How to clean pearls at home. How to clean pearl beads or necklace

Pearl jewelry has been highly valued at all times. They are popular even now. This is not just an expensive and beautiful accessory , but also a sign of its owner 's status belonging to high society . Pearls go well with almost any outfit, giving it a touch of sophistication. But what to do if the decoration has faded?

1) Origin of pearls

Pearls require especially delicate care, because the pearl is born inside the shell of a mollusk after a foreign body has entered it and consists of both mineral and organic substances. It is the organic component that he owes his capriciousness in leaving.

2) Soap solution

With light contamination, a soapy solution at room temperature will help (we take a neutral soap, a baby one without fragrance is perfect). Soak a soft cloth or cotton pad in it. We wipe each bead of jewelry (beads should not be completely immersed in liquid - this will lead to damage to the silk thread). Dip the product in a soapy solution for a few minutes. After treatment, wipe with a soft cloth moistened with clean water. Wet with a linen towel and leave to dry on a towel.

3) Potato starch

Another way to get rid of fat and water on pearls at home: take some potato starch, pour it into a soft cloth and wipe the jewelry.

4) Salt

Strong contamination with grease can be cleaned by the following method: pour the finest table salt into a soft cloth, put a piece of jewelry there, wrap it up. Immerse in water at room temperature, rinse until the salt dissolves and dry. It is not necessary to clean the beads in this way: the used silk thread stretches after getting wet, and gaps will appear between the beads. For the same reason, beads or necklaces should not be dried in a suspended state, and it is advisable to remove them before bathing.

5) Adding shine to decoration

To give shine after processing, as well as periodically for prevention, it is recommended to polish pearls. We use a soft cloth dipped in extra virgin olive oil.

6) Contacting a specialist

If the above methods did not help, further experiments should be stopped and consult a specialist. Jewelers for cleaning pearls use special solutions in a certain proportion.

7) How to care for pearls

In order to clean the jewelry to produce as little as possible, follow the rules:

  • The more pearl jewelry is worn, the better he “feels”. This is because the pearls are nourished by an acid solution produced by the sweat glands. But at the same time, it becomes contaminated with fat from the skin, removing it - you need to wipe it with a cloth.
  • Pearls are susceptible to chemicals and essential oils. We put it on only after applying makeup and styling hair.
  • Pearls lose their appearance upon contact with aggressive substances: citric acid, vinegar, ammonia solutions, soda, bleaching and detergents.
  • When processing with abrasive substances, the mother-of-pearl of the pearl is scratched - never use abrasive products, a kitchen washcloth or a brush for cleaning.
  • Do not use ultrasound for cleaning.
  • Pearls dehydrate when stored for a long time in a hot, dry place. As a result, its coating delaminates. In conditions of high humidity, it tends to fade. Therefore, it must be stored separately from other jewelry, wrapped in a soft velvet or linen cloth.

- one of the few gems of organic origin. Beautiful, but vulnerable, sensitive to external stimuli. However, it is not difficult to care for pearls at home. Natural and cultured material do not differ in this sense.

Natural or farm-grown pearls are fragile and must be stored properly.


It is created without problems by the conditioner, but this is not always possible. Owners comply with the following conditions to the extent possible.

  1. Humidity. The air in the room should not be dry, otherwise the pearl will begin to dehydrate, and the aragonite will peel off. But if there is a lot of moisture, the stones will become cloudy. In order for the humidity level to be optimal, on a hot day or during the heating season, a container of water is placed near the box.
  2. Temperature. We need an average one - the stones will crack from the heat, they will become cloudy from the cold.
  3. Sun. The mineral is afraid of direct sun rays. Prolonged exposure to the sun makes the stones dull, yellowish.
  4. Dust. From it, microcracks appear on the surface of pearls.
  5. Tobacco smoke. Pearls are contraindicated in a room in which they smoke. He dies from tobacco smoke.

If the jewelry is rarely worn, it is rubbed with velvet from time to time. This keeps the pearly shine.


How the container is excluded plastic bag or other sealed packaging - they prevent the penetration of moisture, because of which the pearls suffocate, and the mother-of-pearl fades. A fabric bag is also not suitable - here the pearls will wear out.

The place that ideally meets all the requirements for storing pearls is a box. She must be:

  • durable to exclude external influence;
  • spacious, where even a large necklace will fit freely, and the locks do not come into contact with the beads;
  • tightly closed to create a barrier to dust or light;
  • lined with soft natural material.

