Businessmen's Wives: A Guide to Survival. What is bothering your husband? When a businessman finds peace

Today I want to discuss with you one post from LiveJournal by A. Levitas, a fairly popular business consultant and business coach, because the topic of the post concerns the relationship between a man and a woman.

Post by Levitas.

“Why don’t you want to take a walk with my children today?! (Because from a night plane and I want to sleep)

“You don’t remember what I told you?! What do I need to repeat? (Don't, it's ours last meeting)

“On what basis are you telling me what to do and what not to do?! (So ​​then I pay for your mistakes)

Why are you even on vacation sitting at the computer?! (Because urgent correspondence with the client)

In a word, it is often difficult for girls with me, and for me - with them. From dealing with unmarried or divorced business colleagues, a similar picture emerges: many girls would be happy to start a family with a businessman, and not with office worker, but the relationship does not add up, because girls expect “wrong” from a man, and offer him “wrong”.


Anna Lukyanova

Today I want to discuss with you one post from LiveJournal by A. Levitas, a fairly popular business consultant and business coach, because the topic of the post concerns the relationship between a man and a woman.

I quote the post in full, so that the conversation turned out to be substantive. Post by Levitas.

In the years since my divorce, I have dated different girls. Almost all of them would not mind changing their surname to mine - but it quickly became clear that they did not know how to “cook a cat”.
I mean, they have absolutely no idea how to interact with a man who does not go to work from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, but is busy with some business that is hard to separate into work and leisure and which requires that night calls, then flights to Khabarovsk and America. They did not understand what to expect from such a man, what to demand from him, how to communicate with him ... and in the end it did not benefit the relationship.
“Can you not read the labels on tea bags when you have dinner with a girl?! (No, I can't, I'm wondering)
“Why don’t you want to take a walk with my children today?! (Because from a night plane and I want to sleep)
“You don’t remember what I told you?! What do I need to repeat? (Don't, this is our last meeting)
“On what basis are you telling me what to do and what not to do?!” (So ​​then I pay for your mistakes)
Why are you even on vacation sitting at the computer?! (Because urgent correspondence with the client)
In a word, it is often difficult for girls with me, and for me - with them. From communication with unmarried or divorced business colleagues, a similar picture emerges: many girls would be happy to start a family with a businessman, and not with an office worker, but at the same time the relationship does not add up, because. girls expect “wrong” from a man, and offer him “wrong”.

Also read interesting stuff about how people most often celebrate corporate holidays.

Here is such a story. Needless to say, in the comments to this post, many women were outraged.

The problem that Alexander raised is, in fact, typical and is not related to how much a man is busy with business. It has to do with the general misconception most women have about relationships with smart men.

For most men who have enough money to support themselves household service, in principle, apart from sex, nothing is needed from a woman, so many representatives strong half wealthy people prefer not to marry at all.

If there are no problems with getting sex and smart enough not to follow the patterns of society, then it is the “wife” that is not needed. But if a man really wants a family, children, a hearth, etc., then he will choose his wife according to the ideal principle just for him.

Getting into the ideal standard for a smart man is very difficult. Everyone has their own standard. Someone needs a wife good hostess and the mother of his future children, someone is a business woman, someone is a mother, someone wants a top model, someone wants a gray mouse, etc.

Moreover, it is important how a woman talks, dresses, behaves with him, how she communicates, what she thinks about money, how respectfully she treats his work, and of course, how she has sex. You have to be pretty careful to grab this one. perfect image and skillful to match it.

Women, as a rule, do not even think in this direction, since they initially consider themselves a gift for any man, so the relationship does not reach the desired end.
Everything is even worse. When a woman believes that she and a man have begun the stage " serious relationship”, then she automatically turns on a sense of ownership. That is, the beloved now belongs to her "with giblets", and she has the right to teach him how to behave. Out of good intentions, of course, and it turns out, most often, automatically, because the patterns of behavior introduced by society in childhood are triggered.

The woman considers all her comments to be correct and does not at all regard them as interference in the personal space of another person. And since it seems to her that she gives a man much Moreover what he gives her, she is sincerely perplexed that he does not like it.

