumble the frozen wax, sprinkle trouble spot talc and cover with a napkin. Place the item under the press and wait 3 hours. After that, take a brush and clean the clothes, and then wash them in warm soapy water.

Additional Methods

How to get wax out of clothes? you could try different variants, but if all else fails, there are still several methods in stock. For example, use hot water. This is one of the varieties of thermal exposure.

Heat water in a kettle, then ask for help from someone close to you. Together it will be easier to stretch the soiled fabric over the bath. If no one is around, try pulling your clothes over the pot. Now pour heated water over the paraffin from the kettle until it completely disappears. At the end, rub the problem area with a napkin and wash the item.

And here is another way to remove wax from jeans or things made from other materials. will help you ordinary chalk. Clean off the paraffin, then sprinkle the stain with chalk and cover with a napkin. Hold under load for several hours and wash.

Removing stains from colored candles

Colored wax is very difficult to remove. You don't have to act right away. This wax contains dyes, and if they are heated, they will penetrate even deeper into the fabric. Therefore, it is worth remembering - the use of an iron in this case is prohibited.. You don't have to try to clean the stain either. Because of this, paraffin particles will penetrate even deeper into the tissue structure. Here is a detailed instruction that will answer how to wipe off the wax if the candle was colored:

  • As soon as a stain appears, you need to cool the thing. You can use an ice pack or any product from the freezer for this.
  • Wait until the stain is completely dry.
  • Try kneading the thing by hand, and shake off the wax that has fallen. Scrape off the rest with the blunt side of the knife blade.
  • After that, most likely, you will see a greasy stain on your clothes. Use a regular store-bought stain remover. Rinse the problem area with water and soak in the selected product.
  • Now is the time to wash your clothes in the washing machine.

If you managed to eliminate the wax, the fat too, but there is no tissue left colored spot Most likely nothing can be done about it. You can show your imagination and try to decorate a problematic place.

How to clean up leftovers

How to clean wax from clothes became clear. But how to get rid of greasy stains that invariably remain after contact with paraffin? Help the following means: turpentine, kerosene, thinner, ammonia, dishwashing detergent, acetone, detergents of synthetic origin. You just need to treat the problem area with one of the listed remedies and let it dry. After that, feel free to wash the thing.

If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid of damaging the fabric, you cannot decide on the most successful method Better go to a dry cleaner. They will tell you how to wash the wax. Professionals will accurately determine the type and degree of soiling and will be able to return your clothes original view. Most of these institutions give a guarantee for their work, and in case of failure they will compensate for the damaged item.

Usually the question of how to wash off the wax arises during various events. That is, in situations where it is not possible to immediately correctly process the material. The main thing - do not fuss, do not be nervous, do not try to wipe the paraffin from the fabric with your hands. Firstly, it is fraught with the fact that there is a risk of getting burned, and secondly, the stain will become even larger. If you notice that the wax has got on your clothes, just blot it with a tissue and finish the rest when you get home.

Wax stain: how to clean clothes

Wax and paraffin stains are not among the contaminants that must be removed immediately, in hot pursuit. We must wait at least 10-15 minutes - and during this time the wax on the fabric will cool and harden, and you can get rid of the stain without risking smearing it. Only after that can you start cleaning the matter.

The first stage: we clean off the wax

As a rule, a drop of wax that has fallen on clothes is not completely absorbed into the fabric: a thin translucent film remains on top of the fabric. It needs to be removed mechanically: scrape or carefully cut with a knife. Wax trail easily crumbles and moves away from the fabric.

If you have dripped thin silk trousers or a chiffon blouse and are afraid of damaging the delicate fabric, it is enough to wrinkle the contaminated area and shake off the crumbled wax with a clothes brush

Step two: remove the stain

After that, place a white cloth under the contaminated area. paper napkin, folded in several layers, or a paper towel. You can also use normal stationery, but its absorbency is slightly lower.

Cover the area with thin cotton fabric(you can use a handkerchief for this purpose) and iron it several times. Under the influence of high temperature, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the paper.

