Methods and features of divorce upon application. Administrative termination of marriage

Divorce of marriage at the request of one of the spouses constitutes difficult process, during which it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions.

Otherwise, the applicant runs the risk of delaying the process for quite a long period of time, while being faced with the need to re-submit if errors and shortcomings are identified in it.

It should be noted that this is a rather complex procedure, which is rightfully considered the most labor-intensive and lengthy if carried out through the courts.

Applicants submit a corresponding request and receive a period of one month during which they can change their decision. This is done so that the spouses carefully consider their actions and can easily terminate the process if the situation suddenly changes.

Divorce through the registry office

There are only three cases in which a divorce through the registry office is possible at the request of only one spouse:

  1. The other party is the convict an individual, the sentence for which is more than three years of forced imprisonment. In such a situation, the applicant must attach to the request a copy of the court decision that has entered into force.
  2. The second party was declared incompetent by a court decision. A copy of the relevant document must also be provided.
  3. The husband was declared missing. The applicant must have a copy of the supporting document with him.
It should be noted that in the above cases, the waiting time for a decision from the state authority is one month. Another important detail is the payment for the divorce procedure. If both parties apply, then it is six hundred and fifty rubles. Accordingly, for unilateral termination marriage you will need to pay three hundred and fifty rubles.

The registry office is the easiest way. In this case, the applicant will not have to prove anything, he is free from litigation. In addition, the judicial process often drags on for for a long time, if the subject of the dispute is property jointly acquired with the defendant party, and someone else claims it. Property disputes are considered the most complex paperwork.

Divorce in court

Divorce through court occurs in cases where:

Often the claim is filed by one of the spouses. But in some situations this can be done either by a guardian, a prosecutor or another interested person.

Judicial practice shows that it is often possible to impose the most different solutions, which are based on specific facts. So, positive result you can wait if the defendant spouse is convicted of immoral behavior, alcoholism or drug addiction.

The court is obliged to consider, so all received data is carefully studied. If the court considers the reason for divorce insufficient, it will decide to establish three month period, which will allow the spouses to change their minds. Even if the justification is not significant, but after the expiration of the period the applicant spouse has not changed the decision, the authority is obliged to dissolve the marriage.

Additional issues that are usually considered in court during a divorce may relate to both the main claim and an additional one. They often involve property disputes, shared custody, and so on.

Required documents

The divorce application must be accompanied by a package certain documents. This is done in order to significantly reduce the time spent on the process itself and confirm that the applicant is indeed married.

Copies are attached to the application:

  • birth certificates of common children, if any;
  • applicant's passport;
  • marriage certificates.

The process and documents collected have a significant impact on the availability of marriage contract. If it is present, both the issues being resolved and the procedure itself may change. It should be noted that a copy of the agreement, if there is one, will be required.

It is very important to understand that all the reasons indicated in the statement of claim must be documented. If this bad habits or a spouse’s addiction, a medical report will be required. Of course, it can be done already during the divorce process, but because of this, the procedure may be delayed.

The most pressing issues in a court divorce are property disputes and custody decisions.


The divorce process is very complicated. In particular, the procedure is complicated by the absence of the other party or its reluctance to take part in the process. It must be emphasized that the court is obliged to notify both parties about the process. Therefore, without such an opportunity, the state authority follows a specific algorithm of actions.

The situation can be quite simple. Quick divorce possible if the other party is declared incompetent or missing. Of course, the application is accompanied by all documents that testify to what is mentioned, having legislative force on the basis of the court.

Divorce in court occurs in a number of cases that are strictly stipulated in family law. Terminate marriage this will be necessary if you have common minor children; one of the spouses does not want to get a divorce; unless both parties submit an application to the registry office to annul the marriage.

Features of the procedure

To get a divorce through the court, you first need to submit a properly completed application. After filing, the judge reviews it and sets a date for a hearing to consider the citizen’s application. Each spouse is informed about this using a summons. Typically, a court hearing is scheduled 30 days after filing a divorce petition.

How much does a divorce through court cost in 2018?

A person filing an application for divorce in court must pay a state fee, the amount of which can be found out in court from the secretary. If the spouses do not have common children or property disputes and they agree to divorce, then they divide this amount in half.