Regarding getting into the image that is necessary for a man - this is real difficult task, but to remove proprietary manners and reduce the intensity of claims is the strength of each.
As soon as you want to criticize a man (even on the most insignificant, as it seems to you, occasion), remember that in front of you clever man and that you want to get married. And he chooses from a large number women.


Married to a businessman is never boring. These are men who have the courage and charisma to build, take risks, lose, and get back on their feet. But few people think about the fact that this medal has another side...

The author of this text married an entrepreneur (the owner of a media company) 10 years ago and began to do what almost everyone does Russian women, - with all your might "twist a nest." But when Yana's husband said that all this was not important for him - because he could organize food, cleanliness in the house and even sex for himself, she was somewhat surprised. To the logical question, why did he then get married and what he expects from his wife, the husband answered at length - support. What is this mysterious support? What can a wife give to a man who leads big company and looks absolutely self-sufficient? Now with Yana Agarunova, happy wife and mother of five children, there are answers to these difficult questions, she devoted a whole book to them, which is called "My husband is an entrepreneur."

Being the wife of the leader of the pack is very attractive, but strong men also have back side, which not everyone sees - it is not at all easy to live with them.

For example, they are very demanding of themselves and others. They can be tough not only at work, but also at home. Be ready to put up with the "costs" of the male line of behavior - rigidity, directness, lack of sentiment. It is unlikely that your husband will be brutal at work and romantic at home. You should not demand the impossible or take its rigidity personally.

It is especially important for such a man to be believed in him. Entrepreneurs are builders. Every time starting new project, risking money, investing time and effort, they do not know if this project will “shoot” or not. To become successful, a businessman needs to be strong, sometimes tough, not to show his weaknesses. But no matter how confident a man may seem, he needs support. loving wife and the woman's willingness to follow him.

The wife of an entrepreneur is in her own way like the wife of a Decembrist. You need to be ready for changes in life - moving to another city or country, budget cuts during a crisis, etc. Entrepreneurs, as a rule, are reliable husbands, and it is important for them that they can rely on their spouse 100%.

There is a common myth that being the wife of a businessman means living without worries. It is understood that the wife may not worry about anything materially. In reality, everything is not quite so.

The truth is that in the entrepreneurial life there are long hours of "tornado" on a regular basis, and there are high risk failures and uncertainties of the future.
Yes, you may want to blame your spouse for getting the family involved in this, such as risking family money and so on. This is just something that absolutely cannot be done.

Think about it, you really shared with him the fruits that his business brought. Wealth, status, security, self-esteem and more. And in a crisis, it is time to share both the responsibility and the consequences of the destruction of the business.

What to do in a crisis

Keep your presence of mind, with words and deeds, show that you believe in your man. That this is a temporary situation, that he has not lost his talent, qualifications and can create new business projects and earn money. During a crisis, your man needs maximum support and faith in him. It's time to retrain as a coach and trainer. From a physical point of view, his sleep is vital. It will be impossible for him to fall asleep, because an endless stream of thoughts about what could have been done differently will interfere.

What is bothering your husband?

  1. Shame for failure in business
  2. Fear of seeing disappointment in the eyes of loved ones, and especially the wife
  3. disbelief in him
  4. Children's disbelief in him
  5. Unwillingness to share the consequences with him

How to help your husband?

  • Distract your husband physically from his experiences - you need to directly "knock" him out of this situation. It can be a massage, a walk, a movie, some new experience, Meeting with friends. In a word, anything to distract him from these thoughts for a while.
  • Remind him that his most important resource is himself. And that this most important resource needs to be taken care of. My husband often says that one of his biggest regrets during his company's 1999 crisis was that he didn't take enough care of himself.
  • Together with your husband (and often for him), make a plan for his self-care.
  • Make a plan for a rainy day. Where, on what means you will live. If you do not have such a fund, start creating one today. Even during the heyday of a business, it is important to have such a plan.
  • Be aware of what is happening in the husband's company. In order for him to be willing to share this information with you, he needs to be sure that you will weather both the rise of the company and its fall. Share responsibility for the business with him.
  • One of essential elements support - to help him get out of the endless discussions and thoughts about what and where went wrong. This is the road to nowhere. However, every entrepreneur goes through this stage, the only thing that matters is how long it lasts.