Wax and paraffin melt when enough low temperatures(about 60-80 degrees), so if you are afraid to burn a delicate fabric during stain removal, you can put the iron on minimum heat

Change the paper backing and iron the fabric again: the first time all the wax may not melt, especially if you dripped colored clothes, for example, with a black or red candle. If, after several passes with an iron, an oil trace remains on the napkin, then the procedure must be repeated again.

If a thing that has got drops of wax cannot be ironed, you can remove the stain with turpentine or alcohol. Place a light cotton cloth, folded several times, under the stain, and use a cloth or gauze swab to clean the thing, moving from the edges of the contamination to the center.

Often after events with wax or paraffin candles (birthdays, church holidays, etc.) an unpleasant reminder in the form of a wax stain may remain on the clothes. This does not mean that clothes should be thrown away immediately, because there are methods for getting rid of even such difficult stains. The main thing is not to flog a fever and soak a thing in a stain remover (it can only get worse), but to figure out how to remove wax from clothes in the most effective way.

Temperature is everything

Wax can be removed using temperature. According to this principle, the methods are divided into hot and cold.

The hot method for removing wax stains from clothes involves heating the wax to such an extent that it melts and separates from the fabric. This is done with an iron only on materials that are exposed to high temperatures. For this you need:

  • put a thin towel under the soiled thing, put the same on top;
  • on the iron, set the temperature suitable for this type of fabric;
  • iron in right place so that the wax sticks to the top towel.

Instead of an iron, a hair dryer or just hot steam is suitable. The rest of the algorithm will be the same.

The cold way, how to remove wax from a candle from clothes, means cooling the thing, followed by the wax lagging behind it. It is suitable for all materials that cannot be heated, as well as for coarse, thick fabrics. The wax will come off if:

  • put the thing in the freezer for several hours;
  • scrape off the hardened wax with a non-sharp knife or other blunt object.

In the case when it is not possible to place a thing in the freezer, you can put a container with ice on it. We'll have to wait a little longer, but the effect will not change.

In addition to these methods, you can use improvised or purchased tools.

Special funds

The most common mistake that people who do not know the basics of chemistry make is washing clothes with a wax stain. It is not always fresh, so this approach can worsen the situation, for example, when the wax contains a dye. By the way, it is he who remains on the fabric after removing the upper wax layer.

Improvised means will help get rid of dye or wax residues: alcohol and dishwashing liquid. In the first case, a towel is placed under the fabric. The place of contamination is rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. After that, the thing must be washed.

Liquid will also work. detergent for dishes. It is better that it be ordinary, without small particles and aggressive components. It must be foamed and rubbed into the stain until the latter disappears. After that, the clothes are to be washed.

More severe means like kerosene, technical solvent, acetone are suitable for things made of resistant fabrics with greasy spots. It is advisable to use them only when all previous methods of how to remove wax have not worked. Clothes are processed twice with an interval of half an hour, then thoroughly washed.

Nothing will be left of the stains with these products. But before using them, it is worth considering the material from which the clothes are made.

Removing wax from various fabrics

Denim is usually quite rough, so it will work for her cold way with freezing. If the stain is fresh, then you can do with a simple wash. denim thing placed in a basin with hot water and powder. After half an hour of soaking, clothes should be washed by hand or loaded into the machine. If the wax disappears, then special means there will be no need. If not, then it is preferable to take a detergent.

Colored and delicate fabrics need special care, so you should first familiarize yourself with the information located on the label. Perhaps they cannot be ironed, then the cold method may not work either. It is better to buy a stain remover designed for this type of fabric. Dishwashing liquid works well too. Just do not need to rub it hard, just apply and leave to dry completely. After that, the clothes must be washed by hand or in a washing machine with suitable mode. If the stain has not gone away, then it is better to repeat the procedure again. For such fabrics, coarse products cannot be used, they will leave stains or spoil the structure of the material.

Following these rules, it will be easy to remove a candle wax stain from any clothes. It is important to choose desired type fabrics suitable remedy and way.

How to get wax out of clothes