The trial can proceed according to three scenarios:

  • If both spouses do not come on time, the meeting is closed with the wording that both spouses have changed their minds about getting a divorce.
  • If only one spouse came to the divorce hearing, the judge finds out the reasons why he or she did not come. In this case, consideration of the application will be postponed until the reasons for the second party’s failure to appear are clarified. The period for which the case is adjourned is determined by the judge. If the reason for failure to appear in court is objective, it will be taken into account when setting a new term. judicial trial. If the reason for the failure of one of the parties to appear is the reluctance to get a divorce, then the judge gives a period for the parties to reconcile. This usually takes from one to three months. If there is no explanation for the failure to appear, the judge has the right to make his decision on divorce without the other party.
  • In the case when both spouses come on time and they do not have property disputes or disputes about who the children will live with, then the marriage can be dissolved at the first court hearing. If there is a disagreement between the two parties, a judgment about reconciliation. The reconciliation period is three months.

If during this time it was not possible to reach agreement on controversial issues, then the judge takes upon himself the decision on:

  • children living with one of the spouses;
  • establishing alimony for minor children;
  • division of property.

After solving these points in judicial procedure divorce is announced. The decision is then transferred to the registry office, where new documents are drawn up within ten days. Both citizens receive a certificate stating that they are no longer married. This document is drawn up in two copies.

Sample application

An application for divorce must be filed locally official registration the defendant, at the place of registration of the plaintiff, if the defendant’s place of residence is unknown. You can also apply by location real estate the defendant, at his last place of registration. In addition to the application to the court, you will have to submit some other documents.

According to the current family legislation of the Russian Federation, both husband and wife can file for divorce. If one of them is incapacitated and has a guardian who is not his spouse, he can file a petition for divorce on his behalf. Also, a claim for divorce can be filed by a representative of the prosecutor's office in the interests of an incapacitated spouse or in the event of the disappearance of a husband or wife without a trace. IN in this case The law gives the prosecutor the right to represent people's interests in court.

Which court should the application be filed in?

Today in Russia there are magistrates' and federal courts. Each of them has the authority to conduct divorce proceedings under certain conditions. A federal judge has great competencies.

If the spouses have no disagreements on any issues, then they can divorce in a magistrates' court. If there are irreconcilable differences, the lawsuit should be filed in front of a federal judge. Disputes about children and property between spouses are heard only in federal courts.

The court terminates official marriage, if it turns out that its existence is impossible. The law does not provide specific reasons for declaring a marriage invalid. Reasons for divorce may include:

  • infidelity of one of the spouses,
  • his vicious tendencies, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction,
  • absence financial assistance when raising common children,
  • violation of articles of the marriage contract, if any.

If your spouse is against it?

In the absence of precisely formulated reasons for the divorce, the court may temporarily postpone the consideration of the case, giving the parties time for reconciliation. The court will not find out the reasons for the divorce only if both spouses agree to divorce. This is stipulated in Article 23 Family Code RF.

If the plaintiff does not explain the reasons for the divorce, the case is postponed for 3 months in accordance with Article 22 of the RF IC. In this case, the court does not refuse the plaintiff to consider the case, but only postpones it. Upon reconciliation of the parties, the judicial proceedings are terminated.

The plaintiff can present as the reason for the divorce the violence, insult and cruel treatment that the defendant uses against him. This requires the presentation of witnesses and written evidence, which will be added to the case by the court.

The plaintiff must ask the court to call witnesses, request Required documents in state archives and government agencies. If there are reasons for divorce ill-treatment the court usually dissolves the marriage, but not immediately, but after the trial.

This process can take place either as part of the divorce proceedings or separately from it. Either one or both parties can apply to the court for the division of property and children. Also allowed settlement agreement on these issues, which may be concluded before the trial.

Reconciliation of the parties

The party who is the defendant has the right to ask the court to postpone the hearing of the divorce case. The court grants such a request on the basis that people may change their minds about getting a divorce during the postponement of the proceedings. Typically, divorce proceedings are delayed for three months.
The plaintiff can withdraw his statement only until the court has left for a meeting. In this case, you can end everything with a settlement agreement and not dissolve the marriage. Refusal statement of claim does not deprive the plaintiff of the opportunity to file it again if, during a subsequent cohabitation It will become clear to one of the parties that they can no longer live together.

Also, a divorce case that is being considered in court is terminated if the plaintiff does not come to the court conference after the expiration of the period allocated for reconciliation.