It has no place for other jewels. She is - the best solution when transporting stones.

Pearl jewelry emphasizes the femininity and elegance of every girl. But not to spoil your appearance and the general impression of the image, you need to know how to clean pearls, and do it in time. In this article, we will reveal all the secrets of how to cope with such a task with the help of improvised means in 10 minutes.

What is the difficulty of cleaning pearls?

For the manufacture of jewelry 2 types of pearls are used - natural and artificial. The first is very demanding in terms of care, the second is somewhat easier in this regard, but still can suffer if the wrong approach is taken.

When exposed environment both types of stone begin to fade, fade, and even crack, delaminate or change color. This process can be triggered by many factors:

  • essential oils from cosmetics and perfumes;
  • too much hot water and generally constant wetting of the decoration;
  • exposure to ultraviolet and solvents;
  • frequent contact with dirty skin without cleaning after wearing.

How to clean pearls?

Since the decorations from this material are very demanding in their care, only gentle products can be used to clean them. These include:

You will also need:

  • soft fabric (flanel or cotton with good moisture absorption);
  • cotton pads to apply and remove the cleaner;
  • corduroy or suede for wrapping jewelry.

How can you not clean pearls?

In order for the cleaning procedure to really benefit, and not nullify all efforts, please note that you cannot clean pearls using such means:

  • aggressive acids;
  • cleaning household purpose— powders, creams and concentrates;
  • abrasive brushes, sponges, graters;
  • soda and other universal cleaning powders from the “folk remedies” category;
  • bleaching agents - peroxide, ammonia, vinegar;
  • perfumes and toilet water;
  • hot plain water.

Important! Please note that all these substances can lead to scratches, discoloration of pearls and even crumbling. Therefore, do not experiment, but if you decideclean pearls at homestrictly adhere to these recommendations.

How to clean pearls at home?

You can cope with such a task in just a few minutes, if you use suitable means. Take note of one of the suggested methods below and use it regularly for self-cleaning. But follow the procedure as carefully and carefully as possible!

Method 1

If there is a special jewelry paste available or you have the opportunity to buy it, use this tool. For this:

  1. Apply no a large number of on a clean soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the beads.
  3. Polish to a shine.
  4. Wrap in velor or suede up to next time wearing this jewelry.

Important! Use this paste infrequently and very carefully. The active substance of this product makes it easy to remove all traces of dirt and temporarily restore shine to the jewelry, but at the same time reduces the life of the stones.

Method 2

This is the simplest option. For cleaning, you only need baby soap or shampoo, which can be found in the house. Proceed in this case in this way:

  1. Prepare a mild soap solution.
  2. Soak in it cotton pad.
  3. Gently rub the beads if you have a necklace or choker.
  4. Dip the items in soapy water for a few minutes if you are cleaning a brooch, ring or earrings.
  5. Take out the decorations.
  6. Wipe gently to dry, removing soap residue on the surface.

Method 3

If your favorite decoration from pearls has lost its luster, high-quality olive oil will help restore it. In this case, do this:

  1. Apply the oil to a cotton pad - just a few drops.
  2. Rub the decoration.
  3. Remove any remaining oil with a soft paper towel.

Important! Do not use other types of oil to clean pearls - they will not help restore shine, and it will be very problematic to remove fat from them from beads.

Method 4

An excellent tool for removing any dirt from jewelry is ordinary potato starch. Clean your pearls like this:

  1. Sprinkle the powder on a piece of velvet.
  2. Wrap pearls in it.
  3. Wipe until dirt deposits are completely removed.
  4. Rub with a clean, soft cloth to shake off any remaining starch.

Method 5

Fine salt will help restore the attractiveness of the brooch and pearl rings. For this:

  1. Take a soft piece of linen.
  2. Put a pinch of salt in there.
  3. Wrap your jewelry in fabric.
  4. Rinse in warm water until all salt is dissolved.
  5. Dry the decoration.

Important! Do not wash pearls strung on a string under water - it can become thinner under pressure and break.

So that you have to wonder as little as possible how to clean pearls at home, follow simple rules socks and care for such jewelry:

  • Store all pearl items in a separate box, wrapped in velor or suede. Separate from all jewelry made from other precious metals and stones.
  • Do not wear such products with coarse woolen clothing.
  • After each wear, be sure to wipe the jewelry with a slightly damp cloth to remove all traces of sebum.
  • When removing a necklace or necklace, grab the metal lock, not the beaded thread itself.
  • Wear jewelry after you have completely finished your makeup and hair to prevent makeup from getting on the surface of the pearls.
  • Protect pearls from direct sunlight and high humidity.
  • On the beads, change the thread regularly and separate the beads with knots.