Take action! Even if you make mistakes, the sooner they are made, the better! This way you will find your way faster. The desire to work on yourself and on relationships with a man will definitely be highly appreciated and will lead you to a long-term happy relationship.

How to help yourself

  • Create a support group for yourself. These can be relatives, friends, as well as wives of other entrepreneurs. I have three groups of businessmen's wives, we meet monthly, and these are the meetings where I get the most understanding and support. Being married to strong men, they face similar issues, and many of them have experience how to solve them.
  • Spend time with each other outside of family, kids, and business. It's easy to get involved in a new project or discussion of an existing business, it's easy to be parents talking about children, it's easy to discuss domestic and household issues, but at the same time you lose another important “thread” that connects you. Namely: to remain a man and a woman for each other.
  • Listen more than you talk. Ask questions, encourage your partner to share with you. This will build a relationship where the entrepreneur can openly discuss both the successes and failures of the business with you. Don't offer advice unless asked for it.
  • Have information about your husband's business. I know from my own experience how a business can drag on, regardless of size. Often in it you can quickly get the result of certain actions or changes than in relationships or in the family. An entrepreneur with his active lifestyle, exciting projects, business trips, meetings may not intentionally move away from his family. I do not call for interference in daily business processes, this is inappropriate and can be annoying, nevertheless, it is important to know employees, come to the office from time to time, attend corporate holidays.
  • Learn to plan and budget. Your husband will be grateful if you record family income/expenses and if you do it in his language.
  • Love yourself. Being the wife of an entrepreneur requires a lot of resources and effort. This is a responsible job where you grow as a person, learn a lot and, like him, build. Build a family. Loneliness, fatigue, resentment are your enemies. It is important to take care of yourself and feel good, it is important to provide high level energy and good mood to be loved and the only woman in his life.
Dreams of a prince on a white horse and beautiful life on warm shores are familiar, perhaps, to every girl. And some manage to turn dreams into reality. To whom? Who are they - wives and girlfriends the mighty of the world this, the richest, famous, influential and attractive men? What do they look like, what do they do and why exactly are they next to these men? Vyacheslav Doronin and Naomi Campbell Click to enlarge The slender, blue-eyed Russian Vyacheslav Doronin, who by the age of 48 modestly possessed $ 2 billion and was a co-owner of the profitable company Capital Group, until recently bypassed the mainstream media. The handsome Doronin became known to the general public thanks to an affair with the legendary Black Panther, supermodel Naomi Campbell. The couple met at the Cannes Film Festival in 2008. Relations developed rapidly: Vyacheslav immediately began to do new girlfriend mind-blowing gifts, take her to exotic islands, make romantic deeds. Six months later, journalists started talking that the novel beautiful couple moving towards the wedding. The Russian businessman gave his beloved a ring worth 200 thousand euros. Relations with Naomi are a shock for Doronin's family and loved ones. According to his friends, Vyacheslav is a calm, balanced, reserved person and, until recently, a wonderful family man (Doronin's marriage to his ex-wife Ekaterina lasted 21 years). And Campbell, as you know, is famous for her high-profile scandals, aggressive behavior, passion for alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs. Relationship secret: attraction of opposites. Next to Naomi, the serious and strict Doronin feels the fullness of life, taking a break from his multi-million dollar business. Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova
Click to enlarge Roman Abramovich, the most beloved Russian oligarch, has been in a relationship with the smart, beautiful daughter of London oil tycoons, Daria Zhukova, for six years now. Where did Zhukova, who managed to be the bride of the famous tennis player Marat Safin, be able to meet Abramovich (who, we recall, at that time had a second marriage with his wife Irina)? It all started in 2005 with a party in honor of the English football club Chelsea, which is owned by Abramovich. For two years, the couple was noticed at events, by 2007 Roman divorced legal wife, and at the end of 2009, Dasha gave birth to a son to the Russian oligarch. You can’t blame the bride of the once richest Russian in the world for self-interest - Zhukova, who recently turned 28 years old, is the director of the center modern culture"Garage" and co-owner of the clothing brand Kova & T. But the main thing is that she herself is a rich heiress: her father Alexander Zhukov is an oil and banking magnate, the founder of the once famous Sintez Oil company and a longtime friend of Abramovich. Relationship secret: territorial sign. The couple is known for their all-consuming love for the "second homeland" of all Russian oligarchs - London. Dasha grew up in the capital of England, while Abramovich has half of his real estate there. Again, the couple met in Foggy Albion. Independent and self-sufficient Zhukova is a true and equal partner the most charming Russian businessman. Oleg Deripaska and Polina Yumasheva