Registration time

Typically, these cases require several hearings to be attended if the defendant refuses to get a divorce. If both parties agree and have no claims against each other, then the divorce is carried out in one court hearing.

To obtain a documented annulment of marriage, you will need to wait one month and 11 days. This period is fixed by civil procedural standards that formalize civil status. On average, with the mutual consent of the spouses, a divorce takes from one and a half to three months. If the defendant does not agree with the court's decision, the divorce procedure is delayed even more.

When filing a divorce, the judge takes into account current laws family law, according to which the marriage can be dissolved no earlier than a month after filing the application. It should also be remembered that there is the possibility of appealing a court decision to higher authorities. The speed is also affected by the heavy workload of judges and complaints about their actions, which require consideration by control bodies. It is also necessary to consider the possibility of correcting errors in documents, which will also delay the preparation of divorce documents.

From wedding to divorce. Protection of family law in Russia Nariñani Alena

3.3. Divorce at the request of one of the spouses

3.3. Divorce at the request of one of the spouses

At the request of one of the spouses, despite the presence of common minor children, the marriage is dissolved by the registry office civil status if the other spouse:

Recognized by the court as missing;

Recognized by the court as incompetent;

Convicted of committing a crime to imprisonment for a term of over three years.

Scheme No. 19. Divorce at the request of one of the spouses

The right to divorce in these cases is granted to the spouse who is not in one of the listed conditions.

In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the grounds for recognizing a citizen as missing or incompetent are provided for by the Civil Code. At the request of interested parties, a citizen may be recognized by the court as missing if during the course of a year there is no information about his place of residence at his place of residence. If it is impossible to establish the day of receipt of the latest information about the missing person, the beginning of the calculation of the period for recognizing an unknown absence is considered to be the first day of the month following the one in which the last information about the absent person was received, and if it is impossible to determine this month - the first of January next year. When it is not possible to find out the citizen’s place of residence, the court may make a decision to recognize the citizen as missing. The stated procedure for recognizing citizens as missing is explained by the judge to the spouse if he filed a claim for divorce against a person in respect of whom there is no information about his place of residence during the year at his place of residence. However, if a spouse does not want to go to court with an application to recognize the other spouse as missing, the judge does not have the right to refuse to accept the claim for divorce, but must consider the claim on a general basis.

A person who, as a result mental disorder does not understand the meaning of his actions or does not direct them, is recognized as an incompetent citizen. Guardianship is established over him, and a guardian is appointed by the guardianship and trusteeship body.

Recognition of a citizen as missing or incompetent is subject to the procedure established by civil procedural legislation.

When dissolving a marriage in the registry office at the request of one of the spouses, the consent of the incapacitated spouse or the spouse sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years is not required. An incompetent spouse cannot express his will to dissolve a marriage due to his incapacity; the law does not attach legal significance to the consent of a spouse sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years, and the marriage is dissolved in his absence. The presence of common minor children between spouses is also not an obstacle to divorce in these cases. An application for divorce on the established form is submitted to the registry office by the spouse, who has not been recognized by the court as missing or incompetent and has not been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years. The place where a spouse submits an application for divorce is determined by Art. 32 of the Law on Acts of Civil Status to the civil registry office at the place of residence of the spouses (one of them) or the place of state registration of the marriage. To the application for divorce, the spouse must attach documents confirming his right to divorce in the registry office: a court decision declaring the other spouse missing or incompetent, or a court verdict convicting the other spouse to imprisonment for a term of more than three years. At the same time, the spouse who wishes to dissolve the marriage must inform the place of residence of the guardian of the incapacitated spouse or the administrator of the property of the missing spouse or the location of the institution executing the punishment in which convicted spouse is serving his sentence. The application form for divorce at the request of one of the spouses (form No. 9) was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 No. 1274.

Within three days, the registry office body that received the application for divorce is obliged to notify the spouse serving a sentence, or the guardian of the incapacitated spouse or the property manager of the missing spouse about the received application and the date appointed for state registration of the divorce. Notification of the received application for divorce and the appointed date for state registration of divorce should be sent to the guardianship and trusteeship authority, if a guardian for the incapacitated spouse or a property manager for the missing spouse has not been appointed.

When dissolving a marriage with a spouse who is incompetent or sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years, the notice from the registry office also indicates the need to inform, before the appointed date of state registration of the divorce, what surname the spouse will be called after the divorce - his premarital surname or whether he wants to keep his surname, chosen at the time of marriage.

