Methods of early child development. Overview of early development methods

Do with the baby according to Zaitsev or according to Doman? Give to a Montessori kindergarten or a Waldorf? Or maybe it’s better to leave the house with a nanny altogether and postpone your studies until later? Today, young mothers ask themselves these questions, still bending over the cradle of a newborn. Early development has become a reality of our lives, and all more parents come, following the Japanese teachers, to the conclusion: "after three it's too late."

What method to choose?

If you decide that early development is for you, that you have enough strength, time and patience for several years to systematically, day after day, work with your baby; if you are ready for the fact that the fruits of your hard work will not come up very, very soon, and even tiny results will not be visible immediately; if you are ready for puzzled looks, and sometimes obvious condemnation of others, then first of all you should devote some time to a detailed and careful study of the basic techniques early development" class="wordlink" title="">раннего развития !}. Of course, the authors and followers of each of them will argue that it is their way of teaching reading, music or a foreign language that is unique and one hundred percent effective, unlike all the others. You should not rely on someone else's opinion, because education is a kind of commodity that needs to be sold more profitably. Often, gullible parents take stories about miraculous ways of learning to read or swim at face value and rush to the cherished heights with the persistence and fervor of sectarians, forgetting that sometimes children just need to take a walk, play, be alone with their thoughts. In the mouths of such mothers, Zaitsev's warehouse chants sound like Hare Krishna mantras, games with Nikitin's cubes or frames look like esoteric rituals inaccessible to the uninitiated, and learning to swim looks like, perhaps, a sacrifice. God forbid to tell such parents that the system deified by them has flaws!

In principle, none of the popular early development systems is universal, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and your task is to figure out what will be good and useful for your baby, because only you know the features of his character and temperament, inclinations, tastes and habits. In this article, I only consider the main pros and cons of the most popular early development systems. But, before proceeding with classes on any of them, you should study in detail methodical literature, and best of all, if time and means allow, to be like courses for parents.

Waldorf pedagogy

Among early development systems Waldorf pedagogy occupies a special place. On the one hand, Waldorf kindergartens and schools give great attention development of the emotional world of the baby, his creativity. All children are engaged in music (mainly playing the flute) and eurythmy, a special system of rhythmic exercises to music. A lot of time is devoted to various crafts: ceramics, embroidery, weaving, woodcarving. A huge role in the life of the Waldorf school is occupied by numerous theatrical holidays, dramatic and puppet shows, dolls for which they make in a special way, and only from natural materials(This, by the way, is one of the fundamental requirements: no chemistry and synthetics in the lives of children).

On the other hand, Waldorf educators are categorically against the early stimulation of the child's intellect. According to the classical canons, teaching a child to read and write, and even more so abstract disciplines, should begin no earlier than the age of twelve, when the spiritual and emotional world baby. This requirement, however, is rarely met thoroughly, but be prepared for the fact that you are unlikely to be able to combine a visit to the Waldorf kindergarten with homework in Zaitsev's cubes. But the main thing is not even that. Much more important is that Waldorf pedagogy- this is part of the anthroposophical teaching created at the beginning of the 20th century by Rudolf Steiner, which is not compatible with any traditional religion. Whatever kindergarten teachers say and think about this, where you plan to send your baby, you should definitely take into account that Waldorf pedagogy cannot exist outside the ideology of anthroposophy. However, there is nothing wrong with borrowing some elements of this system, such as crafts. And if you sew real waldorf dolls They are sure to be loved by both girls and boys.

Montessori system

Montessori system also arose at the beginning of the century. Maria Montessori, teacher-defectologist, dealt with the problem of teaching mentally retarded children. Since her little patients spoke poorly, Montessori developed special exercises who developed speech by training fine motor skills of the fingers (there are nerve endings that stimulate speech centers in the cerebral cortex). And due to the fact that children with developmental delay did not understand teachers' explanations well, special manuals and games were invented, with the help of which students of this unusual school could study the world based on own sensory experience. What was the surprise of teachers, parents, and even the author of the methodology, when after some time it turned out that mentally retarded children learned to read, write and count earlier than their normally developed peers from a regular school. Since then, the Montessori system has received tremendous recognition around the world. In many European countries, it is the main teaching system in primary schools. In Montessori schools and kindergartens, children study in the same group different ages and level of knowledge, older and more experienced help beginners learn. In general, initiative, the desire for cooperation and independent research are stimulated in every possible way.