Click to enlarge The "aluminum king" of Russia, 42-year-old Oleg Deripaska, has been happily married to beautiful girl Polina. To the uninitiated, it may seem that the billionaire and owner of the company " base element» Deripaska became interested in a simple girl, as is usually the case in fairy tales. But of course it is not. Firstly, the future spouses met not just anywhere, but at the dacha of Roman Abramovich, where “ordinary girls” were not allowed to enter. Secondly, Polina's father is Valentin Yumashev, a former adviser to Boris Yeltsin and, in addition, the husband of Yeltsin's daughter. Such a complex history of the Yumashev family did not at all scare Deripaska away. Now Polina, who recently turned 31, is the chairman of the board of directors of the largest publishing house Forward Media Group. Under her leadership, the publications HELLO!, Story, "Interior + Design" are published. Relationship secret: mutually beneficial cooperation. Without commenting on the feelings that bind the spouses, we note: kinship with the family of former President Yeltsin is very beneficial for businessman Deripaska. Marriage with one of the most influential Russian entrepreneurs, Polina, is also very beneficial. Maintaining the status and well-being of each other, the husband and wife have been living together for a good ten years. Emin Agalarov and Leyla Aliyeva
Click to enlarge Emin Agalarov is 31 years old, rich (Agalarov is the commercial director of Crocus International and the heir to billionaire Aras Agalarov) and handsome. Such a man needs real princess, which Leyla Aliyeva became. Calling Leyla a princess is quite fair, because she is the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The young people met ski resort, but even a representative of such a respected and, to put it mildly, wealthy family was initially refused in response to a marriage proposal. Agalarov helped to enter the world elite of big politics real passion, which broke out between Emin and Leila, who at that time was considered one of the most enviable brides in the world. In addition to the status of the presidential daughter, Leyla is the editor-in-chief of the Baku magazine, which is published in Moscow, but is designed for the Azerbaijani diaspora. Aliyev's editorial duties are combined with the role of a mother: in 2008, the girl gave birth to two twin boys. Relationship secret: soul kinship. Despite the fact that since 2006 the Agalarov-Aliyev couple have been living in Moscow, they met in Azerbaijan, where both Leyla and Emin come from. Love for roots, respect for home country and honoring parents - as well as, of course, unearthly feelings - that's the whole secret of a happy family life. Alisher Usmanov and Irina Viner
Click to enlarge Alisher Usmanov, 57-year-old billionaire, owner of the largest metallurgical enterprises, connected his life with the outstanding gymnastics coach Irina Viner. How did fate connect Usmanov and Wiener? The future spouses were united by sports: Alisher went to the fencing section (and became, by the way, a master of sports), and young Irina was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics in the same hall. Relationship secret: community of interests and separation(the spouses meet several times a week, preferring to communicate productively and with interest for a short time, rather than die of boredom in each other's company, like most couples). In addition, they have every reason to trust each other - in those distant years when they got married, no one could have thought that the young fencer Alisher would become a big billionaire, and Viner would turn from a simple gymnast into a well-deserved coach known throughout the world. The marriage of Viner and Usmanov is a sample family relations « old school", when the life partner is really one and for life. Vladimir and Natalia Potanin Click to enlarge A permanent member of the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia, Vladimir Potanin has long and happily been married to a woman named Natalya. And, despite the huge fortune and love of luxury, Russian billionaire never for long years marriage was not seen in intrigues and extramarital love relationships. The couple have three children, who, by the way, will not get anything from the multi-million dollar fortune of their influential father. As it became known to the public in 2010, Vladimir Potanin decided to donate his fortune to charity, leaving his heirs without an inheritance. Nevertheless, for now, both his wife Natalia and the children live comfortably. Relationship secret: warm home. Natalya Potanina decided