State registration of divorce at the request of one of the spouses is carried out in his presence after a month from the date of filing the application. Divorce through a representative is not allowed in this case either.

There is a fee for registering divorce National tax in the amount of 100 rubles. from the spouse who filed the application for divorce, with a person recognized in in the prescribed manner missing or incapacitated due to a mental disorder, or with a person sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years.

Divorce in the registry office at the request of only one of the spouses under any other circumstances than those established is not allowed. In this regard, it must be borne in mind that statutory procedure for dissolution of marriage with persons recognized by the court incompetent, does not apply to cases of divorce from persons limited by the court incapacitated due to their abuse of alcohol or drugs. In these cases, divorce is carried out in accordance with the general procedure.

In accordance with Art. 2 °CC disputes about the division of the common property of spouses, the payment of funds for the maintenance of a needy disabled spouse, as well as disputes about children arising between spouses, one of whom is declared incompetent by the court or sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years for committing a crime, are considered in judicial procedure, regardless of the divorce in the registry office.

In the passports or other identification documents of the spouses, a note about the divorce is made after the state registration of the divorce and the issuance of certain certificates. If state registration If the divorce is carried out in the absence of one of the spouses, then a note about the divorce in his passport or other identity document is made by the registry office when issuing him a certificate of divorce.

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3.2. Cases regarding the release from seizure (exclusion from the inventory) of the share of one of the spouses in common property When considering cases of release from arrest (exclusion from the inventory) of the share of one of the spouses in common property, the following facts are included in the subject of proof: 1) initiation

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14. Divorce in court By dissolving a marriage in court, spouses become participants in civil proceedings. The person who filed the application acts as the plaintiff, and the other spouse acts as the defendant. Divorce of marriage is carried out in court if

From the book Family Code Russian Federation. Text with changes and additions as of October 1, 2009. author author unknown

Article 21. Divorce of marriage in court 1. Divorce of marriage is carried out in court if the spouses have common minor children, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 19 of this Code, or in the absence of the consent of one

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Article 22. Judicial dissolution of marriage in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage 1. Judicial dissolution of marriage is carried out if the court determines that further living together spouses and family preservation are impossible.2. At

From the book Family Law Cheat Sheet author Shchepansky Roman Andreevich

Article 23. Divorce of marriage in court with mutual consent of the spouses for divorce 1. If there is mutual consent for divorce of spouses who have common minor children, as well as spouses specified in paragraph 2 of Article 21 of this Code,

From the book Encyclopedia of Lawyer author author unknown

Article 160. Divorce 1. Divorce between citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens or stateless persons, as well as marriage between foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with

From the book Family Law. Cheat sheets author Semenova Anna Vladimirovna

4.1. Disputes about the right to a land plot allocated to one of the spouses during marriage general rule property acquired by spouses during marriage is their joint property. Such property, Article 34 of the RF IC, includes the income of each spouse from labor activity,

From the book From Wedding to Divorce. Protection of family law in Russia author Narinyani Alena

4.2. Disputes about the right to a land plot privatized during the marriage, which was in the use of one of the spouses before the marriage. In the period before 1991, when all the land was in state ownership, land plots for individual construction, 13. Divorce of marriage in court Divorce of marriage is carried out in court if the spouses have common minor children or in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage, as well as in cases where one of the spouses, despite

From the author's book

113. Divorce of marriage with foreigners Divorce of marriage between Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out through the civil registry office or in court. Through the registry office, the marriage is dissolved if there is mutual consent or after

From the author's book

3.2. Divorce by mutual consent Divorce is carried out in the civil registry office, with mutual consent to the dissolution of the marriage of spouses who do not have common minor children. If there are appropriate grounds, marriages are dissolved

From the author's book

3.4. Divorce if there are children If there is mutual consent to the divorce of spouses who have common minor children, and also if one of the spouses, despite his lack of objections, evades the divorce in the registry office

From the author's book

3.5. Divorce by court in the absence of the consent of one of the spouses to dissolve the marriage. If the court decides that the subsequent life together of the husband and wife and the preservation of the family is impossible, then the divorce is carried out by court. If one of the spouses disagrees

If family life has reached a dead end, and there is no longer the opportunity or desire to maintain the relationship, the question of divorce is raised between the spouses. Now the procedure has been simplified as much as possible, and it is possible to dissolve a marriage relationship in a relatively short time. short terms. If the spouses have reached a mutual agreement, the issue can be resolved without trial. IN different cases the application is submitted either to the magistrate or to the registry office. Let's consider both options in more detail.