Perhaps the only drawback of the Montessori system is the bulkiness of materials and manuals. Most of them, after all, are designed for group lessons. kindergarten and not at home. But some games, such as the famous Frames and Inserts, can be used at home as well. If you do not have the funds or the ability to buy them, make such an allowance yourself, detailed description works are in the book of B.P. Nikitin "Intellectual games".

There are a lot of Montessori kindergartens now, and if you want to send your child there for a full day or bring them to separate classes, then you can very well find one not far from you. But in order to insure against incompetent impostors, you must definitely find out if the kindergarten you have chosen is a member of the Montessori Teachers Association.

Comment on the article "Early Development Systems: Montessori and Waldorf Pedagogy"

They advertise "soviet pedagogy" ("Rainbow", "Origins", "Hungarians", etc.), which certainly cannot be attributed to systems of early development. child in the "Waldorf kindergarten", then spent in the "Montessori garden", then, they tried to save themselves with educational games ...


For some reason, the author did not consider another system of early development according to the methods of P.V. Tyuleneva - WORLD of a child.
The child in the game learns the world. The first results were obtained back in 1988 - the child, not yet able to walk, was already typing letters and syllables on an electric typewriter! :)
The results of typing texts by a child from 1 to 6 years old from 1988 - 1995 are available on the site
program “Gifted children for every family”.

I fully share the opinion of the conference participants who have already spoken that early development is not only and not so much learning to count and write (in itself, this is incredibly boring!). I also spoke about the not very successful term "early development", citing the statement of L.A. Nikitina " timely development". Everyone has their own timeliness, the task of an adult is to give the child the opportunity to find out what he wants to know. I perceive Asina's articles as a kind of educational program for those parents who are lost in a variety of unfamiliar terms, trying to find out how Doman differs from Montessori. I can quite imagine that for someone they were useful.
The recommendation to the author to "at least get feedback from those about whom he writes" made me shudder, given that, apart from N.A. the methods of early development, which are mentioned in the articles, have long been in the other world. Are you suggesting a séance?
It is also strange to see the assertion that the Montessori method will certainly ruin parents. After all, she has quite a lot different games with plasticine, sand, water, clothespins, semolina, which even not the most wealthy family can afford.
"The main result of the widespread introduction of the Waldorf system, which was undertaken by some odious deputy ministers of education..." I really had no idea that the Waldorf system was widely implemented in Russia! And can you clarify where exactly the aforementioned system was implemented WIDELY?
"After all, parents are interested in what they will receive from the sellers of" educational services "." Personally, I am much more interested in what my child’s thoughts are busy at this particular moment and what I can offer in response to this interest. And it will not necessarily be some kind of methodology, from start to finish, and even more so some of its seller!
"This article is set out in full on one of the real early development sites." Dear Masha, what then made you look for other sites on "fake" early development?

Waldorf pedagogy. Methods of early development. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, learning to read, groups In my opinion, this is not compatible with the Waldorf system. 11.06.2008 13:59:59, Natalya L.


Ten years ago there was a buzz in Moscow that graduates of the Waldorf schools could not pass the exams for high school. Especially mathematics they simply did not have. Whole tragedies broke out ... Somewhere on the Internet there was even an official report about the experiment.
The founder of this direction, Steiner, is a supporter of mysticism, esotericism, he believes in the aura and, in general, builds all education on these otherworldly hypotheses and theories. Education is for rich slackers. As a result, we get a type of bohemian, who do not understand anything in real life and nothing capable people... Unless, of course, they are not corrected at least partially in time somewhere in a decent expensive institution. Such an impression of Waldorf pedagogy.

06/03/2008 12:07:22, VitaliyKK

First of all, read on the topic of what real Waldorf pedagogy is with all the personal belongings. with the fact that every passer-by can be a teacher, that the concept of the creation of God and the Darwinian theory are garbage, and their theory of the creation of the world is correct, that barbie and TV are a taboo, that reading books up to N years is harmful, and even more so in a manger , etc. The next step is to carefully find out if this is what your school and kindergarten preaches, or if they just have a buzzword sign and an unconventional approach. If the first - then see p1. and decide whether all this is included in the system of your life values.