not to waste time on a career as a model, singer or business woman. First of all, she is a mother and a wife. Natalia rarely attends social events and is focused on saving home comfort and tranquility. Vladimir and Elena Gusinsky I'm sorry, there is only one photo - more Runet does not issue anything on a request for their joint photos The infamous media tycoon, owner of the NEWSru news resource and the RTVi television company Vladimir Gusinsky is known for his love affairs. His first wife, whom he abandoned for the sake of actress Olga Prokofieva (who plays the role of Zhanna Arkadyevna in the TV series My Fair Nanny), was left with nothing. But the current wife of the oligarch - Elena Gusinskaya - demonstrates all the signs of the life of the rich and famous. The relationship between Vladimir and Elena is a classic example of an office romance: she is a young lawyer in the Most group, owned by Gusinsky. He is the boss who fell in love with a young subordinate. Now the couple lives in Spain (at first Gusinsky was deprived Russian citizenship, then they were expelled from Israel, also depriving them of their passports). Elena and Vladimir have two sons. Relationship secret: love affair at work. Vladimir Gusinsky, who does not have time to look for a wife outside of working hours, found himself an ideal match on the job. Anatoly Danilitsky and Anastasia Slanevskaya (Slava)
Click to enlarge Anatoly Danilitsky - big businessman, former CEO ZAO NRK and civil husband singers of Glory. The piquancy of the relationship between the 59-year-old entrepreneur and the star of the scene is that Danilitsky is still - after several years of public personal relationships with Glory - located in official marriage with his wife Lyudmila. Slava and Anatoly have not hidden their love for a long time, appearing everywhere together and openly declaring their desire to give birth joint child(remember, Slava has an 11-year-old daughter, Danilitsky has two married daughters). Relationship secret: love for art. The path of Glory to success was simple and clear - her lover Anatoly Danilitsky saw a future celebrity in an unknown girl and helped her break into the close ranks of stars. The grateful protégé reciprocated. Andrey Melnichenko and Alexandra Kokotovich
Click to enlarge Another regular guest on the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia, Andrey Melnichenko, tied the knot with the most beautiful girl in Serbia, model Alexandra Kokotovich. Their marriage is the most common relationship model in the sphere of the rich and famous: “model + oligarch”. The wedding of Kokotovich and Melnichenko was modest by the standards of the powerful of this world - the couple spent “only” $ 35 million. But today Sandra is considered the main specialist in couture outfits and a real benefactor of her beloved industry - thanks to a dozen such enthusiasts like her, the world haute couture still exists. Many would like to become the wife of the head of MDM Bank and dollar billionaire Melnichenko; the young man was one of the wealthiest suitors, who was hunted by the most beautiful women peace. Relationship secret: beauty will save the world. Businessman Melnichenko received for his impressive fortune luxurious beauty- Recognized by Miss Yugoslavia. The girl is also not for nothing - after all, connecting your life with a Russian oligarch is a profitable business. Over the years of marriage, Andrei himself noticeably built - glossy magazines bind him new physical form with a desire to match the beautiful wife. Alexander Lebedev and Elena Perminova
Click to enlarge Alexander Lebedev, 51, is a successful entrepreneur who holds the high post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO NRK. Under his leadership, the London newspapers Independent and Evening Standard are published. But the gray-haired handsome man has a stormy past: Lebedev was a deputy in the past State Duma seen in espionage activities. Such a man found a girl to match. Alexander's wife is model Elena Perminova, (she is 26 years old, the age difference between the spouses is 25 years). Ordinary girl from Berdyansk became known not only as a Playboy star and the heroine of video clips domestic stars- the model attracted the attention of the public after an unpleasant incident with accusations of drug trafficking. Then 17-year-old Perminova, who fell under the influence of her then boyfriend, who was engaged in illegal business, just like in a fairy tale, Alexander Lebedev came to the rescue. The girl got off probation, corrected herself and thanked her savior with love, devotion and her son Nikita, who was born to the couple in 2009. Relationship secret: noble knight. A strong and powerful patron - isn't a good half of women dreaming of such a companion? Elena Perminova got not only strong and powerful, but also extremely rich. Recall that according to Forbes magazine, Lebedev has a personal fortune of $ 2.1 billion, lives in London, and is friends with Natasha Vodianova. They say that the marriage is very strong - the couple are expecting a second child. Text - Olga Brunova (Fashion Time website) Photo collages were made by herself