Pearls have been used as jewelry since ancient times. There are sea and river (freshwater) pearls, mined respectively in sea and freshwater mollusks. sea ​​pearl more rounded correct form, has a glossy sheen. river pearl usually happens irregular shape, its surface is matte, which makes its color more subdued. At the same time, both sea and river pearls are found in almost all color scheme- white, pinkish, golden, black, although in freshwater pearls there are pure bright colors are much less common. AT recent times received widespread artificial (cultured) pearls, which is produced with direct human intervention in both marine and freshwater plantations. Its difference from natural pearls is a weaker mother-of-pearl shell, which requires a more careful attitude towards it. Most preferred in jewelry production is natural freshwater pearl. Mother-of-pearl on it is less susceptible to abrasion than marine, and even more so artificial, so such pearls are more practical to use. But still, cultured pearls are now widely used, as the most accessible to a wide range of its admirers. How to clean pearls at home with your own hands?

At the same time, as practice shows, any pearl, especially if used and stored improperly, can quickly “get old”, and the color can become inexpressive and faded. If this happens, home cleaning will help restore “youth” and attractiveness to pearls. Methods and methods of cleaning, both for marine and river pearls common, but keep in mind that artificial stones requires a more careful and gentle attitude towards itself.

What causes pearls to age?

The main reason for the “aging” of pearls is its dehydration (weathering). A brand new pearl jewelry that you have not even used, if stored for a long time and improperly, it can dry out, lose its luster, fade, and even change its original color. Therefore, such an ornament requires that it be used for its intended purpose, that is, worn. Upon contact with human skin, pearls are filled with moisture, fully revealing their color bouquet.

At the same time in without fail It should be borne in mind that the state of pearl jewelry is extremely negatively affected by:

  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, so in the summer, when the sun is at its zenith, it is better to cover the pearls with clothes, because when it dries out, it becomes brittle, the top layer becomes covered with microcracks, and it begins to peel off, the color of the pearl fades and fades;
  • contact with cosmetics(various kinds of creams, perfume varnishes, etc.);
  • acid-containing preparations and even contact with their vapors (they actively react and dissolve the mother-of-pearl layer), therefore, for example, if you cook food in the kitchen using vinegar, then it is better to remove the pearls and store them in a protected place;
  • for the same reason, this must also be done when cleaning an apartment using chemically active detergents, direct contact with them, as a rule, is detrimental to pearls;
  • when cleaning pearls, do not use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, citric acid, they are able to dissolve the surface layers of mother-of-pearl;
  • excessive moisture combined with high temperature also works on pearls in the best way, so it must be removed when taking a hot shower, visiting a bath, sauna (especially a steam room);
  • when cleaning pearls, in no case should you use products containing abrasive substances, even the softest, its surface can be easily scratched.

Chemically aggressive agents can lead to complete damage to pearl jewelry, which even experienced specialists cannot repair.

Basic rules for the use and storage of pearls

As experience accumulated over the centuries shows, pearl jewelry should be worn regularly. Exposure to human sweat, which has a mildly acidic environment, contributes to the dissolution of its damaged surface layers, it remains “alive”, retaining its luster and original color for a long time.

At long-term storage jewelry with pearls, you need to create comfortable conditions for them:

How to clean pearls at home

In order to prevent irreversible processes of damage to pearls, it must be regularly washed from various kinds of surface layers of dirt in soapy water water. To carry out such a procedure, it is better to use baby or other well-known soap, which we can say with confidence that there are no impurities harmful to pearls. For this you need:

  • beat the soap solution to a foamy state, it should be slightly warm, but in no case hot;
  • apply the resulting foam to each bead and carefully wipe them with your fingers (to avoid scratches, it is not advisable to use brushes for this);
  • it is not recommended to leave beads, bracelets and other jewelry, in which pearls are fixed on a thread basis, in water for long time, since the thread can stretch from soaking, the fasteners of the beads will loosen, and they can be damaged when rubbing against each other;
  • beads on jewelry with a rigid mount can be left in such a solution for a longer time;
  • Rinse clean water(chlorinated tap water may damage the pearls), blot the remaining moisture with a soft cloth and leave to dry.

Necklaces and bracelets on a thread basis should not be used for their intended purpose until the thread that fastens the pearls is completely dry, otherwise it will stretch or break under the weight. For the same reason, it is not recommended to wash such products by weight and completely lower them into water.