Montessori. Methods of early development. Early development. We have a kindergarten according to the Montessori system - children do a lot of crafts with small details. The main difference between the Montessori methodology and Waldorf pedagogy can be called the position of the teacher.


Here is one example link. Anything happens in practice. My son, for example, has few artistic pursuits, so we compensate for this shortcoming at home. But children are engaged in counting with interest, very gradually, in the game, they master literacy.

Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. "Doman", "Montessori", "Waldorf pedagogy" - all this flickers everywhere and constantly, while it is natural that someone is for, someone is against.

Waldorf pedagogy. Methods. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. Although I think that a child can safely go to the garden with the Waldorf system, and at home to mom ...


We have already talked about Waldorf pedagogy many times, search for it. from 07/26/2000

Among other things, there is this point of view:,page-=3,section=16

Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. Regarding Waldorf pedagogy, a conclusion was made in Germany, after they figured out what was what: "Steiner pedagogy was invented ...


I watched an interview with the director of the series "School" Valeria Gai Germanika. In an interview, she said that she studied at such a school, and when her parents transferred her to a regular school, it turned out that she did not know anything of what her peers knew. Starting from kindergarten, this system teaches not only paganism, but also mysticism. With children, they learn what needs to be demonstrated to parents. This system is not only dangerous for children, but also for parents, as it is aimed at pumping money.

The Waldorf method involves religious education in a veiled form, and specifically, it teaches paganism.

Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. And this is only Maria Montessori, there are a lot of systems and methods. Doman, Waldorf methods - and some of them, I think, can only...


We started walking to new club"Parusyata" on Schukinskaya, departed for a month. The kids are very happy, so is game room, where you can leave the baby with the teacher to play, everything is clean, brand new ... I could not pick up the children from the playroom for 2 hours. so much out there interesting toys For role playing... The teachers are very attentive and there are a lot of interesting activities ... fairy tale therapy, author's dolls, etc. It’s really too early for us to make dolls ... we still don’t even have 3, but I saw how my girls’ eyes lit up. In the meantime, we go to early development ...)))

Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. Who took / takes the kids to a Montessori class? How was it?


If it's still relevant :)
We went there, however, the small one was still quite small - 8-10 months. I am satisfied with the teachers, but their base is not the best - many materials are homemade, and, of course, it does not look as aesthetically pleasing as the original Montessori materials. In general, the impression is rather positive, I would go again, but we are far away and in traffic jams.

I took my daughter to Montessori courses for a very short time at the age of 1.7 approximately. She really liked it. In this regard, I decided to send the child to a Montessori kindergarten, I am satisfied with the methodology, the child went to kindergarten in September at the age of 2.5 years, there was no adaptation at all, she likes it very much kindergarten. But a lot depends on the teacher! We have two teachers and a nanny on the first shift, 1 teacher and a nanny on the second shift. So my daughter calls one teacher Baba Yaga, and another Princess))) These are the things)) And of course I see the result, my child didn’t know how to play on her own at all, she got me all the time ((and now she has become a serious and independent person. I I think that Montessori is the best now, I know many parents whose children went to school after this kindergarten are very prepared.

The essence of Montessori pedagogy lies in the motto "Help me do it myself." The child and his individuality are put at the forefront. (Wikipedia) "Here it is!!! This is what our baby needs!" - Young parents joyfully exclaim after reading these words in the brochures of various children's institutions. They still have memories of their childhood. Based on them, mothers and fathers vigorously discuss the future of their child: “He will never choke on semolina, swallowing it through ...