The easiest way is divorce through the registry office

First of all, you need to decide where to write. The simplest option is that the spouses agree to a divorce and they do not have minor children under 18 years of age. In this case, divorce is possible without trial: Spouses just need to come and write an application.

Usually a month is allotted for consideration: during this period, the spouses can reconcile with each other and save the family; in this case, it is enough to simply withdraw the application. An application to the registry office for divorce is submitted by standard form No. 8, it does not require specifying the reasons for the divorce. This form requires the following mandatory information:

  • The full names of the spouses are indicated, dates of birth and citizenship are entered on the form. At the request of the spouses, nationality can be indicated.
  • The passport details of the husband and wife are indicated, and information is also entered into the form.
  • It is also necessary to enter the number and other details of the marriage certificate and indicate the surname that the husband and wife will bear after the divorce.
  • The wife does not have to return maiden name, it may remain the same. Whatever your feelings towards ex-spouse, you need to consider what needs to be changed full set documents, which will require large time, material and moral costs. In addition, the woman may later marry again, and then the whole procedure will have to be repeated.

There are other options in which a marriage can be dissolved by the registry office, and the wife can do this without the presence of her husband, even if there are minor children in the family. Possible options:

  1. The husband was convicted by a court verdict and has been imprisoned for at least three years. In this case, it is enough to attach to the application in Form No. 9 a certificate stating that he is in prison, and it will be considered without his presence.
  2. The husband is incompetent due to mental illness, drug addiction or any other reasons. Incapacity must be confirmed by a court verdict; a copy must be attached to the application.
  3. The husband has been missing for at least three years, you need to get a document about this from the police.

In all these cases, the application is considered in the same way within a month, after which the marriage will be dissolved without the presence of the second spouse.

It is impossible to challenge the decision subsequently, and even after the husband’s return from prison family relationships will not be reinstated without the consent of the ex-wife.

Divorce through court

If you can’t get a divorce amicably, file an application with the court.

Dissolution of family relations through the registry office is the simplest option for divorce, but it is not always possible. What to do if one of the spouses is not ready to break off the relationship and wants to save the family, or if the parents have minor children? In this case, the case will be considered through the court, and it will be necessary to file.

Do not be afraid of the judicial divorce process: the procedure has long been seriously simplified, so it will not take much time if one of the spouses does not interfere with the divorce. In this case, the spouses will be given the opportunity for reconciliation: the case is postponed for three months, but after the postponement it is also considered in the usual manner.

The statement of claim is filed either in the city court. The first option applies if the spouses do not have property disputes and they were able to independently decide with whom the children will live after the divorce. The application must provide the following information:

  • Number judicial section, personal data of the applicant and respondent (second spouse).
  • Date of marriage and other information from the certificate.
  • Data on the birth of children - information from.
  • The period during which the spouses do not live together. As a rule, an application is submitted to the magistrate's court when family relationships have long ceased, and the judge must only legally legitimize that fact.

After submitting the application, it is checked for errors and accepted for production. Then preparations for the court hearing begin: the judge finds out whether the spouses still want to reconcile, and whether there are any sufficient grounds to terminate marital relations. Usually this procedure does not take much time, and the meeting is scheduled fairly quickly.

If the spouses do not object, the marriage is dissolved, and each of them is issued a state certificate. It must be prepaid: it is paid by each spouse separately. If one of the spouses does not agree with by decision, he can try to appeal it to higher authorities. If a property dispute arises, the property will be divided in half: in each special case investigation is underway.

Complex cases of divorce through court

Statement of claim for divorce: sample

The most serious situations are when spouses cannot peacefully agree on the subsequent residence of children with their mother or father, as well as on the payment of alimony or division of property. in this case, it drags on for a long time, and the task of the judicial authorities becomes to clarify all the relationships and living conditions in the family in order to choose the best option for the children.