If the soap solution did not bring the desired results, then you can clean the pearls at home using special means which can be purchased at jewelry network. They are sold both in the form of pastes and wipes soaked in a special cleaning solution.

When using the paste, you need to apply a small amount of it on a suede cloth and gently polish each bead. It is not necessary to apply excessive force, as it is possible to damage the pearls or the thread that holds them together.

Special napkins are used in the same way. Detailed Instructions on the use of special cleaning preparations are attached to the purchased product, you should only follow them strictly. The only, but not unimportant, disadvantage of these funds is their comparative high cost.

In this case, home preparations can help, such as:

Instead of table salt, for these purposes, you can use a weak solution of colorless sea salt (sold in pharmacies and perfume stores).

  1. Potato starch. Is simple but at the same time in an efficient way pearl care. To clean it, you need to pour a little starch on a velor or suede cloth and sand the surface. At the same time, starch does not cause scratches and effectively removes all contaminants.
  2. Olive oil. Helps restore lost pearls natural shine. Lightly moistened (just a couple of drops) with a cotton or gauze swab, gently wipe the pearls, then carefully wipe them with a clean, dry cloth to remove any remaining oil, and polish with a velvet. Shine will return to them in original form. It should be borne in mind that the oil must be the highest purification. In case of insufficient cleaning, as well as when using other types of vegetable oils, difficult-to-remove oil stains will remain on the surface.

Cleaning pearls in gold and silver settings

When cleaning pearls in a gold or silver frame, as a rule, cleaning of the metals themselves is also required. With a gold frame, this process is easier to perform, just wash in soapy water and, if necessary, polish with a suede cloth.

Silver, on the other hand, often darkens from oxidation; it is quite difficult to remove such stains without the risk of damaging the mother-of-pearl surface, since the means that can effectively clean silver are practically incompatible. There are two ways out of this situation - either to carry out this operation on your own, but very carefully, avoiding even the slightest hit aggressive means for pearls, or give the jewelry for cleaning in a specialized studio.

In any case, if the results home cleaning didn't bring desired result, then it is better to trust the experts. At the same time regular proper care behind jewelry for a long time will preserve their beauty and attractiveness.

Pearl is unique gift nature, which requires careful attitude. Decoration of these precious stones look very soft and feminine. But, unfortunately, pearls do not live long, on average 100-150 years, so it is so important to properly care for them and extend their life as much as possible. longer term. It is possible to clean products with such inserts not only at the jeweler, but also at home.

How to properly care for this type of jewelry

Pearls are obtained from the shells of certain types of mollusks that live on the sea or river bottom. Today, it is difficult to surprise anyone with pearl jewelry, since a person has long learned to cultivate this organic mineral. Unlike natural “wild” pearls, cultured pearls are a bead placed in a shell artificially and covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl. The thicker this layer, the more valuable the decoration with it.

Sooner or later, a piece of jewelry loses its luster, it may appear dark dots and yellow patches. Most often this happens due to improper handling, since pearls require competent care and right conditions storage.

Care for him, regardless of origin, will be the same.

Pearls are very demanding in their care and do not tolerate when they forget about them, throwing jewelry boxes into a corner somewhere. The main enemies of such products are:

  • Dust.
  • Direct sunlight.
  • Too dry air.
  • Excess moisture.
  • Body creams, perfumes, hairspray.

Pearls cannot be stored in an "open" state. Over time, dust, settling on the surface, leaves micro-scratches and the stone loses its luster. Bright sunlight also adversely affects the product. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, it fades and discolors. Due to too dry air, pearls “dry out”, begin to exfoliate and crack, and excess moisture makes them dull.

The material does not tolerate acids. They are able to corrode the mother-of-pearl layer, which will be very difficult to restore. Human sweat also contains acids, so it is advisable to remove jewelry before intense physical activity.

The cosmetics that we put on the body, the perfumes that we spray on the skin, can cause very great harm mineral. The fact is that the product does not tolerate solvents, essential oils, which are present to some extent in skin care products. Perfume contains a large amount of alcohol, which also spoils the appearance. From it, jewelry can turn yellow and become covered with plaque.

  • Wear pearl jewelry only after you have done your makeup.
  • Allow the cream to absorb after application to the body and only then put on jewelry.
  • Spray perfume before putting on the product
  • Do not wear it if you are going to apply hairspray.
  • Do not wear in rain or extreme heat.
  • Remove jewelry before entering the pool and gym.
  • Do not wash dishes without removing rings and bracelets with such inserts.
  • Store your jewelry individually in a pouch or box lined with soft material.
  • Don't forget to clean your jewelry every time it goes out.