The goal here seems to be the same: to discredit scientific approach to raising a child, since Maria Montessori, in fact, was the first to demonstrate it, after Jan Comenius in the 27th century ... Before her, before Maria Montessori, pedagogy bowed to traditions, Herbartian drill, where abilities and talents survived in one (1) case from one hundred (100). Maria Montessori for the first time forced to respect the child, to approach him as future personality and for the first time put on stream with three years. Until the age of three, she categorically denied the possibility of children learning. Although sometimes she said: that there is an ocean of the unknown ... At the beginning of the 20th century, Maria Montessori signed a contract with one capitalist to prepare future educated and hard-working workers from the children of poor Italians. She did what happened in the USSR many years later, and what Russia has yet to do after the "Catastroy": a system of children's homes for children with workers' hostels, one might say, with future "profit houses for guest workers." Montessori pupils put the children of the elite to shame: in all respects, except for creativity, they turned out to be much better prepared in elementary school.
But here Montessori is not to blame: such was the contract with her: there is no need to instill and develop any creative abilities in the children of workers! Even the word "play" was forbidden in "Children's Houses" by the charter. On the whole, Montessori revolutionized preschool education and paved the way for the development of scientific pedagogy. The next step was taken by Boris and Lena Nikitin: they gave birth to 7 children and by 1968 proved that a child can and should be developed comprehensively even earlier: at the age of 3 years, and children began to read at 2.5 years. Nikitin formulated the NUVERS law. Other methods of the 60-70s lagged far behind Nikitinskaya. So, with Doman, for example, children begin to actually read, and not memorize, as he himself writes, only from 3 to 3.5 years old).
Finally, in 1988, a technique appeared (it seems that these books are here in Publications) "Read, count, know notes ... - before walking" by Pavel Tyulenev, where those who wish can start learning from conception or during pregnancy :)
Here is the history and logic of the formation of early development methods, including Montessori.
Unfortunately, the article under discussion shows the author's amazing ignorance in matters of psychology and pedagogy. preschool age and, moreover, on the subject of early development and throws parents back a hundred years or more.
By the way, in one of the most modern books (see download on the Internet) "The giftedness of children and the solution to the mystery of managing humanity and the family," I found a surprising discovery for parents: it turns out that the pedagogy of Judaism is built on teaching children from the very conception, and learning to read begins with birth itself - by reading the texts of the Torah on Saturdays ... In addition, it is argued that the observance of all the commandments of the Torah is equated to the observance of one and only one: proper education baby! :) Well, the author of the blog article set out to break all these millennial achievements of parents and scientists, lower everyone to an antediluvian level and make Montessori not just a vinaigrette, but much worse ... :(Here is an example of a destructive, uncontrolled rampage of the right hemisphere ... It would be necessary to sign up for some courses - at least to "Clever Girl", for example ...

For some reason, the author of the article hides the names of the Russian authors of early development methods and does not say anything about their results ... The exception was the mention
Zaitsev's methodology, which is no more than 3% of everything necessary for early development.

Well, Maria Montessori was generally against early development! Many proofs of this fact can be cited.
Here, at this teleconference, Montessori's words are quoted: "A child under 3 years old does not lend itself to any pedagogical influence," which can be found in almost all of her books (collections of works). It is known that in the rules of all centers - "Children's Homes" according to the Montessori method, it was stated: "Children only older than 3 years old are accepted." If this rule is violated, then this is a pirate or fraudulent "Montessori center" ... -
These centers do not offer any time gain in getting children's education, which means it is a waste of money and time. :(
So Maria Montessori has nothing to do with the early development of children.

The author of the article is simply "not quite in the subject", or, apparently, bows to "Western methods" ... Instead, he should have exposed those plagiarists who steal early development methods from Russians, for example, from B.P. Nikitin and attribute them to foreign authors, in particular - Maria Montessori, who was against the early development of children ...
Since 2002, Tyulenev’s methods and recommendations from the books “Reading before walking” (1996), “Counting before walking” (1998) have been alienated from Russia shamelessly since 2002, cards, kits are modified without understanding the essence of the methods, renamed into "education from the cradle" and are attributed to ... Doman, that is, they are sent in favor of the United States, which are waging a sanctions and financial war against the Russian Federation, did not return Alaska, staged a color revolution - "perestroika", organized a color revolution a hundred years ago, etc. .d. and so on. :(

As for Doman, he does not have a methodology, but laughter: showing hundreds, thousands of cards with dots drawn on them - this is called teaching mathematics (!), showing a baby hundreds and thousands of cards with words written on them ...
I know many parents who first made and filled up entire racks and mezzanines with these "Doman cards", and then abandoned it, exhausted to practice 14 times a day for years and failed to get any comparable results with domestic ones :(
At the same time, Doman writes about the results of his "method" of early development: "True reading by a child begins at 3.5 years old", while in Russia children begin to read before 1 year old, and type - in a little over a year on a typewriter and computer since 1988 - 1991 ...

Now the American Doman is promoted by Manichenko from Chelyabinsk. Tons converts high-quality domestic wood into Doman-Manichenko waste paper. Foreigner, right?