When drawing up an application and submitting it to the court, it is necessary to indicate the reasons why maintaining family relationships has become impossible. In this case, it is not necessary to describe in detail all the relationships with the disgusted spouse; it is enough to briefly and succinctly name the main reason for the divorce. A few examples:

  • The spouses no longer maintain a relationship. In this case, you can specify the date from which ex-husband and wife live separately. This good reason to declare the relationship terminated.
  • A conflict arose between the spouses. It is not necessary to describe its essence; it is enough to indicate that conflicting relationships have made family life impossible.
  • One of the spouses avoids divorce and does not appear at the registry office. This is the basis for filing a lawsuit, after which the case is heard by a magistrate. If other circumstances are considered sufficient for divorce, the divorce can take place without the husband/wife coming to the meeting.
  • The application also indicates additional special requirements. In some cases, the wife has the right to demand more wealthy husband alimony for your maintenance, if there is a good reason. Such a reason can be called severe financial situation, illness, etc.
  • If her spouses came to the meeting, then the case will simply be dismissed, and the family relationship will be considered intact. If only one person did not come, then the judge must make sure that the spouse was notified of the meeting and is absent for an unexcused reason. The case can be rescheduled, but if the failure to appear is repeated three times in a row, the process will take place without the participation of the second spouse. Its result will be the recognition of the marriage as dissolved with the provision of a certificate to the spouses.

Entry into force of a court decision

Family disputes can be smoothed out with the help of lawyers

When the family dispute has come to a logical conclusion and the court has made a decision on divorce, it will come into force within 10 days. An exception can only be made for a decision - it is recognized as coming into force immediately, and the bailiffs will be charged with collecting funds from the parent for the maintenance of children or ex-wife.

The resulting court decision must be submitted to the registry office: on its basis, an entry is made in the documents, a divorce mark is put in the passports, and certificates are issued. Family disputes remain one of the most unpleasant: spouses often have to go through many difficult moments during the proceedings, in addition, it is sometimes very difficult to decide which parent will be better for the children.

During the court hearing, reconciliation is possible: if the parties decide to reconcile and save the marriage, no one has the right to interfere with them.

Divorce through the registry office has many advantages: ease of preparing an application and a minimum package of documents for divorce, low cost and no additional expenses, short time consideration of the application and quick divorce.

In addition, the divorce procedure in the registry office does not involve clarifying the circumstances of the failed divorce. family life and the reasons for the breakdown of relationships, does not require the presentation of evidence and listening to the testimony of the parties and witnesses, the collection of numerous certificates and the filing of petitions. How does divorce happen in the registry office? Simple, fast and effective.

Conditions for divorce in the registry office

However, not every marriage can be dissolved in a simplified and expedited manner. Only spouses who have reached a mutual agreement on divorce and who do not have common minor children have the right to divorce through the registry office.

Thus, in order to peacefully, simply and through the registry office, a combination of two mandatory conditions is necessary:

1) Consent of spouses.

First required condition for divorce through the registry office - mutual consent of the spouses. If the husband or wife does not consent to the divorce, the divorce procedure will not take place. After all, getting a divorce, just like getting married, can only be done voluntarily. There is no need to resolve disputes, sort things out, make mutual claims and expose others to judgment intimate parts own life - important condition registration of divorce in the registry office.

The consent of the spouses is expressed in joint statement, which they submit to the registry office.

Why is spousal consent necessary?

For many spouses this is the norm. family law causes confusion and indignation. Why is it possible to divorce through the registry office only by mutual consent? Why does the other spouse have to go to court because of the disagreement of one of the spouses? After all, the court, like the registry office, does not refuse anyone and dissolves marriages at the request of the spouse, even if the second spouse does not agree. What then is the meaning of this condition?

The meaning of this condition lies somewhere in the remnants of Soviet legislation and the justice system, in particular family matters. Once upon a time, the court was entrusted with a great mission - to help preserve families. The extent to which the court accomplished its mission is unknown, since there are no statistics on the number of families saved from divorce thanks to the trial.

Today, as before, the court is entrusted with the same mission. Therefore, judges formally set a deadline for spouses to reconcile, and with a clear conscience, divorce spouses who failed to reconcile.

The question remains open: will the state really not find another way to preserve families other than the judicial divorce process? And isn’t it worth saving the spouses from the long and troublesome legal process of divorce if it is no longer possible to save the family?

2) Absence of common minor children.

If spouses have common minor children, divorce can only be done in court.

If spouses have their own, non-common children (for example, those born in another marriage and not adopted by the second spouse) or adult children (who have reached 18 years of age or have received full legal capacity), divorce proceedings in the registry office are also possible.

Which children are considered common?