If your hands are decorated with rings or bracelets with pearls, then before applying the cream, be sure to remove the jewelry and then put it back only after the cream has completely absorbed into the skin.

Chlorine is also very harmful. They often disinfect water in pools, and tap water leaves much to be desired. Therefore, do not forget to remove jewelry before entering the pool and taking a shower or bath.

Pearls do not tolerate neighborhood with other jewelry. The mineral itself is quite hard, but is easily scratched by other jewelry. For this reason, such necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants are stored in individual bags and boxes. Pearl beads are not kept hanging, as some women like to do. Over time, the thread stretches, which does not add beauty to the necklace.

Since it is a mineral of organic origin, it needs not only moisture, but also air. It is not stored in plastic boxes and bags. There, the pearls "suffocate", as a result of which they lose their color and luster.

Remember to clean your jewelry after every wear. It's easy to do this:

This will remove dust, sweat, grease, dead skin particles and other contaminants. After wet cleaning jewelry is not hidden in a box, but placed on a dry towel and allowed to dry for 1–1.5 hours.

It is wrong to clean pearl products with a dry cloth. The fact is that in a dry state, dust particles scratch the mother-of-pearl layer and, after a while, this can also cause a loss of luster.

And the main rule for caring for pearls: wear products as often as possible, since the mineral tends to "age" if it is forgotten for a long time.

How to clean pearls at home

There are several ways to clean pearl products. You can, of course, seek help from a specialist, but in most cases you can do it yourself. You do not have to buy anything special, since cleaning products are in every home. This is ordinary table salt, soap (preferably baby soap without dyes and fragrances), water, a soft cloth, a piece of suede or velor.

soap solution

Pearl products can be "bathed" in soapy water. It can also be washed with a soft sponge for washing dishes or a piece of foam rubber. You will need two small containers of water liquid soap and a drying cloth. For a glass of water, take 1 teaspoon of liquid soap.

How to clean:

Important! Do not use dishwashing detergents and window cleaners! Some of their ingredients can be harmful. Preferably use soft shampoos, facial cleansers, baby products.

Pearls do not like alkali, so it is undesirable to use hard soap. For the same reason, do not use baking soda for cleaning!


Salt perfectly dissolves impurities on pearls. You will need two small bowls of water:

  • dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in a glass of clean water;
  • place a product with pearls in the resulting solution;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • wash each pearl with your hands to remove accumulated dirt;
  • if there are black dots on the surface of the beads, then gently scrape them off with your fingernail;
  • take out and rinse clean water;
  • blot the jewelry with a soft cloth;
  • leave to dry for 1-1.5 hours, laying on waffle towel or cotton fabric;
  • wipe with velvet or suede to add shine.

You can also use sea ​​salt, which will be especially useful for sea pearls. Use purified water instead of tap water. drinking water, preferably warm, so that the salt dissolves faster.

Potato starch

You can also use potato starch for cleaning:

  • take a piece of soft cloth (you can microfiber);
  • put decoration on one half;
  • sprinkle generously with starch;
  • cover with the other half of the product;
  • take it in your hands and start gently massaging the jewelry;
  • after the procedure, rinse the product with water, pat it dry and let it dry naturally.

Starch not only gently cleans the pearls from dirt and plaque, but also polishes to a shine.

There is also another way to use this tool. It is necessary to place the pearl product in a jar of starch, close the lid and shake for several minutes. Then the product is taken out and washed in water. This method is more suitable for lightly soiled products, since dry starch itself does not dissolve dirt.

warm water

Pearls can simply be washed in warm water, but this method is more suitable for cleaning products after wearing, since water alone is unable to completely dissolve the accumulated dirt.

How to clean pearl beads

Beads can be cleaned in any of the above ways. For more effective cleansing need nylon sock and fine-grained salt (you can grind in a special salt mill or buy ready-made, for example, "Extra"). Do the following:

  • put the necklace in the sock;
  • pour salt inside (a lot so that the string of pearls is completely covered);
  • start gently massaging the jewelry so that small particles of salt clean each pearl without injuring it;
  • remove the beads from the sock;
  • rinse in water;
  • get wet soft cloth from moisture
  • dry.

In the same way, you can wash the necklace in soapy water.

Use this method with caution for combined products (pearl + metal or other stones). You can scratch the pearls!