At the same time, the Internet is full of videos and this conference has become

It is easy for a young mother to get confused in the popular methods of developing a baby. Short description will help you figure out what's what and choose those methods that are right for your child. We will look at both popular and known techniques(Domana, Montessori, Nikitins, Zaitseva, Lupan, Dyenysh), and little-known, but no less effective methods early development (Howard, Shichida, Samburskaya, Gmoshinskaya).

1. Howard system

The technique is also called "English is my second language." During classes, the teacher or mother speaks with the baby exclusively in English language, but no ratings are given. Much attention is also paid to the formation of the character of the child, especially encouraged independent work above oneself. Until the child masters the material, they do not move on to the new.

2. The method of Maria Montessori

One of the most popular. The system consists of three parts: a child, environment, teacher. At the center of the whole system is the child. Around it is created special environment where he lives and studies on his own. The postulate of the Montessori system is to observe the child and not interfere in his affairs, unless the child himself asks for it. Read more about the Montessori methodology.

3. Music of the intellect

The author of the methodology, Alisa Samburskaya, believes that music affects not only spiritual development child, but also on the physical (regulates blood pressure, muscle tone, stimulates the processes of perception and memory; activates creative thinking and etc). The technique is suitable for absolutely all children, regardless of abilities. It consists in the fact that any educational activities of the child are accompanied by specially selected music. Music lessons offers and Zheleznova.

4. The system of Gyenysh

Based on development logical thinking. The games developed by the author contribute to the development of logical thinking, combinatorics, analytical abilities, form the skills necessary to solve logical problems.

5. Glen Doman system

By developing a child comprehensively and simultaneously (reading, writing, encyclopedic knowledge, etc.), even during the first year of life, you can make a very serious start to his entire life. future life Doman says. The technique is certainly effective, and if you want to raise a Nobel laureate, then it is a godsend for you. The main negative point: almost no attention is paid creative development child. You can learn more about Glen Doman's technique.

6. The technique of Nikolai Zaitsev

Methodology early learning reading. The technique uses the "warehouse principle" (not to be confused with syllables). His most famous manuals are Zaitsev's Cubes. All material is submitted to game form. For more information about Zaitsev's technique, see

7. Nikitin's technique

The prerequisite for the creation of the technique of Boris and Lena Nikitin was the frequent somatic diseases of their own children, therefore, initially in the technique great attention given physical development. The advantages of the methodology also include the position of the natural assimilation of knowledge, the rejection of the "training" of children.

8. Macado Shichida System

One of the most popular in Japan. Makato Shichida believes that all children are born with unique natural abilities that are easy to develop using special training methods that are aimed at developing photographic memory.

9. Method Cecile Lupan

Lupan's method was born from her attempts to teach her daughters Doman. Unlike Doman, Cecile's work is more subtle and individual, she connects certain methods of early development with the child's interest. Her most famous book, Believe in Your Child, is written in a very accessible way. Having familiarized themselves with the methodology, parents can easily deal with the child themselves. If you are interested this technique, you can learn more about it.

10. Infant drawing by Maria Gmoszynska

Infant creativity involves drawing a child with paints from 6 months. Drawing technique - fingers, palms. The kid can work with both right and left hand. The technique develops the intellect and creativity child.

What early development method do you prefer? Perhaps you combine them? Share your experience in the comments.

Sooner or later, before every conscious young mother, the question arises: what method of early development is worthy of her child?

Some authors believe that physical development is more valuable than emotional or intellectual, others - on the contrary. Someone is sure that it is time to teach a child to read from birth, and someone - that you should not rush to school. And there is an opinion that all this is just pumping money out of parents ...

The main thing that you should be guided by when choosing a development methodology is common sense and love for your baby.

To help you - an overview of the most popular methods of early development.

Maria Montessori Method

Today it is one of the most common methods of child development. Maria Montessori, an outstanding teacher and psychologist, called her methodology « system self-development child in a didactically prepared environment ».

Montessori child development is both discipline and freedom, serious work and exciting play. The system covers the age ranges 0-3 years and 3-6 years.

The main principle of the Montessori method is: "Help me do it myself!" That is, an adult must understand what the child cares about this moment, create an environment suitable for classes and gently teach how to use this environment.