At first glance, this question seems simple and understandable. A common child is a child who is descended from both spouses by blood. If a child is descended by blood from only one spouse, it is not considered common. For example, if a wife has a minor child from previous marriage, it is not considered common and the marriage can be dissolved through the registry office.

But it happens that one of the spouses adopts the spouse’s child. In this case, the child becomes common (not by blood, but by documents); therefore, divorce is possible only through the court. In the same way, a divorce will occur through the court if both spouses have adopted a child.

Which children are considered minors?

Another simple question. Everyone knows that adulthood occurs when you reach 18 years of age. But, it turns out, not only at this moment.

There is a concept of emancipation. This is the right of a child who has turned 16 years old to acquire full legal capacity - to acquire the rights and responsibilities of an 18-year-old citizen. Emancipation is possible under certain conditions: getting married and having a child, working employment contract or running a business.

So, if parents have such a minor (under 18 years old), but emancipated child, they can bypass judicial authority and get a divorce through the registry office.

Divorce through the registry office and controversial issues

For a divorce through the registry office, the presence or absence of disputes about jointly acquired property or the maintenance of a disabled spouse does not matter. For solutions controversial issues spouses need to go to court.

Special cases of divorce in the registry office

In addition to the considered scenario, which involves mutual agreement husband and wife for divorce in the absence of children, the law provides for other options. Thus, you can get a divorce through the registry office without the consent of one of the spouses and regardless of the presence of children in the following cases:

  1. Incapacity of one of the spouses established by the court. His inability to adequately assess the current circumstances and consciously make decisions is the basis for a unilateral initiative for divorce by the second spouse;
  2. Recognizing a spouse as dead or missing. The inability to obtain consent from the spouse for divorce due to the lack of information about his place of residence is also grounds for unilateral divorce;
  3. Criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for a term of at least 3 years. Fact real time conviction of a spouse is grounds for divorce without his consent.

How to get a divorce through the registry office?

So, your family circumstances meet the conditions required by law for filing a divorce through the registry office. There is mutual consent, but there are no common minor children. In order to carry out your plans and receive official confirmation of the actual breakdown of the family, you must go through standard procedure divorce through the registry office, consisting of several stages:

  • compilation (according to form No. 8, 9, 10);
  • payment of state duty according to the registry office details;
  • feed ;
  • a visit to the registry office to register a divorce - 30 days after filing the application;
  • receipt of a divorce certificate by each spouse.

Let's look at each of these stages in more detail.

Application for divorce and other documents

Spouses who have reached mutual agreement to terminate family relations must draw up and file a divorce petition together. The law provides for the possibility of drawing up and submitting separate applications by each of the spouses, as well as filing an application by only one spouse, subject to the notarized signature of the second spouse.

The application for divorce is drawn up in the form prescribed by law (No. 8, 9 or 10) indicating all the necessary data. The divorce application is accompanied by documents established by law, one of which is a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which registry office can you file for divorce?

A spouse can file an application for divorce:

  • in the registry office (at the place of registration of marriage, at the place of registration of both spouses or one of them);
  • through the State Services portal;
  • V Multifunctional Center public services (MFC - operate under the “My Documents” brand).

Divorce terms through the registry office

Compared to the duration of the judicial process, burdened with clarification of circumstances and reasons, submission of applications and petitions, resolution of disputes, consideration of appeals, the divorce procedure through the registry office is carried out in record time.

So how long does the divorce procedure through the registry office last? Exactly 30 days. This period can neither be shortened nor extended. Its calculation begins on the day after the filing of a joint or unilateral application for divorce, and ends on the day of registration of the divorce deed.

This month's period is given to spouses to think about the possibility of reconciliation and preservation of the family. After all, in marital relations Situations often arise when, under the influence negative emotions(resentment, irritation, anger) a spontaneous and not always justified decision is made to break up. Within a month, spouses may change their minds about divorce and withdraw their application. Unfortunately, in practice this rarely happens.

Note! The procedure for divorce through the registry office is regulated by Article 19 of the Family Code and Chapter IV of the Law “On Civil Status Acts”.

In these legislative acts you will find the rules for divorce through the registry office, including requirements for the form and content of the application for divorce, the procedure for submitting it to the registry office, and, directly, the procedure for divorce.

Unlike the judicial authorities, the civil registry office does not clarify the motives and reasons for the divorce, and does not take measures to reconcile the spouses.