If you are afraid of damaging your pearls with a clasp or other decorative elements, then do it a little differently:

  • turn the tap and turn on the water;
  • lower the bag with pearls and salt under running water;
  • rinse the product in this way until the salt dissolves;
  • remove the jewelry and rinse it in clean water (not from the tap!).

Under the pressure of the water jet, the salt will gently massage the pearls without harming them. This will clean other parts of the decoration as well.

The clasp can be cleaned separately with toothpaste and a cotton swab.

How to clean pearls set in gold and silver

Perhaps even after healing salt water baths or cleansing soap baths between pearl insert and the metal will still remain accumulations of dirt. This is especially true for earrings and rings. In this case, you will need a toothpick. The wood will not scratch the mineral, and thanks to its sharp tip, it will effectively remove dirt.

In no case should you clean pearls using methods for cleaning silver or gold. Heavily soiled parts precious metal cleaned separately without affecting the insert. If the cleaning agent accidentally gets on the pearls, then it is immediately washed with water.

Harder to clean silver jewelry with pearls, since ordinary unrhodium-plated silver tends to darken over time. In this case, it is better to entrust the cleaning jewelry master.

If you still decide to clean it yourself, then do not use abrasive products in relation to pearls, do not rub it with a brush, and even more so do not use ammonia - the mineral will turn yellow from it! Can be used instead of a brush cotton swab which gently removes impurities without harming the pearls.

You can safely clean the decoration with a special jewelry paste. When buying, be sure to specify that you are going to clean the product with pearls. Such a tool will not only clean the jewelry from plaque and dirt, but also return it to its former shine. Using it is simple:

  • apply cleaning paste to a cloth;
  • process the decoration, paying more attention to especially polluted areas;
  • remove excess paste with a napkin;
  • wipe the product with a velvet cloth, polishing to a shine.

Video: how to clean pearl gold jewelry

Jewelry made of silver, platinum and medical alloys is cleaned in the same way.

If you need to clean dangling earrings with many pearls or a necklace made of small pearls, including soufflé freshwater pearls, you can use a makeup brush. Its villi are so soft and delicate that they will not cause the slightest harm to pearls. With the help of a brush, you will effectively clean the jewelry after holding them in soapy water.

How to brighten dull pearls

For this you need refined olive oil. High Quality. Your actions:

  • apply some oil on a cosmetic disc;
  • wipe every pearl with it;
  • remove the remaining oil and lint with a soft cloth;
  • admire the stunning brilliance of your jewelry!

Do not use unrefined olive oil, as well as other vegetable oils. Because of them, the dust will only stick to the stones, which certainly does not contribute to their brilliance.

How not to wash jewelry with natural and artificial pearl inserts

Before you start cleaning, you need to learn what methods and means are contraindicated for pearls.

The only thing safe remedy for cleaning pearl products - a soft cloth. No brushes, hard washcloths can not be used! Forget about everyone folk methods» jewelry cleaning! They can clean the pearls from plaque and dirt, but at the same time they will bring irreparable harm and you don't want to wear it.

Prohibited means and methods of cleaning pearl products:

  1. Soda. Pearls do not tolerate alkali. Never wash it in soda solutions and do not use soda paste to clean it.
  2. Ammonia. Ammonia can be a good way to clean gold items, but you risk ruining pearl inserts!
  3. Ultrasound. Do not use on pearls ultrasonic devices! You will spoil the pearl forever!
  4. Hot water, steam, boiling water. Do not try to clean jewelry with steam or boiling water! It is an organic mineral and is very sensitive to high temperatures.
  5. Abrasive scouring powders. Pearls should not be rubbed or polished as this will scratch the mother-of-pearl layer and dull the pearl.
  6. Vinegar. Acetic acid, is capable of dissolving pearls, so it is undesirable to use even weak solutions. The same goes for any other types of acids.
  7. Metal sharp objects. Trying to scrape off dirt with sharp knife, the tips of nail scissors or a metal spatula for cleaning nails, you will leave deep scratches and ruin your pearls.
  8. Solvents, including alcohol and nail polish remover. Able to dissolve the aragonite layer of pearls.

Nail polish remover

Despite the popular belief that pearls can be cleaned of yellowness with nail polish remover, we strongly do not recommend doing this. The absence of acetone does not negate the fact that such a product is primarily a solvent and the presence of vitamins and caring components in it will by no means “strengthen” the upper layer of pearls, as it should happen with the nail plate.