The main provisions of the Montessori system:

  • The child is active. The role of the adult directly in the action of learning is secondary. He is a helper, not a mentor.
  • The child is his own teacher. He has complete freedom choice and action.
  • Children teach children. Since children of different ages are engaged in groups, the older children "become" teachers, while learning to take care of others, and the younger ones are drawn to the older ones.
  • Children make their own decisions.
  • Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.
  • The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself.
  • Full self-development as a result of freedom in actions, thinking, feelings.
  • The child becomes himself when we follow the directions of nature, and do not go against them.
  • Respect for children - the absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions.
  • The child has the right to make mistakes and reach everything on his own.

As you can see, everything in this system pushes the baby to self-development, self-education and self-learning with the unobtrusive help of adults.

Zaitsev's technique

The creator of the methodology is the teacher N.A. Zaitsev - promises that with the help of special cubes a child will learn to read in a very short time. a short time. What is the secret?

According to Zaitsev's methodology, teaching children to read takes place in warehouses, and not in letters or syllables.

All "Zaitsev's cubes" are different in color, size and ringing inside them. This helps the child to distinguish between vowels and consonants, soft and voiced.

One of the warehouses is written on each face of the cube. The child does not remember the spelling of each letter, but immediately separate warehouses: ka-, ku-, ki-, ko-, ba-, bi-. And then the baby can easily put the warehouses into words - ba-ba, ku-bi-ki.

Zaitsev claims that reading in warehouses is much easier for a child than learning letters first, and then syllables and words. After all, children begin to speak in warehouses and hear spoken speech also in warehouses.

  1. From the general to the particular and from the particular to the general.
  2. From concrete-figurative through visual-effective to verbal-logical.
  3. Ensuring visibility (not only from the word look) using various channels of perception.
  4. Systematic supply of material.
  5. Algorithmization of educational actions.
  6. Accounting for the physiology of perception of educational information.
  7. Student health care.

Nikitin's technique

« What we have developed, apparently, cannot yet be called a system. But the basic principles that guide us can be identified.

  1. Light clothing and a sports environment in the house: sports equipment has entered everyday life from the early childhood, have become for them, as it were, a habitat on a par with furniture and other household items.
  2. Freedom of creativity of children in the classroom. None special training, exercises, lessons. The guys do as much as they want, combining sports activities with all other activities.
  3. Our parental indifference to what and how the kids get, our participation in their games, competitions, life itself.

All these principles were developed in the practice of life, in communication with children. We used them intuitively, unconsciously, pursuing only one goal: not to interfere with development, but to help it, and not to put pressure on the child in accordance with our own plans, but to observe, compare and, focusing on the well-being and desire of the child, create conditions for further development» .

The most popular Nikitin puzzle games:

  • fold the pattern
  • Fold the square
  • Unicube
  • Dots
  • Cubes for everyone
  • Fractions
  • Montessori frames and inserts

Glen Doman Method

Glen Doman is an American neurophysiologist who developed the technique of accelerated physical and intellectual development children from birth. Its main idea is : "In any child there is a huge potential that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life".

The purpose of the Doman classes is to introduce the child to a lot of accurate, clear and fascinating facts. To do this, the facts must be strictly systematized by categories and sections of knowledge (bits).

Photos or drawings are pasted on cards 30 by 30 in size, on the other side of which accurate information is written.

An example from Doman's book:

Doman also attaches great importance early physical development, as it is associated with the baby's abilities and his intellect. From birth, the child is given freedom of movement and fixed congenital reflexes: he must walk, swim, grab, crawl.

IN following material we will look at a few more common methods of early childhood development.

All parents want their children to be developed, study well and become educated people in the future. And you are no exception!

That is why you think about the development of the child in the first year of his life. And you are doing it right! After all, the first three years of a baby's life are the most productive in terms of learning and memorization.

Do you really want to develop your baby, but do not know how to do it? You have a lot of questions: where to start, what to pay attention to Special attention, which specialists to contact, what are they, what are their features?

Today we will try to find answers to the most important questions about early childhood development.

Early development: how it happens

Early development - This is the education of the baby from birth to 6 years. Each child is born with great potential, the baby's brain is actively working, in the first years of life in the baby's brain, connections are established and strengthened between nerve cells. It is in the first years that the baby is most receptive to information, he remembers everything perfectly, knows how to copy and has a high degree of curiosity. The child is literally interested in everything, he is open to any knowledge. These features of babies should definitely be used for their education from the first months of life.