The divorce procedure is quite formal and includes the following steps:

  • making an appropriate entry in the civil registration book;
  • issuing a divorce certificate to each spouse;
  • a note on divorce in the spouses’ passports.

Registration of divorce

On the day the application for divorce is filed, the registry office staff sets a date for registering the divorce. The place of registration of the divorce will be the registry office...

  • at the place of marriage registration;
  • at the place of residence of both spouses or one of them.

If a divorce petition is filed in unilaterally with an incapacitated or imprisoned spouse, the registry office must notify the incapacitated spouse or the guardian of the incapacitated spouse about this within 1 month. If the incapacitated spouse does not have a guardian, the registry office must notify the guardianship and trusteeship authority. In addition to notification of the received application for divorce, the registry office asks for a response indicating the surname that the spouse will bear after the divorce.

On the specified day of registration of the divorce, at least one of the spouses (or the spouse’s representative by proxy) must appear at the registry office to participate in the procedure for registering the divorce.

If both spouses are unable to appear on the appointed day for valid reasons, the procedure may be rescheduled. The absence of both spouses makes dissolution of the marriage impossible, and the filed application for divorce is rejected. After this, you can submit a new application for divorce - even the next day.


A divorce certificate is the main document certifying the fact of divorce between spouses. After registering the divorce, each spouse receives their own copy of the certificate.

The divorce certificate must contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. spouses before and after divorce;
  • Passport details of former spouses;
  • Date of termination of marriage;
  • Date of entry of the divorce, entry number;
  • Place of registration of divorce;
  • Date of issue of the divorce certificate;
  • FULL NAME. persons who have received a divorce certificate.

How much does a divorce through the registry office cost?

If speak about financial side divorce process through the registry office, then most likely, the total amount of expenses of the spouses for filing a divorce will not exceed the amount of the state fee.

So how much will a divorce in the registry office cost for spouses?

The amount and features of payment of state duty are provided for in Tax Code RF (Chapter 25.3). On January 1, 2015, changes regarding the amount of state duty came into force, according to which the following amounts are payable:

  1. When spouses jointly submit an application for divorce to the registry office, each of them pays 650 rubles of state duty;
  2. The same amount - 650 rubles of state duty - is paid by each spouse for making changes to the civil registration book on the basis accepted by the court decisions to dissolve their marriage;
  3. When filing a unilateral application for divorce (in cases where a spouse is declared incompetent, dead or missing, or sentenced to serve a prison sentence), the initiator of the divorce pays a state fee of 350 rubles.

Payment of the state fee is carried out at the bank, strictly according to the details of the civil registry office. The original receipt for payment of the state fee must be attached to the divorce application when filing documents.

Results: how the divorce process works through the registry office

So, the right to divorce through the registry office has been granted...

  1. Married couples who have agreed to end their family life if they do not have minor children.
  2. Spouses unilaterally, regardless of the consent of the second spouse, if he is recognized by the court...
  • incompetent;
  • missing or dead;
  • sentenced to serve a sentence of imprisonment for 3 years or more for committing a crime.

Since marriages are dissolved through the registry office only in undisputed cases (or by consent married couple, or on the grounds provided for in Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), state intervention in family relations is minimal, the divorce process is a formal procedure.

  • First stage - application by a married couple or one of the spouses on whose initiative the marriage is dissolved. The application can be prepared in advance, or you can fill out the forms on the spot. All necessary documents (passport, marriage certificate, in some cases, a court decision or verdict on the basis of which the divorce occurs) must be taken with you.
  • The second stage - directly divorce procedure , which occurs 30 days after filing the application. At the appointed time, the married couple (or one spouse) must appear at the registry office. An employee of the civil registry office enters information about the divorce into the civil registration books, makes notes about the divorce in passports, and issues a divorce certificate to the spouses. Prepare " solemn speech» not necessary - you do not have to testify, give arguments, explain the reasons and motives for the divorce, or invite witnesses. Give additional documents(besides those listed above) – you won’t have to either. These are the advantages of dissolving a marriage in the registry office.

If, for good reason, the appearance of a married couple (or at least one spouse) on the appointed day is impossible, the procedure may be postponed. If the spouses did not appear without good reason, the submitted application is canceled, the divorce procedure is not carried out (the paid state fee is not returned), which, however, does not prevent the re-submission of the application.