When one of the spouses own business, it is always associated not only with great hopes, but also with great risks. The crisis of personal relationships can result in a divorce with the division of property. And then both partners and the business itself will be drawn into the showdown between the spouses. Let's see what happens to the share in the business if one of the partners decides to get a divorce.


If the right to a share arose from a husband or wife before marriage, then there can be no claims for part of the business. Although if the share of a partner in a startup has increased in marriage, then the second one is entitled to half of the increase.

A partner can acquire a share of the company in marriage, but with his own personal money, which he received before marriage. In this case, it is necessary to prove that the purchase was made for "illegitimate" money. A striking example is the payment of a share directly from a bank deposit opened before the wedding. But if this contribution was replenished during the marriage, then such evidence will be weak.

There are also cases when spouses are not officially divorced, but in fact live separately, each on their own income. Everything that was acquired during such a period should no longer be divided between the spouses. The fact of parting can usually be confirmed by testimony, a lease agreement new apartment, photos from new passion in social networks.

And finally, the partner will not be able to claim a share if the spouses have entered into marriage contract and determined that the share in the LLC belongs to only one of them.

Since 90% of participants in the IIDF Accelerator are men, we will continue to assume that the share was acquired during marriage and is the “jointly acquired” property of the startup and his wife.


The husband will be able to dispose of the share only with the notarial consent of the wife. This consent is often requested by investors as mandatory documents for the transaction. Without it, the notary will not register the sale of the share.

Another nuance is that the wife, as a joint owner of the share, can challenge some corporate decisions, for example, on the “blurring” of the spouse’s share during the investor’s entry.


The wife will be able to challenge the deal if she wants to leave the business in the family. Or when she, for example, believes that the sale price was greatly underestimated. If the court satisfies the claim, the buyer will return the share, but will demand in return the amount paid and interest on it for the use of other people's in cash(about 10% per annum). This once again confirms the value of timely obtaining the wife's consent to the disposal of shares - you will not have to pay penalties.

There are times when at the time of negotiating the deal, the consent of the spouse has not yet been received, but the startup guarantees and assures that it will receive it later. For the failure of the transaction on such grounds, investors provide for serious fines. Therefore, it is better to immediately “prepare” your wife for such events.


In a divorce, a share in an LLC is jointly acquired property, no different from a TV or a car. Everything is divided in half. You can do this yourself at the notary, and if you can not agree - in court. Inaction is fraught with serious consequences.

Many mistakenly believe that an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will confirm the right to a share only for the husband. But it's not. The ex-wife will remain the "hidden" owner. Divorce does not automatically terminate her rights. And when, in a couple of years, a startup receives a profitable offer from Facebook or Google, then ex-wife be sure to remind you of your rights to a share.


Each dispute on the division of property is individual, but in practice there are often three typical options.

The first is a share for the husband, and an equivalent property for the wife. Let's say the husband owns 50% of the company, whose assets amount to 100,000 rubles. Consequently, he will be able to claim 50,000 rubles upon withdrawal from the participants. And the day before, the couple also bought a TV for 50,000 rubles. Then the husband will receive a share, and the wife will receive a TV.

The second - the court will divide the share in half, and the wife will become a full member of the company. But such cases rarely find support among judges. They believe that the personal conflict between former spouses negatively impact the company. An even less likely situation is a disproportionate division of the share in favor of the ex-wife if minor children remain with her. In most cases, nevertheless, judges assign other property or monetary compensation to wives.