Zaitsev's technique

Tyulenev's method

Waldorf pedagogy

In context, the child is seen as harmonious personality. According to this pedagogy, first the child must be taught to realize his whole place in the world, to become bright and free person and only then learn to write and read. Comes in first place personal relationships with parents, other children, caregivers.

Irina Kolpakova, : « It is believed that 80% of information about everything, knowledge and skills that an adult has, he receives at the age of 3 years. Therefore it is quite clear that modern parents They want to fill their baby's head with all sorts of knowledge. Now there are many opportunities for this: early development groups, private kindergartens, individual sessions with teachers, computer programs, didactic materials, educational games and cartoons. It's wonderful when parents take care of and develop their child. But, I must say that everything is good in moderation. Overloading a child with an abundance of information is much worse than not doing it at all. A baby cannot study 2-3 languages ​​at the age of 2-3, one of which is Japanese, for example. And daily trips to a couple of developmental activities exhaust both mother and child. Overloaded with activities, the baby does not sleep well, is capricious, restless for no reason, can become hyperactive and naughty. And it is difficult to blame him for this, he expresses his protest as best he can. You should be aware of another consequence of excessive exercise in early childhood. Children stuffed with knowledge, having come to the first class, either get bored, because. they already know a lot, or they refuse to study, because by this age they are already tired of studying.

It doesn’t matter at all which method you choose for the development of your baby, the main thing is to surround him with care, love, show patience and attention to him, responding to his abilities and preferences. and also do not overdo it with your studies.

How to develop a baby

School or homework?

Now there are many c early childhood development centers . Most of these centers accept children after a year, but there are also centers that take on the education of younger children. Basically, in such centers, children study together with their parents.

Of course, you can develop a baby at home if you master necessary knowledge, consult with experts and develop your own child development program.

Irina Kolpakova, pediatrician, homeopath - Homeopathic Center. Demiana Popova: “Choose an early development school close to home or study at home, classes should be short. Alternate smart and physical exercise. Remember that a healthy timely sleep, diet and walks on fresh air much more important to your child than owning foreign languages and ability to read at age 3.

The choice between homework and education must be made based on many factors: financial, desire factor, availability of free time, and so on. Remember, the effectiveness of training does not depend on whether you studied at home or in a special center, it all depends on your diligence and diligence.

As studies show, the sooner you start working with a child on the formation of certain skills, the easier it will be for the baby to adapt to the world around him, to get the necessary full life knowledge and abilities. It is on this principle that the methods of early development of children, proposed by such famous scientists as Montessori, Doman, Manichenko, Zhelenova, are based. There are many techniques for cooperation with babies, they are introduced at the age of several months to several years. Given the variety of approaches, one can choose best option learning the kid and not to miss precious time. Most popular systems have stood the test of time, received positive reviews from parents and have proven themselves from the best side.

Appointment of methods of individual development of the child

According to empirical evidence, there are many things that are very easy in infancy. As the child grows older, it becomes more difficult to develop such skills. Upon reaching a certain age, there is a risk of complete misunderstanding of a particular action. Early development methods allow you not to miss that important point in childhood, which will be impossible to restore. Even if the baby does not become a genius, such an approach will allow him to make the most of his starting potential.

Besides, modern systems education and development allow us to count on the following results:

  • There is a gradual formation of a self-confident personality. If from early childhood to teach a child to overcome difficulties and use the strengths of nature, over time it will become a habit.
  • Genes play an important role in human development. But they can be completely helpless without the necessary stimulation of mental activity. Research by a military doctor Glenn Doman, an innovative teacher Zaitsev, the practice of Masaru Ibuki and other prominent scientists have proven the effectiveness of developmental methods in educating gifted children.
  • Statistics prove that the timely introduction of developmental techniques can really provide the baby with a happy, full and prosperous life. This is a kind of opportunity for parents to choose a fate for their child, which they consider optimal.

In order to choose the optimal method or system, it is not necessary to contact specialists. The techniques are so simple and accessible that it is very easy to figure them out on your own.

The main purpose of the methods is comprehensive development child

The Importance of Introducing Special Skills Early

All developing systems imply starting work from the very beginning. early age, how less baby the better the material will be learned. Scientists have long proven the fact that in the first two years of a baby's life, brain formation occurs by 50%, and in the first three years - by 80%. It is during this period that it is necessary to lay the foundation for programming the child's personality. This time becomes decisive for the social adaptability of the baby. Without necessary skills already an adult will not be able to easily communicate with people, solve problems and everyday issues, distinguish enthusiasm from reactivity and realism from fantasies.

When starting to introduce certain methods and techniques, it is necessary to be guided by the following general rules:

  1. The child needs to be introduced to new interesting activities as soon as possible. The leisure of the baby should be as varied as possible. Musical instruments, sports, drawing, reading, listening to music - let it not work out at first, but the interest of a small person in these types of activity will constantly develop. The experience gained in the first years or months of life becomes fundamental for further development.
  2. It is necessary to properly stimulate the baby. A dull, boring room, inexpressive details and the same type of toys will form a gloomy and withdrawn personality. The room in which the baby grows should resemble a bright fairy world, which contains a lot of interesting things. In this case, the development of the little man will occur without the influence of parents.
  3. From an early age, children should have sufficient freedom of movement and personal space.
  4. To develop communication skills, the baby must be provided with the opportunity to communicate with different people, including children.

Well, do not forget that the behavior of parents is the main role model for the baby. Before you start educating your child, you need to assess the features of your own character.

Basics of the Doman-Manichenko system

The Doman-Manichenko technique is a variant of the intensive development of the baby's intellect from the moment of birth. By teaching the baby to count and read in whole words, there is an intensive development of memory, speed of thinking, and an interest in learning is laid.

The methodology of early development of Doman, adapted by Manichenko, has a number of advantages:

  • Classes conducted from birth, contribute to the development of hearing, attention, vision.
  • The duration of one lesson does not exceed a couple of minutes, even the baby does not have time to get tired and lose interest in the event.
  • The technique was created specifically for home use. It is carried out by parents, which can significantly increase their authority.

Differences of the technique from the original approach of Glenn Doman:

  1. Unlike Glenn Doman's methodology, which used only learning cards, special hide-and-seek books, turntables and leaflets are introduced here. This significantly increases the effectiveness of training.
  2. Through the use of a playful approach, a child of any age behaves quite actively, which allows him to discover his full potential.
  3. Initially, Glen Doman's cards were intended for English-speaking students. In the adapted system, these words are not just translated into Russian, the vocabulary is selected taking into account the Russian mentality.

Among the disadvantages of the approach, they highlight the fact that, despite the baby’s noticeable advance of peers, free reading and counting skills will be noticeable no earlier than in 6-12 months.

You can develop a child according to the Montessori method both at home and in specialized gardens.

Features of Maria Montessori's research

Maria Montessori is an Italian doctor of medicine who has developed a unique approach to teaching both the debilitated and the absolutely healthy babies. The basis of the Montessori system is very simple - for the child must be created ideal conditions which will help him to develop and learn independently. This approach ensures the early acquisition of important life experience, forms the sensory and motor skills necessary for a certain age.

Using absorbent thinking and increased age sensitivity as starting points, Maria Montessori built a parenting scheme focused on the development of individuality and personality. little man on their own.

  1. Building learning around play practice.
  2. The introduction of classes for the development of writing, reading, correct speech, everyday skills, sensory indicators.
  3. Provoking the connection of the child's own thinking, and not the mechanical performance of tasks.
  4. Maria Montessori suggested using toys with a lot of small parts, which has a positive effect on fine motor skills children.

According to the Montessori system, the following patterns of skills formation can be distinguished:

  • Until the age of six there is sensory development children.
  • Up to 3 years, the perception of order is formed.
  • In 1-4 years, movements and actions are laid.
  • Up to 6 years, the basics of speech are formed.
  • After 2.5 and up to 6 years, social skills are laid.

According to the Montessori doctrine, lost time is irreplaceable. If in one of these periods the appropriate work is not carried out with the baby, then the opportunity to develop an important ability will go away forever.

Child development technique according to Zheleznov

Another interesting universal technique based on charging, developing songs, finger and gesture games. Implied activation general development personality, not individual skills. Along with the intellectual development of children, their physical health. The system is quite extensive, but simple and affordable for home implementation.