Most rare variant- the court will leave the husband and the share, and all the rest of the property, but the wife will leave with nothing. This opportunity Family code allows only in the most extreme situations - if it is proved that the husband worked in the sweat of his brow, and the wife thoughtlessly spent money to the detriment of the interests of the family.


The most common way is the assertion that the share was acquired with money received as a gift from the parents. The proof is a simple donation agreement, without notarization. Weakness– an examination can be carried out on the case to establish the date of production of the document. And if the contract is “younger” than the date of acquisition of the share, then the case will be lost. In addition, for falsification, criminal penalties can be imposed, up to and including arrest.

Another way - artificial creation debts. For example, a friend draws up a loan receipt for 100,000 rubles. This debt will be divided between the spouses in half, but the friend will kindly offer to take the share in exchange for forgiveness of the debt. In order not to pay, the wife needs to prove one of two circumstances. The first is a friend, to put it mildly, not the most wealthy man, he didn't have real possibility lend money. The second is that the money received was not spent on the family, and therefore the one who took it will pay off the debt.

There are also corporate abuses. For example, a startup writes a statement to the company that he is leaving the business (without selling a share) and refuses to receive the actual value of the share. At the same moment, behind the back of the spouse, he concludes with partners an option for a “reverse” entry. The calculation is simple - according to the documents, the husband did not receive money for the share, and, therefore, when divorcing his wife, nothing needs to be divided. No matter how clever the husband is, refusing to receive payment will not affect the rights of the wife. She will still be able to claim half the value of the share. Courts in such situations often take the side of deceived spouses.

Most reliable way– conclude a marriage contract and determine that the share belongs to only one of the partners.

If the share was purchased with “premarital” or donated money, all receipts and contracts should be kept. If the marriage is bursting at the seams, and you already live separately, stock up on evidence of a “new life” and store scanned copies of documents in cloud storage. You and your partners must guard the interests of each other and the startup itself. Check the charter, and if necessary - make a ban on the entry of third parties.

Any marriage, like any startup, begins with thoughts of a brighter future. Neglecting legal formalities can be costly later on. In general, as lawyers joke - take a word certified by a seal.

Of course, all women want to see their husbands successful rich. And the easiest way to become rich is to start a business. Everything seems to be fine, but there is one problem.

Of course, there are wives of businessmen and there are many of them, but not everyone perceives their husband's occupation as a profession that needs to be learned. Professional wives - units.

At the beginning of family life, this is imperceptible, but everything gradually develops into dissatisfaction, tension, and it all grows. Usually such tensions end in divorces in the family of a businessman.

The crisis age is thirty-five forty years. The initiator is often the spouse. And the halves can only blame young rivals and loving husbands for everything.

The wife of a businessman is cool, but it seems so only at first glance. And it is especially difficult for the children of families of businessmen.

First, you always need to correspond to the status, both in appearance and mind. Secondly, you need to be both a friend and a companion, and also an adviser for a businessman.

Although he comes home to rest, he wants to see an ally in his wife. But how to combine all these qualities in yourself and become worthy and interesting for your spouse?

How to get your spouse interested

The most important thing is the appearance of the wife of a businessman, you need to take care of yourself. With good financial security, usually a couple acquire a bunch of kids, servants, and try not to deny themselves anything. But they also do not deny themselves a pleasant pastime. The main enemy for the wife of a businessman is laziness.

Such a woman should always be in good shape, and give her husband confidence by looking well-groomed and elegant. Such wives always accompany their husbands to meetings and corporate parties, and the husband should not blush.

  • Get up early, go to bed early and you will always look fresh, and most importantly, you will have time to participate in family life and raising children. But at the same time, one should not forget about sports and an active lifestyle.

  • It is best for the wife of a businessman to still work, or to have an exciting activity for himself. Thus, you can keep your husband’s interest and become as busy as possible, that is, be on the same wavelength with time.

  • Further, the wife of a businessman must constantly increase her level of intelligence. A person who was able to raise his own business has both intelligence and ingenuity, and wants to see an interesting and intelligent person next to him, a developed woman.
